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SON(rcHEMICAI, SYNIIIISIS AIID CIIARACTERIZATION OF PR.ECT'RSORS FOR DEP1OSITION OF THIN FILMS OT CERAMIC MAISRIALS TOR GAS SENSORS A Dissenation Submitted lo the Deparrnent of Ch€mistry, Quaid-i-Azam Un iversity, Islamabad, in panial tulfillmenr ofthe rcquirehenr for the deAree of Doctor ofPhilosophy Inorgsnic/Analytical Chemistry by Sy[ .uzannitl{'assain Deparhnent of Chemistry Quaid-i-Azam University lslamabad 45320, Pakistan (November 2009)

<strong>SON</strong>(<strong>rcHEMICAI</strong>, <strong>SYNIIIISIS</strong> <strong>AIID</strong><br />

<strong>CIIARACTERIZATION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>PR</strong>.<strong>ECT</strong>'RSORS FOR<br />



A Dissenation Submitted lo the Deparrnent of Ch€mistry,<br />

Quaid-i-Azam Un iversity, Islamabad, in panial tulfillmenr ofthe<br />

rcquirehenr for the deAree of<br />

Doctor ofPhilosophy<br />

Inorgsnic/Analytical Chemistry<br />

by<br />

Sy[ .uzannitl{'assain<br />

Deparhnent of Chemistry<br />

Quaid-i-Azam University<br />

lslamabad 45320, Pakistan<br />

(November 2009)


lhis is ro certiry lh.t lnis disertation.nfiled .Son@h.otc.l Sy,rt.rir ad<br />

chttuctqization of Precr6oa lot Deposition ot Thir Ftth of Cenhlc Matalntt tol<br />

Cdr.tezr,rs" subniltcd by Syed M@Dnil Uu$!i! is Mepled in its pEs.! fom by<br />

thc Dcpannenl ol Clenistry, QEid,iAe Udv€siry, IsloDabad, paliscon, 6<br />

saGrying the pdnial for rh. deCE of Do.rot oJ Phitotoptt i<br />

/1, a lttie I /h o I e or ic C I e n it I t!,<br />

-21-'--z--<br />

Dr Ri0 Aio.d,<br />

C.S.O., NuclearChehisrryDivision<br />

PINSTECqNiIoR,<br />

CPS Dielorrte, NESCOM,<br />

P O. Bo\ 2216,<br />

Prct Di &i! B.drn.h


I i! crd6d |h.[ li..nFiurrl elit xrr DqfaD.d a let.d..L rly<br />

t hotuLr, D.larn dof tuirry, etd&i-Aa Untrqdry,ICet dar32&<br />

od bailr. Ofl'd!.ril Codd S]l!t o oICS) hldlb.<br />

To d! td of ry l@wlcdsc |h. ao* i! qliEt |!d hr rtltt t .a F.ed t, ey<br />

otdlru. @yddm cvr|ldd of pt"D h*<br />

iil<br />

sr.d Mrr.Dr|l llt|.i.<br />

D.DdG Of.L-dt<br />

qd&i:Azm, IrlnElit<br />

I!&rb.d 45320, P.lritu


'Ir.Ub rytt*t tu 6td<br />

nD4 oqaL.t -a *<br />

.a@vqmt ,4t tu rt b h&l N<br />



It b my piivilcge ro b. v€ry thd}in b 6y Esearch supeNi$r Prot Dr. MuttnE.d<br />

M.rlr, Ilp.rtnoi of Ch@tr.y, Quaid-i-Azd Uaiv6iry, Ista@h6d for his<br />

invduble guiddce dtl imas. co-op€r.lio.. Duing this .nd.avou in spit€ of his<br />

p!!.@Wdion !. pFvided all h.lp, pEciou sugg.stioN & m@uagcn€n! which<br />

.oued n io conpl€r. tnis task in dn . No mand how in onctuiE I thoudr ny d!l.i<br />

!!!, I alw.rr feh benq a0a di$Nbn with hin. I cmor imosine oyonc lhsl wolld<br />

b. m@ @miftd ro htu snddtr or 0!eir r$eh rhd Dr Mr!.i<br />

I wbh to crprcs my gEtitu&., to Dr. Iht.z Q.Err. Menb€r Def€r@, Di Sy.d<br />

Wlll.y.t Hrs.i!, Mcmbd Sci.G, Rshl.l Atud Atri Dir.tor cen ht of hstitut.<br />

Of Ind!$rial Conlrol sysr@ (Ircs) pa&ilt n foi providins rcquiEd f&ihi€s dd<br />

potdtial vd&s, etich played a vibl Dt. in @nducling ed @mpl.tion of lhis wo*.<br />

Appuiotion gG !o Dr. Sr.d T.iDot Hun., pFfsor Dr. Jmil AtE.d, Dr<br />

lbtihddh dd Prcf. Dr, Sy.d Abn.d ri@izt for th€ valuabtc discussions,<br />

Suid&e 6d ledioB poofMdins ofoy rh6is.<br />

I rculd lik io lh.nt alt my leehcn .sFcistly pmt Dr Ani! B.d!t. ed pof. Dr,<br />

s.qlb A[ fo' providing ho6] suppon.<br />

I wtdd .lso lik ro rlEnk my€ b.ft l. UCS, L.b 4l {.1 42 of the<br />

D.trrnueltoflnory. c/An.btlc.t Cbeoktry for th€ir limely co.opmiion.<br />

Fitully I edd.l€fljtclt lite 10 pay bantu glritutcs' ro my b.toted p@nls md by<br />

fmily wh6. inv.lublc nodl suprbit &d .DcoMgmcnrs hav€ tao a b.eon oI ligh<br />

ihrcugh out ny edwddonal &hi€v.Ddtt<br />

At tn. lan bft ml lcse, th. rct. of rhoe pdeDjirid *toe tM6 @utd nor b.<br />

d'splayed in wods bul will r€nain in ny, Tbrtrk yuu.<br />

Sy.d Muodl I|us.i.

<strong>PR</strong>EFACE<br />

'Ihb th6b @Nisls ofthe cha$q!:<br />

Ct ptr r Fdna iftld@lid ro llt. bctic @@pl! of tle smndisy, c.mic<br />

natdialt, p$uerq thin filn t cbniques aid s bd.f d.sipiion of aah of the<br />

*FriE !t l &.tniqu.r Fg{dilg p@tue6 ald thi! fle cbtic&rblioll s6ing<br />

Eeb&is, @rc€tt of b.rd g.p @giMin8 boctgoutrd t tcv@l ro rlc $bjet.<br />

Cbrpt r 2 .xplairts th. axpdin€ntal dcraib of €@ch w* ircludinc aynrhcss of<br />

p|eeB, cbdr&t rirrtioog tL.rE l dMposirid latrcG of !@ulsB .tong wirh<br />

cv.lutio! of sod. of tbe kindic Ddd.L6, thin n|o f.bricarion 6d physicat<br />

cb@tqiz.tion of Aiaxi.l C\ ZnO lrd &O, .long wirh Z.O tuing pbp€njca<br />

€Fi.[y for dblml {d lydocdtor d! dlo Flgtld.<br />

Ch.pt6 3 desls Bilh rBolt! ed dikwion Egddirg ou 6!diDgs.<br />

R.&Mc.! ae gilcn .l ta .!d ofad chrpt r. Firrly roEc g.e6l mclulioF for all<br />

of tlc sod( e dnwn md Mu.. fd poctibb nli@ dirstioG of srdia e Fojer.d.<br />

SFcin .xpait@irl d€bils e givo in .pp.ndioier for eady rcf.ence.

LIST <strong>OF</strong> CONTENTS<br />


Ll.l Honogc!@B roD@h.nirtyofliquid sy'cm 2<br />

I.1.2 g.r.reA@u. smtmilry of liquid-tiqoid lnd tiquidslid 3ystcrs l<br />

1,2 So@hmjcd 3tnth€ei! 6<br />

1.3 SoMbdisry GquipEdt3 E<br />

r.3.1 th. ulir@nio cl@ing bath 9<br />

t,4 Cc!@icMt rU<br />

1.4,1 C.rdic @arile d a 8$ s6sr v<br />

1,4.2 U3iig dopalts lo aldc rMlclcctviry t3<br />

1.4,3 S.Mrqchir.chr@ L<br />

1,4,4 S@ing|@hdi@ t5<br />

L5. Sel*don of e.6t pdi||@od.5 psueB for ulMic !@$l | ?<br />

Nilr.d cl@ical vlpou d@sittd rabDjq@<br />


1,5.1<br />

't.5.2<br />

t.5.2.1<br />

t.5.2,2<br />

1,5.3<br />

1.5.4<br />

1.5.5<br />

1.6<br />

r.6.1<br />

t.7<br />

l_7.1<br />

t.1.2<br />

1.t.1<br />

t_7.4<br />

I.8<br />

1.8.1<br />

1.8.2<br />

1.8,3<br />

1.8.4<br />

1.8,5<br />

19<br />

Bsic fanG of Fdiictoqt6 oopldG<br />

An ovdiew of rh. .heni'lly of mcr.l Fdik tonares conpl€x€g<br />

o(ygcn b@dd 9{il(don& @bpla6<br />

Chdicd ections of n bl Fdi&.tomrc<br />

Ctdiltry of .lloxid6 MoR)hl ard @iio.l@holn.3<br />

t(M.lN(cHrlo14<br />

Ctdft Ey ol4tal.!to,(tlrr6<br />

Comp6ntiv. !tudy of de peclNn synlhcsir.d<br />

Tbi! Filo codingJtt'cDaai.t3<br />

Ultenic A.rolol A$bnd Chcmicrt Vlmu D.@!itim<br />

clAAc!'D)<br />

PFunoB ctuetedzatior i€chdqrc!<br />

Foudc! irasfonn inlied rFcirosopy (FTIR)<br />

MuXilEl@ ('H, rt ) NMR sp€cnor@py<br />

Singlc clystal X.ny dab an lFis<br />

ltin filh ch.-t6izalio!, 3rerw, chdicd coElDsitio4 and<br />

s.eiD8 elcoor di66copy (sEMyEFst disp6iE x-ny @FE<br />

Optic.l lb€orltion rtudica<br />

El@rical rcsist nc. tt@u&Ddt<br />

l9<br />

20<br />

24<br />

77<br />

l0<br />

l5<br />

49<br />

4l<br />

43<br />

45<br />

4E<br />

4E<br />

50<br />

52<br />

5l<br />

54<br />


1.9,1 Themognvimereric ealysis (TcAi/D.rivative rhemog.vimerf 56<br />

(DTO)<br />

T.9.2 TGA-FNR<br />

1.9.3 Kitutic pardaeS sntdi.s<br />



2.1 Matftiols md Methods<br />

2.2 c6sd ll€.drc for synrhes of nEl.t F-dikerourcs &d addrcr<br />

2-3 Sin8l. qtsialx-a! oalysh<br />

2.4 Pancm plarirg on cermic subsrab<br />

2.5 Thin filrn detosilion by Utlrenic Amet Asisled<br />

2.5.1 Ilin film groq1h nechejsn dd conditioG<br />

2.5.2 Eldtri€ 6isr&ce nesuenenr<br />

2.5.3 ca<br />



3.I ConpMdve study of synthesis Dures<br />

3.2 'HNMR&rrc<br />

NtvIR sludies<br />

3-3. Cryst l srructur. &alysis<br />

3.3.1 Stetul ddysis ofdi [(N,N-dimct\yletheotmine) aquo coppd (I)<br />

Gt .l Jcu(dhrexoA.)0lo)h 0{)<br />

I3.2 stur@l sllye. of bis raeDt&eronak, bB relheotmmer zinc (ltJ<br />

tzr (.(rc)r (..): t(t5)<br />

I l,l S@duml mnrJi\ot kh lN.NnimedJ ethonotmin. , z bc ( ) iodide<br />

l( dD..)zr ll. (2U<br />

l-3.4 SrdctuRl a,ulysis orbis (Gerytac.romre) bis (N.N-<br />

51<br />

58<br />

10<br />

E6<br />

92<br />

96<br />

98<br />

99<br />

l0l<br />

t02<br />

t04<br />

108<br />

III<br />

lll<br />

lt4<br />

ll7<br />


didcrhldetujGP N,o) Izr (.oc)! (d!..lDl (16)<br />

3.3.5 Stru.nld d.tyris of dcc!. F-@lliodimbidN,Ndimci[y@i'ndde)- 123<br />

h.dldoc (ID l(h" o'(do),(o .)rl €{)<br />

3.3.6 Srucru.l e.lr3b of rir(@rylaeiosle) b'! (squ) zi@liM (rv) 127<br />

ctldidc tz(..r)b OI'oh lcl (r9)<br />

3.4 ftcml studi.g<br />

130<br />

3.4.1 'ft.@rl lrdiliry of M (!@)ll atd M (rldli @d$.x6<br />

3.4,2 Kilctic p€ftn.t 6<br />

3'43 TCA-FnRslrdiG<br />

3,5 Thin filn chFctdialiot<br />

1.5.1 S@in8 .LctM nicio6olt<br />

3.5,2 )(RD rMi.s<br />

3,5,3.1 ZnO thin filn oprical d!i!<br /> ZOr tbir flD oFicd d.h<br />

3,6 Th. detric.l rcsbrivily D6UJtlMt<br />

3.6,1 El*lricd ch{-r.izado ofd. &i! ZnO ftm<br />

3.7 Gd s$ins sMiei<br />

3.7.1 ZnO @ti!g a .rb&ol ss@<br />

3,7.2 ZrO codiog s oxlr@ 3cd!o.<br />

3.7.3 znoC@ting!l n n 6t Sr5 (M€rbr$.) !.!M<br />





130<br />

t12<br />

t37<br />

l4E<br />

t4E<br />

t52<br />

t5?<br />

t5?<br />

ltE<br />

160<br />

r60<br />

t62<br />

162<br />

165<br />

166<br />

l6E<br />

t70<br />

t16<br />


Fi8u! ll:<br />

Iigurc 13:<br />

ligw 18:<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> FIGURES<br />

Conterts Pag.<br />

Soud pbpagado! i, a liquid showils €liialion bubble 2<br />

fomatior & @llap* Edd ulteDic nEqrcncy (2040 kflz)<br />

Caviblion in homogdous<br />

caviltjo! i! hdcrcse@w (t*0 pha*)<br />

Cavitation in h.r.rcs.@u Crc ph3e)<br />

Clssification of the chcmicd ed<br />

Cavit2lion i! a priticula& mnG nedim<br />

Tlc ulEedc bath for sorochcnical synlh€sis<br />

liquid-liquidmcdiu 3<br />

liquid+olid m.diM 4<br />

pbysicrl cffccts or 5<br />

Illrshtjon of dcpLLd g6jn boddriB d th. .ffccF of s<br />

Ert@ing gb or thc coDducrion F!e$<br />

Horiend appe&h Lhin nh gov'lh mechmicm duine<br />

v.nrcrl appMh for lhin filh gm*ll heh&is dqing<br />

Flow shcl for elving ndeuls snudlE by Crys&tlognph.r<br />

Moleulr sltutw or [Pd(crH,qD]<br />

Ih.mDl eUipsid rprcsst tion of ihe stm.tric uii of Zn,<br />

{14-o:XOrC:Hrro (3-{CH,oH} cjrlrl\D, with llle orhq half<br />

ofllE moleul. shoM s a d8hcd b6ll dd stick dmwile<br />

BaU &d stick rcprcs.nradoo or th€ zn4 (l+O) skclen<br />

3howitrg rh. vcrtq shar.d double tetnhldrcn of zinc Ghaded<br />

do@) wih inr.Eritial ond6 (op6 circl.t<br />

Schcmalic diagm of SEM<br />

R.action trcdu.r wten elaroN @ bonbdded on rhe<br />

xRD paftm of lhD 6ln ob6in d &om .onDtex<br />

( u-oH h ( dma.r, (drEHJ:l<br />

Encrry band *hcm€ for a *hi@odtrdo.<br />

Two point prob. t6r $lup<br />

3<br />

l6<br />

42<br />

45<br />

48<br />

49<br />

53<br />


ise2o: Fou ptube le$ enp. Pbh. I & 4 ca..y cuMr (D 2 ed I s5<br />

ncs6 voltrsc (!)<br />

Fi8@ 21: Sch.matic vi.w &d bl@k of a TGA-FTIR syscD 57<br />

Figw 22: Thc fig@ illuFarg [ow rh. coppd/gold p.n.fu lNw fonncd 94<br />

Figuc23: SometrAical coppo/goldpauem plared @rmic sub$rate 95<br />

Figr24: UAACVD S.t-Up fortni! nlndAosition 96<br />

FigN 25: Sch4Etic di.g@ of T{o Prcbe r.!rin8 €hmbd fo. 98<br />

Fsis&ne n swDdr<br />

FiSw 26: Pi.iorial yiev of .sfubty us.d ro snrdy gs ssing prop.fiy lO0<br />

ofthin fird<br />

Fis@ 27r The srmcrdc uir oI tcu(dmaexoAc)(Hro)l: shoMnS tnc I 12<br />

ld€lin8 ehmc used in ihe tqi ed ta!l€$ .romic<br />

dirpla@i. @ at tb. l0% Iaet<br />

figw28: Th. Istrice srere of tcu(dm&xoAcxHror, sbowing ll!<br />

dinenc uil! linLing rtrougn bridging acdsL goups dd a<br />

nelwort of H- bon b io fom polymqic Elrcrk<br />

Figw 29: Crysl'l ss.r@ of tzn(&&)r(eE. Thmd .ltipeids @ I 14<br />

dtah sr l[. 5070 Ip€I, hydrogd aron sphds e.r dbitnry<br />

iadii. Only th. najor dierd.Ed Doidid e shom<br />

Fige3o: Moleulu structe of [dt@)Zdl llE<br />

Fi8@31: Th. @-plae Mrc of rh€ Z!4Ot rirg with iodirc llons ll8<br />

dispoed i! a ,rar-l|r.@r ,mss rhe nng<br />

FiglE 32: Th. aroD nhbcrine sLd. of c@pLx,lz(!@)r(dn&H)1. l2l<br />

dirpl@md( cllipeid. e drah at ln. 5el. probalitity l*l<br />

Fisel3i Th. cry$al-p&kins dia€m of[zn(a.acL(dh&H)]. Hydrcg.n 122<br />

bonds @ snoM d doied lid6<br />

FiguF 34: Motcculr slncruF of (zr,O{d@)r(OAc)rd sho*ils Oc 124<br />

atom nmber<br />

Fisft 35: Thc .sFsadc ujr of tz(&&)r(H1o)zlct showin8 the t27<br /> shd. Lred in th. t xr .!d r.bt6; .lomic<br />

displgm@l' e d llc 3d,i ld.t<br />

trsue36: Ilr lsie srucni€ of lzie(rrrHpDlcl showins wirs D8<br />

Iinlirg rhrcugh lrinucded chlorim arom ed a nen@* ofH-

Fige 3E:<br />

Fi$e 4l:<br />

FiSuc 50:<br />

FiSuF 52:<br />

TOA cwa showirg d*oDposirion of Cu (.@) 111<br />

TGA cwes at difremt flow r.t of Cu (a.!c)D 137<br />

TOA cwes !r diflffit hating B1e oICu (@), 117<br />

3D lvatcr F6ll plot of mR 3p.chm of Cu(s@L l3E<br />

Gm schnidi (cs) cw. orcu (acac), l3E<br />

FTIR sFcirun ofp@ @nplq A evolvcd g6 ptufiI. ofcu 139<br />

TOA/DTG cw. of [C(tl,na.)(oAo(H:o)], ar a healine ia& t41<br />

of ls'C/nin sdq nitrogo aftospb@ st a ftow 6i. of 40<br />

TCTSDTA link d mR sp€cFa showing sysrdatic 142<br />

dc@mposirion of tc(dr@XoAc)(H,o)l'<br />

TGA/DTG cw6 slo*itrg lhe dMpositon of 143<br />

tzn(.@),(@)'l<br />

Litrkcd raA-InR spetra of tzn(&e),(ca),1<br />

TCA/DTG crc dDwirg d@npositid of 145<br />

FTIR spqrun of (a) [zn(@D.dneag] @nplq E@'ded ar 146<br />

@Et nDerarur, (b) &d (c) aei.un of Biduat|]',5s affd<br />

h6titr8 at 160'C sd 360'C<br />

TCA,TDTG cws showing th.m.l dccomFsirion of t46<br />

t(ztr? o,(dm)2(oAc),ol<br />

IGA/DTG/DSC cw* showing 0!. ddohpoiirion of t47<br />

tZ{a@)3(H1O}lcl<br />

SEM ilutltiDg lbe l[in nln oI Cu in 4yo H, i! N, on sd. 148<br />

SEM mimgsph 3howilg coppd ne&l n6o particl.s 148<br />

Slsing dc.ton nicbgFph of Z.O deposicd f.o6 149<br />

SEM imses of Sn doFd /udop€d z.o tln<br />

showing zno SEM ib!s. &riv.d ftm<br />

(zn? q(do.),(oAc)rol<br />

r4l<br />

150<br />


Fige 63:<br />

showirs SEM imagc of aor 6 depGncd (a) dd d€st€d (b) l5l<br />

XRD profiles of copFr filn 152<br />

X-ny dill@tioo p.n o of C! film deposired or eda glss 153<br />

XRD p.itce of ZnO filn on cfuic srbsdlr6<br />

XRD paft.m of thin 6lrn ofzno<br />

)(RD pan@ ofdop.d/udop.d ZnO rlin filn<br />

xRD patt*n of lilm deposir.d win tz(@)r(n1o)lcl s !<br />

e'@ ndaial a) at 200 qC. b) ar 500 t<br />

Optical rtuoitnnce ofzno liln on tused sitica qudrz<br />

Ab6orydos @flici.nt ( d1 ) !s ploron 66s, Gv) @. or<br />

Iw-vBibl. s!@irM of Zrq lhin 6lD delosii.d oD @mic lS9<br />

Absoryiion c@nici.D1( dr ) !s ptoroo odgy (hv) cw. of t59<br />

Tdp.ratur€ q R$ist'!@ n*ll@€nr. of th. nnc oxide 160<br />

filo un&r d oxyao aftolph@ (A), veuu (.) &d air (.)<br />

Semnivily ofzno rhin filrn ar vdioB r.DFarw 164<br />

S6itiviiy Esposc s ietion of €$6ot @ocftllion for 164<br />

thiD ZnO filn d op.Rcd at 60 t<br />

SeNnivity 6pone 6 a tunciion of elh&ol concc.lratio! for l6t<br />

llin 6lt! of hO $ opai.d !r 60 oC<br />

El.ctrical rcspoBc of dopp.d /udoppcd sosr at<br />

S.Nrcspo@tin of filn in oxyg@<br />

s1&r e!o@ rim. of lilD in etud ss<br />

t54<br />

154<br />

156<br />

t57<br />

151<br />

t5E<br />


Table 2l<br />

Tablc I l:<br />

Table l2:<br />

Tdble I9:<br />

Tdle 22:<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> TABLES<br />

Sone g@ine rulaids for thr indNtrially iqp.lrli 14<br />

Powd.r x{ay crylt l dria oft. d.oompo*d maLrid Ircn conpl.x 52<br />

Strlh.g ofMcbl Orgtuic Conpl.x* aj<br />

Grc*rh condiriod for the depdirion ofn.ral onde lhin filD lion 97<br />

Rei.livitr or zro Oin 6ln (0.8 FD) dcposir.d on diffcmr sold<br />

pan€h pl.Gd cmic subsrtat ,<br />

co4p{ison of ch!!.Eris1i.s IR ab$rprion f.equ@i.s (cni) of<br />

M(a@)i edM (lhd\ od &si8.lmBof inporrdl IRaberplion<br />

teqencie of nw conpouds h.ving gd.Et foduta,<br />

M( (Lt, M(acft)r (L!.<br />

'E& rrcNMRrht of cmplcxe.<br />

crrdll data for tcu(dma€XoAcxH,or: (la)<br />

&lci.d 8oD.$ic dal! for (11)<br />

Crysrrl D.t! orz! (&e)? (€), 0t<br />

soE. impondt bold ldstb tAl dd arclcs tdesl &r (15)<br />

tlydrcso bonds fo! (lt [A ed d.c].<br />

crysid dlla 6d sirocr@ rcfDcncnr for tdtw)znrl. (21)<br />

Bo.d lcnsthr tAl for (11)<br />

Bod &gles [d€8] foi (21)<br />

Cq6lrt dll! rd (Z& oddm)r(OAobl e0)<br />

Bond l.ns[N IA] dd egles [ for l(zn, o(dma!(oAc)r0l (20)<br />

ciystal dll! fd lz(@tGloDcl 09)<br />

s€r€cLd bond lelgrhs iAl ed e8l€s ld€sl for (19) r2e<br />

'Ih. inrhd*uld hydegtu boD& ror (t9) t29<br />

Dab obrlin d fro6 TCA a&tys s, lll<br />

P@xpomtial f*ior (A) ed ArLdiors @Brant vslE uilg lj5<br />

104,<br />

105<br />

t09ll0<br />

|lt<br />

lll<br />

ll5<br />

lt6<br />

t\1<br />

119<br />

t20<br />

t20<br />

t21<br />

125<br />


As,r'r |!d Xiret.d3 ndodr<br />

T.U.3: .Lrigdioo Eery dlb obt tEdtuTOAdtFir!ftgrtift!,loi 135<br />

ndlodolodc&<br />

Sd.o.l:<br />

8.t s. u:<br />

f.i.d. III|<br />

I<br />

tr<br />

Itr<br />

ry<br />


C!ryih ot.dvrdiql E hL.L T$. d So.t6i..l<br />

Ltulqa.<br />

sctddc ryl!..en ft. d..oqairicr of KUfr..><br />

(o&Xto)l1to cof'Eqe..l<br />

P),tolyrl, of zn(!4..Xe4<br /> d?r(cXdD..H)<br />

I,I8jr <strong>OF</strong> AI'ET{|,ICTS<br />

Prinr dlting or-icrr hdt fornutdoo,<br />

EorF tod €qudh d.tido.<br />

mX &nIis Of Tih Fildi<br />

IE{ Cutls Sblirg Adivdo h.{g M.srG4<br />

tc2<br />

t42<br />

145<br />

P*eJ<br />

t76<br />

t7t<br />

ln<br />


LIST <strong>OF</strong> ABBREVIATIONS<br />

2.4-p. &di@L<br />

d6l{ 2,4-pdiedioE<br />

OAc ,{c.tat<br />

-OR Altoid.<br />

o Ethaolmine<br />

TEA Tne0&oldin€<br />

ild 2,2,5,5-Teruethyl-l,thcpt@edio@tc<br />

tbdH 2J,6.GT.hoethyl-3,tb.ptsn€nione<br />

dn&H \ N-dimctbylaDi@thml<br />

ddE N, N-dihelhyl&eldid.<br />

PPh Tiphcnylphosphinc<br />

CHNS-O Clrho4 hydseen, diE g€n, sulphu ed oxygm analysd<br />

MOCVD M.i.l{rgdic c!@icd Epou dcposilion<br />

UAACVD Uliruonic &r@l rlsin d crpmi.d v.pou depositioi<br />

EDX E .r$/ dbp€Bivc X-ny<br />

NMR Nucl.s trsgndic rcsm.e spe.ieeopy<br />

TCA,SDTA ft.mognvin€ity^ihuliitroudifcrcntielrh@ataortrsis<br />

DTG FiBr ddivatire rbcdog6vio.r.y<br />

FIIR Foqid a@sfo@ i.fnFd sFcrrc$py<br />

ECA Evolvcd g6 dalFis<br />

SEM S.ernine cl@tror micDs@py<br />

IRD X-6y dilt!.tion<br />

AAA! Alonic stslFio &rtta<br />

USP ulr@nic spEy ptbty3is<br />

ro CC) Omr Tdp@lw<br />

Tr0 CC) loel. de@nposilion idp€rane<br />

Tr CC) 20lc dMeposirio! i.hF6he<br />

T- eO M.ximu decoDpo3iri@ &<br />

JCPDS ,oifi Comine for povdd difr&rion n&rd.rds<br />

ICDD Inr.Earionat cryslat difftrction data<br />

CRT Cdhod.6y tube<br />

MIK Modcln@kinclis<br />

A <strong>PR</strong>xpotr dial f&!or<br />

E Acrihtion ffigy<br />

K Arh.nious co$ra<br />

Pl,Zf Lsd ZiMniu Tiilst!<br />

)))) UltEsbd


A sinlle &!d & efici€ sonochenical D.thod ha b€ln usd for ihc ay.rh6es of<br />

Eiety of rcDon€d m.&l 9dildoMLs lil. M{@), (l-r), Mltld)" (tG[), bis<br />

riph.nylpbGphin zinc (II) cblo.i.le zn (PPhr ) cL O7), N,N-dineliiyleamjd€ z.<br />

(dma, (r8) sd new hct€rcI€plic adduci liLe [Cu(dre)(oAc)(H:o)lz (14).<br />

ICuttErOH)' N- (oAc)l:l (23), Izn(!E\(au (t5) (wkE s = ctheolmmq<br />

&3c = edyr@rooatc) IztrG@),(dmeH)l 06) (wh@ dlreH = NN-<br />

dinethyldido.th6ol), t(znp,(dDa),(oAoel @0) (wher dna= N.N<br />

dincthylaet$ide), [dr@)zdl. (21) tzd!@cxH,o]lcl (19), tNilGEA)rt,(oAc),1<br />

(22), (qh* TEA= LidheddiE' &d OAc = &er.t ),. All th* @mpl*€s hav.<br />

ben chdabnz.d by n,p,, CHNS-O, AAAS. FTI& NMR ud Singlc Cry$als Xdy<br />

aralysis techniqu.s. 'ftmal behavioa ldn€ics, dd €volved gs padem of th€<br />

ptFte6 und.r onaollcd 6vim@1 Bfr sndied by Tca/sDTA .nd TGA,FIIR<br />

lehriqu€s. Bed on thmal dd €volvcd gs srudiB d a, m€cheism of rhemal<br />

d€@nposition he ba wo*ed out. IFs ndly synthelied coDpt€x€s havc been usd<br />

lor th€ falicllion of !u zio, Zlo troped witb s , Ztq &d mcr.Iic @ppq rhi!<br />

fiLtrs @Dprilin8 of @oprnict* of si* tu8q Aon 20 to too M bt indiS@uty<br />

d.v.loped ultasoDic a.resol aslisl.d ch€nical vapou d€penion CJAACVD) r€chnjqe.<br />

Thc moryhology ad conposilion of thj! fitm w@ .mined by SEM. EDx ed<br />


Chapter I


l.l Sonochemistry<br />

Chcnical t@tio! equiB cn6$, i! onc fom d dotha to prcc.€d. TEdirion l sol@ of<br />

cersis e het, lidt, d ioniziDg Ediarion. Anor[d modh $u@ of oqey di'I.6 from<br />

itditionol ecrgy so@es in duation, pcaw, md s.r8y pcr molcclle is uhsohic<br />

iradiatiol High iat nsi9 ulft$u4 i! liquids, pod@s &oulic €avit rioi, which mts $ a<br />

$|@ of cers/ ed m b. u*d to .nlrae ! widc tug. of cbmicd pt@s.r. Srch<br />

.pplicltio$ of uldqoud hav. ben sroupcd udd th. godd Im€ csttcd $n@hcmisny.<br />

Onc of the Dost imporbnt cwnt applicatioD of sorcchmistry hs ben lo lhe synihesis<br />

ed modifi€tion of imrseic mt.dals.''"<br />

The chdical .ffcds Esulting from lhe iradi.rion ofaqucous sotution with ulr.dobd wcre<br />

t61 rcponed in 192?'r'r but rhe prd€ss w6 essriatly urouc[ed uirilthe nid 1980s.<br />

Sin@ late 1980'! qFrirenid s:rudi6 \N@ @ied out h utt!@lic &iiviii6. intrcdue

IltoduriN Stuxhatittry<br />

a<br />

ot€ c./ct!<br />

FE@ l: Soud FoFgatior in a liquid showing @viratioo bubbl. fomdion & ollap6.<br />

u.d.r u]l|@lic |!!q!dct (m-4O rIL)<br />

,A1 tbL point b[bbLs @UaIe a!.1 !rDd@ int e loc.l heling (rcudly abour 5000 t) dd<br />

high prcsues (.bout lmo ar@pt rcs), fd . duFriotr of l€ss d'6 50ps (pico - sonds) 'r ii<br />

su@diog comprssion cycLs. This O@ss llrimlely generalcs suflicidl mout of lh.<br />

endgy for ch.nicrl .rd @heical eff.!ts, which is rcspodibL to s.l@te aclivity of<br />

chdicil r&lion rhDuch rhe @nic c.virlios-<br />

Tbe cn nic.l .ffaE of !h.a$ud a.I itrto thE .6'' homg.Bls FMlmi$.y of<br />

liqui&, hetebg.@us sehenisEy of liquid-liquid or liquid-slid sysr.s, dd<br />

encaralyris (which ovclap rhe 161 rwo). Beue crvitltion c& |lt ple only in liquids,<br />

chenic.l rcations do not genehlly @ur during th. lltEsonic Fadi.tion of so, or slid-<br />

l.l.l Honoaetroo|a SoDo.hcDirtIt ol Uquid SysLm6<br />

In a h

dd.rq.&..d<br />

La.BlLa.<br />

Fbst 2, C.vit ti@ in hob€!@3lhuidr.<br />

Fof rndr@ 6. hrdrclysis of liioDDlEnylc.rc. prod6 ..uot . of diph.tic orborylic<br />

&ids.t 3fC r?Es.nt' ililuccd r.r. @h.!ffini rt rb@r l+15 f wilh *t! altyl (R)<br />

sut6rituar (slFF Ritr ibll, c[tl bo?ropyl &d rd{utyl). Thb @uK bc dE ro Eb&i.d<br />

cfi..6 od mt asin d eitt ey ovitrtionrl h.ldng .fre|.<br />

r.r2 roroch.Dirtry of liquiHhuid & Iqull.€olid ryst os<br />

ro t.tcregcd@G liquid-liqlid .).L!b, .pid cnt lsiftdlid is po$iblc dE lo inl.e niing<br />

by / i.nin8 / sboct-w.6 rlrl inr.rdion of dE s.d 6.ld eitb liqli&<br />

liquid booid&t. R dilioi foncs rd oi@ stl.lnirg of lh. phe boui&ry d.L.ar6<br />

resFflrlid ol r.5ets !!d Fodxa rb.1 iFFrs.s dnilg of botbL eith [quils &d<br />

tru6porrrlioi of b6l eith d.r5 inEosiftclliod. FiE .mbi6.tri@ i! ! liquid-liqlid<br />

bd.ogdds syst d by siclliod gsrlr |!dlc.d tb. tiob|ls of i@i$ibb liquids (G.&<br />

,4u.o!! / orglnic nirtuEs) by cnir.tiold co[.pi. tDn cle dispti@s 3!d fm<br />

Ito|! 3: Crvitltid in b.NdogcM (trc phe) li,quiGliquid !'.diuE<br />


HolmFvadleont-Witiig @ctio! bcilrr!.lr tm imieibl. liqui& icld! hjgh p.lMn8. of<br />

d€irld product unde! s@ietion il).dpariron b<br />

)))Trfi2!oC<br />

"'gEJ<br />

O,C"*.<br />

70 -aO < 109/.<br />

Vl. Sonieno winom Soicarion<br />

In B bGtdosa.ou liquid-slid 3y3ld! acoulticBly iDdu.rl c.vftaion €nLnc.d phylical<br />

cfic.r, *bich aE direrly .$&iltcd with ds|o'l rnlny dg@-oeialic ra.iioE, In thi3<br />

ryd.n tb. i e.ft.! prodw.Frndlaid in u.3onic fcld whi.h irdlB e aymn tic<br />

@lLpc ofrh. oritaiiolal rci& d qr&dd irrqa.e slicn @ *vesl dtG lugd lld<br />

lh. te@ dity sir.i dF Gll i! ! di@jd of liquid Foenry dmusb th. @iy *hich<br />

i6pi!g!. q ! ri. slid su6@ !t !.leiti6 ldiDrrld fr@d loo oi' s illurEncd ir<br />

nsuc a.<br />

Flgm 4: Csvi@im i, b.t N8@su (rwo pt@) liquid-slid m.di6.

'I!t phaotMotr is thc origin of *ell k&M Nsion, pining ed sutf4 cl@ilg efi€d. or<br />

utE$ud, Resmce c.lity sie d.p.ndr on fr.qumy, but ai 20 Ulz s@h qtedd€d<br />

interfM efrets @ no1 obsdcd wirh solid Donicler shsller rhaD -200Fo.<br />

H.i€rcgdos sondh.hisrt of liquid+lid sylr.m e paniculdly ed b produ€e<br />

o,emm€iallic conpoud! with hid % yicld in which effed.e likes a€ouslic<br />

cavitatiG, brbbl* iiplodins c{ b€ applicd to Enovc pasiv.tidg ldy€$ aon Eetals in<br />

onls 1o bEak dou briltlc soli& swh s b&s sd cstalysrs lo ilct€s. surf&e aM, nss<br />

trdtsfd dd @liotr .!tcs in m6t or8&om.ldlic r.&tions.<br />

*\t )))))),<br />

Iis !.tisr.d MagBiM b etul for pFlling c'igndd\ Elgdt<br />

ft@ is r vid. chdic3l .rd physicd i.qu.B thal bigh ilccity ult!&u!d @ b. in([lc.d,<br />

i! hoooemE &d bci.rogmu sioch.bilft of liquidliquid ed liguid&lid sysrm 6<br />

d.ooEtlt d $imariolly i! Fige 5.<br />

FiguF 5: Cla$ifidion of rhc chcm'..I sd phy6ic.l .traB of drlMud.

1.2 SonochemicalSynth€sis<br />

To exploir the tul po&ntirl of CvD, ncd of suiralL pEcleb for deposning $in filh of<br />

oclll/or nctal oxidc @mDries of ntumdcrial e eva-incEains demonds of tedher.<br />

'fte outc for lh. synlhois ofa sFcinc prausor is flolhci challenging asFci in lailorinS<br />

th. objenvc. PeFquisiles for thc d6is.i.g ofpr€cwr for thc nalaial $icn@ .pplicarions<br />

e lEi|y; sinpl. od higl| yi.ld sy h.ric Dute! 6y h.ndlio& facile trons. snd notr.<br />

loxicity. Cndcnlly in bbodtory S.tne* iehlique is wed fot lh. sy.lh6is of<br />

pr.clMs. Tlft !@ds lp€cisl anediod lr..lneni like el€clion of hishly Puc chenical,<br />

moistrft fi* solv.o! pH @lttol ed ircd .rnoslhe. fo! the stnth*is of pFcle6<br />

Howd, $reh.dical n lho

u&E taxltclE3 arlPrmttt!<br />

in ! p.rticdate .n@ hdiu<br />

Thu!, cavilation sfles as ! n.8 of @MDl[tils lle difta. *rsy of soud irto a uiqE<br />

s.t ofoiditi@ to ptodu.. unaul m!&ri.h toD diselv.d (&d gcmnlly voldil.) $lurion<br />

oerso.t ltic p|qrsor'. B06, @LLpo. of d@ bub6Ls &d @stic wit lioE Focss<br />

duirg dtrmic .n!&cc ttc cL@iclt pr.€s i! vti.ty of chmicd licl& i €.<br />

inorlllic,r*' orsdic sy hesir,z'5 polFaeriatiorLta ald clcci.och€bisi.l'Jr .t ldge<br />

*dc &d dbo plays 6 iEponut reI. in prcpdilg th. *id. iang€ of dgsoD€tallic<br />

c@!ol|!d! invobirg @{rdiD.& @npldir8 p.niculdly th* of Mg, c'! Ni. &d !.i@l<br />

t6Biti@ rrds ar l4 rdrpd.nN ulda ubre .n with his! Pd@n tteld od in shon<br />

rinc thd @nvdtioMl m.tbo

Lilc wir !Fta! lelyla@ioe| @nplq6 lwtr wilb .ltali n rds sdochcni.dly dd<br />

sivc @tivc sp@is (M) ..g., Ro.tivc ri.!.| pDducld ton ulrMic dcrio! of<br />

niclcl ectyl&aonare ud sodjb, tuE in situ wiih 1,5 (COD) |o yicld<br />

NdcoD),.rr<br />

r(adc) + f& -\<br />

Ni<br />

JF(Q"<br />

ln @nvdlioml synlhesis pN€dw rcLl sbonyl 6mplex6 e @$ibl. by this<br />

p$.de tom tosilion belal hdidca, edju .rd clrbon nonoxid., bul rht r.actio.<br />

Gquird t mp@turc of 10G300"C u&r high pelsue. den who uing frcshly pepded<br />

tuckds mciab, 'Ihe e of sn@h.misrry f&ilirab the ductior st€ps to yGld the €quir€d<br />

prod@t udq mitd .onditioB.s<br />

*,^, be). ))). THf. lOC .,, .^w(r.<br />

-.-"<br />

; i*".-i j j:r-: j--:' w,(cutl<br />

.,^.__. Na. CO. (4.4 bdl. l,). THr. tOC<br />

vc|Jfiftr) _ j:==lidtYt6H:: j-r:-:+ v(.o)6<br />

MocL -4-4919+ Mo,(co),o'<br />

Anothd linph orSrdotuelallic @lioa dhibiling hdl@d ihpDv€nent undd snicaiion i.e.<br />

B&bicr Ea.iioq ihc couplins of b€trzdd.hy& dd l-brcmoh@tan in thc pescncc of Li<br />

givs 90% prcd@t by enication.t 50 lllz in 25 milut€ ed ody 8vc prcdud .n r ? hoN<br />

!r Mn t.hpcr.lw Mrhorn sicai@.''<br />

1.3 SotrochembtryEquipocois<br />

A vsicty of rldi6 bavc bea u!.d for ultenic ilEdiatior of $luriod. Th.E @ lne<br />

gdcal d6igB in N pres y: tbe ultlloijc ddine ba ! the tErducqn ad ultsodc<br />

pbb., Th. ulirenic dtuins bath is cl.dly thc nost essible s@ of labo8tory<br />

ult@ud ed h4 ber ued su@$iirlly in prsent ludies for ue stnthess of neialorsdic<br />

complqcs, So w. willdieB iri worLing in dclailheF.

13.1 Th€ Ultr$onic Cleoning Baah<br />

Th€ sinpL Ultre c cLiring harh i20-{O XW) is by f{ tbc msr md<br />

ch@pesr $up of trltarcnic imdialion for lne chdical labotatory md f@nd lo b. hst<br />

€liable sd cffelive sre for laboratory{crl. $noh.nbtty 4d als conlol<br />

ovcr t npcratur ard ormsphm.IrE utlmnic bltt 6 nevd b€ led di@dy 4 a<br />

E-tion vcss.l befls of pmbl.m Mialed li*e @Nsion betws thc valls dd<br />

coflaninltion ildued by enveloping laFur ed Cass, The nonnal $ag€ dEFforc involv6<br />

U. imeBid of $antL.d Slss rcacdon v.ssels inlo lhe bath ihat plovnles a fairly even<br />

disffiburio. of .n€rgJ irto d. @tion mdilm. Th. R4tion vcsl doca @r nad ey sp€ial<br />

adalidion, it cd b€ ple.d into the both. r.d ltus d in.a almpIEE or Pt$@ ce bc<br />

aadny maintoiftd thrcugholt a en@h€mical @tion 4 shown in Figur T Thc @ounl or<br />

endgy tnat @ches lh€ r&don lhsucn th. vessl walh is lo*, notuallv tEtwan I fld 5<br />

wm?. Additional tbmos|aric @arDl h Fquired in ult a$ni. clding barhs beauF thcir<br />

t.nFratlc @8ml is genddly pd.<br />

r\<br />

ngue t: Th. ulrMnic ba$ for $trch.mical stdhesis.<br />

Thc p@ums should bc Elativcly voldil.lo -biere bi8! e@henicd vicldt b.@s fi.<br />

primrry erochcdcal @diion sire is lhe lapour i$id. th. cavibdon bubbld.rt In addidon,<br />

however, lbe solve vapout p6sM snouu bc low al lnc $nic.tion tnperaturc' b€au$<br />

sigoifi@t slv. valolr insi& the bubbl. Edll6 the blbblc olapc€ effici4v .nd lnus<br />

I. conclusion $ i4hrique did a lol in €.ndcemfl ol or8{onelallic Mcrions lo<br />

pEpN pollM md ontiDes to erped in|o the ada of noomar.rials.

1.4 Cerrmic Msterirl$<br />

Cmic hatcials re inorSrnic @mpouds @aisiine of Del.llic dd mn-ncl,.llic<br />

elmoh nainly cslesoriad 4 ond€s, nili&s dd cdbid6, which @ h.ld bge$er<br />

with ioni. dd / or ovd€nr bodds. Oxid.s @ c@sidcrcd lo b€ onginal dd l&gesl<br />

gmup of availade eluic rM&dals dE lo Ucn ch.nical inerrnes, sood theoar<br />

prcFrtid ed 6i$dce Io oxid.iioo. As thc oxygo is lh€ non cl@iroEstlive divalot<br />

.l.m.n! mos! oxi.les sigdificd deg@ of ionic bo.ding. As a !€sull, they<br />

gcn 6lly havc the €hqrct rislics of ionic drslals, i.e., hi8! €lectrical sislivily, oplical<br />

ualsF ocy, dismgEeGb, lo* then l @odwtivity ond chcmical stbilily Thde *<br />

$be exeDtioro i! $tnch oxid6 of indiM ed lin e el*rically @ndwtiv. qhile<br />

oth.s such.5 beryllid oxid. have hid thetdal conductivily Cdmic natcrials m<br /> lt rliliondlly €trcou!8.d in ndy lcy tehnologid including @muicatioB,<br />

.l@t @i€ Dd etonrtion 4d bele oflhci! nehdical dd rheEEl sLbilirv ucd i!<br />

detricrl, oplicd &d Mencdc devic. Such batdiak 3c now cl6sin.d udd<br />

electoereica ed dntoguishcd from olher foctional cerdics swh as advmced<br />

sttunDl c.ranics. E* e eru of ihe eroninent ctuic with thcir po$ible<br />

Tin Oxid., (S r), is ! sood .latnca! conductoi, bisliv tastoFni ro th€ vbiblc dd<br />

hiehly En.crive h infilcd t gion of sFcl$n. It is wd in .tcigv saving coatings lor<br />

plare gls (E-slN), tish bulbs,r' dtupdd htating .lcFmts, dti$anc coarings.<br />

tusp€dt cl.ctqle b pholovolt ic els, @di!8s fd eld *llt ud oxvgd e@R for<br />

a fiEl .onaol in conbNlion .dgin€s €lc.<br />

TitaniM oxide, (TiO, como'ly knoh s Titlda" fld is rsis:ral b oxid.tio! md<br />

pasivc roBlrds rhe chdicd !n&k ai Mn l.mpe6ne od ha vi

oic@leltonic dais. Zi@ a b de otcd in @iing t clnology dw ro its hid<br />

sa.n8rh, fr&ire touslnc$, dEtul slabiliiy, hiei rcfladiv. irdex ed los oPdcal<br />

zirc odd. (ZnO) is ! !*tu! pi.@ldEic @t rial wirh tr nadoB a!pli@!oB. Likc:<br />

pi.4lertic dBiq (Fo$dl|6) codilgs for phol@nductive devies, nd-lind<br />

Bistos (vdistos), ov.r volbg. pFiectoB sd hy&o€bon sc@t.sp{'.lly .th.@I.<br />

Eowrcr, it has m .h€nic5l rcsislae€ to comon eid ed baca so ils w is edrict d.<br />

sili@n dioxid. (SiOJ .le trou a silio t a tujor indle.ial c.mic mLri.l qirh<br />

@y .pplicltions, espeidly in eldEonic itrdNtry in dE fom of *ni@nducror<br />

coatiDgr, Sili€ is rcsis16i to no$ of th. @@on ch.nical eagents at pom<br />

rmpqatw dd 6 a.ts 6 e exelteft .lccrricd iGuldtor wirh v.ry lo* $emal<br />

qFlsio! .!d g@d esttt!re !o tldtd 3hocls. Ilis tuldi.l is .l$ ur.d a<br />

pasivliion lay6 ir .!.rsy-t tDg Nhit cnnl dN (E-sl6t, sutfae diclccrric ed<br />

dopins baiicB in *ni@nducto. d.vices, int€meidlic di.latrics diffusion so'@s,''<br />

flch bMi.c, osdltiotr po@t'on ot srainl4! sl*l in oucle& F aot*l_ <strong>PR</strong>Prat'o. ot<br />

opdcd fbcr ed beid t.yq for stror fibs for gls @ti4sit<br />

Adv&ed cq.dc mor.dlls @ u!.d h bdy fo6 lif,e poqds, thiD filbs, libcB dd<br />

nomlilhr Convolional synfi€sis ofn thod likc elid sllte rcadior! vhich involves<br />

nixins, r.p.ded cycle of niltirg folloved by calcinatio$ !t hi8lt€t t mpsatw e nor<br />

pa.ticulsly iurtd for @idg!.n

1.4.1 Ccr|nic Cortiry As A Grs S.Nor<br />

A grs $mr is a, *nich is bascd on th. 6isrd@ chdgc induc.d by lhe s6<br />

chdierptior/twriotr! wirh adub.d nolaul.s on the surface g?ically exploited in<br />

thc sroing nedemotg," cs $NoB halc found widespread applietioN both in the<br />

honc md indstry, D4pit itr valE, how.r, ndy ch.I@84 .xist in fabricatinB d<br />

aliable tur b.foa it cd be dploy.d. ltLdly, gs se@a dFuld exlibil a higlt<br />

s4ilivity lo vapo$ for $ticb lhey N &si8!€d lo d€l€t, Ga s.@B h.vitg<br />

si@ld@tirg oxi&3 e call.d @mic 96 tu$. qhjch s. onc of tne Dosl<br />

suc@sstul ssiiiv. maiqiils wd util now,( a HiEI snsitiviiy, conpalibility wilb<br />

Dicro.l€ctrodc, low cost. dd for indu$rigl lpplicaliou, k a sreat chtll.nsine job in the<br />

ti.ld of nor lahtulogy. ed strbility issB b.!om. dd morc chrlldging<br />

in bqsh indEiisl dvirolwdl *irt [ig[ lcnp.6turE, bigb pd@, @nramimts 4d<br />

dr@ic ss flow. Tnc be naldials dost ued for ccmic grs s€ME ffi<br />

t@irion nEtal oxid.s, such s ZnO, TiOr, sd SnO, re the n6i widely invesli$led.<br />

O$ srtuoB berl on ZnOa6 e smsitive to infl.imble ges 6d in lnis cotrExt,ltt€y<br />

noi only hav. bc.n adop€d as nodel sy$.G for frudaE€rtsl sMiB, b ale a bae<br />

hdaials for lhe dcvcloplMt of wiou s.Ns for the d.telion of la*t seh 4 Hr<br />

CO, NO', co,, cH. ed olhd hydr@.bos. ft€ oxi.le sits l.yd h6 beo flbti€red<br />

in dif@nt phtsical foms such 6 ihin lilm,lhick film, butk psll.n etc, Howev€r,lh€<br />

Oin nh fon is expetcd to be mosr .fldive sin@ eGing i. baically a surf&.<br />

phdontun dd is sbl. io undqgo rvcaibl. sqf&c eacii@s wilh gei For empl.,<br />


ctuic mat.rials like zno, ZtOu, erc., acr a! a sdi@ndrcting ud have b€en pt paEd<br />

by tM.rcw ttr!@ likc spurcri4,q ' CvD ed tbmri spou!|i6,r $tapri!1i!&ro<br />

so!8cl oulEsr5 Dd othd mcihods. Anong emic m5&nah, zno w6 the<br />

first studied fo. sNing, b€caue tbe @nducliod prce$ in th.& maEnah can depend<br />

hsvily on glin bou&ri*. Th€ gs sming .hatad€nnict of the ZnO lhjn IilG wd<br />

$duaGd rhrcugb rhe 8s F6iriviry (sJ, d.fined by: i<br />

s! = R'/R!<br />

wh@ P! is th. iilm 6i$anc. in at dd P{ i5 the filn rcsist{c. in th. PEence of tbe<br />

gd, ThB S. b noE thu sjty for EdEins rr*s, siE llc !.Mr sislone dcc66<br />

in a FducinS.llosphre. Thc s4ilivity i5 tlso defned 6 R.Ait { in lhis csc ss is<br />

Iess thd uiiy for educing 8q!.<br />

1.4.2 Usitrg Dopants to f,trhrrce Sctrsor Sel4tivi.y<br />

DEing css sdsing n*Gh@t, dqe!* in Fsista'e t!*cs pl@ shd coarqi<br />

srbstate is €xposd io sqsing 8s d@ ro idduction of €l€cirons inlo @nduclion buds of<br />

odalond. Gigw 8). Bease olthis lack of elalivity, a nMber of tchnjqu.s Mre<br />

adopted to hinihjt lhc sigt l obt iFl ftoi uddirEd ge. On otmon foi@ ro<br />

inirod@ $letivity i o a n.Ll oxid. $uor k additioD of $itablc melallic dopet hto<br />

O. @t rial. Foi exmple. doping s.o wnh paltadiu lhat hs ben used as a cat l/sl<br />

duing lh. oxidation of uu.lly incrcs.s lhe s6itivitv towdds lhis gss in the<br />

I. me cs6 il is rcl n@. Fd tupl., BirLcf€ld et ,1.," noted soDc ibporlanl<br />

chde* in Tio:-bsed *nsos for CO .nd hy.ltos.n det€clion, whe. th6e dcvices weE<br />

tuodified wilh AlrO3 or Y:Or dmugh a mixin8 pto4s vh.n Ahos wa<br />

idrcduc.d ro thc sysr.m, rhc EsroN B only dependsl on the @n@nFadon of<br />

hy{tro8d prcsot ed ws itudsitiv€ toqsds CO, whet d d additi@ of Y:Or<br />

ir@d the s.lecliity lowdds CO. ntis cnld.enent ws thought io occu eithd<br />

threugb oodiftelioB of rh. spae ch{gc cgton ol tii.r4 or bv .Ienna the gain<br />

boun&y @ acrl or nek fotuatiotr tet@n th. cry$rllit s Dopdll hNe .le be€n<br />

ued iD order to inhbn erarn Stosah duing hstins ln s srudv bv Bonrnr er al '0<br />

niobiu dd lst lu wrc introd@d into TiO, beou. of th. sinild ionic aia or the<br />

.alioB. Nol only did thc doped frlms h!v. a moE p.sittcnl eEre phe in tbe<br />

Pr*ne of high c6FnnFs, bul th€ av.dg. gEin siu d*c.s.d &on 200 m i. pw<br />


TiO! hdt d al l000ec to 150 M or 50 M for liobiw dd r&talM doD.d film<br />

elp.divelt. Som of th. rt?icrl ctuic @rials us€d s *Bor for veei, of ge, e<br />

T.bL lr Sme ssinS fd6E iDpon nt hy&@rtos,<br />

CH, 420-550<br />

s.q tBil 430-480<br />

sDo! IBilql 48G520<br />

S!O! tso:l 180-420<br />

F.!or IPq 39o4t0<br />

ZiO 250J00<br />

Z^O 610-?00<br />

ZrO tll<br />

52F700<br />

I.Dpcnrure Rrtrsc ('c)<br />

5E0{E0<br />

750-850<br />

400<br />

stro!lsorl 390410<br />

c_H. SnOl 380420<br />

crl 150-250<br />


1.4.3 Setrlor Architectur€rg<br />

se$inLYPq@itL<br />

B6i&s scls E rdi,l optinizlioa BoE iEpondt is to tailo..l@trical FoFni6 of<br />

inc s.IM by fsbdcaljlg wicty of ponm pt.Ed tutrdductiog subsrrdo dd thu to<br />

selecl suilable delign for ga losing device (Figw l8). E&h tlesign c& b.hav. v.r,<br />

ditr@tly whcn exFsd to g!.. ft. adv.dn8.s Nciat d with cistancc tailoting @<br />

pdiculdly inporlrnt for &rcloping afford.blc eldEo.ics for pt!)c*iDs eNr olQur<br />

M&y c€@ic ndeials crhbn vcry hig! $ist!n6, rcquirinS complical.d cituiEv to<br />

pr€ciely h.6uc in fi€ MQ rrg€, Medwhile ollter materials higl conductivity,<br />

d.liry it difficull to d.rd &cl!e in GidlM aftd ga .xPos@ Typically dopdt<br />

b'r.rid is .ddcd ro alrs Bistdrc.s, wtich itl{,te th. s@ilivity Esloe<br />

tim., FetoB like, tdtide si&, addition of suitabte dopmt, tubsrrate patt n plsting<br />

d6ig4 thjckss &d uifodiiy of 6ln nNl b€ 1aken i o@oulwhdon wels to<br />

d.velo! rnd d.@trsllle ! ** s@r d.vi4.<br />

1.4.4 s.ruiry Mechlnitm<br />

Alrhoueh md.l oxide sosts hiv. bcd sludicd for ov.r 30 yc4, e siSnificdt<br />

dimcuu€s in m.tils a devie that fspoddt el.cdrely b a 8a<br />

of inte!*t whil€ mdv<br />

d@n6 dirt o! thc b6r ncrhod 1o cretc ! *l@tiv. ddie. e uddtardinS of baeic<br />

gs $sitivity pnncipls @ b. uetul i! cxpbjniog the problcn<br />

Nu€oc Mt riats hlv€ b..o Fpoded to bc @blc d d.r'l oxide *sof in luding<br />

boln sitrsL (c,g", Z!O, SBO!, WO! TiO1, ard F€rO, ltd multiaFpoftnt oxi

httro.lutiN Stuize Metwiw<br />

E"in 5o/o<br />

02<br />

Grain Boundary<br />

R.ddos Cd<br />

Depktioa fry.'<br />

E, with<br />

E!@tdg G"s<br />

n€u E. Uustliaon of d.plcLd 8r"in boundri6 &d 0F .frars of a Educing gd on<br />

rh. @ddid p!'s.@ e<br />

ln 6is sddio, th.E b a ldg. dducr.E sirhir r gI!D, hd rh. FM of i.ric4<br />

orygo ml@la on tlc s!rf@ of tlF gFin lcds to . &pbnon of .letros in tiis a@<br />

As ! esul! lh. surfr. of ! gBio is v.ry MktiE @op.Ed to tbe buL, An, p|rEs llar<br />

alres tle type or nMber of oryga rF.i6 .dsort d will @s a $hG@ cbaee (e ,e<br />

os o o, - o' o zol. nr" rrgoitu& of shich ve6 win l!. mounl of adelt€d<br />

oxygen. For exmple, n cd be nor.d ih|l a chag. in tcnFrarr wil rrr rhe<br />

Bi$ee be se both th€ charg. of rhc aurl@ sFcis s well s th€ir cov@ee @ be<br />

al|rsl in 1his prGss. No* coNid.rirg rh6e t ?6 of.ff6h, tlE Esisrafte ol ! gd<br />

sensr in the p@ne of lir is .xFct d ro b. hidr b@Nse ihere h a largp nunber of<br />

oxye.n ion sp€i.s o llE slrfM th.l hav. dnwD .l*trDns frDm l[c urdqlyine mtal<br />

on&. r.r llis ti@, a ga coms in con€.lsith th. ftral oide vhicn n abb to @t<br />

wi[ iLal oxyge4 rh€ onb$tio! prdrcr5 (3uch s Cq ed wa|. ) &pon dd rhe<br />

cle[o6, f(fudy tzlFd o. 0!. surfrc., e ro rhc mtal otd., rhdrby<br />

d€.EirA lhc sist .a. nE bd* deibc tbis pl\'Bs for a nodel ndd<br />

oxid. ssr Eering *itt dton |tbdi&,<br />


402+e-O<br />

co+oG)rcor+i<br />

seledon of Ltsdidt lot UAACt/D<br />

'Ihc oxygo ionosorpiion aues elecEon t dlfcr from th€ surf&c of th. gnin rowdds<br />

lh. adsorb.d sFcid thw ldding lo th. fomtio! ofm eletron deplekd surfa.e. Tnis<br />

vdi6 thc el6lrical @nd!.rivig oI tb. smi@nd@loi Unfonu,ut€ly, ey ga rhal m<br />

rta.t on the n rd oxid. in lhis vay vill qu* r sinilrd 6i$ae .hegc. Hae, a 8a<br />

s.Mr dBigned io d.r.ct CO dE to lhc mchuis slDM abov., d .xFri6e r<br />

sigral wh6 hydiocdboN e prcsot dd vicc v.s.<br />

1.5 S€lection of Metsl B-diketonates as Prccursors for<br />

Ultr|sonic A€rosol Assiiled Chemicd Vrpour D€position<br />

TechDique<br />

Duing ite past dcod., sith th. ralid da.lopn nl of lLe mosi.nc6, lhe litdt@<br />

dcMibe ! tuge of appbehs for 3y hcsizjlg rhin filo @mpdsilg of nelal oxidc<br />

mopaniclq aing 6 vdidy of inmgeic or m.lal orgdic precusors PEEquisites foi<br />

th. s.l6tioD of prcusr for the n[teiial dpplicatiotu e puity, simpl€ dd<br />

hid yicld Elihdrc rott s, @y handlb& feib slobee and rcD-toxicirv TlTe of th.<br />

liged is ale h lhe 5.M of Providirg $lubiliry or volalilily for<br />

lrdlforurion to ebtion or eN phse. Ligud should b. abL lo @ouol the nydrolylis<br />

rat s of p*clN6, polyndzlio4 surf@ Prop.rtics tud lexte of th. Dalenal &d 10<br />

fod thin filn or nsoparticls. The nost ponbing prEuss for flbic.lion ofn€t l<br />

oxidd filDs d lhc molsul4 hsviry alrcady nclal-oxy8.n bo.ds,<br />

m.r.! t{ird@l.s'5 Mon

Setechon of Lisand. Jot UAACVD<br />

noE @moily ued liged!, such 4 dnclH, ea" PPh, &eiat , if a$ached wilh acac<br />

I'e&ds, have prcvided a d8ir€d sutface chcnhlry, nmliodlity sd enlde lbiliiy io<br />

tue a.Gol foDalion dnd prcv. 10 be Sood p@UME for UAACVD. By tltcriog<br />

sufc cb@ist y of thc a@ p@les w e able to gd thin filt nd.l oxidc<br />

moplnicld loverds iehnological rppliclliou. Sinndb Phtsical and ch.nictl<br />

prep.nis cs b. lailorcd by .lt ring 0F strlctw of 0{ilcionai. lieand.' u Tbe<br />

voldility of ttee precusoB c& be iturs.d by inc€6in8 the 3t .ic hinde.&c. i.e.,<br />

(a@ > rlhd > thd) de to inctwnrs shieldbg of hidly positiv. ch&s€d ncrd c.nte<br />

dd r.dslio! of ilt moleul& GM inr@.don in lhc $lid si.rc. S.vcal of th. oxidc<br />

@!6nicl6 pFpdcd FoD M(@l pFclm6 ald oxyg.n-@ntaining elt.nls E<br />

Tioz, t'F.roferoa. t"Garor, zno, In or, vroi, Mror, Taror, Hfor . ad snoll{'<br />

onc .xelLnl m€dod, piod*red by Niedqb..Ser dd @work G,31 s using oolv<br />

M(@L pFcl@B and elvdt h3 Fldu.€d tuy of rhe afomdtioNd<br />

nct l oxi&s. @wo*66 t baE stni!6iz.d re3o. by h@tirg F{mc)t vith<br />

oLylmioc, ol.ic rcid, ud 1,2-hqadea&diol. It @mp.n$r Pith oild<br />

m.tylacctoiales or eclal. p@UMr5! Fe{&rc)3 is le$ costly sd the moPanidc<br />

plodwt! are of conp@bl. uifodity md mono disFDity. M.ial &.tvl&.1otates also<br />

posg low noisnlc s@itivity, rcLlile, md€ring rh.n ls sl|gplibl. io<br />

nydotysis, *hjch is a @mon disadv&itgc of melat altoxide sd b,lid6 tr Ths<br />

p@lets for CvD poa$* mut bei<br />

Shble doug}t 6l rooD lempdate.<br />

Su{fi.i€nt rclatility al low t np.Btre dd Uw it e be .$ilv<br />

ldsDon d to th. r.r.tion an v/o @udeBirg in tc li!Ec.Fbility<br />

of b.i!s p.oducld in . hig! degc of Puily-<br />

A lsg€ t€mp windolt'' b€tw€d cvapouation &d lhm.l<br />

86r F?4v.! P-Dttztovto conptdn<br />

U* of&etate, ell|doldind. N.N-diocihyl.lbeoluine ed N,N dimethylacelamid€ 6<br />

h€t ol.ptic ligmds impan dtra volaliliiy lowrd! deonposition duine UAACVD<br />

1.5.1 Basic Festor€3 of pJlketon.tes Complex€i<br />

Th€ cheninry of Detal p-dik toMl6 in a 3cN. r.fl4t3 the difreEnt €r$ in the<br />

doelopnenl of inorg&ic$ty s s whole. Th€ c@rdimlilg ability of<br />

Fdik tonales is now reU esLblhh.d. A ldge Duob.r of dik lomt€s &€ knoM to fom<br />

neial cmpld€s. The p€domirmr chclaiing cheet r of p-dik€to@t s leads to a<br />

detrc of the nucl@ily of thc prs!fus A3 a Gsult sall panicl€s de geodally<br />

oblai'.d ane. hydrolysis of M(oR)* (p-dik.lonar*), sin€ rhese li8eds d. surf.c.<br />

capping G.genb ed polln iiatiod loctds. For.xdple, Ac.ryld€elon ce slabilire<br />

l)m{iEd colloi& d.dv.d from rhc Sn(OBu).EtOH systeE shich mrc ued to<br />

eklonte trsrspenl ed .ondrcliv. oiid. nlm,s R*tios wiih @tylrcelooe hale<br />

be! €oNid.r.d ro b. simpl.. Howd, dd apons h!rc indi€rcd ihar ac.tylac.tone<br />

d be 6ily modili.dF elo. d.gnd. to oxc arsrlgrret i! oild @ldilio4, d.Fndine<br />

otr tbe $ 9-di&€tonat s and cbt d ligods m iabiliz. polytEl@ oxorselleal*<br />

g@cDLd by hydrclysis a obscd in c{* of iraniM. A gowilg in lhe nelal<br />

(dd o4!!G rclll) ddiEtiv.s or pnikto.6, &d a nhb.r or novcl ligdds mployed<br />

fq i!. !u.poe, 6 wll a nc* @npouds of F.viosly troM lied.!., halc huhjplied<br />

Fd ^do6 sho$ of l.lFnol butomdism,0F htdrcgcn em of th€ CHR'soup a<br />

rctiEred by the sdjssl C=O goupsr ad a @nju8sL syslem @ &i$ by a prclonic<br />

shift. Th6e taltone6 cxist in.quilibriM olhd, ed sElcrwlly th€y posess<br />

a cis @.fig@rion ud syn Gi$id) @nfomstior udd dpprcpnate @rdiriom the<br />

enolic hydmg€n srom of th. liSed ce b. Fpleed by a detal cation to prcdet a sixnenbercd<br />

chelsted rirg, lh.cby shifting kctFnol cquilibnu in fdvor of lhe €nol fon.<br />

'\>(-<br />

JJ<br />


R3<br />

L-2<br />

-l .L ,K<br />

* \i!\c'<br />

J: d<br />

Mh<br />

chel.ting Rilg<br />

ULACm T..hnigy!<br />

Th. k to

Eo*E<br />

U4!e!P!.thriqu.s<br />

The hbloiical b6ckgrcud of nelal p{ikdrons nay b€ n&e bek by lhe work of<br />

ftnb€s tt-re di$us th€ sy.th6es of acetyl@tonates of alkai, alk tinc .eth md<br />

iDsilion m.rak, In nirel€€nlh conry Urbain'ormr lrepartd a@tyleebnalB of<br />

thdiua! 6im. l&lbtuuq iilrim ed gldoliniu. h lhc se p€riod otner<br />

!!gr.hd suc.ed.d in 9nir.ion.r* of F. (Itr), co(IID, cr (lll), s(tD,<br />

Mn CID ald Cu (u). wmd'q!.d @dpls porasim nondnobm bis<br />

(&etylaceton.t.) plltinu (ll) {d discEs.d lhd one ofth€ u€tyl a€aonc srcups is<br />

bonded h th. nomal nmd dmugh a six.n.mb.rd .helated rine dd orhd is aft!€hed<br />

lhroud ihc @tivc n€lhyl@e gou! dd M co.fmed in 1962 by X-ny<br />

Dilth.t'e'o !Mi.d lh. @cijon of h.d ndid6 vilh @tyleelo@ ed mad. sne<br />

intqBring ob*tuii@- ,t@rding ro hiD boor ricbbnd€ giv.s ionic sp6i66<br />

B(@)r cl wh€a Fet€d with erylaton , wh.@ boo! t iflloddc sivcs a '€!rzt<br />

@ndd B(@c) F, wdq sinjld @ndnioro.<br />

Ros)hein el sl,,rr0 inv€stigdted lh€ Eaciion of Ticli wilh @H in ethcreat medim<br />

drd rponed $e fomtion of dddud fomulaicd s Ti (a@).c13 Ebo. In 1904€y<br />

EFaad ih. above synthsis in solvoc litc .rhs, chlorcfom, &d gl&ial acaic aid<br />

aod bola&4 in @h elvoi, alroducr *ldch @ueaonded lo Ti{a@}rclr. ft. Pllduct<br />

@ siva dtc fofrul. ITi(@ljr.TicL *nich is a rriba of Ti(.*>Ch br aDlosy<br />

'ith ih. p@dwt! si(ac&Icl .Hcl ed z(e&)fl obt isl i! rh. .oGpondins<br />

@iioos wiur sili@D md zironiu r.r@hlorid.. nF inreFsring formulEtion made<br />

@inly on thc b!si! of malogj, dd quot d in icxr b@kr ed rreari*srrr was foud to<br />

have no Eql bsb who Mebrorra dd corcrkcs'r'?showd by nol.culd w.isht<br />

m€l|@cnl. in bazn ed by chcnic.l ed cmducrivity melhod ttDi ilE hc prcdrct<br />

is a non@6ic rctr{letrolyr. which @ bc Fpllgred simply N sir o{r

UlUCYD f.chniaws<br />

d*tib.d th. prtp.ndon of!.ctyberom of calcin, boriun, b.rylliM, ed zinc tln<br />

b.sic a5lt! of th.s drl altyl@ior. Sig' conEibutionr in rhis field<br />

vw nttL by Mor8r! .nd @w*6r'! wno plblisH $our rwo dozn p+..s on nel.t<br />

Fditcton t€ dring | 9l4l92E, d@g eirl rhc chc6i5try of acctyl..aones of. nMbe'<br />

of clcDat3 v@ lmM up ro 1914. 'Ilw ls cl3 .ugg6rcd lhll Fditciom ligdd!<br />

dd 'rrqr "to thc nd.l .ton, rrd 0Ey rko 8a!. r F.liniMry ide cerrding 0E<br />

ilbility .nd 3li[le of 6.irl t ctyl*rioDt! conplad. It B $98.!rcd thlt lhc<br />

3r.bility of ecryl.ccromr. of .l!|mt wir! ditr r'nr v.lcnci6 follo* rlc odcr:<br />


,=o,<br />

H-q( )4<br />

I=o<br />

R<br />

Aroturic cbre|r of ch.l.L ring<br />

CollnD cr al.,'! Mtrm.d rh. eidc@ for $turicity or rhe hAis of elsr.ophjlic<br />

substiMo! ra.lic ocMirg at th. 3{r$on .ton of six-bmb€cd a..tyl!..todr.<br />

ring, I! a erid of anicb ir iMgoic synlh6is, Young ci al,'a d*nb€d ! d.r!il.d<br /> for th€ pEp@ton of Snik roDc d.ivaiv€ of s f€. .toears. Mmhrtr<br />

chim.d thc i$ladon of tri! (a@tylacotondi.s) of ldurdd, neodFim, sadoliniw<br />

sd 'ltcrbiw,<br />

which l^@ leponed b b. t . liod wter of cryst llialion, Matsh<br />

D6u.d ihe nole votm. of aI th€s. @dpl€x$, Calvh ed Bailsr':6 inv.sti$tcd thc<br />

Fl@g.phic GductioD of! few Fdikcrofrca for th! tu$ time ald $e nexr Gpon on<br />

thi! 5rF.t .ppoEd i! l95O by Lsntc,r" Solmr quactlon ls nploy.d for rh.<br />

islarioo of P-dit tonal6 zii@niM &d hdiri@.<br />

Tlr 1950s @y bc @Nided a lhc ruing ,c6 in lhc fi€ld of netd Sjfictomtas<br />

chchi!try; duiig this dne noE rhs 100 pspa! alpejld ddriry sith physic.l<br />

F.pcrtics ud udttical applic*ions, Lrontc cr a1,1" ncaured IR sFct! of mctd 0dik<br />

to..les &d bads obsotd m6d 1600 md 1525 @r ww sign€d io C:-O<br />

atrd C:C slr.tchine nodes Repl&m€nt of nethyl eroup by a<br />

rifluoroncthyl group sircngih€c fi6e bond! ed thw shifl.d to high€r wavc nwb.r<br />

bul *t!k@ D.i.l oxy8.n bond ed shin d to low wvc nub6.<br />

B.U.dy .t .l.rtr3o lrd f.* orh6, al$ liudi€d i!&!r.d 3p*to of pnik !omr6 of a<br />

nMbcr of clddts od $!'pon d rhc BigMdr Ea& by l@m& a at.r' Howrcr,<br />

Nrl,lEoto rld M&t.ll'rr Ercrs€d lhc abov. sigrm.nB dd attribdcd b4d. euDd<br />

1600 ed 1525 cmt lo C:-C ed C:-O ltet hing notles Lltci,<br />

.tt hple wE Dadc by *vedl tu*d 10 cxpllin the disrcpdcy.<br />

Fmdis dd @wort€B"2 publbh.d a si6 of pap.B on fomation .onstants of9'<br />

dikctonii.s of lege nmba of elem.nrs in aqu@us mediu. m€ds of solva!<br />

Lmpml@ ald ine natE of n t l ion on th. sr.bility of lhes onpl.x.s wG ako

UtaCYDTahnl<br />

sMicd- In additioo th.y r.vide! $c mcihod of prcpdarioi of a 'ub.r of m.rd<br />

Urb6ilr0': synthsizEd hydnrcd tir &ciylMioMtcs of l&rheM, &ttotiniM, ttrerbim<br />

ed t ttati! of qiM. Th* @dpl.xc3 6 .xp.d irs c@din.lioD rDhd {ilh<br />

bridsi.s p {ikcto@ra lisu& by olisoma fonDion. Mon of th6e coEDtq6 hs<br />

b!.n synthcsiad by thc ncldhc'i! @tion bctEn sodim or umodm slls of<br />

I nikcid,.s $d a marrh cbloridc d F.&r h sLr m.rhsol s sorv6rs. Us. of<br />

chlotidc sdls *!s Flfdcd ovd silri.s betuc of gral.r @diration powr of nir{.<br />

io8 wnicL n€ulB @npl.x co ainirg nitr.rc s cooidinflirg grlup.<br />

In r*@t th qnuy br of @rk hB bq doe tow.rd! the syathcsb of hhotepiic p-<br /> @Dplcx.' Horl.y c. e, ctft.lrt Epon d hohoteflic 6timon' (rrD p-<br />

dilcroMlg tsb(thd)bl, (iM = 2,2,6,6-ict'd.rhyl,3,5-h.p&&dioMlc) &d sh(fodL (fod<br />

= 2,2{in r[yt{,6,?,7,8,8,8-hc .neG3,5_lEpr6.di@r!) fiDm sb(oE0r.rd thc<br />

.quirdcnb of fi. .Dprlprid. 'nE* Mt6 ds studiql r[. u]ltlviotd sDer!<br />

of r fev D.t l @iyl.ceroEr6 rnd oi rhc bsis of rhe m.lsehdrs th.y doubrcd th.<br />

posibilfty of Nmtic ch&.!.r is six-mhb.Ed &.iyl.elonA. chcl.t d dns.<br />

M.rrl 9-d&dom h.y bG @vdi.ndy divid.d inro th. foltowina ftu desoriG<br />

d.p6dirg upo. tbc hodc of boding of lig&d noi.ri6 to h.Lt .roh:<br />

o oxygo bold.d p{ik loBro @npl.xs<br />

o cabon botrd.d 9-

ldtudrctiq UAACVD Techniaue,<br />

In the pr$e sndy we d€al with "a.{c" sd 'td" s t- l€to+nolar, a bi{enrar.<br />

lighdr, !o the chmisty of s@h ligdds will b€ discusd in d.6il her.<br />

A m.Ll 6tioo replaces rhe enolic hydrcg.n of ligdd 6d a six-memberd chelaied ri.g<br />

is prcdued. B-rlik€rorar6 eior RrCOc (R) = C G1 o mly n$ction s a lised in<br />

srcEt w's. Wlln. a.ti4 a uidcnlaG tigord. n M fom siDple salb with highly<br />

cl6loposiriE ncials es. If o c(cHt{BcocHr, but ir is very @ rbd 0diLroEls<br />

ooi.ty is ljrk d ro @td oGGl aroh rhrcu8h on c.rbonyl Srcup Sili@n alon hs<br />

ben &pictcd 6 r.t?hedDl with 9iit lotu bchwing s uidat c liged.<br />

Usud no& of p{ik tone bonding is ro acl6. bidc ai.lisdd. Meral €to. Gpl&6<br />

th. .nolic hydrc8d of d€ ligand add foms ! sir ncnbd ch€lde ring. Deld.lisglion of<br />

th. .l€tlon cloud in ch€lar€ rile hs b.en 3ulis€sted or rhe basis of smc<br />

physioch.hicd cheelaistic to €ndow it wilh . @nain noul ofdonaric chd@ler.<br />

.[\<br />

R\ \,c-o.<br />

*/<br />

\.t C-O<br />

Si!c. th. €nol.t ior @ies a singl. @gativ. chsge, neral alon 6 rc&t wnh on or<br />

mor cnobte ions to gie eiihd n€ut.l moleulca or chdg€d nol@ules, depending upon<br />

utc @o'di@lioD nMbq (tu) &d v.lcncy (n) of cenbal neial alom. This typ€ of bondins<br />

givca ris b thG difl@nt tlT.s ofdqivaiivB.<br />

{t)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

(l) rvl.r d < 2! :<br />

A.oDplq ior Day &sult if @odi8tion nMbd of mebl ioD t Ls &a double rh.<br />

plimdy val6cy. Comon exmpl.s e si(&aclcl:, Ni(gmlL, Br: and Sn(&e): M.:<br />

25<br />


x-my e.bstu of Ni(acac)r B! irdicar.s o oct h.dt l srucrw in qhicl the rcurzl<br />

rceiyl@io!. (le1o fom) G bon l€d through oxyecn 6roh,<br />

Whd @ordin tion nubq (m) of th. 6eul ior is doublc rhe primaly valocy (n). th€<br />

nelat Fdikeide e foned b.h.v* s e ider @hpl* or neutnl conpl.x.<br />

f ,"r,<br />

t/<br />

to---(<br />

,N \H<br />

t-__\<br />

Slluchc of M(.@)i<br />

comon exMpld of lhis cla of @npound e B{&eL Al(@c)b, Th(@c)q<br />

Fe(a@)r, eb. In wbich n€tal arons q. etud€d. In viee of imr sslr<br />

fotudtio4 th.e d.rivaiives siow prdonir&tly colalot behsvior, i.e. $lubilit io<br />

comon orgei€ solv.nt ed volaliliry.<br />

{3) wie! n>2n :<br />

Ifdt tudimtion n@bd is Dore tha doubl. ih. Fimary v.l€ncy, the nolaul€ so<br />

fomed bebrvG a trwis eid &d @hid6 ihc d$i&d @rdina,tion €ither by<br />

pobndiztion o. by adducr fo@tiotr. c.s. Ni(rcrc),.2n1o, tN(&&)L, tc(a@),lr.<br />

tM{4@),bipyl, Izn(&&),(NE)t cic.<br />


-.<br />

\ -/<br />

"\-i---.-.' \<br />

I ddq<br />

-rl<br />

-L-c-*, "-J.--.- -,<br />

"r_=,".-._',-" J'<br />

srtrnE or Nd@),.2H,o<br />

The @nplcx* 6le bebave a @valmt dDpou*Ls &d Ihe mrdiDrion nwbq of<br />

rcrd iowards oxygd is gaenlly 6.<br />

r.!.21 Ch.bL.l R€.crio4 of n irl<br />

'nE prepd.tion, physical pbp€rtiB md slrlclu€ of l&g€ rMbd of p{ikdomtc<br />

@npl€x$ have @eiv.d @middbl. atlotion; lhe study of their ch€Dical crite s for<br />

elving studual probl€E and .lso io explos od pFpetive n€thods for a vei.ty of<br />

nclrl d€rivltiv$ of Fdit€1ona&s $ oc not..sily fomed by tund @ion lout s.<br />

EleEoptilic $bsrilulion @tion<br />

In son@h.mical @tion Fdiketomt4 ligdd gcn r.lly ud€rgo redistribulion r€edon,<br />

r.pleenor @rior dd addnct lomaiion, & the chenistry of sh r€dction qill bc<br />

Fdil@todt s of c(D, AIGD, l(lID, c(lv), r(Iv), z(lv). H(Iv),vov), rc0ll).<br />

Cdlll) od NioD und€Bo Edjst ibution *tion with a nubd of oelll chclard !o<br />

fom mix.d lieard @npld6 If th. .@b.E of crchdgsble ligandr e s. thc<br />

@tion b.r@n r*o rclal cbeldg m bc win n a followine.<br />

M-4'{4&.r+MArrB*q + 2tvld.xBr<br />

wlErcM = neidatoD.n - nMberof ligDd!(equltohalf 0E@ordinationnmbo)<br />

md x = 1,2,--------. (n-l).<br />


ltuodurion UMcvDTechmqres<br />

I!'fr!r.d, UltdioLg NM& X-Ey po$ds p.{d .rd PolNgnthic sftrdi.s h^E mrdi.d<br />

ilt ligrd Edisuibrtid E!.tioN. Ir!. lgrnd &{iltribltior l*rionr hlvc bm divid.d<br />

. E*chdgc of uiddIlt€ ligard<br />

. ExchbSc of bil6ta& lie.nd<br />

Io c* of qch.ns. of ui{@l'& lis&d wnich inwl6 dchasc ot F dikebnatc<br />

6dicd with ui{dl!r. ligrld @i.ty e I'nicd. Iris t}?c of r.dist ibutio! wa fist<br />

!@r!iz€d for zirconiun 0v) F{ikeioratc .nd Zt 0V) chlodde. Reacriod @ied oul i.<br />

THF &d wielid of mix.d haloe€rc Onikelomto) zt (lv) conplexB wt<br />

z4@\+32'at --!f- a2(s&Pl3<br />

zt@)1+zrc\ m, 2z(!4),c1,<br />

3zdrce)r+z€\ --Iq+ aa(ace)rcl<br />

ThG r..ti@ of z(sc..). .nd (r1cJH')rzrle rclultr in *cbdsc of botb halosd ard<br />

cyclGpe aiidyl lisrDd.<br />

zr(&&)a + (rLcrHJ),Z& --I9!4+ 2(Ir-c,Htz(r.&)<br />

Th. qchese orn.uryl dd phdyl soup! in (CHt, sn(M): ed (C6Ht, S.(ac&)? is<br />

Rali@ betwn F(ac&[ ed $cl. qults in chlor daivdivd<br />

2F{s@}r + 3sncl. --EQ&e 315a1!g1,g1,1 + 2pccti<br />

F€(@)j +Mcl. Hoa", Iu(*),ctl * r"cl,<br />

Th. id.@ol6d{ bi+ntare lrg&d exchrasp E&iio6 @u upon nixins the $hn@s<br />

of r$o @rat ch.lal6 h.vilg lh. s@ nuba of ligrrd. i.c., tte dchdg.<br />


of g,Ine t{ik€lonc and p.t to€sid ligmd b.lw@n two @ppcr coFplex€s in b.l1hc<br />

ct (@)', + cu(.de), + 2 c\(a@)(adc)<br />

othd dmplcs &j b2rd@, abzE a@. eac/ad. (ac.ion di-cdboxylic e$er dion),<br />

baqdac rerhyl eb-(ersledon) erc. f olllm &d 516r! synrhB'zed $e frixcd<br />

lg&d cheldes of 9!€ Al (Ar(B) &d AI(AXB)E, qhft A dd B e slmrricd b!<br />

d.lrltc lig&ds noi.ri6, G.g. .etyl-.tonc, hqaflere &ctyl*.rorc ed dipi$lotl-<br /> i! elution.<br />

Plrt and mn€d oxygo bonded 0-diL.tomtc @6plexes ud.rso a Eiety of<br />

rpL.dcnl re&tion, Ihc poduct depo

lnto.lutiu U.IACVD Tatuioues<br />

'ft. conplq Ni(ac&), r..cB with prindy dLyl hdid6 in di-b.ltlyl fommide (DMF)<br />

ro 8iv. tuinly Eono C-dkyl.lion pr.d@l!,<br />

Ni(@) + nx -J!4+ clircocg(R)coclll<br />

Th. cotal metd dton id l:ny oxygd bond.d p-dikelooate .omplcxls h4 a Endcocy<br />

10 iFru. ils coordimtion nmber by adducl fomation wilh lcwis bas like mDonia,<br />

pyridilc, Gttdmlmift, N,NiinethyLth6oluiE, 22-pyridin. &d cpha&rhrcli .<br />

Whd @rdilalion nmbd of lB th& doubL fic oxidarion nMbcr otthc mnal mi'l<br />

.i{n! c.donic @mplexcs of tbe typ. tsi('4}l ' Cl @ fodcd trlich Gdd Io rdd on<br />

Lwis eid Dol4ul6 likc F.Clj or Aucl, to {om th€ d.dvati* iwe or [si(d$]l<br />

lFGClrl , i! ebich eion &t! 3 . doM to l.wis acid. IrE shbility of the adduc6 vdi.s<br /> ed i! en c.s.s ..s. i! ldrhaoB 9dl.rotr<br />

crnlol be IlIN.d unda nild otrditioB wirhoul dccompcirion.<br />

tcs, thc .ddud uler mol*ul6<br />

ZrOClr.HrO + J8aH I : l(acdoni'rilo 2 - rcLboxy.thuol) (z(uc)].H,olcl<br />

I l(&ctodtnle:2 - mc mxydh@l)<br />

zI{!@)4 + dtrt*H Td* r Zn(*-)"-a*u<br />

Iclcu(dne)]. + 2M(@c, + cqM:(@){!oH),(dde)4cl + 2ac&H<br />

1.5.3 Ch€ntutry of Alkorids IM(OR)" I rld AmiDorlcoholrt s<br />

t(Mc),N(cH'),oHl<br />

M.lsl o[on{ks IM(ORL] e @mNidly .vlilable for nmbq of mdds likc<br />

{Ti(OR).), Al(oR}, z(OR} wh.rc, oR goup is butdidc, pFPoxid€ ud ethoridc<br />

Mdr ofthe mebl alkoxidd N on€n $lid in @nrat to ilBt of silicod sd titoim .1c.,<br />

hid dorcr activity of oxys6 ato@ ot aUoxid. pmits bitdiDr of nonon€tic alkoxid.<br />

i o oligo d polrh.dc attuctuB tM(OR)iln druslt doubly bndgjng G, or Itiply<br />

bidsins (pr) Fsitiod. for iurecq nict.l tlkoxide [Ni(oR]|. dd @ppq altorid.s<br />

tC(OR)d.. nr6. polymsic @r4irls e.c 8cMally i@lublc in at@hols a1 @n<br />


tntrcdtcrion Ut 4CvD Tecluiq,et<br />

I<br />

M.'l)<br />

t<br />

I<br />

"-1t"<br />

Bddging,It Bridging,Fl<br />

I! sh tt?. oftddgi!& bond ldglhs vary i! thc oda M4R l.minsl < M+roR < M-<br />

ll!.OR. IlEe stlucts @ So.nlly r.t incd in non-pold oredic nedi6, In this way ii<br />

hs lhe prcbability of lirking two or th@ n rlb in th. fod of oligonaic uirs$nr<br />

rnd lLB hclp€ in &sigirs of hmo or hcr.o nulti@mopoiot shsre $ue p@lN6.<br />

Mctal alkoxid6 M(OR)" @l .$ily wiih th. poroB of 6 lsse vdi.ty or holrculcs<br />

.r!.cially with doior tunctionNliad al@hol &d l!3 6y ch.@cal nodification e<br />

Drd. pcsibl. to &him lurlblc pbFni"s ofotg&ic hydmty ddivativa $itabL for<br />

cvD.<br />

In e atr€mF to obtain solublc nick l dkoxidc conPl*es. do@r nmdoDiiad olkoxid.<br />

gmup6, sEh s diD.lhyl@ilo-isopropoxid. [OCH{M.)CH:NMo] h.v. b*n uriliFd.<br />

but th. Grhiig producl b e iElpaobl. nix$s of tNi(OCH(Me)CHrNM.rhl sd<br />

tL(PdOrDN(OCH(Me)cs?NMo)Cll:.rrs 9-diketonatoalkoxidB of Ni(ll), such as<br />

tNia(OMeXP{iL).(Mcor0d h!rc al$ ben synth.sisd,'" but thee 4 iruolublc jn<br />

Simibdy polldoric Cu(ll) .lkoxid6 ICu(OR)rl"<br />

(R = Mq Pr, Bu), show such hehav,or<br />

in which alohot dcbesc @ns giv. iMluble @pp.(lD 2'naloxvdhond.<br />

tcq(rctloMcL} wt.6 mimal*orftL of @prq lik tc(ocr&NMe?rl is a<br />

nononr, volatle ed $lublc. Coppq (U) dkoxides a.c nad€ sohbl. bv sing<br />

.ll@xlrl@hols wilh E add,lion! O{onor sic (ltoc?HaOCTH.OM€) or siih a lonsa<br />

.r.bonchlinfo.lhcctt .6lchi?vcd*ilh'BuOC2ILOH-<br />

Aninoal@hol r!!€*nts &othq clss ofdlcohoh us.d to . ld€e qi41 in Fent cvD<br />

.rd sl-get prce$ilg- Vriou elheoldiB hNe als b@n u.d $ a meds lo<br />

inDoE bicdEEtue of co.ri!gs.'{ Mdd minodl@hol.ta h.w inre$iElt<br />

studi.d ed h.v. @i!ed incsing andto! d@ to thcir role for th. srnthBis of<br />

hore dd h.r.o'mebllic mimal@holat DFusoB rlhs for chdical vapou<br />


dcposilion to fm .cmic oxides, md 6 3uch e of i er€st in thc ccr4ics ed<br />

Prinaiy ed econdaty minoalkoxid. ofiyF OECHRCIITN(Mt), havc provei to b€<br />

mE .fficid lLd 2-n lhoxycthoxid. fo b@rjlg doM .ggrcgdion and lhN.<br />

prcviding volatility.'4 dloxyalohol, ed mi&al@hols have bc.n ued fo.<br />

inlcmolcute slabiliz.don of otgdoduidm dd otaeogrlli@ with the lim to<br />

rrq rrl<br />

obt in dolcl orseoFelsllic @npou& lor iDdurial u6<br />

The Ea.iio of ?r'./v{incihyldineth@l (druH), (Mc)tN(cHrloH with "BuU ud<br />

"BuLi/BuK tspetively 6ults in th. fodlion of fie hono- md hcterc'nc!.llic<br />

akond*u:tMe,N(qr?)'olil. tud t{M.,N(cH,),o)trLi'&lo, nlh.r thd nixed<br />

SiEilodt nulti@mpoMt sllodilllHiobid h.tNodal @nPlqe lSNh(oEt).{4'<br />

OErhLurO- dtu.),1 and [s rbloEt brFr OEtr:rFro drrueutroHh] rr have bem<br />

pr.pard by lhe Eetion of IsrNb'lOEr),21 dd th. d'n'r'rucrion'lis'd alcohols<br />

(dMH) ud found 1o be siiablc pdusor fot CVD. Slrorrim dobde @ pron*rog<br /> for MOCVD, Thc d..omposnion prcd(t.on|3'ling thc SrNb, sioichion'rv'<br />

cd be u!.d s fdoel*tdc m@ory aPplic.tions. d@ to ihet lo* poldizrdon tuisu€<br />


UAic YD T.chntq4!<br />

(2) dt ios t*o mnodolatc @Ltc grcl4. ir a cis @ntrgustrotr srd tm chclating<br />

drtuH ligdds, Bolh @mplqes disslv. rudily in drn&Il to lom stable slutrons, md<br />

e good prdus6 for th. d.positior ofNio thn lil$ by el-r.l tc.bniqrcs<br />

t*b* ,.po,r.'tt "t huu. d.--$tat€d th6t rcetylac.tone cd b. sily dodified i.. ,<br />

a.e,"d. , oro "ggr.e"ro"t '" undd dild @ndilioN, d.Dending on rh. slv61 u$d<br />

Meial p-dikdomtcs conpounds c.n €Nily Eact wilh donortunclionalilcd alcohols<br />

(dn&ro at @h tdtrpente ald fo@ addsG swh s zn(eb (dn&H),r@ Ca(e&D<br />

(dmdH).'6r simildy artd@t of isst ucrual co:(ee)r(p_oH):cq(&n&).c14 bd<br />

Nir(@X}-oH)rcu.(dba)qcl. wE synt sizc{t bv ltabjd .1.1,'d bv Fa'tidg<br />

opFoFiate douls of r.dddic N, N_dindhvlaoinoalr@lo @Ppe4l) chbnde with<br />

pnikctolar€s ofco0l) ud Ni0D. In ce of.l@holvsis @ction, h€ating b equiEd for<br />

obpLL moval of 9{ilctoDar6 or duoxi& *iih cl8sical alohols ID3@hclsrhc<br />

tunctioral llloxide lis&d! i.e, O(Csr)hX fX = OR (.lkoxvalohols). N&<br />

(alonolmiF)l 6 a.t s ch.L ins edor bndsins listnd<br />

wilh intdolouls O- or N. do@r sit s As & exmpl€ in conpound<br />

cut(OCH(CHr)cHrNM.J, dE chelario! rrk* pb.. bv liorins thc altoxid' oxveen sd<br />

the dono! site N of @bo Mhol 10 fom fivc Dmeb.rcd nner @EPlex<br />

l'.ldu sohajl,rd rcrDi..l, stdheis of tl'li(.@XdDa€tltlcl widr lh'<br />

subcrinrtid of @e && sreup of Ni(@) *i$ dtn&H in p€srce or [clsnocH]l<br />

rld ths able !o inft6. ils slubililv 6 wll d lh. volatlig of lh' complq This<br />

suhtioi@ mad€ ttrc pcuNr ejt bl. fd lhin filb dcPositio' tn th' crvsr'l shrt@<br />

molsul* e linked via G-H--CI hvdmgcn bonds lo fom centosvmmetic dinen<br />

hwtvilg lh. O-H erolF oft[c ducH liS.nds md dE Cl dios ft s bud thtt

elubiliry of $-dit€lomles or altorid€s of Ni, Cu, Sn, €rc. io@d ai.r odduct peduct<br />

or ligand rcplacencni by fiDction l olcohoh deFndins on their ability to act 6 a<br />

chelatjrg ligdd Fthq ihu ! bridging @e. Anitual@hob e oio norc cffcient lhu<br />

alkorydcohols in thb,<br />

lelublc poltbqic o.i.l d*oxid6 of Ni, Cu, 54 ctc, @ be elubilied an€t<br />

subslitlnion of alkoxid. wiib tn no.dlizld .l@hols depoding on lh.t obiliry to 4t a a<br />

chelating ligald ralh.r thd a bndgiry one.<br />

_4.<br />

Sular .r..I.,'d sy hBiad bist2

Thes€ p@ursors w€E choea fq .a. of mmufactuq $lubility ,rd st bility in solution<br />

&d dcposilion FrfoM, paniculely for hrg.salc d$uf&nE.<br />

1.5.4 Ch.nbtry of M€tll Crrborylrte3<br />

Anons th. cirborrsta! a..tat lig$d B prcf@d du. to its .biliry b lDld clNly<br />

$vcnl n.lrl iom foming ldse suptuolcculd sfuctN. The &.lales acl hosltv 6<br />

bddgitrg-chclalinS ligsnds idead of limpl€ ch.bting or bddgiig<br />

.-r+ /9-M<br />

R-.(. _o-M<br />

Ih. difrdc. in thc IR .b$rption fi.q@des of th€ cdboxvlai. strmctrjcal md<br />

s'@ctrical strc&hilg bonds previdd inf@.tio6 about th€n @ordination DF, for<br />

insrsne, ! dir!r4@ of Ao = (D!O: - u' Cq) < 200 @r i.dica&s a bddgrng<br />

bctr"uio-,'t' tl* lig$& favor th€ forution of .xtqsirc n two*s sd gels'<br />

PolFlcl@ @nplqcs of tilolim aton&s wirh .c.1!L like Ti6O(F-oR)a(OR)a(p'<br />

OAc)i!6 x4 oblain d s1 oon t Fpemtue, wh€6 al hi8h temFr.tu€ oxo sFcies<br />

116 Tko6(OR). (!4rcR)6'4? 9w obtaircd. The pd Lbilitv of crnoxvlar' lisods<br />

cm 6uh in poou mtcrials s poo$iry i5 gdmcd by th€ siB of lhe R_8mup 'd<br />

h hs b.€! foud lhal thc @.rivig of m.tat tl|

ROH + R'COjH + RCO^'+ HO<br />

n!. rc&tion chmisLa of @boxylales deFnds on lhe expaimenul conditions lik€<br />

stoichion.try, frcidM

M .l5o rcDoned s Sood prusor for th. d.posiiion of rux€d melal oxide thjt ilft in<br />

alpDpria& rloicbioD.dic drio by AAcIr'D.<br />

ArologoB 10 thG, Hollinesronl €ral..lra hs ds synlh.sisd hono dd<br />

hd.Dbioclallic .Ldvdils oftin minoalkoxid. Iitc sn6or (d4&)., sn6 04 (oEr). and<br />

lsn(d@), cd(@),1, ror nix€d nctd dirlc.<br />

A si6 of silG cartbxylatd .long *ilh lh.n hiph.nylPhG?bin. lddwl 6niairi.3<br />

unlatMled goups within $e li8lrd have bd strth€siscd by Ed*lrds et al.,trtlt likc<br />

lAsqCRl and [AsorCR(PPbh, whm R = CH2CN, H1C=CH, H?C{HCH:CH1'<br />

M.GIXE(MC), Ph(tDc{rfl. Triphetrrlphosphine adducts or lil!.r B-dikdomr€srt6<br />

lAgL(PPh)l (! - eac, dpm, tfe, hf&, fod) nave ale bee. svnfi*ised ed elaluaied 6<br />

!r!.iNs for lh. dcF3iriotr of silvd 6lnt aing a@$l 4br.d chdic.l vaFu<br />

It is beliqed rhd @rgr. !d piikdomre dcrivativ€s of 3d divsl.ol lBEidon meuls,<br />

such N Niol)r1t and Cu(lI) h!v. a nat*cd i4docv to polvh*ik. Fot inslle<br />

tNi(a@)2h which is e 6cac-bddg.d linuclcs sp€cis,'B re duins alcohol dchase<br />

twdc, slvc imlublc .ick l (u) 2-methqy.thoxi& tNi(octt|.oMeHr, sd.6<br />

rc&lior of tNi(acacrli with mircol@hol, saw uinoal@holares of nickel<br />

tNi(octl.OM.)'11, qdich b momh€ric, vol.rile dd eluble it host ol {h' org&'ic<br />

s.lvcnis sd. ths, 6 b. usd 6 pot4l ptccsot for CVD<br />

1,5,5 Conp.rrtive Study of the P.ecursors Svuihatu'd<br />

Mcbl Hikctomtes IM(RCOCHCoR')"1. e mos{v u*d in the rabri@tion ofnetal<br />

oxi1) is on€n obsPed foi divalal,<br />

ldgc.lclMts, sEh s .lkdim €adh melals {Ci, St Ba) ft€ vol.tilirv is sovcmed bv<br />

thc bult of thc R dd R -srDups 6 wll d th. ctE of lhc Detal shich wiu ddmine<br />

thc &sree of Nei ion (n) Ot p-dikeiond€s csilv fom addutr wi$ ncurral<br />

moldulG 'L' M Gnirdonnl\ Lil mosr lik lv havine Dtrcsd or oxvs€n d6or sr€s<br />

swh s Mtcr, .l6hol5. eihe$ eines, minoalcohols €!c Fomadon ofddducis reduces<br />

socialion but sklility prcbl.N in &€ v.poq Ph@ nusl ,le be coNide!€d LU

UAACvDI!.httS!3!<br />

McLl .&on&! i! d!. $lid fotrrl @utd 6r m6r $e elubility st'd volatility<br />

requircme s ofcvD. Ho{cv6. 0E hid Eactivily oabili9 ofth. n t l-alkoxide bond<br />

i&l* th@ efi! $anhg Eardial for sFlh€is of v{i.ty of hd@lepli. pEclNts<br />

M(oR)". . & whcF, xn k Hikcro'.tcs or OCR which al$ cnh'e th.t sLbilirv<br />

itftud cosslinl in p€dce of mist@ strd thdforc n*d ro srot undet in n<br />

Md.l miN.lcrhola&s @ hidly ai! s@iiiv., but O.y c& fom srablc homol@lic.<br />

h!&relc?tic norcn i.llic edor bct@ bim.bllic ddlirwle @tdi@lion 6nplcx6<br />

by tc&ting *ith dlkoxide ard &eiatc drcug)l o, N chcl iot sd' thu' b..ome nor€<br />

Gr€.dvc tbe sinplc tlqrdrondB itr ddaing bvdrelvsis l.le' htrsliIg 4ercelljon<br />

dd, thus, indwing volatility, Th.e FoFrti$ n.k€ lhen a 8@d dnSlc $@e pEclMr<br />

fd delosilins mulriorPon !$ boold or hetenrut l dide threud MOCVD-<br />

Met l ceborltalcs 6tecisUy 4.t!ics of, Zn, Cu, Cd, Co. a fieir hvdtar€s' @<br />

@m@irlly !v!ibbl. 6d @ b. eidc ltlvdmB cithlr bv hcarug in oven at a<br />

tanFrare of 80-90 oC for 3-4 lDs follo$td bv dc$icsto' 6r rca'r lhc m'i'r ac'itte<br />

wiih.c.tic dhydlid€ ot wilh 2-m.thoxy€$aol (in situ) Cdboxvlates d' g€n"ally<br />

iNlubl. in dsrdc $lrcnt3 de ro tLe Eqd of thcn Ugand! 10 act a bridgjng o!<br />

Th. dcgF of &!6eialion (Foleuld @mpt.ritv o. lucl*itv) d"id6 th' olisondic or<br />

polrd€nc dute of th€ rctulring rp€cics tM(o, CR)h1., wh€& n stald! for iI€ dege<br />

of .ssiatior Mctnl dboxyLriB mighr b. dislv.d in lh. p@M of mdd alloid's<br />

or solubiliry my inc@ wilh the inc@ in catbon atons Th. cdboxvl4es with $e<br />

sndlen lubd of 6bon .toc, qhicb @ elubL itr o4eic d.dit for h6t el@'ntl,<br />

@ 24lhylh€H@ls. C{boxylrcs @ 8.Ma!lv non'rclaf le howver liqrid<br />

csboxylG _ sw .l$ <strong>PR</strong>paFd lor s ombd of n Els lAl M& B& C5. Y) bv<br />

Mdns 2{2-bcinoxyethoxyl) eiloxye.tic 4id (MEEA) *ith @tar€s' hv'ltoxid'e or<br />

6bonal.e to €nld.e il! vohlility<br />

M.B! orgdic @hplq€s. o! Lhe b4b of phtsi@_cheniclt prcpcniea @ b' oDPaFd<br />

w h rcfcrc!@ to their $lubility in orgdic aolvd! in ordd on M G{ik€bn'&sx<br />

.ddlcll > M(oAc)r(&@E)r > M(ORI > M(p- djt rotut6)" > M(q CR)i , voLtilig:<br />

M (9.dik€rodco" .do&H > M(oAc!(d@Hh > M(F- dik todtcs),'> M(oRt > M(o:<br />


CRl, opponuiry b fom srabl. hcGDn tdlic sFcid: M(OR)h > M(O? CRlh > M<br />

(dbe)" >M(P-iikt, ed cs. ofhydDlysis: M(oR)" >> M(q CR)" >> M(Hik)".<br />

1,6 Tbitr Filo Coraings/Nrno-Mrtedols<br />

Neo crysiallirc cerunic oiide @atings *ilh 6 prcp.i moaholoSy e atlr&li4 m<br />

incRising ini.nt in diillFt applicd now a day. Sydlcsis ouG play a cruci.l<br />

Dle in prcpod!8 cmic dai€riaL, Nomally nulti4ompor€nl emic narnals hN.<br />

b€€n prepded by solid $aL hedodotogy which involv.s phvsical niring ofmct llic<br />

hydsxid., ondc, cnboaat , tr!l. or sulphltc doleial follo*.d bv he.r Mh'd at<br />

high lcmp€rstde aPpoximslely ol llo0'C to ploduce rsFclivc oxides This melhod<br />

cutrs in potdcs vilh oN erain d, agglob@ted structrc wilh lov 3u.f@ aM<br />

&d hcnce ils opplicaiion rcslncled lo vcry Mow indstnal 6el&<br />

h ordci ro obiartr lltitr film of .6@dc @dic m!&ials !r low tcDFBt@, following<br />

chebical synth.sis l*hniq@s wilh s proFr norPhologv have b*n @d dd dddoFd<br />

ovr rhe rast few d.qdd. CvD,lrr sDir oarb& slny Pvrctvsis rto trt eLcr@horai€<br />

deposiiion, vacuun coatins, @ar nix ptu@$ ( sol scl d.l painting).'s clecno$dic<br />

Nisted vapou d€position (powdd @ating), plasm sp6ving ed ulusonic spttv<br />

pymlysis (USP)'&'ere ermples of5uch l4hrqEs<br />

Ch.dicd vtlou .lcposition {cvD) b a v€stil. proc€$, whi€h is suirable for Flducing<br />

hiehly coffonnal ihin film and pold6, @mFies of nenpalticl6 ChcEical vapou<br />

.tepGilion my b. deined 6 th€ Seneric Im. for a reg€ olpto@sses th3t Esuh in th€<br />

deFsition of rhin filns of mr€riols vi6 lhe d@onposidon of ch.nical pFufuB al or<br />

ned !o a subsiral€ surface. Unlik traditional chemical ractions, in which F&dons<br />

uuauy ('ru in homgmu $lution or g6, CvD lwlio$ tate pl4 otr a two-<br />

dimosio.d $lid surfs. i,., the substdc. Genelallv th€r€ e two tt!6 of cvD<br />

pro6e' Oie is lhysicd v.pou Depositio! (PVD) $lich iNlld's vacuM<br />

dapo@liol! sPutterins, noLc e b@n @iLxv ed ion Pl,ning S6ond is Chenical<br />

Va!o( D.position (CVD) houing veiety of depositioo cchniques like. atnosth€lic<br />

06@ ch.Bicd lapou deposirion (APCVD), lo{ pastuc ch'nical lapou<br />

d.losition (LPCVD), plsna Ni$.d Gtldcld) chmical vapou deposilio' (PACVD'<br />

?ECVD), photuhcnical vapou dcposition (PCVD), tM ch'dic'l vapour deposilion<br />

(LcvD), n t l-orssic ch.mical vaPou depositioh (MOCVD), chcnical b@ epitaxv<br />

(cBE), ulrNnic &t@l 4is1€d cvD (UAAcvD)<br />


C\'D b nom.lly pqfom.d in a low prssw v&um rcacro., which @n!i31s or lhe<br />

follo*ing psns: a t@tor chdb€r; grs 6icr; ewe nDt{ials; dd the suiabl€ en€rgv<br />

slE i.c., .iu.r hdting or plau. dd$r, for the d@nPosition of pElNt<br />

ro mcial /or nclst oxid.. The ceid gs nows tbnu$ tl)e soN. r€ad5ts thd arc<br />

usulty $lid!, ud picrr up ere q@tity of lh. b!rai.l. SonElie tbe ceid gar sill<br />

at$ b. a E&t rt. Thsc m.t€nab e hix€d in E mixhg .hmbq sd tho injccied inlo<br />

ih. E .tiotr chmbd. wh.rc tb. E&t !ts, undd th. irll@e of 8&i flo* rcGs thc<br />

Larcd $b€ta€(s) on *hich chemi.d tadion(s) lake pl!.e to dcPosir a b.idor nd.l<br />

ond. filn, In dsce, CVD system r.lies on thd convffion of prccsor in v.Pou fom<br />

dd drlu o o t h€.t d 3ub$!r. Dl!.€d ir $irlble @tor, *h@ th€ pFuer is f6l<br />

diffuled ed th.n adaft.d to subsitlr. surfac. @adng a micrc lavd of d.posidon<br />

CVD h6 sv.dl inpondt adldtlges thd n thc ptcferFd dcPosidon lahnologv<br />

in IMy apdi€no6.1$ TtEs d b.; CvD hs I|ieh drowing pow.i thar t suit'ble ro<br />

co.r conpLx !urf!c.s h.ving @nptcx ontos ll k Nr Glliclld to s lin@fai€})t<br />

.lepoitio!, edich k a b?icdl f.ate of sPun€rirs, cvapoMtion md othd PvD<br />

Ddhod.. CVD ha his! &po6itio 6G. For thi.k codingr, in tom cag<br />

mrinct4 thick, CVD ptoes i3 S4eDlly cmpeliivc<br />

dn@ical rhd PvD prces. CVD na rhc pot€ndal to p.rfon el€ctiv' dcposinon<br />

i.c.. d.losirion of a film on on€ surf@ in rhc PFse<br />

ofeoth.r. For exdplc' coPp"<br />

oft.n morc .asily deposils oD conduciive sutf&4 lha o! di€l€citic or's Howoer'<br />

CvD is not ! uiEsal @lring patll@<br />

onc rojor disadvebge is ihat CvD ned hid Eedon l€nP€ratu€s of 600oC or mot'<br />

and ir w tu6d that mdy sub6lratd e @t lh.@tly stable udd rh* ldFBtG<br />

Fofiunably, with lhe induction of plasm CvD and MOCVD paniallv ofset this<br />

pmbl.n, Amlhd disadvehge k fta1 PW flm @ bc difficutl lo obr4d bv CVD<br />

bcse Imy 3i& t@tios ()cs, .sFciallv in delat{rydic CVD l1jis pobl€b d<br />

b€ conhou€d by d@citing filn 6d.t opti6i4d @ndrtioro' I1Fs. CvD ptoces*s e<br />

neid ald @y lpprc&h direl ftbticdion of ond. thin nln nom elid dd liquid<br />

pdusoB. R6eeb4 h5re nDdc lot of ddvd@.nt in CVD Ecbliqu' egddinS<br />

@tio! chdinty @d proes @nlrol Th. Eponed CVD oelho& on@ Fqdc a hiSn<br /> c of ephisticaton . @nEol. to ohain t dcsitd thin filn Remdv,<br />

son@h.eicat itr dialion Lcbniq@ i.., UAACVD ha b4o d.signcd @d d'lcloped to<br />


lnttuduction U/l,4Cl/D ?echniqwt<br />

p€FE sFcific clmic filbs, @mpri*s of @o padicle which qlibil @v.l<br />

poFriid rbat ditrGr nom rhoe of @ldids with nicc siad f€rm. Tnb ltrhniquc is<br />

npid dd rbo suitablc for norue€loc mixr@ ofrhe iDvol.rile prcccors solulionj as<br />

t'ey q€ lrruponcd to h.aled subslrare by mtu of gaMiquid serosol, sheE they<br />

d.compo* to the find neLl or nelal oxide 6nfom.l rhin liln. The suce$ ol<br />

sFlhdir of t!i! film 6 b. judgc

I<br />

{a.<br />

bbl&.€b,H<br />

-fL-)<br />

l-<br />

Flg@ 9 Hodzo.t l lppoeh r[i! litm grcrvtb @heis d'mg UAACVD.<br />

c-ta v:L. ..\<br />

trt-r t-r lr-<br />

t<br />

Fgw l0! Verticd apprc&h for din fitm gb{1[ MhsisD durile UAAClr'D.<br />

Vqtidl ap!rce! ws foutd ro bc mG $ir6tc ro gddr. *!@t rhat spny.d diEdy<br />

ol|o h€rr.d sub6rr.E pl4d ar rt horlom of ctdhd to g.t hiShly cdfofrol filD loder<br />

@ ol ervibnnMl ed rhus esrag. of &mst€ @ he rcsiicted ro a hirinum v.tE<br />

stich is mt posi6L i! bditulal eproch.<br />

1.7 hccorsors Ctroctedzatior TechDiques<br />

ovd th€ pal€s, the d.vetopMt ed ch@terizlrion of marldats havc be@ft<br />

ie6itrSly stEhliz€d dE to rt .vq-il|.6bg i.n,nd! plaed or qudity. Thc sEal<br />

itrdn 'r n|l|qi.l *i.@ ha .rEt d r i6d for sleifc .ldrdcd rsts lo d@r.riz.<br />

rhe ino.ldic tud or8ei. tuedab rirh Ftiabiliry, To rrcvid. tull info@{ion ahou lh.

Pre.6or Chrodtzano,<br />

pcues, ditrddt avaihbl. analttic.l t chnique likc ilAuld sp@tom.&r, nucld<br />

mgnetic 6o@ce sF.t omdd, cHNs-o &aly*r, .lonic abcolpdon spe.Eotu€r€r,<br />

singl. crysld x-6y qBlFh, d.l theml snslysis have beer urili-d.<br />

1.7.1 Elenentrl Anrlysis<br />

Clasictl tEg.l tcchniquF br*d on oxygen trjn @Dbustior nethodolry wrc N€d for<br />

th. 6:rin iio. of clrbotr ed lydoea @nrcnc,rs whc@ for niEos@ t]"ical<br />

Kj.ldahal mcthod ws s.d.'e Now a d.ys @mp!ri*d equipncn e sEilable for rhe<br />

Blimalion of C,H,N,S ed O which wort oi thc principal of orid.rive degmd.tion &d<br />

cvolv€d @nbstion gdlo md wft holatld b/ cltrotutographic r.clDiqc b€fole<br />

di@cd io delc.tor for qMtiqtioo.<br />

1.72 Fouricr Trer3foE hfnred (FTIR) Sp€crrodcopy<br />

lrtn rcd sFctlospy is a v.ry Fwtul t .hiiqu. for the ch@r.nztion of ch@icals.<br />

'Iltoe nqu€nci* of IR ndiadon, which mlch thc raual vibr.tional frco@ci€s of rhe<br />

mol@ul€ in q@$ion, arc 6bso6€d, ed th. aoey absorb.d sw€s to incEse lhe<br />

mplirude ofihc vibdtion l notion ofthc bonds in tn€ nolccde. Only 0ro* bonds lhat<br /> a dipole non@r od cbdges 4 a turcti@ of tim. e 6psbL of llsorbinS<br />

Baae of hiSI sp€!d, gratd reluiion, sd inprov€d sig!.lro-noise ftio, FTIR<br />

spdhoscopy is now .mployed foi ltr applic.lior oI IR sp€cto$opy. In the fouier<br />

td$omation of lh. int rf€rogm lidl cov.dne rh. *hol. tcqucncy mge, rylically<br />

SOOO-400 cn_' ed ! @mputer blilt i. o&hine, @vetu n ilb a plot of alsorprion<br />

against *N.-!Mb.r mnbl* ln. !su.t slerim obiained by thc tnditiord m€thod.<br />

Th. piciodal vi€v of s infrared intdfeom€t r is snom i! Figrc 2l.<br />

1.7.3 ('H, r3C ) NMR Spectrosopy.<br />

NuclF naslaic rc$me o,{MR) sr..Eospy is s hiCy $Eitivc iechnique widety<br />

!*d for rhc afudy of sln&nlal inlom.lion ond inta/ind noleuld int€rotion.<br />

Eld.Dte havilg at l.rsl on mrndly ecunirS ieroDes *ilh a rstd Ain 0+ O) is<br />

Mdble ro NMR studi$,<br />

All NMR rctive rucl.i hay .or rcsonaie ai thc see positiotr ed r€don behind rhis &cl<br />

is ilal .hmically diffcMt lwl€i @ diff.E ly shi€lded fiom ih. s!,plied magne c<br />

6cld bs@ efat lhc tusndic field. Hln r'rrhc tructei my E€xpc5s 6;<br />

Prctusor CtuKl.tization<br />

W!@ a i5 3hieldilg osta ed is ind.Fnd@r of atpli.d mrgnelic ficld bn hisbty<br />

depeddt or rh. cheDicrl sEucnm of $c mol@u]. dd rheir valEs d. el€ly<br />

d€t€mined by magnetic dd €hctonic €nvirome ofthe nuclei b€ingobsrycd.Ihft<br />

is m rcfc@e or raFal 4rc *ith espat 10 which positio! of lin6 @ bc d6uEd,<br />

tbeEfoE &is dilliculry is €novrd by rabnS itrto @sid@rion fi.ld i.dcp.nddr psrrs<br />

pd million (!pn) shitu rclative to d eliirary rcf.Fne suhsiance. Nomally<br />

letluelhylsilde (IMs) is lalcn d intemal rcf.mce for mdy rcsoro.<br />

ln ce of rH NM& chmicd rltns inregdtio' rElB, sblF ofpe*r d@ ro spin-spin<br />

couing e very ecitiv. lo lh. Dol(uld genetric dif€rcnces. Direcr i.fomation<br />

aboul th. Etft ad nub.i of pmlon pGent in a .hehic.l @mpomd wei€ obtain€d<br />

non chenical shili \€1u6. Thc !€16 of coupline @6&nt rcflar l!€ miu. of bonding<br />

or b.rv@ rh. D6ir ofrElei_<br />

'rC N'1,4R ir ddogus lo bui lcs pBilive ro rH NMR. Ilis proves to b€ d impoltari<br />

lool in stuctual turlrsjs of or8mic @npodd thrcugh iderrificarion of envnomoally<br />

dineml @bon atom, This tebniqrc bs $he cmpti€riotr th.t is loi hc.d iD rH<br />

NMR.'C foad to be NMR &tive Mlh. spin Z 6 prcton &d prcsr mruralty in Lt%<br />

abude€. Tlis low abuddce ofrrc Evesls rlur olly &w NMR elirc nwl.i pesdt<br />

vbich rcsFtc ir the mag!.iic fi€ld.<br />

'rC Ni {R !pea! s[ow a singlc pesk fo. @h non{quivztar csbon aron in<br />

cotrlzsl lorH NlvR $nict 3hok moiipl.l foi €&h Foron position. IF rrc chenical<br />

shifl adoptcd th. s@. principl.s 6 rhos of rH, althoud ihc lrlical resc of cheDical<br />

shins is mwh lo4{ than for rH (by a febr of.bout 2o).<br />

r.7.4 Siqle Cryst l X-rly D.ta Atrllysis<br />

Sructw of compoud w be det€din d with the help of @nput ! controlled<br />

Nronatic difh.cton€br, *hich ne3s@s ihc Bngs,s eSle (o) @d irietuir, 0) ror<br />

dh b*l Efletion. A *cll dcfiled c.ys6l sEucnrt irdjetes thar in $lid star. thc<br />

ligotls, n Ll ion ed mion fill rhe space in a rcguld pa.kin8, his packinS is sually<br />

held by co-ordimL, .l€cbosr.ric or by H-bondihg. dcfin€d singl€ crysrat havins a<br />

size of a fcw idth of. m i! RguiEd for sruct@ dd.miFdon. wljle pr€sjns th€<br />

d,t , a si.s of diftlction pltcN h.E be. @.d.d frcm rhe €ryslr, *h Fanm<br />

corcspoid, to o ditr &!t crrsr.l didLtion, 1n. cryst ltosraptrer conv.ns $.se Bo,

PMrCi,..En ation<br />

diftsional inqges a rhrEiiftnsionat nod.l of r[c d.nsnt of .ter.ons<br />

thrcu8lour rh. cr$ral lsing rh. mrbemdcd t chdq& of Founq T@sfom. h briel<br />

.ah sFt ffiponds to r difldem it!. of v{i.lio! in lh etdoon d.rsity: rtE<br />

crys|.XoendE. Ns dct mi@ rr, vdilrior oclonds ro whi.h 3@r \indsi"s),<br />

the Flativc arfigths oI tl!. spot6 in difl@nr images (tur8i,8 arl r.4titrS) ed how th€<br />

vdiari@ sbould be @mbiicd to yicld rhe ro&t el€crio! &siry @n rj,r8). In&i4 js<br />

Scmlly romplist d iitnE s Moi^d.th9 Nnc.n Th6€ difi.cnr scD6<br />

undenakd by cry$allogeplEr us.d for srnctuE itlwidnrion e glphicaly Gprce.r.d<br />

-t ^.^<br />

:r<br />

tD t<br />

FLre ll: Flw shet for solving 6d@!ld sEu.luF by crysrallogbpter.<br />

Mol@|I stluctuB of lag. runb€r of mrrl o.gei. qnFulds *w d.i.@i!.d<br />

lnng lhis rchniqu.. R@ndy tn. crysrar sreftE of rhc @6prei tp(Cir?qht hs<br />

b.en Ed.rcDniedzor (Figurc t2) at lmK rsing @rcnr sphisricsrd equipmenr,<br />

aulting i! iEprcv€d Feisid cmp€rd ro dE pBids stlldr.4<br />


Figurc 12: Mol.cul& strmr@ of tpd(CjH,Or)2].<br />

P r. tu| e I C hra r I e r i et io n<br />

M.zll{ ct at..d in thcir p6p.r onpaEd ibcir sFwro&l Mth Kny@€va dai. ,o: for<br />

lhe s. c@poud [Pd(crH'Q)rj on lhr bsis of Fsnts obr.incd duins sinsle.rysbl<br />

X.Fy &Elysis, Both agrc.llt.l i[e conpl.x crysr,lliz.s in lh. sp&c grcup p2tn wid<br />

1wo nol6rd6 in lI€ qi1c.ll, Kryu€v{ srat.d rhat rhe Pd codpl.x is plae, Mdhd cr<br />

al., on &c bdis of llt€n siaiislical sEltsis disgrc wirh rhh ed sid dar tn two 2j,<br />

p€nLe{tionate ligturls sc nor l@!ed d&tly in rhe Mc ple but m tilcd with<br />

qFd to th. PdO. plec b, 1.4" 0 ).<br />

Rodn.y P. f@eU .1.61.,?@ cponcd nol€cut& srructur€ (rigu. lt) of zinc clurrs<br />

tzn,oio:Cfir1l3-{CH'oH)CJlliN}:l h5ving 161 €Mple o{ thc rely seen double<br />

t tEl|.totr (Figw l4). Thc @mplex sr.enr G foud ro b. sliStrdy dhortcd clpFd<br />

Eigo!.l piisati. alq8mcni Esch of ih. t*! |lralcdlois of zilc @araitu d<br />

intestiiirl l4-o dd e 3ym€r1-Elal.d throud d in6bn c! .. to@r.d zn{4),<br />

whhh ale sFes s a shs€d venex linldng lhe rwo halv.s. Ite edges of rhe<br />

teudEdFns e aI bnd8.d by 12, l2-@6rcs cxc€pr for lhe edgc UnrinS Zn(t ) io Zn(4)<br />

ad zn(3) lo a(4). It Zr(l) ro zn(2) cd8. is bridsed rl, l2 by rwo oxyscB of c<br />

e.lar6 that mdd olh.dis be typical !2, 12 li'ksg6 b€rwn Zn{2lzn(4) dr! h(3><br />

Zn(4). ft.s. si4l. aroh bndg6 rcsrrid tne Zn(tF(l2Fzn(4) mgl. lo<br />


p.-.<br />

..^<br />

'{c<br />

r!<br />

*\\<br />

ft.i.+<br />

ft.jd I<br />

P rccwsor C htoct.r r2utoi<br />

Figu..l} Thmd ellipsoid rcprepnratioo ofthe Figurc t4t Ball ed siick<br />

NrlMciric uil of zn,(h-qxorc:Htrc (3- reFaolirion of lhc zo4(14-o)<br />

{CH1OH}CJEN)r, with thc othu half of lh€ skeleroD showins the ven x shaed<br />

nolcltc shoM a a dahed batl and srick doublc aadedrcn of anc rsn ded<br />

,t"*ios aromsr vid inrsurdl oxid; (opei<br />

Thjs r€sul$ in distorlion of th€ zirc ter.alcdred givine a sbon edge qith a Zn-Zn<br />

*p€ntion of ody 2.9887(7) A. All fou ujque Zn @cF havc difee elviFmco|.9<br />

thd@b. gbuFd,i o dinoicd et hcd6l {zn(4)l or dinoned t!l!"nedr, lzi(t-j)l<br />

ln bdef thb rshrjq@ rc1 only gires ih. md6!l@ sructwr of compoud bul .lso<br />

giv6 g.on tric€l pafud.B.totrg wirh rh. bonding paned of mehl-ioq tiSed! dd<br />

don pEeor in the nol.clld sFrctuE.

1.8 Tbin Film Chracteriation, Structure, Chemictl<br />

Compositlon, and Morphologi<br />

The strrctunl and morpnobgical popenics of rhin film e of prime inpone@<br />

beu.e th.y nucn infomado. about the natur of rhe mi@nductor Midial.<br />

S@ing €leIrcn nicmsopy (SEM). eturgy disF6ive xdy dalyrh {EDX), Fwdd<br />

i 6t dim'a.bnEld (XRD). W-visible !D

As 1h. bem inlencts wirh mple it creates vuios sigoals Gecondary electon, intcnal<br />

cuMl photon mision clc,i) all of whjch 6 bc dcrcded. Appopriale<br />

d.t.cloa 6 @ll*r . tuDabl€ 8lcdon of thc etetroB dift.d, ed ln. ourDur d b.<br />

ed to nodulatc lhc bridltl.s ora dhodc 6y tube (cRT) whoe x- ad y-irpuls d.<br />

drivcn in slncbtudso with the x-y volls.s ra8 rile rhe el.clron bm. In this {ay &<br />

irnage h prcduced on th€ CRT; dery loint $at the b€m sriik s on lhe sde h<br />

mPPd di@dy onto a @tuponding point on lhe s{ftn.<br />

Thi! im8. is hiehly M8nifi.d dd uutty hs lhe "l@P'of . rlldirion l simspic<br />

inag. bur *i1h a mu.h b.n6 rcelurion. Th. inaB.s produc.d in th€ SEM e of thF<br />

iyp.s: 8{ondary electron imae6. ba.tsqtl.Fd cl.clron inages, dd elem€ntal X{ay<br />

baps, Mosdy so.rLly deFo6 d€ used in SEM for inage fomarion. Sccondary dd<br />

h@*$dLed dem6 @ @nvoriomlly ep.Eled @rdi.g to rhcn d€rsi.s. A<br />

d.lelor suc[ 6 rh. Ev.drhan Thomlcy dd*ror @ be wd b @Ue.l *cond.ry<br />

.l.ctrons ed conv.rt then ro a signal rhar ir mplified 10 prcdrce d imge of rhe<br />

Ar lddiliooal eldEor ini@tion of @jor imponde in ihc SEM oa6 wh.n rhc<br />

Dr'h&y eletrDc @llid. wilh ed ejer . .oE clecron lion d lron in th $tid, 'Drc<br />

ercn d .ion will dMy lo ik grcud slrr. by enirliog eithci a chm€l€rislic X{ay<br />

pholon or e Aug€r el€ciron along wirh s@onduy electons ed bacl scalt red clecrons<br />

(Fi8e 16). A modcm tEnd in el4tron nicroeopy is ro fil X{.y ealysis equipmc 6<br />

a bolkn awry. Bonbcdins ! sFcibo virh elerroG €ug X-6ys of<br />

cieddistic lml.ngths dd ddgi4 1o b. enin€d ftoD th€ rrot *h@ lhe h.m<br />

sttilca the sp€cim.n. CoDPlnq dalysis of rh€ wlyel€4th (Wavelogrh DispeBile<br />

sp.clros@py) or dqsy sp.crn (ErErsy Disp.sive speclro$opy) mak€s it po$ible to<br />

m4w &cu"r€ly th. nai@ &d qwiity of diII€ml elflent! in ihe mar6iat.<br />

FlSur€ 16: R@tion Fod@1 when €l€clrons de bonbddcd on th. sD{ifteo,<br />


O@ of th. gMtcsr str.qlhs of th. SEM is iB ability lo suow exmiurio! of wples<br />

*ithoul ri@@6mine sp€imcn pEp@*ior.<br />

1.8: X-Rsys DitrnctioD<br />

Sobe of 0r. nat .ial 9rcp€nie! IiL ihemal, m@hdicll. opricat, m8&tic, elerric,<br />

cl@ical, opricd amwl! &d Ediatio! cspoBe @ of gdte* inleEt in @rerial<br />

$iae 6*h. Ite X-6y3 e elet o@gnelic mv6 of v.ry shod wvddgtn<br />

@upyinS th. rcgior 8,lrm ad ulraviol€r oys i! the €tecrromasn€tic<br />

A*tm. LoE jr l9l2 discoveEd the phdondotr ofx-ny diftaction by crysrats.<br />

lor thi! filtn sturlx i!-plec dift!.tio. r..hriqrc ha ben used b€3ue who rb€<br />

smple layq k r@ thiA O. X"ays @ compLrely tresirt d by the subsratc ed no<br />

diftelion 3igndl sppas due lo thir film narerirls. In cse of in-plrle diffrddion, a<br />

@Uin cd b.d ofx-a$, wirh waveldgth r -0.5 -2 Ao 0.540590 ed 0.?091l7 tor<br />

Cu &d Mo $Uru BFctiv.ty) is ieid.n| otr a speim.a ar a g@ing 6gh, rhe<br />

IF!.tnlion d.p1i of the bd i6 linited 10 within about I OO h of tns suf.c. ed onlv<br />

n@rcs diffi&t d bemq wl ch e setEEd reely pdallcl ro rh€ s$ptc surfu md<br />

hde b*&s la,ttie pld6 rhar re (n@ly) perFndiculd ro rhe sde surfac.. Ilr.e<br />

ple.s e i@ible by olhq tc.hniqq. Kswing rh. &rste of difEcrion dtt<br />

Mv.l4gih oflh€ incide X,6ys, d srBcing b.tsBn the plmB c& be delemined.<br />

In powd.r n.fiod Nignilg @net bll ind.x to e&h rcn€dion is nol & 6y job. h is<br />

ond posiblc for l[€ sinpl. @npoud! ofhid srlmcEy nlhd t@ ta.sq srnm of<br />

low strac|fy. For a cubic aynd, with uir ccll diD4ion &, ln. sp&og ofieo.cdng<br />

,F*rt;E<br />

CmbininS *ith BEgg\ equrion giBi<br />

I = 2 & si. oey' h'? +l?+r2<br />

sio r oe= (t:q?+P)rtl4ad,<br />

'ft*foE, for prioitivc cubic srnm a1l incgnl vrtB of bdic.s h, k &xr I @ rosibte.<br />

Pow.tul @nput ri&d soffw@s e Bed fo. irdqine powdd diftrctio! parcms for<br />

hiehly symD.tric dr51.l lyst ms sEh s cubh, tetragonat, onlorhohbic dd hcx.gonat<br />

whilc for olh.r sy$eos rhe pltlco oft.! @ruins of.ldge trwbq ofovc lppjne lilcs<br />

.nd irddog @ be mch mrc dimcdl or 4n rmposrbt..<br />


JcPDs (Joint Comiite fo' Poed6 Diflieriod sbrdltds) dd rcDD (hLnarional<br />

Crysfil Dim_&ton DaIa) fi16 @ n6dy Bcd 6 finger prid Dellodr lor dle<br />

idatiication of crysr.d strrctw. When rhc XRD panm of the smpl. h6 ben<br />

m€du.d dd bolh the dM sp&ings $d inr.osities of the linca @ E@ded, @ bc<br />

nt hd .g.iBr tbe palrero of t oM ampob& in tnc JCPDS ed ICDD dda n14<br />

dd ths cb t idmdfi.d 6ity. A ce is srrdi€d for cady GfeMc., Howdd,<br />

lhis app@ch .!oes nor wolk for doryhous smpl€s or if the inpuiry ircMes noe<br />

Mehe .r,.1,,1d studicd F*dd X-Ey cry$.I dda of th. d@mpc€d utcnd tun<br />

€onplq [Zn6 (oAc)s (tr-OH)r (dne)r (dn*H)r] which appded 6 zno ed marhed<br />

th. dara with ICDD otZiO [0]-089-051l] e &6 sucdstully. (Fisue l7&dTable2)<br />

FiglE l7: XRD paBem of lhin frln oblaincd di.r dMDpcins tzn6 (oAc)! (,1_OHh<br />

(dne)r (dnelot conplcx<br />


Tlbh! 2 Po*ddx-E cry3hl dah of $c dMmF6cd m,l.ri!tfioh onpt*.<br />

I 11.7969 2.814.1 100<br />

2 34.45t1 2.@33 002<br />

J 16.2E99 2.41554 r0l<br />

47,5884 1.9185 lu,<br />

5 56_6376 t.6252 lt0<br />

62.9151 |.4168 103<br />

The Scbmr cqution ws us.d in Gstiblting ih. !rcEge crysr.tulc sias of<br />

rhc rcr.l h.ral oxid. cr),srdtirc film. Ih. Flariolship of.ryst jtne size ro X-6y lin€<br />

brcad€dng is given by th. Schftr €quaiion:<br />

L = 0.9 ! PCos €B<br />

fte !d@ of I is 6ualy h6E d in Ediu $rr@ thc inrasiry cquats th. tult widrb at<br />

hdJddimM (FWITM) ofth. p.ot bord.ning i e6iry, L rhe pdniclc airc, L is<br />

Mv€length of incident x-ny bed. The factor of 0,9 di*s frod the swed lioe shape<br />

oftb€ dilE&tion FaI ed rhc smed cryst ltire slD!., which is only .pprcxjmic. :d<br />

The Eehdis of XRD€s to b. id..i i.c., a perf€d crynal md e ilcidon bem<br />

rhat i5 @hpoed of Frf@tly prall€l ed sriicrly nonochrcngdc radiation. In a.tual foct<br />

lhese conditioN nev€r cxir &d lhis eiv* ris lo two liniritr8 egl6 wher€ diflrelion<br />

@u. b tbc Esid tEt€n 2er al|d 2q, rhe s!r&r Eiutc in a @ii,ucliv€<br />

interf€Er@ *tD* Idinu is al BEgg &gl€ 2 OB *tril€ in otha Fgiotu dcsrrucriv.<br />

interferc@ llkes pla* reulting h no difliacio._ rf lheF d. (m + l) pld$ in the<br />

crtsral dd L beilg lhc peticl. si&, wh€n rhe ditrraci.d iniasity is plott€d s a fibcrion<br />

of 20, rh. widrh of tbe rlittacrd cwc incrt9g 6 rhe thicts$ of rhe crysrat dcB6,<br />

siM th. ssule tuse (20r - 2er) ilrllt.g s h derc'a<br />

1,83 Optical Absorytion Studie,<br />

Opticd qb$rption neN@ne s likc .b$iption €cficior ad oeryy b.!d gap<br />

Frfomed or a dual bean UV-VrS-NIR abmdon<br />


l,trodu.tion Opttal Studi.t<br />

spetopholon t r. Oplical akorpdor/tresmirtde n crlculatcd a I tunctioo of<br />

sav.l.ngh s rhe mi@hmmt d light is $Dn€d ll$ugh thc sple md conpaEd t)<br />

thc lieht in lhe dcr@ b.d. Fom rlE val!. of .b$rpdon cafficiert s@ u*tut<br />

pdmt 6 lit .qgy bed gap @ bc calculd.d lo 6e mi@.duclitrg b.havior of<br />

ljr4 Energ Brnd Gsp<br />

Matcri.l. *h@ elclric potEnies fdl in-b.twen @lduc|on dd insutaroE @<br />

chrmt rized 6 smicmdrcloi To unde6rDd snimducro. ct.dmdic popeni.s, on.<br />

cd slan with th. photocl..tri. .trecr 6 a wen knosn, *h.E<br />

photGlccrbns e €nitl.d frcn tbe mar.r rhoueh rhe absoryrion of sufficicnl coergy<br />

fon .Lalrcnagncric hdiation (i.e. pho!on9. IrE nidoun crcrgy rhar is rqliEd fot<br />

lh. .mission of d cletu from a nEd by liShl irrdidim (p/Dr&re.rDtr) is &fiEd 6<br />

,@.trerjoi . thoF photos @ ablc lo ktrat dr $. phor@l@notu whoe<br />

e!.tgynv(h is the Plocks co6t ) n iound ro b€ noF |h{ nal.rial\ wor* fun rion.<br />

In f&i tn. compl of woil tunclion ir r[e phdcteric p@ss is simild ro lbe @n@pl<br />

of Ih. 4rgl bard ga! of ! mi@dducling narqial. In slid"$ab phrsicr rh. bed eat<br />

Ei 6 th. eftrgy difi.Ene rhc roD ol rhe valc@ bdd .d lh. bonoo of rhc<br />


El ecnical resbtate ne8neke its<br />

Desir.d bsrd gap ofa msr.ii.l @ b€ &hi.vcd by @rblling thc @nposirid ofedain<br />

mi@nd@tor alloys. R.endy, it ha b.a shoM thd by ch&ging de MGtret@ of<br />

a eniconductor it is po$iblc to mipular. i6 band gap, Th. fin l fom ofde band gap<br />

eqution is 8ih b€lou (Dcbil.d denvdion is siv@ in App.ndix-ttD<br />

E1.9"o?'t'?=G 4.0'? (.vl<br />

Tltc opricd bdd 8ap ofrhc liln t calcular.d by plonine graph,<br />

E=h!(eD<br />

St"jdt lirc dlrM eud cw. *iU gi* brrd 8!' Ele di&ctly in €v.<br />

r.8.5 El.ctrical Resbtinc€ Mssrr€nent<br />

ft is a t!B@ of th€ Mt*id'r su.fae iildnr Esislna to.mn1flow Mde.iat.s<br />

sldic Bisdvity @moily oasud by qiry €itha rh. t*c or fou-poi pobe<br />

netho&.:@ no n!€* n€thod., ue ptub€e sli9ed lin@ly or in s squ. p.nch thnl<br />

6nt .i th. surface of1h. r€st mt rial. W€tud,10 neos€d thc eanlt surf@ eshdvny<br />

ir 1916 by fou prcb6 mcrhod. b ce or rwo-pobe n ihod {Fisw r9), cumr is *nr<br />

through o.. pbbe add enB $rcWh s@.d pFbc. A q?icd volrn t r or po&mior€rer<br />

is ued lo ncMe th€ volhgc thcs rwo prcbe.laFrom U. voltag. dd clm<br />

t!@umcnt lh. surfacc rcsistiviry @ be ncswd by uing thc following equadon.<br />

Rd -V4 =2&+ 2Pe+ &<br />

R. @nlact r*isl&ce bciwn lh. @reridt surface dd lhe pDb. touchine sufsc., &! is<br />

lhe spElding rsislaDe a6.

oprtnnp ropcorun ,o(|'r5o t<br />

.l.r!ii'lrf.'..*r n$n 19: Two poini prcbe resr etup,<br />

ngu 20: Four p@b.<br />

Eh.ui@l tutktuewn nts<br />

Th. fN prob. turhod (rigoa 20) II@uB rhc volrage pordri.l of r[. ma&riat surf@<br />

by $ir8 two 6F. preb6. Tbe pio66 do @|.a.ry @y cufrdr .rd dus alimirarina<br />

lhc n dd Ra csurd in lseprcbe turhod. h lnis le sde BLdvny is .xpc*!.d<br />

by the follosing equarion if all prob* aE .qurl si&si<br />

p+ 2 d (vt)<br />

Wt E -p" n surf& Esidivny. Id ce of fN Fob. bidt qu.tiry fN-poili t rd is<br />

*.€*srry !o get Fp€ rd Fliabl€ Firriviry valn..<br />

*<br />

t sr *tup. PFb. l & 4 cdy dMt 0) 2 tud 3 I|Mfts<br />


1.9 Thermal Studies<br />

T1| sreup oftechniqu€s ir which ene physical ed ch@icsl prcpeni.s ofa subsidce,<br />

a mixtw ddor rca.rion 6i,rnE @ &ilmincd B a tunction ofrcmFt rw or iime.<br />

*ni|sr rhc sple ji ebj6r.d to a orrlolt.d cmFFne ch!U.. Tte ptus@ roy<br />

involvc hcding or mliis (dymic} o. holdirs rh. r.op.6tN consdr (ierhedrl),<br />

or sy combietion of th.s., Ttu€e bsic t clDiques of rhmd&alysis r€ wd for rlF<br />

rh@.l chldlerianion of dy @t ri.t, i.e, th.moSnvinetric Mlysis<br />

(rcAyddi$live thdnognvinct y (DTc), ditr r.rriat a&lysis (DTA).d<br />

difr@ntid s.ming cdorimt y (DSC). Aeth.r ibFrtaot.hypb@led l4hniqE is<br />

TCA-FTIR that deeib€s th. drdiysis of g&e o. volatiL components rhar ee .volved<br />

frod . smpl€ udelgoing ihmai ealysk,<br />

t.9.1 Thermogrevinet ricArclyrir(IcAylhrivrdvc<br />

Thcrnogrrvln.try (DTG)<br />

Thmognvim€ty is a q@rirative l€ bniqk in which the lN in wiehl h li@ued s<br />

5 fiuction of tdp@rw (dymicrlly) or rih€ (iethem.Uy) hdd a o,llothd<br />

avitoMcnl. TG hs ew ben @€iry $ pow.rtuX &.t!iq{c for hpidly s63ing<br />

r[ td8l stsbility of vrioB suldale' DTC is a Detbod of .xpBing dE Esulrs of<br />

TG by giving the fiIlr ddihtiE Nc s . fincrion of r€hD.rsru€, d limc! ene<br />

ov..lappirg qctiod nay be hoE cl.aly cvident aom the DTc cw. onq app.a'! to<br />

llsblc lhe @rcslondinS ditrmndal th.m.l enlysis or dif€Enrial lc@ing<br />

calodn tdc (DSC) c@a lhis tlshobe my sin i! ilcrFcrils th.mrt &ir. ed<br />

!1miigtul c@paism b.teq wplG. Th. DTG cw. al$ Fpr.sis rh. mdimm<br />

1,9,2 TGA-trTtR<br />

ftc TGA-FTIR muplilS wd dqigod ro pdvide . lruly oprimized iDt€rfe b.rGn<br />

$c two IEmm€ s, i.., nEnobdac. (Tc ) dd Foqiq rrasfom inrred<br />

spectobeGr (F[IR). TL htlhdsl€d ToA.FflR Ehnique nat€s i Ddsible to<br />

.ktedi!. thc cdpositios dd .listribdioB ofdmosr atl rh. gs@6 producti.volled<br />

frtb @t rids dui.g TO,4r !trd th@!r. lnc d@mpGirion ecbdisG ot rhc<br />

oalcii.b. Tl| sh.malic qd pictonal vi{ ofTGA-FTtR i! shoM i! Fig@ 2 t ,<br />


TGA-PTIR EquipDol<br />

IbN 2l: Scbeuti. view rld Bldr Di.gan of I TGA-FTIR !$EE.<br />


I! wpl6 @ heLd st a givd Latirg hrc fiDm @m r.mFEtft lo ih. dsiEd<br />

cop.6lu& in €itha e ien g6 such B ultr.-pwity nii.ogcn or oxidi2ing g6 such 4<br />

an oi oxy8.n. Th. all h pla!.d in the lR *ming t th Ior del4rion of lhe<br />

d@npolnion prcducrs and atso kept ar t50.C ro prcvent lossibl€ ond.Barion. IR<br />

deL.tion tug. us€d is bctw6 450 a.d 4500 cd'. I! rhe m& slelh e reded<br />

dril@Bly ir the fom of wrer fall (FisG 2l ) .t . Epid nr. of 16 s6r Fi sFcrru<br />

al a &$lution of 4 cm r ( 1hc bi.l rin€ for 16 $s is abour 16 scondt ad sn.sards<br />

spetal M8. clEfuteri$ics for a Fniculd turdion l 8!oup ce be setel€d sd |he IR<br />

alaorptioi bandr i, rhc tu8. inleed.d &d disllay.d s a liocdotr of tiDe / d<br />

14Fnr@ uiag en.we. Th. Bultirg cwe (Cn€ni8m or cm-Schhidr cwe<br />

Figw2l) is a v.ry u.tul wEy to conp@ $. r.sulls of rh. sp.ctrcs@pic ealysis witn<br />

TGA wighr lo$ ed by @nplring theF spera with E[Du phse libtu]. TCA-FTIR<br />

is a $irabl. hrIh@red ldhriq@ for sinullsew i.lcdjfidion dd q@iifidion of<br />

aolv.! vol.riL prcducls,':r r:D Tlte TcA-FtR dara ce sugg.n pcsibl. Eeheisas<br />

for ihe degradation of pre.uso6, howv.r, intoletltion tuy b4on compli.aled od<br />

ft. @upling yiekb a powrtul altlricat rehniqu. ihat codbing r[. qudratire<br />

€splbililica of TC and thc quatir.riv. c.pabiliri6 of FTIR sperospy. Such coupled<br />

stst m cov€rs wid. mas of .pplicaiioG luch d outgsins of malerials, dct ction of<br />

6idurb, rtdysis oI additive, aging and ttcomposition po@s$s, @oD€iilivc eatysis,<br />

chlEcldiatiotr ofmtual and E* harerjats, d6ory1ion b.havior, dalysis of synrhesis<br />

puses, thmal ed oxiddirc .Lc@posidon of pElMr salt h of curinS poceses<br />

md €vapoualio. and sublim.rion p@eses.<br />

1.93 Ki&iic Parrnet r3 Strdies<br />

Kinetics srudia hav. h

a ditr@nrid sming c.lodn &r (DsC). Two diews wircn by Flym,'r ort Rcich<br />

ard lditra disus*d att impoidr tecbriqud so fa. avaitablc !t ih.t ritue for dvatuarine<br />

llte kirctic pamd€B with the help of TcA dara.<br />

Mdy lin.ds trthod! .xin b chaEcldi4 rhc d.gErt rion ot v&iou Thqe<br />

e a nMb.r of metho& e3il!!le fo. rhc dalution of ldncic t,lmct r. fbn TG<br />

cw.3 such d the F@he &d C@ll n.thod."r Fuo$ dd Reich n€lhod:E nt Ve<br />

Kftvclcn\ m.thod,:r' Hoowitz.!d Metzgd he6od,:'tDo F edmd,s meitod,tL 1t<br />

Doylc\ n rho4a s Rcich, Le dd L.vfs method,zr. a Ftyn4zE, w.I md<br />

ozw's malod'Mr Coars ad R.dfd m.rho4a TaeL oa oiu meihod,,s e<br />

chaft.i4,u Brcido.rr 'e Kissinger e .rc Addirionalty sonvN b*d n.1ho& lite<br />

nth od.r kin rics, nodclfe! kinetio (MFK) sd ad@c.d modelfree kin€ris d. als<br />

avail.bL fo. the di@t nc$wodr of &irdie panm.&B lioh ln. dala avlilabL by<br />

It is gomlly ac*pted thlt nareiials d€gad4ion obetr rbe basic.qualion.<br />

dd /dt=k(T) (l-d) " Ec. Ll<br />

Bn@ k is ite Mctio! FL sDsta.! n is rhe ordq of thc @ai@, dd q is 0r<br />

@maliz.d Eidt los, d.fincd 6 follows :<br />

E4 1.2<br />

In Eq. 1.2, wl h rhe si8hr !r tine t md Wr is tlt iniridt dd W,de inal w.ighl of rhe<br />

smplc. Tlc tmpqatu. dep.ndace io Equdon 1.1 dl.B rhrolsl the rc4tion 6re<br />

tm k *hich is aued b b. of th€ arhcnis fotu:<br />

E4,ll<br />

Vhe. A i! th€ pre€xporcnlial facror, Er is som€ activaiion encrgy, ed R h rh. gas<br />

PdtaF th. sinpldt *ay !o 6dtz ierh.@d (q slaljc) lhmogBvibenic dala is lo 6r<br />

it to Eq. Ll 't!is would 'caulr in adjustils $. valu€s for k dd n. R.p.alilg ar sd€El<br />

t€mpmih leads to a spectum for k(T) which. via Eq. 1.3, ce b. used to calcllate<br />

ralEs for A ed Et for rhc @tion.<br />


Chaltqja':3t prcpose d iethemal nerhod for ihe nedwmor of kineiics pm.ter.<br />

He dlso begi6 with lhc b6ic kjnedc €qu.tion! (Eq. LI ed Eq, Ll), bui fims lhem in<br />

teds of wighl d dne q rcp@rt d by w:<br />

S-^*'*'*<br />

H€ thm ht?othdias thll om nn€ of gaftciiog kincdc

ln enc n@ l€qt wrlq Rozy.*i a rl.,ar a trtc a mc gacral apFoeh by nol<br />

sisDilg {a) = (l {)". 'ftey us.d sbnd!'d rietc .qutioa, but i! i, f{m:<br />

[g = rot [a E. r.8<br />

Thc lcft-hd&ide is DMcd (o). lrd k(I) is, in th. usual tuhioa rrt@ d @ Arndiu<br />

s(c)=(r)=A.+.^r<br />

fte aulho$ rcxl d€ahed a rcdwd rim. (nd, as<br />

L<br />

to5 k thc time wh€c a = 0.5. OD. q thctr plot o<br />

cbdging th. tin $al. of.qu.lio. L9 l.a& to;<br />

*,="(*)<br />

Ec Lc<br />

Eq. Ll0<br />

v6B td. Rozycki at$ &t€d lhrt<br />

Eq. L I1<br />

*lt@ B is a @!ea!t d.F.d.rl @ tbc vdE of g(o). vdB of g(a), ,lons wirh B, bre<br />

ben tsbdaled- Using a gnphicd mtlro4 oft @ plol thc qF.ircltal drra and<br />

onp@ ir *irh tbe d6r.ri.rl plot of a !.M tr6d for vdiou e(a) n@tio6. Wlich<br />

evd N mosr clo*ly oarch.s thc dFdn@td d!l! is rh6 &}c! a g{d).<br />

Ro?cki et al.,"L a1 @ntinrc by d.sdbins . @hpurcr prcsu fot lss subjelive<br />

d€ledination of g(d). Bsd upotr thc @npbxity, howvct, it dod @1app€{ b ofier<br />

&y dislircl advatages ovet lbc other meUodq ed ths will not be .ove€d heF Ir<br />

e€n€d, i$ihmal oethods suiler in elation 10 dlMic m.thod! in lhlt @mpedvely<br />

larg€ mouts of d.r! re required, FurtlEnorc, . ncw wple is utili4d for each ies1,<br />

*tlich i!tt!d@s addirioaal etror into th. m.s! If lle @don pceds<br /> qui.kly, em. of th. msr.rial mly h.v. ract d duilg rh. span of rin€ lhe<br />

spl€ w being h€ted ro |hc isoth.nn l t mpcFtur. Finally, this &chriq@ do.s nol<br />

ptovid. in&malio! about lh. kircnca of dcgBdlrion ov.r a @nti!@B t@pdalw<br />

rgiotr" but ooly ar dkEtc sLg6-?rr To di$B sD. of lb€* isB in d€Lil.<br />

!!$e!.8 reDlly tm ro dyndic (mni$tr.dl) TCA t chliqes. An dmPL of<br />

such a r€hniqE is lhar of F|Etm !trd cs.mnilt *ho alplicd a @Fietb@,1<br />

th.@ereie.t ic re.hniq@ to th. dcgndltior of calcim oxala& !t@byd!!rq Th.y<br />


su.d a !@tsBi!s r*lio! *l@ ! @tad, P, s6 to ! elid pbder (s) dd t<br />

P(elid) --------+ s(solo +qga!)<br />

Thcy mle ! g€ne6l 6tc .xp6sion for $b Ea.tiorj<br />

dT<br />

p<br />

Eq.l.l2<br />

WI.F, W is th. wight of solid l€minils dd F is th. heatilg nr.. Using a sinele TGA<br />

tnoc, Eq. 1.12 6 b. appli.d at two poinls on the cw€, Th4 lhe esults @ b.<br />

/ iw\<br />

arocl--J = rarosw -<br />

-Ai<br />

If cqual Miped &mp@tw irt€nals ae .hos<br />

plot of A log [.d w/dr] ad A losw will b. litud.<br />

Thir dellod involrc3 only a single lhmogm md ale p.6il3 lo snrdy over a<br />

cd imN tenFri@ E!sc. Horwq sh t chniqE suff4 ir rht ir Equi!6 sloF in<br />

sLct .M of th. thcmog@. Illjl intrldEs alp@iallc .rc. it lhe &alr5n of<br />

kimtic pcmaerq {hich my Dake d.t mimion of th. onttdl vagu..<br />

' ""0,"(i) =" [^',*,^(i)]-,.,*<br />

Eq. 1 l3<br />

(i.e., A x (l/T) b h.ld @Etanr), a<br />

Aroihd rcchuqu. in dynmic thmogravinctry i! thal ol veidbl€ hcatilg nle R€ich<br />

dd @w*631tt d.EloDcd this mrcl m.thod for cabdsting n {d Er' Thev bcgt!<br />

h.rrilg r sqlc rl r s.t sc od th.n, rnd a sp@fi€d @nvdi@ wa @he{ {F<br />

h.ri!8 nte rc ch.ngcd. 'n$ s@ld h.ding 6tc @uld be Lidd ll!& th. initial 6tc'<br />

bur th€ E*NheB fou

h r.L to b. lowr rhd lhe fi6t 0', ELcs ro Ihe vdE ofn- olre @ chet @sindcy<br />

of th. v.l@ by @.$tudng & i$dFm &d sut6lituting valB in ih. foUowilg<br />

"=[^,*(SJ,r^'*"r]<br />

Eq. Ll5<br />

wilL ihis choic. of PPh come lllc n..sity lh,l the 61nrin8 t EmoSm b.<br />

uymelrical ed dinilc{y cw€d !t boln .rd!. Thc adv6lag6 of this m.thod itrclude<br />

lbc n cd for o y r 3ingl€ thaboslm, ls r.dlcl in lte da&" a!4 @ordins io ihc<br />

autho6, lc$ labor rhd the oth.r mctio&, Klowing d wht @nw6ion io chaq. lh.<br />

h.jlilg nl6 could prcFnl son difrculd$ sd consdt'ttB a disadveiasc, s doa ihe<br />

n*essity for th. utm.trical th€mogrm,<br />

ve Kic!.I.n ei.a.l 1'3 Mied th€ ptrclyli! of {@d ba!€d on lhe smplioi th.t<br />

@ton od.r to b. I ad @d s .ppreximltior for .xpon€ntial lem in st nded<br />

ArhqioB @u.tio! 1.3 and @u.li6 cm6 ro b. 6 follows,<br />

,fl1 rf"1 e -,11-1 e.,1,,<br />

lP (er" I t Rr. ll \ Rr" ./<br />

Eq.l,l6<br />

\vhoc, Tm is lhe tchD€ratN at I)HiDm convc$ion dle. wlh this appoiih.don is<br />

subnitut d in cqurror l I fld lhd idegdi.d th. Gslldng equiion com$ 10 be ar<br />

,"Jv.= Eq.I l7<br />

ftc nrh h.nd tid. c+Elim m b€ bta s otuia l. 6'nrina ir eqution<br />

Eq. I 18<br />

A plor of ln I vs ln T yi€ldr a sraidt lin whose sloF will gile d. vale of rclivaiion<br />

.Mgy E , ed int@p is A. The nain diedvsllgB in lhis neihod e lhtl v.luc of n<br />

nu$ b. krou pdon. By lhb m.lhod cxtn ly low vale of.ctiEtior 6dgy i3<br />


obtai&d.'rr Irl ldvet g6 i5 itat it nc€d. only on the@gru for th. cvrluiion of<br />

L.rd, Horewitz &d M€tzgs'.1q'o deiin.d lems dif€ently in m.thod. For ey<br />

ptblysis wbw all prodwl5 e ed6, ih.y lppli€d peudGffi ordd kj.c1ics. This is<br />

de ro lhe facr th.r dFi. @tion o&r 'tr', .tpli6 1o Mqtlri@ rrd rct wighls of<br />

pd&rr for sh a cs, cl)!r@!!rid tlmitu cdaldt a$d i[e .qulrion @ne to be<br />

Eql19<br />

'I!e auibo$ dcfm.d en ler$ in ordd lo i egiale Eq l.l9: w/vo= l/e ar the<br />

lcmD@$rc 1, ard 0 = T T" ft. dt sllp is 4plying eh. bllhmarical<br />

I l, olr<br />

i"l'-Tlt I<br />

Iflhii b $bsdtuad into Equatio! l.19 alosg*ilh thc ory i€ds' onc fn&<br />

Eq 1.20<br />

bhllll=I4 uq. r.zr<br />

Iq, RT,'<br />

hl '_'! l = -:L E4 t 22<br />

lE0 l Rt<br />

FrcE Eq. 1.19, plonirg ln ln (w,ryo) v.6B e should sive a ttlidt li@ with slop.<br />

proponional to E.. Thb valE, along wiih .q!.tion | 22, yi€lds ! sull fot A Nole thal<br />

this 6ulr appli€s only lo . singte&etion pyrolysis tEt results in onlv cA@us<br />

podwls. I! $nc othq cer Ei@ only ! filclion of the toial w.i8ht is volalilied md<br />

em Gidual elid m.i!i d tbe 6d of thcmrl ddDpositi@ Fetion Thcv nad.<br />

s@ oodificanos in ihc dislirg kimlic c$ltioD For tbd plrPos tb.v defn€d &<br />

Eq L2l

whd'\/' is rh. i.$ tuining at a livo t np@tE, wi ed {r e the ionial dd<br />

final llrses r.speively. R is 8s consrd! T! is lhe rfernce tempcratw showiog<br />

tuinM reigh los,ard0=T-T,. Wl6lnln [w, -wr /w qd is plotlcd agaiisl0,<br />

a straight linc is ohained tbe sloD. of which by expFsion of €qulio.<br />

(E = sloF RTj ) gie6 |he val@ of acivsnon eMs/ &d i mpr A (Fte<br />

'ftis meilDd is aplic.blc lo Imy d.8rodltion @ndilions, y.t n sufl6 ene<br />

disadvatages, A shonS one is th€ ne.d for $e @1ion ord€r, n, lo bc knoM b.lbr<br />

hdd. Als, lMy NMptioB e iileMt in Ois nethod so it should only b€ EPplied lo<br />

! mw r.Dp.dre tulge. To its dedn, thouSL ir d6 no1 rcquilc mAemqt of<br />

slop6 in slEp !16 of fie themoerlrr B do me of 6e pcvioEly nddded<br /> D siancd with eolh€! melhod thai involves nor€ rh& onc thcmoslus al<br />

dilTft h€ating rai.s, By dif€r€rtialirg the equatior do/dtB=A( E/Rr)d dr€ elalion<br />

tor the del€mirahotr of kinetic pMneters N gi.ven by followirS €q<br />

--dc .-^. E<br />

rrp dr - 'inu, - RT<br />

(c) = 0-{)"<br />

E4 |.24<br />

'IrE .&dta!e of thh Delhod is thal, since evcdl values of Er @ cal.ulard, ev<br />

chege in th€ Kn tica of the degadation qoul

o la@ wU Mth orha licBnre !du6. Howvd, this D.thod do6 EquiE noE the<br />

on. h..ti!g ntc, &d tbu FoF thm onc 3mpl., which ould €N uellai y in $e<br />

Elrcid.tion of Er is quitc sinple by oawa's mcthod'roar tMed s "isonve^ional<br />

m.thod" which t e dl.sion ofDoyle's t.chniquc sd preFnrs th€ added advdtag.<br />

rhat my ch6g. of n chaim is obviou! by chdgcs in tlD slop.s of ln. lind al<br /> .otrv.BoN. Hovwd, bdljpl. hc.lir8 dLs icquie ev.ral @dq ln€Efoa<br />

D6sibly intodwing mB. Sidplified cqution !n r appuimtioa appli.d fot thc<br />

cdculdion of kiftlic pamel.a, is giM bclow.<br />

dlogP/d.l/I =0.at7 E:/R<br />

E4 |.26<br />

PIol of lo8 p vr l/T for ! sivo yalue ofo giv. . stni8ltt lite, sloF will siv. valu€<br />

ofE.<br />

Iunlrmorc, caLutdting r y!.lu€ for A k 6thd compl€x dd lndine "n" Equies. son<br />

of rrial-dd{tur pMedw,<br />

Anoth.r p@.dw, thlr of coots snd R.dfd, rD b.8in in a sinild tl]sa as $al of<br />

Boido.a !t Hovqq, in this insta@, .quriou e 6ied out in t@s of ! e.<br />

st njng with the sllldard nre equlioB (l.l ed l 3) ald irt SIdnA<br />

pda<br />

I (l-oJ' 2 6<br />

leads 10;<br />

For \ alus of a : O l. one cd nesled o) md hiSlt cm in Lhe *nes to yield<br />

d_ ARr:lr _ 2Rr le-.. -,<br />

pE. \ E. l<br />

Conbining lcm lads lo<br />

. " . r,m)(. tnr) e.<br />

'F-l.o..ll'Tl--<br />

Using &. 1.29 il b evdid€ th.t plotring ln q/Tr vesus l/T should give a lin.e Fsult.<br />

lh. slopc N rmply t'R baause. at snalld or tor n=4.<br />

should b€ c$dtially conskrt.<br />

66<br />

Eg. |.27<br />

E4 |.2E<br />

Eq.1.29<br />

- ARI- 2RTI<br />

ue Gm h;:-tr-=pE.<br />

\ r, ,r

nt Coars &d R.d@,8 .pplicd thh n iiod io th! d€Sradalior of PIIE wilh<br />

ettufa.tory Bults. Th. dara plot.d 3hoe ! liod Fspo4 but th. L volus re Dwh<br />

low s @mFred wiih the Hobwitz/Mctzga h.thod. Thi! nay be due lo lhe difr€En<br />

mathardical terhe s irwlv.d in bolh m.thods.<br />

O!. adsltag. of tbis hal'od ir its sinplicty ed 4y !ppm!.h for dlra udlizstion.<br />

Howd, caulion should be llld wlrcn us,is this pl@dm siM @!t i! limit lioro,<br />

s@h a fldl a od m cb,n8. of mchaim, appli€d. Ove$ll, ihis technique wodd<br />

probdrly be stul for obhining pr.limiEry v.lEs foi ldnctic pm.i€rs! paniculaly in<br />

0E 6ly sLgq ofth€ degradalion.<br />

Ki$irga !0 ssmcd thai msimM uciion Bt to DTG ndim of TGA<br />

cw. dd equally applies io both I' ed ns odd scdoN. Ilie equiion Bed fot $e<br />

€siitultion ofr.inedcs p€imeleB h giv.i b.low.<br />

"1;;='[;-o-"r:']-[T)<br />

.f Bl . fRAl E<br />

[r;./ LEI Rr.<br />

,_"fra"rar)l=6a!.<br />

L (l -dif I RT<br />

Eq. l.l0<br />

wh6 P = b€dbg 6te (X/mir), ,{ = p|lqpoMli.l h.tor (t), E = actiEtion ade/ of<br />

0r @rion (U/ool), x = univ.Fal Gd CoNant (8.314 J,t!ol-K), r- = t opsale at<br />

wnich rbe ditr.mrid wighr los cnc b al a luihm (K), t = ordd of r@rioa q =<br />

@w.6iotr or dicred taction.<br />

Ti is wiglt los at DTG tMiDd of TC-cw.. For ! sitrgl€ fir.1 orda @1ion whetr<br />

n=l, the Xleilsdt €qBlion cd be Mitt n a 3uch;<br />

Eq l.3l<br />

Actiwt o! mr8y, E, w b€ esdmt€d fion th. slop of plot of ln(p/T.r)vs uT. &d<br />

.xpoMlial fa.tor A &06 th. irt<br />

T!€lc &d Da?t a twit€ th. tsic Arhcso6 .qutio! in rens of &np6dt@ sd<br />

rin.. Then. th.y t€aruge &d ralc th. logdilhn l4ding !o,<br />

E9|t2<br />

Asdn, plofting F v6s l/T yields . saaighl linc wilh slopc PFFrtiod to q dd<br />

iitcrlpi Flal.n to A. T!. aurloB h.v. applicd this Delhod 10 degradt'tion of vdioN<br />


polycdbonales eith s@ succes. IlE ea!. of applyine ihis t@hnjq@ €ncoulg.s rhe<br />

Fs.Nh.r to m€dre r€l@ of Er<br />

Now mod.m lhdal ismn€nL e cquipp.d eilh $n!e dd hclp a lot in calcuhnng<br />

thc tinctics pameteR Srch $n*N3 @;<br />

. n'oddLireris<br />

. Model netjrdi€<br />

. Adwed Mo&l &e kinctiB<br />

tro odd kinedcs in rhe stanLrd soft-\'@ opton bes.d o! or. dtnMic cwe, u.s<br />

sinplc nathcnati.s to delivd a s.t of kinctic p{eele6 for fimher elculation of<br />

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l. Th. a.livalion .n.$/ is not dwF @nsl@t, but @Nlant oily for a<br />

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2. 'IlE Arn@iou cxpE$ion for lhc r.Dp.Etrc deFddde letaid ia<br />

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dc/dt i! nle of @tion in i', ko is Pr.4por€ntial f&lor or rat€ coNlanl al innnie<br />

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Chapter 2

Etp.ritudol<br />


2.1 M.terials and M€thods<br />

Aral9ical s8d. reaedns pNhed fNn SigmdAldrich wre N.d ror tlrc syn0.sis of<br />

th. p@us$ wiilbul frnlhu puificllios {d dl €xperim@ts w€r€ p!.fomed in air<br />

ltrcshph.a. All otbtr slvoa s@ p@h!s.d ftom E-M@L BDH ed kb Sa ed<br />

rw u.d a sulpli.d. All srnth* wc Frfomcd uder ultlenic iradiadon ains a<br />

20 lHz ulF.sdic gdcnto. M.lting poinE 9e d6uEd vilh a Gallc.(mp 3A-3790<br />

.ppEtB. El@@tal a!,lys (CHNO & Zn) r@ pc.fod€d Bing a CHNS-O Fhrn<br />

EA I I 12 $olr%r of Thmclelror &d e Alohic Ab$rpIid A$llzr (GBC). FTIR<br />

rp.cEMr we @rded with rhe FTIR Nqu 470 of Thmo Ni@1.1 uing sfi<br />

M6sry ddisn.d for ue wilh nEfro Ni@Ll\ AvardR dd NquR Fouicr<br />

t difom infrared (FTIR) spetrcm€le'!. H NMR .trd rrc NMR sFcrra w.E mordcd<br />

on a Brulcr 300Mgz NMR slecFon t r ii M.OD, C6D6, CDCIr sol iotu at Mm<br />

tcmp@lw; th. MeOD, C6D6, CDCIr 3ig!.h w@ @d to lock the field dd all<br />

ch.mical shins bp6) @ giv6 rchliv. to Gll!futhylsilrlc (IMSI Snd. crFt l xdy<br />

Ardysis lc hniqE v6 uscd for bol6ul.d *lenE &alys uing a @mpurd<br />

conlollcd $tomlic dift'&lonetd st 100{2) K wilh tutrcbrcoatic Mo Kd ndi.don<br />

&d fic orcgs s@ ta!!iqe, $,nich h4@ th. Bdeg's egL, 0 &d hrcNity, l. for<br />

@ch h$ Fo.clion. SEuctw EEMdI pbc.dw 10 $lve n 6 a@@dy 6 posible<br />

s don by EfriDg llle position of don 0eugh altomiic eftEe b€sed on l*t'<br />

sq@ h.thods. Ili@al studis srd d.conP4iiio. Patletus \^@ sM'.d w

2.2 Genelsl prcc€dure forsynth€scs of metsl 0-diketonsa$ end<br />

adduct complercs.<br />

Synth@ of o.ld 0niketo!a16 ww @i.d out by tbe @tion of marl !.lL sucb 6<br />

chloddca, niiraca, iulphat s, dichrcmtG etc,, with q!tupri.r€ douls of cpetivc Pdikelorcs<br />

or monical $lutiG of P-dit too6 in a 250 trrl dLmcycr ilal.<br />

Amonicd solution wd pepa&d, by nixing 3.0 g (0.03 nol) acelylac.lotr€, 12 nL<br />

disrilled sat.r dd 2,4 nL of 3? 7o amonis elution. Ilt @ntenls w€F .xpoed lo high<br />

incGiry ullso c wav€s of A€qdcy 2040 tHz itr & ultrdsonic bath for sboul half d<br />

tou ro *v.61 how, deFrdins upos rh. lde of m.lrl ed piikctoB Solid mN<br />

vs $D6dt d oui nlrce4 @b.d *rchi ti@s wnh ory@ic elvat ldd dticd i! oM<br />

at 50 'C. Thc dricd prcdu.l m puifed by dislvitS in $itall€ orsdic ud<br />

pLc.d in t!@r or .t oom temFntw for crFllliation. Using this 8.n Bl Foedw<br />

wdal of i.\c knoM as Ell s n w netll orgeic ompla* ww pFpd.d 4d<br />

chd&leri4d lo' their sructue ed applicslion. Chd@t@slic pam.t ts fo! 1he<br />

synih$s of.ll compld6 @ d.pict d in Tabl. 3.<br />


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2.3 Single Crystol X.Roy Anrlysis<br />

siagl. crylol t+ay atulysR<br />

Int Biiy data of M fr.r., (r{, and M (thd).lr0-r2t Cmpte\6 we€ ollecred on a<br />

Sids Snan CCD l-K a6.d€t6tor dilnldoncl.r.' Daia rdedo$ ME Derfoned<br />

NiDS SAINT- 'If!. sEenE 6 $lved by dircl mdhodsr ed Efincd by tult-marrix<br />

l€an sq@s d Ir lsing lhe SHELXTL-PC pek ec.r The irttuity d a *irhid de e<br />

drge 2.63-24.99 wG collsted at 291 (2) K. A total of 2601 Eflstiotu w.ft Borded<br />

of which 974 reo.crion! w.rc obsred on fic bdis of I>2 s (l) Tbe final I md ,R,<br />

s@ 0.0322 ad 0.0%3. resp€clively.<br />

X-ny silelc crFrrtlognphic dara rN [Cu(dN4(OCOCH)(Hro)4 0l) ws @llet d<br />

or ! K.ppa CCD diftlctone&r al 150(2)K sins Mct" ddiation (0,71073 A) in thc<br />

tn i! ma. of 4.1| to 30.090 otr a cryshl of aptoxinale dindioN 0.3 x 0.1 x 0.2 .n.<br />

Dala w€r€ @ddr.d for Inr€dz, poleialion md lbsorplio4 refin€ ws by i!l-<br />

nahix leei'sq@es on rg. The ldeest r$idu.l pektble ws 0.s42 dd 4.903 eAr,<br />

The Dofeur& rtn&t$ of lr(eac),(OHcfia\H)h Gt rc d€rmin.d Ni.s a<br />

Botq AXS SMART APEX CCD diffo.tonEtq at 100(2) K sith nondhsmric Mo<br />

Kd Ediadon ard th. o6.ea sce &.hriq@. Th. eir .ell wa dermircd lsiry SAINT+<br />

1 od the data rcre coreled lor absorption using SADABS in SAINT+ I .The srruciue<br />

M elved by dircct D.thods md eiincd by full Mnix lesr squ@s agaiisl ts wii\ all<br />

Efle€1io6 uilg SHELXTL 6. Re6lcdent of& .xtincrion mfffciot ws fobd ro be<br />

i6isDficaDt. All rcn-hydrogd a,rotu B@ Ffi&d eisotropicdly. fte wcidrcd R-<br />

f@1o. wR ed soodn* offit e bad on l, convorioral R-faclo6 R @ b.s.d on F.<br />

*id aser b *rc fo. n e.rivc ts. The tjtl€shold dprssion of ts > 2d(d) n uyd only<br />

sinsre crFrar difli&tion daia for $e tzn(aca4,UnmH,<br />

(16) ws collecred on a<br />

Brukd AXS SMART APEX CCD difticloield al 100(2) K sing honGbrcmaric Mo<br />

Ko EdiarioD wilb om.g. s@ te.bniqE. Thc uil @ll vs derEmiD.d Bing SAINI+<br />

add d€ d.r. *.8 e@tc

sinale .rtstal tat mdltsls<br />

Efr€d uisoiropically. AU hydrcg€n atotu w.e placed in calcdal.d positioN &d were<br />

Efn€d wirh e istopi€ displaene pdMeld 1,5 tim.s (nelhyl) or 1.2 dmcs (all<br />

oth6) thll ofde djaent srbon !toh.<br />

TlE nol.culd sr.lcie of lflrde)zn llt \19, vu detdfti,Nd by Single crysr.l x-ny<br />

odrsis uinB NoniE rapp! CCD diit_.cloncLr ar 150(2)K with gBphite<br />

rulchrcmdkd MGKa Edilrion, (0.71073 A) in rhe rh.u mge of5.68 lo 3O.O3o. on a<br />

crystal of EppbxiDql dinensions 0.35 x 03 x 0.25 hm. Dau were corcct.d lo!<br />

Lomq poleiziion ard aberyrion; @ by tuU-mabix l6t-sq@s on ts.<br />

All non.hydrog.n.lm3 $e r.fircs ebouopically! hydegd alom w.E included al<br />

calculatcd posirioN. The hgest rcsidual pcalctole ws 0.521 ad -0.844 .. "Ar<br />

Moleulq slnrtu& of 2,7 o, ,V, fi$c?&/ (20), ws der.mined oo APEX2 Kappa CCD<br />

dift..loneter sing a er.phiic nonehrcmtcr wirh Mo-Ka-radidion (t = 0.?10?3 A)<br />

ar @n |cnFEturc. The sEucrrE w6 elvd by rtiEd mer[ods dd rc6n€d by 6rl.<br />

d5trix l€Nt sq@$ h€lho& {SHELXL 97), , On qll F, dau. Nor-hydogen aroms wre<br />

Gf!.d 4istropicdly h.ving & disordd, whd6 dis.d.rcd aroms wE inctud.d in d<br />

i$tr.pic. TIF Hdohs v@ posirioned gomctri€lly on alt m€thyt csboo arons uing<br />

tbe techniqua D giv€n in SHELXL 9?.<br />

Ihe horeule stu. r of1@ @q), (Hro)rlctl (2r')w detmincd 6ina. Risa*u<br />

AFCTR MNury CCD diff:a.ron r€r wirh gr.pnile mo!@hrctured MoKc adialion O=<br />

0.?1069A).. Irr strrctue M solved by sing dir€cr d.thod., Sirg? L0 ed r€fincd by<br />

Sh€H97. e Alt dE non-hydegd atons wF re6n d sieiropic.It. IX. H dons<br />

atlachcd lo oxyg..s wrc Elincd horopic.lly, Othq hydDsen aloms were l@i€d ar lne<br />

colculatcd positioG sd refined a dding abms.<br />

Th€ molccdd sfstuE of ICul(DOH)rN-(OtCrzl 123) rc dcrcdir.d using a<br />

tugatu AFC?R M.rcury CCD dift{ctonaq with gaphite non@bro@led MoKa<br />

Edhtio! (I= 0.? 10694),. Ile iructw ws stved by uing dnel helhods, Si!97 i0 ed<br />


Flptiwhbl Pan n Pbt4e O, C.tuni.s<br />

2.4 Pattern Plating On Ceramic Substrate<br />

C-tmi. substrates s.E us.d fo. padm plari.g 10 rDle il suir.ble for gs ssing<br />

dcvie, Two |eh@logi6 w@ usd for Sold p.nd pladngl om is Itlical rcB hybnd<br />

te.hmloSy iBluding Sold i.* 6 a p6{.. Th. sond oe, in which fi6dy se 6ad. $.<br />

.chmh slbstlare condlctor by oari.g !.ry tbin filn of copFr usinS indigenous<br />

ftthodology and ch.dic.l fomnlatio! (Se apFndir-l). The idea b€hind using two<br />

Ddnodologid w6 ro f*ilicr. dE EFdhcr ro eler in avlihble nelnod. Hybrid<br />

t. n.obgy is qune.fficicnt but €rFisiv.. @ rhc coaary l!. ch.mic.l barh &posidon<br />

mthodology n simplc, cncalEr and pbve to b. b.nefi.e.t for th. rcseher workinS in<br />

tbe gas sen$r field, The followirS flow chari (FiguE 22) shows how d. €onductor gold<br />

patten ed fsbncatrl on th. etmic aubltnte by oaling v.ll-adhercd lhin la)€r of<br />

opFr on mrondulor emic sub6[ar..<br />

rt<br />

h.*.<br />

-<br />

c*id,-r.b-<br />

J.<br />

E _l<br />

c'['f.t<br />

cr-.--<br />

Fl3rrc 22: Th. figu€ illustrales now $. copper/sold palt ms weE foltrd

Eq{nM a! Patu^ PIdn$ On Cc@nat<br />

Usioe abovc nalodoloS,, vdiety of gold patt n plabd c.mic subBtrat r (Fig@ 23)<br />

*@ faD.icar.d fc t* dlpo6iti@ of rbjn 6l![ .!d dpl@ dE 3! Fnd rlich @<br />

b. !$d a ga 36ing &eic. .rrcc6$rlly.<br />

!---=<br />

a<br />

l-l<br />

tf<br />

ET<br />

E I<br />

Fho|! 23: Sod Tt?icd Orcold Prn tu Plsrcd C.fuic,<br />

=<br />

2J Thir Filn DeDoritioo (UAACVI')<br />

In th. pcsnt hrk w us e t'|rr@ni. Aionid (Colc PrlF), fnild rirn slfd€sip€d<br />

dllivdy systco (Fite 24) io t@lal. &orol. ed spny.d on r.rLd<br />

3ut6r..r. .| $inble &co-I$itid reEpq.llE. Quarir.liE el'ni@ of pre|llw<br />

F.p&d by dilelring in a suitlbL slEor s @nri!@Bly Oed . dEd<br />

vdve ed iroifeftd fmt lrcn pbton pump to tu ultrenic aronia lpny nozle. Tbe<br />

tr@le proded d ffil i! e .v&ut d qu{r .trDbd. D. nigh Friry aiuoeEn / d<br />

oryS€o a ceid g6 drs th &twl b . *lFr'e pl"""a "t rt" to,to. ot " "n,"*.<br />

b.ded al suiuu. renpeduE. A5 rb€y !s ovd or coru ilro @trta.t witb ! lelrcd<br />

subsr.te, th.y Ea.t or d..ot!p@ fomirg r @tid phe ed @ d.posit d olro rlF<br />

shd.t . Tt! $b6r€i. rGqGItrlE is oiri.d ..d @ intb.oc. shal r.stirs wil t&<br />

ple TtE we!.c gB g@ 4eed rrd mpp.! ir liqrit rirrogo rrq,<br />

I-<br />

!<br />

a<br />


nguF 24: UAACVD Ser-Up for ihin nln .tepGirion<br />

I\i,t Fibn It positk, IUAAC'I'D)<br />

TIE clj@dy uscd UAACVD el-up doca noi EquiE ey sleitlir€d .rd cxpc6iv.<br />

.quip@nt, allows for contiruous prlducrionlire meuf&rwiog, dd elininare lhe ue<br />

of cxFsivc. lDntut d lo:ic pl4so6. UAACVD t chricue off6<br />

enai! r&dr.g6 for d.positirg thir tiln of €@ic mt riats conpnsine of<br />

Mopaniclc!, srch 4 ue of inerFnsile pEumn, provi&s bigh d.gF of<br />

6bpcii@ @Ebl, ruit uc for co i.uolr produrion, deF6n on a wi& chok of<br />

subst ar.s, p@i&.onrrol ol @vd8e e., @rsl.r

lhin Filn D.pos|ld (uAAcvD)<br />

gs dd @grtirc Fssw wh@ it d.cobpos ro dclal or tutd ond€. The<br />

d@nposition rcldil. product w @llcctcd in liqqid rirrogd cold trrp b avoid<br /> .l Crewlh @ndiliod for th. d€Dosiion ofn€lll oxidc lbj! filn by UAACVD.<br />

x<br />


251 Ele.trlc R€ D€{suremcnt<br />

Elciktl fttilr@ n BuMl<br />

The .lericd cisrivly trEerctut of ri. efuic oxi rcskt@e @at<br /> 5 Rautvity of ZnO lhin filn (0.8 Fn) d€posiled on diffftni eold pattcn<br />

plat d crmic subsit r.!,<br />

aFolFn nsLd*it!6btL<br />

wrl - AB<br />

2.5.3 Grs SensiDg Meliurem€nt<br />

oro)<br />

I L05 15.37 0.3 l.]6.1<br />

T<br />

13.4 t3.? 0.8 t.26X<br />

3 I Ll4 0,3 1.910 23.79<br />

0.789 0.3 1.18.,<br />

20 24 0.E<br />

25_6 5.54 2.0 14.62,5<br />

s t8.85 t7.36 0,3 33.2KO 6.106<br />

The d.pditd thh film ws pl&e

c6 Stui^gMdMl<br />

Ilg.E 2a: Picrdial vi.w of eDDly ur.d b finy G.. siog Fqaty of tli! Eto<br />



L Sicms, SMART ud SAINT- Situ6 Aratlrical X-ny i.srnu.nrs Inc..<br />

Madisa Wiscin, USA, 196.<br />

2. A. Alro'J@, M. C's.3m, C. Gi@!@, A- Cu.€lilrdi. J Appl Cryst.1993,<br />

26,343.<br />

L c. M. ShcldticL, SHELXTL-PC (v6io! 5.1), Si@d Ardjr{.jt bsrumdc,<br />

Inc., M8dien,wl.l97.<br />

4. BNI@ Adveed X-ny solutios &t/r'a (v6io. 6.45), Btut€r AxS rnc.,<br />

M.di!o4 Wi*oBir USA, 199?-2003,<br />

5. Bn*d Adr"n@d x,ny Soluriou SMART for \yNT120oo (v6ion 5.628),<br />

Bdkd AXS Inc., Madis., Wieotuin: USA, 1997-2002.<br />

6. Bnrka Adhc€d X-6y Solurios SHELXTL (V6ion 6.10), Bruld AXS Inc..<br />

Mdbo4 Wistuini USA, 2000.<br />

7, Btuk{ Advdced X-by SotulioG, SAINT (V6ion 6.45), Brukq AXS Inc.,<br />

M.rtiet! WisNi!: USA, 1997.2003.<br />

8. (.) Bn*€! Adveed X-ny solulioB, sMARa for r,ltT2o0o (vdsion 5.62s),<br />

Blukd AxS lrc., Modisoa WislNi,! USA 19?-2002. (b) BruId<br />

X{y solutioG SHEIXTL (veuion 6.10), Bruka AxS rnc., Madi$n,<br />

Wis6ir: USA, 2000.<br />

9. G. M. sheldri.k, sHEtx91, Ptusak fu th. Refa.ment ofctr alstuctuer,<br />

Unjvdity of coninS.!, c.!fuy t99?.<br />

10, Alrom€, A,; Bul!, M. C,i Camatli, M.; Clsamq c. L.; ci&oveo, C.i<br />

GuSlieli, A.; Moliimi, A. G C.r polidori, c,; Srfgla, R. J Appl. Crr,t.<br />

r99,32, 115n19.<br />

ll. Cl.Ee W, !4cta Crys| t{''t,C43,1E9-j9t.<br />


Chapter 3


3.1 CoDptrrtive Study of Syothsis Rout.<br />

TLe $nochenical L.hniquc involve mixilg of $. E&ianl5 in th€ poFr Dold ratios &d<br />

hs s cdSe in tcms of simplicity, lih. ed hid yicld oYer sLtrddd schLnk lahoique ibr<br />

lbe syntheis of honolcFic, hct@l.plic ed honobin tdlic onPl.x.s Schlenl tub€<br />

r@hnicw als n.cds sonc sEinsqr @ndilions swh s drnPe chdicols' in n g6 pH<br />

@ntol ed EcoM i.chdqqe to get th. d.sired Produt Fot conpdisn berseo lhe lm<br />

Eerhodolosi6, v.i€ty or @oplex6 likc O),' (9),r O1),': 06)'r@l)'6 (22f pEPsed<br />

son@h.mic5lly dd conv.nliotdl $hl6k tub. t.chnique e Presni.d in subsqu€nl<br />

cDcL + 2ciH,o,H + 2CH:COoN! --Tll*6P 2NaCl + cu(cH,cocHcocHr, +<br />

c(cH,coo)r.aH:o + 2dmrcH -Mmi tc(dtuHxcH,coo)Il:ol'<br />

c!(cHrcoo).4HrO + 2dMH<br />

din..H = (cHrlN,CHr'cH1 OH )<br />

zi(crH'oir + N(cHj)r.cH:.cHr oH -ffi<br />

bYsdum<br />

zn(crH,oi) + NrCHrr.CHr CH}OH<br />

2CI{TCOOH Yield = 6OY'<br />


,0}) I h6, aq!<br />

t02<br />

+ 2Hro<br />

Yi.ld = 30oZ<br />

Ic(dDtHXCHrcoO)n'o}+ 2H:O<br />

z(crsiq>.N(cH,l.cHlcllloH<br />

Yield= 75 %<br />

zo(c,H,o:! N(cH:r.cH, cH: oH

N(cHrcoo!.rH:o+2N(clr,.cH:.oH)i rc**#Er+NltN(cH:cH:oH)J:(cHrcoo)'4H:o<br />

tdio'i'l dini[!iol<br />

NirCH,COOr.lHio+ 2N(CH, cHr'oH! NitN(cH1cH:oHlD(cHrcoo):3Hro<br />

sncr:+ 2crHroJ<br />

Slirsd ov@idt<br />

42.r, + 2(cHJ)'s(dm&D -&!q!Hffipll!' Iznr(cH,)2N.H:.cH: oH)I + 4Hr<br />

!7d. , 7.r{.LN cH, cH, oH ---4)ll.l4F:5j_' tznrcH.r2N cHr cH: oH - 4HI<br />

'..<br />

hLh&ol:mtdvtua0<br />

cwlat *c*rqgdl<br />! I CdpeiM oronMtioml S.hlenl T!b' tnd sseh'Fidl Tcl[iqu'<br />

Thc.bovc s.hcDttic @bPdien shos cldlv lhlt the e of en@h'nic'l lelltiqe M<br />

foEd lo b. b.ncfici.t for dF strnh66 of wictv of neltl oreonic @6Plex6 Wc hav'<br /> €xplorcd &e e of @ino.Loxid€s, o'dikeloml4 dd cdborvlates a lisqds ror<br />

th. pEplttlion of such q?. of @bPlde ttnt Fov.t to bc g@d P@lmr for UAACVD I'<br />

cde of N,N-dn thvla.ebnidc @d triPhqvlphosphin€ liSEnds Fsulting coDphx€s' ie<br />

D.tsl @F is wdpp.d iD. bl.nlci of o4eic tigtlds thu hating thc coBpl€r eluble in<br />

Bosl coMon ore&ic slvdts ed incFdins ils utiliv s CVD pEdsr' Ie sFth6i4d<br />

@opl€x.s sw ch@teriz.d bv vdioB phytico-lult'trcrl t€chniqws' such 6 np' IR'<br />

thmogrlvimeEic sdysis, hultinelry NMR 8d sinrle cry36l x'6v &tlv$s<br />


3.1 lR Studies<br />

So@ iblolldr R .tcorption t!qu@i6 of M{a@)i .nd M{IML @oplq6 e<br />

rDr.scDt d in Table 6. ln meol &aylaeiotut [M{&&)i], (r'9) ih. abslPrion bfld<br />

d@ to C{ d.l c=o bo!d! fall.t 1608-1566cm I anrl1552'1500 cortsp€ on<br />

dptcxador ofs wilh oelal Gw b€rds !t ??2{64 .rd .t 459 _650 d r.pF! dE<br />

lo ring tlefotution and M4 absorPtion rcsFctivelv. Other bd& c g<br />

'<br />

Cltr dcg.!'rat<br />

dcfo@rim n l4l5-13E5 @_', cHr srlmelric dcfomrrion !r ll?0-1356 dn, cll in<br />

pl& b.ndbg !i I 195 - I | 90 d r, CHr MkinS at 10221004 cn" C-cHr sttltchitrg dt<br />

937-91 di ed CH out of plae tF!!di!g st 800-??0 cm ' Edis u!.ff€d'd bv lh€<br />

TrbLr 6 Conp&ien of ch,trt risti€ IR aberltion fi.qMci* (.mr) of vdioB<br />

M(*&)i snd M (tbd\ @nPldc.<br />

r5l7<br />

t52t<br />


Ih. absorltion b&d du. to C{<br />

ln@tal.Enmethyl lpplh.diordr. [M-(rhd)"](1F13),<br />

ed C=O borrs @ E@rded !t 1575-1550 c6 ' .nd 1525n500 m r F3p@tiwty Tlc<br />

bonds in tbe ms. El3-788 dr ltd helow 600 cn'@ dE to dng.Lfodstion md<br />

MO shctch Fspstively. Other bard e.8., CI|l degwntc .Lfomation .t i4l5'1385<br />

@'r, CHr syrDeEic dcfomarion .l 137G1356 c6', CH in plae boding al ll95<br />

ll90 chr, cHr tuking ai ll44l0l9 mi, c-CHr stElchiog ai 937_921 cn' dd CH<br />

ou1 of plam bedhg at 971-91 I co r tui$ uatral€d bv a ch@ge in mctal<br />

Sme inpod.d IR t!q@ci6 of naly sy h6iz.d oDPos& @ 8is<br />

in TabL 6r<br />

TibLts 6r Asigrm. s ofinpor'dt lR-absoQtion iilqu.nci€s of new@npowds<br />

having sen ral fomul., M(sd), (LD, M(&..! (Lt<br />

qe4[!4!-L<br />

t4 l5 l6 t7 IE 20<br />

The evid.nce ofih. fomaiion of tc(doaexoA.Xn o)h 0a) cs b' cxpLin€d on th€<br />

hosis of IR absrption frtqu@cy datt ln IR snrdv oxvgo ofdm&H i! lrlo<br />

bonded |0 a<br />

$!t€t nol4ule drclgn !t-bond, lo cdnon dd &d l*o @pp'r !1oms, aberb !035<br />

't<br />

@i whcFs 6e -OH ir Mcr and ol@hol abcorb at l24o cm ' This decEas' in<br />

ahsrpd@ nq@cy i.c" &oB 3240 lo 3Ol5 cd I Eflel! brideing oxvgo aron Th'<br />

als.rDiio! of tfllining inPortant b€Dds $ch s C'N sl'ttchilg Acqumv ofdncsH i3<br />

obFd.d .t 1l?91135 cdr, svmeEic alt t h of C& !&rch€d to @p!er in thc<br />

'ive<br />


D@bcad rinB of dm&H app.s at 2953-2877 cdr (For conpaien, rh. srm.tri€<br />

Cth strlrch spFirs .r 2970 d r for cycloFni.rc.t ), CH, sEttching ab$rytjo. bdd of<br />

eeLlc wd oben.d 6t 2825-2?83 cn', C=O lrdching frquency ofacelatc Itoup was<br />

obePed at |791-1771 cm , rbsorDtion b@d! du to M.O bond! oPp4d al oo7 Lm<br />

lrd a vcry brad aberprior band at 1700-1500 cD ' is d@ ro P!!s€M of non hvdogo<br />

bondcd ft@ OH grcup of wter in the complcx, All ih.e ch&&terbtic vibnliondl<br />

6Eq@ncis e in lin. vith the struciue dalyed by single crysld x-dv Mltsis<br />

In IZr(@)r (o)rl (lt, rhe N-H, fiE oH sts.hine; N-H our.f-9ldc b.ndins c'N<br />

frqu.nci€s w€R foMd ar l4OO cm , 32o8 cn r' 84q_770 chr ed I lo?_lllo ch<br />

EsFctivcly, indicaL pltsfte of @imdntol C{borvl sltdchins dbeQlion buds<br />

for rh. &.tylacaorttc lieand sd nqly fomcd M-N &d M-O boDtL, lbtqb ar 1580'<br />

917 cm r&d 650 cmr Esp.ctively, indicatine Oc stNctrc of m.tal conpl.x 3 analvsed<br />

by sidBlc crystll x-ray &alysi3.<br />

cL@t .isnc vibanond nEqudcid i.e., C-c, C-N dd cO of odpt.x l(dtu)znll!<br />

l2ll w@ obkned lbsorb at 883 cmn,1064crrDd 1466 cntrcsp€ctivclv Th€ trc<br />

ns bands lom.d du to Zn-N ed ln_O .pP€ed d 63t ed 458 cm r' sho$ rh'<br />

Som. imporra lR vibmlioMl llequencies o'H dd c'N for [zn(@O: dnaeH] (16)<br />

.pF4d al 326S'1240, 1252- l 194 cdr indi6t. fie !@c' 6f ethdolsune Als $'<br />

syn|mic and etl3yreeEic CHr vibBtioN obs.

.low 590 cdr. c{ strrrctitrg frqency of eelate eloup m ob.dcd al lTlt @r<br />

indicaiB th.pFsnce ofboth eeunirl€ dd ac.iat grout in lhe @oPl.x<br />

Thc no6r 3islifi@r lR .b$rparion bards in onpld tz(@b (HrO) , lcl (r9) b ltE<br />

pcence of beds ar 1528 dd l57l cn r for nchl bondcd C-O ad 1410 ed l!84 cn l<br />

for c-c ofe.tyl&.tonar€ goup.8 In.onpdien wih nlc.cetyt..eto@ wh.rc lhe lwo<br />

CO bohds give ahodd ptl&m at 1600 rld ltoo @j dd tw C{ botds giv. ! bod<br />

D6neF ar l450.rn 1260 mr This dec&& in @sp41iv€ sbsorltior n'eqEocies<br />

indica&s ch.tation of Ztsslon by &.lylaetodt gtolp. A very blosd b.nd at 3'100-<br />

l06E m_r B dE to *!rer noleul. pFhl in thc @Dpld A stre.8 b6td at 53E ch-' is<br />

du. to Yibration of M-O bonds.<br />

In ihc IR sp..uu of [Zn (Phr)q CL] OD<br />

lhc @@tic stdchirs vibtalios app4'td<br />

sr l48O cmr, $hile th. C-H oul ofplhe d.lomem .Pp.!red 5( 741 cm r' Anode'<br />

inpon&t b&d ws at 1433 cdl which is due to Ph-P srcup<br />

lR $srflion bsrdr in cs or tZ. (dm)d OE) e: wlk ab$plion b8nds at 294'<br />

2866 cri is dE lo c-H scelchios in cEi cdbonvl Sioup of acel.nidc shos<br />

3lr.iching d ltSl-15l? m N-o ffib d a.l@id. s al 14l?_138a o ft' c_N<br />

boldssr€.bandFnm.t lo2ocn' AbcorPlio!b!d3ductoM-N tPFd!'low600<br />

AU lh6. ch@t ristic IR vibdnoDd n!q!@i6 h.v. ben Nigncd lo svnth6iztd<br />

@mpl.x.s d. in witb thc nol{dd sitlct!€s s detmincd bv single crvslal<br />


3,2 rH NMR rd '3c NMR srudie!<br />

The rH NMR of &clyleione b .onpliqt€d beaus of l€to_ool<br />

rautobqth.v Fmn rhc flative int 6ti6 oflhc sienal n b.oD$ cl@ iha! enol fom<br />

pt domiturcs in ile.quilibnm nixtw al rcom rcop@l@. Integaiion shos th.l the<br />

ni(w @ntqils 86 % mol &d 14 % kdon . The st ong .leshi.ldin8 of $e .nol<br />

hy&oxtl proto! is a cons€qwG of inu.Foleuld hydbgd bond fomtion The<br />

nugldic equival4@ of th€ n€thyl lrouF of the ool fom indi€l€s s Bpid €rchege<br />

of tb€ hydrogen alom b€twan two oxyg.os Thu &.tyl@tone gives five si8lal<br />

@n6londing to 6vc difcF DT.s otProbtu owine ro bolh k to dd 4ol fotu.<br />

wlEn uiylac€tone b chelated wiih the n€tal aiom the €quilibriu tunhd shins to*dd<br />

lhc @olic fom. Th. hydrogd atom ofrLe .@lic fom is rcpl&€d bv th. ne&l ion TtN<br />

ody two typ.s oI Proto6 de tt6.n1 in nei.l conpl€xes (Table 7) The 6ul1s d 'n<br />

lst€ene eponed dli.r lor sn(acac}.'"<br />

I! the 'll<br />

N]'& s!€Euo of t!. @tylelomro @EPlqcs 9'ltl6l9' ln' sisal oi the<br />

nethyl goup moicli.s appd in the exp4!'rd Fgion wilh tvpical multiplicnv ed<br />

'J aH, 'H) coqting cosbnr' Th. chenicd shin for thc mehvl Pmlon or vdo6<br />

&.tyl@totulo @mpld6 exhibil$ singlet it !rc @ge of 1 844'1 94 pPm, ohil' CH<br />

protos gavs singlet in lhe rdee ol52-5l2ppn Simildlv olhet li8.'qnds atrachcd lo<br />

etyhdon lo odpl.x.s $ch s 2-mindth6ol dd N,N dimelhvluin@Unol gave<br />

sig'ldl in lhc.xpeEd rcgiob tn rrc NMR lh. drgMd6 ol $e 'rC signal fdls in<br />

dp@t d regi@ Ite CHr ercuP of 4.tvl&donales (9'15J9) gav' signal at 2? 52'<br />

Tnis Mv<br />

2?.99. 25.0E ppo .x@F fd cmd.x 15 whct sigEal ryp'ls ar 19 l8 Ppn<br />

b..ttribut d to lhe two.thfloldin .t dos posidons The dbonvl<br />

grcup of &etyla€.todi. gav€ sigral at 191.19 19612 ppn Sinil&lv olher<br />

ch.E r.dstic NMR shitu Elar.d to .th.hed liS.ds Oabl. ?' 't!) fdl i! 'xPet€d Fgm<br />

affl a[ lhb dala tlEl fic chcmical 3hiis 6sign'd to svnrh$iz'd conplexes N<br />

in arl€dclt wirh thc mol€cular strctu. .let mined bv singlc civstal x-mv analvs's<br />


t *<br />

*<br />

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2E<br />

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:.9 gg9g^<br />

E I38 3E

3.3 Crystrl Structure Anslysir<br />

Crysral gruaw. Atultsis<br />

33.r structure Amlysi! of lC!(dnaeXOAcXH'o)1, (14)<br />

I}c c.ysrrl dd!, Efiftnot pdmctcs, sel.ct d geom.trical tutdcd snd mol€culd<br /> of(14) e shoM in T.!l.s 8,9 &d Figw 2? $pelively<br />

I.blq{ Crysr.l

o(5>c(7) |.23T2) o(r){d2)'N( D 85.34{t<br />

c(4!cu(2)-o(6)<br />

qa)-cu(2)-N( I )<br />

o{6)-cu(2}N(l )<br />

Cryeal Snu.twe Arylysts<br />

98.67(5)<br />

95_48(5)<br />

158.6E(5)<br />

Sym.rry rdsfomaiion ed to go@le €quivaleoi alom: -t, /_ 1,2.'t+l /2<br />

Flg{rc 2?: Ir€ stl@€lric uir of tCu(dia.XOAcXHrO)1,<br />

$h@ u..d in rh. lcxr ed tabl.s; atomic displ@64ts d al th. 30el. bvcl<br />

showins lhe lab'lins<br />

Alihough the latlico m b€ visualikd s bei.g conslruct d lion linking dimd ol<br />

fmlla tcu(dn&)(OAcxHzo)h lhis beli$ lh. compLxiiv of this noiclv, 6 the two<br />

nd.l sr.B @ auiL distinct C(t) ba ! foqt@dimlcd CuoN @rdi don sphd<br />

conprisilg one O, N-chelating dne, one O_bridgine dma' md a mono'tenhte ac'tllc<br />

srclp. Ite geom.try is a diirortetl s!!.t pl4M t

Crynat stuctu. Analt,t<br />

ftc bile aglc of t!. dm&H ligttd, o(6tsu(lFN(2) . [85.05 (5)" ], is cloelv<br />

onpdblc ro rhe e8l. h ompoud Epon.d'r [cu(ocHMecHrN El,t] o (l)_<br />

Cu(llN(l) = 80.?0 (8)o. ed also i6 .obdr courePsnr: lcorcHlco:r,rdmmHhl<br />

81.67 (5f.<br />

ftc bond l.nstt cu(lFN(z) t2 0348 04) Al is comp@bl€ with tlte elosous<br />

dkra!€ b othd.opFt onpl.xes @ntrilirg dino.lcohol ligods.r3l5 seh c<br />

Cu(oCHM.CHTNM€,' [Cu-N - 2.052 (3) A; tcu(OCM.rcH]NM.r)rl tcu N =<br />

2 052 (t Al. dd ircuLOcH{CH,NMe,hh[Cu-N-206014rAl<br />

Wlil. ihe two d!@ liseds bebls siDildty, th. wboxttaa srcuPs<br />

do !or' Tn' &aaie<br />

@nleE.l on C(1) is bidcnlate add btidges th. two net l ccrtre; fie C_O ad C=O bond<br />

l6gds & disrircr [c(l !O(l ) 1.2922( l9), c( I !o(2) I 2391( l9) Al dd n is ln' shond<br />

CO eroup which is involved in $c loned, wcakq bndSine ini€etion {o(l)'cu{l)<br />

1.9a40(ll), o(2 )-cu(2) 2.1?s102) Al The s@nd soup hs'd oo c(?) is<br />

monoddL| *ith tsp@r 10 @ppd to(alcu(2)<br />

1 996(12) Al bur @8agcs in hv&og'n<br />

bondins with lhe one ofthe lani@ waleB to(5) H(7A) l97l A, o(5) O(?) 2844 Ai<br />

Clrstal St tct0e,1tubB<br />

FiS!rc 2E. The lani@ sEwte of {Cu(db&XOAcXHtOr, sLo*i!8 diGric uis<br />

linldng dtough bndginS n4tat goups dd a retwotk of H' bon& to fm polvmqic<br />

3.3,2 Structure Anrlysis otzD (scrc)h (er) (15)<br />

IF singlc.crysral x-hy struct@ coDfirms the sp€ct o$opic data Th' hol@urd<br />

3rEtE of (13) G shoM ir risc 29<br />

Flsut 29; Crys&l 3iructN of tzr<br />

$e 504/0 14.1, hyd&lpn .lon sphc d al ebltlry<br />

(a@), (.a)tl (1s) IlFnal ellitsoidi @ dram al<br />

6dii. only dE mjo. dield.Fd<br />


Crtttal gmnr. AMIlta<br />

Th. sirutur. show tm type of dilordd: Thc .l6hol oxyso aron dd the<br />

'N lieand<br />

eh or€ h disrderd old rwo pcitios. Th. occr4dcy 6ti6 & 0 526(4) to 0.474(4)<br />

forthcOHsrcuptud l:I (lmfn€d) forlleee@ions IltG'@c4bonalomor€&h<br />

noi.ty {@ Fsri!.d ro b. nat eithin a sl4d.rd deyi.liotr of0-1, cdboo .roB C2 and<br />

C4 wE Estnined to bc ieitopic wirhin ! 3taffl"rd d.viatioo of 0001. sd tll<br />

disrdecd 6bon atoN B@ qlraired to th. s,fu mbotoPic displ&helt<br />

!€t@.t r s lhcn di$rds€d @ulctDdl5 TlE zift io hs a dinofi.d eralcdttl<br />

Seonetry<br />

swouded by lwo .4 mions ding s biddtlt€ Gdonor liSuds sd tso<br />

monoddtat eincltsol ligands c@rdi$ring vb rhe N tio@ in Eas pGition !o @h<br />

ot!d. A smsry of dt c4st ltosnPhic data sd e8rcodr pam.l.s fu (15) m<br />

Siv.n in T!bl. l0 ed *l4i.d bond ldgth dd egl6 e rcco'd€d i' Table I I<br />

I.bbr r0 crFtal D|l,r of lz! (@)D (*01 Gt<br />

ChHnNrOJn<br />

185.?5<br />

t00 K<br />

PN<br />

5.3009(7) A<br />

9.3?24(r2) A<br />

9.5074(12)A<br />

?3.149(2)'<br />

p 83.479(2)'<br />

76.56r(2)"<br />

z:<br />

I(000):<br />

I1>2{Dll<br />

5<br />

439.1500)Ar<br />

202<br />

0,50i0.05x0.02<br />

2.24" lo 2E.28'<br />

2159 (Rd = 0.02)<br />

4554<br />

Rl = 0.015?, eA2 =<br />

0.0866<br />

Rl = 0.035?, wR2 =<br />


Cryttal Stuaue ,tmlts\<br />

All hydregd alo6 q4 plac.d i! calculatqd pcitio6 .td w@ Efned wilh d<br />

isoFopic di3pl@ndl pd@e1er 1,5 (mcthyl, hyt!$xyl) or 1.2 tin s (all orhes) that or<br />

th€ adjedt 6bon or oxyg@ alom.<br />

Trblc- u SoDe impotu Bond l.igils tAl.nd uslcs tdcgl for(15)<br />

c0Alc(2A)<br />

c0AlHoA)<br />

c(2Alo(r)<br />

c(2Alc(3A)<br />

c(3Alc(4A)<br />

q4Alo(2)<br />

c(lB)-c(28)<br />

c(2Blo0)<br />

q2BlcoB)<br />

c(38)-c(48)<br />

c(3BlEOB)<br />

c(4Blo(2)<br />

c(4Btc(5c)<br />

c(6!c{7A)<br />

N0lzno)<br />

N0!H0G)<br />

o(llzn0)<br />

o(2!zn(D<br />

c(?Alo(3,4)<br />

q3^Hr(3C)<br />

q3B)-H(4)<br />

zno|o(2)#l<br />

zn(llo(lPl<br />

zn(llN(l)rl<br />

1.50r(9)<br />

0,9800<br />

1.2t5(4<br />

l.4l6(8)<br />

L352(9)<br />

1.321(o<br />

1.537(9)<br />

r.263(6)<br />

1.398(8)<br />

1.464(9)<br />

0.9500<br />

1.155(o<br />

1.5r9(10)<br />

l.5l2G)<br />

2.1210(t9)<br />

0.9200<br />

2. 99(15)<br />

2.109704)<br />

t.314(4)<br />

0.E400<br />

0.8400<br />

2_109704)<br />

2.1199(15)<br />

2.t27q19\<br />

o0)-c(2Alc(3A)<br />

o0)-c(2Alco A)<br />

q3A>C{2A).C0A)<br />

c(4A)-c(3A)-C(2A)<br />

o(2)-c(4A)-C(54)<br />

c(3Alq4A).C64)<br />

c(28)€08)-H0D)<br />

H0D)-c(l BIH0E)<br />

r{ lE)-coB)-H0 F)<br />

N( r ).c(6){(7A)<br />

N0!c(6)-H(5A)<br />

c(6)'NO)'zn( )<br />

c(6)-N( D-H(<br />

zn( !N(llH( lc)<br />

I o)<br />

H0 a)-No)-H( l H)<br />

c(2A)-o0 !zn( I )<br />

o(3AlC(?alc(6)<br />

o(rA)-c(7AlH(?A)<br />

o(2)#rzno).o(2)<br />

o(2)*l-zno >oO)#l<br />

q2Fl -zn0).N( D<br />

o( D.ztr(llNo )<br />

o(2Xl-znolN(l)+l<br />

o(2>a0INoxl<br />

N0)-zn(llN( I )tl<br />

125.4(6)<br />


.bh! 12 Hydb$n bondr for (15) IA mddesl.<br />

Crylal Srtudue lMllsts<br />

DII...{ d(D.fl) d(rL..{) d@-.^)

Fisrn 30: MolRuld sEuc@ of CroHiLNaOZtu<br />

Crystdl Snrcturc A@ltvs<br />

ngre 3t The nd-plle ndN ofth. Z|1Or nng wit! iodirc ttos dispos'd in a<br />

,r4d-M.r @mss Bc nng<br />

Con.lric FIuetcB of (21) @ d@icr.d in Ttble 13'l5<br />


T|bha l3 cBsr.i data &d 3i.!c1N Ff!@61 for t( dD&)zr Il. (21)<br />

Crystal syslan, sprcc greuP<br />

F(000)<br />

Thaa d8p fd dlt elddon<br />

R.fl*tiw@[4t d/Eiqe<br />

Dlla/Gsitdnls/Pa@d€a<br />

FiDd R indi6 [F2sisd(l)]<br />

ccDc,<br />

Cx Hs Ir Ni 04 Zr'.<br />

ll03.E5<br />

150(2)K<br />

a= 13.3?770(10)A<br />

b= 13.377?0(10)A<br />

c - 25.5059(3) A<br />

4564.6rA N<br />

2504<br />

0.35x0.1x0.25m<br />

5.68 ro 30.03 d.8.<br />

CD4talStretv. ANIlsit<br />


T.bler- t4 Bond lcnglhs [A]<br />

I-Zb<br />

h4<br />

ZFN<br />

oq4)<br />

O-Zrg2<br />

N-C(2)<br />

N-C0)<br />

N-COA)<br />

Nq3A)<br />

2.s28112)<br />

l,93t303i<br />

1.9606(r4)<br />

2.0917(r7)<br />

t.423Q)<br />

1,931303)<br />

1.456(7)<br />

t.46eNq3A)<br />

c(1>N-C(34)<br />

coAlN-c(3A)<br />

q2),N-C(2A)<br />

c(D-N-C(2A)<br />

c0A)-N-C(2A)<br />

c(3AlNa(24)<br />

c(2>Nq3)<br />

103.78(?)<br />

106.38(7)<br />

86.E8(6)<br />

l18.6(4)<br />

t23.54(4)<br />

I12.r5{s)<br />

r20.6802)<br />

0.4602)<br />

t28.75(7)<br />

l l r.7(6)<br />

t14.4(4t<br />

39.4{4)<br />

61.0(4)<br />

r41.2(4)<br />

I I t.9(3)<br />

a.El4)<br />

13.2(4)<br />

108.7(3)<br />

108.50)<br />

r09.2(5)<br />

N-C(2A)<br />

N-C(3)<br />

q3>c(4)<br />

c(3Alc(4)<br />

c0olco D<br />

c0o).co2)+3<br />

c0 r>c02)<br />

c02>c03)<br />

c02!co0x3<br />

c0).N-c(r)<br />

c0A).N-c(3)<br />

c(3A)-N-C(3)<br />

c(2AlN-C(3)<br />

c(2!N'zn<br />

c0lN-zn<br />

C(lA)-N-zn<br />

c(3A)-N-zn<br />

c(2A)-N-zn<br />

c(3)-N-2tr<br />

c(4)-c(3),N<br />

N-C(3AlC(4)<br />

oq4!c(3)<br />

o-c(4!c(3A)<br />

c(3){(4)-C(34)<br />

c(l l)-c00)-c02)#l<br />

c(10>c0D-c02)<br />

c( l3!c0 2)-c0 D<br />

c0 3!co2!c0 0)*3<br />

c0 rlc{12}c(10x3<br />

SyI|@E nerfomdioa ued to €F!@l. .quivalol alom:<br />

ll y-114,-x+514,-z+ | 14 42 -y+sl4,t+l 14,-z+l 14<br />

i3 -x+3D,-y+12'-z+112<br />

120<br />

Crysbl St4ttn Analttis<br />

1.502(4)<br />

l_510(6)<br />

1.46(6)<br />

r.53r(4)<br />

r.295(E)<br />

|.19217)<br />

l.!86{?)<br />

l.3ls(r D<br />

t.19217)<br />

109.5(5)<br />

7r.l(3)<br />

45.3(3)<br />

142.(3)<br />

r4.6(3)<br />

l l r.9(3)<br />

ll0.180?)<br />

102.2E06)<br />

r5.2Q)<br />

9.2(2)<br />

l12.5(4)<br />

0.2(2)<br />

ll3.(3)<br />

l10.7(2)<br />

45.1(3)<br />

120.?(5)<br />

li9.E(s)<br />

9.(6)<br />

r20.9(6)<br />


3,3.4 Slrucrur. Amlystu ofZD (ecrc): (dnrclD (lO<br />

CryttolSlrrctue AMIlss<br />

Th. cryltslline stucrurc of (16) hss al&ady b.en rcponed' ud shoM in FigN 12 dd<br />

33. Ar a quict rcfcFn@ the mi! .rysirllin si.lctE fdrlE e ooe again disus€d<br />

h*. Th. hydrcxy H aton in zn(} dmeH ea l@at.d in a direr..t loui.r mp<br />

dd w6 rcfin€d ieropicaly. Thc o-H bond disiar@ ws r.slrain d ro be 0.90(2)4.<br />

AI olhd H dom wE plaed in c,lcularcd positios (C-H = 0.98 dd 0.9A) dd<br />

wq€ E incd sid Uib (H) val@s or l.s(m.thyl) or 1.2 tim€s (n thylenc) U4 of rhc<br />

Metbyl H atom w€ allowed to ot4re b b€st fir the cxpdimmtal .l.clron dcnsiry, Thc<br />

higlest peat ed d.cpest hole d. lost d a1 0.86 md 0.864, rclpectiv€ly from aton<br />

Znl.<br />

Fls{r. 32: The atoo dubqiig $h€De ot @nplq, zn(acac)"(dnaeH). Displ&emenl<br />

clliFoids @ diaM al lhe 50elo lDb6bility lev.t. [R.t 3l<br />

rhe nolccul& srruci@ of zn(eac), &reH is i$srrucrual wi$ Ni(aEc),(dnrcH) orl<br />

cdmc)r(dncr0. Th. goneric dvircm.'r mud<br />

dislorted @ialedron wilh O-Zn-O .birc, e8l$ €loF<br />

(O'l fo. ihc @c grcups, On @.rry, |be dn&tl lig.d,<br />

t2l<br />

0E 6tnl n€lal .tom is a<br />

b 90e [89.48 (6I ed 87.?5<br />

which foms ! fiv€'D.nbed

Cryttal Snudwe Atulysis<br />€ ring and h3 n salld G-Zn-N bire dch 177.51(6)" l. ftE zn-A bood<br />

l€nglh for O. && lis&ds rus. ftom 2.0429(15) to 2.0719(15)A. fteF d. slshly<br />

lo.8d the th. coreaondins disranc.s (2.0t 2-o5A) foud for zn(dd) HrO, a.d<br />

zn(e@r2Hro.'zr sd de snaller than cof,cspodding disidc6 (2.109? 2.119)foud<br />

fo. Zr(.@)r (d). rh. ZFN bord ls$n ob€d.d h@ is 2.2195(t7)4, $til€ rho*<br />

for the ocial.dEl compl.xes like zn(a€e), (.!)r, Ipyds.Hl (Zn(pydcxlydc.H)l3H:o<br />

Qyd, s a6.prridinedimide dd pydcH N ptridiMliqboxyl'c &d.)rd 2.1270,<br />

2.01t dd 2.0124 EsDerivelv.<br />

iY-ll<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

rl<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

rl<br />

rl<br />

3.....<br />

Flgurc 33: I1tc crystal-p&king diag@ of Zn(acao)d@. Hydogd bonds de shoM<br />

t22<br />

I<br />

ll<br />

tt<br />

li<br />

II<br />

rl<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

I<br />


3.3.5 Structure Anlfy3b of lZn|O, (OAc)n , Unorl (20,<br />

C,tstal gtuw,lultsis<br />

Deuib ofc.yst l dab, d.r! olccftn dd sEEte Efncndt @ s fotto*s:<br />

rrbkr 16 c4sr.l DEla of [zn'o' (oAc)10 . (dna> ] (20)<br />

Enpi!icrl tcrH4N,olznt,<br />

t254.27,<br />

lo0K<br />

Zl<br />

r{000r, 202<br />

4651.6(3) Aj<br />

CA. 0.50 ^ 0.05 x 0.02<br />

18.5951(6), A<br />

10.6718(4),A 2.24'ro28.2E<br />

24.0520{8) A 62?0 (Rd= 0.0107)<br />

$ 102948(2). 4554<br />

It>2401:<br />

Rl = 0.04?2,<br />

eR2 = 0.0719,<br />

ccDc # 6%289.<br />

crysrd 3rMrG of tzn,q(qc,Htr(3-{cH,oH}c5H,N,l:r lzn(r4ot(OAc)r0@z!,<br />

oAc = @t r.i !z = prrein€l,x dd lzn q(o.CMoo(l-Meim),<br /> = Idedylimidaalcl," h"d ba publish€d. TIe cry$lr s[teluc hale<br />

siDild gonetry s of th€ ritl. c@pobd bur in ou c& rh. remind tisd& hav€<br />

oo.diEtion rbrough N,atoms imlad of O.aion. Ihe crysrd strudw of ihe ct$ter<br />

mFuad tzqor (OAc)o . (dmD I i, @rsr1Mciic in $:hich cetud Z!-a1oh ztr<br />

(l) b lilked to six zn-stom thrcugh rw O-!roE3. Th6e o.aloms fom (u.-O)<br />

@rdimtion silh Zn-abms. Th. bond dirla@, of z(D-Oo) tl.%9(3) ,1.] dd zn(4)o(l)<br />

0.964(3) Al c n@ly.qual wii|tin cxFrimrd @B- siDitdly, zn(2!o(l)<br />

t1.91(2) Al ed zn(3>o(D n.915(3) Al e at$ !.dly.q!.1.Ir tonsd tusc k for<br />

@niral ed t€minsl Zn-atoms. In ihis Z.{lusla, lh@ N i6 &.iate lisdds which<br />


Cryttal Snudu. Awlrsx<br />

b.id8! th. Z!-alom ia pai6 s shoM in th. FiSe l4 alog wilh {!. stom rubdirg<br />

$hdc. Tsble U eiva ch@teiislic bo.d l.ngt[ &d bond del$, Ihe gomeEy<br />

eud lhc entral Zn-qlon is slighdy disroflcd @abcdnl wih basal plde .otuinins of<br />

o-atom3 Io(2), o(2'), o(10), o0o)l tsrDs.rry cod.<br />

'- $V2, t+1D, z)ote.t.<br />

lised! lad th. apicd posi(@ c covqed by rF o.aroN (Ol, Ol') of (r.-O) the<br />

smcty dodd h(2) is slidtly distorkn Eftn€dral with thrce O-aloms (Ol, 04, dd<br />

09) i! thc b6sal pltue whjch b.loogs ro thE eelale ligard. &d ln. eic.l rbsnior is<br />

occ'.pied by o(l ). A sinil& s€onery mud zn (t) €xists eirh bsal ple. @nsisiing ol<br />

tqi), q6) a.d O (ll)l &d rI€.pical posirion is mdidr.d br ql). Th. bond<br />

gconetry mud Zn {4) b diltortld rigonal biprMidsl wilh th€ basal plde conshring<br />

or tqD, o(8), &d o(10) I .d lh. qiat po6irio6 @ ocdpi.d by ql ) ed q | 2). rhe<br />

zn(4) is oui ofpLe [o(?), O(8), &d O (10)] by a dish'ce of o.o48o(2t A and rh. shin<br />

is bw.d. O(1)In this hcpl&El€ zift ctqE rh. Zn,..A! dkrlss in 0!. sr1McEic<br />

uite 3.0169(7), 3.1888(5) ed 3.213E(5) A, wh* the shone$ is belwen $c canrr.l<br />

dd rhc cdiol Zn-alom. The C-O bod dist !c rcdiztd in ln€ acciyt ligads of lhe<br />

artM€tric uii which brids€ zn-otohs hav. res. of L231(5)_ 1.2s3(5) A. nE tong*r<br />

q9}-o(l I) bond h4 a vale of 1.268(5) a, ll!. oxygcn o(!) jojls itc tm synmery<br />

rcl.Ld motifs itrto heptduclee zinc clustci. Ir ihis clut r rhe r€ninal moiety N, N_<br /> nid. is disord.ed ovcr rwo ciics bdirg @updcy taio ot 66.5133.5 yo.<br />

The bciiyl sroup of aceLmide presmt in Dqjot ponion of $e .li$d.Gd noiery ma&.s<br />

iDtqnoleular B-boding of C-H.. __O t,?e.<br />


Cryealgrctue lnotrs$<br />

Fig!rc 14: Mol@urd SiructuF ot lz"1ot (OAc) n . (dnah l showins ihc atoD nmb.r<br />

$hcnc dd bo!di!g, Ite H.alod! e obirlcd for cldiiy,<br />

SyrM.ty code. (t -'r 14. -)41,2, -:.<br />

Trbl.r u seleded bond kngn! tA) md e<br />

Zrl -41<br />

Zal 42<br />

Znl--Ol0<br />

7^2-41<br />

Zn2-43<br />

ka-44<br />

tua-49<br />

zla--€l<br />

zu--{5<br />

za3-46<br />

z!3--Ol I<br />

Zn4-41<br />

2n4 47<br />

ha-48<br />

7tA 4l0<br />

l.%9(3)<br />

2.t1t(t)<br />

2.119 (3J<br />

1.916(2)<br />

|.951(l)<br />

|.976(4)<br />

r-956(4)<br />

1.915(l)<br />

t.974 (4)<br />

r.951(3)<br />

1.949(3)<br />

r_964 (l)<br />

2.0r4 (4)<br />

2.020 \4)<br />

2A1s (J)<br />

\25<br />

les \") tot Iznlot toL4c) to . tddahl<br />

o4-{3<br />

oH3<br />

o6-c5<br />

07 {5<br />


ZtA-412<br />

7,nr.421<br />

02 {l<br />

o3-{t<br />

Ol--2nl-42<br />

Ol-Znl--Ol0<br />

Ol-Zal--{l'<br />


02'-7tt4-41<br />

O8-Zn4--410<br />

o2'-Ja4-4a<br />

O10-Zn4-412<br />

o2' Lr4-410<br />

o2'--?,a4-4r2<br />

Znl-A1-tu4<br />

Znl-4l Za3<br />

Zil-4l Zn4<br />

Znz-41-Zn3<br />

z^2,4t-LA<br />

Zn3-41-264<br />

92.77 (t4)<br />

95.070r)<br />

168.4104)<br />

83.0004)<br />

1).49 (t0'<br />

84.13 (r4)<br />

r_61 02)<br />

110.37 02)<br />

100_1603)<br />

112.13 04)<br />

1ll.03 02)<br />

110.9 02)<br />

Symctry cod€s: (i) -r+ lD, -)412, -t<br />

Ct stal StNtue Atulrsh<br />

07 {5-{6<br />

o8,-{?-49<br />

o9-{7--{8<br />

ot t--{9-{r0<br />

olG{9--411<br />

olM9_cl0<br />

o l2--{ I I A-N lA<br />

o l2--41 I A--{ l24<br />

NIA--{| lA- -ct24<br />

o12 {llB NlB<br />

o l2--{ I I B-{ l2B<br />

NIB--,Cl lB-{t28<br />

3.3.6 Struclur. Arglysi! of Z(!c.cb 0r'o)rcl (19)<br />

7.9(5)<br />

r26.4(5)<br />

115.76)<br />

l1?.1(4)<br />

t2).6(4)<br />

lr9.l (4)<br />

126.t (7)<br />

r r6.0 (7)<br />

1r7.8 (7)<br />

112.6 03)<br />

1r2.3 06)<br />

r34.4(18)<br />

The molccurd siNctu€ of(19) is shoM io Figure 15. Tlc cmrdination .nvircme of<br />

Zr doh in ZrOt moiety osisr of oue biddille OO th.bting @lyl@roMt &d<br />

ttu noDod@t.rc stcr nolculs. The Ztor exbbir! a disroi.n iqle{ripris<br />

g@melry, Th€ av.rage Zr-Odislsce2.l8l9 A mdlhebitc mgl€sOl,Z!l-O2, Ol-Zrl-<br />

04 &d 05-211-06 @ 75.75(5)', 76.32(5) dd 75.5?(5) Esleciively se in sood<br />

ssl!46r wjth rho$ rporred for z(@)r.?t P.i6 of nol€.d6 c tirLd by O-H o<br />

hydregcn bonds in cyclic which a. furlher p&ked irto . thre{indsiotul<br />

fiuMrk by chaiB of GH Cl trifNaled hydrogm bods. 'fte ZFOI bond lcn$b is<br />

lorya lhd ttc rcsr ofZ-O bods! d@ ro th. .longltion .fl€.r oflydrcgcn bondine.<br />

Figlc 35: Th€ ayneeuic uir of IZ(@)r(IIzO)r1Cl dbwitrs th€ llb.liDg sh.m€<br />

ued h the & md iabl€s: aronic displ@ndis s€ a1 th. l0% level,<br />


Cry$al 9rctw. lwDtit<br />

Thc ov@ll lattie rtructw g.n oted by th. O-H' O and O-H Cl hydrogd bood! is<br />

ri$n 3{: I1ic llnie sEucre of tz{@)b@,o)dcl shoeing Mns UntdDs rlftusl<br />

binucated chbnrc abn sd a n€rmrk of H-bo s.<br />

I.u.ts r8 crystd .td! rd [a(@](H1o)dcl (19)<br />

ZTOsCBHlCl. z<br />

460_02<br />

PI F(000) 415<br />

9.1990) J.4 to21.5()<br />

r0.408 o)<br />

7816tJ6t7<br />

. (A) 1.478 (t) 44t5t0n49<br />

oc) 70 r82 (rD 1.061<br />

po 70.64?(10)<br />

(41 0.0618<br />

rc) ?2.?55 00) 0.41,r,451<br />

9?5.0(4) ccDc # 614643<br />


T.bLr 19 s.lected boDd lagrhs (A) nd esl6 O<br />

z(llq6)<br />

z(1)-q3)<br />

z(1>o{2)<br />

k(tlo(4)<br />

zr(l).o(5)<br />

z(!!o0)<br />

z(t>o(l)<br />

z(l)-o(E)<br />

0(6)-2( I )Eo(3)<br />

0(6)-2( r )"o(2)<br />

o(4!z(t )-o(D<br />

o(5!z{r }o(r)<br />

q6).2(l !o(?)<br />

q3),zdl |o(?)<br />

o(2!z( l )-o(7)<br />

o(4tzd l)-o(7)<br />

o(5>z( llo(7)<br />

o(1!z(t |o(7)<br />

0(6)"2(l )"o(8)<br />

o(3)-z(l |o(8)<br />

2.t370{t3)<br />

2.t424(tX)<br />

2.1506(13)<br />

2.15971t3J<br />

2.180801)<br />

2.233qt2)<br />

2.2756(t4)<br />

2.2156(t4)<br />

l r5.60(s)<br />

75.79(5)<br />

17.69(5)<br />

140.96(5)<br />

t44.22(5)<br />

75.24(5)<br />

l.2r(5)<br />

r39.93(t<br />

1545(5)<br />

?0.r (5)<br />

80.98(5)<br />

138.2r(5)<br />

fo! (19)<br />

q2lzdllo(8)<br />

q4)-z(rlo(E)<br />

o(5)'zr(1).o(8)<br />

o0Iz(D-o(8)<br />

qlz(rlqE)<br />

c(D.o(D-z(D<br />

c(3>o(2)-z( r )<br />

c(6}o(llzi(l )<br />

c(8|o(4|z{l )<br />

c0 D-o(5)-z(r )<br />

c0llo(6!a(r )<br />

o(3)-z( r).q2)<br />

q6),2(r)-o(4)<br />

o(rlz(r !o(4)<br />

o(2)-z{r !o(4)<br />

q6lzdllo(J)<br />

o(llzr( D-o(5)<br />

o(2)-z( D-o(r)<br />

o(4lz(D-o(5)<br />

q6lzdrlqD<br />

q3).2{r ).o( D<br />

q2>z(rtqD<br />

T.bL! 20 The intmd@ula hydesa bords ror (19)<br />

Crystol tvtw. Avltsh<br />

69.52(5)<br />

144.67(5)<br />

14.21(5)<br />

1r0.24(5)<br />

7t.2E(5)<br />

133.86{1D<br />

ll8,l?o2)<br />

r36.390D<br />

134.35(12)<br />

133.0902)<br />

133.0802)<br />

149,176)<br />

14.46(5)<br />

16.321s)<br />

79.98(5)<br />

75.51(5t<br />

71.74(5\<br />

l16.5l(5)<br />

121.98(5)<br />

142.99(5)<br />

80.l(5)<br />

75.7Sls)<br />

Sl,lm.ay oasfom.tios ued ro B€neEF .qujvalftt don!: x. y. z & .^. .) . .z<br />

D E DII(A) n^(a) D^(A) DflA(.)<br />

o7 H71{ ol 0.87(3) I 90(l) 2_1618(t9l 174('<br />

o7 H78 cll 0 790) 2.29{1) 3.069s(r t t?10)<br />

o8 H8A cll 0.86(1) 2.25(3) 3.0%?(16) r68(2)<br />

o8 H8B cI 0.90(l) 2.r?(3) r.05t6(rt l61l)<br />


3.4 Tbermal Studies<br />

3.4.1 Th€rnrl Strbtlity ofM(!cac). rnd M (thd)" conplcrog<br />

IEmd studid of (r{) M(@)h obplexB \N@ cdi.d o at. hotilc 6t of ldc<br />

minj to obw. rh. thcmal .tcconposilioD b.haviou ed to d€r€qirc th. degradad@<br />

De.bdism. The ihmoEd obtlined udq dyndic TcA ees wcE r&lysed to give<br />

pc'@aagc wigLt loss a a nDc$d of ledpc6t@. In ordd b dcamift $€ th.dEl<br />

sllbility lr.nds rle lemp@t@ chanct€rislic€s wft evdlu.ted. The chdacEnstics<br />

enpdrtue 3eh a To (lenpdll@ oet of d@nporirion), Tro (anFdtN for l0%<br />

*igh lds), T! (r@pqile for 20y. wishr los), ord Ts (t mFBtuE of bsim@<br />

€te oI degodalio!) w@ calculaied dd are pBentcd in Tablc 2l dd codpl€te<br />

rh.@oam lr@ D@r €d s ApFndi,\-lll<br />

To, 10, T!, and T.- @ rhe main.ritetu iddh.ting rhc rhm8t sr.bilily ofadplcxes<br />

&d dey @ ale thc ele f@r@s of Tc cw6. IlE hisrE lle valE of T0, Tb, T&, ud<br />

Tm rh. higbd wilt be lh€ tb.mrl silbiliry .,<br />

B6ed on lcsl vrl@ iemp@l@, Cr (M)3 [ T0 (179 "C) od T.(28a 9] w foud<br />

io be nct ,!d Zn(@)r I To ($ oq &d Te(193 oC)] rc tlE la$ slblc. -Ilis<br />

rlability rcf6 to th. m.laltigand bond srrclgth and fouowine ordfi h8 ben poposed<br />

for vdiow mclal &.iyla€ero@l! daivadvs for lh€n s:r.biljty.<br />

Icr (&&}l > Icu (a@)rl > IAI (&ac)rl >Ni (!@)r lco (@rl > 0r' (&ac)d ><br />

T!. L@iMl $lid @id@ in ce of .@..ddq6 wc meLt oxid. in @r of rbe<br />

cds.xcF in Cu, Al ed Cr @lyl@romt conplex.s, wh8 sublidalion rak6 plrce<br />

iNled of dMnposilion which i! i! @ofomity wirh UE pfl€nrage tosss of tu<br />

obrri!.d fiod TC cwe dd TCA-FTiR strdy,<br />


I.bL 2L Dda oblrin d fton TGA tualwb.<br />

cc)<br />

t-,<br />

l9l 291<br />

3 33.72<br />

220<br />

242<br />

12 120<br />

It<br />

l6t<br />


SiDjl&lr, b!..d on 16r \ulrc r.mperarw d.r. orM (l|)d)i @npl€r€s (1G12), hish.r<br />

th.nDi stabihy wls found in Cu (i!dh I T0 (173'c) dd T*(288'c)] ud lowr<br />

d.rbility @ ob$Ncd in Al($d)3 I To (?a oC) ed Tnreo3 oC)]. TC cunes of all M.<br />

!@ @nplqe show oe to fou siifi@t t.DFdru. r.Eilios of rcigh lo$ wi$<br />

comon &d sp..ilic arag6, rcm.d s singl. slage, rwo $ae.s, thft sr.ges and fou<br />

sta8.s of themal degradatioo Fspectively. The themal deconposition of thee<br />

@nplq6 tak plrcc @rdin8 !o nehais involvilg thc d@mposilid pMss of<br />

org&ic ligdd lit!.hed ro ndd aron or ud€rgo sublim.riotr or pln of it ud.r8o<br />

sublinatioo sd have some co$id@lion oo the themal dceraddion ncch&ins.<br />

3.{2 Kirctic P.rrneters<br />

Kiocric p!fu.r.6 ssh a activation .n ray ( EJ , Ad.nious coBlanl (L) &d<br />

exponlndal f41oB (A) of rhe conplq.s (l-22) weF calculaled frcn t\mogm<br />

l@d.d iom @h |.mperltw to 500'C in niirog@ alrnoQh@ .i diffcMt h€ling<br />

61ca, viz. 5, lO, 15, K min I. The TGA sd DTC cutrs.xhibit d on. ro fou disdncl<br />

degradation zorcs dcp€nding upon the m1@ ofmeral orgdic conplex, Homver, al rhc<br />

low hanils Ftc of 5 Kmin r, in $m€ ces le$ lMbq of deendation bnes Erc<br />

foud. Arh.niou @israt (k) @d €xpon€ndd fados {A) vdtu€s w€E cslcdar€d from<br />

d.mogr@ by applying Ki$inger od Oaw. n€$ods (Tlble 22), wherru tbe<br />

&iivltion €r€rgy deamitud by applyilg Mod.l Fe Kiftiics, nih ordd, C@Ls &<br />

R.df.o, Ki$ilgcr &d ozdw. n thodr aming singi. &d nutti sLp6 d€@mpGnion<br />

E@tion for a panicule &ne sing TGA/DTG dal!.<br />

1!. Elalile snnplicity of nd od.r ud hod.l fta kberi$ eiv6 iis lDlcrnat for th.<br />

enimation ol a.tilador dr$, of Delgt orgaic @hpl.x6 baving single srep dd<br />

multi$ep degEdalion 4ne @sp€ In addition to this. hodel frce kinelics also<br />

tak6 coNi.lexdio! of ddiblc tudo!, s enain @mpLx @tion e Evesibl. ed<br />

hdiecs typical &dktion d.rgy d€Ftr&dcy otr 6rv6ion by s rclati@shi! 'Er = f<br />

(a)" vherc d is co.vcsio! of chdical @lion.<br />

Adiwlior ffi$/ v.lues w€E c.lculared Ning ydioB do

nultisLp pr@s thar b cotrolled by the rat ofslovstslcp dd rhu.pF s 3 singh<br />

srcp. Ilis is d€ fton the rhetual ltudy of Cu (&&) (Table 22) which is singt€ srep<br />

d.composnion &d edvatio. €n rgy valu€s i6uEd by nth onLr, R€dfm, Kisingd<br />

.rd Ozw. oedod N dnost s€. Ho@vcr, nodcl t . tir€rics o{ rhm@alysis<br />

eelion orcu (ace> siv.s v&idblc erivadon eoes/ valu€ (1084? KJ/molc), nosr<br />

pobably dE to irs @ndcx dr@ of dc.omposilion i..., ( sbtimrion plls<br />

dtumpqition @rion g06 side by side speistly ot hid.r ienrEdtw s anfim by<br />

rcaidual nas ed TCA-FrIR d.ra). In such ces rh@l ouicome G conroll€d by rhc<br />

fi. of th. slow6r sLp. &d rhB .pp.&s d ! sinSte slep duing TCA snrdy, Cdlical<br />

exminaiion ol data aho N€dles rha! in ce of simple d@onposilion rcrcdo.,<br />

etivario. cMgy dda st s|an-up rdF€rw nswd by Dodel ft4 kiftriq match<br />

with dll other merhodologiB sppticd. Ilis is bc@e rh€ sysrcb is not fe Aon<br />

€quiUbiih at rhc $an of tenFEtuq th€ scrivation mdgy is r.nFrarw d.pendenl<br />

bc.!B of the lemlerw d.!rde@ of cquitibrim J)ttssw. The daIa ats rcvatcs<br />

lbal at high{ t np.rarw rheG is d @Bid€oble chege in acdvation encrgy s<br />

n4rcd by MFK. ftc lt&n behind is, at hiS! t mpdtG s'stem bccom. fd fron<br />

equilibrih dE to rhe panid p6src of ga$N la(otr poducr \hicl in rutr<br />

in rcN or d€cce $. 4tvarion cnergy appr.ciably. Th$. obsFalions were not<br />

rob4 ${ile omF.i'g rhmdnat'licat d.ra of z,(thdh , Al (s@} wirh Cu(a@h<br />

whcR all gives sinel€ sr.p decomposirio! pa$etu but h€r. the value ofacrivation €nd8y<br />

for Zn(thd)r d At (@.)r €alcular€d by MFK foud ro b. albosr con$st lhrolsh our<br />

ixe hehoiso &d i1s vatue is dN lo |be !€lu6 calcutar.d by .I ot[cr<br />

.oNation.l D.lhods. On the conr"ry Cu(&a€t shosed continous d4rcM in<br />

&lirltio. oer&| witb ns in r.npedrc. tn ce of nulrinep deonposition psrt.m,<br />

le @mponnd Ni (ea.):, zo(@)r(*)x, zn epht: clr, a los vztuc of &rivarion<br />

6d8y al sllrr up remp.isrw indicat s rhdl tn€ proess is dittusio. conrrou€.I mrh.r<br />

thd *ineticdty @ntrotl.d. Sotid phe @tbc of the ir?. (elid r etid + Cs) onq<br />

besin udd kn ric contrcl, s in c@ of conpoud cu{dce}. Fc (ac.c)r sd<br />

Iz(ec)bcl,ollcll, lnft ar $rn-up renpqlrE, &rivlrim cncrs/ js much hishd<br />

8rd s lh. reDFrarue g@s hjSher ib valu. d€cres.s duc b thc €don ihat now $c<br />

r€&uon beore n@ dd mor. ditruion coitroll€d i..., rhickn€$ ofdr€ slrf&c lay€r of<br />

@npolnd .Ledy r.a.r.d ircqs\ ebicn 6ft in lh. diftusion of thc glgE pFdrcl<br />

becomilg hle dctemining . Duing thc rrdsnio! fron a tin.r. to a d libioronrrolled<br />

@liot! om tlEFfoF * . decr* in &1iEtiotr @qg}. pFiou treh€r ro

obsw€d rhis tT€ of d€Fndercy in e@d plmltsis. Sinildly on thc basis of csidual<br />

!)1,s of thmal cwes for the @DDouds 14-20 involving nultist.p d{onposition<br />

panm, rc sfcly say thrr h.e dMhposition @don G predonimt ovd sublindtion<br />

cx@pt for tI€ conpoud Zn(PPhjhclr (whcE sublimtion is doninaal). 'Itis cm be<br />

jlirided on l[. baie ofhigl &dvation adgy !r $.n up rcnp.6rw.<br />

Arh.nios p@reld $ch a pr{xporotial fa.lor dd sp€cific r!1e co$lorl (Tabl€<br />

22) fo! a nMb€r ofconpound havins sinsle ed multtur.p d€@mFsirion or $blimton<br />

@tio! e calculaled by qpical Kissirgcr dd Oaw model eqDtioB.rrThc vals<br />

@lcuLt d by @h m€Ood 0Fu8h @t in eood agrcm. wirh .eh odBr yet<br />

indep€ndlnt ofthc h€atilg,<br />

It is th.rcforc conchding thal rh. acrivolion dergy nor only d.Fds on rh. equiUbnM<br />

Pltss@ (P0) of thc @hpoud but ale on parrial prcssw of tbe Brj@u @ibn<br />

ptodut. In addilion to this a.tivarjon cne$/ calculsLd tlrcugh nodet Ii.. kiEdca giv6<br />

valubl. infotmtion EgddinS d.@mposirion Fathisn duing thmal ,odysis 6<br />

coDpaFd ro orhd Dodcls. Howvq, dlla d@ not yi.ld dy d.llil€d hfmadon sbout<br />

the raction mshdis .sp.cialy for nor rh6 singtc si@ de@oposilion pattem b6€d<br />


9<br />

b<br />

I<br />

€<br />

3<br />

e<br />

5<br />

3<br />

d<br />

t<br />

i<br />

Y<br />

: I I<br />

e<br />

I<br />

J<br />

d<br />

H<br />

i E d<br />

s<br />

a<br />

3 =<br />

!<br />

:<br />

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5 ! ! E<br />

,l a<br />

:<br />

E<br />

l<br />

?<br />

a<br />

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g<br />

a<br />

F s<br />

; z d z 6<br />

a<br />

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6 6<br />

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E<br />

6<br />

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3.43 TGA-rTIR Studics<br />

Ddohposilion behavior of Cu (ac&): {l) dwing TcA &alrsis de shoh in risw.<br />

l7a, 37b ed l7c. On gindual irclle h t mD.dr@, ih. TGA dd DTc cw6<br />

exlibn sin8l. step degmdadon pM6s in t\thpdanrc rege 210 - 268 oC. The<br />

bs(2J-pataGdiodt ) @ppq (tt) bcsin to sublin e ar 2lo t ed il w6 obeded<br />

lhal lublimaiioi/de@nposidon t€mpcnrws is ind€p.ndeot of rh€ nalure of cdid<br />

s6 (Fig@ 3A) ed floy mre (Fig@ j7b). Thc b€baviour of or bis (2.4,<br />

p€nbn diomt ) @!ps (D io 4% H1 dilukd wilh nirogen atrnospherc is io conrlsr<br />

with rh. sludy madc by v.Combos rr 9n@ pb ('@D dd C! (thdh rr sho*s<br />

de@nposnion !t lenpoalw 3I4l oC.<br />

I<br />

.!l<br />

FkuE J?r: ICA Cw.s showine dccoDposjlor<br />

Figu. 37b: TGA-Cws .r diflftnl DTC C66 .t dilt e.l<br />

l.l7<br />


Howvd hic}lc! h€arins hle.tin the oNt of dmnPosiijon sd T- t(l hiehd<br />

i.bF6tu. d &picled in Figft 3?c,<br />

Iigd 38, Epr*nls a thcdin 6io."l plol ol IR aberbsre spcdta vs tne A<br />

3D wd€falt plol is usetul for prcs.nling tnc chdges thol oer io ihe inf@ed<br />

sFcti oE rlE @tE of {he TC &tlysis. Eah a!6orb.@ bdd.lory lh. *avc<br />

nMb.r *ale eprcsnts fu.tional goup of th. €rolved gs.s,<br />

Fl$ElE. 3D w.t r lall plot ol mR Sperjun<br />

IE waierfall plol displ.ys a sri€s of sp€clrun toE 35 lo 50 ninut4, duing the<br />

olldion no lR absDtion bands ob*ned up ro 35 ninuca. The infomation<br />

gain.d iion rlc water fall plol show.d lhal ihilial wight loss wa mainlv due to 1he<br />

los or bis (2,4p.n1anediorare) opper (ll) s sublinc ptoduct The!on<br />

berw.n th€ fst derivaliv. plol of w€ighl los, qle fall plot md Gm-Schnidl<br />

r@Bltuction (Figft 39) is Th. evolv€d S4 pofile palt m studied<br />

thmrSi TGA-mR in 210 ed 270'C ale @lfmed lhb appD&h ed shov€{t d<br />

ab€otpion bdds rcsmble wjlh (1) dl th€se t€mp@t@.<br />

schnidr (cs) c'e-<br />


Thd evoFed g6 pF le studi.d al Ddinal of Cm Sclmidr cwc ws cohDrEd<br />

wilh FnR ofpw @DpoDd (r) Gise a0) ed foud io be frgcr pinrs ro mh<br />

oilEr. A Iinl. bir diffcrence i.lh€ position of absorpiion beds d€ d!.10 lhe l€@n<br />

tbat aberpti@ ba.& in dr $ar. tlo mt @incid€ *irh tb@ in lhc liquid<br />

ll*fl<br />

.4 (<br />

,,rr"',^,rr-r.-",.'-'] l:::f h'<br />

IL r/ 1!,el I<br />

;;i;L *<br />

" """t -___;;t" -"i;;-----=;a^--=a;<br />

*'-J* lrl\(,'il,L,<br />

Figurc40 FTIR SD.clrM of pR comptq & e\ otv.d gs pro6te.<br />

On the bab of TGA-mR study ir h temi that thc conpl.x ed€,go $bliMtio.<br />

iakld ofpyrolysis G Fr fotloeins schtu .<br />

c! (@c), dd - cu (&&, 4<br />

Th.mosBvimetric aralysG (rcA) ed denvdive thcdosnvim€riic (DTG) cuNes<br />

for d@npojriotr of [C(dr@XO,{cXH,ot: (rO @ shoh in Fise 4l. A |h6<br />

slep pathway for decomposition is obsred wi1h 8ladud loss ofwater (foud 7 94%<br />

.alc. 7.91 %) ar a t.mFErw tuC! of lO, t j4.C. In tbe s@nd and thid ncps o<br />

tor.l weight los of 61.4s % is &cord.d dre b eljminaiion of &.rar€. dim€rhyl<br />

ethml @itr. sDd N,N din rhyl €theal goura. This obsdlrd $ ,n lilc wiln dr.<br />

FIIR of€volvcd 96 prodet tzko at @iou time ioieNats s shoM in IiCre 42.<br />

'IA. @Elalior bei$cn dr DTG cNc a.t li*ed FT|R sD.clM sho*s th in rh.<br />

initial 5 dilut* (up io l34o c), H2o is losi, showing ab$Drion ol 3?oo, &d 3500<br />

€Dr, The H-o'E b.nding atso sivd ris ro tG abco,prion ar 171? m r, Abov. tj4<br />

oC, linle

addition to CHr stretching, dcforuij@ absorytion p€L lirt€d epetrun 't" also<br />

shoM C{ sEdchirg at 1793- l7?0 m'r of&eiste Ab$Dtion '@ l?50 cm r is<br />

checldisica of vapou phe aldehytle c&bonyl snetch 3how.d the prcen c of<br />

diEelhyl elhaml, The at 1232 cmr@ bc teembly signcd to a C-N strdbh<br />

of a ienia.y N,NiiDetbyldirc-r I! C-O slmer.ic sr.tching at tO?4- 1040 cn l<br />

isderopF*neof R- CHIOH 3Dup of dn& aDdth6shosa tujor lo$ in<br />

wish al DTG ndina. LinLd sp6tlm "d" @rtrtu thc lo$ of cidual producr<br />

a indiqt d by th€ absnce of CHj stciching absorption bud, al]mdric<br />

dcfodltion vibEtion od ltmet ic vib6tio[ laving qidrc of 30-62 % .gainsi<br />

26.12 % of 9@ 6pFr plu littL impuily of copp.r oxi&. Bas€d o. th.*<br />

obseNdrion!, . plmbsis m*hanim suppoded b pGviou workrr for rhe<br />

d@oblosidon of [cu(db&XOAC)(HrO)], io @ppd o€ial ha b€en elabonicd in<br />

Scb€me IL It is @nalle to b.lieve thal !ft.i ihc los of Mid &d ctatc moleule<br />

in th. iritial dcconposition N-cu bord is opered at hi8!d t€mp.raEe to<br />

libdate 3pccics [A] r'trich ud..8o FH abshetion io poduc. sp@i* tBl md N,N<br />

{iim€thyl uino .orn 1. Sp..ies [B] rsdily udqsoB rcdrctiv€ elimin.lio. to<br />

libqd€ db&H .!d crystauic @ppd mo p6nicl.s.<br />

'fte thmal stabiliry od vol.tility of tCuidne)(OA0(HrO)1, @y vary wirh<br />

solvdt. ld tolu.r. solutior! thc conplex hs sulficiot srabiliry dd volatility to<br />

sft a a pfeuer for th. dcposition of opp.r @o paniclcs, wll adhdn &d<br />

Mdour @bon @nLEiEdon, The d@mpositiotr behvior of c.pp.r (U)<br />

dineilyldino .thoxide, tcu(dme}lr6 *hich h sublinabl. dd wreFqsitivc<br />

@mpl€x b lcmp.hrre depddent. Solid thin film gtoM from Ois @nplex at 200<br />

oC @isc of @ppd detd frE from ey @ntamilEtion bui ai 300 "C, ih. @mplq<br />

yields thh filn @nainiog. niftE of Cu(o), Cu (I) od Cu {lD ond6 p.odlced<br />

evd b.l6 nitroa€n €Niromcnt,<br />


w<br />

I<br />

i<br />

I<br />

Fisuru 4l: TCA,/DTO cwc of ICu{dna.XOAcXrrrO)1, at ! herine &t€ ot<br />

ls'C/min. udr nilroSo ahosp[erc<br />

100<br />

50<br />

l@<br />

50<br />

-tm<br />

350<br />

Hlm<br />

,iso<br />

tm<br />

J()<br />

't<br />

a floe at of4o ml_/bin.<br />

4000 3J00 3000 2500 2000<br />

Wde!unb6m,<br />

1500 1000<br />

Fkln 42: TCA,/SDTA Lintcd FIR sFct! showing sysraarc dtonposnion<br />

of [cu(dd&XoAcxHzo)1,.<br />

IG Ob 1c!(&-)(0 cIHpD<br />

Lurd4tua?l9r,ir c<br />

d<br />


cru+-ctt,CU<br />

{ c!+ HocHrcllr,l{ct!,<br />

.- IB]<br />

'lq:,,5<br />

It<br />

*l<br />

HiNT<br />

H'L '02<br />

s.h.E. Il sch€@ric Epr.hrarioi ror d.mmpGirjon or [Cu(

Th€ TG cW. of th€ conplcx shos ! rhEe skp wielt los at temp.ratrcs tuges<br />

dud 100 - 210, 210 - 260 ed 260 - 400 'C h eive a rcsidual value closc to thar<br />

erTet d for a c@plcr. @ov.hion ro zic oxid. sd volatile by-pmducts. I!. DTG<br />

cwc shos the prcmineni .xolhffiic p.rb. Th€ dowd 200 'C is Nigned<br />

ro th. Elee of @inoc&dol rnich yieldcd a weight loss of 12 %, This is in 8@d<br />

rgIt4.nt vith the th.@tic.l stoichiodet ic valu. of 3l .6 % for dioo erheol. The<br />

s@nd ud lhird exothemic p.slc ar 240 ed 3?0 qC d€ 6si8n€d ro rhe wcieh los<br />

d@ to elyhc.rm. ligddr bplilg up ad bcing tosl6 votsrile @i6ial io l6yc<br />

2l%of AO 6 the nml rcsidu.,<br />

In ce of TCA-FTIR sudi€s ofcomplq (t5) tn O.nnal dcconposnion palem is<br />

itr lir. with il| innNd dal. of the aolld geoE peducrs Lten .t ftiou rine<br />

inleNal&tmpdtes $ shoM in Fig@ 44,<br />

Absorpuor tqrc|cy cn_'<br />

lisur. 14. Lint d sp*rla of TGA-FTrR: r) FTrR specllm or Zn{a6c)r(ca}l ar<br />

@n lmFEtuF, b) an* harirg to 2OO oC, .) evotvcd gs sperrM below 2OO aC<br />

(naiDly mino.thsol) d) evolved ss sp4irm ar 250 'C, (Dainty ecH) e)<br />

@lvcd 86 sFcEm above 3oo "c (mai,, 0 €votved crs speroD ar ><br />

350.C.<br />

t!<br />

a<br />

t<br />


It is tunabl€ 10 believe rhd rh. minel|reol liead t lost 6F1- Tlljs is support d<br />

by ihe €volvc gs lR sp4trm below a tnpdture of 200 'C whicb shows<br />

pbmindt p@lc for Ate OH, NH, 6d C-H grcups !l 3650-3600 cn 1, 340G3268<br />

cn and 300G2E50 cD ' (sp€ctrun c), ed also by th. FrlR sp€cau<br />

of ihc sidE of Ihe TCA studi€s .r 200'C whrch clely lhos the abs€e of<br />

prodiMl @hcth4ol F*s (Sperjum b). ln tlc sond sra3. !hov.200'C th.<br />

widrt los B due to on of the @c miois llaling a ogH, a colfimcd by rhe<br />

erolv.d 96 GF.rnn d), The a*H is pob.bly fm.d by abslFdiotr of . pDlon<br />

fron Ure Maining liged, which ulriMtely al bidEr temp€ratute in the arrnosphec<br />

ofoxygd shs to be rcerilg wirh oxyg@ io fo@ vollril. @Dpoudr acdone &d<br />

CO, wirh distincl bands al 1220. I 160, ed l74O cn r (3p6tu c) l€aving p@ ZnO<br />

T!.e frdings arc supponcd by FlvioB wok.r? Bas.d otr tr FIIR sFctta ofrh.<br />

aolv.d ge wc suggesr rhe fouowing pt@lysis nc.htuis for the deompositiot<br />

ofzn(&&Xqtl ro zinc oxide (sch€@ D.<br />

zr(@D(a) -+!+ zn(@h+ 2(@)<br />

(€) = (HrNCrH.oH), ee = crH'O,<br />

z(a@), S!+ a@H+2co,+cHrcocHr +zno<br />

3@cH -+!+ 4cHrcocqr + 3co:<br />

s.b6. In: PyrclFis of Zn(a@Xq]<br /> fadings e contfiy io a prcviou srudy ra $ in which rhe mine group<br />

fa.ililaG dn€Itl (rO ( ris@ at shos r\.1<br />

th€ deconposition ofrhc conpl.x ys complctcd a14tO oC with . Esidul @$ ot<br />

r9.2 %, e val!. @6istent ro ZnO b€ing lhe frn l ploduct, Th€ complex lhors ihE<br />

wi8h1 los. Ite 6!st wighl toss 24.48 9o is d!. lo los of dneaH. TXis ws<br />

ontimed Aom the FTIR s!.crm of rcsidu.l nsrs oblain d !fter healing fie

complq d 160 0C r'fiich shos dbenc. of ch!@rristics tlnEd{ perl6 dd l@ving<br />

b.hhd Zn(@), s a sidud nds. (Fisw 43. sp.crum b)<br />

Thc *cond od third w€ighr 10$6 e 26,79 rd l2,l % (calc. 56.? 0/o in lot l foi<br />

.@) od @ dsigDed to l6s of two a@. A lid. incJts iD wighl noo ih.<br />

.alculat d v.le ir cviddt d& to sublim.tio. ch@tdisrica ofzinc<br />

to $be .xEnl &d for lhis Gen thi! 9F of prccusoG &€ ed with sdve1r8.s in<br />

CvD r€chniqus. llE mor€l of e&H laving zoo 6 6iduc *ould t &6 pl@<br />

via hydDg.n lbshacdotr. Thi! obwadon h onnmcd by *eing the residnal FTIR<br />

sF.rrun drar slDws .linination of t licd e& F.ts. Cige 43.sFu@ O on<br />

the bais of ihe above obs.Faliotu $d rhdFol deomposition studi€s of mehl<br />

ut',la..1oB1a by psioq etuhcr:'a d@npGinon mdh&is (s.hd. Iv)<br />

ofzn(d60ldn&aH) is suggqred d h€low.<br />

zn(ac&)z.dneaH --!!49r z(*> t* a-""ut<br />

zaatrl, -=6- - a4H l+2cor l+cH.cocH, I I aror<br />

ja*H -jiij:) 4cHrcocHr l+.lco: I<br />

scbd. Iy. DecoDposition n.ahdism of zn(@):(dh€aH)<br />

t.<br />

I<br />

I',<br />

I ra rao ito zta lra :rtr 350 -__--c.<br />

Flgur 45: TGtDTc cw6 showins daoDposiiion of Zn(@), .dfrcaH.<br />


I<br />

I<br />

E<br />

Flgurc {6: ITIR srBrrum of a) Zn(@c),.dnaH complex @orded rLr @n<br />

l.nFEtrc, b and c sF.tu ofrsid!.d m.s anq h€rjng al 160 qC dd 360 oC.<br />

TcA 6!d DTc €wcs fo. the d@ftposirion oflzi,o, (oAc)b. (dna),1 (20) w.E<br />

r..orded in d dl.oSe enviommr &d dc ahom in Fisrc 47.<br />

rlgurcl?t TCA/DTC cw.s showinS thmdl desnposirion of<br />

tzd'or (oAc)m (dmajrl<br />


Th. TG cue ofrhc .onpl* sho*rd a sndual wi8h lN (5470) up ro 500 "c due<br />

ro bmins of NN dimethylacehfridc fonowd by @tat€ Gxothdic) decobposd<br />

to @toE, Cq aod H,O lo sivc. Esidual v.l@ 46 y' cl@ !o th.r qpel€d fo a<br />

complctc @nvdsion ro ZoO foded dE to oxid.tion wirh th€ oxye.n conr€nr of the<br />

cdpld. Tlq! I e or8rnic EsidE loft afrq 500'C d @nfm.d by rbc F R<br />

TGA ed DTG cllrc for the deonFsirion of bb aqrc uis aeiyt@lonaro<br />

z,toDiu (lv) chbnde ta(ace[Gixot]Cl (21) w@ @orded in u oxysen<br />

dvilrEat e'

3.5 Thin Film Chractedzation<br />

3.5.1 Scrlrtry Electron Microlcopy<br />

FigrE 49, shos a SEM inag. of d.posn d @ppc. p.nicl6 on sd. efen 3ubsrFie<br />

duing UAAcvD of Cu(6cac)r. Il'c ndem€nt ftom the SEM imae. indicales<br />

tbl th* e Mo plrticle mging tDn 100-200 m. EDX lr.lysis al$ @nfid<br />

thd lhc 6ln is cmpriss of pu. @pps '<br />

S€e Appmdixnll .<br />

Fig!rc 49r SEM ilus$rins lhe $in filn of Cu in 470 H, in N, on soda gats.<br />

Fieui! 50, shoM a s.iMing .l..r!tr nicDopy inage of rh. deposircd coppq<br />

pdnicld ddircd fton tcu (dnc).(oAc) Hrolz duine UAACVD on ermic<br />

sulstll . Thc pdiclc sia D6w &oD rh. SEM ie.g. ildiete rhd dle @<br />

Mo particulEoc wil! sias rdeinS frem 40 m to 80 M. I!€s p6nicl€s nse. up a<br />

filrn Iblt q'!Es io b. wifom qd s@ilL EDX Fsdll Drcle ds1 1he filh<br />

cobpri!* ofpuc @pper nmo prnicb (S@ App€ndixlrr).<br />

Ft!rc 50: SEM niwgnph showing opFr mc|al Mo ponicl.s.<br />


Fielw 51, ddqibB ! sdhg cletror nicoscopy inas€ of rh. d.positcd zno<br />

p6nicla ddivd 8oD zr (.@X6) duils UAACVD @ cfuic substra&. Th.<br />

n@uffit &on the itug. itrdicat r uif@ &positid of ZnO panicles<br />

wilh 3iks tuginS from 30 m ro 60 @. EDX eaty3b confins rhlr thc filn<br />

qEFis ofp@ zie oxid. p.nicb (S6 Lppddix-[}<br />

FirlE 5r: S@ning EldDn bicbgnpt of ZnO &Fsit.d Aob bis{2Jp€nL!.dioute).bis(.thetuinOzinc{rr).<br />

The SEM in!8a of dE tin dopcd ed udop.d ZrO firh! daiv€d aom zn (@),<br />

(d@IO dring UAACVD on tuic sbe.rr. indiclr6 irs gr'Iurd ch!@cr Mrh<br />

3! avds. snin sir! rE{tu€d fr@ th.e ieg6 w itr lle Erse of30 *tO m.<br />

'nE nicr litwtutal iEag6 Gisw 52) i*.n ror .tt dopcd dd udoFd sdpt.s<br />

Erql.d thrt tbe Snin si4 id ga.6l *s s,Is fo. Sn dop.d ihd fc udop€d<br />

m!l*. Th@ inDs.s rle Bel.d lhal doped fitG r* d@a wiu boE<br />

spbdicrl er.ia rh& urdoD.d fln.<br />

IrE moryholog/, su.hc. 3rtucr@ rnd composirion of lho tilm d.dv.d froh<br />

t(zl' o{dm),(oAc)01 dEi.8 uAAc\aD s i!v61i9r.d by sEM. Figa 53,<br />

show a e!mi!8 el*hon oim@py i@g. of the dcposired ZnO panicl* iD<br />

Nilrogcn 4 450 .C, Th. SEM tni@8nph cxtibils th€ uifodity of Ue nlin ed<br />

plrticuhte wiil siz6 tuging tsD 20 m io 40 M ard .iso indiclrs m d.fet<br />

f@1ion. EDX $udy sho*ed thal flh @mpris of pm ZnO !)m,srtictcs (S@<br />


Flsurc52: SEM images oiSn doped /sdopcd ZnO fitn.<br />

Figur. 53: showiis zno sEM imee denvcd fom t(zn,q(dm),(OAc)r0l<br />

The morphologx surface srtuctu ad conposnion oI ZO: filn tabricar.d froe<br />

@mplex [z(acac)r(H:o)cll duihg uaAcvD ss invesrigar.d by sEM. tige 54,<br />

snow a s@ing e!.cron mic.oscopy inage of $e deposjl.d ZO, paniclG s<br />

delosit d (a) ed anei mealins in Nirros€n ar 5oo .c (b). The sEM microelapn (a)<br />


SEM- Studiet<br />

o'nd oily qlibit ihc uifomiry of th. film bdicatiq no .lefecr fomlion,<br />

Hollq, . crEtul qditution of SEM (b) *ould Bulr i! lh.<br />

obw8tion of ih. €neryin8 of doF delircd erai$. Duilg m.5lir8 traledt<br />

Pll)ls, ZrO: g.n 6lly undcrg6 *v.El p@siry strg6 of tuov.l of pmsiry,<br />

fomaior of !.w ghins, md erain Eo${h ed rcsnnng in the charSing of nsr€risl<br />

FDFrti.i{ It! @Fpcition ofdlEil€.l6ln d delhin

3.5.1 XRD Studie!<br />


Evelogth of incide.t light wa 55,4 m dd h cmpahblc ro 40-80 m s<br />

I<br />

t"<br />

I<br />

ngurc 56, Xaly difltutior plrcm ofcu filb dcposir€d on soda glas subsraic.<br />

lh. )(RD palcrn of . ZDo 6tm fahieled fiDn tzj('@), (aE prEuer wirhin<br />

e &gle @ee of l5 b 80! is shom in Fiew 57. Ih. ZnO tu foud in irs heugonal<br />

WEEiL forD GIee goup P6rdc, . = 3.186, c = 5,206, JCPDS 3Lndlrd rtara pDF<br />

# 050644). IlE prcloMed (002) psk locsr.d ar 2€ = ]4.4t indiola a Dcfeenriol<br />

on@ration dong the c-dis p.rpodicutr io thc suhrde surfae. This obsdalion<br />

is very clo* ro thc prcvios srudy..l<br />

PMat t chniqs uludonic ero$l ejlt d chetuic.l vapou deposjtion h6 e edge<br />

ovq dE ultr&nic itradiaiion 6in.d $tutio! rcure,.! $iic.h @ bed oh<br />

tadidolal peipiiarion lh@ry &d involvB nul(ptc d€Fsiijon cycle. Typically 20<br />

d@osition cyclcs w€rc p€rfomcd b.forc utbeenic iradiarion of subsrar.s. Th€<br />

ti8[ El@ity hicrejcc goduc.d duirs uir.$aic iftdiarion Move rh. krc€ ud<br />

l@ely hond€d particl$ od signjfi@t Edu€lion in rh. qwriry of aderbed<br />

Fnict s My eour for rh! cnl&cd crrsralidty &d !rcf.turi.l ori.nradoa atong<br />

(002) pldc, wh.r s io ou cs.. ultn fft drcpl€i of pEler EvDa llmw s,a<br />

di.ltibution i! tu8. of a f€w mi€roDcid @mes in conla.lwirh hot subsfi*e ed<br />

d@btxg to hiel y sifom spol ta tiln with e.tec.d dlstdtiniry ard<br />

prefeential(002)pldeof p@zincoxideinoxys.ncnvituMe .<br />


*<br />

I<br />

n * i J ,i l z-I-l-;'<br />

_ Pan rt.,rrdi _<br />

FtrE 57: XRD p.nd of ZoO Fih on C@ic Sub61,ar.s.<br />

'Ir'. panicl. siz. B qtculard Nilg ih. S.hec cqu.1i@{ [t = r\ ,. / p @sO],<br />

with r fte .venged din*ion of rbe.ryslauites, K the Schftr @6lan1 (a<br />'al.rbihry coffiel h rhe dngc 0.8A); l, is the wvelogth of X_Bysi dd<br />

F is {F int sEi brsdrh ol a dfl*ton (i! 6di@ 20) l@cd ar 20. p for dc (002)<br />

Fal foud h€r. is 0.2362! d (0 = l?.205',,!=1.5405 A) A$uins K io bc 0.9,<br />

6ulls '! I ldue for thc !vm8.d cltsrat sia of 35 ns! which is in g@d lg@mdl<br />

wilh tbe vrlB of3G.60 M n4ued by SEM.<br />

f-;-l<br />

figln 58 : )(RD Pan@ of rtrin fitm ofzno.<br />


th. sEir 3ia of dop.d /udoFd zno thin 6ln fab.icated filn t Zn (a@Xdn&H)l<br />

*6s deicmined 6ing D€by€-Sch@i Eqution."'P€d( i etuitics, dapa€ins, 20<br />

valu* .nd inlcA.l b€adlh of th€ cfledions w€& det min d with X'Pen Dd!<br />

'I!c avdg. gBjn si& B calcula&d E foud i! the torge of 25 + tO m. The<br />

calculat d sain sit a8@s with lhe 6ultl ohained by sEM. The X-ny difi@don<br />

dlb @ofirb€

Figrrc 59: XRD patreo of.lopc

Tb.rvdagcCsncntsof rhirfilDfoudiobe@wdTarom%wiichdDpro 1.8<br />

u I<br />

06 % by m.aling a Atitut d duing EDX study.''<br />

t0i<br />

62<br />

..",*.**"r'L,nl" b<br />

zo 30 .kt 5

m is cb!tu|ristic fo. thc$ lhn filn! sd h |glt@6r wi0! valE Eponcd<br />

edlid!'. Tle iDc@cd usmirlalce in rhe lisible md n€a IR rcgion is due to rhe<br />

wid.! bald glp of zIO. Thc opticd lberprio! @fnciar v.lE (d,) wh'cb *s<br />

d€temi&d from rrsnirtale m€Numor M ued b pmd$e Snph ot tr (.V)<br />

w (a. i hv)': (cvt , whe@ r is thictngs , hr is rhc cnds/ of itrcjdmr lishr whi.h<br />

gave , oplical bdd gap encrgy of ZnO ihin liltn prped by ulrrGodc a@sol<br />

siird chdicd vatDlr depqilion, cqual ro 1.02 .V Fig@ 62. This valrc is clos<br />

lo th. reponed value 3.2? eV rl<br />

L<br />

Figurc 62r Abearion coemcienr (d?) vs phobn .ndey Ov) cude of zno $io<br />

Thc ilorFr.rcy otlhin 6tD depGircd on quliz or gt6s @inly dep.nds on<br />

i|mtmi@, dcposiiion @!ditio6 dd oxi&iio. pt14es @uiDe duinS thc<br />

gm*'ll of thitr filo. A moderac ab$rplion b€rreei jjo od 400 m ndy po$ibly<br />

d's fron d. dep d@or ard aeeplor origiErine foD &c dlrglilg bo(h.<br />

The F.mi-lcv.l, a@ording ro Mott dd Davis lie! berwccn the deep donor ad<br />

.@ptor sral6. 11q. fihs e opaquc i! rhG dravjot.t Fgion of sFctim.<br />

!.5.1.2 Z.Or thtn fdD Optic.t D.rr<br />

IIe &€orprion chdcbislics ofthe Z,O, tiln deposncd on M inv.stisaLd<br />

Ng . tw-Visible specroneler. Figue 63 show.d ab6orb&e vs waveldSlh<br />

Elarionsbip in rhe wav€lengh region of 2OO-700M, IlE filn M r@p@nt &d<br />

giv6 abeDrion .dg. nry 235 m. Tni dl|! is jn .gtudt with rhc Drlviou<br />


5<br />

0.4<br />

o7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

o.4<br />

0.3<br />

o.2<br />

0.1<br />

WM|s Abo.banco SDectE Of ZrO2 Thin Flm<br />

Oepodbd Oh Qurz Substs te-<br />

o<br />

m 3{X) 400 5|I) €00<br />

W.vd.ngt||(n|||l<br />

700 800<br />

t[C!n 63: W-visiblc sFclrum of aor rhin filn d.Dosilcd on.@dic sub6dd€.<br />

$<br />

l<br />

FiglE 6r: Ab$rFion oemdenr id: ) v! photon enersy (h!), cw€ of zO, din<br />

IrE odcal absrptior cefrFicd .o. Nu rhc aberptior .dg. ws calcu.r.d lion<br />

the t tujssion sp€cr&n uling equdon o = lo(l/t) ,Jr wheE .T, is thc<br />


ft|eilrle ald f is lhc lhickns of |h€ filn. Thc bad gap ceiry of Zq thitr<br />

filn *s.sri@lcd by plotdng (' Gvf st! (.v) for ! fitE thickK 500 m<br />

gw. a cW. 4 shou i! Figr 64, It cd b. sn thlr th. plor is lin@ in thc egion<br />

of sfug ab$rPtio!.de.. !"\tapolaliog th. lilE ponion nd the ocet aberptiot<br />

edge to X*k eive the bdd gap €nergy vsl@ .qul ro 5.01 .v. Tlc Esdts e<br />

@Dt@bL wilh droe of 1i. Taub4: - 5.l2cV,<br />

3.6 The Electrical Rcsistivitv M€asurement<br />

3.6.1 Elechicil ch.rscterizotior of the thiD ZnO fflms<br />

El6iricat cha&ledation ol the thin zno lilns 8roM throueh UAACVD w6<br />

ceied out by th€ two-probc nclhod a shoM in Figu.c 25. R6islivity ve6u<br />

hperaru€ b dill€rfrt €nvibmmB iB shoM in FiSw 65.<br />

ii raao<br />

E<br />

9ro<br />

5ro<br />

TdDcrrF Y. Bsi.Elg ir diEdoa<br />

\<br />

H-=<br />

3,l * |<br />

lqt 2m lato :l{tt<br />

Figue 65: T€np€Etur€ vs R€sist&c. Msu@ents of th€ zinc oxide film udr e<br />

oxysen atmospheE (^), vacuu (r) ed .ir (r).<br />

In tE c6e of d atnospher of air or vauui, & ircFe in €lcctical ffiislivily is<br />

obw.d abov€ 200 'C. A likcly rqsoo for th. inclca* of elarical Esislivity is rhe<br />

Mvailability of oxyg€n requir.d for oaupdtiotr at th. int€alitial zinc sii* or a1 lhe<br />

oryg€n v&ei siies. In pdios sludi.s it h3 obsN.d tl$u8} th€ 8lo*4h of<br />

ZnO frlDs udd didercnl oxy*n pdtial plwus (por) thlt fic* filrB beore<br />

clo* io sioichionei.ic wi$ fMr sirknid dcfak belo* lor toE po,.'7lhe<br />

d6t!4 of pO: d..@s th. populaiioo of d8dbg bondr @nra, lnich .mding<br />

ro Mon dd Davis 'r 6 &1 6 dep donor rnd dep rc.cptor d.f@rs, *tdcb @<br />


xtD g,A.t<br />

ctrd.dry re[' c.nlar ft( th. rro4o.t T]. i8ulc of lt ldvtt .m'bd 200oC<br />

in & ad vEe .uLd rqln b rodtty d|& b mrbg d ot<br />

tuglilg toda ritd Dry:L (|!. i! tu ddqt d.ltity oa qa ddLbtc<br />

duilg H!ftddb. !r tL fll's rydhdr.d '!d.( e o:(yts e.|ph.!., l!.<br />

Dqd.lioo of rb ddcl ..G! ir oldDirld lrt lt..!ei!, '! s .dimo!<br />

lbqte of .L.rrlc.l lldrtui0 tdh tt ir..r of |-T.riG<br />


3.7 Gas Sensiog Studies<br />

3.7.1 zro Cortirya! Ethanol SeNor<br />

S.vcol oxid. Ealdials comor y ed 6 .theol giB s.@E ircluding p@ and<br />

mciddoF.l snor,r'a In,or,6t"' Tior,6"r 2!0?,6 wo.,tt Moo:.?r od cu:o?a.<br />

Mdy lls.Nh4 Fponed ftdt pN Znotqr &d n t liop.d ZtrO@ !*<br />

ued to tletc€l lhe slcohol vapou.<br />

In O. pemt study 96 sser wnln eipo$d lo eilel vapo$ @Es ! cbdg. in<br />

rcsi3irle dep€nding or lemp@te ed 8ar cordddior Thc .frcr of op.raring<br />

l@p€..1w B foud to play e ihponel rele ir der@ilirg rt sosniviiy of<br />

ZnO film e6or io cthqol vapo6, The msiDm eGilivig of 1.95 w6 Deeud<br />

ar 60 "C, howr ar rcoh lenp€Fr@ (25 .C) irs sponF md Fcovery dne<br />

itrMe! t@y fold. conpsred ro 60 qC. A plol of o!€r.ring lenp.ratm ed<br />

etuirivity for 500 ppm elheol valow is pllst d in Fig@ 66. h 8.ncDl d.E<br />

cxrst & opr'mu opmring lopdtE at which rh. n*hadim ofdsorplion ed<br />

dissiltion of a 8s on ihc panicular surf@ ce & the tuinu g@itiviiy.<br />

Th. Figes 67 indi€ied $at th€ Etarid bctwd sal'itvity ed eftdol<br />

corc4ttitiotr is lincd. which help in adj!$ing the @ncentralion oI clhdol v.!om<br />

loweds ir! sitiviry. Ibe g6in siz (25 + 5 m) of lh. ZaO film deposiG! by<br />

u|raonic AACVD t6hniqw exnibndd ex..Ucd *Bniyiry ed &prcdEibitity .ven<br />

The Fie@ 68 shows thsl.tt6 inniatBhrlr@ M srabitiz.d, rh€ eteol<br />

ancr !ain8 theugh rh€@onaric.tly @Eoll€d rubc maintaincd .t a empdru. of<br />

150 t lo avoi.l sy condesalion rlm inro valou ph4 dr! srrit s wirh lhe<br />

s!rf@ of ZrO rhin 6lo in the iet clEnb.r. the Esislsne of rhe *er daGa$d<br />

ed soon aid ii bdom€s $twar€d. Aftd few s(od when th. crhqol valDs kR<br />

EDoled due io cvlpoMiiotr, the Fsislora ofrhe *cor jncFaed. ,nE Eelion<br />

b.1qd €rh@l eld ioni. oxysen spei€s (O) lat6 place in lrc ditr r€ft ways s<br />

CrHJOHiSas) +O- s CHTCHO + HrO + e<br />

crHOH (ea) - H + czHJO (3ufa..)<br />

ctlro - H+CHfHO<br />


cH3cHo + o (bulk) + cHfOoH + O (v&eci4)<br />

ft. EsaoM ed E@vcry tine (1imc for lrpexinarcly 90 '/o rcsisLc chrnse) for<br />

eihdol vapou /an nixlue for 500 ppm co@@Fation 5l tqnpmtw of 60 'C is<br />

aloul l0l5 e@ndr with g@d epbdu€ibilily. A lubs of es.@her, worted on<br />

s@i!r pop.ni6 ol ZnO din film prcduccd by qptsy p)roly$s' rowald, eLhtrol<br />

valoB sd Epoded th.t filrn layd of 20 |!! in thickn€$ showed *Bilivity in<br />

tctua of Fthe high elhdol onccnr.ation (100G 5000 ppm) al l50J50eC ard<br />

beli€ve tnol al thh much hid oFraring tcnp@lw! th€y did nol tlepcid on th€<br />

@r@tr,rion of .rh, An erhel s.@r brs.d o. ZnO MoDds prcpered by<br />

hydrotheml ndhod,Tt showed hiSI $nsitiviry 10 cthmol concenEarion mginS<br />

n@ l0 to 2000 ppm at 310'C, ailh good BpoN and t@!dy rin€. Funlmoai<br />

ZnO ieowiE .lhdol g.s $Dor shos€d high sosilivity ed f6l rcsponse lo<br />

elbeol s6 !t @nenndon up io 200 ppn with oFBrine rcmp.ratN of 3O()oC,E<br />

Ou rdulb ha & .d8c over rhe stldi€s in tems of ed @ing<br />

16!0 .. Sihil&ly ou 6ul!s e foud ro be m@h b€ft€r thm rhc pEviosly<br />

EFt&d mrko $ in wiich EspoEc ud Fcovcry tidc is aboul 24 ninur.i,<br />

S*ing fflos pr.pEed rylier sinS a vdicty of l*hriq@s i.c, pl6Da.nltrc.d<br />

.hmic.l Epou deposnioo (pEcvD).q spdy pr@tysis,* &d slEn Fiiins,tr<br />

r&hed to @rclusiotr lhar rhe sDor chda&nsdcs of sdsing filfts d€ sflecied by<br />

lbe morpholo$/, film sftar@, dd filr! rhickl:s, whi.h e dcrcniDed by lh. tith<br />

pre.p@lion Focedu€. In addilion, the wo.king s.nsing r.hpenrw md filh<br />

thichs e othd impondl fa.roB rh.t alfd |he gs $6ir8 pop.rri.s in terEs of<br />

scilivity, r$poroe, md @ov€ry ljne.<br />

lor . pdticuLr @n@F6rion of cth!@t $po$, $y 500 plBL rhc sditivily<br />

d€cEs.d dnost 100 7o ds the r.nD.raru. ws raiscd lhn 60 to 2OO oC. Itrcs.<br />

6nlc e in @ntrdy b peviou worlq in whjch th. sirivity i.clt5s wih<br />

imEsing op@ring !enF!ah{e,% (Fige 66) nr incoryomrion of I yo Sn in ZrO<br />

rhin tiltu sbos d inprovenenl of el€ciricst odudivity of bulk ZnO, which<br />

de@.d wilh the inc@ of SnO doparr coMnuldon (Fige 69) . bmc.<br />

incras. $e qsitivity of ZnO thir filD appeiably for €lhmt v.Dom.<br />


asr.ttlvlty ol ztto thln FIlm v. fq$.ute<br />

fi8uF 66: S.nyn\ rrt of aO Lhin filn d veio6 remp€ralrfts<br />

{.<br />

Pt<br />

SensitiYity Responsa OIZnO fhin<br />

Filn<br />

FtlE 67: S@itviy rcspoN s tuncrion of €rbool @@ltrarion fo. $h ZnO<br />

filn a op€tatcd ar 60'C.

E<br />

!to<br />

a<br />

25<br />

20<br />

o<br />

Ethnot co.c.ntrcttoh v. s@t<br />

o 50 100 150 200 250<br />

Fi$re 68: Seuitivily Espons 6 a fhdion of €lhmol con@trarion for rhin fln<br />

ofzno a opdar.d at 60'C.<br />

E"<br />

E<br />

!'"<br />

rn|dh.h!oo.l.G-,dhhFh<br />

FiSun 69r Electric€l Esponse otdopped /undopFd sener al op@ring rempeiar@<br />

ot60 t.<br />

3.7.2 zro Co..itrs.s OrygeD S.osor<br />

Thek thio filns cd b€ sed as .ffici€nl oxygen !e@s; lbe drc! in .lahical<br />

Eitiivity could wihess dk wher rhcs. fitG qed.xpoed to the flow ofoxysen<br />

Ior ?0 ninut6 ai 50" C- {Fisw ?O)<br />


I<br />

a<br />

T<br />

lt<br />

!2<br />

l0<br />

8<br />

6<br />

2<br />

Efdotoryad d R€irt E<br />

io 6|)<br />

Fig@69r Seer Rcspo4 Tine of Film in Oxygm avirc@ot.<br />

The t!tup in clcclical rcsistiviry cd posibly be ir!.ed ro nF ir€o.Doralion of<br />

oxygo al sn dcf6l sites. A mininu Bisriviry is &hj€v.d wna lhc oxysen<br />

@h3tion @ches the opdmw l€vel r.quircd lor rh€ desjRd d&gling bonds<br />

Fpurldon b ZnO ehch is achicvcd in 20 mitutcs, Th. filnha inc@ in oxyg.n<br />

concenlrado! ovcFdoFs the ddgling boods population in th. uir ccll ed as a<br />

6ut dr 6i$iviry is dgain inc@ed b highd vsl@s !n r 45 min$6.<br />

3.7.3 ZrO Cortiug rs Nstural cs3 (Methrnc) Srnso,<br />

ZnO $in f,ln ga sNr (d6isn.) whq cxFed lo olrltal gs eug ! chegc in<br />

6i5eM ar. i€nFratud of20o "C. 'ne es F6ing h.chaism nomdly acc@t€d<br />

for eni@nderor s@. supposins rhd rh..nviomdrd oxyscs (q) ad$rbcd on<br />

th€ surfee a Or'or O- by renoving rh€ el@lron deosity fioD dr. @oducrion bed.<br />

developing a r.8ior o. the surfae_ 1L @tion ljn@ncs will b€ s<br />

o! (s6) € or (ab6o.H)<br />

o, (absorb€d) +e +o,<br />

oi+t '2o<br />

Wh@ meftae 8s mol&ule con€ in o.t .l with dlis aderb€rt oxy8.q leoding !o<br />

& illle cbqgc lasfer upon lh. lah of.lcLo! ro rle 6rdudio! Th.<br />

d@let,on rcgion crcaied by lh€ chehhorylion of Oj on tbe suface nov fi ed by<br />


cletrons &d lhs rcsi$de chd8. M obsded ad thE i!).i!e in h.ishr of<br />

@nd@tion be& or conducrivity obsded. nE tosibility of a G&tion of neftee<br />

sa *ill! zro thin nltn ca be explajned B follos;<br />

CtL + 4[o1 +CO1+2HrO+4e<br />

Thc cffer of oFntinr cnpentuF s found 10 play & inFrt d ole in<br />

deLnnining tll. s@ililiiy ol ZnO filn seNor to naruEl gas. nrc nqiE@<br />

BpoE a obsved !l a rmFEtw ol ar 200 oC, howd.r at lo{ rempdde nor<br />

or{y iii respoN. tim. incEes bur ole md it5 @irivity d@rcses @ifolds. A<br />

ploi of opeFting temFrarues ard emidvny for 500 dd 1000 ppm mtual ga is<br />

pGat d in FiSw ?0. In geocBt ficrc €xist d optihm ops inS renpoln!. ar<br />

shi.h t!€ nccheiss ol de$Ation ed d@nFsition of a ga on th. pfiiculd<br />

sud@ @ ahide th. fuinM s@itjvity.<br />

E<br />

e<br />

I<br />

-FaecrE<br />

(Iil)<br />

ri8orc 70: S.Mr R€spols Tine of Filft in Nar@l 8e (Melhe) eNircmenl.<br />

Th. sditivily rcssdirg response lime in ou c& is Dwh lowo (lO min,) rhd th.<br />

ldioa sludy (40 njn.),'r \h* atimoDy oxirt (sho, b u*d for rh. d.lecrion<br />



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Conclusions<br />

Son6hmical t€chnique can be u$d for th. synilFs$ of ! vdiery of<br />

volalile hetal oreeic pEcusoB for the grcslh of thin filn of mcravrehl oxide<br />

Bing dtr.enic &rcsol. ssisred chmicat vatou d.pcilion rehniquc (UAACVD).<br />

U3ing thh tehnique &!e!al netilconplcxa such s mek! Fdilcromrs lik M-<br />

(&&L 0-9), M1i!d). (10-13), bis triphdylphospbioc zidc 0D chlodd. zn (rPhj ),<br />

cl, (14, zn (dm, (18) sd n.w herdol.pric add@t lik [z.(mc)?Gaf] (15),<br />

(h(e&),(dh&H)l (16), tNitGEA)1,(oAc)tl eD, (zr{d@),(oAc)rd (20)<br />

(dn&)z!rla @l), tcu(dnae)(oAcxtlo)l: (r4), t brt(EroH),-N- (oAc)l? cul<br />

(r3) md ta(&&)rG:o)lcl (r9) kE prcp@d b hi8h yields 6d chreteize by<br />

wioN physi@ddrlical tcchliq!€s lilc, D.p, CHNS-O, .romic alerprion<br />

ddlzer, FTIR, nultinucled NMR md singl. crt5el xaay anrlFis. Srith.ric<br />

rcsulls cl.aly indi@t rhal applicaiion of p{it tonat€s od minoal@hol ddivadves<br />

ofn t l lads ro low nuclediry @hptex6 wirh simple sroichion.uic rario, whit.<br />

involv@nt of Fboxylate goup yi.ld oligonric poducr wilh omplex<br />

ltmogr.vinetric atudies indic.tca that coopl€x€s de@mpoed .le&rly b 8iv.<br />

mehl in cs. of @pper p!€cwr tc(dD&XOAcXHTO)1, (lO &d netd oxid. in<br />

ce of 2irc FeuMr lik tzn(@),G.!l Os), tzj(a@),(d@rDl (16),<br />

t(znidm),(oAc),01 foi zioc oxide ed [z4edr(H,o),]cl (19) for zi@niw<br />

Bed o! lcast vdlue lenpenlucs i.e,. To tud T.- d.riv€d fton rhemal dau<br />

followinS ordr hs ben popoed for vsios neial @tylac€ionar. d{i!a1iv6 fot<br />

tcr (&dc!l > tcu (eac),] > tAl (.*0t >Ni (acac, tco Gc(nt > IMn (a@)rl ><br />

Enerey ofacti!€lio. was deremin d by applying Mod.l Fe Kj.elics, orh oid.r,<br />

coa,ls & Rcdf.ra Kbsinser ed oawa m.thodr Nsuins singl€ 6d mutri stcps<br />

dbonpcirion mcdon for a paniculr zorc uing TGA,/DTG d.i!. Dsla cvdtcs<br />

lhal for singlc $ep d.@hposilion par€m, sclivation eicrSy tlab foud to b. very<br />

clos h *h @. Howver in nulristep demposirior parhwatr the sff we

s.d MFK rcsults d€ noe aulh.ntic 6 @npar.d to mu.lly calculit d by<br />

spllyilg olbd n dtodologi€s. M@hdis of lbmd

PPEIIDD(.I.<br />

APPENDICES<br /> m Phti4 or C.dbic Sublrnts.<br />

RcDove rh. d!s! oils, sre*s, h&d 6rtk erc., n@F the sudse of @mic<br />

subsra& by ntuing fi*t by acelon. followed by 1,1,1 richlorcelhe. od thei dry in<br />


Solt'tion t. AgNO3= 15 s/l (dissolved in dhrill€d wa&4<br />

NH4OH= Add amonia sluliotr (37%) to silvd nira. elurion r,ill<br />

rhe precipirate fom.d Ediselvcd,<br />

Solution 2. KoH = 15 9l (diselvcd indisriucd rd,u,<br />

Soluiioo 3. Clu6s = l5ell {disllcd i! dislill.d wat€r)<br />

Mix de th@ elution in I : ! i I lado ed dippcd itr€ cl6cd cemic subsrdc jo lhe<br />

mixtE lill a v.ry i@ llycr of silvcr fo@ed on cemic slbstFre. ( t -2 r ihickrcs)<br />

EL<strong>ECT</strong>ROLESS COPPER<br />

C!SO{5E!O = 200 -250g/l (dislvcd indisrill.d waIq)<br />

HlsO. = 5-7 El<br />

N. K(C.O.&) = 0.2 to l.0sl<br />

Teop.r.iurc = 35-40 !C<br />

Tib.ollod.Eior - dcp.ndng ulon lh. rhictoc$.<br />

Disslv€d th. ingredieol in applopriate weights $ in disrilcd *arcr, nix<br />

fid ed Dr&. the vol@e lo one jilre. ttiplrd rhe silva @ated etujc $h6t. ir<br />

th. nixrE rill a very fine llter of @p!E fomed on ctuic subsrzr., (2-l F<br />

I. PHOTO RESIST <strong>PR</strong>INTING Trv EXPOSER<br />

. Pboro@isl ltln .ppli.d ov€r copper pht d ro rce<br />


. A Eut i! pL..d ov.r pnoto@bt lilo to dcvelop Ddem.<br />

. Plotocilt illD i! erpo.d,<br />

. Ptorodnt iD.C. i! ddeloFd.<br />

. P.nd b rnlrf€r.eil ro @pp.r nh by.t itn&<br />

A@oliud p.n!lpb.t. = 20% (Sh! ofl@ppa flom udesirod<br />

Plaa)<br />

!. Sqlphodc A.trl Dip = r|y.<br />

a. Ptoao 6art i. tiripp.d ott<br />

Gold!&<br />

. DE - Photor€dst (ftis wil @ovc phobqi6i fion @pF<br />

pslar)<br />

K ,{! (Cr9r - llocn (d'slved ir diditl.d wrcr)<br />


A'PPENDIX-II M btmric.t ddiv.rtoD otB..d crp E rar.<br />

8m. iDport Mth@tiql egu4ions u$d for dcdvation of oprical bed gap d€<br />

{l Eql<br />

wlft "4" is absltio. cocfiicien!'.f'b tr&imi(6nc.,..1 i! rhickn sof tiln.<br />

Accodirg to |]s GnerF/ cq@lion;<br />

E(J) =lv or E= E I<br />

E<br />

E(.u= -L t.&2<br />

tiJ<br />

E.2<br />

By multiplying E9. I with Eq. 2 and puftiDs rhc vatuc of c, x C = (ln l/T), on nsht<br />

sid., l!! cqDario @@ ro be;<br />

By siDpliftilg,<br />

ElEvlxd:xP<br />

(<br />

Plor of hv (cD w (a.r.h vt (.9;, wil sivc {!. cwg D6ma $.ish rie nom<br />

|n. ce! o! X-6xis Mll giv. lhe valuc of.nd$, baod 8dp.<br />


APPENDX-[I EDX s!ftr ot aL ahi! 0lD!<br />

EDX ofcu thi! frln<br />

EDX ofzlo ddn 6tm<br />

EDXofSndotEd ZnO fiin fitm<br />


EDX ofzor ihi! fh<br />


APPENDD(-ry TGA/DTG Crn€ u.d for tt. dsrr.Ddr of<br />

T<br />

MFK<br />

MTK<br />! Ener$/ urlog Mod.l Fu Ktbetig (MIK) .nd<br />

!d Ord6 Kbdi4<br />

Activ.tlor E!.Ia/ Cun6<br />

lr<br />

rlrr:l:l:fi"<br />

..,:;.-... -,-,- * s-E-':<br />


.i$*n-*."i3:-.+-qi._*i-*Tr.Es_*<br />


a<br />

MFK<br />

MFX<br />

a<br />

l':<br />

l:<br />

l8l<br />

I<br />


6<br />

Nth Ord.r<br />

MTK<br />

Nth Ord.r<br />

184<br />


8<br />

MFK<br />

MTK<br />


9<br />

MTK<br />

'l<br />

'i<br />

I<br />

t86<br />

:;:l<br />


la Cx(fr)t<br />

u Zn(tld),<br />

MTK<br />


l5<br />

zn(6d),<br />

MIK<br />


t6<br />

Mrt(<br />

It zn(PPhlc!<br />

MTK<br />


zr(PPh),cL<br />

z(@)3 (H2o), . cl<br />

MTK<br />

a(ael (H1o>. cl<br />


20 tzn' A (de)<br />

(oAc)d<br />

Mrx<br />

(oAc)'d<br />

NitGEA)3]' (OAc)'<br />

Mrx<br />


NdGE {DL @ac}<br />

Ntlr Od.r<br />

- f,'!-=rso 3169"-<br />

tt2<br />


Datc OfBinh<br />


E-mit. hu-.nnir_469@yalel.@n.<br />

Fnuonon.l O!.li6etiol<br />

Sy.d MlElmil Husin<br />

12619 Off@re Colony, Qader Road, N.d<br />

0l-01.1957<br />

L M.Phil. (AMl,lical 4norgeic Chemisrry)<br />

Iirn Quidl-Am Univdsiry,Isl@abad in Oct,l98l<br />

2.<br />

IionQuid-l-Am Unive6iq,,Islmbad in<br />

Jo,l9?9.<br />

Bd4&[I9rlq @.Phil)<br />

. nuiotrd sMies of Fi6r TEn$irior Sqi6 Bt NMR.<br />

Elp.rt nc..<br />

!!!E!!&<br />

AE of Shdv.<br />

l Trc Year T.aching Exp€deG i! eluc CoU.8..<br />

2. Twoty Six y.$ cxpcri.n4 in rcpuie ReseKh<br />

o.emiarion. (ICS)<br />

3. Assisone b Ngtionat luthonry @OIA) pdrist!! in<br />

Llr field of OPCW dppro\.n .4upddB.<br />

l. Sn ct ulinin8 Ggarding Sufs@ Tqibol !t<br />

Chi@ (1994)<br />

2, One lvak Tning Ar Menld Toll€do (Swirzdled)<br />

rcgardins 'ftmd Anatlttsis Equipnen. (2004)<br />

3. One Weet Tninin8 Al Agitdr Techotogi.3<br />

(singapo&) rcrddiis cc-Mds. (2005)<br />

4. Two WeLTraining R.eaiding Disposst of Industrial<br />

Emuenl ar china. ( 2006)<br />

5. Trcv€k CC-Mss Tnining h Analysb of<br />

Hyde6bo! ar Chjna (2007)<br />

r . Analyrical Ch@isny. ( InsEuer al Alrlrsjs )<br />

2. Comsion Slu

2<br />

2.<br />

.t.<br />

tluis$ess<br />

5,<br />


synth*is / ApplicdlioE ofAdltoiv..<br />

Oryaonellllic SyDlh.sis 6d thcir Checrcnados<br />

sir'g CC-Ma, GC, FlI& TCA,/DTae DSC, CHNS,<br />

O, Alonic Ab6orption tudyei W-Vi'<br />

SFcnophorom.ld. ttPLC,<br />

Somcb.bicd lytrihBtu,tterod d@rpoliaion rbd iingL crylt.l<br />

slNcture of lz(rsc)t(Brollcl coEpound.,{ pruuBor for<br />

lbi! filE d.po.ilio! by lrite.ic .enrel srltt d cb.biqr<br />

v+our d.!@ldor., H.; MaA.r; M.; l(na*s, &;<br />

Mo$lire, E,; &d Taj@al H. r,// KoeM Ch.n S@,20n/8,<br />

291lL),92-96.<br />

Pro.loctior ofllydEg@ url C.rbo! N.notubd nor Crr.Mc<br />

Daodpdirio! of!G ovd Nicq..lrDbr Modifk<br />

S{pt i.d Crt.lFt!. Taj.lmul, H.; Mazhr, M..; SaMr, l.t Shc@.<br />

G.; Mljrmhil, H.r Fai,cd,L. Bul!.r@eak Chen.Soc 20{?. Vol,28,<br />

Sy!O6ir, Them.l Deoupottio! ?.tt n .!d Sirgle C.yrr.t X-<br />

R.t Sttix* o(diE..i. ICu ilE.. (OCOCgtsrOh: r Precono.<br /> Aerorol Adlred Cn.dkrl v.pou? D.poltrioo orCopFr<br />

M.trl Tli. Filn!. M&nd, M. Husaii S. M.,raizpubbloi,<br />

Oabneie K@iok-Kdhn; Ki€m C . MolW - R Il. KM Chen.Soc<br />

2@6, V o1,2, N o.9,.W | 572 - | 57 6.<br />

Coturio. B.b.dor ofTi|n|lo ir.or.rd rtah L€rd tr<br />

Sulphuric .(ld uodiribg brrh, 70 Inremarionar'onat Synp6im on<br />

Advdced MaL.rials ( l7- S.p .21! SerJoor ) Pakist&.<br />

Hig[ Efeci.lcy ZoO Nuo 5.!ror, f.briqrjon Ard<br />

M@bbil, MuldmAd M,zjd, Tajmut Hlei!,<br />

Nzwdsh A Klr6, Jowatl oJ hutu Chenicat Soc P.p.r<br /> (MeuscnF # @-08-39!24).<br /> rd Cryrhl sbutM of NJ{-.ri6crhvLruelhdoLb<br />

Z.GD tiodxG, NN.d6.syr--t-c.h.@hb CdoD Uodd.,<br />

Ed N,rl-(di6.rhrt ri!o).rh&ol .ddEr of CdgD riodid..<br />

Naved Ahe, Muhdinad M.zh&. Atiti_ T. Kea, Kiem. C.<br />

Morroy tud Mu,!@il HBein. Jouaol Of Moleculv StMt*4<br />

(Mahwctjpt 4 atsisned: a8.S-J26).<br />



l s.loct oL.l S}!O.|lt, Tl|! nb D.po.tdolj I t.rD.t.!d X-<br />

Rry Stul@ Ol Hlg! Nldortty Zhc Clu..r Z||l Ora N,<br />

2. OEai.rt ud O|| Sul4 rtnd.l of tnDD.Mr ZlO tll! ttlD<br /> d rroE . !d pir..nor Dy dr.eltc rrlaotc &tt d<br />

.t.Drc.l v.po! d.F.tdoL<br />

3- Irq'o.ldo! .bdh. of opDo uo p.dLt . froo @pp.r F<br />!.tr rd .Ebo.lcoloLa. by .lan|o!h r.MoL sL!.d<br />

ct Dh.l v{ou dqotito!.<br />


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