Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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"Fikket." The torchlight illuminated only the lower part of the trunk, sending flickering shadows up into<br />

the branches. "Did it sound like a man climbing?"<br />

"If it were a man it… he had claws, sir."<br />

A good body-length above the first spread of branches, five of her height above the ground, Megan<br />

clung to the trunk, frozen, barely breathing, hoping in the dark she looked like a burl. She didn't dare turn<br />

her head; in the gap between her armpit <strong>and</strong> the wood she could just see the edge of the torchlight<br />

below.<br />

"Well, just on the chance…" The bowman.Oh, shit . She held tighter to the trunk, wood digging into her<br />

cheek. A spider scuttered over her ear. A creak of leather, the rattle of shafts, a pause.Koru have<br />

mercy … The snap of the bowstring <strong>and</strong> the blow came as one, through the back of her right thigh.<br />

It didn't immediately hurt, just seemed to stun the muscle, <strong>and</strong> made her h<strong>and</strong>s almost loosen; then the<br />

skin stung, <strong>and</strong> the full pain washed through her like a wave over a deck. Her h<strong>and</strong>s spasmed tighter,<br />

claws digging into wood hard enough to make her fingerbones hurt. In her mind she screamed.<br />

Hold on. Hold on. Don't move. Don't make a sound, don't breathe, you'll moan. Sweet Koru,<br />

Great Bear, don't take me now before I save my son… Involuntary tears squeezed out of her eyes.<br />

She tasted blood: she'd bitten the insides of her cheeks.I'm not going to die yet . In her head<br />

somewhere she could hear Hotblood, a mosquito buzz question that she ignored.Don't pass out .<br />

"Must have been a racoon," said the bowman. "Well, better safe than sorry… Keep a good watch." The<br />

light went away.<br />

Megan let her whole world narrow to holding on in silence, not letting her head tip back; she'd pass out<br />

<strong>and</strong> fall if she did. She heard a slow patter on the leaves below her, thought vaguely, "It's starting to rain,<br />

my face is wet, too."Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hotblood . In another half-bead that to her seemed<br />

like forever, the camp was quiet again.<br />

Sneaksneak. The mindvoice was below her.Blondprey/ stupid/blind/nonose A mild curiosity.<br />

Smallsharpsnippy-disagreeable leaking? Dying ?<br />

No. That was all she could manage; she didn't know if he could catch it.<br />

Down, he thought.Meclimb ? The idea of the horselike creature trying to climb almost pulled a hysterical<br />

laugh out of her.Leaking… ? Oh, bleeding . The patter on the leaves…<br />

Down, he thought more insistently.Noskinaliveme . She had to force her h<strong>and</strong>s loose, fearing she'd pass<br />

out just from moving. Pain <strong>and</strong> tingling counterpointed the sharp agony in her leg. The night was growing<br />

fuzzy gray <strong>and</strong> clack blotches.<br />

DOWNNOW. She put down one h<strong>and</strong> to try <strong>and</strong> support the wound, realized she couldn't, slid down to<br />

the branches below her, bark scraping her face <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s. Her heel glanced then slipped off a branch,<br />

which caught her in the crotch.Hardly hurts, next to the arrow . She was sliding sideways, almost<br />

strengthless, caught the branch with her knees <strong>and</strong> her h<strong>and</strong>s, half hanging.<br />

DOWN!<br />

Shutup, weasel-ass. Falling would be faster… <strong>and</strong> probably kill her. She held on, trying to tighten the

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