Jan 1894 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jan 1894 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jan 1894 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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j, T, BRYAN, :<br />



A Nil<br />


CF QEED3t<br />

AKii<br />

NOTAHV<br />

I«r III© TEtiiii IJ1V<br />

C'fiti||«iiiyf ol<br />

fff'liic- oliU'Nt and IM*M<br />

Flru ItiMiirniit'i' < oiii|mni*'H<br />

ol*<br />

What's the matter v/i<br />

<strong>City</strong>? She's.hormiing, that*H<br />

all. New water supply sys-<br />

tym; nt-w elutiric etreet mil<br />

road; electric lights; new<br />

hotels; new cottages; new<br />

nants and new guests; every-<br />

thing Is on tho jump, and Fih<br />

is rushing the business.<br />

Call and see him, and put<br />

your money in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> be-<br />

fore things get up to the lop<br />

notch, .. "<br />

Fisher is one <strong>of</strong> thi^ few<br />

pioneers ©(<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> and<br />

among its first Run! Estate<br />

purchasers and Cottagers, in<br />

innately associated wltjv all Its<br />

history and Identifiedwith every<br />

step <strong>of</strong> Its progress and the<br />

operation ol its Real Estate,<br />

has extraordinary opportunities<br />

(or the.transaction <strong>of</strong> all kinds<br />

<strong>of</strong> Red Estate and Insurance<br />

business.<br />

FOR RENT=Havirig very c*<br />

tensive and influential connec-<br />

tions, he has supferior, advan<br />

tageg in bringing those who<br />

have propertif'i to rent and<br />

those who require them to-<br />

gethur,aiul at present has some<br />

<strong>of</strong> the finest cottages ami other<br />

houses on his books at liberal<br />

prices, / =<br />

FOR SALE—Long experience<br />

and persona] dealing in Real<br />

Estate has made him expert in<br />

values <strong>of</strong> both improved and<br />

unimproved property. Occa-<br />

sionally even in such a prosper-<br />

ous town as ours some one<br />

wants to change or get out.<br />

Then we help them by helping<br />

some one else to a bargairi.<br />

From <strong>Ocean</strong> front to Bay, and<br />

all between* you can be suited<br />

with fine corners or central<br />

buildlnflots. A few cottages,<br />

new and well built, how <strong>of</strong>fered<br />

at cost, , :<br />

Write for information <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Lot Club,<br />

Headquarters for every house-<br />

hunter and investor j Fisher's<br />

Real JSstate Office, the most<br />

pjromifierit corner in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

C i t y ; : •.'.'•••. • • = :<br />

' • • = • • . • ; . ; ; ; ' ;•.<br />

Insurances placed on most<br />

advantageous terms in best<br />

companies, V -<br />

JFor^ any information on any<br />

ubjeet connected with any<br />

business *hterpHif write Iredy<br />

Robert Fisher,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> CJitj?, CT. J.<br />

©XYGEN<br />

FOB<br />

Sickness and Debility<br />

FOB<br />

Alcohol, Morphine, etc<br />

For iitsnriy • quarter nf • cetitufj f the<br />

arm <strong>of</strong> Dre, SrAHKEYA PAtEN,<br />

<strong>of</strong> im Arcb street, Philadelphia,<br />

dlHjH.'iim>ii (.\iiii|Hiuini Oxygen "<br />

mciit fur clinmic disewi^ on<br />

with u luiat brilliant rettird <strong>of</strong> cuim<br />

Thjsy Imve treated over Ctt,(m<br />

aud lii uplte <strong>of</strong> tspiHwitioii liave fer«d<br />

the world to neknuwledge the potency<br />

aiid UMjfulnuJts »f ConiiHiUUd Oxygen<br />

Over 1000 |ihyHleiiiui have used ft In<br />

their practk-e, aud this miniber is being<br />

i | i Q ] O y f f<br />

by thit) ilriii JH pure, eoni|pratiyely<br />

vuhJ nf udtif or tple, mid sue <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Krciiteit <strong>of</strong> nalurul vitalize, faulldtiig<br />

upljnikt'ii-dmvn euiistitutioiiB, supply<br />

jiig niiture'H Wfiiiie f rgiii dimJase, eiCftjae<br />

or old HK«.<br />

Oily cf the twiiutlcs <strong>of</strong> using th!i<br />

trujitnieiit li that you take no medlelue<br />

wluitever, yimt Hystcni is bat Bliocked<br />

by lrt Imninew* or travel are not Inter-<br />

fund with, aud ir«atiiieiit Is iwlufttly a<br />

pleiwiire. You ttimjily inhale tlid Qum-<br />

|sMiiul Oxvgfi) und K«t it direetly luto<br />

the ilftiitiitlmi, wtiure it will do tile<br />

miwt gijod—where yiiur syBteni a*n ab-<br />

sorb (svery utuiii <strong>of</strong> i t withuui nhy ahj<br />

tioii Leiiig lHt«r[«ffi«l by yourdiptwti<br />

A bss.sk nf LHH) Tt&gea rnalled free to<br />

any ttddresg teilii all about It,<br />

<strong>On</strong>, Siirhpy & Fflltn, FlijiMMpliia, Ft.<br />

Aiioui Hvs -, PS Rgo I win B brot<br />

&n snrt m, «lLk man, sulT^riiij wlfii<br />

pr.i!iiFfliJH!i ftDii Ilinif IriiiibSe, To=Hiy<br />

•tFiin:' ind riitr^'il und tininif heAty woit<br />

day, «. i UWH Tiij hsulih mul iifr ui Oom<br />

Q i Hiid your kind Inlp nqd art? Inn, Du<br />

' ot HII-IH- flfn yrtni, I limp b*-rii rf-<br />

c.MiFiirriiiiij jfniir irnatii.piil ntr ami n>>iir. end<br />

by my lidvict Hhil ibuf in'*liin/nt •« b*te HTrd<br />

tt- fill IlTm shd Hsiipntri eiben<br />

, mm Ysfls, aw. Wheeler,<br />

Sm, Starfcey £ paieii, HlilSadHjihlii, PB,<br />

About a jcarniiu I viiii luffprinj? from<br />

tifUilliii CiHl^fijiH-Iit rjjinlUii I liM'd'jnUF<br />

lriipriiiiu]Uzrg^itTrfiiinsnl withfffffil rwiilu,<br />

I no iff liad siiythhig to uhar up niy timd lifii T<br />

*n.<br />

i 1 ji<br />

ms rap n<br />

«BB that<br />

__^_..,..„, iPfiftini* denewon-<br />

\% Hap 'aign rn(lef»if ms <strong>of</strong> fits<br />

I UiW jo i.MiTf, I flraiij bsljart<br />

Iliat I ffniitd li*ie nenfi jiitn $cjDt4jnipil(iD lap!<br />

wiui(-f. ifinF lUsd pijfumuniiij jf I tictd nut takes<br />

IhH CiiupiiiiMtl Oiygi-n, I muit af that I aiil<br />

leb*1trf (railh Lliitn wet before iince if WM a<br />

and ill from jour &iinp.>iind Oijuett<br />

i, I frfl Ihnt I L'ait mnr tar bait<br />

IU praise aud <strong>of</strong> ibe great good II hai<br />

dons ••! I ftHiinu-iiei'd U'ine O .<br />

SUiiii Oereiis, eil_pnipt thiUnfirf couffhini fytiy fotif<br />

months, ansl IrnalJi^ wlih ths l?rj 6«t pfcyph-<br />

elanp, I ol>>ain*«d mi flrvi feat and hnin frnid tha<br />

us*, nf Romp'timl CJ«) gs h, Bells K. Adacaa.<br />

: Ciereinnd, Ohio, :<br />

Hflw thnl Kicnen hu prflved btrend m iSadew<br />

it ihni WoiTijisrfUjCiiOr Pip*«P«nfa i» •<br />

Hibift In IRB HP : nMunl I*** Mat<br />

jfon a!j (jlsrasr*, AQaeipUtiJa bo fFtaiiuntt<br />

ami u lar^e • pfojMirtios <strong>of</strong> HUH eyred iM#><br />

lattilj at with nil* nilier morbid oindltfufi <strong>of</strong> Hi*<br />

f itbsi, Msryblae, ew,<br />

!• at firHEiil Ifae npatesi parfsct <strong>of</strong> anj<br />

.ariTiiHicd byjiadin* tetopiTaDcs<br />

mcra, Nntiiitia! W.fiT, 0.mtsirt,s|«^><br />

j anit pbynlclana, Frans E, Wlliftrd aayi<br />

ef It; "We ars Jrarmlr frfMtllf to Uil mpTi*»<br />

mcDt and MUv» It 16 Mi doing jrreai jrood.^<br />

< Suoii pajwr' eciiiTnend M Unien Bjenai, w. o.<br />

T, u, DF&sn; Wareii Towfr, Jlhaeia SMH* W. O<br />

if ef .Id, Sr- Yorfeff a,,gaiUL h Mi<br />

E i l p r h 8i<br />

U bat «f*B=Btesp*'rtmHBl in ourcfij, DuiHaP<br />

trtmf to U H!ni8FkRh!# CTldsnoi-a ef auec**«s u<br />

«)d<br />

ten Hniethiiig fur imthiiig, and they<br />

wirotnightjiy phNiseil with<br />

In the. evening Kiileau camo to Erio<br />

and saidi<br />

-Brother, tomiirTow 1 ghali hand over<br />

ts yea the gillgu aiiil it» isowors,"<br />

"Bat," iatt'ifBpteii Erie, "befDrg you<br />

do so yon iiiHst iserfHrrn a ceremony—<br />

one nimii which I iiftvis ect tuy heart<br />

You mnut wed us, Lela and inu, as tlte<br />

last act <strong>of</strong> your tenure <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>flce,**<br />

"It aliall liti HO!" pried Culean with Ue-<br />

light, "laui glad it falls to mo! In-<br />

deed it rvjKiyrt mo for the loss <strong>of</strong> the<br />

great dignity <strong>of</strong> ijeing governor, which<br />

IDU, believe HH.', dwa not sodden me at<br />

all, in truth, i confess to R feeling <strong>of</strong><br />

relief at the thonght that ill becomes nsy<br />

father's son, but still 1 fuel it."<br />

Oa the morrow, when all<br />

had assembled to witness the<br />

<strong>of</strong> the goveriior und the ccreiuday <strong>of</strong> in-<br />

Btalllng his Btifcusmjr, Knlcan, departing<br />

from ancient n&igg, proud <strong>of</strong> being the<br />

first to break the bond <strong>of</strong> tradltJOHAl<br />

cujtonii stood before thorn Bpepkiug elo*<br />

qneotly for awhile, aud then there<br />

stepped forth the bride aud bridegroom<br />

in their diyiijty and beattty.<br />

Before thocittEeusiiud rye<br />

thoir wonder they heard Knlcan<br />

nonneing the simple inarria/jrocoruijiouy,<br />

and ss OHO man they joined in the sono-<br />

rous, joyful naptial wing <strong>of</strong> AtE<strong>Jan</strong>, So<br />

bariBgniotta is thu iiietiWly, iu toughing<br />

is the. simplicity uf the wordn that Erie<br />

himself was itlTecttfd, arid ttars binned<br />

his eyes m ho noteil thu real joy and ein-<br />

cefBuffw-tiuii thu jtt-ojiludiiiiihiY&L , Un-<br />

til now ha hud iscum-ly ktiou*u how inoeh<br />

room they occtipiwl in hi»f heart, and he<br />

Ueterniined to give the whuly energy <strong>of</strong><br />

his life to them uud their lieeda.<br />

After this uaine hia tuvestment in the<br />

govuFiior's rbbus, the pruaeuluiion <strong>of</strong> ths<br />

sneieut iteftl aud stuff <strong>of</strong> nffleat aud a<br />

prayer hy Iklapel tu the gn»t (Jod <strong>of</strong><br />

all—the Master <strong>of</strong> all kliOWll tfwli, tho<br />

Bnier <strong>of</strong> earth and wky—whkh wna lis-<br />

ted tola hik'm-o aiid IIWI>, Then there<br />

enfltt«J a feMtival <strong>of</strong> festivals. Ths day<br />

waa given lo joy and nufrryinnkJuff, aad<br />

uie buluii CUKEB, Liiti i!iurj(Ul Una<br />

the baked meats wen? brought forth,<br />

Fartnto Uio night they held revelry,<br />

nnu Piere*, us he noted tho jovial<br />

and tillarion* bnt familiur irbo<br />

mirth, VM Jed to ronjarki!/"^<br />

UUbort, 1 WM •iiSrt 'to say Ob<br />

morning that, is tbv contact flb<br />

people with tW whimt<br />

( mcc»—ram—<br />

Sfc<br />

mm<br />

for ogw, tti^ tow diit&U4<br />

drank 0<br />

*nuwu law an<br />

bureau, and, like aQ<br />

, became it is free to nil, inns<br />

Care much for it. In al) mj h<br />

I have not acsn drunken men<br />

span tho day <strong>of</strong> the a^ack on Of<br />

touso, an4 tbey drank then Qnrj to fire<br />

fremselves to desperatisD, WbUc ttw<br />

mtrodoctionuf better Uqnsn Btigal b»><br />

get a hitfher tutv, I don't fmt tiut Ihef<br />

will be harmed by TBnj.**<br />

"If your plans do not Ediean^ they<br />

will soon be drinking champmp^ Uks<br />

h bl "<br />

other blostod cspitaliste," aflded<br />

as he lighted hla pips, "AndMwffbcT*<br />

some ta cur cotninlsBaf/ wagoa, SttfpSir<br />

we drink a health totto nawdQiBitBro.**<br />

How b<strong>of</strong>sa BtJrring Urats. BeUmi ths<br />

osasl spring sowing tho peqpl* wen<br />

buay all the time dieeiiBing ths new<br />

featnres <strong>of</strong> their social and, political \U?<br />

toeome, It was aaiating how esflMflf<br />

they entered into all tha plans <strong>of</strong> Erie<br />

and iklapel, and with whal InipUciicOB* '<br />

fldenca they predicted tbo great fdtura<br />

<strong>of</strong> the dty. Nothing now wag too new<br />

or too vast to deter them. They war*<br />

eager to eater opon the new en*. : ' -<br />

Erio had selected Ua board ef direct.<br />

en •with great c4re, and day after 4»y<br />

thoy detained the wages hris nntii<br />

thqtr plans wore perfect. More tfcao • ,<br />

^sth elapsed before EMs qonld ny,<br />

"Wo sis read? to pTOsed,* bnt Snallf-;<br />

Epwytbing was completed, Thne <strong>of</strong><br />

the wagoss were Bocrctly loaded frith<br />

"d by night and itodd ready ta depart,<br />

ires waa to convert the metal into<br />

cnrronCT BTid act ag financial agent in<br />

the great operations to follow, Sapplttv<br />

<strong>of</strong> all Borta in hnmengaqnuntitisB were<br />

to be bough t=nn dectrts light plant,<br />

mining and jatlllng biashlaerf, honei,<br />

fiae cattio aad other, stock, fanning iu><br />

plemeats, looms, clock*—eperytainf, in<br />

fact, that civiliHtion eutild famish from<br />

lbs plentcotiB store was to be proctirod<br />

aad brought to them, .' •<br />

The tank was great, Imt Plerop felt<br />

hia blood glow as hs tamght <strong>of</strong> it As<br />

the greatest buyer span earth, tha rep-<br />

reseatative <strong>of</strong> unheard sf WMltb, S»<br />

would fairly rival Men to Oristo, if ho.<br />

did sot eclijee him, and in the briilding<br />

<strong>of</strong> a, railroad acrosa tho-dewrt, coo <strong>of</strong><br />

the irft fnterpriees to be launched, ho<br />

saw a most iiitersting and eiettisg fue-<br />

jeet, which alono was worthy <strong>of</strong> aay<br />

man. What more noble aubiliGn enld<br />

he ever have deaired than this eminentljr<br />

proud qiier And now they wen ready.<br />

Each step in the gi^ttmdej^Bkingcare-<br />

fully considered and plonnod, satblnf<br />

romaiaed bat to set,<br />

stood an the threshold as the Uae<br />

<strong>of</strong> wagoiis filed past, with driven and<br />

pssdrts waving their hatt in farewell lav<br />

Eric find Pioroe 1B the reiF,e^<br />

changing last wonU <strong>of</strong> evution »sd •d*<br />

vice, When they reached the bOo»<br />

Erie diHuiuonted and gtasped HsFCS'i<br />

haad, with moist eyes; - ' ;<br />

"New, goodby, Harold, Qod' bka<br />

you I Be careful and' remember<br />

hold us nil hi your hand, 11<br />

••Don't worry, my deaf boy,<br />

hear froin me very Boon, and let me tell<br />

yon, H he added, with an effort at fad#»<br />

"there wiU be a lot <strong>of</strong> news-<br />

paper mon ben) inside ef ten days, mark<br />

iny words, and they wili givs yon soine-<br />

to bother oboat. And besides<br />

they'll eatabliali a malt servtea for yoo,<br />

depend upon it. tkiodby, goodby.""<br />

o monnted and galloped away, Eris<br />

led his wifti to the huasetSD, They could<br />

see the train wind along the river aaM<br />

t disappeared behind tho canytin** out-<br />

reaching ipurH, and than she tamed to<br />

him, with a great, hopeful look In her<br />

eyes, aud kissed his lips. Together they<br />

stood there, the morning breaking rich*<br />

!y and •wannly ever tho red elifb, whan<br />

Jibpol emerged from below and stood<br />

beside, them. His eyes were fall <strong>of</strong> *<br />

great firo as he gated down thocsnyoa .<br />

where tho dust at ill rose above the trail <strong>of</strong><br />

Vks wagons. Then ha toned toward tin<br />

city and stood silent, regarding ft for m<br />

long tiuie; then raWug hU arett Uko A<br />

prophet ef old be cried oat;<br />

"Blge up, U <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> the 8nnl Behold,<br />

the. day has eoino; the •erpeaf U demdl<br />

Behind JOB, G city ef my fatheiB, liei tbt<br />

eons <strong>of</strong> Bajierstition.<strong>of</strong> Woodttd<br />

darkiiaM, reaching back, back toioao'i<br />

first feeula steps! Men came aad sen<br />

went away, bat teen hast remained. U<br />

hoary city <strong>of</strong> the past, look np asd see<br />

the lightl Before yon the fntnro ituda.<br />

Its nnknown space Ulnmined W an no*<br />

gpeakablo glory. In Its bekBf^ftts earn*<br />

ing to bo thy bride, I basr tte Toioe; 1<br />

hear its approaching foototepi. Oh, ttuit<br />

my eyes ataysee its glory and inyllpi<br />

tsitf its BweotaesBl I haTB eald It—Ii tl<br />

geod," * •<br />

Be turned to hia onlj hearerB, and hli<br />

veiee grew k»w and sweet « he looked;<br />

at Eric aad sajdi<br />

'And »it has begun, O myj<br />

and to you We owe lb Ye<br />

Core me plainly, the<br />

city, fur it will<br />

w^HSg^^^<br />

+!•••<br />


HEW JMHB1T,<br />

IB a ptr<br />

MAY VQVm-WT<br />

O<br />

DfAV'OOUHT .IKlliHR,.<br />

took Uriah Mown and<br />

Lewte jKbode*, who bad been eentouced<br />

to Stale Prfawu at the lale term <strong>of</strong> Court,<br />

to that Institution on Thursday,<br />

JAKTJAKV 4,18N.<br />

- TuMbat it*U» that tabor &n<br />

IfcfttffieWlleonlblll,<br />

make<br />

•.F*<br />

^ ,_ 44Moma Meeting<br />

"* A6 adjourned HHIOD <strong>of</strong> Uouncll was<br />

odd Friday evening, witb nil tbe mem-<br />

tbat be bud at-<br />

tended, to the sole In tbe Vlneland Book<br />

" by plying flOOCTaiKl giving new note<br />

f for 11000.<br />

„ , A Mil <strong>of</strong> O. P. Moore fv? 168.30 was<br />

The radiums autherlslug Urn dl<br />

wrt ftf tbe Aflbory avenue Igts, owned<br />

b^tfit borougb, was ukeo up for UQ&J<br />

radtog, 1$ posted unanimously.<br />

<strong>On</strong> Saturday night the summer rafl-<br />

<strong>of</strong> Qtoige Bummel and Mrs,<br />

>Vtlli, PhllfldtiphlHiii, were burned to<br />

the ground, Rynirnell, who came<br />

dowja that evening, atartMl a fire in hit<br />

V sad, laying lit went to the Ay-<br />

aion Hut©], <strong>On</strong> returning < ma few<br />

noun he found bis cottage in flamw.<br />

fire spread to the adjujnliig hoiiie,<br />

deHtraylng birth, Tbe lossa In<br />

about $10*000, which Ie covered by In.<br />

eprann,<br />

flAFB M4f CTTT,<br />

Bupeiiutendeot W, Grant Wilson, <strong>of</strong><br />

the South Jersey RoUresd, and fmntly<br />

are in Harrisburg,<br />

ii rl. ew Ve»i*»<br />

, The]liBtbadhrtB<strong>of</strong>OcauiUlty,fo)!ow-<br />

( tbg tbq ttmfrbonored custom <strong>of</strong> berald-<br />

Ipg the New Year, held watch meeting<br />

tanrlw Is the Jlnt If. E. Church uii<br />

- Sunday evening. There was a fairly<br />

good attendance, and tooae who turned<br />

dot to take part In the extremes<br />

D, Harrl*in will srect a uew<br />

hotel <strong>of</strong> eighty roornii to be called the<br />

Baltimore Ian, on Jaokson Street,<br />

car* Island Lodp, No, SO, F, & A,<br />

have elected the foilowlug<br />

tot the year: W, M., David W, Bodau;<br />

_ ifioif ftan repaid by the sermon deliv-<br />

!," «red by the paator, Rev, W. A, Mnssey,<br />

, Vboee dfoconiae was pronounced a mat -<br />

I0toi2w«reglven to<br />

vloe <strong>of</strong> song and<br />

hands <strong>of</strong> the dock<br />

and ss tbt<br />

approached the<br />

pp<br />

tjoundary Ihie between the old sod tbe<br />

itew, amid tbe impmaiive silence thai<br />

pwvadea then meetings the heU In the<br />

church tower pealed forth tbe announct-<br />

ment<strong>of</strong>Uieblrtbon8B4. While the bell<br />

tiHiB heralding the news <strong>of</strong> the birth <strong>of</strong><br />

CBpttief yeart several <strong>of</strong> our GlUzene<br />

W6W welcoming Its advent with salvoa<br />

<strong>of</strong> moak^tF^, sud far awhile tbo air<br />

" wax rennant with hftrblugeiB <strong>of</strong> the<br />

t death <strong>of</strong> the old *nd the birth <strong>of</strong> a new<br />

year. Weloome, IBM.<br />

OdgbtaUythe M«thodiitn and Mora-<br />

viand w^e ttoosly<br />

•' that held Bach special leniceB, but now<br />

atiumberototh«rdeuonilqaUonH haw<br />

' 09be to observe this CUBIUQI. In Ibe<br />

- OoWtfy^ Moravians huld w«tch servk-un<br />

'"' in the eborcti until the mldulgnt ho«r,<br />

{ Then they form to line and proceed tu<br />

- Uweeaieteria, where dirges are played<br />

,. wJU* trombones mid the people 7 <strong>of</strong> tb«<br />

'vfiUthihigmonrnnilly and pray- 8ome-<br />

' * times the cemeteries are lighted up by<br />

lanterns, which make the servlue very<br />

; i.odd and<br />

in jencj Sand.<br />

H !Fw© rjig rail state deals have JuHt<br />

rjoeri edfpplet^d at Atlantic <strong>City</strong> which<br />

prove fcbstj flgcrratively speailug, the<br />

rfcbSst gold minn In the world nave<br />

fraud right In that little ulrlp or<br />

land by a few iar-*eefn^<br />

aeverai yean ago bought<br />

to be worthless sand<br />

a mere trifle, and tu-daj db-<br />

"~i £oa$I otl&eni at *ucb fahnlooi prices<br />

#>gttttft might readily be conjured Uiat<br />

- ita^gridBii <strong>of</strong> land badr by some etaem-<br />

<strong>of</strong> magical procHP, been turned Into<br />

<strong>of</strong> the two<br />

S, W,, CUariBB F, Quidort- J, W,, I,<br />

LearningSLeppard; treasurer, Furman<br />

L, Richardson; eecntary, Bemud K.<br />

Stilea; chaplain, Jewish Falkinburg; g,<br />

DM Bamuel H, Moore* J. B,, J, Asbton<br />

Williams, -<br />

Adorian Chapter, No, 80, Royal Arth<br />

Masons, have lusislled tbe following<br />

onicera for the year; High priest, Jos-<br />

eph P, Heuiy; king, Benjamin Curtis;<br />

seribe, John W. Thompson! treasurer,<br />

Uharles Quldort-Becietary, B, H, Moore,<br />

Tha new yacht Vigilant, owsid by<br />

Captain James v\ Clark, was lidaehtd<br />

on ChriBtmas Day, Miss Ethel Kea<<br />

nedy christened the yacht.<br />

Owing to dullues ID business the 900<br />

employes <strong>of</strong> aaatlug & Co.'s gold leaf<br />

factory have agiwd to g reducUon <strong>of</strong><br />

tweuty |terajDti Iu their wages for three<br />

mod lbs.<br />

The Bduth Jersey IkUlroad<br />

haflacorrta <strong>of</strong> surveyOIH hire marking<br />

out an eutmwee luio the oily and a site<br />

for a depot. : . •,. .<br />

TUCKAnOR,<br />

A gmiiii wedtijiig look place here ou<br />

Wednesday <strong>of</strong> last week at 1 o'ciaek.<br />

The , contracting pai lies were Dan it!]<br />

man, <strong>of</strong> Pbf(adel|ihiaj and AIJMt<br />

May Wheat on, daugliter <strong>of</strong> Captain J\<br />

5f. Wbeaton, Tbe ffttbert girt to tbe<br />

bride waa a ehegk for 110,000, They<br />

lOcelvcd many haudBoniu presents fivm<br />

tlielr fiieDiJfl. They fllurted on an es-<br />

tended weddiug lour, Hev, Mr, Hann<br />

eftlctaled,<br />

Edward Hararuell & Boa sold their<br />

Hloro to William P, Flanagan,<br />

Rlebard Sfaeppard and wife are via! I<br />

eppard speut tbe hoHdays<br />

with his parenla. •<br />

Mrs, Ballla ArBistroiig has gone to<br />

Viaflud is i]»Dd tbe winter wilt! her<br />

dnnghter, Mrs, Bteveus,<br />

The BnptlHt npuiverenry will lake<br />

piaes lit Ibe cburch op the Ifilh Inst,<br />

Captain Edniond Taylor is espc^'ted<br />

Bome for the winter.<br />

Capialnlicm Bmiths vessel is laid<br />

Upi at Cntsden for Ibe winter.<br />

Mt<strong>of</strong>l Lillian Taylor and her sister<br />

llabei are vlaiLingreialivpnt Red Benk.<br />

Oarnson, Tbonipson, llryuen<br />

and Beusetnan were on Ibe bench at<br />

May's Landing Wed nesday <strong>of</strong> lost week.<br />

Th« lirigantine election case was called,<br />

but went over until April because <strong>of</strong><br />

the absence, by reason or uleSjucia, <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe plaintiff; Alonzo M. Smith and<br />

Heselclab Xjeeds, as star witness,<br />

Mr, BaaliQ WAS granted non-auits In<br />

the cases <strong>of</strong> Evau Jeflrlcs vs, BamueJ R,<br />

BeuliandWllliani Babeock m Samuel<br />

Bi leuili Mr, Cole represented th© flp=<br />

la tne two cases. The cases <strong>of</strong><br />

Booye vs. Colidly was continued until<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 6th, to. allow the defeudaal<br />

time to enter addillonal evidence,<br />

Charles, alias Pawiual Noce, was seu><br />

tcneed to tbree months' Imprlnonineut<br />

In the County Jail for stealing a single<br />

cb icken atBuenaVbts, Snmuel Jobn-<br />

«n, a colored man, whostote an W.00<br />

overcoat, belqugtug to Edward Wilt-<br />

bank, from tbe Si, Cimrles football<br />

KroundH last wceh, was ordered ta wrve<br />

a HM period in SherlB Johnson's Lot el,<br />

TUeCf.il rt forfeited thetiOCtO bail boud<br />

<strong>of</strong> Walter Lc«,wbo,wlth Harry Murray,<br />

<strong>of</strong> stealing a KW0dJamoud<br />

from a paeeenger on a train at Egg<br />

Harbor €fyf, L« failed jo apjear for<br />

trial, be having missed tbe train fmtn<br />

Camden, TUe case goes over to ibe<br />

April term, Murray Is in jail,<br />

Frank Cope's application to keep an<br />

Inn or tavern atrleasaiitviilewas re=<br />

fused oil the ground that he watt not a<br />

resident. There was touch opposition<br />

to the granting <strong>of</strong> the license.<br />

In tUcOrpliaHa'Court pHrHal aecomile<br />

were passed iu the estatea <strong>of</strong> William<br />

Paul and Daiilel W, CJwudler. An<br />

order was Issued to show cause why the<br />

landsiti theestate <strong>of</strong> Nicholas V, Young<br />

bhould not be eold, and a decree was<br />

granted by the Court, confirming tbe<br />

sale <strong>of</strong> lands in the estate <strong>of</strong> John Stiles,<br />

The eonlMtcd Sbowcll will<br />

ease will be tried In Atlantic <strong>City</strong> on<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary fitb, and a special term <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

Orphans 7 Court will be held at May's<br />

Landing on March fith.<br />

PiORSON- &<br />

N6W<br />




LAMPS<br />

THE COST<br />

Eyewthing to make the home pleasant and comfortable.<br />

Bed-room Suits, Parlor Suits, Dining Room Suits, Rockers<br />

and odd pieces* ,<br />

Brussels in all grades. Ingrain, Rag and Mattings,<br />

dMtt R<br />

Fur,<br />

Rugs.<br />

Dinner Sots, English and American,<br />

Tea Sets, white and decorated,<br />

Vaso, Banquet, Piano and Hand Lamps.<br />

We will Bell as low, as the lowest It will cost you noth-<br />

ing to come, as on a hill <strong>of</strong> $20 or upward we pay your<br />

fare,<br />

Pi" 1<br />

i faft«9 porchMed tbe SL Qbarlea lot,<br />

beach, np Delaware<br />

Tbe property<br />

^.1 to the state <strong>of</strong> tbe late Jonah<br />

/«'Wbottpn,Sr^Midbad been lyiog un-<br />

3mp|dnd |bf ouuiy y^ug. There was<br />

i part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

M to part With thla bmlly<br />

sell,<br />

owners <strong>of</strong> tbe ground<br />

'on tke ocean irvnt<br />

^J% » pamm^h,modem hotel and<br />

ll^IfMt the regaining portion Into<br />

l<br />

<strong>of</strong>lered before they<br />

will<br />

Edward Applegale bag sold his<br />

ir^ to a number <strong>of</strong> epart^ten, who in»<br />

tend entailing the present sLrucLure<br />

oodflttiriglt upMBPlubbouse, . ,<br />

Captain TheophHui Godfrey in tends<br />

remalulug at hoing during llie wtuler.<br />

Miss Bather VanGllder spent ChriBt-<br />

mss with relatives'In tbt Quaker <strong>City</strong>,<br />

Miss Hannah CMeman la spending n<br />

with relatives. and friends In<br />

was tbo<br />

valuable bach<br />

ifr*% thefbot<strong>of</strong> South Car-<br />

to a syndicate, the figure*<br />

fi number <strong>of</strong> well<br />

Is a Jtontage<br />

uf J. B, Blehslds,<br />

Hajry Barker and<br />

I** price p«M by the s,<br />

vaihe Interest at lbl»<br />

Wproitoate valoe <strong>of</strong><br />

he originally<br />

^ftba entire tract. This<br />

<strong>of</strong> 191,000 In tots than<br />

Philadelphia and WeetvlUe.<br />

During trie recent cold weather<br />

Millie Towasend Bllppedand fell on the<br />

lee, which resulted In a Bprained wrist<br />

aud other painful Injuries. :<br />

A flne team <strong>of</strong> mules arrived here<br />

from Philadelphia on Monday and will<br />

be q«d on the canning farm, =<br />

Bnudsy was quarterly meeting day<br />

in tbe Methodlet Church, there belcg<br />

preachiQg in trie morning and after-<br />

noon by the pastor, Rev, J, S, Moore,<br />

aud in the evening there was a union<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

f" a lolly<br />

y 1<br />

wheel <strong>of</strong> great height<br />

property ^pbe fs>raorraw<br />

be estttnenosd at<br />

g<br />

Mrs, Ada He» bad charge <strong>of</strong> the Kr-<br />

vice, and several JnteresUng<br />

were made by the diflensat<br />

Uvts,<br />

A flirmers 1 club b*a been organteed<br />

her* with the following <strong>of</strong>flreB; Fresh<br />

dent. Homer Eddy; secretary, T, E,<br />

VauGilder; treasure], E, S.Stowe, Tbe<br />

club will meet at the school house each<br />

evening, aad the subject for<br />

becbewen at the previous<br />

Dress Goods Patterns.<br />

Odd Dreis lengths caught up<br />

from almoat all the Dress Goods<br />

counters go to the Main Aisle<br />

tablei this morn at half, some-<br />

times at about etie^third the<br />

regular yard cost.<br />

Rich Silk-figured Novelties<br />

among limn, piitiaHomeipuns,<br />

fancy jacquaifds—almost any<br />

sort <strong>of</strong> stuff your mind is an.<br />

Seven and eightyard lengths,<br />

or enough to make an ordinary<br />

dress,<br />

Driss Patients^ $1.75,<br />

Fancy Cheviot that would<br />

regularly be $^<br />

^ Patter mi' $s, \<br />

Pin Stripe Cheviot that<br />

would regularly be ^4,.<br />

Dress Paikrim $240.<br />

Plaid Cloth that would<br />

regularly be $4,.<br />

Dress Patterns% $3*50*<br />

Check Rfelarjge that would<br />

regularly be $5,251<br />

Dress Patttrns% $4*<br />

y Fancy jacquard that would<br />

regularly be §8.75*<br />

Dress<br />

Wauanufecr's.<br />

back bright in dye as when<br />

they started.<br />

That's one instance.<br />

Here are three more, ,<br />

Mmfs Overcoats at $£,<br />

• lifaet. bine, Oiford slid drab HeitnriB, ssllii<br />

Sipcf e liaingi, L'pUnMy $12 ani Sli<br />

Men's Overcoats at $10.<br />

Brown and pifon! KeniPrii usd m^t-d Ciip.<br />

•lots, Mtlo fleets llninp! unJ funnffn<br />

mtra IMKIJ lining, Usual [jrk'o* tip 10 fi{.<br />

Mm r s Overcoats at<br />

inilroaA<br />

TJjiif,<br />

it<br />

Oifftnl K*n«-J* Slid i«iinr Chi-<br />

i i full tsaeis<br />

ipBeiii, ful tsei<br />

prices up ID fSu,<br />

Scotch Tarns.<br />

Icy winds tiaye no terrors,for<br />

the ears <strong>of</strong> Highland young<br />

i h T bl f<br />

Silk Figured Armure that<br />

would rtgularly be $ii, .<br />

Girls' Clothing,<br />

Sizes for any <strong>of</strong> them from<br />

4 years up and at prices that<br />

are simply absurd.<br />

g yg<br />

in the Tarn bclt^nor for<br />

Tarn wearers anywhere else.<br />

Choice Scotch Tarns, any color<br />

or combination. 75c and $tt<br />

Bed Coverings.<br />

Think <strong>of</strong> full double'bedslze<br />

fast back Marseilles Bed<br />

Spreads in new patterns at #2,<br />

* Or <strong>of</strong> clean live wool Blan-<br />

kets (save for the few ounces<br />

<strong>of</strong> spool cotton warp) at $5 in<br />

stead <strong>of</strong> $7* "<br />

They stand for alL<br />


ftAtLnOAB,<br />

WM JERSEY R, R,<br />

In tffeet OOfOlfER 5, it<br />

!s»*e OCEAN CITY M fDiioSi; FnF<br />

IML 74U a Bl, 8,10 p rd, gUDdafs, 9M<br />

a in, iM pm, _: '<br />

tfelu njfne—: Lrnte Til llsd? Inlifft for O«aB Cltf,<br />

iMfliiiHMpm<br />

Leave f HILrtlLf HIA, URSAD ST, 8TATI0H<br />

roe HEW v»BK.<br />

EipfWH, Wppk^ajlt, lyO. 4.S6, A M, 6,1ft S.50,1M.<br />

h A\ V-.-U, jl, ILll smli lifwn, IS 4t(Llmlt*d,<br />

1,'E find 4jM p m. mains CanjL s.«s, sM aa,<br />

i,h,6iQ,ttt,l,Si,»,li, IDtiin, Isdl RIEIK, Sun-<br />

. 3 3>, I.IVi, 4,50, 5 1*8,13, flM. ILUBIII,<br />

i«, j,», 4,uo (iJiiiiied taoj, Las, M,<br />

-SilgpiiUlB!bf<br />

Dining<br />

Wubinglay and (Be Sulllb<br />

Fnf iiailfroert- and Waghingtoii, 3JD,T=S8, S,Si,<br />

S-i", ig,gn, n iHa m, ii,iLi uea,". Lini, i>i<br />

ii), i,m, SAC; J,4i (('oiiHiT**ii!imi I j<br />

iling t«FJ, 6, 1Y, 8 S, 7,40and ! 1,53ti "P.<br />

*«, HynBafB, SCO.T.3ft S.1B, UJg 11,<br />

ll.fififl, M0 ititd 11,33pm<br />

Tar furEhtsr infonnailoti Inquln ef<br />

tern! Dl»tsiloti=<br />

"8..M, PHEVOOT,<br />

U eneral Uar<br />

J. B, WSOB,<br />

Bail, I' At<br />

AotbraeiteCiaL Ko Bmo^e, No Cin dsr*.<br />


f.EATE READJfiO TEBaiSAt, PfllLA<br />

ruffslB <strong>On</strong>? Eiprwa (Parlor Car) daily 10,.1)<br />

Chkwu %'fsuhuied Fiver i'.... _,s ,.<br />

T h h Bi t Chl \ **"! « i tj<br />

Through Bit t-uef to ChlcaRO<br />

L'hl d Buffalo Kiprew<br />

iDK G«n<br />

p m<br />

p m<br />

rou<br />

iM, im itso=hoQf t»ji), &,«, ?s«, n.ii > n<br />

(i!,o7 p n, from IMth and phesmut SirwtB^Dlii.<br />

h A) I 89,8,6a, %\b (6,1« frara iith »ndClirat<br />

fili ) 1110 iU g<br />

In eonsequenoe <strong>of</strong> a new Bchool house I<br />

being built at SouthScaville, the attend-j<br />

inoeOfonr Beho<strong>of</strong> bad been gradually<br />

reduced with tbe beginning <strong>of</strong> this year,<br />

«nd now lhat*the boUdayij areomr Ibe<br />

have again settled down to<br />

nrilf be lamed<br />

A i % h<br />

[ fn the BaptistUhnron on Thuraday even*<br />

ooipoaed M~'m oinlata wid was<br />

Qinied oat by tbo«whotbok<br />

highly appreciated by al) that<br />

Tlte, treat wit oempoied <strong>of</strong><br />

an orange for each<br />

d^jMicno<strong>of</strong>, and an<br />

flne pntenb) were jpre-<br />

w»<br />

Gretchens, Riefere and<br />

Jackets that during the<br />

past week were Up to Jfit<br />

some <strong>of</strong> them $10 before<br />

that,<br />

Aiggeaek<br />

Jaeketo, Reefer, Ulsters<br />

and Gretchens that were<br />

up to $id early in the sea-<br />

son, some <strong>of</strong> them up to<br />

$17*<br />

Ai^iO€achm<br />

-.<br />

Handsome Ulsters, Walk^<br />

, ing Coats, Skirt Coats,<br />

Reefers, Paletots, Gretch-<br />

ens that were up to $mt<br />

and early in the season up<br />

to$$Q,<br />

sort ol prices al]<br />

through the stock.<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

" Here, this is a mistake; it's<br />

C d ' ft<br />

a $io Coat and you've a<br />

on It," •;•<br />

He was an experienced p<br />

thing man; knew goods, knew<br />

styles, knew values.<br />

He knew that Overcoats: pre-<br />

cisely like it were cheap at $10;<br />

he knew that exactly the<br />


' LEAMNS<br />


Iti all (lie attribute tlist BuDlt-e to<br />

iuake a ilrst-clatw faiully journal.<br />

THE<br />


REeORD<br />

8pari*i no trbable or expebse to gather<br />

«ud present to IU renders all the news<br />

ef the Old and New World,<br />

til WKTBI Dejaroaieutfi, each' uuder<br />

the roanagement <strong>of</strong> a competent Editor,<br />

aitnprlaes matterH pertalplug UJ<br />


THE FARM,<br />

WOMAN'S WORLD, •<br />

T,HU. p<br />

I! 3D a.ia, I<br />

Pl C<br />

s,as<br />

__ -<br />

If#w Yorli. feet <strong>of</strong> LJbprtt Mtwt. t<br />

iom II «» m. !^t 409, fM, &», tS<br />

n,= 12,18 Blgbl, Kundaj^.S), 9 00<br />

JO. SSO f SBp fi! Iil5 iht " '<br />

S.SO, f<br />

n all d p fi!,<br />

Parler C*M eb all day siprewi i rains and «la«:<br />

Ine earn on night iralm ia nnd frtm Sew Y<strong>of</strong>fc<br />

Fflr Bethlehem, Euldii Uid paihl* in Lehft<br />

ami Wy<br />

For Kcbtirlltiil VMl«r Point*,<br />

Fsr rh«Bil*lllB and Pnttaiown-l#|,fH!i,<br />

iftqo a in, H,45, : -ton. 8;DO, us em A«<br />

^<br />

4 ® B<br />

* 4 ®k B •*•<br />

«!aBi,SH0ptii,<br />

pJjBnea na Ha<br />

a Bi, f,a),iBpB,<br />

-ripraa, 4.0u a m,<br />

Fer PatUTiite-EsprMt, ss, loco a B, 1.00,8,00,<br />

II,» p a, Jiceam,. 4.13. 740a n l1Ba<br />

^ 1,00, w,es m m.<br />

PwlOfCari en all ei<br />

irtU t3<br />

i«enf,g,00am,|JUp<br />

FHI trmlni.<br />

(/flies Trtnifsr CamiUny will<br />

te^^^ r»n heiTtiTla<br />

and<br />

L A. ewEiGAan, & a, __<br />

_•_ . Qsn Bnpti Bsn'L FMa,'<br />

D<br />

4ll UI1M1V * * j<br />

to MRS, H. MORRIS,<br />



sort had been w<br />

as a howliog bargain at $10,<br />

Btit 'twas no mistake,<br />

is the price. ,<br />

black Cheviot, fast<br />


Presenting a oompleto nugnzlne syerf 1<br />

d a y , - , ••; •' •••'"•• ; '•"••: " '. ",<br />

DbUy and Sunday, one year, - f4.00<br />

ADDAEfB<br />


H?»9 Chestnut St,,<br />

Groceries, Protista,<br />


'-1'A'ruLittore.oiii<br />

CHINA and<br />

Ma*fit Aabnry Ave^<br />

B lbm are a«ar?d <strong>of</strong> ef.<br />

fleleat wrvloe, freih foods tnd Phlta-<br />

dlpUpl<br />

Clocks, Watchesf Jewdry ri DiaroorKh,<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 1,<strong>1894</strong>. <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1,<strong>1894</strong>.<br />

<strong>On</strong>rn«WTnriIToDtJo«Ui («, (nti eftnA TO-DAY, irefyQafmsnt<br />

lo cloBiiig fUur, inuniiidli u we H!I e*f,n^nfei f^fr eimn diiHnff<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe HIUBB K^ineii<strong>On</strong>i from our prices mem raiicfi to your adtanl<br />

(teHkiJ cut tq It<strong>of</strong>tt* at |1S,6O rrom fcS, flH<br />

fftiin<br />

from Sa.U), We<br />

r&lucMJ fri>iaf33,ng, Weihs* Wt&madlpipd forelArfif<br />

fromi-jjro, ii2.Be, miueNJ from fcs.00, |IS,BO. ^ L<br />

„ are ail Heglnl satin «P gilfe ijnrd garmenti, and KM ifliinf<br />

ihou the Talus <strong>of</strong> the tnnn-riol In llirm W't fhow great bArffHtng io Ghiidr....<br />

i'aiit. We »1IBW gr»at l«fifrUim in «iiulj« tji,n ,if eireant Hmplc Uanaenla arid<br />

!suit C<strong>of</strong>tta, »hfch w« s-ij at atmui Btl eeaii on Eli? doltfr 1HIBF10 u " r wai!ie »IB<br />

W« aa?b e early wjt-c! 16ns,<br />


The «la Henna Hifcti Dry<br />

41S, 4SO, 152 XORTU g^OHD MTttEDT,<br />

Ud Drapch Sio« add«d within the put faw wotki<br />

IS N- Second St-s on tin DilaniQ iidejmt abon Itrbl,<br />


If io, we ihould sell you the Lumber aad Mil! Work. Why?<br />

Beciyie our increased faciHtiei enable us to <strong>of</strong>fer greater in^<br />

ducements to you, Look it them t<br />

with 6 t«ek in<br />

We solicit cbrrespondencewirJi any Intending to build<br />

and improve residences, stores, halls or churdies, and will rive<br />

aU inquires prompt attention. Remember that we can ship<br />

our work to you to compete with othere in any part <strong>of</strong> the State.<br />

Lumber, Mill Work and Boxes.<br />

Kaighn Aoenue, Camden, H.J,<br />

SMITH & THORN,<br />

IB All Ms Brandies,<br />

Terra Cotta Pipe,<br />

Elizabeth Bark<strong>of</strong>f,<br />

TV. J.<br />


'43 §o- Second St.,<br />

ill, r*.<br />

Y, CORSON,<br />

FLOUBAND ^<br />

7ai AsburyAvenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N,J,<br />


\ ^Want Madldni^ FIODU, Oil*, etc<br />



Bern Isle <strong>City</strong>, N; J,v<br />

B«f-<br />

%••<br />

3 -ijj<br />

i ^<br />

JANUABY 4, IBM,<br />

be glad to receive itenag <strong>of</strong><br />

UU <strong>of</strong> interest<br />

d<br />

doonanUcaUq<br />

communliy aud our<br />

e<br />

rawwriBre. *<br />

Air eommnntattoni aliould be H&»<br />

HJiupanlsl with the full uame aud ftd-<br />

dreeB <strong>of</strong> the writer, not uecessurlly for<br />

publication, bat a guarantee <strong>of</strong> good<br />

fath.<br />

ITEWf*.<br />

I'hs TjubrteMhop! oiwued ,<br />

after m week's vacation,<br />

Joha flrower ipent Beveral duys iu<br />

Piiiladelpbia last week on biiHliieHa.<br />

Ji a ^rredslie and wife, <strong>of</strong> Phlla-<br />

deipbis, ore •pending a Reason In Oceau<br />

uity.<br />

WiiUaoi Btonebill took possc-Hsiou or<br />

lib new cottage on Anbury avenue inHt<br />

Friday,<br />

William R Elliott anil tltiughfor<br />

Mary are on a ijteuEure trip,<br />

friends.<br />

Captain J, D. Eberuai-li and vvifo, nt<br />

Pblladelphla, are flpemllug a few days<br />

In Ibifl city,<br />

J,8, Rush is isiiitingAlnn^iiUotifiii^<br />

double coltago on Asbuiy averme, near<br />

iiistii street.<br />

Fmnk It. WhltesSde, <strong>of</strong> Piil!ujicl)itil!i,<br />

wae iti town during the w(s>k( li<br />

after bis reai estate,<br />

H, G. Steel man and wife, who<br />

Heveml days in Philadelphia Iml weak,<br />

returned hums on Friday eveiiing,<br />

Miss Jeniile Matwey and broths, W><br />

M, Massey, returned home Friday cvcn=<br />

itig from a visit to reiativea ni Pulmyn,<br />

Pr.'O, E, Edwards and family, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia, have beeu oqeiipylug<br />

their Wesley avenue cottage fur a few<br />

days.<br />

John Moore, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, IIQH<br />

rented William Btonehill's raittoge, nt<br />

Twelfth Bireetand ABbury aveniie, for<br />

the wlpter,<br />

Charlei Myen and wife, <strong>of</strong> Eighth<br />

street an Wealey avenue, left on Hun=<br />

day for PhllBdelphla, where they are<br />

vlBitlng frieadB, L ,<br />

Mrs, Rush E, Cox, comer Twelfth<br />

. street and Afibury avenue,' faaH rtturned<br />

ham a vtelt to her parente, who reside<br />

Miss Abble Hand, <strong>of</strong> Cape May (JourL<br />

House, was the guest <strong>of</strong> Reuben Lud<<br />

lam and wife laHt week. She left fnr<br />

her home Mouday,<br />

Mark Baner and wife, <strong>of</strong> Sixth Htreet<br />

and <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue, have been con lined<br />

to tiie hiJuae for the past three weeks<br />

iiinWng front grip,<br />

MlMNLi&deKatea was eoniined to her<br />

bed fur Heveral days lant week<br />

with well-defined Hyinptoma <strong>of</strong> thu<br />

vaiUiig disease—grip, •<br />

Alwl 1), Scull Is raJBhig and<br />

nddltioiia to the cottage «f Julin It.<br />

Keudrick, between Eighth aud Niutli<br />

H, on Weriey aveuue.<br />

Hurry CauDeldj who bra been tim-<br />

ihied to the bouse, Nufleriug fnirii iliu<br />

rcHUlto <strong>of</strong> a fall, we are pleaHcd to «oe Is<br />

again able to be on the ntreet,<br />

Charles A, gum[ibeil, <strong>of</strong> BlSAHbury<br />

avenue, (iiteuda erecting a largo build-<br />

ing, 18x45 feet, adjolulug his present res-<br />

ideiiw. Work will be uomniuiiced<br />

immediately.<br />

i<br />

and Mlsi Ada presse, daughter <strong>of</strong> Cup-<br />

MD Maurice (ireHe, were maifled lu<br />

Philadelphia Monday, May the happy<br />

couple realise their fondest hopis In<br />

tfaeif new relations.<br />

Many people seem to think that it<br />

they have anything to ln«rt in a uewfr-<br />

paper, If they gel It in the <strong>of</strong>fice an<br />

hour before the paper goes to the press<br />

it 1» BOOH enough, TIIIM b not HO, Gel<br />

your Items to the printer as mmi m<br />

The Womau'H Christian<br />

Union will give a supper at the residence<br />

<strong>of</strong> UH, H.D, Canfleld en Thureday,<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary 4tb, for the benefit <strong>of</strong> the read<br />

Ing room, Supper, 25 eeota, will be<br />

served finda Q to 8 u'clttck, Everybody<br />

cordially invited, .<br />

IstatouneU, No, lgQt Jr. O, U, A. M,,<br />

held their election on Deambef SUtli,<br />

wbeu the fullowlng <strong>of</strong>lleera were ulitweu<br />

tor the ensuing teria! Councillor, H.<br />

Conver| Vies Councillor, ThomaH Ever-<br />

inghami A, B.a, Quinton Chauiplon-<br />

Cond., BoliaGarretoou- Warden, Fiauk<br />

Smith- I, B., In S, Champiun; O, B<br />

Harry Headley; 3r. P, Q,, Gairge Ever-<br />

iughami Truatee, I,S,Cbampwu. The<br />

order IB In a prosperous condition, and<br />

la weekly addJng to Iti njeisberHhlp,<br />

The n e w l d ffl Jtil<br />

Tuesday evening.<br />

property in<br />

The suit brought by Mrs, Anna M<br />

tor the<br />

the property knowu as the<br />

Villa," eorner ef ievenib<br />

street and <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue, (his place,<br />

which she alleges the defendant secured<br />

on UH pniegses, came up before Vice<br />

Chancellor Pitney luCamdeu last week<br />

Tbe evidence showed that two years<br />

ago Mm Benner signed papers at the<br />

request si Jir, Ttoyior in order to Beeure<br />

a loan <strong>of</strong> 1600, Mrs, Benner claims<br />

ih*t It wae understood tnatshe was to<br />

redeem the property by repaying the<br />

leu and fMi tbe defendant refuwd to<br />

fBia ever the property If the loan waa<br />

repaid.<br />

An absolute dead ww exhlWted ID<br />

•which MES, Benoer tranifen the prop-<br />

arty unequlvoeaUy* She seemed BUF-<br />

prfsed at ttua, and explained 'that she<br />

*ad signed only • bill <strong>of</strong> mfc for a «oorfc-<br />

gage. Testimony placed tbe value or<br />

the property nt ^000. Taylor teatlfied<br />

that the provision! <strong>of</strong> the absolute deed<br />

were explained to Ma, Benner and that<br />

tbe viUue <strong>of</strong> tbe property bad enhanced<br />

the Jmprovemtnta be bad<br />

. i Judge Pitney fixed <strong>Jan</strong>uary Stb<br />

fot |be next hearing,<br />

I^R SA&B OR JJUSi.—Oqaa fro'lli<br />

lota* ba^r front lots; nlw lots ID most<br />

iteeiifluteJafallQiii<br />

AYPAV.AtUiiUflCHy.<br />

BiHBOir,Sentinel OJHe&<br />

A P^rlotu CaBflssTSilsn Aveftefl,<br />

The cottage <strong>of</strong> A. B.'Thomas, corner<br />

Fifteenth itreet and Aabury avenue,<br />

was damaged by flte and water to the<br />

extent <strong>of</strong> about tOOO on Friday evening<br />

last.<br />

The Ore was first discovered by two<br />

young men who were walking along t'ht<br />

boardwalk iu tbat vicinity about 7,45,<br />

and soon the general Ore alarm was<br />

Bounded from the eieetrle light station,<br />

The (In dopartnieut, lost no time In<br />

gelling to the scene <strong>of</strong> eonflagnitiou,<br />

and by the well dheeted elTorU <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ilremeu the flimicg were coulined to the<br />

back building, where I bey originated,<br />

Tiie duiuiigMl dwelling bod nut been<br />

occupied siiiceHeptembeF M,<br />

that tirue the owner, A. B, ,<br />

Who reside* at SMS Uheetnut mroct,<br />

Philadeipbla, and bin daughter, Mrs, J,<br />

M, Holland, lnidiHiHHed tligBcasoiitb^re,<br />

ainue wlsicli time It litiHTtinniucd thimsj,<br />

The buildlDg wan liifturtti for f I500, and<br />

OH HOOU OH tiie l<br />

Abstiloro Higbee fit at home fiir a few<br />

days,<br />

Christmas exorcises at the church<br />

were very good, Tbe usual amoiiut <strong>of</strong><br />

good elieer and giftn were there.<br />

The lx«t Santa Ciaus that ever vialted<br />

tiil« section for many a year suddenly<br />

crime down upon the children at the<br />

BomafB Steelman la building a new<br />

b s r n , * . . . . • • ' • ' • ' • , ' • • • • : • '<br />

Sotaera S. Albertsou and OspUUn<br />

Booye have goue Soatrl'. '<br />

Pr.EiBASTVlf.LK,<br />

^ LewlSj <strong>of</strong> theQ, A,R,, told the<br />

lory <strong>of</strong> hto reuent eon version from Jnil-<br />

delityat the Presbyteruin Church last<br />

Wednesday evening—a pitiful story <strong>of</strong><br />

fifty years <strong>of</strong> darkhe»t bereavement<br />

and despair which touched and moved<br />

very one in the audience, sod brought<br />

thers to the feet<strong>of</strong> the&vier this grayv<br />

haired veteran had so lately found.<br />

Quite a number <strong>of</strong> Atlantic Clty^resl.<br />

dents assembled* at the handsome reel*<br />

deuce <strong>of</strong> Lewis M, Conover, the loading<br />

oal dealer <strong>of</strong> this place, on New Year's<br />

day. Various subjects were dtscuwed<br />

until about 12,30 p.m., when all present<br />

were iishered Into the spacious dining*<br />

i where a prettily decorated bible<br />

adeti dowu with many <strong>of</strong> the delicacies<br />

f the se&siin awaited them, and with-<br />

out a doubt the Inner man was thor-<br />

oughly provided for. Those who com-<br />

The reniiijUH <strong>of</strong> job G,, youngest mn<br />

•if Iivihgatid Hruiiiuli 14-e, <strong>of</strong> Allahtiu<br />

tjlly, were iniernsl at this plums on<br />

y moiiiing. The youiig inau<br />

<strong>of</strong> CDIIftilfHptloii,<br />

The yOiiiineHt t;liHd <strong>of</strong> Uupluin Jjiiiiw<br />

N brought from Tiickeilnii oii<br />

guuday for buriiij.<br />

Much sickuc^H prevail ilirouyliitiil<br />

the town.<br />

Captain Enoch Rialey, a forfflyr re*U<br />

deut <strong>of</strong> jhis plaee, was brought liure fiif<br />

buiiul on ThurrtJay, ,<br />

Caplaiu Pitiiey liiiickinaii ralufned<br />

to Virgliiia »tu Friday, His children<br />

are dustiieiled with liitfsuuer.Mre.Lydia<br />

iiUHhly, at PleasiLilviile,<br />

A ball full <strong>of</strong> people likened Tiiur«><br />

dayeveiiiiig totheBtmuge llfd=sioiy sf<br />

Major Lewis, Jiist coiiveried from htfW<br />

delily and now devoiing his ri'malhiug<br />

days to. testimony fur the Savior HO long<br />

denied. The audjeiiee showed Us »ym-<br />

paiiiy by bretttblrNS attention, aud In-<br />

voluntary learH, . ^<br />

LINweon,<br />

Rdvlvai ecrviue eummenGed at Cen-<br />

tral Sunday evening. Rev, J, Uasto<br />

filled tbe pulpit in the mornnpg and<br />

wll| preaeh agalu thl* evening,<br />

' JobuHon and wife were tbe<br />

giieflts<strong>of</strong> Dr.B.CEamundaaiid wife on<br />

Hunday,<br />

Captain John Sanders EB improving<br />

but not able to go out yet .<br />

Joa, SteBlmau and wlfb aijd Lewla<br />

gteeimaii aud wife Hpent Friday <strong>of</strong> last<br />

week with Mrs, John Flfield, <strong>of</strong> «akera=<br />

Viile,<br />

Lizzie C!arfct <strong>of</strong> Phlladeiphia, Is visit-<br />

tug her parents at Hi to place,<br />

Lucleu gomers and bride made their<br />

arfival on Thursday evening.<br />

Owing to the slprmy weather EkiUir-<br />

day evening the drama was postponed<br />

until next Saturday evening, <strong>Jan</strong>, Alii.<br />

Mrs, Kenj, Cramer and Mm, Simmer-<br />

maii are numbered among the Hick <strong>of</strong><br />

Ibis place,<br />

Charles Powell is able to resume bh<br />

dudes in the wheelwright shop, •?<br />

HAVe bAHAtffO,<br />

A bear with a fondnesa for fresh pork<br />

has been raiding pig pens 'in the out-<br />

skirls <strong>of</strong> Hammouton about twelve<br />

miles from tltis plaee, and as a eonse.<br />

queuce pportaraen sf the place have or«<br />

gauEied bunting parlies for the purposes<br />

<strong>of</strong> killing Bruin, The bear hai his lair<br />

in the, famous Peuny Pot swamp, a<br />

niarsb tbirty miles lung and<br />

three miles wide, situated several miles<br />

above Weymoulb, Ho one as yet has<br />

Bruin, altbough inQytBerable<br />

tracks bavo been discovered by huntenh<br />

The reports concerning the tracks <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bear were not credited unltl a few days<br />

ago, when s number <strong>of</strong> farmers living<br />

on the ouUklrls <strong>of</strong> the town found tbeir<br />

choice hup lying about the pens, dead,<br />

having been terribly chewed, <strong>On</strong><br />

ug around tne premises, to the<br />

BurprfHu<strong>of</strong>the fanners the tracks <strong>of</strong> a<br />

bear were found leading In and out <strong>of</strong><br />

the pens,<br />

The charge against Wilfred B, Calvert,<br />

formerly agent or'the Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

Railroad, ef being $300 short In bis ac-<br />

ODQUUH nas h«n wiOdrawn^aa tbe caeff<br />

Us been eatbfcetorjly settled*,<br />

Adftm BUckland npil wife are both<br />

sl<strong>of</strong>c wl3b<br />

public fMjhinl on the iifternoon <strong>of</strong> the<br />

aitb, and diHtrlbtited a pailk <strong>of</strong> goodies<br />

among tbe pupils. He (Hied tbe bill to<br />

perfcctlnti. Some <strong>of</strong> the Uttte flilks<br />

tfiiiik lie \vm abfiiit the aim and form<br />

<strong>of</strong>T, D, Hani, . ,<br />

PORT ttgnrsLK!.<br />

Sevenvl couples <strong>of</strong> our young people<br />

attended a large and interesting party<br />

lield at Lizxio Adamtt' new home at<br />

Lower Itunk last Thurfkiay eveuiug.<br />

Air, Adams' frlendfl <strong>of</strong> this place are<br />

pleased to bear <strong>of</strong> his being able to re-<br />

turn to his studies at Rutgers, wldeii<br />

liowiw compel led to leave a year agtt<br />

on account <strong>of</strong> his mother's Illness,<br />

which resiilled fatally,<br />

Bliss Middle Collins entertained a<br />

large Jiumber <strong>of</strong> her friends (rom this<br />

plaee on last Thursday evening. The<br />

rcelpieutH <strong>of</strong> her hospitality report tmv<br />

ing enjoyed a pieasaut eveulng,<br />

Captuin Uiiarles lilake preseiiled Ill<br />

uccuiniiiislied wife witii a baud«jme<br />

piano for aCbristiuBi*present—a tribute<br />

to worth.and talent,<br />

Captain John Hujitley prvfieiited his<br />

Stepdaughter, ailsa Marette, with a<br />

beuiitiful viulln for (Jhriitmas,<br />

Dy an enjoyable effort, Mrs, Mary<br />

Fielder bad the pleasure <strong>of</strong> present lug<br />

our moat devoted rind beloved Suuduy-<br />

Hulii«)lHuporiulCHiienl, Itev, 1|, A, Cuke,<br />

a silver pitcher, goblelu and svaitef,<br />

Tills indefatigable worker and teaelier<br />

in iiur Bunilay»Ncbiwl deservew all tbat<br />

cult ue given him. He Is always round<br />

at his p>»rt, and it is lmtBUpjwiwd there<br />

is n better managed or more luteiilgebt<br />

BLiuduy-w-bcH.il in Allaullc county.<br />

Our unselilHu and hard-worKlng mill<br />

JHtur, Ms, Dnre, was BIHO remembered<br />

by hiB flock oii Chrifltinas.<br />

A barrel <strong>of</strong> flour found a hearty, wei<br />

come iu the lumio <strong>of</strong> uur worthy and<br />

tiiifurtuiiute ncigluxirund frleuii, Alfred<br />

JA-udH, oil Christinas, There are glbem<br />

who should diiim the at lent Ion <strong>of</strong> our<br />

more favored and generous eltl zen». We<br />

»fit go to India iiur the Malay<br />

to find otsjeuts <strong>of</strong> charity,<br />

]tui>r we iiiive always wllh us,<br />

Youitg Mr, Kose, a Htuduut at Dk'ker-<br />

HOII Uollegu, is iioiue Hpcmiing IIIH iioli<br />

duy vacation, TJiis young man is Uibk<br />

ing fur ward to the time when be tan<br />

the mhilNtry as an ordpiit Wurkcr<br />

in the Lord's vineyard, .<br />

Our post'Ofliee will be moved the<br />

first <strong>of</strong> the year. It seciUB to,us llisit<br />

PrtHldcut Cleveiiuid'B ndmliil«ratluij<br />

is more chary <strong>of</strong> Jiis favors tliau Prc»l«<br />

dent Harrison's waH.<br />

y bad the "ftxsjditig boils"<br />

teiidaiit UJXJII the marriage <strong>of</strong> Uuy and<br />

Helen Uarrlrt bctii silcucyd cm (liey<br />

were awakcHcq to ring out.the glnd<br />

H <strong>of</strong> Clmrloy Huullay and Miss<br />

Maltto SVilsou'fl iiuptials,<br />


A very pretty home weddiutf.took<br />

liere on CiirlBtmas night at eight<br />

o'clock, the contracting parties being<br />

M its Mamie Kuwell alid Heiiry T,,ateel=<br />

iliitii uiid Mlsg Emma Ei Ho well and<br />

johii P, Smith, The double isrenio<br />

was performed by the father <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bi idts, Hev, Vi A, HoweH, In the pn?»-<br />

ence<strong>of</strong>u umulter<strong>of</strong> thy Intimate frleuds<br />

aud rejutlvcs <strong>of</strong> tbe respecUve foiuili<br />

The: bridal party entered tbe parlor to<br />

Ihes<strong>of</strong>t strains <strong>of</strong> a march from IJeetlio-<br />

veu, played by Miss Estella Uurr, <strong>of</strong><br />

ju. Miss CarrieSiulthaiid M<br />

Laura Uhaiiuell acted as bridesiuaiiis,<br />

and Mark Bandoipb and J. H. GUatiuei<br />

aji groomimen. After the cei^niouy<br />

the happy eou pies received theesugr&Lu<br />

iatiuns <strong>of</strong> all present, and then the com-<br />

pany proceeded to the dining-room<br />

where a veritableChristm§s dinner was<br />

served, Tbe table waa very beautifully<br />

arranged, and all did full justice to tiie<br />

viauds spread before them. The re-<br />

mainder <strong>of</strong> the eveniug was spent iu<br />

music add conversation. The elder <strong>of</strong><br />

the sisten, MIM Mamie, was aliired in<br />

steel faille silk and piuk chlfTon laee,<br />

and wore rosebuds and pinks* Miss<br />

Emma's dress was <strong>of</strong> light silk aud<br />

while uhiffun lace, and she wore pi<br />

roses, Ttie weddlpg pnsints, which<br />

numerouSj ebmprised articles both<br />

useful and oruamental. Owing to the<br />

Illness <strong>of</strong> the brides 1 mother, the wed<br />

ding trip was postponed,<br />

Henry Homers and wife entertained a<br />

Obrlstmas party during the holidays.<br />

The new houses on Grand street are<br />

receiving a coat <strong>of</strong> paint. 4<br />

Lewis JeflVlBS and wife, <strong>of</strong> May's<br />

Landing, spinl Christmas day with l<br />

''<br />

!<br />

Jease Barrett cat bis foot wltu an axe<br />

last week while ehupplug wood,<br />

Cuptalo W. O. Booy baa gone to take<br />

up bis above In bis new bouse at Bum-<br />

en Point, We dislike to see blm 1^?B<br />

our village.<br />

Captain DsVld Boblnsoa is borne<br />

with a broken wffet.<br />

MR, ^rah Boull b» gone to Atlantic<br />

<strong>City</strong> to upend foe winter with her<br />

daughter.<br />

Wesley Scull Is Improving from the<br />

grip.<br />

Judge SeuU b quite 01,<br />

p the merry party were Mr, and<br />

Mrs, Joseph CAiuover, Hr,, Mr, and MB,<br />

Joseph Couover, Jr., Sir. and Mrs,<br />

T, Woolbert, Lawyer and Mrs,<br />

U, L. Uote, Mr, aud Sirs, Lewis M, Con-<br />

over, the Misses Cole, Katie Iisler,<br />

Conover, Henrietta Uonaver,<br />

Masters Orwell Conover and Clarence<br />

Co!e, Jr., Roy Woolbert and A, Berdell<br />

Unnover,<br />

Tbe many friends <strong>of</strong> Alton Angelow<br />

iidered him a surprise party last week<br />

at the residence <strong>of</strong> Oeorra W. Adams,<br />

Kefreshmeuts wereservedaodapleasant<br />

lime was eiyoyed by all.<br />

John R,

IW0YEAB3<br />


UVES,<br />

aomotunw in this oiraeoiini At absnt j bow is? "We aro UJio those who study.<br />

49 yean vt ag»n man's nervous system j the American conUiumt while standing<br />

change*, and sonto one tqUs him he must J on the Atlantic batch. The way to study<br />

take ittaitiiantB to keep himself up. aad the ountiaent is to cms>* it or go to tbe<br />

ta keep himself np • heart <strong>of</strong> it. Our Btontljioint in thin world<br />

wrong end<br />

ii im, or<br />

In *"<br />

frpMgjjttj TTi« Tenptatiau'<br />

<strong>of</strong> p^th Efc» ^V&rth <strong>of</strong><br />

-anttl th9-«UflinJimU ktup-Um-<br />

him bum i;iifiig uloug for QU ur 40<br />

i, and Iiero<br />

vf<br />

'BRDOIL?*, Doc. 81,—Io the foreseen<br />

pervloe«tth& Brook!jo Tftboruaolo ••to-<br />

day, BeT, Dr, Talnwga preached an tho<br />

aaajeat<strong>of</strong> ••Shortawd Lives; or, A C$eor= pake a fortuuu U?foru 80 years el age,<br />

ftH Chwdby to 1888," The teat soleeted bs genyrally lusts it b<strong>of</strong>mo 10. ThasoU<br />

waa Isaiah |fil,f, ''The rfehteons is taken id and the ttermaiiuut fortnnes for tho<br />

*wwr from the evil £0 come," j noit part do not cotne to their climax<br />

, ihtmld pay<br />

fgrUujpruvitfloiis, "An^sajBtlHieBptftbj,<br />

*my lade, you can't pay- me anything,<br />

AU I have on board la yours, I feel too<br />

MEN<br />


SPORTS.<br />

«f<br />

right amid the saws and'the eyl-<br />

OBT<br />

are<br />

y g ,<br />

inn, about the riaft <strong>of</strong> Sature, nbont<br />

the head <strong>of</strong> oar lettersand Milnesadocn-<br />

%uits 1893. With this day<br />

bank have bnir.<br />

hmted IN birth. Today wo attend its<br />

opaequles. Another 13 months have<br />

been eat oat <strong>of</strong> oar earthly eogHiiuancs,<br />

and It ia a Utae fur ubsorbiflg reflwUou.<br />

We all spend much time la<br />

^ be an octogenarUia, If<br />

"«syoHsdleaInyootb, WQasy, "What a<br />

pf^r Dr Mnhlenbdrg In eld ago said<br />

1&*tjhabynt» written in early life b<br />

hfa awn bsnd no roon? raprtawd Ua<br />

been lull <strong>of</strong><br />

or woridtlness or diutijiatioH ID old<br />

not hove lost their lutegrity, j<br />

Jfjuivu become so worldly niid so '<br />

selflflh under the influence <strong>of</strong> large suo= !<br />

Mss that it is evident to everybody that'<br />

their success has been a temporal eakm*<br />

Itvandan<br />

e it nuiy bo Said<br />

traaaita and eecflltations and eclipses, | <strong>of</strong> as as<br />

Bimply because ear studio, unr ob«rvft= """ ~<br />

tory, is poorly situated,, We are dews<br />

In the cellar trying to study the palace<br />

<strong>of</strong> the univcrea, while our departed<br />

Christian friends have gone np stairs<br />

amid the skylights to study.<br />

Now, when one can sooner got to the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> things, is he not to bo congrat><br />

mlafcedf Who wants to be always in the<br />

freshman class! 1 Wo study God in this<br />

world by the Biblical photograph <strong>of</strong> bun,<br />

bat wfrallinow we can is five minutes<br />

<strong>of</strong> interview with a friend get more au-<br />

to taknb forth his band<br />

to breate the universe, he did act etrlke<br />

bu^hewsf^a<br />

and kept on waving it in a<br />

words. The little ehM that died lost<br />

night today knows more <strong>of</strong> Qod than all<br />

Andover, and aU Princeton, and all New<br />

Brunswick, and all Edinburgh, aad all<br />

the theological inatitujjoqu In Chriakn=<br />

dom. Is it not bettor to go up to the<br />

very heaunuartcni <strong>of</strong> knewlffileel<br />

Does not our common scase teach us<br />

that it la better to be at the center than<br />

to be clear ont on the rim <strong>of</strong> the wheel,<br />

holding nervously fust to the tire lest we<br />

be suddenly hurled Into light and eter-<br />

nal felicity? Through all kinds <strong>of</strong> optie-<br />

sl inutrumontB trying to perr in throngh<br />

the cracki and the keyholOH <strong>of</strong> hoaven=<br />

afraid that both doors <strong>of</strong> the celestial<br />

mansion will be swung wide open before<br />

enr entranced vislou—rushing about<br />

among the apotb#CHry ehupa <strong>of</strong> this<br />

world, wonderiog if this ia good for rhea=<br />

matism, and that is good for nenralgla<br />

and gyffiethisg else b good for a bfid<br />

eoBgh, lest we bo suddenly ushered into<br />

"<strong>of</strong> everUwting heaith, where tbs<br />

inhabitant never saye, "I am sick,"<br />

What feoia we all are to isrefertheeir=<br />

cuaifijrenei" to the nubter! What a dread-<br />

ful thing It would be if we should bg<br />

suddenly ushered from this wintry world<br />

Into the Sliiytime orchards <strong>of</strong> heaven,<br />

and if oar pauperUm <strong>of</strong> sin and sorrow<br />

should be suddenly broken ap by a pre*.<br />

entation <strong>of</strong> an emperor's castle, suf-<br />

rounded by parka with springing fpun><br />

tains and paths up and down which an-<br />

gels <strong>of</strong> Qod walk two and twol<br />

We stick to the world aa though we<br />

preferred cold drislf to warm habita-<br />

tion, discord to cantata, sackcloth to<br />

royal pnrple=fls though we ureferrod a<br />

piano with fear or five keys out <strong>of</strong> tone<br />

to aa mytruinyut fally attuned=aa<br />

thOBga earth and heaven had eschanged<br />

apparel and earth had tnkenon bridal<br />

array aitd heaven had gone into, deep<br />

moBrning, all its waters stagnant, all its<br />

harps broken, all chalices cracked at the<br />

dry wells, all the lawns eloping to the<br />

river plowed with graye^ with dead<br />

angels under tha furrow. Oh, I want to<br />

break up my own infatuation, and I<br />

want to bryokup your infatuation for<br />

this world. I tell you if we are ready,<br />

and if our work is done, the sooner ws<br />

go the better, and if there aro hi&siiiifia<br />

to longevity, I want you w knew riaht<br />

well there are also blessings iu an nbbr^<br />

viated earthly existence, •<br />

If tho spirit <strong>of</strong> this gtrmon is true, how<br />

consoled yon ought to fuel about mem-<br />

bers <strong>of</strong> year families that went early.<br />

"Taken from the evil to feint*," this book<br />

says. What a fortunate escape they had!<br />

How glad we ought to feel that they will<br />

never have to go through the struggles<br />

wbieli we have had to go through. They<br />

had jast ttmi enongh to get out <strong>of</strong> tbo<br />

cradle and na up tlieeprmgtime hills <strong>of</strong><br />

this world aad Bee how it looked, and<br />

Wen they started for a better stopping<br />

place. They were like ships that put itt<br />

at BE, Helena, staying there long enough<br />

to let passengers go up and see the Isar-<br />

raeks <strong>of</strong> Napoleon's captivity and then<br />

hoist sail for the port <strong>of</strong> their own native<br />

land, They only took this world -in<br />

tnmsitn." It is hard for as, but It is<br />

blessed for thorn.<br />

And if the spirit <strong>of</strong> this sermon is true,<br />

then we ought not to go around sighing<br />

and groaning because another year has<br />

gone, <strong>On</strong>t we ought to go down on one<br />

knee by the milestone and eve the letters<br />

and thank Qrkl that we are 305 miles<br />

nearer home, We ought not to go around<br />

feeliuga about our health<br />

Or about anticipated deiiuse, We ought<br />

to be living, not awarding to that old<br />

which I used to hear in toy boy.<br />

hood, that yon innjt live aa though ewry<br />

day were the Ittst; you must live as<br />

tteBgh_yoa were to live forever, for yea<br />

will. Do net be nervous lest yoa have<br />

i ef a shanty into<br />

took care ef the<br />

drowning crew and the passengers. And<br />

inay we coiiie into ths harbor witJl "*<br />

little physiualpiin and with as bright a<br />

hope as ho hud, and if it Biionld happen<br />

to bu a ChrlstiHus morning when the<br />

presents are being distributed and wa<br />

are celebrating tht birth <strong>of</strong> him who<br />

came to gave par shipwrecked werM, all<br />

Hie better, for what grander, brighter<br />

CkriBtinau present could no biive than<br />

heaven?<br />

Wf"> Told<br />

Msj «T ««j list Be Trfli<br />

About the Sold Ssefcec<br />

HntmmcFii <strong>of</strong> ||i« mipuinicit IitiiiniiL<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the mogt venturssonie iiMrts<br />

prst'tkaHl hy any penple ia the swrf<br />

hoaril swimming <strong>of</strong> the Simdwic-lj i*<br />

lands.<br />

Nt-iifly every me hni^experie-tteeA the<br />

delights <strong>of</strong> surf imthing'.'wlA H* vshlb<br />

u-iiting ruili flail LmUlo with tha ioiilc<br />

waves. This pk'astiri. 1 ia keoiiiy eiijfi.vtsi<br />

by the Hftwalliiui, %vho paraus it with<br />

rinpilnr nhaniiitn.<br />

The aarf liniird is H plntik <strong>of</strong> light<br />

late 14 feet Jong, tvitlt one end<br />

This cijgeA iiri* uit*o<br />

hut the nth** fliid nf the borird ia<br />

iqBfue, A [riot'o <strong>of</strong> eloih is<br />

boond orotiml this end, porhnpif for tii'e<br />

inppiirt <strong>of</strong> the fast while wwiinnjing, nr<br />

ratlier bi'iiiir pntjtHJteiJ lilieA cannon hnli<br />

by the w»vu,<br />

A crowd <strong>of</strong> nntives feill swim eat,<br />

towing theiF bfjurilB, diving under im*!<br />

dojfgiyg tho heavy roilurs eurniiiM in,<br />

until , they iiry ijuii.; a ditstiiniw frnin<br />

iaiid. Every thinl wave is litrgvr thiin<br />

the others, niisi «ti the tir»n>i hjk'k ef this<br />

hngo breiikpr thu HBtivea riiiy in like %\IK<br />

wind, BoHtt-tiaies they stfllid Pp-ct pi!<br />

the hearils, bat tlit'y uHniilly croneh or<br />

lie down, and kv-t»p bisliitu?*? with a dog*<br />

tgreus stroke <strong>of</strong> the foot er iiainj or by<br />

iwftylng tin! bmly, TIJJH spnrt U not<br />

without iiiifitinii, bnttMijiiAtiyeg artJiffiels<br />

''water df)^" thut tho i&cid'enU nirulj=<br />

terjniicito fntnlly, :<br />

Ciipbiln L'(wk mys thnt lie saw<br />

horror diio «r thyso surf bay<br />

into j itti'i but an isHtant afh'rn<br />

had quitiisl it. To bo finmpulh'<br />

k*ve the bniiTii iind dive back und!'<br />

"Well, that was<br />

The spsdjer was one <strong>of</strong> ft groap<strong>of</strong> half<br />

a doiea fflfia who were steading en F&><br />

diio avenae pnfflag awaf at a?anas and<br />

talking jflft to paffl time away and to<br />

cl«air their throats, TaQeaflversaUoohad<br />

been abettt the livery stable man, Mar-<br />

tin, <strong>of</strong> this city, who had falhs hdr to<br />

^M.OOft three years ago sad dldat find<br />

it ent nntil a few days age,<br />

"Talk abeat lack," said one el file<br />

groap, whft was a gambier, ll wesss plenty<br />

<strong>of</strong> it. Da yon kaow thai one day last<br />

week a maa entered eae <strong>of</strong> oar gambling<br />

hsnges with a nickel and won out flOOia<br />

three hoars? Ho ha4 g<br />

the night before and fount! the nickel in<br />

an eat <strong>of</strong> tho way corner in bis room the<br />

wave in ii6mUk'tti\<br />

besidei tliL! nilt-il,<br />

vali'ol Itojjril, whl^<br />

ttt^etriinltf'ir its<br />

8t, Loala t<br />

di«gnieefui,<br />

d and<br />

For ever a ueiitury nn ttstslgn iirgnn<<br />

i flirt-fit fi'F w«r iiavu uiiifclii.N] in Nt*f<br />

Yerk HtnwJB uiuij t!io .HUifnniuHl* UFHWB<br />

<strong>of</strong> ail niiti* imr;uU'd oil this UHih at<br />

Aprii thftiHgh tlio Ktrcets <strong>of</strong> tho nu;tfup<br />

oils, capered at t-vflpy step on thoir way<br />

by nsltiiif intf thiiaajindH. ' It was ft HpeJ.<br />

tacle to bring tesre to tUo eyw, iuitl<br />

makes une uoafidynf <strong>of</strong> the yoiiiin^ at the<br />

golden »s« "f frHluruilv, Bat tha most<br />

Striking tlijiig idei'di{ijj day, was that thy<br />

tfl us tlji! tint kjok likn foreipiMrs,<br />

p r> ! i!»piil>iic. No aew<br />

jK-oplD %vere LTiiiituii for our experiuiuiit,<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly a new B|j|rit, wo Kiijie, (Hiijin imo<br />

the worid; whitih Is striintc ehrnj^h to<br />

toBniforni all wha'tifluia Hnsivr im iiifla-<br />

eaep, Yra, it.wus a splcudid pafihiei<br />

and it wna ijeealiflrly Aineriant, bi>tainBf<br />

it included tho world. To as, wit inay<br />

mj, nptbJBK is foreipi,=Chartes Lidl<br />

Warneria Harper's,. '<br />

nest morning,<br />

* ! Thai biokia went to the gambUag<br />

house with thy intention <strong>of</strong> placing fllfl<br />

5 ceiit pleee on thennaiborB, Bygoi<br />

into the roDBt whea the roulette ball was<br />

whiising flronnd on its tour Of numbera.<br />

He rushed to the tsblo and got down his<br />

nickt'I on thu fivs just as tie game run-<br />

ner shouted 'All dewaP In a few see.<br />

ends the ball started on its "rear end*<br />

bouncing, and in a few seconds more tho<br />

man shuutwl *PiV*i !* That gave the man<br />

with the nickel $1,75 for his fi seats.<br />

Tiisn hi pal f i OB No, 17, sad that num-<br />

ber came ap, giviBg him (83 more, Ha<br />

comitmed to play with varyiBg lack<br />

until in three hours he had won $400.<br />

And the next day he was broka again,<br />

Uu borrowed a nickel and trie*l the game<br />

agniu, hut it didn't go,"<br />

"I con tell a story <strong>of</strong> a man who was<br />

lncky," Bald a buafntjaa* man, **« tte<br />

early days <strong>of</strong> thoggldeiciwment In Cali-<br />

fornia, fhcro eaiae into Ban Uiegoaman<br />

wlati was mgml and «ick alnjoat to death,<br />

Hy V/SH takcii In hand and fed and filed<br />

np. Thin ho tuld a Btary <strong>of</strong> a wonder<br />

ful firnl <strong>of</strong> golil, he hod made, It was<br />

oaiy a fyw dsiyB <strong>of</strong>f, heaaid, and he woo!,<br />

take ft party to tha plaea if they would<br />

OBtflt,<br />

"Suveral raea who heard the story <strong>of</strong><br />

the great goid iii the tuoBntains that was<br />

theirs to go after got up a party <strong>of</strong> W.<br />

Thii BturE wm made with that man aa<br />

Icuiiler. AftiT a few; ui^-a' travel it he=<br />

caiiu' yviilint tluit tho man bad forgotten<br />

the way. They trayelDd ea, truiting to i<br />

iui'lf, however, Indiana were hostile at |<br />

tin. 1 tiiiie, an.I tliey started in to mow the j<br />

S«ii' huutora, Tiifjy pisked <strong>of</strong>f oas after j<br />

aiiothirr wiiil their DBllota, A score wens<br />

thua takes uff. Then a fever struck thy<br />

jMSTty, and 11 more went the way <strong>of</strong><br />

deatL<br />

"By this tifflo the ID survivors were<br />

cragy with r3fe. They had been 14 days !<br />

ent and were traveling in the most arhl '•<br />

(ksuutry. Food wsia growing lea und |<br />

Ivsa, anil ilusth faced everybody. <strong>On</strong> yio :<br />

iit'temyQB <strong>of</strong> the fourteuBth day the lead= j<br />

er, who had tHinjetl BS much misery, was ;<br />

given three days mere to flad hk gold '<br />

Timl,* If lie wry? not snccessful by thiit!<br />

tiiiju, he wna to hang, ' j<br />

"Wdl, the three days had, almost;<br />

jsiased, nnti still there was Boiigu <strong>of</strong> the !<br />

Und, The luttt hour was ainioit up, H '<br />

" that tho iiiiin iniiat luing, ' Thepe i<br />

'onjy five iniautya mate, Bow two<br />

minut!>sV tiov? rmo ijuauk', now a half<br />

minBto=theu conii his iuck, Jast as tlio<br />

was up for tha hangiag that man<br />



1625<br />

m. MENDEL'S<br />



Chiidren'i Nobby Clothing a Speciaity,<br />

A Banjo Souvenler Civeti Away with ever y£hiltl*s Wult,<br />

'*•*•** »«4*<br />


ia i<br />

\<br />

VOL, XIII. OCEAN CITY, N. J,, THUKBDAY, JANUARY 11, <strong>1894</strong><br />


OCEAN CITY, N.<br />

H<br />

Fhysitsmns, Druggists, Eta.<br />

NO. 41,<br />

J, S, WAGGONER,<br />

and g<br />

HO, 731 ABBUm AVBHUm,<br />

O( KAN lilllf, it, J,<br />

ROBEffFflSttERr<br />

$ f.flto ai end <strong>of</strong>f/far.<br />


DINING<br />

FOll 1,4DIES AMD GEN1M,<br />

1321 MABKET<br />

took that<br />

<strong>On</strong>e ChrtstmftS morning one <strong>of</strong> my<br />

neighbors, an eld eea esptAin, died, Aft-<br />

er life had departed, ha fiiee was illn.<br />

minatod aa thoggh he were jost going In-<br />

to harbor. The fact wa§, he had already<br />

got throBgh tihe ''Nurrows," In the ad«<br />

joining room Wfire the Cliriatmaa pres-<br />

ents waiting fur hia diitrihutioB, Long<br />

age, one night, when he had Barrowly<br />

escaped with hl» ship from being run<br />

down by a great ocean atcamer, he had<br />

made hia peace with Qod, and a kinder<br />

neighbor or a bettor maa you would not<br />

find this dde uf huaven, Without a md-<br />

Baent'ii waraingthe pilot <strong>of</strong> the heayenly<br />

harbor ntMl met him jnst <strong>of</strong>f the lightship.<br />

The captain <strong>of</strong>ten talked to mo <strong>of</strong> the<br />

goo<strong>On</strong>ss <strong>of</strong> God, and wpecially <strong>of</strong> S<br />

ttoo when hs waa abont to go in Kew<br />

fork harbor with his ship from Liver-<br />

pool, and he was pnildenly impreiied<br />

thmi he ought to put back to sea, Undet<br />

the pfotait (if the crew ftnd : untier theii<br />

very throat, he put back to sen, fearing<br />

at tho «Bie time he was losing his mind,<br />

far it aid iean n unreastinable thai<br />

when they could get into harbor tail<br />

Bight they ibauhl put back to jMa, Bat<br />

the? put back to ites, and the oaptaiB<br />

Mid tohifl Bute, "Ton will call me at<br />

Helping th<br />

Kow that the civil war is a long way<br />

In the past it is aLfo to n?iuto curtain<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho CUIUHJJ <strong>of</strong> red tnjte which at<br />

the time were winked at and kept aj<br />

qpiet IB purtibk, Milhnry rdtittne <strong>of</strong> ten<br />

left mca vrithoat wluit drtiiiins wonld<br />

regard as the enmiiinneat uwessities <strong>of</strong><br />

life, and Vt *>ndHre the^ fleprivations<br />

when they were BBnecegsnry was hard<br />

anywhere, and especially so at Washing-<br />

ton, where supplies wers abundant<br />

enough.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e day in tte eummor <strong>of</strong> 1B31 a Maine<br />

regunent was encamped in Washington,<br />

The rations were poor, and two soldiers,<br />

privates, resolved to see if they could<br />

vot get wme thing-better.<br />

They went, in their uniforms <strong>of</strong> course,<br />

directly to th§ White Houso, and eater=<br />

tag by a, sidodo<strong>of</strong> ninnaeod to ovado the<br />

guardiana <strong>of</strong> the exegaiivo luanaion, In<br />

one <strong>of</strong> th# passages they set a very tall<br />

man. They had ao doabt it was ftci-<br />

dent Lincoln. They liowed to bun', and<br />

he .bowed to them, bat theymiid noth-<br />

ing, Their bnsiaess was not with Mm,<br />

but with his cook, V<br />

They went ba and found their way to<br />

ths broad kitchen. The cook was there<br />

at work,<br />

"Look herflf* the Maine men aid to<br />

him, "ws'vo sworn to sapport this *ers<br />

govemmoijt, and fer twa weeks we've<br />

ben a=doin it tin nothia bat salt jnnk.<br />

Sew, if yoa'd snare as a little <strong>of</strong> this t ero<br />

staff, we think it would pal thUwar<br />

"I dua'6 sea How he was lacky, 1 ' pntia<br />

e (piiDbler who had told the first story,<br />

"Why," wild the buainosa man, "he<br />

lucky b-H^ua} if he iiadn't died he<br />

would littvo been hanged,"<br />

; Ajioihyr gambler told how a few days<br />

a^'o a preen Swi-de who knew nothing<br />

alwat the game, bnt determined ta try<br />

bia hiek, had woa aeiu-ly |i,0M, Us<br />

hod been an oalosker oooe or twiee and<br />

emu big winniBgi, He weat to tiie roa»<br />

lette wheel with $80, and in a few hoan<br />

he hftd woa out |800. It seeing that no<br />

tmitter what nnttiber hi put chipa ga=*<br />

ftnd he played recklessly, as all now play-<br />

era do—It tyuae np o\-ery tiae. That<br />

was pure, lack. The man played ns com.<br />

biuiitioaa or "flfraagementB> because he<br />

was m grPL-n aa gr.im and skew nothing<br />

about the giune,<br />

'•nia¥eafrieBdt**BWksapoBeef the<br />

fTOBp, who is Mnaected with the city<br />

gm'yrament, "who by the merest lack<br />

made adiactivery tlrat is netting him mJj.<br />

Uons. His BBfn&da Perkins, and a few<br />

years ago haste in Minuwota he made Us<br />

diasvery, Eg was a traveung aian for<br />

a grocer f i-in, tod whiiB walking to a<br />

teain to go > om oae country town toan<br />

uthgr one day h# whittled a stfek,<br />

"He had whittled the stick la a trian<br />

galar shape, Oa the trala tile idea s&nck<br />

him that the shape woald be just what<br />

was wanted for roilmsd spikea. The<br />

R. R. SOOY, Proprietor.<br />


HOIJSE,<br />


Y. CORSON;<br />



No. 721 Asbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />


KlALB TO ^m/tVX FBOH I A, M,*TO ! P. H.<br />

Good Roast Dinners, with<br />

three vegetables, for 25 cents.<br />

Turkey or Chicken Dinners<br />

Ladies' Room upstairs, with<br />

Homelike accommodations,<br />


Pare Dram, Fiai. S!*tleoePT,<br />

&I., constantly ,ID b»Bca, Wtwnever BO<br />

eyp fa injqjad Bevercly, ryi tho hygicoiq<br />

doctor, DIBOB the patient iuniBdhit^y tn<br />

• dflrt room aad | dudet the care <strong>of</strong> k<br />

skJOed phjsieifln, whsee direcUonsianrt<br />

py<br />

Thf fbndga bodio* may be U, ••<br />

MB4, dndem, anb 1 , dirt, ffe, lime, add*<br />

U l W b J ^<br />

Another waiter said that on one ocoa-<br />

sloa a young matt had ordered powdered<br />

gagas and two dozen eygfeti mnd that<br />

he had liberally sprinkled thoBBgaron<br />

the oyrtera before he ste them, Aconj-<br />

panlon aoooniianiea him aad watched<br />

tiw performance, aad the waiter said he<br />

beusve4 it was thoresolt <strong>of</strong> a bet, I<br />

myself recall a Jad wboattaHadad hoard-<br />

tag school with me. and who isvaria<br />

pnt powdered mgar on bis s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

Hew Yarfc Pmm,<br />

A snaks UrBpurl«a 10 iutii cihnbed •<br />

lt t'b<br />

W, V»,,»«injrt rime afe-o,<br />

' two Hrdft feefert b<br />

r*tt* -i • « 1 n in ali P arts 9 f the ci<br />

Cottages for bate or Rent, _ Money to loiin on<br />

• : r II, B, AI)A>IS .V < O<br />

OCEAN tlJTV N;J,<br />

SMtlon,<br />



From iti Organiiatiorij iftd also<br />


ous^df <strong>of</strong> Building Lots (or sale at various prices,<br />

«-* fAmfi and located in all parts o! <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>!<br />

: to purchisi property before the ;ecmd rail*<br />

as then property will greaUy advance<br />

Third and Arelt<br />


SOMERS<br />

N», 1 it Market<br />

,1<br />

HatHrlr Pillilir,<br />

ufTs, Hi t<br />

, HatH<br />

nr psu<br />

Pilili<br />

Hi-ni<br />

ririiHiftlpl for unlit AHI] to ruii! Si<br />

MMan TKLEl'ijQHE, H-, its.<br />

S, », SAMPSON,<br />

Qontractor and guilder<br />

wo, .'ion >'uu nil *%,, a, J.<br />

.Iiilililiif; pr<br />

jitiiiiii! itui)<br />

MtrniinJ U}- I'lQnrij H|H>i,<br />



Oc-cnii tltys it, J,<br />

Finn P. Siii-.'i(|rni|iini ami Wiirklng<br />

iriiiiiiiNi t>tifii i t<br />


' OCEAN CITY, -N. : J._rl<br />

DULCR IS<br />

and WOOIJS<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, J,<br />

at BOO AsbHry atonno Will<br />

Engineer<br />

AND<br />

Suroeyor,<br />

attenllnp glveii to<br />

turveya,<br />

g!f?fl. IHara and Hpeeliieatif<br />

ifiiilJiHKB put up tijr emjtFBut Or day<br />


g ; y<br />

thiiig is on thu.jump, and Fish«-r<br />

Is rUshing thu blisineHS, .'<br />

Call and nm him, and .piit<br />

your nioiK-y in <strong>Ocean</strong> flity IH!=<br />

(ore things get tip to the top<br />

notch.<br />

.Fisher is ono <strong>of</strong> thu few<br />

pioneers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> and<br />

among its first Riml listatcr<br />

purchasers and Cottagers, in-<br />

timately Associated with all its<br />

historyand identified with every<br />

step <strong>of</strong> Its progress and thu<br />

operation <strong>of</strong> its Real Imitate,<br />

has extraordinary opportu n I ties<br />

for the transaction <strong>of</strong> all kinds<br />

Alcohol, Morphine, etc<br />

Fnr iienrly a niiarfeF <strong>of</strong> a cSiUiiry tlia<br />

flrai nf I)re, tfrAliKEY & J'ALEK,<br />

«f im Aruii Htreot, Fhtludelplifa, hava<br />

diflfen^d C^jiii|ji)iiiid Otygyn TrenU<br />

nieni for ettnititudii^iwra and debility,<br />

wiib it niOHt brilllaiit Krd *>f VUUSH,<br />

They Imve irgatea over 00,000 patletits<br />

ittid in Kpite <strong>of</strong> appiiisitton tiuve fureed<br />

the world to uokuowledgu the potniiey<br />

and UFftfiiliitTfH <strong>of</strong> CuiBpitintl OKygeq,<br />

Over 1000 phyflltJlylis liave titled it tu<br />

Uielr priwtico, and this miiiilwr Is betug<br />

CotiliiiihiJtv iricreuWMl,<br />

Tlieorl^njuiConijHmiiilUsyKeii mode<br />

by (hit* Hriii is pure, cufiipurulively dts-<br />

v<strong>of</strong>d nf ndLir or foHtc, mid one <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

geufeHt <strong>of</strong> oatiiml vlUtl!/*re, buildhig<br />

lip bmkaiMttiwn yfijiiiHutioiiH, BUpply-<br />

iijff mittiFy'g wuato fmni dlwjtim;, fXtfrtMti<br />

Ofold am.<br />

<strong>On</strong>a nf the beiiiiMea <strong>of</strong> UfliiiR tilts<br />

treuliiiLiit SH rhitt you take tin (iiedk-liie<br />

wlmlevur, your Hysteiu }s nut alitKiked<br />

by It, ijiiHiiiuHH or truvf] are iiol iuter-<br />

ivfi'd with, Hiid Umtmaiit IN uciually a<br />

jilcwtiiiy. Ym\ Himply inhale tltu Com.<br />

jKiuijtl Oxygtti imd get ii dirtn-Lly intn<br />

thi uivc'Liltttiiui, VVIHTG It will do the<br />

must jiiNitN-wiiyrs your NyBteiii can ub*<br />

Biwb every utoni <strong>of</strong> It withciuL any (ihjee*<br />

Uoij lieitig interfHsettl by your digesthm.<br />

A Uiisk nf ^iJO pHjffa miiiled fsm to<br />

any uddreeg tella all about, it.<br />

, »f(iU jf, y<br />

_ Wall, tUls I* llui wny I view It,<br />

Timi tba ipiio wirnld like to luvo pi,<br />

Hut you've pit ta iiuikn 'cm do it.<br />

Don't go bruivxin ill a lilMtdnw<br />

lit wrus JiAitur* wi^ nff janiipr,<br />

Tkin'i believe whnt hibu It'll jo—<br />

-'AteSBW iiiftkcrt tliB hmrl grow fondflf,"<br />

Kii>p up to Vmii Jfilinny, etiwirlcr;<br />

Stsny KniejHve i : »U iho mltWhi<br />

Bhe'deftld, "Vt-s, 11 its niiro nsntUBpoI<br />

If you taSn't been tttwh a klHcn,<br />

Vnii wlij jiMim to view Uiia mAtler<br />

UiBSbr jest the wny I view It,<br />

That UiD gnls woald like tip lovo ys*<br />

But yon'vo got to nmko 'cm do lu<br />

Evci>bodjf'a iMrand to luvvo 'cm<br />

: All, &t ftriy ratdt but few ore;<br />

AB w'sy I WM rdUftB BQ lively<br />

I wu taken Just M yna ara.<br />

An I truBi an pepjicd It to lior<br />

akwred eonij>icteij- eni «sr riMnf*,<br />

• fFisniitUn llhe 4 frlshiencti fHbbit,<br />

iilunhlo Ilku A ml tcFiiintrr,<br />

AftcF filio luui toiil n» "Ho, sif,"<br />

I wnt Jcat nham (is you lie,<br />

<strong>On</strong>in tvmvl litiii! on kinder dumpish,<br />

Frtiiii liko a hljWKJd baahy,<br />

Diit I fln'ly Rimnked lipcinrnflo<br />

Like ft miin iti pjn on win her.<br />

Aft nhe'a boon a lilBssIn iii met<br />

I i Bdy a word ugln herl<br />

p 1 et rf New jotj'<br />

Ita JOB 8'jSSM I'll Bet BBnthM<br />

W'.n 1 loveii ihu gaj like I did?<br />

• (in an aak lier. HIID'S yor moUiO<br />

Siiico tlint tiftiii! tot! tlie yosiig<br />

: J«ai tlio way I ftlliis view It,<br />

Tliiit iho gals svoiiid like tit lave Vffi,<br />

Uut they've pit to raokn ^jm du it,<br />

-Bam Waller Wisa in Yankee Uloda.<br />



Dm. Blark.-j £ Pftl.n, P),lla«l,-J(,)i)B, U<br />

Ain.ut l)v« ycrirs nga 1 niut A bH>k<br />

limn npiii » slyk iiisiij sufTefiiig wjiii rj<br />

jir. striill.iii iiufl litiiii Iriiiiiiii). T(t=ti4T<br />

SlHin-^ilil rlijft'.d iiiiil U»!ng ilP8*r WSifc<br />

liny, fe- i !>wi? Ni} iiriiiih niiii life U<br />

Oi d Ml l l d<br />

ruiii<br />

1 ntii<br />

Hnw Vert,<br />

jilFFvn or iliff yii, !» ei r<br />

LHJihliii|ii|ilK{)i,iir iFFitiiiil-ni Isr null n' 1117 silviep Hhd rnlii- In-ntini-nl wii harp wed<br />

t ll l lifltd llim<br />

B, W, Whmsler.<br />

Dm. Suirktiy 4 Pali'!!, riiilsiliijilrt*, Pa. -==•<br />

AhmH a^rarnen 1 wnn imff.'finir frnm<br />

ork iillii CHiMMjIiOU . ItinUBlJ.iii, I UHMJ<br />

l.V)ni(n>uMi|ilsV(f HfT. It.W.<br />

». Stnrfr; i.Psl iihia, Ha,<br />

jljr tnisUn'r liiiiii j*5»r O)nj(HJuniJ<br />

tvamiRHt for Ihiy Fe»i-r; ihr tits _Bni bso<br />

fnUhlFti -flih ImiiiGe, Altwn UtHord,<br />

Taller raiiSiH, J,<br />

ia Of jiceji did inn more eood_<br />

(uBrtf from Hay fgnF ttiftn atiythine I nui<br />

STrf irliil, • Itcr. J. L, Tlckngr.<br />

Hapiou,B»liqe Doutity, Md.<br />

Dm BlnrtfrT £ rnton. Phiiadfilphili, Fa.<br />

It In nnw BUTen nionths sinea I rpci-i*(H the iimt<br />

Tr'olmt-nt far iny WK'H ititA >Qd lie Iiu not liad<br />

•VHipinma fif a rf tiirn <strong>of</strong> ilia AltfciUs iirtue<br />

takliis the flrst diwe. I take plt-Huniii ru-<br />

&>ftiltie!idlne if ta ait iii j friendu who ape affl jetFd<br />

itt l k | i * * l i t t i i i<br />

jlihk|f*t. liRrei<br />

on the iliiriwrf jHWtilinr In<br />

ik sin. iii<br />

Drw- Bffirksy SPah-n, I'tiilati.lpUl*, Pa,<br />

It is nu rwor*>tiliatftftiipeQugliitie fpitly fqaf<br />

nonihs, unit LfPiMhif with tlio i^n hHl bl<br />

clnnn, I nliiathi'd iiiv ftrti fat sn

tyPr^ M-; ,^fef "*Mwre?v, L , • * :<br />

;l<br />

vvr -in ClTT SENTINEL.<br />

, MR.<br />

p <strong>of</strong> tto mUsantf <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

W*j* and Mean* GanaiEls on tbe<br />

SwiUi. at<br />

t« to babe for the<br />

WlOt(T,<br />

HopeGndj * Brotlvr<br />

Tbe BnptMa will bold tbttr Mnl<br />

wmtjen U» 17th hwt* - '<br />

B. Hannah Bafiey to i«y IU, bat<br />

Spipker Seed, nd, lite aD<br />

stnUgbt&rnrd sod<br />

__„ It dots sat dal<br />

wltli tbmka mfer ti«? mamaer <strong>of</strong> Ffij-I<br />

&tr* meeting are Ivfog btfti at<br />

bf another wrddtn^ bar<br />

M wife are visit<br />

tog their children to Fhllidef pfaa.<br />

Joha Btirtey, Jr., visited<br />

irieCSHrtHotatba<br />

GAPS M4T CfTT,<br />

The wdo* <strong>of</strong> Lsmsm Ratal w.<br />

SdusBOdii, wbaag tjodj IH (oond oa<br />

WOBD nor enter Jots HF hi»tw-| tbemeMwi recently, will rerrive iSOB<br />

II<br />

leal sp<strong>of</strong>mtst, mad n vfD cany tbat<br />

apt to dtat&rbed far tbtnke ef<br />

a» on bit busbspd'» lift,<br />

Tbe Cfdioutfe appropriating fSOfiO in<br />

for<strong>of</strong>ab wort to ihe uo€ropk>y«i bj 1B-<br />

proviDg Btacb innde h*§ been filed<br />

sod «0I became a tew by nsi<br />

Jehfl Rmtafaid, <strong>of</strong> this eiiy,<br />

by tbe<br />

<strong>of</strong> ibe<br />

jKBbsmn tjwtma, and tbe Rerf report<br />

it w|tb j<br />

tte ut^ib <strong>of</strong> it* prpTiataos to kceo<br />

and and wBI<br />

to hia ^sUjasd Meeds, returned home<br />

HeiUlfll that<br />

SB<br />

an<br />

be bid tseea in f<br />

It ii reported by real estate meo here<br />

thatTbeoas Robb b»s tajJd thetTisl-<br />

fcste Hold pfoperty to Cbari** tv». sf<br />

asd<br />

DI»Cit«k,<br />

a vtsiihy<br />

bo!L He «eqr<br />

at veil as for is nead asd<br />

O|Ui WOktt tried to<br />

the boil, tat fctmd it • dJISeali<br />

lag to fBbJKIte boU,C»pUiB<br />

was badir eoed asd tttski<br />

Ut life bat for t&e pntcaa<strong>of</strong> roiadf<br />

a Earn basd wbodlT«tal tbe attsiUos<br />

"f tfaeiiaferi»lwl mlml : ;•<br />

bsaia7tbjGi^aJ& apis tried ts<br />

bilae U» befl ^ was tnriblT pnwl,<br />

HM bnfl^- «mc WgbtftilJj bveraud and<br />

t *<br />

fnui<br />

Dress Goods,<br />

This ts the story from a<br />

couple <strong>of</strong> counters only. Stop<br />

anywhere you plcfse around<br />

the wide eirdes it's the same<br />

way,<br />

At2£t a<br />

Almy Qoth, reg-<br />

ularly Sec,<br />

All-wool Cable Cloth, reg-<br />

ularly 50c.<br />

At sSe a yard.<br />

All-wool navy blue Storm<br />

S , regularly 50c,<br />

, *<br />

ORSON<br />

©SE,<br />


ttak report !• «Ueietba<br />

I J. H. Waic, or<br />

Don OB UK put oT ProteftiHOiil* ta<br />

nft fifJWl Ba<br />

tm vf ibe eoenjy.<br />

aad lHa JtaUng Jp *eD up*d by Ibe<br />

Jbr a bitter ud uo-<br />

lo tbe new tarifj<br />

the BepttOan party T tsw rather, ire<br />

*tH4lda^>ni<br />

Penwrraflc futy tea lately been dfat-<br />

^ariog mnething Jlfcea rrvivsl <strong>of</strong><br />

KIHI to its Bnk2=io tte<br />

ta««otne|«J wjih John w=<br />

<strong>of</strong> this city, to widen<br />

asd dig watennqn<br />

and AtUoOc a distance or<br />

C^pe M*j<br />

nilla. It Upropened a line<br />

topi;<br />

tveeo the two piss*. *nd to touch at<br />

ifltefmedUte pdais as Longpoit,<br />

OsB«ty,gs Ctty,<br />

Avaloti aad Hrfly Bsefa,<br />

g<br />

At ?6e a yard*<br />

y<br />

Chmk<br />

ularly 50c.<br />

At $j%£ j<br />

All-wool<br />

regulily 65c<br />

At 4§€ a yard,<br />

i Di<br />

Checks,<br />

4§ y<br />

46 in. Diagonal, bordered,<br />

l i<br />

atesi dB«y <strong>of</strong> flgnttng tbe bill loeb by<br />

^Ufb fa tbv common latent <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

Udn tbe<br />

mmtiy fa now rmnfnj tbmusb; aad<br />

are not ID ibta L<br />

•ail wboi, vtaUever naj bare bees their<br />

willing to admit tbat<br />

^ f legislation pfspned oy<br />

tbeV<strong>On</strong>o unmild bemgmv?Wonder<br />

ttb^U T b d l U r b f c<br />

topoeo Unooj^oat the tond whs ui<br />

, clausing; &r wwfc and brant, las two<br />

at t*en In the habit <strong>of</strong><br />

tnifl refecs, and It •bgnU<br />

FrptecUoolBt; to nmbal a<br />

wUchwlII agnjy ipoHMg that<br />

Bend, in tbe ife<br />

to<br />

far fiqa tbat; we save taken<br />

fapar frf DO Botfoevf tbe oondllim <strong>of</strong><br />

t BOW, wblA to taribfe; nor <strong>of</strong><br />

opiu, wtUeh beggms<br />

A tJteei<br />

If a. Hinrafa games, fetkt <strong>of</strong> Airoo<br />

died it the reridenoe nf her<br />

r, J, T. ft^ Asfaury<br />

her age. : D«th<br />

erenlog, is ibe SSii ytar <strong>of</strong><br />

Ai<br />

Ai<br />

At<br />

the result <strong>of</strong> a<br />

gradual weaketilag ef the vital<br />

Ma, Homers was bora at<br />

rille, Atlantic connty, aad was a<br />

<strong>of</strong> Abraham sd Saiab Albert=<br />

•on.<br />

spent la the neighborhood <strong>of</strong> her Wrtb-<br />

pJaee, tbe onlj iolerruptlon faei<strong>of</strong><br />

ideoee <strong>of</strong> ghortdomtian Jn Fhjjaddphia.<br />

n twist manifid, her<br />

Three<br />

y<br />

All-wool French Natte,<br />

regularly %\.<br />

s yard,<br />

=<br />

All-wool Check Cheviot,<br />

regularly $1.23,<br />

Checks.<br />

regtilarly $t.<br />

LAMPS<br />

THE COST<br />

to make the home pleasant and comfortable*<br />

its,Parlor Suits, Dining Room Suits, Rockers<br />

and odd pieces,<br />

Brussels ic all grades, Ingrain, Rag and Mattings.<br />

Fur, Smjrna and Moquotto Rugs,<br />

Dinner Sets, English and American,<br />

Tea Sets, white and decorated.<br />

Vase, Banquet, Piano and.Hand Lamps.<br />

We will sell as low as the lowest It will cost you noth-<br />

ing to come, as on a bill <strong>of</strong> $20 or upward we pay your<br />

fare.<br />

At #7 a yard,<br />

Silkd<br />

y<br />

Silk-and-wool Plaids, rrg«<br />

ll<br />

Muslins.<br />

< Pass along their aUte*<br />

Like a cut through a snow<br />

i<br />

bnabttd bdnjf Jeremisli<br />

cfalktren irae tbe resait <strong>of</strong> each<br />

tat tbe aged lady outlived all bwehiN<br />

d^reairttothtes«pt»ri<strong>of</strong>M»:Arsr*il.j All the old favorites and<br />

to 25 per cent under<br />

mountain*<br />

-<br />

berarifwith<br />

tte Asfaoiy H, E. Cfatifcb,<br />

Creek, and remaJ<strong>of</strong>d in full fellowship<br />

ODUI b» dsth. Uotil age<br />

vftb it fta infirmHiei, Ma itemfw<br />

a Teiy actipe w<strong>of</strong>ker in thi efjarch, her<br />

maaj ads <strong>of</strong> charity and. btseTatenee<br />

her to those with whom ibe<br />

loosebondndn>pnseQ><br />

p^<br />

tbs moa<br />

are vlibtHt aa<br />

lbs pn?(eeted Jn-<br />

lire not and who<br />

Taod tbe touch <strong>of</strong><br />

IfiffHnr knew Oie KIM lae* tb&t<br />

Ail, fndoaiiiea «« fempavwa, ornon<br />

, W*«U no* *tfm Is aiiy way to ln=<br />

ttrtm\ ibe {Simon wbJiA th* bill ha»<br />

fr Ag aid as be put to<br />

to<br />

If --<br />

antbon and promoters <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

d Wte ^<br />

their wotk by<br />

AltbOBfb she had pasted the iUoUtti<br />

three sjwe years sod ten bj searlj s<br />

8BDB <strong>of</strong> jTHUs, yel liais had dsjf kisdly<br />

with her, and as the days sped by tbe<br />

in tbe kaowjedge<br />

could pot <strong>of</strong>f tbe mortal asd in<br />

f y<br />

be balled and<br />

ID both Boos and<br />

coming fiwa ail<br />

-tfunrttet Urn people will bt<br />

and<br />

Ifl tbm fee <strong>of</strong> Ifaia popular uprising, tnaj<br />

the inuo<strong>of</strong>Ul Join tine who hid crowed<br />

orw before her. This irss the mnsoliug<br />

her deeHsing yean, and no<br />

minmoiin^ or tonipUinJPpi were ever<br />

heard io pass her lips, Herdeslbwas<br />

bat the eiasog sstw GO earth <strong>of</strong> a life<br />

<strong>of</strong> JWefuIqae, aiad s preparation fnr that<br />

<strong>of</strong> the onsen,<br />

Tbe raaaUH. were committed to their<br />

plate 00 fiandaj 1 , aad IB<br />

death she Bleeps tn tbe ameferj at-<br />

taebed ta the i-hnrch <strong>of</strong> her ebote and<br />

where the had devoutly alsfted with<br />

the worsbi pers far so many yeata,<br />

FlOTTISe in HEW JEMET,<br />

The Marts"<strong>of</strong> Democratic plots in<br />

New Jersey are revival, •<br />

what you've ever known*<br />

Ana a itm> brand, sold only<br />

by us In this market It bears<br />

the American Flag ticket and<br />

the makers call it<br />

Old Glory Muslin,<br />

In quality equal to any 12 j.| c_<br />

Muslin we eytr had. The In*<br />

troduction price is<br />

TIN Carre THE YARD,<br />

Under the same Old Chry<br />

standard appear two qualities<br />

<strong>of</strong> Cambric:<br />

At'Be a regular tot<br />

sn&ut^whiie ^ well<br />

and good fsr all around<br />

whose tales <strong>of</strong> Canadian life!<br />

have met j,with sueh favor, j<br />

Tweniy*thr£e other pictures -<br />

from current books and an ar-<br />

ray <strong>of</strong> miscdlany diat is excep-<br />

tionally interesting<br />

But the beauty <strong>of</strong><br />

is deeper than pictures and mis-<br />

cellany. It takes you into its<br />

confidence. It reads and'<br />

Now is Yonr Chance!<br />

AT THE<br />

<strong>of</strong> Iiftrier £«•«!§!!<br />

W.R.EUI<strong>On</strong>, GROCER,<br />

HAS CTt<br />

weighs the books as they come!,- rte ± ,* An **> ».<br />

outlnd takes you into 4 very j F r O m 25 tO 40 PerCent<br />

heart ot them. It tells enough!<br />

<strong>of</strong> any new took to let you i<br />

know whether you emre for a<br />

closer acquaintance.<br />

<strong>On</strong>ce a month, 5c, 50c year,'SS^o,^iste*«* iOe qi. w^<br />

OHN W ANAMAKEk, . ^ ^ ^ ^ , t f B ^ . .<br />

j IMisJ paw ft Sb., 7 lbs, far 3c.<br />

; Bic* {\m%) Sf jb« %\ Its;, for ;&»<br />

! C ! aJif"rala Pmms.,lQe Ib,, were i6r, uf S<br />

fiailread<br />

P WgfT JEIBEV R, B<br />

IE effort «TOfiEE i l^<br />

TT*1B» bar* QCEAK CITT S*<br />

Bt4reb ffi per ib, sr 4 Its, jor 3«,<br />

i Jfeaas TO qv, « 4 qta. fur S*f,<br />

! C Cloth, reund^<br />

perfect threads, jjm weavi,<br />

and nainsook finish, Equal<br />

tb any ig%c CmnMe we<br />

ever had*<br />

Bleached and Unbleached<br />

Muslins, yard wide and fairly<br />

good quality, at 5a<br />

Other grades by the dozens<br />

Up tO 12 1-2C<br />

This roll call ts only <strong>of</strong> a few<br />

<strong>of</strong> the best known names.<br />

am ' • ''<br />

4-9<br />

C.4XXED COODM.<br />

inches [tot) flOe. were Sse,<br />

9 Ift f£, Lit p a, 12.61 u%hl,<br />

Far l Wt^i<br />

9-10, H'JB. Ii i« |L a. 13,<br />

g,S.<br />

(j ^<br />

He5 were lie,<br />

Cora 10eT wag ISe,<br />

ri lk»JW 9e, trerf ISe,<br />

Ih ! , seft lie,<br />

lOts ©r S lte, for &V?=<br />

are for mth ai Uffle <strong>of</strong><br />

iis&air* <strong>of</strong> Uttti<br />

j. a WOOD<br />

! A<br />

PUBLIC<br />

Otiljr nj to amraid Mo kill<br />

f, y<br />

like to capture tbe rJenste Umufh<br />

effected bj tbe<br />

HenatoB, gtrtng the 8en«or»*tet no<br />

voice la the matter. •• . ; ' .<br />

These «tori» are, worth<br />

it BU wwm% alttmgb II Is highly Im-<br />

b tbat itoy ml effort vfii be made<br />

to tbwaft the T(^K <strong>of</strong> the people<br />

Tbegam-<br />

amoog the Demosnti.<br />

In erder to «re their pi<strong>of</strong>lta ftam tms<br />

tfaclE and rcnlette wheel, maOd ftek<br />

But ae tbe Demoerai* M a<br />

jsxt; aCTami to allow aDyttlng<br />

Hewuld ootlbteDfotan<br />

inlaDl tothegambiaa*<br />

i<br />

Widths 36 to 10S indies.<br />

No matter what conditions<br />

arise there is no likelihood that<br />

Muslins and Cambrics <strong>of</strong> these<br />

ranks will ever be lower—more<br />

likely to be higher.<br />

Ready-made Sheets, §U*<br />

fit little more than the yard<br />

price <strong>of</strong> the stuff'<br />

Wonderful what exact work<br />

those Down-Easters do with<br />

Cases and Bolster<br />


The Ledger,<br />

moatrated,<br />

r«m,Uoae<strong>of</strong> ibe ttzgssi<br />

Oariae 189* tie PUBLIC LEDOER<br />

It luMM fast jOqrtslUHn, It wffl<br />

prial mere nei«»iidffiOre pare liter<br />

•tare Utaa ertr b^r* la ita hiateiy.<br />

ptfrpgw <strong>of</strong><br />

jlf j oinmg a Be^BUtea Seaat<strong>of</strong> wbo<br />

' b»CT»|>an^thnw^ U^ordsiDf*<br />

Npr«wtd U»p*rtjy <strong>of</strong> which ibeUov-<br />

Cases and Sheets—what pre*<br />

dse hems they turn and what<br />

stitching<br />

claiai<br />

g ^<br />

Home work doesn't approach<br />

are<br />

AQ lie ne<br />

6«L Impatant Hattsi In fan,<br />

Cimfggd A4*mUcHsena, as mts-<br />

eattag aa aaw M3 aa maeh wd,<br />

Gessai oa t<br />

aad<br />

etD8<br />

has a<br />

CillK,rt<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbe da j.<br />

Ftoaoeial Hem<br />

Uailaet Repoita.<br />

S^eial S^cau, Qaaie* «o4<br />

dw F«6tola <strong>of</strong> &* day,<br />

Aft, Fazm aad<br />

aad Labor aotea,<br />

acn asd Henaebola articles,<br />

T6e DAILY IfD^K, fey saQ,<br />

Uaited<br />

glaat fens Joitrsal, taaJ abonlj<br />




ID ai! tiie attributes thai sniffles<br />

make a Bm*dm amijy Jisymal,,<br />

THE<br />


RE60RD<br />


If m, we should sell you the Lumber and Mill. Work, Why?<br />

Because our increased facilities enable u§ to <strong>of</strong>fer greater in-<br />

ducements to you. Look at them)<br />

Fiist, Bjanrieffltloa, adjoiDiag the Reading Terrahial, with a tfmek In<br />

pw jafd^Te MTI In eartiiijf toth wsys to the HBS, and cau give a better aver-<br />

Kight tosh[pBfliBti not ]ȴlng our siuiflj!,<br />

Ss«nd, HaylDi a laffie wbaff on tUe Dtlaware Rlvtf, w# cao load vessels<br />

tor our wistomcia wilbaut ebirgi for whaff«e( eto,, and can enjoy Ihe advsnt-<br />

age or w»t#f I^^bts, whieh are much lower niay rmlitoad fKlRlitfl,<br />

, ThirtL, \\e ariy a imge stoth <strong>of</strong> LUMBER will assorted to mat the wante,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ibe lade,ad a full llpt<strong>of</strong> Mill Work hi tegubsalsesSHBtantiy on baud,<br />

Fyurth, We manuiKtureall kinis <strong>of</strong> Ddd and faney work, and estimate<br />

djiat franarQUttets'plaas for any fciud <strong>of</strong> hard wood worfc and InUrior finfih,<br />

%e agBafiartwe ftchfiig Ross, ferry Uheata, , tie,, at short<br />

, Buiioea experlint*, For twenfy-^ght yein we have been in<br />

»t this laatleii and sverjyw have been compel led to imiiiove »)d<br />

f aUrge OUF plant until iiow wt iianif at the head uf our line <strong>of</strong> .business. We<br />

oBeryou Ui# benefit <strong>of</strong> our &perien«jf freely, Wt charge you only fer the<br />

mi buy, = • ^^ -" * " -<br />

DO trouble or expense in guther<br />

sod present to its radsi all ihe new*<br />

<strong>of</strong> to Old and Hew WdrW,<br />

Its several DepfcrtoientB^tsscJi under<br />

tb# manjgeinent at m, competent Editor,<br />

comprises Batten pertaining ts<br />


THE FARM,<br />

WOBLD,<br />

ART,<br />


FlNAKCJEj<br />


Prt*euUnga©ompleleraagaalnee\'ery<br />

Wallj,<br />

and Sunday, one y<br />


917-91^ Chestnut St.,<br />

We solicit correspondence with any intending to build<br />

and improve residences, stores, halls or churches, and will give<br />

aU inquirers prompt attentiom Remember that we am ship,<br />

our work to you to compete with others in any part <strong>of</strong> the State.<br />

Lumber; Mill Work arid Boxes,<br />

Front, Below Kaighn Aoenue, Cam^en, N. j,<br />

Y. CORSON,<br />

Terra Cotta<br />

H* UI^K L.ACU A<br />


No, 711 Asbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N,j.<br />

FlrWERTY, McCLURE* C0~<br />



43 So. Second St,,<br />



Sea Isle <strong>City</strong>. H-J.,<br />

All loins atop at the door,<br />

w«fioDbd ' K<br />

— 1<br />

.)<br />

^jptJCr'.^v^VT'^f^ ^-Ti • -""T/^ ^^^f^^^E^i^^tl^vVj^^^-v- ^S'-, ^^7T^T^^* I? ^'?^^^*?P<br />

,• •. • : •. • '•• • ; ' r °. ' • : :.-- i \- •, ?•;•• ; : f-(^"•::^^f%04<br />



We flhall be glad to receive Items o<br />

newa and eommunlcationii <strong>of</strong> lrit?fenl<br />

to thli eommuttlty and our readers<br />

everywhere.<br />

All ©onwnunlcaUoo* ahoylri be ae-<br />

norapanled with the full tiame aiul ad-<br />

drss <strong>of</strong> tbe "Writer, not nassworily for<br />

publlcatioD, but a guarautee <strong>of</strong> good<br />

EAtCAM,<br />

and wife have lx*n<br />

in PhiiMleipiiiu for<br />

COFHOD is confined to h\n<br />

home with I1IQ«8.<br />

F, H» BimmoQi, <strong>of</strong> Oimayrt, wm m<br />

the [fllaud Batordfly,<br />

ff.'O, UlelJawd ie having lite<br />

avenue cottage painted,<br />

William Chew is slowly recovering<br />

from a severe attack, <strong>of</strong> grip,<br />

j, B. Itueh bae th?contract fat paint<br />

inir Knoch Burloy'a Ihnss cottag,<br />

^.BcoitHBndriif Cttjs May Court<br />

Hume, Wi* anaong Tue«aajr»8 v<br />

Jtra.Charlee Myers returned lost week<br />

from a visit among relative* and frieuds,<br />

E, A; Bourgeois IB improving, having<br />

been quite HI from un attack <strong>of</strong> the grip.<br />

El wood Allen, ot Frail k fgrd, JiaH pur-<br />

chased two lots in this city from A, I).<br />

Scull,<br />

GroceryDiau Elliott has ft new<br />

tlsemeut In thin Issue, itend lib cut<br />

prieefi,<br />

Mra, Himetm B. Mil lor returned<br />

Monday from a viftlt to tier parentw hi<br />

Pliiladelpliia,<br />

Abel D. Beuli hafl iHirehum*fi two IHIH<br />

ou Asbury avenue,<br />

Ninth Btrcetij.<br />

' Lewis B, Cors<strong>of</strong>l, <strong>of</strong> the Peck's Heath<br />

Lite Saving Station, is under the rare<br />

<strong>of</strong>a physician,<br />

Mrs, D, W, Bartlne and son, <strong>of</strong> Phil<br />

adelphla, aru octiUpylug their<br />

avenue cottage,<br />

h, S, Smith containplatea tl:<br />

<strong>of</strong> a cottage nn Aabufy nvenue near<br />

Twelfth Httset,<br />

, Peter Murdoch<br />

visiting frfends<br />

some days past-<br />

Wlllete Godfrey and Captain WiliotH<br />

have introduced electric light* into<br />

their rwldencea.<br />

Contractor J, F, Jland ha« a large<br />

force <strong>of</strong> workmen employed on the nd-<br />

ditliiit to the Aiding<br />

Mrs, H,D,IktbliiBi!n,<strong>of</strong> Plt-aHnntvi<br />

the gueat <strong>of</strong> Mr. and MM. ii, V.<br />

on Sunday,<br />

C, \V.- Boyle, station agent at C<br />

IJngawood, visited his mnther, Mta, J,<br />

E. Boyle, on Sunday.<br />

Bev. O, W.Uurilley, <strong>of</strong> Witliamsiwrt.<br />

Pa,, filled the pulpit <strong>of</strong> the Ftnt M, K<br />

Uhureii Sunday evening.<br />

Dr. P, P. Ocirapa was liere on Friday<br />

and Saturday viewing the numerous<br />

Improvement*) about town.<br />

Mrs, A, fi, Ilatick, who bos ton<br />

sent (or Bevsnd weeks, returned to htr<br />

home In tlits city Iaat week,<br />

Oliver Pierce, <strong>of</strong> Plilladelpiifa, regi»=<br />

tend at the Vandallu last wevk. Hi*<br />

vJHlt WHH <strong>of</strong> a bUHineflfl nature.<br />

Waiter H, Hays and wife, <strong>of</strong><br />

delphia, viHited this city ou BumJiiy,<br />

looking after their possemioiiB.<br />

¥, tl (JhaispioB baM piiiiiaout for tlii<br />

buildiiig<strong>of</strong>a large atttage on Anbury<br />

avenue, north <strong>of</strong> Seventh street.<br />

Contractor A. D. Scull will shortly<br />

begin the erection <strong>of</strong> three cottages oil<br />

Asiniry avenue, south ttt Eighth street,<br />

A neat sum wa« realized lor the free<br />

reading robin by tbe supper given at<br />

Mrs, H. I), UsUftWa oil Thursday ev-<br />

ening,<br />

Building Loan Best Saturday even<br />

lug, niid the 1 usual competition for Hie<br />

privilege <strong>of</strong> borrowing what money Ifl<br />

paid in, -<br />

A live busIuewH man needfi iieutly<br />

printed statlanery. This oillce 1B tbe<br />

liluctj to get it at prices In keeping with<br />

tlietlnieB, , !<br />

Pi<strong>of</strong>esB<strong>of</strong> DeVoe says that before the<br />

end uf this week we will have tbe niogt<br />

severe cold wave that we uave bad In<br />

ftyyea,<br />

William Vagt, <strong>of</strong> CiundeH, WBH down<br />

on Siiturday looking after his cottage,<br />

whieliUqntritetorSaBjnHoijhas In eoumu<br />

<strong>of</strong> erect Ion.<br />

The Ladles' Aid Society sociable will<br />

be held at the residence <strong>of</strong> Ira H, Ubnrn-<br />

plon, Seventh etreet and Anbury avenue,<br />

this evening.<br />

Je«e V, Rapp and family, <strong>of</strong> Phll-<br />

adelpbla, are occupying their north<br />

point cottage, They expect to remain<br />

about ten dayB.<br />

The Bupreme Court, sitling atTreu-<br />

tpn, on Monday decided the nee>track<br />

laws enacted by the Legislature <strong>of</strong> '03<br />

unconsUtutlonai,<br />

Mm, A. E. ©i3i, <strong>of</strong> tbe Weaiey House,<br />

this city, was alrleken with paralysis<br />

on Tuesday, We hope for her speedy<br />

restoration to health.<br />

Miss Maty Getty has eiosed her cot-<br />

tage for the winter and intend* making<br />

Uamden her home until spring. She<br />

J f t f e i ^ T h d<br />

J ^ y<br />

The sudden changes <strong>of</strong> temperature<br />

are prodnetlve <strong>of</strong> lh« grip, and eall for<br />

the greatest care on tbe part <strong>of</strong> each<br />

one, and especlalJy <strong>of</strong> those who are hot<br />

very robBBt In health, , :- •<br />

Benjamin Kewblrk, brakesman on<br />

the aceommodatioH train, has teen<br />

transferred for the present to the Mau-<br />

lice Rivet Bod, where he ie fliHug the<br />

i^oaftlOQ <strong>of</strong> baggagB nuflter.<br />

At the foqrth Quarterly Conferen(s<br />

fer ^i year 1M| held in tae First M,<br />

B. Oiurch on the Sd, after reading his<br />

ispoHi B«y, Wi A* Mast^ tendered hto<br />

- TsiffuUlon as pastor, to takeeflect after<br />

tbe meeting <strong>of</strong> the Anoual Co'iiference<br />

JnHafch. -•••<br />

A new wrles <strong>of</strong> Bbarw will<br />

by the Building and ljuan AHSuc<br />

ml tbelr nest meeting, provided Hy<br />

•hares an? sabssrlbed, Shares can be<br />

PBChted by addnailnK_ G, F. Moore,<br />

PreildBBt; fm, lake, Secretary, or B,<br />

Howard Thorn, Tretvartr<br />

ghter, dresunakers<br />

corner meveuUi and West, fiewlng <strong>of</strong><br />

all kinds will reoelv© prompt attention.<br />

Give 01 a trial. ' , ,,<br />

AT1.ASTIV<br />

in*<br />

Captain fiuoehTftwiiseiid mid A,Dare<br />

left Thursday for New Orleans, where<br />

they will blow up a wreck,<br />

ENnj.IHH UHERK,<br />

M» Samuel Boniors gave a dinner<br />

party to alt her nepuewHon Wednesday,<br />

3d Inst, An enjoyable day was spent,<br />

Mrs, George Scull aiid Botis leturnetl<br />

to her home at Atlantic <strong>City</strong> on Sunday<br />

alter spending a week with her friends<br />

at HIIM place,<br />

BurriB BenuiH presented h\n wlft<br />

with a luiiittNiiiQe organ tm a Cliristniaa<br />

Mrs, joiin Sampson is very Blck, Her<br />

children and grandchildren u\vmi gun<br />

day wltii her,<br />

George Taylor iiaw returned linme at<br />

ter two mruitlm' ubHen<br />

Mlsa Mus Neigliinaii received a very<br />

handsome bicycle, a preneiit from her<br />

father,<br />

MSHH ijntira Lake and MIKH Maggie<br />

linice Hpeiit Suiidny litre.<br />

Gilbert liarrlfl eiijurliiim'd iiev,<br />

ell on Thursday,<br />

Mra, Deborah ifackgtt enleriuincil<br />

Mra. L, O.Lmke, Mn*. EllsTunipr, Mra,<br />

Jolin IJiirnsiighH and Mm, Namh ]tur><br />

rfiiiBlm nil Tliiirsday,<br />

A HUrpriwj party was<br />

Nellie Ireluud OIJ BniurUay.<br />


Itkilmni Anderfldii |H piiinttng<br />

rchidenee,<br />

Matthew CJOIHIIH in Hjieiiding a twumni<br />

at home,<br />

Epuruitn Uonuelty and Joscpli Ivts<br />

are seriauHiy ill.<br />

Captain Waiter L\ &ioy is building<br />

barn,<br />

Mrtt, Boiiierti U, Ijee, <strong>of</strong> ISriHiklyu, la<br />

vjHiting her Niftier, Mra, W, (J, Sony,<br />

F. Htuth ftnti Wife ore both rjlllte ill,<br />

('uplaiii II, H, Vrtuwirit in twrimiHly ill<br />

Mim Amelia Tiiwiiwiid has been<br />

Hpeiidlng a week in Philadelphia,<br />

Mrs, Edward Dilks, <strong>of</strong> Beaview,<br />

|«H*n fjuite siek.<br />

Captain W, (J, Sony gave n dinner<br />

parly on TliurHday to a tnimt«r (if<br />

friendH fpim EngtiHh Cppek and Atlan<br />

tic Ulty, About fifty were present imd<br />

a very enjoyable time wus<br />

. nf HIIH place, wtiiie in<br />

a few days ago lull Into<br />

the hninis iif:a Htiflr]ter iianied SI or rip<br />

Fjfidiey, <strong>of</strong> TaiNmy, Tobiiisaet'om r>miEed<br />

Fludk'y to Frankfonl, t!<br />

Ijiirg where they went Int« a Imrii<br />

ii tia{!, T

f y P / J / ? 3 i % j -•,;'.'- J "' * -' r f - - vt I . - ••- 1 •* = i F . | r r . •!•.•• v J ". J .- . i , J • . .= . • • - '••;.' .. ' •-' .. •-.; i . - r - i ' a<br />

S&fi<br />

<strong>of</strong> t£a Can**! WHICH JUB^ to tb*<br />

Km Fnaat Blstnu Amaeg |fae Work'<br />

BBOOKLYit, <strong>Jan</strong>. 7,—ft seemed nppfQ-<br />

* 'prlata that Dr, Talraogq shoald preach<br />

ihU Komoa after bin purnpnalcontribn-<br />

tlon <strong>of</strong> 1,000 pounds gf meat and 3,000<br />

ICMVBB <strong>of</strong> bread to the poor who gather-<br />

nd Ahfrering In the cola around the bate-<br />

07 anil meat itors <strong>of</strong> Brooklyn, where<br />

«» food w» tHttribntua without tick-<br />

f e&i«t«l BO resoinnicndftHun required<br />

nxoo'nt hanger, Too tost was, Matthew<br />

xxrf, 11, "Ye bare tbspuyr always<br />

with JOB.*' '<br />

Who Mid thotl The Christ who<br />

nsrer owoud anything during fail earth ><br />

ly Hay, f~tls_cradlu find his grqvo were<br />

burrowed, Eroj-y fig ho ate was from<br />

aomo en else's tree. Every drop <strong>of</strong><br />

water fas drank was from Mmiq ouo slse**<br />

- weU,- To pay his peraontfl tug, which<br />

< was very BBiall, only 81 J£ runts, bahftd<br />

to perform a miracle nnd make ti fiah<br />

pay it. AH the ht-Jghta and dupihs and<br />

lengths and breadths <strong>of</strong> puvurty Christ<br />

measured Iq fain earthly uspwienco, and<br />

when no Sma to speak <strong>of</strong> destitution<br />

he always vpeaka sympathetically, and<br />

what ha paid then la ai true now—" Yu<br />

have the poor always with you,"<br />

For 5,000 yuan tho bread question<br />

has been 4he attire and absmbiBg qnos*<br />

tioB, Witness the peoplu crowding op<br />

to Joseph's utorehouBo in Efjrypt. Wlt-<br />

ncn th? famine in H&iparia Odd Jeru-<br />

salem, W! tneas the 7, GOO hungry people<br />

for whom Christ multiplied tho leave*<br />

Wl&ees the aaooante4 millions <strong>of</strong> j>eo=<br />

pis apw living, why, 1 believe, have<br />

BSfts jet had one fnil men] <strong>of</strong> health,<br />

fal and nutritious food in all their<br />

lins. Think <strong>of</strong> tha M4 great f am lots<br />

lnHngkna, Think <strong>of</strong> tbu 83,000,000<br />

people tinder Iho ho<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> hunger year<br />

before lost In Buasin, Too fuiloro <strong>of</strong><br />

tbo Nllo to oyerflow for wven yean in<br />

ti» eleTcnth centqry Itift thyse regions<br />

dapppBlatua. FJaguu <strong>of</strong> InsectB in Eng-<br />

land." Plagqo <strong>of</strong> Tata in Madras Piasi.<br />

desey, Flagns <strong>of</strong> ails in EHHX, PJsguc<br />

<strong>of</strong> locnsDi In China, Flogqo <strong>of</strong> grftsa-<br />

hepperB in America, DvVflHtatlon<br />

. wrynght hy dnmght, by deluge, by<br />

ffpit, by war, by harriciin^. by earth-<br />

qnaki, hy comebi flying tuo near the<br />

earth, by thnnge tn the usoajrciaint <strong>of</strong><br />

national flnuncea, by Imiefal cuqioi to*<br />

nonurahle. I prqeood to give yoo three<br />

Or fen? renMna why my text is marked-<br />

ly gad graphically tma in tbia year<br />

1 ^<br />

iii<br />

ti"*'i='^ : VtrS<br />

' - • ' • ; " '<br />

:<br />

'<br />

v ' • : ' • - - ' . • ' •<br />


reason we havo lilwoyB ths<br />

with us is became <strong>of</strong> the perp8t=<br />

•aal OveiiaBling <strong>of</strong> the tariff qaeitiou,<br />

mv as I shall tfflU ii tie faurtffle eehtro.<br />

T«iy, There is a need for such a word,<br />

i£&gjgi pke ther^pettBiblUftef ian-<br />

aJJKtjsrfiig Ity Thetis ok millioni <strong>of</strong><br />

^pBDplfl who uvspeoting that the pros-<br />

Hit oongi<strong>of</strong>fl <strong>of</strong> the United States will<br />

aojftmflttlsgoDfl way or ths ether to<br />

tntfttli iliKnaBioit, But it will never<br />

:«BJi;- When I was 5 years <strong>of</strong> ago, J re-<br />

hearlng my father aad liis<br />

in vehement disbosgion - <strong>of</strong><br />

tUfl$m£ ^hfsHon,; li was high'jarii<br />

BfimtaHff&t:ma tariffat•JLtiffltan<br />

yonr gMaNgrandehild dies at SO years<br />

;ef fge, It wlii prahnbly be from ever-<br />

•Jartion Jo diaeuisiBg the tariff, Oa<br />

,'Jp;^tfa'*drl£,li mimtml, thire<br />

will be three men standing oa tbe post-<br />

:^Bctf stept-^os a high tariff man,<br />

•rtcrtaer a low tariff mas, and the other<br />

•;0« tradq njaa--^ach one rod in tha<br />

trafrt*^ eicltedaiguiijoQt on this iub.<br />

•l^; Ot**r;qnflitioi»a aJtty get quieted,<br />

^jNiiiwftQnjp^oiijjhe. silver ques*<br />

;'«^ tbo poislonqQestion, the civil sery-<br />

^ jtojfiyiMitlsn, 1 AJJ qnationt <strong>of</strong> .annex.<br />

,'•• : |MMm£j Bonis te peaeefn! sittleinqnt<br />

^^mwnf^i the heat <strong>of</strong> thd* tel-<br />

-ralnoM eonveyea thrgtighpipes nader<br />

(tt»>« tusde OKWt In warini&f our<br />

ttea^pjpt, or^ innUKtion <strong>of</strong> thtunoon,<br />

gdstmUag the queen <strong>of</strong> night; who ia<br />

^gM&#» d|«oiatft;;iiad brin^ag the<br />

^»U* pOTBiaaoas undet: tbe Influents<br />

•>r;wir free' instinitiDiiB: yea, kit other<br />

. qo^tipot BBtJonai and international,<br />

m*y to Wttlftd, bnt this tariffie tja»<br />

^Mte;nHrtfe ^|^4rtl! at £ only new be<br />

:>*Wt.-fiattteta;nsvsr,fee modtrately<br />

gtiist fjif: more thM three years at a<br />

'^^ pi*^, getHBg Into power<br />

i^g^tlormit party will a* it<br />

ffl^rWiWw^Wtart-jetw^ll be*<br />

e»»tit too ^ttkny doctors. It to with<br />

'•i^^hiUlijn* as with sick lndiyidnak<br />

jito-^yV A doctor is cnllod In, and he<br />

-f _t;lnBR • Bttt ^OT^iy Is portponed,<br />

t»| tfio inrtoni trtendi ea]l (a another<br />

^^^MB'/bfR^»«firl!Whrt{tt!s> p&<br />

^|tet^B|WsfltoYbifled IrtHBgi BOW soli<br />

^ jWif slwvel" wad tho lancet flashes,<br />

Ia poitponijd, and a<br />

ii called in. and ho<br />

''Alt tbo paHant *anfe Is rtat,"<br />

still portponod, the famfly<br />

ennoot<br />

myhow, and inallo-'<br />

ll In. uidfaoaaya,<br />

this patient wants is calomel<br />

W,<br />

(loctoB Li .dallftl<br />

itwanta ia<br />

[ he mstit faavo<br />

IW faro aa |hefM69t<br />

:poBtetined, an fscloctlo doa-<br />

EM^Ieaia^aiidhb brisgi alltho<br />

ll^S^Bjan ttaj|por •dfferorp •<br />

tean e¥ uroman qr eliii^aa all tfte' pjiui-<br />

it To the fiBiI <strong>of</strong> time, the worda <strong>of</strong><br />

iho tsit will is kept IPOS WiU tarifflq<br />

CoBtr<strong>of</strong> ?rsy=" ¥e hive tho poor always<br />

with you," <br />

mmm OF nwmmi.<br />

<strong>of</strong> puiiMjtunl<br />

the eatue nlifjholic, The victim<br />

not last long. Ho soon cronohcs into<br />

the amnkrtrd's grave. But wint about<br />

his wife mill ciiildrep? ghe takfB in<br />

washing, wb^u she cnn get it,<br />

out working on gaia!} wag%<br />

sorrow Bfirt privation have left her In-<br />

cflpsdtated to do a strong woman's<br />

work. Tho children are thia hioeded<br />

and go ant nnd pale and weak, standing<br />

around in cold nxuna, or pitching pcn-<br />

niea^oii the street corner, Rnfl.munch ing<br />

a slico <strong>of</strong> unbBttvrod broad when they<br />

caa got it, gwern at by pa»ersby Le=<br />

cause they c]o jjot get eal <strong>of</strong> the way,<br />

kicked onwjird toward nmnhowl or<br />

for which they fativg no<br />

useept a depraved ap|teUte<br />

and frail conaiitution, candidates for<br />

almhouse and penitentiary. Whatever<br />

ether uanso <strong>of</strong> poverty may fail, the iS'<br />

loon may be dejwttilttl oil to furnish nn<br />

ever incrcoBirig throng <strong>of</strong> paqpen. Oil,<br />

yo gfpgahups <strong>of</strong> Urooklyn and Now<br />

Vork and ef all tho cities; ye mfintht<br />

<strong>of</strong> boll, when will yo catugo to ciouuch<br />

and devour? There ie ao dnngcr <strong>of</strong><br />

this liquor bnslneuu failing. All other<br />

Btylw <strong>of</strong>, bnainosB at times fail, Dry<br />

goods stores go under, Hardware if erei<br />

go under, Grocery stores go under,<br />

Harnesg makers fail, druggists fail,<br />

bankers foil, bqichors fail, bakiin fat],<br />

confectioners fail, hut the liquor deal-<br />

era never, It is the only secure builbess<br />

I know <strong>of</strong>, Why the pcriiiHttenee <strong>of</strong><br />

tie alcoholic trade? Because, in the<br />

first place, the men la that busineaa, if<br />

tight np for nioney, only havo to pat<br />

Into large qnautitdos <strong>of</strong> water hjoro<br />

strychiiino and logwood and nniveniida<br />

and vitriol and other congenial eoneoin-<br />

mltantH for adnittirntiuii. <strong>On</strong>e quirt <strong>of</strong><br />

the real genuine pundeinonino ell sir<br />

will du to mil up with several gallons<br />

<strong>of</strong> milder damnation, Bfisidea that,<br />

theso dealers can dent^ndon nn increase<br />

<strong>of</strong> deujand en tho part nf their custom><br />

on. The iiiata <strong>of</strong> that stuff tboy drink,<br />

the thirstiur they are. Hprd timps,<br />

which stop other business, only Jucrfuso<br />

that: Lufiinfsa, for men go there to<br />

drown their treablca, They tjikp tho<br />

ipirits down to keep tboir spiriti up,<br />

Tnenis an inclined plane down which<br />

alcohojiapi slidia Its vit-tiius—eJaret,<br />

cbsaipagne, port, cqgnae, whieky, torn<br />

and jerry, sonr mash, on and down tin*<br />

til it is a eort <strong>of</strong> uiixtnro <strong>of</strong> keroseiiO<br />

oil, tuji»utine, toadstooli, iwill, m-<br />

eence <strong>of</strong> tha hoj-pjo blankets and general<br />

Hastiness, With its rtd sword <strong>of</strong> flnmo,<br />

that liquor puWDf mursbals its proeoa-<br />

BJOB, and tliny move on in ranks long<br />

enough to girdle the earth, and tho pro-<br />

cesiiou is headed hy the aoao blotcbed,<br />

aerve Bhuttored, rlieutn eyed, lip blyat-<br />

ed, soul BL-orchcd mcbriates, folbwcd<br />

by the woineB.whij, thongb Irongbt up<br />

Iii comfonnblo liouies, now go limping<br />

pait with uchi'i and pains and pallor<br />

B&d haager and woo, feilewed by their<br />

ehlldren, harpfoot, aaeuisbgd, freeiing,<br />

and with a wrutchedniS <strong>of</strong> ttae and<br />

eternity seemingly conipresacd iu thoij<br />

flgeafsed foatana, "Forward, march I"<br />

Efies tho liquor business to that army<br />

withoat banqcm Keep that iDllcenco<br />

moving 00, and you will have the poor<br />

always with you. fiepert comes from<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the cities, where the majority <strong>of</strong><br />

the iBhabitdtitB urg uut <strong>of</strong> work and de*<br />

pendtint on charity, yet lust yesr they<br />

spat more in that city fur nm than<br />

they did for clothing and groceries,<br />

TQB lMt-itOVlfiKHGS OF WOllKSIES.<br />

Another warran^f that my test will<br />

prove true In the i^rpetual povef^ef<br />

tbo world « tbe wiekud spirit <strong>of</strong> im«<br />

provideiiee, A vast number <strong>of</strong> people<br />

havo such small iasomes thui they can-<br />

not ky by in lavinp hank or lilo in»<br />

enrsjiee one cent a year. It tflkes every<br />

farthing tboy can eorn to epi-ead tho<br />

table aad clothe the family and educate<br />

tho children, and it yoo blamg •ucta<br />

people fer improvidgnt'e yoa onset a<br />

cruelty. Oil ench a sulnry as jaany<br />

clerks and employees and niany minis-<br />

ters <strong>of</strong> religion live, and on each wages<br />

as many workmen receive, they oanaot,<br />

In 30 years, lay up "JO cents, fiat yoa<br />

knew and I knew many wBo hava e<strong>of</strong>fl-<br />

petentinediqetij and coald provide fiomo-<br />

what for tlio future, who Iivo up too very<br />

dollftr, and whoa they die their ehil»<br />

dren go to the poorhmBo or on tho<br />

Street fly the iiiae the wife gets the<br />

hosband buried, the ia in debt to tho<br />

undertaker and gravedlggtr for that<br />

which she can never pay. While tho<br />

man lived be bad hie wine parties and<br />

fairly stunk with tobacco, and then ex-<br />

pind, leaving his family upon the char°<br />

iHa <strong>of</strong> the woridi Do not send for me<br />

to come and conduct the gbeeq^nies and<br />

roadoverrach a'cureatfli tho beanUful<br />

litngy, "Blesaeil aru the dead who die<br />

la the Lerd, M fe^ instead <strong>of</strong> that 1<br />

will torn over the leaves <strong>of</strong> the Bible<br />

to 1 Timothy v>, 18, where it eayss "if<br />

any provide not let bis own, and espe«<br />

eially for tboao <strong>of</strong> his own hoese, he<br />

bath denial the faith, and is worse<br />

Jhsaan infldol," er I ifirill tara toJure-<br />

ataanii, lie where ii says, "Heshail<br />

be buried with the bnrial <strong>of</strong> an BM,<br />

drawn and east forth beyond the gates<br />

n riyo rrggl<br />

Whit killed tin?<br />

i<br />

itf oditl My<br />

slmd EJnley and Shw-<br />

d<br />

I cannot imaginB any more unfair or<br />

BMHI thing thaa for a man to get his<br />

•las pardoned nt the last ininnto, and<br />

thf n go to heftviBi and lite in a dan*<br />

•ion, and'go riding abont la a golden<br />

chariot evur ths goldea str&tfs, while<br />

tls wife aad cailurep, whoni he might<br />

i bavs provided for, ore begging for sold<br />

nrtBals at tie basement doer <strong>of</strong> an<br />

eartflly sity, It Boema t& me there<br />

gngat to be a pourhoaBD somewbero on<br />

the outaUrts <strong>of</strong> heaven, where those<br />

Cornell Improvidaipe shaald be<br />

on thin soap aad gristle<br />

down ' at the King's<br />

net' It itiutid that the chorch Is<br />

«divine institutfon, and I Iwliety it.<br />

Jast as certalply are the savings baake<br />

sod the life Insnrancsooriipftriiea divine<br />

Aa out bf svil geea <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

BO oot <strong>of</strong> the doctrine. <strong>of</strong> proba-<br />

lltiet, calculataJ by Pr<strong>of</strong>easor Hqgoas<br />

'essoT Pascal for; games <strong>of</strong><br />

.cfllealiitiqB <strong>of</strong> the<br />

.life ai uwd by<br />

Dobail-<br />

always wntu my nnnTo then so they can<br />

r<strong>of</strong>ldlt. I canngt hrtp but Say to aiy-<br />

self! "deed for that man to haVo look-<br />

ed after his wife fend ehiidren after<br />

earthly departure, ilay hu Lnvp wiieef<br />

the beat setita la hfjuvirar 1 VeiiBg<br />

ftani The day b<strong>of</strong>art) or the day uftcr<br />

feagot aiattiBd, go ton Hfoiasuriiiico<br />

company <strong>of</strong> established repututien niiel<br />

(jut the medical examiner to put the<br />

stethoscope to yduiP longs and hia tar<br />

eieso up to youp heart with your vett<br />

<strong>of</strong>f; sad have signed, sealed ayd deliv-<br />

ered to youn deenment that will, in tha<br />

csis <strong>of</strong> yorir ndden dqiiirture, muL-o<br />

for tbnt lovely girl the diBgronte bo-<br />

tweop a qnqea and ft paupdr, ;<br />

I hnve known men who have had an<br />

iacoaie <strong>of</strong> 18,000, 14,000, (5(oQp, a<br />

year, who did net leave one farthing te<br />

the surviving houatheld. New, that<br />

nan's death is a defalcation, an<br />

rage, a Bwindlo. He did nnt dit<br />

abscpaded, Thew are iOO.OOU<br />

Ameriiai tedi»y a»buBgored thrliogh the<br />

sin <strong>of</strong> improvidonco. "Bat," euy gome,<br />

"my iaeeme in so small 1 caiiuot aflord<br />

to pay the premium' on a life Insur-<br />

ance," Are you euro at»nt that? If<br />

you are Bore, then yon have a right to<br />

depend on the promise In Jereminh<br />

xlii, 11, "Leave thy fatherless uhij.<br />

dren, I will preserve thpin nlive, and<br />

let thy widows trnat in me,'* But if<br />

yon are able to, remcjnlier yun havo ny<br />

right to ask (ipd to do for year Jjonsi><br />

hold that which you caa do far theiu<br />

yourself.<br />

Pur the benefit <strong>of</strong> thnse yeutig nien<br />

excuse a practicAl pctBoayli^', Begin<br />

ning my Hftt'i work on the<br />

salary <strong>of</strong> fWJO a year aad a<br />

•ad when the call was placed in luy<br />

hands I did ant know hew In the world<br />

I would over bo able to spend that<br />

asonnt <strong>of</strong> money, and I rcinenibpr in»<br />

dnlgiug in a devont wiiih tint I might<br />

not bo led into worldlinraa and prodi.<br />

gality by such Haevertilnsiif nsnurt-es,<br />

and at a time whon articles <strong>of</strong> food and<br />

clothing wtra higher thflH they nre<br />

now, I felt it a religions duty to gyt my<br />

life insured, and I presented myself ut<br />

an <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> tho great mmpaniee,<br />

and I itoed pule itntl nervoui lost thd<br />

medical ujtiuniner niight have to dq><br />

claro that 1 had coastiiiiptloii atid beurt<br />

diHCflaudjid a half du£un mortal aiU<br />

inwtSj hut when I got the docqmeat,<br />

which 1 have yet in fall fercu, I tidt a<br />

eeaio <strong>of</strong> mnnliii'W) and confidence und<br />

quietude and re-enforvoingnt, whiish is a<br />

good tbiijg for any young mnn to have;<br />

For the lack <strong>of</strong> that fueling Ihrrp are<br />

theuanads <strong>of</strong> men today in Oreeuwood<br />

and Lflurel IliJI and Monnt Auburn<br />

who might ns well hitvo l>een olive and<br />

well and supporting their fami lies.<br />

They got a little sick, and they were<br />

so werritsd oliotit what would become<br />

ef their iiouseholdi in case <strong>of</strong> their de-<br />

aiiso tbiit thfir pgitatioBS ov<strong>of</strong>ennie tho<br />

Skill pf tJio physieians, iiirl' thty died<br />

for feur ef dying, _ I have for many<br />

rehii l»en ftjeh an ardent Qiivocnto yf<br />

lifu iuiHrHuuo, nnd my BermoHon "Tha<br />

Uriate ef Not iBanring" has IMCB SO<br />

long nsed on both aides <strong>of</strong> tliu sm hy<br />

the chief life insurance cuiiipunies thai<br />

seaiB poopie have supp<strong>of</strong>ctl thut I to.<br />

eclved monetary comiwnsution for wLut<br />

I Iiavo said imd wri ttoil. Kgt<br />

I will yi¥o nny inauf iOOftsrevufy _<br />

ny I hnvo rreoived froui any Hfo inknr-<br />

oneo compfluy, What I have suid and<br />

written on the Hubjluet hai naiiHi>d<br />

freai the conviction th«t thrao Institti-<br />

tieBB ore n Isjiiedieticiti to the human<br />

race. But, aias, fgr the widespread im.<br />

provIfleBce! "Sfon nre linw In your uhsir-<br />

itiffl bijlpidg to Huppdrt thq fytnilieii <strong>of</strong><br />

men who had more income than you<br />

now have, or over bnvo bnd, or over<br />

will havo, aad yon can depend on the<br />

imiirovidencr. ef tiinny for tho trnth <strong>of</strong><br />

my tost la nil times uiid in ull plncta,<br />

"YeLuvo thfi poor always with you."<br />


Another fact that you may depend<br />

upon fer perpetual poverty Is tho Jn^<br />

qapaeity <strong>of</strong> niany to achievu a liveli-<br />

hood. Yon eaa go through any com-<br />

oani^ and find good people with Biore<br />

than usmii mcbtal eaiibsr,, who never<br />

haVQ been ablu to support thcmselvea<br />

and their households. They ani a mys'<br />

tay to ua, and wo Bay, " I do not know<br />

what is the mrjtter <strong>of</strong> tbom, but thero is<br />

a BertiW loose somowbgri-," Some <strong>of</strong><br />

theso iiersiiif havq uiore brain than<br />

thousands wha niakQ a enlenilid suq-<br />

ceis, ajpe ijro too sanguiuu <strong>of</strong> tem-<br />

pernniDHt, and they s«.nt iiu 1 (in siri'iiiiuiif uf that Hfu<br />

iiistiiniu'ij jioiiuy. 1 tvin\ yoa n }iurn-<br />

grfliih <strong>of</strong> iliiit ]iell!-ys' "Tliita sbull thu<br />

KiugBayuutq thwiu on his right hmid<br />

'Couje, yc'lihsgid <strong>of</strong> my PHihijr, for I<br />

was huuKcral, oOtl yo gave JIMJ tiieiitj 1<br />

was thirsty, and yn gnvo uig^irluk^ 1<br />

wta u struiifc'er,'mul ye tuok iiio in;<br />

naked jjml yo yjotbtjd mi!, ! M<br />

In vsifioiis ecilura <strong>of</strong> ink ether life hi-<br />

suraneo jinlicu'S flrn wntkiii. Tiiis oue<br />

I bftvy jttHt aijiiwii yonfHWrittnu iaohly<br />

one Wad <strong>of</strong> jijJi, iiiid (bat rg.l ink, the<br />

bloeti<strong>of</strong> (he c-ttm, Olgiai-d bo Cind, that<br />

is a paid up jifilky, jHiisi fnr by the<br />

pnap <strong>of</strong> the mnot God, and iill wo<br />

add to it In the way <strong>of</strong> our OH-II (>aod<br />

deeds will nugaiuiit tbo siim <strong>of</strong> gteruul<br />

fL'lifsitk« Yi% tbo Hijjo will coiiie<br />

when the tiriiihti <strong>of</strong> liirgiHt.t'npitni Btock<br />

will nil go diiWn, iiiid tliO/iru ijjsiiHinee<br />

eei!ipfluk>s will- oil go down, and<br />

the Ufa insnrnnee<br />

ail g*» dowy, Iii<br />

yartliqiiribe nil tliy<br />

prbstratDd, flnil na n<br />

banks will fiituvtr ftpi j<br />

lu the last etmfliij|fflt!ii!i"t!iif Fim it\mt<br />

liiiee CHD!|I;(IJ1('H <strong>of</strong> tbu t-nrth will ftiil,<br />

forliow uoald they mako npiiriiiat'mDiit<br />

QftliuIotM on a uiiivirHuI fire? Tbca<br />

all the ialiiibihiiifs <strong>of</strong> tho KJBIUI world<br />

wilj sarrwidLr thuir mortiil fsiHtunye,<br />

and how utmicl Hfu insurtiiiee fiQ(H\}&-<br />

2ieS|iiiy for depyiiuIiittHl bemlsphe<br />

But our celuatiiil life iiiBiinmrowiij<br />

bo hflrmyil by' that Hintiiieijtiil w<br />

or thut hemispheric nceidtiit, or that<br />

planetary ejitagtrdphe. Blow it out<br />

like a cftinlio—tho noyaAny snn I<br />

it down like wernoBt upuolHtef<br />

last snusutl Toss it from Uoil's<br />

liko A dewiirop from the anther <strong>of</strong> n<br />

water Jily^tha eeeaiil Scatter thuin<br />

Ilto thistledown before a subiioibuy's<br />

breath—ths worhisS That will not £>=<br />

tnrb ihoemaipqtnBcd, or thoeonipssnra,<br />

or the Bympatliy, or the levo <strong>of</strong> that<br />

Christ who said It once on earth, aart<br />

will say it ngaia in Iieiivon to all thoio<br />

ifhb have boi-n hojrjfnl to tlio ^owa-<br />

trodaea, ami the eolil, nud tlio hti»gt|>,<br />

and the hqiisqleBs, nnd Uie lost, "inus-<br />

mneh aa ye did it to them, ya did to<br />

nel" .<br />

Ills Currlaga Drivun liy<br />

C, h. HiiiiMHil.4 nf Lynn hug nwnlo g,<br />

uftti! riirrijijii! for hiti owa nse that will<br />

.uiftfcu i(! ini!!:=H nn !ir*tip. Thy cflmiigo<br />

weighs only d Jnur <strong>On</strong>mpouniJ Qw<br />

Treaijhrni Fnr Hhf F«tpf; ah* has put<br />

trniihiod *lih H pines, : Albert uUTgrd,<br />

VaiHf B-Bilg, H. 1,<br />

Bwt, Blirkcy A Pils-n, I'(ili«(l*,rpt,|a, Wm..<br />

CoiTipminii Oijjffn rift! Fiin itinnt pood u a<br />

Sufferer from Hay Fs?«r Ihas agyfGlng I hsA<br />

BTer trlftl. Bar, J, L. TIcftior,<br />

Hdpwn, BallH cisuntj, S3, :<br />

Dm giArfeer & Paien, Fhtlnrtrifphla,<br />

It i w dve mit !» I mr<br />

I h<br />

m giArfeer & Paien, Fhtlnrtr<br />

It is nr.w driven munitiH •!»!»! I m q thflnf<br />

Tr wim*Bt for air WHI'P UH, BBII hi> &ai not had<br />

*vmptom« <strong>of</strong> a rriiirfl <strong>of</strong> iho Aaitma lines<br />

taking His tlf*t dijtw, 1 takii plFviUrB In rw-<br />

GnniniendliiK If tn all my frieitiiiwiin arc afSiElfd<br />

with any olminlodtifiic, it ju^mi to aeilfkn a<br />

chinti en the dliieaaei pecullsr In Ihll ellmatib<br />

Hdflr sin. -• Mn, 1. AFonef<br />

p, Rurfr * Inic", Fliilmiaiphlji, Ea.<br />

. It IK n'i SiffT-i; i imt nfter Coughing fully<br />

rnoniliji, arid tft-miiii with thf ¥-ry beat phj«h<br />

oians, I fsliiiilrirti rnv Hnit n-Stlni* Eel), from the<br />

I|M! <strong>of</strong> ffilrirnilljid OliKrBi. Palli- K. AdaBH><br />

, Hftw ihut nclflhcc has proTfd bif en<br />

ef rtnii!,| ifmi ihtemnnfanSti er PfnjH<br />

dU iiijt s (f Urml<br />

temnnfanSti er PfnjHnanla il a<br />

liijeet so (fie Mine inUirml ian ikat<br />

BOTrm a!l dlMTHff*, nnveptlblB i9 treatment,<br />

•ml aa larss m pFspriniDB <strong>of</strong> isUrm (rared %tmo*<br />

!Db>|f ail wUli ant o'hpr morhia^(3fid[ttoB fifth"<br />

t * h«*s ailrid r«>tl>Tb9 NUIDDIII<br />

uw* d rc(ntl>Tb9 N D I I I<br />

id i'Hre for Alen^elt flsrpBiu«i e(c,<br />

Thi« 1« a| iireuBl lbs nearest Mrf^t <strong>of</strong> 107<br />

hinirno.T»,ad*i*iieJ bj Iftadin/'feRipeririw<br />

reformer*, Siitlnnai W.fl. T. U. pffie clerfj-<br />

Bf>B ind phyridaiui, Kr»n*?H S Wiliard styi<br />

Of It: "We lire wirraljf friendly jg Mils<br />

HfRtand bfitrTii If fdHBdoing(rrsstjKio<br />

i d<br />

i If fdHBdoing(rrsjKd _<br />

Bueii faprr ?>ifjiiieiid U Union BlKiM), W. O.<br />

T. U. Brgiinl Walsh TnBref, Illinoli Bt»ia W, q<br />

T, fj, orpin: ITliiifftpfi iBIeMJewB and Ohte<br />

Herald, S>w Vorji SfatiKiililif, f ha Phllm<br />

KTi-iiiiig «tupi*f Trhnimfti B. ]S(,mni 6f (i^ It<br />

Ii imt a fp^-nifijrrefitriiTpt in eureiijF. but It«n<br />

n>fer lo*iri'ii)rirkai]lnrfKlrD«F( M iuccrtta M<br />

older Inititntiqnfi in utiier piae*», Thfipe aiSlet-<br />

ed - bjr an Unjro»efnBhks appetita fgr itqusr and<br />

Haiiywait to bii cii.edtCHQ by » tern Weeka'<br />

IFH(ffieBt h»T* nldeti«ti |U powiir,"<br />

A_«nr jisaFly ro-workeri an<br />

*. Bur, Ba iraall, Hafi Wal'ef TilfliBaa<br />

, lien, J*ni« H. Ifebnt Ottn, 8, S. 8iiurlo=<br />

'QiR.' 'OL: B, Hovmf6 tlSif U i H f i<br />

Weh» jnhv p «f)<br />

Filnd to baiufd fp tniUjHE ytitf* who cannqt<br />

pnj Tor Irealirirnt. at grratif rrdiio«d rabsa,<br />

Milne ihrtr ptjllpal[Qri( wtrftf lo Ma fund In<br />

lnsmltmenin, affair b*infr rsBteret ljy no<br />

Qjc ire me ihis mnntj o^rwd O»ert curing<br />

wan; m»e» with IT* aama mnnsy, Hoinf apnf<br />

tor tltfi purjHHe enable* Utn aender la Kane anj<br />

ena tlm/ piciBB> IQ In InMted, Ih^rfhy anabllmc<br />

them tii PPK (He dlnwt mrnlt <strong>of</strong> their vqbKrip-<br />

Han, Wn enrn n»eP SO p9&- sent, at apnlj.<br />

, m.n& UitiJ 1 are fli proud ai We an) b> b# |ft-<br />

#d aiKli<br />

1( rrR*ainKli.<br />

Ourcnre (n.asre, iirlfl u4 lure. Wa dont<br />

lakri Wiilakey friim * nUDi W« plan* It before<br />

Dim and drfy h(m ts dnpk ana 1» b«ir> na ID<br />

takn It awayaft^r 4 fcird»a, W* core tha<br />

dbw*ae npoa aeU-ntlfla prlnolpm by takJuHWaj<br />

Ue wppmUtm wllfioUt Impalrbif onsitalfef lit.<br />

urrin M tak, AW mibwripHoa rtoalnd<br />

t t a W T A<br />


l529ArchStrwt1f1iitidelphli,Pi.<br />


Qppr thd tn]iH <strong>of</strong> ths lK»eH 1<br />

Miii lifer tlip ellulluw slfftirn<br />

The Mhf jihtrij uf Rlmtffit fnisg<br />

The niiibur iihnijKnnH af u^nvvni,<br />

Tlie times !* flic tlinii <strong>of</strong> vlsiiinr<br />

T)ifi iinur Is tiui iiour <strong>of</strong> raiin,<br />

Ilarkl <strong>On</strong> itto Billiritss ICIypinn<br />

Il ii<br />

p<br />

QliiCluAr In Ihii ejjhyrv<strong>of</strong> tliOAir,<br />

Clear, ckf prnj'er<br />

Unto GVS'N clear atari<br />

O ningc-r Benin*,<br />

Fntth thy UinsQl <strong>of</strong> HiUer nnd dew<br />

VVlmt lmiia]iuft lornsly urul puns,<br />

Uriehfipiifjiig. Ciidlraaly ucff^<br />

Ali UliH'Inuiniimnuonf inSrtii<br />

. Ami uciiHtOilililhiliin tif lean.<br />

As if tho iiHiHiiK <strong>of</strong> tsnrth<br />

UtiiliiuuiiGti wllh tliii !lnhvn> nf thy uir,<br />

UliJJiF, eiviLF, lender nitii f»F,<br />

O«P •tiplmtjiMi <strong>of</strong> jprnjcr<br />

Uutoevu'n rlitur Atari<br />

i s, tiiy esii<br />

Iii liionml, jirvvfi nklrH <strong>of</strong> iho If an-s<br />

Ii thfs Hlirlriti uf n [njwur liy wiiOflo (fjmll<br />

Wi j l b i t !<br />

U liuriiiit nf i' , ihifiu hour<br />

l,<br />

i ioVB iiiiih ft IiravciiiJ!.T (lowor<br />

Aiid pa^Iou a imlh'T iiruj<br />

O!ii flcar In tjui H;i|iijpe <strong>of</strong> (hn air,<br />

Cik'jir, cienr, frmJi'r nnd far.<br />

Our B-Ii! Pill iiiii <strong>of</strong> jimyer<br />

Ui' l l<br />

=42,0. P. IliiiMrl^iii Youth's Companion,<br />


[MNTiftUKD.]<br />

"Thank the Li ml! Hhd 5 s miner*<br />

Abont thnt tiuu) Ephu ho urawlsd out><br />

Hick Bfl ii dtijf, jiiiil AIJO spoke up.<br />

Uw otic iigjit<br />

u|i niid walkt-il<br />

kl in the glnae<br />

"N<strong>of</strong>ff<strong>of</strong> tho uttior eye, doctor,* 1<br />

"Ob," my a tlie ilyctor, "wu'd<br />

tukp auothcr Any tut that."<br />

"AH right," Hiiyi AYHS, "if your<br />

aru tired <strong>of</strong> ciittjii jitu ean make another<br />

job <strong>of</strong> it. My fncu ain't tinlti <strong>of</strong> bein<br />

cut, I can tell yon,"<br />

"Well, if yon'ro gaiiiR, 1 ain. 1 '<br />

So, if yon'il iH'lii'vt mv, thiiy jnat set<br />

to work,and nnbmtuil ttti.the otbor eys,<br />

Abo holding IISH uwfi hi-jul m hu eaid he<br />

wonld and the i«|Uii<br />

cr. And when it wits rill<br />

was for pntting 11 iiaiidiijfg. nu tii<br />

thitlgi quiet till thn * -" '<br />

Up, but Abo jnRt<br />

ut hiirtwi'lf, and<br />

over ki the elbyk and<br />

ntid nays bo:<br />

"Be that's the v?ny 1 look, is it?<br />

Shouldn't hiivo known my awn<br />

iid¥ef saw It Iwfnrp, How long<br />

keep thu bamingp on, dueturf' :<br />

"Ohi if tho OVISH nin't VPI^ Bnr<br />

yon waks up in the morning you tutu<br />

take it <strong>of</strong>f if you'll bo enreful,'*<br />

"Wake upS Do you 8*irose I can alocf<br />

when such a blessing hiw fidhm on tni>l<br />

rjl lay am, biit if I forgDt it or you foi<br />

ono inmate this night I'll bo HO rusbrnui-d<br />

<strong>of</strong> myself that it'll wakii me right up!"<br />

Then tha (liHiiur bound up his cyej,<br />

and the poor boy said "Thank God" twe<br />

or three ttineg, and they uoiild sec tht<br />

toara running down \m choeks fronj nn-<br />

dor tho doth. Lord! It wua. just at<br />

pitiful as a broken wiiig hirdl<br />

Hew about the girl? Wall, it was all<br />

right for Abo—and all wrong for'SOphi<br />

=nll wrong for EBby, But that's aU<br />

past and goBO^paHt and ^oae. Folly<br />

come fqr miles and miles to BOO cms<br />

dyed Abe with his iym aa straight aa t<br />

loon*! leg. Dr, Brainnrd was a great<br />

man forever nfter in thoio parts, Every^<br />

where else, too, by whnt 1 beard,<br />

Whon the doctor and the squire come<br />

to gd, Abe spoke up. biindfolded aa h(<br />

was1 find says he: . '':•-'<br />

"D^, hew tnnqh do yon charge i<br />

fellor for Bavin'hia lifo—mnkiPg a mm<br />

out <strong>of</strong> s poor wreek=dein what hi<br />

thought niver could be dene but bj<br />

dyui and goia to kingdoiB comef<br />

"Oh," s^s Doe Bruinard, aoyi lie, "thni<br />

ain't what we look at as pay pnu-ticfl<br />

Yon didn't eali me in—I came <strong>of</strong> myself<br />

M thongs It was What we call a clinic<br />

If all go« well and you happen to bavs<br />

a barrel sf apples to spare, yoa jast send<br />

them op to Squire Caton's hon»ia Chi-<br />

eago,aad rU coll ovor and help eat 'em,*<br />

What4id Abo say to that! Why, sir,<br />

he ndver'uid a word, but they du saj<br />

the tears itartod out again) out from<br />

under the bandage and down his chocks,<br />

ButtheaAbe he had a 5-year-old poi<br />

niare he'd raised frvia a colt— uretty ai<br />

a pictnre, kind aa a kitten and fast ai<br />

split lightning—and mil time Doe came<br />

down Abo he jasi slipi>ed out to thi<br />

barn sad brought the inuro fonnd anil<br />

hitehed bts to tho goto pout, and whon<br />

Doe came to bo going, gays Abei<br />

"Don't torgut your nag, doctor; she'i<br />

Woll, rir, swm then Abo had the hard*<br />

oat Mnd <strong>of</strong> a time to get Dee Uruinard tc<br />

take that marv, and wbon he did ride <strong>of</strong>l<br />

leadin her It wnan't half an Lour, before<br />

bjwk she qaiDB bekuty ejiliL Doe Bald<br />

ihe broke away rrom him and pnt foi<br />

home, boj I always mspectea ho didn't<br />

havo no uso for a hotm hu coqlilo't wll noi<br />

him ont. aad conldn't affurd to kuep in<br />

jj Tillage—that wng wlmt ChioaE^o wai<br />

then. Bat como alonK toward fall Abt<br />

ho took her right np to town, and then<br />

tho doctor*!! practicu bud gmwedsu ninch<br />

that he was pretty glad to get her. imd<br />

Abe wu glad tu have him have her, BOO-<br />

tngaU ttat had some to him tliroBgb<br />

bavin eyes Uko other folkn—that's the<br />

Bohoqlma'ais 1 ineap.<br />

How did tha tcbuolma'am take itt<br />

WBU, It wna this way. After the cnttlfl<br />

Aliu didn't show up for a few daya, till<br />

tho inflairmatlon got down and he'd<br />

had amaannettoe baadllo hb ip, Mttf<br />

p Jnst kept<br />

enjoyln htanelf.<br />

the Chora, iJBrifljr «*<br />

to, «ngia ieuool with the rest,<br />

when the poor boy began to feel like<br />

ether folks bo went right met to when<br />

tliuBchoalms'Aic happened to Im itoonllD<br />

round and walked right up to her and<br />

took bor by both hamls imd looked her<br />

stmiKlit In tho fnce iiiid said?<br />

*'Do you know muT<br />

Well, oho kind <strong>of</strong> emili.Kl and blnshed,<br />

and then tho eemera<strong>of</strong> her month pulled<br />

down and eliu pulie«J one luuid away,<br />

and, if ygn boliuftf nio, tliiit Was the<br />

third tise that girt cried thnt season to<br />

my certain iiiowli'die, nnd nil for pothip<br />

eitlior tintei<br />

What did iho siiyi Why, aho jast iaid<br />

'd haye to bogiu ail OVIT Hgoln to get<br />

neqiminted with Alto. Out Ephe'e nose<br />

woa oat sf joint, nnd Ejiitij kimwed it ag<br />

well SB anybody, Epln- ilid. It wim Abp'j<br />

cyoa to Ephu'H mm>, . : ,<br />

aiarried? Oh, yes, tit tsoatss, and IJyea<br />

nn tlie farm its Ifmjf m thu eld fslki<br />

livfld, and Bfterwan], t w.'ia iiiy liriitiier.^Joaiipi<br />

Kirklnnd in Lcmirtvilln CoHrier-Jeutnal,<br />

Wall itreet biNIy acaped f<br />

worBo than mast FrMfty on July Ii, It<br />

tamo rmtty now to being s black Tues-<br />

day, Scone <strong>of</strong> men OB and flfl? the «-<br />

ehjjrjge ffjll rviiismbcT It at Imtg us Uiej'<br />

Uvs in the way that one Rsmemben &<br />

great peril, apuUveo the njeo wbo&ude<br />

hundreda <strong>of</strong> <strong>On</strong>BUdittann^h that day'i<br />

awful drop In TalneswiU tawaj* took<br />

lack upon it with a twinge <strong>of</strong> terror-<br />

Same tise, whm (bets troableni timm<br />

have pawed and Wall itrwt has »ohan«<br />

to pause for a bit <strong>of</strong> goprfp again, • great<br />

story will be told abont that Tuesday—t<br />

story that will utonsd everybpdy HX><br />

cept a few <strong>of</strong> the country's grHtvl spoo-<br />

nla ton, and 11 story that wfU make many<br />

people In thbi and other eltios tun pule<br />

and catch their breatha.<br />

They will show then how Ugt^sBf'<br />

narrow was the (scape tram • flnajnoial<br />

catafltrophB <strong>of</strong> oruhfnff rosgnitnde.<br />

They will know that Uie fate oT tbo<br />

Btp^ot, and with it tho fate <strong>of</strong> isoraa <strong>of</strong><br />

tribotftriM to tho atrcot, l^ttUiat* and<br />

otherwise, <strong>of</strong> bankers, merphaatt and<br />

manufaotnrerB, too nnmerou toStop to<br />

count, hang In tlie balipoe, and that a<br />

finger's touch froni any one <strong>of</strong> thret<br />

men would save turned the seile mia-<br />

word, And when tboyleftm this they<br />

will probably come « near to really<br />

tbanldng Ood as thdr religloa <strong>of</strong> lash<br />

<strong>of</strong> religion will let then, becanae Instead<br />

oi the one man's flpgor tooeh wdghtiag<br />

the Hcnledown with illaaetMr there #mt •<br />

flturdy ihonlder pnsh from all thrw <strong>of</strong><br />

that day'i destintw<strong>of</strong> the street to foroo<br />

it np ints •afe^=New York Pros.<br />

Sir. n(il,.rf-,-, Chech- ij,tr n Crat,<br />

A fitw diiys itff(j n stnry wa«<br />

ef nchPE-k fur •!. t_-i*»t*s drawn nii a New<br />

York niitiniiu! Iiiitik find p»sit>il iiHat-urf-<br />

oslty in tliti tiflsi-ci <strong>of</strong> a iieuvy broker in<br />

Wnll stnMit, T, P, l'.slH_>ris ef this city<br />

hag a draft which ;.s it cuiiosrity out-<br />

) ii.'Ht i hviU .-.liii i>» en a par<br />

with tlio fsiintiiia iiiiiii* <strong>of</strong> England uota<br />

for ii jit'nijy,<br />

Froni 1HHH hi (Hfj!! Sir, Rolwrte was<br />

BtiniistijF nt Jlhsjuii. K, D., and eii Jim,<br />

1, 1891, in si'jtli'inrht nf Ilia final account<br />

with iho Biitliiiiitii'ss nt WuH]sin;|ton, he<br />

receivi'd n draft ail tl|i> pOHt!iiiisti;r at<br />

fur I tii'iit isnd RJiiiivd an iitijios.<br />

inn foriiiiil rtKSifii'li vvTisolt WHS Hunt buck<br />

to -Wuabiiigtuu. ^iu simft wiia in tho<br />

naiial forin, and tho piijwr oil whfuli it<br />

was engraved imist hiive been worth<br />

iirly its faen viilne. Check murks nnoa<br />

it ahmved tlint it lind jmpsiil (hrongh<br />

nany lirunln. jind if bnraiha signatures<br />

<strong>of</strong> those bigl! in initlmrily,<br />

A cu'ruful co!U]iHiation ehftwa that the<br />

itting <strong>of</strong> Iliiit (iriiJt fnf i t-qnt ynst tho<br />

post<strong>of</strong>lico flejuirhnimt iii tfhis iind wngiss<br />

least #14, Mr, HnbiTt ; .i JIIIH lietn <strong>of</strong>'<br />

ferod |jo for it ni ii Liiriiwily, but saj"S<br />

he won't part with it fur Severn! times<br />

thnt sum, Srnno timp after he gsit<br />

the draft Mr, jtfilHTU recislved a notifi-<br />

cation from Wsuiiiiigtolt that tink^sB it<br />

withiii nii raouths it<br />

woulil liot l>e pnid without rouowal, but<br />

[jenevcr)ni«^.'iirudnced toeueh fluan*<br />

cial stroiu thiit ho wua eownellod to<br />

have it piiahcd, .<br />

So it will remain outstanding, to bn<br />

uried on and on in "the Ijooka <strong>of</strong> the<br />

depart lliciit, ciiUBiug pr<strong>of</strong> unity hniong<br />

the clerks who hrM inaking iip thy bal»<br />

ances and inquiring Lcuiuienta by IJOW<br />

seta <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>flcinlH who COIUQ itito bfflije with<br />

tho changes ef goyeriiineiit, Mr, Rglt-<br />

erti will eyutiiiuo to be a uroditor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

federal government in the enui <strong>of</strong> 1 cent,<br />

=Pmo Robes Moon,<br />

It fa a great dual mere Benaiblo to<br />

travel e<strong>of</strong>fif<strong>of</strong>tably than to throw away<br />

nioney for nothing. I would prefer to<br />

Baw a cabin to triyiclf, even if 1 hiW to<br />

traf el on a second class ship, I do nut<br />

se& wi^f I should have a Btrartger In my<br />

room. It ig a dreadful lottery, and • ho<br />

Ia apt to havo very uBelenn hablta, Im«<br />

agipe thii In Beloge, stuftV atniosphen,<br />

filled already with the odnrg <strong>of</strong>, thn ship<br />

and the stench ef the Piachipory. Yra<br />

cannot afik a mnn for a ftnarnntoo sf his<br />

position. Ho ia apt to belong to the mid*<br />

dlo class, nd think bow porfectly horti-<br />

blo it WOBM be to inhabit a room with s<br />

being who has very oneertain notions<br />

about the complete change <strong>of</strong> linen every<br />

day and whowj rale <strong>of</strong> cle&nlin«a hflfl<br />

teen a jtnb onco a week, on Saturday<br />

And then, even if cleanly, ho might<br />

not Wear the right Mud <strong>of</strong> nndenlgthet^<br />

ani he might pergiit in eleeptag in night<br />

robes instead <strong>of</strong> •pajaiBaB4 and ho might<br />

do a hnnared other dreodfal tUngs.<br />

Think <strong>of</strong> wfttchinji ench a crefttnro dnjas<br />

—It would bo an awfal fiiscinatioq with<br />

me—ana finil that he changed his collar<br />

and his oqJTs and not his shirt, whit*,'<br />

stai gioEod and BIOOY from the AttppR-<br />

lations sf a Chinaman, wTBUraTO Us<br />

dirt opotted buBoni oow#l*A by a mmfo<br />

op scarf with- hiblfotik<br />

fC Y<br />

AmbaaeadoT Bayard has been in-<br />

itructod to make liiqulriM la regard tq<br />

whether CsptAln W, 0, Minor la itUl<br />

iliTe, or whethftr the govemneat U pay-<br />

ing a Balary to n dead <strong>of</strong>fipef, ; Oiptsla<br />

Minor ja a retired <strong>of</strong>flepr ef th# tn^Ucsl<br />

e<strong>of</strong>ps, bis mMrement being due to bnln<br />

ia-ooblo consequent upon a aapstroks re-<br />

ceived In. tho lind <strong>of</strong> duty in FloriiJa in<br />

1870, and he waa sentenced for life ia an<br />

English asylnai fop shooting a man en<br />

E<strong>On</strong>gliah soil 31 yeara jigo. It fs the only<br />

rase on record <strong>of</strong> a murderer bone on<br />

the roll! <strong>of</strong> tho Biny and, drawing tb#<br />

rtguiftr pay af hb fTadt HI» pay la<br />

drawp by Btehard 1, Bioa <strong>of</strong> "New Ha-<br />

ven, the appointed goaMrvator, ^be fill*<br />

qaartorly cortlflcatflfl bearing ths rig»<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> the saperintend^t <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Urondmoro Criminal Lnnatle aiylam to<br />

tho effect tliat Captnln Minor is llvtaf.<br />

The last report from h pritdht<br />

rend; "He was confined In the<br />

April 17, 1873, Bia <strong>of</strong>fensi<br />

iheoting with ft rovolver and g<br />

iniuilntho Beividere road, Lambeth."<br />

Tho relatives <strong>of</strong> Cuptnln Hiner have re-<br />

peatedly Blade Htreatioaa eB*orto thrd<strong>of</strong>h<br />

the stato departinent to seenre hto<br />

AlbanyExpress.<br />

It may Bound like a Munohansjnyarn,<br />

but it if* an aetnal fact that in the eqaioi<br />

eye*l little burg <strong>of</strong> Bodavillo, (n Ldan<br />

cutinty, ia bleefc 8 <strong>of</strong> the. toirn piat,<br />

there is a piodfl Spring, and tha|. the Lut<br />

logisbitsre, in its fiiflnite wlidom, pto-<br />

vidod that * ! ittaannob ai there ii ft great<br />

ud growing daousd on the part <strong>of</strong> ths<br />

[iublio for the waters <strong>of</strong> said Pprinjf," the<br />

fltitt* would spend $500 to improvo it.<br />

This is at last the fond rfailiiution <strong>of</strong> tie<br />

long felt want which lias beea loafing<br />

around tho country like the ghoat <strong>of</strong><br />

boyhood's happy days in qnert <strong>of</strong> a,<br />

watermolon i»teh whore haply UngafiA<br />

no vidous dog. It ii; a grand aad to-<br />

ppsing Bight to poo tho logislative fancy<br />

rising from the sordid Mntoinplatioa <strong>of</strong><br />

% cold and unrtaiiongive hog law as4<br />

hovering ou haleyon wings q?sr the s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

jmirmnr <strong>of</strong> an Idyllic etoto soiln foon.<br />

tola.—Astorift (Wg) Bfldgst, :<br />

At Wayrteabom, jtist before a nceni<br />

hanging, %y?e1 young ftfllowi wens ont to<br />

inipeet thugullows and satisfy their eari*<br />

y ,<br />

Arrivml eti .tbo Bpot| one <strong>of</strong> than ex-<br />

pressed n desiro to s« how 1 tte' thing<br />

werked, • ,- . " . •• i: -.' • y.-.i).-*:<br />

Put your heml In the nopw, 1 * iaid th»<br />

other, "and 1*11 show yon," : ' . -<br />

For the novelty <strong>of</strong> the thing hta oom-<br />

pinioii united the action to the word,<br />

when—"cliukr and ^own shotfts trapt<br />

The noosfl WAS not ill iiosittuii, bow*<br />

flF, and slippod Iriif ths head <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

frightened fellow jftet in Vma to a^vo<br />

him from iwlng jerked out <strong>of</strong> the world,<br />

Neither <strong>of</strong>' thoae ndvAnturom yo&fig<br />

men has a;iy further dadre to tut thi<br />

efficacy <strong>of</strong> thaDhBrifTa pre|taiatlonB for<br />

dithlg people froin this world ta<br />

Atlanta Constitution,<br />

Naw Ywfcers tte noted<br />

•sratnbltn«ftor<br />

Jtut as tnaartablo<br />

take with it wh^ -immmt....<br />

ono day<br />

pockfl<br />

«&•» hand',<br />

fingers $U<br />

|psPfli*w; $$*$*#•; 7 P<br />

i Bsmpportfld t^ ftet Is aapt | J*^<br />

Mid, ghnonU nbasc>L *

•-. i "" 9 ^', " >' ';• r^~ ; f****"*•''< "^TT! >tH \j*;f'- 1 ,<br />

OOEAK Omr<br />

•teacl <strong>of</strong> being goatf nt with u» abund-<br />

aB« they pwewd, The mbfortune is<br />

Ijf femedyjtfr thelr_ present<br />

•mtoRAJfP<br />

, JANUARY 18.»••*<br />

;<br />

"tagoperational thelawinstricttng<br />

the wte <strong>of</strong> ©Homaifiirln* baa been to<br />

throw borfae" into Uwbapda or di«-<br />

ta<strong>of</strong>«t ttftlsra. There aboaM be as<br />

Dig la out <strong>of</strong> their power to eummaud,<br />

(The party ttoey put la power ii admln«<br />

I Merlnf public iftldn to suit the pfllek*<br />

^ ^ party anS not the welfare <strong>of</strong> the<br />

people, wnjqh, it Menu, U not * Blatter<br />

for jMoaMeriUoa wnto a theory is at<br />

•take. The only way in which they<br />

nigbt possibly cam* a return to plain<br />

common m« by these in control <strong>of</strong><br />

U» administration would be to much<br />

is a body opon Washington, but that<br />

ii out <strong>of</strong> the quatlfiD, jest as the son-<br />

sUtoents <strong>of</strong> too many Congrwrojen are<br />

out <strong>of</strong> mind <strong>of</strong> the Utter,, There is<br />

plenty <strong>of</strong> tine in which to do it, but<br />

lb« smt <strong>of</strong> truuportatioa would be<br />

enormous.<br />

when thrown upon the stiaad, troke<br />

Into oiyrladfl <strong>of</strong> soukfl, only to -rail<br />

back sggin Into the BteUilngc«uIdfOa,<br />

^be fiheeui and torrents <strong>of</strong> drivlDg «ln<br />

ftjledLIQ iubdue the i#rts ta^ oi the<br />

ld t f th<br />

•mine tn*n s heavy penally to dtepaa*<br />

ing pf It • butter. Tboai who wlili io<br />

boy |tuA owitthoeldnot teblodflikk<br />

d t W t o l l t h l d<br />

Hi SSHIIAI<br />

upon.<br />

B adage tettlftt "aa the flayi<br />

d bi to<br />

f<strong>of</strong>"<br />

to taaitheo, the sold begins to<br />

atnngUMii," but certain<br />

" • j n m going to nara u<br />

inter. Bo nv tbv mariner baa<br />

fan them Into a mighUer wo<br />

flafratlon. As the wnten grew more<br />

turbulent the mlphuhnw hue grew<br />

brighter, and it eeemed u If the horrorH<br />

<strong>of</strong> Dante Innroa must ROOD be «\*«]td<br />

to us.<br />

After • few hoyn the stirehargid<br />

dlsuds grew lighter, and at the atorm.<br />

rack folle4 away and the stan came<br />

out with unusual brilliancy, ilowly aa<br />

It had oome overt he »a the weird phan*<br />

tom>I)f ht receded and grew fslnter uput<br />

Ueutirelydl8appe«edfand nevtr was<br />

tbe BUD more welcome than upon the<br />

morn i ug that soon dawned,<br />

U.T.B.<br />

ORSON<br />

p winter<br />

been llttl* like that <strong>of</strong> winter, ind if It<br />

•hmtM weenUnne there are many<br />

cUllyunong the poor, who wlU W«i<br />

their ataia if Jae* Ff«t aball be matt<br />

jU |o them thto winter.<br />

•v<br />

. LegMstiuv gave an<br />

qf the ttooerity <strong>of</strong> lta nf<strong>of</strong>m<br />

ytetifni by catting down tbe Dumber <strong>of</strong><br />

doorkeepers awl pagei in Uwtwobmiatj<br />

tokat tbaa half tbe number thai were<br />

laal year appointed In the Ana<br />

ajpoa, The earns poUqf will be cnfifcd<br />

out aUib* way through, TheBepaUt<br />

tbe comml&danj they<br />

s ebaifBd with by the people In last<br />

OUT. (faction.<br />

TH» san who d«eta» th*i wagea<br />

have been ledooad nndef Protection !§<br />

H iearn the weret <strong>of</strong> the sea," hut a» our<br />

atay Upon Its •bores la ptutneted, and<br />

we walk upon the kelp aQd§he)l*9trewii<br />

beKb,' the mysterious charm <strong>of</strong> the<br />

oemu deepeni; w» weave aruunii the<br />

driftwood a thousand new fancies, we<br />

listen with greater eag^fiisn to tbe lore<br />

lisr m Cblfit.<br />

pn on tbe Fennfljivinia train<br />

whleb left AtlanUe <strong>City</strong> Wedaeday<br />

•ftcmoou were etnrUed at the endeavors<br />

g ^<br />

<strong>of</strong> theniion, always riub !o qusiot m-<br />

grater interest to<br />

ill when told upon the enchanted<br />

ground where Ken the buried treasure<br />

<strong>of</strong> pirates, and upon wnu« shores VSM<br />

HU laden with silken bales from the<br />

looma <strong>of</strong> France, aad wisei from her<br />

vlneyMdfl, sploes from Ceylon, ingot!<br />

Of gold and prccloui stones ffoni Got<br />

oonda, have gone dowu, such as are<br />

knows in the tradiUom which cluster<br />

around the Hew Jersey shores,<br />

it i&y <strong>of</strong> nearly four yisra<br />

within tight and sound <strong>of</strong> the sea it has<br />

pneented two phases which rarely oc-<br />

cur. The Winter <strong>of</strong> m aud m U<br />

marked with dark Una In marine rec-<br />

ordj. The same kneU which sounded<br />

. . . . . .. .. I ^ the hearts <strong>of</strong> thorn who had friends<br />

eithergulity<strong>of</strong> alaeboodi or ^ a * on board the U|*fhMd Naronte rang in<br />

d b " b ponrtlerably neglected, y^ ^^^ ef many other* bereft in iiks<br />

manner by the failure <strong>of</strong> schooner, bark<br />

and aloop to ever return. From our<br />

own little island we saw noble vessels<br />

atraad and beat upon the icy bain, Bad<br />

then go dawn to some up again and<br />

straw the beach with fragments <strong>of</strong> keel,<br />

helm, taffiaii aad brokeo spas, aliU<br />

bearing the mete appeal for help in the<br />

i are hundred* <strong>of</strong> people now HF-<br />

im who wWeti we do pot belle,<br />

wbd that la, that under that Mil tbe<br />

taftfi le pot high enough. If a Ugh<br />

;UirilI w«n|dae#d npoomiy foreigner<br />

- catering tbls eonnoy wags would Dot<br />

he nrioced and labor would be fiiUy<br />

The tafflbte to. It to almost<br />

even noder FioteeUon, to<br />

I with mmatdoted Iminl-<br />

child from tbe arms <strong>of</strong> its<br />

mother, who wu kidnapping, ft, Ills<br />

elopM Ram Atlantis Ulty about n<br />

ago with a married man, ud<br />

has siaoe been living In Rlehlani<br />

Mrs, freundlieh sent her sister Tues-<br />

day to Mrs, H Inland's house, when<br />

Freundllch and bis child were beard*<br />

liitf. to nuke a demand far the child.<br />

It was refused, and on Wednesday His,<br />

Freundllch went to the hbase and tear-<br />

iiig the child away from the arras <strong>of</strong><br />

Mrs, Ireland, started for the railroad<br />

station.<br />

The husband was notified and started<br />

after her, reaching the station just as<br />

the train was leaving, Tbe child made<br />

pltlftil calls for Its father, but the mother<br />

hurned Into the train just as U pulled<br />

out, A poiicBmaB was called but ar-<br />

rived too late.<br />

The father has engag&J counsel and<br />

will attempt to secure the child by legal<br />

means, claiming that life mother is not<br />

a fll person tor It to live with,<br />

Mrs, Freundllch is well known In<br />

Tuokaba, when she resided previous<br />

to her marriage.<br />



Everything to make the home pleasant and comfortable,<br />

Bed-roorifBuite, Parlor Suits, Dining Room Suits, Bookers<br />

and odd pieces.<br />

Brussels in all grades, Jngrain, Hag and Mattinp.<br />

Fur, Smyrna and Moquetfe Hugs,<br />


THE COST<br />

Dinner Sote, English and American.<br />

Tea Sets^ white and decorated.<br />

, Banquet, Piano and Hand Lamps,<br />

We will sell as low as the lowest It will cost you noth-<br />

ing to come, as on a bill <strong>of</strong> 120 or upward we pay your<br />

fore,<br />

wfakb allow* nso who have<br />

obtained living wages to take the<br />

dtH&B simply be*<br />

UNfWlU work fbr lea.<br />

How that the BopnmeO<strong>of</strong>irt baa de-<br />

cided that the fating laws are nnoonttl-<br />

tottotuU w*ibooW like to know<br />

fe<br />

y<br />

alii <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jan</strong>uary, a period <strong>of</strong> two<br />

A% then flat pubbahed ex-<br />

In tba tHMllinf DenlgcEatlc<br />

e^Q <strong>of</strong> tbsfibra to the «cla*ni <strong>of</strong><br />

U t t J O<br />

h v<br />

pvrpose wae It gtasa peb-<br />

lkSiy only a lew boon bstom the State<br />

T^tfahtfnra, otodged to the lepeal <strong>of</strong><br />

5n,j tt* gnond <strong>of</strong> tbe law* befog <strong>of</strong> a<br />

S#P*BiaI stone and not on |taegropn4<br />

ftit gaffbHBgtawt In thomielTea are<br />

Mon,<br />

p<br />

y to a pakitoD<br />

Hay, badkhtne thoua^tf Bat<br />

r ws abontd *wy isoeb like to be enllght*<br />

« features<br />

flf 4tt •dtort life 1* the continued an-<br />

- A <strong>of</strong> aqheatbBfi, who an<br />

Ubie^i? w their aubveflpuona, but<br />

tfafl IWlftf-<br />

Inetiiree.<br />

Eveiy<br />

;^gp<br />

te dfToaita ttiej find<br />

k la<br />

tatten <strong>of</strong> the ted flag upon ihe<br />

topmast,<br />

Tbm Mte Saving Servlpc has rendered<br />

ivatnaUe aid, and In all the large nun*<br />

be? <strong>of</strong> vessels wrecked and en WB thereby<br />

UQperlUed within this short but mem-<br />

orable period but one life his been lust<br />

by drowning within the field <strong>of</strong> opera-<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> the life saving enm legated<br />

within the olty Units,<br />

for three nights duripg the season<br />

above mentioned the sold weather was<br />

phenoBeaaJ for this latitude. AM the:<br />

•tin went down the unerring Instinct <strong>of</strong><br />

the seabhdB guided 'their flight iiiiand,<br />

and as their plaintive, discordant notes<br />

died away In the distance the noise <strong>of</strong><br />

the waves aubfided until a solemn still-<br />

ness settled upon the deep, and as ulgbt<br />

Ml sot a tipple broke the awful silence.<br />

When morning dawned the ocean was<br />

a vast smooth plain as far an the eye<br />

eould reach, Boreas and Neptyne had<br />

met In invisible eonflictand the chariots<br />

<strong>of</strong> these* gods were overthrown and the<br />

'•white sea horses" lay hound and help-<br />

fas* The only objects which broke the<br />

monotony wen the sea buoys, which,<br />

ever Mnee they nave been aDehond<br />

then to mark the channels among the<br />

shoal*, had bounded and whirled to the<br />

motion <strong>of</strong> the waves, but now stood<br />

motionless, held In the same powerful<br />

grasp. No description can convey (he<br />

tdea<strong>of</strong> the seuatlons <strong>of</strong> those who be*<br />

held It, It could only he compared to<br />

a sun giving no light, a world without<br />

aoy iobablUnU.<br />

As the sun rose nigber the uU melted<br />

In little partiekB untU the whole man<br />

<strong>of</strong> lee beeams porous, and by soon the<br />

waters beneath was «u<br />

)5, IW,<br />

Dress Go tons.<br />

Fresh featufej with almost<br />

every day.<br />

J.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> fte stuffs never<br />

seen before this season.<br />

fwn, (ttxsd«tr*t t*«iiiipf<br />

i is sapfctoi tt |i60<br />

dlble, AM they were freed oat b tbe<br />

open as* iparkllng Unebeeame visible<br />

around the boilion, tbte gradually<br />

d b b<br />

Dress T^ieots.<br />

Thirty tlimisand yards t<br />

All the mill man had—fine<br />

All-woo! Tricots, jfi m, wide*<br />

They cost him more to mike,<br />

they'd coat him more to niake<br />

to-day. BuE he's glad to have<br />

us pass them out to you at<br />

25 AKD 30c THI YARD.<br />

Two qualities, easily the hm%<br />

value <strong>of</strong> the kind we ever had.<br />

Colors include<br />

Marseilles Spreads,<br />

If you know what these prices<br />

have a right to be you 1 11 won-<br />

der why the maker lets them<br />

go. Two sorts 1<br />

]=WelI Bade, fakt blaeh, full b!<br />

pretty, pew puWrBi, at»1.05«eh,<br />

2—U**tqyalitj mads le Atneri<strong>of</strong>v. floe clwe<br />

htcS and fM», B««iHjlTie paiteraj, *t<br />

^ -<br />

Down Fillotbs.<br />

Imported satin covers,<br />

broidered and puffed. Filled<br />

with good down, at $5 instead<br />

<strong>of</strong> $6 to $9; a few at #7,50 in-<br />

stead <strong>of</strong> $ 10.<br />

JOHN<br />

NowJs Your Chance!<br />

The Best Groceries<br />

AT THE<br />

Priw <strong>of</strong> Infrrior (ioods!!<br />

nni t<br />

tan<br />

ardful<br />

ptrtir<br />

nltwrm Blue*<br />

in Seal,<br />

Persian<br />

Furs.<br />

Fur Collarettes,<br />

Marten, Astrakhan,<br />

and combination.<br />

Fur Eton Jackets (the latest<br />

Paris craie) in Seal, Otter,<br />

Electric Seal and combination.<br />

_ Fur Trimmings in all widths.<br />

These are a few hints <strong>of</strong> yard<br />

prices 1<br />

tele ttonbte and ear own<br />

W««pUoo.<br />

f<br />

iHH«ipfalty mang* hl»<br />

a t<br />

that the afMage tiBaeu<br />

papafadltat <strong>of</strong>f U»«p><br />

ttftbamtaetlberat<br />

g<br />

nearer tbe •ban and then with<br />

the n<strong>of</strong>ae <strong>of</strong> ten tbouaand cataracts the<br />

brsken bunt tbe £eiten under which<br />

they bad teen •tmggling and moaning,<br />

and, rnabing forward bore upon their<br />

cntt milllQflia <strong>of</strong> tftu <strong>of</strong> loe wbleh they<br />

deposited upon U» beach on tang, ure-<br />

gutar linw, Ai wave after wave brought<br />

In jt* and piled it bighef and<br />

te p gf<br />

bjgbsr the HID fegatuedJtl power, ca*.<br />

UM, catbednJs, and designs <strong>of</strong> the<br />

t b<br />

nWBSt beauty^ with towert, mlijareU<br />

ibd dooiei iparUlng like dtamends,<br />

•prang np M if by magic and fonned a<br />

bnea*t»ork upon tbe line<br />

marked by the command 'Thus tar<br />

abait tboQ go and there (halJ thy proud<br />



In effect OCr<strong>of</strong>lER 6,18B,<br />

Ie«T« OCEAH CITY u loUowf-<br />

hU?M iH Bd<br />

B<br />

For<br />

Beiurnftipr-DHiTePbJUdf Iptl* far Oe**n <strong>City</strong>,<br />

Uin pyiL^EJUPHlA, EEOAD ST, 8TATI0H<br />

IQINIW fOlS,<br />

iim, ii is • B,<br />

IS), IMS. 441<br />

Olrf, 6.1J, S<br />


JlAfl CDT PBJGB<br />

From 2S to 40 PerCint.!<br />


Graoulatfd Sugar I<br />

N. p, Molatts Ids qE,, was 16c,<br />

fitst Syrup So t 15<br />

p,<br />

fitst Syru<br />

lie.<br />

q,<br />

So qt, was 15c.<br />

dlb wasSOc,<br />

Rolled O»U 4e lb,. 7 lbs, for £6c, i<br />

Rlee (best) 8clb,,3J|lba, fora&c. I<br />

California Prunes 10c lb,, were 10c, or 3 :<br />

tefgSc.<br />

Stareb 7c per Ib, or 4 Ibe, far 25c,<br />

B 7 t 4 f 2<br />

. STODDART'S<br />


Every Cloak<br />

reduced to<br />

Closing Figures.<br />

In 30 differed Hy|«, Ail <strong>of</strong> fbl. •aU0B ! i ih.pe*, and<br />

etrrf garment <strong>of</strong> Ihe loti red sited M HOW MABKED,<br />

The prfcrt an |S, U W, tlMt |9. |10, %\%M, I16.M, |U mm p9 wtl.<br />

W* •>!» .how some specially d«lr«He ahap«> !• <br />

as a V<br />

Health Restorer.<br />

Finest tBcOitfes for<br />

in nine, etc.<br />

Council then adjourned until the 19th<br />

last.<br />

i * i •<br />

Praia cape stair clur,<br />

Lseal sportsmen met In Mayor J. M,<br />

E. Hildretb's <strong>of</strong>lieo Saturday Bight and<br />

raised a fund to restock Cape May<br />

county with quail and rabbit, The<br />

game was nearly all killed <strong>of</strong>f last win-<br />

ter by severe weather,<br />

that Judge Beed bad allowed<br />

the writ <strong>of</strong> habeas corpus, but bad<br />

withheld a full hearing <strong>of</strong> the case;<br />

that lie had subjected the mother and<br />

Rev. Charles Palmer preached In the<br />

Baptist Church Sunday morning,<br />

MiBsLisle Haiaey untertained a num-<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> frieuds at tea Sunday evening<br />

fast,<br />

Wesley Megmnlgle spent Saturday<br />

aud Sunday with relatives here.<br />

Miss Alberta Lake Is suflerlcgfrom<br />

a severe suaclt <strong>of</strong> grip.<br />

Mto Eva Clark and Miss Lena Town-<br />

send spent Saturday In this plaoe.<br />

Miss Basel Boyd, <strong>of</strong> (Jamden, who<br />

baa been spending the jsast two weeks<br />

with her gjBiidmotht*, Mra. Halsey,<br />

has returned to her home,<br />

Mi» BesBle LitUe, <strong>of</strong> Tockahoe, Is<br />

rlslUog MUv Mints Andrews,<br />

The Helping Hand <strong>of</strong> the Baptist<br />

Church will give an entertainment in<br />

the obureh in the near future.<br />

Mn, Mlrfam Debmeey spent Monday.<br />

wltbHre.H.tf.L4ke-<br />

MIsi Gertrude Banders baa returned<br />

home after a vMt ot three weeks to<br />

Philadelphia,<br />

HartyfflSbee,o<br />

thto place on Monday.<br />

M».Harry ftdaea anddaoghter camU<br />

bome on Batarfay fern PhlladelphU<br />

when? tbey went to spend the Winter.<br />

Thay like their old" — •—'<br />

that his orier for the removal <strong>of</strong> the<br />

child to the State <strong>of</strong> New Jersey was<br />

Illegal! that action was taken without<br />

consulting the wishes <strong>of</strong> the child, who<br />

wished to remain with the mother, and<br />

that the petition, for the habeas corpus<br />

was fUed by a non-resident <strong>of</strong> that State,<br />

unsupported by proper Jurat,<br />

<strong>On</strong> the other hand, counsel for the<br />

husband raised the question that the<br />

Supreme Court bad BO jurisdiction In<br />

treating such cases as the present, and<br />

that the proceedings were regular, and<br />

were proper as ancillary to the proceed*<br />

lap pending In the court <strong>of</strong> this State.<br />

The Court reserved its decision.<br />

It will be remember* d that Sage, who<br />

was then a resident <strong>of</strong> Atlantic 0%, at-<br />

tacked his wife last April with a razor<br />

and In the melee the woman received a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> Ugly cuts about the fees.<br />

The report was accepted and the com-<br />

mittee continued.<br />

<strong>On</strong> resolution <strong>of</strong> Mr. Rice, the com-<br />

mittee ou flection bills wan abolished<br />

and the committee on general bills dt><br />

reeled hereafter to meet the day before<br />

the Board meets; all bills not presented<br />

to them on that day to He over until<br />

next meeting,<br />

Areeolutiou expressing theeongratu.<br />

latlous <strong>of</strong> the Board to its Htillrltor,<br />

Morgan Hand, V^q., upon the event <strong>of</strong><br />

his recent marriage, was unanlmoiiHly<br />

adapted, and the liojvrd adjourned.<br />

The sociable given by the Ladles' Aid<br />

Society at the residence <strong>of</strong> Ira S, Chain*<br />

plon on ThURday evening last was well<br />

attended and the programme one <strong>of</strong> un»<br />

usual ejEeeliesce. The exercises wen<br />

opened with cougitgaUonal singing and<br />

prayer, Rev. W, A. Massey Invoking the<br />

blessing, Mto Ella jetMes acquitted<br />

heraelf wi th credit as a vocaUst, appear-<br />

ing In a aolOi Victor Fisher gave an<br />

excellent recitation, A new feature In<br />

tbe Instrumental portion <strong>of</strong> the pro*<br />

gramme was a banjo duet by W. E.<br />

Maseey and Harvey Lake, which was<br />

well received as the hearty applause<br />

attested, Benjamin Cham plon followed<br />

with a recitation, and bis delivery spoke<br />

<strong>of</strong> careful prejiaraUoD, Miss Jennie<br />

Massey rendered a delightful vocal solo.<br />

Hunter Thomas refitted in his usual en-<br />

tertaining style, Frank E, Champion,<br />

who has gained quite a reputation as a<br />

rendered a solo on thai instrn-<br />

MI» Bella Hand closed '.he<br />

musical and literary portion <strong>of</strong> the en-<br />

tertafnnient with a recitation,<br />

RefreehmeptB were served and tbe<br />

remainder <strong>of</strong> tbe evening spent In a<br />

social way.<br />

Picture frames <strong>of</strong> all kinds and<br />

mode to order at Philadelphia<br />

Frames may he seen at Jonnson'Bj 810<br />

Asbury avenue, LABAN HEADLBY.<br />

FOB BALE OB LKASB,—Ooean front<br />

lotn; hay front IoU; alio lots In raoet<br />

, AUutl&Cily.<br />

, SeaUoal Olfiis<br />

A Cbild'* Bitter Grief.<br />

A sad ease, whicb brought leant to the<br />

eyes <strong>of</strong> (he spectators was presented in<br />

the Supreme Court at Camden Sutur=<br />

day. It was a habeas corpus cage in<br />

which Mamie Wllscm bniugitt suit to<br />

recovf f- posscHsiod «f her fi*year-qld<br />

daughter who was held by Mr. and<br />

Mrs, William Fecston <strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong>.<br />

The complainant alleged that when the<br />

child was a wee tot Mra, Foisiou was<br />

given control <strong>of</strong> It aud now that she Is<br />

able to support it the family refused to<br />

surrender her daughter. -<br />

The child Is five years old and has<br />

been with the FeesUm family since It<br />

was live months old. The woman at*<br />

itged it was withheld from her because<br />

she could not pay its back board,<br />

Mr, Feestou said that his family was<br />

greatly attached to the Htile girl and It<br />

would break the heart, .<strong>of</strong> his. wife to<br />

part with her. He knew he had no le-<br />

gal right to retain possession <strong>of</strong> her, but<br />

he did not think the mother could give<br />

her as good a home aa she bad. He<br />

said that the amount <strong>of</strong> money due wp<br />

not considered.<br />

The little girl cried ''Mamma, oh ma><br />

mu, don't lei them take me from you."<br />

She then clung about the neck <strong>of</strong>; Mrs.<br />

Feestou, who hugged her closely as the<br />

Maiding tears trlek|ed down her cheeks.<br />

Judge Garrison was powerless and<br />

mu]d do nothing but decide in favor af<br />

the mother. Mr. Feeston unloosed (he<br />

child from the .embrace <strong>of</strong> his wife and<br />

as the. tears rolled down his cheeks he<br />

ted the little one over to its mother,<br />

She grasped the little baud and left the<br />

room with the little girl screaming for<br />

her fester mother, white Mre. Feestou<br />

hid her face In her hands mid wept,<br />

Judge Garrison was overcome and<br />

left the court room remarking, "1 don't<br />

want to see that po<strong>of</strong> woman weep*<br />

ing,"<br />

Msohxtety<br />

Pun<br />

A cream <strong>of</strong> tartar baking powder.<br />

Highest <strong>of</strong> all la leavening strength,—<br />

Latest United States Government Food<br />

Report. *<br />

Royal Baking Powder Co*,<br />

tOfl #ALL ST*, S, T.<br />


To UfOTldc for ittjE dlap«MI «fee*i<br />

. tain lets In tile BsrsBstaaiaeesB<br />

<strong>City</strong>, COHttty <strong>of</strong> Gape lii ud<br />

De !i 6B«ffll, bjr the Mayor and OOfflwfl <strong>of</strong> the<br />

BcroHgii pf Qcpap Gitf i coUdty <strong>of</strong> Qip# Baf And<br />

SMle af He* Jefaejf, that, wbefeaa, Uw aajd<br />

btiFQiiBfc (lid SlitiiB flni daj qf AflgBCt, iue<br />

IKimin! ene Ihaiiupd eight hundred and DII<br />

BUfctlllle <strong>of</strong> DM Einer O. Batea 9$ tile, two<br />

lain joMsJUutflun thowMt*; - '<br />

innue, bftWHB Blxlh aad<br />

and known u JeU namNred Umlg<br />

M3|^-D!BI> (M) Ml tbn# Imndrnd ug MTrtljr-<br />

Diie (STi) in Mwtlciri '"A" KserdiBi to the pUu<br />

<strong>of</strong> |BII qf lite U,»san OtJ AHMiation, In said<br />

bgredgh, for (he purpose* ftn4 rura <strong>of</strong> laid<br />

lHsriJUifhj and wIiBftmi, lbs prwetit Hajor and<br />

pDliBoll Otid the lriU|p*4equat*fOrthppi]rpoaea<br />

md ats for wljjch, they mtt orifltlaiij 1 BBf-<br />

ehaied, and whereat Uit) bonufk haf a 60U*<br />

fide <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> OBB Thoiuand Dollar* fer, Ih* aaii<br />

iota by ono Florn E, Charnplnn, whieh prtee «<br />

RUN iscdnaJdered faj ibia SJayor uj OOBBCil to<br />

a'the lobinat in thl*<br />

EL'rjhatnpton pf<br />

"^afamefi<br />

~ i It etmeM, that «Ae Major abd ttirrk are<br />

ibjauthertted l« Siepnre the deed for "<br />

Bornueti <strong>of</strong> Oi.**n Cfii, for the turn pf <strong>On</strong>e<br />

DoIlaH nd<br />

Bn UcBHt*4t that thit ordinance ihaLl take<br />

fft I d i t i<br />

gt diBeijf,<br />

ID wilnen where<strong>of</strong> th*> May or DU tipreUbfci<br />

ut hli hand IBJ nfflsrd (he Hal <strong>of</strong> [he laid<br />

borouffajand «ned the ipe ta » attetted to<br />

by the Bqroqjh Olertl thll Twenty-nlaUl day <strong>of</strong><br />

Dsrerabar 4, D. IMS.<br />

AlU-ill H. B. ADAMS, Q.P.MOOHK.<br />

I', F=if.i,J5 BandJCb QKE-, Mayer,<br />

p. m9 gAMFlON*<br />

BStiMM H<br />

Stoves, Heaters,Range8,<br />

450 West<br />

OCEAH €JITV9 Wm<br />

jobbing promptly<br />

to. Estimates cheerfully given.<br />

Guarariteetddorlrst-dassw^ii<br />

and use the beat material.<br />

Orders left at Win. Ukc*i<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice, corner Six& and Asbmy<br />

ivenue, will nxeive prompt<br />

H0* 108 MAfiKET STREET,<br />


FAMILY Vina<br />


posits fit THM aunoer.<br />

Full Flavored Teas,<br />

Choice Brands <strong>of</strong> C<strong>of</strong>fee,<br />

Sugars <strong>of</strong> all Grades,<br />

Canned Frulr<br />

Pickles, Spices, Raisini, D<br />

Beef, Butter and Lard!<br />

Hams <strong>of</strong> Best Qual<br />

Weighed when Purchased by<br />

Customers. No Loss w<br />

Weight Charged to Furchaseim<br />

Step laud Bah MiMtlesa tamtim *m<br />

Mudrn»t»MlteklFllldI|<br />

l<br />

The Liquor Traffic and its<br />

kindred evils are forever pro-<br />

hibited by deed,<br />

Every lover <strong>of</strong> Temperance<br />

and Morals should combine to<br />

help us.<br />

Water Supply,<br />

Railroad,<br />

Steamboats<br />

And all other<br />

Thousands <strong>of</strong> bts for sale<br />

at various prices, located in all<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> the city.<br />

For information apply to<br />

E.B.LAKE.<br />

Secretary.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Asso'n,<br />

Over 11,000 SquM© Ptet <strong>of</strong> Moor Room,<br />

EN-<br />


Goods are as represented or money will be<br />

refunded. Compare prices and you will be<br />

convinced.<br />

ier, Fourth Street and West Avenue,<br />

OOEAN OITY^ N. J.<br />

TIB ru<strong>of</strong>er Ind aheeMron W«fer, All Modi<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bl<strong>of</strong>eCartinnfumhilHsdMihortBftHee. flu-<br />

OlidD BitiYim a •p*cl-J(y1 AU rt td<br />

iienMHl<br />



Belle we Honii,<br />

••rted ID SHR ilile, HeaU at all bonra,<br />

HAM'L SCHtfBCH, Prop'r,<br />

Tbe annual election <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fleere fer the<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Building and Loan Asaoeis.<br />

tlon, which WH held on Saturday evea><br />

lag Iftat, renulted ID the choice <strong>of</strong> lb§<br />

following pnUemeai Secretary, WH-<br />

treoaurer,R, Howard Thura;<br />

Ip; y<br />

d&itabfe QQTO<br />

Or B, U,<br />

Bwm I BBIOE 11 BBwm 111—Orderi<br />

for brick IeH at Tbom's hardware and<br />

ftimStaW etme o* at Glean Cottage, 8tU<br />

St aad Hafts ATO., will leoelTe protspt<br />

attedttoii; or «rtttt Abel D/SttOi, sou-<br />

tdbJKteJtaltlOttG<br />

directors, B, B, Sampson, B. B. MiUer,<br />

John Brower, Qndfrey Ang, George Q,<br />

Adams and E, A. Bourgeois,<br />

As the contest for president <strong>of</strong> the as*<br />

soolatfon resHlted In a tie between (I, P,<br />

Moore, the present Inqumbent, uid G.<br />

0, Adams, the election for tUit <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

was made a epeelal order for the FebiU"<br />

aiy meeting,<br />

Tbe pecretftry'a report shows the sow*<br />

daUon to be In a wand finanolal candl<<br />

tlon,<br />


oomed house, good bam, 22 acres o l<br />

grdond, containing flqe orehard—wlq-<br />

Cnek, Will rtotrtnp Sir <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

. Bargahi, Apply to or add<br />

ihlnson. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, XT, J,<br />

I am prepared to furnish a flrtfccloa<br />

red brick jnaianteod to withstand the<br />

froet or rJImaUo obooaea. which baa uo<br />

anpariorlothe • ? - -<br />

—x<br />

at tbe present<br />

time lbr use in paving, Not <strong>On</strong>ly art<br />

tbeyn superior article, tint the coat Is<br />

union lew than those <strong>of</strong> other brands<br />

now In mm In oar lows,<br />

Y<br />


Serv 8th St, and Wesley Ave,,<br />

OCEAiSTClTY»N,J,<br />

f hk ftauw b deilflhrfollr lemm on * wid.<br />

»»*ByB*f!*irfMtrfflra ilia eoiB twutfr<br />

d||ttoBi flnt etaai. Term* naaDHl,lti ten<br />

all the faaf. A % HJ f ^<br />


Paiitermd<br />

First<br />

DE4LEBUT<br />

Pure Wklle<br />

mi ftll*l G«i«n.<br />

Quality Hard OU<br />

Varnbhes,<br />

L,|p<br />

and<br />

Fire anil Water<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong> Falnta.<br />

Pure Metallic Paints for Tir<br />

and Shingle Ro<strong>of</strong>s (and m,<br />

other should be used where<br />

ntin water is caught for family<br />

use).<br />

All brands <strong>of</strong> Ready Mixed<br />

Paints,<br />

Window Glass <strong>of</strong> all kinds<br />

and patterns. Reference given,<br />


OCEAN cim<br />


IN<br />

Rne, Cedar<br />

and Hcmloch<br />


WtadowFraMt,<br />

Sitk-Datn,<br />

MBllli WlML<br />

tMitfitp MMlt,<br />

Uih* Uiit,Ctmt<br />


Paper \<br />

Clean, Ung@nsat.Qnal,<br />

and Just ihe Paper<br />

A full supply<br />

hand, and under cay***'<br />

Orders kit *f£No. 75<br />

bury averme will recei<br />

it k West AT§.»<br />

aTtyi,<br />


msm*?,<br />

•Jti::<br />

MM<br />

and<br />

; nairj's« lubject was praanled by Dr,<br />

Tslmage thhi forenoog to the nnial<br />

,- r» , ftftdbtnt<br />

church in AisejRaL Tho congregation,<br />

led by organ aqd cornel, sang a grstpel<br />

to the ftina <strong>of</strong> "Homo, Bwrfit<br />

trtai^BS eFgBtyg arshii<br />

'%• bpya sta girh'Bre. learning<br />

Krijool lesMtn, gnd froui tho storting ant<br />

f.jn tlie inuniirfg, whon'the tiptk't or bat<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hlaiu or UhJi dr overahou la kwt<br />

r Wiat iriglif, uli «ut til imfiUlu thi<br />

4—^jffiiftfis niiiiii I u ami >bQut-uati]-^'ou-<br />

*»«! rhfSf/. tbeai f^biii s*llaf to fflrM and<br />

•tlfroBi from flimi tuUiy bark fuiic<<br />

or tfts^nelt yufd, "WhCTo'B liieth^rf' lB.<br />

floal a (tnlld'g life is so tqli <strong>of</strong> that<br />

question that if ho ho: hricen away anb<br />

<strong>of</strong> the tidnga Hint tha mothef uiert<br />

Mmts and, the Biknee tiiut, sowi ep=<br />

pr^SM bur Is tho niseneif <strong>of</strong> that tcfit ^y<br />

jut bfieqihm-niftg; and when<br />

i b<br />

Han,' which aho will aaver hear oa mtth<br />

•gain, jxtwpE she hi-ars it ia a dream<br />

which aometimi-a ratsfra tha nursery<br />

jnaEasJt was, and thon fhtt voieo fosm*<br />

back so oatnral, and B»««set, and go in*<br />

accent, and so inquiiiagthut tho dresin<br />

breakaat the words, " Where'ouioth.ir!'.'<br />

H that question were put to most <strong>of</strong><br />

na ihja Morning, wo would have to say,<br />

If we ipolse traihfuHy, like gl«t«&'a<br />

mother, aho fg at the palace window,<br />

She. has bcraiflQ a qneen njitQ Uod fur-<br />

ever, and she ia pulling bark tho rich<br />

folds <strong>of</strong> the king's upholstery to look<br />

down atug, ty§ are not told the jiar=<br />

4faSlafejboat the ^^mm-^^m^<br />

era's mother, hot tlicro ia in that scene<br />

in the beak ef Judg.s m much about<br />

poi a mujKet m tn» umtct qnt said;<br />

"Th<strong>of</strong>g, my eon, takd tbla and ouver<br />

dlsgroco It, for nnncrabtr I] bail riithur<br />

all my •aBsshiialllMpI ui!B bun<strong>of</strong>iiblo<br />

pravatjiajithnt oqeijf TIR'UI phctuld iiirn<br />

b(a back on uii wiumy. tiu nnd<br />

4mrt«]^tLBt-wbtigihrdon;<br />

tngetsojWn to all Lrnve .UL>U it i8 al-<br />

ways shut against tmwnrdri," Agrip-<br />

pina, tho mother <strong>of</strong> Nero, iritinieresa,<br />

yea aro not surprised thai her ton was<br />

nmnrdorer, (Jive thHt child nn aver-<br />

cnk-chiaui, aud maho him ftoitu<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fiihbaa a pttniibiiK'at,<br />

and make Sunday a bare; and ho will<br />

became A stoat antagonist <strong>of</strong><br />

Uaiiity, Iinprcai him with the<br />

nad the gMilality and the<br />

religion, and he will tie<br />

and cienjphir for all tiny} and etmnity,<br />

A few days ago Hiilit iwforp ear ta=<br />

prea train on the LoBJavilld and Notb*<br />

fills raJirgad ths pfvtisliiig toiin hiid<br />

gone down thryngh u broken hrid^, 13<br />

unra falling log fwt and thiifl eoa-<br />

Burned, I saw that only ono span <strong>of</strong> the<br />

bridge waHdswn and ail thgothtr epaiia<br />

were afanding, pian a good bridge <strong>of</strong><br />

laorala for yaqr mm ahd danghtcra,<br />

hot have the Brat sjian <strong>of</strong> 10 yijarn do-<br />

leetive. and tbruugh that'thcy<br />

' panea oS tiiL' wiudpw aro lint griut<br />

flgaf etiil huvcfvd<br />

inuitriAjUii], iiftt<br />

ii Bifijill jHiataf, 1<br />

nrright «f timhi, IN<br />

wiijtef pii>tiirt?d~ !iy its; I<br />

by<br />

is<br />

•nUint<br />

r "its tin re knit<br />

mi humdy<br />

JJL<br />

tiiiuJN (Jf tint<br />

ililW, I- Tliii<br />

with'<br />

J #n «<br />

A WJU ku^vn gentluiaan <strong>of</strong> Seattle the<br />

otbvr duy bundud to a repurtff acBriona<br />

lookiug scurfiiin, th? bvufl <strong>of</strong> it being <strong>of</strong><br />

tliu also <strong>of</strong> a tiiHitl] uiurble, eutU oaJo<br />

fi bu)'ii. bi culor it<br />

b<br />


Infc; Very Krrt, and<br />

j be WB eaf o, he « f to sk«p<br />

^oo tho floor, bnt Jaclf*who haa ro-<br />

•ol*e4 npon hU death, took n tot pn^<br />

long nnd ronnd and'Sharp, in QUO hnud<br />

and « hammer in her other hand, and,;<br />

,' pnttiDg tbe sharp qnjd <strong>of</strong>. j&e 'tent pin to<br />

:the fordHail<strong>of</strong> Slafrfn, lJrtth her other<br />

6MB •fctc^Hfte|;.!tho hammer aad<br />

hrqught ifedown on tbe bead <strong>of</strong> the friti<br />

Slaeta atrng.<br />

f to'rflfe, and eha sttnek him again,<br />

heiitrnggjyd to riss, nod the tbird<br />

time she'atruck him, and the ooinniiiiid*<br />

erinehlol <strong>of</strong> tuoC'ammiaiiiih host lay<br />

down, thoegb all the rat kyop stnud<br />

"ng, O ffiiii!, O woman, if yon have<br />

preserved jonr integrity and Dro roaijy<br />

ian. yea havts n«t uf'iill to thank<br />

Jod, Bad! think host von have to<br />

thank year met Bur. The laoat<br />

i¥o thing at tha iDaagaratiou <strong>of</strong><br />

A, Garfielil na |irt%iiU>ai uf tho<br />

Btntc-a was tbyt after ho bad taken tUfs<br />

oath <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>flcii ho turned round ruiil ia<br />

tho preidaeo <strong>of</strong> the anprcino LTJurj nild<br />

the eenato <strong>of</strong> the UBited atiitis<br />

. . . : . , . ... 4; -k'ttm t!ii><br />

bridge <strong>of</strong>,the iiiefltlow LrtK '•-; M .ti ! un{|ijf,<br />

who dlpmutifit?) in front'ef I'I- wlmlew.<br />

Be lifts sntj dfBjig tny heiivv Jfnoehff uf \<br />

the fanahulist! (joiir, 'iUomii iii!"iB the<br />

rcspong^ ilo gives his nimid ntiil siiys.<br />

11 1 liaVfl eolliijOH aaHi! eFrH&d." "Thi're<br />

iS'Cothlng the iniittr with niy BOD<br />

in thoeity, ia thefeF' ehe nska, '• ¥csi; !<br />

ho snys, "Your Hun'niit intonn'nnfor-<br />

tunotoCnTOunti r with a young man !a<br />

K liquor Niioun liiat iifght antl la biully<br />

hyrt, Tho fiiet ia lid tonuot get wull.<br />

1 hate to tcill you ull, 1 am sorry ts<br />

say ho isdiHid," M Dc;adi" nhv crlua m<br />

she ftitura huek. "<strong>On</strong>, ay stm! uiy<br />

Bon'iHyiun! Would Ud i had ditd<br />

fur thiijj" That ia this ending uf till<br />

her t'Jin 6 a«d anslftifia and good conn*<br />

ftj£ tbuf lnjy, _ Thai ia her unv for<br />

•m.m<br />

Ueanwhite In tho diAanCfl Sl^pra's<br />

mother dtB amid smronndlDgB <strong>of</strong> wealth<br />

ud posjpand sconfti palatial-waiting<br />

fcij JU» retain, , E^eryiOflihef eEi»H,ta<br />

bsfrmm to be TictorioBa, and this moth-<br />

0 looked oat st - the wtsdoi? sxpecting<br />

t i b i drive, tip in-faiscbuiotfoi<br />

agOm loaded with bld<br />

j g j t f o n<br />

q nd enslaved. I see her now<br />

•itHsg at the window, ia high mpeets'."<br />

t^9b« Watchl* thj^ Cflrth^t'tnrn <strong>of</strong><br />

tftaropd,, jfte look* Wrtiiu flyfng dust<br />

iOf'-'tfcfc iwllt fcbufa, 'tbB Qfit-uAsh <strong>of</strong><br />

toe bit <strong>of</strong> the banes' bridle efce will<br />

in waiting that we know her<br />

IniBst bflvit IMWU princely and palatial.<br />

fgi we hiiVe no minute And* particular<br />

dest-riptiiin nf thu jminra at .whias wiu-<br />

dowont gloriflgd mother slis, hBt th<strong>of</strong>o<br />

ia go mnuh ID tbe closing ehaptere <strong>of</strong><br />

ffie gedd old bffsh ahdnt crowns, anfl<br />

pearls jig oneflgh to mafcs a ^te ant <strong>of</strong><br />

OH6Of thonj, HOW sonp uiid marriage<br />

rappers, and hnr|)a, and white horsps i hia old mother. If 1 had tjino to tiiko<br />

wi$h ki^ga in the slirrnps, and golden i itaHstica oat <strong>of</strong> th» auiliouce, aad 1<br />

carjdiearicJB that w kiiuw iho heavsa* ] ceflld ruk what prflpertion <strong>of</strong> yeti wlio<br />

ly Tesiiiooeo <strong>of</strong> enr taethur is Ea|wrh, ia [ are Qhri«tfuiia owe yuiir lalvrition<br />

i EgloBiijiiiyd, \M ilcinied, iaem- , God to luiiturnni fldelity, 1 tJunk<br />

is foniUiiluftl. is giorifiiil he- [ tBreo-foHfths <strong>of</strong> you woahl<br />

tho power <strong>of</strong> pencil or [ten or ' '<br />

tongue to prtm'nt, and in the window <strong>of</strong><br />

thai palace the mother aita watching<br />

for aewa fteia the batlje. What a eoH=<br />

trast hot ween that edwfiai<br />

'and her once, earthly<br />

What a work to briflg BJI a fnmily, in<br />

the old fiinu wtif, with;bnt littiy ar no<br />

hirpl hu]pr except perhspsfor the wiiih-<br />

jng day or for the iwiuo Blanghteriog,<br />

crtlled '•the killing duy!"<br />

OLD kAEmON^b MMtlBiB,<br />

is then au readlBg <strong>of</strong> elnbo=<br />

creatiFcs on tbo U'at taodtfl <strong>of</strong> ft'ur»<br />

ing ehlfdren, and thea leaving it all to<br />

hired help, with one or two visita fldny<br />

to.iflie BBT«rj- to §ep if ^o pilaelpija<br />

fire ifelliE carried, o<strong>of</strong>. The<br />

f j<br />

WW*flad|oas %briiisna hpleider<br />

i Bible only hinta at, bat leave* U8<br />

j bat<br />

I boi« that fmhet<br />

haft not<br />

te<br />

yonr foot, •'Ha! ha?" saia OiJauidien<br />

ef the resitnunt to Charije, siuu <strong>of</strong> the.ir<br />

commdiw. •* what faai niBtle tho Lhaiigu<br />

in yea? Yoa MSH] to like iin na wt-U aa<br />

nnyefni!,*' Fulling frota hia poektt<br />

hia njothif^ letter, in which, afU? ti-Il-<br />

ing <strong>of</strong> some e<strong>of</strong>fltoria thi! bad saat liiiu,<br />

ehe eonelndftl,, "Wearo all praying for<br />

yen, Charlie, that yua may bo a Chris-<br />

tian." huHuiJ, "fJoyg, thut'a the HJB-<br />

tence,"<br />

• fQB KEEJPLS ESTRl^NlD,<br />

Ths trpiiblewith Siwra's msithnr WJIB<br />

j that, while sitting at the window <strong>of</strong> my<br />

I test, watching, far aewa <strong>of</strong> her BOB tttihi<br />

:the battl<strong>of</strong>lsia, bho and the two lutd<br />

. qUHlitici) af bsjiitg ai^oltstts and btiug<br />

; tee load at personal udornuient, Tiio<br />

j Bible acc-omit aays: ''Her wton ladii's<br />

;aaawered ht'ryeo, Sborcturucd HUHA-GT<br />

to herself- 'HMvethey not sped? Huve<br />

;thoy not diviJud the pn?y=to eviiry<br />

tinan a darned or two, te BiBera a itryy<br />

^<strong>of</strong> divyra egitiM, a pruy <strong>of</strong> divera mhin<br />

<strong>of</strong> nycdiewtirk, <strong>of</strong> diveta culon* af ace-<br />

;dleworkgn yeth lidesf " Hhe maki'S<br />

,;! J liliilonB tittcraBco obont the wound-<br />

« down with njeaoJ^ or searJQt fever, ' fti in battle, abeat the hlqodaliod. about<br />

or round the hdaa with WBoijping : the dying, shout tho drnfl, about the<br />

eooghsand crouiM and ro<strong>of</strong>ouud fin. IprincipleB involved In tfle Imttlo gojag<br />

fers and earflchea and all thd infantilo ' en, a hattli* so finportant that the atnrg<br />

whiah at mm& Hina awosp'• nnd the tty%hels took part, and theelyHh<br />

Bpon every, larj^ hytwcholfl, Soiae <strong>of</strong> id aivorda wjis answered hy tho thunder<br />

got rested in this ; ef the ikies; Wbst aho thinks mm at<br />

most <strong>of</strong> thffliB old folks did tho i<br />

thsiwashfng, the intniiiiig, the dnrn-<br />

iBf, the natehihg, iho imiliacry, tho<br />

mantua miikiiiM, the hongt'ktt'ping,' imd<br />

in hurried hot vest tinju la'lpvd Bpread<br />

ths Jiajcf tread dowa the ioiid ia ih*j<br />

HOW. They ware at ths Bnina tfiue ea=<br />

terers, tajlnrs, ddeESfB, chnplaina nnd<br />

htiuatshold all to^'th-<br />

^<br />

B 0i ! y v^<br />

ejiwa* when theatara «*iiied to flgbt<br />

hMbefreonrkfl. Kol Nol HeissobraTe<br />

la battle I know ho baa won tho day<br />

Butjilaafotth<br />

pr^tl<br />

fngfagr feer'son tome from<br />

battls, AM a solitary mos-<br />

^Mpa-jiftiTing ta hot najtt riid« np to<br />

the^wiiidowat whieh the mother<br />

worffl' '/JbatcBfi <strong>of</strong> the ielf rocking era- ; - Is the bright cultn <strong>of</strong> the wardrobes tu<br />

flla<strong>of</strong>OBrday, welch, ivonqd np, will * • - - - -• - • -'•<br />

go heoj afiar hoar for tho Holnce <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

young BlBSiberer, it wni wenrj foot on<br />

the reeker Bonietiinca hnif thu day or<br />

half the night —rock—rock«= rock«<br />

rock, InHtoad <strong>of</strong>. onr drag storys Hied<br />

with a|i tho Bondcre <strong>of</strong> uinteria ^aed*<br />

iea and called ap thwagh a telephone,<br />

with tifem the OBly flpotheenry short <strong>of</strong><br />

fonr njiles* ride was the garret with<br />

its banehes <strong>of</strong> peppermint and pciiny='<br />

royal anil gdtnipnnd mustanJ and cain=<br />

o^iie flowers, which wery esptctc-d to<br />

I have<br />

,-.^t„-,,-.-.-:, - jttdwaifanat<strong>of</strong>lswa<br />

^pojf^iGtoFi'or defeat, if she be not<br />

Is<br />

,_ ^bip j^BninhHat. So bad 80D<br />

ls»j CBsriota and a hort <strong>of</strong> many thoo.<br />

than the snniea <strong>of</strong> Israel,<br />

-wnpa tfap/etBerdde, and tbo<br />

ef prcuarihg breakfniit, dlnaer<br />

and snpptir, Ths ehiif Uiniie they<br />

heard waa that <strong>of</strong> ipinniijg wheel and<br />

rocking chair. Fagged eat, lipadauhy<br />

and with ankles swollen, Those eld<br />

fashioned mothers—if aay persons ever<br />

fittBd opiiropiijitily into a^ood, cni$,<br />

comfortablo tjeaven, U»y\werg the<br />

folfa," and they got there, ana they are<br />

rested. They wear nb sp stacks, for<br />

they, have their taiid fiiMit—aa they<br />

liviM long cnongh on earth to get their<br />

SHSBd sight—-Bad they do cot havo to<br />

paot ferbfeaih after going op the cin-<br />

frald ftairt <strong>of</strong> the Eternal pahiee, at<br />

whose window they now ait wait ing for<br />

news from tho battle,<br />

Bnt if any onts feoepi on asking the<br />

ffl i^Whera'a BJOiauH" I ftMWer,<br />

in ymif preheat chnractqr, .Tho<br />

dlltyJis that yonr nhysieil fea-<br />

.•Bggesit'her, IfJhert be seven<br />

children in a hnnrnhntd at least six <strong>of</strong><br />

them look like' their mother, anfl the<br />

older yea ^t ths inon yon will look<br />

l!to his,;,;, Bat J gpeak BOW especially<br />

<strong>of</strong> your cheracWif anfl not <strong>of</strong> jour looks,<br />

Thi^Jsi^i^ ejcpfaJHefl, poring tte<br />

int Wyears'ftf jonr life yon were al=<br />

mat SlMfta. timeMtt her, and yonr<br />

fatter yfiB: *»^rOTly: ! niorBJap and<br />

There are no yeari ia say life<br />

•6 Irop<strong>of</strong>tatit for Impression as the firat<br />

10. Then and iheteli the iBpresalon<br />

Bade for virtue dr vice, for truth or<br />

falsebood, for firavfryer wwardica, for<br />

religion or akepticiun. Suddenly start<br />

sot frqn behind a door and frighten<br />

It<strong>of</strong>hildj and yoa mnysDatter hiH nerv-<br />

'OUB By*tem for s IlftHme, Daring the<br />

Brat 10 year* yoa can tell hfu enough<br />

M tonuka him a coward till<br />

be captured nnd the needlework, "To<br />

, Bisdrn a prvy yf divcra colora. a prey nf<br />

; divers coierHfif needir-wnrk. <strong>of</strong> divira<br />

colors sf urL>d Id work an Loth sides, *•'<br />

New iieithtr SffBra'a ninthernor any<br />

one BIBO can say too aiach in onlngy <strong>of</strong><br />

the needle. It'baa made isoro qe«fnl<br />

coaqneata than the award, Pulnted at<br />

one aid saa with nn eye ut tae othw,<br />

whether <strong>of</strong> hono or ivoij-, aa in carliust<br />

Hinei er uf bronze, as in Pliny's tiuioi<br />

or <strong>of</strong> etseJ, aa la Hiodcrn iluiSi whether<br />

jaborio&sly fasliioqcd aa formerly hy<br />

one hand, or us now, when 100 work-<br />

men in a fnctory aro einploj-ed to mate<br />

the different jiarta <strong>of</strong> one needlo, it is<br />

an inHtrmjii'nt divinyly ordin-d far tho<br />

comfort, for the life, for tho health; for<br />

the ad<strong>of</strong>Dindnt <strong>of</strong> the huraaq race, mio<br />

ey* <strong>of</strong> the needio liathaix-n Bure.ddinra-<br />

tie cdsjfgrt tiiid more gladtltiied pover-<br />

ty tnd m<strong>of</strong>i£Chrii!tign,service than any<br />

other five, Thts inuIerB sewing macliino<br />

has in nu wim nlw]iBU«l tho needle, but<br />

rather enihnmed it. Thank God for the<br />

ncedjowork, fropj the tirho wijaa tlie<br />

Lord Alnii|3!ity fteiu the henveas ot-<br />

dered in rt^'itrd til th«enitfroi;liT«l iloor<br />

ef the ancient hiljefnacla, "Tiien ehnlt<br />

make a hanging for tho dair af the tent<br />

<strong>of</strong> bine and pnrplo and s«irlet and Hna<br />

twined Hnt'o Wrought .with needle^<br />

work," down to tha womanly bniida<br />

which thia winter la this taberBaehi sro<br />

hia Uehaif, Thnt fa<br />

the luid nt-w* frotii tlie irattlo, 8u thu<br />

tidings <strong>of</strong> aNrfciiuinrChfiatiiuiKonii truy.<br />

cl to this wjuijuwa <strong>of</strong> uartli ur tho win»<br />

dtifts <strong>of</strong> Ufnvm ut which liiotityra §it,<br />

"tint," says aunts oiw, "ara you uoi<br />

BifHtiikua aliosit iny f-Ioritied mythtr<br />

hi'Jiriug <strong>of</strong> njy fivilduiiigH HUWIJ ghu<br />

m-atawayr 11 Hayn h.uiui tiUi'tlBt?, "Aiu<br />

yoa nut uiiHtiifci'y Hkmi iuy ghiMnVsl<br />

at-iiriiig <strong>of</strong> my aujf HuorilSt'c uiul<br />

ra^fuynty _ iifiti Htrugglu Ui i|u<br />

right?" Nyl UtuVon iitisj liirth arg in<br />

qtjjtatimt i*oiiijniiiiiciitju]!. Theju nre<br />

traius Fanning n\vry fi^ iiiiiiiitra—<br />

troini uf iiiiUiiirtiiiN liHrracling iiiji] tju,<br />

Bcunaiiiii—nijirita goiiig fr.jin oHrtli to<br />

hravyii to Hvs tuery. ij(iri(H<br />

ing from htavou tu vntth tt><br />

aad hdi>» They hunt- froiii m mnuy<br />

iiines ovi-ry duy. Do they iitur fci.u»il<br />

usves <strong>of</strong> Uiid n<br />

iedan, tliis 1<br />

lit?, in wbiuh UVITJ? ony uf ii^ is<br />

ing en the? riyht Hide or thu wrong tf(lv.<br />

O Qinit Xvhrjay I imi, ttusl whiiyj 1 nin<br />

trying to Kurvi.-, us JL rMiiIt vt (IJIB SIT-<br />

Bion, roli yver on ail iimth^ra a m\v<br />

ieiisu <strong>of</strong> thiijr li.^iifjBijiljiiity, jji,,i sijign<br />

nil djililrya, wh^rhtr Htiji ia the nur-<br />

eery or out on ihe trtiuuiidgflfi l^drncInH<br />

uf liiidsllu iifuyruij um-. Hie fiiot last<br />

thdr vietortsa np tU'IVnta Hijniid c\mt<br />

gut, ciunr np te fhc winslsiWB uf Nyinjia.<br />

thetie> iniittfrnity. Oh, JH nc>t i)m tha<br />

miiinte when the t'lcmil <strong>of</strong><br />

with tijy ushyjiiil tenra <strong>of</strong><br />

•re eh-iU harst m sbuwgrc <strong>of</strong><br />

on tiiiH nmlk'iiL'g? . .<br />

1 Thiire Is (inp tlimifjht<br />

t«i tenijei U ' l ^ V. ;v.;. V ;/•/,;<br />

Insurances .placed ^pn most<br />

dvantagebus term¥ in beit<br />

• ••fcF*•>*!!^i^T'E • : . . - • ' . - ;<br />

F^^any;Intoi'mari«in-on^ny<br />

lubj^t conftefettd wWi^ amy<br />

mdne^^nt^iris^jiitoJreeh/<br />

Robert Fisher,<br />

The Jataal h0m\ e<br />

FOB<br />

Sickness and Debility,<br />

FOB<br />

Alcohol, Morphine, etc<br />

Far nearly a quarter <strong>of</strong> H eentuw the<br />

flm <strong>of</strong> D«. tfrAriKBY 4 FALEN,<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1529 Arch street, PbllndBiphia, have<br />

dispensed CJa!ii(»und Oxygeii Treut-<br />

riient fiir chniiiic (iiwawa ftnd debility,<br />

wlili H must brilliant record <strong>of</strong> eurua.<br />

Tiiey have treuted over 60,000 patleiit«<br />

HI id In pplts <strong>of</strong> ftppffljitinn IIUVB ftireed<br />

the world |g nekiiowlHiffe the poteucy<br />

Slid useful nc-sa <strong>of</strong> OiiBpUiirt Oxy^u,<br />

Over 1000 phyAiaiiiUH have uned U lit<br />

Ihiif pnu-tk-e, uiid tblainiiubvr !• being<br />

tlll l J<br />

ntiumlly ,<br />

Tiieorf^lHnlCiinjiH)UiirtO3Eygcn made<br />

by tbia firm i§ pure, HiniparHUveiy de-<br />

Viiid <strong>of</strong> odor or tayto, niid sue <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

gFCiileflt <strong>of</strong> nftturjil vitiillzcn), building<br />

up briikari-ddwb (sjiistlliitkjiiB, supply-<br />

Ing nuture'e waste ftarn d laeaBe, eicsmm<br />

or old age.<br />

Oite <strong>of</strong> tha beauties <strong>of</strong> using thia<br />

trciiimuiit IH tliut you take no rnedlciiis<br />

whiUevur, your nyutuin is not ehocked<br />

by it, biirthiWH ur lruv«j are not Inter-<br />

fered with, and irnaitiieiit \n actiiully a<br />

lre. You simply Itihule the Cira-<br />

p Gxygua mid got It directly lutra<br />

the cireuliitioii, wbure It will du tho<br />

t ^ l yourHyBtein sin t<br />

—THf UiSlNB OF<br />

^IB U tha BOFFtlWfsIatgfV<br />

Told wJiin tha twiliah<br />

And tlie mfiakBfg walk<br />

Iloltliiig ueh Bther% lai<br />

"<strong>On</strong>r fnUiora lived Ifl UlS<br />

Thqj- wisntduiTii to Iiieeenlu4<br />

T t h l f U<br />

1<br />

**<strong>On</strong>r ffttboni friaked In ibe millet,<br />

uur fntLora skipped ia Uio whot4<br />

Oiir futhori hunif in &t> temehaa,<br />

<strong>On</strong>t fftthtn ductsd in tbe itKot,<br />

^bsB c«ne tLe terribl* fumDra.'<br />

Nothing ef War Uwy kaw.<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly May aimghl oor fatlioni<br />

And sot them to i*i»f too!<br />

iStwklUna,<br />

With plawa nnd ateklBi iad SMlH<br />

Put I hem it) mudw*lk-4 priiqna<br />

And cut nft tbeir b*aoufuj ulla]<br />

"New wo ran watch anr fftthoii,<br />

Sullen Bflil bnwed tnd old.<br />

Stooping aver the tniljet,<br />

BUrrjng iba Billy oskL<br />

i y y ,<br />

filcwplns In mnd walled priaoiw,<br />

Ptl ibi fd [<br />

"^V'q maF not gprhJl to OOF Ilihtrm.<br />

For If thq fannen knew<br />

They WDUU esms op to tho ferea<br />

And Ht Us te labor loeP<br />

1h!a is iho tuiirlWo sl<strong>of</strong>r<br />

TlJUtUlhttll<br />

As the iU<strong>On</strong>kojii wiUJt togetber<br />

Holding cueh other's tniU<br />

Bdl<br />


From Uin T.iii«opJ*l<br />

mrnt to the VNyi<br />

Chanvin lt<br />

any address tolls ail flbuut It,<br />


Dm. BiBrSpf St i'dltn, Fiiii4d_]jihl«t ¥m,<br />

Aheut life VeAH SEn I «» * bMl<br />

anil a dek Biiii, iiiiri>ring wftli<br />

stiuB anJ !;IBK tnilibis, Tu-dflT<br />

^iid rniggpd nnd riiilhg hMTj Wnrb y<br />

_ i owo my linnlih nud ilFp m Ooims Hind<br />

i tiHd yoiif kind hflp »n4 wififio. Duriiig<br />

ills liHfrjai <strong>of</strong> (lirso IITP Ji-nni, 1 liaie (HH*[| n»=<br />

Eflmmt>iulliiR7i)iir trfiatHient fap ami<br />

by itijf nd»lcir •iid your tnatmisnt ma b<br />

«*n-rnl IITPI and bdii.iflt.-d oihiTi<br />

J , Hair Vyrt, It, W,<br />

I Bin<br />

d<br />

Dili. iHrifi; £ r'ili-n, I'itllndHlphis, Fib<br />

' About n ffir ajto I w«» niilfnfins fcom OT?r-<br />

worfe nnd eiHiKnjUKnl i xliAii^ti>>ii, I ils«l jnHr<br />

CompoundOiyKfii Trftiitieni with gnral FRiiliJlHi<br />

I iisviir had unjthing ffjcli-Sriip iny luxni tmii f<br />

•till put niPlnfactl*i-Rhais1iiaiiT"m = C(iiiipi[aken<br />

thn C<strong>of</strong>,ipnund Uiyg-n. I muit ISJ tliAI 1 fttn<br />

In b^itur lirsllli than efer hffura «lnen j wait •<br />

^iiifil, Ihd ail fmiii ytiur t-nuipiiuntj (JsfyifpB<br />

TnAttiiPht. I frsl iliHl I c«n fisisp H* fisilf<br />

titfWgM in its pPHba Mid <strong>of</strong> the ^Fulgand it tiu<br />

dons tiir, . Jj, J, B Wd<br />

M, Chanvin, rlit'tcil to tlie<br />

smbiT for the Rtiinn distriet, ftbnnJon-<br />

edtliQ mjaea at lito Hgb <strong>of</strong> 10, Hebo-<br />

esmo a liuirdmH^iF uml, luid tbo distinc-<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> rnuuiujj ilia cntub and hia curl-<br />

ing ironB through thy iocka <strong>of</strong> tho prot-'<br />

tiest mombera uf tbu Thotitfe Fnncals,<br />

Politically, lit* Id n ftivulationaiy So<br />

cinliat, a BiKTiltfr »t public luootiriija and<br />

a Bwuni ciiDUiy uf tiiu oinijloyiaont ba.<br />

ieaUi TiiiAf: clmnii; tens tills comtuendod<br />

him to tlu' iiiifj-Ji^y <strong>of</strong>, the elw;tors for<br />

the salmrb <strong>of</strong> PateAtix (Ehe fifth) dls»<br />

tflet <strong>of</strong> BL DoHis,<br />

, Te nil wlift bavu rejirunuhai him with<br />

his too linlyiit iLiiviimty uf thy workiiig-<br />

msa ho IMW nti'Iiwli "WoU, what would<br />

yea have iiiu (In? Becmim <strong>of</strong> my iduaa<br />

all my putroDB Itavo me, and I tumi go<br />

into Bomo cthiT lingjiu'sa,"<br />

Why ihonhl he not go into parlia*<br />

His tmdo timkuH him b<br />

AnU IIlEBsr Than<br />

: Pliny, thHt raro old gosaipcf, ,<br />

•iBOHa hta other ostpiorilinniy atefto,<br />

that <strong>of</strong> tlioBat'iriHii iiiutiitid <strong>of</strong> obtaining<br />

gold, The sandy demrtH<strong>of</strong> Boctrbj in<br />

fhedaya <strong>of</strong> th«t historiim wire, fa tbs<br />

old man gayi, literally awm-joing with<br />

anta'-ilightly bigger thiiBfaittL" The«<br />

gigantiij roprosentutives <strong>of</strong> Utegesns by-<br />

minopteFa bnrrowed deeply late tho<br />

taody wattes, their tumitls and galleriet<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten being hondruda<strong>of</strong> feet In esrtent.<br />

The earth romovod from those borrows<br />

was always carried to the outaids and<br />

tbrown up ID hilla (remember Pliny Mf|<br />

this) "<strong>of</strong> a blfpiesi oiL?eeding that <strong>of</strong> A<br />

palace,' 1 This dehria, sand, oarth, etc,,<br />

WH IOOB foBnd to bo wondtnfally rich<br />

in small nnggeta <strong>of</strong> gold,<br />

Tbo diinger from the anta WAS greater,<br />

bowevpf, than thut from tha indUna in<br />

tfleeariy dkyg <strong>of</strong> gold (jigging in the w«t-<br />

ern United titn.U&. and many itoriei are<br />

told <strong>of</strong> men who we literally devonred<br />

la a few tnoRiyuts' by the fierce owners<br />

Of fiomo dlstturbi'd burrow. Seme ob-<br />

•flrvingold hiinUr at lastdiiWVMed that<br />

tbo giant ante slept unfing the hottflst<br />

honrs <strong>of</strong> the day. After that tlie aoekon<br />

after the yellow netiit only: Djede thetr<br />

ineBrsiona at the pru r time, ud even<br />

then they only staid lung enough in the<br />

desgrta to fill their aacka \rith the golden<br />

saad, which they took hose to sift at<br />

loifinro. With all this precaution tha<br />

ants <strong>of</strong>ten "awlftiy ponged the fleetoat<br />

horses, and ft wu§ only by sting various<br />

stratagems thnt the invaders managed to<br />

lia,"—at, Lonii RopahUo,<br />

IWafceri ww the chief subject ot&*<br />

gMBJon at a rathar faafnrmml mifftfag gf<br />

tho MinlEtera'.llUnoQ y t U ^<br />

Ing, When Df, A x w f g fy<br />

with • fnsaly iluiTen,^|lp^> Up<br />

ftw M devoid ef birnts d<br />

%<br />

and he WM promptly p<br />

to tt nlliuoe upon tbe M JUt* «ad'<br />

told bowh» had oot <strong>of</strong>f<br />

4<br />

? 7 4 ttte sitpdtb,<br />

trpOQ being qaoitionod be adml^d thul'<br />

the operation WM perfonneataW g^T<br />

day night, bnt Hid Unit ft wn 4«&o tor^<br />

h d f U<br />

g gg<br />

Uprevement el Wa Totot, He M<br />

tbs wort <strong>of</strong> God to proeaslfroni tlwt><br />

month alatr tad pkin Had ditit<br />

W d b<br />

flr* B y £ e!!, JilM|pi, .<br />

About twojiuri au'r. I viniMin-»fifil iirf<br />

mnd Oys-ih JH pro]M Blln BU Oom.<br />

k 4<br />

woj u I vnM K<br />

ys-ih, JH pro]xH«M Bjlln, BUrkfy<br />

nlftt, I :wM .TifTering fp<strong>of</strong>li iijpeat «fld lun<br />

ntibln, tbii Inri lungliiiijitg hid SB<br />

d hviit irit ll li ijp! t<br />

intibln, tbii Inri lungliijg id SB »bcjM:<br />

«od hsvinit irifwt all olijpp reraitijpi! tiinwB Is<br />

me, IwMlndUflwItOirjyonrrj'nirdy.<br />

It SUtffS Bie impniiiBBhtlr, and I rrjnlee thAl<br />

t wu aver made knnWnto Mil,' II tiH dans<br />

hJ ru me I could hoTe Bjiked, I b<br />

d it to HTtnl etbi-ra, whs<br />

h i I<br />

jeditsBd ^n f nfiti.<br />

rllh lijB Kfcstnt CA!in>lpt!$e,<br />

Frutfirt, ly, ii lt*.f. fLW,<br />

Dri. gtiirh? £ PiilHii, Hi j Itielphlft, F*<br />

By tnotli^r Un«i jfOHF Compound OiTp<br />

Tfe*ttnciit for Jlny Fflfor; ilic hu iii.t been<br />

bil **|Hi it riiies, Altwrt QlffoH.<br />

l N, J, ;<br />

Drt smrkrr A rtlM, FhiindnipiiU, Pa,<br />

tVunij gj(jjf*ii did ills fti<strong>of</strong>ti eAod JH it<br />

fpan lUy Fefer tlwn Bhytli/<strong>of</strong>f I hM<br />

l . L, Tjcknor,<br />

rrF pn Uy Fef tlwn Bh<br />

BP trinl, • , HeT. J.<br />

tiapUsn,SaJlna poQBty, Md.<br />

DPS, gtsrkflf 4 Palen, PhllndslphU,<br />

It in tiO)» pflfen niipnllis plncn I reer<br />

f ' ! h<br />

It in tiO) pflfe I r l f i thf flnrt<br />

TrwlmrnJ f<strong>of</strong> Iny HOH'P uw», BD! hf LM not Iind<br />

•tniptenM ef R mum <strong>of</strong> Hie ARlbms IIBM<br />

Ukinit HJB fins dntjfl, 1 take pianpc la nn<br />

dunnieiidlnf ft to fell iny rriendii who MFH afltlelrd<br />

WJtb fitly nhPnBlo (llMJUw. it Pfflliu to aef itfes «<br />

charm as thp diieut<br />

lut*ly M with Bill <strong>of</strong> hrr BSFliH isuiiJtiod up th*<br />

iiem.wfl ban adilfd rfeitntir Tim IfMlsnal<br />

aiiHin I#r Aienfiel, Marphlna, •!«,<br />

TbU to U {irvwiit Ilhi iwimi jparf«et <strong>of</strong>. any<br />

nnirB#rABd*!«i>ed byjeadine MmwrmtioS<br />

fepfnen,'Niit}flui w.QT,U,MBcetm, fHfin-<br />

if lit "Ws *rs WMTBIJ frieoiiiy to tfiin £<br />

t d IK Ii » be dot^ifMt *<br />

porflnooui Pigiu-o, a { g<br />

adapted to this tin do Hioels, BHOII a ^r-<br />

ion as BfaiinmrcKuia would jilutitfo were<br />

he living tmluy, Wo huvi neun M,<br />

Chauviii at home la Pnria, iu hia shop iy<br />

thsline dug Arcliivi^, Mnnui, By wus<br />

notawaro that ii purndiimB joBnalist<br />

aoder thu guitse <strong>of</strong> a clSeut was watch-<br />

ing him. i-Qii§d

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