Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research

Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research
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Sodium nitroprusside Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Mediates Nitroglycerin and Sodium Nitroprusside-Induced Vasodilation in Feline Cerebral Arterioles, 1313 Capillary Hydraulic Conductivity Is Elevated by cGMP-Dependent Vasodilators, 382 Effects of Oxidant Stress on Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor-Induced and Nitrovasodilator-Induced cGMP Accumulation in Vascular Cells in Culture, 326 Somatostatin Effect of Spinal Microinjections of an Antagonist to Substance P or Somatostatin on the Exercise Pressor Reflex, 213 Spectrophotometry A Method for Measuring the Rate of Oxygen Release From Single Microvessels, 812 Spiral waves Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707 Spontaneously hypertensive rats Decreased Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization to Acetylcholine in Smooth Muscle of the Mesenteric Artery of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, 660 Passive Mechanical Stretch Releases Atrial Natriuretic Peptide From Rat Ventricular Myocardium, 1244 Striated muscle Ca2 Regulation of Mechanical Properties of Striated Muscle: Mechanistic Studies Using Extraction and Replacement of Regulatory Proteins, 865 Stroke work Right Ventricular Preload Recruitable Stroke Work, End-Systolic Pressure-Volume, and dP/dtm,a-End-Diastolic Volume Relations Compared as Indexes of Right Ventricular Contractile Performance in Conscious Dogs, 1169 Stunning Modulation of Severity of Reperfusion Stunning in the Isolated Rat Heart by Agents Altering Calcium Flux at Onset of Reperfusion, 960 Reversibility of the Effects of Normothermic Global Ischemia on the Ryanodine-Sensitive and Ryanodine-Insensitive Calcium Uptake of Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, 163 Subarachnoid hemorrhage Reduced Production of cGMP Underlies the Loss of Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations in the Canine Basilar Artery After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, 248 Substance P Effect of Spinal Microinjections of an Antagonist to Substance P or Somatostatin on the Exercise Pressor Reflex, 213 Sudden cardiac death Cryoblockade in Limbic Brain (Amygdala) Prevents or Delays Ventricular Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Occlusion in Psychologically Stressed Pigs, 600 Sulfhydryls Effects of Oxidant Stress on Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor-Induced and Nitrovasodilator-Induced cGMP Accumulation in Vascular Cells in Culture, 326 Superoxide anion Reoxygenation of Endothelial Cells Increases Permeability by Oxidant-Dependent Mechanisms, 991 Superoxide dismutase Dimethylthiourea, an Oxygen Radical Scavenger, Protects Isolated Cardiac Myocytes From Hypoxic Injury by Inhibition of Na+-Ca2 Exchange and Not by Its Antioxidant Effects, 804 Reoxygenation of Endothelial Cells Increases Permeability by Oxidant-Dependent Mechanisms, 991 Vascular Bound Recombinant Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Type C Protects Against the Detrimental Effects of Superoxide Radicals on Endothelium-Dependent Arterial Relaxation, 264 Swelling Swelling-Induced Chloride-Sensitive Current in Canine Atrial Cells Revealed by Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Method, 679 Sympathetic denervation Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase in Avian Heart: Studies on Ontogeny and the Influence of Vagotomy, 633 Subject Index 1347 Sympathetic innervation Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase in Avian Heart: Studies on Ontogeny and the Influence of Vagotomy, 633 Sympathetic nervous system Effects of 3-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation and Blockade on Rate-Dependent Atrioventricular Nodal Properties, 902 Systole Capillary Geometrical Changes With Fiber Shortening in Rat Myocardium, 697 Systolic coronary flow Cryoblockade in Limbic Brain (Amygdala) Prevents or Delays Ventricular Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Occlusion in Psychologically Stressed Pigs, 600 In-Plane Myocardial Wall Stress Is Not the Primary Determinant of Coronary Systolic Flow Impediment: A Study in the Isolated, Perfused Dog Septum, 583 T Temperature effects Effect of Temperature Change on the Permeability of Eel Rete Capillaries, 272 Tetrodotoxin Existence of Both Fast and Slow Channel Activity During the Early Stages of Ventricular Fibrillation, 773 Thapsigargin Modulation of Evoked Contractions in Rat Arteries by Ryanodine, Thapsigargin, and Cyclopiazonic Acid, 968 Thin filament Alterations in Myofibrillar Function and Protein Profiles After Complete Global Ischemia in Rat Hearts, 302 Thrombin Aggregating Human Platelets in Carotid Sinus of Rabbits Decrease Sensitivity of Baroreceptors, 644 Oxidized Low Density Lipoproteins Induce mRNA Expression and Release of Endothelin From Human and Porcine Endothelium, 1191 Thrombolysis Effect of Thrombin Inhibition on the Dynamics of Thrombolysis and on Platelet Function During Thrombolytic Therapy, 829 Thromboxane A2 ADP Plays an Important Role in Mediating Platelet Aggregation and Cyclic Flow Variations In Vivo in Stenosed and Endothelium-Injured Canine Coronary Arteries, 39 Putative Mechanism of Hypotensive Action of Platelet-Activating Factor in Dogs, 893 Transfer function Dynamic Effects of Carotid Sinus Baroreflex on Ventriculoarterial Coupling Studied in Anesthetized Dogs, 1044 Transforming growth factor-a Angiotensin II-Induced Mitogenesis of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat-Derived Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells Is Dependent on Autocrine Production of Transforming Growth Factor-p, 820 Transgenic mice Regulated Tissue- and Cell-Specific Expression of the Human Renin Gene in Transgenic Mice, 1070 Transmembrane action potential Existence of Both Fast and Slow Channel Activity During the Early Stages of Ventricular Fibrillation, 773 Transmural conduction Verapamil Prevents Slowing of Transmural Conduction and Suppresses Arrhythmias in an Isolated Guinea Pig Ventricular Model of Ischemia and Reperfusion, 651 Transmural reentry Verapamil Prevents Slowing of Transmural Conduction and Suppresses Arrhythmias in an Isolated Guinea Pig Ventricular Model of Ischemia and Reperfusion, 651 Tricarboxylic acid cycle Indexing Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Flux in Intact Hearts by Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 392 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Metabolic and Respiratory Support of Work Load in Intact Rabbit Hearts, 576

1348 Circulation Research Vol 70, No 6, June 1992 Trigeminovascular system Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Mediates Nitroglycerin and Sodium Nitroprusside-Induced Vasodilation in Feline Cerebral Arterioles, 1313 Triggered rhythms Adenosine-Sensitive Afterdepolarizations and Triggered Activity in Guinea Pig Ventricular Myocytes, 743 Troponin C Ca>2 Regulation of Mechanical Properties of Striated Muscle: Mechanistic Studies Using Extraction and Replacement of Regulatory Proteins, 865 Troponin I Alterations in Myofibrillar Function and Protein Profiles After Complete Global Ischemia in Rat Hearts, 302 Troponin T Alterations in Myofibrillar Function and Protein Profiles After Complete Global Ischemia in Rat Hearts, 302 Tumor necrosis factor Neutralization of Endogenous Tumor Necrosis Factor Ameliorates the Severity of Myosin-Induced Myocarditis, 856 U Ultrastructural autoradiography Subcellular Distribution of 32-Adrenergic Receptors Delineated With Quantitative Ultrastructural Autoradiography of Radioligand Binding Sites, 1313 V Vagotomy Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase in Avian Heart: Studies on Ontogeny and the Influence of Vagotomy, 633 Vascular injury Active Oxygen Species Stimulate Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Growth and Proto-oncogene Expression, 593 Vascular smooth muscle Contrasting Effects of Phorbol Esters on Serotonin- and Vasopressin-Evoked Contractions in Rat Aorta and Small Mesenteric Artery, 978 Decreased Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization to Acetylcholine in Smooth Muscle of the Mesenteric Artery of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, 660 Ionic Currents in Single Cells From Human Cystic Artery, 536 JE mRNA Accumulates Rapidly in Aortic Injury and in Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-Stimulated Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, 314 Modulation of Evoked Contractions in Rat Arteries by Ryanodine, Thapsigargin, and Cyclopiazonic Acid, 968 Vasoconstriction Vascular Responses to Activated Leukocytes After Regression of Atherosclerosis, 423 Vasoconstrictors M-Methyl-L-Arginine, an Inhibitor of L-Arginine-Derived Nitric Oxide Synthesis, Stimulates Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity In Vivo: A Role for Nitric Oxide in the Central Regulation of Sympathetic Tone?, 607 Vasodilation Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Mediates Nitroglycerin and Sodium Nitroprusside-Induced Vasodilation in Feline Cerebral Arterioles, 1313 Vasodilation, flow-induced Pathophysiological Consequences of Atherosclerosis Extend Into the Coronary Microcirculation: Restoration of Endothelium-Dependent Responses by L-Arginine, 465 Venodilation Putative Mechanism of Hypotensive Action of Platelet-Activating Factor in Dogs, 893 Ventricular fibrillation Anion Manipulation: A New Antiarrhythmic Approach: Action of Substitution of Chloride With Nitrate on Ischemia- and Reperfusion-Induced Ventricular Fibrillation and Contractile Function, 617 Existence of Both Fast and Slow Channel Activity During the Early Stages of Ventricular Fibrillation, 773 Ventricular function Isolated Ventricular Systolic Interaction During Transient Reductions in Left Ventricular Pressure, 944 Ventricular interdependence Isolated Ventricular Systolic Interaction During Transient Reductions in Left Ventricular Pressure, 944 Ventricular myocytes /3-Adrenergic Modulation of Fast Inward Sodium Current in Canine Myocardium: Syncytial Preparations Versus Isolated Myocytes, 844 Effects of Simulated Ischemia and Reperfusion on the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Digitonin-Lysed Cardiomyocytes, 716 Ventricular systolic interaction Isolated Ventricular Systolic Interaction During Transient Reductions in Left Ventricular Pressure, 944 Ventricular wall stress Cryoblockade in Limbic Brain (Amygdala) Prevents or Delays Ventricular Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Occlusion in Psychologically Stressed Pigs, 600 In-Plane Myocardial Wall Stress Is Not the Primary Determinant of Coronary Systolic Flow Impediment: A Study in the Isolated, Perfused Dog Septum, 583 Ventriculoarterial coupling Dynamic Effects of Carotid Sinus Baroreflex on Ventriculoarterial Coupling Studied in Anesthetized Dogs, 1044 Verapamil Existence of Both Fast and Slow Channel Activity During the Early Stages of Ventricular Fibrillation, 773 Verapamil Prevents Slowing of Transmural Conduction and Suppresses Arrhythmias in an Isolated Guinea Pig Ventricular Model of Ischemia and Reperfusion, 651 Vessel injury JE mRNA Accumulates Rapidly in Aortic Injury and in Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-Stimulated Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, 314 Vessel wall injury Influence of Platelet-Vessel Wall Interactions on Leukocyte Rolling In Vivo, 355 Voltage clamp Adenosine-Sensitive Afterdepolarizations and Triggered Activity in Guinea Pig Ventricular Myocytes, 743 Ionic Currents in Single Cells From Human Cystic Artery, 536 Vortices Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707 W Wave propagation Pulsatile Pressure-Flow Relations and Pulse-Wave Propagation in the Umbilical Circulation of Fetal Sheep, 761 Wave reflections Pulsatile Pressure-Flow Relations and Pulse-Wave Propagation in the Umbilical Circulation of Fetal Sheep, 761 Window current Direct Measurement of L-Type Ca-> Window Current in Heart Cells, 445 L- and T-Type Ca2' Channels in Canine Cardiac Purkinje Cells: Single-Channel Demonstration of L-Type Ca'+ Window Current, 456 X Xanthine oxidase Reoxygenation of Endothelial Cells Increases Permeability by Oxidant-Dependent Mechanisms, 991

Sodium nitroprusside<br />

Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Mediates Nitroglycerin and<br />

Sodium Nitroprusside-Induced Vasodilation in Feline Cerebral<br />

Arterioles, 1313<br />

Capillary Hydraulic Conductivity Is Elevated by cGMP-Dependent<br />

Vasodilators, 382<br />

Effects of Oxidant Stress on Endothelium-Derived Relaxing<br />

Factor-Induced and Nitrovasodilator-Induced cGMP Accumulation<br />

in Vascular Cells in Culture, 326<br />

Somatostatin<br />

Effect of Spinal Microinjections of an Antagonist to Substance P<br />

or Somatostatin on the Exercise Pressor Reflex, 213<br />

Spectrophotometry<br />

A Method for Measuring the Rate of Oxygen Release From<br />

Single Microvessels, 812<br />

Spiral waves<br />

Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit<br />

Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707<br />

Spontaneously hypertensive rats<br />

Decreased Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization to Acetylcholine<br />

in Smooth Muscle of the Mesenteric Artery of<br />

Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, 660<br />

Passive Mechanical Stretch Releases Atrial Natriuretic Peptide<br />

From Rat Ventricular Myocardium, 1244<br />

Striated muscle<br />

Ca2 Regulation of Mechanical Properties of Striated Muscle:<br />

Mechanistic Studies Using Extraction and Replacement of<br />

Regulatory Proteins, 865<br />

Stroke work<br />

Right Ventricular Preload Recruitable Stroke Work, End-Systolic<br />

Pressure-Volume, and dP/dtm,a-End-Diastolic Volume<br />

Relations Compared as Indexes of Right Ventricular Contractile<br />

Performance in Conscious Dogs, 1169<br />

Stunning<br />

Modulation of Severity of Reperfusion Stunning in the Isolated<br />

Rat Heart by Agents Altering Calcium Flux at Onset of<br />

Reperfusion, 960<br />

Reversibility of the Effects of Normothermic Global Ischemia<br />

on the Ryanodine-Sensitive and Ryanodine-Insensitive Calcium<br />

Uptake of Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, 163<br />

Subarachnoid hemorrhage<br />

Reduced Production of cGMP Underlies the Loss of Endothelium-Dependent<br />

Relaxations in the Canine Basilar Artery<br />

After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, 248<br />

Substance P<br />

Effect of Spinal Microinjections of an Antagonist to Substance P<br />

or Somatostatin on the Exercise Pressor Reflex, 213<br />

Sudden cardiac death<br />

Cryoblockade in Limbic Brain (Amygdala) Prevents or Delays<br />

Ventricular Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Occlusion in<br />

Psychologically Stressed Pigs, 600<br />

Sulfhydryls<br />

Effects of Oxidant Stress on Endothelium-Derived Relaxing<br />

Factor-Induced and Nitrovasodilator-Induced cGMP Accumulation<br />

in Vascular Cells in Culture, 326<br />

Superoxide anion<br />

Reoxygenation of Endothelial Cells Increases Permeability by<br />

Oxidant-Dependent Mechanisms, 991<br />

Superoxide dismutase<br />

Dimethylthiourea, an Oxygen Radical Scavenger, Protects Isolated<br />

Cardiac Myocytes From Hypoxic Injury by Inhibition of<br />

Na+-Ca2 Exchange and Not by Its Antioxidant Effects, 804<br />

Reoxygenation of Endothelial Cells Increases Permeability by<br />

Oxidant-Dependent Mechanisms, 991<br />

Vascular Bound Recombinant Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase<br />

Type C Protects Against the Detrimental Effects of<br />

Superoxide Radicals on Endothelium-Dependent Arterial<br />

Relaxation, 264<br />

Swelling<br />

Swelling-Induced Chloride-Sensitive Current in Canine Atrial<br />

Cells Revealed by Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Method, 679<br />

Sympathetic denervation<br />

Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase in Avian Heart: Studies on<br />

Ontogeny and the Influence of Vagotomy, 633<br />

Subject Index 1347<br />

Sympathetic innervation<br />

Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase in Avian Heart: Studies on<br />

Ontogeny and the Influence of Vagotomy, 633<br />

Sympathetic nervous system<br />

Effects of 3-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation and Blockade on<br />

Rate-Dependent Atrioventricular Nodal Properties, 902<br />

Systole<br />

Capillary Geometrical Changes With Fiber Shortening in Rat<br />

Myocardium, 697<br />

Systolic coronary flow<br />

Cryoblockade in Limbic Brain (Amygdala) Prevents or Delays<br />

Ventricular Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Occlusion in<br />

Psychologically Stressed Pigs, 600<br />

In-Plane Myocardial Wall Stress Is Not the Primary Determinant<br />

of Coronary Systolic Flow Impediment: A Study in the<br />

Isolated, Perfused Dog Septum, 583<br />

T<br />

Temperature effects<br />

Effect of Temperature Change on the Permeability of Eel Rete<br />

Capillaries, 272<br />

Tetrodotoxin<br />

Existence of Both Fast and Slow Channel Activity During the<br />

Early Stages of Ventricular Fibrillation, 773<br />

Thapsigargin<br />

Modulation of Evoked Contractions in Rat Arteries by Ryanodine,<br />

Thapsigargin, and Cyclopiazonic Acid, 968<br />

Thin filament<br />

Alterations in Myofibrillar Function and Protein Profiles After<br />

Complete Global Ischemia in Rat Hearts, 302<br />

Thrombin<br />

Aggregating Human Platelets in Carotid Sinus of Rabbits<br />

Decrease Sensitivity of Baroreceptors, 644<br />

Oxidized Low Density Lipoproteins Induce mRNA Expression<br />

and Release of Endothelin From Human and Porcine Endothelium,<br />

1191<br />

Thrombolysis<br />

Effect of Thrombin Inhibition on the Dynamics of Thrombolysis<br />

and on Platelet Function During Thrombolytic Therapy, 829<br />

Thromboxane A2<br />

ADP Plays an Important Role in Mediating Platelet Aggregation<br />

and Cyclic Flow Variations In Vivo in Stenosed and<br />

Endothelium-Injured Canine Coronary Arteries, 39<br />

Putative Mechanism of Hypotensive Action of Platelet-Activating<br />

Factor in Dogs, 893<br />

Transfer function<br />

Dynamic Effects of Carotid Sinus Baroreflex on Ventriculoarterial<br />

Coupling Studied in Anesthetized Dogs, 1044<br />

Transforming growth factor-a<br />

Angiotensin II-Induced Mitogenesis of Spontaneously Hypertensive<br />

Rat-Derived Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells Is Dependent<br />

on Autocrine Production of Transforming Growth<br />

Factor-p, 820<br />

Transgenic mice<br />

Regulated Tissue- and Cell-Specific Expression of the Human<br />

Renin Gene in Transgenic Mice, 1070<br />

Transmembrane action potential<br />

Existence of Both Fast and Slow Channel Activity During the<br />

Early Stages of Ventricular Fibrillation, 773<br />

Transmural conduction<br />

Verapamil Prevents Slowing of Transmural Conduction and<br />

Suppresses Arrhythmias in an Isolated Guinea Pig Ventricular<br />

Model of Ischemia and Reperfusion, 651<br />

Transmural reentry<br />

Verapamil Prevents Slowing of Transmural Conduction and<br />

Suppresses Arrhythmias in an Isolated Guinea Pig Ventricular<br />

Model of Ischemia and Reperfusion, 651<br />

Tricarboxylic acid cycle<br />

Indexing Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Flux in Intact Hearts by<br />

Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 392<br />

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Metabolic and<br />

Respiratory Support of Work Load in Intact Rabbit Hearts,<br />


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