10 - Viva Lewes

10 - Viva Lewes

10 - Viva Lewes


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foCus oN:<br />

sefura holding a portrait of her husband<br />

by Jenny matthews (2009)<br />

Can you tell us the circumstances surrounding<br />

this picture? I’ve been going to Afghanistan since<br />

1988 either for aid organisations or on self-funded<br />

trips. I’m particularly interested on the effect conflict<br />

has on women. I was working for Care International<br />

in Kabul, visiting widows. Kabul is a city of widows,<br />

who find themselves in a very difficult position, because<br />

they have lost their breadwinner, and there’s a<br />

stigma against women working. The caption of this<br />

picture reads ‘The Taliban killed my husband in 2001.<br />

He was in the military. I have four daughters and two<br />

sons. Five months after I was widowed, my daughter,<br />

who had been engaged since she was three months old,<br />

disappeared. She was 16. The family of her fiancé was<br />

furious. They demanded two daughters in her place.<br />

There was nothing I could do.’<br />

Your photographs are being exhibited in the former home of Lee Miller, who was herself a war<br />

photographer. Was she a big influence? Her photographs were very strong, and she was working at a<br />

time when it was a hundred times more difficult to do this sort of job than it is now. Using a film camera<br />

meant she had to develop all her photos, of course, and as a result the shots are much more considered.<br />

But I’m actually much more amazed about the dispatches she wrote from the front. It’s incredible that<br />

in such an atmosphere, she was able to be so coherent. She must have been such an extremely feisty<br />

young woman. She could have had a very easy life but she went off and chose the hard route.<br />

It’s rare for women to cover wars… More and more women are doing so, but I think they do it a little<br />

bit differently, going for the quieter detail behind the scenes. I think the Guardian’s Maggie O’Kane<br />

was a big influence on me, in the way she examined the lives of women during wartime. Behind the<br />

‘bang bang’ there’s a hell of a lot going on, that doesn’t otherwise get understood.<br />

Which conflict zones have you been to? Nicaragua, Rwanda, The Congo, Afghanistan, the Libyan<br />

border, Iraq, Iran, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Gaza, Palestine… do you want me to go on?<br />

Rwanda was particularly harrowing. I went there just before the genocide and afterwards I went back to<br />

find the people I had photographed, and found they were all dead. I returned to the country many times<br />

after that collecting the testimonies and photographing survivors.<br />

To keep going back to places like that shows remarkable courage. Is it… addictive? I suppose you<br />

could say it’s addictive, if that’s the right word. It’s interesting to look at what happened to Lee Miller.<br />

After all that conflict she witnessed in WW2, she went to rural Sussex, and had to try to reinvent herself.<br />

The only alternative to this is propelling yourself towards the next big thing.<br />

What picture would you hang on your desert island palm tree? Picasso’s Guernica. It’s a bit obvious<br />

but what could be more amazing, and a stark reminder of life beyond the idyll?<br />

Jenny Matthews Women and War, Farley Farm House Barn Gallery, Chiddingly, Aug 7th-Sept 4th, open<br />

days 7th, 21st Aug and Sept 4th. For info on tours ring 01825 872856.<br />

W W W. V i Va L E W E s . C o M<br />

p H o t o g r a p H y<br />

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