Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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Eyes burning, the Circle comes threshing with<br />

longswords To cut through the rot, <strong>and</strong> so Arko will fall.<br />

Alas, oh, alas, for the Empire, <strong>and</strong> Kurkas,<br />

Whose death-knell has tolled after so many years<br />

The world's heart will bleed as the City falls crashing<br />

So loud our lamenting, so soulful our tears…<br />

The bard struck the chord with one h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> with the other pulled out a large h<strong>and</strong>kerchief of a scarlet<br />

color strikingly similar to Arkan warships' sail-cloth, to dab his cheek with a loud sniffle.<br />

Pity the day when the Eagle of Arko<br />

First cast its eye on Yeola-e's plains.<br />

When the battle is finished twixt Eagle <strong>and</strong> Circle.<br />

The world will count up the losses <strong>and</strong> gains.<br />

Koru. Megan put her tankard down. No news had ever sobered her so quickly. Not only had they<br />

made it to the border, they'd decided to cross: Yeolis, who had a custom, held for centuries, against<br />

being the aggressor. This hot king with all his alliances <strong>and</strong> mercenaries was marching on Arko.<br />

"Sheepshit," Shkai'ra was yelling, "Sh'ourchance!"<br />

Megan calculated. They had maybe forty thous<strong>and</strong>, <strong>by</strong> Ivahn's last estimate, <strong>and</strong> the song's. The Arkans<br />

claimed they could field arejin ofrejins , a million. But she remembered a night at a river-port, Sarngeld<br />

speaking with some Aenir, a mercenary <strong>by</strong> his words. "There hasn't been a rejin of rejins for a good<br />

hundred years. The story just sticks in people's heads. The Aans, Kurkas no less than his forebears, let<br />

things go, so now there's maybe five hundred rejins, spread out all over."<br />

Five hundred thous<strong>and</strong>. How many were locked up fighting the Srians, the Kurkanians, guarding the<br />

northern border <strong>and</strong> patrolling the Mitvald, fighting the Lakans ontheir border, since King Astalaz of<br />

Laka had broken his peace-treaty with Arko, to ally with Yeola-e? There had been no word from<br />

Kurkania for a good two years, a good sign Arko was losing there.Say forty thous<strong>and</strong> against, at<br />

most, one hundred thous<strong>and</strong>, she thought. A little better, but… Wait, I'm not counting those huge<br />

losses in the winter. Say forty thous<strong>and</strong> against sixty. And the forty thous<strong>and</strong> might not even be<br />

right anymore; Ivahn gave me that number a while back, <strong>and</strong> winning invading armies don't<br />

shrink, but grow .<br />

It was a chance. The eagle could be stung to death <strong>by</strong> the wasp, if the wasp flew quickly enough. If they<br />

had good generalling,damn good generalling, which supposedly they did.<br />

Joyful stamping shook the floor. The bard had been lucky to be the first here with this; people were<br />

throwing him copper Claws. Everyone seemed nappy except the Arkans, who looked like their dearest<br />

wish would be invisibility. One, a middle-aged fellow in Arkan issue armor that was obviously repainted,<br />

ground his face into the table in a most un-Arkan way.<br />

People pelted the bard with questions as well as money. "What happened in the last battle?"<br />

"It was a rout, what else?"<br />

"How many did the Arkans lose?"

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