Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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"la," Shkai'ra said again, with the distracted look on her face that meant she was mind-talking to<br />

Hotblood.Probably going over another order not to kill anything or anybody until she tells him .<br />

The buildings nearer the center of the town were Arkan-built, during the occupation, it seemed. People<br />

looked up as they passed; some waved, some didn't.<br />

Once they had the herd corralled <strong>and</strong> Hotblood stabled for the night, they went into town, to the first<br />

place always open after war went through, if it ever closed: the inn. It was an old stone place, a rarity<br />

here, obviously rebuilt after the fire: the walls were soot-stained, the rafters new.<br />

"Morrre passers through," the serving-boy said in a pleasantly accented Enchian. "From Brahvniki? I<br />

hate to say, we hahve no beerrrh." Yeolis tended to like wine better, <strong>and</strong> so had more. It was good;from<br />

being stored in cellars for longer than expected , Megan thought,because there's fewer Yeolis to<br />

drink it .<br />

"You have baths?" Megan asked.<br />

The boy made a face. "Tseh neighbo'hood bathswere three buildings down." A heap of rubble, they'd<br />

seen: the process of picking the stones up <strong>and</strong> mortaring them back together again had just recently<br />

begun. "But we cahn heat water ahn' bring a wooden tub to you' chamber."<br />

"Please," Megan said fervently, lowering herself to the seat of a corner table with a wince.Ishould be<br />

fish-gutted used to this <strong>by</strong> now. Of course , she inwardly added to comfort herself,Shkai'ra still gets<br />

seasick .<br />

"May I join you, friend allies?" It was a Yeoli man, dressed roughish, looking too able-bodied to be<br />

here, not with He Whose Bottom Is Dipped in Gold; that was the running joke, now, whenever they<br />

mentioned Chevenga. Shkai'ra looked the Yeoli up <strong>and</strong> down, appraising on several levels at once, as<br />

usual; he didn't look like one who carried hidden knives, though, <strong>and</strong> the place was full, so Megan said,<br />

"Certainly." They all swapped names, <strong>and</strong> she forgot his immediately.<br />

"You are going to join the army, I guess," he said, ordering wine. His Enchian was crisp <strong>and</strong> accentless.<br />

"Spirit infuse you."<br />

"Thank you." Megan leaned back. "Where are they now?"<br />

"Coming up fast on Roskat was the last I heard."<br />

Shkai'ra whistled through her teeth. "At that rate, they'll be halfway to Arko before we catch them. He<br />

moves, that king of yours. We'll have to stop lolling about <strong>and</strong>really ride."<br />

As Megan moaned, the Yeoli grinned, <strong>and</strong> made the h<strong>and</strong>-sign: palm up,itai , their word for chalk,<br />

meaning yes. They'd already gone through the old joke,How do you gag a Yeoli? Tie his h<strong>and</strong>s behind<br />

his back . "He always does things fast." Almost religiously he added, "It's not king, though. It's<br />

semanakraseye." The-people-wills-one . Every Yeoli, without exception, would make that correction;<br />

one was almost tempted to say "king" just to get a rise out of them.<br />

They'd heard no Invincible or Immortal, though; his own people's only nickname for him wasamiyaseye :<br />

beloved. Mostly they just called him Chevenga, as if they knew him personally.<br />

"You are fighters <strong>by</strong> trade?" he asked.

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