Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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"I remember. The better trained you are the better you can deal with what comes up. But…" Under<br />

ash-blond brows, the hazel eyes rose to meet Shkai'ra's. "It all depends so much more on whether you<br />

happen to be on the winning side than how well-trained you are." Those eyes fixed on hers, with a<br />

twisted smile. "I should know that, shouldn't I,khyd-hird ?"<br />

"Point taken. Though forgive me if I point out you're not exactly working in a mine, right now."<br />

"No, but I wasn't just thinking of myself—the only one of my blood, probably, who's alive."<br />

Shkai'ra turned to face her, brows furrowing. "Sova, I've been in many, many fights. But it's along time<br />

since Ipicked one. If peopleinsist on fighting me, the consequences are on their own heads,nia ? Neither<br />

Megan nor I went out of our way to pick that fight in Brahvniki; we'd have been more than content to<br />

pass on our way—"<br />

Sova shrugged, looked out to sea again. "Thatsyour story."<br />

"It's the truth as far as I know it."<br />

"You think you know everything, but you don't!" Sova's eyes flashed.<br />

"I do know what my own motivations were,nia ?" She slid a little of the saber free <strong>and</strong> touched the steel.<br />

"I swear it <strong>and</strong> I do not lie: that fight was none of our choosing. Further, I'll tell you so under that fucking<br />

truth-drug, if you insist. I think I can liberate a little of it."<br />

"There's a reason we don't talk about this around the dinner table," Sova said coolly. "Something to do<br />

with language, perhaps." The sort of thing Megan would say; even the tone reminded Shkai'ra of Megan.<br />

But it was herwho brought it up , she thought. Then the girl went on to say that which could not be left<br />

unanswered. "Onlyzhymata knows everything that was going on."<br />

"You picked up this Yeoli custom, what do they call it,chiravesa ?" Shaki'ra snapped. "Pretending to be<br />

the other side? Right, be us for a moment. We're passing through Brahvniki. Megan—entirely within the<br />

law— takes back her property, the agency for the Sleeping Dragon,paying for it to boot. She took no<br />

other action against a man who had been hired to kill her, <strong>and</strong> had sold her for a slave—ask her about<br />

that sometime. He challenged her, <strong>and</strong> thencheated on the challenge. Maybe he needed the money real<br />

bad; was thatour responsibility? Should we let him kill us—<strong>and</strong> all the other people who depended on<br />

Megan—because he'd dug himself a hole too deep to climb out of? Everything I've said is true as the<br />

word of the gods, <strong>and</strong> can be proved. Who started it, then?"<br />

The girl's face had gone livid, the cheeks, always pale, now bone-wnite. The eyes wore the same<br />

flatness they had looking at Francosz's killer. "No one who loved me," she said quietly, the Thanish<br />

accent strong, "vould say dis."<br />

"Unless they respected you too much to lie to you," Shkai'ra replied. "You're not a child who rages<br />

because the world isn't as she would have it; I'm telling you my mind, as one adult to another. Return the<br />

favor, please."<br />

"You say you do not lie, <strong>and</strong> zo callme <strong>and</strong>him liar. Like everybody who doesn't see your way. Dat's<br />

not respect.Chiravesa ." She saw the girl bite the inside of her cheek, <strong>and</strong> take a long deep breath, to<br />

muster control. "Alwaysboth vays."

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