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Apart from the engine, many other witnesses report a vast, multi-mile debris field. In the film, the testimony<br />

of reporter Brian Cabell of CNN states “Why would debris from the pane – and they identified it specially<br />

as being from this plane – why would debris be located 6 miles away? 1<br />

In addition, there were reports that “local media have quoted residents as speaking of...burning debris<br />

falling from the sky.” 2<br />

Jim Stop, a local resident, reported he had seen the Boeing 757 fly over him as he was fishing. He said he could<br />

see parts falling from the plane. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review also reported that before the crash the jetliner<br />

starting “falling apart on their home.” A state trooper said “ People were calling in and reporting pieces of plane<br />

falling.” 3<br />

(c) In turn, there were not only reports of sounds suggestive of a shoot down, there were reports that it<br />

had been shot down.<br />

Laura Temyer said that after she heard a plane pass overhead “I heard like a boom and the engine<br />

sounded funny...I heard two more booms and then I did not hear anything...I think the plane was shot<br />

down.” 4<br />

Susan Mcelwain, who reported also seeing a white jet in the air after the crash, said she received a call<br />

from a friend who reported that her husband, who was in the Air Force, had called and said “I cant talk,<br />

but we’ve just shot a plane down.” 5<br />

One of the Otis f-15 pilots, Major Daniel Nash, reported that when he returned to base after flying over<br />

New York City, he was told that a military f-16 had shot down an airliner in Pennsylvania. 6<br />

Putting it together, there is a great deal of confusion. However, given the evidence above, it is not unreasonable to consider<br />

that the 3 mins missing from the Voice Recorder is because those minutes endure a possible shoot down interception<br />

or an explosion that broke the plane up in mid-air, dropping an engine 1800-2000 feet away, generating a multi-mile<br />

debris field. However, nothing can be certain...except knowing that the Official Story of Flight 93 has many serious problems.<br />

(6) [World Trace Center Towers 1, 2 & 7]<br />

“Pancake theory, according to which the fires, while not melting the steel, heated it up sufficiently to cause the<br />

floors, weakened by the plane strikes, to break loose from the steel columns and this started a chain reaction.”<br />

“So you would expect then from that theory, which is the official theory, to see a whole stack of floors piled up on<br />

top of each other, and then a spindle of core columns standing too.”<br />

“The core of each of the twin towers consisted of 47 massive steel columns. If the floors had broken loose from<br />

them, these columns would’ve still been sticking up into the air, a thousand feet.”<br />

“The plane did not cut all those core columns…”<br />

“We designed the buildings to take the impact of a Boeing 707, hitting the building at any location.”<br />

“The building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners.”<br />

“…that the plane flew straight into the buildings,” -”straight through in, right”, -”so you say that the buildings<br />

were actually designed to cope with a hole like that and still survive?” -”yes, it was, it was”<br />

“if you had dropped, say, a billiard ball from the top of the World Trade Center, 110 floors up there, it would have<br />

taken 8 to 10 seconds to hit the ground, encountering no resistance whatsoever.”<br />

1 http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0109/13/bn.01.html<br />

2 “FBI Does Not Rule Out Shootdown of Pennsylvania Plane,” Reuters, September 13, 2001<br />

3 http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_47536.html<br />

4 William Bunch, “We know it crashed, but not why”, Daily News Nov 15 2001<br />

5 http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/WAL403A.html<br />

6 http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=daniel_nash

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