Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research

Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research Back Matter (PDF) - Circulation Research
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Pathophysiological Consequences of Atherosclerosis Extend Into the Coronary Microcirculation: Restoration of Endothelium-Dependent Responses by L-Arginine, 465 Pulmonary Vasodilator Response to Vagal Stimulation Is Blocked by N--Nitro-L-arginine Methyl Ester in the Cat, 364 Vascular Bound Recombinant Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Type C Protects Against the Detrimental Effects of Superoxide Radicals on Endothelium-Dependent Arterial Relaxation, 264 End-systolic elastance Dynamic Effects of Carotid Sinus Baroreflex on Ventriculoarterial Coupling Studied in Anesthetized Dogs, 1044 Ensemble noise analysis Potassium Rectifier Currents Differ in Myocytes of Endocardial and Epicardial Origin, 91 Epidermal growth factor Angiotensin II-Induced Mitogenesis of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat-Derived Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells Is Dependent on Autocrine Production of Transforming Growth Factor-al, 820 ER-001533 Activation of the Cardiac ATP-Sensitive K' Channel by ER- 001533, a Newly Synthesized Vasorelaxant, 1054 Erythrocytes A Method for Measuring the Rate of Oxygen Release From Single Microvessels, 812 Excitable media Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707 Exercise Mechanism of Augmented Rate of Left Ventricular Filling During Exercise, 9 Exercise pressor reflex Effect of Spinal Microinjections of an Antagonist to Substance P or Somatostatin on the Exercise Pressor Reflex, 213 Exocytosis Protein p67: A Calcium-Binding Protein Localized at the Sarcolemma of Secretory Atrial Myocytes, 370 Extracellular matrix organization Isolation, Characterization, and Localization of Cardiac Collagen Type VI: Associations With Other Extracellular Matrix Components, 1006 Extracellular potassium Early Changes in Extracellular Potassium in Ischemic Rabbit Myocardium: The Role of Extracellular Carbon Dioxide Accumulation and Diffusion, 409 Extrasystole Kinetics of Restitution of Left Ventricular Relaxation, 29 F Factor Xa inhibition Acceleration of Recombinant Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator-Induced Reperfusion and Prevention of Reocclusion by Recombinant Antistasin, a Selective Factor Xa Inhibitor, in a Canine Model of Femoral Arterial Thrombosis, 1152 Fatty acid Lysoplasmenylethanolamine Accumulation in Ischemic/Reperfused Isolated Fatty Acid-Perfused Hearts, 1161 Fibroblast growth factor Angiotensin II-Induced Mitogenesis of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat-Derived Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells Is Dependent on Autocrine Production of Transforming Growth Factor-a8, 820 Fibronectin Isolation, Characterization, and Localization of Cardiac Collagen Type VI: Associations With Other Extracellular Matrix Components, 1006 Fibrosis Liposome-Entrapped Antifibrotic Agent Prevents Collagen Accumulation in Hypertensive Pulmonary Arteries of Rats, 912 Finite-difference modeling Impact of Finite Orifice Size on Proximal Flow Convergence: Implications for Doppler Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation, 923 Subject Index 1339 Firefly luciferase Behavior of Genes Directly Injected Into the Rat Heart In Vivo, 193 Flow pathways Redistribution of Red Blood Cell Flow in Microcirculatory Networks by Hemodilution, 1113 Flow rate calculation Impact of Finite Orifice Size on Proximal Flow Convergence: Implications for Doppler Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation, 923 Flow velocity A Method for Measuring the Rate of Oxygen Release From Single Microvessels, 812 Flow-dependent dilation Mechanical Deformation of Vessel Wall and Shear Stress Determine the Basal Release of Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor in the Intact Rabbit Coronary Vascular Bed, 123 Fluid dynamics Impact of Finite Orifice Size on Proximal Flow Convergence: Implications for Doppler Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation, 923 Force depression Depression of Peak Force Without Altering Calcium Sensitivity by the Superoxide Anion in Chemically Skinned Cardiac Muscle of Rat, 1217 Force-frequency Alterations in Left Ventricular Mechanics, Energetics, and Contractile Reserve in Experimental Heart Failure, 516 Formyl-methionine-leucine-phenylalanine Vascular Responses to Activated Leukocytes After Regression of Atherosclerosis, 423 Forskolin Developmental Changes in the ,3-Adrenergic Modulation of Calcium Currents in Rabbit Ventricular Cells, 104 Free radical injury Antioxidant Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers Against Free Radical Injury in Endothelial Cells: Correlation of Protection With Preservation of Glutathione Levels, 1099 Free radicals Depression of Peak Force Without Altering Calcium Sensitivity by the Superoxide Anion in Chemically Skinned Cardiac Muscle of Rat, 1217 Vascular Bound Recombinant Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Type C Protects Against the Detrimental Effects of Superoxide Radicals on Endothelium-Dependent Arterial Relaxation, 264 G G proteins Increased Messenger RNA Level of the Inhibitory G Protein a Subunit Gi,2 in Human End-Stage Heart Failure, 688 P2-Purinoceptor Activation Stimulates Phosphoinositide Hydrolysis and Inhibits Accumulation of cAMP in Cultured Ventricular Myocytes, 477 fi-Galactosidase Genetically Engineered Endothelial Cells Remain Adherent and Viable After Stent Deployment and Exposure to Flow In Vitro, 348 Gap junctions An Electron-Microscopic Study of Smooth Muscle Cell Dye Coupling in the Pig Coronary Arteries: Role of Gap Junctions, 49 Cardiac Myocytes Express Multiple Gap Junction Proteins, 438 Immunolocalization and Expression of Functional and Nonfunctional Cell-to-Cell Channels From Wild-Type and Mutant Rat Heart Connexin43 cDNA, 1233 Gas exchange Capillary Geometrical Changes With Fiber Shortening in Rat Myocardium, 697 Gene expression JE mRNA Accumulates Rapidly in Aortic Injury and in Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-Stimulated Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, 314

1340 Circulation Research Vol 70, No 6, June 1992 Regulated Tissue- and Cell-Specific Expression of the Human Renin Gene in Transgenic Mice, 1070 Gene therapy Genetically Engineered Endothelial Cells Remain Adherent and Viable After Stent Deployment and Exposure to Flow In Vitro, 348 Glutathione Antioxidant Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers Against Free Radical Injury in Endothelial Cells: Correlation of Protection With Preservation of Glutathione Levels, 1099 Glycolysis Relation Between Glycolysis and Calcium Homeostasis in Postischemic Myocardium, 1180 Glycylxylidide Kinetics of Interaction of the Lidocaine Metabolite Glycylxylidide With the Cardiac Sodium Channel: Additive Blockade With Lidocaine, 1254 Graded response Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707 Growth factors JE mRNA Accumulates Rapidly in Aortic Injury and in Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-Stimulated Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, 314 Guanabenz Brain Ouabain and Central Effects of Dietary Sodium in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, 430 Guanylate cyclase Capillary Hydraulic Conductivity Is Elevated by cGMP-Dependent Vasodilators, 382 Effects of Oxidant Stress on Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor-Induced and Nitrovasodilator-Induced cGMP Accumulation in Vascular Cells in Culture, 326 H H-7 Contrasting Effects of Phorbol Esters on Serotonin- and Vasopressin-Evoked Contractions in Rat Aorta and Small Mesenteric Artery, 978 Hamsters Role of Peptidases in Bradykinin-Induced Increase in Vascular Permeability In Vivo, 952 Heart Direct Measurement of L-Type Ca' Window Current in Heart Cells, 445 Effect of a-Adrenergic Stimulation on Activation of Protein Kinase C and Phosphorylation of Proteins in Intact Rabbit Hearts, 670 Gap Junction Distribution Is Altered Between Cardiac Myocytes Infected With Trypanosoma cruzi, 733 L- and T-Type Ca' Channels in Canine Cardiac Purkinje Cells: Single-Channel Demonstration of L-Type Ca' Window Current, 456 Lysoplasmenylethanolamine Accumulation in Ischemic/Reperfused Isolated Fatty Acid-Perfused Hearts, 1161 Heart failure Increased Messenger RNA Level of the Inhibitory G Protein a Subunit Gi,2 in Human End-Stage Heart Failure, 688 Heart rate Increased Heart Rate Prevents the Isomyosin Shift After Cardiac Transplantation in the Rat, 554 Hematocrit Effect of Endothelin on Plasma Volume and Albumin Escape, 1027 Redistribution of Red Blood Cell Flow in Microcirculatory Networks by Hemodilution, 1113 Hemodilution Redistribution of Red Blood Cell Flow in Microcirculatory Networks by Hemodilution, 1113 Hemodynamic load Increased Heart Rate Prevents the Isomyosin Shift After Cardiac Transplantation in the Rat, 554 Hemodynamics Pulsatile Pressure-Flow Relations and Pulse-Wave Propagation in the Umbilical Circulation of Fetal Sheep, 761 Heparin Acceleration of Recombinant Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator-Induced Reperfusion and Prevention of Reocclusion by Recombinant Antistasin, a Selective Factor Xa Inhibitor, in a Canine Model of Femoral Arterial Thrombosis, 1152 Effect of Thrombin Inhibition on the Dynamics of Thrombolysis and on Platelet Function During Thrombolytic Therapy, 829 Heparin Inhibits Collagenase Gene Expression Mediated by Phorbol Ester-Responsive Element in Primate Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells, 1062 Heparin Inhibits the Expression of Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator by Smooth Muscle Cells in Injured Rat Carotid Artery, 1128 Hibernation Recruitment of an Inotropic Reserve in Moderately Ischemic Myocardium at the Expense of Metabolic Recovery: A Model of Short-term Hibernation, 1282 High affinity agonist-binding sites Specific Receptor-Guanine Nucleotide Binding Protein Interaction Mediates the Release of Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor, 1018 Hirudin Effect of Thrombin Inhibition on the Dynamics of Thrombolysis and on Platelet Function During Thrombolytic Therapy, 829 Human myocardium Alteration of Contractile Function and Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Dilated Cardiomyopathy, 1225 Humans Ionic Currents in Single Cells From Human Cystic Artery, 536 Hydrogen peroxide Active Oxygen Species Stimulate Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Growth and Proto-oncogene Expression, 593 Effects of Oxidant Stress on Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor-Induced and Nitrovasodilator-Induced cGMP Accumulation in Vascular Cells in Culture, 326 Reoxygenation of Endothelial Cells Increases Permeability by Oxidant-Dependent Mechanisms, 991 Hydroxyl radical Gentamicin Effects on Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury, 20 Hyperpolarization Endothelium-Dependent Relaxation and Hyperpolarization in Aorta From Control and Renal Hypertensive Rats, 1 Hypertension Effect of a Cigarette Smoke Extract on the Metabolism of the Proinflammatory Autacoid, Platelet-Activating Factor, 341 Endothelium-Dependent Relaxation and Hyperpolarization in Aorta From Control and Renal Hypertensive Rats, 1 Liposome-Entrapped Antifibrotic Agent Prevents Collagen Accumulation in Hypertensive Pulmonary Arteries of Rats, 912 Hypoxia Dimethylthiourea, an Oxygen Radical Scavenger, Protects Isolated Cardiac Myocytes From Hypoxic Injury by Inhibition of Na+-Ca'+ Exchange and Not by Its Antioxidant Effects, 804 Gentamicin Effects on Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury, 20 Pulmonary Vasodilatory Action of Endogenous Atrial Natriuretic Factor in Rats With Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension: Effects of Monoclonal Atrial Natriuretic Factor Antibody, 184 Hypoxia/reoxygenation Reoxygenation of Endothelial Cells Increases Permeability by Oxidant-Dependent Mechanisms, 991 Immature myocardium Developmental Changes in Membrane Ca>+ and K+ Currents in Fetal, Neonatal, and Adult Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes, 508 Immunohistochemistry Isolation, Characterization, and Localization of Cardiac Collagen Type VI: Associations With Other Extracellular Matrix Components, 1006

Pathophysiological Consequences of Atherosclerosis Extend<br />

Into the Coronary Microcirculation: Restoration of Endothelium-Dependent<br />

Responses by L-Arginine, 465<br />

Pulmonary Vasodilator Response to Vagal Stimulation Is<br />

Blocked by N--Nitro-L-arginine Methyl Ester in the Cat, 364<br />

Vascular Bound Recombinant Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase<br />

Type C Protects Against the Detrimental Effects of<br />

Superoxide Radicals on Endothelium-Dependent Arterial<br />

Relaxation, 264<br />

End-systolic elastance<br />

Dynamic Effects of Carotid Sinus Baroreflex on Ventriculoarterial<br />

Coupling Studied in Anesthetized Dogs, 1044<br />

Ensemble noise analysis<br />

Potassium Rectifier Currents Differ in Myocytes of Endocardial<br />

and Epicardial Origin, 91<br />

Epidermal growth factor<br />

Angiotensin II-Induced Mitogenesis of Spontaneously Hypertensive<br />

Rat-Derived Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells Is Dependent<br />

on Autocrine Production of Transforming Growth<br />

Factor-al, 820<br />

ER-001533<br />

Activation of the Cardiac ATP-Sensitive K' Channel by ER-<br />

001533, a Newly Synthesized Vasorelaxant, 1054<br />

Erythrocytes<br />

A Method for Measuring the Rate of Oxygen Release From<br />

Single Microvessels, 812<br />

Excitable media<br />

Effect of Field Stimulation on Cellular Repolarization in Rabbit<br />

Myocardium: Implications for Reentry Induction, 707<br />

Exercise<br />

Mechanism of Augmented Rate of Left Ventricular Filling<br />

During Exercise, 9<br />

Exercise pressor reflex<br />

Effect of Spinal Microinjections of an Antagonist to Substance P<br />

or Somatostatin on the Exercise Pressor Reflex, 213<br />

Exocytosis<br />

Protein p67: A Calcium-Binding Protein Localized at the Sarcolemma<br />

of Secretory Atrial Myocytes, 370<br />

Extracellular matrix organization<br />

Isolation, Characterization, and Localization of Cardiac Collagen<br />

Type VI: Associations With Other Extracellular Matrix<br />

Components, 1006<br />

Extracellular potassium<br />

Early Changes in Extracellular Potassium in Ischemic Rabbit<br />

Myocardium: The Role of Extracellular Carbon Dioxide<br />

Accumulation and Diffusion, 409<br />

Extrasystole<br />

Kinetics of Restitution of Left Ventricular Relaxation, 29<br />

F<br />

Factor Xa inhibition<br />

Acceleration of Recombinant Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator-Induced<br />

Reperfusion and Prevention of Reocclusion by<br />

Recombinant Antistasin, a Selective Factor Xa Inhibitor, in a<br />

Canine Model of Femoral Arterial Thrombosis, 1152<br />

Fatty acid<br />

Lysoplasmenylethanolamine Accumulation in Ischemic/Reperfused<br />

Isolated Fatty Acid-Perfused Hearts, 1161<br />

Fibroblast growth factor<br />

Angiotensin II-Induced Mitogenesis of Spontaneously Hypertensive<br />

Rat-Derived Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells Is Dependent<br />

on Autocrine Production of Transforming Growth<br />

Factor-a8, 820<br />

Fibronectin<br />

Isolation, Characterization, and Localization of Cardiac Collagen<br />

Type VI: Associations With Other Extracellular Matrix<br />

Components, 1006<br />

Fibrosis<br />

Liposome-Entrapped Antifibrotic Agent Prevents Collagen Accumulation<br />

in Hypertensive Pulmonary Arteries of Rats, 912<br />

Finite-difference modeling<br />

Impact of Finite Orifice Size on Proximal Flow Convergence:<br />

Implications for Doppler Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation,<br />

923<br />

Subject Index 1339<br />

Firefly luciferase<br />

Behavior of Genes Directly Injected Into the Rat Heart In Vivo,<br />

193<br />

Flow pathways<br />

Redistribution of Red Blood Cell Flow in Microcirculatory<br />

Networks by Hemodilution, 1113<br />

Flow rate calculation<br />

Impact of Finite Orifice Size on Proximal Flow Convergence:<br />

Implications for Doppler Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation,<br />

923<br />

Flow velocity<br />

A Method for Measuring the Rate of Oxygen Release From<br />

Single Microvessels, 812<br />

Flow-dependent dilation<br />

Mechanical Deformation of Vessel Wall and Shear Stress<br />

Determine the Basal Release of Endothelium-Derived Relaxing<br />

Factor in the Intact Rabbit Coronary Vascular Bed, 123<br />

Fluid dynamics<br />

Impact of Finite Orifice Size on Proximal Flow Convergence:<br />

Implications for Doppler Quantification of Valvular Regurgitation,<br />

923<br />

Force depression<br />

Depression of Peak Force Without Altering Calcium Sensitivity<br />

by the Superoxide Anion in Chemically Skinned Cardiac<br />

Muscle of Rat, 1217<br />

Force-frequency<br />

Alterations in Left Ventricular Mechanics, Energetics, and<br />

Contractile Reserve in Experimental Heart Failure, 516<br />

Formyl-methionine-leucine-phenylalanine<br />

Vascular Responses to Activated Leukocytes After Regression<br />

of Atherosclerosis, 423<br />

Forskolin<br />

Developmental Changes in the ,3-Adrenergic Modulation of<br />

Calcium Currents in Rabbit Ventricular Cells, 104<br />

Free radical injury<br />

Antioxidant Effects of Calcium Channel Blockers Against Free<br />

Radical Injury in Endothelial Cells: Correlation of Protection<br />

With Preservation of Glutathione Levels, 1099<br />

Free radicals<br />

Depression of Peak Force Without Altering Calcium Sensitivity<br />

by the Superoxide Anion in Chemically Skinned Cardiac<br />

Muscle of Rat, 1217<br />

Vascular Bound Recombinant Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase<br />

Type C Protects Against the Detrimental Effects of<br />

Superoxide Radicals on Endothelium-Dependent Arterial<br />

Relaxation, 264<br />

G<br />

G proteins<br />

Increased Messenger RNA Level of the Inhibitory G Protein a<br />

Subunit Gi,2 in Human End-Stage Heart Failure, 688<br />

P2-Purinoceptor Activation Stimulates Phosphoinositide Hydrolysis<br />

and Inhibits Accumulation of cAMP in Cultured Ventricular<br />

Myocytes, 477<br />

fi-Galactosidase<br />

Genetically Engineered Endothelial Cells Remain Adherent<br />

and Viable After Stent Deployment and Exposure to Flow In<br />

Vitro, 348<br />

Gap junctions<br />

An Electron-Microscopic Study of Smooth Muscle Cell Dye<br />

Coupling in the Pig Coronary Arteries: Role of Gap Junctions,<br />

49<br />

Cardiac Myocytes Express Multiple Gap Junction Proteins, 438<br />

Immunolocalization and Expression of Functional and Nonfunctional<br />

Cell-to-Cell Channels From Wild-Type and Mutant<br />

Rat Heart Connexin43 cDNA, 1233<br />

Gas exchange<br />

Capillary Geometrical Changes With Fiber Shortening in Rat<br />

Myocardium, 697<br />

Gene expression<br />

JE mRNA Accumulates Rapidly in Aortic Injury and in Platelet-Derived<br />

Growth Factor-Stimulated Vascular Smooth<br />

Muscle Cells, 314

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