Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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"Aaaahhhhhghgh—"<br />

The Arkan with the mace reeled away, face slashed across. Sova felt Shkai'ra's saber wobble slightly in<br />

her h<strong>and</strong>. The Slaughterers had kept true to their name, here at the tunnel's inward end; it was<br />

h<strong>and</strong>-to-h<strong>and</strong> now, but the dead from their archery stretched back scores of meters, where Arko's last<br />

st<strong>and</strong> had been crushed from both sides. Yeolis <strong>and</strong> A-niah came laughing <strong>and</strong> leaping to meet them,<br />

arms outstretched, the cry echoing through the tunnel: "Victory!"<br />

Then came the impact on her thigh: so hard it didn't hurt at first, only made spots of grey form like clouds<br />

before her eyes.The moment's slip of awareness … the Arkan with the mace had just been reeling, not<br />

down, maybe blinded, but not weakened enough not to make one last blundering but death-throe-strong<br />

blow. She looked at her leg, saw nothing—Zak chain-mail didn't dent—<strong>and</strong> wondered whether she'd<br />

imagined it. Then the pain came, dizzying. Her leg wouldn't move. Someone cut the Arkan down.<br />

She wiped <strong>and</strong> sheathed the sword, her h<strong>and</strong>s shaking, taking a little time to find the scabbard.What do<br />

I do? I'm wounded. This is what it feels like. I'm wounded, but it doesn't show. No one will believe<br />

me. Where do I go ? Bukangkt was smiling, cold <strong>and</strong> unpleasant, as they rode out of the archway over a<br />

carpet of Arkan bodies, some still moving; the horses placed their feet cautiously, the riders looked down<br />

<strong>and</strong> stabbed with lance or swordpoint to make sure the Arkan dead stayed that way. The Lakan threw<br />

his h<strong>and</strong>s up <strong>and</strong> his head back in exultation as they came into the clear, sun so bright she had to<br />

half-close her eyes. The inside gate was flanked <strong>by</strong> two marble wing-lions, each big as a house.<br />

It was over; not just the battle, the whole war. Sova dragged off her helmet. Every instant of her horse's<br />

lurching became agony. She swilled water around her mouth, spitting before she drank, felt sick as she<br />

swallowed. The view ahead was breathtaking; from this angle at least, the huge marble-white mass of<br />

Arko was beautiful, the most beautiful city she'd ever seen. But fires sprouted all over it; from here she<br />

could see little figures ant-tiny with distance running through the streets.<br />

Bukangkt turned in his saddle. "We won!" It was quiet here, compared to the tunnel, <strong>and</strong> his voice<br />

carried to them all. "Here, the richest city in world, waiting for us with legs spread! Plunder <strong>and</strong> burn!<br />

Forward !" Sova wanted to throw up.<br />

Megan watched the battle on the plain push closer <strong>and</strong> closer to the cliff-edge; in spots the first climbers<br />

had already reached it <strong>and</strong> were lowering ropes. The Arkans facing them had either fled sideways or<br />

been forced over the edge.<br />

She lowered the far-lookers <strong>and</strong> took a swig of water. Even if the battle were in effect over, it would still<br />

be a while. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed more smoke starring to rise in the City. She peered<br />

through the lookers.<br />

Another thin column of smoke rose to join the first two, thickening black instead of thinning… then<br />

panning she found a fourth in a wildly different spot. She pulled the glasses away from her face as if she<br />

could see better without them; the scene shrank to flickers of light <strong>and</strong> ant-crawlings; she snapped them<br />

up again. It made no difference, even these lenses couldn't look down into a city, through ground. More<br />

smoke.<br />

The City's on fire. The fish-gutted City's on fire. You were hiding that. Itwaswhat you were hiding,<br />

damn you, Chevenga! If Lix<strong>and</strong> is there … She checked her pouch, felt the crinkling of her map.I've

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