annual report - KVK, Lohit District,Arunachal Pradesh

annual report - KVK, Lohit District,Arunachal Pradesh annual report - KVK, Lohit District,Arunachal Pradesh


ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA Lohit District, Momong- 792 104 Arunachal Pradesh Under NRC on Yak, Dirang (ICAR), Arunachal Pradesh 1


2008-2009<br />


<strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong>, Momong- 792 104<br />

<strong>Arunachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong><br />

Under<br />

NRC on Yak, Dirang (ICAR), <strong>Arunachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong><br />


1. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE <strong>KVK</strong><br />


1.1. Name and address of <strong>KVK</strong> with phone, fax and e-mail<br />

Address Telephone E mail<br />

Momong, <strong>Arunachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong>, Pin.- 792 104 03806-200100 NA<br />

1.2 .Name and address of host organization with phone, fax and e-mail<br />

Address Telephone E mail<br />

Office FAX<br />

NRC on Yak (ICAR), Dirang 03780-242259 03780-242273<br />

1.3. Name of the Programme Coordinator with phone & mobile No<br />

Name Telephone / Contact<br />

Residence Mobile Email<br />

Dr. Leema Bora (In-charge) 03780-242220-236 9436228003, 9435839546<br />

1.4. Year of sanction: 2006-07<br />

1.5. Staff Position (as on 30 th September 2007)<br />

Sl. No. Sanctioned post<br />

1 Programme<br />

Coordinator<br />

Name of the<br />

incumbent<br />

Dr. Leema Bora Technical Officer in<br />

NRC on Yak & i/c<br />

<strong>KVK</strong><br />

Dr. Jiten SMS (Animal<br />

Rajkhowa Science- Health)<br />

Dr. Binod K. SMS (Animal<br />

Dutta Borah Science- Production)<br />

Mr. Debasish<br />

Borah<br />

Vacant SMS (Horticulture)<br />

Designation Discipline<br />

Veterinary<br />

Extension<br />

Pay Scale<br />

(Rs.)<br />

15,600-<br />

39,100<br />

Present<br />

basic (Rs.)<br />

Date of<br />

joining<br />

Permanent<br />

/Temporary<br />

21,000 24.10.2007 Temporary General<br />

2 Subject Matter<br />

Vety. Anatomy 15,600- 21,000 12.10.2007 Temporary OBC<br />

Specialist<br />

& Histology 39,100<br />

3 Subject Matter<br />

Vety. Gyno. & 15,600- 21,000 12.10.2007 Temporary General<br />

Specialist<br />

Obstractics 39,100<br />

4 Subject Matter<br />

SMS (Agronomy) Agronomy 15,600- 21,000 08.11.2007 Temporary General<br />

Specialist<br />

39,100<br />

5 Subject Matter<br />

Specialist<br />

6 Subject Matter Ms. Madhumita SMS (Plant<br />

Plant Protection 15,600- 21,000 08.11.2007 Temporary ST<br />

Specialist<br />

Sonowal Protection)<br />

39,100<br />

7 Subject Matter Dr. Debasis SMS (Fishery Fishery Science 15,600- 21,000 12.10.2007 Temporary General<br />

Specialist<br />

Sasmal Science)<br />

39,100<br />

8 Programme Chow Inchen Programme Assistant Engineering 9,300- 13,500 24.10.2007 Temporary ST<br />

Assistant<br />

Namchoom<br />

34,800<br />

9 Computer<br />

Md. Ziaur Programme Assistant PGDCA 9,300- 13,500 29.10.2007 Temporary General<br />

Programmer Rahman (Computer)<br />

(Computer) 34,800<br />

10 Farm Manager Mr. Azizur Farm Manager P.B.G. 9,300- 13,500 30.11.2007 Temporary MOBC<br />

Rahman<br />

34,800<br />

11 Accountant / Sri Noichung Accountant Graduate 9,300- 13,500 Temporary ST<br />

Superintendent Khochilu<br />

34,800<br />

12 Stenographer Mr. Birobrata Junior stenographer B.A. 5,200- 7,600 29.10.2007 Temporary General<br />

Category (SC/ST/<br />

OBC/<br />

Others)<br />


Purakayastha 20,200<br />

13 Driver Chow Rohit Driver cum mechanic - 5,200-<br />

Khunchow<br />

20,200<br />

14 Driver Mr. Sanjay Driver cum mechanic - 5,200-<br />

Sarker<br />

20,200<br />

15 Supporting staff Chow Kulenda SS Grade - I - 4,440-<br />

Khunchow<br />

7,440<br />

16 Supporting staff Chow Pinjawa SS Grade - I - 4,440-<br />

Langkham<br />

7,440<br />

1.6. Total land with <strong>KVK</strong> (in ha) :<br />

S. No. Item Area (ha)<br />

1 Under Buildings NA<br />

2. Under Demonstration Units 0.05<br />

3. Under Crops 4.0<br />

4. Orchard/Agro-forestry 0.80<br />

5. Others (specify) 8.15<br />

1.7. Infrastructural Development:<br />

S.<br />

No.<br />

A) Buildings: NA<br />

Name of building<br />

Source<br />

of<br />

funding<br />

Completion<br />

Date<br />

1. Administrative<br />

Building<br />

NA NA<br />

2. Farmers Hostel NA NA<br />

3. Staff Quarters (6) NA NA<br />

4. Demonstration Units (2) NA NA<br />

5 Fencing NA NA<br />

6 Rain Water harvesting<br />

system<br />

NA NA<br />

7 Threshing floor NA NA<br />

8 Farm godown NA NA<br />

B) Vehicles: NA<br />

Type of vehicle Year of purchase<br />

NA<br />

NA<br />

NA<br />

Cost<br />

(Rs.)<br />

Stage<br />

Complete Incomplete<br />

Plinth area<br />

(Sq.m)<br />

Expenditure<br />

(Rs.)<br />

Starting<br />

Date<br />

Plinth<br />

area<br />

(Sq.m)<br />

Total kms. Run Present status<br />

7,100 25.10.2007 Temporary ST<br />

7,100 12.10.2007 Temporary General<br />

5,740 06.11.2007 Temporary ST<br />

5,740 22.10.2007 Temporary ST<br />

Status of<br />

construction<br />


C) Equipments & AV aids: NA<br />

Name of the equipment Year of purchase Cost (Rs.) Present status<br />

NA<br />

NA<br />

NA .<br />

1.8. A). Details SAC meeting* conducted in the year<br />

Sl.No. Date Name and Designation of Participants Salient Recommendations Action taken<br />

1. 1. Dr. Mohan Bhattacharjee Director (NRC on Yak), Dirang, <strong>Arunachal</strong> 1. Vermicompost unit to be introduced for 1. 1. Vermicompost unit under pipeline.<br />

<strong>Pradesh</strong><br />

employment generation of Rural Youth.<br />

2. Chow Kamini Langkhun<br />

2. Proper infrastructure development of Fishery 2. Infrastructure of fishery already<br />

Farmer, Chongkham Circle<br />

at <strong>KVK</strong>, farm site is essential.<br />

developed.<br />

3. Nang Anu Wailong<br />

3. Rabbit farming farming for fur purpose to be 2. 3. Under process.<br />

Farmer, Lathao Circle<br />

considered.<br />

4. Nang Ken Khamhoo<br />

4. In <strong>KVK</strong> office or farm complex some<br />

4. Minerals mixture, medicine and<br />

Farmer, Chongkham Circle<br />

materials (minerals mixture, medicine and vaccine distribution from <strong>KVK</strong> office<br />

5. Ven Bhikku Vimalalanda<br />

vaccine) to be made available for easy approach already started leaflet on source of input<br />

Secretary, APV Society and Member Assesment and Monitoring<br />

of farmers. If it is not possible then contact prepared.<br />

Authority, Planning Commission, Govt of India<br />

addresses of medicine/vaccine suppliers may be<br />

6. Chow Lachit Thamong<br />

provided by the SMS.<br />

Farmer, Lathao Circle<br />

5. ATMA assured for helping in providing of 5. ATMA taking action.<br />

7. Chow M. Chowlu<br />

materials.<br />

<strong>District</strong> Training Officer and Project Director (ATMA)<br />

6. For seedling production, if <strong>KVK</strong>, farm site is 6. Seedling production in <strong>KVK</strong> farm site<br />

8. Mr. Debasish Borah<br />

not appropriate, try to select appropriate farming already started.<br />

Incharge, <strong>KVK</strong> <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong>, <strong>Arunachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong><br />

at farmers level.<br />

9. Sri Sujata Mansai<br />

7. Assam lemon, lime should be introduced in 7. Assam lemon, lime planting already<br />

Governing Body Member, ATMA, Kherem<br />

the coming year.<br />

started.<br />

10. Chow Soy Pee Mannoi<br />

8. Aromatic plant yet to introduced, if not in 3. 8. Action will be taken after SMS<br />

Farmer, Chongkham Circle<br />

<strong>KVK</strong> farm site then at the farmers field.<br />

( Horticulture) post filled up.<br />

11. Mr. J.C. Pal<br />

For Branch Manager S.B.I., Chongkham<br />

12. Dr. Jiten Rajkhowa<br />

9. Source of production of Mushroom seeds to be 4.<br />

dessiminated.<br />

10. Specific time oriented treatment awareness to<br />

9. Mushroom seeds already<br />

distributed.<br />

SMS, Animal Science, <strong>KVK</strong> <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> For Dr. Leema Bora, NRC on<br />

Yak<br />

13. Dr. Debasis Sasmal<br />

SMS ( Fishery Science), <strong>KVK</strong> <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

be provided.<br />

11. Apiculture training is required, if needed<br />

assistance of resource person from ICAR<br />

Research person from ICAR research complex 5.<br />

10. Training programmes are taken<br />

timely.<br />

11. Apiculture training<br />

for NER, Umiam, Barapani may be sought.<br />

12. Traditional agriculture machineries or<br />

implements may be updated.<br />

already given to the farmers.<br />

13. Any low cost implements if available should 12.Traditional agriculture machineries or<br />

be demonstrated in training programmes. implements updating under pipelines.<br />

14. Provision of Engineering tools may be 6. 13. Low cost implements are<br />

sought from ICAR Research complex for NER, demonstrated in the trainings.<br />


* Attach a copy of SAC proceedings along with list of participants<br />

2. DETAILS OF DISTRICT (2006-07)<br />

2.1 Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the <strong>KVK</strong>)<br />

S. No Farming system/enterprise<br />

1. Agri-Horti-Animal Husbandry<br />

2. Agri-Horti-Animal Husbandry-Fishery<br />

Umium, Barapani.<br />

7. 14. Action taken.<br />

15. In the coming year, more seedlings are to be<br />

produced for farmers.<br />

15. Action will be taken.<br />

16. Suitability of land, availability of water, 16.<br />

disease problem should be kept in mind before<br />

introduction of new technology.<br />

16. 16. Suitability of land, availability of<br />

17. Subject specific resource person from water, disease problem already taken.<br />

SAU/ICAR Institutes are to be invited as<br />

resource person for better ‘Lab to land’<br />

17. Action taken already.<br />

technology transfer and in training programmes.<br />

18. Office phone number to be provided in all the<br />

villages, if necessary to be published in local<br />

paper.<br />

18. Action already taken.<br />

19. Demonstrational unit to be developed as<br />

early as possible.<br />

20. Approach road will be repaired during the 19. Demonstrational unit under pipeline.<br />

insfrastructure development by the RWD<br />

department.<br />

20.Will be taken with infrastructure<br />

21. Special attention may be given to <strong>KVK</strong>, development.<br />

<strong>Lohit</strong> of the North East of speedy development.<br />

22. Lists of medicines, vaccines, seeds etc should 21. Higher authority will decide the<br />

be published for information of farmers<br />

matter.<br />

concerned.<br />

22. Lists of medicines, vaccines, seeds<br />

etc already published.<br />

8.<br />

1<br />


2.2 Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)<br />

S. No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics<br />

1. Sub tropical hill zone The climate of the district varies from place to place. Rainfall varies from 110-3645 mm,<br />

temperature 5 to 36 o C. The district consists of plain flood prone area, foot and mid hill areas.<br />

2.3 Soil types<br />

S. No Soil type Characteristics Area in ha<br />

1 Alluvial soils Deep to medium deep, Well drain soil 20700 ha<br />

2 Sandy soils Deep to medium deep, well drain soil, high<br />

erosion hazard<br />

365880 ha<br />

3 Black soils Deep to medium deep, well drain soil, 145620 ha<br />

medium erosion hazard<br />

4 Acid soils Deep to medium deep, well drain soil, high<br />

erosion hazard acidic in reaction<br />

518200 ha<br />

2.4. Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district<br />

S. No Crop Area (ha) Production (Qtl) Productivity (Qtl /ha)<br />

No Crop Area (ha)* Production (qtl)* Productivity (qtl /ha)*<br />

I Cereals<br />

1. Paddy (Irrigated) 2595 83560 32.2<br />

2. Paddy (Rainfed) 7150 163020 22.8<br />

3. Paddy-Jhum 800 5920 7.4<br />

4. Maize(Improved) 520 7380 14.20<br />

5. Maize-Local 7805 81170 10.40<br />

6. Millet 92 780 8.50<br />

7. Wheat 415 6640 16.0<br />

II Pulses<br />

1. Black gram 635 6100 9.60<br />

2. Green gram 215 1940 9.0<br />

3. Pea 560 7500 13.40<br />

4. Others (Local) 455 5460 12.0<br />

III Oil Seeds<br />

1. Mustard 10778 81910 7.6<br />

2. Sesamum 160 800 5.0<br />

3. Soyabean 265 4110 15.50<br />

4. Local Soyabean 180 1980 11.0<br />

IV Spices & Condiment<br />

1. Ginger 890 73240 82.30<br />

2. Turmeric 110 3870 35.20<br />

3. Chilly 125 1900 15.20<br />

V. Other food grains<br />

1. Potato 620 57040 92.0<br />


2. Sweet Potato 435 20010 46.40<br />

3. Sugarcane 20 1300 65.0<br />

4. Colocasia 925 43010 46.50<br />

5. Tapioca 358 16530 46.20<br />

VI Horticulture crops<br />

1. Orange(Khasi Mandarin) 2175.89 22508.6 1.03<br />

2. Pineapple 135.38 5148.8 3.80<br />

3. Large Cardamon 31.2 159.0 0.51<br />

4. Banana 111.292 11999 10.78<br />

5. Papaya 16.58 290 1.74<br />

6. Guava 15.9 8.86 0.55<br />

7. Mango 16.51 44.2 0.26<br />

8. Assam Lemon 26.35 600.6 2.28<br />

9. Litchi 34.9 761 2.18<br />

10. Arecanut 11 15.0 0.14<br />

11. Black pepper 50 285 0.57<br />

2.5. Weather data<br />

Month Rainfall (mm) Temperature 0 C Relative Humidity (%)<br />

Maximum Minimum NA<br />

September, 2008 134.00 NA NA NA<br />

October, 2008 50.20 NA NA NA<br />

November, 2008 30.00 NA NA NA<br />

December, 2008 7.00 NA NA NA<br />

January, 2009 87.00 NA NA NA<br />

February, 2009 63.00 NA NA NA<br />

March, 2009 133.00 NA NA NA<br />

April, 2009 214.00 NA NA NA<br />

May, 2009 32.00 NA NA NA<br />

June, 2009 279.00 NA NA NA<br />

July, 2009 368.00 NA NA NA<br />

August, 2009 368.00 NA NA NA<br />

2.6. Production and productivity of livestock, Poultry, Fisheries etc. in the district<br />

Category Population Production Productivity<br />

Cattle 93,329 nos 64,174 litre NA<br />

Crossbred NA NA NA<br />

Indigenous NA NA NA<br />

Buffalo 9382 nos NA NA<br />

Sheep 56 Nos NA NA<br />

Crossbred NA NA NA<br />

Indigenous NA NA NA<br />

Goats 37989 nos NA NA<br />

Pigs 35,102 nos NA NA<br />

Crossbred NA NA NA<br />

Indigenous NA NA NA<br />

Rabbits NA NA NA<br />

Poultry 159416 nos NA NA<br />

Hens NA NA NA<br />


Desi NA NA NA<br />

Improved NA NA NA<br />

Ducks 29386 nos NA NA<br />

Turkey and others (Mithun) NA & 7344 nos NA NA<br />

2.7 Details of Operational area / Villages (2007-08)<br />

No Taluk<br />

Name of the<br />

block<br />

Name of the<br />

village<br />

1. NA Chongkham Chongkham,<br />

Momong, Nalung,<br />

Napatia, Alubari-<br />

Nepali Basti,<br />

Namliang,<br />

Manmow Tissue,<br />

Pangkhao, Marua,<br />

Empong.<br />

2. NA Namsai Jona Pathar –I,<br />

Jona Pathar –II,<br />

Jona Pathar –III,<br />

Jona Pathar –IV,<br />

Deobil, Dachuk<br />

Major crops &<br />

enterprises<br />

Paddy, Mustard, Potato,<br />

Ginger, Poultry, Cow,<br />

Goat, Piggery, Fishery.<br />

Paddy, Mustard, Potato,<br />

Ginger, Poultry, Cow,<br />

Goat, Piggery, Fishery.<br />

3. NA Tezu Danglat, Loiliang Paddy, Mustard, Potato,<br />

Ginger, Poultry, Cow,<br />

Goat, Piggery, Fishery.<br />

4. NA Sunpura Paya, Jeko Paddy, Mustard, Potato,<br />

Ginger, Poultry, Cow,<br />

Goat, Fishery.<br />

5. NA Lekang New Mohong,<br />

Old Mohong<br />

Paddy, Mustard, Potato,<br />

Ginger, Poultry, Cow,<br />

Goat, Piggery,Fishery.<br />

6. NA Piyong Nampong, Nigoro Paddy, Mustard, Potato,<br />

Ginger, Poultry, Cow,<br />

Goat, Piggery, Fishery.<br />

7. NA Mahadevpur Madevpur-1,<br />

mahadevpur-2,<br />

Mahadevpur-3,<br />

Khamti Kumari,<br />

Chelatu<br />

8. NA Wakro Medo, Gundri,<br />

Kamlang, Mawai<br />

Paddy, Mustard, Potato,<br />

Ginger, Poultry, Cow,<br />

Goat, Fishery.<br />

Orange, Ginger, Paddy,<br />

Maize, Mithun, Poultry,<br />

Cow, Goat, Piggery<br />

Major problem identified Identified Thrust Areas<br />

Agriculture :<br />

1. Lack of knowledge about scientific agronomic practices<br />

for different crops<br />

2. Poor soil fertility<br />

3. Stem borer, gall midge , Gandhi bug, leaf folder, and leaf<br />

roller attack in paddy<br />

4. Poor yield of local varieties of paddy, pulses and oilseed<br />

5. Non adoption of fertility management practices in all<br />

crops<br />

6. Attack of stem borer/ top borer in maize<br />

7. Lack of irrigation facility, erratic rainfall<br />

8. Lack of knowledge regarding production and use of<br />

organic manures<br />

9. Lack of knowledge about IPM/ INM of different crops<br />

10. Traditional cropping without scientific management<br />

practices<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Poor performance of local cultivars of fruits and<br />

Vegetable<br />

2. Lack of availability of quality planting material in fruits<br />

and vegetables<br />

3. Lack of knowledge about propagation technique of<br />

banana, citrus, litchi & other fruits<br />

4. Lack of knowledge about scientific orchard management<br />

technology of citrus , pineapple<br />

5. Lack of knowledge about scientific nursery raising<br />

technique in vegetables<br />

6. Lack of knowledge about nutrient mgt. technique of<br />

citrus, litchi, pineapple, and banana.<br />

7. Lack of knowledge about insect-pest & disease mgt.<br />

technique of fruits and vegetables<br />

8. Lack of awareness on utilization of underexploited crops.<br />

Fishery<br />

1.Lack of suitable region specific fish farming technology<br />

with respect to different altitude of <strong>Lohit</strong> district<br />

2. Lack of knowledge about different aspects of scientific<br />

fish cultur .<br />

3. Lack of knowledge about composite fish cultur .<br />

4. Lack of knowledge about low cost integrated fish farming<br />

system .<br />

5. Lack of awareness about scientific fish husbandry<br />

practices.<br />

1.Scientific cultivation of cereals, varietal evaluation of rice<br />

2. Nutrient management in cereals<br />

3. Disease management in cereals<br />

4. Biocontrol of rice pests, IPM<br />

5. Waste management<br />

6.Weed Management<br />

7. Fertility management in cereals and oilseed pulses<br />

8. Varietal evaluation of Greengram & Blacklckgram<br />

9. Varietal evaluation of pea<br />

10.Cultivation of tuber crops<br />

11. Disease management in potato<br />

12. Orchard management in citrus<br />

13.Scientific Vegetable cultivation<br />

14. Management of young plant orchard in khashi mandarin<br />

15.Rejuvenation of old orchards<br />

16.Disease management in khashi mandarin<br />

17.Exotic vegetable production<br />

18. Off-season vegetable cultivation<br />

19. IPM in cole crops<br />

20.Disease management in cucurbits and ginger<br />

21.Production and management technology of ginger<br />

22. Spices production and management<br />

23.Production and management technology of plantation crop<br />

24. Scientific Cultivation of fruit crops<br />

25. Nursery management in Horticulture crops<br />

26. Proper feeding & housing of livestocks<br />

27. Production of Quality animal product<br />

28. Control & prevention of various diseases<br />

29. Scientific management in Poultry<br />

30. Introduction of Broiler farming<br />

31. Small scale Piggery & Goatery farming<br />

32. Carp fry and fingerling rearing<br />

33. Carp breeding and hatchery management<br />

34. Integrated fish farming, Composite fish culture<br />

35. Breeding and culture of ornamental fishes<br />

36. Portable plastic carp hatchery<br />

37. Pen culture of fish and prawn<br />

38.Scientific management of Apiary<br />

39. Installation and maintenance of micro irrigation system<br />

40. Use of Plastics in farming practices<br />

41. Production of small tools and implements<br />

42. Repair and maintenance of farm machinery and implements<br />


Animal Husbandry :<br />

1. Parasitic infestation of livestock.<br />

2. Poor feeding.<br />

3. Use of local breed of cattle, pig and poultry<br />

4. Lack of knowledge about scientific rearing of livestock.<br />

5. Lack of knowledge in control & prevention of various<br />

Disease.<br />

6. Lack of knowledge about integration of different<br />

enterprises<br />

2.8 Priority/thrust areas<br />

Crop/Enterprise Thrust area<br />

Rice Scientific cultivation of cereals, INM and IPM in cereals.<br />

Rice Fertility management in cereals and biofertilizer production.<br />

Khasi mandarin Management of young plant orchard, Rejuvenation of old orchards.<br />

Spice crop Production and management technology of ginger and Spices.<br />

Plantation crops Production and management technology of plantation crop.<br />

Livestock Scientific management of feed, disease.<br />

Piggery AI in cattle and housing in Piggery.<br />

Poultry Scientific management in Poultry in terms of feed, housing system, Introduction of Broiler farming.<br />

Livestocks Disease management in cattle, pig, elephant.<br />

Fishery Integrated fish farming, Composite fish culture.<br />

Fishery Knowledge on pond construction, fry and fingerling rearing.<br />

Fishery Scientific knowledge on Integrated farming system including rice fish culture, fish and animals.<br />

Rice Weed and Waste management in rice<br />

Tuber crops Scientific Cultivation of tuber crops, Disease management in potato<br />

Khasi mandarin Disease management in khashi mandarin<br />

Fruits and Vegetables Scientific nursery management in fruits and vegetables<br />

Rice Improved machineries for rice cultivation<br />

Horticulture crops Knowledge on post harvest processing machineries on field and horticulture crops and their storage<br />

Oyster mushroom Scientific cultivation of oyster mushroom<br />

Apiary Scientific management of Apiary<br />

Farm machinery Repair and maintenance of farm machinery and implements<br />

Farm machinery Knowledge on improved tools and machineries for intercultural operation<br />


43. Small scale processing and value addition<br />

3.A. Details of target and achievements of mandatory activities by <strong>KVK</strong> during 2007-08<br />

OFT (Technology Assessment and Refinement) FLD (Oilseeds, Pulses, Cotton, Other Crops/Enterprises)<br />

1 2<br />

Number of OFTs Number of Farmers Number of FLDs Number of Farmers<br />

Targets Achievement Targets Achievement Targets Achievement Targets Achievement<br />

Fishery science<br />

1 1 2 2 2 2 6 6<br />

Plant Protection<br />

3 3 45 45 4 3 60 43<br />

Agronomy<br />

4 2 45 25 6 4 90 60<br />


Animal science<br />

6 5 30 30 6 3 30 14<br />

Horticulture<br />

4 1 60 15 6 1 90 12<br />

Training (including sponsored, vocational and other trainings carried under Rainwater Harvesting Unit) Extension Activities<br />

3 4<br />

Number of Courses Number of Participants Number of activities Number of participants<br />

Clientele Targets<br />

Fishery science<br />

Achievement Targets Achievement Targets Achievement Targets Achievement<br />

Farmers 7 7 175 271 3 1 75 32<br />

Rural youth 2 2 50 56 - - - -<br />

Extn.<br />

Functionaries<br />

- - - - - - - -<br />

Plant Protection<br />

Farmers 8 7 220 204 4 1 105 30<br />

Rural youth 3 3 90 77 - - - -<br />

Extn.<br />

Functionaries<br />

1 - 25 - - - - -<br />

Agronomy<br />

Farmers 8 10 240 253 6 2 120 40<br />

Rural youth 2 2 60 65 - - - -<br />

Exten. Functionaries<br />

Animal science<br />

1 - 25 - - - - -<br />

Farmers 18 17 520 490 4 4 100 98<br />

Rural youth 4 3 105 67 - - -<br />

Exten. Functionaries 2 1 50 7 - - -<br />

Seed Production (Qtl.) Planting material (Nos.)<br />

5 6<br />

Target Achievement Target Achievement<br />

Rapeseed 4 4.35 Cabbage 2000 2450<br />

Rice 5 4.08 Cauliflower 2000 2000<br />

Potato 18 7 Tomato 500 1050<br />

Okra 0.05 0.10 Brinjal 500 1000<br />


3.B. Abstract of interventions undertaken<br />

S. No<br />

Thrust area Crop/<br />

Enterprise<br />

Identified Problem<br />

Interventions<br />

Title of OFT if any Title of FLD if any Title of Training if any<br />

Title of<br />

training for<br />

extension<br />

personnel if<br />

any<br />

Extensi<br />

on<br />

activiti<br />

es<br />

Supply of seeds,<br />

planting materials<br />

etc.<br />

1 Unavailability of Fishery Fish seed Carp fry and fingerling - Carp fry and fingerling - - Bleaching & lime<br />

fishery seed<br />

rearing<br />

rearing<br />

2 Poor scientific<br />

knowledge<br />

Fishery Unutilized resource - Integrated fish farming - - - Bleaching & lime<br />

3 Water resource Fishery Water problem - Post monsoon culture Post monsoon culture of - - Bleaching & lime<br />

of carps<br />

carps<br />

4 Disease<br />

Rice Disease attack in rice - - Integrated disease<br />

- - Indofil M-45<br />

management<br />

management in rice<br />

5 Biocontrol of pest Rice Stemborer and leaf Biocontrol of<br />

- - - - Trichocard<br />

folder affected in rice stemborer and leaf<br />

folder<br />

Stemborer affected in - Bio-intensive IPM for Bio-intensive IPM for - - Pseudomonas<br />

rice<br />

stemborer<br />

stemborer<br />

floresence,<br />

Multineem,<br />

Trichocard<br />

6 IPM Rice Rice hispa affected in Management of rice - - IPM in cereal - Beauveria bassiana<br />

rice<br />

hispa using<br />

mycoinsecticides<br />

6 Waste management Rice Unutilized rice staw - Oyster mushroom Oyster mushroom<br />

- - Spawn, polythene<br />

production technology production technology<br />

bag<br />

7 Disease<br />

Potato Severe loss of potato - - Blight management in - - Indofil M-45<br />

management<br />

due to late blight<br />

potato<br />

8 Disease<br />

Khasi mandarin Fruit dropping in khasi - Fruit dropping in khasi Fruit dropping in khasi - - NAA, Bavistin<br />

management<br />

mandarin<br />

mandarin<br />

mandarin<br />

9 IPM Cole crops Pest attack in cole crops - - IPM in cole crops - - Indofil M-45<br />

10 Disease<br />

Cucurbits Disease attack in - - Disease management in - - Indofil M-45<br />

management<br />

cucurbits<br />

cucurbits<br />

11 Disease<br />

Ginger Rhizome rot in ginger Rhizome rot<br />

- Rhizome rot management - - Biofer-pf<br />

management<br />

management in ginger<br />

using Biofor-pf<br />

in ginger using Biofor-pf<br />

12 Dairy management Cattle Buffalo 1. Poor performance of<br />

indigenous cattle.<br />

2. Poor milk production<br />

under low input feeding<br />

system.<br />

3. Improper housing<br />

system<br />

Improved milk<br />

production by Balance<br />

feeding<br />

Up gradation of local<br />

cattle by A.I. with<br />

frozen semen of<br />

improved breed (on<br />

process.)<br />

1. Management of small<br />

scale Dairy farm.<br />

2. Cross breed dairy<br />

farming as a source of<br />

income.<br />

3. Feed and Fodder<br />

management of Dairy<br />

cattle.<br />

4. Enhanced milk<br />

production of local cattle<br />

with supplementation of<br />

- Conc. Feed<br />

ingredients.<br />


S. No Thrust area Crop/ Identified Problem Interventions<br />

Enterprise<br />

conc. Feed.<br />

13 Piggery Pig 1. Lack of knowledge<br />

Chemical castration 1. Scientific pig farming. Chemical<br />

about improved Breed.<br />

2. Pig farming and its castration &<br />

2. Improper housing<br />

system.<br />

3. Traditional method of<br />

castration.<br />

economic viability. its advantage<br />

14 Feed management 1. Pig<br />

1. Poor growth rate to 1. Concentrate feeding Supplementation of 1. Importance of feeding<br />

inadequate nutrient of Pig.<br />

Mineral Mixure and water’<br />

feeding.<br />

(Mithun Min) to 2. Preparation of animal<br />

2. Pig<br />

2. Mineral deficiency 2. Supplementation of mithun.<br />

feed from locally available<br />

Mineral Mixer.<br />

agricultural product and<br />

3. Pig<br />

3. Inadiquet Nutrient 3. Low cost feeding<br />

Bio products.<br />

feeding due to non with locally available<br />

3. Utilization locally<br />

availability of feed feed ingredients.<br />

available tree fodder during<br />

ingredients.<br />

summer and winter season.<br />

15 Disease<br />

Pig, cattle, 1. Lack of knowledge Control of Piglet<br />

1. Importance of<br />

management Buffalo, Goat, about schedule time anaemia by iron<br />

vaccination and<br />

Poultry, vaccination and<br />

supplementation.<br />

Deworming of Livestock in<br />

Livestock Deworming.<br />

schedule time.<br />

2. Unhygienic condition<br />

2. Control and prevention<br />

of animal shed.<br />

of various Diseases of<br />

3. Improper<br />

cattle.<br />

management.<br />

3. Control and prevention<br />

4. Low feeding.<br />

of various Diseases of<br />

5.Zoonotic importance<br />

Goat.<br />

Diseases<br />

4. Control and prevention<br />

of nutritional Deficiency<br />

Diseases of livestock.<br />

5. Control and prevention<br />

of zoonotic importance<br />

importance diseases.<br />

6. Control and prevention<br />

of Reproductive Disease.<br />

16 Poultry<br />

Chicken Duck 1. Poor performance of<br />

1. Introduction of small 1. Broiler farm<br />

management<br />

indigenous breed.<br />

scale intensive system management.<br />

2. Lack of knowledge<br />

Poultry farming. 2. Control and prevention<br />

about scientific Poultry<br />

of various diseases of<br />

farming.<br />

3. Improper housing<br />

system.<br />

Poultry<br />

17 Goat farming Goat Improper housing Improve housing Goat farming as a source of<br />

system of Goat. income.<br />

18. Quality animal Animal Production of improved<br />

product<br />

quality animal product.<br />

19 Varietal evaluation Rice<br />

1. Lodging and low Performance of the rice<br />

1. Importance of multiple - Field<br />

of rice<br />

(transplanted) yield of local variety variety “Ranjit” in<br />

cropping with special<br />

day<br />

(Transplanted)<br />

2. Mono-cropping <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> of<br />

reference to kharif rice<br />

<strong>Arunachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong><br />

2. Concept and importance<br />

Chemical<br />

Concentrated feed<br />

ingredients<br />

Mineral mixture<br />

Iron injection<br />

Housing material<br />

and technique<br />

Rice seed<br />


S. No Thrust area Crop/<br />

Enterprise<br />

20 Nutrient<br />

management<br />

Identified Problem Interventions<br />

(Continued) of integrated farming<br />

system<br />

3. Certified seed<br />

production technology of<br />

rice<br />

Rice Low fertility of soil Integrated nutrient<br />

management in rice<br />

21 Weed Management Rice Heavy weed infestation<br />

of water hyacinth<br />

22 Fertility<br />

management<br />

- 1. Use of HYV and INM in<br />

Kharif rice<br />

2. Vermicompost<br />

production technology<br />

- 1.Integrated weed<br />

management practices of<br />

Mustrad Low fertility of soil Demonstration of HYV<br />

of Rapeseed and<br />

Mustard<br />

Greengram Low production of local<br />

- Demonstration of HYV<br />

cultivar<br />

of greengram<br />

Blackgram Low production of local<br />

- Demonstration of HYV<br />

kharif rice.<br />

Use of HYV and INM<br />

practices of rapeseed and<br />

mustard<br />

Improved cultivation<br />

practices of greengram<br />

Improved cultivation<br />

INM in Field<br />

crops<br />

Field<br />

day<br />

- Field<br />

day<br />

- Field<br />

day<br />

Biofertilizer<br />

Neocitina beetle<br />

Seed, biofertilizer<br />

23 Varietal evaluation<br />

- Field Seed<br />

of Greengram<br />

day<br />

24 Varietal evaluation<br />

- Field Seed<br />

of Blackgram<br />

cultivar<br />

of Blackgram<br />

practices of Blackgram<br />

day<br />

25 Feed management Cattle Irregular supply of feed, - Demonstration of Scientific cultivation - Field Seteria slips<br />

perennial forage grass practices of forage grass<br />

seteria<br />

day<br />

26 Varietal evaluation Pea Low yield and area<br />

- Demonstration of HYV<br />

_ - - Seeds<br />

under pulse<br />

of Pea<br />

27 Management of Khasi mandarin Yellowing of citrus, Management of - INM in Khasi Mandarin - - Micronutrient<br />

young plant<br />

Low fertility of soil micronutrient<br />

orchard<br />

deficiency in Khasi<br />

mandarin (Continue)<br />

3.1 Achievements on technologies assessed and refined<br />

A.1 Abstract of the number of technologies assessed* in respect of crops/enterprises<br />

Thematic areas Cereals Oilseeds Pulses Commercial Crops Vegetables Fruits Flower<br />

Varietal Evaluation 1<br />

Seed / Plant<br />

production<br />

NA<br />

Weed Management NA<br />

Integrated Crop<br />

Management<br />

NA<br />

Plantation<br />

crops<br />

Tuber<br />

Crops<br />

Others<br />

13<br />


Integrated Nutrient<br />

Management<br />

Integrated Farming<br />

System<br />

1<br />

Mushroom cultivation NA<br />

Drudgery reduction NA<br />

Farm machineries NA<br />

Value addition NA<br />

Integrated Pest<br />

Management<br />

2<br />

Integrated Disease<br />

Management<br />

NA 1<br />

Resource<br />

conservation<br />

technology<br />

NA<br />

Small Scale income<br />

generating enterprises<br />

NA<br />

TOTAL 4 - - - - - - - - 1 5<br />

* Any new technology, which may offer solution to a location specific problem but not tested earlier in a given micro situation.<br />

A.2. Abstract of the number of technologies refined* in respect of crops/enterprises: NA<br />

Thematic areas Cereals Oilseeds Pulses Commercial Crops Vegetables Fruits Flower Plantation crops<br />

Varietal Evaluation<br />

Seed / Plant production<br />

Weed Management<br />

Integrated Crop<br />

Management<br />

Integrated Nutrient<br />

Management<br />

Integrated Farming<br />

System<br />

Mushroom cultivation<br />

Drudgery reduction<br />

Farm machineries<br />

Post Harvest<br />

Technology<br />

Integrated Pest<br />

Management<br />

Integrated Disease<br />

Management<br />

Resource conservation<br />

technology<br />

Small Scale income<br />

generating enterprises<br />

TOTAL<br />

Tuber<br />

Crops<br />

TOTAL<br />


* Technology that is refined in collaboration with ICAR/SAU Scientists for improving its effectiveness.<br />

A.3. Abstract of the number of technologies assessed in respect of livestock / enterprises<br />

Thematic areas<br />

Evaluation of Breeds<br />

Cattle Poultry Sheep Goat Piggery Rabbitary Fisheries TOTAL<br />

Nutrition Management 1 1<br />

Disease of Management<br />

Value Addition<br />

1<br />

Production and Management 1 1<br />

Feed and Fodder 1 2<br />

Small Scale income generating<br />

enterprises<br />

2<br />

TOTAL 2 3 1 4 10<br />

A.4. Abstract on the number of technologies refined in respect of livestock / enterprises: NA<br />

Thematic areas<br />

Evaluation of Breeds<br />

Cattle Poultry Sheep Goat Piggery Rabbitry Fisheries TOTAL<br />

Nutrition Management<br />

Disease of Management<br />

Value Addition<br />

1 2<br />

Production and Management<br />

Feed and Fodder<br />

1 1<br />

Small Scale income generating<br />

enterprises<br />

2<br />

TOTAL 1 3 1 2 7<br />


B. Details of each On Farm Trial to be furnished in the following format<br />

A.<br />

Trial 1<br />

Technology Assessment<br />

1) Title : Performance of rice variety ranjit in <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong>.<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Low productivity of local varieties.<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Variety “Ranjit”.<br />

4) Source of technology : RARS Titabar Assam.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Rainfed.<br />

6) Thematic area : Varietial evaluation.<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Results stored that variety ranjit recorded grain yield of 4006.67/kg/ha, Av. height (102.5 cms)<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : Variety ranjit may be grown in <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> for higher production.<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : Attack of sheath blight is a problem.<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers are satisfied with the technology. They activity participate throughout the whole production process. They wants to go for staggerd planting of the crop.<br />


Trial 2<br />

Trial 3<br />

1) Title : Integrated nutrient management in rice.<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Low fertility of soil.<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Microbs azospirillum and PSB @ 4kg inoculla/ha and 40 kg k2o/ha in the form of MOP.<br />

4) Source of technology : AAU, Jorhat.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Rainfed and fertility management in rice.<br />

6) Thematic area : Nutrient management in rice.<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Results awaited as the crop is in the field.<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : NA<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers participates activity.<br />

1) Title : Management of Rhizome rot disease of Ginger in <strong>Lohit</strong> Dist., <strong>Arunachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong><br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Rhizome rot<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Diathane M-45 @ 2.5g/litre of water for seed treatment and sparying of Diathane M-45 @ 2.5g/litre of water at 30DAS<br />


Trial 4<br />

4) Source of technology : Handbook of agriculture, ICAR.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Rainfed.<br />

6) Thematic area : Integrated Disease Management<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Av. Yield (56q/ha), Nos. of infected plant (Nil)<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : Diathane M-45 may be used for control of rhizome rot disease of ginger in large scale in <strong>Lohit</strong> Dist.<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers satisfied with the strength of technology<br />

1) Title : Rhizome rot management in Ginger using Biofer-Pf<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Rhizome rot<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Biofer-Pf @ 10kg:1Kg(Rhizome seed: Biofer). Prepare a paste of 1Kg Biofer in 2lit of rice gruel/water and dip the rhizomes in the paste for 15 min.<br />

4) Source of technology : Deptt. Plant Pathology, AAU, Jorhat.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Rainfed<br />

6) Thematic area : Integrated Disease Management<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Results awaited as the crop in the field.<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />


Trial 5<br />

micro level situation : NA<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : .NA<br />

9) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers participates actively<br />

1) Title : Management of rice hispa using Mycoinsecticides<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Rice hispa affected in rice<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Beauveria bassiana @ 4.37 Kg/hac in 600 litre of water<br />

4) Source of technology : Deptt. Of Plant Pathology, AAU, Jorhat.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Rainfed<br />

6) Thematic area : Biocontrol of pests and diseases<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Results awaited as the crop in the field.<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : NA<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : :.NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers participates actively<br />


Trial 6<br />

Trial 7<br />

1) Title : Biocontrol of stemborer and leaffolder in rice<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Stemborer and leaf folder attack in rice<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Releases of Trichogramma japonicum and T. chelonis @ 50,000/ha week starting from 30DAT<br />

4) Source of technology : Deptt. of Entomology, AAU, Jorhat.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Rainfed<br />

6) Thematic area : Biocontrol of pests and diseases<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Results awaited as the crop in the field.<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : NA<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers participates actively<br />

1) Title : Carp fry and fingerling rearing<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Poor quality fish seed<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : A<br />

4) Source of technology : Fishery Research centre, AAU, Jorhat.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Rainfed<br />

6) Thematic area : Quality fish seed<br />


Trial 8<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Crop in the field<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : NA<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers participates actively.<br />

1) Title : Supply of creep ration to the pre weaned piglets.<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Poor growth rate after wearning, Longer inter farrowing period.<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Providing creep ration to the preweaned piglets at 1 months of age to 56 days.<br />

4) Source of technology : Technology inventory for livestock and poultry production for NE Region, ZCU III Barapani.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Intensive farming.<br />

6) Thematic area : Piggery management.<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Gained body of from 1.9 Kg at 1 months to 8.5-9kg after attaining 56 days of age.<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : The technology can apply in piggery farming for better growth rate and shorter inter farrowing period.<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : Cost of creep ration is high.<br />


Trial 9<br />

Trial 10<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers are interested to adopt the technology.<br />

1) Title : Concentrate feeding of pig.<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Farmers are not adopting Balance feeding therefore very poor growth rate.<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Concentrate ration feeding to pig from the age of 3 month to 1 year under the trial.<br />

Input: - concentrate feed ingredients.<br />

4) Source of technology : Technology inventory for livestock and poultry production for NE Region, ZCU III Barapani.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Intensive farming.<br />

6) Thematic area : Piggery management.<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Gain body weight from (average) 20 kg at 3 month to 45-50 kg at 6 month of age. (Continuing)<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : Cone ration should be feed to pig to gain maximum body weight.<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : Few ingredients GNC, wheat bran etc are not available in the locality.<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers are interested to adept the technology.<br />

1) Title : Supplementation of Mineral Mixture to pig.<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Mineral deficiency lead to anestrus, poor growth.<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />


Trial 11<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Supply of Mineral Mixture (Minerax fort) to pig.<br />

4) Source of technology : Technology inventory for livestock and poultry production for NE Region, ZCU III Barapani.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : 4) Pig- Semi intensive<br />

6) Thematic area : Disease management/ nutrient management.<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Yet to complete.<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : NA<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and their reaction : Actively participate<br />

1) Title : Supplementation of Mineral Mixture to Mithun (Mithun min).<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Mineral deficiency lead to anestrus (particularly in Mithun)<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Supply of Mineral Mixture (Mithun Min) to Mithun.<br />

4) Source of technology : NRC on Mithun, Jorna pani, Nagaland.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Mithun – Loose in the jungle for grazing.<br />

6) Thematic area : Disease management/ nutrient management.<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Yet to complete.<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />


Trial 12<br />

Trial 13<br />

micro level situation : NA<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Actively participate<br />

1) Title : Control of piglet anaemia by iron supplementation.<br />

2) Problem diagnose/defined : Piglets anaemia due to deficiency of iron.<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Supplementation of iron through intramuscular injection at 7 day & 14 day of age.<br />

4) Source of technology : Supplementation of iron through intramuscular injection at 7 day & 14 day of age.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Intensive farming.<br />

6) Thematic area : Disease management.<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Piglets Mortality reduced and body weight increased.<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : To control piglet anaemia the technology should adopt.<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers are satisfied.<br />

1) Title : Management of micro nutrient deficiency in khasi mandarin.<br />


2) Problem diagnose/defined : Yellowing of Citrus, low fertility of soil.<br />

3) Details of technologies<br />

selected for assessment<br />

/refinement : Supply of micro nutrient multiplex@2.5/lit.<br />

4) Source of technology : Barapani, Umiam.<br />

5) Production system<br />

thematic area : Rainfed<br />

6) Thematic area : Management of young plant orchard.<br />

7) Performance of the<br />

Technology with<br />

performance indicators : Leaves become green from yellow. Number of leaves increased of 36 nos/branch at 120 days<br />

8) Final recommendation for<br />

micro level situation : Training to the field workers & timely application of the multiplex to all the affected orchard<br />

9) Constraints identified and<br />

feedback for research : : NA<br />

10) Process of farmers<br />

participation and<br />

their reaction : Farmers participates actively.<br />

11). Results of On Farm Trials<br />

Crop/ enterprise Farming Problem<br />

Title<br />

No. of Technology Parameters of Data on the Results of Feedback from the<br />

situation Diagnosed<br />

of OFT<br />

trials* Assessed<br />

assessment parameter assessment<br />

farmer<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

Fishery Rainfed Water<br />

Post monsoon culture 2 Dept. of Fishery 1.Duration of 1. -5 month - Got double<br />

resource of carps<br />

AAU, Jorhat culture<br />

2. -5 month<br />

production<br />

2.Stocking<br />

3. -7.2+0.4<br />

average 1,400<br />

3.PH<br />

4. @55gm<br />

kg/ha (five<br />

4.Growth<br />

5. 23.6-34.2<br />

months culture<br />

5. Temp<br />

average of wt.<br />

fish-55gm)<br />

Ginger Rainfed Rhizome rot Management of<br />

5 Hand book of 1. Nos. of<br />

1. -Nil<br />

Performed Farmers satisfied<br />

Rhizome rot disease<br />

agriculture, ICAR infected plant, 2. -56q/hac well in the<br />

of ginger in <strong>Lohit</strong><br />

2. yield record, 3. Satisfied field<br />

Dist., A.P.<br />

3. farmers<br />

reaction<br />

Ginger Rainfed Rhizome rot Rhizome rot<br />

15 Deptt. of plant 1. Nos. of<br />

Crop in field<br />

management in<br />

pathology,<br />

infected plant,<br />

ginger using Biofer-<br />

AAU, Jorhat 2. yield record,<br />

pf<br />

3. farmers reaction<br />


Rice Rainfed Rice hispa<br />

affected in<br />

rice<br />

Rice Rainfed Stemborer<br />

and leaf<br />

folder attack<br />

in rice<br />

Rice Rainfed Low yield of<br />

local variety<br />

Rice Rainfed Low fertility<br />

of soil<br />

Piggery Poor growth<br />

rate after<br />

wearning<br />

Piggery<br />

management<br />

Piggery<br />

management<br />

Piggery<br />

management<br />

Mithun<br />

husbandry<br />

Piglet<br />

anaemia<br />

Poor body<br />

weight gain<br />

Mineral<br />

deficiency<br />

Mineral<br />

deficiency<br />

Management of rice<br />

hispa using<br />

mycoinsecticides<br />

Biocontrol of<br />

stemborer and leaf<br />

folder in rice<br />

Performance of rice<br />

variety ranjit in <strong>Lohit</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong>.<br />

Integrated to nutrient<br />

management in rice.<br />

Supply of creep<br />

ration during<br />

prewearnig period<br />

Control of piglets<br />

anaemia by iron<br />

supplementation<br />

Concentrate ration<br />

feeding to pig<br />

Supplementation of<br />

Mineral Mixture<br />

Supplementation of<br />

Mineral Mixture<br />

15 Deptt. of plant<br />

pathology,<br />

AAU, Jorhat<br />

15 Deptt. of Agril.<br />

Entomology AAU,<br />

Jorhat<br />

1. Treatment<br />

and post<br />

treatment count<br />

of the inseed at<br />

30 days interval<br />

2.Yield record.<br />

3. Population of<br />

natural enemies<br />

before and after<br />

treatment.<br />

1. Percent<br />

damage area,<br />

2.Yield record.<br />

15 Rice variety Ranjit Grain yield,<br />

plant height<br />

10 Azospirillum and<br />

PSB @ 4 kg<br />

inocullla /ha and<br />

40kg k2o/ha<br />

4 Technology<br />

inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE<br />

Region.<br />

4 Technology<br />

inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE<br />

Region.<br />

7 Technology<br />

inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE<br />

Region.<br />

10 Technology<br />

inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE<br />

Region.<br />

14 Technology<br />

inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE<br />

Region.<br />

Grain yield and<br />

yield parameters<br />

1) Growth rate.<br />

2) Mortality<br />

3)Interfarrowing<br />

period of sow<br />

1) Litter size at<br />

the time of<br />

farrowing.<br />

2) Litter size<br />

after wearning.<br />

3) Body weight<br />

gain.<br />

Body weight<br />

gain<br />

1. Growth rate<br />

2. Anestrus<br />

Anestrus longer<br />

calving interval<br />

Crop in field<br />

Crop in field<br />

4006.67<br />

kg/ha<br />

102.5cm<br />

Crop is in<br />

the field<br />

1) 8.5-9 kg at<br />

56 day age<br />

2) NIL<br />

3) Reduced<br />

118-10<br />

8-10<br />

1.8 kg at 7<br />

day old age<br />

increase to<br />

8.5 to 9 kg at<br />

56 due old.<br />

3 month<br />

-20kg-30kg<br />

5 month 45-<br />

50 kg<br />

Yet to<br />

complet<br />

Yet to<br />

complet<br />

Ranjit<br />

Farmers satisfied.<br />

performed<br />

well in the<br />

area.<br />

NA NA<br />

Good Increase growth<br />

rate 20-30%<br />

Good No mortality due<br />

to piglet anaemia<br />

good growth rate.<br />

Good Body weight gain<br />

about 30% more<br />

than without conc.<br />

Fore<br />


Khasi<br />

mandarin<br />

* No. of farmers<br />

Rainfed Yellowing of<br />

citrus, low<br />

fertility of<br />

soil<br />

Management of<br />

micronutrient<br />

deficiency in Khasi<br />

mandarin<br />

15 Citrus rejuvenation<br />

packages in NE<br />

India, ICAR<br />

Research Complex,<br />

Barapani.<br />

Visual<br />

observation of<br />

leaf colour,<br />

number of leaf<br />

at 120 days<br />

interval<br />

Leaves<br />

become<br />

green,<br />

36nos/branch<br />

Good Farmers satisfied<br />

Technology Assessed *Production per unit Net Return (Profit) in Rs. / unit BC Ratio<br />

11 12 13 14<br />

Water resource management 1,400kg/ha 80,000/ha -<br />

Disease Management 56q/hac Rs. 95,350/ha 5.73<br />

Rice variety Ranjit 4006.67 kg/ha Rs, 21557.00/ha 3.05<br />

INM NA NA NA<br />

Nutrient management NA NA NA<br />

*Field crops – kg/ha, * for horticultural crops -= kg/t/ha, * milk and meat – litres or kg/animal, * for mushroom and vermi compost kg/unit area.<br />

** Give details of the technology assessed or refined and farmer’s pract<br />

Crop/ enterprise<br />

NA<br />

11). Results of On Farm Trials: NA<br />

Farming situation Problem Diagnosed Title of OFT<br />

No. of<br />

trials*<br />

Technology<br />

refined<br />

Parameters<br />

Data on the<br />

parameter<br />

Results of<br />

refinement<br />

Feedback from<br />

the farmer<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11<br />

* No. of farmers<br />

*Field crops – kg/ha, * for horticultural crops -= kg/t/ha, * milk and meat – litres or kg/animal, * for mushroom and vermi compost kg/unit area.<br />

** Give details of the technology assessed or refined and farmer’s practice<br />

3.2 Achievements of Frontline Demonstrations<br />

a. Follow-up for results of FLDs implemented during previous years<br />

List of technologies demonstrated during previous year and popularized during 2007-08 and recommended for large scale adoption in the district<br />

S. No<br />

Crop/<br />

Enterprise<br />

Thematic Area* Technology demonstrated<br />

Details of popularization methods suggested to the Extension<br />

system<br />

Horizontal spread of technology<br />

1 Fishery Polyculture Seasonal polyculture technology 1. Monoculture technology has been converted to polyculture.<br />

2. Utilization of all the nitches.<br />

3. Increased yield. 3 4 0.4 ha<br />

* Thematic areas as given in Table 3.1 (A1 and A2)<br />

27<br />

Justifi<br />

cation for<br />


. Details of FLDs implemented during 2008-09 (Information is to be furnished in the following three tables for each category i.e. cereals, horticultural crops, oilseeds, pulses, cotton and commercial<br />

crops.)<br />

Sl.<br />

No.<br />

Crop Thematic area Technology Demonstrated Season and year<br />

Area (ha)<br />

Proposed Actual SC/ST<br />

No. of farmers/<br />

demonstration<br />

Others Total<br />

Reasons for shortfall in<br />

achievement<br />

1. Khasi<br />

Disease<br />

Management of fruit Kharif, 2009 1.0 0.73 1 - 11 Due to limited<br />

mandarin management<br />

dropping in khasi mandarin<br />

availability<br />

material<br />

of<br />

2. Rice Biocontrol of pest Bio-intensive IPM for rice<br />

stemborer<br />

Kharif, 2009 2.0 2.0 15 - 15 Does not arise<br />

3. Mustrad Integrated crop<br />

management<br />

Var.-TS-36 Rabi, 2008-09 3.0 2.70 15 - 15 Seed<br />

4. Green gram Integrated crop<br />

management<br />

Var.-Pratap Summer-2009 1.5 1.5 15 - 15 NA<br />

5. Black gram Integrated crop<br />

management<br />

Var.-USJD-113 Kharif-2009 2.0 2.0 15 - 15 NA<br />

6. Seteria<br />

Fodder<br />

Var.-Kazungula Kharif-2009 0.025 0.025 9 6 15 NA<br />

(Fodder<br />

grass)<br />

production<br />

7. Pea Integrated crop<br />

management<br />

Var.-Arkel Rabi, 2008-09 1.0 0.90 12 - 12 Seed<br />

Details of farming situation<br />

Crop<br />

Khasi<br />

mandarin<br />

Season<br />

Farming situation<br />

(RF/Irrigated)<br />

Soil type<br />

Status of soil<br />

N P K<br />

kharif Rainfed Sandy loam NA Perennial Crop in field<br />

Rice Kharif Rainfed Sandy loam NA Fallow 20.06.09 Crop in field<br />

Mustard Rabi,<br />

2008-09<br />

Greengram Summer,<br />

2009<br />

Blackgram Kharif,<br />

2009<br />

Setaria Kharif,<br />

grass<br />

2009<br />

Pea<br />

Rabi,<br />

(Vegetable<br />

)<br />

2008-09<br />

Previous crop<br />

Rainfed Sandy loam NA Rice<br />

nursery<br />

14.10.08 21.01.09 144.20 13<br />

Rainfed Sandy loam NA Fallow 12.03.09 17.05.09 379.00 35<br />

Rainfed Sandy loam NA Fallow Crop in field<br />

Rainfed Sandy loam NA Grazing<br />

land<br />

Crop in field<br />

Rainfed Sandy loam NA Fallow 20.10.08 17.02.09 207.20 21<br />

Sowing date<br />

Harvest date<br />

Seasonal<br />

rainfall (mm)<br />

No. of rainy<br />

days<br />


Performance of FLD<br />

Sl.No. Crop<br />

Technology<br />

Demonstrated<br />

Variety<br />

No. of<br />

Farmers<br />

Area<br />

(ha.)<br />

Demo. Yield Qtl/ha<br />

H L A<br />

Yield<br />

of local<br />

Check<br />

Qtl./ha<br />

Increase in<br />

yield (%)<br />

Data on parameter in relation to<br />

technology demonstrated<br />

Demo Local<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

1.<br />

Khasi<br />

mandarin<br />

Management of fruit<br />

dropping in khasi<br />

mandarin<br />

Local 11 0.73 - - - - Crop in field - -<br />

2. Rice<br />

Bio-intensive IPM for rice<br />

stemborer<br />

Khamti lahi 15 2 - - - - Crop in field - -<br />

3. Mustard Variety TS-36 TS-36 15 2.70 11.00 8.00 9.47 7.10 33.38% Yield 9.47q/ha 7.10q/ha<br />

4. Greengram Variety Pratap Pratap 15 1.50 12.00 9.00 10.35 8.50 41.18% Grain yield 10.35q/ha 8.50q/ha<br />

5. Blackgram Variety USJD-113 USJD-113 15 2.00 - - - - Crop in field - -<br />

6.<br />

Setaria<br />

grass<br />

Kazungula Kazungula 15 0.025 - - - - Crop in field - -<br />

7. Pea Variety Arkel Arkel 15 0..90 100<br />

66.6<br />

7<br />

82.22 52.50 56.61% Grain yield 82.22q/ha 52.20q/ha<br />

NB: Attach few good action photographs with title at the back with pencil<br />

Economic Impact (continuation of previous table)<br />

Average Cost of cultivation (Rs./ha) Average Gross Return (Rs./ha) Average Net Return (Profit) (Rs./ha) Benefit-Cost Ratio<br />

(Gross Return /<br />

Demonstration Local Check Demonstration Local Check Demonstration Local Check<br />

Gross Cost)<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20<br />

Crop In field - - - - - -<br />

Crop In field - - - - - -<br />

7300.00 6305.00 15152.00 11360.00 7852.00 5055.00 2.08<br />

8260.00 7325.00 25875.00 21250.00 17615.00 13925.00 3.13<br />

Crop in field - - - - - -<br />

Crop in field - - - - - -<br />

16500.00 14,50.00 1,64,440.00 1,05,000.00 1,47,940.00 90,500.00 8.97<br />

Analytical Review of component demonstrations (details of each component for rainfed / irrigated<br />

situations to be given separately for each season). : NA<br />

Crop Season Component Farming situation<br />

1. Seed/Variety<br />

2. Bio-fertilizer<br />

3. Fertilizer management<br />

4. Plant Protection<br />

5. Combination of components (Please specify)<br />

Average yield<br />

(q/ha)<br />

Local check (q/ha)<br />

29<br />

Percentage increase in<br />

productivity over local check

Technical Feedback on the demonstrated technologies<br />

S. No Feed Back<br />

1. Crop in field<br />

2. Crop in field<br />

3. Crop performed well<br />

4. Crop performed well but rainfall create problem at harvest and drying<br />

5. Crop in field<br />

6. Crop in field<br />

7. Crop performed well<br />

Farmers’ reactions on specific technologies<br />

S. No Feed Back<br />

1. Crop in field<br />

2. Crop in field<br />

3. Farmers satisfied need more free input<br />

4. Farmers want to go for rabi crop due to rain problem<br />

5. Crop in field<br />

6. Crop in field<br />

7. Farmers satisfied need more free input<br />

Extension and Training activities under FLD<br />

Sl.No. Activity No. of activities organised Date Number of participants<br />

Remarks<br />

1 Field days Fishery -1 13.11.08 32 Good<br />

Plant Protection-1 28.08.09 30 -<br />

Agronomy-2 20.01.09<br />

12.05.09<br />

40 -<br />

2 Farmers Training Fishery -2 27.07.09<br />

28.07.09<br />

50 Good<br />

Plant Protection 13.01.09<br />

06.07.09<br />

24.07.09<br />

61 -<br />

Agronomy 03.10.08<br />

16.03.09<br />

02.04.09<br />

60 -<br />

Animal Science 03.03.09<br />

04.03.09<br />

20.03.09<br />

27.07.09<br />

21.08.09<br />

67 -<br />

3 Media coverage NA NA NA NA<br />


c. Details of FLD on Enterprises<br />

(i) Farm Implements : NA<br />

Name of the implement crop No. of farmers Area (ha)<br />

* Field efficiency, labour saving etc.<br />

(ii) Livestock Enterprises<br />

Enterprise Breed No. of farmers<br />

Fishery<br />

Dairy management<br />

(Improved Milk yield<br />

by Balance feeding)<br />

Poultry Management<br />

(Small scale intensive<br />

farming)<br />

Continuing<br />

Goat (improved<br />

housing system)<br />

Continuing<br />

Indian major<br />

carp<br />

3<br />

Local 7<br />

Indigenous 5<br />

Assam hill Goat 2<br />

No. of animals,<br />

poultry birds etc.<br />

30000/ha<br />

* Milk production, meat production, egg production, reduction in disease incidence etc.<br />

(iii) Other Enterprises<br />

Enterprise Variety/ breed/Species/others No. of farmers<br />

Mushroom Oyster mushroom 17<br />

Apiary NA<br />

Sericulture NA<br />

Vermi compost NA<br />

7<br />

Performance<br />

parameters /<br />

indicators<br />

Performance parameters /<br />

indicators<br />

Growth rate<br />

Total production<br />

Duration<br />

Stacking<br />

PH<br />

Temp<br />

Growth rate<br />

Milk yield<br />

30 1) Growth rate (b.wt)<br />

2) Egg laying<br />

3) Incidence of Disease<br />

occurance<br />

4) Moratality<br />

16 1) Growth rate<br />

2) Incidence of Disease<br />

occurance<br />

3) Mortality<br />

No. of<br />

Units<br />

17<br />

* Data on parameter in relation to<br />

technology demonstrated % change in the parameter Remarks<br />

Demon. Local check<br />

Performance<br />

parameters /<br />

indicators<br />

* Data on parameter in relation to<br />

technology demonstrated % change in the parameter Remarks<br />

Demon. Local check<br />

90 gm<br />

2,100kg<br />

6-7 months<br />

3/m2<br />

7.2-0.4<br />

23.6-4.2<br />

1.5 to 2 litre per<br />

day<br />

0.750 kg to 1 kg in<br />

6 th month of age<br />

Yet to complete<br />

Av. no. of flushes-2<br />

Yield-0.52kg/ spawn bag<br />

40-50 gm<br />

400-500kg/ha<br />

5 month<br />

0.5-1/m2<br />

0.5-1/m2<br />

0.5-1/m2<br />

1 to 1.5 litre<br />

per day<br />

0.450 to<br />

600kg in 6 th<br />

month<br />

Data on parameter in relation to<br />

technology demonstrated<br />

Demon. Local check<br />

0.52kg/spawn<br />

bag<br />

Production<br />

4-5 times more<br />

25 to 50%<br />

30 to 40%<br />

% change in the<br />

parameter<br />

- -<br />

Increased production<br />

Remarks<br />

31<br />

Newly introduction in<br />

area, farmer interest to<br />


3.3 Achievements on Training (Including the sponsored, vocational, FLD and trainings under Rainwater Harvesting Unit) :<br />

A) ON Campus<br />

Thematic area No. of courses Participants<br />

Others SC/ST Grand Total<br />

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total<br />

(A) Farmers & Farm Women<br />

I Crop Production<br />

Weed Management 1 30 13 17 30<br />

Resource Conservation<br />

NA<br />

Technologies<br />

Cropping Systems NA<br />

Crop Diversification NA<br />

Integrated Farming NA<br />

Water management NA<br />

Seed production NA<br />

Nursery management NA<br />

Integrated Crop Management 1 2 0 2 4 9 13 11 4 15<br />

Fodder production NA<br />

Production of organic inputs NA<br />

II Horticulture<br />

a) Vegetable Crops NA<br />

Production of low volume and high<br />

value crops<br />

Off-season vegetables<br />

Nursery raising<br />

Exotic vegetables like Broccoli<br />

Export potential vegetables<br />

Grading and standardization<br />

Protective cultivation (Green<br />

Houses, Shade Net etc.)<br />

b) Fruits NA<br />

Training and Pruning<br />

Layout and Management of<br />

Orchards<br />

Cultivation of Fruit<br />

Management of young<br />

plants/orchards<br />

Rejuvenation of old orchards<br />

Export potential fruits<br />

Micro irrigation systems of orchards<br />

Plant propagation techniques<br />

c) Ornamental Plants NA<br />

Nursery Management<br />

Management of potted plants<br />

Export potential of ornamental<br />

plants<br />

Propagation techniques of<br />

Ornamental Plants<br />


d) Plantation crops NA<br />

Production and Management<br />

technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

e) Tuber crops NA<br />

Production and Management<br />

technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

f) Spices NA<br />

Production and Management<br />

technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

g) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants NA<br />

Nursery management<br />

Production and management<br />

technology<br />

Post harvest technology and value<br />

addition<br />

III Soil Health and Fertility<br />

NA<br />

Management<br />

Soil fertility management<br />

Soil and Water Conservation<br />

Integrated Nutrient Management<br />

Production and use of organic inputs<br />

Management of Problematic soils<br />

Micro nutrient deficiency in crops<br />

Nutrient Use Efficiency<br />

Soil and Water Testing<br />

IV Livestock Production and<br />

Management<br />

Dairy Management<br />

Poultry Management<br />

Piggery Management<br />

Rabbit Management<br />

Disease Management<br />

Feed management<br />

Production of quality animal<br />

products<br />

Goat Farming<br />

V Home Science/Women<br />

empowerment<br />

Household food security by kitchen<br />

gardening and nutrition gardening<br />

Design and development of<br />

low/minimum cost diet<br />

Designing and development for high<br />

nutrient efficiency diet<br />

Minimization of nutrient loss in<br />

processing<br />

Gender mainstreaming through<br />

SHGs<br />

NA<br />

NA<br />


Storage loss minimization<br />

techniques<br />

Value addition<br />

Income generation activities for<br />

empowerment of rural Women<br />

Location specific drudgery reduction<br />

technologies<br />

Rural Crafts<br />

Women and child care<br />

VI Agril. Engineering<br />

Installation and maintenance of<br />

micro irrigation systems<br />

NA<br />

Use of Plastics in farming practices 1 1 - 1 18 26 44 19 26 45<br />

Production of small tools and<br />

implements<br />

NA<br />

Repair and maintenance of farm<br />

machinery and implements<br />

NA<br />

Small scale processing and value<br />

NA<br />

addition<br />

Post Harvest Technology<br />

VII Plant Protection<br />

NA<br />

Integrated Pest Management 1 - - - 5 25 30 5 25 30<br />

Integrated Disease Management NA<br />

Bio-control of pests and diseases NA<br />

Production of bio control agents<br />

NA<br />

and bio pesticides<br />

VIII Fisheries<br />

Integrated fish farming NA<br />

Carp breeding and hatchery<br />

management<br />

NA<br />

Carp fry and fingerling rearing NA<br />

Composite fish culture NA<br />

Hatchery management and culture<br />

of freshwater prawn<br />

NA<br />

Breeding and culture of ornamental<br />

fishes<br />

NA<br />

Portable plastic carp hatchery NA<br />

Pen culture of fish and prawn 1 - - - 10 22 32 10 22 32<br />

Shrimp farming NA<br />

Edible oyster farming NA<br />

Pearl culture NA<br />

Fish processing and value addition NA<br />

IX Production of Inputs at site<br />

Seed Production<br />

Planting material production<br />

Bio-agents production<br />

Bio-pesticides production<br />

Bio-fertilizer production<br />

Vermi-compost production<br />

Organic manures production<br />

Production of fry and fingerlings<br />

Production of Bee-colonies and wax<br />

NA<br />


sheets<br />

Small tools and implements<br />

Production of livestock feed and<br />

fodder<br />

Production of Fish feed<br />

X Capacity Building and Group<br />

Dynamics<br />

NA<br />

Leadership development<br />

Group dynamics<br />

Formation and Management of<br />

SHGs<br />

Mobilization of social capital<br />

Entrepreneurial development of<br />

farmers/youths<br />

WTO and IPR issues<br />

XI Agro-forestry<br />

Production technologies<br />

Nursery management<br />

Integrated Farming Systems<br />

NA<br />

TOTAL<br />


5 3 - 3 50 99 149 58 94 152<br />

Mushroom Production 1 1 - 1 2 14 16 3 14 17<br />

Bee-keeping 1 - - - 15 15 30 15 15 30<br />

Integrated farming NA<br />

Seed production 1 - - - 4 16 20 4 16 20<br />

Production of organic inputs NA<br />

Integrated Farming NA<br />

Planting material production NA<br />

Vermi-culture NA<br />

Sericulture NA<br />

Protected cultivation of vegetable<br />

crops<br />

NA<br />

Commercial fruit production NA<br />

Repair and maintenance of farm<br />

machinery and implements<br />

NA<br />

Nursery Management of<br />

NA<br />

Horticulture crops<br />

Training and pruning of orchards NA<br />

Value addition NA<br />

Production of quality animal<br />

products<br />

NA<br />

Dairying 1 4 2 6 5 10 15 9 12 21<br />

Sheep and goat rearing NA<br />

Quail farming NA<br />

Piggery 1 3 12 15 3 3 6 6 15 21<br />

Rabbit farming NA<br />

Poultry production 1 2 0 2 6 17 23 8 17 25<br />

Ornamental fisheries NA<br />

Para vets NA<br />

Para extension workers NA<br />

Composite fish culture 1 5 1 6 11 9 20 16 10 26<br />


Freshwater prawn culture NA<br />

Shrimp farming NA<br />

Pearl culture NA<br />

Cold water fisheries NA<br />

Fish harvest and processing<br />

NA<br />

technology<br />

Fry and fingerling rearing NA<br />

Small scale processing NA<br />

Post Harvest Technology NA<br />

Tailoring and Stitching NA<br />

Rural Crafts NA<br />

TOTAL 7 15 15 30 46 84 130 61 99 160<br />

(C) Extension Personnel<br />

Productivity enhancement in field<br />

crops<br />

NA<br />

Integrated Pest Management NA<br />

Integrated Nutrient management NA<br />

Rejuvenation of old orchards NA<br />

Protected cultivation technology NA<br />

Formation and Management of<br />

SHGs<br />

NA<br />

Group Dynamics and farmers<br />

organization<br />

NA<br />

Information networking among<br />

farmers<br />

NA<br />

Capacity building for ICT<br />

application<br />

NA<br />

Care and maintenance of farm<br />

machinery and implements<br />

NA<br />

WTO and IPR issues NA<br />

Management in farm animals 1 4 - 4 3 0 3 7 0 7<br />

Livestock feed and fodder<br />

production<br />

NA<br />

Household food security NA<br />

Women and Child care NA<br />

Low cost and nutrient efficient diet<br />

designing<br />

NA<br />

Production and use of organic inputs NA<br />

Gender mainstreaming through<br />

SHGs<br />

NA<br />

TOTAL 1 4 - 4 3 - 3 7 - 7<br />


B) OFF Campus<br />

Thematic area No. of courses Participants<br />

Others SC/ST Grand Total<br />

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total<br />

(A) Farmers & Farm Women<br />

I Crop Production<br />

Weed Management 1 - - - 13 17 30 13 17 30<br />

Resource Conservation<br />

NA<br />

Technologies<br />

Cropping Systems 1 - - - 30 15 45 30 15 45<br />

Crop Diversification NA<br />

Integrated Farming 1 - - - 17 13 30 17 13 30<br />

Water management<br />

Seed production<br />

NA<br />

Nursery management NA<br />

Integrated Crop Management 5 - - - 57 46 103 57 46 103<br />

Fodder production 1 11 10 21 8 1 9 19 11 30<br />

Production of organic inputs<br />

II Horticulture<br />

a) Vegetable Crops<br />

NA<br />

Production of low volume and high NA<br />

value crops<br />

Off-season vegetables 1 - - - 12 18 30 12 18 30<br />

Nursery raising NA<br />

Exotic vegetables like Broccoli NA<br />

Export potential vegetables NA<br />

Grading and standardization NA<br />

Protective cultivation (Green<br />

Houses, Shade Net etc.)<br />

b) Fruits<br />

NA<br />

Training and Pruning NA<br />

Layout and Management of<br />

Orchards<br />

NA<br />

Cultivation of Fruit NA<br />

Management of young<br />

1 - - - 14 4 18 14 4 18<br />

plants/orchards<br />

Rejuvenation of old orchards NA<br />

Export potential fruits NA<br />

Micro irrigation systems of orchards NA<br />

Plant propagation techniques NA<br />

c) Ornamental Plants NA<br />

Nursery Management<br />

Management of potted plants<br />

Export potential of ornamental<br />

plants<br />

Propagation techniques of<br />

Ornamental Plants<br />

d) Plantation crops NA<br />

Production and Management<br />


technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

e) Tuber crops NA<br />

Production and Management<br />

technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

f) Spices NA<br />

Production and Management<br />

technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

g) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants NA<br />

Nursery management<br />

Production and management<br />

technology<br />

Post harvest technology and value<br />

addition<br />

III Soil Health and Fertility NA<br />

Management<br />

Soil fertility management<br />

Soil and Water Conservation<br />

Integrated Nutrient Management<br />

Production and use of organic inputs<br />

Management of Problematic soils<br />

Micro nutrient deficiency in crops<br />

Nutrient Use Efficiency<br />

Soil and Water Testing<br />

IV Livestock Production and<br />

Management<br />

Dairy Management 3 26 6 32 27 27 54 53 33 86<br />

Poultry Management 1 1 0 1 7 16 23 8 16 24<br />

Piggery Management 2 - - - 37 15 52 37 15 52<br />

Rabbit Management NA<br />

Disease Management 5 31 9 40 70 58 128 101 67 168<br />

Feed management 3 50 0 50 11 19 30 61 19 80<br />

Production of quality animal<br />

products<br />

1<br />

- - - 14 12 26 14 12 26<br />

Goat Farming 2 15 3 18 27 9 36 42 12 54<br />

V Home Science/Women<br />

NA<br />

empowerment<br />

Household food security by kitchen<br />

gardening and nutrition gardening<br />

Design and development of<br />

low/minimum cost diet<br />

Designing and development for high<br />

nutrient efficiency diet<br />

Minimization of nutrient loss in<br />

processing<br />

Gender mainstreaming through<br />

SHGs<br />

Storage loss minimization<br />

techniques<br />


Value addition<br />

Income generation activities for<br />

empowerment of rural Women<br />

Location specific drudgery reduction<br />

technologies<br />

Rural Crafts<br />

Women and child care<br />

VI Agril. Engineering<br />

Installation and maintenance of<br />

micro irrigation systems<br />

2<br />

28 8 36 11 14 25 39 22 61<br />

Use of Plastics in farming practices 1 23 11 34 - - - 23 11 34<br />

Production of small tools and<br />

implements<br />

2<br />

1 - 1 34 29 63 35 29 64<br />

Repair and maintenance of farm<br />

machinery and implements<br />

1<br />

- - - 18 12 30 18 12 30<br />

Small scale processing and value<br />

1<br />

- - - 17 13 30 17 13 30<br />

addition<br />

Post Harvest Technology<br />

VII Plant Protection<br />

1 - - - 12 20 32 12 20 32<br />

Integrated Pest Management 1 5 - 5 15 13 28 20 13 33<br />

Integrated Disease Management 4 7 - 7 58 57 115 65 57 122<br />

Bio-control of pests and diseases 1 - - - 15 4 19 15 4 19<br />

Production of bio control agents<br />

NA<br />

and bio pesticides<br />

VIII Fisheries<br />

Integrated fish farming 1 - - - 04 31 35 4 31 35<br />

Carp breeding and hatchery<br />

NA<br />

management<br />

Carp fry and fingerling rearing 1 - - - 7 17 24 7 17 24<br />

Composite fish culture NA<br />

Hatchery management and culture<br />

of freshwater prawn<br />

NA<br />

Breeding and culture of ornamental<br />

NA<br />

fishes<br />

Portable plastic carp hatchery 1 1 1 2 14 11 25 15 12 27<br />

Pen culture of fish and prawn NA<br />

Shrimp farming NA<br />

Edible oyster farming NA<br />

Pearl culture NA<br />

Fish processing and value addition NA<br />

IX Production of Inputs at site NA<br />

Seed Production<br />

Planting material production<br />

Bio-agents production<br />

Bio-pesticides production<br />

Bio-fertilizer production<br />

Vermi-compost production<br />

Organic manures production<br />

Production of fry and fingerlings<br />

Production of Bee-colonies and wax<br />

sheets<br />


Small tools and implements<br />

Production of livestock feed and<br />

fodder<br />

Production of Fish feed<br />

X Capacity Building and Group<br />

Dynamics<br />

NA<br />

Leadership development<br />

Group dynamics<br />

Formation and Management of<br />

SHGs<br />

Mobilization of social capital<br />

Entrepreneurial development of<br />

farmers/youths<br />

WTO and IPR issues<br />

XI Agro-forestry<br />

Production technologies<br />

Nursery management<br />

Integrated Farming Systems<br />

NA<br />

TOTAL<br />


45 199 48 247 549 491 1040 748 539 1287<br />

Mushroom Production NA<br />

Bee-keeping 1 - - - 15 15 30 15 15 30<br />

Integrated farming NA<br />

Seed production NA<br />

Production of organic inputs NA<br />

Integrated Farming NA<br />

Planting material production NA<br />

Vermi-culture 1 - - - 30 15 45 30 15 45<br />

Sericulture NA<br />

Protected cultivation of vegetable<br />

crops<br />

NA<br />

Commercial fruit production NA<br />

Repair and maintenance of farm<br />

machinery and implements<br />

NA<br />

Nursery Management of<br />

Horticulture crops<br />

1<br />

9 12 21 8 8 16 17 20 37<br />

Training and pruning of orchards NA<br />

Value addition NA<br />

Production of quality animal<br />

NA<br />

products<br />

Dairying NA<br />

Sheep and goat rearing NA<br />

Quail farming NA<br />

Piggery NA<br />

Rabbit farming NA<br />

Poultry production NA<br />

Ornamental fisheries NA<br />

Para vets NA<br />

Para extension workers NA<br />

Composite fish culture 1 4 2 6 15 9 24 9 11 30<br />

Freshwater prawn culture NA<br />


Shrimp farming NA<br />

Pearl culture NA<br />

Cold water fisheries NA<br />

Fish harvest and processing<br />

NA<br />

technology<br />

Fry and fingerling rearing NA<br />

Small scale processing NA<br />

Post Harvest Technology NA<br />

Tailoring and Stitching NA<br />

Rural Crafts NA<br />

TOTAL 4 13 14 27 68 47 115 81 61 142<br />

(C) Extension Personnel<br />

Productivity enhancement in field<br />

crops<br />

NA<br />

Integrated Pest Management NA<br />

Integrated Nutrient management NA<br />

Rejuvenation of old orchards NA<br />

Protected cultivation technology NA<br />

Formation and Management of<br />

SHGs<br />

NA<br />

Group Dynamics and farmers<br />

organization<br />

NA<br />

Information networking among<br />

farmers<br />

NA<br />

Capacity building for ICT<br />

application<br />

NA<br />

Care and maintenance of farm<br />

NA<br />

machinery and implements<br />

WTO and IPR issues NA<br />

Management in farm animals NA<br />

Livestock feed and fodder<br />

production<br />

NA<br />

Household food security NA<br />

Women and Child care NA<br />

Low cost and nutrient efficient diet<br />

designing<br />

NA<br />

Production and use of organic inputs NA<br />

Gender mainstreaming through<br />

SHGs<br />

NA<br />

TOTAL NA<br />


C) Consolidated table (ON and OFF Campus)<br />

Thematic area No. of courses Participants<br />

Others SC/ST Grand Total<br />

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total<br />

(A) Farmers & Farm Women<br />

I Crop Production<br />

Weed Management 1 - - - 13 17 30 13 17 30<br />

Resource Conservation<br />

NA<br />

Technologies<br />

Cropping Systems 1 - - - 30 15 45 30 15 45<br />

Crop Diversification NA<br />

Integrated Farming 1 - - - 17 13 30 17 13 30<br />

Water management NA<br />

Seed production NA<br />

Nursery management NA<br />

Integrated Crop Management 6 2 0 2 61 55 116 68 50 118<br />

Fodder production 1 11 10 21 8 1 9 19 11 30<br />

Production of organic inputs<br />

II Horticulture<br />

a) Vegetable Crops<br />

NA<br />

Production of low volume and high NA<br />

value crops<br />

Off-season vegetables 1 - - - 12 18 30 12 18 30<br />

Nursery raising NA<br />

Exotic vegetables like Broccoli NA<br />

Export potential vegetables NA<br />

Grading and standardization NA<br />

Protective cultivation (Green<br />

Houses, Shade Net etc.)<br />

b) Fruits<br />

NA<br />

Training and Pruning NA<br />

Layout and Management of<br />

Orchards<br />

NA<br />

Cultivation of Fruit NA<br />

Management of young<br />

1 - - - 14 4 18 14 4 18<br />

plants/orchards<br />

Rejuvenation of old orchards NA<br />

Export potential fruits NA<br />

Micro irrigation systems of orchards NA<br />

Plant propagation techniques NA<br />

c) Ornamental Plants NA<br />

Nursery Management<br />

Management of potted plants<br />

Export potential of ornamental<br />

plants<br />

Propagation techniques of<br />

Ornamental Plants<br />

d) Plantation crops NA<br />


Production and Management<br />

technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

e) Tuber crops NA<br />

Production and Management<br />

technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

f) Spices NA<br />

Production and Management<br />

technology<br />

Processing and value addition<br />

g) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants NA<br />

Nursery management<br />

Production and management<br />

technology<br />

Post harvest technology and value<br />

addition<br />

III Soil Health and Fertility NA<br />

Management<br />

Soil fertility management<br />

Soil and Water Conservation<br />

Integrated Nutrient Management<br />

Production and use of organic inputs<br />

Management of Problematic soils<br />

Micro nutrient deficiency in crops<br />

Nutrient Use Efficiency<br />

Soil and Water Testing<br />

IV Livestock Production and<br />

Management<br />

Dairy Management 3 26 6 32 27 27 54 53 33 86<br />

Poultry Management 1 1 0 1 7 16 23 8 16 24<br />

Piggery Management 2 - - - 37 15 52 37 15 52<br />

Rabbit Management NA<br />

Disease Management 5 31 9 40 70 58 128 101 67 168<br />

Feed management 3 50 0 50 11 19 30 61 19 80<br />

Production of quality animal<br />

products<br />

1<br />

- - - 14 12 26 14 12 26<br />

Goat farming 2 15 3 18 27 9 36 42 12 54<br />

V Home Science/Women<br />

empowerment<br />

Household food security by kitchen<br />

gardening and nutrition gardening<br />

Design and development of<br />

low/minimum cost diet<br />

Designing and development for high<br />

nutrient efficiency diet<br />

Minimization of nutrient loss in<br />

processing<br />

Gender mainstreaming through<br />

SHGs<br />

Storage loss minimization<br />

NA<br />


techniques<br />

Value addition<br />

Income generation activities for<br />

empowerment of rural Women<br />

Location specific drudgery reduction<br />

technologies<br />

Rural Crafts<br />

Women and child care<br />

VI Agril. Engineering<br />

Installation and maintenance of<br />

micro irrigation systems<br />

2<br />

28 8 36 11 14 25 39 22 61<br />

Use of Plastics in farming practices 2 24 11 35 18 26 44 42 37 79<br />

Production of small tools and<br />

implements<br />

2<br />

1 - 1 34 29 63 35 29 64<br />

Repair and maintenance of farm<br />

machinery and implements<br />

1<br />

- - - 18 12 30 18 12 30<br />

Small scale processing and value<br />

1<br />

- - - 17 13 30 17 13 30<br />

addition<br />

Post Harvest Technology<br />

VII Plant Protection<br />

1 - - - 12 20 32 12 20 32<br />

Integrated Pest Management 2 5 - 5 20 38 58 25 38 63<br />

Integrated Disease Management 4 7 - 7 58 57 115 65 57 122<br />

Bio-control of pests and diseases 1 - - - 15 4 19 15 4 19<br />

Production of bio control agents<br />

NA<br />

and bio pesticides<br />

VIII Fisheries<br />

Integrated fish farming 1 - - - 04 31 35 4 31 35<br />

Carp breeding and hatchery<br />

NA<br />

management<br />

Carp fry and fingerling rearing 1 - - - 7 17 24 7 17 24<br />

Composite fish culture NA<br />

Hatchery management and culture<br />

of freshwater prawn<br />

NA<br />

Breeding and culture of ornamental<br />

NA<br />

fishes<br />

Portable plastic carp hatchery 1 1 1 2 14 11 25 15 12 27<br />

Pen culture of fish and prawn 1 - - - 10 22 32 10 22 32<br />

Shrimp farming NA<br />

Edible oyster farming NA<br />

Pearl culture NA<br />

Fish processing and value addition NA<br />

IX Production of Inputs at site NA<br />

Seed Production<br />

Planting material production<br />

Bio-agents production<br />

Bio-pesticides production<br />

Bio-fertilizer production<br />

Vermi-compost production<br />

Organic manures production<br />

Production of fry and fingerlings<br />

Production of Bee-colonies and wax<br />

sheets<br />


Small tools and implements<br />

Production of livestock feed and<br />

fodder<br />

Production of Fish feed<br />

X Capacity Building and Group<br />

Dynamics<br />

Leadership development<br />

Group dynamics<br />

Formation and Management of<br />

SHGs<br />

Mobilization of social capital<br />

Entrepreneurial development of<br />

farmers/youths<br />

WTO and IPR issues<br />

NA<br />

XI Agro-forestry<br />

Production technologies<br />

Nursery management<br />

Integrated Farming Systems<br />

NA<br />

TOTAL<br />


49 202 48 250 586 573 1159 793 616 1409<br />

Mushroom Production 1 1 - 1 2 14 16 3 14 17<br />

Bee-keeping 2 - - - 30 30 60 30 30 60<br />

Integrated farming NA<br />

Seed production 1 - - - 4 16 20 4 16 20<br />

Production of organic inputs NA<br />

Integrated Farming NA<br />

Planting material production NA<br />

Vermi-culture 1 - - - 30 15 45 30 15 45<br />

Sericulture NA<br />

Protected cultivation of vegetable<br />

crops<br />

NA<br />

Commercial fruit production NA<br />

Repair and maintenance of farm<br />

machinery and implements<br />

NA<br />

Nursery Management of<br />

Horticulture crops<br />

1<br />

9 12 21 8 8 16 17 20 37<br />

Training and pruning of orchards NA<br />

Value addition NA<br />

Production of quality animal<br />

products<br />

NA<br />

Dairying 1 4 2 6 5 10 15 9 12 21<br />

Sheep and goat rearing NA<br />

Quail farming NA<br />

Piggery 1 3 12 15 3 3 6 6 15 21<br />

Rabbit farming NA<br />

Poultry production 1 2 0 2 6 17 23 8 17 25<br />

Ornamental fisheries NA<br />

Para vets NA<br />

Para extension workers NA<br />

Composite fish culture 2 9 3 12 26 18 44 35 21 56<br />

Freshwater prawn culture NA<br />


Shrimp farming NA<br />

Pearl culture NA<br />

Cold water fisheries NA<br />

Fish harvest and processing<br />

NA<br />

technology<br />

Fry and fingerling rearing NA<br />

Small scale processing NA<br />

Post Harvest Technology NA<br />

Tailoring and Stitching NA<br />

Rural Crafts NA<br />

TOTAL 11 28 29 57 114 131 245 142 160 302<br />

(C) Extension Personnel NA<br />

Productivity enhancement in field<br />

crops<br />

Integrated Pest Management<br />

Integrated Nutrient management<br />

Rejuvenation of old orchards<br />

Protected cultivation technology<br />

Formation and Management of<br />

SHGs<br />

Group Dynamics and farmers<br />

organization<br />

Information networking among<br />

farmers<br />

Capacity building for ICT<br />

application<br />

Care and maintenance of farm<br />

machinery and implements<br />

WTO and IPR issues<br />

Management in farm animals 1 4 - 4 3 - 3 7 - 7<br />

Livestock feed and fodder<br />

production<br />

Household food security<br />

Women and Child care<br />

Low cost and nutrient efficient diet<br />

designing<br />

Production and use of organic inputs<br />

Gender mainstreaming through<br />

SHGs<br />

TOTAL 1 4 - 4 3 - 3 7 - 7<br />


Note: Please furnish the details of above training programmes as Annexure in the proforma given below<br />

Date Clientele Title of the training<br />

programme<br />

Discipline Thematic area Dur<br />

atio<br />

n in<br />

days<br />

Fishery Quality fish<br />

seed<br />

Fishery Unutilized<br />

resources<br />

Venue<br />

(Off / On<br />

Campus)<br />

Number of other<br />

participants<br />

Number of SC/ST Total number of<br />

participangs<br />

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total<br />

27.02.09 Farmer Carp fry & fingerling<br />

rearing<br />

1 OFT - - - 7 17 24 7 17 24<br />

23.03.09 Farmer Pen culture & Fish &<br />

prawn<br />

1 On - - - 10 22 32 10 22 32<br />

5.04.09 Farmer Portable plastic<br />

hatchery<br />

Fishery Quality seed 1 OFT 1 1 2 14 11 25 15 12 27<br />

6.04.09 Farmer Integrated farming Fishery Resource<br />

utilization<br />

1 OFT - - - 04 31 35 4 31 35<br />

07.01.09 Farmer Application of plastic Agriculture Off season 1 OFF 1 - 1 18 26 44 19 26 45<br />

in agriculture Engineering cultivation of<br />

field crops and<br />

horticulture<br />

08.03.09 Farmer Installation and Agriculture Poor irrigation 1 OFF 4 2 6 11 14 25 15 16 31<br />

Maintenance of<br />

micro irrigation<br />

Engineering system<br />

21.03.09 Farmer Production of small Agriculture Non availability 1 OFF - - - 14 18 32 14 18 32<br />

tools and implements Engineering of tool &<br />

implement<br />

28.03.09 Farmer Small scale<br />

Agriculture Lack of 1 OFF - - - 12 20 32 12 20 32<br />

processing and value Engineering knowledge<br />

addition<br />

regarding<br />

processing and<br />

preservation<br />

18.07.09 Farmer Use of plastics in Agriculture Off season 1 OFF 23 11 34 - - - 23 11 34<br />

Agriculture<br />

Engineering cultivation of<br />

field crop seed<br />

seed and<br />

horticulture<br />

20.07.09 Farmer Repair and<br />

Agriculture Proper<br />

1 OFF - - - 18 12 30 18 12 30<br />

maintenance<br />

Engineering guidance for<br />

maintenance of<br />

farm machinery<br />

22.07.09 Farmer Production of small Agriculture Production of 1 OFF 1 - 1 20 11 31 21 11 32<br />

tools & equipment Engineering small tools &<br />

equipment<br />

25.07.09 Farmer Intallation and Agriculture Intallation and 1 OFF - - - 24 6 30 24 6 30<br />

maintenance<br />

Engineering maintenance<br />

15.11.08 Farmers IPM on cole crops Plant Integrated pest 1 ON - - - 5 25 30 5 25 30<br />

protection management<br />

18.11.08 Farmers Blight management Plant Integrated 1 OFF - - - 16 17 33 16 17 13<br />

in potato<br />

protection disease<br />

management<br />

19.02.09 Farmer s Disease management Plant Integrated 1 OFF 2 - 2 14 18 32 16 18 34<br />

in cucurbits<br />

protection disease<br />

management<br />

23.03.09 Farmer s IPM in ginger Plant Integrated pest 1 OFF 5 - 5 15 13 28 20 13 33<br />

protection management<br />


25.03.09 Farmers Integrated disease<br />

management in rice<br />

6.07.09 Farmers Management of fruit<br />

dropping in khakhi<br />

mandarin<br />

24.04.09 Farmers Bio-intensive IPM<br />

for rice stemborer<br />

Plant<br />

protection<br />

Plant<br />

protection<br />

Plant<br />

protection<br />

Integrated<br />

disease<br />

management<br />

Integrated<br />

disease<br />

management<br />

Bio-control of<br />

pests and<br />

disease<br />

1 OFF 5 - 5 9 16 25 14 16 30<br />

1 OFF - - - 19 6 25 19 6 25<br />

1 OFF - - - 4 15 19 4 15 19<br />

19.03.09 Practicing Use of HYV and Agronomy Nutrient 1 OFF 13 17 30 13 17 30<br />

Farmer INM in Kharif rice<br />

management<br />

20.03.09 Practicing Integrated weed Agronomy Weed<br />

1 OFF - - - 15 15 30 15 15 30<br />

Farmer management<br />

practices of Kharif<br />

rice<br />

management<br />

23.03.09 Practicing Concept and<br />

Agronomy Integrated 2 OFF - - - 17 13 30 17 13 30<br />

& Farmer importance of<br />

farming system<br />

24.03.09<br />

integrated Farming<br />

System<br />

2.04.09 Practicing Scientific cultivation Agronomy Fdder<br />

1 OFF 11 10 21 8 1 9 19 11 30<br />

Farmer practices of forage<br />

grass seteria<br />

production<br />

26.06.09 Practicing Use of HYV and Agronomy Nutrient 1 OFF - - - 18 10 28 18 10 28<br />

Farmer INM in Kharif rice<br />

management<br />

07.08.09 Practicing INM in Kharif rice Agronomy Nutrient 1 OFF - - - 7 8 15 7 8 15<br />

Farmer<br />

management<br />

03.10.09 Practicing Scientific cultivation Agronomy Integrated crop 1 ON 2 0 2 4 9 13 11 4 15<br />

Farmer practices of rapeseed<br />

and mustard<br />

management<br />

16.03.09 Practicing Scientific cultivation Agronomy Integrated crop 1 OFF - - - 9 6 15 9 6 15<br />

Farmer practices of green<br />

gram<br />

management<br />

13.02.09 Practicing Importance of Agronomy Cropping 1 OFF - - - 30 15 45 30 15 45<br />

Farmer multiple cropping<br />

with special reference<br />

to Kharif rice<br />

system<br />

29.08.09 Practicing Scientific cultivation Agronomy Integrated crop 1 OFF - - - 10 5 15 10 5 15<br />

Farmer practices of black<br />

gram<br />

management<br />

17.11.08 Farmers Scientific cultivation Horticulture Off season 1 OFF - - - 12 18 30 12 18 30<br />

of cauliflower<br />

vegetables<br />

Farmers INM in khasi Horticulture Management of 1 OFF - - - 14 4 18 14 4 18<br />

mandarin<br />

young plant/<br />

orchards<br />

13.11.08 Farmers Control and<br />

Animal Disease 1 OFF - - - 27 6 33 27 6 33<br />

prevention of<br />

nutritional deficiency<br />

Disease of livestock<br />

Science management<br />

22.11.08 Farmers Importance of Animal Disease 1 OFF 31 9 40 - - - 31 9 40<br />

schedule time<br />

vaccination and<br />

Deworming of<br />

livestock<br />

Science management<br />


28.12.08 Farmers Preparation of<br />

Animal feed from<br />

locally available<br />

agricultural product<br />

& Bi-products<br />

29.12.08 Farmers Importance of<br />

feeding & watering<br />

of livestock<br />

30.12.08 Farmers Control & prevention<br />

of various disease of<br />

poultry<br />

31.12.08 Farmers Feed & fodder<br />

management of dairy<br />

cattle<br />

20.02.09 Farmers Control and<br />

prevention of<br />

Zonootic importance<br />

disease<br />

14.03.09 Farmers Control and<br />

prevention of disease<br />

of Goat<br />

20.03.09 Farmers Concentrate ration<br />

feeding in Pig<br />

23.03.09 Farmers Control and<br />

prevention of various<br />

diseases of cattle<br />

25.03.09 Farmers Reproductive<br />

diseases of Cow &<br />

Pig<br />

7.05.09 Farmers Utilization of locally<br />

available tree fodder<br />

during scarcity<br />

period<br />

20.07.09 Farmers Scientific Pig<br />

farming<br />

21.07.09 Farmers Enhanced milk<br />

production of local<br />

cattle with<br />

supplementation of<br />

conc. Feed<br />

23.07.09 Farmers Management of small<br />

scale Dairy farm<br />

24.07.09 Farmers Production of<br />

improved quality<br />

Animal products<br />

8.07.09 Farmers Goat farming as a<br />

source of income<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Animal<br />

Science<br />

Feed<br />

management<br />

Feed<br />

management<br />

Poultry<br />

management<br />

Dairy<br />

management<br />

Disease<br />

management<br />

Disease<br />

management<br />

Piggery<br />

management<br />

Disease<br />

management<br />

Disease<br />

management<br />

Feed<br />

Management<br />

Piggery<br />

management<br />

Dairy<br />

management<br />

Dairy<br />

management<br />

Quality Animal<br />

Products<br />

1 OFF 27 0 27 - - - 27 0 27<br />

1 OFF 23 0 23 - - - 23 0 23<br />

1 OFF 1 0 1 7 16 23 8 16 24<br />

1 OFF - - - 8 16 24 8 16 24<br />

1 OFF - - - 15 19 34 15 19 34<br />

1 OFF 13 0 13 3 17 20 18 17 33<br />

1 OFF - - - 13 4 17 13 4 17<br />

1 OFF - - - 9 19 28 9 19 28<br />

1 OFF - - - 20 13 33 20 13 33<br />

1 OFF 11 19 30 11 19 30<br />

1 OFF - - - 24 11 35 24 11 35<br />

1 OFF 26 6 32 - - - 26 6 32<br />

1 OFF - - - 19 11 30 19 11 30<br />

1 OFF - - - 14 12 26 4 12 26<br />

Goat farming 1 OFF - - - 12 9 21 12 9 21<br />


(D) Vocational training programmes for Rural Youth<br />

Crop /<br />

Enterprise<br />

Date<br />

Fishery 28.02.09<br />

Fishery 25.03.09<br />

Rice 13.01.09<br />

Training<br />

title*<br />

Post<br />

mansoon of<br />

carps<br />

Composite<br />

fish culture<br />

Oyster<br />

mushroom<br />

production<br />

technology<br />

Apiary 28.03.09 Apiary<br />

Apiary 30.03.09 Apiary<br />

Rice 22.08.09<br />

Vermicomp<br />

ost<br />

Horticulture<br />

crop<br />

10.02.09-<br />

11.02.09<br />

23.11.08<br />

Pig 24.08.09<br />

Dairy 25.08.09<br />

Broiler 30.08.09<br />

Certified<br />

seed<br />

production<br />

of rice<br />

Vermicomp<br />

ost<br />

production<br />

technology<br />

& its use in<br />

Agriculture<br />

Nursery<br />

raising<br />

Horticultur<br />

e crop as a<br />

source of<br />

income<br />

Pig farming<br />

and its<br />

Economic<br />

viability<br />

Dairy<br />

farming as<br />

source of<br />

income<br />

Broiler<br />

farm<br />

managemen<br />

t<br />

Identified Thrust<br />

Area<br />

Duration<br />

(days)<br />

Water resource<br />

utilization 1<br />

Utilization of Nitches<br />

Using of wastes, rice<br />

straw<br />

Availability of local<br />

honey bee<br />

Availability of local<br />

honey bee<br />

Seed Production<br />

Nutrient Management<br />

Management of<br />

Horticulture crop<br />

Piggery management<br />

Dairy management<br />

Poultry management<br />

*training title should specify the major technology /skill transferred<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1 6<br />

1 7<br />

1 8<br />

No. of Participants Self employed after training<br />

Number of persons<br />

employed else where<br />

Male Female Total<br />

Type of units Number of<br />

units<br />

Number of persons<br />

employed<br />

16 10 26 Fish pond One Two -<br />

19 11 30 - - - -<br />

3 14 17 - - -<br />

15 15 30 - - -<br />

15 15 30 - - -<br />

4 16 20 - - - -<br />

30 15 45 - - - -<br />

17 20 37 - - -<br />

15 21 - - - -<br />

13 20 - - - -<br />

17 25 - - - -<br />


(E) Sponsored Training Programmes: NA<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />

Tot<br />

al<br />

Date Title<br />

Disci<br />

pline<br />

The<br />

mati<br />

c<br />

area<br />

Durati<br />

on<br />

(days)<br />

Client<br />

(PF/R<br />

Y/EF)<br />

No. of<br />

cours<br />

es<br />

M<br />

a<br />

l<br />

e<br />

No. of Participants Spon<br />

sorin<br />

Others SC/ST Total<br />

F<br />

e<br />

m<br />

a<br />

l<br />

e<br />

Tota<br />

l<br />

M<br />

a<br />

l<br />

e<br />

F<br />

e<br />

m<br />

a<br />

l<br />

e<br />

Tota<br />

l<br />

Male<br />

Fem<br />

ale<br />

Tot<br />

al<br />

g<br />

Agen<br />

cy<br />

Amount<br />

of fund<br />

received<br />

(Rs.)<br />


3.4. Extension Activities (including activities of FLD programmes)<br />

Sl. No.<br />

Purpose/<br />

Participants<br />

Nature of Extension Activity<br />

topic and Date No. of<br />

activities<br />

Farmers (Others)<br />

(I)<br />

SC/ST (Farmers)<br />

(II)<br />

Extension Officials<br />

(III)<br />

Grand Total<br />

(I+II+III)<br />

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total<br />

1. Field Day 13.11.08 1 23 5 28 2 4 6 2 1 0 27 10 37<br />

2. Field Day 28.08.09 1 - - - 17 13 30 - - - 17 13 30<br />

3. Field day 20.01.09<br />

12.05.09<br />

and 2 40<br />

Total 4 107<br />

4. Kisan Mela NA<br />

5. Kisan Mela NA<br />

Total NA<br />

6. Kisan Ghosthi 1<br />

7. Exhibition NA<br />

8. Film Show NA<br />

9. Method Demonstrations NA<br />

10. Farmers Seminar NA<br />

11. Workshop NA<br />

12. Group meetings NA<br />

13. Lectures delivered as resource<br />

persons<br />

23<br />

14. Newspaper coverage NA<br />

15. Radio talks NA<br />

16. TV talks NA<br />

17. Popular articles NA<br />

18. Extension Literature 11<br />

19. Advisory Services 2<br />

20. Scientific visit to farmers field 21<br />

21. Farmers visit to <strong>KVK</strong> 32<br />

22. Diagnostic visits 16<br />

23. Exposure visits NA<br />

24. Ex-trainees Sammelan NA<br />

25. Soil health Camp NA<br />

26. Animal Health Camp 3 3 26 - 26 8 6 6 - - - 32 6 38<br />

27. Agri mobile clinic NA<br />

28. Soil test campaigns NA<br />

29. Farm Science Club Conveners<br />

meet<br />

NA<br />

30. Self Help Group Conveners<br />

meetings<br />

NA<br />

31. Mahila Mandals Conveners<br />

meetings<br />

NA<br />

32. Celebration of important days Republic day<br />

(specify)<br />

Independence day<br />

Grand Total 11 145<br />

* Example for guidance only<br />


3.5 Production and supply of Technological products<br />


Major group/class Crop Variety Quantity (qtl.) Value (Rs.) Provided to No. of Farmers<br />

CEREALS Rice Local lahi 4.08q Rs. 2448/- 5<br />


PULSES<br />



Rapeseed TS-36 4.35q Rs. 1400/-* 50<br />

OTHERS (Specify) Potato Kufri Jyoti 7qt Rs. 3,500/- 30<br />

*4.0q oilseed is in stock having value (16,000/-)<br />


Sl. No. Major group/class Quantity (qtl.) Value (Rs.) Provided to No. of Farmers<br />

1 CEREALS 4.08qt Rs.2448/- 5<br />

2 OILSEEDS 4.35 Rs.1400/-* 50<br />

3 PULSES<br />



6 OTHERS 7qt Rs.3,500/- 30<br />

TOTAL 15.08qt Rs.7348/- 85<br />

*4q value Rs. 16,000 yet to be sold<br />



Major group/class Crop Variety Quantity (Nos.) Value (Rs.) Provided to No. of Farmers<br />

FRUITS<br />

SPICES<br />

VEGETABLES Brinjal PPL 975 nos. 390/- 20<br />

Tomato JAYA 1150 nos. 461/- 30<br />

Cabbage Pride of India 1400 nos. 560/- 30<br />

Cauliflower Aghani 1375 nos. 60/- 30<br />

Broccoli F1 60 nos. 60/- 3<br />




Others (specify)<br />


Sl. No. Major group/class Quantity (Nos.) Value (Rs.) Provided to<br />

No. of Farmers<br />

1 FRUITS NA<br />

2 VEGETABLES 4960 2020 113<br />

3 SPICES NA<br />




7 OTHERS NA<br />

TOTAL 4960 2020 113<br />



Major group/class Product Name Species Quantity Value (Rs.) Provided to No. of<br />

Farmers<br />

No (kg)<br />



1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Sl. No. Product Name Species<br />




TOTAL<br />


Quantity<br />

Nos (kg)<br />

Value (Rs.)<br />

Provided to No. of<br />

Farmers<br />



Sl. No. Type Breed Quantity Value (Rs.) Provided to No. of Farmers<br />

Cattle NA<br />



FISHERIES 1. Fish Fry Indian major<br />

carps<br />

2. Table Fish IMC Crop on field<br />

Others (Specify) NA<br />

(Nos Kgs<br />

68,000/- 17,000/- 24<br />

- -<br />


Sl. No. Type Breed<br />

1 CATTLE<br />

2 SHEEP & GOAT<br />

3 POULTRY<br />

NA<br />

NA<br />

NA<br />

4 FISHERIES Indian major<br />

carp<br />

5 OTHERS<br />

NA<br />

TOTAL<br />

3.6. Literature Developed/Published (with full title, author & reference)<br />

(A) <strong>KVK</strong> News Letter ((Date of start, Periodicity, number of copies distributed etc.)<br />

(B) Literature developed/published<br />

Quantity<br />


Nos Kgs<br />

Value (Rs.) Provided to No. of Farmers<br />

68,000/- 17,000/- 24<br />

Item Title Authors name Number of copies<br />

Research papers NILL - -<br />

Total<br />

Technical <strong>report</strong>s Monthly, Quarterly, Action<br />

Plan, Annual <strong>report</strong><br />

Popular articles<br />

Leaflets/folders 1.Source of critical inputs of<br />

Agriculture and allied section .<br />

2. Production technology of<br />

oyster Mushroom.<br />

<strong>KVK</strong> <strong>Lohit</strong> 16<br />

Mr. Debasish Borah, SMS<br />

(Agronomy), Mr. Arvind Singh,<br />

SMS(Horticulture), Ms.<br />

Madhumita Sonowal, SMS(Plant<br />

Protection), Dr. Jiten Rajkhowa,<br />

SMS (Animal Science), Dr.<br />

Debasis Sasmal SMS ( Fishery<br />

Science), Chow Inchen<br />

Namchoom, Prog. Asstt.<br />

(Agricultural Engineering)<br />

Madhumita Sonowal, SMS (Plant<br />

Protection), Debasish Borah,<br />

SMS (Agronomy), Arvind Singh,<br />

SMS (Horticulture).<br />

3. Ginger package of practices Arvind Singh, SMS<br />

(Horticulture), Madhumita<br />

Sonowal, SMS (Plant Protection).<br />

1500<br />


4. Composite fish culture Dr. Debasish Sasmal, SMS<br />

(Fishery Science).<br />

5. Scientific cultivation Mr. Debasish Borah, SMS<br />

practices of rice .<br />

(Agronomy).<br />

6. Integrated fish farming.<br />

In collaboration with ATMA-5 No.<br />

Dr. Debasis Sasmal, SMS<br />

(Fishery Science)<br />

Total 1<br />

GrandTOTAL 300<br />

N.B. Please enclose a copy of each. In case of literature prepared in local language please indicate the title in English<br />

(C) Details of Electronic Media Produced : NA<br />

S. No. Type of media (CD / VCD / DVD / Audio-Cassette) Title of the programme Number<br />

3.7. Success stories/Case studies, if any (two or three pages write-up on each case with suitable action photographs):<br />

3.8 Give details of innovative methodology/technology developed and used for Transfer of Technology during the year; NA<br />

3.9 Give details of indigenous technology practiced by the farmers in the <strong>KVK</strong> operational area which can be considered for technology development (in detail with suitable photographs); NA<br />

S. No. Crop / Enterprise ITK Practiced Purpose of ITK<br />

3.10 Indicate the specific training need analysis tools/methodology followed for<br />

- Identification of courses for farmers/farm women : PRA<br />

- Rural Youth : PRA<br />

- Inservice personnel :<br />

3.11 Field activities<br />

i. Number of villages adopted : 32<br />

ii. No. of farm families selected : 250<br />

iii. No. of survey/PRA conducted : 10<br />

3.12. Activities of Soil and Water Testing Laboratory : NA<br />

Status of establishment of Lab : Not yet established<br />

1. Year of establishment :<br />

2. List of equipments purchased with amount : NA<br />

Total<br />

Sl. No Name of the Equipment Qty. Cost<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />


3. Details of samples analyzed so far : NA<br />

Details No. of Samples No. of Farmers No. of Villages Amount realized<br />

Soil Samples<br />

Water Samples<br />

Plant Samples<br />

Petiole Samples<br />

Total<br />

4.0 IMPACT<br />

4.1. Impact of <strong>KVK</strong> activities (Not to be restricted for <strong>report</strong>ing period). Not done<br />

Name of specific technology/skill transferred No. of participants % of adoption Change in income (Rs.)<br />

Before (Rs./Unit) After (Rs./Unit)<br />

NB: Should be based on actual study, questionnaire/group discussion etc. with ex-participants.<br />

4.2. Cases of large scale adoption<br />

(Please furnish detailed information for each case) : NA<br />

4.3 Details of impact analysis of <strong>KVK</strong> activities carried out during the <strong>report</strong>ing period : NA<br />

5.0 LINKAGES<br />

5.1 Functional linkage with different organizations<br />

Name of organization Nature of linkage<br />

1. Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat For technology, inputs<br />

2. College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, AAU For technology, conducting training<br />

3.ICAR, Research complex for NEH region, Borapani For technology, inputs<br />

4. Citrus Research Station AAU, Tinsukia For technology, conducting training, input<br />

5. RARS, Titabor, AAU For technology, inputs<br />

6. RARS, Shilongani, AAU For technology, inputs<br />

7. HRS, Khakhikushi For technology, inputs<br />

8. IARI, Pusa For technology, inputs<br />

9. ATMA, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Joint implementation , conducting training<br />

10. Department of Agriculture, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Survey, conducting training<br />

11. Department of Horticulture, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Survey, conducting training<br />

12. Department of Fishery, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Input, Survey<br />

13. Department of Veterinary, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Survey, conducting training, joint implementation<br />

14. Department of Water resources, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Survey<br />

NB The nature of linkage should be indicated in terms of joint diagnostic survey, joint implementation, participation in meeting, contribution received for infrastructural development, conducting training<br />

programmes and demonstration or any other<br />


5.2 List special programmes undertaken by the <strong>KVK</strong>, which have been financed by State Govt./Other Agencies<br />

Name of the scheme<br />

Date/ Month of<br />

initiation<br />

Funding agency Amount (Rs.)<br />

Farm School Feb, 2009 ATMA 50,000<br />

5.3 Details of linkage with ATMA<br />

a) Is ATMA implemented in your district Yes/No<br />

S. No. Programme Nature of linkage Remarks<br />

1 Training satisfactory<br />

PF-20, Kisan Goshti-3 For combined training Very good linkage<br />

5.4 Give details of programmes implemented under National Horticultural Mission: NA<br />

S. No. Programme Nature of linkage Constraints if any<br />

5.5 Nature of linkage with National Fisheries Development Board<br />

S. No. Programme Nature of linkage Remarks<br />

1 Applied Pending<br />

6.<br />


6.1 Performance of demonstration units (other than instructional farm)<br />

Sl. No. Demo Unit Year of estt. Area<br />

6.2 Performance of instructional farm (Crops) including seed production<br />

Name<br />

Of the crop<br />

Date of<br />

sowing Date of<br />

harvest<br />

Cereals<br />

Rice 23.07.08 07.12.08 .22 Local<br />

lahi<br />

Details of production Amount (Rs.)<br />

Variety Produce Qty.<br />

Cost of<br />

inputs<br />

Gross income<br />

Area (ha)<br />

Variety<br />

Remarks<br />

Details of production Amount (Rs.)<br />

Type of<br />

Produce<br />

Qty.<br />

Cost of<br />

inputs<br />

Gross<br />

income<br />

seed 4.08 1800/- 2448/- Average<br />

Remarks<br />


Pulses<br />

Pigeonpea<br />

Oilseeds 31.10.08 22.01.09 .8 TS-36 Seed 4 3100/- 16,000/- excellent<br />

Fibers<br />

Spices & Plantation crops<br />

Floricultur<br />

e<br />

Fruits<br />

Vegetables<br />

Others (specify)<br />

Potato 02.11.08 21.01.09 .4 Kufri<br />

Jyoti<br />

6.3 Performance of production Units (bio-agents / bio pesticides/ bio fertilizers etc.,)<br />

Sl.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Product Qty<br />

6.4 Performance of instructional farm (livestock and fisheries production)<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />

Name<br />

of the animal / bird /<br />

aquatics<br />

Tuber 7 7,000/- 3,500/- Heavy infestation by late blight disease, No tractor & implement so<br />

high cost of production.<br />

Amount (Rs.)<br />

Cost of inputs Gross income<br />

Details of production Amount (Rs.)<br />

Breed Type of Produce<br />

Qty.<br />

Cost of inputs Gross income<br />

1 Fishery IMC Fish Fry 68,000 no. 12,000/- 17,000/- Profit 5,000/-<br />

2 Broiler Vencob-400 Live bird 2867.85 1,69,019.00 2,30,995 Profit 61,976/-<br />

6.5<br />

Rainwater Harvesting<br />

Training programmes conducted by using Rainwater Harvesting DemonstrationUnit<br />

Date Title of the training course<br />

Client (PF/RY/EF)<br />

No. of Courses<br />

Remarks<br />

Remarks<br />

No. of Participants including SC/ST No. of SC/STParticipants<br />

Male Female Total Male Female Total<br />


6.5 Utilization of hostel facilities : Hostel not yet available<br />

Accommodation available (No. of beds) : NA<br />

Months<br />

October 2006<br />

Total<br />

November 2006<br />

Total<br />

December 2006<br />

Total<br />

January 2007<br />

Total<br />

February 2007<br />

Total<br />

March 2007<br />

Total<br />

April 2007<br />

Total<br />

May 2007<br />

Total<br />

June 2007<br />

Total<br />

July 2007<br />

Title of the training<br />

course/Purpose of<br />

stay<br />

No. of trainees<br />

stayed<br />

Trainee<br />

days<br />

(days<br />

stayed)<br />

Reason for short fall (if any)<br />


Total<br />

August 2007<br />

Total<br />

September 2007<br />

Total<br />

Grand total<br />

5 X 25= 125 (Duration of the training course X No. of traininees)<br />

7.<br />


7.1 Details of <strong>KVK</strong> Bank accounts<br />

Bank account Name of the bank Location Account Number<br />

With Host Institute SBI Dirang 11862655773<br />

With <strong>KVK</strong> SBI Chowkham chowkham 11822666963<br />

7.2 Utilization of funds under FLD on Oilseed (Rs. In Lakhs)<br />

Released by ICAR Expenditure<br />

Item<br />

Kharif<br />

Rabi<br />

Kharif<br />

Rabi<br />

2007<br />

2007 –08<br />

2007<br />

2007-08<br />

Inputs NA<br />

Extension activities NA<br />

TA/DA/POL etc. NA<br />

TOTAL NA<br />

7.3 Utilization of funds under FLD on Pulses (Rs. In Lakhs)<br />

Released by ICAR Expenditure<br />

Item<br />

Kharif<br />

Rabi<br />

Kharif<br />

2007<br />

2007 -08<br />

2007<br />

Inputs NA<br />

Extension activities NA<br />

TA/DA/POL etc. NA<br />

TOTAL NA<br />

7.4 Utilization of funds under FLD on Cotton (Rs. In Lakhs) :NA<br />

Released by ICAR Expenditure<br />

Item<br />

Kharif<br />

Kharif<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

Inputs NA<br />

Extension activities NA<br />

TA/DA/POL etc. NA<br />

TOTAL NA<br />

Unspent balance as on 1 st April 2008<br />

Rabi<br />

2007-08<br />

Unspent balance as on 1 st<br />

April 2008<br />

Unspent balance as on 1 st<br />

April 2008<br />


7.5 Utilization of <strong>KVK</strong> funds during the year 2007 -08 (Rupees in Lakhs)<br />

S.<br />

No.<br />

Particulars Sanctioned Released Expenditure<br />

A. Recurring Contingencies<br />

1 Pay & Allowances 12.00 12.00 8.21<br />

2 Traveling allowances 0.80 0.80 0.34<br />

3 Contingencies<br />

A Stationery, telephone, postage and other expenditure on office running,<br />

publication of Newsletter and library maintenance (Purchase of News Paper<br />

& Magazines) 1.20 1.20 1.20<br />

B POL, repair of vehicles, tractor and equipments 4.80 4.80<br />

C Meals/refreshment for trainees (ceiling upto Rs.40/day/trainee be<br />

maintained)<br />

D Training material (posters, charts, demonstration material including<br />

chemicals etc. required for conducting the training)<br />

E Frontline demonstration except oilseeds and pulses (minimum of 30<br />

demonstration in a year)<br />

F On farm testing (on need based, location specific and newly generated<br />

information in the major production systems of the area)<br />

G Training of extension functionaries<br />

H Maintenance of buildings<br />

I Establishment of Soil, Plant & Water Testing Laboratory<br />

J Library<br />

TOTAL (A) 18.80 18.80 14.55<br />

B. Non-Recurring Contingencies<br />

1<br />

Works<br />

2 Equipments including SWTL & Furniture<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Vehicle (Four wheeler/Two wheeler, please specify)<br />


Library (Purchase of assets like books & journals) NIL NIL NIL<br />

TOTAL (B)<br />



7.6 Status of revolving fund (Rs. in lakhs) for the three years<br />

Year<br />

Opening balance as on<br />

1 st April<br />

Income during<br />

the year<br />

1.00 1.00 1.00<br />

19.80 19.80 15.55<br />

Expenditure during<br />

the year<br />

April 2005 to March 2006 NA NA NA NA<br />

April 2006 to March 2007 NA NA NA NA<br />

April 2007 to March 2008 1.00 0.086 0.437 0.647<br />

Net balance in hand as on 1 st<br />

April of each year<br />


7.7 Utilization of <strong>KVK</strong> funds during the year 2008 -09 (upto Sep. 2008) (Rupees in Lakhs)<br />

S.<br />

No.<br />

A. Recurring Contingencies<br />

Particulars Sanctioned Released Expenditure<br />

1 Pay & Allowances 53.00 14.50 14.49<br />

2 Traveling allowances 1.00 0.70 0.24<br />

3 Contingencies<br />

A Stationery, telephone, postage and other expenditure on office running,<br />

publication of Newsletter and library maintenance (Purchase of News Paper<br />

& Magazines) 1.20 0.65 0.63<br />

B POL, repair of vehicles, tractor and equipments<br />

C Meals/refreshment for trainees (ceiling upto Rs.40/day/trainee be<br />

maintained) 4.80 0.52<br />

D Training material (posters, charts, demonstration material including<br />

chemicals etc. required for conducting the training)<br />

E Frontline demonstration except oilseeds and pulses (minimum of 30<br />

demonstration in a year)<br />

F On farm testing (on need based, location specific and newly generated<br />

information in the major production systems of the area) 0.25<br />

G Training of extension functionaries 0.25<br />

H Maintenance of buildings<br />

I Establishment of Soil, Plant & Water Testing Laboratory<br />

J Library<br />

TOTAL (A) 60.00 16.37 15.86<br />

B. Non-Recurring Contingencies<br />

1<br />

Works<br />

2 Equipments including SWTL & Furniture<br />

3<br />

4<br />


Vehicle (Four wheeler/Two wheeler, please specify) NIL NIL<br />

Library (Purchase of assets like books & journals) NIL NIL NIL<br />




7.8 Status of revolving fund (Rs. in lakhs) for the three years<br />

Year<br />

Opening balance as on<br />

1 st April<br />

Income during<br />

the year<br />

60.00 16.37 15.86<br />

Expenditure during<br />

the year<br />

April 2005 to March 2006 NIL NIL NIL NIL<br />

April 2006 to March 2007 NIL NIL NIL NIL<br />

April 2007 to March 2008 NIL NIL NIL NIL<br />

Net balance in hand as on 1 st<br />

April of each year<br />


8.0<br />

Please include information which has not been reflected above (write in detail).<br />

8.1 Constraints<br />

(a) Administrative : 1. Administrative office yet to be established,<br />

2. Equipments yet to be purchased<br />

3. Difficulties in communication, No fax and internet facilities available<br />

(b) Financial : 1. Late arrival of money causes problem in implementing the programmes<br />

(c) Technical : 1. Demonstration units not established<br />

2. Soil test laboratory facility not available<br />

3. Farm land not well developed<br />

4. Storage unit, threshing floor, tractor etc not available<br />


Annexures<br />

<strong>District</strong> Profile - I<br />

1. General census<br />

(a) Name of district :<strong>Lohit</strong><br />

(b) Head Quarter of the district : Tezu<br />

© Number of sub-division(s) : 2(two)<br />

(d) Name of the sub-divisions :1)Tezu 2) Namsai<br />

(e) Total circle : 8(Eight)<br />

(f) Total village : 487<br />


(h) Total Geographical area : 11402<br />

(i) Total forest area : 10327.145<br />

(j) Barren & uncultivated land : 48965 ha<br />

(k) Land put to not agricultural use : 1687 ha<br />

(l) Cultivable waste lands : 2088 ha<br />

(m) Pastures and grazing lands : NA<br />

(n) Net Area sown : 41977 ha<br />

(o) Current fallows : 2258 ha<br />

(p) Fallow lands : 1866 ha<br />

(q) River(s) :14 (<strong>Lohit</strong>, Noadihing, Kambang, Tegapani, Digaru,<br />

Barang, Tarang, etc)<br />

(r) Distance from Guwahati : Via Brumma kund =770Km<br />

Via Alubarighat=700Km<br />

(s) Nearest Airport :Dibrugarh<br />

(t) Nearest railway station :Tinsukia<br />

(u) Location of Helipad : Tezu, Namsai, Mahadevpur<br />

(v) Bordering <strong>District</strong>s/State : Anjaw <strong>District</strong>- East, Changlang <strong>District</strong> -South, Part of<br />

Lower Dibang Valley <strong>District</strong> -North, part of Lower<br />

Dibang Valley <strong>District</strong> - West.<br />

Bordering state-Assam in South and West<br />

II. Human population information<br />

(a) Total population : 125086 persons<br />

i. Male : 67150 persons<br />

ii. Female :57936 persons<br />

(b) Rural population : 98324<br />

i. Male :52405<br />

ii. Female :45919<br />

(c) Urban population :26762<br />

i. Male :14745<br />

ii. Female :12017<br />

(d) Density per : 24 persons per sq. km.<br />

(e) Literacy rate : 47. 6%<br />

i. Male :55.5%<br />

ii. Female :38.4%<br />

(f) S.T population :40552<br />

i. Male :20532<br />

ii. Female :20020<br />

(g) S.C population of district :1170<br />

i. Male :663<br />

ii. Female :551<br />


1. Agricultural and allied census<br />

Net area sown 40427 ha<br />

Cropping intensity 103 %<br />

Area coverage under HYV 756 ha<br />

Govt agriculture farm 01<br />

Area under irrigation 4360 ha<br />

Per capita net area sown 1.8 ha<br />

Area brought under fertilizer (NPK) 1500 ha<br />

Consumption of fertilizer 708 qt<br />

Area coverage under plant protection measures 1300 ha<br />

Land development under permanent cultivation 3945 ha<br />

Total area under cereals (2007-08) 19377 ha<br />

Total area under pulses (2007-08) 1865 ha<br />

Total area under oilseeds (2007-08) 11423 ha<br />

Total production of cereals (2007-08) 34847 MT<br />

Total production of pulses (2007-08) 2100 MT<br />

Total production of Oilseeds (2007-08) 8930 MT<br />

3. Agro-climatic zones<br />

No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics<br />

1. Sub tropical hill zone The climate of the district varies from place to place. Rainfall varies from 110-3645 mm, temperature 5 to 36 o C. The district consists of<br />

plain flood prone area, foot and mid hill areas.<br />

4. Agro-ecosystems<br />

No Agro ecological situation Characteristics<br />

1 AES-I Soils deep well drain, fine alluvial clay loam, acidic in nature, plain flood prone area, rainfall medium, altitude upto 150 m.<br />

2 AES-II Soils moderately deep to deep, well drain sandy loam soil, acidic in nature, plain to foot hill area, partly flood prone, rainfall medium to<br />

high, altitude upto 150 -200m.<br />

3 AES-III Moderately deep to deep, well drain black soil, acidic in nature and mid hill area, rainfall high, altitude more than 200 m.<br />

5. Major and micro-farming systems<br />

Mainly Rainfed Farming system is available in the area. However in some parts of the district Irrigation facility is available for transplsnted rice<br />

6. Major production systems like rice based (rice-rice, rice-green gram, etc.), cotton based, etc.<br />

Crop rotations followed : Rice – Potato followed by Rice Mustard.<br />

Crop sequences followed : 1. Rice-Fallow<br />

2. Rice-Mustard/Potato<br />

3. Rice-Rabi crops<br />


4. Maize-Vegetable/Rabi crops/Ginger<br />

Inter-cropping done, if any : 1. Maize + Greengram<br />

2. Orange + Ginger<br />

3. Orange + Pineapple<br />

Mixed cropping done, if any : 1. Rice(Upland), Colocasia, Ginger, Cucurbits<br />

2. Rice, Maize<br />

3. Rice, Tapioca<br />

Catch crops grown, if any 1. Buck Wheat<br />

7. Major agriculture and allied enterprises<br />

Principal crops, area, production and productivity<br />

Sl. No. Principal Crops Area (in ha) Production (in tones) /(1<br />

ton=1000kg)<br />

Productivity (q/ha)<br />

I Cereals<br />

1. Paddy (Irrigated) 2595 8356 32.2<br />

2. Paddy (Rainfed) 7150 16302 22.8<br />

3. Paddy-Jhum 800 592 7.4<br />

4. Maize(Improved) 520 738 14.20<br />

5. Maize-Local 7805 8117 10.40<br />

6. Millet 92 78 8.50<br />

7. Wheat 415 664 16.0<br />

II Pulses<br />

1. Black gram 635 610 9.60<br />

2. Green gram 215 194 9.0<br />

3. Pea 560 750 13.40<br />

4. Others (Local) 455 546 12.0<br />

III Oil Seeds<br />

1. Mustard 10778 8191 7.6<br />

2. Sesamum 160 80 5.0<br />

3. Soyabean 265 411 15.50<br />

4. Local Soyabean 180 198 11.0<br />

IV. Other food grains<br />

1. Potato 620 5704 92.0<br />

3. Sugarcane 20 130 65.0<br />


Area and Production of Horticulture crops in <strong>Lohit</strong> Distric<br />

S. No. Name of crop Area in ha Production in MT<br />

Fruit Crops and Plantation crops<br />

1. Orange( Khasi mandarin ) 2175.89 2460.86<br />

2. Pineapple 135.38 514.88<br />

3. Banana 111.29 1199.9<br />

4. Papaya 16.58 29<br />

5. Guava 15.9 8.86<br />

6. Mango 16.51 4.42<br />

7.. Assam Lemon 26.35 60.06<br />

8. Litchi 34.9 76.1<br />

9. Coconut 76 56.6<br />

10. Arecanut 11 1.50<br />

11. Jackfruit 9 9<br />

12. Vegetables 2300 6900<br />

Tuber crops<br />

13.. Colocasia 925 4301<br />

14. Tapioca 358 1653<br />

15. Sweet potato 435 2001<br />

Spices and condiments<br />

16 Ginger 890 7324<br />

17. Turmeric 110 387<br />

18. Chilly 125 190<br />

19. Garlic 23 42<br />

20 Onion 15 39<br />

21. Large cardamom 31.2 15.9<br />

22. Black Pepper 50 28.5<br />

Total 7918 25609<br />


Circle wise livestock population (in number) of <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong>(Latest census 2003)<br />

Circle Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goat Horse/Ponnies Pig Chicken Duck Dog Rabbit Mithun<br />

Namsai 9276 369 - 1834 - 1112 13565 1274 1036 - -<br />

Lakang 29156 525 - 14917 327 13006 36708 18864 5829 - -<br />

Piyong 6970 865 - 2780 - 2100 9249 1827 946 - -<br />

Chongkham 17104 587 - 4434 - 2607 21591 2097 1289 - -<br />

Wakro 4501 - - 1693 - 2111 11599 794 339 - 548<br />

Lathao 4991 617 8 1792 - 794 10730 2641 808 - -<br />

Tezu 9295 - - 6047 43 3809 19282 301 1070 - 792<br />

Sunpura 9881 4802 - 1509 - 438 5398 315 340 11 42<br />


Agro-ecosystem Analysis of the focus/target area –<br />

Include<br />

1. Names of villages, focus area, target area etc.<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />

Name of the<br />

block<br />

Name of the<br />

village<br />

1. Chongkham Chongkham,<br />

Momong, Nalung,<br />

Napatia, Alubari-<br />

Nepali Basti,<br />

Namliang,<br />

Manmow Tissue,<br />

Pangkhao, Marua,<br />

Empong.<br />

2. Namsai Jona Pathar –I,<br />

Jona Pathar –II,<br />

Jona Pathar –III,<br />

Jona Pathar –IV,<br />

Deobil, Dachuk<br />

Major crops &<br />

enterprises<br />

Paddy, Mustard,<br />

Potato, Ginger, Poultry,<br />

Cow, Goat, Fishery.<br />

Paddy, Mustard,<br />

Potato, Ginger, Poultry,<br />

Cow, Goat, Fishery.<br />

3. Tezu Danglat, Loiliang Paddy, Mustard,<br />

Potato, Ginger, Poultry,<br />

Cow, Goat, Fishery.<br />

4. Sunpura Paya, Jeko Paddy, Mustard,<br />

Potato, Ginger, Poultry,<br />

Cow, Goat, Fishery.<br />

5. Lekang New Mohong, Old<br />

Mohong<br />

Paddy, Mustard,<br />

Potato, Ginger, Poultry,<br />

Cow, Goat, Fishery.<br />

6. Piyong Nampong, Nigoro Paddy, Mustard,<br />

Potato, Ginger, Poultry,<br />

Cow, Goat, Fishery.<br />

7. Mahadevpur Madevpur-1,<br />

mahadevpur-2,<br />

Mahadevpur-3,<br />

Khamti Kumari,<br />

Chelatu<br />

8. Wakro Medo, Gundri,<br />

Kamlang, Mawai<br />

Paddy, Mustard,<br />

Potato, Ginger, Poultry,<br />

Cow, Goat, Fishery.<br />

Orange, Ginger, Paddy,<br />

Maize, Mithun,<br />

Poultry, Cow, Goat<br />

Focus area Target area<br />

1.Scientific cultivation of cereals, varietal evaluation of rice<br />

2. Nutrient management in cereals<br />

3. Disease management in cereals<br />

4. Biocontrol of rice pests, IPM<br />

5. Waste management<br />

6.Weed Management<br />

7. Fertility management in cereals and oilseed pulses<br />

8. Varietal evaluation of Greengram & Blacklckgram<br />

9. Varietal evaluation of pea<br />

10.Cultivation of tuber crops<br />

11. Disease management in potato<br />

12. Orchard management in citrus<br />

13.Scientific Vegetable cultivation<br />

14. Management of young plant orchard in khashi mandarin<br />

15.Rejuvenation of old orchards<br />

16.Disease management in khashi mandarin<br />

17.Exotic vegetable production<br />

18. Off-season vegetable cultivation<br />

19. IPM in cole crops<br />

20.Disease management in cucurbits and ginger<br />

21.Production and management technology of ginger<br />

22. Spices production and management<br />

23.Production and management technology of plantation crop<br />

24. Scientific Cultivation of fruit crops<br />

25. Nursery management in Horticulture crops<br />

26. Proper feeding & housing of livestocks<br />

27. Production of Quality animal product<br />

28. Control & prevention of various diseases<br />

29. Scientific management in Poultry<br />

30. Introduction of Broiler farming<br />

31. Small scale Piggery & Goatery farming<br />

32. Carp fry and fingerling rearing<br />

33. Carp breeding and hatchery management<br />

34. Integrated fish farming, Composite fish culture<br />

35. Breeding and culture of ornamental fishes<br />

36. Portable plastic carp hatchery<br />

37. Pen culture of fish and prawn<br />

38.Scientific management of Apiary<br />

39. Installation and maintenance of micro irrigation system<br />

40. Use of Plastics in farming practices<br />

41. Production of small tools and implements<br />

42. Repair and maintenance of farm machinery and implements<br />

43. Small scale processing and value addition<br />

1.Scientific cultivation of cereals, varietal evaluation of rice, INM &<br />

IDM in cereals<br />

2. Fertility management in cereals and oilseed and pulses, biofertilizer<br />

production<br />

3. Management of young plant orchard, Rejuvenation of old orchards<br />

4. Production and management technology of ginger and Spices<br />

5. Production and management technology of plantation crop<br />

6. Scientific management of feed, Disease and housing in Piggery<br />

7. Scientific feed and disease management in cattle<br />

8. Scientific management in Poultry in terms of feed, housing system,<br />

Introduction of Broiler farming, Disease management in poultry.<br />

9. Integrated fish farming, Composite fish culture.<br />

10. Carp fry and fingerling rearing, Carp breeding and hatchery<br />

management, Breeding and culture of ornamental fishes.<br />

11. Production of small tools and implements.<br />

12. Varietal evaluation of Greengram & Blacklckgram, pea.<br />

13. Weed and Waste management.<br />

14. Scientific Cultivation of tuber crops, Disease management in<br />

potato.<br />

15. Orchard management in citrus, Disease management in khashi<br />

mandarin.<br />

16. Scientific Vegetable cultivation, Exotic and Off-season vegetable<br />

cultivation, IPM in cole crops.<br />

17. Feed management in cattle, Production of quality animal product.<br />

18. Scientific Cultivation of fruit crops, Nursery management in<br />

Horticulture crops.<br />

19. Portable plastic carp hatchery, Pen culture of fish and prawn.<br />

20. Use of Plastics in farming practices.<br />

21. Improve housing in goat and cattle, Scientific Goat farming.<br />

22. Scientific management of Apiary.<br />

23. Introduction of Rabbit farming.<br />

24. Installation and maintenance of micro irrigation system.<br />

25. Repair and maintenance of farm machinery and implements<br />


2. Survey methods used (survey by questionnaire, PRA, RRA, etc.) :<br />

Survey by PRA<br />

3. Various techniques used and brief documentation of process involved in applying the techniques used like release transect, resource map, etc. : Semi structured questionnaire, transact work, informal discussion.<br />

4. Analysis and conclusions:<br />

The total population of the district,125086 persons comprising 67150 males and 57936 females (2001 Population Census). The Urban population is 26762 and rural population is 98324. The sex ratio, i.e.<br />

Number of females per thousand males is 862 and the density of population is 24 persons per sq. km. There were 28537 residential house hold in the district under 487 villages. And percentage of literacy is 56.07. In<br />

<strong>Lohit</strong> district a portion of population are tribal group which constitutes 32.4% of the total population of the district. The major tribes inhabiting the <strong>Lohit</strong> district are the Mishmis, Khamptis and Sinphos. The other tribes<br />

are Deori, Mishing, Adi, Sonowal and Kachari. The Tibetans and Chakmas who came as refuges are also living the districts. As per population census the total workers percentages in cultivation are the following:- the<br />

total persons 57.64%, where Male 32.33% and Female 25.4% and agricultural labours total is 6.53% in which, the Male is 3.70% and Female is 2.83%.<br />

The climate of the district varies from place to place. At foot hills it is quite hot during summer (16 0 C -36 0 C) and moderately cold in winter, but at higher altitude the climate is pleasant during summer<br />

season but the winter are extremely cold (5 0 C-25 0 C). The rainfall of the district is also varying in nature. In Tezu it is recorded as 110.43 mm and 3644.67 mm in Wakro. The people of <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> is dependent on<br />

Agriculture. There exists a wide gap between technology generations- technology dissemination and technology adoption by the users in the district. It is highly felt that the farmers and service providers of the regions<br />

need to be sensitized to the challenges of tough global competitions. In the eve of changing world agricultural system, our farmers also need to change with the fast and vastly developing technologies, production<br />

systems and varieties.<br />

<strong>KVK</strong> <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> (started functioning since March, 2007 with freshly recruited staffs), under NRC on Yak, Dirang, has conducted a survey to perform situational analysis of the existing farming systems,<br />

technologies gaps, productions constraints, existing marketing system and other development opportunities. The study is going on and found that the existing production system and various other scientific issues which<br />

need interventions in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Horticulture, Fishery, Agro-forestry sectors and allied sector of <strong>Lohit</strong> district. In each chapter various needed strategies are also discussed to initiate<br />

the thought process of policy initiators.<br />

a. In the eve of globalization and changing nature of agricultural systems, <strong>KVK</strong> will assess and refine different technologies for farmers and assist them to choose the technologies to be adopted in their<br />

systems.<br />

b. Management of the new technologies at farmers’ level and providing feed back to the research system for refinement.<br />

c. Helps in proper utilization of manmade and natural-resources.<br />

d. Diversification of agricultural systems.<br />

e. Adoption of Need and Market based farming system.<br />

f. Increasing the risk bearing capacity of farmers by popularizing group or collaborative approaches and integrating of farming systems.<br />

g. Effective forward and backward linkages.<br />

h. Protection of farmers’ right and educating them about trade treaties and preparedness required for the change.<br />

To design and develop <strong>KVK</strong> <strong>Lohit</strong> district as a center of excellence by taking need based action and strategies for future with continuous collaborative research, extension and farmer oriented services (survey,<br />

training, OFT and FLD) for socio-economic development of the people of the district as a whole.<br />

5. List of location specific problems and brief description of frequency and extent/ intensity/severity of each problem<br />

Agriculture :<br />

1. Traditional cropping without scientific management practices<br />

2. Stem borer, gall midge , Gandhi bug, leaf folder, and leaf roller attack in paddy<br />

3. Poor yield of local varieties of paddy, pulses and oilseed<br />

4. Non adoption of fertility management practices in all crops<br />

5. Attack of stem borer/ top borer in maize<br />

6. Lack of knowledge regarding production and use of organic manures<br />


7. Lack of knowledge about IPM/ INM of different crops<br />

8. Lack of knowledge about scientific agronomic practices for different crops<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Poor performance of local cultivars of fruits and Vegetable<br />

2. Lack of availability of quality planting material in fruits and vegetables<br />

3. Lack of knowledge about propagation technique of banana, citrus & other fruits<br />

4. Lack of knowledge about scientific orchard management technology<br />

5. Lack of knowledge about scientific nursery raising technique in vegetables<br />

6. Lack of knowledge about nutrient mgt. technique of fruit and vegetable crops<br />

7. Lack of knowledge about insect-pest & disease mgt. technique of fruits and vegetables<br />

Fishery<br />

1. Lack of knowledge about different aspects of scientific fish culture .<br />

2. Lack of knowledge about composite fish culture .<br />

3. Lack of knowledge about low cost integrated fish farming systems .<br />

4. Lack of awareness about scientific fish husbandry practices.<br />

Animal Husbandry :<br />

1. Parasitic infection of pig and goat<br />

2. Poor feeding in respect of cattle, poultry and pig.<br />

3. Use of local breed of cattle, pig and poultry<br />

4. Lack of knowledge about scientific rearing system of poultry and pig<br />

5. Lack of knowledge on scientific disease management of cattle, pig & poultry<br />

6. Lack of knowledge about quality feed<br />

7. Use of local breeds of poultry and pig<br />

8. Lack of awareness about improved breeds<br />

9. Lack of knowledge about integration of different enterprises<br />

6. Matrix ranking of problems:<br />

Sl.No Farming systems Crops Problems<br />

1. Low altitude,<br />

Rainfed :<br />

Agri - WRC/ upland paddy, Potato,<br />

mustard, maize, soybean, local pulses,<br />

tea<br />

Horti. – Banana, Pineapple, citrus<br />

Vegetables, ginger, chili, betel vine<br />

Animal Husb. –Cattle, pig, goat,<br />

elephant, duck and poultry<br />

Fishery – Fish species<br />

Rohu, Catla, Grass Carp, Silver Carp and<br />

Common Carp, Local species<br />

Agriculture :<br />

1.Varietal evaluation for direct sown upland paddy<br />

2. Varietal evaluation for transplanted paddy<br />

3. Varietal evaluation for greengram / blackgram<br />

4.Varietal evaluation for rapeseed / mustard<br />

6. INM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

7. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

8. Resource management technology<br />

9. Cropping system research<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Varietal evaluation of fruit and vegetable crops.<br />

2. Poor performance of local var. of fruits and vegetables<br />

3. INM for Fruits and vegetables<br />

4. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

5. Lack of availability of quality planting material.<br />

6. Lack of standardized propagation technique of fruits crop.<br />

7. Lack of efficient orchard management technology<br />

8. Lack of efficient nutrient mgt. technique.<br />

9. Lack of efficient insect-pest & disease management.<br />

Fishery<br />

1.Lack of suitable region specific fish farming technology<br />

2. Lack of knowledge about different aspects of scientific fish<br />

culture<br />

Animal Husbandry<br />


2. Mid altitude,<br />

Rainfed<br />

3. High altitude,<br />

Rainfed<br />

Agri - WRC/ upland paddy, Potato,<br />

mustard, maize, soybean, local pulses<br />

Horti. – Banana, Pineapple, citrus<br />

Vegetables, ginger, chili, betel vine<br />

Animal Husb. – Cattle, pig, goat,<br />

elephant, duck and poultry<br />

Fishery – Fish species<br />

Rohu, Catla, Grass Carp, Silver Carp and<br />

Common Carp, Local species<br />

Agri - Upland paddy, maize, millet, local<br />

pulses<br />

Horti. – Orange, Tapioca, colocasia,<br />

vegetables, ginger, chili, pineapple,<br />

banana<br />

Animal Husb. – Mithun cattle, pig, goat,<br />

elephant, duck and poultryFishery – Fish<br />

species<br />

Rohu, Catla, Grass Carp, Silver Carp and<br />

Common Carp, Local species<br />

1. Lack ok knowledge on scientific management of livestocks<br />

2. Parasitic infection<br />

3..Poor livestock feed<br />

4. Poor performance of local breed.<br />

5. Improper housing<br />

Agriculture :<br />

1.Varietal evaluation for direct sown upland paddy<br />

2. Varietal evaluation for transplanted paddy<br />

3.Varietal evaluation for greengram / blackgram<br />

4. Varietal evaluation for arhar<br />

5. Varietal evaluation for rapeseed / mustard<br />

6. INM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

7. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

8. Resource management technology<br />

9. Cropping system research<br />

10. Varietal evaluation of millet<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Varietal evaluation of fruit and vegetable crops.<br />

2. Poor performance of local var. of fruits and vegetables<br />

3. INM for Fruits and vegetables<br />

4. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

5. Lack of availability of quality planting material.<br />

6. Lack of standardized propagation technique of fruits crop.<br />

7. Lack of efficient orchard management technology<br />

8. Lack of efficient nutrient mgt. technique.<br />

9. Lack of efficient insect-pest and disease mgt.<br />

Fishery<br />

1.Lack of suitable region specific fish farming technology<br />

2. Lack of knowledge about different aspects of scientific fish<br />

culture<br />

Animal Husbandry<br />

1. Lack ok knowledge on scientific management of livestocks<br />

2. Parasitic infection<br />

3..Poor livestock feed<br />

4. Poor performance of local breed.<br />

5. Improper housing.<br />

Agriculture :<br />

1.Varietal evaluation for direct sown upland paddy<br />

2. Cropping system research<br />

3. INM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

4. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

5. Resource management technology<br />

6. Varietal evaluation of millet<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Varietal evaluation of fruit and vegetable crops particularly<br />

orange.<br />

2. Poor performance of local var. of fruits and vegetables<br />

3. INM for Fruits and vagetables<br />

4. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

5. Lack of availability of quality planting material.<br />

6. Lack of standardized propagation technique of fruits crop.<br />

7. Lack of efficient orchard management technology<br />

8. Lack of efficient nutrient mgt. technique.<br />

9. Lack of efficient insect-pest & disease mgt.<br />


7. List of location specific thrust areas<br />

Fishery<br />

1.Lack of suitable region specific fish farming technology<br />

2. Lack of knowledge about different aspects of scientific fish<br />

culture<br />

Animal Husbandry<br />

1. Lack ok knowledge on scientific management of livestocks<br />

2. Parasitic infection<br />

3..Poor livestock feed<br />

4. Poor performance of local breed.<br />

5. Improper housing.<br />

Sl.No. Thrust area<br />

1 Scientific cultivation of cereals, INM and IPM in cereals.<br />

2 Fertility management in cereals and biofertilizer production.<br />

3 Management of young plant orchard, Rejuvenation of old orchards.<br />

4 Production and management technology of ginger and Spices.<br />

5 Production and management technology of plantation crop.<br />

6 Scientific management of feed, disease.<br />

7 AI in cattle and housing in Piggery.<br />

8 Scientific management in Poultry in terms of feed, housing system, Introduction of Broiler farming.<br />

9 Disease management in cattle, pig, elephant.<br />

10 Integrated fish farming, Composite fish culture.<br />

11 Knowledge on pond construction, fry and fingerling rearing.<br />

12 Scientific knowledge on Integrated farming system including rice fish culture, fish and animals.<br />

13 Weed and Waste management in rice<br />

14 Scientific Cultivation of tuber crops, Disease management in potato<br />

15 Disease management in khashi mandarin<br />

16 Scientific nursery management in fruits and vegetables<br />

17 Improved machineries for rice cultivation<br />

18 Knowledge on post harvest processing machineries on field and horticulture crops and their storage<br />

19 Scientific cultivation of oyster mushroom<br />

20 Scientific management of Apiary<br />

21 Repair and maintenance of farm machinery and implements<br />

22 Knowledge on improved tools and machineries for intercultural operation<br />

8. List of location specific technology needs for OFT and FLD<br />

Agronomy:<br />

1. Demonstration of HYV of green gram<br />

2. Demonstration of HYV of black gram<br />

3. Sali rice cultivation in flash flood situation<br />

4. Demonstration of perennial forage grass<br />

5. Cultivation of HYV of rapeseed<br />

6. Cultivation of HYV of sesamum<br />

7. Winter paddy- vegetable cropping system<br />

8. Varietal evaluation for direct sown upland paddy<br />

9. Varietal evaluation for transplanted paddy<br />

10. INM for rice, mustard<br />

11. .Varietal evaluation for greengram / blackgram<br />

12. Varietal evaluation for rapeseed / mustard<br />


Horticulture:<br />

1. Short duration tapioca cultivation<br />

2. High density planting of Dwarf Cavendish<br />

3. Weed management in Brinjal<br />

4. Management of micro-nutrient deficiency in Khasi mandarin<br />

5. Varietal evaluation of okra.<br />

6. Varietal evaluation of brinjal.<br />

7. Performance evaluation of cabbage var. by application of biofertilizer.<br />

8. Introduction of Brocolli in <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

9. INM in Khasi Mandarin<br />

10. Performance of turmeric variety-Megha Turmeric-1<br />

11. Performance of Variety Arecanut Var. Kahikuchi selection in <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

12. Demonstration of Ginger Variety of Nadia<br />

Plant protection:<br />

1. Management of rice hispa using Mycoinsecticides.<br />

2. Biocontrol of stemborer and leaffolder in rice.<br />

3. Bio-intensive IPM for stemborer.<br />

4. Oyster mushroom production technology.<br />

5. Rhizome rot management in Ginger using Biofer-pf.<br />

6. Management of fruit dropping in khasi mandarin.<br />

7. Management of bacterial wilt of brinjal using Biofer-pf.<br />

8. Biological control of water hyacinth<br />

Animal Husbandry:<br />

1. Improved milk production by Balance feeding<br />

2. Upgradation of local cattle by A.I. with frozen semen of improved breed.<br />

3. Chemical castration.<br />

4. Supplementation of Mineral Mixure to mithun.<br />

5. Introduction of improved breed Poultry.<br />

6. Introduction of small scale intensive system Poultry farming.<br />

7. Improve housing system of Goat.<br />

8. Concentrate feeding of Pig.<br />

9. Low cost feeding with locally available feed ingradients.<br />

10. Control of Piglet anaemia by iron supplementation.<br />

Fishery Science:<br />

1. Carp fry and fingerling rearing.<br />

2. Post monsoon culture of carps.<br />

3. Integrated fish farming(Fish cum cattle)<br />

9. Matrix ranking of technologies<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />

Farming system Crops under the FS Technologies<br />

1 Low altitude, Rainfed Agri - WRC/ upland paddy, Potato, Agriculture :<br />

mustard, maize, soybean, local pulses, 1.Varietal evaluation for direct sown upland paddy<br />

tea<br />

2. Varietal evaluation for transplanted paddy<br />

Horti. – Banana, Pineapple, citrus 3. Varietal evaluation for greengram / blackgram<br />

Vegetables, ginger, chili, betel vine 4.Varietal evaluation for rapeseed / mustard<br />

Animal Husb. –Cattle, pig, goat, 6. INM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />


2. Medium altitude, Rainfed<br />

elephant, duck and poultry<br />

Fishery – Fish species<br />

Rohu, Catla, Grass Carp, Silver Carp<br />

and Common Carp, Local species<br />

Agri - WRC/ upland paddy, Potato,<br />

mustard, maize, soybean, local pulses<br />

Horti. – Banana, Pineapple, citrus<br />

Vegetables, ginger, chili, betel vine<br />

Animal Husb. – Cattle, pig, goat,<br />

elephant, duck and poultry<br />

Fishery – Fish species<br />

Rohu, Catla, Grass Carp, Silver Carp<br />

and Common Carp, Local species<br />

3. High altitude, Rainfed Agri - Upland paddy, maize, millet,<br />

local pulses<br />

Horti. – Orange, Tapioca, colocasia,<br />

vegetables, ginger, chili, pineapple,<br />

banana<br />

Animal Husb. – Mithun cattle, pig,<br />

goat, elephant, duck and<br />

poultryFishery – Fish species<br />

Rohu, Catla, Grass Carp, Silver Carp<br />

and Common Carp, Local species<br />

7. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Varietal evaluation of fruit and vegetable crops.<br />

2. Introduction of HYV of fruits and vegetables<br />

3. INM and IPM in fruit and vegetable crops<br />

4. Standardization of propagation technique of fruits crop.<br />

7. Lack of efficient orchard management technology<br />

8. Use efficient nutrient mgt. technique.<br />

Fishery<br />

1.Use of suitable region specific fish farming technology<br />

2. Scientific fish farming particularly composite fish farming<br />

Animal Husbandry<br />

1. Scientific management of livestocks<br />

2. Parasitic infection management<br />

3. Proper feed management<br />

4. AI of different animals<br />

5. Proper housing management<br />

Agriculture :<br />

1.Varietal evaluation for direct sown upland paddy<br />

2. Varietal evaluation for transplanted paddy<br />

3. Varietal evaluation for greengram / blackgram<br />

4.Varietal evaluation for rapeseed / mustard<br />

6. INM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

7. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Varietal evaluation of fruit and vegetable crops.<br />

2. Introduction of HYV of fruits and vegetables<br />

3. INM and IPM in fruit and vegetable crops<br />

4. Standardization of propagation technique of fruits crop.<br />

7. Lack of efficient orchard management technology<br />

8. Use efficient nutrient mgt. technique.<br />

Fishery<br />

1.Use of suitable region specific fish farming technology<br />

2. Scientific fish farming particularly composite fish farming<br />

Animal Husbandry<br />

1. Scientific management of livestocks<br />

2. Parasitic infection management<br />

3. Proper feed management<br />

4. AI of different animals<br />

5. Proper housing management<br />

Agriculture :<br />

1.Varietal evaluation for direct sown upland paddy<br />

2. Cropping system research<br />

3. INM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

4. IPM for upland paddy on hill slope<br />

5. Resource management technology<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Varietal evaluation of Orange fruit and vegetable crops.<br />

2. Introduction of HYV of fruits and vegetables<br />

3. Use efficient nutrient mgt. technique.<br />

4. INM and IPM in fruit and vegetable crops<br />

5. Standardization of propagation technique of fruits crop.<br />

6. Lack of efficient orchard management technology<br />


8. List of location specific training needs<br />

Agriculture : (Agronomy + Plant protection)<br />

1. Scientific cultivation practices of paddy, maize, mustard, sugarcane and pulses<br />

2. Awareness on high yielding varieties of paddy, maize, mustard and pulses<br />

3. IPM/ INM/IDM of paddy, maize, mustard, pulses<br />

4. Production and use of organic manures<br />

5. Fodder production technology.<br />

6. Awareness about paddy and maize based cropping system and integrated farming system<br />

7. Awareness about bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticides<br />

8. Biointensive IPM for stemborer<br />

9. Oyster Mushroom cultivation technology<br />

10. Biological control of water hyacinth<br />

11. Training on apiculture<br />

12. Bio-control of pest<br />

Horticulture:<br />

1. Scientific cultivation practices of broccoli, turmeric<br />

2. Integrated nutrient management in khasi mandarin<br />

3. Improved cultivation practices in arecanut<br />

4. Management of fruit dropping in Khasi Mandarin<br />

5. Production of low volume and high value crops<br />

6. Production and maintenance of spices like ginger, turmeric.<br />

7. Rejuvenation of old orchards<br />

8. Management of young plants/orchards<br />

Animal Husbandry:<br />

1. Introduction of improved housing system of goat<br />

2. Chemical castration<br />

3. Improved milk production by balance feeding<br />

4. Increases fertility rate with AI<br />

5. Introduction of improved breed<br />

6. Introduction of small scale intensive system<br />

7. Improved management practices of Diary/Poultry/Piggery/ Rabbit<br />

8. Disease management in livestocks<br />

9. Livestock feed and fodder production<br />

10. Cross breed Dairy farming as source of income<br />

Fishery Science<br />

1. Integrated fish farming<br />

2. Post mansoon culture of carps<br />

3. Carp breeding and hatchery management<br />

4. Carp fry and fingerling rearing<br />

5. Composite fish culture<br />

6. Breeding and culture of ornamental fishes<br />

7. Portable plastic carp hatchery<br />

8. Pen culture of fish and prawn<br />

Fishery<br />

1.Use of suitable region specific fish farming technology<br />

2. Scientific fish farming particularly composite fish farming<br />

Animal Husbandry<br />

1. Scientific management of livestocks<br />

2. Parasitic infection management<br />

3. Proper feed management<br />

4. AI of different animals<br />

5. Proper housing management<br />


Ag.Engineering<br />

1. Zero energy cooling chambers.<br />

2. Improved tools and machineries for Rice cultivation.<br />

3. Improved method of first harvest practice using law cos technology.<br />

4. Application of plastics in agriculture.<br />

5. Small scale processing and value addition.<br />

Include<br />

Technology Inventory and Activity Chart - III<br />

1. Names of research institutes, research stations, regional centres of NARS (SAU and ICAR) and other public and private bodies having relevance to location specific technology needs<br />

Name of organization Nature of linkage<br />

1. Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat For technology, inputs<br />

2. College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, AAU For technology, conducting training<br />

3.ICAR, Research complex for NEH region, Borapani For technology, inputs<br />

4. Citrus Research Station AAU, Tinsukia For technology, conducting training, input<br />

5. RARS, Titabor, AAU For technology, inputs<br />

6. RARS, Shilongani, AAU For technology, inputs<br />

7. HRS, Khakhikushi For technology, inputs<br />

8. IARI, Pusa For technology, inputs<br />

9. ATMA, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Joint implementation , conducting training<br />

10. Department of Agriculture, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Survey, conducting training<br />

11. Department of Horticulture, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Survey, conducting training<br />

12. Department of Fishery, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Input, Survey<br />

13. Department of Veterinary, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Survey, conducting training, joint implementation<br />

14. Department of Water resources, <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> Survey<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2. Inventory of latest technology available *<br />

Technology<br />

Carp fry and fingerling<br />

rearing (OFT)<br />

Crop/enterprise<br />

Fish 2002<br />

Year of release or<br />

recommendation of<br />

technology<br />

Post monsoon culture<br />

of carps (FLD) Fish 2008<br />

3 Integrated fish farming<br />

(Fish cum cattle)<br />

Source of<br />

technology<br />

Fisheries Res.<br />

Centre, AAU<br />

Jorhat, Assam<br />

FRC, AAU Jorhat,<br />

Assam<br />

Fish 2008 FRC, AAU Jorhat,<br />

Assam<br />

Reference/citation<br />

Agricultural technology<br />

Inventory for North Eastern<br />

Region. 2008. Eds.V.<br />

Venkatsubramanium, etc. al.,<br />

pub: Directorate Ext.<br />

Education. AAU, Jorhat, PP-<br />

47<br />

Proceedings/Not. No-96 dated-<br />

1.07.2008 of Dir. Of Ext. Edu.<br />

AAU, Jorhat, Assam.<br />

Proceedings /Not. No-91<br />

dated-1.07.2008 of Dir. Of<br />

Ext. Ext. Edu. AAU, Jorhat,<br />


8<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

Rhizome rot<br />

management in ginger<br />

using Biofer-pf (OFT) Ginger 2004<br />

Management of rice<br />

hispa using<br />

mycoinsoctiocides<br />

(OFT)<br />

Bio control of<br />

stemborer and<br />

leaffolder in rice<br />

(FLD)<br />

Oyster mushroom<br />

cultivation technology<br />

(FLD)<br />

Management of fruit<br />

dropping in khasi<br />

mandarin (FLD)<br />

Bio intensive IPM for<br />

stemborer (FLD)<br />

Control of piglet<br />

anaemia by iron<br />

supplementation<br />

(OFT)<br />

Concentrate feeding of<br />

Pig (OFT)<br />

Supplementation of<br />

Mineral Mixture to<br />

(OFT) Pig & Mithun<br />

Supply of creep ration<br />

to prewarned piglets<br />

(OFT)<br />

Chemical eastration of<br />

pig (FLD)<br />

Rice 2004<br />

Rice 2003<br />

Rice 2008-2009<br />

Khasi mandarin 2008-2009<br />

Rice 2009<br />

Deptt. Of plant<br />

pathology, AAU,<br />

Jorhat, Assam<br />

Deptt. Of plant<br />

pathology, AAU,<br />

Jorhat, Assam<br />

Deptt. Of<br />

Entomology AAU,<br />

Jorhat, Assam.<br />

Deptt. Of Plant<br />

Pathology, AAU,<br />

jorhat, Assam.<br />

CRS, Tinsukia<br />

AAU, Jorhat,<br />

Assam<br />

Deptt. Of<br />

Entomology, AAU,<br />

Jorhat, Assam<br />

Pig 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Pig 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Pig, Mithun 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Pig 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Pig 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Assam<br />

Agricultural technology<br />

Inventory for North Eastern<br />

Region, 2008, Eds: V.<br />

Venkatsubramanium, et. al.,<br />

pub: Jorhat, pp-32-33.<br />

Agricultural technology<br />

Inventory for North Eastern<br />

Region, 2008, Eds: V.<br />

Venkatsubramanium, et. al.,<br />

pub: Jorhat, pp-33-34.<br />

Agricultural technology<br />

Inventory for North Eastern<br />

Region, 2008, Eds: V.<br />

Venkatsubramanium, et. al.,<br />

pub: Jorhat, pp-31-32.<br />

Hand book of Horticulture,<br />

ICAR, pp 530-531<br />

Proceeding of workshop on<br />

inventory of Technologies for<br />

FLD for North eastern region<br />

dated 30.06.2008to<br />

01.07.2008of Directorate<br />

education, AAU, Jorhat,<br />

Assam.<br />

Proceeding of workshop on<br />

inventory of Technologies for<br />

FLD for North eastern region<br />

dated 30.06.2008to<br />

01.07.2008of Directorate<br />

education, AAU, Jorhat,<br />

Assam.<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 91<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 70<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 76 & 196<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 61<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 106<br />


15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

Upgradation of local<br />

cattle by artificial<br />

inremination with<br />

frozen semen straw of<br />

improved of improved<br />

breed of<br />

Cattle/Buffalo (FLD)<br />

Improved Milk<br />

production of cattle by<br />

Balance feeding (FLD)<br />

Introduction of<br />

improved Breed of<br />

poultry<br />

(Chicken/Duck)<br />

Introduction of small<br />

scale intensive system<br />

in poultry farming<br />

(FLD)<br />

Improved housing<br />

system in goat farming<br />

(FLD)<br />

Management of micro<br />

nutrient mandarin<br />

deficiency in khasi<br />

mandarin (OFT)<br />

Cattle/Buffalo 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Cattle 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Poultry 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Poultry 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Goat 2008 ZCU III, Barapani<br />

Khasi mandarin NA<br />

Demonstration pea of<br />

HYV of pea (FLD) Pea 2008<br />

Performance of rice<br />

variety Ranjit in <strong>Lohit</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong>(OFT)<br />

Integrated nutrient<br />

management in<br />

Rice<br />

rice(OFT) Rice Underpipeline<br />

Demonstration of<br />

HYV of Rapeseed and<br />

Mustrad(FLD)<br />

Demonstration of<br />

HYV of Greengram<br />

Rapeseed and<br />

Mustrad<br />

CRS, Tinsukia,<br />

AAU<br />

Hand book of<br />

Horticulture,<br />

ICAR.<br />

RARS, Titabor,<br />

Assam<br />

Deptt. of Soil<br />

Science, AAU,<br />

Jorhat<br />

2008 RARS, Shillongani<br />

Greengram 2009 RARS, Shillongani<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 147<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 111<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 152<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 156<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry production<br />

in NE Region ZCU III<br />

Barapani page. No. 179<br />

Citrus rejuvenation packages<br />

in NE India ICAR Reaserch<br />

Complex Barapani, Technical<br />

Bulletin-22, page No. 15<br />

Hand book of Horticulture,<br />

ICAR. Page No. 437<br />

Packages of Practices on<br />

Kharif crops 2007, Pg. No. 14<br />

Agricultural technology<br />

Inventory for North Eastern<br />

Region, 2008, Eds: V.<br />

Venkatsubramanium, et. al.,<br />

pub: Jorhat, pp-13.<br />

Proceeding of workshop on<br />

inventory of Technologies for<br />

FLD for North eastern region<br />

dated 30.06.2008 to<br />

01.07.2008of Directorate<br />

education, AAU, Jorhat,<br />

Assam., pp-3<br />

Proceeding of workshop on<br />

inventory of Technologies for<br />

FLD for North eastern region<br />

dated 30.06.2008 to<br />

01.07.2008of Directorate<br />

education, AAU, Jorhat,<br />

Assam., pp-3<br />

26 Demonstration of Blackgram 2009 RARS, Shillongani Proceeding of workshop on<br />


27<br />

HYV of Blackgram inventory of Technologies for<br />

FLD for North eastern region<br />

dated 30.06.2008to<br />

01.07.2008of Directorate<br />

education, AAU, Jorhat,<br />

Demonstration of<br />

Perennial grass<br />

Steria 2009 AAU, Jorhat<br />

Assam., pp-3<br />

Proceeding of workshop on<br />

inventory of Technologies for<br />

FLD for North eastern region<br />

dated 30.06.2008to<br />

01.07.2008of Directorate<br />

education, AAU, Jorhat,<br />

Assam., pp-10<br />


Crop/Animal/<br />

Enterprise<br />

Fishery<br />

Rice<br />

Ginger<br />

Khasi<br />

mandarin<br />

Dairy farming<br />

Cattle /Buffalo<br />

Piggery<br />

farming<br />

Poultry<br />

production<br />

(Chicken/duck<br />

)<br />

2. Activity Chart<br />

Problem Cause Solution Activity Reference of Technology<br />

Law production<br />

and lack of interest<br />

regarding<br />

i) Stemborer,<br />

folder and rice<br />

hispa affected in<br />

rice.<br />

ii) wastes of paddy<br />

straw.<br />

Rhizome rot<br />

affected in ginger<br />

i) Fruit dropping<br />

Khasi mandarin<br />

1) Poor milk yield.<br />

2) Longer<br />

intercalving<br />

period.<br />

1) Poor growth<br />

rate.<br />

2) Mortality of<br />

piglets.<br />

3) Poor quality<br />

meat.<br />

4) Minimum litter<br />

size.<br />

5) Longer<br />

interfarrowing<br />

period.<br />

1) High<br />

production of meat<br />

& Egg.<br />

2) High Mortality<br />

rate.<br />

i) lack of knowledge<br />

ii) Poor quality fish seed.<br />

iii) Unavailability of seed.<br />

iv) Water resource.<br />

v) Proper utilization of<br />

water body.<br />

ii) Lack of knowledge of<br />

control of insect.<br />

ii) Lack of knowledge of<br />

IPM.<br />

iii) Un utilization of paddy<br />

straw.<br />

i) Lack of knowledge<br />

i) Lack of knowledge.<br />

1) Indigenous cattle.<br />

2) Inadequate feeding.<br />

3) Poor management.<br />

1) Local unproductive<br />

Breed.<br />

2) Poor feeding.\<br />

3) Poor housing system.<br />

4) Lack of knowledge<br />

regarding scientific pig<br />

farming.<br />

1) Improper housing &<br />

feeding.<br />

2) Lack of awareness<br />

regarding vaccination.<br />

i) Specific training.<br />

ii) Fry fingerling rearing.<br />

iii) Proper guidance to<br />

utilize existing resources.<br />

i) Specific training.<br />

ii) Application of<br />

recommended dose of<br />

insecticides & fungicides.<br />

iii) IPM.<br />

iv) Utilization of<br />

paddy straw.<br />

i) Application of<br />

recommended dose of<br />

fungicides.<br />

i) Application of<br />

recommended dose of<br />

fungicides & hormones<br />

1) Upgradation of local<br />

Cattle, Buffalo through<br />

artificial insemination.<br />

2) Trained the farmers<br />

regarding feeding<br />

housing etc.<br />

1) Awareness training on<br />

various improved breed<br />

of swine.<br />

2) Trained the farmers<br />

regarding proper housing<br />

feeding, management etc.<br />

3) Training on quality<br />

meat production.<br />

1) Introduction of<br />

improved Breed.<br />

2) Trained the farmers<br />

regarding proper feeding,<br />

housing etc.<br />

1. OFT on carp fry &<br />

Fingerling rearing.<br />

2. FLD on post monsoon<br />

culture of carps.<br />

3. FLD on integrated fish<br />

farming.<br />

i) OFT on management of<br />

rice hispa using.<br />

ii) OFT on Biocontrol of<br />

stemborer leaf folder in<br />

rice.<br />

iii) FLD on Biointensive<br />

IPM for stemborer.<br />

iv) FLD on Mushroom<br />

OFT on Rhizome rot<br />

management in ginger<br />

using Biofer-pf<br />

i) FLD on management of<br />

fruit dropping in khasi<br />

mandarin.<br />

1) FLD on upgradation of<br />

local cattle through A.I.<br />

2) FLD on improved milk<br />

yield by Balance feeding.<br />

3) Training on feeding,<br />

housing and proper<br />

management.<br />

1) OFT on feeding of creep<br />

ration during prewerning<br />

period.<br />

2) OFT on<br />

supplementation of iron<br />

through 1/m injection to<br />

control piglets anaemia.<br />

3) OFT on concentrate<br />

feeding of pig.<br />

4) OFT on concentrate<br />

feeding of pig.<br />

5) FLD on chemical<br />

eastration.<br />

6) Training on feeding<br />

housing etc.<br />

1) FLD on introduction of<br />

improved Breed.<br />

2) FLD on small scale<br />

semi intensive system of<br />

poultry farming.<br />

1. Sl. No.-49 of Technology<br />

Inventory.<br />

2. Sl. No. 91 of proceeding of<br />

30.06.2008 AAU, Jorhat.<br />

3. Sl. No. 96 of proceedings of<br />

30.06.08 to 1.07.08 meeting of<br />

AAU, Jorhat.<br />

i) SL. No. 34 Technology<br />

inventory.<br />

ii) Sl. No. 31 of Technology<br />

inventory.<br />

ii) Sl. No. 81 of proceeding of<br />

30.06.08 meeting at AAU, Jorhat.<br />

iv) Sl. No. 6 Hand book of<br />

Horticulture, ICAR.<br />

Sl. No. 33 Technology inventory.<br />

i) Sl. No. 50 proceeding of<br />

30.06.08-1.07.08 meeting at AAU,<br />

Jorhat.<br />

Technology inventory for livestock<br />

& poultry production in NE Region<br />

ZCU III Barapani page, 147 and<br />

111<br />

Technology inventory for livestock<br />

& poultry production in NE Region<br />

ZCU III Barapani page, 91, 70, 76,<br />

61 and 106<br />

Technology inventory for livestock<br />

& poultry production in NE Region<br />

ZCU III Barapani page, 152 and<br />

156<br />


Goat<br />

production<br />

Disease<br />

management<br />

Feed<br />

management<br />

Khasi<br />

mandarin<br />

Pea<br />

Rice<br />

Rapeseed and<br />

Mustrad<br />

1) Poor growth<br />

rate.<br />

2) Longer<br />

intercalving<br />

period.<br />

3) Calf Mortality.<br />

1) High parasitic<br />

infestation.<br />

2) Un hygienic<br />

condition of<br />

housing system.<br />

3) Nutritional<br />

deficiency<br />

Diseases.<br />

4) Viral<br />

fever/Epheneral<br />

fever.<br />

1) Scarcity of cone<br />

feed ingradients<br />

particularly GNC,<br />

Fish meal,<br />

Soyabean etc.<br />

2) High cost of<br />

animal feed.<br />

3) During summer<br />

season scarcity of<br />

grazing field.<br />

Yellowing of<br />

citrus<br />

Low production of<br />

local cultivation<br />

i) Lodging and<br />

low yield of Local<br />

variety<br />

ii) Low fertility of<br />

soil<br />

Low production of<br />

local cultivar<br />

Greengram Low production of<br />

local cultivar<br />

3) Local un productive<br />

Breed.<br />

1) Local Unproductive<br />

Breed.<br />

2) Low nutrient input.<br />

3) Poor housing system.<br />

4) Lack of knowledge<br />

regarding proper<br />

management.<br />

1) Humidity.<br />

2) High rainfall.<br />

3) Lack of knowledge<br />

regarding proper time<br />

vaccination & Deworming.<br />

1) Lack of awareness to<br />

cultivate the animal feed.<br />

2) Away from railway<br />

station.<br />

3) High rainfall rain water<br />

flood.<br />

i) Lack of knowledge<br />

i) Lack of knowledge<br />

ii) Low production<br />

i) Lack of knowledge<br />

ii) Low yield of Local<br />

variety<br />

i) Lack of knowledge<br />

ii) Low yield<br />

i) Lack of knowledge<br />

ii) Low yield<br />

3) Awareness training on<br />

schedule time<br />

vaccination.<br />

1) Introduction of<br />

inproved Breed.<br />

2) Training on feeding,<br />

housing Disease control<br />

etc.<br />

1) Maintenance of proper<br />

hygienic condition of<br />

animal shed, feed etc.<br />

2) Schedule time<br />

vaccination &<br />

Deworming.<br />

3) Balance feeding.<br />

1) Trained the farmers to<br />

prepare animal feed from<br />

locally available<br />

agricultural products.<br />

2) Trained the farmers to<br />

use true fodder during<br />

scarcity time.<br />

Application of<br />

recommended dose of<br />

multipler<br />

Introduction of HYV pea<br />

i) Specific training<br />

ii) Introduction of High<br />

Yielding Variety<br />

i) Specific training<br />

ii) Introduction of High<br />

Yielding Variety<br />

i) Specific training<br />

ii) Introduction of High<br />

3) training on proper<br />

feeding, housing<br />

vaccination etc.<br />

1) FLD on improved<br />

housing system of Goat.<br />

2) Training on scientific<br />

goat farming.<br />

1) Organized 3 No. of<br />

Animal Health camp.<br />

2) Training on control &<br />

prevention of various<br />

Disease of livestock.<br />

3) Training on importance<br />

of schedule time<br />

vaccination & Deworming.<br />

1)FLD on Balance feeding.<br />

2) Organized training n<br />

utilization of locally,<br />

available<br />

agricultural product to<br />

prepare animal feed.<br />

3) Training on cultivation<br />

of fodder and utilization of<br />

true fodder etc.<br />

4) Awareness training on<br />

importance of feeding &<br />

watering of Livestock.<br />

5) FLD on<br />

supplementation of<br />

Mineral Mixture to<br />

Mithun.<br />

OFT on management of<br />

micro nutrient deficiency<br />

in khasi mandarin<br />

i) FLD on Demonstration<br />

on of HYV pea<br />

i)OFT on Performance of<br />

the rice variety Ranjit in<br />

<strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Arunachal</strong><br />

<strong>Pradesh</strong><br />

ii) OFT on INM in rice<br />

i) FLD on Demonstration<br />

of HYV on Rapeseed &<br />

Mustard<br />

i) FLD on Demonstration<br />

of HYV on Greengram<br />

Technology inventory for livestock<br />

& poultry production in NE Region<br />

ZCU III Barapani page, 179<br />

Technology inventory for livestock<br />

& poultry production in NE Region<br />

ZCU III Barapani page<br />

Technology inventory for livestock<br />

& poultry production in NE Region<br />

ZCU III Barapani page, 196 and 70<br />

Citrus rejuvenation packages in NE<br />

India ICAR Reaserch Complex<br />

Barapani, Technical Bulletin-22,<br />

page No. 15<br />

Hand book of Horticulture, ICAR.<br />

ICAR. Page No. 437<br />

i) Page No 14 of Packages of<br />

Practices of Kharif Rice, 2007<br />

ii) Sl. No. 10 Technology<br />

inventory.<br />

i) Sl. No. 18 of proceeding of<br />

30.06.2008 AAU, Jorhat<br />

i) Sl. No. 21 of proceeding of<br />

30.06.2008 AAU, , Jorhat<br />


Blackgram<br />

Steria<br />

Low production of<br />

local cultivar<br />

Irregular supply of<br />

fodder<br />

i) Lack of knowledge<br />

ii) Low yield<br />

i) Lack of improved grass<br />

Variety<br />

Yielding Variety<br />

i) Specific training<br />

ii) Introduction of High<br />

Yielding Variety<br />

Growing HYV of Grasses<br />

1. Details of each of the technology under Assessment, Refinement and demonstration<br />

OFT<br />

Include<br />

i) FLD on Demonstration<br />

of HYV on Blackgram<br />

i) FLD on Demonstration<br />

of Perennial grass<br />

i) Sl. No.22 of proceeding of<br />

30.06.2008 AAU Jorhat<br />

i) Sl. No.118 of proceeding of<br />

30.06.2008 AAU, Jorhat<br />

a. Detailed account on varietal/breed characters for each of the variety/breed selected for FLD and OFT<br />

b. Details of technologies that may include formulation, quantity, time, methods of application of nutrients, pesticides, fungicides etc., for technologies selected under FLD and OFTs<br />

c. Details of location/area specificity of recommended technology viz., for each of the variety/breed/technology selected for FLD and OFT<br />

Crop/ enterprise Farming<br />

situation<br />

Problem<br />

Diagnosed<br />

Title<br />

of OFT<br />

Technology Assessed Parameters of assessment<br />

1 2 3 4 6 7<br />

Fishery Rainfed Water<br />

Post mansoon culture Dept. of Fishery AAU, 1.Duration of culture<br />

resource of carps<br />

Jorhat<br />

2.Stocking<br />

3.PH<br />

4.Growth<br />

5. Temp<br />

Ginger Rainfed Rhizome rot Management of<br />

Rhizome rot disease of<br />

ginger in <strong>Lohit</strong> Dist.,<br />

A.P.<br />

Ginger Rainfed Rhizome rot Rhizome rot<br />

management in ginger<br />

using Biofer-pf<br />

Rice Rainfed Rice lispa<br />

affected in<br />

rice<br />

Rice Rainfed Stemborer<br />

and leaf<br />

folder attack<br />

in rice<br />

Rice Rainfed Low yield of<br />

laocal<br />

variety<br />

Rice Rainfed Low fertility<br />

of soil<br />

Management of rice<br />

lispe using<br />

mycoinsecticides<br />

Biocontrol of<br />

stemborer and leaf<br />

folder in rice<br />

Performance of rice<br />

variety ranjit in <strong>Lohit</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong>.<br />

Integrated to nutrient<br />

management in rice.<br />

Deptt. Of plant<br />

pathology, AAU,<br />

Jorhat<br />

Deptt. Of plant<br />

pathology, AAU,<br />

Jorhat<br />

Deptt. Of Agril.<br />

Entomology AAU, Jorhat<br />

1. Nos. of infeeted plant, 2.<br />

yield record,<br />

3. farmers reaction<br />

1. Nos. of infeeted plant, 2.<br />

yield record,<br />

3. farmers reaction<br />

1. Treatment and post treatment<br />

count of the insect at 30 days<br />

interval 2.Yield record.<br />

3. Population of natural<br />

enemies before and after<br />

treatment.<br />

1. Percent damage area, 2.Yield<br />

record.<br />

Rice variety Ranjit Grain yield, plant height<br />

Azospirillum and PSB @ 4<br />

kg inocullla /ha and 40kg<br />

k2o/ha<br />

Grain yield and yield<br />

parameters<br />


FLD<br />

Piggery Poor growth<br />

rate after<br />

Piggery<br />

management<br />

Piggery<br />

management<br />

Piggery<br />

management<br />

Mithun<br />

husbandry<br />

Khasi<br />

mandarin<br />

wearning<br />

Piglet<br />

anaemia<br />

Poor body<br />

weight gain<br />

Mineral<br />

deficiency<br />

Mineral<br />

deficiency<br />

Rainfed Yellowing of<br />

citus, low<br />

fertility of<br />

soil<br />

Supply of creep ration<br />

during prewearnig<br />

period<br />

Control of piglets<br />

anaemia by iron<br />

supplementation<br />

Concentrate ration<br />

feeding to pig<br />

Supplementation of<br />

Mineral Mixture<br />

Supplementation of<br />

Mineral Mixture<br />

Management of<br />

micronutrient defiency<br />

in Khasi mandarin<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE Region.<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE Region.<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE Region.<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE Region.<br />

Technology inventory for<br />

livestock & poultry<br />

production in NE Region.<br />

Citrus rejuvenation<br />

packages in NE India,<br />

ICAR Research Complex,<br />

Barapani.<br />

1) Growth rate.<br />

2) Mortality<br />

3)Interfarrowing period of sow<br />

1) Litter size at the time of<br />

farrowing.<br />

2) Litter size after wearning.<br />

3) Body weight gain.<br />

Body weight gain<br />

1. Growth rate<br />

2. Anestras<br />

Anestrus longer calving interval<br />

Visual observation of leaf<br />

colour, size and number of leaf<br />

at 30 days interval<br />

Sl.<br />

No.<br />

Crop Thematic area Technology Demonstrated Season and year<br />

Area (ha)<br />

Proposed Actual<br />

Technology Assessed<br />

1. Khasi<br />

Disease<br />

Management of fruit Kharif, 2009 1.0 0.73 CRS, Tinsukia AAu, Jorhat ,<br />

mandarin management<br />

dropping in khasi mandarin<br />

Assam<br />

2. Rice Disease<br />

Bio-intensive IPM for rice Kharif, 2009 2.0 2.0 Deptt. Of Entomology AAU,<br />

management<br />

stemborer<br />

Jorhat, Assam.<br />

3. Mustrad Integrated crop<br />

management<br />

Var.-TS-36 Rabi, 2008-09 3.0 2.70 RARS, Shillogani, Assam<br />

4. Green gram Integrated crop<br />

management<br />

Var.-Pratap Summer-2009 1.5 1.5 RARS, Shillogani, Assam<br />

5. Black gram Integrated crop<br />

management<br />

Var.-USJD-113 Kharif-2009 2.0 2.0 RARS, Shillogani, Assam<br />

6. Seteria<br />

Fodder<br />

Var.-Kazungula Kharif-2009 0.025 0.025 AAU, Jorhat<br />

(Fodder<br />

grass)<br />

production<br />

7. Pea Integrated crop Var.-Arkel Rabi, 2008 1.0 0.90 Hand book of Horticulture,<br />

management<br />

ICAR.<br />


Enterprise Breed<br />

Fishery<br />

Dairy management<br />

(Improved Milk yield<br />

by Balance feeding)<br />

Poultry Management<br />

(Small scale intensive<br />

farming)<br />

Continuing<br />

Goat (improved<br />

housing system)<br />

Continuing<br />

Indian major<br />

carp<br />

No. of animals,<br />

poultry birds etc.<br />

30000/ha<br />

Performance parameters /<br />

indicators<br />

Growth rate<br />

Total production<br />

Duration<br />

Stocking<br />

PH<br />

Temp<br />

Growth rate<br />

Technology Assessed<br />

Dept. of Fishery AAU,<br />

Jorhat<br />

Local 7 Milk yield ZCU III<br />

Indigenous 30<br />

Assam hill Goat 16<br />

1) Growth rate (b.wt)<br />

2) Egg laying<br />

3) Incidence of Disease<br />

occurance<br />

4) Moratality<br />

1) Growth rate<br />

2) Incidence of Disease<br />

occurance<br />

3) Mortality<br />

ZCU III<br />

ZCU III<br />

Signature of Programme coordinator<br />

<strong>KVK</strong> <strong>Lohit</strong> <strong>District</strong>,<br />

<strong>Arunachal</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong><br />


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