Math 411: Honours Complex Variables - University of Alberta

Math 411: Honours Complex Variables - University of Alberta

Math 411: Honours Complex Variables - University of Alberta


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Pro<strong>of</strong>. (i): If z = x+iy, then ¯z = x−iy, so that 2x = z+¯z; this yields the claim for<br />

Rez. The assertion for Imz is proven similarly.<br />

(ii) is obvious.<br />

(iii): Let z = x+iy and w = u+iv, so that<br />

and thus<br />

zw = (xu−yv)+i(xv +yu)<br />

zw = (xu−yv)−i(xv +yu).<br />

On the other hand, we have ¯z = x−iy and ¯w = u−iv, which yields<br />

as claimed.<br />

(iv): By (iii), we have<br />

which yields the claim.<br />

¯z¯w = (xu−(−y)(−v))+i(x(−v)+(−y)u)<br />

= (xu−yv)−i(xv +yu)<br />

= zw,<br />

z −1 ¯z = z −1 z = ¯1 = 1,<br />

For any z = x+iy ∈ C, we note that z¯z = x 2 +y 2 ≥ 0. This provides us with a<br />

natural generalization <strong>of</strong> the absolute value function to C.<br />

Definition. For z ∈ C, set |z|:= √ z¯z.<br />

Proposition 1.3. |·| is the Euclidean norm on R 2 . In particular, the following hold:<br />

(i) |z|≥ 0 with |z|= 0 if and only if z = 0;<br />

(ii) |z +w|≤ |z|+|w| for z,w ∈ C.<br />

Moreover, we have |zw|= |z||w| for z,w ∈ C and z −1 = ¯z<br />

|z| 2 for z ∈ C\{0}.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Noting that |x+iy|= � x 2 +y 2 , we see that |·| is the Euclidean norm, which<br />

entails (i) and (ii). Letting z,w ∈ C, we see that<br />

|zw| 2 = zwzw = (z¯z)(w¯w) = |z| 2 |w| 2 .<br />

Also, since |z| 2 = z¯z, we have 1 = z ¯z<br />

|z| 2 for z �= 0 and thus z −1 = ¯z<br />

|z| 2.<br />

There is a remarkable similarity between the complex multiplication rule<br />

(x,y)·(u,v) = (xu−yv,xv+yu)<br />


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