Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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camp , he thought,all for a shennen bad lead. With Eforas making me personally responsible, <strong>and</strong> I<br />

can hardly pin it on him, can I, when it was my fikken theory. Maybe I am losing my touch. Shit<br />

shit shit .<br />

He paced his tent, kicked his lap-desk, <strong>and</strong> for a time wallowed in totally self-indulgent self-pity.<br />

That's enough wallowing, he forcefully told himself after a while.Discipline. On to the next step, of<br />

rational thought, planning <strong>and</strong> action . Only one rational thought came:Now the fuck what ?<br />

Time passed. He read his notes ten times over again. He paced some more. He ran over his old<br />

principles of spy-craft, hoping to squeeze clues out of general inspiration. He ran over the principles he'd<br />

added to the list himself, from his experience in foreign l<strong>and</strong>s: Brahvnikian intrigue <strong>and</strong> dealing techniques,<br />

Zak protocols of deception, Yeoli strategic philosophy with its elegantly naive, sweeping rules—perhaps<br />

not so naive, he reflected, as practiced <strong>by</strong>these Yeolis.The path unconceived , he thought—a Yeoli<br />

concept, that when faced with an impossible conundrum the general must find an answer outside of what<br />

appeared possible <strong>and</strong> was therefore conceivable.Yes, thats what I need now .<br />

He catnapped on it. He slept properly on it. He drank a flask of wine on it. He turned it over <strong>and</strong> over in<br />

his head.Some faceless Brahvnikian, Mikhail's hireling, money-bag runner. How in Hayel am I<br />

going to find him, in this obscene sprawl of a barbarian camp ? He fought off despair.Celestialis,<br />

none of it matters .<br />

He woke in the night, tossed <strong>and</strong> turned, wanted a boy, an herb-pipe, another wine-flask, to grab <strong>and</strong><br />

cling to. Outside wind flopped the canvas, near <strong>and</strong> far, on a thous<strong>and</strong> tents. Someone passing outside<br />

murmured in a barbarian tongue, Yeoli or Lakan or who knew what— a barbarian tongue on Arko's<br />

own sacred l<strong>and</strong>, paid for with its blood, in the inviolate Empire.Shefenkas, son of a whore <strong>and</strong> a dog,<br />

is probably having no trouble sleeping right now , he thought.<br />

He woke again, before dawn; not even a paling showed through the tiny holes in the tent's seams. More<br />

rested now, his thoughts were not so tinged with jitters; his body felt warmer, <strong>and</strong> all did not seem lost.<br />

And then it came shining into his head.<br />

Matthas crawled up <strong>and</strong> lit a lamp, chortling; following the original conception like the river after the first<br />

burst in the dam, the details filled themselves in. He drew a pigeon-paper out of the compartment in his<br />

lap-desk <strong>and</strong> uncapped his finest pen.<br />

Patappas is in the City, down on his luck since he lost the arm, <strong>and</strong> Fren<strong>and</strong>ias, compromised in<br />

that Srian matter so he'll never get trade work again, living off that fancy lover; there's Moras,<br />

too. They'd wrestle demons in Hayel for a tenth of the gold we'd get for this… And what I'm<br />

asking is nothing, easy. He chortled some more, <strong>and</strong> began to write.That'll knock the heart out of<br />

this misbegotten barbarian host; they'll fall apart, into easy cuttings, in an eight-day. So much for<br />

the great threat; <strong>and</strong> Arko, despite itself, will be saved. The path unconceived… Han! I found it .<br />

What would Kurkas give to its savior? The man who arranged what I'm going to? He paused to<br />

chortle louder, imagining the elevation ceremony, the mantle with the coat of arms he would be permitted<br />

to design, the deed to the estate, the speech ringing with words in his praise. No one had ever been<br />

elevated two rungs at once before,fessas toAitzas; but for what he would do, it was not impossible, nor<br />

unreasonable to expect.

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