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Il Mistero dei 100 Dollari Scomparsi, (instructions recei ved by Liam Gillick) , Gio‘<br />

Marconi,<br />

Milan, 1992.<br />

Molteplici Cultura, ed. Carolyn Christov-Barkargiev, Edizione Carte Segrete,<br />

Rome, 1992<br />

240 Minuten, Video compilation by Lothar Hempel and Georg Graw, Esther<br />

Schipper, Köln,<br />

1992.<br />

Exh.cat. No Man‘s Ti me, CNAC, Villa Arson, Nice, 1991.<br />

Exh.cat. Broken English, essay by Andrew Graham -Dixon, Serpentine Gallery,<br />

London,<br />

1991.<br />

Plastic Fantastic Lover, essay by Catherine Liu, Blum Helman, New York, 1991.<br />

Wechselstrom. Sammlung Hauser und Wirth in der Lokr emise, part 2, ed. Michaela<br />

Unterdörfer, Cologne, 1991.<br />

Exh.cat. art>music. An exhibition looking at crossovers between visual art and<br />

music,<br />

Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, 1991<br />

Exh.cat. Bulloch, Hume, Landy, essay by Andrew Renton, Esther Schip per,<br />

Cologne, 1990.<br />

Nachschub, ed. SPEX magazine, Köln Show, Cologne, 1990.<br />

Home Truths, essay by Kate Bush, Castello di Rivara, Torino, 1989.<br />

Articles and Reviews<br />

Gockel, Cornelia. ‘Wenn Pixel explodieren,’ Sueddeutsche Zeitung (February 15,<br />

2008):<br />

p. 14.<br />

Weskott, Hanne. ‘Alles einer Frage der Perspektive,’ SZ Extra. Sueddeutsche<br />

Zeitung (February 14, 2008): p. 4.<br />

Dattenberger, Simone. ‘Klänge einer Sternennacht,’ Münchner Merkur (February<br />

15, 2008).<br />

Popescu, Adina. Preview: The space that time forg ot, Lenbachhaus, Kunstbau,<br />

München, Artforum International. January 2008, XLVI, No.5, p. 163.<br />

‘The Producers.’ Roundtable, Artforum International XLVI, No.2, October 2007,<br />

pp. 352-359<br />

402.<br />

Prinz, Felix, ‘Welt aus den Angeln’ (review), Texte zur Kunst , September 2007,<br />

pp. 252 – 254.<br />

‘Angela Bulloch Installations’, www.wallpaper.com, May 2007.<br />

Rottmann, André, ‘Angela Bulloch at Esther Schipper, Berlin’, Critic’s Picks,<br />

www.artforum.com, April 2007.<br />

van den Hoven, Gerrit, ‘Angela Bulloch gaat door w aar Judd stopt’, Brabants<br />

Dagblad,<br />

02.01.2006.<br />

Seung-duk, Kim, ‘What Difference Does It Make?’, Frog, Nr. 3, spring/summer<br />

2006, pict.<br />

pp. 112 – 116.<br />

Seung-duk, Kim, ‘Power Interview, Angela Bulloch’s Pixel Odessey’, Art in Culture,<br />

Nr. 4,<br />

2006.<br />

Herbert, Martin, ‘Angela Bulloch’ , Artforum, Nr. 8, April 2006, pict. pp. 218 – 219.<br />

Van den Boogerd, Dominic, ‘Pixels en regels’, Metropolis M, nr. 1, 2006, pict. pp.<br />


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