Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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The servants had opened the windows again.Brahvnikians , he thought.Arctic seals . It was typical<br />

spring weather in the Brezhan delta; raw, damp <strong>and</strong> chill, to an Arkan. He went to the windows <strong>and</strong><br />

latched them closed.<br />

The panes were thick triangles of inferior local glass set in wood, appropriate for a merchant of his<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ing. They looked down from the third story of a tall narrow house of half-timbering, above a narrow<br />

cobbled street that smelled of fish <strong>and</strong> garbage <strong>and</strong> the river not far away. Rain started, beating at the<br />

glass, streaking his vision like tears.<br />

He went to the door <strong>and</strong> quickly checked the corridor either way; there was no way someone could<br />

climb the stairs without making a loud creak, but it never hurt to be sure. He added a small shovelful of<br />

blackrock to the tile stove, settled himself at the homely clutter of his desk <strong>and</strong> unlocked the bottom<br />

drawer, with its secret compartment. From that he lifted a plain leather-bound account book, its pages<br />

studded with rag bookmarks.<br />

This was his real work: for Irefas, the Secret Service of the Arkan Empire. As far as he was concerned,<br />

it was the best that one of his caste,fessas , artisan-professional, could get.The merchant's life, that so<br />

many aspire to , he thought.The money's well <strong>and</strong> good, but the work's soboring . Besides, more<br />

than one heroic spy in history had been elevated toAitzas , noble. Another nice thing: in foreign countries<br />

there were no hair laws. His, blond like all Arkans' but silvering at the temples, was almost waist-long, as<br />

none butAitzas were permitted, inside the Empire.<br />

Item: prices. Mules <strong>and</strong> horses in the Aeniri towns upriver: up threefold since the spring herds had come<br />

in. Tool-grade F'talezonian <strong>and</strong> R<strong>and</strong> steel: upfivefold over the past six months. Significant increases in<br />

the prices of woolen cloth, grain, leather, oil, medical supplies <strong>and</strong> drugs, bronze; the armorers working<br />

overtime; the price of casual labor gone through the roof.Thirty-two ships of fifty tuinor more have<br />

cleared the harbor already this season . The bills of lading as fictional asMarmori's Book of<br />

Children's Merry Tales .<br />

He looked at a copy his spy in the harbormaster's office had made. A seventy-five tuin two-master<br />

carrying braided horsehair—catapult skeins—dried fruit, neatsfoot oil—for the maintenance of<br />

harness—cured bullhide, glassfiber, resin—shields, body armor—miscellaneous metal goods. Shipping<br />

to Haiu Menshir. His spy had gotten a good look at the "metal goods"; spearheads, broadaxe-blades,<br />

brass-hilted swords from R<strong>and</strong>. And Haians, as all the world knew, were absolute pacifists, under Arkan<br />

control.If they're buying that, I'm the Queen of Hyerne .<br />

Arko's taking of Haiu Menshir made him uncomfortable, actually, as he was sure it made many Arkans.<br />

It was also a political blunder, to his mind;no better way to turn all the world against the Empire ,<br />

he'd thought at the time. Now, plain as day, it was happening. What made it even worse was that the<br />

takeover had taken two tries. The first time, the greatest Empire in the world, attacking a small isl<strong>and</strong><br />

populated entirely <strong>by</strong> pacifists, had beendefeated . A ragtag b<strong>and</strong> of sailors hiding behind bales <strong>and</strong><br />

crates, led <strong>by</strong> a man who may now be proving himself one of the greatest generals of his time but then<br />

had been an accreditedlunatic … he didn't like thinking about it.<br />

In Yeola-e, Arko had taken all but those stubborn hedges of mountain in the north <strong>and</strong> southwest<br />

corners of the barbarian nation. Now—how had thePages reports put it? "Strategic withdrawals <strong>and</strong><br />

consolidation of our overall position." In other words,the killer mountain boys are whipping our asses<br />

. Last he'd heard, it was three-fifths taken back. Every major military power in the area had suddenly<br />

allied with the Yeolis, lending them troops or attacking on their own fronts.<br />

And the non-military powers are lending them money. How else could a country all but conquered

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