Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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doesn't know how to do it any way but brilliantly, that's the trouble; with him as the sword in their h<strong>and</strong>s,<br />

his people couldn't resist taking on the giant."<br />

"And of course if he wins—well, he wouldn't leave Arko leaderless afterwards, to fall into chaos; he'd<br />

consider it a breach of responsibility. So he'll take over as Imperator. Arkans falling on their faces every<br />

time they enter his presence; imagine what Yeola-e will think ofthat ! Poor Chevenga: he'll be the one<br />

who pays in the end, more than anyone else, I know, for he'llarrange it that way. Well, that's neither here<br />

nor there for you. You asked whether he's whole-hearted. I'd say he is."<br />

Megan rubbed her h<strong>and</strong>s thoughtfully up <strong>and</strong> down the sleeves of her shirt. "Well, it's good to know that<br />

an honest man st<strong>and</strong>s a chance of becoming Imperator, anyway. Ivahn, thank you for being one I can<br />

count on for news."<br />

He quirked an eyebrow at her. "That is almost like saying I'm a gossip, my friend." She crinkled the<br />

corners or her eyes at him. "Or an acerbic old fox."<br />

Who in Halya told him I said that? He knows pissing everything. "Why don't we say… oh… a<br />

person with a great many sources of intelligence, instead?" She pushed herself away from the wall <strong>and</strong><br />

held out her h<strong>and</strong>s to him. "Thank you again for your advice. We'll be leaving as soon as we can."<br />

"So be it," he said, taking her young hard h<strong>and</strong>s in his gnarled gentle ones. "Good luck, Megan, Shkai'ra.<br />

When you find your son, will you bring him to visit?"<br />

"I wouldn't dare not to. I hope you don't mind that I've called you an old fox."<br />

"An acerbic old fox," he corrected. "Should I mind what is so apropos?"<br />

"Not if it's meant affectionately, you acerbic old fox."<br />

He laughed. "Zak imp. Honey-giving One be in your souls on your journey."<br />

"Safe journey," Matthas's l<strong>and</strong>lord wished him, as he h<strong>and</strong>ed over the big brass key. "Honey-giving One<br />

be with you, <strong>and</strong> may you sell lots of rubber <strong>and</strong> silk in Karoseth. An indefinite time, you say; I'll expect<br />

your letter, then."<br />

"Thank you."Thank Celestialis I did take this trade on as a cover , he thought as he headed to<br />

harbor, a guard of two Brahvnikian hirelings in tow.An established merchant can get a bank loan to<br />

finance a business journey . The Benai had been amenable enough, despite his nationality, though<br />

they'd charged him hefty interest.<br />

Now off to Selina, a quick change of nationality-—he could convince Yeolis he was a Thane easily<br />

enough— put together the caravan <strong>and</strong> do what everyone else was doing: join Shefenkas's army.<br />

That was where the evil twosome had gone. For him, there was no other way to cross through Yeola-e<br />

than to say he meant to sell to the army. Their security wouldn't be too hard on a middle-aged merchant,<br />

obviously untrained in war—especially one who'd give good prices—<strong>and</strong> he'd be able to take his time<br />

once he'd got there. He didn't expect to be able to make an attempt to truth-drug them before that; he'd<br />

heard about Shkai'ra Farshot's mount <strong>and</strong> its night-senses.What sort of person, let alone woman,<br />

would own a Ri ? Not a good idea to tangle withthat in the dark. But in the army, there'd be more

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