Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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He smiled—I lend you my strength, it said—<strong>and</strong> lay back on the bed. She slid down in his arms. What<br />

frightened her most, because it was what Sarngeld had most often forced from her, what she could do<br />

only very rarely for Shyll, she would do.Then in fear I'll jump <strong>and</strong> nick him. I might not even know<br />

when I'm doing it. All I need to do is stop being so careful.<br />

Man-fear swelled, stifling; she choked it down, fought not to gag. His scent was a vegetarian's, sweet on<br />

other parts of him, buthere… All men are the same . His only touch was three fingertips air-light on her<br />

shoulder.<br />

"Megan, are you sure?" He slid upwards, drawing away.<br />

"This is the hardest. Don't make it harder!" She clasped his hips <strong>and</strong> laid her cheek against his belly for a<br />

moment, clinging, eyes closed, some part of her like a ba<strong>by</strong> taking comfort from his warmth.<br />

"Megan. You need what will make you feel safe. Here." He took her right h<strong>and</strong> up, laid it across his own<br />

throat, claws spread. Under her fingertips she felt his pulse-beat, quick <strong>and</strong> steady. "If I do what you<br />

don't want, if I becomehim somehow, give me just a clench, the first time, a warning. If I do the same<br />

thingagain — kill me."<br />

She tore her h<strong>and</strong> away, raised her head to stare. A moment of panic:Would I do that? Yes, I would.<br />

In shock . His eyes were serious.I trust you , they said.And myself . "It's only my own h<strong>and</strong>s my fate<br />

would be in," he said. "I'd have none but myself to blame."<br />

What she should say came easily enough. "Kill you, <strong>and</strong> fight my way out through your army, leaving<br />

what's left of my family to the mercy of those who loved you?" She heard her voice, dry, cynical. "Do<br />

you think I'm an idiot?"<br />

He slid out from her arms, picked a sheet of paper <strong>and</strong> an Arkan pen out of the cupboard. Crouching in<br />

the circle of lamplight, he wrote three lines in his quick firm h<strong>and</strong>, Yeoli <strong>and</strong> Enchian, signed, sealed it<br />

with a daub of seal-wax <strong>and</strong> thesemanakraseye's signet, <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ed it to her.<br />

I, Fourth Chevenga Shae-Arano-e, semanakraseye na chakrachaseye,absolve Megan Whitlock of<br />

my own death this seventh night in the moon of the Corn. There was reason; she knows.<br />

The words, as she read them, four times, seemed to shift <strong>and</strong> swim; the dark air had currents, like water,<br />

that moved her, became hard to breathe, the cart-floor rippling.No. Shake it off, but without motion.<br />

You should feel just amazement .<br />

His eyes gazed at her, black reflecting two tiny dark flames, one gold tooth reflecting a brighter one.<br />

"They'd truth-drug you, you'd tell the truth, <strong>and</strong> they'd know it as the sort of thing I'd do. If they even<br />

caught you." He shrugged, naked shoulders lifting. "Who would say anything to Megan Whitlock strolling<br />

<strong>by</strong> night, with her adopted daughter?"<br />

Don't show him the world's spinning. She kept the impassive merchant's face, with a mask of lesser<br />

surprise.I know what I'd say now . "How can you trust me so? I was truth-drugged three months ago,<br />

you don't know I haven't been compromised since then, somehow."Subtle, witch .<br />

He lay back on the bedding, tucking his h<strong>and</strong>s behind his head, shrugged again, smiling. "I know who to<br />

trust."<br />

You idiot. You fish-gutted over-reckless, Gold-bottomed idiot.

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