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MediCAL deViCe MAnAgeMent<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> Platform Enables Ventilators for<br />

Remote Upgrades and Diagnostics<br />

Harbor Research, Inc.<br />

B O S T O N | S A N F R A N C I S C O | L O N D O N<br />

A hARboR CAsE stUDy<br />

June 2006

Medical Device Management<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> Case Study<br />

Introduction<br />

For many manufacturers, saturation in their core markets has led them to scramble for new<br />

sources of growth and revenues. Companies in search of growth are increasingly focusing<br />

on services-based models. On the other hand, networking their devices seems like a distant<br />

opportunity (or threat) sitting off close to the technology horizon. Many players will wait<br />

until they see it in their rear view mirrors before they make a move. However it will be the<br />

early movers who most quickly implement “smart services:” who will ultimately benefit in<br />

the end.<br />

One of those early movers is Respironics, a leading developer, manufacturer and distributor<br />

of innovative products and programs that serve the global sleep and respiratory markets.<br />

With annual sales of over $1B, Respironics markets its products in more than 125<br />

countries and employs 3,600 people worldwide.<br />

Respironics needed technology partners who could help them both in collecting the<br />

diagnostic information about their devices and also in transmitting that data back to their<br />

systems. The company turned to <strong>Axeda</strong> for their expertise in device relationship management.<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> is a leading provider of device relationship management (DRM) software and<br />

services now implemented in over 50 major OEMs in over 20 countries.<br />

Respironics is using <strong>Axeda</strong> software to deliver software updates, feature options and offer<br />

proactive maintenance and service support of its Esprit® Critical Care ventilators. This new<br />

service, called Respi-Link, allows Respironics’ customers to change software and options<br />

on a schedule convenient to them and also to receive remote support from Respironics’<br />

technical staff when needed. Respironics is the first ventilator company in the world to<br />

implement this type of service.<br />

Opportunities and Challenges<br />

Respironics like so many other manufacturers under pressure to differentiate their products,<br />

had been investigating new ways to deliver new value-added services, lower their<br />

customers’ total cost of ownership and deliver superior service at lower costs. Moving from<br />

a product-centric to a service-based model would certainly give an edge to Respironics in<br />

this market, as no other competitor was offering such support for their products. It was<br />

also decided early on that complimenting the biomedical (biomed) technician’s effort to<br />

© 2006 Harbor Research, Inc. All rights reserved. http://harborresearch.com/<br />

info@harborresearch.com • 800.595.9368 • 415.615.9400

Medical Device Management<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> Case Study<br />

service their own equipment was highly preferable. Having the biomed play an active role<br />

in the upgrade and diagnostics process would undoubtedly increase their efficiency and<br />

speed in optimizing their equipment.<br />

In addition to the financial benefits of remote monitoring and management, an opportunity<br />

to improve the quality of patient care would provide a real incentive for end-users to<br />

buy into this new form of extended service options. However, attention was given to the<br />

probability of push-back from hospital’s biomed staff. To promote their buy-in and acceptance,<br />

it was determined that these technicians would be made aware that their input was<br />

vital to the success of the system.<br />

Internal factors that lead to the implementation of Respironics’ “Smart Services” program<br />

included the calculated boost to demand that could be realized without increasing the proportional<br />

need for personnel. The company took a decisive step in recognizing the opportunity<br />

and pushed quickly for a transition that would turn its services organization into a<br />

profit center. The byproduct of placing greater emphasis on service and support would lead<br />

to a more productive and motivated staff. And for the sales team, the inclusion of Smart<br />

Services immediately differentiated the product offering and could often clinch a deal in<br />

question, not to mention a higher commission.<br />

By looking at the larger picture, Respironics carefully examined how this new offering<br />

would affect its entire organization. Literally every department of the company stood to<br />

benefit. For example, engineers relished at the possibility of seeing product performance<br />

data from the field remotely and having the ease and flexibility of changing software and<br />

options without having to be physically present. Those responsible for quality assurance<br />

surely would see the benefits of rapidly deploying software updates during a field action. A<br />

remote services platform would also vastly improve the tracking of software installations.<br />

A major endeavor such as this would require the buy-in from those who oversee the P&L<br />

for any product under consideration. Being able to provide the finance committee with an<br />

ROI and payback analysis led to the swift decision to go forward with the <strong>Axeda</strong> platform.<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong>’s experience played a key role in the creation of the ROI analysis.<br />

The Offering<br />

Respironics set a clear goal of creating a partnership with its customers that allows them<br />

to assist in the diagnosis of their Esprit ventilators. Using <strong>Axeda</strong>’s DRM application, these<br />

users are able to download software on their schedule, minimizing disruption to their pa-<br />

© 2006 Harbor Research, Inc. All rights reserved. http://harborresearch.com/<br />

info@harborresearch.com • 800.595.9368 • 415.615.9400

Medical Device Management<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> Case Study<br />

tients. Via a simple Internet connection the ventilator’s activity can be viewed, diagnosed<br />

and repaired remotely from any desktop computer.<br />

Prior to broadband connectivity, device networking of this kind was not practical due to<br />

transmission speed and phone-line reliability. Using the Internet was also a problem due<br />

to the customer’s network security concerns. Resprionics has overcome network objections<br />

from hospital IT managers since they use the patented “Firewall-Friendly TM ” technology<br />

from <strong>Axeda</strong>. The software is designed so only the customer can access and authorize<br />

connection. Respironics doesn’t enter the customer’s network, so there are no changes to<br />

customer network configuration.<br />

Another major customer concern that Respi-Link addresses is the need for tracking software<br />

and option installations, as well as documenting the installation itself. Respi-Link<br />

automatically sends back a message that indicates who, when, and where packages were<br />

installed. Respironics can pull this report and update its internal business processes. The<br />

same can be done on the customer’s end. In addition, when a software/option package is<br />

deployed for a customer’s Esprit, Respi-Link automatically sends an email to the customer<br />

advising them they have a package waiting for them.<br />

The Esprit Ventilator combines sophisticated design with easy-to-use features. The microprocessor<br />

driven unit is easily upgradeable and offers a range of modes and breath types<br />

including volume control, pressure control, and fully integrated noninvasive ventilation.<br />

Because it has no need for wall air or compressors, and can be run on either ac power, a<br />

battery pack or an external battery, the Esprit’s mobility and versatility make it ideal for<br />

use in any setting, from hospital to sub-acute care facilities. Respi-Link provides access and<br />

control of the Esprit ventilator in diagnostic mode to allow for enhanced troubleshooting,<br />

updating and enhancing software, and providing assistance for device operation.<br />

Field deployment is straightforward and simple. Respironics’ Field Service Specialists (FSS)<br />

load the Respi-Link agent (software) onto one or more PCs at the customer site. After a<br />

one-to-two hour training session, the customer is able to download software, options, or<br />

connect to allow an FSS or tech support specialist help in troubleshooting a reported problem.<br />

The customer simply connects a RS232 cable from their PC to the Esprit and powers<br />

on the Esprit in the Hardware screen.<br />

From a customer perspective, Respi-Link has two major benefits: The first involves the biomedical<br />

department, since Respi-Link gives that group the ability to connect the ventilator<br />

to a PC and get immediate remote assistance from a skilled FSS or Product Support Spe-<br />

© 2006 Harbor Research, Inc. All rights reserved. http://harborresearch.com/<br />

info@harborresearch.com • 800.595.9368 • 415.615.9400

cialist. This troubleshooting capability and remote connectivity helps reduce equipment<br />

downtime and the associated costs.<br />

The second benefit involves the clinician, and more importantly, the patient. In the past, if<br />

a customer needed to have their software upgraded or have an option installed, they would<br />

have to remove the ventilator from the patient to allow the FSSs to perform the installation.<br />

Now, the customer can simply connect the Esprit to a PC and they will automatically<br />

receive notification that software or options are available for download. This operation can<br />

be done at any time and will generally be done during routine maintenance or between<br />

patients.<br />

The process is as simple as powering on the vent in the hardware configuration screen, and<br />

clicking four times as a response to popup dialog boxes on the PC. That is all it takes for<br />

the customer successfully download and install software or options. In discussions with<br />

Directors of Respiratory Care and physicians, this has a significant benefit in eliminating<br />

any distress or risk to the patient when removing ventilators for this type of servicing. It<br />

also eliminates the need for assigning a therapist to rotate ventilators during the installation<br />

by an FSS.<br />

Benefits<br />

Six months into the rollout of this platform, with over 1,000 units now connected, Respi-<br />

Link has earned overwhelming customer acceptance. Medical instrument manufacturers<br />

are pressured by high field service costs and the need to respond quickly and efficiently in<br />

an environment where downtime is not acceptable.<br />

The tangible benefits of the Respi-Link platform include:<br />

Medical Device Management<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> Case Study<br />

• Faster call resolution resulting in reduced downtime<br />

• Leveraged technical expertise on a global scale<br />

• Fewer on-site repair visiits<br />

• The elimination of on-site visits to install base software or software enhance-<br />

ment options = no additional installment fees<br />

• Base software or software enhancement options can be installed at the custom-<br />

er’s convenience, thus not interrupting patient care<br />

• Enhanced communication between Respironics and the bio-medical dept.<br />

• Enhanced learning<br />

© 2006 Harbor Research, Inc. All rights reserved. http://harborresearch.com/<br />

info@harborresearch.com • 800.595.9368 • 415.615.9400

Medical Device Management<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> Case Study<br />

• Reduced cost of certain service agreements<br />

ROi AnAlysis<br />

From the start, Respironics enlisted <strong>Axeda</strong> to construct it ROI analysis. They decided that<br />

the first point of order would be to focus on the initial benefit of cost reduction. All cost<br />

savings and avoidances were identified and quantified. Not surprisingly, the starkest effect<br />

of enabling remote monitoring was the potential reduced costs of an onsite service. The<br />

additional costs involved with implementing the <strong>Axeda</strong>-driven platform were also scrutinized.<br />

This included the software, licensing/maintenance fees and the costs involved with<br />

operating the solution. The team next solicited the input from people within Respironics’<br />

marketing and sales groups to determine potential increased sales that might be directly<br />

associated with the new offering. A “rule of 3” was applied to account for the typical exuberance<br />

in this kind of exercise; a realistic sales forecast was calculated and then divided by<br />

three.<br />

Even with this conservative approach, the 3-year ROI for implementing remote services<br />

was an impressive 207% -- an annualized 69% boost. Below is breakdown of the payback<br />

analysis.<br />

Benefits Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total<br />

Reduced On-site Repair Trips x $640 (8 hrs x $80 p/hr) $64K $64K $128K $320K<br />

Avoided Installation Trips x $640 (8 hrs x $80 p/hr) $256K $640K $384K $1280K<br />

Increased Service Contract Revenue (margin $) $50K $100K $250K $400K<br />

Increased Product Sales (margin $) $90K $100K $200K $390K<br />

Total Benefits $460K $968K $962K $2390K<br />

From an internal perspective, Respi-Link offers Respironics an opportunity to save (or<br />

avoid) literally hundreds-of-thousands of dollars a year in labor expense involved in providing<br />

software/option installations for our customers and sales force. The company’s FSSs<br />

can rather turn their attention to providing their customers with other more critical support<br />

functions, such as training, repair, troubleshooting, etc.<br />

Respironics hopes to have 40-50% of its installed Esprit base Respi-Link enabled by the<br />

end of 2006. Future releases of new Critical Care products will also have the capability of<br />

remote connectivity through Respi-Link. Respironics will be able to develop this internally,<br />

saving both time and money. Giving clinicians remote access to charting and patient<br />

© 2006 Harbor Research, Inc. All rights reserved. http://harborresearch.com/<br />

info@harborresearch.com • 800.595.9368 • 415.615.9400

Medical Device Management<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> Case Study<br />

monitoring, in addition to offering data collection for performance and predictive reliability<br />

are capabilities that both <strong>Axeda</strong> and Respironics are shooting for. Ultimately, improvements<br />

that could provide for capturing input from the customer and both sales and service<br />

representatives would be invaluable<br />

The company will be working with its international service group to roll this out across<br />

its global locations in the latter half of 2006. More importantly, the Critical Care division<br />

will be sharing its knowledge and experience with their counterparts in the Sleep and<br />

Home Respiratory Service organization.<br />

Conclusions<br />

In this decade, networked smart devices will transform public and private life more than<br />

any computing development since the PC. But many companies find it difficult to envision<br />

the impact, and they are reluctant to embrace an embryonic development in the face<br />

of technological and competitive uncertainties. Even companies that understand Smart<br />

Services – knowing that it will radically change their business models – are waiting for the<br />

phenomenon to “shake out” and become widely available.<br />

This posture is a major mistake. We believe that the risk of staying out is now greater than<br />

the risk of getting in. Networking changes everything, and the first-mover advantages in<br />

many markets will be close to incalculable.<br />

Once device networking begins to be adopted in a market, it will create significant barriers<br />

to vendor-switching because suppliers will become deeply involved in adopter operations<br />

and new business models, and adopters will become deeply involved in their customers’<br />

lives throughout the product life-cycle. While we don’t believe there will be a Microsoft<br />

of pervasive computing, we do believe that early action will obstruct entry by the laggards<br />

and will enable companies to effectively own pieces of markets.<br />

By optimizing preventative maintenance, Respironics will actually be extending the lifecycle<br />

of its products. If ventilators break down less, customers won’t have to buy new ones<br />

as often. If the company realizes this and adjusts its business model accordingly, this won’t<br />

be a problem. Regardless of anything else, Respironics is providing a valuable service to<br />

their customers – automated ventilator maintenance. Beyond the convenience factor, this<br />

mitigates nearly all risk of breakdown, and that stability is worth a lot to any manufacturer<br />

whose revenue is tied to the up-time of its equipment.<br />

© 2006 Harbor Research, Inc. All rights reserved. http://harborresearch.com/<br />

info@harborresearch.com • 800.595.9368 • 415.615.9400

Medical Device Management<br />

<strong>Axeda</strong> Case Study<br />

The services-based concept based on lowering infrastructure costs and gaining visibility<br />

into out-of-reach devices in the field has been percolating for a few years. But some of<br />

the key ingredients to really allow this technology to proliferate are just now rolling out.<br />

Things like an industrial-strength communication standard, the ability to connect the local<br />

mesh network with a wireless wide-area network, having a service-broker to manage the<br />

communication calls and designing applications that can operate on the wireless network<br />

are in the early introduction phase. Once everything comes together – in about two-to-five<br />

years – it will change the way manufacturers gather information without adding a lot of<br />

overhead.<br />

AbOut hARbOR ReseARch<br />

Founded in 1983, Harbor Research Inc. has been providing strategic consulting and research<br />

services to clients for more than twenty years. With a reputation as specialists in understanding<br />

emergent and disruptive opportunities in high technology, Harbor Research<br />

works with clients who seek to establish strategic advantage in changing markets. Harbor’s<br />

groundbreaking Pervasive Internet research is widely regarded as the definitive work on<br />

the business impact of integrating networked devices into business processes.<br />

© 2006 Harbor Research, Inc. All rights reserved. http://harborresearch.com/<br />

info@harborresearch.com • 800.595.9368 • 415.615.9400

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