Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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If two of you go then one will be left here, with me. If all three of you stay…" He let the words trail off.<br />

My cue. Now, to make them break <strong>and</strong> run. She flung the knife <strong>and</strong> felt her control slip as it left her<br />

fingers, the blade clattering off the armor of the spearman, dull, dead metal. She wasted no strength<br />

making it glow. So natural a thing, to miss; only too human.<br />

That's it, shit! They'll see through it all, stop being afraid, <strong>and</strong> he's rat-bait… It failed; I failed.<br />

First I decide to save him, then can't. She hissed air through her teeth, clung to what she still had—the<br />

bright, fierce glare of the knives. The bone-rattling hum, seemingly rising out of the ground itself, cut off,<br />

letting the silence of the woods around them crash on their ears.<br />

But Chevenga flung his sword. The Arkan below him had turned his head toward Megan, trying to see<br />

where the knife had come from; now the short Yeoli blade blazed like the enchanted ones in ballads as it<br />

buried itself in his neck, a golden lightning bolt flung from the Hanged One.<br />

The two remaining Arkans hesitated a moment longer, gripping their torches, mouths working, looked at<br />

each other, <strong>and</strong> then ran as if the Dark Lord himself drooled on their heels.<br />

It's over. We did it. For a moment Megan couldn't believe. She leaped up, staggered, <strong>and</strong> let all her<br />

brightnesses die, leaving only the light of torches half-foundering in the brush.My head feels peeled open.<br />

It wasn't much but lights, but for how long ? She wanted to throw up.Why not ? She did, into the<br />

brush. As the Arkans' yells faded, silence thickened; she felt her blood thunder in her head.Over , she<br />

thought vaguely, bending to gather up the dagger lying in the grass.<br />

"Megan." The same voice that had seemed to echo doom through her skull now came small <strong>and</strong> weak<br />

with fatigue <strong>and</strong> pain, human.Koru, you fool, he's wounded . "I can't cut myself down. I don't carry as<br />

many sharp edges as you . . "A short sword <strong>and</strong> two daggers, all he had… he'd thrown his last blade.<br />

She heard distant alarm-yells.Not over . She felt near fainting, shook it off.Find strength somehow …<br />

A sound came from him like a sob…no , she thought giddily,it's too fast . Slowly it came to her: he was<br />

laughing.<br />

She looked up at him, still swinging gently, his face dripping with sweat <strong>and</strong> blood mixed, right fist<br />

pressed into left arm to stanch the flow, helplessly giggling, eyes closed <strong>and</strong> gold teeth bared, each<br />

panting gout of laughter louder than the one before.<br />

You think this is funny, she hissed inwardly.That it's a big joke that my head feels like Jade Button<br />

Third Rank is sticking his knitting needles into my temples, I'm so spent all I want to do is fall over<br />

but I still have to rescue you, Invincible, Imperturbable, Gold-bottom, up there dangling in the<br />

breeze bleeding like a stuck pig … A chuckle burst up out of her chest, turned into a guffaw.Madness<br />

is catching . "I should leave you up there like a side of beef!" No help, it just made him laugh harder.<br />

She headed for the tree, feeling her second wind.<br />

"Wait, there's rocks under me… forget it, there's no time, just cut me loose." Arkan yells grew more<br />

numerous; soon they'd come in crowds. She doused the torches on the ground—too easy to find us<br />

that way—hauled herself up the tree on her claws. Its bark was smooth enough to slide out on the limb<br />

without too much snagging; Bowed <strong>by</strong> his weight, it bent more still under hers. She looked down at the<br />

soles of his boots in starlight, saw the faint glearn of his eyes <strong>and</strong> grinning teeth, as he bent his head to<br />

look up at her. "Shit. Those pig-sucking bastards are too cheap even to have a spare loop of rope to let

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