Annual Report 2006 - Tamar European Industrial Fund

Annual Report 2006 - Tamar European Industrial Fund

Annual Report 2006 - Tamar European Industrial Fund


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Notes to the Accounts<br />

2. Fees<br />

Group<br />

(a) Investment management fees 504<br />

Under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, Kenmore Financial Services Limited (the Investment<br />

Manager) is entitled to a base fee equal to 0.75 per cent per annum of the aggregate value of the real estate assets of<br />

the Group, until such time that 90 per cent of the fund is committed or invested and thereafter equal to 0.90 per cent per<br />

annum of the aggregate value of the real estate assets of the Group. The base fee rate will reduce to 0.85 per cent per<br />

annum to the extent that such assets exceed £550 million and to 0.75 per cent per annum to the extent that such assets<br />

exceed £700 million.<br />

The base fee is payable quarterly in arrear and, in respect of each calendar quarter, will be calculated by reference to<br />

the time weighted average of the aggregate value of the real estate assets of the Group for the relevant quarter.<br />

Performance fee<br />

In addition, the Investment Manager is entitled to a performance fee in respect of each performance period if the<br />

growth in net asset value (excluding deferred tax on unrealised capital gains or losses in the Property Portfolio plus<br />

dividend returns, at the end of that performance period) exceeds 10 per cent per annum and, further, if the Company<br />

has met its stated dividend policy during such performance period.<br />

The performance fee rate is set at 20 per cent of such outperformance. The trigger for a performance fee payment for<br />

each period is subject to a ‘‘high water mark’’ which is reset every 3 years, such that the 10 per cent hurdle applies to<br />

the previous highest financial period end NAV within each consecutive 3 year period.<br />

50 per cent of the performance fee, if payable in respect of any performance period, will be paid in cash. An amount<br />

equal to the remaining 50 per cent in ordinary shares in the Company will be set aside and paid to the Investment<br />

Manager if the Company has met its stated dividend policy for a period of 2 years commencing at the end of the<br />

performance period in respect of which the performance fee provisionally accrued.<br />

The issue price of any shares to be issued to the Investment Manager shall be the higher of the average market price<br />

of the shares over 20 Business Days prior to the end of the financial period in respect of which the performance fee<br />

was earned and the published NAV (calculated excluding any deferred tax on capital gains) as at the end of such<br />

performance period.<br />

The first performance period shall be the period from Admission to 31 December 2007 and, thereafter, the performance<br />

period shall be each 12 month period ending on 31 December. No fee has been accrued in the period to 31 December<br />

<strong>2006</strong>. At each interim reporting date the Board will consider the need to make an accrual for any fee due under the<br />

Investment Management Agreement taking into account performance to date and their view of the outlook for the<br />

balance of each performance period.<br />

Termination<br />

The Investment Management Agreement may be terminated by either the Company or the Investment Manager on not<br />

less than twelve months’ notice in writing but so as not to expire prior to 25 September 2010. Pursuant to the terms of<br />

the Investment Management Agreement, the Company and the Investment Manager agree to review the terms of such<br />

agreement on the fourth anniversary of the Investment Management Agreement.<br />

(b) Valuers’ fees<br />

The valuers, Savills SA, have agreed to provide valuation services in respect of the property portfolio.<br />

24<br />

£’000<br />

Notes to the Accounts<br />

3. Other expenses<br />

Company Group<br />

£’000 £’000<br />

Direct operating expenses of let rental property - 1,446<br />

Investment management fees (see note 2(a)) - 504<br />

Provision for bad debts - 235<br />

Valuation and other professional fees 30 427<br />

Directors’ fees 42 42<br />

Auditors remuneration for:<br />

- audit 38 92<br />

- other services to the Group - -<br />

Other 60 255<br />

In addition to the above, the auditors received £31,000 for services provided in connection with the launch<br />

of the Company. This expense is set against the proceeds from the share issue.<br />

170 3,001<br />

4. Finance costs Company Group<br />

£’000 £’000<br />

Interest on borrowings - 1,962<br />

Unrealised gains on interest rate swaps - (1,092)<br />

Other interest 720 (108)<br />

720 762<br />

5. Taxation Company Group<br />

£’000 £’000<br />

Current income tax charge - 221<br />

Deferred income tax relating to origination and reversal of temporary differences (see note 10) - 2,583<br />

Total tax charge - 2,804<br />

A reconciliation of the income tax charge applicable to the results from ordinary activities at the statutory income tax<br />

rate to the charge for the period is as follows:<br />

Company Group<br />

£’000 £’000<br />

Net profit from ordinary activities before taxation 1,139 7,701<br />

Income tax at following - 2,460<br />

applicable tax rates 0% 31.94%<br />

Effects of:<br />

Capital gains on revaluation of investment properties not taxable - (2,532)<br />

Tax exempt income - (56)<br />

Non-deductible expenses - 12<br />

Losses not utilised - 100<br />

Other timing differences - 237<br />

Total tax charge - 221<br />


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