Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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"Ultimately, it does."<br />

"Not ven it's a matter of finding somewhere you belong! Dat's life <strong>and</strong> death, too!"<br />

"Because you ask it," Shkai'ra went on, "I'll try seeing selling Megan rather than killing her as a mercy.<br />

I'd rather be dead myself, but he may truly have seen it otherwise, <strong>and</strong> you knew him better than me.<br />

Your brother—we didn't kill him, Habiku's minions did. Treacherously. We couldn't know what would<br />

happen."<br />

"You made him a warrior. You ordered him to watch, to fight if someone attacked. Else he would have<br />

swum away <strong>and</strong> lived."<br />

"But he was part of the crew, part of the family, in spirit, <strong>by</strong> then."<br />

"Tzen kellin ripalin," Megan muttered. "Who kills becomes. Yes, we did that."<br />

"On my honor," Shkai'ra went on, "adopting you was done purely from regard <strong>and</strong> a desire to do well<br />

<strong>by</strong> you, from all four of us. I thought…" She looked slightly wistful. "I thought you understood that at the<br />

marriage."<br />

"Oh, I understood that. And a lot of other things."<br />

Shkai'ra looked aside, out to the open water, her mouth twisted with an old bitterness. "The way I was<br />

raised, I remember hiding in a corner of the upper castle when the adults, parents included, had been at<br />

the drink again <strong>and</strong> wanted to rape someone small <strong>and</strong> tight. We'd hear their boots on the stairs; they<br />

knew where we were.They'd hid in the same corners."<br />

"Oh, well, yes!" Sova broke in, voice cutting-high again, but this time in a startlingly accurate imitation of<br />

Shkai'ra's accent. "It was so rough <strong>and</strong> I'm so tough <strong>and</strong> no way a weak honey-pastry wimp likeyou<br />

could ever survivethat , little silver-spoon-born Thane-brat. And I'm doing yousuch a favor <strong>by</strong>just<br />

taking a belt or gauntlet or boot to you, I must be going soft in my old age!" From Megan came a snort of<br />

barely repressed laughter, which drew a furious look from Shkai'ra. "It wasso horrible," the Thane-girl<br />

went on, "you wanted to get your own back. That's what yousaid ."<br />

Her eyes stayed on Shkai'ra's, but her pale face went suddenly red. "So I thought… I'd hearyour boots<br />

on the stairs one day."<br />

Shkai'ra's jaw dropped. "What!? BaiwunThunderer, dip me inshit !"<br />

"Youlooked at me like dat!"<br />

"I've never done it with anyone under sixteen, since I was sixteen myself!"<br />

The Thane-girl's face was colder than the moon, even as her teeth pinched her lip. "Veil, you said I was<br />

too young."<br />

"Sova, I wouldn't touch you with a lancebutt if you got down on your knees <strong>and</strong> begged me! First, I<br />

never wanted to; I'd rather juggle skunks. Second, I'm happily married, three times, <strong>and</strong> not so ugly I<br />

can't get more if I've a mind to, <strong>and</strong> besides…" She jerked a thumb towards Megan. "Don't you thinkthis<br />

one would claw my intestines out through my nose if I did?"

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