Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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The first time she'd ever seen him, she'd thought so. How many times after?Crazy from whatever they<br />

did to you. Come back to where it happened, <strong>and</strong> it's too much. Shit, I should have known, <strong>by</strong> how<br />

tight-lipped you were, <strong>by</strong> how you wouldn't face it. Two nights ago; seems like an iron-cycle. We<br />

all should have known it. For all I know maybe some did. What could they have done about it? No<br />

one was in a position to do anything. Your brilliance will ensure your madness leaves its mark<br />

across the whole world .<br />

She leaned close to him, took his chin in her h<strong>and</strong>. "Always know what you're doing, you said. You<br />

didn't, did you?"<br />

"No," he answered, in a half-whisper. "That's why, this."The ultimate wrong, to his mind , she thought,<br />

so he wants the ultimate punishment. Still .<br />

"And I'm supposed to think you know what you're doingnow ?"<br />

"Aigh,mamaiyana !" He clenched his eyes shut. "I've been arguing this all day with everybody <strong>and</strong> his<br />

sister, do I have to with you, too?"<br />

All through, his expression hadn't really changed, stone-hard, a closed book. If he hadn't turned away, it<br />

was only out of politeness.You are in a different world , she thought,a place I don't know, <strong>and</strong> can't<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> . Suddenly her anger came apart like wet bread in her claws, <strong>and</strong> she just felt tired <strong>and</strong><br />

vaguely sick.I know what you are, for all you make a good show of not being it: human. Fallible.<br />

The moral of the story: I shouldn't have expected any better . Against her h<strong>and</strong>, his cheek was warm.<br />

He lay quiet, eyes closed.<br />

I won't tear your throat out but I won't st<strong>and</strong> in the Dark Lord's way, either. I don't feel like<br />

lifting a finger either way. Why should I? You wouldn't let me anyway. She let go, <strong>and</strong> stood up.<br />

"Farewell," said Chevenga. She looked: however wanly, he was smiling. "I'll pray you find him. Live<br />

well."<br />

The sickness suddenly swelled, <strong>and</strong> tears,Koru-for-saken Dark-Lord-damned tears ! were burning<br />

behind her eyes.Damn you! Damn meif I show you anything! Like everyone else, everyone else<br />

you've fish-gutted betrayed, <strong>and</strong> are betraying now, I love you .<br />

"I just hope they find someone stubborner, or crazier, than you," she said, forcing the pain in her throat<br />

not to pinch her voice <strong>and</strong> show her heart. "Faint chance though that is. And I won't say farewell, or<br />

mourn you, until you're stiff." She stalked away, Emao-e following.<br />

XXV<br />

It was the third day. The fires were all but out now, leaving whole neighborhoods of ash, only humped<br />

fragments left of their walls. Getting rid of the thous<strong>and</strong>s of fast-swelling corpses had been the first<br />

priority of whoever was in charge now, so they were mostly gone, leaving only their stains; but<br />

rubble-heaps still slumped across roads, <strong>and</strong> burst water mains had made puddles of filthy ash-mud<br />

deeper than a man could st<strong>and</strong>.

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