Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research

Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research
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Impedance Pulsatile Pressure-Flow Relations and Pulse-Wave Propagation in the Umbilical Circulation of Fetal Sheep, 761 In situ hybridization Regulated Tissue- and Cell-Specific Expression of the Human Renin Gene in Transgenic Mice, 1070 In vitro modeling Impact of Finite Orifice Size on Proximal Flow Convergence: Implications for Doppler Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation, 923 In vivo gene transfer Behavior of Genes Directly Injected Into the Rat Heart In Vivo, 193 Inactivation Direct Measurement of L-Type Ca'+ Window Current in Heart Cells, 445 L- and T-Type Ca'2 Channels in Canine Cardiac Purkinje Cells: Single-Channel Demonstration of L-Type Ca 2 Window Current, 456 Indomethacin Effect of Cyclooxygenase Blockade on Blood Flow Through Well-Developed Coronary Collateral Vessels, 1091 Inflammation Role of Peptidases in Bradykinin-Induced Increase in Vascular Permeability In Vivo, 952 Inorganic blockers Modulation of Severity of Reperfusion Stunning in the Isolated Rat Heart by Agents Altering Calcium Flux at Onset of Reperfusion, 960 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate K and a Opioid Receptor Stimulation Affects Cardiac Myocyte Function and Ca2' Release From an Intracellular Pool in Myocytes and Neurons, 66 Inotropic reserve Recruitment of an Inotropic Reserve in Moderately Ischemic Myocardium at the Expense of Metabolic Recovery: A Model of Short-term Hibernation, 1282 Intact porcine aorta Oxidized Low Density Lipoproteins Induce mRNA Expression and Release of Endothelin From Human and Porcine Endothelium, 1191 Intercellular communication Cardiac Myocytes Express Multiple Gap Junction Proteins, 438 Intercellular junctions Cardiac Myocytes Express Multiple Gap Junction Proteins, 438 Interferon gamma Neutralization of Endogenous Tumor Necrosis Factor Ameliorates the Severity of Myosin-Induced Myocarditis, 856 Intimal thickening Heparin Inhibits the Expression of Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator by Smooth Muscle Cells in Injured Rat Carotid Artery, 1128 Intracellular calcium Kinetics of Restitution of Left Ventricular Relaxation, 29 Intravascular prosthesis Genetically Engineered Endothelial Cells Remain Adherent and Viable After Stent Deployment and Exposure to Flow In Vitro, 348 Intraventricular balloon Passive Mechanical Stretch Releases Atrial Natriuretic Peptide From Rat Ventricular Myocardium, 1244 ['1I]Iodocyanopindolol diazarine Subcellular Distribution of ,Bi-Adrenergic Receptors Delineated With Quantitative Ultrastructural Autoradiography of Radioligand Binding Sites, 1313 Ion activity Time Course of Changes in Intracellular K', Na+, and pH of Subendocardial Purkinje Cells During the First 24 Hours After Coronary Occlusion, 566 Ion channels Cardiac Myocytes Express Multiple Gap Junction Proteins, 438 Existence of Both Fast and Slow Channel Activity During the Early Stages of Ventricular Fibrillation, 773 Subject Index 1341 Ion flux Developmental Changes in Membrane Ca2> and K' Currents in Fetal, Neonatal, and Adult Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes, 508 Ionic currents Developmental Changes in Membrane Ca2> and K' Currents in Fetal, Neonatal, and Adult Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes, 508 Ischemia Alterations in Myofibrillar Function and Protein Profiles After Complete Global Ischemia in Rat Hearts, 302 Anion Manipulation: A New Antiarrhythmic Approach: Action of Substitution of Chloride With Nitrate on Ischemia- and Reperfusion-Induced Ventricular Fibrillation and Contractile Function, 617 Blockade of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels Prevents Myocardial Preconditioning in Dogs, 223 Cryoblockade in Limbic Brain (Amygdala) Prevents or Delays Ventricular Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Occlusion in Psychologically Stressed Pigs, 600 Effects of Simulated Ischemia and Reperfusion on the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Digitonin-Lysed Cardiomyocytes, 716 Energy Metabolism and Contractile Function After 15 Beats of Moderate Myocardial Ischemia, 1137 Exacerbation of Left Ventricular Ischemic Diastolic Dysfunction by Pressure-Overload Hypertrophy: Modification by Specific Inhibition of Cardiac Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, 931 Identification and Characterization of Human Myocardial Phospholipase A, From Transplant Recipients Suffering From End-Stage Ischemic Heart Disease, 486 Lysoplasmenylethanolamine Accumulation in Ischemic/Reperfused Isolated Fatty Acid-Perfused Hearts, 1161 Reversibility of the Effects of Normothermic Global Ischemia on the Ryanodine-Sensitive and Ryanodine-Insensitive Calcium Uptake of Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, 163 Ischemia/reperfusion Reoxygenation of Endothelial Cells Increases Permeability by Oxidant-Dependent Mechanisms, 991 Isoenzymes Increased Heart Rate Prevents the Isomyosin Shift After Cardiac Transplantation in the Rat, 554 Isoproterenol Developmental Changes in the ,B-Adrenergic Modulation of Calcium Currents in Rabbit Ventricular Cells, 104 Effects of /3-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation and Blockade on Rate-Dependent Atrioventricular Nodal Properties, 902 Enhancement of Rabbit Cardiac Sodium Channels by 83-Adrenergic Stimulation, 199 J Junctional conductance Immunolocalization and Expression of Functional and Nonfunctional Cell-to-Cell Channels From Wild-Type and Mutant Rat Heart Connexin43 cDNA, 1233 K K' channels Endothelium-Dependent Relaxation and Hyperpolarization in Aorta From Control and Renal Hypertensive Rats, 1 Kinetics Dose-Dependent Modulation of the Cardiac Sodium Channel by Sea Anemone Toxin ATXII, 285 L Lactate Energy Metabolism and Contractile Function After 15 Beats of Moderate Myocardial Ischemia, 1137 Laminin Isolation, Characterization, and Localization of Cardiac Collagen Type VI: Associations With Other Extracellular Matrix Components, 1006 Left ventricle Cellular and Ventricular Contractile Dysfunction in Experimental Canine Mitral Regurgitation, 131

1342 Circulation Research Vol 70, No 6, June 1992 Mechanism of Augmented Rate of Left Ventricular Filling During Exercise, 9 Power-Afterload Relation in the Failing Human Ventricle, 530 Leukocyte margination Influence of Platelet-Vessel Wall Interactions on Leukocyte Rolling In Vivo, 355 Leukocytes hypercholesterolemia Vascular Responses to Activated Leukocytes After Regression of Atherosclerosis, 423 Lidocaine Kinetics of Interaction of the Lidocaine Metabolite Glycylxylidide With the Cardiac Sodium Channel: Additive Blockade With Lidocaine, 1254 Lipids Progestogens Do Not Affect Aortic Accumulation of Cholesterol in Ovariectomized Cholesterol-Fed Rabbits, 1198 Lipoproteins Effect of a Cigarette Smoke Extract on the Metabolism of the Proinflammatory Autacoid, Platelet-Activating Factor, 341 Lysoplasmalogens Lysoplasmenylethanolamine Accumulation in Ischemic/Reperfused Isolated Fatty Acid-Perfused Hearts, 1161 M M&B 22948 Capillary Hydraulic Conductivity Is Elevated by cGMP-Dependent Vasodilators, 382 Macaques Isolation, Characterization, and Localization of Cardiac Collagen Type VI: Associations With Other Extracellular Matrix Components, 1006 Mathematical models Implementation and Evaluation of a Two-Compartment Model for Quantification of Myocardial Perfusion With Rubidium-82 and Positron Emission Tomography, 496 Maximum upstroke velocity (3-Adrenergic Modulation of Fast Inward Sodium Current in Canine Myocardium: Syncytial Preparations Versus Isolated Myocytes, 844 Mechanical stretch Passive Mechanical Stretch Releases Atrial Natriuretic Peptide From Rat Ventricular Myocardium, 1244 Mechanics Cellular and Ventricular Contractile Dysfunction in Experimental Canine Mitral Regurgitation, 131 Membrane depolarization Time Course of Changes in Intracellular K', Na', and pH of Subendocardial Purkinje Cells During the First 24 Hours After Coronary Occlusion, 566 Membrane potential Decreased Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization to Acetylcholine in Smooth Muscle of the Mesenteric Artery of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, 660 Mental stress Brain Ouabain and Central Effects of Dietary Sodium in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, 430 Metabolism Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Metabolic and Respiratory Support of Work Load in Intact Rabbit Hearts, 576 Methylene blue Capillary Hydraulic Conductivity Is Elevated by cGMP-Dependent Vasodilators, 382 NG-Methyl->Larginine NG-Methyl-L-Arginine, an Inhibitor of L-Arginine-Derived Nitric Oxide Synthesis, Stimulates Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity In Vivo: A Role for Nitric Oxide in the Central Regulation of Sympathetic Tone?, 607 Microcirculation Influence of Platelet-Vessel Wall Interactions on Leukocyte Rolling In Vivo, 355 Redistribution of Red Blood Cell Flow in Microcirculatory Networks by Hemodilution, 1113 Role of Peptidases in Bradykinin-Induced Increase in Vascular Permeability In Vivo, 952 Microneurography Naloxone Potentiates Cardiopulmonary Baroreflex Sympathetic Control in Normal Humans, 172 Microvessels A Method for Measuring the Rate of Oxygen Release From Single Microvessels, 812 Mitochondria Indexing Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Flux in Intact Hearts by Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 392 Mitogenesis Effects of Adenine Nucleotides on the Proliferation of Aortic Endothelial Cells, 82 Mitral regurgitation Cellular and Ventricular Contractile Dysfunction in Experimental Canine Mitral Regurgitation, 131 Molecular cloning Cardiac Myocytes Express Multiple Gap Junction Proteins, 438 Monoclonal atrial natriuretic factor antibody Pulmonary Vasodilatory Action of Endogenous Atrial Natriuretic Factor in Rats With Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension: Effects of Monoclonal Atrial Natriuretic Factor Antibody, 184 mRNA expression Increased Messenger RNA Level of the Inhibitory G Protein a Subunit Gi,2 in Human End-Stage Heart Failure, 688 Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase in Avian Heart: Studies on Ontogeny and the Influence of Vagotomy, 633 c-myb Antisense Nonmuscle Myosin Heavy Chain and c-myb Oligonucleotides Suppress Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation In Vitro, 835 Myocardial blood flow Effect of Cyclooxygenase Blockade on Blood Flow Through Well-Developed Coronary Collateral Vessels, 1091 Myocardial contraction K and 5 Opioid Receptor Stimulation Affects Cardiac Myocyte Function and Ca2' Release From an Intracellular Pool in Myocytes and Neurons, 66 Myocardial function Hemodynamic Performance and Myosin Light Chain-1 Expression of the Hypertrophied Left Ventricle in Aortic Valve Disease Before and After Valve Replacement, 1035 Myocardial infarction Blockade of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels Prevents Myocardial Preconditioning in Dogs, 223 Time Course of Changes in Intracellular K', Na+, and pH of Subendocardial Purkinje Cells During the First 24 Hours After Coronary Occlusion, 566 Myocardial ischemia Early Changes in Extracellular Potassium in Ischemic Rabbit Myocardium: The Role of Extracellular Carbon Dioxide Accumulation and Diffusion, 409 Recruitment of an Inotropic Reserve in Moderately Ischemic Myocardium at the Expense of Metabolic Recovery: A Model of Short-term Hibernation, 1282 Relation Between Glycolysis and Calcium Homeostasis in Postischemic Myocardium, 1180 Myocardial metabolism Energy Metabolism and Contractile Function After 15 Beats of Moderate Myocardial Ischemia, 1137 Myocardial oxygenation Capillary Geometrical Changes With Fiber Shortening in Rat Myocardium, 697 Myocardial preconditioning Blockade of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels Prevents Myocardial Preconditioning in Dogs, 223 Myocardial repolarization Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707 Myocardial stimulation Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707

1342 <strong>Circulation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Vol 70, No 6, June 1992<br />

Mechanism of Augmented Rate of Left Ventricular Filling<br />

During Exercise, 9<br />

Power-Afterload Relation in the Failing Human Ventricle, 530<br />

Leukocyte margination<br />

Influence of Platelet-Vessel Wall Interactions on Leukocyte<br />

Rolling In Vivo, 355<br />

Leukocytes hypercholesterolemia<br />

Vascular Responses to Activated Leukocytes After Regression<br />

of Atherosclerosis, 423<br />

Lidocaine<br />

Kinetics of Interaction of the Lidocaine Metabolite Glycylxylidide<br />

With the Cardiac Sodium Channel: Additive Blockade<br />

With Lidocaine, 1254<br />

Lipids<br />

Progestogens Do Not Affect Aortic Accumulation of Cholesterol<br />

in Ovariectomized Cholesterol-Fed Rabbits, 1198<br />

Lipoproteins<br />

Effect of a Cigarette Smoke Extract on the Metabolism of the<br />

Proinflammatory Autacoid, Platelet-Activating Factor, 341<br />

Lysoplasmalogens<br />

Lysoplasmenylethanolamine Accumulation in Ischemic/Reperfused<br />

Isolated Fatty Acid-Perfused Hearts, 1161<br />

M<br />

M&B 22948<br />

Capillary Hydraulic Conductivity Is Elevated by cGMP-Dependent<br />

Vasodilators, 382<br />

Macaques<br />

Isolation, Characterization, and Localization of Cardiac Collagen<br />

Type VI: Associations With Other Extracellular Matrix<br />

Components, 1006<br />

Mathematical models<br />

Implementation and Evaluation of a Two-Compartment Model<br />

for Quantification of Myocardial Perfusion With Rubidium-82<br />

and Positron Emission Tomography, 496<br />

Maximum upstroke velocity<br />

(3-Adrenergic Modulation of Fast Inward Sodium Current in<br />

Canine Myocardium: Syncytial Preparations Versus Isolated<br />

Myocytes, 844<br />

Mechanical stretch<br />

Passive Mechanical Stretch Releases Atrial Natriuretic Peptide<br />

From Rat Ventricular Myocardium, 1244<br />

Mechanics<br />

Cellular and Ventricular Contractile Dysfunction in Experimental<br />

Canine Mitral Regurgitation, 131<br />

Membrane depolarization<br />

Time Course of Changes in Intracellular K', Na', and pH of<br />

Subendocardial Purkinje Cells During the First 24 Hours<br />

After Coronary Occlusion, 566<br />

Membrane potential<br />

Decreased Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization to Acetylcholine<br />

in Smooth Muscle of the Mesenteric Artery of<br />

Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, 660<br />

Mental stress<br />

Brain Ouabain and Central Effects of Dietary Sodium in<br />

Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, 430<br />

Metabolism<br />

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Metabolic and<br />

Respiratory Support of Work Load in Intact Rabbit Hearts,<br />

576<br />

Methylene blue<br />

Capillary Hydraulic Conductivity Is Elevated by cGMP-Dependent<br />

Vasodilators, 382<br />

NG-Methyl->Larginine<br />

NG-Methyl-L-Arginine, an Inhibitor of L-Arginine-Derived Nitric<br />

Oxide Synthesis, Stimulates Renal Sympathetic Nerve<br />

Activity In Vivo: A Role for Nitric Oxide in the Central<br />

Regulation of Sympathetic Tone?, 607<br />

Microcirculation<br />

Influence of Platelet-Vessel Wall Interactions on Leukocyte<br />

Rolling In Vivo, 355<br />

Redistribution of Red Blood Cell Flow in Microcirculatory<br />

Networks by Hemodilution, 1113<br />

Role of Peptidases in Bradykinin-Induced Increase in Vascular<br />

Permeability In Vivo, 952<br />

Microneurography<br />

Naloxone Potentiates Cardiopulmonary Baroreflex Sympathetic<br />

Control in Normal Humans, 172<br />

Microvessels<br />

A Method for Measuring the Rate of Oxygen Release From<br />

Single Microvessels, 812<br />

Mitochondria<br />

Indexing Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Flux in Intact Hearts by<br />

Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 392<br />

Mitogenesis<br />

Effects of Adenine Nucleotides on the Proliferation of Aortic<br />

Endothelial Cells, 82<br />

Mitral regurgitation<br />

Cellular and Ventricular Contractile Dysfunction in Experimental<br />

Canine Mitral Regurgitation, 131<br />

Molecular cloning<br />

Cardiac Myocytes Express Multiple Gap Junction Proteins, 438<br />

Monoclonal atrial natriuretic factor antibody<br />

Pulmonary Vasodilatory Action of Endogenous Atrial Natriuretic<br />

Factor in Rats With Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension:<br />

Effects of Monoclonal Atrial Natriuretic Factor Antibody, 184<br />

mRNA expression<br />

Increased Messenger RNA Level of the Inhibitory G Protein a<br />

Subunit Gi,2 in Human End-Stage Heart Failure, 688<br />

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor<br />

Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase in Avian Heart: Studies on<br />

Ontogeny and the Influence of Vagotomy, 633<br />

c-myb<br />

Antisense Nonmuscle Myosin Heavy Chain and c-myb Oligonucleotides<br />

Suppress Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation In Vitro,<br />

835<br />

Myocardial blood flow<br />

Effect of Cyclooxygenase Blockade on Blood Flow Through<br />

Well-Developed Coronary Collateral Vessels, 1091<br />

Myocardial contraction<br />

K and 5 Opioid Receptor Stimulation Affects Cardiac Myocyte<br />

Function and Ca2' Release From an Intracellular Pool in<br />

Myocytes and Neurons, 66<br />

Myocardial function<br />

Hemodynamic Performance and Myosin Light Chain-1 Expression<br />

of the Hypertrophied Left Ventricle in Aortic Valve<br />

Disease Before and After Valve Replacement, 1035<br />

Myocardial infarction<br />

Blockade of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels Prevents Myocardial<br />

Preconditioning in Dogs, 223<br />

Time Course of Changes in Intracellular K', Na+, and pH of<br />

Subendocardial Purkinje Cells During the First 24 Hours<br />

After Coronary Occlusion, 566<br />

Myocardial ischemia<br />

Early Changes in Extracellular Potassium in Ischemic Rabbit<br />

Myocardium: The Role of Extracellular Carbon Dioxide<br />

Accumulation and Diffusion, 409<br />

Recruitment of an Inotropic Reserve in Moderately Ischemic<br />

Myocardium at the Expense of Metabolic Recovery: A Model<br />

of Short-term Hibernation, 1282<br />

Relation Between Glycolysis and Calcium Homeostasis in Postischemic<br />

Myocardium, 1180<br />

Myocardial metabolism<br />

Energy Metabolism and Contractile Function After 15 Beats of<br />

Moderate Myocardial Ischemia, 1137<br />

Myocardial oxygenation<br />

Capillary Geometrical Changes With Fiber Shortening in Rat<br />

Myocardium, 697<br />

Myocardial preconditioning<br />

Blockade of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels Prevents Myocardial<br />

Preconditioning in Dogs, 223<br />

Myocardial repolarization<br />

Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit<br />

Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707<br />

Myocardial stimulation<br />

Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit<br />

Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707

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