Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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his, that he slipped into hers as he opened his fingers. He winked, <strong>and</strong> put a finger over his lips. She<br />

looked; it was a Serpent Incarnadine. She'd won the second-highest award for actions of stealth already.<br />

This was the highest.<br />

"Th-thank you,kras ." The honorific came without thought.<br />

"I give it as Chevenga, notchakrachaseye ," he said. "Unofficially, I mean. I'd say thank you, but then<br />

we'd end up in a gratitude contest all day. When I should be letting you go, before Kaninjer gags me."<br />

She got up. "Say hello to Sova," he added.<br />

She put lightness back in her voice. "Right. Thanks, now hurry up <strong>and</strong> heal. Invulnerable. We need you."<br />

She tried not to walk out too fast, the Serpent hot in her palm.<br />

The next night she overheard two of thedarya sema-nakraseueni liyai , the Elite Demarchic Guard,<br />

talking at a campnre, as she passed.<br />

"It was on some secret mission, so no one knows how he got wounded."<br />

"Aigh. I wonder how cursed close he came."<br />

"I'll tell you one thing: whatever happened, he was ashamed enough to un-decorate himself for it."<br />

"Un-decorate?"<br />

" 'Tax. He has two Serpent Incarnadines—right?"<br />

"Right."<br />

"Not anymore."<br />

"Hah?"<br />

"Take a look, next time he inspects us. He's only got one. No shit, I was there."<br />

XIX<br />

Like an eye glancing aside from heaven's gaze, Shkai'ra thought, as she walked down from the gate<br />

towards the City amidst the flood of refugees, imagining a bird's-eye view. Dark blue pupil, a lopsided<br />

rim of white buildings flecked with gardens, <strong>and</strong> the darker green of the woods <strong>and</strong> fields which the law<br />

preserved about the rim of the crater. The interior walls of the crater rose nearly two hundred meters,<br />

polished smooth as a politician's lies. The far wall of the crater was hidden in a haze of heat <strong>and</strong> moisture,<br />

trapped in this pocket in the earth. On the cliff-face above the Marble Palace was something impossible<br />

to ignore: the Imperial Eagle of Arko, stretched out rampant in bas-relief picked out with gold, four<br />

hundred meters across <strong>and</strong> three hundred nigh. Even now in mid-afternoon it glowed fiercely. At dawn,<br />

Shkai'ra thought, when the sun came over the eastern cliffs <strong>and</strong> caught it directly, it must blaze like an<br />

idea in the mind of a god.

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