Cover - Viva Lewes

Cover - Viva Lewes

Cover - Viva Lewes


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i s s u e 5

V I VA ...<br />

the visual arts open house festival<br />

for lewes district<br />

august 25 to<br />

september 23<br />

www.artwavefestival.org<br />

info 01273 483448<br />



E d i t o r i a l<br />

a r t w a v e 2 0 0 7<br />

viva<br />

LEWES<br />

In Roman times they used to take the whole of<br />

August off – the feriae agosti – and celebrate wildly.<br />

Affairs are less Bacchanalian nowadays, but the<br />

spirit still applies in Latin Europe, where cities are<br />

deemed too hot to work in, so the locals head off to<br />

the mountains or the seaside to cool off and relax.<br />

For the whole month. You’ve got to envy them.<br />

Here, of course, unless you’re a child, or a student,<br />

or a teacher, or a politician, you have to make do<br />

with what time you can scrounge off your company,<br />

and most of us spend much of the month still<br />

working, with the windows open, to let a bit of air<br />

in. Our holiday patterns have changed over the last<br />

twenty years – instead of taking long single breaks in<br />

one place in England, we are tending to take more<br />

numerous shorter breaks abroad – typically ten<br />

days in August, a week at Christmas and a couple<br />

of long city breaks during the year, to ‘recharge the<br />

batteries’.<br />

This is good for employers, and it’s good for the<br />

tourist industry, but it isn’t very good for the<br />

environment (think of all those carbon-burning air<br />

miles). And, importantly, it isn’t very good for us<br />

either, as we tend to reproduce the same frenetic<br />

pace we have become accustomed to in our daily<br />

lives, on holiday too. When in Rome, in short, we<br />

don’t do as the Romans do. So much to pack in, you<br />

see, and such little time to do it.<br />

Still, after the rainiest early summer in recorded<br />

memory, you can forgive anybody for heading off<br />

to a blue-sky holiday. For those who are sticking<br />

around, the good news is that there’s plenty going<br />

on in and around town, and we’ve cherry-picked<br />

some of the best local events in this magazine.<br />

August is the balmiest month: enjoy it, wherever<br />

you end up.<br />

The <strong>Viva</strong> <strong>Lewes</strong> Handbook is now printed on<br />

100% sustainable, 55% recycled paper.<br />


Artwave Festival: Peter Cheek (4)<br />

Art: Gallery round-up (7-9)<br />

Art: Roger Dean (10)<br />

Art: Peter Messer (13)<br />

Gigs: Tongue and Groove (15)<br />

Theatre: Open air Shakespeare (17)<br />

Cinema: The Simpsons Movie (19)<br />

Commemoration: Dieppe (21)<br />

Crafts: Michelham Priory (23)<br />

sport: Football (27)<br />

Food: Jeremy’s (29)<br />

Bill’s (30)<br />

We Try Out: Sea Fishing (33)<br />

Day Out: Pallant House (34)<br />

Bricks and Mortar: The Roundhouse (37)<br />

Kids (39)<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Districts: Castle Banks (40)<br />

Columns (43)<br />

Literary <strong>Lewes</strong> (47)<br />

Trade secrets: Hugh Rae (49)<br />

My <strong>Lewes</strong>: Raphaella Sapir (62)<br />

<strong>Cover</strong> image by Peter Cheek<br />

Graphics by Neil Gower, to whom we are, as<br />

ever, enormously grateful<br />

Editor: Alex Leith alex@vivalewes.com Deputy Editor: Emma Robertson emma@vivalewes.com Sub-editor: David Jarman<br />

Designer: Katie Moorman katie@vivalewes.com Food Editor: Emma Chaplin emmachaplin@vivalewes.com Marketing: Scott Chowen<br />

scott@vivalewes.com Publisher: Nick Williams nick@vivalewes.com.<br />

<strong>Viva</strong> <strong>Lewes</strong> is based at Pipe Passage, 151b High Street, <strong>Lewes</strong>, BN7 1XU<br />

For advertising information or information about events you would like to see publicised, call 01273 488882 or e-mail<br />

info@vivalewes.com Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of our content. The <strong>Viva</strong> <strong>Lewes</strong> Handbook cannot be held responsible<br />

for any omissions, errors or alterations.

a r t W a V E<br />

Open art surgery<br />

<strong>Cover</strong> artist Peter Cheek lets in a nosey public as Artwave hits town<br />

From left to right: Iraq Boy by Peter Cheek, Untitled by Raymond Brownell and Surf by Carole Skinner<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

The first time I saw Peter Cheek’s work it<br />

struck me that there was something of the<br />

saucy picture postcard about it. The sort of<br />

thing that would make a great summer cover.<br />

So this month, to coincide with the launch<br />

of the annual Artwave Festival, (for which<br />

he is exhibiting) we asked Peter to produce<br />

an original piece especially for the August<br />

issue. Of course, the weather we’ve been<br />

having recently hasn’t exactly been typical<br />

of summer, but then, appropriately, neither<br />

is Peter’s work actually so straightforwardly<br />

picture-postcard. Whilst there is a<br />

playfulness about his work, and many of his<br />

figures have a sort of Beryl Cook-ish charm,<br />

there is also something ambiguous about it<br />

all, so that when you look again you’re not<br />

sure what’s really going on.<br />

And some of his recent work deals with<br />

unequivocally darker themes. Such as Iraq<br />

Boy (pictured left) inspired by the story of<br />

Ali Ismaeel Abbas who lost both his arms and<br />

suffered 100% burns after his house was hit<br />

in the US bombing of Baghdad (see webmag<br />

issue 72). As the style which we requested<br />

Peter emulate for the cover belongs to an<br />

older collection entitled ‘Whimsy’, I asked<br />

him (slightly concerned for his well-being)<br />

whether this lighter work is something he<br />

has left behind and if so why. “No, I wouldn’t<br />

say that. I’ve always been interested in social<br />

comment”, he tells me. “It’s not a new<br />

thing. And I’ve always made topical pieces<br />

inspired by things I’ve read in the papers, so<br />

it depends what’s happening in the news at<br />

the time.”<br />

Peter’s main inspiration is a love of people,<br />

he tells me. “I like the way that relationships<br />

can be suggested in subtle ways like the way<br />

that people stand or appear to interact with<br />

each other.” Several of his paintings include<br />

strategically placed mirrors and reflections

(including the cover image). I ask him why. “It<br />

allows you to represent something ambiguously,”<br />

I am told. “It’s not always obvious that it is there,<br />

so it gives a kind of double image once you know<br />

it is, which can change the meaning.” Looking<br />

again I see what he means. At one glance the man<br />

appears to look away from the woman, at another<br />

they are looking at each other.<br />

Peter’s work hangs full-time on almost every wall<br />

of his house so later this month when he throws<br />

open his doors for the Artwave festival, I suggest<br />

that he won’t need to do much to prepare. Peter<br />

agrees. “Yes, I’m lucky in that I have the space<br />

to have a lot of my work on display all the time.<br />

Apart from moving about a couple of bits of<br />

furniture, it’s ready to go.” Peter is passionate<br />

about the festival and his gallery-in-waiting-setup<br />

seems proof of that. He also thinks of novel<br />

ways to direct art lovers into the house during<br />

the festival, such as boards with cartoonish faces<br />

on them with speech bubbles urging people to<br />

‘come in’. “I’ve noticed that there are some<br />

punters who seem a bit reticent to go into<br />

people’s houses”, he tells me, “so I want to give<br />

them a bit of reassurance. And hopefully they<br />

will be interesting for people to look at during<br />

the festival.” Though there are others who come<br />

in purely to look round the house, apparently. “I<br />

had a woman one year who said straight away<br />

that she hadn’t come to look at the art at all, she<br />

just wanted to see the house. It turns out she used<br />

to live here.” Did you mind? “I’m delighted to<br />

welcome people in”, he says. “And if they end up<br />

liking one of my pictures then all the better.” V<br />

emma Robertson<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

The Artwave festival runs until the rd of september<br />

in various venues throughout the <strong>Lewes</strong> district<br />

including open houses, galleries, shops and cafés.<br />

see the official brochure for more information<br />

www.artwavefestival.org<br />

a r t W a V E<br />


Painting classes every Tue, Wed & Thurs<br />

morning £80 for 6 wk course.<br />

Untutored Life drawing Thursday evening<br />

WALK’N CHALK: AUG 11<br />


Young (11+) & Little Artists (8+)<br />

meet alternate Sunday am,<br />

Summer Schools throughout August.<br />

Dairy Studio, Old Malling Farm, <strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

Tel: Susie on 01273 858438<br />

www.dairystudio-artcourses.co.uk<br />

Arti-Parties for arti kids! Etch printing,<br />

felt making, mosaics….<br />

DAIRY<br />

STUDIO<br />

WALL OF ART 2007<br />


This disease is devastating for all those<br />

involved; MND is a progressive, fatal condition<br />

that causes muscle wastage: It is fairly rare<br />

and unfortunately there is currently no cure,<br />

and most people with MND die from it within a<br />

few years.<br />

If you didn’t make it to Dairy Studio’s WALL of<br />

ART post card size art sale last September,<br />

then make sure you donate a card and come<br />

to the event this September 1 st<br />

Its fun, lively and all proceeds go to MND<br />

families in <strong>Lewes</strong>.<br />

Please start thinking about donating a post<br />

card size piece of art again this year: Contact<br />

Susie Monnington on<br />

01273 858438 or 07790556420.<br />

Details are on the newsletter page at:<br />


art & ABOUT<br />

Clashing patterns and semi-abstract landscapes at HQ Gallery<br />

Kate Montgomery’s colourful paintings (see right) have something<br />

of a Medieval look about them. Within her frames are<br />

slightly stylised narrative slices, often containing young girls,<br />

hanging screens, and animals. They are very colourful, and<br />

rather beautiful, and make you want to look and wonder at<br />

them. The Medieval look is achieved by the contrasting patterns<br />

in them, on the curtains, on the floors, on the characters’<br />

clothes. “They are carefully pitched so they resonate rather<br />

than clash,” she says. “The paintings field quite a complicated<br />

relationship in colour and tone.” Kate is one of three artists<br />

in HQ Gallery’s Artwave Festival exhibition. Beth Wintgens<br />

is a landscape artist who describes, in her own words, ‘the<br />

elements and the physical encounters they create, the tug of<br />

the brushstrokes becoming currents and waves, the fall of the<br />

paint reflecting the weight and history of the land beneath<br />

us.’ There is a Rothko-esque nature to her recent work; the<br />

predominant colours are shades of grey. Chris McHugh<br />

completes the triangle. His richly coloured landscapes and<br />

still-lifes defy perspective; there is a primitive look to them.<br />

Often they verge on the abstract. (Aug 18-Sept 9).<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

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art & ABOUT<br />

Dark woods, blurry dogs and a trip into the unknown<br />

Dawn Stacey, who used to run the rather wonderful Art Room<br />

Gallery in the Old Needlemakers, is again using the Thebes Gallery<br />

(25th – Sept 9th) as a showcase for the work of her group of<br />

associates. Dawn herself, who paints still-lifes and landscapes, has<br />

a unique style which bends perspective, playing with our notions<br />

of foreground and background, recalling a childseye view of the<br />

world. Among the artists on display is Irene Marot, who in a<br />

former life played Deedee in Brookside. Her preferred subject is<br />

animals, particularly dogs, which inhabit unexpected areas of her<br />

colourful, blurry canvases.<br />

Meanwhile the featured artist for much of the month at the Chalk<br />

Gallery (6th-24th) is Sue Barnes, who we have regularly featured<br />

in our weekly website. Sue paints landscapes of local areas. There<br />

is nothing twee or chocolate-boxy about her work: quite the<br />

opposite. She paints dark woods, and empty quarries, and has us<br />

looking over our shoulders at who might be standing behind us.<br />

Finally a mention for Andrew Fitchett, who designed our popular<br />

April cover (a cartoon of a man falling down a cliff-face). As part<br />

of Artwave, he is exhibiting in his house his picture book ‘What<br />

if’, a mixture of oil paintings and cartoons; a dark tale of a man<br />

following a raven into the wilderness and an uncertain destiny.<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

a r t<br />

Tangled up in black and white: A scene from Andrew Fitchett’s ‘What If’

a r t a n d a r C h i t E C t u r E<br />

Photograph: Alex Leith<br />

surreality<br />

Bites<br />

Roger Dean turns his endlessly inventive imagination towards th<br />

The phantasmagorical album cover designs for Yes<br />

albums such as Close to the Edge and Tales from<br />

Topographic Oceans were among the most iconic<br />

symbols of the 1970s. Their creator, Roger Dean,<br />

lives in <strong>Lewes</strong>, where he continues to work as an<br />

artist, designer, and, more recently, architect. There<br />

will be an exhibition of his remarkable designs in<br />

the Old Market Lane Garage this month, which will<br />

show that his fertile, otherworldly imagination has<br />

remained productive in the intervening years.<br />

I visit Roger, and his enormous German Shepherd,<br />

Calvin, one warm July morning, to find out more<br />

about his idiosyncratic work. He makes me a cup of<br />

tea, settles down, and starts from the beginning. “I<br />

entered art college at the age of 17, and was thrown<br />

straight into a life drawing class,” he says. “We had<br />

to paint a naked woman. It was rather an unsettling<br />

experience for me, even more so when the principal<br />

walked into the class, asked ‘which one’s Dean?’ and<br />

hauled me out, telling me I shouldn’t be in there.<br />

‘You studied Maths and Physics, you shouldn’t be<br />

doing this course’. I was assigned to an industrial<br />

design course, and ended up designing furniture.”<br />

This was a lucky break, he soon found out, because<br />

the fine art students soon stopped being taught<br />

draftsmanship skills, which had become deeply<br />

unfashionable. “Fortunately for me, designers<br />

continued to be taught how to draw and paint. This<br />

destructive trend has continued to this day, where the<br />

crafts of art have largely disappeared. Art, as taught<br />

in this country, is now based more on ideas and<br />

the execution is increasingly irrelevant. I find this<br />

disappointing, because conceptual art was invented<br />

90 years ago. It was a limited but interesting idea,<br />

then. Now, despite being such old hat, it has become<br />

the dominant force in the art world, so much so that<br />

there are very few Art Colleges which teach you to<br />

draw any more.”<br />

This might sound strange coming from a man whose<br />

work looks so surreal, but he insists that his work is<br />

based on reality more than one might think. “Most of<br />

my images are ‘portraits’ of natural phenomena such<br />

as rocks and trees, I might distort them a little, of<br />

course, but they are based on real things I have seen.”

e living spaces of the future<br />

He draws his inspiration, he says, from landscapes he<br />

has visited, both near and far: the Scottish Highlands,<br />

the Lake District and amazing rock formations in<br />

Utah. “As a child I lived for a while in Hong Kong,<br />

and I was deeply influenced by Chinese landscape<br />

art, which was everywhere you looked: on prints,<br />

scrolls, screens, postage stamps and books.”<br />

From the beginning he was interested in architecture.<br />

As a boy he ‘wanted to design the cities of the future’.<br />

For the last three decades he has been designing<br />

curvilinear buildings, psychologically comforting<br />

spaces, satisfying the ‘real needs’ of their inhabitants.<br />

The exhibition, that is part of the Art Wave Festival,<br />

will be focusing mostly on this aspect of his work.<br />

“I interviewed hundreds of people, trying to find<br />

out what would make their perfect living space<br />

as tranquil as possible. Children’s answers were<br />

particularly useful.” From this research he designed<br />

a ‘house for the new millennium’ that was built, first<br />

exhibited in the International Ideal Home Exhibition<br />

in Birmingham in 1982, and over several exhibitions,<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

including the first International Green Show, visited<br />

by over 250,000 people.<br />

Throughout the nineties he continued painting<br />

landscapes and designing and he has recently helped<br />

form a company that is attempting to turn some of<br />

his organic architectural designs into built reality.<br />

There are plans afoot to build holiday villages, hotels<br />

and university campuses. “People say my designs<br />

resemble those of Gaudi, an architect I admire.<br />

There are though, fundamental differences. I expect<br />

that in his day Gaudi had problems with his work<br />

being considered a fantasy. To some degree, all design<br />

and all works of the imagination are predictions and<br />

dreams of possible futures. For the more fantastic<br />

and radical of these to exist, to be built, they not only<br />

have to be in tune with other people’s dreams and<br />

aspirations but they also need a lot of patience, focus<br />

and hard work. After all today’s fantasy often turn<br />

out to be tomorrow’s reality.” V<br />

Alex Leith<br />

Old Market Lane Garage, Aug 5 - sept 16.<br />

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Photograph: Katie Moorman<br />

Peter Messer<br />

Painting’s alive and well at the leafier end of Paddock Road<br />

“Painting has been proclaimed dead more<br />

times than I can remember, even in my lifetime,”<br />

says Peter Messer, who makes his living<br />

from crafting eery, slightly offbeat representational<br />

canvases, virtually always set in <strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

from a studio at the leafier end of Paddock<br />

Road. “But it never has died. It’s funny, I’ve<br />

realised that nothing ever replaces anything:<br />

TV didn’t replace radio, digital photography<br />

hasn’t replaced film photography. Once a medium<br />

exists, it carries on existing, alongside all<br />

the others.” Peter is looking forward to a third<br />

- and, he says final - annual exhibition of his<br />

year’s work in the Star Gallery.<br />

His stuff is pretty popular among the art-buying<br />

public in <strong>Lewes</strong>, and well beyond, too.<br />

And rightly so. There’s nothing twee about<br />

his tempera representations of town, usually<br />

set in a small triangle of territory between<br />

his studio, his allotment in the Paddock, and<br />

the <strong>Lewes</strong> Arms, where until recently he used<br />

to be a regular. In fact, strangely for an artist<br />

who is getting better every year at capturing<br />

the nuances of light, there is always something<br />

rather dark lurking in his pictures.<br />

A look round his studio, a tidy and suitably<br />

quirky space full of the idiosyncratic tools of<br />

his trade, at his body of work since last summer<br />

reveals this. A ghostly Edwardian figure<br />

skips down Castle Lane. An angel with brightly-coloured<br />

wings, dressed in a work suit,<br />

eats a sandwich from a plastic container on<br />

the bench at the top of the path. A primitivelooking<br />

mask of a face, formed of mud, rises<br />

out of the soil of an allotment patch. “In my<br />

troublesome teenage years, I was diagnosed as<br />

being ‘eidetic’. They said that I had difficulty<br />

distinguishing between what I thought I saw,<br />

and what I actually saw. Sometimes, I realise,<br />

there’s still a bit of that about me, and I use it<br />

in my work.”<br />

Peter has pretty much sold all the paintings<br />

he has exhibited at the Star Gallery, and hopes<br />

that this body of work will be as popular.<br />

“Sometimes it feels like you’re Tarzan doing<br />

this job,” he says. “You swing on one vine,<br />

and you have to assume that there’s another<br />

one waiting for you afterwards.” He should<br />

be pretty confident that that vine is waiting,<br />

because in his paintings he continues to capture<br />

the indefinable mystique that lurks in the<br />

mortar of this historic town. And his paintings<br />

look nice on the wall, too. V Alex Leith<br />

Aug 15th - 18th at star Gallery<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

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Photograph: Alex Leith<br />

Making a splash<br />

Tongue and Groove headline the long awaited Pells pool party<br />

Shortly before the magazine goes to press, we get the<br />

call, ‘the Pells party’s back on’. It’s news worth holding<br />

the pages for – not least because it’s headline act<br />

Tongue and Grooves long anticipated ‘only public performance<br />

of the year’ (last month’s original date was<br />

spectacularly rained off). I’ve heard them described as<br />

a 60s, 70s, 80s psychedelic pop band but speaking to<br />

lead-singer I find Phil that description doesn’t quite do<br />

them justice. “We’re more than just a band, we’re an<br />

experience” he tells me live from the back of an AA<br />

truck, as it turns out. He’s on his way to Womad but<br />

things have gone a bit awry. He’s spent the night on<br />

the forecourt of a petrol station ‘somewhere on the<br />

interchange between the M27 and the M3’ (though<br />

thankfully not on the tarmac). He’s surprisingly chirpy<br />

though, presumably buoyed up by all this talk of the<br />

Pells party. He’s still on his description. “We dance,<br />

sing and do silly things”, he continues. “We’ve got<br />

good looks, bad clothes and a hypnotising riffology”.<br />

Riffology? “It’s a word we’ve made up” Oh? ‘As in guitar<br />

riffs’. They sound extraordinary. They’ve got a huge<br />

repertoire which runs from the sixties to the present<br />

day and costumes to match. The exact line-up of which<br />

is determined by ‘how far the audience want to take<br />

us”. Last year Phil finished the show by diving into<br />

the pool and swimming a length whilst singing the<br />

final song (wearing only a pair of Superman underpants)<br />

before rejoining the band at the other end. He<br />

wasn’t wearing a mic, though, so there was no danger<br />

of electrocution. “I’m planning another water and<br />

music based finale’ he tells me, although he won’t tell<br />

me what. Just that it involves a ‘radio mic’ which is<br />

wireless and thus less of a health hazard. I’m curious<br />

as to what stroke he’ll be swimming whilst singing.<br />

Backstroke would seem to be the most practical. “All<br />

strokes’, he assures me. The fundraiser promises to be<br />

a very ‘family friendly’ occasion with a BBQ, a bar and<br />

support acts from a choice of Starfish bands (of which<br />

Phil is co-founder). Tongue and Groove are even auctioning<br />

the chance for a lucky someone to get up and<br />

sing with them (a song of their choice from the ‘ninetystrong<br />

arsenal’) and they will even dress them in suitable<br />

retro attire. Whatever happens, ‘prepare to get<br />

wet’ says Phil, although hopefully not from the rain.<br />

V emma Robertson<br />

The Pells party runs from . 0pm to 10. 0pm on Friday<br />

Aug 10th. Tickets available from The swan, the King’s<br />

Head or on the door. (£5/£ /£1)<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

M u S i C<br />

1 5

ConTeMPorAry<br />

CrAfT Show<br />

Michelham Priory<br />

Thursday, 9th–Sunday 12th August, 10:30-5:30<br />

Four days of displays from professional crafts people selling their work,<br />

with demonstrations and activities for the family<br />

in the beautiful grounds of the Priory.<br />

Work of the highest quality will be on display<br />

and for sale. This includes blown and kilnformed<br />

glass, woven fabrics, knitwear, quilts,<br />

embroidered pictures, leather bags and belts,<br />

felt garments and accessories, together with<br />

ceramics for the home and garden. There will<br />

also be gold and silver jewellery, pewter ware<br />

and a working blacksmith.<br />

The exciting aspect of Crafts in Action is<br />

seeing crafts people at work while learning a<br />

little of the skills involved. During the event visitors<br />

can buy or commission an individual piece<br />

from one of the designer-makers present.<br />

Children’s workshops includes; claywork,<br />

“sheep making” with real wool, weaving, beadwork<br />

and painting. In between artistic activities<br />

the entertaining Dave Arthur will be telling<br />

stories on the lawn.<br />

Adult £6, Child £3.00, Senior/Student £5.00, family (2+2) £15.20 & Disabled £3.00<br />

Michelham Priory, Upper Dicker, hailsham Bn27 3QS<br />

www.thesussexguild.co.uk www.sussexpast.co.uk<br />

01323 833239 01323 844224

The Simpsons TV series has been on our<br />

screens for 18 years now, making it the longest-running<br />

sitcom in the history of TV. It<br />

has won a total of 23 Emmies, and made its<br />

makers over a billion quid. It has cross-generational,<br />

cross-class, cross-Atlantic appeal,<br />

and has been the subject of countless university<br />

theses. Virtually everybody I know<br />

who has ever watched it, thinks it’s brilliant:<br />

I suspect the taste of anyone who doesn’t.<br />

And yet, as the Simpsons team prepare to<br />

release their first feature-length version of<br />

the cartoon, four years in the making, everybody’s<br />

holding their breath. What, they<br />

are thinking, with an element of dread, if<br />

it’s crap?<br />

The worldwide release date of The<br />

Simpsons movie was on July 27th, after I<br />

write this article, and before you read it.<br />

The plot of the movie has been a well-kept<br />

secret since the outset, despite a number<br />

of rumours spread by Matt Groening and<br />

his team, to keep everybody guessing. All<br />

we know, based on a number of trailers<br />

and a ten-minute preview shown to the<br />

British press on July 5th, is that the movie<br />

confronts two of the big themes of modern<br />

life – religion and environmentalism; that<br />

Homer Simpson has to save the world from<br />

imminent destruction; and that Bart, for a<br />

bet, skateboards naked through the streets<br />

of his town.<br />

Not much to go on, but there again, as executive<br />

producer Al Jean says, ‘when you’re<br />

looking at your TV listings and see the<br />

Simpsons is on, you don’t check out the plot<br />

of that episode to see if you want to watch<br />

it.’ He has a point. You watch the Simpsons<br />

because it’s funny, because it’s clever, because<br />

it tells you a few home truths about<br />

yourself. You watch it because you know<br />

that a family of losers will win out in the<br />

end. You watch it because it’s just about the<br />

best social satire on TV. You watch it because<br />

you trust that the makers have bust a<br />

gut to make it work. And you watch it because,<br />

deep down, there’s a moral in there.<br />

With Homer the undoubted star of the<br />

show, that moral is pretty much the same<br />

every episode. And it looks as if, as far as<br />

the feature film goes, things aren’t going to<br />

change too much. “The message of The<br />

Simpsons Movie is simple,” says Al Jean. “A<br />

man should listen to his wife.”<br />

Dexter Lee<br />

www.lewescinema.co.uk<br />

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C i n E M a<br />



The county town’s Country House<br />

Hotel and Restaurant<br />

Perfect for Summer Dining<br />

whatever the occasion<br />

The High Street, <strong>Lewes</strong>, East Sussex<br />

Tel 01273 472361<br />


Dieppe Raid<br />

Why did the Allied commanders organise this deadly military debacle?<br />

August 19th marks the 65th anniversary of one of the<br />

most spectacular Allied debacles of the Second World<br />

War, the raid on Dieppe, code-named ‘Jubilee’. On that<br />

date in 1942, 6,086 soldiers, predominantly Canadian,<br />

landed on the beaches in and around the resort town: by<br />

the end of the day 3,623 of them had either been killed,<br />

wounded or taken prisoner. In addition the Royal Navy<br />

lost a destroyer and 29 landing craft, suffering 555 casualties,<br />

and the RAF lost 119 planes. And for what?<br />

In 1942 Russia was fighting the German army on the<br />

Eastern Front, and Stalin was keen for the Allied forces<br />

to open up a Western Front in order to divert German<br />

soldiers from the conflict against his troops. It is likely<br />

that the pressure he put on Churchill and Roosevelt was<br />

the prime motive for the timing of the attack, whose aim<br />

was never more than to raid the coastal town in a ‘hit and<br />

run’ mission to test the water for a future invasion, and<br />

gain intelligence about the German defence system on<br />

the Channel coast.<br />

The attack was planned on three flanks. The initial raid on<br />

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the right, in which a commando unit<br />

disabled a gun emplacement to stop<br />

it firing on the main invasion force,<br />

was an unqualified success. Sadly this<br />

was the only thing in the whole raid,<br />

apart from a few isolated incidents of<br />

heroism, that went right. Bad luck<br />

with the weather, bad planning and<br />

intelligence and a number of misguided<br />

decisions (including sending<br />

the reserves in when the battle was<br />

already lost) meant that many of the<br />

invading forces were mown down by<br />

the Germans as they landed; most of<br />

the raiders were unable even to get<br />

off the beach. Those who did manage<br />

to get any further were held, isolated,<br />

and, if they were lucky, captured.<br />

Estimates as to the number of dead<br />

vary, but at least 1,000 Allied soldiers<br />

lost their lives that day. Apologists<br />

for the attack claim that valuable lessons<br />

were learnt which were vital in<br />

ensuring the success of the D-Day<br />

Landings nearly two years later.<br />

Detractors point out that any lessons<br />

that were learnt did not have to<br />

come at such a terrible cost in lives.<br />

Whatever the case, there is no doubting<br />

the heroism of the men who took<br />

part in the mission.<br />

Newhaven Town Council are holding<br />

a commemoration for those who<br />

lost their lives in Dieppe, at 3pm on<br />

August 12th at the War Memorial<br />

Gardens on South Way. There will<br />

be events in conjunction with the<br />

service (a number of French dignitaries<br />

will be present) at Newhaven Fort<br />

(01273 517622) throughout the day.<br />

V<br />

Alex Leith<br />


Take a new look<br />

at two familiar<br />

names.<br />

We are delighted to<br />

announce the merger<br />

of Mayo & Perkins and<br />

Wynne Baxter to<br />

Mayo Wynne Baxter -<br />

a union that creates a firm<br />

with all the expertise to<br />

meet your legal needs.<br />

www.mayowynnebaxter.co.uk<br />

Offices at Brighton, Eastbourne, <strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

Tunbridge Wells, Hailsham, Seaford and Lingfield<br />

Mayo Wynne Baxter is a member of and regulated by The Law Society<br />

Dial House, 221 High Street, <strong>Lewes</strong> BN7 2AE Tel 01273 477071 Fax 01273 478515

Sussex Guild contemporary craft show<br />

Amongst its many other charms, Michelham Priory at Upper Dicker<br />

near Hailsham, boasts England’s longest medieval water-filled<br />

moat and a working watermill. It is one of the properties superbly<br />

maintained and managed by Sussex Past, who also look after <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

Castle and Anne of Cleve’s House amongst others. The historic<br />

house hosts several exhibitions throughout the year, and from August<br />

9-12, the Sussex Guild will be holding their Crafts in Action<br />

exhibition at the venue. The Sussex Guild are a collection of highly<br />

skilled local craftspeople, and over the four days over fifty of their<br />

members will be showing their work and demonstrating their skills.<br />

Amongst them will be Sam Fanaroff, an 80 year old ex South African<br />

farmer, who was one of the founder members of the guild when<br />

it was set up back in 1969. The aim then, as indeed it is now, was to<br />

bring together, under one roof, the best craftspeople - artisans able<br />

to showcase excellence of design, innovation, originality and craftsmanship.<br />

So if you’re a fan of high quality hand made products, or<br />

are simply interested in learning more about the skills involved in<br />

spinning, ceramics, jewellery, leather, wood and textiles, then head<br />

along to the Priory. Nick Williams<br />

Thursday th -sunday 1 August 10: 0am – 1 : 0pm daily<br />

More info via www.thesussexguild.co.uk or 01 8<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

C r a f t

Classical/Fireworks<br />

Sat 4th - Proms in the Park<br />

Head to the Paddock from<br />

5pm, to experience the <strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

Glynde and Beddingham Brass<br />

Band’s annual proms show.<br />

The finale, as always, will be<br />

accompanied by a magnificent<br />

firework display from the CSBC<br />

bonfire team. £7/£3<br />

Food<br />

Sat 4th - Farmers’ Market<br />

If you’d rather buy meat,<br />

cheese, honey, jams, wine,<br />

cider etc direct from the producer<br />

then head down to the<br />

precinct between 10am - 1pm<br />

Gig<br />

Fri 24th - Starfish<br />

The highly talented Starfish<br />

Youth Music take over the All<br />

Saints Centre again today,<br />

enabling the rest of us to find<br />

out if their multitude of bands<br />

have been using their session<br />

time wisely.<br />

www.starfishlewes.co.uk<br />

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B E S t o f t h E r E S t<br />

Health & Fitness<br />

Mon 27th - <strong>Lewes</strong> Leisure<br />

Centre Open Day<br />

It’s fun for all the family at<br />

the leisure centre this Bank<br />

Holiday. From 9am until 9pm<br />

they will be demonstrating the<br />

wide range of sports available<br />

to you. Head down with the<br />

family to try them out, as well<br />

as having a go on the bouncy<br />

castle and the go-karts.<br />

www.waveleisure.co.uk<br />

for more details of these events<br />

and many others look at<br />

www.vivalewes.com, live every<br />

Wednesday night.<br />


Photographs: Nick Williams<br />

King of the Pan<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> manager Steve King looks forward to the new season<br />

Although we didn’t get into the play-offs we finished<br />

last term on a good run of form, and it was<br />

my aim over the summer to strengthen what, in the<br />

second half of the season, had moulded into a very<br />

good team. The Conference South, or the Blue<br />

Square South as it’s now called, is a very competitive<br />

league, and the quality gets better every season,<br />

so I needed to work hard to get the sort of players<br />

who would fit in and improve the squad.<br />

I was very pleased to re-sign Kirk Watts from<br />

Bromley. He played for us the season before last<br />

and became a firm favourite with the fans for his<br />

ability to operate down both wings. He’s an urgent,<br />

skilful player, and I was pleased, when it didn’t work<br />

out for him at his home club, that he wanted to<br />

come back here.<br />

We’re going to play fast, attacking football this<br />

season, with two wingers. We’ve already got Andy<br />

Drury on the right, and Juke Box proved last season<br />

that he’s a skilful individual who can, on a good day,<br />

make the difference between the two sides. I’ve also<br />

signed Dale Binns, who plays down the left. He’s<br />

played against us in the past, and he’s been a right<br />

handful. He’s skilful and fast, and he proved in the<br />

friendly against Fulham, when he had the better of<br />

a full-back who’d had first team experience last season,<br />

that he’ll be a valuable attacking option.<br />

We also paid out a four-figure sum for <strong>Lewes</strong>’ biggest-ever<br />

signing, Tom Davis. Tom is a non league<br />

international who can do a bit of everything in<br />

midfield. He can put his foot in, and he can see<br />

a pass; he’s got a lot of energy, and he can either<br />

sit or bomb on. He’s another valuable asset to the<br />

side, and I was impressed with him in the Fulham<br />

game. Then there’s Jay Conroy, a right-back I know<br />

from his days at Crystal Palace. He reminds me of<br />

a young Dean Hooper, with a bit more control: he’s<br />

good in the air, he’s got a lovely touch and he can<br />

tackle anything.<br />

The door’s not shut yet: I’m looking at a few trialists<br />

who are very, very interesting. But we’re just<br />

about there: I feel that I’ve created a squad that can<br />

challenge for promotion. Our first target is to reach<br />

the play-offs. Any title talk is clearly premature, but<br />

I do believe that we are one of seven or eight clubs<br />

who are capable of winning it. V<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

S p o r t

Food, wine, tastings, talks and treasure.<br />

All against the backdrop of the glorious Sussex Downs.<br />

www.glynde.co.uk<br />

Saturday and Sunday 22–23rd September<br />

10.30am – 5.00pm (last entrance 4.00pm)<br />

Purchase one or more advance tickets online and save<br />

£2 per ticket.* On the gate prices: £8 adult or £10 with<br />

Festival wine glass. £5 students and over 65s.<br />

Children 12 and under go free.<br />

*Subject to a £1.50 booking fee<br />

• Amanda Grant’s Kids’<br />

Kitchen<br />

• Butchery demonstrations<br />

• Fish demonstrations<br />

• Picnics in the park<br />

• Access to the house<br />

and gardens

Photograph: Rob Read<br />

Jeremy’s<br />

Emma Chaplin discovers a culinary gem near Haywards Heath<br />

One drawback of going to Jeremy’s restaurant<br />

at Borde Hill is that, although technically possible<br />

to get a taxi from Haywards Heath, you really<br />

need to drive. Unfortunately our car broke<br />

down, so I went to the car rental place near<br />

Tesco, under instructions to hire the cheapest<br />

car they had. I intended to, really I did. But a<br />

fog descended and strangely I ended up driving<br />

home in an open-top sports car. Well, I’d never<br />

driven one, the weather was glorious and it was<br />

a lovely way to get to the restaurant. Borde Hill<br />

benefits from having a beautiful setting, so we<br />

ate on the terrace overlooking the lawns, gardens<br />

and fountain. As we looked through the<br />

menu, sipping gin and tonics and nibbling habas<br />

fritas (Spanish fried broad beans), a chef was<br />

picking nasturtiums and other edible flowers<br />

from the herb and flowerbed next to us. We both<br />

opted for the three-course table d’hôte menu at<br />

£22.50 (à la carte main courses are around the<br />

£20 mark). It’s worth knowing that if you sign<br />

up for the mailing list, they send you a postcard<br />

voucher on your birthday for a bottle of house<br />

wine, the value of which can be deducted from<br />

whatever wine you order. We went for a flinty<br />

Italian white, Falanghina, at £19, which we<br />

sipped as the amuse-gueule arrived; shot glasses<br />

of chilled cucumber and lemon grass soup. A<br />

waiter proffered a basket of warm home-made<br />

walnut or herb bread. ‘Which would we like?’<br />

‘Both’ we replied. My first course was a melting<br />

plate of beef carpaccio with capers and Parmesan.<br />

Rob had grilled mackerel with what he described<br />

as ‘the best potato salad’ he’d ever had.<br />

We both had pan-fried fillet of breaded plaice,<br />

spring onion mash, buttered spinach and zesty<br />

sauce verte for a main course. Each part lovely,<br />

and even better as a whole. Rob finished with<br />

a perfect wobbly panacotta with gooseberry<br />

compote. My apple and raspberry crumble was<br />

an ok, but less exciting, choice. We shared an<br />

espresso and a glass of Calvados as the sun set,<br />

the evening air getting a little cooler. The coffee<br />

came with a plate of home-made fudge and tiny<br />

macaroons. We drove home with the roof still<br />

off but our jackets on. V<br />

01 110<br />

www.homeofgoodfood.co.uk<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

f o o d

Butter Fingers<br />

Whatever has happened to our summer - come rain,<br />

come shine, come more rain - and however cheated<br />

we might feel, it’s wonderful growing weather. Rain<br />

does the worst damage in the spring when the blossom<br />

is setting, but this spring was sunny and dry and<br />

all this summer rain is doing is plumping everything<br />

up nicely and delivering all the right nutrients. Some<br />

crops have suffered, like strawberries and cherries,<br />

though those we have had have been delicious, but<br />

most crops are lying back in their moist beds, enjoying<br />

the sun when it comes out and growing into fine<br />

specimens.<br />

Beans are coming into the stores now, all sorts, and<br />

they love all the rain. So, too, are the first of the<br />

English apples and plums, both supplied by Graham<br />

Love out at Herstmonceux, who managed to keep us<br />

topped up with apples for 44 weeks last year. But top<br />

of the crops for August is sweetcorn - here for only<br />

a short season - but, again, happier for not having to<br />

try to flourish through drought conditions.<br />

So it’s time to get those buttery fingers out. Children<br />

may turn their noses up at many vegetables but one<br />

thing most of them will get stuck into is a fat, sweet,<br />

juicy corn cob. I expect it’s the combination of the<br />

high sugar content, the sensation of the kernels tumbling<br />

into their mouths and of course the fact that<br />

they can just pick the whole thing up and get in there<br />

with nobody shouting ‘Manners!’ across the table.<br />

You can do all sorts with sweetcorn: turn it into fritters,<br />

slice the kernels off before or after cooking and<br />

add to soups, sprinkle cooked kernels into salads and<br />

sandwiches. But the best way to eat it, surely, and<br />

the simplest, is to cook it whole and eat straight off<br />

the cob.<br />

Mark Stroud, who farms sweetcorn in Barcombe,<br />

near <strong>Lewes</strong>, and who supplies Bill’s with barrel loads<br />

of the stuff while it’s in season, says: “I boil it for<br />

four minutes and then add butter, salt and pepper.<br />

The other good way to cook it is to throw it on the<br />

barbecue with the husk on, then strip the husk off for<br />

the last bit to colour it up.”<br />

A few kernels…<br />

After picking, the sugars in sweetcorn rapidly begin<br />

turning to starch. Most varieties can lose half their<br />

sugar in 10-12 hours. It should be kept cool and<br />

eaten as soon as possible after picking. If keeping for<br />

more than a day, blanch for a minute in boiling water<br />

before refrigerating or freezing.<br />

Choose cobs that are full and plump, husk intact.<br />

The husk should be green and fresh and conceal<br />

fine, silky threads. Kernels should be pale in colour,<br />

tightly packed, plump and smaller at the tips than in<br />

the middle (indicating young cobs).<br />

If you want to break the cobs in two, snap them before<br />

cooking as it’s much easier. V<br />

Picture by Laurie Griffiths<br />

Bill’s Fruit and Veg boxes delivered to your door.<br />

Order in store or call us on 01 6 18<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

B i l l C o l l i S o n<br />

The wet summer isn’t all bad news, says Bill Collison. The rain/sunshine<br />

combo is great for growing, and lots of flavoursome produce is<br />

pouring into the stores as a result. Get stuck in, especially to yellow,<br />

buttery sweetcorn as its season is short and, well, sweet.<br />


Photographs: Katie Moorman<br />

Mackerel fishing<br />

Emma Robertson falls hook, line and sinker...<br />

I’m not one to indulge in gender stereotyping<br />

but I’ve always considered angling to be an almost<br />

exclusively male activity. Something to do<br />

with the language I suppose. There’s the phallic<br />

‘rods’ of course, the unfortunate double entendre<br />

of the word ‘tackle’ and then the rather unhealthy<br />

obsession with size. So it is with some<br />

anxiety that I agree to dip my toes<br />

into the waters of this mysterious<br />

pastime. I’m reassured though by<br />

the healthy gender balance of our<br />

party (three men and three women).<br />

The weather is glorious on the<br />

evening of our initiation at Newhaven<br />

- blue skies, sunshine and a<br />

tranquil sea. Our guides, Frank and<br />

Guy, take us out about ten minutes<br />

offshore to the mackerel-filled waters.<br />

Within our two hour taster we<br />

are unlikely to catch more exotic varieties<br />

- usual tour lengths are 8-12<br />

hours. Eventually Frank switches off<br />

the engines and brings the rods out. I’m mildly<br />

disappointed to discover that out weighted lines<br />

are to be simply dropped in and not dramatically<br />

swung out to sea as I’d imagined (probably<br />

best though as the six or so hooks look rather<br />

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W E t r y o u t . . .<br />

lethal). Next you<br />

press a button on top<br />

of the handle which<br />

releases the line until<br />

it hits the seabed,<br />

then you reel it in<br />

about ten turns and<br />

wait - gently moving<br />

the rod up and down<br />

to reach the different<br />

depths. The first<br />

catch of our party is<br />

almost instantaneous,<br />

another to my right<br />

and then I feel a tug<br />

on my line. I start to<br />

reel it in when, waiting<br />

for it to emerge,<br />

I suddenly have a<br />

flash of what it would<br />

be to chalk up a new<br />

record. My mind<br />

turns to the boat’s slogan. ‘You should have been<br />

here yesterday’. Well, what about today? I think.<br />

But… it’s just a middle sized mackerel - or two<br />

to be precise. I throw them in the bucket and set<br />

to work again, somewhat chastened. When, later,<br />

Frank regales us with stories of catches-old,<br />

the best being<br />

a bream seven<br />

ounces off the<br />

British record<br />

(“And I ate it”), I<br />

look at him with<br />

new understanding.<br />

When the bucket<br />

is full we return<br />

to shore<br />

and on for supper<br />

in Frank’s<br />

new locally<br />

sourced restaurant,<br />

The Bridge. Over our mariner’s pie and<br />

pollack we discover that we’re all surprisingly<br />

hooked, males and females alike. So much for<br />

preconceptions then.<br />

www.carricklee.co.uk<br />


Photograph: Katie Moorman<br />

Pallant House<br />

Emma Robertson finds an effortless blending of the old and the new<br />

At just over an hour from<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong>, the train journey<br />

to Chichester is a comparable<br />

distance to London<br />

and significantly cheaper.<br />

A short walk from the station<br />

takes you to the grand<br />

Queen Anne building<br />

which now sits adjoined<br />

to the new contemporary<br />

gallery extension. It<br />

opened in this incarnation<br />

last year – transforming<br />

the place from a rather<br />

small regional gallery to<br />

a Gulbenkian award-winning<br />

space of considerable<br />

size and significance.<br />

The judges awarding the<br />

£100,000 prize called it<br />

‘spirit-lifting’ and ‘a jewel<br />

of a gallery’ although,<br />

sadly, the man who<br />

brought it these qualities,<br />

Sir Colin ‘Sandy’ St<br />

John Wilson didn’t live to<br />

hear the praise. He died<br />

two weeks before the announcement.<br />

The new design also<br />

makes it more accessible.<br />

The new street level entrance<br />

is wheelchair and<br />

buggie friendly whilst<br />

the directors are planning<br />

to spend the prize<br />

money on scrapping the<br />

admission charges and<br />

increasing the museum’s<br />

outreach programme,<br />

(which ranges from working<br />

with asylum seekers<br />

in Portsmouth to prisoners<br />

in Ford open prison).<br />

The layout shows this to<br />

be a priority. As you come<br />

in you find yourself at the<br />

resource and education<br />

rooms before you reach<br />

the main gallery. It gives<br />

it all a decidedly unstuffy<br />

feel. It’s a museum to be<br />

actively engaged with, to<br />

be used – and by everyone<br />

not just the usual art<br />

gallery demographic. And<br />

the sheer size of the building<br />

now means that almost<br />

all of their extensive<br />

holdings can be viewed<br />

in the various rooms so<br />

there’s no longer a feeling<br />

of works gathering dust<br />

in the vaults nor the need<br />

for sporadic rehangs.<br />

The main temporary exhibition<br />

is called ‘Eye<br />

Music: Kandinsky, Klee<br />

and all that Jazz’ and focuses<br />

on the (sometimes<br />

tenuous) link between<br />

various pieces of art and<br />

their corresponding music.<br />

On the day that we<br />

visited they were roadtesting<br />

an audio-guide<br />

- an absolute must with<br />

this exhibition otherwise<br />

you only really get half<br />

of the picture. You arrive<br />

at the new gallery, which<br />

flows seamlessly out of<br />

the old, almost without<br />

you realising it. Or you<br />

can travel up in the lift<br />

– something that will be<br />

made more of when the<br />

installation they’ve set<br />

up in there, an interactive<br />

sound sculpture, is up and<br />

running. Sadly it wasn’t<br />

on the day of our visit but<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

there were some excitinglooking<br />

paraphernalia in<br />

evidence in there - floor<br />

pads and flashing lights.<br />

The wonderful collections<br />

of Peter Blakes and<br />

Patrick Caulfields which<br />

come courtesy of the late<br />

Sandy Wilson’s legacy are<br />

a marvellous addition to<br />

the existing holdings of<br />

twentieth century art – almost<br />

certainly the finest<br />

outside the capital. The<br />

highlight for me, though,<br />

was one of the more adventurous<br />

mixing of old<br />

and new: Hundreds of<br />

mussel shells stuffed with<br />

red velvet lining the walls<br />

of the old hall – inspired<br />

by shells found by builders<br />

during the digging of<br />

the foundations for the<br />

new wing.<br />

The gallery beat several<br />

bigger and better-funded<br />

museums to win the Gulbenkian<br />

prize and after<br />

a visit there you can see<br />

why. Sipping my coffee<br />

in the newly landscaped<br />

gardens afterwards, I was<br />

struck by the fact that,<br />

apart from anything else,<br />

it’s such a tranquil place<br />

to be, with none of the<br />

crowds and restricted<br />

views of Tate Modern.<br />

With the rest of the cultural<br />

map of England permanently<br />

skewed towards<br />

London, Pallant House is<br />

a refreshing triumph for<br />

regional resources. V<br />

www.pallant.org.uk<br />

d ay o u t<br />


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EST 1853

The Roundhouse<br />

There are six sides to every storey of this former windmill.<br />

Words by Emma Chaplin, painting by Pearl Bates<br />

It’s ironic perhaps that the current incumbent<br />

of The Round House on Pipe Passage, Annie<br />

Crowther, is a vegetarian, when what used to be on<br />

the site in the late 18th century, was a butcher’s. She<br />

tells me she keeps uncovering animal bones, like<br />

roe deer, when she digs in the pretty gardens that<br />

surround the house, as well as finding pieces of old<br />

pipe that come from the pipe factory that used to<br />

be just down the passage. Annie is kind enough to<br />

show me round the lovely, quirky house, originally<br />

built as a windmill in 1802, and once owned by Vir-<br />

ginia Woolf. Annie, who used to be<br />

a teacher, loves the building and enjoys<br />

talking to people about its fascinating<br />

history. The windmill was<br />

built to provide flour to make bread<br />

to feed the ‘poor mechanics’ of<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> as a response to fears about<br />

possible local uprisings in the uncertain<br />

political period of the time.<br />

‘Sixty worthy people’ (fifty-nine<br />

men and one woman) put down the<br />

money to build it as a ‘smock’ mill,<br />

the name referring to its shape,<br />

which resembled a farmer’s smock.<br />

The two-storey hexagonal flint and<br />

brick base would have been topped<br />

by an eight-sided tapering wooden<br />

tower roof and cap, which rotated<br />

to bring the wooden sails into the<br />

wind. The houses that now surround<br />

the building did not exist at<br />

the time, so it was more obviously<br />

a windy spot, “although when the<br />

wind gets up, you can certainly feel<br />

it upstairs” she tells me. Unfortunately,<br />

members of the windmill<br />

committee got involved in embezzlement<br />

of its funds, and the mill in<br />

this location did not thrive. After<br />

seventeen years, the wooden mill<br />

section was somehow transported<br />

to a new site up on the racecourse,<br />

and the remaining building sold as a<br />

house. The Bloomsbury connection<br />

came about after Virginia Woolf saw<br />

the house and fell in love with it. She and Leonard<br />

bought it but never lived there, however, because<br />

he felt there was not enough privacy for Virginia,<br />

given her tendency to depression. What’s interesting<br />

is that it feels much more private inside than it<br />

looks to be from the outside, where you often see<br />

groups of visitors taking pictures at the garden gate.<br />

From the upstairs windows, you get extraordinary<br />

views of <strong>Lewes</strong> and surrounds from all eight sides<br />

of the building. V<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

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v kids<br />

i<br />

va<br />

Summer holiday activities<br />

Get in touch with nature..<br />

One of the attractions to living in <strong>Lewes</strong> is the<br />

surrounding countryside. We have the rolling<br />

South Downs on one side and miles of<br />

fascinating coastline to the other. Over the<br />

years however human development and activity<br />

has encroached, so we are lucky that there<br />

are conservation groups, including the Sussex<br />

Wildlife Trust, dedicated to preserving and<br />

protecting this unique landscape. They manage<br />

a number of nature reserves within the<br />

county - including Malling Down and the old<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> railway land in the heart of the town.<br />

So if you’re looking for things for the kids to<br />

do over the long summer, why not get them<br />

in touch with nature at one of the Trust’s many<br />

reserves?<br />

They also organise events, courses and holiday<br />

clubs throughout August, including the<br />

following:<br />

Tuesday 7 - King Canute - a fun morning exploring<br />

and dipping in many of the rock pools<br />

around the Seven Sisters Country Park (SSCP)<br />

Sunday 26 - The Butterflies of Malling Down -<br />

spend the afternoon exploring Malling Down<br />

in search of the large array of downland butterflies<br />

found there.<br />

The Holiday Clubs are available throughout<br />

August at the SSCP (and also at Stanmer Park<br />

Brighton and Woods Mill, Henfield) and are<br />

basically fun days packed with environmental<br />

activities and games aimed at 6-11 year<br />

olds. For more info or to book an event or<br />

course, go to www.sussexwt.org.uk or call<br />

01273 492630<br />

Kick a Football…<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> FC are running a couple of week long<br />

soccer skills course in August to help local<br />

budding Beckhams hone their abilities for the<br />

season ahead. The courses run Monday to<br />

Friday and as well as helping to improve their<br />

technical skills, there is also a major emphasis<br />

placed on the fun aspects of the game. And<br />

even if your kids can’t make the full week, you<br />

can still book them in for any of the individual<br />

days. The courses run over the two weeks from<br />

13th -24th August. Further details via www.<br />

lewesfc.com or call 01273 472100<br />

Or bang a Drum…<br />

For the more musically inclined, there’s always<br />

the option of the World Drumming Summer<br />

Workshops at the All Saints Centre to consider.<br />

So if you want to learn more about<br />

body percussion, stomp and even didgeridoo,<br />

courses run between the 14th and 23rd August.<br />

To book, call Ollie Heath on 07922<br />

3737779 V<br />

Nick Williams<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M

Paintngs by Peter Messer<br />

Castle Banks<br />

Alex Leith explores what has always been one of <strong>Lewes</strong>’ most distinctive area<br />

The estate agents are starting to call it ‘Castle<br />

Precincts’. Others know it as ‘Castle Banks’. Is<br />

the area, built around the hillside of the Norman<br />

bailey largely out of flints recycled from the castle<br />

walls, a distinct <strong>Lewes</strong> district?<br />

The artist Peter Messer (see page 13) lives, works<br />

and runs an allotment in the area, and seems the<br />

best man to give me a tour round the place. Almost<br />

all of Peter’s idiosyncratic tempera paintings<br />

are set in the hodgepodge of streets and twittens<br />

around the castle banks, and there are few people<br />

better suited to point out its nuances. We start<br />

our tour – always destined to end in the <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

Arms with a pint of Harveys Best – outside Peter’s<br />

workplace, adjoining the Paddock Studio.<br />

“Lovely square napped flints,” he says, pointing<br />

out the façade of the building, which used to be<br />

a coach house for the vehicles travelling to and<br />

from Haywards Heath, and then became a stables.<br />

“The artist Cecil Heathfield turned it into<br />

his studio, and then bequeathed it to the town.<br />

The Council didn’t know what to do with it, so<br />

the LDVAA took it over and ran it as a charity,<br />

hiring out the space for art classes. Developers<br />

would wet themselves to get hold of it, but for the<br />

moment it’s safe.”<br />

We wander down Paddock Road, and at every<br />

other step Peter points out a hidden detail I didn’t<br />

know about. The air raid shelters at the top and<br />

bottom of the street; the stones of the wall made<br />

from the slag from John Every’s Phoenix furnaces;<br />

the plaque on the Paddock Pavilion dedicated to<br />

Every’s grandson in 1933; the fact that the allotments<br />

used to be called ‘Hangman’s Acre’ because<br />

they would grow hemp there to make ropes, some<br />

of which were destined to be used in the gallows<br />

down the hill in the Pells. “A bloke I know who<br />

used to work the allotments told me he remembered<br />

winding and twisting gear at the top of the<br />

road, for making the ropes,” he says.<br />

As befits <strong>Lewes</strong>’ oldest area, there is history in<br />

every step. The old poorhouse on Castle Rise<br />

which used to be rented out by the novelist Mrs<br />

Henry Dudeney, considered a peer of Thomas<br />

Hardy in her time. “She used to live in Brack<br />

Mount House. She was quite a lady of letters,” he<br />

says. “She had a number of Dalmatians, which she<br />

was very fond of. The bloke who lives there now<br />

dug one up in the garden a few years ago.”<br />

He points out the vast Maltings House, now the<br />

Records Office, with its high flint wall stretching<br />

down the slope to the corner of Castle Ditch<br />

Lane. You can still make out the base of an oast<br />

tower at the end, missing its crooked witch-hat<br />

spire. And Brack Mount, of course, recently<br />

shaved, possibly a pagan site built before the<br />

Normans arrived. “It’s a bit of a mystery,” he says.<br />

“They excavated it recently, and found some sort<br />

of well in the middle. It was a pleasure gardens in<br />

Victorian times, which is why Mount Pleasant is<br />

called Mount Pleasant. They had some sort of tea<br />

house there, and steps up from the <strong>Lewes</strong> Arms.”<br />

“What I love about <strong>Lewes</strong> is its amazing light,”<br />

he comments, as we arrive at Castle Lane, overlooking<br />

the Paddock. “It comes from the strange<br />

configuration of the town, built on hills, but with<br />

big open spaces.” He wafts his hand towards the<br />

park below us to make his point. “It changes all<br />

through the year, according to the season. And<br />

nowhere is it as accentuated as round here.”<br />

We stroll into the Magic Circle, adjacent to the<br />

gravelly car park, behind the bowling alley once<br />

frequented by Tom Paine. For once, Peter is unable<br />

to tell me the origins of the place, a shady<br />

spot ideal for secret trysts and underage drinking.<br />

Presumably it wasn’t built for teenagers to<br />

perform their first experiments with cider and<br />

Cinzano. Then we make our way down to the<br />

Arms, for a pint to finish off the tour of an area,<br />

I’ve decided, which is surely distinct enough to be<br />

given district status, at least in the pages of this<br />

magazine. V<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

l E W E S d i S t r i C t S<br />


Photograph: Katie Moorman<br />

Norman Baker<br />

No flooding is ever welcome, as anyone in<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> can readily testify, but for the latest bout<br />

to coincide with Gordon Brown’s arrival at No<br />

10 did at least mean it was quickly on the new<br />

PM’s agenda.<br />

The result was a pledge of an extra £200m, a<br />

very welcome development, particularly in<br />

the light of the cuts to the flood budget that<br />

DEFRA has sustained over the last couple of<br />

years. We have not yet, however, seen the small<br />

print, which may sound churlish of me, but is a<br />

reaction borne of sad experience of successive<br />

budgets from Gordon Brown.<br />

The consequences of the terrible floods that hit<br />

parts of Yorkshire, particularly Hull, were the<br />

trigger for the announcement and subsequent<br />

debate in Parliament. Now, I am pleased that<br />

the issue is once again on the government’s radar,<br />

and while having real sympathy for those<br />

flooded out, I had to point out to the Minister<br />

that the last time such floods occurred in 2000,<br />

there was a similar, no doubt genuine, response<br />

from the government, but that 7 years<br />

on, many towns and villages flooded then, including<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong>, are still awaiting the improved<br />

defences we thought we had been promised.<br />

I know Charles Hendry, my parliamentary<br />

neighbour who represents Wealden, feels the<br />

same way about the position in Uckfield.<br />

The problems are twofold. First, with so much<br />

going on at any time, the attention of a government<br />

tends to be on immediately urgent<br />

matters, and even with good intentions, there<br />

is not always the follow through there needs<br />

to be. This has been a matter of some exasperation<br />

for the MPs who form the All-Party<br />

Flood Defence group, which I chair.<br />

Second, while this government has rightly,<br />

if belatedly, recognised the need to reduce<br />

greenhouse gas emissions (or at least those<br />

which are carbon based) and hence the causes<br />

of climate change, it has been rather slower in<br />

identifying the need for a proactive policy on<br />

adaptation to climate change. In other words<br />

the need to deal with those changes which are<br />

now inevitable, the most obvious of which is an<br />

increase in both the frequency and severity of<br />

flooding incidents.<br />

As far as <strong>Lewes</strong> is concerned, we do of course<br />

now have a scheme in place to better protect<br />

Malling, and I am hopeful that one to protect<br />

the Cliffe area will, thanks to the regional<br />

flood defence committee, not be too far off.<br />

That will however still leave other areas unprotected,<br />

including parts of Landport and the<br />

new Malling estate.<br />

As you may expect, I am pressing for some of<br />

that extra £200m to come our way. Watch this<br />

space. V<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

C o l u M n

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sales@zetacolour.co.uk<br />


Marina Pepper<br />

Nature’s red in buck teeth and claw<br />

Such is the power of his personality Elliott’s<br />

call to the revolution was inevitable - he was<br />

after all, wasted in the sole role of children’s<br />

pet.<br />

Huge and white with long floppy ears and pink<br />

eyes, Elliott is an impressive enough bunny.<br />

But time spent in his presence leads many to<br />

ask: “Is there a human being trapped inside<br />

that rabbit exterior?” Or words to that effect.<br />

When it became obvious the revolution required<br />

a leader (people constantly demand<br />

one, despite the revolution being more about<br />

people pulling together to make and demand<br />

the changes needed to avoid global and local<br />

social and economic meltdown), Elliott’s fate<br />

was sealed. Everyone seems to trust a rabbit<br />

more than a politician.<br />

Like all good leaders, Elliott likes to set the<br />

agenda. It’s pretty much a single-issue based<br />

agenda: food. He bunny hops round the allotment<br />

like he owns the place, nibbling whatever<br />

takes his fancy.<br />

Developing a taste for power Elliott recently<br />

started invading allotments a fair distance from<br />

our own and declaring them “lunch”.<br />

Last Sunday another inhabitant of the hill had<br />

other ideas. I know Tom Paine said: “Lead,<br />

follow or get out of the way.” But this was ridiculous.<br />

Elliott came whizzing past the shed<br />

where I was enjoying a well-earned lie in, with<br />

a fox hot on his tail.<br />

I grabbed the first thing to hand and was out<br />

the door before realising a tea towel was never<br />

going to work and this was a life and death<br />

situation. Down past the onions went Elliott,<br />

followed by the fox, followed by the boyfriend,<br />

followed by me. The fox opted to get out of the<br />

way and was gone.<br />

Which is how I came to greet Andi, Secretary<br />

to Transition Town <strong>Lewes</strong>, as nature intended.<br />

“For the record,” I said,” I do NOT do naked<br />

gardening.” Immediately I broke my personal<br />

taboo. Well it was impossible to resist bending<br />

to weed out a dandelion for Elliott and pick up<br />

a snail. “Stamp on that for me please,” I asked,<br />

as I wasn’t wearing shoes.<br />

“You couldn’t make it up,” said Andi as she<br />

poured the tea. “I don’t need to,” I said, soothing<br />

the rabbit.<br />

I was so proud of him, running home and involving<br />

the team. He knew he couldn’t do it<br />

alone. Nor can any of us. Nature is bloodier<br />

and more powerful than us all and is increasingly<br />

incompatible with human activity. This is<br />

no time for fluffy bunny leadership. We need<br />

hard-core action to make huge changes. For<br />

those who would lead because their ego won’t<br />

let them follow, a message from the revolutionary<br />

rabbit that beat the fox: get out of the<br />

way. V<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

C o l u M n<br />

Photograph: Katie Moorman<br />


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Along the line to <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

David Jarman maps out just a few of the railway’s literary associations<br />

In Henry Green’s 1939 novel, ‘Party Going’,<br />

a bunch of not overly bright young<br />

things are marooned at a London railway<br />

terminus when their boat train is delayed<br />

by fog. Green’s biographer, Jeremy Treglown,<br />

identifies the mise-en-scene as<br />

Victoria. This is a reasonable supposition<br />

but Green is fastidiously careful never to<br />

name the station. No such coyness inhibits<br />

Harold Pinter. His 1982 play entitled<br />

‘Victoria Station’ concerns a controller’s<br />

unavailing attempts to persuade a taxi<br />

driver to pick up a fare from the 10.22<br />

Boulogne train and take them to Cuckfield.<br />

At Clapham Junction between two o’<br />

clock and half past two on the rainy afternoon<br />

of November 13th, 1895, Oscar<br />

Wilde, handcuffed and in prison dress,<br />

suffered the laughter and jeers of the<br />

crowd as he awaited the train that would<br />

effect his transfer to Reading Gaol. In<br />

‘De Profundis’ he wrote, ‘For a year after<br />

that was done to me I wept every day at<br />

the same hour and for the same space of<br />

time.’<br />

In the same year the now wonderfully<br />

dim literary figure of George Burgin<br />

took up his duties as sub-editor of ‘The<br />

Idler’ magazine. His output of over ninety<br />

novels suggests that this was a peculiarly<br />

incongruous appointment. Burgin<br />

was born in Croydon, our next stop, as<br />

was that wittiest of detective story writers,<br />

Colin Watson.<br />

Let us ignore the airport and recall ‘earlier,<br />

happier sights’. In ‘The Inimitable<br />

Jeeves’ a character muses, ‘say I have a<br />

tenner on ‘Heppenstall’ and cop; that’ll<br />

give me a bit in hand to back ‘Pink Pill’<br />

with in the two o’ clock at Gatwick the<br />

week after next. Cop on that, put the pile<br />

on ‘Muskrat’ for the one thirty at <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

and there I am with a nice little sum to<br />

take to Alexandra Park’.<br />

Recounting a lengthy affair with Harold<br />

Pinter in her autobiography, ‘The Centre<br />

of the Bed’ (2003), Joan Bakewell<br />

gives details of various trysts, ‘we even<br />

met at Haywards Heath, arriving by train<br />

from different directions to meander for<br />

half an hour round its suburban villas before<br />

each heading back the way we had<br />

come’<br />

Like Oscar Wilde before him, Pinter was<br />

living in Worthing.<br />

The ghost of John Wells, co-author of<br />

Private Eye’s ‘Mrs Wilson’s Diary’ and<br />

the ‘Dear Bill’ letters, might be seen<br />

alighting at Plumpton. Those trains<br />

stopping at Cooksbridge would have<br />

best served John Cowper Powys when<br />

he was living at Offham.<br />

Patrick O’Brian noted in his diary, three<br />

days after VE day, ‘In the <strong>Lewes</strong> train I<br />

read Congreve’s ‘Old Bachelor’ - amusing<br />

farce but what an incredibly savage<br />

inhuman set of lechers’.<br />

More appropriate reading for the journey<br />

might be ‘The Country Wife’ - equally<br />

savage, equally lecherous, but, penned<br />

by William Wycherley, a forbear of the<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> estate agents. V<br />

W W WW. W. V i V ai VlaE lW E WE S E. S C. oC Mo<br />

M<br />

l i t E r a r y l E W E S

Name: Allan Griffiths.<br />

Business Name: Hugh Rae Ltd, at 74-75 High St,<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> (opposite the Castle).<br />

What does your shop sell? We are a Menswear<br />

retail shop selling a full range of classic men’s clothing<br />

from socks to suits. We also have a range of<br />

accessories, including military badges.<br />

How long have you been running the business?<br />

I’ve been here for 28 years, but the business itself<br />

was established in 1926.<br />

How is business at the moment? We’re usually<br />

very consistent, and the first half of 2007 has virtually<br />

matched last year.<br />

Who shops at Hugh Rae? We’ve got a large loyal<br />

customer base who range in age from 30 upwards.<br />

What was on the premises before? It was another<br />

menswear shop, and prior to that, a bakers. The<br />

building itself dates back to 1330 and clothing was<br />

first sold by the Slop Sellers in the mid 1550s.<br />

Where do you get your stock from? We mainly<br />

stock high-quality British brands, such as Van<br />

Heusen, Viyella, Hodgsons of Scotland, Barbour<br />

and Brook Taverner.<br />

What’s the most expensive thing you sell? A suit<br />

for £195.<br />

And the cheapest? A snuff hank for £1.95<br />

And the most unusual? Our military accessories,<br />

ties and badges, or our range of wildlife ties.<br />

is there anyhting that irritates you about the<br />

business?The seasonal booking delay - we have to<br />

buy things so far in advance, it’s often difficult to<br />

judge exactly what stock we’ll actually need months<br />

in advance.<br />

What is your favourite shop in <strong>Lewes</strong>? Bright<br />

Ideas on School Hill.<br />

Recommend somewhere to eat out? I recently<br />

had a great meal in Lazzati’s, and I sometimes pop<br />

in to Caffe Nero for a coffee.<br />

What sort of business do you think <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

needs to attract? The town has a great independent<br />

feel to it, so any shops, which are new and<br />

original, will be welcome.<br />

Would a redeveloped Phoenix area be good for<br />

the town? Firstly, I don’t think the town can cope<br />

with much more traffic. Also, unfortunately, previous<br />

“affordable housing” schemes in <strong>Lewes</strong> have<br />

not managed to provide the promised long term<br />

housing solutions for local people.<br />

What do you think about the idea of pedestrianising<br />

the centre of <strong>Lewes</strong>? It’s not practical, as<br />

lorries and the general traffic still needs to move<br />

through the town. <strong>Lewes</strong> needs to resolve its traffic<br />

and parking problems before it starts on more<br />

pedestrianisation.<br />

Could you do anything to make your business<br />

greener? I’m trying to source biodegradable plastic<br />

bags and am becoming increasingly aware of recycling<br />

issues. Hopefully our suppliers will start to use<br />

less packaging - but in reality things will only really<br />

change when the supermarkets take the lead.<br />

Any expansion plans? We hope to launch on the<br />

web in the near future.<br />

is there anything you always get asked?<br />

Q1 - Did Hugh Rae ever exist?<br />

A1 - He certainly did, he was my grandfather<br />

share a top tip with our readers - To protect<br />

your head from the sun (when it’s out), buy a good<br />

quality Panama hat. V<br />

Nick Williams<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

T R A D E S E C R E T S<br />

Photograph: Katie Moorman

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The <strong>Lewes</strong> Directory<br />

Local tradespeople for your business, home and garden<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />

Welcome to the <strong>Lewes</strong> Directory, your essential guide to many of the businesses and services on offer in the<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> District. Every month the directory gets bigger, and this month, as well as expanding the health and<br />

wellbeing pages, we have also started to include a number of business to business and car service companies.<br />

It is vitally important to us that the services advertised in the <strong>Viva</strong> <strong>Lewes</strong> Handbook are offering good value<br />

and great service. To make sure this is the case, we will be publishing regular reviews of the various services<br />

on offer. So if you have any feedback, positive or negative, let us know via feedback@vivalewes.com.<br />

Also, if you are a local business which is currently not represented in the directory, and would like the<br />

opportunity to advertise from as little as £5 plus VAT per month, then call 01273 488882, or email<br />

advertising@vivalewes.com.<br />

Please note that though we aim to only take advertising from reputable businesses, we cannot guarantee the<br />

quality of any work undertaken, and accept no reponsibility or liability for any issues arising.<br />

5 1

5<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />

Acupuncture<br />

Richard Mudie<br />

Roger Murray 01273 473912<br />

Hanna Evans 07799 417924<br />

Alexander Technique<br />

Adele Gibson 01273 473168<br />

Allergy Testing<br />

Robin Ravenhill 01273 470955<br />

Aromatherapy<br />

Marianna Lampard<br />

01273 483471<br />

Baby Massage<br />

Dafna Bartle 01273 470955<br />

Beauty & Massage Therapist<br />

Melanie Verity 01273 470908<br />

Bowen Therapist<br />

Rita Eccles 01273 488009<br />

Chiropractor<br />

Dr. Trevor Mains .01273 473473<br />


Ruth M. Sheen<br />

(M.B.A.C.P)<br />

01273 486338<br />

07748082278<br />

Cranio sacral Therapy<br />

Natalie Mineau 01273 470955<br />

Counselling<br />

Maggie Turner 07944481858<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Counselling Services<br />

01273 390331<br />

Tanya Smart 07790 979571<br />

Counsellor & integrative Arts<br />

Camilla Clark 01273 483025<br />

Cosmetic Treatment<br />

Simonne Carvin 01273 474428<br />


working with chakra energy<br />

regular classes and workshops<br />

Adrienne 0 81 6 568<br />

www.thevoiceproject.co.uk<br />

electrolysis and Beauty<br />

Kim Cook 01273 476375<br />

emotional Freedom Technique<br />

Kathy Johnson 01273 487464<br />

eurythmy<br />

Harmonizing Body, Mind &<br />

spirit. Kishu Wong<br />

01 66<br />

Facial Rejuvenation Massage<br />

Angie Asplin 01273 470955<br />

Homeopathy<br />

DuNCAN FReWeN Bsc, Lic.<br />



At the Equilibrium Clinic<br />

Tel: 01273 470955<br />

Nicki Hutchinson 01273 470955<br />

Amanda Saurin 01273 479383<br />

Pat Eynon 01273 4883<br />

Hannah Scarlett 01273 480083<br />

Sarah Worne 01273 480089<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

Hypnotherapist<br />

Mary O’Keefe 07774 050466<br />

Richard Morley 01273 470955<br />

Richard Slade 01273 470955<br />

Michael Lank 01273 479397<br />

Life Coaching<br />

Butterfly 0800 2983798<br />

Benna Madan 01273 470842<br />

Zara Tippey 0845 4569816<br />

Massage Therapist<br />

Helen Willis 01273 242969<br />

Pam Hewitt 01273 403930<br />

Medical Herbalist<br />

Sherie Gabrielle 01273 473256<br />

Myo-Reflex Therapist (Physio)<br />

Birgitt Auer 07966 936390<br />

Nutrition<br />

Claire Hicks 01273 470955<br />

Annie McRae 01273 470543<br />

Pilates<br />

Silvia Laurenti 01273 470955<br />

Bridgette Lee 01273 470955<br />

Osteopathy<br />

Lin Peters 01273 476371<br />

Simon Murray 01273 403930<br />

Physiotherapy & sports injury<br />

Physiotherapy and<br />

sports injury Clinic<br />

Nigel Baker<br />

(BSc, MCSP, SRP)<br />

Southdown Sports Club<br />

01 806 0<br />

Psychotherapy and supervision<br />

Rosalind Field 01273 40116<br />

Podiatrists<br />

Clive Jones 01273 475000<br />

spritual & Crystal<br />

Healing<br />

Helen Piniger<br />

01 1 5<br />

sports Massage Therapist<br />

Bill Jeffries 01273 471965<br />

Tai Chi<br />

Paul Tucker 01273 470955<br />

Yoga<br />

Anita 07764 580767<br />

Lesley Rowe 07791 521736

Health and Wellbeing<br />

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Dr Simonne Carvin<br />

BSc(Med) MBBS MA<br />

Minimally Invasive<br />

Cosmetic Medical Treatments<br />

at the <strong>Lewes</strong> Clinic - Fullers Passage - 19b High St - <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 474 428 www.cosmeticmedicineclinic.co.uk<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />


5<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />

Painting classes every Tue, Wed & Thurs<br />

morning £80 for 6 wk course.<br />

Untutored Life drawing Thursday evening<br />

WALK’N CHALK: AUG 11<br />


Young (11+) & Little Artists (8+)<br />

meet alternate Sunday am,<br />

Summer Schools throughout August.<br />

Dairy Studio, Old Malling Farm, <strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

Tel: Susie on 01273 858438<br />

www.dairystudio-artcourses.co.uk<br />

Arti-Parties for arti kids! Etch printing,<br />

felt making, mosaics….<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

DAIRY<br />

STUDIO<br />

WALL OF ART 2007<br />


This disease is devastating for all those<br />

involved; MND is a progressive, fatal condition<br />

that causes muscle wastage: It is fairly rare<br />

and unfortunately there is currently no cure,<br />

and most people with MND die from it within a<br />

few years.<br />

If you didn’t make it to Dairy Studio’s WALL of<br />

ART post card size art sale last September,<br />

then make sure you donate a card and come<br />

to the event this September 1 st<br />

Its fun, lively and all proceeds go to MND<br />

families in <strong>Lewes</strong>.<br />

Please start thinking about donating a post<br />

card size piece of art again this year: Contact<br />

Susie Monnington on<br />

01273 858438 or 07790556420.<br />

Details are on the newsletter page at:<br />


Health and Wellbeing<br />


Our life is richly woven of events and meetings,<br />

joys and crises, relationships and turning points.<br />

Through artistic exercises, talks and sharing in<br />

small groups we set out to see the larger destiny<br />

picture and to unravel some of our own mystery.<br />

Tracing the red thread of meaning and purpose<br />

in our lives illumines the “NOW” and enables<br />

choices in our next steps.<br />

If you are standing before a crossroad, or a life<br />

decision or wish to better understand your path,<br />

this workshop is for you.<br />

7 Sessions: beginning Tuesday<br />

25th September ~ 7.30 to 9.30pm<br />

Or Thursday 27th September 2.00 to 4.00pm<br />

Cost £85.00<br />

For further information telephone 01273 474596<br />

Mobile 0777 5755012<br />

Course leader: Hazel Collinson<br />

(biographical counsellor and biography groupworker)<br />

Venue location: Pelham Terrace.<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />




GROUPS<br />


Zarebas Groups offers an eight<br />

part course over 19 weeks, based<br />

on Buddhist principles.<br />

A straightforward, easy to follow<br />

introduction to genuine stress<br />

reduction, using insight into our<br />

limiting beliefs.<br />

September 9th to December 16th 2007<br />

Equilibrium Complementary Health Centre<br />

16 Station Street <strong>Lewes</strong> East Sussex<br />

01273 470955<br />

www.equilibrium-clinic.com<br />

info@equilibrium-clinic.com<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />

5 5

5 6<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />

Bespoke Kitchens<br />

Hartley Quinn Wislon<br />

01273 401648<br />

Peter Rogan 01273 513478<br />

Building and Landscaping<br />

Steve Holford 01273 475485<br />

Building and Decorating<br />

Marc Cable 0773 9127901<br />

Building Maintenance<br />

Ray Shaw 01273 477636<br />

Building services<br />

Corey Pegler 01273 486776<br />

Business services<br />

Carpentry<br />

Carpenter, Decorator<br />

Sash Windows Repairs<br />

Paul Furnell<br />

Tel: 07717 862940<br />

Goodman-Burrows 01273 483339<br />

Phil Day 07813 326130<br />

Ceramic Restorer<br />

Sarah Burgess 01273 479099<br />

Chimney sweep<br />

Mark Owen 01273 514349<br />

Corgi Gas Boiler servicing<br />

Dereck Wills 01273 472886<br />

electrical Contractor<br />

Robin Shoebridge 01273 515169<br />

Gardening<br />

sally Holder<br />

Professional Gardener<br />

Specialising in high quality<br />

renovation and maintenance<br />

tel 01 1 86<br />

Glazier<br />

Castle Glazing<br />

Dave Dryburgh 01273 472697<br />

i T / Computer support<br />

Geeks on Wheels<br />

0800 107 4111<br />

David Kemp 01273 475727<br />

sol Hoch (Apple Mac support)<br />

01 0155<br />

Joinery services<br />

Parsons Joinery 01273 814870<br />

Landscape Gardening / Design<br />

Woodruffs 01273 4708431<br />

Phil Downham 01273 488261<br />

Alex Hart 01273 401962<br />

Languages<br />

Spanish Lessons<br />

Call Adriana Blair<br />

41A St. Anne’s Crescent, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 476982<br />

Email: napb@fsmail.net<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

Business, Home & Garden<br />

Painter & Decorator<br />

Steve Dartnell 01273 478469<br />

P. Moult 01825 714738<br />

DRuM AND<br />

PiANO LessONs<br />

Beginners to Intermediate<br />

Call Luke on 01273 479184<br />

0782 8298507<br />

Plumbing & Heating<br />

Plumbcare 0845 6421799<br />

Keri Lindsay & Berty Richer<br />

01273 476570<br />



Martin Ashby<br />

T: 01273 476539<br />

Mobile: 07754 041827<br />

Removals & House Clearance<br />

Benjamin Light 07904 453825<br />

Roofing services<br />

Richard Soan 01273 486110<br />

Guitar/Songwriting lessons<br />

Beginners - Intermediate<br />

Many styles covered<br />

Call Darius on 07980743830

Business, Home & Garden<br />

Think Different<br />

Apple Mac IT Support<br />

Telephone: 01273 470155<br />

� Apple Certified Systems Administrator<br />

� Broadband, Wired & WiFi Networks<br />

� Apple & Windows OS integration<br />

� Friendly advice, 7x24x365 Support<br />

� �Outside the Box� solutions<br />

email: sollie103@mac.com<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />


5 8<br />

d i r E C t o r y Business, Home & Garden<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M

Business, Home & Garden<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

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6 0<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

Taxis<br />

GM Taxis 01273 473 737<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> District Taxis Ltd 01273 483 232<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Hackney Carriages 01273 474 444<br />

Len’s Taxies 01273 488 000<br />



TO BOOK CALL 01273 475 858<br />

S & G Taxis 01273 476 116<br />

Yellow Cars 01273 472 727<br />

To advertise call<br />

01273 488882 or email<br />

advertising@vivalewes.com<br />

Useful Numbers:<br />

Emergency/Utilities<br />

Electricity and Gas 0800 783 8866<br />

Gas Emergency 0800 111 999<br />

Water Emergency 0845 278 0845<br />

Floodline 0845 988 1188<br />

BT Fault Line 0800 800 151<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Victoria Hospital<br />

01273 474153<br />

Sussex Police (non-emergency)<br />

0845 607 0999<br />

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111<br />

Transport<br />

Gatwick Enq 0870 000 2468<br />

Heathrow Enq 0870 000 0123<br />

National Rail 08457 484950<br />

Public Transport Travel line<br />

0870 608 2608<br />

Other<br />

Childline 0800 1111<br />

Citizens’ Advice 01273 473082<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Chamber of Commerce<br />

01273 488212<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> District Council<br />

01273 471600<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Library 01273 474232<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Tourist Info 01273 483448<br />

The Samaritans 08457 90 90 90

Restaurants and Take Aways<br />

Bill’s Produce store<br />

56 Cliffe High Street<br />

01273 476918<br />

Beijing Restaurant<br />

13 Fisher St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 487 654<br />

Casbah<br />

146 High Street, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 472441<br />

Cheese Please<br />

46 High Street <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 481048<br />

Carnival (Chinese T/A)<br />

01273 474221<br />

Circa<br />

Pelham House Lane, <strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

01273 471 333<br />

Dilraj<br />

12 Fisher St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 479 279<br />

LAPORTe’s<br />

Local and Organic Food<br />

1 Lansdown Place<br />

01 881<br />

Lazzati’s (italian)<br />

17, Market St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 479539<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> spice<br />

32 Lansdown Place, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 472 493<br />

Panda Garden Chinese<br />

162 High St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 473 235<br />

Pizza express plc<br />

15 High St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 487 524<br />

seasons of <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

199 High St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 473 968<br />

shanaz<br />

Curry House<br />

01 880 8<br />

Spice Merchant<br />

01273 470707<br />

south street Fish Bar<br />

9 South St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 474 710<br />

spring Barn Farm<br />

Kingston Road, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 488450<br />

The Brasserie<br />

Cliffe High St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 472 247<br />

The Needlemakers Cafe<br />

West Street <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 486258<br />

The Friar<br />

7 Fisher St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 472 016<br />

Yummy Yummy’s<br />

38 Western Road,<strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 473366<br />

Pubs<br />

Abergavenny Arms<br />

Rodmell, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 472416<br />

Black Horse inn<br />

55 Western Rd,<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

01273 473 653<br />

Blacksmiths Arms<br />

Offham, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 472 971<br />

Dorset<br />

22 Mallinsg Street <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 474823<br />

elephant & Castle<br />

White Hill, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 473 797<br />

Green Man<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Road Ringmer<br />

01273 812422<br />

John Harvey Tavern<br />

1 Bear Yard t, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 479 880<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Arms<br />

1 Mount Place, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 473 152<br />

Pelham Arms<br />

High St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 476 149<br />

Royal Oak<br />

3 Station Street, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 474803<br />

snowdrop inn<br />

119 South St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 471 018<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

Tally Ho<br />

Baxter Rd, <strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

01273 474 759<br />

The Anchor<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Road Ringmer<br />

01273 812370<br />

The Brewers Arms<br />

91 High St, <strong>Lewes</strong>,<br />

01273 475 524<br />

The Cock<br />

Uckfield Road, Ringmer<br />

01273 812040<br />

The Chalk Pit inn<br />

Offham Rd, Offham<br />

01273 471 124<br />

The Juggs<br />

The Street, Kingston, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 472 523<br />

The Lansdown<br />

36 Lansdown Place, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 480623<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />

The Kings Head<br />

9 Southover High St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 474 628<br />

The Meridian<br />

109 Western Rd, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

Tel: 01273 473710<br />

The Lamb<br />

10 Fisher St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 470 950<br />

The Rainbow inn<br />

Resting Oak Hill, Cooksbridge<br />

01273 400 334<br />

The Rainbow Tavern<br />

179 High St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 472 170<br />

The swan<br />

30a Southover High St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 480 211<br />

Volunteer inn<br />

12 Eastgate St, <strong>Lewes</strong><br />

01273 476357<br />

6 1

M Y L E W E S<br />

6<br />

Name: Raphaella Sapir.<br />

Profession: I’m an arts project manager. I’m the<br />

co-ordinator of the ‘PATINA’ (parents and teachers<br />

in art) ‘Moving On’ parade, which takes place every<br />

beginning of July. I also co-run a small semi-underground<br />

Film and Food club at the Tin Tabernacle<br />

in Barcombe. We screen world films, and serve food<br />

from the country of origin. I used to work making<br />

props and set dressing for TV and cinema.<br />

Are you local? I’ve lived here for a good seven years.<br />

Before that I lived in London and Tel Aviv. When<br />

people ask me where I’m from it gets a bit complicated,<br />

because my mother is Tuscan Italian (of German<br />

and Hungarian parents), and my father’s Israeli<br />

(from Russian and Israeli parents). Often I just say<br />

I’m from Malling.<br />

Are you very aware that you’re a foreigner? I feel<br />

totally at home here, but I’m not speaking my mother<br />

tongue, so I’m always aware that I’m not from here.<br />

Perhaps it’s destiny: my mother was in the same position,<br />

and her mother before that.<br />

Best thing about <strong>Lewes</strong>? Bumping into friendly<br />

people all the time really makes me feel at home.<br />

What do you dislike about <strong>Lewes</strong>? I’m worried<br />

about the changes <strong>Lewes</strong> is bound to go through in<br />

the future. People will be saying ‘remember how it<br />

was in the old days?’ Well we’re living in the ‘old<br />

days’ now. And I am aware of how lovely it is.<br />

Favourite pub? The <strong>Lewes</strong> Arms after the boycott.<br />

Although I don’t do beer.<br />

What’s your poison? Vodka with whatever.<br />

Waitrose or Tesco (or neither)? Neither. Ashurst<br />

Organic box with extras, Infinity Food bulk order, a<br />

bit of Barefoot Herbs and May’s General Store.<br />

What did you have for breakfast this morning?<br />

Organic fair trade coffee from a percolator (milk no<br />

sugar) and a radish, lettuce, cucumber, lemon and<br />

olive-oil salad.<br />

What do you think about traffic wardens? I think<br />

that they must be really desperate to resort to getting<br />

such a job. A job which makes so many people<br />

unhappy and generates so much hatred. At ‘Something<br />

to Dance About’ (Paddock Productions’ day<br />

of dancing last year) I made props for the Warden<br />

Dance in the Precinct, so I developed some compassion<br />

for the poor souls.<br />

Which newspaper do you read? <strong>Viva</strong><strong>Lewes</strong>.com,<br />

when it comes out on Wednesday evening and the<br />

Sussex Express. I occasionally dip into international<br />

news on the web.<br />

Favourite <strong>Lewes</strong> landmark? I love the view from<br />

where we call ‘Tellytubby Land 2’ above the Chalk<br />

Pit Inn. Otherwise known as ‘Bonnie Scotland’. You<br />

can see the river turning and all of <strong>Lewes</strong> and the<br />

Castle, and when the train passes with its lights on…<br />

it’s like a picture book.<br />

How would you spend a perfect sunday afternoon?<br />

In my friend Adrienne’s woods, whistling and<br />

making wooden spoons and bows and arrows.<br />

And a restaurant? Moshi Moshi in Brighton. It’s a<br />

sushi bar where the plates move round on a conveyor<br />

belt. In <strong>Lewes</strong> it’ll be Seasons, Bill’s or Circa.<br />

What’s on your hi-fi? The White Stripes. All the<br />

albums. ‘The Denial Twist’ is my favourite track.<br />

What does <strong>Lewes</strong> need? More people to car share,<br />

it’s fab. And could the local independent cafés stay<br />

open after 5pm, please?<br />

W W W. V i V a l E W E S . C o M<br />

Photograph: Katie Moorman

Property Restoration<br />

We specialise in restoration and alteration of old and listed buildings,<br />

from traditional oak-framed barns to Victorian town houses<br />

Showroom:<br />

Cooksbridge Station<br />

Tel:<br />

01273 401648<br />

Email:<br />

mark@hqwshowroom.co.uk<br />

W W W. V i V A L e W e s . C O M<br />

Web:<br />

www.hqwshowroom.co.uk<br />

d i r E C t o r y<br />


Because life’s<br />

an investment.<br />

www.herbertscott.co.uk<br />

financial management<br />

Call 01273 407500 or email<br />

enquiries@herbertscott.co.uk<br />

Herbert Scott Financial Management comprises of Herbert Scott Financial Management Ltd and Herbert Scott IFA Ltd.<br />

Herbert Scott IFA Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

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