Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research

Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research
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Abroad 1992 May 31-June 3: Third International Conference on Cardiac Doppler-Echo and Color Flow Imaging. Libertas Hotel, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Anthony N. De- Maria, MD, and Niksa Drinkovic, MD, conference directors. Official language: EngliEh. Inquiries: ICCD, Dr Niksa Drinkovic, Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, University Hospital Centre Rebro, Kispaticeva 12, 41000 Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Tel 041-434-444 or 041-435-555. Fax 41-420-793. May 31-June 4: Sixth Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons. Turku, Finland. Sponsored by the Turku Medical Cyclotron/PET Center. Inquiries: Uno Wegelius, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Turku Medical Cyclotron/PET Center, Turku University Central Hospital, 20520 Turku, Finland. Tel INT+358-21-612770. Fax INT+358-21-318191. June 11-13: Thoracic Radiology: Advances in Cardiopulmonary Imaging. Salzburg, Austria. Sponsored by The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tubingen, Germany. Inquiries: Program Coordinator, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Office of Continuing Education, Turner Building, 720 Rutland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21205. Tel 301-955-2959. June 11-13: 13th International Symposium on Computers in Clinical Medicine and Anesthesiology. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Inquiries: Dr Omar Prakash, Chief, Thorax Anesthesia, Thorax Centre, Dijzigt Hospital, Dr Molewaterplein 50, 3015 GD Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel 31-10-463-5230. Fax 31-10-463-5240. June 12: International Workshop on the Mechanisms of Angina in Patients With Normal Coronary Arteriograms. London. J.C. Kaski, MD, FESC, FACC, and W.J. McKenna, MD, FESC, FACC, organizers. Inquiries: Jill Williams, Postgraduate Manager, St George's Hospital Grosvenor Wing, Blackshaw Road, London SW17 OQT, UK. Tel 081-672-1255, ext 57674. Fax 081-784-2674. June 14-17: Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Inquiries: Marlin Conference Management, Suite 740 -1140 West Pender St, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 4G1. Tel 1-800-665- 2865 (in Canada) or collect 604-685-0594 (outside Canada). Fax 604-685-2960. June 17-20: Cardiostim 92: Eighth International Congress. Nice Acropolis-French Riviera. Seymour Furman and Jacques Mugica, cochairmen. Inquiries: Cardiostim 92, Dr Jacques Mugica, Centre Chirurgical Val d'Or, 16, rue Pasteur, 92210 St Cloud Cedex, France. Tel 33-1-47-11-7711. Fax 33-1-46-02-05-09. June 21-24: Purines '92: Pharmacology and Clinical Applications. Milan, Italy. Inquiries: Organizing Secretariat, ALM srl Via Sigieri, 6-20135 Milan, Italy. Tel +39-2-5465641. Fax +39-2-55187002. June 25-26: Second Craigie Conference on Brain Capillaries. Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre and McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Insti- Meetings Calendar m-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A1357 tute, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Half-day specialty meeting: Crone Memorial Symposium on Imaging of Capillary Function in the Human Brain.) Albert Gjedde, MD, PhD, organizer. Inquiries: Dr Paul M. Gross, Neurosurgical Research Unit, Department of Surgery, Queen's University, 146 Stuart Street, Kingston, Canada K7L 3N6. Tel 613-545-6464. Fax 613-545-6191. June 25-27: Second European Stroke Conference. Palais de Beaulieu, Lausanne, Switzerland. J. Bogousslavsky and M. Hennerici, chairmen. Inquiries: Department of Neurology, CHUV, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland. Tel 41-21-3144922. Fax 41-21-3144914. June 25-28: 27th Meeting of the Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences. Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Inquiries: Permanent Secretariat, Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, 810, 906-12 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada T2R 1K7. Tel 403-229-9544. June 29-July 3: Fifth International Conference on System Science in Health Care. Prague, Czechoslovakia. (Early registration still available.) Inquiries: Conference Secretariat, OMNIPRESS, P.Box 106, CSFR- 14000 Prague 4, Czechoslovakia. Tel 00422-421-822. Fax 00422-433-029. June 28-July 1 and July 3-5: Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Spain and Morocco. Hotel Arts, Barcelona, Spain, and Sheraton Hotel, Casablanca, Morocco. Sponsored by Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. Anton Hasso, MD, program director. Inquiries: Dawne Ryals, Ryals and Associates, PO Box 1925, Roswell, GA 30077-1925. Tel 404-641-9773. Fax 404-552- 9859. July 5-8: Fifth World Congress of Cardiac Rehabilitation. Bordeaux, France. Sponsored by the Scientific Council of the Section on Cardiac Rehabilitation of the International Society and Federation of Cardiology. Prof J.-P. Broustet, conference chairman. Inquiries: BCS, Palais des Congres de Bordeaux, 33300 Bordeaux-Lac, France. Tel +33-56-50-84-49. Fax +33- 56-43-17-76. July 6-10: The Ways of Fitness in Heart Disease. Bordeaux, France. Inquiries: J.-P. Broustet, MD, Hospital Cardiologique, Haut-Leveque, 33604 Pessac, France. July 27-31: The Eighth International Conference on Prostaglandins and Related Compounds. Montreal, Canada. Dr L.S. Wolfe, Dr A.W. Ford-Hutchinson, cochairmen. Inquiries: Coplanor Congres Inc, 511 Place d'Armes, Suite 600, Montreal, Quebec, H2Y 2W7 Canada. Tel 514-848-1133. Fax 514-288-6469. Aug 8-14: 11th Annual Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Berlin. Inquiries: Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1918 University Ave, Suite 3C, Berkeley, CA 94704. Tel 510-841-1899. Fax 510-841-2340. Aug 30-Sept 3: XIVth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Palacio de Congresos, Barcelona, Spain. Inquiries: ECCO, 22, Rue Juste-Olivier, PO Box 299, CH-1260 Nyon, Switzerland (tel 362-13-77; fax 361- 16-79) for exhibition/satellite meetings and general information; ECCO, Clarastrasse 57, PO Box 6, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland (tel 41-61-691-51-11;

fax 41-61-69181-89) for registration and abstract information. Aug 30-Sept 5: Ninth International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. Maastricht, The Netherlands. Inquiries: F.C.S. Ramaekers, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, University of Limburg, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. Tel 31-43-888642. Fax 31-43-437640. Aug 31-Sept 1: Second International Workshop on Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins. Maastricht, The Netherlands. Sponsored by the Heart Metabolism Foundation. Dr J.F.C. Glatz and Prof Dr G.J. van der Vusse, organization committee. Inquiries: Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins Workshop, Department of Physiology, University of Limburg, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. Tel +31-43-888476. Fax +31-43-436080. Sept 2-4: Sixth Annual Meeting: European Society for Vascular Surgery. Athens, Greece. Prof P. Balas, president. Inquiries: Euro Conference Center, B-Tower of Athens 2-4 Mesogiou str, apt 6, Athens, 11527 Greece. Tel 301-7787-539-7717-797. Fax 301- 7774-584. Sept 5-7: Diabetes and Atherosclerosis. Prague, Czechoslovakia. Inquiries: Prof Gerald H. Tomkin, 1 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel 01- 761639. Fax 01-768074. Sept 7-9: International Conference on Pulmonary Vascular Remodelling in Health and Disease. London. Inquiries: Dr Jill E. Bishop, Biochemistry Unit, National Heart and Lung Institute, Manresa Road, London SW3 6LR, UK. Tel 071-3518325. Fax 071- 3518331. Sept 7-10: Meeting of the European Lipoprotein Club. Tutzing, FRG. Inquiries: Dr M. Rosseneu, Secretary, European Lipoprotein Club, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, A.Z. St-Jan, Ruddershove 10, B 8000 Brugge, Belgium. Tel 32-50-45-25-22. Fax 32-50-45-22-38. Sept 10-13: The '92 Scenario on Cardiac Pacing. Taormina, Sicily. E. Adornato and A. Galassi, chairmen. Inquiries: Organizing Secretariat, Progress Promozione Congressi, Via Carlo Conti Rossini, 58-00146 Rome, Italy. Tel 06-51-79-51. Fax 06-51- 60-01-31. Sept 13-18: 16th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology. Palais des Congres, Paris. Official language: English. Inquiries: Prof H. Boccalon, CHU Ranguell, Service D'Angiologie, 1, Avenue J. Poulhes, 31054, Toulouse Cedex, France (tel 33-61- 32-29-45 or fax 33-61-32-26-34 [scientific secretariat]) or SOCFI, Angiology Congress, 14, rue Mandar, 75002, Paris, France (tel 33-42-33-89-94 or fax 33-40-26-04-44 [administrative secretariat]). Sept 13-18: Hypertension Summer School. Chafteau de Maffliers, France. Cosponsored by the International Union of Pharmacology, the World Hypertension League, the TRANSGENEUR Program of the European Community, the College de France/ INSERM, Paris, and the German Institute for High Blood Pressure Research, Heidelberg. Inquiries: Sheila Baildon, Hypertension Summer School, Ger- Meetings Calendar A1358 man Institute for High Blood Pressure Research, Wielandtstrasse 26, D-6900 Heidelberg, Germany. Tel +49-6221-409099. Fax +49-6221-402485. Sept 20-24: Southern African Cardiac Society 18th Biennial Cardiac Congress. Sun City, Bophuthatswana. Inquiries: 18th Biennial Southern African Cardiac Society Congress, Medical Conferences, PO Box 98173, Sloane Park 2152, South Africa. Tel 011-788- 1654. Fax 011-880-4928. Sept 23-25: Tenth International Conference of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society. International Conference Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan. Masatsugu Hori, MD, PhD, chairman. Inquiries: Secretariat, First Dept of Medicine, Osaka University Medical School, 1-1-50 Fukushima, Fukushima-ku, Osaka 553, Japan. Tel 81-6-451-0051 (extension 2206). Fax 81-6-451-8660. Oct 2-3: International Symposium: The Arrhythmogenic Substrate. Ulm, FRG. Sponsored by the International Society of Holter Monitoring. V. Hombach, MD, symposium president. Inquiries: T. Eggeling, Department of Cardiology, University of Ulm, Robert Koch Str 8, D-7900 Ulm, FRG. Tel 011-49-731- 502-4441. Fax 011-49-731-502-4442. Oct 5-8: Second International Symposium on Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease. Suita City, Osaka, Japan. Sponsored by the National Cardiovascular Center, Cardiovascular Research Foundation, Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, Japan Atherosclerosis Society, European Atherosclerosis Society, National Cardiovascular Center, and the Japanese Circulation Society. Y. Goto, T. Omae, A.M. Gotto Jr, R. Paoletti, chairmen; A. Yamamoto, chairman of local organizing committee. Inquiries: Akira Yamamoto, MD, Multiple Risk Factors Symposium Secretariat, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, 5-7-1 Fujishirodai, Suita City, Osaka 565, Japan. Tel 81-06-833-5012. Fax 81-06-872-7485 or 81-06-833-9865. Oct 8-10: Recent Progresses in the Biological Monitoring of Antithrombotic Treatment. Bordeaux, France. Sponsored by the University of Bordeaux II. Inquiries: Prof Ch. Doutremepuich, Laboratoire d'Hematologie, Faculte de Pharmacie-3, Place de la Victoire, F33076 Bordeaux, France. Tel 33-56-92-85- 91. Fax 33-56-94-31-28. Oct 8-12: 13th National Congress of Cardiology and Third Meeting of the International Society of Heart Research-Latin American Section. Mar del Plata, Argentina. Inquiries: Sociedad de Cardiologia de la Plata, Calle 7 n° 335, 6to P "B," La Plata, Argentina. Fax 54-21-42469. Oct 9-10: International Symposium of Vena Cava Filters. Poitiers, France. Inquiries: International Symposium of Vena Cava Filters, Mme Danielle Renaud, Service de Radiologie A, Hopital La Miletrie BP 577- 86021 Poitiers Cedex, France. Tel 33-49-44-39-11. Fax 33-49-44-39-12. Oct 9-10: Third Annual Scientific Meeting of the Stroke Society of Australasia: Stroke Treatment-Acute and Long-term. Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia. Inquiries: Dr E.G. Stewart-Wynne, Con-

Abroad<br />

1992<br />

May 31-June 3: Third International Conference on Cardiac<br />

Doppler-Echo and Color Flow Imaging. Libertas<br />

Hotel, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Anthony N. De-<br />

Maria, MD, and Niksa Drinkovic, MD, conference<br />

directors. Official language: EngliEh. Inquiries:<br />

ICCD, Dr Niksa Drinkovic, Department of Cardiovascular<br />

Diseases, University Hospital Centre Rebro,<br />

Kispaticeva 12, 41000 Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Tel<br />

041-434-444 or 041-435-555. Fax 41-420-793.<br />

May 31-June 4: Sixth Symposium on the Medical Application<br />

of Cyclotrons. Turku, Finland. Sponsored by the<br />

Turku Medical Cyclotron/PET Center. Inquiries:<br />

Uno Wegelius, Chairman of the Organizing Committee,<br />

Turku Medical Cyclotron/PET Center, Turku<br />

University Central Hospital, 20520 Turku, Finland.<br />

Tel INT+358-21-612770. Fax INT+358-21-318191.<br />

June 11-13: Thoracic Radiology: Advances in Cardiopulmonary<br />

Imaging. Salzburg, Austria. Sponsored by<br />

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine<br />

and Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tubingen, Germany.<br />

Inquiries: Program Coordinator, Johns Hopkins<br />

Medical Institutions, Office of Continuing Education,<br />

Turner Building, 720 Rutland Ave,<br />

Baltimore, MD 21205. Tel 301-955-2959.<br />

June 11-13: 13th International Symposium on Computers<br />

in Clinical Medicine and Anesthesiology. Rotterdam,<br />

The Netherlands. Inquiries: Dr Omar Prakash,<br />

Chief, Thorax Anesthesia, Thorax Centre, Dijzigt<br />

Hospital, Dr Molewaterplein 50, 3015 GD Rotterdam,<br />

The Netherlands. Tel 31-10-463-5230. Fax<br />

31-10-463-5240.<br />

June 12: International Workshop on the Mechanisms of<br />

Angina in Patients With Normal Coronary Arteriograms.<br />

London. J.C. Kaski, MD, FESC, FACC, and<br />

W.J. McKenna, MD, FESC, FACC, organizers. Inquiries:<br />

Jill Williams, Postgraduate Manager, St<br />

George's Hospital Grosvenor Wing, Blackshaw<br />

Road, London SW17 OQT, UK. Tel 081-672-1255,<br />

ext 57674. Fax 081-784-2674.<br />

June 14-17: Eighth Annual Meeting of the International<br />

Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care.<br />

Vancouver, BC, Canada. Inquiries: Marlin Conference<br />

Management, Suite 740 -1140 West Pender St,<br />

Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 4G1. Tel 1-800-665-<br />

2865 (in Canada) or collect 604-685-0594 (outside<br />

Canada). Fax 604-685-2960.<br />

June 17-20: Cardiostim 92: Eighth International Congress.<br />

Nice Acropolis-French Riviera. Seymour Furman<br />

and Jacques Mugica, cochairmen. Inquiries: Cardiostim<br />

92, Dr Jacques Mugica, Centre Chirurgical Val<br />

d'Or, 16, rue Pasteur, 92210 St Cloud Cedex, France.<br />

Tel 33-1-47-11-7711. Fax 33-1-46-02-05-09.<br />

June 21-24: Purines '92: Pharmacology and Clinical Applications.<br />

Milan, Italy. Inquiries: Organizing Secretariat,<br />

ALM srl Via Sigieri, 6-20135 Milan, Italy. Tel<br />

+39-2-5465641. Fax +39-2-55187002.<br />

June 25-26: Second Craigie Conference on Brain Capillaries.<br />

Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre and McConnell<br />

Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Insti-<br />

Meetings Calendar<br />

m-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

A1357<br />

tute, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.<br />

(Half-day specialty meeting: Crone Memorial Symposium<br />

on Imaging of Capillary Function in the<br />

Human Brain.) Albert Gjedde, MD, PhD, organizer.<br />

Inquiries: Dr Paul M. Gross, Neurosurgical <strong>Research</strong><br />

Unit, Department of Surgery, Queen's University,<br />

146 Stuart Street, Kingston, Canada K7L<br />

3N6. Tel 613-545-6464. Fax 613-545-6191.<br />

June 25-27: Second European Stroke Conference. Palais<br />

de Beaulieu, Lausanne, Switzerland. J. Bogousslavsky<br />

and M. Hennerici, chairmen. Inquiries: Department<br />

of Neurology, CHUV, CH-1011 Lausanne,<br />

Switzerland. Tel 41-21-3144922. Fax 41-21-3144914.<br />

June 25-28: 27th Meeting of the Canadian Congress of<br />

Neurological Sciences. Winnipeg Convention Centre,<br />

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Inquiries: Permanent<br />

Secretariat, Canadian Congress of Neurological<br />

Sciences, 810, 906-12 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB,<br />

Canada T2R 1K7. Tel 403-229-9544.<br />

June 29-July 3: Fifth International Conference on System<br />

Science in Health Care. Prague, Czechoslovakia.<br />

(Early registration still available.) Inquiries: Conference<br />

Secretariat, OMNIPRESS, P.Box 106, CSFR-<br />

14000 Prague 4, Czechoslovakia. Tel 00422-421-822.<br />

Fax 00422-433-029.<br />

June 28-July 1 and July 3-5: Magnetic Resonance Imaging<br />

in Spain and Morocco. Hotel Arts, Barcelona, Spain,<br />

and Sheraton Hotel, Casablanca, Morocco. Sponsored<br />

by Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. Anton<br />

Hasso, MD, program director. Inquiries: Dawne<br />

Ryals, Ryals and Associates, PO Box 1925, Roswell,<br />

GA 30077-1925. Tel 404-641-9773. Fax 404-552-<br />

9859.<br />

July 5-8: Fifth World Congress of Cardiac Rehabilitation.<br />

Bordeaux, France. Sponsored by the Scientific Council<br />

of the Section on Cardiac Rehabilitation of the<br />

International Society and Federation of Cardiology.<br />

Prof J.-P. Broustet, conference chairman. Inquiries:<br />

BCS, Palais des Congres de Bordeaux, 33300 Bordeaux-Lac,<br />

France. Tel +33-56-50-84-49. Fax +33-<br />

56-43-17-76.<br />

July 6-10: The Ways of Fitness in Heart Disease. Bordeaux,<br />

France. Inquiries: J.-P. Broustet, MD, Hospital Cardiologique,<br />

Haut-Leveque, 33604 Pessac, France.<br />

July 27-31: The Eighth International Conference on Prostaglandins<br />

and Related Compounds. Montreal, Canada.<br />

Dr L.S. Wolfe, Dr A.W. Ford-Hutchinson,<br />

cochairmen. Inquiries: Coplanor Congres Inc, 511<br />

Place d'Armes, Suite 600, Montreal, Quebec, H2Y<br />

2W7 Canada. Tel 514-848-1133. Fax 514-288-6469.<br />

Aug 8-14: 11th Annual Scientific Meeting and Exhibition<br />

of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.<br />

Berlin. Inquiries: Society of Magnetic Resonance in<br />

Medicine, 1918 University Ave, Suite 3C, Berkeley,<br />

CA 94704. Tel 510-841-1899. Fax 510-841-2340.<br />

Aug 30-Sept 3: XIVth Congress of the European Society of<br />

Cardiology. Palacio de Congresos, Barcelona, Spain.<br />

Inquiries: ECCO, 22, Rue Juste-Olivier, PO Box 299,<br />

CH-1260 Nyon, Switzerland (tel 362-13-77; fax 361-<br />

16-79) for exhibition/satellite meetings and general<br />

information; ECCO, Clarastrasse 57, PO Box 6,<br />

CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland (tel 41-61-691-51-11;

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