Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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"It's been twenty-eight fikken days, Whitlock," the icy urbane voice said, that night. "You said you'd do<br />

it. Gave your word, renounced your hesitations. It's not a matter of my tried patience, Whitlock, not<br />

anymore, though it's been tried to the bones. Any longer <strong>and</strong> it gets academic whether Shefen-kas dies,<br />

as you <strong>and</strong> I both know. And I'll snuff your boy, though it makes no difference, just for failing me."<br />

"I'll snuff your boy ifhe isn't dead or well on the way in another four days, <strong>and</strong> that'sit , final. You've<br />

known damn well how long you could play games with me; <strong>and</strong> you must know now that the time for<br />

games is over, Arko has nothing to lose, <strong>and</strong> Ihave to play my last card, though it be my last. No, don't<br />

answer. I know you've heard me. Just getthe fik out of here <strong>and</strong>do it, if you're any kind of mother."<br />

I must do this, so she will not have died in vain.<br />

The glow of manrauq was small, hardly more than a bright yellowish-green aureole around each claw, so<br />

that she could see in the dimness of the tent.Careful . Megan touched the tiny brush to the tips of the<br />

claws of her left h<strong>and</strong>.Dangerous . She hadn't done this for years, too much a risk that she might scratch<br />

herself or someone she loved, but she'd brought it, just in case. A slow blood-poison, colorless,<br />

untraceable, that killed in three days, acting like flux. The sort of thing her aunt would have enjoyed.No. I<br />

am not Marie .<br />

I must do this, so my akribhan will not have died in vain.<br />

She took her unbound hair back out of her face, used to being careful with her h<strong>and</strong>s. Outside<br />

cook-fires were being doused <strong>and</strong> consolidated into night-fires. With unhurried, controlled motions she<br />

screwed on the cap of the tiny jar. It looked like an ordinary bottle of nail-paint, but she always hid it in<br />

the secret pocket in her leather case.<br />

She'd tell him she wanted him, she wanted his help. In the bushes. "Like sleeping with a rabid<br />

wolverine!" Shkai'ra's words, when they'd awakened, loud <strong>and</strong> vivid in her ear as yesterday—grief<br />

stabbed without warning, like an assassin's knife, gushed suddenly like blood.No . She pushed it away<br />

into a corner of her mind, before tears could come.Not yet . Ten bleeding pits in Shkai'ra's<br />

muscle-smooth back… In a twitch of passion or fear, she would scratch him. Slightly. Men had used her;<br />

she would use a man, to get back her son. In three days, four if he were strong…Lix<strong>and</strong>-mi .<br />

I must do this so she will not have died in vain. She stood, pulled the mass of her hair to the nape of<br />

her neck, <strong>and</strong> let it fall over her shoulder, as night fell.<br />

Calm. He's better than good at reading people. As she searched from fire to fire, she forced it, blank,<br />

wide, dulling like snow-blindness.<br />

At the second A-niah fire, three men <strong>and</strong> a woman danced to the music of a bamboo flute, a Hyerne<br />

dance linking arms across her shoulders. Brown limbs swung, black hair bounced slick. Flash of white,<br />

on a gesturing h<strong>and</strong>: the signet. Those dark shining eyes, spark of gold between grinning lips. Here.<br />

They shuffled a place for her, waves <strong>and</strong> smiles even from familiar h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> faces seeming distant as<br />

trees across a bay. Five people away from him. She accepted the wine-flask as it came her way, took<br />

one draught.<br />

Take up the death of your enemies.<br />

She caught his eye, <strong>and</strong> raised an eyebrow at him. He raised both his back at her, smiling, making the

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