Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...

Shadow's Son by Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein ...


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well. "Khud-hird, is he all right? Ve ve got to get him to a Haian!"<br />

Shkai'ra looked down at the Yeoli, still lying across her saddle. Bleeding from the nose, big graze across<br />

the side of his face, but probably no broken bones from the way his body moved. She peeled back an<br />

eyelid, then the other. The pupils reacted, but one was a little bigger than the other.<br />

"Concussion," she said. "Not too bad." Her voice dropped, steady <strong>and</strong> just loud enough to carry a few<br />

feet over the enormous noise of combat from the road. She fixed the girl's eyes with hers. "What did I tell<br />

you when you arrived, about discipline?"<br />

Sova's lips thinned. "I know. I'm under army law."<br />

"Correct, military apprentice. And the punishment for disobeying a clear order in the face of the enemy is<br />

flogging. In this army, flogging up to falling at the discretion of the comm<strong>and</strong>er." Sova blinked; no doubt<br />

she'd heard tales of what that felt like, from Yeolis. Shkai'ra waited,expression bleak. "Given your youth,<br />

the circumstances <strong>and</strong> whatever, I'll commute it to fifteen strokes. Consider yourself on report, trooper.<br />

Now take that one—" she jerked a thumb at the casualty across Sova's saddlebow, the cause of the<br />

trouble, "—<strong>and</strong> Sneeze-name doesn't-take-orders number two here back to the Haians. When he wakes<br />

up, you can decide whether you'd rather have your strokes right away or beside him when he's fit,<br />

because he's getting the same. Dismissed!"<br />

Sova found her h<strong>and</strong>s shaking, as she helped lift Echera-e, who was still limp, onto a litter.He's so pale .<br />

Suddenly she wanted to throw up.Wake up, wake up, love … The cool sense in her wondered why the<br />

fear.He might die. I'm going to get flogged. He's going to get flogged if he doesn't die. I just fought<br />

—the feeling was utterly divorced from thoughts or the truth of the present, that it was over <strong>and</strong> she was<br />

safe—all of the above. Wake up , livling.If he dies I want to say I carried him , she thought, <strong>and</strong> tried<br />

to keep her arms steady on the litter-grips.No . Khyd-hirdsaid it wasn't too bad .<br />

There was always a rolling infirmary near the head of the great column now, since the harassment had<br />

increased. She scanned for the cart with the double white-striped flag. A moan came from the litter. "<br />

Mamaiyana, Tyizil…" The name of his horse. "Sovee." The litter moved as his weight shifted; she<br />

looked over her shoulder to see him lean over its edge, <strong>and</strong> throw up onto the ground. "Kyuzai, escuse<br />

me, ohhhhhhhh…" He fell back.<br />

"Keep still, Echerry," she said. "I'm here. You'll be all right <strong>and</strong> so will Ansena <strong>and</strong> we won <strong>and</strong> we're<br />

almost at the infirmary." She wondered how much he understood.<br />

The Alliance army had a good hundred Haians, unheard of for a military force.Because the Arkans<br />

broke the Compact <strong>and</strong> invaded them. This is their way of fighting for their freedom; if we take<br />

the Empire, Chenga will give Haiu Menshir back its independence . Gentle Haian h<strong>and</strong>s lifted the<br />

two litters, quickly examined, touching necks, pressing wrists.<br />

Ansena would need surgery; they took him straight into the cart. Echera-e they checked as Shkai'ra had,<br />

But more tenderly. "Concussion," the healer, a woman said. "Must stay lying; we put heem in cart <strong>and</strong><br />

look efter heem today. He ken stay een hees own bed tonight, probebly, but should have someone weeth<br />

heem to keep heem still, end quiet. Come beck when we set camp."<br />

"Their names <strong>and</strong> unit?" the Yeoli clerk with the wax-board said briskly, as the healer moved on, busy.<br />

Sova told him, <strong>and</strong> then opened her mouth, but he cut her off with a chop of his pen. "Healers <strong>and</strong>

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