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eCommons@Cornell - Cornell University

eCommons@Cornell - Cornell University


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JULY 6, 1928-JUNE 17, 1929<br />




Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


July 6th, 1928.<br />

Present Trustees YauCleef, Chairman ; Farrand, R. B. Williams,<br />

and R. H. Tremau ; Faculty Representatives Moore and Thill}' and<br />

Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees J. DuPratt White, C. E. Tre-<br />

man, Wesiinghouse, Pound and Wilson and their absence excused.<br />

Action was taken as follows :<br />

1. Leave of absence, without salary, for the academic year 1928-29,<br />

was granted Assistant Professor Morris A.Copeland of the Department<br />

of Economics.<br />

2. Professor E. S. Savage was appointed Acting Head of the<br />

Department of Animal Husbaudr)' for the months of July, August<br />

and September, without change in salary.<br />

3. It was recommended that Frank II. Hodder be appointed Acting<br />

Professor of American History for the academic year at a<br />

192S-29<br />

salary of $ 6,000.<br />

4. The resignations were presented following to take effect at the<br />

end of the academic year 1927-2S :<br />

L. B. Hoisington, Assistant Professor of Psychology.<br />

G. R. Megathlin, Instructor in Geology.<br />

5. The following appointments and changes in the staff were made<br />

for the academic year 192S-29 unless otherwise stated :<br />

C. W. Rose to be Assistant in Mineralogy at a salary of $400.<br />

L. C. Conant, now Assistant in Geology, to be Instructor at a<br />

salary of $1,500.<br />

J. D. Forrester to be Assistant in Geology at a salary of $500.<br />

The salary of V. E. Jones, Assistant in Geology was increased<br />

from $500 to $600.<br />

E. C. VanKeuren to be Instructor in English (part time) for the<br />

first term at a salary of $300 for the term. (This salary is to be paid<br />

from funds of the Veterinary College. )<br />


1904<br />

6. The following appointments and changes in the staff of the<br />

Summer Session of 1928 were made :<br />

B. Lenrow, Instructor in Public Speaking, resigned.<br />

C. H. Saylor and A. L. Dresser, Assistants in Chemistry, resigned.<br />

W. M. Dunbar was appointed Instructor in Architecture at a salary<br />

of $575-<br />

Richard R. Dunham was appointed half-time Instructor in Public<br />

Speaking at a salary of $150.<br />

The following half-time Instructors in Mathematics were put on<br />

full time and their salaries increased from $175 to $300 : B. R. Beisel,<br />

H. J. Lane and H. L. Schug.<br />

E. A. Georgi, A. W. Avens, R. C. Tallman, C. R. Fordyce and S.<br />

F. Whearty, Assistants in Chemistry each at a of salary $125.<br />

7. The President reported that by virtue of the authority conferred<br />

upon him by the Trustees he had granted a leave of absence, without<br />

salary, for the months of August and September to Director F. B.<br />

Morrison of the State Experiment Stations.<br />

8. Changes and additions to the staff of the Summer School in the<br />

State Colleges were made as follows :<br />

Resignations :<br />

R. D. Harwood, Biology.<br />

Sid Robinson, Biology.<br />

Harry A. Ross, Agricultural Economics and Farm Management.<br />

George F. Warren, Agricultural Economics and Farm Mgt.<br />

L. W. Sharp, Cytology.<br />

Increases in Salary<br />

Walter B. Bliss, Rural Education, from $650 to $750.<br />

Peter P. Kellogg, Nature Study, from $100 to $200.<br />

Myron S. Kendrick, Agricultural Economics and Farm Manage<br />

ment, from #125 to $250.<br />

Claude W. Leister, Nature Study, from $100 to $200.<br />

W. C. Muenscher, Botany, from $225 to $450, if enrollment<br />

warrants.<br />

Appointments :<br />

A. L. Carson, Clerk in Rural Education, $150.<br />

James E. Crouch, Ornithology, $200.<br />

C. B. Gentry, Rural Education, $250.<br />

Leland Spencer, Agricultural Economics and Farm Management,<br />

$650.<br />

Henry C. Taylor,<br />

ment $300.<br />

Agricultural Economics and Farm Manage<br />

George A. Works, Agricultural Economics and Farm Manage<br />

ment and Rural Education, $300.

1905<br />

9. Changes in the distribution of salaries for certain members of<br />

the staff of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at<br />

Geneva for the year 1928-29, were made as follows :<br />

L. K. Jones : In the original budget $1,750 of L. K. Jones'<br />

salary was carried on the State Fund, and $r,500 on Purnell. This<br />

was changed to $1,250 on the State Fund and $2,000 on the Purnell<br />

Fund.<br />

G. P. VanEscltine : The salary of G. P. Van Eseltine was carried<br />

entirely on the State Fund. This was changed to $1,500 on the State<br />

Fund and $1,500 on the Purnell Fund.<br />

Vice Andei son : To offset these changes, totalling $2,000 the item<br />

for '<br />

Vice Anderson "<br />

was changed from $2,100 on the State Fund<br />

and $1,250 on the Purnell Fund, to $3,350 011 the State Fund.<br />

Vice Shriner : The item for "Vice Shriner "<br />

was changed from<br />

$2,250 on the Purnell Fund to $750 on the State Fund and $1,500 on<br />

the Purnell Fund.<br />

10. It was recommended that paragraph 3, sub-division A, of Article<br />

VIII of the <strong>University</strong> Statutes be 0 amended that the Director of<br />

Admissions will be a member of the <strong>University</strong> Faculty.<br />

ir. The President reported that he had received an offer from<br />

private sources for supplementing the salary of the headship<br />

of the<br />

Department of Animal Husbandry by the sum of $2,500 annually,<br />

but that the principal sum for producing this amount had not as yet<br />

been made available. It was therefore<br />

Resolved : That the Trustees would welcome a contribution of<br />

$50,000 the income of which would be used for the benefit of the De<br />

partment of Animal Husbandry, more specifically at the present time<br />

to supplement the salary of the head of that department and when no<br />

longer needed for that purpose to be used for the general benefit of<br />

the department, and it was<br />

Further Resolved : That should a capital sum of $50,000 not be<br />

made available the Trustees would approve the payment of the sum<br />

of $2,500 as a supplement to the salary provided by the State budget<br />

for the head of the Department of Animal Husbandry, in case satis<br />

factory guarantees through deposit of securities with the <strong>University</strong><br />

or otherwise, are offered which would insure the necessary annual<br />

payments until other provision is made by the State or is forthcoming<br />

from other sources.<br />

12. An appropriation of $400 was made to cover the salary of an<br />

Assistant in Geology for the year 1928-29.<br />

D.<br />

13. The sabbatic leave of absence heretofore granted Professor O.<br />

vonEngeln was cancelled at his request.<br />

14. The title of H. Glasgow, Associate in Research (Entomology)<br />

in the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, was changed<br />

to Chief of Research.

1906<br />

15- Dr. W. A. Hagau was granted a salary of $400 to be paid from<br />

the income of the Veterinary College for certain research work which<br />

he is doing during the Summer for the Commissioner of Agriculture<br />

aud Markets, on the reaction of tuberculin.<br />

16. The President reported that the New York State Veterinary Medi<br />

cal Society had prepared a tablet commemorative of the foundation of<br />

that society which it wished to present to the New York State Veter<br />

inary College and Dean Moore was authorized to accept this gift on<br />

behalf of the College.<br />

17. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council the<br />

following<br />

grants were made :<br />

Supplement to Grant No. i$g : $r,ooo to Professor W. D. Bancroft<br />

for researches in photochemistry in accordance with the terms of the<br />

letter of June 9, 1928.<br />

Grant No. /// $300 to Professor H. Ries for an investigation of<br />

he moulding sand resources of the United States in accordance with<br />

the terms of his letter of June 18, 192S.<br />

Grant 175 : $300 to Dr. G. H. Maughan for a study of the effect of<br />

radiant energy on the development of certain glands of chickens in<br />

accordance with the terms of his letter of May 24, 1928.<br />

Grant No. ij6 : $750 to Professor H. S. Liddell for assistance in<br />

his study of conditioned reflexes in the sheep and goat in accordance<br />

with the terms of his letter of June 22, 1928.<br />

Grant No. ijj : $r,oooto Professor C. K. Burdick for a comparative<br />

study of restatements of torts and agency and conflicts of laws in<br />

accordance with the terms of his letter of June 18, 1928.<br />

Grant No. iyS : $400 to Professor Harry Caplin for the publication<br />

of a manuscript ; the De Imaginatione of Gianfrancesco Pico della<br />

Mirandola : text, commentary, introduction, and translation.<br />

18. The report of the Heckscher Research Council for the year<br />

1927-28 was received and placed on file.<br />

19. Authority was granted for the improvement of the chimes in<br />

accordance with the plan presented by Professor A. W. Smith with<br />

the understanding that this improvement will necessitate an expend<br />

iture of about $2,000. It is expected that the total amount will be<br />

obtained from private subscriptions, but it is possible that the<br />

<strong>University</strong> may have to assume a portion of the cost.<br />

20. Authority was granted Librarian Willard Austen to sell such<br />

masonic money, badges and medals from the Loewy collection as he<br />

may deem advisable.

1907<br />

2i. The following offer from the estate of LaVerne Noyes, deceased,<br />

was accepted by the Trustees and the President requested to express<br />

to the representatives of the estate the appreciation of the Trustees :<br />

President, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Ithaca, N. Y.<br />

Dear Sir :<br />

"Estate of LaVerne Noyes<br />

2500 Roosevelt Road<br />

Chicago, June 29, 1928.<br />

The trustees of the Estate of LaVerne Noyes are pleased to offer<br />

you, for the benefit of eligible students at <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>, ten<br />

scholarships for the year 192S-29, under the provisions for such<br />

scholarships in the will of the late LaVerne Noyes.<br />

The obligation which the trustees of the estate assume is the pay<br />

ment in full, to the <strong>University</strong>, of the regular tuition for ten deserving<br />

students needing this assistance, who shall be selected by you or<br />

some other designated officer of the institution, and whose applica<br />

tions for benefits under the provisions of Mr. Noyes'<br />

will shall be ap<br />

proved by the trustees of the estate. The]acceptanceof the applications<br />

and the payment of the tuition under this proposition will be governed<br />

strictly by the provisions of the will as set forth in the application for<br />

scholarship blank. Formal itemized bill for tuition, when due, should<br />

be rendered to "Estate of LaVerne Noyes"<br />

for students whose<br />

applications have been approved by the trustees.<br />

Only applicants who enlisted prior to September 11,<br />

considered.<br />

1918 will be<br />

It is the present expectation that men now awarded scholarships<br />

will be continued thru their college course^ provided they continue to<br />

need this assistance. While the trustees reserve the right to discontinue<br />

all payments at the close of the academic year if, in their judgement,<br />

it shall seem or necessary desirable to do so, it is their hope that the<br />

awarding of these scholarships may continue.<br />

We shall be pleased to have your acceptance of this offer as<br />

promptly as possible, so that we may make our plans according^.<br />

Yours truly,<br />

Estate of LaVerne Noyes,<br />

By<br />

F. L. Dole "<br />

22. The following changes in the staff of the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Medical College in New York City for the year 1928-29 were made :<br />

Resignations :<br />

J. S. Manning, Assistant in Surgery.<br />

H. E. Martin, Instructor in Clinical Surgery.

Appointments :<br />

1908<br />

Joseph L. Schwind, Instructor in Anatomy, at a salary of $2,500.<br />

H .B. Haag, Assistant in Pharmacology, at a of salary $2500.<br />

Wade Duly, Assistant in Surgery, at a salary of $250.<br />

John Staige Davis. Jr.. Assistant inSurgical Research, Department<br />

of Surgery, at a salary of $1,250.<br />

George L. Birnbaum, Assistant in Surgical Research at a salary<br />

of $500.<br />

23. The date of the Autumn meeting of the Board of Trustees was<br />

fixed as November 17th, 1928.<br />

24. Leave of absence without prejudice to salary was granted to<br />

President Farrand for the period approximately from June 7th to<br />

September 15th, 1928.<br />

25. A committee consisting of Trustees Gannett and C. E. Treman<br />

was appointed for the purpose of conferring with the Alumni Repre<br />

sentative on the qnestion of the presence of intoxicants on the<br />

<strong>University</strong> premises alumni during reunions.<br />

Adjourned.<br />


L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.<br />

July 15, 1928.<br />

With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee except<br />

Trustees Ickelheimer and Upson, who are out of the country, the<br />

following<br />

items were approved :<br />

1. That the <strong>University</strong> subscribe to 250 shares of American Tele<br />

phone & Telegraph stock at par under rights (Trustee Hiscock not<br />

voting. )<br />

2. That the <strong>University</strong><br />

subscribe to 250 additional shares of New<br />

York Central Railroad stock at par under rights.<br />

8%<br />

3. That the <strong>University</strong> exchange<br />

stock.<br />

its"<br />

300 shares of Melville Shoe<br />

first preferred stock into the new Melville Shoe 6f/r first preferred<br />

4. That the <strong>University</strong> deposit its 500 shares of International Paper<br />

preferred stock under the plan for the formation of a new holding<br />

Company and that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer, be and he here<br />

by is authorized to assign the certificates and to execute any other<br />

papers necessary, in the name of the <strong>University</strong><br />

the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

and attach thereto

1909<br />

5. That the <strong>University</strong> exchange its Palmolive Peet 7% preferred<br />

stock at no for the new Colgate-Palmolive Peet 6% preferred stock<br />

at par and that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer, be and he hereby<br />

i9 authorized to assign the certificates and attach thereto the<br />

<strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal and execute any other papers that may<br />

be necessary to effect this exchange.<br />

6. That the Treasurer, George F. Rogalsky, be and he is authorized<br />

to endorse in blank the certificates of deposit for the preferred<br />

shares of the Mackay Companies and the 4% bonds of the Com<br />

mercial Cable Company for exchange into the new 5 %<br />

bonds of the<br />

International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation and attach thereto<br />

the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

Geo. F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary pro tem.


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


September 4, 1928.<br />

At a meeting of the Finance Committee it was duly voted that<br />

the <strong>University</strong> exercise its rights to subscribe to 80 shares of the<br />

common stock of the International Nickel Company and that George<br />

F. Rogalsky, as Treasurer, be and he hereby is authorized to sub<br />

scribe for said stock in the name of the <strong>University</strong><br />

thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />


and to attach<br />

George F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary pro tern.<br />

September 20, 1928.<br />

With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee ex<br />

cept Trustees White, Ickelheimer and Upson,<br />

who were not avail<br />

able, it was -,--.<br />

Resolved, That the <strong>University</strong> sell 500 shares of Illinois Central<br />

common stock at the market, and that George F. Rogalsky, as Treas<br />

urer, be and he hereby is authorized to assign the certificates and<br />

attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />


George F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary pro tern.<br />

New York City, September 20, 1928.<br />

Present Trustees Farrand, Chairman ; [Miller, Horace White,<br />

Eastman, Pyrke, Newman ; Deans Mann and Moore ; Director Van<br />

Rensselaer, Vice-Director Hedrick; Faculty Representatives Thomp<br />

son, Kruse and Fish and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Wilson, J. DuPratt White,<br />

Graves, Pratt and Gannett, and their absence excused.<br />

Action was taken and recommendation was made to the Board of<br />

Trustees as follows :<br />


1912<br />

New York State Veterinary College<br />

1- The sabbatic leave of absence heretofore granted Dr. C. M.<br />

Carpenter for the second term of the academic year 1928-29 was<br />

recommended changed to a leave of absence for the entire year,<br />

without salary.<br />

2. That the following appointments be made for the year 1928-29:<br />

Donald W. Baker to be Instructor in Diagnosis at a salary of<br />

$2,000.<br />

Miss Harriet L. Mansfield to be Instructor in the Department of<br />

Pathology and Bacteriology at a salary of $1,500.<br />

3. The following changes in salary were recommended for the<br />

academic year 1928-29:<br />

C. E. Hayden, from $3,000 to $3,250.<br />

M. G. Fincher, from $3,000 to $3,250.<br />

H. L. Gilman, from $2,750 to $3,000.<br />

H. C. Stephenson, from $2,500 to $2,750.<br />

M. J. Gibbons, from $1,900 to $2,150.<br />

4. Recommendation was made that a sum not to exceed $400.00<br />

be used from the income of the college to pay for instruction in<br />

English for the first term of the academic year 1928-29.<br />

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station<br />

5. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State Agricul<br />

tural Experiment Station made since the last regular meeting of the<br />

Council by the Dean under authority given him, were reported and<br />

ratified as follows :<br />

Appointments:<br />

J. P. McCollum, Assistant in Research (Horticulture) for the<br />

period July 1 to September 30, 1928, at a salary of $175 per month, a<br />

total of $525.<br />

P. Carodemus, Assistant in Research (Chemistry), for the period<br />

July 1 to September 30, 1928, at a salary of $150 per month,<br />

of $450 for the period.<br />

a total<br />

P. V. Traphagen, Assistant in Research (Agronomy), for the<br />

period July 1 to November 30, 1928, at a salary of $125 per month,<br />

total of $625 for the period.<br />

Miss Elma Peterson, Clerk, July 1, 1928, at a salary<br />

month.<br />

Earl Mahoney, Student Assistant (Bacteriology),<br />

tember 15th, at a salary of $25 per month.<br />

M. W. Yale, Student Assistant (Bacteriology),<br />

1st, at a salary of $40 per month.<br />

of $85 per<br />

effective Sep<br />

effective October

1913<br />

Paul A. Hansen, Assistant in Research (Bacteriology), effective<br />

as early in October as he can arrive in Geneva, with salary at the<br />

rate of $2,200 a year, as successor to P. S. Prickett.<br />

Resignations :<br />

P. S. Prickett, Assistant in Research (Bacteriology), effective July<br />

9, 1928.<br />

P. P. Carodemus, Assistant in Research (Chemistry), effective<br />

September 15, 1928.<br />

L. K. Jones, Associate in Research (Botany), effective September<br />

1, 1928.<br />

6. The retirement of Frank E. Newton from the service of the<br />

Station as of July 1st, 1928, after forty-two years of service, was<br />

reported and the President was requested to extend to Mr. Newton<br />

the deep appreciation of the Trustees for his long<br />

service.<br />

and faithful<br />

7. It was reported that the contract for printing bulletins and cir<br />

culars of the Station for the year beginning July 1, 1929, had been<br />

awarded to W. F. Humphrey with the approval of the Comptroller<br />

of the <strong>University</strong> and the State Comptroller.<br />

8. A report was made that by<br />

mutual consent the contract for<br />

rental of laboratory space at Vassar College for the Hudson Valley<br />

horticultural investigations had been extended for another year<br />

without change in terms.<br />

9. It was recommended that authority be granted Dr. U. P.<br />

Hedrick to sign all papers relative to the withdrawal of alcohol free<br />

of tax for use at the State Experiment Station.<br />

10. The resignation of F. B. Morrison as Director of the New<br />

New York State and <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Experiment Stations was<br />

received and accepted.<br />

11. It was recommended that F. B. Morrison be appointed Pro<br />

fessor of Animal Husbandry and head of that department at a sal<br />

ary of $10,000 a year, effective October 1st, 1928.<br />

12. The appointment of U. P. Hedrick as Acting Director of the<br />

New York Experiment Station at Geneva at an annual salary of<br />

$6,500 and house and supplies was recommended,<br />

1, 1928.<br />

New York State College of Home Economics<br />

13. The following<br />

were reported :<br />

effective October<br />

resignations of Home Demonstration Agents

1914<br />

Name County Date<br />

Edith M. Gordon Monroe May 31<br />

Muriel Lamb Monroe July 31<br />

Jane Snow Becker Wyoming July 31<br />

Lois Gordnier Chenango July 15<br />

Marj orie Williams Chemung June 30<br />

Florence Becker Chautauqua July 22<br />

Marj orie Bunting Allegany Aug. 14<br />

G. Dorothy) Williams Cayuga June 30<br />

Bess McDermond Syracuse (City) Aug. 31<br />

Irene D. Zehner Onondaga Aug. 31<br />

14. The following<br />

appointments of Home Demonstration Agents<br />

by the respective county organizations were reported for record :<br />

Name County Date<br />

Fund<br />

Salary iLever ,State (County<br />

Elizabeth Coon Genesee July 1 $2,200 $600 $600 $1,000<br />

Muriel Lamb Monroe June 1 1,800 600 600 600<br />

Gladys Adams Chenango Aug. 20 1,800 600 600 600<br />

Ada C. Hall Cayuga Sept. 1 1,900 600 600 700<br />

Marj orie H. Bunting Chautauqua Aug. 15 2,500 600 600 1,300<br />

G. Dorothy Williams Chemung Sept. 1 2,400 600 600 1,200<br />

Muriel Lamb Monroe July 1 1,800 600 600 600<br />

Jane S. Becker Monroe Aug. 1 2,500 600 600 1,300<br />

Gertrude Carncross Sullivan Sept. 1 1,800 600 600 600<br />

Helen Paine<br />

Irene D. Zehner<br />

Eileen S. Androus<br />

Sara Kerr<br />

Wyoming<br />

Syracuse (City)<br />

Onondaga<br />

Tompkins<br />

Aug.<br />

Sept.<br />

Sept.<br />

Aug.<br />

15. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of<br />

1<br />

16<br />

1<br />

21<br />

1,900 600 600 700<br />

3,000 (City and County)<br />

2,500 600 600 1,300<br />

2,600 600 600 1,400<br />

Home Economics made since the last regular meeting of the Council<br />

by the Dean under authority given him,<br />

as follows :<br />

Resignations:<br />

Name<br />

J. P. Binns<br />

Brandon Watson<br />

L. L. Benway<br />

Position<br />

Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

assistants<br />

were reported and ratified<br />

Department<br />

Institution Management<br />

Institution Management<br />

Institution Management<br />

Date<br />

June 30<br />

June 30<br />

June 30

Name<br />

A. J. Collins<br />

Appointments:<br />

Name<br />

Irene Sanborn<br />

Janet Bump<br />

Mildred Slater<br />

Position<br />

Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

Annabel L. Merrill Res. Assistant<br />

W. R. Needham Assistant<br />

1915<br />

Department Date Salary Fund<br />

Home Economics Oct. 1 $1,000 State<br />

Household Man-<br />

July<br />

(Half time)<br />

1- 440 Purnell<br />

agement Oct. 15 (Half time)<br />

Foods and Nutri- July 1 80 mo. Purnell<br />

tion<br />

Home Economics Sept. 15 750 Purnell<br />

(Half time)<br />

Hotel Manage- July 1- 50 mo. Hotel<br />

ment Apr. 30<br />

New York State College oe Agriculture<br />

16. The following resignations of County<br />

and County Club Agents were reported :<br />

county agricultural agents<br />

Agricultural Agents<br />

Name County Date<br />

C. D. Kingsbury (Co. Forester) Erie June 15<br />

L. S. Reiner Ulster-Sullivan<br />

county club agents<br />

September 1<br />

John H. Craig Albany June 14<br />

J. S. White Nassau September 30<br />

17. The following appointments of County Agricultural Agents<br />

and County Club Agents made by the respective county organiza<br />

tions were reported for record :<br />

(County Forester)<br />

J. E. Davis<br />

(County Forester)<br />

H. L. Hoyt (Asst.)<br />

W. S. Salisbury (Asst.)<br />

Robert Crane (Asst.)<br />

E. C. Masten (Asst.)<br />

Revised Appointments:<br />

J. D. King<br />

H. B. Little<br />

J. G. Curtis<br />

county agricultural agents<br />

County<br />

Erie<br />

Chautauqua<br />

Oneida<br />

Monroe<br />

Steuben<br />

Allegany<br />

Date<br />

June 16<br />

July 1<br />

Julyl<br />

Julyl<br />

Rensselaer July 1<br />

Saratoga July 1<br />

Westchester July 1<br />

July 1<br />

Aug. 1-Sept. 30<br />

Aug. 13-Dec. 13<br />

Salary<br />

$2,500<br />

2,300<br />

1,800<br />

1,500<br />

1,800<br />

1,500<br />

$3,200<br />

3,300<br />

3,500<br />

Capper-<br />

Lever State Ketcham<br />

$ 600 $600<br />

1,200 (Clarke-McNary)<br />

1,200<br />

1,200<br />

1,500<br />

1,200<br />

600<br />

$300<br />

;600 $240 $1,760<br />

600 200 1,900<br />

600 200 2,100

Name<br />

E. C. Masten<br />

E. F. Graham<br />

G. H. Salisbury<br />

J. E. Davis (Co. For.)<br />

A. J. Collins (Co. For.)<br />

W. S. Salisbury<br />

H. L. Hoyt<br />

C. K. Bullock (Spray)<br />

C. I. Bowman<br />

Robert Crane<br />

L. S. Reiner<br />

Appointments:<br />

Name<br />

George H. Use<br />

Robert W. Foote<br />

Paul W. Thayer<br />

Revised Appointments:<br />

County<br />

Date<br />

1916<br />


Allegany Aug. 13-Dec. 13<br />

Cattaraugus Julyl<br />

Chautauqua Julyl<br />

Chautauqua Julyl<br />

Erie Julyl<br />

Monroe Julyl-Oct.31<br />

Oneida Julyl<br />

Ontario Julyl<br />

Orleans Julyl<br />

Steuben July 1-Sept. 30<br />

Ulster-Sullivan July 1-Aug. 31<br />

County<br />

Albany<br />

Franklin<br />

Cayuga<br />

N-ame County<br />

R. O. Bale Schuyler<br />

R. W. Foote Franklin<br />

C. C. Henderson Cortland<br />

Dorothy Powell (Asso.) Nassau<br />

Edith L. Cleeland (<br />

"<br />

) Otsego<br />

Albert Hoefer (promo.) Rensselaer<br />


Salary Lever State<br />

1,500<br />

1,800<br />

1,800<br />

2,300<br />

2,500<br />

1,500<br />

1,800<br />

2,100<br />

1,700<br />

1,800<br />

3,200<br />

300<br />

1,200<br />

600<br />

300<br />

750<br />

1,500<br />

18. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of<br />

Agriculture made since the last<br />

the Dean under authority given<br />

follows :<br />

Appointments:<br />

Name<br />

Franklin Sherman<br />

L. C. Chadwick<br />

C. R. Saddlemire<br />

H. S. Wilgus, Jr.<br />

A. G. Marshak<br />

K. H. Fernow<br />

S. E. A. McCallan<br />

Position<br />

Date Salary<br />

June 15-30 $2,400<br />

June 19-Sept. 10 100<br />

July 23-Sept. 30 150<br />

Capper-<br />

Ketcham County<br />

1,200 300<br />

600 1,200<br />

600 900<br />

1,100<br />

600 1,300<br />

1,200 300<br />

300 1,500<br />

900 1,200<br />

600 1,100<br />

1,050<br />

1,700<br />

Date Salary Ketcham State County<br />

Aug. 1 $2,300 $ 900 $600 $ 900<br />

Aug. 1-Sept. 19<br />

Aug. 1<br />

100<br />

2,200<br />

100 (per month)<br />

1,200 600 400<br />

Aug. 1 2,600 300 2,300<br />

Aug. 1 1,600 600 1,000<br />

May 1-June 30 250 to 275 (Increase on Lever)<br />

regular meeting of the Council by<br />

him,<br />

Spec. Investigator<br />

Investigator<br />

Stockman<br />

were reported and ratified as<br />

Spec. Investigator Poultry Husb.<br />

Potato Inspector<br />

Potato Inspector<br />

Potato Inspector<br />

Department<br />

Entomology<br />

Floriculture<br />

Animal Husb.<br />

Plant Pathology<br />

Plant Pathology<br />

Plant Pathology<br />

Date<br />

June 1<br />

Julyl<br />

Julyl<br />

July 1-<br />

Sept. 30<br />

July 1-<br />

Aug. 31<br />

July 1-<br />

Aug. 31<br />

July 1-<br />

Aug. 31<br />

Fund<br />

Lever State County<br />

$600 $600 $1,200<br />

100 (per month)<br />

150 (per month) Capper<br />

Ketcham<br />

Capper-<br />

Salary<br />

$ 150<br />

1,800<br />

(12ths)<br />

1,800<br />

150<br />

(Mo.)<br />

125<br />

(Mo.)<br />

250<br />

(Mo.)<br />

250<br />

(Mo.)<br />

Fund<br />

College<br />

State<br />

State<br />

G.L.F.<br />

Fellowship<br />

N. Y. S. Imp.<br />

C.-op. Asso.<br />

N. Y. S. Imp.<br />

Co-op. Asso.<br />

N. Y. S. Imp.<br />

Co-op. Asso.

1917<br />


Resignations:<br />

Name Position Department Date<br />

Jesse A. DeFrance Assistant Botany June 30<br />

P. J. Newton Assistant Rural Engineering\ June 14<br />

Max J. Plice Assistant Agronomy June 30<br />

H. H. Thornberry Assistant Plant Pathology September 30<br />

Franklin Sherman Assistant Entomology September 30<br />

Sid Robinson Assistant Entomology June 30<br />

A. C. Everhart Assistant Poultry Husb. August 31<br />

Appointments:<br />

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund<br />

Robert Goldin Assistant Botany Julyl $ 750 State<br />

G. R. Hanselman Assistant Rur. Engineering Julyl- lOOmo.State<br />

Sept. 30 (Fulltime)<br />

J. A. DeFrance Assistant Orn. Horticulture Oct. 1 1,200 State<br />

F. G. Merkle Assistant Agronomy Oct. 1 750 State<br />

M. J. Plice Assistant Agronomy July 1 1,200 Chas. Lathrop<br />

(Half time) Pack Fel<br />

lowship<br />

H. H. Thornberry Assistant Plant Pathology Oct. 1 750<br />

(Half time)<br />

State<br />

Jos. Patterer Assistant Floriculture<br />

(Plant Prop.)<br />

Julyl 1,800 State<br />

A. C. Everhart Assistant Poultry Husb. July 1 125 mo. State<br />

B. H. Davis Assistant Plant Pathology Oct. 1 750 State<br />

Franklin Sherman Assistant Entomology Oct. 1 750 State<br />

A. B. Klots Assistant Biology Oct. 1 750 State<br />

Paul Beers Assistant Soil Survey July 1- 75 mo. State<br />

Sept. 30<br />

S. W. Wentworth Assistant Pomology Sept. 1 1,200 State<br />

R. M. Riley Assistant Veg. Gardening Oct. 1 750<br />

(Half time)<br />

State<br />

A. L. Wilson Assistant Veg. Gardening Oct. 1 750<br />

(Half time)<br />

State<br />

Resignations:<br />


Name Position Department Date<br />

P. J. Chapman Instructor Entomology May 15<br />

R. P. Myers Instructor Dairy Industry Julyl<br />

L. P. Ham Instructor Extension Service July 20<br />

Erwin Graue Instructor Agr. Economics<br />

(Rur. Economy)<br />

Julyl<br />

H. J. Stover Instructor Agr. Economics<br />

(Marketing)<br />

Sept. 30<br />

E. H. Wheeler Instructor Entomology June 30<br />

P. D. Harwood Ext. Instructor Entomology Sept. 15

Appointments:<br />

1918<br />

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund<br />

H. D. Brokaw Ext. Instructor Rural Eng. Nov. 1 $ 250 mo. State<br />

P. D. Harwood Ext. Instructor Entomology June 1- 125 mo. State<br />

Sept. 30<br />

M. P. Catherwood Instructor Agr'l Eco.<br />

(Marketing)<br />

Julyl No salary<br />

I. M. Vaughan Instructor Farm Managem't Julyl 200 mo. State<br />

(Full time)<br />

F. A. Harper Instructor Farm Managem't Julyl 1,200<br />

(12ths)<br />

State<br />

Randall Whitaker Res. Instructor Dairy Industry Julyl 2,500 Am. Dry<br />

Milk Inst.<br />

Caroline J. Muskat Instructor Rural Education Oct. 1 2,400 L.S.R.M.<br />

(Reappointment), (Psychology)<br />

T. E. LaMont , Instructor Farm Managem't Julyl 1,500 State<br />

S. W. Warren Instructor Farm Managem't Oct. 1 1,000 State<br />

E. H. Mereness Ext. Instructor Farm Managem't Sept. 1 500<br />

(5 mos.)<br />

Lever<br />

C. W.. Leister Instructor Entomology Oct. 1 1,800 State<br />

(Ornithology) (2/3 time)<br />

H. H. Boysen Instructor Dairy Industry<br />

(Bacteriology)<br />

Julyl 1,500 State<br />

B. L. Herrington r Instructor Dairy Industry Sept. 17 100 mo. State<br />

W. E. Blauvelt Ext. Instructor Entomology Oct. 1 200 mo. State<br />

P. R. Needham<br />

Promotions:<br />

Instructor Entomology<br />

(Limnology)<br />

Oct. 1 1,650 State<br />

W. D. Mills Ext. Instructor Plant Pathology Julyl $2,000 to $2,400 State<br />

H. S. Mills Instructor Veg. Gardening Oct. 1 2,250 to 2,400 State<br />

19. It was recommended that the request of Professor H. H.<br />

Whetzel, Professor of Plant Pathology, for sabbatic leave of ab<br />

sence for either one term or both terms of the academic year 1929-30<br />

be approved, the length of the leave to be determined later in accord<br />

ance with the needs of the Department.<br />

20. The authorization by the President to the Dean for Dr. J. C.<br />

Bradley to continue his work in Europe for a period not to exceed<br />

two months without prejudice to salary in addition to his period of<br />

sabbatic leave was recommended for approval.<br />

21. The following<br />

changes in the staff of the 1928 Summer Ses<br />

sion in Agriculture and Home Economics were reported for ap<br />

proval :<br />

Resignations:<br />

S. Robinson, Biology<br />

$250<br />

H. A. Ross, Agricultural Economics 750

1919<br />

G. F. Warren, Agricultural Economics. 400<br />

F. H. Randolph, Hotel Engineering<br />

650<br />

Helen Bull, Home Economics ': 200<br />

Mrs. H, B. Meek,. Home Economics 250<br />

K. S. Hazeltine, Nature Study.... 200<br />

Appointment:<br />

R. D. Harwood, Biology<br />

Salary Decrease:<br />

C. H. Lane.. .......:<br />

from<br />

250<br />

$150 to $125<br />

22. It was recommended that. Miss Helen U. Wing be promoted<br />

from Assistant in Dairy Industry to Instructor in Dairy Industry,<br />

without change in salary, promotion to become effective October 1st,<br />

1928.<br />

23. The resignation of Dr. I.'F. Hall, Extension Assistant Pro<br />

fessor of Farm Management, effective September 30th, 1928, was<br />

reported.<br />

24. The following increases in salary to be made on state funds<br />

available within the College were recommended :<br />

Dr. P. F. Sharp, Professor of Dairy Chemistry, from $4,750 to<br />

$5,000, effective October 1st, 1928.<br />

Dr. W. V. Price, Professor of Dairy Industry, from $4,250 to<br />

$4,750, effective September 1st, 1928.<br />

25. It was recommended that the recommendation of the Agricul<br />

tural College Council made on January. 6th, 1912, be so amended<br />

that the free tuition scholarships therein '<br />

provided for may be<br />

awarded either in the New York State College of Agriculture or the<br />

New York State. College of Home, Economics in the discretion of<br />

the Dean.<br />

26. The execution of the following temporary fellowships and in-<br />

vestigatorships for research and graduate study were reported.:<br />

By the Armstrong Tree Service, Ltd., a fellowship for the investi<br />

gation of diseases of shade and ornamental trees, continuing for two<br />

years beginning June 1, 1928, and carrying an annual grant of $1,250<br />

from the donors.<br />

By the N. V. Potash Export My., a fellowship for the study of the<br />

effects of potash on -properties -of muck or peat soil or on plant<br />

growth. This fellowship extends for a period of three years begin<br />

ning July 1, 1928, and provides that the donor, shall pay the Univer<br />

sity $2,400 the first<br />

years.<br />

year"<br />

and--$1,-700 each for the second and third<br />

By the American Dry Milk Institute, renewal for the year 1928-29<br />

of its previously existing investigatorship to enable the further

1920<br />

study of the value of dried skimmed milk in mixtures for the manu<br />

facture of ice cream. The investigatorship carries a grant of $2,000.<br />

By the Grange League Federation Exchange, Inc., an investigatorship<br />

for the purpose of promoting a study of the vitamin content,<br />

both A and D, of red cod liver oil of American origin. The investtigatorship<br />

extends for a period of three months beginning July 1,<br />

1928, and carries a grant of<br />

27. The appointment of Donald J. Bushey as Extension Assistant<br />

Professor in Ornamental Horticulture, effective October 1st, 1928,<br />

at a salary of $2,750 on state funds was recommended.<br />

28. It was recommended that the budget requests to be made for<br />

the year 1929-30 for the State Colleges and the New York State Ex<br />

periment Station be authorized substantially as recommended in the<br />

following summaries and transmitted to the New York State De<br />

partment of Education:<br />


1928-29 1929-30 Increase Decrease<br />

Personal Service $ 988,843 $1,065,345 $76,502<br />

Maintenance and Operation :<br />

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 125,000 125,000<br />

Printing and Advertising 44,800 49,880 5,080<br />

Equipment, Supplies and Materials 85,000 100,000 15,000<br />

Traveling Expenses 36,000 43,000 7,000<br />

Communication 14,000 15,355 1,355<br />

Fixed Charges 49,800 49,800<br />

Rent 1,440 1,440<br />

Repairs 15,000 15,000<br />

Repairs Deficiency (Loggias) 5,750 5,750<br />

Repairs Deficiency (1927-28) 2,988 2,988<br />

Appropriation for premiums for compen<br />

sation insurance (1929-30) 4,000 4,000<br />

Appropriation for premiums for compen<br />

sation insurance 1928-29 (3/4ths year).. 3,000 3,000<br />

Maintenance Undistributed :<br />

Summer School 20,000 20,000<br />

Extension Work with Indians as pro<br />

vided by Chap. 662, Laws of 1920 6,000 6,000<br />

Expense of Exhibits 1,000 3,000 2,000<br />

Expenses of conferences of County<br />

Agents and Junior Extension Workers 2,600 3,000 400<br />

Muck Land Investigations 13,800 13,800<br />

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm.... 14,900 16,110 1,210<br />

Nursery Courses 15,270 15,270<br />

Total Maintenance and Operation .$ 376,790 $ 409,463 $ 38,423 $5,750<br />

Total Maintenance Undistributed .$ 29,600 $ 45,800 $ 16,200<br />

Total .$1,425,403<br />

$1,551,988 $126,585<br />

Reimbursement for payment to widow of<br />

late Prof. W. A. Stocking 2,222.25 2,222.25<br />

Grand Total $1,425,403 $1,554,210.25 $128,807.25

1921<br />

1928-29 1929-30 Increase<br />

New Construction or Permanent Betterments:<br />

For continuing the development of the<br />

New York State College of Agriculture<br />

at <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> in accordance<br />

with the plan approved by the Trustees<br />

of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>, etc., as provided<br />

by Chapter 165 of Laws of 1920 $1,100,000<br />

Office and laboratory building at the<br />

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm..<br />

Cement floor, experiment building at Al<br />

fred<br />

Field building, vegetable gardens<br />

Machinery,<br />

chards ,<br />

shed and workroom in or<br />

Farm tool and implement shed<br />

$781,000<br />

13,730 $13,730<br />

150<br />

5,425<br />

6,000<br />

17,200<br />

$1,100,000 $823,505<br />

Net Decrease 276,495<br />


150<br />

5,425<br />

6,000<br />

17,200<br />

1928-29 1929-30 Increase Decrease<br />

Personal Service $171,247 $195,837 $24,590<br />

Maintenance and Operation :<br />

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 12,000 12,000<br />

Printing and Advertising 5,500 5,700 200<br />

Equipment, Supplies and Materials 6,500 8,500 2,000<br />

Traveling Expenses 5,250 6,500 1,250<br />

Communication 2,000 2,350 350<br />

Fixed Charges and Contributions 26,400 26,400<br />

Repairs 1,200 1,800 600<br />

Appropriation for premium on compensa<br />

tion insurance for employees (1929-30) 750 750<br />

Appropriation for premium on compensa<br />

tion insurance for employees (1928-29,<br />

3/4ths year) 560 560<br />

Maintenance Undistributed:<br />

Summer School 3,200 5,200 2,000<br />

Expenses of conferences of County Farm<br />

and Home Bureau Agents and Junior<br />

Extension Workers 1,200 1,700 500<br />

Parental Education and Child Guidance<br />

Salaries and Maintenance<br />

OCArvA<br />

35,000<br />

.C(VV.<br />

35,000<br />

Total Maintenance and Operation 58,850 64,560 5,710<br />

Total Maintenance Undistributed 4,400 41,900 37,500<br />

Grand Total $234,497 $302,297 $67,800

1922<br />


1928-29 1929-30 Increase Decrease<br />

Personal Service<br />

Maintenance and Operation :<br />

$102,920 $117,790 $14,870<br />

Fuel, Heat, Light, Power and Water 9,250 9,250<br />

Printing and Advertising 2,200 2,200<br />

Equipment, Supplies and Materials 8,000 8,000<br />

Traveling Expenses 500 500<br />

Communication 1,350 1,500 150<br />

Repairs and Alterations 3,000 3,000<br />

Repairs, Special 3,900 3,900<br />

Investigation and Breeding Animals 15,000 15,000<br />

Investigation, Poultry Diseases 15,000 15,000<br />

Investigation, Johne's Disease 5,000 5,000<br />

Investigation, Mastitis 5,000 5,000<br />

Investigation, Tuberculin Reaction 7,500 7,500<br />

Compensation insurance for employees<br />

375<br />

(1929-30) .375<br />

Compensation insurance for employees<br />

(1928-29, 3/4ths year) 280 280<br />

Total Maintenance and Operation $59,300 $ 76,505 $17,205<br />

Grand Total $162,220 $194,295 $32,075<br />

New Construction and Permanent Betterments :<br />

New laboratory for pathology and bacter<br />

iology 350,000 350,000<br />

Equipment for laboratory 40,000 40,000<br />

Building for experimental animals 25,000 25,000<br />

$415,000 $415,000<br />


1928-29 1929-30 Increase Decrease<br />

Personal Service $212,680 $233,520 $20,840<br />

Maintenance and Operation :<br />

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 8,750 9,250 500<br />

Printing and Advertising 9,000 9,000<br />

Equipment, Supplies and Materials 27,500 33,300 5,800<br />

Traveling Expenses 5,000 5,000<br />

Communication 3,000 3,000<br />

Fixed Charges and Contributions 75 75<br />

Rent 3,200 3,200<br />

Repairs 7,500 14,500 7,000<br />

Contingencies 100 100<br />

Compensation insurance for employees<br />

(1929-30) 1,100 1,100<br />

Compensation insurance for employees<br />

(1928-29, 3/4ths year) 855 855

1923<br />

Maintenance Undistributed :<br />

i028-2g<br />

Fredonia Deficiency Mainteanance and<br />

Operation<br />

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm,<br />

Maintenance and Operation 1,800<br />

Insects and Diseases affecting Small<br />

Fruits, including Raspberries, Mainten<br />

ance and Operation 4,500<br />

Hudson Valley Horticultural Investiga<br />

tions, Maintenance and Operation 3,500<br />

Nursery Shrubs and Plants, Services and<br />

Expenses 13,450<br />

Fredonia Vineyard, Services and Ex<br />

penses<br />

Corn Borer Investigations<br />

Inv. of Bacterial Content of Market<br />

Milk, Services and Expenses....,<br />

Inv. of Oriental Peach Moth, Services<br />

and Expenses<br />

Total Maintenance and Operation $ 64,125<br />

Total Maintenance Undistributed $ 23,250<br />

Grand Total $300,055<br />

Construction and Permanent Betterments :<br />

Horticultural Building<br />

Greenhouses<br />

Adjourned.<br />

1929-30 Increase Decrease<br />

1,800<br />

1,800<br />

1,000<br />

3,500<br />

13,450<br />

2,500<br />

7,250<br />

5,000<br />

12,000<br />

1,800<br />

2,500<br />

7,250<br />

5,000<br />

12,000<br />

$ 79,380 $ 15,255<br />

48,300 $ 28,550<br />

$361,200<br />

$315,000<br />

80,000<br />

$ 64,645<br />

$315,000<br />

$395,000 $395,000<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.<br />

$3,500<br />

,500<br />



Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


October 6th, 1928.<br />

Present Trustees Van Cleef, Chairman ; Farrand, <strong>Cornell</strong>, R. B.<br />

Williams, C. E. Treman, Pound, and R. H. Treman, Faculty Repre<br />

sentatives Moore, Thilly and AYarren, and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees White, Wilson and Westing-<br />

house and their absence excused.<br />

1. The President reported the death on August 23rd, 1928, of<br />

Professor J. G. Pertsch of the Department of Electrical Engineer<br />

ing.<br />

2. The Comptroller was authorized to pay to Airs. J. G. Pertsch<br />

an amount equal to one-half the annual salary of Professor Pertsch<br />

in such manner as he may deem advisable.<br />

3. In accordance with the authority granted this committee by<br />

the Board of Trustees at its meeting on June 18th, 1928, and upon<br />

the statement of the President that Mr. Oakleigh Thorne had given<br />

assurance that he would be responsible for the annual payment of<br />

not exceeding $2,500 to the <strong>University</strong> for the purpose of increasing<br />

the salary of the head of the Department of Animal Husbandry from<br />

$7,500, the amount provided by State appropriation, to $10,000 a year<br />

until such time as the increased salary should be provided by State<br />

appropriation or from other sources, Dr. F. B. Morrison was ap<br />

pointed professor and head of the Department of Animal Hus<br />

bandry in the New York State College of Agriculture, effective<br />

October 1st 1928, at a salary of $10,000 a year.<br />

4. Dr. U. P. Hedrick was appointed Director of the New York<br />

State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva at a salary of<br />

$6,500 a year and house and supplies, effective October 1st, 1928.<br />

5. Dean A. R. Mann was appointed Director of the <strong>Cornell</strong> Uni<br />

versity Agricultural Experiment Station, effective October 1st, 1928,<br />

without change in salary.<br />

6. The resignation of Dr. F. B. Morrison as Director of the New<br />

York State Experiment Station at Geneva and the <strong>Cornell</strong> Univer<br />

sity Experiment Station was reported, effective as of October 1st,<br />

1928.<br />


1926<br />

7. The President reported that although Dr. E. A. Bates, Adviser<br />

m Indian Extension Work, did not carry the title of Assistant Pro<br />

fessor, that the duties of his position were equivalent to those of an<br />

Assistant Professor and recommended that he be granted a sabbatic<br />

leave of absence for six months beginning March 1st, 1929. This<br />

leave was granted.<br />

8. The minutes of the meeting of the State College Council of<br />

September 20th, 1928, were approved, the recommendations therein<br />

contained adopted, and the appointments and appropriations made as<br />

therein recommended.<br />

9. The following resignations were reported, effective at the be<br />

ginning of the academic year 1928-29 :<br />

ing.<br />

B. Lenrow and A. L. Woehl, Instructors in Public Speaking.<br />

G. A. Scherer, Assistant in Chemistry.<br />

V. E. Jones, Assistant in Geology.<br />

Paul M. Swingle, Instructor in Mathematics.<br />

S. W. Barnes, Instructor in Physics.<br />

Fritz Koerner and M. C. Newton, Instructors in Civil Engineer<br />

H. P. Lewis, Instructor in Experimental Engineering.<br />

G. B. Welch and D. White, Assistants in Physics.<br />

K. W. Sherk and E. W. Hughes, Assistants in Chemistry.<br />

Carol O. Eberhart, Assistant in Law Library.<br />

10. A leave of absence, without salary, for the academic year<br />

1928-29, was granted E. B. Johnson, Instructor in Chemistry.<br />

11. Upon recommendation of the President the following ap<br />

pointments were made for the academic year 1928-29, unless other<br />

wise stated :<br />

Floyd E. Lovelace and E. R. Rushton, Assistants in Chemistry,<br />

each at a salary of $500.<br />

Ellis Freeman, Instructor in Psychology at a salary<br />

of $1,500.<br />

Mack Easton, Instructor in Public Speaking at a salary of $1,500.<br />

Harold F. Harding, Instructor in Public Speaking at a salary of<br />

$1,200.<br />

George Kalif, Instructor in English, part time, at a salary of $800.<br />

(Payable from Heckscher Grant No. 100.)<br />

Abel Ross Miller and Dwight L. Espe, Assistants in Physiology,<br />

each at a salary<br />

of $750 and free tuition in the Graduate School.<br />

J. Stanley Kirk, Assistant in Biochemistry at a salary of $750 and<br />

free tuition in the Graduate School.<br />

H. R. Mouat, Student Assistant in Histology and Embryology at a<br />

salary of $250.

1927<br />

Russel Milliser, Assistant in Anatomy at a salary of $750 and free<br />

tuition in the Graduate School.<br />

W. S. Shaw, Student Assistant in Histology and Embryology at a<br />

salary of $250 and free tuition in the College of Veterinary Medicine<br />

or its equivalent.<br />

J. N. Clark, Assistant in Chemistry for the first term at a salary<br />

of $375 for the term but not free tuition.<br />

John C. Trussell, Assistant Librarian in the Law Library for the<br />

first term at a salary of $150 for the term.<br />

The following are to be Assistants in Public Speaking, with the<br />

salaries stated, payable from funds furnished by the Dramatic Club<br />

unless otherwise stated :<br />

Constance C. Brown, $600.<br />

Elizabeth Goepp, $600.<br />

Frances Eagan,<br />

Judson Genung, $900.<br />

without salary.<br />

Elizabeth Worman, $600, payable from Public Speaking funds.<br />

W. I. Patnode, Assistant in Chemistry at a salary of $600.<br />

L. P. Gould, Assistant in Chemistry at a salary<br />

free tuition.<br />

of $750 but not<br />

Miss G. H. Duncan, Assistant in Geology at a salary of $750.<br />

in the C. E. Sum<br />

C. E. O'Rourke, Instructor in Civil Engineering<br />

mer Survey Camp of 1928 at a salary<br />

of $275.<br />

Archibald Laidlaw, Assistant Law Librarian for the first term of<br />

the Summer Session in Law at a salary of $42.50.<br />

Charles L. Brayton, Assistant Law Librarian for the second term<br />

of the Summer Session in Law at a salary of $42.50.<br />

Leonard P. Adams, Assistant in Economics at a salary of $400.<br />

Helen Sullivan and Ruth Gordon, Assistants in Ecomonics, each<br />

at a salary of $300.<br />

Oscar Altman, Casper Rappenecker, and John H. Weidner, Assist<br />

ants in Economics, each at a salary of $250.<br />

Five hundred dollars of the appropriation for Assistants in Eco<br />

nomics is to be available for assistance by the hour in that depart<br />

ment.<br />

D. N. Ball, Assistant in Chemistry for the first term at a salary of<br />

$250 for the term.<br />

O. C. Beaman, Assistant in Chemistry for the first term at a salary<br />

of $375 but not free tuition.<br />

A. W. Lewis, Assistant in Chemistry at a salary of $600.<br />

Louis G. Millward, Assistant in Geology at a salary of $500.<br />

L. A. Richards, Assistant in Physics at a salary of<br />

E. R. Mann,<br />

Assistant in Physics at a salary of<br />

D. W. Mueller and F. L. Yerzley, Assistants in Physics, each at a<br />

salary of

1928<br />

W. W. Strahl and P. A. Reynolds, Assistants in Philosophy, each<br />

at a salary of $600.<br />

F. Colucci, Reader in the Department of Romance Languages at a<br />

salary of $500.<br />

L. C. Lay, Instructor in Industrial Engineering at a salary of<br />

$1,200.<br />

D. R. Morey, Assistant in Physics, part time, at a salary of $200.<br />

J. A. Thomas, Assistant in the Department of Anatomy in the<br />

Veterinary College at a salary of $400.<br />

Theodorus S. Chadeayne, Assistant in Civil Engineering for the<br />

first term at a salary of $200 for the term.<br />

W. S. Craig and F. P. Kneen, Assistants in Heat Power Engineer<br />

ing, each at a salary of $500.<br />

Norman S. Buchanan, Instructor in Economics, part time, at a<br />

salary of $900.<br />

Vivian S. Lawrence, Instructor in Mathematics, part time, at a<br />

salary of $900.<br />

Leaman A. Dj e, Instructor in Mathematics, part time, at a salary<br />

of $675 for the first term and $450 for the second term.<br />

(The salaries of Messrs. Dye and Lawrence total $2,025, of which<br />

$2,000 is to be paid from Heckscher Grant Supplement to No. 149<br />

and $25 from funds available in the budget.)<br />

L. A. Wood and N. W. Goldsmith, Assistants in Physics, at $800,<br />

to be promoted to be Instructors in Physics, each at a salary of<br />

$1,200.<br />

H. L. Goodman, Instructor in Experimental Engineering at a sal<br />

ary of $1,500.<br />

William D. Moeder, Instructor in Electrical Engineering at a sal<br />

ary of $1,200.<br />

12. The following increases in salaries were approved, to take<br />

effect at the beginning of the academic year 1928-29:<br />

An increase of $500 in the salary<br />

of Assistant Professor Paul T.<br />

Homan of the Department of Economics, for the current academic<br />

year.<br />

The salary of Samuel Weibley, Assistant Engineer in the Depart<br />

ment of Physics, was increased from $1,500 to $1,600 a year, effective<br />

July 1, 1928.<br />

The following Assistants in Chemistry were increased from $500<br />

to $600 a year: J. C. Cothran, A. P. Davis, N. A. Skow, W. R.<br />

Sutton.<br />

Roy H. Ritter, now Instructor in Civil Engineering on part time<br />

at $1,000, to give full time and to receive $1,500 a year.<br />

The salary of E. H. Woods, Instructor in Experimental Engineer<br />

ing,<br />

was increased from $1,500 to $1,800 a year.

1929<br />

13. The President reported that he had authorized an additional<br />

assistantship in Chemistry and the increase of one $500 Assistant to<br />

a $600 Assistantship for the academic year 1928-29 in order to carry<br />

on the work of Dr. Johnson, who is absent on leave without salary.<br />

14. One hundred dollars of the sum of $1,600 appropriated for<br />

chaperonage was made available to Dean Fitch, to be used for re<br />

search work on office records regarding women students.<br />

15. The following appointments were made to the staff of the<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical College and Medical College Clinic in<br />

New York City for the year 1928-29 :<br />

Faculty (Without Salary)<br />

Department of Anatomy<br />

C. Malcolm Gilman, M.D., Instructor in Anatomy.<br />

William L. Sneed, M.D., Instructor in Applied Anatomy.<br />

Department of Bacteriology<br />

Robert A. Cooke, M.D., Assistant Professor of Applied Immun<br />

ology.<br />

Edgar L. Milford, A.B., Assistant in Bacteriology<br />

ology.<br />

Will C. Spain, M.D., Instructor in Applied Immunology.<br />

and Immun<br />

Department of Dermatology<br />

George T. Elliott, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine, Depart<br />

ment of Dermatology (Emeritus).<br />

J. Frank Fraser, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine,<br />

Department of Dermatology.<br />

Arthur F. Kraetzer, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine, Depart<br />

ment of Dermatology.<br />

Ray H. Rulison, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine, Department<br />

of Dermatology.<br />

Andrew J. Gilmour, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine, De<br />

partment of Dermatology.<br />

John H. Harris, M. D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine, Depart<br />

ment of Dermatology.<br />

Clinic<br />

J. Frank Fraser, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Dermatol<br />

ogy, at a salary of $1,500.<br />

Ray H. Rulison, M.D., Arthur F. Kraetzer, M.D., Physicians to<br />

the Clinic, Department of Dermatology, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Nelson Paul Anderson, M.D., Andrew J. Gilmour, M.D., John H.<br />

Harris, M.D., Julia V. Lichtenstein, M.D., Francis J. Osborne, M.D.,<br />

Henry D. Niles, M.D., Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, Depart<br />

ment of Dermatology, salary $5.00 per Clinic.

1930<br />

Department of Chemistry<br />

Nathan F. Blau, Ph.D., Associate in Chemistry.<br />

-<br />

Department of Laryngology and Rhinology<br />

Thomas A. Mulcahy, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery, Depart<br />

ment of Laryngology and Rhinology.<br />

Clinic<br />

Arthur Palmer, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Laryngology<br />

and Rhinology, salary $1,500.<br />

William J. Jackson, M.D., Thomas A. Mulcahy, M.D., Surgeons<br />

to the Clinic, Department of Laryngology and Rhinology, salary<br />

$7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Ann S. Belcher, M.D., Emmet C. Fitch, M.D., Thomas J. Garrick,<br />

M.D., Herbert Graebner, M.D., Samuel F. Kelly, M.D., William H.<br />

Ayers, M.D., James O. MacDonald, M.D., Assistant Surgeons to the<br />

Clinic, Department of Laryngology and Rhinology, salary $5.00 per<br />

Clinic.<br />

Department of Medicine<br />

Walter L. Niles, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine.<br />

Alexander Lambert, M.D., Professor in Clinical Medicine.<br />

Henry B. Richardson, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine.<br />

Harry A. Bray, M.D., Lecturer on Tuberculosis.<br />

Alice R. Bernheim, M.D., Associate in Medicine.<br />

Walter H. Brundage, M.D., Nancy Jenison, M.D., Walter S. Mc-<br />

Clellan, M.D., Instructors in Medicine.<br />

Benjamin H. Archer, M.D., Harold S. Belcher, M.D., Harry S.<br />

Berkoff, M.D., Laila Coston Conner, M.D., Theodore J. Curphey,<br />

M.D., Haynes H. Fellows, M.D., Helen Gavin, M.D., Connie M.<br />

Guion, M.D., Harry H. Hamilton, M.D., Louis A. Hauser, M.D., Eve<br />

lyn Holt, M.D., Edwin R. P. Janvrin, M.D., Janette Jennison, M.D.,<br />

Michael Lake, M.D., Berton Lattin, M.D., Leon I. Levine, M.D.,<br />

Winifred Kirk, M.D., Kirby Martin, M.D., Douglass Palmer, M.D.,<br />

Anna Piatt, M.D., J. Randolph Quinn, M.D., Herman Philip, M.D.,<br />

Malcolm K. Smith, M.D., Nathaniel Stanton, M.D., Neil C. Stevens,<br />

M.D., Ephraim Shorr, M.D., Edward Tolstoi, M.D., Sydney Wein-<br />

traub, M.D., John H. Whaley, M.D., Harriet White, M.D., Stephen<br />

White, M.D., Instructors in Clinical Medicine.<br />

Dorothy R. Rhodes, A.B., Assistant in Medicine.<br />

Clinic<br />

Russell L. Cecil, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Medicine,<br />

salary $2,000.<br />

Walter H. Brundage, M.D., Connie M. Guion, M.D., Henry B.<br />

Richardson, M.D., Berton Lattin, M.D., Nancy Jenison, M.D., Dan

1931<br />

H. Witt, M.D., Edmund R. P. Janvrin, M.D., Physicians to the<br />

Clinic, Department of Medicine, at a salary<br />

of $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Harold Stewart Belcher, M.D., Theodore J. Curphy, M.D., Laila<br />

Coston Conner, M.D., Neil C. Stevens, M.D., Harry S. Berkoff,<br />

M.D., Edwin T. Hauser, M.D, Helen Gavin, M.D., Winifred Kirk,<br />

M.D., Malcolm K. Smith, M.D., Joseph Yaswen, M.D., Ada C. Reid,<br />

M.D., Benjamin H. Archer, M.D., J. Randolph Quinn, M.D., Louis<br />

A. Hauser, M.D., Anna Piatt, M.D., Leon I. Levine, M.D., Evelyn<br />

Holt, M.D., Ephraim Shorr, M.D., Wheelan D. Sutliff, M.D., Ed<br />

ward Tolstoi, M.D., Harriet White, M.D., Kirby Martin, M.D.,<br />

Maurice Kagan, M.D., Theresa Scanlon, M.D., Harry B. Torrey,<br />

M.D., Bryant E. Christensen, M.D., Charles Kaufman, M.D., Scott<br />

Johnson, M.D., Aaron D. Spielman, M.D., William B. Vance, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, Department of Medicine, at a<br />

salary of $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

Clinic<br />

(Gastro-Enterology)<br />

Haynes Harold Fellows, M.D., Physician in Charge, Department<br />

of Medicine (Gastro-Enterology), salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Sydney Weintraub, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of<br />

Medicine (Gastro-Enterology), salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Nancy Jenison, M.D., Nathaniel B. Stanton, M.D., Michael Lake,<br />

M.D., Jeannette Jenison, M.D., Douglas Palmer, M.D., Herman<br />

Phillip, M.D., John H. Whaley, M.D., Stephen White, AID., Assist<br />

ant Physicians to the Clinic, Department of Medicine (Gastro-En<br />

terology), salary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

(Diabetes)<br />

Henry James Spencer, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Medicine (Diabetes), salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Evelyn Holt, M.D., Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Medicine (Diabetes), salary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

(Arthritis)<br />

Benjamin H. Archer, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Medicine (Arthritis), salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Kristian G. Hansson, M.D., Assistant Physician to the Clinic, De<br />

partment of Medicine (Arthritis), salary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

(Endocrine)<br />

Connie M. Guion, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of<br />

Medicine (Endocrine), salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Clinic<br />

(Asthma)<br />

Horace S. Baldwin, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of<br />

Medicine (Asthma), salary $7.00 per Clinic.

1932<br />

Harold S. Belcher, M.D., Harry S. Berkoff, M.D., Wheelan<br />

Dwight Sutliffe, M.D., Evelyn Holt, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Physicians to<br />

the Clinic, Department of Medicine (Asthma), salary<br />

Clinic.<br />

$5.00 per<br />

(Tuberculosis)<br />

Edward R. P. Janvrin, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Medicine (Tuberculosis), salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

(Cardiac)<br />

Berton Lattin, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of Medi<br />

cine (Cardiac), salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Arthur M. Master, M.D., Assistant Physician in Charge of Elec<br />

trocardiography, Department of Medicine (Cardiac), salary $5.00<br />

per Clinic.<br />

(Overweight)<br />

Henry James Spencer, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Medicine (Overweight), salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Ralph A. Eckhardt, M.D., Assistant Physician to the Clinic, De<br />

partment of Medicine (Overweight), salary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

Department of Military Science and Tactics<br />

William H. Allen, M.D., Major, U. S. A., Professor of Military<br />

Science and Tactics (assigned by the War Department).<br />

Department of Neurology<br />

Charles L. Dana, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine, Depart-<br />

ment of Neurology.<br />

Clinic<br />

Thomas K. Davis, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Neurol<br />

ogy, salary $1,500.<br />

Lewis D. Stevenson, M.D., Walter M. Kraus, M.D., Physicians to<br />

the Clinic, Department of Neurology, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Theodore W. Neumann, M.D., Rhoda Muriel Ivimey, M.D., Pat<br />

rick N. Carroll, M.D., Aaron Bell, M.D., Alfred H. Ehrenclou,<br />

M.D., Theophilus P. Allen, M.D., Wendell Mitchell, M.D., Lucy<br />

Miller, M.D., Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, Department of Neu<br />

rology, salary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology<br />

J. Clifton Edgar, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, Emeritus.<br />

Lynn L. Fulkerson, M.D., John F. McGrath, M.D., Instructors in<br />

Obstetrics and Gynecology.<br />

Clinic<br />

John F. McGrath, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Obstetrics<br />

and Gynecology, salary $1,500.

T933<br />

S. Schmerzler, M.D., Louis P. Biro, M.D., Eleanor J. Murphy,<br />

M.D., Thomas A. Iovino, M.D., Robert G. Dunovant, M.D., Marjorie<br />

Hopper, M.D., Isabel Knowlton, M.D., Assistant Surgeons to<br />

the Clinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, salary $5.00<br />

per Clinic.<br />

Department of Ophthalmology<br />

Samuel P. Oast, M.D., George W. Vandegrift, M.D.,<br />

Milton L<br />

Berliner, M.D., Instructors in Clinical Surgery, Department of Oph<br />

thalmology.<br />

Clinic<br />

Samuel P. Oast, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Ophthal<br />

mology, salary $1,500.<br />

George W. Vandegrift, M.D., Milton L. Berliner, M.D., Surgeons<br />

to the Clinic, Department of Ophthalmology, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Marc C. Angelillo, M.D., Samuel Schwartzman, M.D., Leo Tru<br />

man Boyes, M.D., Joseph H. Singer, M.D., Assistant Surgeons to the<br />

Clinic, Department of Ophthalmology, salary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

Department of Orthopedic Surgery<br />

Arthur H. Cilley, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery,<br />

Department of Orthopedic Surgery.<br />

Kristian G. Hannson, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery, Depart<br />

ment of Orthopedic Surgery.<br />

Clinic<br />

Arthur H. Cilley, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Orthopedic<br />

Surgery, salary $1,500.<br />

John S. Ware, M.D., Surgeon to the Clinic, Department of Ortho<br />

pedic Surgery, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Joseph H. Gaston, M.D., Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Depart<br />

ment of Orthopedic Surgery, salary $5.00.<br />

Department of Otology<br />

George B. McAuliffe, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Sur<br />

gery, Department of Otology.<br />

Gervais W. McAuliffe, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery, De<br />

partment of Otology.<br />

Stewart L. Craig, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Surgery, Department.<br />

of Otology.<br />

Clinic<br />

George B. McAuliffe, M.D., Chief of Clinic, salary $1,500.<br />

Gervais W. McAuliffe, MX>., Emmet C. Fitch, M.D., Surgeons to<br />

the Clinic, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Carl Fornell, M.D., Ann M. Belcher, M.D., Edward M. Pullen,<br />

M.D., Assistant Surgeons to the Clinic, Department of Otology, sal<br />

ary $5.00 per Clinic.

1934<br />

Department of Pathology<br />

Fred W. Stewart, M.D., Associate in Pathology.<br />

Charles T. Olcott, M.D., Instructor in Surgical Pathology.<br />

Max Cutler, M.D., Assistant in Pathology.<br />

Gilbert Dalldorf, M.D., Instructor in Surgical Pathology<br />

sistant in Pathology.<br />

Department of Pediatrics<br />

and As<br />

Philip Moen Stimson, M.D., Chief of Clinic, salary $1,500.<br />

Helen Harrington, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of<br />

Pediatrics, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

George C. Ludlow, M.D., Harold T. Vogel, M.D., Virginia T.<br />

Weeks, M.D., Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, Department of<br />

Pediatrics, salary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine<br />

Walter C. Klotz, M.D., Assistant Professor of Public Health and<br />

Preventive Medicine.<br />

Clinic<br />

Harry H. Hamilton, M.D., Physician to the Clinic,<br />

Public Health and Preventive Medicine.<br />

Department of<br />

Emanuel W. Billard, M.D., Harry S. Berkoff, M.D., Anna Piatt,<br />

M.D., Mary Putnam, M.D., Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, salary<br />

$5.00 per Clinic.<br />

Department of Roentgenology<br />

John C. Carty, M.D., Ramsay Spillman, M.D., Webster W. Belden,<br />

M.D., Ralph E. Herendeen, M.D., Irving Schwartz, M.D., Instructors<br />

in Roentgenology.<br />

John C. Carty, M.D., Chief of Clinic, salary $3,840.<br />

Francis J. Osborne, M.D., Michael Lake, M.D., Surgeons to the<br />

Clinic, Department of Roentgenology, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Department of Surgery<br />

Frederic S. Dennis, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Emeritus.<br />

George Woolsey, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Emeritus.<br />

Irving S. Haynes, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Emeritus.<br />

John Rogers, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Emeritus.<br />

Professor of Clinical Surgery.<br />

Alfred S. Taylor, M.D.,<br />

Burton J. Lee, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery.<br />

Pol Coryllos, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery.<br />

Byron Stookey, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery.<br />

Jacob Buckstein, M.D., Instructor in Surgical Roentgenology.<br />

Joseph E. J. King, M.D., Instructor in Surgery.<br />

John H. Morris, M.D., Assistant in Surgical Research.

1935<br />

Clinic<br />

Russel H. Patterson, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Sur<br />

gery, salary $1,500.<br />

John E. Sutton, Jr., M.D., Surgeon to the Clinic, Department of<br />

Surgery, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Lewis C. Wagner, M.D., Ralph C. Kahle, M.D., Robert K. Felter,<br />

M.D., Assistant Surgeons to the Clinic, Department of Surgery, sal<br />

ary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

Clinic Dentistry<br />

Louis Wack, M.D., Surgeon to the Clinic, Department of Den<br />

tistry, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Max Halpern, M.D., Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Dentistry, salary $5.00 per Clinic.<br />

Department oj Urology<br />

Miguel Alvarez, M.D., Benjamin S. Barringer, M.D.,<br />

Paul M.<br />

Butterfield, M.D., Roy B. Henline, M.D., Howard S. Jeck, M.D.,<br />

Lisle B. Kingery, M.D., William A. Wilson, M.D., Robert F. Zeiss,<br />

M'D., Instructors in Clinical Surgery,<br />

Clinic<br />

Department of Urology.<br />

William A. Wilson, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Urology,<br />

salary $1,500.<br />

Miguel Alvarez, M.D., Lisle B. Kingery, M.D., Leo Marquith,<br />

M.D., Wendell J. Washburn, M.D., Louis Neuwelt, M.D., Robert F.<br />

Zeiss, M.D., Paul M. Butterfield, M.D., Thomas J. Kirwin, M.D.,<br />

Roy B. Henline, M.D., Thomas P. Burrus, M.D., Michele Iovine,<br />

M.D., Allister M. McClellan, M.D., Vincent McAuliffe, M.D., As<br />

sistant Surgeons to the Clinic, Department of Urology, salary $5.00<br />

per Clinic.<br />

16. In order to correct typographical errors in appointments in<br />

the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical College in New York City for the<br />

year 1928-29, the following changes were made :<br />

Dr. Samuel Z. Levine from Instructor to Associate in Pediatrics.<br />

Dr. James Wilson and Dr. Thomas E. Waldie from Instructors in<br />

Clinical Pediatrics to Instructors in Pediatrics.<br />

17. The following appointments were made in the Medical Col<br />

lege in New York City for the year 1928-29 :<br />

Grant Guillemont and John Noll, Student Assistants in the De<br />

partment of Physiology, each at a salary of $400.<br />

Herbert Pollack, Student Assistant in the Department of Physiol<br />

ogy at a salary of $200.<br />

18. Authority was granted the President to confer degrees as of<br />

September, 1928, in accordance with the recommendations of the

1936<br />

special faculties, upon students who have fulfilled all necessary re<br />

quirements.<br />

19. The President reported the gift of $1,000 from Mr. Albert<br />

Jonas of the Class of '80 as an addition to his previous gifts to the<br />

Albert and Olive Jonas Fund.<br />

20. The provisions in the Will of George W. Lefevre, who died<br />

on August 13th, 1928,<br />

were reported as follows :<br />

"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> at Ith<br />

aca, N. Y., all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, the in<br />

come from which is to be used each year in the payment of scholar<br />

ships in said <strong>University</strong> as herein provided, such residuary fund to<br />

be known as 'The George W. Lefevre Trust Fund for Scholarships<br />

in <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>,'<br />

'The George W. Lefevre Scholarships.'<br />

and the said scholarships to be known as<br />

The income from said fund<br />

is to be used each year in the payment of scholarships, of which as<br />

many as possible shall each year be four hundred dollars ($400)<br />

each in amount. Each of such scholarships shall be payable each<br />

year in four equal installments. Said scholarships shall be awarded<br />

by the <strong>University</strong> to eligible students who shall be the successful con<br />

testants in competitive tests or examinations to be conducted by the<br />

<strong>University</strong> as the basis for awarding such scholarships, and the<br />

action of the <strong>University</strong> in the award of any scholarship as herein<br />

provided shall be final. The following students of the <strong>University</strong>,<br />

and no others,<br />

shall be eligible to compete for the award of a<br />

scholarship provided for herein, namely, all students, whether male<br />

or female, who shall be in their first year's attendance in the Fresh<br />

man class in the said <strong>University</strong> and shall be regularly enrolled as<br />

such students therein at the beginning of any college year, and who<br />

shall be in financial need and shall satisfy said <strong>University</strong> that their<br />

parents cannot contribute the amount required to meet the necessary<br />

<strong>University</strong> charges and necessary living expenses at said <strong>University</strong>;<br />

and any student to whom a scholarship shall be awarded, as herein<br />

provided, shall thereafter be entitled to hold said scholarship each<br />

year during such time as such student shall maintain a standing satis<br />

factory to said <strong>University</strong> and shall remain regularly enrolled as a<br />

student therein, or in any department or course thereof, whether as<br />

an undergraduate or as a graduate student.<br />

The general objects of the gifts provided for herein are to ad<br />

vance the interests and usefulness of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>, and to aid<br />

and encourage young men and women of superior ability who shall<br />

be in need of financial assistance and shall desire to receive the<br />

benefit of education at said <strong>University</strong>.

1937<br />

I give to said <strong>University</strong> full power and authority to hold, man<br />

age, invest and reinvest the whole and any part of my residuary<br />

estate which shall pass to said <strong>University</strong> under this Will, and to<br />

receive and collect the rents, issues and profits thereof and apply<br />

the net income as herein provided. I hereby give to said <strong>University</strong><br />

full power and authority to sell any and all personal property at<br />

any time forming part of the said fund and to invest the proceeds<br />

of such sale as herein provided. I direct that all investments made<br />

by said <strong>University</strong> in respect to the said fund shall be of the class to<br />

which Trustees shall be restricted by the law of the State of New<br />

York. I hereby give to said <strong>University</strong> full power and authority to<br />

sell, exchange, mortgage and lease, on such terms as shall to it seem<br />

expedient, any and all real estate passing to said <strong>University</strong> as part<br />

of my<br />

estate."<br />

21. The recommendations of Professor A. W. Smith for inscrip<br />

tions on the underface of the arch at the base of the Library Tower<br />

setting forth the history of the chimes and the names of the donors<br />

were approved.<br />

22. Authority<br />

was granted the Comptroller to arrange for the<br />

sale of certain parcels of land in Pitcairn Township, St. Lawrence<br />

County, aggregating approximately 875 acres which were transferred<br />

to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> as a part of the residuary estate of Professor<br />

Willard Fiske,<br />

and to execute a deed therefor on behalf of the Uni<br />

versity and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

23. A leave of absence, without prejudice to salary, was granted<br />

A. W. Gibson, Associate Secretary of Resident Instruction in the<br />

Agricultural College, from October 15th to October 27th, 1928.<br />

24. A recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees that<br />

Acting Dean George Young, Jr., be appointed Dean of the College<br />

of Architecture at a salary of $6,000 a year.<br />

25. The President reported that informal negotiations were being<br />

carried on with a view to inviting the following named authorities<br />

in chemistry and allied sciences to visit <strong>Cornell</strong> under the auspices<br />

of the Baker Non-Resident Lectureship Fund :<br />

Professor F. M. Jaeger, The <strong>University</strong>, Groningen, Holland.<br />

Professor Alfred Stock, Englerstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Germany.<br />

Professor K. Fajans, Prinzregentenstrasse 54, Munich, Germany.<br />

Professor G. Hevesy, Hebelstrasse 38, Freiburg i. Br., Germany.<br />

Professor N. V. Sidgwick, Lincoln College, Oxford, England.<br />

Professor W. L. Bragg, The Physical Laboratories, The Univer<br />

sity, Manchester, England.<br />

The President's recommendation that the above named gentlemen<br />

be appointed visiting lecturers on the Baker Foundation was ap<br />


1938<br />

26. The President reported conversations and correspondence re<br />

garding the ultimate disposition of the gift of 925 shares of East<br />

man Kodak Company stock given to the <strong>University</strong> by Mr. George<br />

W. Todd of Rochester. Mr. Todd's family desire and Mr. Todd<br />

consents that, if agreeable to the Board of Trustees, the gift, with<br />

such adidtions as may be made thereto, be used to establish the<br />

George W. Todd Professorship in the Department of English under<br />

conditions that may be mutually agreeable to the Trustees and to the<br />

donor. The suggestion was cordially approved and the President<br />

was authorized to arrange with Mr. Todd the details of said endow<br />

ment.<br />

27. The President was authorized to invite Dr. H. A. Barton to<br />

accept an Assistant Professorship<br />

of Physics for a term of three<br />

years, effective at the beginning of the academic year 1929-30, at a<br />

salary of $3,500 a year.<br />

28. The President presented a request from the Department of<br />

Geology for the inauguration of a summer field school in Geology to<br />

be named in honor of former Professor H. S. Williams. The com<br />

mittee signified its approval of the establishment of such a field<br />

school provided funds for the endowment thereof can be obtained<br />

and satisfactory plans worked out by the Department of Geology.<br />

29. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council the<br />

following<br />

grants were made :<br />

Supplement to Grant No. n: $3,500 to Professor F. K. Richt-<br />

myer for assistance in a study of X-ray spectra and the absorption<br />

of X-rays by different materials in accordance with the terms of his<br />

letter of September 4th, 1928.<br />

Supplement to Grant No. 140: $1,500 to Professor E. Merritt for<br />

assistance in studying the influence of conditions in the upper atmos<br />

phere upon the propagation of electric waves in accordance with the<br />

terms of his letter of September 18th, 1928.<br />

Supplement to Grant No. 12S: $100 to Dr. W. H. French for<br />

rotographs of manuscripts containing Middle English metrical ro<br />

mances in accordance with the terms of his letter of August 18th,<br />

1928.<br />

30. The following minute of appreciation for the notable work<br />

done by Professor and Mrs. John Henry Comstock was adopted by<br />

the committee and the President requested to transmit a copy thereof<br />

to Professor and Mrs. Comstock:<br />

"The Board of Trustees of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> wish to associate<br />

themselves with the many friends of Professor and Mrs. John<br />

Henry Comstock who are extending to them warm greetings and<br />

congratulations on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary.

1939<br />

The Board recalls with deep appreciation not only the notable con<br />

tributions to science and to education made by both Professor and<br />

Airs. Comstock during their long years of active <strong>University</strong> service,<br />

but particularly also the engaging hospitality and the friendly per<br />

sonal relations established by them which have been an inspiration<br />

to so many generations of <strong>Cornell</strong> students.<br />

The Board earnestly hopes that health and happiness lie before<br />

these two distinguished figures in <strong>Cornell</strong> history."<br />

31. A special chimes service was authorized for Sunday, October<br />

7th, in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the <strong>Cornell</strong><br />

chimes.<br />

32. The report of the Heckscher Research Council for the year<br />

1927-28 was received, accepted and placed on file.<br />

33. The Comptroller reported that owing to an amendment to the<br />

Workmen's Compensation Act effective October 1st, 1928, it was<br />

now necessary for <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> to secure the benefits of work<br />

men's compensation to its employees and authority was granted him<br />

to make the required deposit of bonds with the Department of<br />

Labor to secure permission for <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> to carry its own<br />

insurance or make such other arrangements therefor as he may<br />

deem advisable.<br />

The Comptroller was also requested to formulate the details of a<br />

plan for setting aside the necessary funds for this insurance.<br />

34. The Comptroller was authorized to continue negotiations for<br />

the purchase of the property owned by the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity<br />

on Thurston Avenue, and also the property owned by Professor L.<br />

M. Dennis on <strong>University</strong> Avenue, and to transfer to the Alpha Chi<br />

Rho fraternity a portion of the property so purchased from Pro<br />

fessor Dennis at such price and under such terms as he may deem<br />

advisable, and authority was granted him to execute such deeds or<br />

other instruments on behalf of the <strong>University</strong> as may be necessary to<br />

complete the transfers of the above named properties and to attach<br />

thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

35. The Comptroller reported on the sale of the Ithaca Street<br />

Railway<br />

system and also on the informal proposition of Mr. F. L.<br />

Morse to develop an electric generating plant in Fall Creek Gorge<br />

and furnish to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> its necessary electrical energy.<br />

A committee consisting of Trustees J. DuPratt White, Sanderson,<br />

Sackett and Comptroller Bostwick was appointed to investigate and<br />

report on such proposition as may be made concerning the furnish<br />

ing of electric current to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> by Mr. F. L. Morse.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


October 19, 1928.<br />

Present President Farrand, Dr. Robinson, Mr. Williams, Dr.<br />

Elser. Owing to the absence from the city Mr. Westinghouse and<br />

Dr. Hartwell were unable to attend.<br />

A letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of advising the<br />

approval of the minutes of the Medical College Council of May 11,<br />

1928, and approving<br />

of the Budget of the Medical College and<br />

Medical College Clinic for the year beginning July 1, 1928, was<br />

presented and placed on file.<br />

It was moved and carried that the following<br />

made to the Board of Trustees :<br />

recommendations be<br />

1. That the following balances of special funds be reserved :<br />

Anatomy National Research Council $697 45<br />

Experimental Biochemistry<br />

758 67<br />

Experimental Therapeutics 2,198 43<br />

General Education Board Research Farm 13,181 10<br />

General Education Board Building Fund 1,470 00<br />

Library<br />

Alfred Michaelis Fund 126 31<br />

Medicine Second Division, Bellevue Hospital,<br />

Cancer Research__325 00<br />

Neurology Special Research 306 43<br />

Pediatrics Special Research 2,386 03<br />

Pneumona Digitalis Study 1, 364 40<br />

Surgery Transfusion Fund T,T54 00<br />

Surgical Research Given Fund 1,868 25<br />

Student Loan Fund 233 18^26,069 25<br />

and that in order to meet expenses contracted for prior to June 30,<br />

1928, the following unexpended balance of appropriations and special<br />

funds be reappropriated :<br />

625 00<br />

Bacteriology<br />

Clothing Locker Key Deposits 129 25<br />

Microscope Locker Key Deposits 43 80 $798 05<br />

1941<br />

^26,867 3

1942<br />

2. That out of the net earnings of the <strong>Cornell</strong> Clinic for the year<br />

ended June 30, 1928, amounting to $13,559.40 there be appropriated<br />

$6,500.00 for necessary alterations to the first floor of the old Medical<br />

College Building, 408-412 East 26th Street, to house and install the<br />

Clinic Department of Orthopedics, Physiotherapy and Basal Metabo<br />

lism and to make necessary changes in the basement of the main<br />

College Building to provide for necessary expansion of the X-Ray<br />

Department.<br />

3. That <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical College Scholarships be granted<br />

as follows :<br />

Elizabeth Humeston, Second Year Polk Scholarship, $250<br />

Albert C. Santy, Second Year C.U.M.C.<br />

H. H. Dodds, Fourth Year C.U.M.C.<br />

Duncan Whitehead, Second Yearj C.U.M.C.<br />

4. That on request of Dr. Foster Kennedy an appropriation be<br />

made to continue the salary of a technician in Bellevue Hospital from<br />

July 1, 1928, to June 30, 1929, at the rate of $150 a month.<br />

5. That leave of absence, with salary, be granted to Dr. E. F. Du<br />

Bois from July 14th, 1928 to March 1929.<br />

6. That on request of Dr. E. F. DuBois an appropriation of $1,000<br />

be made to pay Dr. Richardson as Acting Director of the Second<br />

Medical Division, Bellevue Hospital (<strong>Cornell</strong>).<br />

7. That on request of Dr. Lewis A. Conner, Dr. Whelan D. Sutliff<br />

be appointed to a Travelling Fellowship in Medicine at a salary at the<br />

rate of $2,200 a year and that Dr. Norman Plummer be appointed to<br />

the position of Instructor in Medicine at a salary of $2,000 a year, in<br />

place of Dr. Sutliff.<br />

8. That the appointment of Dr. John H. Richards be changed to<br />

read "Instructor in Medicine,"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

500<br />

500<br />

500<br />

salary $300 and that this amount be<br />

transferred from the budget appropriation of the Department of<br />

Clinical Pathology to Medicine.<br />

9. That on request of Dr. Ewing, Dr. Gillbert Dalldorf be ap<br />

pointed an Assistant in Pathology at a salary of $500 for the Session<br />

of 1928-1929.<br />

10. That the appointments following be made in the Department<br />

of Psychiatry<br />

1928-<br />

for the Session 1929 :<br />

William L. Russell, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry (without salary)<br />

Mortimer W. Raynor, M.D., Professor of Clinical Psychiatry,<br />

salary $500.<br />

Abraham Kardiner, M,D., Instructor in Psychiatry, salary $100.<br />

George W. Henry, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, salary $100.<br />

Oswald H. Boltz, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, salary $100.

Joseph P. Eidson, M.D.,<br />

1943<br />

Instructor in Psychiatry, without salary.<br />

Charles G. McGafnn, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, without<br />

salary.<br />

Michael J. Lonergan, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, without<br />

salary.<br />

Dr. Ewing requests an appropriation of $1,500 to cover cost of<br />

animals and food and $1,200 for wages for an animal keeper for Dr.<br />

L'Esperance's work on Hodgkin's Disease. Referred to Dr. Robin<br />

son with power to act.<br />

Request from Dr. Ewing for an appropriation of $700 for repairs to<br />

present equipment and for the purchase of new apparatus for the<br />

photograph}- iu the Department of Pathology and for a small increase<br />

in salary for the photographer. Referred to Dr. Robinson with power<br />

to act.<br />

(Note : Director Robinson under authority granted him, under<br />

date of Oct. 24th, 1928, made the following recommendations) :<br />

$800 for Technician.<br />

$1,500 for Animal Supplies.<br />

$700 for photographic apparatus.<br />

$80 for an increase of salary for the Assistant Photographer.<br />

The report of the annual inspection of the <strong>Cornell</strong> Clinic by the<br />

State Department of Charities was presented and placed on file.<br />

The Department directed that it be classified as follows :<br />

Plant, Class I ; Administration, Class I.<br />

Mr. Willson reported the receipt from the General Education<br />

Board through the <strong>University</strong> Treasurer of $8,750 "being first<br />

quarterly payment of grant for 1928-1929 for organization, administra<br />

tion and maintenance of the new Medical School."<br />

The gifts were reported :<br />

following<br />

From Dr. Samuel J. Druskin's widow, lantern slides, microscopic<br />

slides, charts, etc., with dealing Obstetrics and Gynecology.<br />

Gift of $100 to Second Surgical Division, Bellevue Hospital.<br />

It was moved and carried that these gifts be properly acknow<br />

ledged by<br />

the Director and that the thanks of the Council be<br />

expressed to the donors.<br />

There being no further business the meeting<br />

adjourned.<br />

was declared<br />

J. Thorne Willson,<br />

Secretary of the Council.

1944<br />


November 3rd, 1928.<br />

Present Trustees Van Cleef, Chairman ; Farrand, <strong>Cornell</strong>, R. B.<br />

Williams, C. E. Treman, Pound, R. H. Treman ; Faculty Represent<br />

atives Thilly and Moore and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees J. DuPratt White, Wilson and<br />

Westinghouse and their absence excused.<br />

Action was taken as follows :<br />

1. The resignation of L. C.Roess, Instructor in Electrical Engineer<br />

ing, was reported effective at the beginning<br />

1928-29.<br />

of the academic year<br />

2. The following appointments were made for the academic year<br />

1928-29 :<br />

Frank J. Bristol, Instructor in Electrical Engineering, at a salary<br />

of $1,200.<br />

C. R. Fordyce, Assistant to the Non-Resident Lecturer in Chemistry<br />

for the first term, at a salary of $400 for the term, to be paid from the<br />

Baker Non-Resident Lectureship Fund.<br />

3. Owing to changes in the department, the sabbatic leave of<br />

absence heretofore granted Professor F. O. Ellenwood of the Depart<br />

ment of Heat Power Engineering for the academic year 1928-29, was<br />

cancelled.<br />

4, The salary of E. R. Paige, Instructor in Electrical Engineering,<br />

was increased from $1,500 to $1,800 a year, for a two year term, effec<br />

tive at the beginning of the academic year 1928-29.<br />

5. Upon the recommendation of the President the following were<br />

appointed to the Eleanor Tatum Long Graduate Scholarships in<br />

Structural Geology for the academic year 1928-29:<br />

P. H. Price at a stipend of $600.<br />

Arthur Wedel at a stipend of $900.<br />

6. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of<br />

October 19th, 1928, were approved and the appointments and appro<br />

priations made as therein recommended, except the appointment of<br />

professors which were recommended to the Full Board.<br />

7. The following<br />

resignations were reported in the staff of the<br />

Medical College in New York ^City, effective September 30, 1928,<br />

unless otherwise stated :<br />

Harold('C. Bailey, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology.<br />

Carl E. Weigle, Assistant in Clinical Pediatrics.<br />

Whelan D. Sutliffe, Bacteriologist and Instructor in Medicine,<br />

(Bellevue Hospital Clinic.)

1945<br />

Haynes Harold Fellows, Physician (in Charge) to the Clinic, De<br />

partment of Gastro-Enterology (Medicine) effective October ist, 1928.<br />

Harry Beal Torrey, Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Medicine, effective August 30, 1928.<br />

Vincent J. McAuliffe, Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Urology, effective September 1, 1928.<br />

Leland E. Hinsie, Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department of<br />

Psychiatry, effective September 12, 1928.<br />

Abraham Kardiner, Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Psychiatry, effective September 20, 1928.<br />

Earl H. Adams, Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department of<br />

Psychiatry.<br />

8. Upon recommendation of the President, the following appoint<br />

ments were made to the staff of the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical Col<br />

lege and Medical College Clinic, for the year 1928-29, unless other<br />

wise stated ;<br />

Theodore J. Curphy and Michael Lake, Instructors in Clinical<br />

Pathology, each at a salary of $500.<br />

Eleanor B. Newton, Assistant in Chemistry at a salary of $1,250.<br />

Carl H. Smith, Assistant in Clinical Pediatrics at a salary of $300.<br />

Appointments in the Clinic :<br />

Sidney Weintraub was promoted from Attending Physician to Phy<br />

sician in Charge of Gastro-Enterology, Department of Medicine, ap<br />

pointment to date from October 1, 1928, salary $7.00 per Clinic.<br />

Douglas-Palmer was promoted from Assistant Physician to Physi<br />

cian, Department of Medicine, Gastro-Enterology, salary $7.00 per<br />

Clinic, appointment to date from July 23, 1928.<br />

Wendell Johnson Stainsby, Assistant Physician to Clinic, Depart<br />

ment of Medicine, salary $5.00 per Clinic,<br />

September 27, 1928.<br />

appointment to date from<br />

William R. Delzell, Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Urology, salary $5.00 per Clinic,<br />

September 26, 1928.<br />

appointment to date from<br />

Hilda W. Allen was promoted to Assistant Physician to the Clinic,<br />

Department of Psychiatry, salary $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to<br />

date from October 9, 1928.<br />

Alfred H. Ehrenclou was promoted from Assistant Physician to<br />

Physician to the Clinic, Department of Neurology, salary<br />

Clinic, appointment to date from September 28, 1928.<br />

$7.00 per<br />

Fred Adams was promoted to Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, De<br />

partment of Urology, salary $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to date<br />

from October 9, 1928.

1946<br />

William Meade Archer, Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Depart<br />

ment of Roentgenology, salary $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to date<br />

from October 4, 1928.<br />

George B. McAuliffe was appointed Acting Head of the Department<br />

of Otology, at a salary of $300.<br />

The title of Edwin T. Hauser was changed from Instructor in<br />

Clinical Medicine to Instructor in Medicine without change of salary.<br />

Rees Jensen, Assistant in Surgery, without salary.<br />

Douglas Palmer, Assistant Radiologist to the Clinic, Department<br />

of Radiology, at a salary of $5.00 per Clinic,<br />

from October 23, 1928.<br />

appointment to date<br />

9. The appointment of the following Conference Committees for<br />

the year 1928-29 were reported by the President :<br />

Faculty ofLaw: Dean Burdick and Professors H. E. Whiteside<br />

and E. E. Cheatham.<br />

Medical Faculty: Secretary Kerr and Professors B. F. Kingsbury<br />

and J. B. Sumner.<br />

Faculty of Architecture: Dean Young and Professors F. H. Bos-<br />

worth and A. C. Phelps.<br />

Faculty of Engineering: Dean Kimball and Directors F. A.<br />

Barnes, Herman Diederichs and P. M. Lincoln.<br />

10. The election by the <strong>University</strong> Faculty at its meeting on<br />

October 10, 1928, of the following members of Councils was reported:<br />

Library<br />

Council: Professor W. B. Carver to succeed himself and<br />

Professor William Strunk to succeed Professor H. R. Smart, each<br />

for a term of two years beginning November 1, 1928.<br />

Heckscher Council: Professor Carl Becker to succeed himself for<br />

a term of four years beginning November 1, 1928.<br />

11. Owing to the exceptional circumstances involved, a leave of<br />

absence for the year 1929-1930 was granted Professor Horace L. Jones,<br />

without prejudice to salary.<br />

12. A leave of absence without prejudice to salary was granted<br />

Dean R. Louise Fitch from December 1, 1928 to January 11, 1929.<br />

13. The request for an additional appropriation by the State of<br />

$5,000 to be included in the budget for 1929-30 for repairs to build<br />

ings at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at<br />

Geneva was approved.<br />

14. The President was authorized to reconstitute the Committee on<br />

Decoration and Ornamentation of Goldwin Smith Hall in such man<br />

ner as he may deem advisable after consultation with Dean Ogden.<br />

15. The Comptroller reported the following provisions contained<br />

in the Will of Forbes Heermans, deceased :

1947<br />

"Likewise, on the death of my sister, Mary E. Heermans, I direct<br />

that the net avails of my trust estate then remaining in the hands of<br />

rny trustees, shall be divided and distributed to the following<br />

* * *<br />

named persons and for the following purposes, viz:<br />

To the Trustees of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> at Ithaca, New York, the<br />

sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000)<br />

the following<br />

in trust nevertheless for<br />

charitable and educational uses and purposes: the<br />

principal of such trust fund shall be kept invested in safe, interest<br />

paying securities and the income accruing therefrom shall be utilized<br />

by the trustees of the <strong>University</strong> to provide a short course of lectures<br />

to be given or annually biennially as may be deemed best, at <strong>Cornell</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> 011 the Drama, Dramatic Composition or kindred themes,<br />

these lectures to be given whenever possible by some American-born<br />

dramatist, actor or stage director, and the unexpended balance of the<br />

annual income, if any, shall be divided into three equal parts, two<br />

parts thereof to be given as a first prize to the student submitting the<br />

best essay on play writing or the best short one act play on an<br />

American theme, and the third part to be given to the other student<br />

submitting the second best essay or * * *<br />

play as aforesaid.<br />

I direct that the surplus of assets, if any, of my trust estate remain<br />

ing in the hands of my trustees after providing for the distribution<br />

hereinabove set forth, shall be divided by my trustees into twelve<br />

equal parts, which I give and bequeath as * * *<br />

follows, viz:<br />

To <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> two (2) parts thereof to be added to the<br />

and allocated to the fund<br />

general endowment fund of the <strong>University</strong><br />

for a maintaining Kappa Alpha<br />

professorship."<br />

16. The Comptroller reported the following provisions in the Will<br />

of Ida B. Criddle, deceased :<br />

"I also make the following bequests * * *. I give and bequeath to<br />

the officers, directors or other governing board of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

at Ithaca, New York, the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000) Dollars, to<br />

be used by them in any way they desire."<br />

17. It appearing that there is no provision in the Will of James N.<br />

Oliphant for the appointment of a trustee, it was the opinion of the<br />

Committee that Floyd Mundy, the Executor of such Will, should be<br />

appointed trustes'without bond, and the Comptroller was authorized<br />

to give such consent for such appointment as may^be necessary on<br />

the part of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

18. Whereas : Mr. Edward W. Sheldon,<br />

as trustee under the<br />

agreement, dated January 22, 1925 and amended November 1, 1926,<br />

with <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> in connection with the sale of 30,000 shares<br />

of the capital stock of the International Railway Company to Mr.<br />

Nelson Robinson, has fully carried out and fulfilled the duties under-

1948<br />

taken by him, and has under date of November i, 1928 submitted to<br />

the <strong>University</strong> a full account of his acts as such trustee, now be it<br />

Resolved : That the said Edward YV. Sheldon be and he hereby is<br />

discharged from any and all liability to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> under the<br />

above mentioned trust agreement, and further<br />

Resolved : That the Trustees of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> express to Mr.<br />

Sheldon their sincere appreciation of the able manner in which he<br />

has conducted the affairs of the trust and the service thereby<br />

rendered the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

The President was requested to express to Mr. Nelson Robinson<br />

the deep appreciation of the trustees for his assistance to the Univer<br />

sity in this matter.<br />

19. The salary of Director U. P. Hedrick was readjusted for the<br />

period from July r, 192S to September 30,<br />

1928 so as to be payable at<br />

the annual rate of $5,000 from State Funds and 51,000 from Hatch<br />

Funds.<br />

20. The President made a short report concerning the development<br />

of plans for strengthening the College of Architecture.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretarj-


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


November 16, 1928<br />

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman; Van Cleef, Farrand,<br />

J. DuPratt White, Cooke, R. H. Treman, Hiscock and Upson.<br />

The President's recommendation of a budget of $72,500 for the<br />

coming<br />

Summer Session was approved and its adoption recommended<br />

to the Board of Trustees.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

George F Rogalsky<br />


Secretar}' pro tern.<br />

November 16, 1928.<br />

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman; Farrand, J. Du<br />

Pratt White, Cooke, R. H. Treman, Hiscock, Upson and Comptroller<br />

Bostwick.<br />

A Regret was received from Trustee Ickelheimer and his absence<br />

excused.<br />

1. Comptroller Bostwick reported on the security vaults.<br />

2. It was moved and carried that Comptroller Bostwick get com<br />

petitive bids for the care of our negotiable securities in New York<br />

City and award the custody of such securities accordingly.<br />

3. J. F. Schoellkopf , Jr was unanimously nominated for the vacancy<br />

on the Finance Committee.<br />

4. The report of sales and purchases of securites to October 1st, as<br />

printed was approved.<br />

5. It was voted to sell the following :<br />

(a) $25,000 Heller Brothers 7's at not less than 90.<br />

(b) 250 shares of General Baking Company<br />

common stock at<br />

the market, and in connection therewith // was resolved that<br />

George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he hereby is author<br />

ized to endorse the certificates in blank and to attach<br />

thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />


.<br />

I95Q<br />

(c) $5,ooo Missouri, Kansas & Texas first 4's at the market at<br />

the discretion of Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

(d) $50,000 Southern Railway consolidated 5's at the market at<br />

the discretion of Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

(e) 500 shares of Diamond Match stock, and in connection<br />

therewith it was resolved that George F. Rogalsky as<br />

Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized to endorse the<br />

certificates in blank and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s<br />

corporate seal. In connection with such sale of Diamond<br />

Match stcok it was further resolved that George F. Rogalsky<br />

as Treasurer, be and he hereby is authorized to endorse in<br />

blank the stock of the North American Match Corporation<br />

and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal, for<br />

such amounts of said stock as may be due to any purchaser<br />

from us of Diamond Match stock.<br />

(f) 500 shares of International Paper 7% preferred certificates of<br />

deposit and in connection therewith it was resolved that<br />

(g)<br />

George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he hereby is auth<br />

orized to endorse the certificates in blank and to attach<br />

thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

$75,000 International Paper Co. 1st. and ref. 5's of 1947.<br />

(h) 200 shares of Pullman stock, and in connection therewith it<br />

was resolved that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he<br />

(i)<br />

hereby<br />

is authorized to endorse the certificates in blank and<br />

to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

200 shares of International Nickel preferred and 80 shares of<br />

common at the market, and in connection therewith it was<br />

resolved that George F. Rogalsky<br />

hereby<br />

as Treasurer be and he<br />

is authorized to endorse the certificates in blank and<br />

to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

The following purchases were authorized :<br />

(a) 2,000 shares of Buffalo, Niagara Falls & Eastern 6.40%<br />

preferred.<br />

(b) 200 shares American Water Works preferred.<br />

(c) $50,000 Goodyear Tire & Rubber first 5's.<br />

(d) 500 shares Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific 6l/r preferred.<br />

(e) 250 shares Postum Company stock.<br />

(f ) 500 shares Filene Sons Company 6%% prefered.<br />

(g) 60 shares Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe common.<br />

(h) $500,000 of 5^% guaranteed mortgages.<br />

(i) As many Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe convertible<br />

debenture 4>'s as we will be entitled to under rights.

195*<br />

7- The sale of 580 shares of Westinghonse Air Brake stock in the<br />

discretion of Comptroller Bostwick was authorized, and in connec<br />

tion therewith it was resolved that George F. as Rogalsky Treasurer<br />

be and he hereby is authorized to endorse the certificates in blank<br />

and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

George F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary pro tern.<br />


November 16, 1928.<br />

Present Trustees J. DuPratt White, Chairman; Farrand, Sackett,<br />

Comptroller Bost<br />

Sanderson, Whitman, Upson and R. H Treman;<br />

wick and Superintendent Curtis.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Wakeman and Westinghouse<br />

and their absence excused.<br />

Action was taken and recommendations made to the Board of<br />

Trustees as follows :<br />

1. The recommendation of Mr. Klauder that gypsum block be used<br />

for interior partitions in the War Menorial Group and Boldt Tower<br />

in place of the solid plaster on metal lath specified, was approved.<br />

2. It was recommended that the <strong>University</strong> fire station north of<br />

Bailey Hall be discontinued.<br />

3. The use of the building at present used for the <strong>University</strong> Fire<br />

station north of Bailey Hall was referred to the President and Comp<br />

troller with power.<br />

4. A sight on the west side of Judd Falls Road to the south of the<br />

rural engineering sheds was approved for a building for the storage<br />

of tools for the Agricultural College. The exact location of this<br />

building is to be approved by the Chairman of the Landscape Com<br />

mittee and the matter of selecting an architect for preparing prelim<br />

inary plans for such was building referred to the Comptroller with<br />

power.<br />

5. It was recommended that subject to the approval of the Archi<br />

tectural Advisory Board the Plan Commission's plan for running<br />

Dryden Road to the north of the present artillery stables be changed<br />

so that the road would occupy approximately its present site.<br />

6. It was also recommended that the artillery stables be moved to a<br />

more appropriate location as soon as possible.

1952<br />

7- The matter of determining the locations from which earth is to<br />

be secured to furnish the back fill for the Plant Industry Building<br />

was referred to the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds with<br />

powrer.<br />

8. The Landscape Committee was requested to make a study of<br />

Garden Avenue, the parking space around Bailey Hall and the pro<br />

posed plaza to the south of the hall, and to report its recommend<br />

ations for improvement at the next of meeting the Committee.<br />

9. It was recommended that the Board of Trustees request the<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council to give careful consideration to the importance of<br />

establishing<br />

a fund for the development and improvement of the<br />

campus as distinct from the buildings thereon.<br />

io. The construction of a concrete walk or walk and curb from the<br />

Library<br />

to Willard Straight Hall was authorized. (Trustee E. N.<br />

Sanderson offered to provide the necessary funds for the building of<br />

this walk).<br />

n. The committee heretofore appointed to confer with Mr. F. L.<br />

Morse regarding the <strong>University</strong>'s rights in Fall Creek was requested<br />

to make an immediate examination of the legal questions involved.<br />

12. The request of Professor C. S. Northup for the fitting up<br />

of a<br />

certain portion of the attic of Goldwin.Smith Hall for his use was<br />

referred to the Committee on Improvements to Physical Plant.<br />

13. A report of the Arboretum Committee was received and the<br />

plans for thinning and clearing out the existing plantings were<br />

approved, the work to be done as and when funds become available<br />

therefor, and the Committee was requested to report at the next<br />

meeting<br />

of this Committee more detailed plans for the work proposed.<br />

14. Trustee Upson made a report on behalf of the sub-committee<br />

appointed to consider ways and means of cleaning out Beebe Lake<br />

and Trustee R. H. Treman was requested to take the matter up with<br />

the Stewart Park Commission and the City of Ithaca with a view to<br />

securing permission from them for the deposit on their property of<br />

the material taken from Beebe Lake. Mr. Upson's report follows :<br />

"As chairman of the sub-committee having to do with the dredging<br />

of Beebe Lake, I desire to present to you certain problems connected<br />

therewith which in my opinion should have careful consideration<br />

before we proceed further.<br />

As you are aware, Mr. Curtis has been making some experiments<br />

this summer in the use of a syphon with a jet, and has also opened<br />

up the blow-off gate. All of these experiments lead us to believe<br />

that in order to do the work adequately we will have to provide<br />

substantial equipment. In other words, no easy short-cut method<br />

appears to be feasible.

1953<br />

It is the conclusion of Mr. Curtis and our sub-committee that in<br />

order to do this work adequately it will be necessary either to have<br />

the <strong>University</strong> invest a substantial amount of money in equipment,<br />

or give a guarantee to a contractor for a substantial amount of money<br />

in order to place his equipment on the site.<br />

In either instance we are confronted with the possibility of being<br />

stopped in our operations either because of the sentiment of the city<br />

against our dumping the refuse into Fall Creek, or through a legal<br />

action on their part forcing the recognition of this sentiment. In<br />

either event it is possible and probable that the <strong>University</strong> will<br />

sustain a loss caused by the preparation to do this work.<br />

For this reason we are reluctant to embark on any program until<br />

we can get the full meeting of the Buildings and Grounds Committee<br />

to authorize such a procedure.<br />

An alternate solution which was proposed by us to Mr. R. H.<br />

Treman, Chairman of the Stewart Park Commission, was to make an<br />

arrangement with the Stewart Park Commission so that the material<br />

might be deposited on their site. We proposed to do this at cost ;<br />

that is, the excess cost to us over dumping it over the top of the dam.<br />

In my opinion and the opinion of Mr. Curtis such an arrangement<br />

would be extremely advantageous to the Stewart Park organization,<br />

for the reason that it will give them an unusually rich material for<br />

the fill, which will add greatly to the fertility of their park, and at<br />

the same time give them a fill at a very low cost, far below the cost<br />

of any other method.<br />

Apparently<br />

Mr. Treman was not able to get an acceptance of this<br />

proposition on the part of the Commission.<br />

Unless some such scheme is adopted I can not at the present time<br />

see a solution of our problem without the possibilty of incurring the<br />

criticism of the City of Ithaca.<br />

We all recognize that it is desirable to do this work just as soon as<br />

possible in order to avoid a recurrence of the interference with the<br />

and winter sports which was encountered<br />

skating<br />

last year. For this<br />

reason we are loth to let the matter drop. On the other hand, so<br />

much is involved in taking steps to pursue our original program at<br />

this time, that we feel the whole committee should give careful con<br />

sideration to all these facts before any active steps are taken."<br />

15. The matter of building an incinerator in connection with the<br />

Heating Plant was referred to Trustee Sanderson and Superintendent<br />

Curtis for investigation and report.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary

J954<br />


November 17, 1928.<br />

Present Trustees J, DuPratt White, Vice-Chairman ; Farrand<br />

Graves, Pyrke, Turner, <strong>Cornell</strong>, Cooke, Crawford, Gannett, Gherardi,<br />

Ickelheimer, Miller, Newman, Pound, Sackett, Sanderson, Schoellkopf,<br />

Taylor, C. E. Treman, R. H. Treman, Upson, Van Cleef, Van<br />

Namee, Warner, Horace White, Whitman, R. B. Williams,<br />

and R. H.<br />

Williams ; Faculty Representatives Moore, Thilly and Warren and<br />

Comptroller Bostwick,<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Hiscock, Smith, Baker, Pratt,<br />

Schwab, Teagle, Wakeman, Westinghouse and Wilson and their<br />

absence excused.<br />

1. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of June 18th, 1928,<br />

were approved as printed.<br />

2. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on General Ad<br />

ministration of July 6th, October 6th and November 3rd, 1928, were<br />

approved as printed and the action therein contained ratified and<br />

confirmed.<br />

3. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on Buildings and<br />

Grounds of June 18th, 1928, were approved as printed and the action<br />

therein contained ratified and confirmed.<br />

4. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on Finance of July<br />

15th, and September 4th and 20th, 1928, were approved as printed,<br />

and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed.<br />

5. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of<br />

October 19th, 1928, were approved as printed, the recommendations<br />

therein contained adopted and appointments and appropriations<br />

made as recommended.<br />

6. The minutes of the meeting of the State College Council of Sep<br />

tember 20th, 1928, were approved as printed and the action therein<br />

contained ratified and confirmed.<br />

7. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on Buildings and<br />

Grounds of November 16, 1928, were approved as read by the Secretary,<br />

with the exception that said Committee was directed to take no further<br />

steps toward the cleaning out of Beebe Lake until after the next<br />

of meeting the Board of Trustees.<br />

8. The Committee on General Administration was requested to<br />

make recommendation to the Board at its next meeting for the filling<br />

of the vacancy on that Committee.<br />

9. Trustee J. F. Schoellkopf, Jr. was elected to fill the vacancy on<br />

the Committee on Finance and Trustee Myron C. Taylor was elected<br />

to fill the vacancy on the Medical College Council.

1955<br />

io. The filling of the existing vacancy on the Heckscher Research<br />

Council was deferred until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.<br />

n. The President presented a preliminary report for the year<br />

ending June 30th, 1928.<br />

12. The report of the Comptroller for the year ending June 30th,<br />

1928, was received.<br />

13. By the concurrent vote of a majority of the Trustees, sub-divi<br />

sion (A) of Section 3 of Article VIII of the <strong>University</strong> Statutes was<br />

amended to include the Director of Admissions as a member of the<br />

<strong>University</strong> Faculty<br />

as follows :<br />

"(A) The <strong>University</strong> Faculty. The <strong>University</strong> Faculty shall con<br />

sist of the President of the <strong>University</strong>,<br />

who shall be ex-officio the<br />

presiding officer, and the professors and assistant professors who are<br />

members of the above named special faculties, the Librarian and the<br />

assistant librarians in the <strong>University</strong> Library, the Registrar, the<br />

Director of Admissions, the Secretary of the <strong>University</strong>, and the Dean<br />

of Women. The professors and assistant professors whom the<br />

<strong>University</strong> may appoint in the departments of ( 1 ) Military Science<br />

and Tactics, (2) Physical Education and Training, and (3) Hygiene<br />

and Preventive Medicine shall not be members of any special<br />

faculty but shall be members of the <strong>University</strong> Faculty. It shall be<br />

the function of the <strong>University</strong> Faculty to consider questions which<br />

concern more than one college and questions of <strong>University</strong> policy ;<br />

and it shall have disciplinary jurisdiction over the students of the<br />

<strong>University</strong> except for unsatisfactory work, for which, discipline is<br />

' '<br />

entrusted to the respective special faculties.<br />

14. Upon recommendation of the Budget Committee an appropria<br />

tion of $72,500 was made for the regular 1929 Summer Session.<br />

15. Upon recommendation of the President, George Young, Jr.<br />

was elected Dean of the College of Architecture at a salary of $6,000<br />

a year as Dean of the College and Professor of Architecture, effective<br />

at the beginning of the present academic year.<br />

16. Upon recommendation of the President the Board approved the<br />

extending to Professor Wolfgang Kohler of the <strong>University</strong> of Berlin,<br />

an invitation to accept an appointment as Lecturer in Psychology for<br />

a period of not less than four weeks during the second term of the<br />

current academic year, at a salary of $',500, which sum is available<br />

in the budget of the Department of Psychology.<br />

17. Upon recommendation of the President the following appoint<br />

ments were made for the current academic year unless otherwise<br />

stated : F. H. Hodder to be Acting Professor of American History<br />

at a salary of $6,000.<br />

Mortimer W. Raynor to be Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at a<br />

of salary $500.

1956<br />

William L. Russell to be Professor of Psychiatry, without salary.<br />

W. J. Congdon to be Assistant in Chemistry, effective November<br />

ist, 1928, at a salary at the rate of $750 a year, but not free tuition.<br />

J. A. Raynolds to be Assistant in Chemistry for the second term of<br />

the current academic year at a salary at the rate of $500 a year.<br />

H. M. Southworth to be Assistant in Physics, part time, at a salary<br />

of $200 for the period from November ist to the end of the academic<br />

year.<br />

18. The resignation of R. W. Dornte, Assistant in Chemistry, was<br />

reported effective November ist, 1928.<br />

19. The following sabbatic leaves of absence were granted :<br />

Melvin L. Nichols, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for the<br />

academic year 1929-30.<br />

James B. Sumner, Assistant Professor of Bio-chemistry, for the first<br />

term of the academic year 1929-30.<br />

20. Saturday, January 26th, 1929,<br />

was adopted as the date of the<br />

Winter meeting of the Board of Trustees, and Saturday, April 27th,<br />

1929, was adopted as the date of the Spring meeting of the Board of<br />

Trustees.<br />

21. The resolution on following the death of Professor John George<br />

Pertsch, Jr. adopted by the <strong>University</strong> Faculty, was unanimously<br />

concurred in and adopted by the Board :<br />

On August 23rd, 1928 Professor Pertsch saved from drowning a person<br />

struggling in the rough waters of Lake Cayuga. The effort proved<br />

too much for his strength, and he met his own death in a deed that<br />

was of a piece with his kindly, generous life.<br />

John George Pertsch, Jr. was born in Baltimore in 1887. He<br />

received from <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> in 1909 the degree of Mechanical<br />

Engineer. On graduating he was made an assistant in his college,<br />

and by successive promotions came to a of professorship Electrical<br />

Engineering. His whole academic life was spent in <strong>Cornell</strong>. He<br />

was a contributor to the journals of his profession and was a member<br />

of numerous learned societies.<br />

In recording his death the Faculty<br />

wishes to bear witness to the<br />

fine qualities that made Professor Pertsch a valued and well-loved<br />

colleague. His students found him an admirably informed and<br />

wholly sympathetic teacher ; few indeed of the staff teaching aroused<br />

a deeper response. His associates recognized in him a constant<br />

kindliness and fairmindedness, a straightforward manliness, a<br />

thoroughness in dealing with his subject, a steady industry, that well<br />

explained his popularity. In his death the <strong>University</strong> loses a teacher

1957<br />

and scholar difficult to replace, and members of<br />

very many<br />

the<br />

Faculty lose a true friend.<br />

22. It was reported that the <strong>University</strong> Faculty, at a meeting held<br />

on November 14th, 1928, passed a resolution recommending to the<br />

Board of Trustees that daylight saving be not adopted for the year<br />

1929-30. A hope was expressed by the Board that the Faculty might<br />

work out some solution which would give the students more daylight<br />

hours for recreation.<br />

23. The matter of arranging the assignment to the <strong>University</strong><br />

of a<br />

patent for the production of Beta Lactose and the use of the process<br />

for its production by a commercial concern was referred to the<br />

President, the Comptroller, the <strong>University</strong> Attorney<br />

with power.<br />

and Dean Mann<br />

24. The expenditure of $3,000 from the Income Funds of the<br />

College of Agriculture was approved for the purpose of enabling<br />

Professor Emeritus L. H. Bailey to continue the extension of the<br />

collections of scientific enterprises now under way by Dr. Bailey.<br />

25. The Board approved the establishment of a <strong>University</strong> press<br />

and referred the matter to the Committee on General Administra<br />

tion with power.<br />

26. The report of Trustee C. E. <strong>Cornell</strong> on the inspection of the<br />

rooming houses and fraternities for the year 1927-28 was received and<br />

placed on file.<br />

27. The President made a report on the current affairs of the<br />

<strong>University</strong>.<br />

28. During a temporary absence of the President from the meeting,<br />

the Trustees concern expressing as to his health, voted to him a leave<br />

of absence of one month at the expense of <strong>University</strong> to be taken at<br />

such time during the Winter as he may desire.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N . Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


December 15, 1928.<br />

Present Trustees VanCleef, Chairman; Hiscock, Chairman of the<br />

Board; <strong>Cornell</strong>, R. B. Williams, J. DuPratt White, Wilson, C. E.<br />

Treman, Pound and R. H. Treman; Faculty Representatives Moore<br />

and Thilly and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustee Westinghouse and his absence<br />

excused.<br />

1. Dr. R. P. Sibley, Secretary of the College of Arts and Sciences,<br />

was also appointed Assistant Dean of that College with no change in<br />

salary.<br />

2. It was recommended to the Board that Dr. L. L. Van Slyke,<br />

Chief in Research, who retires from active service at the New York<br />

State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva on January 31, 1929,<br />

be appointed Professor of Dairy Chemistry, Emeritus.<br />

3. It was recommended to the Board that J. P. Porter, now Assis<br />

tant Professor of Ornamental Horticulture, be appointed Acting<br />

Professor of Ornamental Horticulture at a salary of $3,500 a year,<br />

effective October 1, 1928.<br />

4. Sabbatic leaves of absence were granted as follows :<br />

C. L. Walker, Professor of Civil Engineering, for the second term<br />

of the academic year 1928-29.<br />

S. S. Garrett, Professor of Mechanics of Engineering, for the<br />

academic year 1929-30.<br />

O. D. von Engeln, Professor of Geology, for the academic year<br />

1929-30.<br />

5. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council, the<br />

following<br />

grants were made :<br />

Supplement to Grant No. 176 : $1,000 to Professor H. S. Liddell<br />

for assistance in an investigation of conditioned reflexes in the sheep<br />

and dog, in accordance with the terms of his letter of November 23,<br />

1928.<br />


i960<br />

Grant No. 1/9 : $2,500 to Professor L. M. Dennis for assistance in<br />

an investigation of the separation of isotopes, in accordance with the<br />

terms of his letter of November 12, 1928.<br />

6. The application of Professor G. Watts Cunningham for admis<br />

sion to the benefits of the Wm. H. Sage Pension Fund was granted.<br />

7. The following appointments of Assistants in Military Science<br />

and Tactics for the academic year 1928-29, without salary other than<br />

that they receive as cadet officers were made :<br />

Cadet Colonels : H. K. McCorkle and D. N. Schoales.<br />

Cadet Lieutetiant Colonels : W. P. Bullock and T. M. Goodfellow.<br />

Cadet Majors: J. Clark, R. I. Dodge, Walter C. Knox, R. S.<br />

Milans, N. I. Smith and J. H. Tuck.<br />

Cadet Captains J. F. Anderson, G. W. Behrman, S. W. Beyland,<br />

B. Bissell, O. B. Bromley, E. C. Collins, G. B. Conger, J. G. Connell,<br />

R. H. Crum, F. H. Cusack, F. H. Fleischer, Jacob A. Herrman, G.<br />

T. Lacey, A. N. LeFeber, D. L. Lewis, W. A. Little, J. C. Marshall,<br />

G. G. Penniman, H. C. Purcell, E. C. Raedel, C. Snitow, W. W.<br />

Stillman, R. S. Taggart, A. W. Tresch,<br />

Trowbridge.<br />

A. S. Trowbridge, G. G.<br />

8. The resignation of Dr. Marion E. Snavely, Instructor in Hy<br />

giene and Assistant Medical Advisor of Women, was reported<br />

effective November 17, 1928<br />

9. A gift of $2,000 was reported by the Comptroller, in accordance<br />

with the terms of the following letter :<br />

My<br />

dear Comptroller :<br />

"Syracuse, NT. Y. ,<br />

December 13, 1928.<br />

As you know, Horace K. White, our father, established, in 1872, a<br />

fund of $500, the income to be annually awarded to students in the<br />

graduating class of the New York State Veterinary College.<br />

My brothers and I wish to increase this fund to the sum of $2,500,<br />

to the end that the First Prize may be increased to $100 and the<br />

Second Prize to $25 annually.<br />

If this course is agreeable to the <strong>University</strong>, we will be happy to<br />

make the gift, and for that purpose I am enclosing my<br />

$2,000.<br />

This sum is the gift of Horace White,<br />

Ernest I. White, as above indicated.<br />

With best wishes, I am<br />

Very sincerely yours,<br />

(Signed)<br />

check for<br />

Andrew S. White and<br />

Horace White. "

1961<br />

This gift was accepted and the Comptroller requested to express to<br />

Messrs. White the appreciation of the Trustees.<br />

10. Trustee J. DuPratt White presented an offer of a gift from<br />

Mr. Myron C. Taylor for the construction of a new Law School<br />

building, and it was accordingly<br />

Resolved : That the very generous offer of a gift of $1,500,000 by<br />

Myron C. Taylor to provide an adequate building for the Law School<br />

of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> is received with deep appreciation by the<br />

Board of Trustees and is accepted in full accordance wdth the condi<br />

tions of the gift as set forth by the donor in his letter to the Board of<br />

Trustees of December 14, 1928, and<br />

Resolved: That the warm thanks of the Board be transmitted to<br />

Mr. Taylor for his far sighted gift ; and<br />

Resolved : That the appropriate Committees of the Board and<br />

Officers of the <strong>University</strong> proceed immediately to the completion of<br />

plans for the construction of the building for which the gift provides,<br />

and<br />

Resolved: That upon completion, the building shall be named<br />

Myron Taylor Hall and shall be so known as long as it shall stand.<br />

11. The matter of clearing the site south of 3 Central Avenue and<br />

west of Central Avenue for the construction of the new Law School<br />

building was referred to a committee consisting of Trustees Hiscock,<br />

J. DuPratt White, R. H. Treman, R. B. Williams, Farrand and<br />

Comptroller Bostwick with power. Trustee J. DuPratt White was<br />

later chosen Chairman of this Committee.<br />

Adjourned<br />

L. N. Simmons<br />

Assistant Secretary

1962<br />


December 21, 1928.<br />

Present President Farrand, Dr. Robinson, Dr. Hartwell, Mr.<br />

Westinghouse. Mr. Williams was unable to attend on account of<br />

absence abroad. Dr. Elser was reported ill.<br />

A letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees advising of the<br />

approval by the Board of the minutes of the Medical College Council<br />

meeting, October 19, 1928, was presented and placed on file.<br />

President Farrand announced the appointment of Mr. Myron C.<br />

Taylor as a member of the Council to fill the vacancy caused by the<br />

death of Mr. Ira A. Place.<br />

Dr. Robinson reported the receipt of a gift of $5,000 from Mrs.<br />

Carlos de Heredia to the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical College in New<br />

'<br />

York City 'to promote interest in the study or of teaching Industrial<br />

Diseases."<br />

Dr. Robinson stated that he had acknowledged the receipt of the<br />

gift whereupon it was resolved that the Council recommend the<br />

acceptance of the gift and that the action of Dr. Robinson as con<br />

tained in his reply to Mrs. Heredia be approved.<br />

It was further resolved that the fund so established by Mrs.<br />

Heredia be called the "William Gilman Thompson Fund."<br />

A letter from the American Association for the Advancement of<br />

Science and affiliated sciences soliciting a contribution to its fund for<br />

entertainment and reception committees, was presented. In view of<br />

the fact that the letter was referred to Dr. Robinson by Dr. Niles it<br />

was voted that all correspondence with the Association be referred to<br />

Dr. Robinson.<br />

It was moved and carried that the action of Dr. Robinson in<br />

making the nominations for the Staff of the General Memorial Hos<br />

pital, to serve during the year 1929, be approved :<br />

Clinical Staff<br />

Director of Cancer Research, James Ewing, M. D.<br />

Clinical Director, William S. Stone, M. D.<br />

Attending Surgeons, William B. Coley, M. D., Burton J. Lee, M.D.<br />

Douglas Quick, M. D., Frank E. Adair, M. D.<br />

Attending Surgeon, Urological Department, Benjamin S.<br />

Barringer, M. D.<br />

Attending Gynecologist, William P. Healy, M. D.<br />

Attending Physician, Lloyd F. Craver, M. D.<br />

Associate Attending Surgeons, Archie L. Dean, M. D., Nathan<br />

Green, M. D., George E. Binkley, M. D.<br />

Assistant Surgeons, Samuel Johnson, M. D., Hayes E. Martin, M.<br />

D., James Duffy, M. D., Bradley L. Coley, M. D.<br />

Assistant Gynecologist, Frank R. Smith, M. D.

1963<br />

Neurological Associate Surgeon, Byron Stookey, M. D.<br />

Associate Neurologist, George Hall Hyslop, M. D.<br />

Clinical Assistants, Norman E. Treves, M. D., John T. Toole, M.<br />

D., Howard C. Taylor, M. D.<br />

Anaesthetists, Harry Landesman, M. D., Alfred E. Phelps, M. D.<br />

Roentgenologist, Ralph E. Herendeen, M. D.<br />

Assistant Roentgenologist, James J. Duffy, M. D.<br />

Dentist, Frank A. Engel, D. D. S.<br />

Laboratory Research Staff<br />

Pathologist, James Ewing, M. D.<br />

Assistant Pathologist, Frederick W. Stewart, M. D.<br />

Serologist, Elise S. L'Esperance, M. D.<br />

Bacteriologist, J. C. Torrey, Ph. D.<br />

Biologist, Halsey J. Bagg, Ph. D.<br />

Assistant in Biology, Clarence R. Halter, M. A.<br />

Physicist, Gioacchino Failla, D. Sc.<br />

Assistant Physicist, Edith H. Quimby, M. A.<br />

Biophysicist, Wolfgang Pauli, Ph.D.<br />

Assistants in Biophysics, Ware Cattell.<br />

Director, Department of Chemistry, Stanley R. Benedict, Ph. D.<br />

Chemists, Kanematsu Sugiura, D. Sc, Helen Q. Woodward, Ph.D.<br />

Helen R. Downes, Ph. D.<br />

Photographer, William S. Dunn.<br />

A contribution from Dr. Foster Kennedy of $50 to the Students'<br />

Loan Fund was announced and received with appreciation by the<br />

Council.<br />

It was moved and carried that the following recommendations be<br />

made to the Board of Trustees :<br />

1. That an appropriation of $700 be made for wages for an addi<br />

tional porter in the College from December 1, 1928, to July 1, 1929.<br />

2. That the request of Dr. Stockard for the transfer of $2,500 from<br />

unused salaries balance in the Anatomy budget amounting to $9,500<br />

to the general expense account of the department be approved and<br />

that permission be granted to use this $2,500 to balance the deficit<br />

now against standing the Anatomy Farm account.<br />

3. That a loan from the Students' Loan Fund of $500 be granted to<br />

Miss Sara Bass who is unable to pay the tuition fee for the current<br />

year.<br />

4. That an additional appropriation of $1,500 for the Library be<br />


1964<br />

5. That under the standing resolution the following special course<br />

fees be paid to the following instructors :<br />

Dr. William C. Thro, 2 students @ $50 $100<br />

Dr. J. F. Nonidez, 1 student @ $50 50<br />

Dr. C. R. Stockard, 1 student @ $30 30<br />

6. That the request of Dr. Benedict for authority to employ a Sec<br />

retary to the Department of Chemistry<br />

months (January 1, 1929 to July 1, 1929) at a salary<br />

on a half time basis for six<br />

of $62.50 per<br />

month, be granted and that an appropriation not to exceed $375 be<br />

made therefor.<br />

There being no further business the meeting was declared<br />

adjourned.<br />

J. T. Wiixson,<br />

Secretary of the Council.<br />


January 5th, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees VanCleef, Chairman ; Farrand, <strong>Cornell</strong>, R. B.<br />

Williams, J. DuPratt White, C. E. Treman, R. Y '"reman ; Faculty<br />

Representatives Diederichs, Thilly and Warrel nand Comptroller<br />

Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Westinghouse and Pound and<br />

their absence excused.<br />

Action was taken as follows :<br />

1. Wolfgang Kohler was appointed to be Lecturer in Psychology<br />

for a period of about six weeks during the second term of the current<br />

academic year, at a salary of $1,500 for that period.<br />

2. A gift of $10,000 was reported from Lincoln K. Passmore to be<br />

added to the John Faxon Passmore Memorial Fund. This gift<br />

was accepted and the President requested to express to Mr. Passmore<br />

the<br />

appreciation of the Trustees.<br />

3. The President reported that he had been advised by DuPont<br />

deNemours & Company that they would continue for the academic<br />

year 1929-30 the DuPont Fellowship in Chemistry amounting to $750<br />

and the DuPont Scholarship in Engineering amounting to $400.<br />

4. A gift of $1,000 was reported by the President from Mrs. Henry<br />

Morgenthau,Sr.,for a Fellowship in Home Economics for the current<br />

This gift<br />

academic year "in the interest of farm women and girls."<br />

was accepted and the President requested to express to Mrs. Morgen-<br />

thau the appreciation of the Trustees.

1965<br />

5. Authority was granted the President to confer degrees at the end<br />

of the present academic term in accordance with the recommendations<br />

of the special faculties, upon students who have fulfilled all necessary<br />

requirements.<br />

6. Upon recommendation of the President, an appropriation of<br />

$100 was made to Professor J. T. Parson for his services in engrossing<br />

for the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

7. The receipt of a gift of $1,000 from Trustee E. T. Turner to be<br />

used toward the cost of the repair of the chimes was reported and<br />

accepted, and the President requested to express to Mr. Turner the<br />

appreciation of the Trustees.<br />

8. The Comptroller reported that under the Will of Otto M. Eidlitz<br />

'81, who died October 29, 1928, the <strong>University</strong> was given a bequest in<br />

the following terms :<br />

"I give and bequeath unto The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> situated at<br />

Ithaca, New York, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)<br />

to establish a scholarship fund, and I request that the Trustees of said<br />

<strong>University</strong> invest said sum and use and apply the income thereof as<br />

payment for tuition or financial help in the Engineering Department<br />

of said <strong>University</strong> of such students selected by the Dean of the En<br />

gineering Department requiring financial assistance to educate them<br />

as may be most of deserving choice because of their character and<br />

promise."<br />

intellectual<br />

This gift was accepted and the President requested to express to<br />

the family of Mr. Eidlitz the appreciation of the Trustees for his<br />

interest in the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

9. Dr. J.J.Willaman was recommended to the Board of Trustees for<br />

appointment as Chief in Research in the Division of Chemistry at the<br />

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva, at a<br />

salary of $4,500 a year, effective April ist, 1929.<br />

10. The President was authorized to make the necessary request to<br />

the Carnegie Foundation for a retiring allowance for Dean V. A.<br />

Moore who will retire at the end of the present academic year.<br />

11. It was recommended to the Board that H. W. Edgerton be ap<br />

pointed Professor of Law at a salary of $8,500 a year, effective Octo<br />

ber ist, 1929.<br />

12. The resignation of William R. Osgood, Assistant Professor of<br />

Civil Engineering, effective at the end of present academic term was<br />

reported.<br />

13. John Hedberg was appointed Instructor in Civil Engineering<br />

for the second term of the current academic year, at a salary of $600<br />

for the term.

1966<br />

14- The President reported a gift of $5,000 made to the Medical<br />

College in New York City by Mrs. Carlos de Heredia "to promote<br />

interest in the study or teaching of Industrial Diseases."<br />

This gift<br />

was accepted and established as the William Gilman Thompson Fund.<br />

The President was requested to express to Mrs. Heredia the appreci<br />

ation of the Trustees.<br />

15. An appropriation of $7,825 or so much thereof as may be<br />

needed was made for the 1929 Summer School of Biology, the sum of<br />

$1,750 of this amount to be supplied by the New York State College<br />

of Agriculture, with the understanding that the increases in the re<br />

quested budget will be taken under consideration.<br />

16. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of<br />

December 21, 1928, were approved as read by the Secretary<br />

appointments and appropriations made as therein recommended.<br />

and the<br />

17. It was recommended to the Board that Trustee Frank H. Hiscock<br />

be appointed to the vacancy on the Committee on General Adminis<br />

tration.<br />

18. The purchase of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity property on<br />

South Avenue was authorized and the matter was referred to the<br />

Comptroller with power.<br />

19. A committee consisting of Trustees VanCleef, J. DuPratt White<br />

and Comptroller Bostwick was appointed to consider the question of<br />

the Univeisity's right under its charter to sell real estate.<br />

20. The Comptroller reported that Trustee Sackett had agreed to<br />

provide funds to the amount of $7,000 for the purchase of the Dres-<br />

bach lot on the corner of Stewart Avenue and Fall Creek Drive, and<br />

that negotiations were being carried on for its purchase This action<br />

was approved and the President requested to express to Trustee<br />

Sackett the appreciation of the Trustees for his generosity.<br />

21. The matter of the purchase of the property owned by the<br />

Edwards estate in Forest Home and bordering on Fall Creek was<br />

referred to the Comptroller with power.<br />

22. An appropriation not to exceed $290 was made to pay for the<br />

stone furnished for the building of the Fuertes Memorial at Stewart<br />

Park.<br />

23. The President reported the appointment of Professor Herman<br />

Diederichs as Faculty Representative on the Board of Trustees for a<br />

term of three years, from January 1, 1929.

1967<br />

24. The Comptroller reported the purchase of the properties of<br />

Alpha Chi Rho and Phi Kappa Sigma fraternities on Thurston<br />

Avenue, a portion of the Whittaker on property Stewart Avenue and<br />

the property of Professor L. M. Dennis on <strong>University</strong> Avenue. He<br />

also reported that a portiou of the Dennis property had been re-sold<br />

to the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity. These transfers were all made in<br />

accordance with authority heretofore granted him.<br />

25. The Comptroller reported that he was in receipt of the first<br />

$10,000 installment of the Harrison D. McFadden gift toward the<br />

construction of the War Memorial.<br />

26. The matter of allowing a bus operating from Cayuga Heights<br />

to cross the campus or establish a terminal thereon was referred to<br />

the Comptroller and the <strong>University</strong> Attorney<br />

with power.<br />

27. The matter of the Ithaca-Cortland bus operating across the<br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

campus was referred to the Comptroller with power.<br />

28. Trustee J. DuPratt White made a report on the present status<br />

of the Lefevre Will trial and the matter was referred to Mr. White<br />

with full power to make such settlement with the heirs of Mr.<br />

Lefevre as he might deem to the best interests of the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />


Assistant Secretary<br />

January 11, 1929.<br />

With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee<br />

except Trustee Schoellkopf who was absent from his city of resi<br />

dence, the purchase of $50,000 Charles Warner Company debenture<br />

6's with stock purchase warrant at 99^ and interest was authorized.<br />

Geo. F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary pro tern.


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


January 18, 1929.<br />

With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee ex<br />

cept Trustees Farrand, Hiscock and Cook, who were absent from their<br />

respective cities of residence, the subcription to $50,000 American<br />

International Corp. Convertible 5>^'s at 105 was authorized.<br />

George F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary pro tern<br />


January 25, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees J. DuPratt White, Chairman ; Farrand, Sackett,<br />

Sanderson, Whitman, Wakeman, Upson, R. H. Treman and<br />

Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Westinghouse and his absence<br />

excused.<br />

Action was taken as follows :<br />

1. The following letter from the Architectural Advisory Board was<br />

presented :<br />

Mr. J. DuPratt White, Chairman,<br />

Committee on Buildings and Grounds,<br />

14 Wall St., New York City.<br />

My<br />

dear Mr. White :<br />

When your Advisory<br />

"January 16, 1929,<br />

Board suggested the appointment of Mr.<br />

Jackson as architect of the new Law School Building that recommen<br />

dation was made in the rather broad terms of '<br />

'as architect to study<br />

the architectural problem in connection with the new Law School."<br />

No site was then suggested as it was thought that that was one phase<br />

of the problem.<br />

At a meeting held in Ithaca, June last, with Mr. Jackson the ques<br />

tion of the definite site was discussed at length. In the light of the<br />

study Mr. Jackson had made at that time, no official recommendation<br />


1970<br />

was then made to you by the Architectural Board, but it was the<br />

unanimous opinion of your Board that the best site was the one described<br />

in Mr. Taylor's deed of gift, namely to the South of the re-located<br />

South Avenue and West of Central Avenue.<br />

On Monday, last, January 14th, Mr. Jackson presented his prelim<br />

inary<br />

studies for the Law School upon this site and in view of these<br />

studies the Architectural Advisory Board would recommend to the<br />

Board of Trustees and your Committee that the <strong>University</strong> should<br />

secure possession of the sites now covered by the leases of Psi Upsilon<br />

fraternity, Sigma Phi fraternity<br />

and Professor E. L- Nichols.<br />

The Advisory Board has for some time past been discussing the ad<br />

visability of recommending a slight change in the <strong>University</strong> plan.<br />

This modification is embodied in a drawing prepared by Mr. Ackerman<br />

in connection with the Fine Arts Building, and your Board would<br />

now recommend that this principle be accepled : namely, that the<br />

broad walk as contemplated in the <strong>University</strong>'s general plan be mod<br />

ified so as to permit vehicular travel from the new South Avenue<br />

northerly and around Sage Chapel, and southerly along Sage<br />

Avenue as modified to the new South Avenne.<br />

Your Board examined the designs prepared by Mr. Ackerman for<br />

the Fine Arts Building, and read with interest the program which<br />

accompanied them. The site for which this building is designed had<br />

been recommended by your Board on May 12th, 1925, and they would<br />

now approve this design of the Fine Arts Building as an architectural<br />

expression of the academic program about which this building is<br />

designed.<br />

This program suggested the advisability of the erection of a separate<br />

building<br />

for Music. In the opinion of your Board the most desirable<br />

site for such a building would be that now occupied by<br />

Barnes Hall.<br />

If this is not available they would recommend, if studies are to be<br />

made for such a buildiug, that they<br />

be made for the site bounded on<br />

the East by Central Avenue, on the South and West by the new South<br />

Avenue and on the North by the depression just South of Willard<br />

Straight Hall.<br />

Very sincerely,<br />

(Signed)<br />

M. B. Medary,<br />

F. H. Bosworth."<br />

2. Whereas, by the acceptance of the terms of the gift of Mr.<br />

Myron C. Taylor the Board has approved the general location of the<br />

new Law School building<br />

South Avenue, and<br />

west of Central Avenue and south of<br />

WHEREAS, after due consideration by the Architectural Advisory<br />

Board of the preliminary studies for such Law School, it recommends

1971<br />

the securing of the site now occupied by<br />

the houses of Psi Upsilon<br />

and Sigma Phi fraternities and Professor E. L. Nichols :<br />

It is recommended to the Board of Trustees that possession of<br />

these sites be secured as soon as possible.<br />

3. The report and plans prepared by Mr. Frederick L. Ackerman<br />

for a Fine Arts Building were presented and it was recommended<br />

that an outline of this report be presented by the President to the<br />

Board of Trustees and that it approve the general plan of the program<br />

as outlined and that the Committee on Buildings and Grounds be<br />

given authority to approve the sites for the location of the proposed<br />

Fine Arts and Music buildings and the details of their design and<br />

structure.<br />

4. That the principle be accepted that the Broad Walk as contem<br />

plated in the general plan be modified to permit vehicular travel<br />

from the new South Avenue northerly and around Sage Avenue as<br />

modified, to the new South Avenue.<br />

5. It was reported that the Architectural Advisory Board had<br />

approved the recommendation of this Committee that Dryden Road,<br />

where it passes the Artillery Stables, be retained approximately in its<br />

present location.<br />

6. It was recommended that the architects charged with preparing<br />

plans for the new service buildings at East Ithaca be instructed to<br />

prepare detail plans and specifications for the construction of the unit<br />

designed to house the new laundry. This unit is estimated to cost<br />

about $120,000 with an additional cost of $30,000 for equipment.<br />

There is available for this construction approximately $75,000.<br />

7. The Comptroller reported that the new water works system was<br />

practically completed and would probably be in operation within a<br />

short time He also reported that satisfactory arrangements had<br />

been made with two of the manufacturing concerns along Fall Creek<br />

whereby the <strong>University</strong> is to pay<br />

purposes.<br />

for water diverted for potable<br />

8. The installation of a water softening device in connection<br />

with the new water works system was authorized.<br />

9. A report was made by the Special Committee appointed to<br />

arrange for the of dredging Beebe Lake and it was authorized to pro<br />

ceed with the dredging to the extent permitted by the appropriations<br />

heretofore made, it being expressly<br />

called to the attention of the<br />

Board that there is a possibility of legal complications arising from<br />

the deposit of the material from the dam.

1972<br />

io. A report was presented by the Committee appointed to consider<br />

the development of Garden Avenue and the parking space around<br />

Bailey<br />

President,<br />

Hall and it was recommended that with the consent of the<br />

the barn and tenant house now located on the President's<br />

lot be removed and a portion of the lot developed in accordance with<br />

the plan presented.<br />

n. A request was submitted from the <strong>Cornell</strong> Athletic Association<br />

for permission to raze the two old buildings near the toboggan slide<br />

and erect a new at building that location. It was recommended that<br />

this permission be granted subject to the approval of this committee<br />

as to the type and location of building to be erected.<br />

12. A communication from the Military Department concerning<br />

the construction of new artillery stables and riding shed was<br />

presented but no action taken.<br />

13. Trustee R. H. Treman presented certain recommendations for<br />

the expenditure of the funds provided by gift for the beautification of<br />

the campus, including planting around Willard Straight Hall and the<br />

care of trees on the Campus which were approved.<br />

14. The President reported that the matter of holding Commence<br />

ment exercises in the Drill Hall had been very carefully studied and<br />

presented some very serious problems, and it was recommended that<br />

the Commencement for 1929 be held in Bailey Hall as heretofore.<br />

15. Trustee Sanderson reported that the matter of constructing an<br />

incinerator in connection with the stack of the Central Heating<br />

Plant involved some rather serious engineering problems and upon<br />

his recommendation it was moved that Mr. Jennings of the Jarvis<br />

Engineering Company be requested to visit the <strong>University</strong> for the<br />

purpose of studying these problems and making recommendations.<br />

Adjourned<br />

L. N. Simmons<br />

Assistant Secretary

1973<br />


January 25, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees Farrand, Chairman ; Pyrke, Horace White, J.<br />

DuPratt White ; Deans Mann and Moore ; Directors Hedrick and<br />

Van Rensselaer ; Faculty Representatives Thompson and Kruse, and<br />

Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Miller, Gannett, Van Namee,<br />

Pratt, Graves and Taylor and Faculty<br />

absence excused.<br />

Representative Fish and their<br />

Action was taken and recommendations were made to the Board as<br />

follows :<br />

New York State College of Agriculture<br />

1. The following resignations of County<br />

County<br />

Club Agents were reported for record :<br />

County Agricultural Agents<br />

Agricultural Agents and<br />

Name County Date<br />

B. D. Gilbert Herkimer October 1<br />

Robert Crane Steuben October 1<br />

G. H. Salisbury Chautauqua October 1<br />

F. B. Morris Oswego November 1<br />

C. H. Fullager Fulton November 1<br />

E. F. McCauliff Genesee November 1<br />

C. K. Bullock Ontario November 15<br />

County Club Agents<br />

Dorothy Powell Nassau<br />

P. W. Thayer Cayuga<br />

R. W. Foote Franklin<br />

September 30<br />

September 24<br />

September 19<br />

2. The following appointments of County Agricultural Agents and<br />

County Club Agents made by the respective county organizations<br />

were reported for record :

1974<br />

County Agricultural Agents<br />

Capper-<br />

Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham County<br />

H. L. Page<br />

(Asst.)<br />

Oswego Oct. i $1,500 $1,200 $300<br />

W. G. Been Suffolk f Oct. i- (Dec. r<br />

1,800 600 1,200<br />

(Asst.)<br />

S. R. Shapley Niagara f Oct. i-<br />

(Asst.)<br />

1 Nov. 30<br />

W. E. Field Onondaga [Oct. 1-<br />

(Asst.)<br />

l June 30<br />

1,500 1,200 300<br />

2,100 300 1,800<br />

J. S. White Herkimer Oct. 1 2,700 600 600 1,500<br />

E. F. McCauliff Genesee Oct. 1 1,500 600 900<br />

(Asst.)<br />

George Brainard Oswego Nov. 1 3,000 600 600 1,800<br />

H. L. Hoyt Fulton Nov. 15 2,300 600 600 1,100<br />

W. G. Been<br />

(Asst.)<br />

Suffolk Dec. 31 2,400 600 1,800<br />

W. S. Salisbury<br />

(Asst.)<br />

r Monroe<br />

1 Ulster<br />

(Nov. 1-30<br />

Dec. 1 \<br />

( Mar. 3 1<br />

1,800<br />

1,800<br />

900<br />

900<br />

900<br />

900<br />

E. F. Frane Wayne f Nov. 1 2,600 600 2,000<br />

(Asst.)<br />

I Jan. 1, '29<br />

C. I. Bowman<br />

(Asst. )<br />

Orleans f Nov. 1<br />

1 Dec. 31<br />

1,800 (600 1,200<br />

f Jan. 1<br />

\ June 30<br />

(900 (900<br />

C. K. Bullock Ontario f Nov. 16 2,100 600 600 900<br />

(Asst.)<br />

\ Dec. 31<br />

F.B.Morris (Asst Nov. 1 4,006 3-250 (756<br />

Co. Agt. Leader)<br />

(U.S.D.<br />

E. C. Masten Allegany j<br />

(Asst.)<br />

{ Feb. 1<br />

Dec. 13-<br />

C. K. Bullock Chautauqua j Jan. 1-<br />

(Asst.)<br />

l Feb. 28<br />

/ Mar. 1l<br />

June 30<br />

1,800 1,800<br />

2,100 900 1,200<br />

600 1,500<br />

E. E. Frame Wayne Jan. 1- 2,600 600 2,000<br />

(Asst. )<br />

June 30<br />

S. R. Shapley f Niagara f Dec. r-31 1,500 1,200 300<br />

(Asst.)<br />

i<br />

j I Jan. 1-3 1<br />

600 900<br />

j Genesee ( Feb. 1- 1,800 600 1,200<br />

I l June 30<br />

W. G. Been Suffolk /Jan. 1<br />

\ April 30<br />

2,400 600 1,800<br />

(Asst.)<br />

Paul Allen (Inc.) Sullivan Jan. 1 3,000 1,080 600 1,320<br />

R. W. Pease Ontario Jan. 1 3.300 1,200 600 1,500<br />

A. R. Blanchard Tioga Jan. 1 2,440 1,200 600 400<br />

(Salary<br />

adjust'<br />


Name<br />

Dorothy L.Powell<br />

F. W. Schubert<br />

(Asst.)<br />

R. B. Ace<br />

P. W. Thayer<br />

(Asst.)<br />

E. W. Hoffman<br />

1975<br />

County Club Agents<br />

3. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of<br />

Agriculture made since the last regular of meeting the Council by<br />

the Dean, under authority given him, were reported and ratified as<br />

follows :<br />

County Date Salary<br />

Capper<br />

Lever State Ketcham County<br />

Nassau Oct. 1 $2,600 $600 $600 $1,400<br />

Nassau Oct. 1 2,000 300 1,700<br />

Livingston Jan. 1 2,000 600 1,200 200<br />

Tompkins Jan. 11-<br />

Apr 30<br />

1,800 600 600 600<br />

Tompkins Jan. 11 2,600 600 2,000<br />

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund<br />

W. M. Phipps Chemical<br />

Analyst<br />

Resignations :<br />

Agronomy<br />

Mar 31<br />

1929<br />

M. C McFeeters Assistant Agronomy June 30<br />

K. R. Wood Assistant Farm Practice Sept. 30<br />

S. G. Ericson Assistant Forestry Jan. 31<br />

Appointments :<br />

P. P. Kellogg<br />

Assistant<br />

Rural Education<br />

Nature Study<br />

$200 mo. Adams<br />

lOct. 1 650 State<br />

Smith-<br />

Jeannette L. Fortier Res. Assist. Rural Education Oct. 1 720 Hughes<br />

D. W. Parsons Assistant Rural Education Oct. 1 75o G.E.B.<br />

A. W. Woodrow Assistant Entomology Oct. 1 75o State<br />

H. W. Higbee Assistant Agronomy Oct. 1 75o State<br />

Ladley Husted Assistant Plant Pathology Oct. 1 750 State<br />

Minna F. Koch Assistant Botany Oct. 1 750 State<br />

C. F. Moreland Assistant Botany Oct. 1 75o State<br />

Hettie M. Chute Assistant Botany Oct. 1 750 State<br />

R. H. Hartshorn Assistant Veg. Gardening Oct. 1 75o State<br />

R. L. Higley Assistant Farm Practice Oct. 1 50 mo. State<br />

H. W. Beers Assistant Farm Practice Oct. 1 50 mo. State<br />

P. F. Tinker Assistant Dairy Industry Nov.<br />

(W.C.)<br />

1-<br />

25 mo. State<br />

Feb. 28<br />

Lucy E. Boothroyd Assistant Pomology Oct. 15 750 State<br />

R. W. Babb Assistant Dairy Industry Nov.<br />

(Student)<br />

1-<br />

25 mo. State<br />

Dec. 31<br />

C. E. Safford Assistant Dairy Industry Nov.<br />

(Student)<br />

1-<br />

25 mo. State<br />

Dec. 31<br />

A. C. Everhart Assistant Dairy Industry Dec. 1-31 60 mo. State<br />

A. J. Pratt Assistant Veg. Gardening Feb. 1 750 State<br />

Helen Craig Assistant Botany Feb. 1 750 State<br />

D. P. Beatty Assistant Forestry Feb. 1 500 State

Resignations<br />

Name<br />

P. R. Burkholder<br />

G. A. Arnold<br />

H. N. Young<br />

E. H. Mereness<br />

L. M. Vaughan<br />

Position<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Extension<br />

Instructor<br />

1976<br />

Department<br />

Botany<br />

Botany<br />

Farm Manage't<br />

IE; Extension<br />

I structor<br />

Farm Manage't<br />

In<br />

Extension Farm Manage't<br />

Instructor<br />

R. A. Laubengayer Instructor<br />

A. J. Beyleveld<br />

Appointments :<br />

A. J. Beyleveld<br />

K. A. H. Murray<br />

L- M. Vaughan<br />

K. A. Howlett<br />

R. D. Reid<br />

J. J. McAllister<br />

E. H. Mereness<br />

H. N. Young<br />

Promotions :<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

J Extension<br />

I. Instructor<br />

I Extension<br />

i. Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Botany<br />

Farm Manage't<br />

Date<br />

Sept. 30<br />

Sept. 30<br />

Dec. 31<br />

Dec. 31<br />

Mar. 1<br />

Jan. 31<br />

Jan. 25<br />

Agr'l Economics Oct. 1<br />

Agr'l Economics Oct. 1<br />

Agr'l Economics Mar. 1<br />

Agr'l Economics Nov. 1<br />

Farm Manage't<br />

Instructor Plant Breed.<br />

Extension<br />

Instructor<br />

Farm Manage't<br />

Extension Farm Manage't<br />

tin<br />

structor<br />

(Jan. 1-<br />

Mar. 31)<br />

Jan. 1<br />

1929<br />

Jan. 1<br />

Jan. 1-<br />

Barbara McClintock Instructor Botanv Oct. 1<br />

Richard Laubengayer, Instructor Botany<br />

(from Asst. )<br />

George S. Butts f Extension Extension<br />

t Instructor<br />

Mar. 31<br />

Oct. 1<br />

Oct. 1<br />

L. M. Vaughan 1 Extension Agr'l Econnmics Nov. 1<br />

\ Instructor<br />

Anne T. Gordon Instructor Botany Feb. 1<br />

Salary<br />

Fund<br />

40 mo. State<br />

no salary<br />

2,400 Lever<br />

175 mo. State<br />

250 mo. State<br />

125 mo. State<br />

(500 State<br />

7 mo. )<br />

1,800 State<br />

1,500<br />

1,800<br />

900<br />

1,200<br />

2,200<br />

2,400<br />

to State<br />

to State<br />

to State<br />

266.66 State<br />

(Nov. only)<br />

750 to State<br />

1,200<br />

4. The resignation of W. V. Price, Professor of Dairy Industry,<br />

effective February 20, 1929, was reported.<br />

5. The following sabbatic leaves of absence were recommended :<br />

P. W. Claassen, Professor of Biology, for the first term of the<br />

academic year 1929-30.<br />

G. F. Warren, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Farm<br />

Management, for the first term of the academic year 1929-30.

1977<br />

G. P. Scoville, Professor of Farm Management, for the academic<br />

year 1929-30.<br />

H. E. Thomas, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, for either<br />

one semester or two semesters, as may be authorized by the President<br />

during<br />

the academic year 1929-30.<br />

P. H. Wessels, Research Professor in Vegetable at Gardening the<br />

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm, for one-half year or one year,<br />

as may be authorized by the President, beginning September 1, 1929.<br />

F. O. Underwood, Extension Assistant Professor of Vegetable<br />

Gardening, for a period equivalent to one semester, beginning July<br />

1, 1929.<br />

A. B. Recknagel, Professor of Forest Management and Utilization,<br />

for the academic year 1929-30.<br />

6. It was recommended that a leave of absence, without prejudice<br />

to salary, be granted Lewis Knudson, Professor of Plant Physiology,<br />

from January 30, 1929 to February 18, 1929.<br />

7. A leave of absence, without salary, was recommended for H. H.<br />

Love, Professor of Plant Breeding, for the period from October 1 to<br />

October 30, 1929.<br />

8. Whereas : It is deemed desirable that the Director of Resident<br />

Instruction, the Director of the Extension Service, and the Director<br />

of the Experiment Station in the Colleges of Agriculture and Home<br />

Economics be given seats and votes in the Faculties of Agriculture<br />

and Home Economics, and the <strong>University</strong> Faculty, it is :<br />

Resolved : That recommendation be made to the Board of<br />

Trustees that Article VIII of the Statutes be amended as follows :<br />

(A) The <strong>University</strong> Faculty. The <strong>University</strong> Faculty shall con<br />

sist of the President of the <strong>University</strong> who shall be ex-officio the<br />

presiding officer, and the professors and assistant professors who are<br />

members of the above named special faculties, the Librarian, the<br />

Assistant Librarians in the <strong>University</strong> Library, the Registrar, the<br />

Secretary of the <strong>University</strong>, the Dean of Women, the Director of<br />

Admissions, and the Director of Resident Instruction, the Director of<br />

Extension Service, and the Director of the Experiment Station in<br />

the Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics, (the remainder of<br />

the section remaining as at present. )<br />

(B)<br />

The Special Faculties. Insert after the first sentence the<br />

following The Director of Resident Instruction, the Director of the<br />

Extension Service and the Director of the Experiment Station in the<br />

Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics shall be members of<br />

the Faculties of Agriculture and Home Economics.<br />

9. The Dean outlined a development program now under consider<br />

ation for the Department of Animal Husbandry and stated that a

1978<br />

conference of persons interested in the subject was to be held in the<br />

near future, and it was<br />

Resolved : That the Council approve the general plan as outlined<br />

by the Dean, and it was recommended that should it seem desirable<br />

to present some or all of the program to the Legislature at the pres<br />

ent session, the selection of items to be so presented be referred to<br />

the President, the Dean of the College of Agriculture,<br />

Comptroller with power.<br />

and the<br />

10. The Dean presented a list of items of construction and improve<br />

ment as listed below, the cost of which he recommended should be<br />

met from the balance in the appropriation for Improvements and<br />

Extension in the college,<br />

and the Council approved the items<br />

provided the money was available for the purposes, the final<br />

approval of the items, or modifications thereof, being<br />

referred to the<br />

Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power.<br />

Tools and implement storage for the department of Farm<br />

Practice $10,000 00<br />

Reconditioning Sections of the manufacturing end of the<br />

dairy industry building to provide research laboratories<br />

in animal nutrition :<br />

Dairy<br />

$25,000 00<br />

Animal Husbandry 29,363 00<br />

$54,363 00<br />

Field house for Vegetable Gardening $ 4,400 00<br />

Tool house in the orchard<br />

4,000 00<br />

Sidewalk on Tower Road 1,80000<br />

Service road to freight entrance, Roberts Hall 1,000 00<br />

Curb for roads and drives at the agricultural barns i,5o 00<br />

Grade the area north of the new greenhouse to an elevation<br />

of 913, the elevation of the greenhouse floor 7,400 00<br />

Improve the area in front of Fernow Hall 13,000 00<br />

Grading around the Insectary<br />

5,60000<br />

Remove high bank west of Judd Falls Road 1,600 00<br />

Cattle pass under the extension of Tower Road<br />

New York State College of Home Economics<br />

[i. The following<br />

were reported for record :<br />

resignations of Home Demonstration Agents<br />

Home Demonstration Agents<br />

Name County Dale<br />

Anna R. Willman Cortland October 31<br />

Mabel Ray Oswego November 14<br />

Winifred Magner Warren November 30<br />

12. The following<br />

appointments of Home Demonstration Agents<br />

made by the respective organizations were county reported for record :

1979<br />

Home Demonstration Agents<br />

Name County Date Salary<br />

Lever State<br />

Capper-<br />

Ketchain County<br />

Janet Cameron Allegany Oct. i $2,600 $600 $600 $200 $ ,200<br />

Lois Doren Cortland Nov. i 1,800 600 600 600<br />

Caroline Pringle Cattaraugus Nov. 7 1,800 300 1,500<br />

Frances Scudder Oswego Nov. 15 2,100 600 600 300 600<br />

Winifred Magner Orange Dec. 1 2,400 2,400<br />

Anna R. Willman<br />

(Asst.)<br />

Tompkins Nov. 15 2,250 1,800 45o<br />

13. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of<br />

Home Economics made since the last regular meeting of the Council<br />

by the Dean, under authority given him, were reported and ratified<br />

as follows :<br />

Appointments :<br />

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund<br />

R. S. Milans<br />

Clement Rynalski<br />

A. C. Hunt<br />

R. A. Rose<br />

R. J. Kief<br />

Nancy<br />

Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

Lecturer<br />

Hotel Engineer'g<br />

Hoiel Engineer'g<br />

Hotel Admin.<br />

Hotel Admin.<br />

Institution Mgmt.<br />

Oct. 1<br />

Oct. 1<br />

Oct. 1<br />

Oct. 1<br />

Oct. 1<br />

250]<br />

200<br />

200<br />

250<br />

35o J<br />

Hotel<br />

Hotel<br />

Hotel<br />

Hotel<br />

Hotel<br />

L. Booker Assistant Household Mgmt. Oct. 1 750 Purnell<br />

Y* time<br />

Marion Fish Assistant Household Mgmt. Oct. 1 750 Purnell<br />

Yz time<br />

Ruth Crosby Assistant Home Economics Oct. 1 750 State<br />

Ida H. McCartney Assistant Home Economics Nov. 1 75 mo. State<br />

Beulah C. Eastman Instructor Home Economics Oct. 1 75 mo. L.S.R.M<br />

Yz time<br />

Mrs. Elva C. Fuller Instructor Home Economics Nov. 5-<br />

Dec. 22<br />

2,250<br />

14. Sabbatic leave of absence was recommended for H. B. Meek,<br />

Professor of Hotel Administration, for the academic year 1929-30.<br />

15. It was recommended that in the event funds became available<br />

for the building of a new Home Economics building or buildings, the<br />

location thereof and details of construction be referred to the<br />

Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power.<br />

New York State Veterinary College<br />

16. The resolution following from the New York Holstein-Friesian<br />

Association was presented :<br />

WHEREAS animal husbandry constitutes the largest industry<br />

agriculture of the Empire State, and<br />

in the<br />


1980<br />

Whereas the ravages of disease in its various forms have become<br />

a hindrance to the progress of live stock and poultry industries that<br />

it is little less than ruinous in some instances, and a heavy burden to<br />

a large number of animal owners, and<br />

Whereas the New York State College of Veterinary at <strong>Cornell</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> has made many discoveries that have added much in the<br />

prevention and repression of animal diseases, and at present has<br />

under way researches, the results of which will be invaluable to<br />

animal and poultry owners, and also has provided the State with<br />

many well-trained practitioners of veterinary medicines, and<br />

Whereas the strongest safeguards against loss from diseases rest<br />

in greater knowledge and better understanding of their nature, and a<br />

sufficient number of competent veterinarians to apply the newer<br />

information,<br />

therefore be it<br />

Resolved : That this association approve the work of the New York<br />

State Veterinary College and it urgently recommends that the legisla<br />

ture make appropriations for its maintenance adequate for the study<br />

of the many destructive diseases of domesticated animals now exist<br />

ing, to employ efficient research workers on animal diseases and<br />

teachers to the end, that the investigations now under way on milk<br />

fever, immunization of hog cholera, infectious abortion, Johne's dis<br />

ease, tuberculosis, and poultry diseases may be continued and others,<br />

that are required for better understanding of mastitis in its various<br />

forms,<br />

hemorrhagic septicenda and numerous other infections of<br />

poultry and sheep, may be undertaken and that a thorough course of<br />

instruction in veterinary medicines may be given, and further be it<br />

Resolved : That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Governor<br />

of the State, Bureau of Budgets, the Chairman of the Finance Com<br />

mittee in the Senate and of the Ways and Means Committee of the<br />

Assembly, to the Chairman of the Board of Regents and to the<br />

Honorable Commissioner of Education, to the Chairman of the Board<br />

and to the Editors<br />

of Trustees of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> and its President,<br />

of the American Agriculturist,the Rural New Yorker, the Dairyman's<br />

League News, and the Holstein-World.<br />

Dean Moore was requested to make a stud}' of the needs of the<br />

college to enable it to improve and broaden the work on Animal<br />

diseases and to make recommendations for such improvement.<br />

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station<br />

17. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State Agricultural<br />

Experiment Station made since the last regular meeting of the<br />

Council by the Dean, under authority given him, were reported and<br />

ratified as follows :

Mrs. Eva E. Knowlton, Assistant in Research (Horticulture) for<br />

the period January i to July i, 1929, at a total salary of $975.<br />

Miss Evelyn West, Assistant in Research (Bacteriology)<br />

for the<br />

period January 10 to July 1, 1929, at a salary of $150 per month, a<br />

total of $856.45 for the period.<br />

18. It wras reported that J. J. Willaman had been recommended by<br />

the Committee on General Administration for appointment as Chief<br />

in Research in Chemistry, at a salary of $4,500 a year, with house,<br />

effective April 1, 1929.<br />

19. It was recommended that J. G. Horsfall be appointed Associatiate<br />

in Research in Botany (with the title of Assistant Professor) at a<br />

salary of $2,750 a year, effective February 1, 1929.<br />

20 The retirement of Lucius L. Van Slyke, Chief in Research in<br />

Chemistry, was reported effective February 1, 1929, and it was recom<br />

mended that he be appointed Professor of Dairy Chemistry, Emeritus.<br />

21. Sabbatic leave of absence was granted E. E. Clayton, Associate<br />

in Research (Long Island Vegetable Research Farm), for the period<br />

October 1, 1929 to March 15, 1930.<br />

22. It was recommended that the agreements with Gordon Mead<br />

and Dewitt Moore for the use of land and fruit trees in connection<br />

with the Hudson Valley horticultural work be continued for a period<br />

of five years.<br />

23. It was recommended that the lease covering the rental of<br />

fifteen acres of land from A T. Ogden, Kinderhook, Columbia<br />

County, be approved for a period of five years, at an annual rental of<br />

$100.<br />

24. Dean Mann made a short report concerning the survey of the<br />

State Colleges which was made by the State authorities.<br />

Adjourned<br />


L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.<br />

January 26, 1929.<br />

Present Trusteees Hiscock, Chairman; J. DuPratt White, Farrand,<br />

Pyrke, Turner, <strong>Cornell</strong>, Cooke, Ickelheimer, Pound, Sackett, Sand<br />

erson, Schoellkopf, C. E. Treman, R. H. Treman, Upson, VanCleef,<br />

Wakeman, Warner, Horace White, Whitman, R. B. Williams and<br />

R. H. Williams ; Faculty Representatives Thilly, Warren and<br />

Diederichs and Comptroller Bostwick.

1982<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Roosevelt, Lehman, Graves,<br />

Witter, Crawford, Gannett, Gherardi, Miller, Newman, Pratt, Taylor<br />

Teagle, VauNamee and Westinghouse and their absence excused.<br />

1. The miuutes of the meeting of the Board of November 17, 1928,<br />

were approved as printed.<br />

2. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on General<br />

Administration of December 15, 1928 and January 5, 1929 were ap<br />

proved as printed and the action therein contained ratified and<br />

confirmed.<br />

3. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on Finance of<br />

November 16, 1928 and January 11, 1929<br />

were approved as printed<br />

and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed.<br />

4. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of<br />

December 21, 1928, were approved as printed, the recommendations<br />

therein contained adopted and appointments and appropriations<br />

made as recommended.<br />

5. The minutes of the meeting of the State College Council of<br />

January 25, 1929, were approved as read by the Secretary, the recom<br />

mendations therein contained adopted and appointments and<br />

appropriations made as recommended.<br />

6. It was reported that Daniel P. Witter had been elected President<br />

of the New York State Agricultural Society and by virtue of that<br />

office became a Trustee of the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

7. The death of Trustee Thomas B. Wilson at his home in Hall,<br />

N. Y., on January 11, 1929, was reported and the President requested<br />

to prepare appropriate resolutions for presentation to the Board at its<br />

next meeting.<br />

8. The gift of Mr. Myron C. Taylor of $r, 500, 000 for providing an<br />

adequate building for the Law School of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> was re<br />

ported, and the action of the Committee on General Administration<br />

in accepting this gift under the terms of the proposal was ratified and<br />

the resolution following adopted :<br />

Resolved : That it is with a sense of deep appreciation that<br />

the Trustees accept the very generous offer of Mr. Myron C.<br />

Taylor and in full accordance with the conditions of the gift<br />

as set forth by the donor in his letter to the Board of Trustees<br />

of December 14, 1928, and be it further<br />

Resolved : That the President is hereby requested to trans<br />

mit to Mr. Taylor the most cordial thanks of the Board for<br />

his generou nd far-sighted gift.<br />

9. The Secretary<br />

reported those portions of the minutes of the<br />

meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds of January 25,

1983<br />

1929 upon which immediate action by the Board was desired, and, on<br />

motion, the following portions of the minutes of such meeting were<br />

approved, and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed,<br />

and recommendations adopted as follows :<br />

{a) Section 2 recommending the as soon as securing possible of the<br />

sites now occupied by the houses of Psi Upsilon and Sigma Phi<br />

fraternities, and Professor E. L. Nichols.<br />

(b) Section 3 recommending<br />

the approval of the program for the<br />

development of the general field of Fine Arts as outlined in the pro<br />

gram submitted by Mr. Ackerman and as summarized by the President<br />

in his report to the Board, and referring to the Committee on Build<br />

ings and Grounds with power to select the site and to study and<br />

report on the plans for the construction of the Fine Arts building.<br />

(c) Section 9 authorizing the Committee to proceed with the dredg<br />

of ing Beebe Lake.<br />

(d) Section 11 granting to the <strong>Cornell</strong> Athletic Association permis<br />

sion to substitute a new building for the two old buildings near the<br />

toboggan slide, such building to be subject to the approval of the<br />

Committee as to type and location.<br />

(e) Section 14 that Commencement for this year be held in Bailey<br />

Hall.<br />

10. By vote of the majority of the Board of Trustees, Article VIII<br />

of the Statutes of the <strong>University</strong> were amended to read as follows :<br />

(A) The <strong>University</strong> Faculty. The <strong>University</strong> Faculty<br />

shall consist<br />

of the President of the <strong>University</strong> who shall be ex-officio the presiding<br />

officer, and the professors and assistant professors who are members of<br />

the above namedVpecial faculties,the Librarian, the Assistant Librarians<br />

in the <strong>University</strong> Library, the Registrar, the Secretary of the Univer<br />

sity, the Dean of Women, the Director of Admissions, and the Direc<br />

tor of Resident Instruction, the Director of Extension Service, and<br />

the Director of Experiment Station in the Colleges of Agriculture and<br />

Home Economics, (the remainder of the section remaining<br />

present. )<br />

as at<br />

(B) The Special Faculties. Insert after the first sentence the<br />

following: The Director of Resident Instruction, the Director of the<br />

Extension Service and the Director of the Experiment Station in the<br />

Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics shall be members of<br />

the Faculties of Agriculture and Home Economics.<br />

11. Resolved: That the recommendation of the State College<br />

Council that a committee consisting of the President, the Dean of the<br />

College of Agriculture, and the Comptroller be given power to pass<br />

upon items to be presented this year to the Legislature in connection<br />

with the Department of Animal Husbandry be approved with the

understanding that the President may appoint some one to act in his<br />

place, if absent.<br />

12. The Committee on General Administration was requested to<br />

make recommendations to the Board at its next meeting for the filling<br />

of the vacancies on that committee.<br />

13. The filling of the vacancy on the Heckscher Research Council<br />

was deferred until the next meeting of the Board.<br />

14. By ballot duly had, Henry W. Edgerton was elected Professor<br />

of Law, effective October ist, 1929, at a salary of $8,500 a year.<br />

T5- J- J- Willaman was appointed Chief in Research (with the title<br />

of Professor) in the Division of Chemistry<br />

at the New York State<br />

Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva, at a salary<br />

a year, effective April ist, 1929.<br />

of $4,500<br />

16. The appointments were made :<br />

following<br />

Maude Burns to be Assistant Medical Adviser of Women from<br />

January 6th, to June 6th, 1929, with salary<br />

year.<br />

at the rate of $2,500 a<br />

John C. Trussell to be Assistant Law Librarian for the second term<br />

of the current academic year at a salary of $150 for the term.<br />

Arthur G. Crafts to be Instructor in Physics for the year 1928-29,<br />

effective January 15, 1929, with salary at the rate of $1,500 a year.<br />

D. N. Ball, to be Assistant in Chemistry for the second term, with<br />

at salary the rate of $500. a year.<br />

O. C. Beaman, to be Assistant in Chemistry for the second term,<br />

with salary at the rate of $750. a year but not free tuition.<br />

J. M. Clark, to be Assistant in Chemistry for the second term, with<br />

salary at the rate of $750 a year, but not free tuttion.<br />

C. R. Fordyce to be Assistant to the Non-Resident Lecturer in<br />

Chemistry for the second term at a salary of $400 for the term, pay<br />

able from the George F. Baker Non-Resident Lecture Fund.<br />

17. The resignation of E. E. Zimmerman, Instructor in Physics}<br />

was reported effective January 15, 1929, and the resignation of H. R.<br />

Mouat, Assistant in Histology and Embryology was reported effective<br />

at the end of the first term.<br />

18. Upon recommendation of the Committee on General Adminis<br />

tration, J. P. Porter was appointed Acting Professor of Ornamental<br />

Horticulture at a salary of $3,500 a year, effective October 1, 1928.<br />

19. Upon recommendation of the President, the employment of<br />

Professor F. A. Waugh as advisor in out laying landscape plans at<br />

the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at an annual<br />

retaining fee of $500 was approved.

1985<br />

20. Sabbatic leave of absence was granted Paul M. Lincoln, Profes<br />

sor of Electrical Engineering, for the academic year 1929-30.<br />

21. A leave of absence, without salary, was granted J. P. Bretz,<br />

Professor of American History, for the academic year 1929-30.<br />

22. A leave of absence, without salary, was granted W.H.Farnham,<br />

Assistant Professor of Law for the academic year 1929-30.<br />

23. A leave of absence, without prejudice to salary, was granted<br />

F. H. Bosworth, Professor of Architecture, for a period of about three<br />

weeks beginning January 30, 1929.<br />

24. The applications of G. I. Dale, Professor of Romance Languages<br />

and Literature, and M. A. Lee, Professor of Industrial Engineering,<br />

for admission to the benefits of the William H. Sage Pension Fund<br />

was granted.<br />

25. A report was received from the <strong>University</strong> Faculty stating that<br />

at a meeting held on January 26th the following action was taken :<br />

"Resolved : (1) That all formal <strong>University</strong> exercises for under<br />

graduates in undergraduate courses shall close at four p. m.<br />

(2) That to effect this earlier closing,<br />

(a) The morning schedule of <strong>University</strong> exercises shall be<br />

gin at eight o'clock with exercises sharp thereafter<br />

(b)<br />

on the beginning^exactly hour, each lecture or recita<br />

tion period to be 50 minutes long, and the last exercise<br />

to close at 12:50 p. m.<br />

All afternoon exercises to begin also on the hour (the<br />

first, at 2 p. m.,) except laboratories or similar exer<br />

cises which may begin at 1 :4o P.M.<br />

(3) That no exceptions to the provision for 4 o'clock closing for<br />

undergraduates be allowed save by permission of the Dean of<br />

the College concerned.<br />

(4) That the plan for earlier closing outlined above shall go into<br />

effect at the beginning of the second term, 1929-30.<br />

26. The resolution on following the retirement of Professor H. H.<br />

Wing, adopted by the <strong>University</strong> Faculty was unanimously concurred<br />

in and adopted by the Board :<br />

On June 30, 1928, Professor Henry Hiram Wing retired from active<br />

participation in university affairs, thus ending an almost uninter<br />

rupted service to the university of forty years. During that period<br />

he saw the College of Agriculture develop from a small beginning in<br />

a few rooms in Morrill Hall to the large and diversified institution of<br />

the present. In this development Professor Wing played no small<br />

part. Graduating from <strong>Cornell</strong> with the class of 1881 he became<br />

Assistant Director of the New York Experiment Station at Geneva,

1986<br />

holding this position for two years. In 1884 he became Instructor in<br />

Agriculture'and Farm Superintendent at the <strong>University</strong> of Nebraska,<br />

returning to <strong>Cornell</strong> in i88Sas Deputy Director and Secretary<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Agricultural Experiment Station,<br />

of the<br />

a position held<br />

until 1894. Meanwhile in 1890 he was appointed instructor in Dairy<br />

Husbandry and in 1891 Assistant Professor of Animal Industry and<br />

Dairy Husbandry, becoming<br />

professor of these subjects in 1902. In<br />

1903 his chair became that of Animal Husbandry alone. From 1896<br />

to 1903 he served as secretary to the Faculty of Agriculture. During<br />

this long period of association with the work in Animal Husbandry<br />

he has seen it develop from small very beginniugs to the large and<br />

influential place it now occupies in the field of Agriculture at <strong>Cornell</strong>.<br />

It was largely through Professor Wing's efforts and ability<br />

that this<br />

development has come about. His wise, careful and conservative<br />

guidance has contributed much to a sound and sane development of<br />

Animal Husbandry and also Dairy Industry, not only at <strong>Cornell</strong> but<br />

throughout the state and the nation.<br />

Among<br />

Professor Wing's personal contributions to Agriculture<br />

must be mentioned his contributions to feeding practices, live stock<br />

management and to the testing and recording of milk and butterfat<br />

production as a basis for live stock improvement. His development<br />

of the Glista family of Holstein-Fresian cows in the university herd<br />

also was a notable achievement. Most noteworthy, however, was his<br />

pioneer service in the introduction, establishment and long sup<br />

ervision of the system of official testing and advanced registry of<br />

purebred cattle. His text on "Milk and its Products"<br />

standard in its field, and has passed through many editions.<br />

has long been<br />

His colleagues in the university feel greatly the loss of his kindly<br />

assistance and advice in the daily wrork and will ever think of him as<br />

a man of lofty ideals, deep sincerity, frankness and sound judgment.<br />

They join most heartily in wishing Professor Wing many more years<br />

of activity in his chosen field.<br />

27. The resolution on following the retirement of Professor H. C.<br />

Elmer, adopted by the <strong>University</strong> Faculty was unanimously con<br />

curred in and adopted by the Board :<br />

Professor Elmer was born in Rushford,New York, in the year i860,<br />

held a state scholarship in <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> during the years 1879-83,<br />

and, after a career of distinction as an undergraduate, received the<br />

degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1883. He immediately proceeded to<br />

The Johns Hopkins <strong>University</strong>/for further study of the Classics during<br />

the two periods of 1883-85 and 1886-88, with an interval of study<br />

abroad, in Germany and Italy, in the academic year 1885-86. On re<br />

ceiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Johns Hopkins in<br />

1S88, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Latin in <strong>Cornell</strong> Uni-

1987<br />

versify. In 1910 he was appointed Professor of Latin. Apart from<br />

two other periods of study abroad, in 1895-96 and in 1909-10, he has<br />

for forty years been continuously active at <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> as a<br />

teacher and scholar of the best gifts, the most distinguished training,<br />

and the highest attainment.<br />

Professor Elmer early made himself known throughout the scholarly<br />

world as an authority on Latin syntax, and has an enviable reputation<br />

besides as an editor of Terence and Plautus. His learning has made<br />

him vital in helping others to learn. As an effective, exact, patient,<br />

sympathetic teacher, he has endeared himself to generations of class<br />

ical students in our College of Arts and Sciences. He has been a<br />

good and wise friend to his colleagues, and to his <strong>University</strong>. Nor<br />

will his helpful influence cease. Many of his pupils are now teaching<br />

throughout the country. His latest achievement, a Latin Grammar,<br />

the fruit of great knowledge and long experience, has been per<br />

fected and issued in his first year of release from academic duties.<br />

It is a model book ; its expert method, lucid expression, and sim<br />

plicity of arrangement, with no lowering, but rather an elevation, of<br />

standards, will do much to promote the study of Latin and humanity<br />

in America.<br />

The Faculty herewith expresses for Professor Elmer its high esteem,<br />

its affectionate regard ,<br />

of his power from active teaching ,<br />

its regret at his retirement in the fullness<br />

its heartfelt desire that he will<br />

continue to reside, as he now does, in our midst ; its confident hope<br />

that in his well-earned leisure he will keep adding to those tasteful<br />

and scholarly productions which have shed lustre upon himself and<br />

upon <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

28. Authority was granted the President to execute, on approval of<br />

the <strong>University</strong> Attorney, an agreement with the General Education<br />

Board whereby they agree to give to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> the sum<br />

of $1,500,000 upon the raising by the of a <strong>University</strong> like amount.<br />

29. Authority was granted the President to appoint a committee<br />

for the control of the so-called Lloyd Tracts of land and the following<br />

members of the faculty were appointed on this committee :<br />

P. W. Claassen, Chairman ; K. M. Wiegand, H. H. Whetzel, A.H.<br />

Wright.<br />

30. The President reported certain plans for the development of<br />

the.Department of Music which were approved and he was authorized<br />

to proceed with the preliminary development as outlined.<br />

31. It was expressed as the sense of the Board that if a plan other<br />

wise practical and desirable looking toward the housing of a limited<br />

number of fraternities is presented, the use of <strong>University</strong> laud for that<br />

purpose would not be considered an insuperable problem.

32. The question of the purchase of the property now occupied by<br />

William Hazlitt Smith on Oak Avenue was referred to the <strong>University</strong><br />

Attorney<br />

and the Comptroller to investigate and report.<br />

33. Upon recommendation of the Graduate School Faculty, the<br />

action of the Trustees of February 5th,<br />

fourth paragraph was continued as follows :<br />

192 1 with the addition of a<br />

"The Council of the Graduate School, to which was referred by<br />

vote of the Board of Trustees at the meeting of May ist, 1920, the<br />

recommendation of the of Faculty the Graduate School to the effect<br />

that the stipends at present attaching to fellowships and scholarships<br />

should be doubled, begs to recommend as a temporary arrangement<br />

that the Board authorize each of the departments to which scholar<br />

ships and fellowships are assigned to use,<br />

with the approval of the<br />

Faculty, the funds at its disposal for the payment of those stipends<br />

during the year 1921-1922 in any of the following ways :<br />

( 1 )<br />

To fill all fellowships and scholarships at the stipends now<br />

established ;<br />

(2)<br />

To combine the stipends of two or more scholarships or fellow<br />

ships in order to increase the stipend of a single scholarship or<br />

fellowship ;<br />

(3) To leave the scholarships and fellowships, or any of them, un<br />

filled during the year 1921-22 in order to reserve such unused funds<br />

for increasing the stipends of such scholarships and fellowships as<br />

may be filled during the year 1922-23 ;<br />

(4) To leave the scholarships and fellowships, or any of them,<br />

unfilled during one or more years in order to reserve such unused<br />

funds for increasing the stipends of such scholarships and fellowships<br />

year."<br />

as may be filled a subsequent during<br />

34. The following appointments for the 1929 Summer Session were<br />

made at the individual salaries indicated ;<br />

Instructing Staff<br />

Ralph Palmer Agnew, Mathematics $300<br />

Dane Lewis Baldwin,<br />

English 350<br />

Dorothy Hammond Bateman, Physical Education 400<br />

Frank Greene Bates, Government 750<br />

Ben Raymond Beisel, Mathematics 300<br />

Jerome H. Bentley, Education 750<br />

Madison Bentley, Ph. D. Psychology<br />

Albert Wilhelm Boesche,<br />

750<br />

German 750<br />

Samuel Latimer Boothroyd, Astronomy 375<br />

Julian Pleasant Bretz, History<br />


1989<br />

Thomas Roland Briggs, Chemistry<br />

Kenneth William Britt, Chemistry tuition plus 125<br />

Wendell S. Brooks, Education 750<br />

Olin T. Brown, Geology<br />

300<br />

Arthur Wesley Browne, Chemistry<br />

750<br />

William F. Bruce, Education ($100 by Ag. ) plus 300<br />

James Dabney Burfoot, Jr. Geology<br />

Earle Nelson Burrows, Structural Engineering 575<br />

Leon Felipe Caniino, Spanish 300<br />

J. Neale Carman, French 350<br />

Minnie Pearl Carr, Education (^ time paid by Ag.) 112 50<br />

Walter Buckingham Carver,<br />

750<br />

350<br />

Mathematics 750<br />

Carl G. Chamberlain, Physical Education 400<br />

Cleveland King Chase, Latin 750<br />

Raymond G. Clapp,<br />

Physical Education 750<br />

Arthur Holly Compton, Physics 750<br />

Walter Rodney <strong>Cornell</strong>, Mechanics 750<br />

Clyde Firman Craig, Mathematics 575<br />

Collier Cobb, Geology<br />

75<br />

George Irving Dale, Spanish.. 750<br />

Karl M. Dallenbach, Psychology 575<br />

Myron Bonham Deily, Spanish 300<br />

Richard Roy Dunham, Public Speaking<br />

200<br />

W. M. Dunbar, Architectural Design 575<br />

Charles Love Durham, Latin 750<br />

Jeannette Evans, Hygiene 575<br />

Emery N. Ferriss, Education {% time pd. by Ag. ) 18750<br />

Frank Samuel Freeman, Education 575<br />

Jean M. Gelas, Physical Education 400<br />

Sidney Gonzales George, Mechanics 750<br />

Roswell Clifton Gibbs, Physics 750<br />

Adrain G. Gould, Physical Education 575<br />

Guy Everett Grantham, Physics 575<br />

Othon Goepp Guerlac, French 750<br />

Edwin Harold Hadlock, Mathematics (^time) 150<br />

Henry Clay Harshbarger, Public Speaking<br />

350<br />

William Alexander Hammond, Philosphy 750<br />

George Andrews Hedger, History<br />

Marvin Theodore Herrick, Public Speaking 287 50<br />

Frank Heywood Hodder, American History<br />

Harley Earl Howe, Physics 575<br />

Eric Vail Howell, Mechanics 575<br />

Hoyt H. Hudson, English 750<br />

Wallie Abraham Hurwitz, Mathematics 750<br />

750<br />


1990<br />

John Irwin Hutchinson, Mathematics {% time) 375<br />

James Hutton, Greek 350<br />

Leland H. Jenks, History<br />

John Raven Johnson, Chemistry 575<br />

Riverda H. Jordan, Education 750<br />

Marcel Kessel, English 350<br />

Horace Kidger, Social Science 750<br />

George Keezer, Psychology<br />

Ernest R. Kroegtr, Music 750<br />

Ernest August Kubler, German 350<br />

P. S. Kupalov, Physiology<br />

Robert A. Law, English 750<br />

Albert Washington Laubengayer, Chemistry 575<br />

Frank Burr Marsh, History<br />

Clyde Walter Mason, Chemistry 575<br />

James Frederick Mason, French 750<br />

Benton Sullivan Monroe, English 575<br />

Royal Evert Montgomery, Economics 575<br />

Guy Brooks Muchmore, Public Speaking 575<br />

Albert S. Muller, Physical Education 300<br />

Carleton Chase Murdock, Physics 575<br />

Arthur E. .Murphy, Philosophy 575<br />

Maurice Jackson Murray, Chemistry<br />

Howard A. Myerhoff, Geology<br />

J. H. Nelson, English 575<br />

Melvin L. Nichols, Chemistry 575<br />

Clark Sutherland Northup, English 750<br />

Charles E. O'Rourke, Engineeiing 575<br />

Robert Morris Ogden, Education 750<br />

Andrew Prosper Pelmont, French 350<br />

Miles Albion Pond, Descriptive Geometry 575<br />

Paul Russell Pope, German 750<br />

Harold Lyle Reed, Economics 750<br />

Ashley Robey, Chemistry 125<br />

Fred Stillman Rogers, Kinematics 750<br />

Charles Frederick Roos, Mathematics 575<br />

Martin \V. Sampson,<br />

Ernest William Schoder,<br />

750<br />

300<br />

150<br />

750<br />

350<br />

650<br />

English 750<br />

Hydraulics 750<br />

Howard Lester Schug, Mathematics {% time)<br />

150<br />

Herbert H. Scofield, Engineering<br />

750<br />

Harry W. Seitz, Music 600<br />

Francis R. Sharpe, Mathematics 750<br />

Robert Pelton Sibley, English (^ time) 375<br />

Dean Franklin Smiley Hygiene 575

1 991<br />

Harold D. Smith, Music 575<br />

Lloyd Preston Smith, Physics<br />

Virgil Snyder, Mathematics<br />

Walter Hutchinson Stainton, Public Speaking<br />

575<br />

C. B. Stilson, Chemistry 125<br />

Walter King Stone, Drawing and Painting<br />

Marcellus H. Stow, Geology 575<br />

Charles Kenneth Thomas, Public Speaking<br />

Charles Chapman Torrance, Mathematics {% time)<br />

Clarence Ellsworth Townsend, Mechanical Drawing<br />

Leonard Church Urquhart, Structural Engineering<br />

Oscar Diederich VonEngeln, Geology and Geography<br />

Russell Halderman Wagner, Public Speaking 575<br />

Kenneth L. Washburn, Drawing and Painting<br />

350<br />

Harry Porter Weld, Psychology<br />

750<br />

Franklin Grandley Williams, Mathematics 300<br />

James Albert Winans, Public Speaking<br />

Charles V. P. Young, Physical Education<br />

Karl Abell Zeller, Physics 575<br />

Alvan A. Tenney, Economics 575<br />

In addition to the above list provision should be made for the<br />

following<br />

1 75<br />

75<br />

575<br />

350<br />

150<br />

750<br />

750<br />

750<br />

250<br />

750<br />

positions for which instructors have not yet been secured :<br />

Instructor in Mathematics 300<br />

Instructor in Organic Chemistry<br />

Assistant in Quantitative Analysis Chemistry 125<br />

Assistant in Organic Chemistry 125<br />

Assistant in Physical Chemistry 125<br />

300<br />

Assistant in Chemical Microscopy 125<br />

Assistant in Physics 200<br />

Instructor in Economics 350<br />

Instructor in Economics 350<br />

Instructor in Economics 350<br />

Instructor in French 350<br />

R. H. Jordan, Chairman<br />

Administration<br />

500*<br />

B. S. Monroe, Secretary<br />

500<br />

R. Louise Fitch, Dean of Women 750<br />

In addition provision should be made for the appointment<br />

of wardens for Prudence Risley Hall, Sage College and Cas-<br />

cadilla Hall, each at a salary of $150.00 and home during the<br />

^Subject to revision by the President.

1992<br />

session. It is further understood that an adjustment will be<br />

made in housing seven additional women to be appointed<br />

with the approval of the Dean of Women who will serve as<br />

chaperons in the seven <strong>University</strong> cottages 450<br />

Adjourned.<br />


$69,537 50<br />

L. N. Simmons<br />

Assistant Secretary<br />

January 26, 1929<br />

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman, Cooke, Farrand,<br />

Schoellkopf, Hiscock, R. H. Treman, J. Du Pratt White, Ickelheimer,<br />

Upson and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

The following sales at the market were authorized<br />

1. $25,000 Belding Hemingway 6's.<br />

2. $50,000 Certain-Teed Products 5^'s.<br />

3. $60,000 Pierce, Butler & Pierce First 6's.<br />

4. $2,000 Ogilvie Flour Mills 6's.<br />

5. 500 shares Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe preferred stock.<br />

6. 500 shares Rensellaer & Saratoga guaranteed stock.<br />

7. 1000 shares Union Pacific preferred stock.<br />

8. 225 shares U. S. Leather "A"<br />

stock<br />

The following purchases were authorized at the discretion of<br />

Comptroller Bostwick<br />

1. 500 shares Eastman Kodak common stock.<br />

2. 400 shares Baltimore & Ohio common stock.<br />

3. 500 shares Southern Pacific common stock.<br />

4. 500 shares General Baking 6c/o preferred stock.<br />

5. 350 shares U. S. Leather preferred stock.<br />

6. 500 shares Standard Oil of California common stock.<br />

7. 500 shares Standard Oil of New common Jersey stock.<br />

8. 500 shares Texas Corp. common stock.<br />

9. 500 shares Gulf Oil Corp. common stock.<br />

10. 50 shares Middle West Utilities stock at 130 under rights.<br />

At this point Messrs. Cooke and Schoellkopf were excused.<br />

authorized<br />

The following sales at the market were<br />

1. 100 shares Albany & Susquehanna stock.<br />

2. 250 shares New York Central.<br />

3. 500 shares Diamond Match.<br />

4. 700 shares Pullman, Inc.

1993<br />

5. 5 shares Philadelphia Co. preferred.<br />

6. 500 shares U. S. Steel preferred.<br />

7. 500 shares Associated Dry Goods first preferred.<br />

In connection with each of the above sales of stock, it was resolved<br />

that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he hereby<br />

is authorized<br />

to endorse the certificates in blank and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong> '<br />

s<br />

corporate seal.<br />

Comptroller Bostwick was authorized to purchase eligible accept<br />

ances for the temporary investment of the <strong>University</strong> funds.<br />

Comptroller Bostwick was also requested to look into the situtation<br />

of our various Seaboard Railway bonds as well as the Long Bell 6's<br />

and to use his judgement in selling the same.<br />

Geo. F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary pro tem.


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


March 2nd, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman pro tem ; Farrand,<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, J. DuPratt White, C. E. Treman and Pound ; Faculty Re<br />

presentatives Thilly and Diederichs and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Van Cleef, Westiughouse and<br />

R. H. Treman and their absence excused.<br />

Action was taken as follows :<br />

1. The following resignations were reported effective at the end of<br />

the first term unless otherwise stated :<br />

S. P. Hall, Assistant in Physics.<br />

J. H. Wells, Assistant in Chemistry.<br />

J. W. Wells, Assistant in Geology, effective February 25, 1929.<br />

R. E. Nichols, Assistant in the Department of Materia Medica<br />

and Small Animal Clinic ; effective January 31, 1929,<br />

of 1929.<br />

H. E. Compter, Assistant Law Librarian in the Law School.<br />

Rene Taupin, Instructor in French in the Summer Session<br />

2. Upon recommendation of the President the following appoint<br />

ments were made for the current term unless otherwise stated :<br />

J. B. Baty, Instructor in Civil Engineering, part time, at a salary of<br />

$500 for the term.<br />

H. P. Truesdell, Assistant in Civil Engineering, at a salary<br />

for the term.<br />

of $300<br />

Theodore W. Goers, Assistant in Histology and Embryology, at a<br />

salary of $125 for the term.<br />

Edwin D. Peck, Assistant in the Department of Materia Medica<br />

and Small Animal Clinic in the Veterinary College with salary at the<br />

rate of $1,000 a year ; effective February 1, 1929.<br />

H. Laurens Williams, III, Assistant Law Librarian at a salary of<br />

$150 for the term.<br />

C. R. Mingins and H. E. Spencer, Assistants in Physics, each at a<br />

salary of $350 for the term.<br />


1996<br />

A. F. Samuels, Assistant in Physics, effective March 4, 1929, with<br />

salary at the rate of $800 a year,<br />

L. L. Barnes, now Assistant in Physics at $800 a y7ear, was promoted<br />

to an Instructor ship with salary at the rate of $r,2oo a year.<br />

R. W. Moree, Assistant in Geology, with salary at the rate of $400<br />

a year, effective February 25, 1929.<br />

The following to be Assistants in Military Science and Tactics with<br />

out salary other than that they receive as cadet officers :<br />

W. C. Knox, Cadet Colonel.<br />

E. C. Collins, R. H. Crum and A. S. Trowbridge, Cadet Majors.<br />

D. W. Adams, A. E. Alexander, C. J. Clavell, A. S. Githens.E.L.<br />

Green, Jr., T. F. Oueally and S. W. Tompkins, Cadet Captains.<br />

Appointments in the 1929 Summer Session :<br />

I.S75-<br />

J. Papish, Assistant Professor in Optical Chemistry, at a salary of<br />

L. R. Andrus, Instructor in French at a salary of $350.<br />

J. H. Patterson, Instructor in Economics, at a salary of $350.<br />

W. R. Leonard, Instructor in Economics, at a salary of $350.<br />

R. C. Tallman, Assistant in Chemistry, at a salary of $200.<br />

Lehman Edward Hoag, Assistant in Chemistry, at a salary of $100.<br />

of $125.<br />

Paul P. McClellan, Assistant in Qualitative Analysis, at a salary<br />

Avery Brewster George, Assistant in Quantitative Analysis, at a<br />

salary of $125.<br />

3. Upon recommendation of the President, the following increases<br />

in salary were granted for the current term :<br />

L. C. Lay, Instructor in Industrial Engineering ; salary increased<br />

from $1,200 to $1,500 a year.<br />

The salaries of F. H. Hirsh, E. R. Mann, J. H. Marchant, G. K.<br />

Schoepfle and J. W. Then, Assistants in Physics, were increased by<br />

$100 each.<br />

The of salary G. H. Teeple, Assistant in Physics, was increased<br />

by $200 for the second term.<br />

4. Sabbatic leave of absence was granted H. J. Metzgar, Extension<br />

Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, for a period of one year,<br />

beginning June 1, 1929.<br />

5. Upon the recommendation of the President, the sum of $1,000<br />

appropriated to Heckscher Grant No. 157-D was applied to the ap<br />

propriation for salaries in the Department of Physics to be used for<br />

increases in salaries of assistants in the department carrying the work<br />

of Professor Collins now absent on leave.<br />

6. The following appointments were made to the staff of the 1929<br />

Summer School of Biology at the salaries indicated :

Howard B. Adelmann,<br />

1997<br />

Agriculture ' <strong>University</strong><br />

.<br />

.<br />

Asst. Prof, of Histology and Embryology $ 300<br />

. .<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

Otis F. Curtis, Prof. Botany (Physiology) 475<br />

Ernest Dorsey, Instructor in Plant Breeding 275<br />

Arthur J. Eames, Professor Botany (Anatomy) 475<br />

Harry M. Fitzpatrick,<br />

Professor of Plant Pathology ( Mycology ) 475<br />

William A. Hagan,<br />

Professor of Pathology-<br />

. . and Bacteriology 475<br />

Oskar A. Johannsen, Professor Entomology7 . $475<br />

.<br />

Benjamin F. Kingsbury,<br />

Professor of Histology and Embryology<br />

Richard A. Laubengayer, Instructor . .<br />

. .<br />

Botany 275<br />

Robert Matheson, Professor .... Entomology 475<br />

Clyde H. Myers, Professor Plant Breeding 100<br />

Loren C. Petry7, Professor Botany .<br />

Hugh D. Reed, Professor Zoology7<br />

William C. Senning, Instructor Zoology .<br />

300<br />

... 475<br />

475<br />

. . 275<br />

Lester W. Sharp. Professor Botany (Cytology) 475<br />

DonaldS. Welch, Asst.Prof. Plant Pathology<br />

Karl M. Wiegand, Professor Botany 475<br />

Albert H. Wright, Professor Zoology<br />

Benjamin P. Young, Asst. Prof. Zoology ....<br />

. . Printing, Etc, 25<br />

Amount appropriated by<br />

College of Agriculture $i,75<br />

Maximum amount authorized<br />

by Trustees . . ... $7,825<br />

400<br />

'<br />

475<br />

400<br />

175<br />

$1,750 $6,000<br />

7. The President reported that the General Education Board had<br />

allocated to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> the sum of $25,000 for experimental<br />

work in the department of Anatomy in the Medical College in New<br />

York City for the year 1929.<br />

8. The application of Professor Madison Bentley for admission to<br />

the benefits of the William H. Sage Pension Fund was granted.<br />

9. On account of erroneous representation made to him and upon<br />

recommendation of Dean Emerson, free tuition in the Graduate<br />

School for the present academic term was granted Mr. Eugene James<br />

Sullivan.<br />

10. Notice of the appointment by7 the Governor of Mr. Peter G. Ten<br />

Eyck as Trustee of the <strong>University</strong> to succeed Mr. T. B. Wilson, was<br />

received.<br />

11. was granted Authority to the Comptroller to consent on behalf<br />

of the <strong>University</strong> to the assignment of the Professor George P. Bristol<br />

lease to Professor F. B. Morrison.

1998<br />

12. The following sabbatic leaves of absence were granted :<br />

W. A. Hammond, Dean of the <strong>University</strong> Faculty, for the first term<br />

of the academic year 1929-30.<br />

Sumner H. Slichter, Professor of Economics, for the academie year<br />

1929-30.<br />

13. A leave of absence, without salary, effective March 4, 1929,<br />

was granted H. R. Childs, Instructor in Physics, for the remainder<br />

of the current academic year.<br />

14. A recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees that Paul<br />

J. Weaver be appointed Professor of Music at a salary of $7, 000 a year,<br />

effective July 1, 1929.<br />

15. A recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees that<br />

Richard McKeon be appointed Professor of Ancient and Mediaeval<br />

Philosophy at a salary of $5,000 a year, effective July 1, 1929,<br />

will accept the position.<br />

if he<br />

16. The salary of R. E. Cushman, Professor of Government, was<br />

increased from $6,000 to $7,000 a year, effective July ist, next.<br />

17. It was voted that the regular meeting of the Committee for<br />

April, 1929 be held at the call of the Chairman and not on April 6th,<br />

the regular date therefor.<br />

18. The Comptroller reported a conference with the Mayor of the<br />

City of Ithaca concerning the dredging of Beebe Lake and stated he<br />

was advised that there was opposition to having the silt from Beebe<br />

Lake discharged into the Creek bed.<br />

The Comptroller was authorized to consult with the City authorities<br />

and if advisable to assist in repairing any damages done at cost of<br />

not exceeding $5,000.<br />

19. Upon recommendation of the Comptroller, L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant to the Comptroller,<br />

Graduate School.<br />

was granted free tuition in the<br />

20. Authority was granted the President to execute an agreement<br />

with the General Education Board whereby they agree to give to<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

the sum of $1,500,000 for the development of<br />

research and graduate instruction in the field of General Physiology<br />

and the basic sciences contributory thereto, upon the raising by the<br />

<strong>University</strong> of a like amount, and to attach to such agreement the<br />

corporate seal of the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons<br />

Assistant Secretary

'**<br />

1999<br />


March 30, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees J. Du Pratt White, Chairman, Farrand and R.H.<br />

Treman ; Comptroller Bostwick and Superintendent Curtis. Mr.<br />

Frederick L. Ackerman was also present during a portion of the<br />

meeting.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Westinghouse, Sanderson,<br />

Wakeman, Upson,<br />

Whitman and Sackett and their absence excused.<br />

1. The report of Mr. Ackerman on the design and site of the new<br />

Fine Arts Building was read.<br />

2. It was Resolved : That subject to the approval of the absent<br />

members of the Committee the site recommended for the proposed<br />

Fine Arts building between Sage Ave and East Avenue, and Stimson<br />

Hall and Sage College be approved.<br />

3. // was Resolved: That the plans for the proposed Fine Arts Building<br />

prepared and submitted by Mr. Ackerman be turned over to the<br />

Architectural Advisory Board with a request that they study them<br />

and report their approval or suggestions to this committee, it being<br />

understood that the exterior of the building is to be constructed<br />

mainly of local stone.<br />

4. Chairman White reported that it was desirable to have made a<br />

study of the proposed recreational unit of the Women's Dormitory<br />

and that the special committee recommend that Mr. Frederick<br />

Group<br />

L. Ackerman prepare plans for such unit on the basis of reimbursement<br />

to him of the cost, not to exceed $6,000, with the understanding that<br />

in the event of the unit being constructed this cost will be credited on<br />

his general architectural fee. Mr. Ackerman presented a preliminary<br />

report upon the recreational unit.<br />

5. Whereas under the agreement with Mr. Frederick L. Ackerman<br />

to make a preliminary study of the proposed women's dormitory<br />

group<br />

at an estimated cost of $6,000 it was the intent that if and<br />

when the buildings were constructed Mr. Ackerman was selected as<br />

architect this payment should be proportionately credited upon the<br />

architect's fees for buildings constructed, and as Mr. Ackerman esti<br />

mates $2,000 as a fair proportion to be charged against the building<br />

now erected being it was<br />

Resolved : That the Treasurer be authorized to charge $2,000 of the<br />

amount so advanced to Mr. Ackerman against the architect's fees for<br />

the present buildings.<br />

6. The location of the curved road in front of the entrance of the<br />

women's new dormitory group was approved as laid out in plan No.

C8-299 presented by Mr. Ackerman and the Landscape Committee<br />

was requested to study the matter of widening<br />

the marginal road<br />

or otherwise providing adequate parking space for automobiles.<br />

7. The Comptroller was requested to investigate the availability and<br />

cost of Greycourt Terrace for use by a and fraternity to advise the<br />

committee concerning this and other available houses with their<br />

capacities and conveniences.<br />

8. The Comptroller was requested to have an appraisal made im<br />

mediately of the Psi Upsilon and Sigma Phi houses some appraiser<br />

by<br />

not located in the city.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons<br />

Assistant Secretary


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


April 13th 1929.<br />

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman ; Farrand. Hiscock,<br />

R. H. Treman, Upson, J. DuPratt White,<br />

Bostwick.<br />

VanCleef and Comptroller<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Cooke, Ickelheimer and<br />

Schoellkopf and their absence excused.<br />

1. It was Resolved, That in reporting the deficit of the <strong>University</strong> in<br />

the Comptroller's Report the loss from operation be set up as a deficit<br />

and the cost of real estate purchased be carried as an indebtedness.<br />

2. The President was authorized to make application to the General<br />

Education Board for additional funds from the allowance granted by<br />

the Board for the use of the Medical College in New York City.<br />

3. It was recommended that the salary of Mr. C. E. <strong>Cornell</strong> for<br />

services rendered the <strong>University</strong> in connection with student housing<br />

be increased to $4,000 a year, effective July ist, 1929, and that in ad<br />

dition to his present duties he assume such duties as may be assigned<br />

him by the Comptroller.<br />

4. The budget of the <strong>University</strong><br />

mended by<br />

for the year 192930 as recom<br />

the President was approved and recommended to the<br />

Board of Trustees with the understanding that the President shall<br />

have authority to make such minor changes before the budget is ap<br />

proved by the Trustees as may be found necessary.<br />

Adjourned.<br />


L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary<br />

April 13th, 1929.<br />

PresentTrustees R. B. Williams, Chairman ; Farrand, Hiscock,<br />

R. H. Treman, Upson, J. DuPratt White and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Cooke, Ickelheimer and<br />

Schoellkopf and their absence excused.<br />


i. It was recommended that the firm of Haskins & Sells be em<br />

ployed to audit the accounts of the <strong>University</strong> for the current year.<br />

2. In connection with the call for redemption of the preferred stock<br />

of the Atlantic Refining Company, it was resolved that George F.<br />

Rogalsky as Treasurer, be and he hereby is authorized to assign the<br />

certificates in blank and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate<br />

seal.<br />

3. In connection with the retirement of the preferred stock of the<br />

American Cyanamid Company and its offer of two shares of Class<br />

"B"<br />

Common in exchange therefor, it was resolved that payment of<br />

the preferred stock held by the <strong>University</strong> be accepted under the call<br />

and not exchanged for the Common stock and that George F. Rogal<br />

sky as Treasurer, be and he hereby is authorized to assign the certifi<br />

cates in blank and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

4. The purchase of 500 shares of Eastman Kodak Company stock<br />

at the market was authorized.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.<br />


April 13th, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees Van Cleef, Chairman ; Farrand, Pound, R. H.<br />

Treman, J. DuPratt White, R. B. Williams ; Faculty Representatives<br />

Thilly and Diederichs, and Comptroller Bostwick. Trustees Hiscock<br />

and Upson were present a part of during the meeting.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees C. E. Treman and Westing-<br />

house and their absence excused.<br />

1. The appointment by the Governor of George R. Van Namee to<br />

succeed himself as Trustee of the <strong>University</strong> for a term of five years<br />

was reported.<br />

2. The President explained that under a change in the rules of the<br />

Carnegie Foundation which is to take effect May ist, 1929, the retiring<br />

allowances will be greatly reduced, and in order to avoid this reduc<br />

tion for Dean W. A. Hammond, Professors H. J. Davenport and G.<br />

R. McDermott and Librarian Willard Austen, he had made applica<br />

tion for a retiring allowance for these men effective April 30th, 1929.<br />

This action was approved.<br />

3.<br />

was granted Authority to the Committee on Pensions in its dis<br />

cretion to employ an actuary to prepare and report upon a plan or<br />

plans for a pension system for the <strong>University</strong>.

2003<br />

4. Leave of absence without prejudice to salary was granted Dr.<br />

Alva Gwin, Assistant Medical Adviser of Women, from May<br />

June 16th, 1929.<br />

16th to<br />

5. Leave of absence was granted Miss Gussie Gaskill for part of the<br />

academic year 1929-30, she to be allowed $25.00 per month during her<br />

absence as compensation for services performed during<br />

connection with the Wason Chinese collection.<br />

that time in<br />

6. Upon recommendation of the President $1,000 of the accumulated<br />

interest on the Barnes Book Fund was added to the principal of that<br />

fund.<br />

7. Captain C. G. Mead was appointed Proctor for a period of one<br />

year beginning March 15th, 1929, at a salary of $2,000 a year.<br />

8. The resignation of Assistant Professor M. L. Nichols of the De<br />

partment of Chemistry from the staff of the 1929 Summer Session<br />

was reported.<br />

9. The following appointments for the 1929<br />

made :<br />

Summer Session were<br />

Charles Walter Morse, Instructor in Chemistry, at a salary7 of $350.<br />

The following to be Wardens of the Halls specified, each at a salary<br />

of $150 and home.<br />

Miss Gertrude H. Nye, Prudence Risley Hall.<br />

Miss Mary E. <strong>Cornell</strong>, Sage College.<br />

Mrs. Mabel Daniel, Cascadilla Hall.<br />

10. The following appointments for the 1929 Summer Session in<br />

Law were made and the budget approved as herein set forth :<br />

C. K. Burdick, Director $250<br />

L. P. Wilson, Professor 600<br />

H. E. Whiteside, Professor 600<br />

J. B. Cheadle, Professor 700<br />

G. P. Costigan, Jr. Professor 750<br />

E.C.Dickinson,<br />

E. D. Dickinson,<br />

D. English,<br />

Professor 550<br />

Professor 700<br />

Professor 500<br />

J. N. Frierson, Professor 550<br />

G. C. Grismore, Professor 750<br />

C. T. McCormick. Professor 700<br />

G. H. Robinson, Professor 600<br />

A-<br />

T. Wright, Professor 700<br />

H. D. Laube, Assistant Professor 500<br />

600<br />

W. H. Farnham, Asst. Professor and Secretary __<br />

E. E. Willever, Librarian and Lecturer on Legal<br />

Bibliography<br />

Visiting<br />

250<br />

Lecturer 100 $9,400

Miscellaneous :<br />

Advertising<br />

Printing<br />

2004<br />

750<br />

Postage 150 $1,050<br />

150<br />

Total $10,450<br />

11. The following resolution concerning the <strong>University</strong> calendar<br />

passed by the <strong>University</strong> Faculty at its meeting on March 13th, 1929,<br />

was reported and approved :<br />

' '<br />

Resolved : If the Board of Trustees approve, that the dates of the<br />

first day of instruction, Commencement, the vacation periods, and<br />

<strong>University</strong> holidays be fixed as follows for the five years 1930-1935 :<br />

F'irst day of instruction : Thursday, Sept. 25, 1930 ; Sept. 24, 1931;<br />

Sept. 22, 1932 ; Sept. 28, 1933 ; Sept. 27, 1934.<br />

Thanksgiving Recess , Thanksgiving Day (Thursday) and the Fri<br />

day and next Saturday after it in each year.<br />

Christmas Recess : From Saturday, at 1 p. M. until the third fol<br />

lowing Monday at 8 a.m., as follows : in 1930-31, from Dec. 20 till<br />

Jan. 5 ; in 1931-32, from Dec. 19 till Jan. 4 ; in 1932-33, from Dec. 17<br />

till Jan. 2 ; in 1933-34, from Dec. 23 till Jan. 8; in 1934-35, from Dec.<br />

22 till Jan. 7.<br />

First day of instruction for the second term : Monday, Feb. 9,1931;<br />

Feb. 8, 1932 ; Feb. 6, 1933 ; Feb. 12, 1934 ; FAeb. 11, 1935.<br />

Spring Recess : From Saturday at 1 p. M. until the second follow<br />

ing Monday at 8 a.m., as follows : in 1931 from March 28 till April<br />

6 ; in 1932, from Mar. 26 till April 4 ; in 1933, from Mar till .25 April<br />

3 ; in 1934, from Mar. 31 till April 9 ; in 1935, from Mar. 30 till<br />

April 8.<br />

Spring Day : Saturday, May 23, 1931; May 21, 1932; May 20, 1933;<br />

May 26, 1934 ; May 25, 1935.<br />

Commencement : Monday, June 15, 1931 ; June 13, 1932 ; June 12,<br />

1933 ; June 18, 1934 ; June 17,<br />

1935."<br />

12. The President reported the receipt of a gift of $6,000 made by<br />

Miss Jane C. Goldenburgh of Woodmere, Long Island, to establish<br />

a memorial to be known as "The Craig C. Goldenburgh Memorial<br />

Fund, established by Jane C. Goldenburgh in memory of her brother,<br />

a member of the Class of 1930, the income to be used by the Trustees<br />

in whatever way may in their judgment be most useful in carrying<br />

out the purposes of the <strong>University</strong>."<br />

This fund was established and the President authorized to direct<br />

the expenditure of the iucome therefrom for the year 1929-30.<br />

13. The Comptroller reported the receipt of the sum of $135.00 from<br />

the American Association of <strong>University</strong> Women. This gift was<br />

accepted in accordance with the terms of the following letter :

2005<br />

"2 1 6 Wait Avenue, Ithaca, New York<br />

March 2, 1929.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Ithaca, New York.<br />

By direction of the Executive Board of the Ithaca branch of the<br />

American Association of <strong>University</strong> Women, I herewith hand you a<br />

check for the sum of $135.00 which we wish to give to <strong>Cornell</strong> Uni<br />

versity to be used as a loan fund to be known as "The Student Loan<br />

Fund of the Ithaca Branch of the American Association of <strong>University</strong><br />

Women."<br />

We desire that this sum of $135.00 be accepted by the <strong>University</strong> as<br />

the initial principal of a loan fund from which loans are to be made<br />

to women students in <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> upon the recommendation<br />

of the Dean of Women or such other official of the <strong>University</strong> as may<br />

be designated by the executive board of the Ithaca Branch of the<br />

American Association of <strong>University</strong> Women.<br />

We request that the loans be made on notes bearing 5 % interest<br />

and that they be given for such length of time as may be recom<br />

mended by the Dean of Women.<br />

All payments of principal and all interest pa37ments on such notes<br />

are to be added to and form a part of the principal of the loan fund<br />

hereby established.<br />

The Ithaca Branch of the American Association of <strong>University</strong><br />

Women shall be notified if at any time for a period of three consecu<br />

tive y7ears no student or students have been designated by the Dean<br />

of Women or other selected official to receive the benefits of this loan<br />

fund. Should the organization after such notification so desire, or<br />

should it disband or cease to exist, the loan fund hereby established<br />

shall thereafter be administered by the trustees of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

in such manner as by them shall seem best.<br />

Very truly yours,<br />

Adelaide M. Lewis (Mrs. R. D.)<br />

A.A.U.W."<br />

Treasurer, Ithaca Branch<br />

14. The Comptroller reported a provision in the Will of Alice Brad<br />

ford Wiles, deceased, and late of the Cit}' of Chicago, whereby a trust<br />

is established by her estate for the benefit of her brothers and sisters<br />

and her children, the said trust fund to be divided between the child<br />

ren or the descendants of her children twenty-one years after the death<br />

of said children ; <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> to take a half of this trust fund<br />

only<br />

shall fail.<br />

in the event the children or direct descendants of her children<br />

15. The Comptroller reported the receipt of a gift of $5,000 from<br />

Mr. A. S. Gilbert "To be used for the assistance of students in the<br />

School of Engineering in such manner as the Faculty of the School

2006<br />

of Engineering may from time to time determine. Mrs. Gilbert and<br />

I make this endowment in memory of our son, Carl R. Gilbert, who<br />

died in November last, while a student in the School of Engineering<br />

of your <strong>University</strong>. We do this as an appreciation of the many<br />

kindnesses extended to Carl, and as a slight recognition of the<br />

patience and consideration of Dean Kimball and the members of his<br />

faculty."<br />

The gift w7as accepted and the Carl R. Gilbert Memorial Fund was<br />

established under the terms expressed by the donors in the letter of<br />

gift.<br />

1 6. A gift of $ 1,000. from Colonel H. L. Cooper to be used for re<br />

search work in concrete was reported and accepted.<br />

17. There was reported the receipt of $1,000 from Mrs. Anna<br />

Gauntlett Whitcomb, representing the gifts of herself and relatives<br />

toward the cost of the new bells recently added to the <strong>University</strong><br />

chimes. This gift was accepted and the President requested to ex<br />

press to Mrs. Whitcomb the appreciation of the Trustees.<br />

18. Upon recommendation of the President Professor Horace E.<br />

Whiteside was admitted to the benefits of the William H.Sage Pension<br />

Fund.<br />

19. The suggestion of Professor A. W. Smith for an addition to the<br />

inscriptions on the underface of the arch at the base of the Library<br />

tower was approved and the detailed wording of such inscription was<br />

referred to the President with power.<br />

20. The resignations following were reported :<br />

Bruce Williams, Professor of Government, effective at the end of<br />

the present academic year.<br />

A. E. Murphy, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, effective at the<br />

end of the present academic year.<br />

H. F. Vieweg, Instructor in Physics, effective April 8th, 1929.<br />

21. The salary of R. H. Jordan, as Chairman of the Board of Ad<br />

ministration of the Summer Session was increased to $1,000, and the<br />

President was granted authority to increase the salary of B. S. Monroe,<br />

Secretary<br />

$750 if upon investigation he finds such action advisable.<br />

of the Board of Administration of the Summer Session to<br />

22. Sabbatic leaves of absence were granted as follows :<br />

P. R. Pope, Professor of German, for the second term of the aca<br />

demic year 1929-30.<br />

T. R. Briggs, Professor of Chemistry, for the second term of the<br />

academic year 1929-30.

2007<br />

23. Upon recommendation of the President a contingent fund of<br />

$500.00 was established from the income of the Baker Non-Resident<br />

Lectureship<br />

Fund to cover disbursements incident to the visits to<br />

Ithaca of lecturers under the fund.<br />

24. The Comptroller reported the receipt of the sum of $4,000 as<br />

provided under the Will of Sylvester Edick which was reported to<br />

the Board on April 4th, 1925, and the scholarship therein provided<br />

for was established.<br />

25. Upon recommendation of the President authority was granted<br />

Dean Dexter S. Kimball to express on behalf of the <strong>University</strong>, ap<br />

proval of the bill establishing Federal aid for Mechanic Arts Research<br />

in Land Grant Colleges and Universities.<br />

26. Mr. Charles Newman appeared before the Committee on behalf<br />

of Mrs. Bristol and stated why he felt that the <strong>University</strong> should pay<br />

more than $7,000 as heretofore offered for the Bristol house. After<br />

discussion the matter was referred to the Chairman of the Committee<br />

and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees with power.<br />

27. A recommendation was made to the Board that Trustee Frank<br />

E. Gannett be appointed a member of the Committee 011 General<br />

Administration.<br />

28. Authorization was given to the Comptroller to sell the lots<br />

owned by the <strong>University</strong> on Long's sub-division in the City of Topeka,<br />

Kansas,<br />

and he was authorized to execute a deed or deeds therefor on<br />

behalf of the <strong>University</strong><br />

corporate seal.<br />

and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s<br />

29. The Comptroller reported that he had been advised by<br />

Registrar David F. Hoy that he desired to sell his property on Fall<br />

Creek Drive. A committee consisting of Trustees Van Cleef and R.<br />

H. Treman and the Comptroller was appointed with power, in their<br />

discretion, to purchase this property at a sum not to exceed $30,000<br />

upon such terms as may be deemed advisable.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


March 22nd, 1929.<br />

Present President Farrand, Dr. Robinson, Director ; Mr. Wil<br />

liams, Mr. Taylor and Dr. Elser.<br />

Dr. Hartwell and Mr. Westinghouse were unable to attend owing<br />

to absence from the city.<br />

A letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees advising of<br />

the approval of the minutes of the Medical College Council meeting<br />

was presented and placed on file.<br />

of December 21, 1928,<br />

Dr. Robinson of the Committee on the Library requested author<br />

ization by the Council for the disposal, by sale or exchange,<br />

plus books and journals which are not needed by the Library.<br />

of sur<br />

It was explained by Dr. Robinson that the present accumulation of<br />

duplicate copies were of little value to the library<br />

much space needed for new accessions.<br />

and occupied<br />

It was moved and carried that the Librarian, on authorization of<br />

the Library Committee, be permitted to dispose of, by sale or ex<br />

change, all books and journals not needed by the Library.<br />

On the recommendation of the Secretary of the Faculty it was<br />

moved and carried that the following<br />

named students be granted<br />

permission to give their notes in adjustment of balances due on tui<br />

tion fees :<br />

John P. West, first year class, balance due $250.00<br />

Charles J. Benninger, second year class, balance due 250.00<br />

It was moved and carried that under the standing resolution No.<br />

5, March 23, 1902, the following special course fee be paid the fol<br />

instructor :<br />

lowing<br />

Charles R. Stockard, M. D, 1 student @<br />

$30.00 $30.00<br />

Dr. Robinson presented for consideration and discussion by the<br />

Council the question of student assistants desiring to prolong their<br />

course in the College with reduced work, viz., to extend his last two<br />

years of medical study to cover a period of three years and to pay a<br />

partial fee.<br />


2010<br />

It was Dr. Robinson's belief that it would be desirable and advan<br />

tageous to the Medical College to encourage certain worthy students<br />

to remain a longer time with the school and engage in research<br />

work.<br />

After a general discussion of the question it was the opinion of<br />

the Council that it would be unwise at this time to adopt any definite<br />

ruling. That each specific case should be presented for individual<br />

action.<br />

The following letter addressed to Dr. Niles from the Clinical Re<br />

search Society of New York was presented by Dr. Robinson:<br />

Dr. Walter L Niles,<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> Medical School,<br />

New York City.<br />

Dear Dr. Niles:<br />

"January 19th, 1929.<br />

I am enclosing a check drawn to the order of <strong>Cornell</strong> Medical<br />

School for two hundred dollars, which represents the sum appro<br />

priated by the Clinical Research Society of New York for its annual<br />

scholarship loan.<br />

It is the plan of the Society at present to make such an appropria<br />

tion each year and offer it to one of the three medical schools in<br />

New York in rotation.<br />

It is the desire of the Society to have this sum of money extended<br />

as a loan rather than as a gift to some needy, Christian male mem<br />

ber of the Fourth Year Class. The Clinical Research Society re<br />

quests that the recipient furnish the Society with the names of the<br />

two individuals who would be willing to act as personal sponsors.<br />

I am enclosing a form which the Society desires to have filled in<br />

by the students receiving this sum of money and returned to me<br />

when the award is made. It is the wish of the Society that the<br />

choice of the recipient shall be at the pleasure of the Dean's Office<br />

of the College receiving this sum, and our only qualifications of this<br />

loan are those which I have already set forth.<br />

Yours very sincerely,<br />

(Signed) A. Benson Cannon,<br />

Secretary."<br />


This is to certify that I have this day received from the Clinical<br />

Research Society through <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical School the<br />

sum of dollars.<br />

It is understood that I have received this sum of money as a loan<br />

and that it is my intention to reimburse the Society for this loan<br />

within five years after graduation from the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Medical School.<br />

I agree to pay to the Clinical Research Society five per cent inter<br />

est on this loan, beginning three years after graduation.

2011<br />

I hereby furnish the Clinical Research Society<br />

two individuals who know me and are willing to vouch for me.<br />

Signed<br />

Dated<br />

with the names of<br />

Dr. Robinson reported that he had formally acknowledged the re<br />

ceipt of this letter and the check for $200 enclosed herewith. It<br />

was voted by the Council that it be accepted and the money be made<br />

available for the year 1929-1930 in accordance with the terms of the<br />

grant.<br />

Dr. Robinson reported the offer of a gift to the Medical College<br />

through Dr. Milton Benjamin Rosenbluth of $25,000.00, the funds to<br />

be used for medical research purposes. Dr. Robinson's reply to Dr.<br />

Rosenbluth was as follows :<br />

Dr. Milton Benjamin Rosenbluth,<br />

116 West 59th Street,<br />

New York, N. Y.<br />

"March 18th, 1929.<br />

My dear Dr. Rosenbluth :<br />

The subject of your visit last Friday was reported to the Commit<br />

tee on Educational Policy of the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical College<br />

and it was received with enthusiasm. We shall be glad to appoint<br />

a committee to formulate a plan for the use of the funds but will<br />

await further instructions from you.<br />

I can assure you that the funds placed at the disposal of <strong>Cornell</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> for the pursuit of medical research will be used strictly<br />

for the purpose of the gift and I may say with assurance that<br />

valuable results may be accomplished. I shall of course report this<br />

matter to President Farrand.<br />

Yours very sincerely,<br />

(Signed) G. Canby Robinson."<br />

After a general discussion by the Council it seemed unnecessary<br />

for any definite action to be taken at this meeting.<br />

Dr. Robinson reported progress being made in the preparation of<br />

the general Medical College Budget for 1929-1930. He stated that in<br />

response to notices sent to the heads of the various departments,<br />

appointments had been made and that he was interviewing the heads<br />

of the departments personally concerning their requirements for the<br />

ensuing year.<br />

Dr. Farrand explained that the "Budget Meeting"<br />

of the General<br />


2012<br />

Board of Trustees of the <strong>University</strong> would be held on April 27th,<br />

1929, and that the Medical College budget should be presented to the<br />

Budget Committee of the Board at its meeting on April 13th.<br />

The President pointed out that he had conferred with Dr. Robin<br />

son concerning the probable need of the Medical School for the<br />

coming year and that it seemed necessary and important that we<br />

prepare a budget somewhat in excess of the current one in order to<br />

take care of already increased activities in some departments and in<br />

general preparation for the expansion to come in the new associa<br />

tion recently formed.<br />

Dr. Robinson, in reply to Mr. Williams'<br />

question as to the time<br />

when we might expect to occupy the new buildings, stated that the<br />

earliest date would be October 1st, 1931. Excavation operations fol<br />

lowed by assembling<br />

June first, this year.<br />

and erection of steel work would begin about<br />

In connection with the proposed increase in the new budget and<br />

how it could be met, Dr. Farrand stated that he believed it might be<br />

possible to secure the additional funds needed from the allowance<br />

granted by the General Education Board. That certain funds had<br />

already been turned over to the <strong>University</strong> by the General Educa<br />

tion Board and he suggested that the Council authorize the Presi<br />

dent to prepare a request for the payment of the balance due or so<br />

much as was actually needed for the new development.<br />

It was moved, seconded, and carried that the President be author<br />

ized, with power, to proceed in accordance with his suggestion.<br />

There being no further business the meeting<br />

journed.<br />

was declared ad<br />

J. T. Willson,<br />

Secretary of the Council.<br />


April 26th, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees J. DuPratt White, Chairman ; Farrand, Sackett,<br />

Sanderson, R. H. Treman, Upson and Whitman; Comptroller Bost<br />

wick and Superintendent Curtis.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Westinghouse and Wakeman<br />

and their absence excused.<br />

Action was taken as follows :<br />

1. The site for the proposed Fine Arts Building, as heretofore<br />

recommended, was confirmed by a vote of the committee.

2013<br />

2. A report from the Architectural Advisory Board concerning<br />

the plans for the new Fine Arts Building was read and it was re<br />

solved that this report be forwarded to Mr. Ackerman, the architect,<br />

with the request that he re-study the plans for the building in line<br />

with the suggestions made by the Advisory Board.<br />

3. It zvas resolved that,<br />

subject to the approval of the Architec<br />

tural Advisory Board, the site north of the present Home Economics<br />

Building, substantially as shown on the General Plan, be approved as<br />

the site for the new Home Economics Building.<br />

4. The plans for the service roads and roads of approach to the<br />

new group of women's dormitories were approved as laid out on plan<br />

No. M1247 prepared by Mr. Cooley, with the understanding that<br />

the road indicated as running close to the westerly<br />

race in front of the group<br />

side of the ter<br />

shall not be constructed at the present<br />

time, and with the further understanding that the circular roads on<br />

the south and north of the group be made solid instead of being<br />

constructed with a center space for planting.<br />

5. The area north and east of the barn back of the President's<br />

house as indicated on plan No. S1247 prepared by<br />

the Landscape<br />

Committee was approved for development as a parking space.<br />

6. Authorization was given for the preparation of plans and<br />

specifications for the remodeling<br />

garage and apartment.<br />

of the President's barn into a<br />

7. The Superintendent was requested to prepare plans and specifi<br />

cations for the construction of a permanent concrete road and curb<br />

on Tower Road from East Avenue to Garden Avenue, and to have<br />

such plans ready for presentation at the next meeting of this com<br />

mittee.<br />

8. Plans were presented for a sports building<br />

by the Athletic Association on <strong>University</strong><br />

to be constructed<br />

grounds near the toboggan<br />

slide. The construction of this building was approved in accordance<br />

with the general plans presented,<br />

subject to the approval of the<br />

Architectural Advisory Board, and subject also to the condition that<br />

toilet facilities be provided in the building, if feasible.<br />

9. The plans for a new laundry unit as presented by Mr. Francis<br />

Y. Joannes were approved subject to the approval of the Architec<br />

tural Advisory Board, and it was recommended that the Comp<br />

troller be authorized to proceed with the construction and equip<br />

ment of the building and that he be given authority to ask for bids<br />

and execute such contracts as in his judgment may be necessary for<br />

such construction and attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

10. The use by the Music Department of the house located at

2014<br />

320 Wait Avenue, and known as the Scorpion House, was approved<br />

and necessary alterations amounting to approximately $6,000 were<br />

recommended.<br />

11. A report of the progress on the dredging of Beebe Lake was<br />

made.<br />

12. A report on the working of the new filter plant was made.<br />

13. The Chairman presented a request from Mr. Charles Z.<br />

Klauder for permission to examine the specifications for the new<br />

group of<br />

womens'<br />

dormitories and permission for such examination<br />

was granted, subject to the approval of the architect, Mr. Frederick<br />

L. Ackerman.<br />

14. The Superintendent was requested to examine into and re<br />

port on the use of direct control valves for the control of heat in the<br />

<strong>University</strong> buildings.<br />

Adjourned.<br />


L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.<br />

April 27th, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees Hiscock, Chairman; J. DuPratt White, Far<br />

rand, Pyrke, Witter, C. E. <strong>Cornell</strong>, Crawford, Gannett, Gherardi,<br />

Ickelheimer, Miller, Newman, Pound, Sackett, Sanderson, Teagle,<br />

TenEyck, C. E. Treman, R. H. Treman, Upson, VanCleef, Van-<br />

Namee, Whitman, R. B. Williams and R. H. Williams ; Faculty<br />

Representatives Thilly, Warren and Diederichs.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Graves, Turner, Cooke,<br />

Schoellkopf, Taylor, Wakeman, Warner, Westinghouse and Horace<br />

White and their absence excused.<br />

1. The committee appointed to formulate a resolution on the<br />

death of Senator Thomas B. Wilson, presented the following, which<br />

was adopted :<br />

The Board of Trustees have learned with deep sorrow and regret<br />

of the death of their colleague, Thomas B. Wilson.<br />

Mr. Wilson was one of the first trustees appointed by the Gover<br />

nor of the State under the laws of 1909 and he served continuously<br />

from that year until his death in January last. During his term as a<br />

member of the Board Mr. Wilson served on various committees and<br />

by his wise and experienced counsel contributed greatly to the de<br />

liberations of the Board. Mr. Wilson not only carried the complete

2015<br />

confidence of his colleagues but won the personal affection of every<br />

member of the Board. The Board desires to place on record an ex<br />

pression of its sense of irreparable loss in his death and orders this<br />

minute spread upon the records of the Board and a copy transmitted<br />

to the family of Mr. Wilson.<br />

2. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of January 26th,<br />

1929,<br />

were approved as printed.<br />

3. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on General<br />

Administration of March 2nd and April 13th, 1929 were approved<br />

as printed and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed.<br />

4. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on Finance of<br />

January 18th and 26th, and April 13th, 1929,<br />

were approved as<br />

printed and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed.<br />

5. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of<br />

March 22nd, 1929, were approved as presented, the recommenda<br />

tions therein contained adopted, and appointments and appropria<br />

tions made as therein recommended.<br />

6. The Secretary<br />

reported those portions of the minutes of the<br />

meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds of April 26th,<br />

1929, upon which immediate action by the Board was desired, and,<br />

on motion, the following portions of the minutes of such meeting<br />

were approved,<br />

and the action therein contained ratified and con<br />

firmed, and recommendations adopted as follows :<br />

(a) Section 3. It was resolved that,<br />

subject to the approval of<br />

the Architectural Advisory Board, the site north of the pres<br />

ent Home Economics Building substantially as shown on the<br />

General Plan, be approved as the site for the new Home Eco<br />

nomics Building.<br />

(b) Section 5. The area north and east of the barn back of the<br />

President's house as indicated on plan No. S1247 prepared by<br />

the Landscape Committee, was approved for development as<br />

a parking space.<br />

(c) Section 8. Plans were presented for a sports building to be<br />

constructed by the Athletic Association on <strong>University</strong> grounds<br />

near the toboggan slide. The construction of this building<br />

was approved in accordance with the general plans presented,<br />

subject to the approval of the Architectural Advisory Board,<br />

and subject also to the condition that toilet facilities be pro<br />

vided in the building if feasible.<br />

(d) Section 9. The plans for a new laundry unit as presented<br />

by Mr. Francis Y. Joannes were approved subject to the ap-<br />

approval of the Architectural Advisory Board,<br />

and it was

20l6<br />

recommended that the Comptroller be authorized to proceed<br />

with the construction and equipment of the building and that<br />

he be given authority to ask for bids and execute such con<br />

tracts as in his judgment may be necessary for such con<br />

struction and attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

(e) Section 10. The use by the Music Department of the house<br />

located at 320 Wait Avenue and known as the Scorpion<br />

House, was approved and necessary alterations amounting to<br />

approximately $6,000 were recommended.<br />

7. Trustees Frank E. Gannett and Bancroft Gherardi were ap<br />

pointed to fill the vacancies on the Committee on General Adminis<br />

tration.<br />

8. Trustee Frank E. Gannett presented his resignation from the<br />

State College Council,<br />

which was accepted.<br />

9. The <strong>University</strong> budget for the year 1929-1930 as proposed and<br />

recommended by the Budget Committee was approved with the<br />

minor changes recommended by the President,<br />

and appropriations made as therein recommended.<br />

and appointments<br />

10. The President reported that Dean W. A. Hammond had<br />

stated that he did not wish to avail himself of the opportunity to<br />

retire on April 30th, 1929, and therefore will not retire until June,<br />

1930.<br />

11. By ballot duly had the following<br />

were elected to professor<br />

ships, effective July 1st, 1929:<br />

P. T. Homan, Professor of Economics, at a salary<br />

year.<br />

of $5,000 a<br />

M. A. Copeland, Professor of Economics, at a salary of $5,000 a<br />

year.<br />

Paul J. Weaver, Professor of Music, at a salary of $7,000 a year.<br />

Jacob Papish, Professor of Chemistry, at a salary<br />

year.<br />

D. F. Smiley,<br />

of $4,000 a<br />

Professor of Hygiene and to continue as Medical<br />

Adviser, at a salary of $5,000 a year.<br />

H. D. Laube, Professor of Law and Secretary of the Law School,<br />

at a salary of $6,000 a year.<br />

J. B. Sumner, Professor of Biochemistry, at a salary<br />

year.<br />

12. Authority<br />

of $4,000 a<br />

was granted the President to confer degrees on<br />

June 13th, 1929, upon candidates recommended by the faculty of the<br />

Medical College in New York City.<br />

13. The President reported that owing to the new rules estab<br />

lished by<br />

the Carnegie Foundation he had made application for retir-

2017<br />

ing allowances for Professor Herbert J. Davenport, George R. Mc-<br />

Dermott, and Librarian Willard Austen, and that such allowances<br />

had been granted as follows :<br />

Willard Austen, $2,050, effective June 17th, 1929.<br />

Herbert J. Davenport, $2,800; effective August 10th, 1929.<br />

George R. McDermott, $1,850, effective June 17th, 1929.<br />

14. By the concurrent vote of a majority of the total membership<br />

of the Board the following amendments to the <strong>University</strong> Statutes<br />

and Rules and Regulations were made :<br />

Section 3(A) of Article VIII was amended to read as follows:<br />

"The <strong>University</strong> Faculty shall consist of the President of the<br />

<strong>University</strong>, who shall be ex-officio the presiding officer, and the<br />

deans, professors and assistant professors, who are members of the<br />

above named special faculties, the Librarian and the assistant libra<br />

rians in the <strong>University</strong> Library, the Registrar, the Secretary<br />

of the <strong>University</strong>, the Dean of Women, the Director of Admis<br />

sions, and the Director of Resident Instruction, the Director of Ex<br />

tension Service, and the Director of the Experiment Station in the<br />

Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics. The professors and<br />

assistant professors whom the <strong>University</strong> may appoint in the Depart<br />

ments of (1) Military Science and Tactics, (2) Physical Education<br />

and Training, and (3) Hygiene and Preventive Medicine shall not<br />

be members of any special faculty but shall be members of the Uni<br />

versity Faculty, it shall be the function of the <strong>University</strong> Faculty<br />

to consider questions which concern more than one college and ques<br />

tions of <strong>University</strong> policy; and it shall have disciplinary jurisdiction<br />

over the students of the <strong>University</strong> except for unsatisfactory work,<br />

for which discipline is entrusted to the respective special faculties."<br />

Section 3(B)<br />

as follows :<br />

was amended so that the first sentence shall read<br />

"Each special faculty, except that of the Graduate School,<br />

shall be<br />

composed of the President, who shall be ex-officio the presiding offi<br />

cer, the Dean, and all professors, assistant professors, and instruc<br />

tors who give instruction to regular students in the department or<br />

departments under the charge of that faculty, or to graduate stu<br />

dents in the corresponding division of the Graduate School, but in<br />

structors shall not have the right to vote until after four years of<br />

service as such, here or in an institution of equal academic stand<br />

ing; provided, however, that no instructor who was entitled to a<br />

vote in his special faculty on Commencement Day, 1919, shall be de<br />

action."<br />

prived of his right to vote by this<br />

Article XI, Section 2, paragraph 1, was amended by striking out<br />

the words "the director of experiment stations"<br />

and inserting the<br />

words "the Director of the New York State Experiment Station at<br />


2018<br />

Paragraph A of Section 2 of Article XVIII was amended by<br />

repealing and striking out the following clause: "Provided, how<br />

ever, that no student shall be allowed to transfer from any such<br />

course to another course where tuition is charged without first pay<br />

ing the regular tuition fees for the hours for which he receives<br />

credit in the latter<br />

by adding Paragraph C as follows :<br />

course,"<br />

and Article XVIII was further amended<br />

(c) Any student transferring from one college or course in the<br />

<strong>University</strong> to another, must pay for the hours of credit he receives<br />

in the latter college or course an amount corresponding to the dif<br />

ference in tuition ; and no such transfer shall be allowed or credit<br />

given until such payment has been made.<br />

Section 1 of sub-division (a)<br />

the second paragraph will read as follows :<br />

of Article XIX was amended so that<br />

"Said fellowships have been and are assigned, one to each of the<br />

following departments or groups of departments : Mathematics ;<br />

Chemistry, Physics; Civil Engineering; Animal Biology; Botany,<br />

Geology, and Physical Geography ; Architecture, Landscape Archi<br />

tecture, and Fine Arts ; Agriculture, Horticulture, Home Economics<br />

and Veterinary Science ; English ; Germanic Languages ; Romance<br />

Languages ;<br />

Engineering."<br />

and two to Mechanical and Electrical<br />

Section 2 of Article IV of the Rules and Regulations was amended<br />

by repealing that portion of the paragraph reading<br />

as follows : "No<br />

student shall be allowed to transfer from free-tuition courses in the<br />

<strong>University</strong> to the courses in hotel administration without first paying<br />

the regular tuition fees for the hours for which he may receive<br />

credit in the latter<br />

course."<br />

15. Upon recommendation of the faculty of the College of Agri<br />

culture it was<br />

"Resolved, That senior students in the College of Agriculture, if<br />

they desire to take courses in the endowed colleges beyond the hours<br />

allowed free under the rules of that College, and beyond the total<br />

hours required for graduation, may be allowed to do so upon pay<br />

ment for the additional hours of instruction at the rate of tuition in<br />

given."<br />

the College in which the instruction is<br />

16. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council the<br />

following<br />

grants were made :<br />

Physical Sciences<br />

Supplements to Grants<br />

Grant No. 6: $2,000 to L. M. Dennis, for a study of germanium<br />

and its compounds.<br />

Grant No. n: $5,800 to F. K. Richtmyer, for a study of the ab<br />

sorption of X-rays.

2019<br />

Grant No. 140: $2,000 to E. Merritt, for a study of the influence<br />

of conditions in the upper atmosphere on the propagation of electric<br />

waves.<br />

Grant No. 156: $2,500 to C. C. Murdock and T. R. Briggs, for a<br />

study<br />

of the size and shape of colloidal particles with particular<br />

reference to catalytic agents.<br />

Grant No. 157a: $4,500 to R. C. Gibbs, for a study of line spectra<br />

in the extreme ultra-violet.<br />

Grant No. 157b: $3,500 to R. C. Gibbs and J. R. Johnson, for a<br />

study of the absorption of visible and ultra-violet light by different<br />

materials in relation to their chemical constitution.<br />

Grant No. 157c: $3,500 to E. L. Nichols and E. Merritt, for the<br />

study of luminescence, particularly the relation between phosphores<br />

cence and fluorescence and chemical constitution.<br />

Grant No. i$7d: $1,000 to J. R. Collins, for a study of the effect<br />

of temperature on the nearer infra-red absorption of liquids and of<br />

luminescent effects in the nearer infra-red.<br />

Grant No. 155: $2,000 to F. Bedell and H. J. Reich, for investiga<br />

tions in alternating current measurement.<br />

Grant No. 159: $10,000 to W. D. Bancroft, for a study of the<br />

chemistry of radicals and the theory of concentrated solutions.<br />

Grant No. 160: $2,500 to J. Papish, for an investigation of the oc<br />

currence, distribution, and association of the rarer chemical elements.<br />

Grant No. 174: $500 to H. Ries, for an investigation of the<br />

moulding sand resources of the United States.<br />

Grant No. 179: $500 to L. M. Dennis, for an investigation of the<br />

separation of isotypes.<br />

New Grants<br />

Grant No. 180: $500 to S. L. Boothroyd and J. Papish, for an in<br />

vestigation of the rarer elements present in meteorites.<br />

Grant No. 181: $2,750 to L. M. Dennis, R. C. Gibbs and J. Papish,<br />

for the purchase of an adjustable etalon to be used in connection<br />

with researches under other grants.<br />

Biological Sciences<br />

Supplements to Grants<br />

Grant No. 25: $150 to A. A. Allen, for investigation of the artifi<br />

cial propagation of the canvasback and other ducks.<br />

Grant No. 64: $2,000 to H. H. Whetzel, for taxonomic studies in<br />

the genera Schlerotinia and Botrytis.<br />

Grant No. 106: $500 to H. D. Reed, A. C. Fraser and G. E. Em-

2020<br />

body, for genetrical and morphological studies of fishes.<br />

Grant No in: $200 to L. C. Petry, for a collection of fossil<br />

plants of the Devonian formation in America.<br />

Grant No. 131: $500 to P. W. Claassen, for a study of the biology<br />

and taxonomy of the Plecoptera.<br />

Grant No. 162: $400 to J. B. Sumner, for the study of the enzyme<br />

urease.<br />

Grant No. 163: $1,000 to J. A. Dye, for a study of tissue respira<br />

tion and endocrine functions.<br />

New Grants<br />

Grant No. 182: $1,750 to P. J. Kruse, for a study of reflex action<br />

in man.<br />

Grant No. 183: $750 to E. F. Hopkins, for a study of the physio<br />

logical effect of iron and certain other elements in the ionized state.<br />

Humanities<br />

Supplements to Grants<br />

Grant No. 143: $250 to H. Hermannsson, for a study<br />

Norse and Icelandic manuscripts.<br />

of Old<br />

Grant No. 171: $1,000 to G. E. G. Catlin, for a study of certain<br />

social problems and the appropriate legislation for dealing with them.<br />

Grant No. 177: $500 to C. K. Burdick, for a comparative study<br />

of restatements of torts and agency and conflicts of laws.<br />

New Grants<br />

Grant No. 184: $500 to W. F. Willcox, for a study of the statis<br />

tics oi international migration.<br />

17. The President gave a short report on the financial condition<br />

of the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical College in New York City.<br />

18. Upon recommendation of the President, P. H. Price and Ar<br />

thur A. Wedel were appointed to the Eleanor Tatum Long Graduate<br />

Scholarships in Structural Geology for the academic years 1929-30,<br />

each at a stipend of $900.<br />

19. Upon recommendation of the President the sum of $486.75<br />

from the accumulated income of the Eleanor Tatum Long Scholar<br />

ship Fund was added to the principal of the fund in order to in<br />

crease it to $30,000.<br />

20. Upon recommendation of Dean A. R. Mann the portrait of<br />

Emeritus Professor H. H. Wing, presented by former students,<br />

members of the faculty and other interested parties throughout the<br />

State,<br />

was accepted and the President requested to express to the<br />

donors the appreciation of the Trustees.

2021<br />

21. Sabbatic leave of absence was granted Charles A. Burdick,<br />

Dean of the Law School, for the second term of the academic vear<br />

1929-30.<br />

22. A gift of $17,500 was reported to be used toward the estab<br />

lishment of a fund to be known as the Henry Shaler Williams Me<br />

morial. This gift was accepted and the fund established in accord<br />

ance with the provisions of the following deed of gift and the Presi<br />

dent was requested to express to the donors the appreciation of the<br />

Trustees.<br />

"We, the undersigned donors, do herewith give to <strong>Cornell</strong> Univer<br />

sity the amounts and in the manner indicated after our respective<br />

names, toward the establishment of a fund to be known as the Henry<br />

memory-<br />

Shaler Williams Memorial, in perpetuation of the of Henry<br />

Shaler Williams (1847-1918), quondam professor of Geology and<br />

Paleontology at <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>, and founder of Sigma XL<br />

The purpose of this fund is, broadly, to foster scientific study and<br />

especially scientific research, and its acceptance by the trustees of<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> carries the obligation so to use it. It is hoped<br />

and expected, however, that so long<br />

as there is adequate opportu<br />

nity, it will be applied in the field of Geology and Paleontology7. It<br />

is understood and acceptable that the fund may be mingled with<br />

and invested together with the other invested funds of the Univer<br />

sity, so long as there be credited to the fund the net average rate<br />

received by the <strong>University</strong> on its funds.<br />

The income may be used in paying personnel, in furnishing<br />

scholarships and/or in the purchase of facilities and equipment, if<br />

all in keeping with the general purposes above stated; moreover, if<br />

found wise, a portion of the principal not over one-third may be<br />

used in the purchase of such facilities and equipment, including real<br />

estate.<br />

But no permanent impairment of the fund shall be so permitted,<br />

and in case such use of principal should involve a purchase reason<br />

ably susceptible of depreciation and deterioration, then the income<br />

from a remaining portion of the fund shall be not spent but accumu<br />

lated until a proper reserve has been established against such possi<br />

ble loss or depreciation. It is further understood that in case of the<br />

discontinuance of the use in accordance with the purpose of the trust,<br />

of any7<br />

such material, tangible asset, it shall be incumbent upon the<br />

said trustees to dispose of it and return the proceeds into the princi<br />

pal of the trust-<br />

It being the intention that the fund shall not be regarded as per<br />

manently established until it amounts to at least S25.000. it is under<br />

stood that the income from at least one-fifth of the fund shall be<br />

accumulated, and periodically added to the principal of the fund,<br />

until that sum ($25,000) is reached.

2022<br />

It being understood that a present pressing need in the <strong>Cornell</strong><br />

Department of Geology is a summer camp as a place of study for a<br />

few selected students in field work of the department, specific assent<br />

is hereby given, but under the provisions above outlined, that such<br />

portion of the fund as is deemed wise by the said trustees may be<br />

applied toward the purchase and/or construction of such a camp,<br />

and toward scholarships to be used in conjunction therewith, both to<br />

bear the name of the fund.<br />

Rogers H. Williams _<br />

$5,000<br />

Mrs. George R. (Ellen D.) Williams 2,500<br />

Augusta H. Williams 2,500<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Newman _<br />

2,500<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tanner 2,500<br />

R. B. Williams 1,000<br />

Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Williams 1,000<br />

Otis L. Williams<br />

500"<br />

23. The President reported that the Carnegie Corporation had<br />

made a gift of $10,000 to the <strong>University</strong> for use in connection with<br />

the development of the Department of Fine Arts. This gift was<br />

accepted and the President requested to express to the donor the<br />

appreciation of the Trustees.<br />

The President was authorized to expend this money as he may<br />

deem necessary for the advancement of the purposes for which it<br />

was given.<br />

ing<br />

24. A request from the President of the Alumni Corporation ask<br />

that a committee be appointed from the Board of Trustees of<br />

the <strong>University</strong> to confer with the Alumni Committee making a sur<br />

vey of athletic conditions at <strong>Cornell</strong> was presented. After discus<br />

sion it was<br />

"Resolved, That it is the sense of the Board that the appointment<br />

of a special committee on athletics would not be consistent with the<br />

policy of the Board in matters of academic administration;<br />

That the Committee on General Administration be requested to<br />

furnish to the Athletic Survey Committee of the_ Alumni Corpora<br />

tion such information as it may have or may obtain which would be<br />

helpful to the Survey Committee in its deliberations ;<br />

That in communicating this attitude and action of the Board the<br />

Chairman be requested to express to the Survey Committee the<br />

Board's recognition of the importance of the inquiry in which that<br />

committee is engaged, its appreciation of the spirit in which the in<br />

quiry is being conducted and its hope that recommendations may<br />

result which will be of benefit to the general athletic situation of the<br />

<strong>University</strong>."<br />

25. The President reported that there had been received through<br />

the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council the sum of $7,900 which had been raised<br />

through the personal efforts of Dr. Frank H. Miller; $6,900 of the<br />

fund to be added to and become a part of the Flower Library En-

2023<br />

dowment in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and $1,000 of the<br />

fund to endow the Charles Gross Bondy Prize Fund. These funds<br />

were established and the appreciation of the Trustees expressed to<br />

Dr. Miller for his interest and efforts.<br />

26. The President also reported that there had been received<br />

through the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council from Trustee E. N. Sanderson, the<br />

sum of $1,000 to be added to and become a part of the Flower Li<br />

brary Endowment as above established. This gift was accepted and<br />

the appreciation of the Trustees expressed.<br />

Adjourned.<br />


L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.<br />

April 27, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman ; Hiscock, Ickelhei<br />

mer, R. H. Treman, Upson, Farrand, J. DuPratt White, and Comp<br />

troller Bostwick.<br />

1. The following purchases were authorized at approximately the<br />

present market prices :<br />

500 shares Standard Oil of California.<br />

$50,000 Missouri-Pacific Convertible 5j4s.<br />

$50,000 Warner Co. 6s.<br />

500 shares Oliver Farm Equipment 6% preferred.<br />

2. The sale of 30 shares of American Cyanamid 6% preferred<br />

stock at the market was authorized and in connection therewith, it<br />

was resolved that George F. Rogalsky, as Treasurer, be and he<br />

hereby is authorized to assign the certificates in blank and to attach<br />

thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

3. A previous authorization to purchase 350 shares of United<br />

States Leather preferred stock was rescinded.<br />

4. The Comptroller was requested to look into the Webster Mills<br />

6>4s held by the <strong>University</strong><br />

circumstances warrant a sale.<br />

and to sell the same if in his judgment<br />

5. It was duly voted to sell our balance of 430 shares of Diamond<br />

Match stock at the market and in connection therewith it was re<br />

solved that George F. Rogalsky, as Treasurer, be and he hereby is<br />

authorized to endorse the certificates in blank and to attach thereto<br />

the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

It was also resolved that George F. Rogalsky be and he hereby is<br />

authorized to assign in blank for sale any rights to subscribe to Dia<br />

mond Match stock that may be received.<br />

George F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary, pro tem.<br />


2024<br />


Amount<br />

Lectureship and Special Funds 36,225<br />

Fellowships 12,975<br />

Scholarships 42,950<br />

Prizes 2,530<br />

Student Aid 31,689<br />

Special Funds 107,191<br />

Interest, Annuities and Retiring Allowances 52,845<br />

Maintenance of Physical Plant 249,880<br />

Improvement of Physical Plant 20,000<br />

Miscellaneous Operating Expenses 104,050<br />

Library 66,967<br />

Agriculture 28,200<br />

Summer Session 1929 (not including Law)<br />

72,500<br />

Summer School of Biology, 1929 6,075<br />

Architecture 90,775<br />

College of Arts and Sciences<br />

Office and General 15,925<br />

Arts Department<br />

Classics 31,000<br />

Economics 57,400<br />

Education 17,800<br />

English 74,800<br />

German 22,825<br />

Government 16,650<br />

History, American 12,500<br />

History, Ancient 8,000<br />

History, English 5,350<br />

History, Mediaeval 7,775<br />

History, Modern European 7,450<br />

Literature, Comparative Study of 7,525<br />

Music<br />

13,600<br />

Philosophy<br />

33,850<br />

Psychology<br />

25,300<br />

Public Speaking<br />

25,150<br />

Romance Languages<br />

40,700<br />

Scandinavian<br />

3,025<br />

Semitics 5,700<br />

Total Arts Departments $ 416,400<br />

Science Departments<br />

Chemistry<br />

Geology --<br />

169,140<br />


2025<br />

Mathematics 58,710<br />

Physics 1 18,900<br />

Zoology 14,610<br />

Total Science Department $ 405,475<br />

Total Arts and Sciences $ 721,875<br />

General Departments<br />

Military 15,705<br />

Physical Education 29,750<br />

Hygiene 42,465<br />

Medicine 62,670<br />

Graduate School 3,500<br />

Law 95,870<br />

Engineering 368,033<br />

<strong>University</strong> Faculty 2,750<br />

Dean of Women 13,650<br />

Division of Education 750<br />

President's Office 23,700<br />

Bureau of Public Information 7,080<br />

Registrar's Office 8,500<br />

Director of Admission's Office 10,656<br />

Secretary's Office 19,590<br />

Superintendent's Office 25,400<br />

Comptroller's Office 29,980<br />

Purchasing Office 17,640<br />

Treasurer's Office 20,720<br />

Alumni Representative's Office 15,680<br />

Other Officers 8,400<br />


2026<br />


Estimate<br />

1929-30<br />

Tuition 1,055,000<br />

Estimated Increased Attendance (30 @ $400) 12,000<br />

Estimated Increased Attendance (Law School<br />

15 @ $300) 4,500<br />

State for Agricultural Students 27,400<br />

State for Home Economics Students 45,900<br />

Instruction in Hotel Management 19,100<br />

Summer Session (including Biology)<br />

66,000<br />

Summer Session, Law 7,600<br />

Fees except Infirmary and Willard Straight Hall 141,500<br />

Residential Halls 35,000<br />

Invested Funds (unrestricted) less Insurance<br />

Reserve 623,500<br />

Invested Funds (restricted) less Insurance Re<br />

serve 263,500<br />

Semi-Centennial Endowment Fund Subscription<br />

Interest 30,000<br />

U. S. Congressional Industrial Fund 50,000<br />

Part of Medical Adviser to Infirmary<br />

7,500<br />

G-S Items to G-S Special Fund 3,400<br />

Light and Water 26,000<br />

Anonymous Donation for Professorial Salaries.. 18,000<br />

Anonymous Donation for Professorial Salaries<br />

(Unexpended Balance)<br />

5,425<br />

Anonymous Donation for Architecture 10,000<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council, Unrestricted 140,000<br />

$2,591,325<br />

Excess of Income over Expenditures 6.184

2027<br />


Lectureship and Special Funds<br />

Goldwin Smith Special Fund for the following<br />

or other<br />

Amount<br />

appropriate purposes 8,750<br />

Goldwin Smith Special or Supernormal Salary Fund....<br />

Goldwin Smith Lectureship Fund<br />

Goldwin Smith Faculty Prize Fund<br />

Goldwin Smith Reading Room Fund<br />

From these are paid the G-S Department appropria<br />

Any<br />

tions hereinafter marked (G-S)<br />

surplus of income to be used toward the payment<br />

of salaries in G-S Hall<br />

Chemical Non-Resident Lectures 19,750<br />

Irvine Lectures 100<br />

Messenger Lectures 4,365<br />

Schiff Non-Resident Lectures 3,260<br />

Fellowships<br />

$ 36,225<br />

2 <strong>University</strong> Fellowships @ $525 each 1,050<br />

21 <strong>University</strong> Fellowships @ $425 each 8,925<br />

Boldt, George C 1,000<br />

Earle, Charles Bull 500<br />

Gage, Susan Phelps 500<br />

Meyer, Edgar J<br />

500<br />

500<br />

Schiff, Jacob H. ($425 and tuition)<br />

Scholarships<br />

$ 12,975<br />

Graduate Scholarships 5,600<br />

36 Undergraduate Scholarships @ $200 each 7,200<br />

Beatty Agricultural 325<br />

Boldt, George C 2,000<br />

Brigden, Carrie G 140<br />

Dreyfus Memorial 1 ,365<br />

Fraser Law 150<br />

Hall, Mary F 950<br />

Kenney, Eudorus C 2,725<br />

5 Law School First Year 1,500<br />

Long, Eleanor Tatum 1,600<br />

McMullen, John 14,740<br />

North, C. Howell 650<br />

Osborn, Laura 380<br />

Padgham, Frank W 400

2028<br />

Scholarships {Continued)<br />

Roberts, Charles H 1,700<br />

Saunders, Alexander and Mary E 675<br />

Schermerhorn, Grace 100<br />

Smith, Judson N 200<br />

Thompson, William D 50<br />

Wentz, John L 300<br />

Wilson, Fred L 200<br />

Prizes<br />

$ 42,950<br />

Baird, M. Z 50<br />

Barnes, A. S 50<br />

Bennett, J. G 50<br />

Bennett, P. S 30<br />

Besse, Anna 50<br />

Boardman Senior Law 100<br />

Caldwell, G. C 50<br />

Class of '86 Memorial 86<br />

Class of '94 Debate 94<br />

Corson, Browning<br />

50<br />

Corson, French 50<br />

Courant, J. M 50<br />

Crandall, C. L 190<br />

Dickinson, Paul 25<br />

Eastman, A. R 125<br />

Fuertes Medal 50<br />

Fuertes Prize Debate 180<br />

Guilford Essay<br />

150<br />

Messenger, L. L 250<br />

Miller, Jane 50<br />

Pack, C. L 50<br />

Pack Foundation Forestry<br />

50<br />

Philosophy, Graduate 25<br />

Ring Memorial 100<br />

Sampson, Frances 50<br />

Sibley 100<br />

White, Spanish 300<br />

White, Veterinary 25<br />

Woodford 100<br />

$ 2,530

Student Aid<br />

2029<br />

Dearstyne Fund 156<br />

Guiteau Loan Fund 26,000<br />

Hubbard Memorial Fund 109<br />

Hunter Loan Fund for Young Women 772<br />

Jonas, Albert and Olive, Fund 109<br />

Knickerbacker, John, Fund 1,650<br />

Morris, Ruth, Loan Fund 300<br />

Polish Student Loan Fund 11<br />

Schling, Max, Loan Fund 142<br />

Seidell Book Fund 76<br />

Smith, C. F., Fund 294<br />

Straight, Willard, Memorial 325<br />

Vail Fund 545<br />

Women's Guild 545<br />

Women Students Loan Fund 531<br />

Wurts Loan Fund 124<br />

Special Funds<br />

$ 31,689<br />

Anonymous Endowment 7,400<br />

Anvil Club 16<br />

Beekeepers Library<br />

Bennett, C. E., Research in Classical Languages 325<br />

Class of 1896 Memorial Library Fund 109<br />

Class Funds 1,074<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> Masque 300<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Christian Association 2,050<br />

Heckscher Foundation 50,000<br />

Hinkley, Orchestra Foundation 1,029<br />

Infirmary Endowment 5,458<br />

King-Osborn Memorial 2,500<br />

Ludwig, Robert and Charlotte, Fund 1,692<br />

Pack Research in Forest Soils 7,100<br />

Patten, H. J., Fund 1,000<br />

Rowlee Memorial 45<br />

Sage Chapel:<br />

Dean Sage Sermon Fund 4,260<br />

Expense 900<br />

Organ Care 200<br />

Sunday Programs 250<br />

Tanner Foundation 2,730<br />

Tansey Memorial 38<br />

Thorne Professorship Fund 7,530<br />

Treman, R. H.^ Fund _<br />

1,635<br />

Wild, L. P., Fund 142<br />

Income added to Principal 9,329<br />

79<br />


2030<br />

Interest, Annuities and Retiring Allowances<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, C. E., Annuity 300<br />

Fiske, Monzecchi, Annuity<br />

2,200<br />

Mitchell Interest 225<br />

Preswick Annuity 300<br />

Professorial Pensions 26,420<br />

Schurman, J. G., Annuity 6,000<br />

Interest on Accumulated Deficit 17,400<br />

Maintenance of Physical Plant<br />

$ 52,845<br />

Care of Buildings 39,880<br />

Repairs to Buildings 35,000<br />

Electric Service 21,000<br />

Grounds, Care of 22,000<br />

Landscape Work and Ornamentation 5,000<br />

Central Heating Plant and Distribution System:<br />

Manufacturing Supplies 1,800<br />

Manufacturing Maintenance 9,500<br />

Manufacturing Labor 25,000<br />

Manufacturing Fuel 160,000<br />

Electric Service 3,500<br />

<strong>University</strong> Transmission Lines 8,000<br />

General Transmission Lines 500<br />

Water 700<br />

<strong>University</strong> Appropriation 100,000<br />

Water Works:<br />

Operation 16,700<br />

Interest and Depreciation 17,000<br />

33,700<br />

Less Credits and Adjustments 17,700<br />

16,000<br />

Goldwin Smith Hall Ornamentation 250<br />

Spraying Elms 250<br />

Expense of Superintendent's Car 500<br />

Night Watchmen 5,000<br />

Buildings and Grounds Special 1,500<br />

Tennis Courts and Alumni Field 1,000<br />

Organ Cleaning and Repairs 2,500<br />


Improvements of Physical Plant<br />

2031<br />

Paving<br />

Departmental Improvements:<br />

Psychology (Considerable Structural Changes<br />

Romance Languages (Rearrange Office No. 278<br />

Public Speaking (Miscellaneous)<br />

Physics (Miscellaneous)<br />

Physics (Sprinkler System)..<br />

Geology (Miscellaneous)<br />

Geology ( Elevator)<br />

Medicine (Miscellaneous)<br />

Law (New Benches and Desks in Lecture Room A)<br />

Military (Miscellaneous)<br />

Water Meter for Baker Group<br />

Storage Building at East Ithaca<br />

Street Lighting, East Avenue<br />

New Sidewalk White Gate to South Avenue<br />

New Sidewalk Central Avenue from South Avenue<br />

to <strong>University</strong> Avenue)<br />

Parking Space East Side of Central Avenue opposite<br />

Willard Straight Hall<br />

Cornice- Rand Hall<br />

Conduit for Telephones Willard Straight to Library<br />

Conduit for Electric Lines Library to <strong>University</strong><br />

Avenue<br />

Ya Ton Dump Truck<br />

Miscellaneous Operating Expenses<br />

Administrative Office Expense<br />

Advertising and Lectures<br />

American Council on Education.<br />

Architectural Advisory Board, Salaries<br />

(Medary $1,000, Fleming $2,500, Bosworth $1,000)<br />

Architectural Advisory Board Expenses<br />

Audit by Public Accountants<br />

Chimer<br />

City of Ithaca<br />

C. U. C. A. Handbook<br />

C. U. C. A. Employment Bureau<br />

Diplomas and Commencement<br />

Entrance Examination Board<br />

Faculty Committee on Intelligence Testing<br />

Insurance (Fire)<br />

Insurance (Workmen's Compensation)<br />

Inspection of Buildings for Fire Hazard<br />

Law Quarterly<br />

Moral and Religious Welfare Work<br />

President's House Entertainment Account<br />

20,000<br />

$ 20,000<br />

. 12,000<br />

400<br />

500<br />

. 4,500<br />

. 2,000<br />

. 2,000<br />

500<br />

. 5,000<br />

250<br />

. 1,300<br />

. 8,000<br />

. 1,200<br />

500<br />

. 18,000<br />

. 6,000<br />

300<br />

500<br />

. 7,500<br />

.. 5,000

2032<br />

Miscellaneous Operating Expenses {Continued)<br />

President's House Heat and Care 3,500<br />

Special Assistance C. L. Durham 2,000<br />

Sundry Unitemized Expenses 12,000<br />

Telephone Service 8,000<br />

Trustees'<br />

Traveling Expenses 3 000<br />

Y. W. C. A 100<br />

Library<br />

$104,050<br />

, Librarian 5,000<br />

Willis, E. R. B., Assistant Librarian 3,600<br />

Hermannsson, H., Curator Icelandic Collection 2,000<br />

Hamilton, G. L , Curator Italian Collections 600<br />

Gaskill, Miss G., Curator White and Wason Collections 1,800<br />

Ingersoll, Miss E. S., Supervisor Accessions 2,100<br />

de Grassi, G., Supervisor Classification and Shelves 2,100<br />

Speed, Miss E. R., Supervisor Catalogs 2,100<br />

Leland, Miss Lillian, Supervisor Periodicals 1,800<br />

Farr, M. E., Cataloger 1,800<br />

Howe, A. C, Cataloger. 1,600<br />

Lorentz, M. C, Cataloger. 1,500<br />

Dorr, M. L., Cataloger 1,300<br />

Mather, Mrs. Mercie, Stenographer 900<br />

Reese, Miss M. C , Assistant, Readers Division 1,100<br />

Dorn, C. M., Assistant, Readers Division 900<br />

, Asistant, Accessions Division 900<br />

Loveless, Mrs. Emily, Assistant, Stacks Division 900<br />

, Assistant, Stacks Division 900<br />

, Assistant, Periodicals Division 900<br />

, Page, Readers Division 300<br />

Student Assistants Day Hours.. 900<br />

Student Assistants Evening Hours 1,000<br />

Student Assistants Periodicals ~~<br />

300<br />

Student Assistants Catalog 300<br />

Printing, Stationery, etc 800<br />

Postage, Express, Freight, etc 300<br />

Furniture, Repairs, etc - 300<br />

$ 38,000<br />

Income Barnes Book Fund 273<br />

Income Botsford Fund 36<br />

Income Chemical Library Book Fund 273<br />

Income Church Book Fund 136<br />

Income Comstock Memorial Fund 143

2033<br />

Library {Continued)<br />

Income Flower Library Book Fund 600<br />

Income Goldwin Smith Hall Reading Room Fund 148<br />

Income Harris Mathematics Library Fund 3<br />

Income Howland Fund 92<br />

Income Icelandic Book Fund 437<br />

Income Icelandic Publication Fund 273<br />

Income Kuichling Library Fund 66<br />

Income Loewy Book Fund 54<br />

Income Petrarch and Dante Book Fund 327<br />

Income Risley Hall Library Fund 14<br />

Income Sage Library Fund 16,376<br />

Income Schiff Foundation Book Fund 137<br />

Income Van Cleef Memorial Fund 1,146<br />

Income Victorean Poets Fund 54<br />

One-third Free Income Fiske Library Fund 7,579<br />

Appropriation White Library<br />

$ 28,967<br />

Agriculture<br />

Congressional Industrial Fund 20,000<br />

General Appropriation 5,700<br />

Tuition, Fees, and other income, U. S. and State appro<br />

priations and gifts as received<br />

Mann, A. R., Dean (part salary)<br />

Summer Session 1929 (not including Law)<br />

Summer School of Biology, 1929<br />

Expires<br />

800<br />

2,500<br />

$ 28,200<br />

72,500<br />

6,075<br />

Architecture, College of<br />

Young, George, Jr., Dean and Professor 7,000<br />

Bosworth, F. H., Professor<br />

6,000<br />

Martin, C. A., Professor<br />

5,000<br />

Brauner, O. M., Professor 5,000<br />

Phelps, A. C, Professor 5,000<br />

Davis, E. G, Professor 4,000<br />

Midjo, C. M. S., Professor 4,500<br />

Burnham, L. P., Professor 3,750<br />

Schuchardt, W. H., Professor No salary<br />

Seymour, A. D., Professor 4,500<br />

Chamberlain. G. R., Asst. Professor (L/A).... 1930 1,000

2034<br />

Architecture {Continued)<br />

Term<br />

Expires<br />

Montillon, E. D., Asst. Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Baxter, H. E., Asst. Professor 1932 3,500<br />

Stone, W. K., Asst. Professor 1932 2,500<br />

Lawson, E., Asst. Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Dunbar, W. M. L., Asst. Professor 1931 3,250<br />

Finlayson, D. L., Asst. Professor 1931 4,200<br />

Camden, Harry P., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500<br />

Todd, C. L., Instructor 1930 2,250<br />

Abbuehl, E., Instructor 1930 2,250<br />

Grimes, J. W., Instructor 1931 2,250<br />

Washburn, K. L., Instructor 1931 2,250<br />

Harris, R. S., Librarian 1,800<br />

, Asst. Librarian 1,500<br />

$ 81,000<br />

Clerk 1,200<br />

Clerk 900<br />

Appropriation 7,675<br />

Office and General<br />


$ 90.775<br />

Ogden, R. M., Dean 2,500<br />

Sibley, R. P., Ass't Dean and Secretary<br />

Ashton, Miss L. H., Assistant Secretary<br />

Assistants to Dean and Secretary<br />

5,000<br />

2,000<br />

4,000<br />

$ 13,500<br />

Office Supplies and Equipment 1,200<br />

(Including Advisory Board for Underclass<br />

men, Committee on Admission and appro<br />

priation for Chairman of the latter.)<br />

Reading Room (G-S)<br />

525<br />

American Classical School Rome (G-S) 250<br />

American Classical School Athens (G-S) 250<br />

American Classical School Jerusalem (G-S) 100<br />

Research Room, Marine Biological Labora<br />

tory Woods Hole, Mass 100<br />

$ 15,925

Classics<br />

2035<br />


Term<br />

Expires<br />

Andrews, E. P., Professor<br />

Durham, C. L., Professor<br />

Jones, H. L., Professor (L/A with full salary)<br />

, Professor<br />

Caplan, H., Ass't Professor 1931<br />

Hutton, James, Ass't Professor 1932<br />

McDonald, W. F., Instructor 1930<br />

Museum Maintenance<br />

Museum Additions<br />

Appropriation ( G-S)<br />

Economics<br />

Willcox, W. F., Professor<br />

Reed, H. L., Professor<br />

English, D., Professor<br />

Slichter, S. H., Professor (L/A 1929-30)<br />

Professor<br />

,<br />

Homan, P. T., Professor<br />

Copeland, M. A., Professor<br />

Woodward, J. L., Ass't Professor.. 1932<br />

O'Leary, P. M., Ass't Professor 1932<br />

Hathcock, J. W., Instructor 1930<br />

,<br />

Instructor<br />

Junkin, W. R., Instructor 1930<br />

Instructor<br />

,<br />

McNatt, E. B., Instructor 1930<br />

Leonard, W. R., Instructor 1930<br />

Instructor<br />

,<br />

Instructor<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

, Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

,<br />

Technical and Clerical Assistance<br />

Assistant to Professor H. L. Reed<br />

Laboratory of Industrial Relations<br />

Appropriation<br />

5,000<br />

5,000<br />

5,000<br />

5,000<br />

4,000<br />

3,000<br />

2,500<br />

$ 29,500<br />

500<br />

500<br />

500<br />

$ 31,000<br />

7,000<br />

7,000<br />

5,000<br />

3,000<br />

2,500<br />

5,000<br />

5,000<br />

3,000<br />

3,000<br />

1,800<br />

1,800<br />

1,500<br />

1,200<br />

1,800<br />

1,500<br />

1,200<br />

1,200<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

230<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

$ 55,000<br />

1,050<br />

750<br />

100<br />

500<br />

$ 57,400

2036<br />

Education Expis<br />

Ogden, R. M., Professor 6,000<br />

Jordan, R. H., Professor 5,000<br />

Freeman, F. S., Ass't Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Bruce, W. F., Instructor 1930 2,500<br />

$ 16,500<br />

Appropriation ( G-S) 300<br />

Appropriation Secondary Schools 1,000<br />

English<br />

$ 17,800<br />

Sampson, M. W., Professor 7,000<br />

Strunk, W., Professor 5,000<br />

Prescott, F. C, Professor 6000,<br />

Northup, C. S., Professor 5,000<br />

Adams, J. Q., Professor 7,000<br />

Monroe, B. S., Asst. Professor 1931 4,000<br />

Broughton, L. N., Asst. Professor 1931 3,750<br />

Smith, F. M., Asst. Professor 1931 3,750<br />

Hebel, J. W., Asst. Professor 1931 4,000<br />

French, W. H., Asst. Professor 1932 3,000<br />

Baldwin, D. L., Instructor ! 1930 2,100<br />

Marx, M., Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Van Allen, G. R., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Carroll, W. B., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Mitchell, D. R., Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Johnson, E. M., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Lindsay, J. R., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Kessel, M., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Elson, J. J., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Muller, H. J., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Ainsworth, E. G, Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Bissell, F. O., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

$ 72,500<br />

Clerk 600<br />

Appropriation (G-S)<br />

150<br />

Reading Papers 500<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> Studies in English 750<br />

Assistant to Professor Adams 300<br />

German<br />

$ 74,800<br />

Faust, A. B., Professor 5,000<br />

Boesche, A. W., Professor 5,000<br />

Pope, P. R., Professor (L/A 2nd Term) 5,000

2037<br />

German (Continued) E^s<br />

Andrews, A. L., Asst. Professor 1931 3,750<br />

Kubler, E. A. R., Instructor 1930 2,000<br />

Spann, M Instructor 1930 2,000<br />

Appropriation (G-S)<br />

Government<br />

Cushman, R. E., Professor<br />

$ 22,750<br />

75<br />

$ 22,825<br />

7,000<br />

, Professor 5,000<br />

Catlin, G. E. G, Professor (Part time)<br />

2,500<br />

Shipman, G. A., Instructor 1930 L800<br />

Appropriation (G-S)<br />

History, American<br />

Hull, C. H., Professor<br />

Bretz, J. P., Professor<br />

Appropriation (G-S).<br />

$ 16,300<br />

350<br />

$ 16,650<br />

6,000<br />

5,500<br />

1 Assistant 500<br />

, Assistant 500<br />

$ 12,500<br />

$ 12,500<br />

History, Ancient<br />

Laistner, M. L. W., Professor 5,500<br />

Appropriation (G-S)<br />

, Assistant 800<br />

, Assistant 800<br />

, Assistant 800<br />

$ 7,900<br />

100<br />

$ 8,000<br />

History, English<br />

Marcham, F. G, Asst. Professor 1931 3,500<br />

Ramsay, R. G., Instructor 1,800<br />

Appropriation (G-S)<br />

$ 5,300<br />

50<br />

$ 5,350

2038<br />

History, Mediaeval e1pis<br />

Smith, Preserved, Professor 7,000<br />

, Assistant 750<br />

$ 7,750<br />

Appropriation (G-S) 25<br />

$ 7,775<br />

History, Modern European<br />

Becker, C, Professor 7,000<br />

Hickman, Miss E., Assistant (free tuition) ._ 350<br />

$ 7,350<br />

Appropriation (G-S) 100<br />

$ 7,450<br />

Literature, Comparative Study of<br />

Cooper, L., Professor. 7,000<br />

Appropriation (G-S) 25<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> Studies in English.. 500<br />

Music<br />

$ 7,525<br />

Weaver, Paul J., Professor 7,000<br />

Smith, H. D., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000<br />

Coleman, G. L., Instructor 1,100<br />

$ 11,100<br />

Appropriation 2,500<br />

Philosophy<br />

$ 13,600<br />

, Professor 5,000<br />

Hammond, W. A., Professor 7,000<br />

Thilly, F., Professor House and 6,000<br />

Cunningham, G. W., Professor 6,000<br />

Smart, H. R., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500<br />

Paine, E. T., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Robinson, R. G, Instructor 1930 2,500<br />

, Assistant 800<br />

, Assistant 600<br />

$ 32,500<br />

Appropriation (G-S) 150<br />

Philosophical Review 1,200<br />

$ 33,850

2039<br />

Psychology Expires<br />

Bentley, M., Professor 6,500<br />

Weld, H. P., Professor 5,000<br />

Dallenbach, K. M., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500<br />

Feldman, S., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Kreezer, G, Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

, Instructor 1,500<br />

, Assistant 750<br />

, Assistant 750<br />

$ 21,300<br />

Appropriation 2,100<br />

Mechanician, half time 1,000<br />

Clerk 900<br />

$ 25,300<br />

Public Speaking<br />

Drummond, A. M., Professor 5,000<br />

Muchmore, G. B., Asst. Professor 1930 4,000<br />

Wichelns, H. A., Asst. Professor 1930 4,000<br />

Wagner, R. H., Asst. Professor 1932 3,250<br />

Stainton, W. H., Asst. Professor 1931 1,600<br />

(Plus $1,400 from Dramatic Club)<br />

Thomas, C. K., Instructor 1930 2,500<br />

Harshbarger, H. C, Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Easton, Mack, Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

, Assistant 300<br />

Appropriation (G-S)<br />

$ 24,950<br />

300<br />

Debate Council 300<br />

Clerk 600<br />

Romance Languages<br />

$ 25,150<br />

Mason, J. F., Professor 5,000<br />

Hamilton, G. L., Professor 5,000<br />

Guerlac, O. G, Professor 5,000<br />

Pumpelly, L., Professor 5,000<br />

Dale, G. L, Professor 5,000<br />

Bishop, M. G, Asst. Professor 1932 3,500<br />

Pelmont, A. P., Instructor 1930 2,500<br />

Camino, L. F., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Deily, M. B., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Andrus, L. R., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Fay, E. G., Instructor 1930 1,500

2040<br />

Romance Languages {Continued)<br />

McGrath, E. M., Instructor 1930<br />

^<br />

, Reader<br />

1,500<br />

500<br />

$ 40,500<br />

Appropriation (G-S) 200<br />

$ 40,700<br />

Scandinavian<br />

Hermannsson, H., Professor 3,000<br />

'<br />

Appropriation (G-S)<br />

25<br />

Semitics<br />

$ 3,025<br />

Schmidt, N., Professor 5,500<br />

Appropriation (G-S) 200<br />

$ 5,700<br />


Chemistry<br />

Dennis, L. M., Professor.. 7,000<br />

Bancroft, W. D., Professor 7,000<br />

Chamot, E. M., Professor 5,000<br />

Cavanaugh, G. W., Professor 4,500<br />

Browne, A. W., Professor 5,000<br />

Rhodes, F. H., Professor 4,500<br />

Briggs, T. R., Professor (L/A 2nd Term)<br />

4,000<br />

Papish, J., Professor 4,000<br />

Nichols, M. L., Asst. Professor<br />

(L/A 1929-30)<br />

1931 1,500<br />

Mason, C. W., Asst. Professor 1930 2,750<br />

Johnson, J. R., Asst. Professor 1930 4,000<br />

Laubengayer, A. W., Asst Professor 1931 2,500<br />

Bedient, H. A., Instructor (part time) 1930 1,500<br />

, Instructor 1,500<br />

Hosking, H. J., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Johnson, E. B., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Morse, C. W., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Murray, M. J., Instructor 1931 1,500<br />

Miscall, J., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

50 Assistants 26,650<br />

Griffiths, H. J., Overseer<br />

$ 90,400<br />

3,000<br />

Griffiths, H. J., one-half house rent 360<br />

Barron, E. J., Assistant to Overseer 1,800<br />

Bush, H., Mechanician 2,400<br />

Brandt, A. L., Glassblower 2,400

2041<br />

Chemistry {Continued) Expires<br />

Willsey, V., Storeroom Clerk 1,800<br />

Sherwood, A., Asst. to Storeroom Clerk 1,020<br />

Feehan, H., Storeroom Attendant 1,020<br />

, Asst. in charge of Museum and<br />

Night Clerk in Library, 9 mos. @ $100 900<br />

, Business Clerk 1,380<br />

, Secretary to Head of Dept 1,200<br />

, Stenographer,<br />

plus $600 from<br />

Baker Fund 600<br />

, Stenographer 1,080<br />

, Stenographer 1,080<br />

, Apparatus Clerk 1,080<br />

, Record Clerk 1,080<br />

, Librarian 1,080<br />

, Assistant Business Clerk 960<br />

Student .40 Attendants, Stockroom, @ $ an<br />

hour 3,000<br />

Appropriation 51,500<br />

$ 78,740<br />

$169,140<br />

Geology<br />

Ries, H., Professor 6,000<br />

Gill, A. C, Professor 5,000<br />

Harris, G. D., Professor 5,000<br />

von Engeln, O. D., Professor (L/A 1929-30).. 2,250<br />

Nevin, C. M., Asst. Professor 1931 3,500<br />

St. John, Miss R. N, Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Tuck, R., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Trainer, D. W., Jr., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Burfoot, J. D., Jr., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Cole, W. S., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Brown, O. W., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Megathlin, G. R., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Millward, L. G. Assistant in Geology<br />

600<br />

, Assistant in Geology 600<br />

, Assistant in Geology 600<br />

Jones, V E., Assistant in Eng. Geology<br />

Bissell, B., Assistant in Mineralogy<br />

600<br />

400<br />

, Assistant in Paleontology 400<br />

Miss G. H. Duncan, Assistant in Geology<br />


2042<br />

Geology {Continued) v^<br />

Assistance by the hour Physical Geography 75<br />

Assistance by the hour Mineralogy 100<br />

Sheldon, Miss P. G, Curator 1,200<br />

$ 39,925<br />

Appropriation 4,190<br />

Mathematics<br />

$ 44,115<br />

Hutchinson, J. I., Professor 5,000<br />

Snyder, V., Professor 5,500<br />

Sharpe, F. R., Professor 5,000<br />

Ranum, A., Professor 4,250<br />

Hurwitz, W., Professor 5,000<br />

Carver, W. B., Professor 4,250<br />

Gillespie, D. C., Professor 4,250<br />

Craig, C. F., Asst. Professor 1930 2,750<br />

Roos, C. F., Asst. Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Banfforth.F.R., Asst. Professor 1932 3,000<br />

Agnew, R. P., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Hadlock, E. H., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Lowenstein, L. L., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Paradiso, L. J., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Schus, H. L., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Beisel, B. R., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Torrance, C. C, Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Cameron, R. H., Instructor (part time) 1930 900<br />

Lawrence, V. S., Instructor (part time). 1930 900<br />

1930 1,800<br />

Dye, L. A., Instructor _<br />

$ 57,600<br />

Appropriation 150<br />

Clerk _<br />

Physics<br />

_. 960<br />

$ 58,710<br />

Merritt, E, Professor 7,000<br />

Bedell, F., Professor 6,000<br />

Trevor, J. E., Professor (part time)<br />

1,000<br />

Richtmyer, F. K., Professor 7,000<br />

Gibbs, R. C, Professor 6,000<br />

Kennard, E. H., Professor 4,500<br />

Grantham, G. E., Asst. Professor 1931 4,000<br />

Howe, H. E., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500<br />

Murdock, C. C, Asst. Professor 1930 3,750<br />

Collins, J. R., Asst. Professor 1930 3,750<br />

Barton, H. A., Asst. Professor 1932 3,500<br />

, Instructor 2,100<br />

Seemann, H. E Instructor., 1930 2,100<br />

Childs, H. R., Instructor 1930 1,500

2043<br />

Physics {Continued)<br />

Crafts, A. G, Instructor 1,500<br />

Reich, H. J., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Webb, J. S., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

White, H. E., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Wilber, D. T., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Kruger, G, Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Smith, L. P., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Gartlein, C. \V., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Nelson, H. R., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Carr, P. H., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Wood, L. A., Instructor 1931 1,500<br />

Goldsmith, N. W., Instructor 1931 1,500<br />

Barnes, L. L., Instructor 1930 1,200<br />

Spencer, H. E., Assistant .-.<br />

700<br />

Then, J. W., Assistant 800<br />

Hirsh, F. R., Jr., Assistant 800<br />

Mingins, C. R., Instructor (part time) 1930 700<br />

Marchant, J. H., Assistant 800<br />

Teeple, J. H., Assistant 800<br />

Schoepfle, G. K., Assistant 800<br />

Richards, L. A., Assistant 800<br />

Mann, E. R., Assistant 800<br />

, Undergraduate Assistant 400<br />

, Undergraduate Assistant 400<br />

, Undergraduate Assistant 400<br />

$ 84,600<br />

Mechanician (Stubbs)<br />

2,300<br />

Mechanician (Fulkerson) 2,200<br />

Engineer (Calkins)<br />

1,800<br />

Assistant Engineer (Weibly)<br />

1,600<br />

Glassblower (Banta)<br />

2,400<br />

Appropriation 24,000<br />

$118,900<br />

Zoology<br />

Reed, H. D., Professor (Agriculture)<br />

Young, B. P., Asst. Professor 1930 3,750<br />

Senning, W. C, Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Hazzard, A. S., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Mekeel, Mary, Assistant (half salary)<br />

500<br />

$ 8,150<br />

Technician (5/12ths salary)<br />

500<br />

Preparator 1,100<br />

Stenographer 960<br />

Maintenance 3,900<br />

$ 14,610

2044<br />


Military<br />

Beacham, J. W., Jr., Commandant 1,000<br />

Coleman, G. L., Instructor Cadet Band 600<br />

Nolan, Miss C, Stenographer 1,200<br />

Hughes, George, Armorer 1,080<br />

Appropriation 3,200<br />

2 Cadet Colonels @ $200 each 400<br />

2 Cadet Lieutenant Colonels @ $175 each 350<br />

6 Cadet Majors @ $151.50 each 909<br />

27 Cadet Captains @ $110 each 2,970<br />

26 Cadet First Lieutenants @ $80 each 2,080<br />

26 Cadet Second Lieutenants @ ^>66 each 1,716<br />

2 Cadet Chief Musicians @ $50 each 100<br />

1 Cadet Drum Major @ $50 50<br />

1 Cadet Chief Trumpeter @ $50 50<br />

Physical Education<br />

$ 15,705<br />

Young, C. V. P., Professor 5,000<br />

Men's Department<br />

O'Connell, W. C, Instructor and Assistant<br />

Director of Gymnasium 2,000<br />

Ortner, H. P., Instructor 1,600<br />

Fallon, J. J., Instructor 1,400<br />

Bawlf, N., Instructor 1,200<br />

Darrieulat, F., Instructor 1,250<br />

Faulkner, E. J., Instructor<br />

Assistants (Gymnasium, Swimming, Track,<br />

1,200<br />

Rowing and Corrective Work)<br />

2,000<br />

Women's Department<br />

Bateman, Miss D. H., Instructor 2,300<br />

Canfield, Miss E. B., Instructor 1,500<br />

Waterman, Miss P. R., Instructor 1,800<br />

Daniels, Miss E. D., Instructor 1,800<br />

Read, Miss A. G., Instructor 1,800<br />

Assistants (Clerical and Musical)<br />

400<br />

$ 25,250<br />

Appropriation for Supplies 2,500<br />

Janitor Service, including<br />

partial care of Ten<br />

nis Courts 2,000<br />

$ 29,750

Hygiene<br />

2045<br />

Smiley, D. F., Professor and Medical Adviser.. 5,000<br />

Gould, A. G., Asst. Professor and Asst. Medi<br />

cal Adviser 3,750<br />

Evans, Jennette, Asst. Professor and Medical<br />

Adviser (Women) 4,000<br />

Showacre, E. C, Asst. Professor and Asst.<br />

Medical Adviser 4,000<br />

York, W. H., Asst. Professor and Asst. Medi<br />

cal Adviser 3,500<br />

Gwin, Alva, Asst. Professor and Asst. Medical<br />

Adviser (Women) 2,750<br />

Robinson, P. J., Instructor and Asst. Medical<br />

Adviser 2,750<br />

Gibson, R. S., Instructor and Asst. Medical<br />

Adviser 2,750<br />

Britton, H. A., Assistant Medical Adviser 2,500<br />

Instructor and Assistant Medi<br />

,<br />

cal Adviser (Women)<br />

2,500<br />

Carter, Miss E. K., Nurse 1,440<br />

Eckley, P. W., Laboratory Assistant 1,000<br />

Secretary<br />

$ 35,940<br />

1,475<br />

Clerical Assistant (Men)<br />

900<br />

Clerical and Laboratory Assistant (Women).. 900<br />

Student Help by the hour 1,250<br />

Appropriation 2,000<br />


Term<br />

Expires<br />

$ 42,465<br />

Anatomy<br />

Kerr, A. T., Professor 5,000<br />

Papez, J. W., Asst. Professor 1930 3,750<br />

, Instructor 1,200<br />

Milliser, R., Instructor (Medical Tuition and) 1930 1,200<br />

, Assistant 750<br />

Histology<br />

Kingsbury, B. F., Professor ($500 from Sage<br />

Research)<br />

Adelman, H. B., Asst. Professor 1931<br />

and Embryology<br />

,<br />

,<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

, Assistant ,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

Student Assistant<br />

Student Assistant<br />

$ 11,900<br />

5,500<br />

3,250<br />

1,200<br />

1,200<br />

750<br />

750<br />

250<br />

250<br />

$ 13,150

Physiology<br />

Liddell, H. S.. Asst. Professor<br />

Dye, J. A., Asst. Professor<br />

Maughan, G. H., Instructor<br />

Anderson, O. D., Instructor<br />

Espe, D. L., Assistant:<br />

2046<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Sumner, J. B., Professor ($500 from Sage Re<br />

search)<br />

Hand, D. B., Instructor<br />

Kirk, J. S., Instructor _<br />

Aclministration<br />

Kerr, A. T., Secretary<br />

Assistant to Secretary7<br />

Preparator and Embalmer (Anatomy)<br />

Preparator (Histology)<br />

Laboratory Helper (Histology)<br />

Mechanician (Physiology)<br />

Animal and Laboratory Attendant (Physiol<br />

ogy)<br />

Library Attendant _<br />

Appropriation (Anatomy)<br />

Appropriation (Histology- and Embryology)-<br />

Appropriation (Physiology and Biochemistry)<br />

Appropriation (Sage Research)<br />

Total College of Medicine-<br />

Graduate School<br />

Emerson, R. A., Dean<br />

_<br />

Secretary<br />

Stenographer (part time).<br />

Appropriation<br />

_<br />

Term<br />

Expires<br />

1930 3,500<br />

1930 3,000<br />

1930 2,100<br />

1930 1,200<br />

1930<br />

1930<br />

750<br />

$ 10,550<br />

4,000<br />

1,500<br />

1,200<br />

$ 6,700<br />

1,000<br />

1,200<br />

1,200<br />

1,500<br />

600<br />

2,000<br />

1,020<br />

300<br />

3,000<br />

2,450<br />

4,100<br />

2,000<br />

$ 20,370<br />

$ 62,670<br />

1931 1,000<br />

1,500<br />

600<br />

400<br />

$ 3.500

2047<br />


Term<br />

Expires<br />

Burdick, C. K., Dean and Professor 9,500<br />

Stevens, R. S., Professor S,500<br />

Cheatham, E. E., Professor 8,500<br />

Edgerton, H. W., Professor 8,500<br />

Wilson, L. P., Professor 8,000<br />

Thompson, G. J., Professor 8,000<br />

Whiteside, H. E., Professor 7,000<br />

Laube, H. D., Professor and Secretary<br />

6,000<br />

Varrell, H. E., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500<br />

$ 67,500<br />

Willever, E. E., Librarian 4,000<br />

, Cataloging Asst. to Librarian.. 750<br />

3 Student Library Assistants, Sept. to June 900<br />

3 Student Library Assistants, June to Sept 300<br />

Caretaker during Librarian's vacation 100<br />

Secretary to the Dean 1,200<br />

Stenographer (part time)<br />

420<br />

Appropriation for College 1,750<br />

Appropriation for Law Library<br />

8,000<br />

Appropriation for Non-Resident Lecturers 500<br />

Appropriation for Summer Session, 1929 10,450<br />

Administration<br />


Kimball, D. S., Dean<br />

Newman, Miss M. S., Secretary<br />

Markell, Miss L. M., Secretary to Dean<br />

Savercool, Miss D., Recorder<br />


$ 95,870<br />

9.000<br />

2,320<br />

1,440<br />

840<br />

$ 13,600<br />

Barnes, F. A., Director<br />

6,000<br />

Ogden, H. N., Professor 5,000<br />

Seery, F. J., Professor 4,2o0<br />

Urquhart, L. C, Professor 4.250<br />

Boothroyd, S. L., Professor 4.250<br />

Scofield, H. H., Professor 4,250<br />

Walker, C. L., Professor 4,000

2048<br />

Civil Engineering {Continued)<br />

J"erm<br />

Schoder, E. W., Professor 4,250<br />

George, S. G., Professor 4,000<br />

Parson, J. T., Professor 4,000<br />

Rettger, E. W., Professor 4,000<br />

Underwood, P. H., Professor 4,000<br />

Conwefl, W. L., Professor 4,000<br />

Crandall, C, Assistant Professor 1930 3,000<br />

Perry, J. E., Assistant Professor 1930 3,000<br />

O'Rourke, C. E., Assistant Professor 1932 3,000<br />

Pond, M. A., Assistant Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Burrows, E. N., Assistant Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Lawrence, L. A., Assistant Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Howell, E. V, Assistant Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Thatcher, R. Y., Assistant Professor 1932 3,000<br />

Pendleton, C. M., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Spry, F. J., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Boyles, A. F., Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Brown, P. E., Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Ritter, R. H., Instructor 1931 1,500<br />

Hedberg, John, Instructor. 1931 1,500<br />

, Instructor 1,200<br />

, Assistant 200<br />

Cass, C. D., Mechanician 1,900<br />

Northrup, J. H., Mechanician 1,400<br />

$ 96,350<br />

Civil Engineering, Summer Surveying<br />

Underwood, P. H., Professor in charge 750<br />

Boothroyd, S. L., Professor 525<br />

Conwell, W. L., Professor 475<br />

Lawrence, L. A., Assistant Professor 475<br />

Perry, J. E., Assistant Professor 450<br />

Thatcher, R. Y., Assistant Professor 400<br />

Spry, F. J., Instructor 325<br />

, Instructor 300<br />

$ 3,700<br />


Experimental Engineering<br />

Diederichs, H., Director 7,000<br />

Gage, V., Professor 4,000<br />

Davis, A. C, Professor 4,000<br />

Andrae, W. C, Asst. Professor 1930 2,500

2049<br />

Experimental Engineering {Continued)<br />

Clark, C. B., Instructor 2,100<br />

Jeffrey, J. O., Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Terry, C. W., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Woods, E. H., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Goodman, H. L., Instructor 1931 1,500<br />

Egbert, N. L., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

$ 28,900<br />

Research and Commercial Testing<br />

Sawdon, W. M., Professor 4,500<br />

Upton, G. B., Professor 4,500<br />

$ 9,000<br />

Heat-Power Engineering<br />

Barnard, W. N., Professor 5,000<br />

Ernsberger, M. C, Professor 4,250<br />

Ellenwood, F. O., Professor 4,250<br />

Clark, R. E., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000<br />

Hook, W. H., Asst. Professor 1932 3,000<br />

Mackey, C. O., Asst. Professor 1932 2,500<br />

, Assistant 500<br />

, Assistant 500<br />

$ 23,000<br />

Machine Drawing<br />

Townsend, C. E., Professor 4,000<br />

Fenner, L. A., Instructor 1931 2,400<br />

Cleary, S. F., Instructor 1930 2,300<br />

Hanselman, G. R., Instructor 1931 2,300<br />

Hotchkiss, H. J., Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Machine Design<br />

$ 13,100<br />

Albert, C. D., Professor 4,750<br />

Rogers, F. S., Professor 4,000<br />

Garner, E. F., Asst. Professor 1932 3,500<br />

Koshkin, S. J., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000<br />

Weiss, H. A. J., Instructor 1930 2,400<br />

Morris, R. C, Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Thompson, T. E., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

Millard, C. J., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

, Instructor 1,800<br />

$ 24,850

2050<br />

Industrial Engineering<br />

Lee, M. A., Professor<br />

Term<br />

Expires<br />

4,500<br />

Bangs, J. R., Asst. Professor 1932 3,000<br />

Lay, L. C, Instructor 1931 1,500<br />

Mechanics<br />

, Assistant 500<br />

$ 9,500<br />

Wood, E. H., Professor 4,500<br />

Garrett, S. S., Professor 4,000<br />

Switzer, F. G., Professor Hydraulic Eng. 4,000<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, W. R., Professor 3,750<br />

Perkins, H. C, Asst. Professor 1931 3,000<br />

Wood, K. D., Asst. Professor 1930 2,500<br />

Mechanic Arts<br />

$ 21,750<br />

Wells, A. E., Professor (plus $400 from Shop<br />

Account) 4,250<br />

Mordoff, W. E., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000<br />

Howe, B. N., Foreman 1,700<br />

Hooper, L., Foreman 1,700<br />

Patterson, C. H., Foreman 1,700<br />

Head, W. L., Foreman 1,700<br />

Hodges, R. W., Foreman 1,600<br />

Schallowitz, R., Assistant 1,400<br />

Bush, H. S., Assistant 1,400<br />

Yawger, E. S., Assistant 1,400<br />

Sanderson, G. M., Assistant 1,400<br />

General for Mechanical Engineering<br />

$ 21,250<br />

Race, G. W., Mechanician 1,800<br />

Patch, S. C, Mechanician 1,600<br />

Neigh, A. W., Engineer 1,700<br />

Dans, Clayton, Assistant Mechanician 1,100<br />

Hawthorne, Miss L., Clerk (plus $180 from<br />

Commercial Account) 960<br />

$ 7,160

2051<br />


Term Expires<br />

Lincoln, P. M., Director (L/A 1929-30) 3,500<br />

Karapetoff, V., Professor 5500<br />

Ballard, W. C, Professor 4 000<br />

Chamberlain, R. F., Professor 4 000<br />

Bason, G. F., Asst. Professor 1931 30OO<br />

, Asst. Professor 2 500<br />

Tarboux, J. G., Asst. Professor 1930 2,500<br />

Strong, E. M., Asst. Professor 1932 2^500<br />

Burckmyer, L. A., Asst. Professor 1932 2,500<br />

McLean, T., Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

> Instructor 2 100<br />

Northrop, M. G., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Malti, M. G., Instructor 1930 2,100<br />

Meserve, W. E., Instructor 1931 2,100<br />

Cotner, W. W., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Ramadanoff, D., Instructor 1931 1,800<br />

McCarthy, D. D., Instructor..... 1931 1,800<br />

Paige, E. R., Instructor 1930 1,800<br />

Thomson, W. L., Instructor. 1930 1,500<br />

Browne, K. A., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Lakas, J. M., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Ohl, D. E., Instructor 1930 1,500<br />

Moeder, W. D., Instructor 1931 1,500<br />

Bristol, F. J., Instructor 1931 1,500<br />

, Instructor 1,200<br />

$ 57,900<br />

General for Electrical Engineering<br />

Culligan, G. A., Mechanician 1,800<br />

Dans, Lamont, Asst. Mechanician 900<br />


$ 2,700<br />

Administration 13,600<br />

School of Civil Engineering<br />

Civil Engineering Summer Survey<br />

Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering<br />

School of Electrical Engineering<br />

96,350<br />

3,700<br />

158,510<br />

60,600<br />

Appropriation 35,000<br />

Bell Research Fund 273<br />


2052<br />


School of Civil Engineering<br />


Lynch, Miss Helen, Secretary<br />

1,440<br />

Korheer, Mrs. J. C, Librarian 1,320<br />

Murray, J. I., Carpenter 1,320<br />

Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering<br />

Kramer, Francis, Toolkeeper 1,120<br />

Dulin, Mrs. Eleanor 900<br />

Marsh, Miss Lena, Librarian 700<br />

Simpson, Miss Grace, Secretary<br />

1,140<br />

Komaromi, Miss M., Stenographer<br />

School of Electrical Engineering<br />

840<br />

Handlen, Miss K, Secretary<br />

1,260<br />

Batchelor, Mrs. I. M., Librarian 960<br />

<strong>University</strong> Faculty<br />

Hammond, W. A., Dean (See Philosophy)<br />

1,000<br />

Appropriation 1 ,750<br />

Dean of Women<br />

$ 2,750<br />

Fitch, Miss R. L., Dean 5,500<br />

Howe, Miss Ruby, Assistant to Dean 2,500<br />

Simonds, Miss Eleanor, Assistant to Dean 2,000<br />

Appropriation for Entertainment 900<br />

Appropriation for Office and General Ex<br />

penses 1,000<br />

Appropriation for Traveling 300<br />

Appropriation for Vocational Letcures 150<br />

Appropriation for Chaperonage Outside Resi<br />

dential Halls 1,300<br />

Appropriation for Wardens (Charge to Build<br />

$ 13,650<br />

ings)<br />

Nye, Miss Gertrude, Room, Board and 1,600<br />

Seely, Miss Grace, Room, Board and 1,600<br />

4 Wardens for New Dormitory Units,<br />

Room, Board and 4,800<br />

Division of Education<br />

Appropriation 750

President's Office<br />

2053<br />


Farrand, Livingston, President<br />

Carman, Miss A. B., Secretary to President.<br />

Hughes, Miss Amy, Stenographer<br />

Bureau of Public Information<br />

Boochever, L. C, Director<br />

($2,000 paid by <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council)<br />

Leonard, Mrs. M., Stenographer<br />

Appropriation<br />

Registrar's Office<br />

Hoy, D. F., Registrar<br />

Haupin, G. D., Asst. to Registrar.<br />

Stenographer (part time)<br />

Student Help by the hour<br />

Director of Admissions'<br />

Bradford, E. F., Director<br />

Office<br />

Clark, Miss R. M., Assistant<br />

Starr, Mrs. E. H., Stenographer.<br />

Additional Services<br />

Secretary's Office<br />

Patterson, Woodford, Secretary<br />

Smith, Miss Madge, Assistant<br />

Powers, Miss E. M., Assistant<br />

Appropriation Secretary's Office<br />

Appropriation <strong>University</strong> Publications.<br />

20,000<br />

2,200<br />

1,500<br />

$ 23,700<br />

4,000<br />

1,080<br />

2,000<br />

$ 7,080<br />

5,000<br />

2,750<br />

400<br />

350<br />

$ 8,500<br />

6,000<br />

1,980<br />

1,476<br />

1,200<br />

$ 10,656<br />

4,000<br />

1,800<br />

1,440<br />

$ 7,240<br />

1,200<br />

11,150<br />

$ 19,590

Superintendent's Office<br />

2054<br />

Curtis, C. E., Superintendent 6,000<br />

Peters, J. A., Architectural Assistant 3,700<br />

Ward, H. A., Mechanical and Electrical Engi<br />

neer 4,300<br />

McClintock, W. G., Civil Engineer 3,700<br />

Miller, J. E., Assistant Engineer 2,800<br />

, Repairs Assistant 3,000<br />

Cooley, C. R., Landscape ArchlUsct<br />

($2,000 from Grounds Ornamentation)<br />

($1,500 from Sackett Gorge Fund)<br />

Office Assistants 6,900<br />

Less Credits for New Construction,<br />

Comptroller's Office<br />

$ 30,400<br />

etc 5,000<br />

$ 25,400<br />

Bostwick, C. D., Comptroller 10,000<br />

Simmons, L. N., Assistant to Comptroller 4,500<br />

Brewer, C. A Auditor 3,720<br />

Office Assistants 11,760<br />

$ 29,980<br />

Purchasing Office<br />

Frank, G. S., Manager<br />

($1,500 additional from Agriculture)<br />

4,000<br />

Assistants, Office 6,300<br />

Assistants, Storeroom 6,140<br />

<strong>University</strong> Messenger and Delivery<br />

1,200<br />

Treasurer's Office<br />

$ 17,640<br />

Rogalsky, G. F., Treasurer 6,000<br />

Assistants 14,720<br />

$ 20,720<br />

Alumni Representative's Office 15,680<br />

Other Officers<br />

Van Cleef, Mynderse, Attorney<br />

1,200<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, C. E., Inspector 4,000<br />

Mead, C. G., Proctor 2,000<br />

McGraine, William, President's and Comp<br />

troller's Messenger 1,200<br />

$ 8.400


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


June i, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees Van Cleef, Chairman ; Farrand, C. E. Treman,<br />

R. H. Treman, J. DuPratt White, R. B. Williams and Gannett ; Fac<br />

ulty Representatives Thilly, Warren and Diederichs ;<br />

Bostwick.<br />

Comptroller<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Pound, Westinghouse and<br />

Gherardi and their absence excused.<br />

Action was taken as follows :<br />

1. The President reported the death of Professor Alvin C.Bealof the<br />

Department of Floriculture on May 6, 1929.<br />

2. The following resignations were reported :<br />

William S. Craig, Assistant in Heat-Power Engineering, effective<br />

April 15, 1929.<br />

H. C. Harshbarger, Instructor in Public Speaking, effective June<br />

17th, 1929.<br />

Conway L. Todd, Instructor in Architecture, effective June 17th,<br />

1929.<br />

H. F. Seemann, Harvey E. White, Gerald Kruger, Herbert J. Reich,<br />

Instructors in Physics, effective June 17th, 1929.<br />

Herbert E. Spencer, Assistant in Physics, effective June 17, 1929.<br />

Miss A. C. Howe, Cataloguer in the Library, effective June ist, 1929.<br />

Pearl Sheldon, Assistant in Geology, effective June 17th, 1929.<br />

3. Upon recommendation of the President the following appoint<br />

ments were made for the academic year 1929-30 unless otherwise<br />

stated :<br />

Howard Newton Fairchild to be Assistant in Heat-Power Engineer<br />

ing with salary at the rate of $500 a year, effective April 15th, 1929.<br />

W. S. Howell to be instructor in Public Speaking at a salary of<br />

$1,500.<br />

Harry Inge Johnstone to be Instructor in Architecture at a salary<br />

of $2,000.<br />

Judson Genung, Bernard W. Hewitt and Elizabeth Worman to be<br />

Assistants in Public Speaking, without salary from the <strong>University</strong>,<br />

but with free tuition in the Graduate School. (It is understood that<br />

they will be paid for their services by the <strong>Cornell</strong> Dramatic Club. )<br />


20,56<br />

J. H. Teeple, now Assistant in Physics, to be Instructor in Physics<br />

for a term of two years at a salary of $1,500 a year.<br />

Herbert Whittaker Briggs to be Assistant Professor of Government<br />

for a term of three years at a salary of $4,000 a year, effective July 1,<br />

1929.<br />

G. K. Schoepfle, E. R. Mann and L. A. Richards, now Assistants<br />

in Physics, to be Instructors in Physics each at a salary of $1,200.<br />

Donald Weier Meuller and Alexander Felix Samuels to be Assistants<br />

in Physics, each at a salary of $800.<br />

W. Paul Gilbert, Robert William Shaw, Kenneth M. Simpson and<br />

M. W. Trawick to be Assistants in Physics, each at a salary of $700.<br />

Isidor Fankuchen to be Assistant in Physics, part time, at a salary<br />

of $400.<br />

J. H. Stewart to be Assistant in Mediaeval History at a salary of<br />

$75o.<br />

Chamberlain Ferry to be Assistant in Geology at a salary of $600.<br />

Freeland F. Penney to be Assistant in American History<br />

ary of $500.<br />

at a sal<br />

Miss A.E.Beal to be Cataloguer in the Library at a salary of $1,500.<br />

4. The resignations following from the staff of the Summer Session<br />

were reported :<br />

Collier Cobb from the staff of Geology.<br />

R. C. Gibbs from the staff of Physics.<br />

5. The appointments following to the staff of the Summer Session<br />

were made :<br />

Professor Ellsworth David Elston of Dartmouth College to teach<br />

Geology at a salary of $750.<br />

Professor E. H. Kennard to teach Physics (part time) at a salary of<br />

$450.<br />

Increase in the salary of Instructor L. P. Smith appointed to teach<br />

Physics (part time) to $350 for full time service.<br />

Harry Inge Johnstone to teach Design at a salary of $350.<br />

Assistant Professor Karl D. Wood to give instruction in Mechanics<br />

at a salary of $575.<br />

6. An appropriation of $925<br />

was made to be added to the appropri-<br />

tion for the 1929 Summer Session for the purpose of providing addi<br />

tional instruction in Mechanics and Design.<br />

7. Upon recommendation of the President the following increases<br />

in salary were made :<br />

Dr. Alva Gwin, Assistant Medical Advisor to Women and Assistant<br />

Professor of Hygiene from $2,750 to $3,000.<br />

C. E. O'Rourke, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, from<br />

$3,000 to $3,500.

2057<br />

C. F. Roos, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, from $3,000 to<br />

$3,5oa<br />

Miss M. L. Dorr Cataloguer in the Library, from $1,300 to $1,400.<br />

8. Ellis Freeman was appointed Instructor in Psvchology for a<br />

term of two years at a salary of $1,800 a year.<br />

9. The following sabbatic leaves of absence were granted :<br />

Professor E. W. Rettger of the School of Civil Engineering for the<br />

first term of the academic year 1929-30.<br />

Professor E. W. Schoder of the School of Civil Engineering for the<br />

second term of the academic year 1929-30.<br />

Professor G. B. Upton of the School of Mechanical Engineering for<br />

the second term of the academic year 1929-30.<br />

10. The President reported that Professor H. J. Davenport prefers<br />

to retire on Commencement Day, 1929, with a retiring allowance of<br />

$2,770 a year from the Carnegie Foundation rather than on August<br />

10, 1929, with an allowance of $2,Soo. This change was approved.<br />

11. Six additional McMullen undergraduate scholarships each<br />

with an annual stipend of $500, and one additional McMullen research<br />

scholarship with an annual stipend of $i,Soo, were established. The<br />

total number of scholarships now established under this fund is as<br />

follows :<br />

15 undergraduate scholarships at $<br />

500 each<br />

3 research scholarships at 1,500 each<br />

1 research scholarship at 1,800<br />

12. The following were recommended for appointment by the<br />

Board of Trustees:<br />

Alban G. Widgery to be Acting Professor of the of Philosophy Re<br />

ligion for the academic year 1929-30 at a salary of $5,500.<br />

Ruskin Raymond Rosborough to be Acting Professor of Classics<br />

for the academic year 1929-30 at a salary of $5,000.<br />

13. Upon the recommendation of the Joint Administrative Board<br />

of the New York Hospital-<strong>Cornell</strong> Medical College Association the<br />

following were recommended for appointment by<br />

Trustees:<br />

the Board of<br />

Dr. Stanley R. Benedict to be Professor of Biochemistry and Di<br />

rector of the Laboratories of Biochemistry at a salary of $12,000 a<br />

year, effective July 1, 1929.<br />

Dr. Eugene F. DuBois to be Professor of Medicine at a salary of<br />

$9,000 a year, effective July 1, 1929.<br />

Dr. Oscar M. Schloss to be Professor of Pediatrics in the Medical<br />

College and Pediatrician-in-Chief of the New York Hospital at a sal<br />

ary of $20,000 a year, divided into $15,000 a year as Professor of Ped<br />

iatrics and $5,000 a year as Pediatrician-in-Chief. This appointmen

2058<br />

is to become effective when the Department of Pediatrics of the New<br />

York Hospital-<strong>Cornell</strong> Medical College is reorganized on a univer<br />

sity basis and when the Pediatric unit of the New York Hospital is<br />

put into service.<br />

A further condition of this appointment is that Dr. Schloss is to<br />

receive $10,000 a year as long as he may live after retirement on ac<br />

count of age or by reason of ill health before reaching the age of<br />

retirement, and that in case of his death his wife shall receive $7,000<br />

a year during her lifetime. Dr. Schloss is to receive a salary of<br />

$10,000 a year beginning July 1, 1929, as Professor of Pediatrics.<br />

Dr. Charles R. Stockard to be Professor of Anatomy and Director<br />

of the Anatomical Laboratories at a salary of $16,000 a year, effective<br />

July 1, 1929.<br />

14. The President was authorized to invite Professor George P.<br />

Thomson of the <strong>University</strong> of Aberdeen, Scotland, to be non-resident<br />

lecturer in Chemistry on the Baker Foundation for the first term of<br />

the academic year 1929-30, and<br />

James D. McKay to be assistant to Professor Thomson for the same<br />

period.<br />

15. A leave of absence was granted to Professor Halldor Hermann-<br />

sson, without prejudice to salary, from June 6 to September 26, 1929,<br />

for the purpose of pursuing his work under the Heckscher Grant No.<br />

143-<br />

16. The appropriation for the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Christian Associa<br />

tion Employment Bureau was increased from $1,300 to $1,600 to cover<br />

a necessary increase in salary.<br />

17. The Department of Physics was authorized to loan to Mr. Henry<br />

Ford for his museum at Dearborn, Michigan, certain instruments<br />

from the department, said instruments to be carried in the inventory<br />

of the department and designated as loaned.<br />

18. That portion of the department of Zoology now in the New<br />

York .State College of Agriculture was transferred to the College of<br />

Arts and Sciences and an appropriation of $16,171 or so much there<br />

of as may be needed was made to cover the cost of conducting this<br />

department.<br />

19. The President was authorized to grant not to exceed six addi<br />

tional free tuition scholarships to foreign students for the academic<br />

year 1929-30.<br />

20. The <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council was requested to consider the advisabil<br />

ity of raising a fund for the purpose of furnishing free tuition scholar<br />

ships to certain foreign students of promise for the furtherance of<br />

international relationships.

2059<br />

2i. The Comptroller reported theofollowing provision in the will of<br />

Frank E. Wade, '89, of Buffalo, N. Y., who died on April 10th, 1929 :<br />

'<br />

T give and bequeath to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> for the student aid and<br />

loan fund the sum of one thousand dollars."<br />

22. The Comptroller also reported the following provision in the<br />

will of Mary L. Walker Peters of New York City who died on May<br />

"<br />

2nd, 1929 : I give and bequeath to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> in the State<br />

of New York, in memory of my late husband, Charles Grenville<br />

Peters, the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in trust,<br />

to apply the income of said bequest each year for the purposes of<br />

Cancer Research, and I specifically direct that none of said income<br />

shall be employed for the construction of buildings."<br />

23. The request of the Women's Self Government Association that<br />

the fees assessed by that organization be collected by the <strong>University</strong><br />

Treasurer was denied as being contrary to <strong>University</strong> policy.<br />

by<br />

24. The erection of a bronze tablet in the College of Engineering<br />

the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council to commemorate the establishment of the<br />

John Edson Sweet Professorship of Engineering was approved with<br />

the understanding that the exact wording on the tablet shall be<br />

approved by<br />

the President.<br />

25. The Comptroller gave a report on the operation of the dredge<br />

in Beebe Lake and pointed out to the committee the possibility of<br />

the <strong>University</strong>'s liability for damage as a result of the dredging<br />

operations. The matter of continuing the operations at dredging the<br />

present time was referred to the Comptroller, with power, pending<br />

further consideration by the Buildings and Grounds Committee.<br />

26. Trustee J. DuPratt White reported that the George W. Lefevre<br />

will contest had been settled and that the estate would amount to<br />

something over $300,000, although the amount to be received by the<br />

<strong>University</strong> is still uncertain.<br />

27. A letter was presented from Mr. P. A. Tilden intimating that<br />

there was a possibility of a gift to the <strong>University</strong> for the construction<br />

of dormitories. Consideration of this letter was referred to the<br />

Comptroller,<br />

with power.<br />

28. Chairman VanCleef reported that the John Wilson Durant will<br />

contest had been settled and that the <strong>University</strong> had received $6,007.55<br />

as its share of the estate.

2o6o<br />

29 The proposition presented by Mr. G. Gilson Terriberry for the<br />

soliciting of insurance to the benefit of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> was dis<br />

approved as being contrary to university policy.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N .<br />


Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.<br />

May 10th, 1929.<br />

With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee ex<br />

cepting Trustees Cooke and Schoellkopf, who were absent, the pur<br />

chase on approximately a $Y2% basis of $50,000 American I. G.<br />

Chemical Convertible 5j4s of 1949 was authorized.<br />

George: F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary Pro Tem.


Proceedings of the Board of Trustees<br />


May 17, 1929.<br />

Present President Farrand, Dr. Robinson, Director, Mr. Williams,<br />

Dr. Hartwell, and Dr. Elser. Mr. Taylor and Air. Westinghouse<br />

were unable to attend on account of absence from the city.<br />

A letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees advising of<br />

the approval of the minutes of the Medical College Council meeting<br />

on March 22, 1929, was presented and placed on file.<br />

Dr. Robinson presented for consideration of the Council, the<br />

Medical College budget (including the Clinic Budget) for 1929-1930.<br />

After a general discussion of the various departmental items it was<br />

moved and carried that the budgets be approved as presented.<br />

Dr. Robinson reported that in a letter from Dr. Rosenbluth, a<br />

definite offer of $25,000 to be expended during the coming fiscal year<br />

had been made and the correspondence in regard to this proposed<br />

gift was reported. A letter from Dr. DuBois was read in which he<br />

stated that he had learned that funds from the same source had been<br />

paid to New York <strong>University</strong> and Bellevue Medical College, and<br />

there seemed to be no reason to doubt the sincerity of the donor nor<br />

his abilitv to furnish the funds he had promised to give. Dr. Rob<br />

inson stated that he had appointed a committee to formulate a plan<br />

for the expenditure of this fund, and that there was reason to<br />

believe that this fund would be continued in following years.<br />

It was moved and carried that the gift to the Medical College<br />

through Dr. Rosenbluth be accepted with the appreciation of the<br />

Council.<br />

Dr. Robinson reported a gift from Mrs. Irene Heinz Given,<br />

through Dr. Santee, of $6,000, to be used as follows :<br />

For use of Department of Surgical Research $3,500.00<br />

For use of Second Surgical Division, B. H. (For<br />

Blood Transfusion)<br />

2,500.00<br />

$6,000.00<br />

It was voted that the gift of Mrs. Given be accepted with the<br />

appreciation of the Council.<br />


2062<br />

Dr. Elser reported that the patent rights for the manufacture of<br />

Dr. Coca's preparations have been secured and the patents assigned<br />

to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>. He explained that it was now desired to turn<br />

over the right to manufacture to any reputable manufacturers of<br />

pharmaceutical preparations. He believed that the College should<br />

receive some compensation in the way of royalty. That so far some<br />

$400 from the receipts of the Department of Immunology had been<br />

expended in procuring the necessary patents. After some discussion<br />

it was moved that the question of extending the privilege of the<br />

manufacture of these products be left to President Farrand and<br />

Dr. Elser with power, and that this project be approved by the Coun<br />

cil and recommended to the Trustees.<br />

It was moved and carried that the following recommendations be<br />

made to the Board of Trustees :<br />

1. That upon Dr. Robinson's request, with Dr. Conner's consent,<br />

$200.00 be paid to the Journal of Clinical Investigation, following a<br />

similar payment last year. The amount to be charged to the expense<br />

appropriation for the Department of Medicine.<br />

2. That Mr. Paul Lange Phillips, a student assistant in Anatomy,<br />

prolonging his Medical Course to five years, be not required to pay<br />

tuition fee for 1929-1930 as he has already paid tuition during four<br />

years.<br />

3. That Mr. Gerald Klatskin,<br />

who has received a New York State<br />

Scholarship good for the year 1929-1930, and who has been accepted<br />

as a first year student, have refunded to him $100.00 which he paid as<br />

deposit in accordance with our requirements for entrance into the<br />

first year class for session 1929-1930, the refund to be made after<br />

Mr. Klatskin has completed registration.<br />

4. That Mr. Richard Henry Schmidt, first year student, who has<br />

paid his tuition fees in full, having received a New York State<br />

Scholarship, there be refunded to him the value of this scholarship,<br />

which is estimated at $125.00.<br />

5. That under the standing<br />

resolution No. 5 of March 23, 1902,<br />

the following special course fees be paid to the following instructors :<br />

Dr. James Ewing, 2 special students $100.00<br />

Dr. Charles R. Stockard, 2 special students 55.00<br />

$155.00<br />

6. That at the request of Dr. Conner, Dr. Kirby A. Martin, ap<br />

pointed without salary to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation<br />

of Dr. Ryder, receive the $200.00 originally appropriated for Dr.<br />

Ryder in the budget for 1928-1929.

2063<br />

7. That the request of Dr. Sweet, Department of Surgical Re<br />

search, for transfer of $500 unused salary of the chemist provided<br />

in the Surgical Research Budget to the credit of the expense account<br />

of his department, be granted.<br />

8. That the request of Professor C. R. Stockard, for the payment<br />

of his June 15, 1929, salary on May 15, 1929, be granted, in order to<br />

enable him to make his arrangements for going abroad early in June,<br />

1929.<br />

9. That the annual contribution by the Medical College to the<br />

Marine Biological Laboratory at Wroods Hole, Mass., be increased<br />

to $500.00 and that the amount be included in the budget for 1929-<br />

1930.<br />

Dr. Hartwell, Chairman of the Faculty Committee of the Clinic,<br />

presented for consideration the question of raising the fees now being<br />

charged in the Clinic. After a general discussion of the question it<br />

was voted that the matter be referred to the Clinic Finance Com<br />

mittee.<br />

There being<br />

journed.<br />

no further business the meeting was declared ad<br />

J. T. Willson,<br />

Secretary of the Council.

2064<br />


ESTIMATED INCOME FOR 1929-1930<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

General Endowment Fund $215,000.00 $220,000.00 $5,000.00<br />

Loomis Laboratory Fund 6,500.00 6,450.00 $ 50.00<br />

Polk Prize Fund 550.00 545.00 5.00<br />

Polk Scholarship Fund 275.00 270.00 5.00<br />

Seeligman Prize Fund 100.00 100.00<br />

X Y Z Loan Fund 300.00 300.00<br />

Pediatrics Endowment 11,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00<br />

Michaelis Prize Fund 50.00 50.00<br />

Michaelis Library Fund 100.00 100.00<br />

Student Fees 113,000.00 115,500.00 2,500.00<br />

Interest on Bank Balances 750.00 700.00 50.00<br />

Donation, Chemical Foundation,<br />

Inc 10,000.00 10,000.00<br />

Donation, Gen'l Education Board.. 25,000.00 25,000.00<br />

Clinic Income Overhead 3,600.00 4,000.00 400.00<br />

Overhead, Rent 20,750.00 20,750.00<br />

Salary C. P 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Miscellaneous Income 1,000.00 975.00 25.00<br />

Gifts*<br />

$387,225.00 $411,940.00 $29,850.00 $5,135.00<br />

1927-1928 1928-1929<br />

National Research Council (An<br />

atomySex Research) $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00<br />

National 'Tuberculosis Ass'n<br />

(AnatomyT. B. Fund)<br />

Dr. John Rogers (Experimental<br />

5,000.00 5,000.00<br />

Biochemistry) 7,000.00 7,000.00<br />

Dr. Walter L. Niles (Pediatrics)<br />

Clinical Research Society (Stu<br />

2,000.00 500.00<br />

dent Loan Fund)<br />

200.00<br />

Dr. Foster Kennedy (Student<br />

Loan Fund)<br />

50.00<br />

Student Loan Fund Balances 250.00<br />

New York <strong>University</strong> (Pneu<br />

monia Digitalis Fund)<br />

C. H. Whitman (Second Surgi<br />

1,624.88<br />

cal Div. B. H.)<br />

100.00<br />

Columbia <strong>University</strong> (through P.<br />

Marsh) (Second Surgical Div.<br />

B. H.)<br />

Mrs. Carlos de Heredia (Wm.<br />

Thompson Gilman Fund)<br />

Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt (Pneu<br />

monia Digitalis Fund)<br />

1,500.00<br />

200.00<br />

5,000.00<br />

Irene H. Given (Surgical Re<br />

search and Transfusion Fund) 4,000.00 6,000.00<br />

Dr. John H. Hartwell (Surgical<br />

Research)<br />

General Education Board (Bldg.<br />

175.00<br />

Fund Anatomy Farm) 8,000.00<br />

$35,425.00 $33,174.88<br />

*Unexpended balances at the end of the year to be reappropriated for session<br />


Total Budgets<br />

2065<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase<br />

General Administration $117,678.08 $122,279.50 $ 4,601.42<br />

Departmental 357,681.00 381,335.00 23,654.00<br />

Special Research 36,500.00 36,500.00<br />

Budget 1929-1930 $540, 1 14.50<br />

Budget 1928-1929 511,859.08<br />

Increase $ 28,255.42<br />

$511,859.08 $540,114.50 $28,255.42<br />

Estimated Budaet $511,859.08 $540,114.50<br />

Estimated Income 387,225.00 411,940.00<br />

Estimated Deficit $124,634.08 $128,174.50<br />

Deficit 1929-1930 $128,174.50<br />

Deficit 1928-1929 124,634.08<br />

Increase Deficit 1929-1930 $ 3,540.42<br />


1928-1929<br />

1. Dean's Office $ 9,200.00<br />

2. Secretary's Office 3,400.00<br />

3. Treasurer's Office 10,800.00<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

Building Service<br />

Engineer's Department<br />

11,700.00<br />

24,795.00<br />

6. Laundry 1,210.00<br />

7. Library 5,760.00<br />

8. Loomis Laboratory 6,056.00<br />

9. Old Building (410 E. 2,) 510.00<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

Clinic (Traveling & Research)<br />

Administration and General<br />

21.6S4.58<br />

Building Expenses 14,762.50<br />

12. Miscellaneous 7,800.00<br />

Decrease<br />

1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

; 4,200.00 $ 5,000.00<br />

3,400.00<br />

10,800.00<br />

12,900.00 $ 1,200.00<br />

25.170.00 375.00<br />

1.210.00<br />

6.460. CO 700.00<br />

6,206.00 150.00<br />

510.00<br />

20,000.00 1,684.58<br />

15,762.50 1,000.00<br />

15,661.00 7,861.00<br />

$117,678.08 $122,279.50 $11,286.00 $ 6,684.58<br />

/ Dean's Office<br />

Dean _ $5,000.00<br />

Secretary to Dean 3,000.00 $3,000.00<br />

Clerk 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

2 Secretary's Office<br />

of Faculty.<br />

Secretary<br />

Secretary<br />

$9,200.00 $4,200.00<br />

$1,600.00<br />

1,800.00<br />

$1,600.00<br />

1,800.00<br />

$3,400.00 $3,400.-00<br />

$5,000.00<br />


2o66<br />

1928-1929<br />

Treasurer's Office<br />

Manager $5,500.00<br />

Assistant 2,600<br />

Clerk 1,500.00<br />

Clerk 1,200.00<br />

4 Building Service<br />

Housekeeper<br />

Porters (3)<br />

Helpers (2 women)<br />

Helper (part time)<br />

Night Watchman<br />

Telephone Operator (part time)<br />

Elevator Operator<br />

Receiving Clerk (part time)<br />

Night Attendant<br />

Window Cleaning (contract)....<br />

Housekeeping Supplies<br />

5 Engineer's Department<br />

Chief Engineer $3,250.00<br />

Assistant Engineer 2,400.00<br />

Fireman (1) 12 mos 1,320.00<br />

Firemen (2) 8 mos 1,760.00<br />

Oiler (1) 8 mos 800.-00<br />

Plumber-Electrician (part time) 840.00<br />

Fuel 7,500.00<br />

Electricity (Edison) 4,750.00<br />

Oil, waste, packing, etc. 370.00<br />

Refrigerating supplies 300.00<br />

Repairs and renewal parts 855.00<br />

Boiler repairs 275.00<br />

Pipe covering<br />

325.00<br />

Incidentals 50.00<br />

6 Laundry<br />

Laundress<br />

Supplies and repairs.<br />

1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

$5,500.00<br />

2,600.00<br />

1,500.00<br />

1,200.00<br />

$10,800.00 $10,800.00<br />

$1,320.00 $1,320.00<br />

2,400.00 3,600.00 $1,200.00<br />

1,560.00 1,560.00<br />

390.00 390.00<br />

1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

500.00 500.00<br />

1,020.00 1,020.00<br />

700.00 700.00<br />

1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

660.00 660.00<br />

750.00 750.00<br />

$11,700.00 $12,900.00 $1,200.00<br />

$3,500.00<br />

2,400.00<br />

1,320.00<br />

1,760.'30<br />

800.00<br />

840.00<br />

7,500.00<br />

4,750.00<br />

2.300.C<br />

$ 250.00<br />

125.00<br />

$24,795.00 $25,170.00 $375.00<br />

$960.00<br />

250.00 250.00<br />

$1,210.00 $1,210.00<br />

7 Library<br />

Librarian $2,700.00<br />

Student Assistant<br />

Cleaner (part time)<br />

Books<br />

Foreign and Domestic Journals<br />

Binding<br />

Supplies, printing, etc<br />

2,700.00 $2,700.00<br />

570.00 570.00<br />

390.00 390.00<br />

200.00 400.00 $200.00<br />

1,600.00 1,800.00 200.00<br />

200.00 500.00 300.00<br />

100.00 100.00<br />

$5,760.00 $6,460.00 $700.00

2067<br />

Loomis Laboratory 1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Janitor $1,200.00 $1,200.00<br />

Helper 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Building repairs 500.00 500.00<br />

Water 300.00 300.00<br />

Fuel 1,500.00 1,500.00<br />

Gas 300.00 300.00<br />

Electricitv (D.C.-A.C.) 750.00 900.00 $150.00<br />

Supplies _ 100.00 100.00<br />

Window cleaning (contract) 156.00 156.00<br />

Incidentals 50.00 50.00<br />

5,056.00 $6,206.00 $150.00<br />

Old Building (410 E. 26th St.)<br />

Water $150.00 $150.00<br />

Gas 100.00 100.00<br />

Electricity 100.00 100.00<br />

Building repairs 100.00 100.00<br />

Window cleaning (contract) 60.00 60.00<br />

10 Clinic<br />

Teaching<br />

and Research and<br />

$510.00 $510.00<br />

possible deficit $21,684.58 $20,000.00 $1,684.58<br />

11 Administration and General<br />

Building Expense<br />

Repairs and Painting $3,250.00 $3,250.00<br />

Furniture and Repairs 500.00 500.00<br />

Water 1,500.00 1,500.00<br />

Gas 750.00 750.00<br />

Telephone 1,000.00 1,000.00<br />

Electric Lamps 300.00 300.00<br />

Uniforms 50.00 50.00<br />

Plumbing Fixtures 300.00 300.00<br />

Insurance (J. T. W. Bond) 12.50 12.50<br />

Stationery and Printing 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Advertising Journals 500.00 $500.00<br />

Bulletins, Announcements 3,000.00 4,000.00 $1,000.00<br />

Postage 750.00 750.00<br />

Traveling Expenses 750.00 75O.0O<br />

Entertainment 500.00 1,000.00 500.00<br />

Incidental Expenses 400.00 400.00<br />

$14,762.50 $15,762.50 $1,500.00 $500.00

2o68<br />

12 Miscellaneous 192S-1929 7929-/930 Increase Decrease<br />

J. M. Polk Prizes $500.00 $500.00<br />

X Y Z Loan Fund 300.00 300.00<br />

Medical Care to Students 1,000.00 1,000.00<br />

Emergency Wages 600.00 600.00<br />

J. M. Polk Scholarship 250.00 250.00<br />

Seeligman Prizes in Obstetrics.. 100.00 100.00<br />

Michaelis Prize in Medicine 50.00 50.00<br />

Contingent Fund 5,000.00 5,000.00<br />

Special Repairs Fund 4,500.00 $4,500.00<br />

Insurance Compensation 1,461.00 1,461.00<br />

Insurance, Fire, Boiler and Ele<br />

vator 1,400.00 1,400.00<br />

Contribution to Marine Biolog<br />

ical Laboratory, Woods ' Hole,<br />

Mass<br />

500.00 500.00<br />

$7,800.00 $15,661.00 $7,861.00<br />


Department<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Anatomy $ 62,940.00 $ 65,900.00 $ 2,960.00<br />

Bacteriology 23,560.00 24,260.00 700.00<br />

Chemistry 21,656.00 25,510.00 3,854.00<br />

Dermatology 300.00 900.00 600.00<br />

Laryngology and Rhinology 800.00 950/00 150.00<br />

Medicine 7,305.00 7,305.00<br />

Clinical Pathology 11,860.00 13.270.00 1,410.00<br />

X. Y. Hospital 6,500.00 5,700.00 $800.00<br />

Bellevue Hospital Clinic. 30,760.00 32,960.00 2,200.00<br />

Neurology 1,400.00 3,200.00 1,800.00<br />

Obstetrics and Gynecology 5,220.00 4,920.00 300.00<br />

Ophthalmology 300.00 300.00<br />

Orthopedic Surgery 600.00 600.00<br />

Otology 300.00 300.00<br />

Pathology 43,210.00 46,790.00 3.580.00<br />

Pediatrics 25,720.00 27,270.00 1.550.00<br />

Pharmacology 18,200.00 19,400.00 1,200.00<br />

Physiology 37,240.00 40,880.00 3,640.00<br />

Public Health and Preventive<br />

Medicine 15,390.00 16,040.00 650.00<br />

Psychiatry 500.00 900.00 400.00<br />

Roentgenology 500.00 500.00<br />

Surgery 11,440.00 11,740.00 300.00<br />

"<br />

'Bellevue Hospital Clinic. 11,280.00 9.140.00 2,140.00<br />

Surgical Research 20,000.00 20,000.00<br />

Urology 700.00 2.600.00 1,900.00<br />

$357,681.'00 $381,335.00 $2o,S94.00 $3,240.00

2069<br />

Department of Anatomy<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930<br />

Charles R. Stockard, M.D,<br />

Professor of Anatomv<br />

Charles V. Morrill, M.D.,<br />

$12,000.00 $12,000.00<br />

Associate Prof, of Anatomy.... 5,000.00 6,000.00<br />

Professor of Microscopical<br />

Anatomy 8,000.00 8,000.00<br />

George X. Papanicolaou, M.D.,<br />

Asst. Professor of Anatomy.... 4,200.00 4,200.00<br />

Jose F. Xonidez, M.D.,<br />

Asst. Professor of Anatomy.... 3,600.00 4,000.00<br />

Philip B. Armstrong, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Anatomy 2,400.00 2,500.00<br />

Assistant in Anatomy 1,500.00 1,000.00<br />

Louis Hausman, M.D.,<br />

Associate in Xeuro-Anatomy.... 200.00 200.00<br />

Paul Lenge Phillips, A.B.,<br />

Assistant in Anatomy 1,300.00 1,300.00<br />

Emilia M. Vicari, Ph.D.,<br />

Research Assistant 2,000.00 2,400.00<br />

Joseph L. Schwind, Ph.D.,<br />

Instructor in Anatomy 2,500.00 2,400.00<br />

(Original Budget Research Asst.)<br />

$42,700.00 $44,000.00<br />

Wages, Apparatus, etc.<br />

1 Secretary $1,500.00<br />

1 Preparateur 2,64000<br />

1 Helper (Anatomical Porter).. 1,200 00<br />

1 Helper (Anatomical Porter).. 1,000. .00<br />

1 Helper 600.00<br />

1 Technician 1,000<br />

1 Technician 1,200<br />

1 Laboratory Assistant 1,600.00<br />

1 Laboratory Assistant 1,500.00<br />

1 Preparateur Micr. Anatomy.... 2,000. .00<br />

Apparatus 900. 001<br />

Chemicals<br />

600.00<br />

|<br />

Glassware 600. 00|<br />

Animals 250. 00 |<br />

Animal Food 1,200. 00 r<br />

Publications 400. 00<br />

Special Apparatus 500. 00<br />

Instruments 350. 00<br />

Incidentals (Contingencies) 1,200. 00<br />

Salaries<br />

$1,500.00<br />

3,000.00<br />

1,200.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

600.00<br />

1,500.00<br />

1,500.00<br />

1,800.00<br />

1,800.00<br />

2,000.00<br />

6,000.00<br />

Increase Decrease<br />

$1,000.00<br />

400.00<br />

100.00<br />

400.00<br />

$360.00<br />

500.00<br />

300.00<br />

200.00<br />

300.00<br />

$500.00<br />

100.00<br />

$600.00<br />

$20,240.00 $21,900.00 $1,660.00<br />

42,700.00 44,000.00 1,900.00 600.00<br />

$62,940.00 $65,900.00 $3,560.00 $600.00

Department of Bacteriology<br />

and Immunology<br />

2070<br />

William J. Elser, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Bacteriology<br />

and Immunology $5,500.00 $5,500.00<br />

Arthur F. Coca, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Immunology 3,000.00 3,000.00<br />

George W. Wheeler, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Bacter<br />

iology 2,500.00 2,500.00<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Ruth A. Thomas, A.B.,<br />

Instructor in Bacteriology 2,900.00 3,000.00 $100.00<br />

Gustav I. Steffen,<br />

Instructor in Bacteriology 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00<br />

Ella F. Grove,<br />

Instructor in Immunology 500.00 500.00<br />

Instructor in Applied Immun<br />

ology 300.00 300.00<br />

Eugenie Leslie, M.D.,<br />

Assistant in Bacteriology 1,500.00 1,600.00 100.00<br />

Wages, Apparatus, etc.<br />

$18,700.00 $19,400.00 $700.00<br />

1 Janitor $1,500.00 $1,500.00<br />

1 Helper 160.00 160.00<br />

Chemicals, glassware, etc 1,080.00 1,080.00<br />

Apparatus ]<br />

Chemicals I<br />

Glassware I<br />

Animals I<br />

Animal Food \ 720.00 720.00<br />

Publications<br />

Special Apparatus<br />

I<br />

Instruments I<br />

Incidentals J<br />

Caretaker 900.00 900.00<br />

Contingent Fund for operating<br />

obligatory course in Immun<br />

ology 500.00 500.00<br />

$ 4,860.00 $ 4,860.00<br />

Salaries 18,700.00 19,400.00 $700.00<br />

$23,560.00 $24,260.00 $700.00

2071<br />

Department of Chemistry<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

S. R. Benedict, Ph.D.,<br />

Professor of Chemistry.....<br />

H. E. Morrow, A.B.,<br />

$8,000.00 $8,000.00<br />

Instructor in Chemistry<br />

E. Osterberg,<br />

3,000.00 3,000.00<br />

Instructor in Chemistry 2,600.00 3,000.00 $400.00<br />

(Original Budget)<br />

Instructor in Chemistry,<br />

$2,200.00<br />

Eleanor B. Newton, A.B.,<br />

200.00 200.00<br />

Instructor in Chemistry 1,250.00 1,500.00 250.00<br />

Jeanette A. Behre, Ph.D.,<br />

Instructor in Chemistry<br />

Gertrude Gottschall,<br />

750.00 750.00<br />

Assistant in Chemistry 1,800.00 1,800.00<br />

$15,800.00 $18,050.00 $2,450.00 $200.00<br />

Wages, Apparatus, etc.<br />

1 Janitor $1,380.00 $1,680.00 $300.00<br />

1 Helper 1,116.00 1,200.00 84.00<br />

1 Helper 1,020.00 1,080.00 60.00<br />

Secretary two-thirds time<br />

granted $375.00 1928-1929 1,000.00 1,000.00<br />

Apparatus 400.00 ]<br />

Glassware 800.00 I<br />

Chemicals 740.00 |<br />

Animals 100.00 [ 2,500.00 160.00<br />

Animal Food 100.00 |<br />

Incidentals, including stationery,<br />

cleaning materials, etc 200.00 j<br />

$ 5,856.00 $ 7,460.00 $1,604.00<br />

Salaries 15,800.00 18,050.00 2,450.00 $200.00<br />

Department of Dermatology<br />

Hans J. Schwartz, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Medicine,<br />

Department of Dermatology $300.00 $300.00<br />

J. Frank Fraser, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clini<br />

cal Medicine, Department of<br />

and Instructor<br />

Dermatology<br />

in Dermato-Pathology<br />

(Transferred from Pathol<br />

ogy)<br />

$21,656.00 $25,510.00 $4,054.00 $200.00<br />

600.00<br />

$300.00 $900.00 $600.00

2072<br />

Department of Laryngology<br />

and Rhinology<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Arthur Palmer, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clinical<br />

Surgery and Acting Head of<br />

the Department of Laryn<br />

gology and Rhinology<br />

William J. Jackson, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery,<br />

Department of Laryngology<br />

$300.00 $300.00<br />

and Rhinology<br />

Samuel F. Kelley, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery,<br />

Department of Laryngology<br />

150.00 150.00<br />

and Rhinology<br />

James O. MacDonald, M.D.,<br />

Assistant in Clinical Surgery,<br />

Department of Laryngology<br />

150.00 150.00<br />

and Rhinology 150.00 $150.00<br />

$600.00 $750.00 $150.00<br />

New equipment, instruments,<br />

lantern slides, charts, etc.,<br />

for teaching purposes 200.00 200.00<br />

$800.00 $950.00 $150.00<br />

Department of Medicine<br />

Lewis A. Conner, M.A.,<br />

Professor of Medicine $4,000.00 $4,000.00<br />

Malcolm Goodridge, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Medi<br />

cine 1,000.00 1,000.00<br />

Cary Eggleston, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clini<br />

cal Medicine 200.00 200.00<br />

Arthur L Holland, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clini<br />

cal Medicine 200.00 200.00<br />

Harold E. B. Pardee, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clini<br />

cal Medicine 500.00 500.00<br />

Charles H. Nammack, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Medicine 200.00 200.00<br />

Asa L. Lincoln, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Medicine 100.00 100.00<br />

Edwin T. Hauser, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Medicine 200.00 200.00<br />

*Kirby Martin, M.D., ^^<br />

Instructor in Medicine 200.00 200.00<br />

John H. Richards, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Medicine 300.00 300.00<br />

(Transferred from Clinical<br />

Pathology)<br />

?Formerly Mortin resigned.<br />

Ryder,<br />

Supplies<br />

$6,900.00<br />

45.O0<br />

$7,305.00<br />

$6,900.00<br />

405.00<br />


2073<br />

(Clinical Pathology)<br />

William C. Thro, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Pathol<br />

1928-1929<br />

ogy $4,200.00<br />

Theodore J. Curphey, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Pathol<br />

ogy 500.00<br />

Michael Lake, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Pathol<br />

ogy 500.00<br />

$5,200.00<br />

1 Technician $1,920.00<br />

1 or 2 Technicians 1,860.00<br />

1 Cleaner 720.00<br />

1 Porter 840.00<br />

Clerical Work 350.00<br />

Apparatus 170.001<br />

Chemicals 180.00 j<br />

Glassware 330.00 |<br />

Animals 40.00 I<br />

Animal Food 48.00 |<br />

Publications 50.00 |<br />

Special Apparatus 60.00 j<br />

Instruments 40.00<br />

Incidentals 52.00 j<br />

$6,660.00<br />

Salaries 5,200.00<br />

$11,860.00<br />

(New York Hospital)<br />

Nellis B. Foster, M.D.,<br />

Associate Professor of Medi<br />

cine $2,500.00<br />

Ralph G. Stillman, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clini<br />

cal Pathology 1,000.00<br />

Horace Baldwin, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Medicine 1,200.00<br />

$4,700.00<br />

Wages, Supplies, etc.<br />

1 Technician 1,500.00<br />

Supplies<br />

300.00<br />

$6,500.00<br />

1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

$5,400.00 $1,200.00<br />

(To be refunded<br />

by Clinic)<br />

500.00<br />

500.00<br />

$6,400.00 $1,200.00<br />

$1,980.00<br />

1,920.00<br />

780.00<br />

840.00<br />

350.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

$6,870.00<br />

6,400.00<br />

$60.00<br />

60.00<br />

60.00<br />

30.00<br />

$ 210.00<br />

1,200.00<br />

$13,270.00 $1,410.00<br />

$2,000.00<br />

1,300.00<br />

600.00<br />

$300.00<br />

$500.00<br />

600.00<br />

$3,900.00 $300.00 $1,100.00<br />

1,500.00<br />

300.00<br />

$5,700.00 $300.00 $1,100.00

2074<br />

(Bellevue Hospital Medical Clinic) 1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Eugene F. DuBois, M.D.,<br />

Director and Associate Profes<br />

sor of Medicine.. $4,500.00 $4,500.00<br />

*Xorman Plummer, M.D.,<br />

Bacteriologist and Instructor<br />

in Medicine 2,600.00 2,400.00 $200.00<br />

(Formerly Whelan D. Sutliff,<br />

on Leave of Absence)<br />

Paul Reznikoff, M.D.,<br />

Clinical Pathologist in Wards<br />

and Instructor in Medicine.. 3,200.00 3,200.00<br />

Dan H. Witt, M.D.<br />

Instructor in Medicine 200.00 200.00<br />

Doctors for Dispensary 1,520.00]<br />

Dispensary Chief 750.00 \ 2,270.00<br />

Douglas Symmers, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Patho<br />

logical Anatomy 500.00 500.00<br />

Russell L. Cecil, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clini<br />

cal Medicine 500.00 500.00<br />

Henry B. Richardson, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Medi<br />

cine 1,000.00 1,000.00<br />

$13,770.00 $14,570.00 $1,000.00 $200.00<br />

Wages and Supplies<br />

Technician $2,500.00 $2,500.00<br />

Head Nurse }<br />

Two Assistant Xurses f 3,200.00 4,000.00 $800.00<br />

Secretary 1,620.00 1,620.00<br />

2 Technicians 3,460.00 3,700.00 240.00<br />

Technical Assistant for Clin.<br />

Path 1,300.00 1,500.00 200.00<br />

Porter for Chemical Laboratory 1,140.00 1,200.00 60.00<br />

Messenger 540.00 540.00<br />

Cleaning Woman 900.00 900.00<br />

Cleaning Woman 390.00 390.00<br />

$15,050.00 $16,350.00 $1,300.00<br />

-<br />

Bacteriology 540.00 540.00<br />

Clinical Pathology 300.00 300.00<br />

Wards 400.00 400.00<br />

Office Supplies 300.00 300.00<br />

Chemical Supplies 400.00 500.00 100.00<br />

*Appointed Session 1928-1929<br />

$1,940.00 $2,040.00 $100.00

2075<br />

1928-1929<br />

Summary<br />

Salaries $13,770.00<br />

Wages and Supplies 15,050.00<br />

Bacteriology, etc 1,940.00<br />

Medicine<br />

$30,760.00<br />

$ 7,305.00<br />

Clinical Pathology<br />

11,860.00<br />

New York Hospital 6,500.00<br />

Bellevue Hospital 30,760.00<br />

$56,425.00<br />

Department of Neurology<br />

1928-1929<br />

Foster Kennedy, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Medi<br />

cine, Department of Neu<br />

rology<br />

Thomas K. Davis, M.D.,<br />

Associate in Clinical Medicine,<br />

$500.00<br />

Department of Neurology....<br />

Walter M. Kraus, M.D.,<br />

Associate in Clinical Medicine,<br />

180.00<br />

Department of Neurology....<br />

Lewis D. Stevenson, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Medicine,<br />

180.00<br />

Department of Neurology....<br />

Junius W. Stephenson, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Medicine,<br />

180.00<br />

Department of Neurology....<br />

George Hyslop, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Medicine,<br />

180.00<br />

Department of Neurology.... 180.00<br />

Technician<br />

$1,400.00<br />

1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

$14,570.00<br />

16,350.00<br />

2,040.00<br />

$32,960.00<br />

$ 7,305.00<br />

13,270.00<br />

5,700.00<br />

32,960.00<br />

$1,000.00<br />

1,300.00<br />

100.00<br />

$1,410.00<br />

300.00<br />

2,400.00<br />

$200.00<br />

$2,400.00 $200.00<br />

$1,100.00<br />

200.00<br />

$59,235.00 $4,110.00 $1,300.00<br />

1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

$500.00<br />

180.00<br />

180.00<br />

180.00<br />

180.00<br />

180.00<br />

$1,400.00<br />

1,800.00 $1,800.00<br />

$1,400.00 $3,200.00 $1,800.00<br />

Department Obstetrics and<br />

Gynecology<br />

George G. Ward, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Obstetrics and<br />

Gynecology $1,100.00 $1,100.00<br />

Associate Professor of Ob<br />

stetrics and Gynecology<br />

Lillian K. P. Farrar, M.D.,<br />

1,000.00<br />

Assistant Professor of Ob-<br />

stetrics and Gynecology<br />

Hervey G. Williamson, M.D.,<br />

600.00<br />

rri<br />

750.00<br />

2076<br />

Department Obstetrics {Continued)<br />

1928-1929<br />

Howard G. McCandlish, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Obstetrics and<br />

Gynecology<br />

Charles T. Snyder, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Obstetrics and<br />

Gynecology<br />

Ogden F. Conkey, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Obstetrics and<br />

Gynecology<br />

William P. Driscoll, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Obstetrics and<br />

Gynecology<br />

Alfred Plaut, M.D.,<br />

Instructor<br />

Pathology<br />

in Gynecological<br />

500.00<br />

300.00<br />

300.00<br />

300.00<br />

100.00<br />

Joseph N. Nathanson, M.D.<br />

Instructor in Gynecology and<br />

Obstetrics 200.00<br />

1929-1930 In crease Decrease<br />

600:00 100.00<br />

400.00 100.00<br />

300.00<br />

300.00<br />

200.00 100.00<br />

200.00<br />

Special apparatus, lantern slides,<br />

manikin, etc 320.00 320.00<br />

Department of Ophthalmology<br />

Bernard Samuels, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Surgery,<br />

Department of Ophthalmol<br />

ogy $300.00 $300.00<br />

$4,900.00 $4,600.00 $700.00 $1,000.00<br />

$5,220.00 $4,920.00 $700.00 $1,000.00<br />

$300.00 $300.00<br />

Department of Orthopedic Surgery<br />

Charlton Wallace, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Surgery,<br />

Department of Orthopedic<br />

Surgery $300.00 $300.00<br />

Irvin Balenzweig, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery,<br />

Department of Orthopedic<br />

Surgery 200.00 200.00<br />

John S. Ware, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery,<br />

Department of Orthopedic<br />

Surgery 100.00 100.00<br />

? $600.00<br />

Department of Otology<br />

George B. McAuliffe, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clini<br />

cal Surgery and Acting<br />

Head of the Department of<br />

Otology 300.00 300.00<br />

$300.00 $300.00

2077<br />

Department of Pathology<br />

James Ewing, M.D., 1928-1929<br />

Professor of Pathology<br />

$9,000.00<br />

Otto H. Schultze, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Medical Juris<br />

prudence<br />

Elise S. L'Esperance, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Pathol<br />

1,000.00<br />

ogy<br />

Lawrence W. Smith, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Pathol<br />

5,500.00<br />

ogy<br />

James Denton, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Pathol<br />

7,500.00<br />

ogy<br />

Douglas Symmers, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Patho<br />

logical Anatomy<br />

(Receives $500 from Depart<br />

ment of Medicine)<br />

Charles S. B. Cassassa, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Pathological<br />

Anatomy<br />

Lewis Stephenson, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Neuro-Pathol-<br />

ogy<br />

Charles T. Olcott, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Pathology<br />

Arthur H. Dodge, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Pathological<br />

Anatomy<br />

J. Frank Fraser, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Dermo-Pathol-<br />

ogy<br />

Gilbert Dalldorf, M.D.,<br />

Assistant in Pathology<br />

1,200.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

1,500.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

600.00<br />

Wages, Supplies, etc. $30,300.00<br />

1 Secretary $1,800.00<br />

1 Custodian 1,800.00<br />

1 Technician 1,680.00<br />

1 Porter 120.00<br />

1 Technician (Bellevue Hospi-<br />

pital, Surgery)<br />

150.00<br />

1 Technician (Curator) 1,320.00<br />

1 Cleaner 780.00<br />

1 Photographer 2,500.00<br />

1 Assistant Photographer 1,200.00<br />

Photographic Supplies 300.00<br />

Chemicals, Glassware, etc<br />

Publications<br />

810.00]<br />

180.00 }<br />

Museum Glassware<br />

Animals and Supplies<br />

Technician<br />

270.00 j<br />

$12,910.00<br />

Salaries 30,300.00<br />

$43,210.00<br />

19 29- 1930<br />

$9,000.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

6,200.00<br />

7,500.00<br />

1,200.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

1,500.00<br />

1,200.00<br />

Increase Decrease<br />

(See Sur-<br />

$700.00 gery)<br />

200.00<br />

(See Dermatology) $600.00<br />

500.00 500.00<br />

$31,100.00 $1,400.00<br />

$1,800.00<br />

1,920.00 $120.00<br />

1,560.00<br />

120.00<br />

150.00<br />

1,560.00 240.00<br />

900.00 120.00<br />

2,500.00<br />

1,320.00 120.00<br />

300.00<br />

1,260.00<br />

1,500.00<br />

800.00<br />

$15,690.00<br />

31,100.00<br />

1,500.00<br />

800.00<br />

$2,900.00<br />

1,400.00<br />

$600.00<br />

$120.00<br />

$120.00<br />

600.00<br />

$46,790.00 $4,300.00 $720.00

2078<br />

Department of Pediatrics<br />

Oscar M. Schloss, M.D.,<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Professor of Pediatrics<br />

Louis C. Schroeder, M.D.,<br />

$4,000.00 $4,000.00<br />

Assistant Professor of Ped.<br />

Lvnne A. Hoag, M.D.,<br />

1,000.00 1,000.00<br />

Assistant Professor of Ped.<br />

Samuel Z. Levine, M.D.,<br />

5,000.00 5,500.00 $500.00<br />

Associate in Pediatrics<br />

Jesse F. Sammis, M.D.,<br />

3,400.00 3,900.00 500.00<br />

Instructor in Pediatrics<br />

May G. Wilson, M.D.,<br />

300.00 300.00<br />

Instructor in Pediatrics<br />

Philip M. Stimson, M.D.,<br />

250.00 300.00 50.00<br />

Instructor in Pediatrics<br />

Arthur F. Anderson, M.D.,<br />

300.00 300.00<br />

Associate in Pediatrics<br />

James Wilson, M.D.,<br />

600.00 600.00<br />

Associate in Pediatrics<br />

Thomas E. Waldie, M.D.,<br />

1,900.00 1,900.00<br />

Instructor in Pediatrics<br />

Robert O. DuBois, M.D.,<br />

150.00 200.00 50.00<br />

Assistant in Clinical Ped 300.00 300.00<br />

Carl H. Smith, M.D.,<br />

Assistant in Clinical Ped. 300.00 300.00<br />

Haskell Talamo, M.D.,<br />

Research Assistant in<br />

Max B. Brahdy, M.D.,<br />

Ped. 1,200 600.00 600.00<br />

Assistant in Pediatrics<br />

Louis Weymuller, M.D.,<br />

150.00 150.00<br />

Research Asst. in Ped. (6 mos. ) 900-00 900.00<br />

Tyson Wyatt, Instr. in Pediatrics 1,200.00 1.200-00<br />

$18,700.00 $19,550.00 $3,350.00 22,500.00<br />

Wages and Supplies<br />

Secretary $1,400.00 $1,400.00<br />

Technician<br />

Apparatus<br />

2,300.00 2,400.00 $100.00<br />

Chemicals<br />

360.00 ]<br />

120.00 |<br />

Glassware 290.00 |<br />

Animals 500.00 [ 2,600.00 600.00<br />

Publications<br />

300.00 |<br />

Special Apparatus 200.00 I<br />

Instruments<br />

100.00 |<br />

Incidentals ,. 130.00 J<br />

Nurse to supervise calorimeter<br />

work from October to May,<br />

inclusive 1,320.00 1,320.00<br />

$ 7,020.00 $ 7,720.00<br />

Salaries 18,700.00 19,550.00 850.00<br />

From Special Budget<br />

$25,720.00 $27,270.00 $1,550.00<br />

Dorthea Moore, M.D., Asst.in Ped. 1,500-00 1,500-00<br />

LudwigSchoenthal, M.D.,<br />

Assistant in Pediatrics 1,500.00 1,500.00<br />

23,000-00 23,000.00

2079<br />

Department of Pharmacology 1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Robert A. Hatcher, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Pharmacology.... $7,500.00 $7,500.00<br />

Harry Gold, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Phar<br />

macology 4,000.00 4,000.00<br />

Harvey B. Haag, M.D.,<br />

Assistant in Pharmacology 2,500.00 3,500.00 $1,000.00<br />

$14,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,000.00<br />

Wages, Supplies, etc.<br />

1 Helper $1,200.00 $1,200.00<br />

1 Helper 1,500.00 1,500.00<br />

Supplies (Research) 800.00 1,000.00 $200.00<br />

Supplies (Teaching) 700.00 700.00<br />

$ 4,200.00 $ 4,400.00 $200.00<br />

Salaries 14,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00<br />

$18,200.00 $19,400.00 $1,200.00<br />

Department of Physiology<br />

Graham Lusk, Ph.D.,<br />

Professor of Physiology $10,000.00 $10,000.00<br />

D. J. Edwards, Ph.D.,<br />

Associate Professor of Phys<br />

iology 6,000.00 7,000.00 $1,000.00<br />

William H. Chambers, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Phys<br />

iology 5,000.00 5,000.00<br />

McKeen Cattell, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Phys<br />

iology 5,000.00 5,000.00<br />

Two (2) student assistants<br />

equal to remission of their<br />

fees 1,000.00 1,000.00<br />

$27,000.00 $28,000.00 $1,000.00<br />

Wages, Supplies, etc.<br />

1 Mechanic<br />

2 Helpers<br />

$2,100.00<br />

2,160.00<br />

$2,100.00<br />

2,340.00 $180.00<br />

1 Secretary 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

1 Animal Keeper 1,080.00 1,140.00 60.00<br />

Apparatus and Glassware 588.90 1<br />

302.11 |<br />

Chemicals<br />

Animals<br />

539.15<br />

Animal Food<br />

336.32 |<br />

Publications 64.78 j- 3,700.00<br />

Instruments<br />

332.17<br />

Incidentals<br />

536.57<br />

Replenishment of Apparatus 1,000.00 J<br />

Extra Mechanic 2,400.00 2,400.00<br />

$10,240.00 $12,880.00 $2,640.00<br />

Salaries 27,000.00 28,000.00 1,000.00<br />

$37,240.00 $40,880.00 $3,640.00

Department of Public Health<br />

and Preventive Medicine<br />

2o8o<br />

1928-1929<br />

John C. Torrey, Ph.D.,<br />

Professor of Public Health<br />

and Preventive Medicine<br />

Morton C. Kahn, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Public<br />

$7,500.00<br />

Health and Preventive<br />

Medicine<br />

Ralph W. Nauss, M.D.,<br />

3,500.00<br />

Instructor in Public Health<br />

and Preventive Medicine 800.00<br />

$11,800.00<br />

Wages, Apparatus, etc.<br />

1 Helper (Technician) $1,320.00<br />

1 Helper (Woman) 840.00<br />

1 Stenographer (part time)<br />

Apparatus 200.00 1<br />

Chemicals, including<br />

materials I<br />

for media 200.00 I<br />

Glassware 175.00 |<br />

Animals 125.00 \<br />

Animal Food 175.00 1<br />

Special Apparatus 300.00 I<br />

Instruments 75.00 |<br />

Incidentals 180.00 J<br />

$ 3,590.00<br />

Salaries 11,800.00<br />

1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

$7,500.00<br />

3,500.00<br />

$11,800.00<br />

$1,320.00<br />

840.00<br />

480.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

$ 4,240.00<br />

11,800.00<br />

$480.00<br />

170.00<br />

$650.(<br />

$15,390.00 $16,040.00 $650.00<br />

Department of Psychiatry<br />

Mortimer Raynor, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Psychia<br />

try $200.00 $500.00 $300.00=*<br />

Abraham Kardiner, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Psychiatry 100.00 100.00<br />

George W. Henry, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Psychiatry 100.00 100.00<br />

Oswald H. Boltz, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Psychiatry 100.00 100.00<br />

Michael J. Lonergan, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Psychiatry 100.00 100.00<br />

$500.00 $900.00 $400.00<br />

Department of Roentgenology<br />

Harry M. Imboden, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Roentgenolgy. $500.00 $500.00<br />

* Appropriated during session.<br />

$500.00<br />


2081<br />

Department of Surgery<br />

1928-1929<br />

Charles L. Gibson, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Surgery<br />

John A. Hartwell, M.D.,<br />

$4,000.00<br />

Associate Professor of Sur<br />

gery<br />

Henry H. M. Lyle, M.D.,<br />

1,000.00<br />

Assistant Professor of Sur<br />

gery<br />

Charles E. Farr, M.D.,<br />

350.00<br />

Professor of Clinical Surgery..<br />

James M. Hirtzrot, M.D.,<br />

250.00<br />

Professor of Clinical Surgery..<br />

Preston A. Wade, M.D.,<br />

250.00<br />

Instructor in Surgery<br />

Joseph P. Hoguet, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clinical<br />

500.00<br />

400.00<br />

Surgery<br />

John C. A. Gerster, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clinical<br />

Surgery<br />

Ralph G. Stillman, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clinical<br />

Pathology<br />

Morris K. Smith, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clinical<br />

350.00<br />

1,100.00<br />

Surgery<br />

W. Morris Weeden, M.D.,<br />

250.00<br />

Instructor in Surgery 600.00<br />

Leila C. Knox, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Surgical Pathol<br />

ogy<br />

John E. Sutton, M.D.,<br />

250.00<br />

Instructor in Surgery<br />

Nelson W. <strong>Cornell</strong>, M.D.,<br />

250.00<br />

Instructor in Surgery 500.00<br />

Wade Duley, M.D.,<br />

Assistant in Surgery<br />

Paul K. Sauers, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Op. Surgery<br />

Woodhull L. Condict, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Op. Surgery<br />

H. H. Johnson, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Op. Surgery<br />

A. J. Beller, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Op. Surgery<br />

William V. Healey, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Op. Surgery<br />

Walter Stenson, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Op. Surgery<br />

250.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

$4,000.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

350.00<br />

250.00<br />

250.00<br />

500.00<br />

400.00<br />

350.00<br />

1,300.00 $200.00<br />

25O.0O<br />

600.00<br />

250.00<br />

350.00 100.00<br />

500.00<br />

250.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

50.00<br />

$10,600.00 $10,900.00 $300.00

2082<br />

Department of Surgery {Continued)<br />

192S-1929<br />

U7ages, Supplies, etc.<br />

Operative Surgery $100.00<br />

N.Y. Hospital Follow-up Svstem 100.00<br />

Secretary at X. Y. Hospital 490.00<br />

Operating Room at X. Y. Hos<br />

pital 50.00<br />

Xurse at St. Luke's (Dr. Lyle).. 100.00<br />

$ 840.00<br />

Salaries 10,600.00<br />

$11,440.00<br />

(Bellevue Surgical Clinic)<br />

Harold E. Santee, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Surgery.. $500.00<br />

Guilford S. Dudley, M.D.,<br />

Assistant Professor of Clini<br />

cal Surgery<br />

500.00<br />

Elise S. L'Esperance, M.D.,<br />

Surgical Pathology (trans<br />

ferred to Pathology)<br />

700.00<br />

Instructor in Surgical Pathol<br />

ogy<br />

400.00<br />

Russel H. Patterson, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery.. 300.00<br />

Francis A. Sutherland, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery.. 300.00<br />

H. Bergamini, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery.. 300.00<br />

Edward W. Saunders, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery.. 300.00<br />

Penelope Marsh, A.B.,<br />

Surgical Bacteriologist and Li<br />

brarian 1,900.00<br />

Harry S. Cooper, M.D.,<br />

Instructor in Clinical Surgery<br />

300.00<br />

$5,500.00<br />

Wages, Supplies, etc.<br />

TTechnician $1,800.00<br />

1 Recorder Clinical Clerks* 1,740.00<br />

1 Stenographer 1,500.00<br />

Materials, Supplies, etc<br />

740.00<br />

Salaries -<br />

*Has not been used for several years.<br />

$5,780.00<br />

5,500.00<br />

$11,280.00<br />

1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

$100.00<br />

100.00<br />

490.00<br />

50.00<br />

100.00<br />

$ 840.00<br />

10,900.00 $300.00<br />

$11,740.00 $300.00<br />

$500.00<br />

500.00<br />

400.00<br />

300.00<br />

300.00<br />

300.00<br />

300.00<br />

1,900.00<br />

300.00<br />

$4,800.00<br />

$1,800.00<br />

1,800.00<br />

740.00<br />

$4,340.00<br />

4,800.00<br />

$700.00<br />

($200 comes back to<br />

College from First<br />

Surgical Division,<br />

Bellevue)<br />

$300.00<br />

$700.00<br />

$1,740.00<br />

$300.00 $1,740.00<br />

700.00<br />

$9,140.00 $300.00 $2,440.00

2083<br />

(Surgical Research)<br />

J. E. Sweet, M.D.,<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Professor of Surgical Re<br />

search<br />

Florence West, A.B.,<br />

$9,000.00 $9,000.00<br />

Assistant in Surgical Research<br />

Edward W. Saunders, M.D.,<br />

2,000.00 2,500.00 $500.00<br />

Assistant in Surgical Research<br />

John Staige Davis, M.D.,<br />

1,250.00 1,250.00<br />

Assistant in Surgical Research<br />

George L. Birnbaum, M.D.,<br />

1,250.00 1,250.00<br />

Assistant in Surgical Research 500.00 500.00<br />

Unassigned<br />

Antonio Delario, M.D.,<br />

500.00 $500.00<br />

Assistant in Surgical Research<br />

Henry S. F. Cooper, M.D.,<br />

900.00 900 00<br />

Assistant in Surgical Research 1,250.00 1,250.00<br />

$15,750.00 $15,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,750.00<br />

Wages, Supplies, etc.<br />

Janitor $1,200.00 $1,200.00<br />

Anaesthetist 1,000.00 1,200.00 $200.00<br />

Animals 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Animal Food, Petty Cash 350.00 350.00<br />

Supplies and Equipment 500.00 650.00 150.00<br />

$ 4.250.00 $ 4,600.00 $350.00<br />

Salaries 15,750.00 15,400.00 1,400.00 $1,750.00<br />

$20,000.00 $20,000.00 $1,750.00 $1,750.00<br />

Summary<br />

Surgery $11,440.00 $11,740.00 $300.00<br />

Bellevue Surgical Clinic 11,280.00 9,140.00 300.00 $2,440.00<br />

Surgical Research 20,000.00 20,000.00<br />

$42,720.00 $40,880.00 $600.00 $2,440.00<br />

Ella Heinz Given Fund<br />

Antonio Delario, M.D.,<br />

$3,500.00<br />

Given Fellow in Surgical Research $ 900.00<br />

Mary Cooper, B.S.,<br />

Assistant in Chemistry and Bacteriology<br />

1,800.00<br />

Current Expenses, Illustrations, etc 800.00<br />

Department of Urology<br />

Edward L. Keyes, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Clinical Sur<br />

gery, Department of Urol<br />

ogy $500.00 $500.00<br />

A. Raymond Stevens, M.D.,<br />

Associate Professor of Clini<br />

cal Surgery, Department of<br />

Urology 100.00 100.00<br />

$600.00 $600.00<br />

$3,500.00 $3,500.00

2084<br />

Department of Urology {Continued)<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

1 Secretary 1,620.00 $1,620.00<br />

Supplies and Equipment 100.00 380.00 280.00<br />

$700.00 $2,600.00 $1,900.00<br />

Summary Research Departments<br />

Experimental Therapeutics<br />

(Department of Medicine) $11,500.00 $11,500.00*<br />

Research Farm<br />

(Department of Anatomy) 25,000.00 25,000.00<br />

$36,500.00 $36,500.00<br />

*$ 1,500 Budget appropriation.<br />

10,000 Gift from Chemical Foundation, Inc.<br />

Department of Medicine<br />

(Experimental Medicine)<br />

John W. Churchman, M.D.,<br />

Professor of Experimental<br />

Therapeutics, Department of<br />

Medicine $6,500.00 $6,500.00<br />

Bacteriologist 2,500.00 2,520.00 $20.00<br />

Laboratory Supplies 1,000.00 1,000.00<br />

Laboratory Helper 1,000.00 700.00 300.00<br />

Stenographic Assistance 500.00 780.00 280.00<br />

$11,500.00 $11,500.00 $300.00 $300.00<br />

Department of Anatomy<br />

(Research Farm)<br />

Scientific Associate $3,000.00 $3,000.00<br />

Manager of Farm $1,800.00 $1,800.00<br />

1 Foreman and Kennelmaster 1,800.00 1,800.00<br />

One Kennelmaster 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Unskilled Helper 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Unskilled Helper 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

One Kennelman 1,800.00 1,800.00<br />

1 Helper and Cook 1,000.00 1,080.00 80.00<br />

Two Kennel and Farm Helpers.. 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

One Laboratory Helper 420.00 420.00<br />

Food for dogs 1,800.00 4,800.00 3,000.00<br />

Maintenance of Farm House<br />

and Feeding Employees 3,000.00 3,600.00 600.00<br />

Purchase of Pedigreed and<br />

Registered dogs, mating,<br />

etc... 5,000.00 3,600.00 1,400.00<br />

Minor buildings and altering<br />

runs, kennels, etc<br />

Research Apparatus and<br />

1,500.00 2,200.00 700.00<br />

Sup-<br />

Supplies 2,500.00 1,800.00 700.00<br />

Expendable<br />

etc<br />

supplies, chemicals,<br />

1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Insurance,<br />

gencies<br />

upkeep and contin<br />

1,800.00 1,500.00 300.00<br />

$25,000.00 $25,000.00 $10,800.00 $10,800.00

2o85<br />


Proposed Budget for Year 1929-1930<br />

Estimated Income from Patients $328,000.00<br />

Estimated Expenditures General and Medical Administra<br />

tion (Schedule A) $135,164.00<br />

Estimated Expenditures Clinic Departments (Schedule B).. 198,432.00<br />

Total Estimated Operating Expenditures 333,596.00<br />

Estimated Operating Deficit 5,596.00<br />

Charge by College to Clinic, Rent, etc 20,'750.00<br />

Total Estimated Deficit $26,346.00<br />


Note : For details under different headings see Schedules B and C.<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase<br />

1. Office Dir. of Clinic<br />

2. Office Ch. Clin. Executive<br />

$ 13,800.00<br />

4,680.00<br />

$ 11,364.00<br />

4,800.00<br />

$ 264.00<br />

120.00<br />

3. Social Service 6,900.00 6,900.00<br />

4. Clin. Admin. Studies 2,280.00 2,280.00<br />

5. Registration and Appointments 12,340.00 11,600.00 1,920.00<br />

6. History and Records 8,820.00 11,520.00 2,700.00<br />

7. Stenographic Service 9,020.00 7,200.00 2,400.00<br />

8. Business Office 15,050.00 15,170.00 120.00<br />

9. Housekeeping 12.540.00 12,060.00 600.00<br />

10. Clinic Telephone Service 1,120.00 1,120.00<br />

11. Pharmacy 5,070.00 5.070.00<br />

12. Diet Classes<br />

13. General Expenses, Clinic Sup<br />

2,080.00 2080.00<br />

Decrease<br />

$ 2,700.00<br />

4,220.00<br />

1,080.00<br />

plies (See Schedule C) 47,900.00 44.000.00 5,150.00 9,050.00<br />

$132,420.00 $135,164.00 $22,454.00 $19,710.00<br />


Note: For details under each department see Schedule E.<br />

Medicine $ 40,920.00 $ 39,300.00 $ 1,440.00 $ 3,060.00<br />

Gastro Enterologv 14,260.00<br />

Pediatrics 3,950.00<br />

Health 4,302.00<br />

Surgery 7,560.00<br />

Gynecology 11,310.00<br />

Dental Surgery 4,700.00<br />

Xeurology<br />

9,730.00<br />

Psychiatry 8,820.00<br />

Skin '. 13,240.00<br />

Urology 11,670.00<br />

Eve 8,538.00<br />

Ear 9,288.00<br />

Xose and Throat 11,893.00<br />

Orthopedic Surgery 7,986.00<br />

Physiotherapy<br />

1,730.00<br />

X-ray Service 11,780.00<br />

Central Laboratory<br />

Medical Vacation<br />

4,530.00<br />

16,870.00 2,610.00<br />

5,960.00 2,010.00<br />

4,710.00 1,500.00 1,092.00<br />

7,270.00 60.00 35O.0O<br />

11,470.00 160.00<br />

4,700.00<br />

7,372.00 600.00 2,958.00<br />

8,670.00 1,890.00 2,040.00<br />

13,016.00 976.00 1,200.00<br />

11,542.00 172.00 300.00<br />

7,780.00 243.00 1,000.00<br />

9,420.00 792.00 660.00<br />

12,732.00 834.00<br />

15,040.00 7,340.00 286.00<br />

1,730.00<br />

13,700.00 4,260.00 2,340.00<br />

5,880.00 1,350.00<br />

3,000.00 3,000.00<br />

$186,212.00 $198,432.00 $29,236.00 $17,016.00

2o86<br />


1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

1 Office, Director of Clinic<br />

Director $9,000.00 $9,000.00<br />

Assistant 2,700.00 $2,700.00<br />

Secretary (Executive Asst.) 2,100.00 2,364.00 $264.00<br />

$13,800.00 $11,364.00 $264.00 $2,700.00<br />

2 Office, Chief CI. Executive<br />

Chief Clinic Executive $3,000.00 $3,000.00<br />

Secretary 1,680.00 1,800.00 $120.00<br />

$4,680.00 $4,800.00 $120.00<br />

3 Social Service<br />

Supervisor $2,700.00 $2,700.00<br />

Case Worker 2,300.00 2.300.00<br />

Case Worker 1,900.00 1,900.00<br />

$6,900.00 $6,900.00<br />

4 Clinic Administrative Studies<br />

Statistician $2,280.00 $2,280.00<br />

$2,280.00 $2,280.00<br />

5 Registration and Appointment<br />

Registrar $2,100.00 $2,280.00 $180.00<br />

Assistant Registrar 1,740.00 1,920.00 180.00<br />

Assistant Registrar 1,520.00 1,640.00 120.00<br />

Appointment Clerk (2) 2,880.00 1,500.00 1,380.00<br />

Appointment Clerk 1,440.00 1,440.00<br />

Appointment Clerk (2) 2,600.00 1,320.00 1.280.00<br />

Usher 1,500.00 1,500.00<br />

$12,340.00 $11,600.00 $1,920.00 $2,650.00<br />

6 History and Records<br />

Chief Record Clerk $2,200.00 $2,220.00 $20.00<br />

Assistant Record Clerk 1,420.00 1,420.00<br />

Assistant Record Clerk (4) 5,200.00 5,200.00<br />

Typist (2) 2,680.00 2,680.00<br />

$8,820.00 $11,520.00 $2,700.00<br />

7 Stenographic Service<br />

Stenographer, Chief $1,920.00 $1,680.00 $240.00<br />

Assistant Stenographer (2) 3,120.00 3,120.00<br />

Assistant Stenographer (2) 2,400.00 $2,400.00<br />

Typist 1,380.00 1,380.00<br />

Typist 1,300.00 1,300.00<br />

Typist 1,300.00 1,300.00<br />

$9,020.00 $7,200.00 $2,400.00 $4,220.00

Business Office<br />

2087<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Business Manager $1,500.00 $1,500.00<br />

Cashier 2,750.00 2,870.00 $120.00<br />

Assistants (2) 2,800.00 2,800.00<br />

Assistant 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Bookkeepers (3) 4,800.00 4,800.00<br />

Receiving Clerk, part time 380.00 380.00<br />

Stock Clerk 1,320.00 1,320.00<br />

Auditor, part time 300.00 300.00<br />

$15,050.00 $15,170.00 $120.00<br />

Housekeeping<br />

Housekeeper, part time $ 600.00 $ 600.00<br />

Porters 7,560.00 6,480.00 $1,080.00<br />

Attendant, Evening, part time 120.00 120.00<br />

Cleaners (3) 1,740.00 1,740.00<br />

Cleaner, part time 600.00 600.00<br />

Laundryman 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Laundress, part time 480.00 480.00<br />

Plumber and Electrician, part<br />

time 840.00 840.00<br />

Clinic Service<br />

Telephone Operator $1,000.00 $1,000.00<br />

Night Engineer, part time 120.00 120.00<br />

$12,540.00 $12,060.00 $600.00 $1,080.00<br />

$1,120.00 $1,120.00<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Pharmacist $2,400.00 $2,400.00<br />

Assistant Pharmacist 1,800.00 1,800.00<br />

Relief Pharmacist 150.00 150.00<br />

Helper 720.00 720.00<br />

Diet Classes<br />

$5,070.00 $5,070.00<br />

Dietitian $ 600.00 $ 600.00<br />

Rent 1,250.00 1,250.00<br />

Cleaner,<br />

Gas<br />

part time 60.00 60.00<br />

Electricity<br />

Telephone 30.00 30.00<br />

Breakage 25.00 25.00<br />

Food Supplies. 115.00 115.00<br />

$2,080.00 $2,080.00

2o88<br />


Note: Item "13", Schedule A.<br />

Prmting<br />

Postage<br />

Stationery and other Supplies<br />

Linen, Gowns, Coats, etc<br />

Housekeeping Supplies<br />

Building Repairs<br />

Furniture Repairs<br />

Lamps and Fixtures<br />

1928-1929<br />

$2,800.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

1,00000<br />

900.00<br />

1,200.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

900.00<br />

150.00<br />

1929-1930<br />

$2,400.00<br />

850.00<br />

1,250.00<br />

450.00<br />

700.00<br />

800.00<br />

800.00<br />

150.00<br />

Increase<br />

$250 00<br />

Decrease<br />

$400.00<br />

15000<br />

450 00<br />

50000<br />

20000<br />

100 00<br />

Drugs and Medical Supplies 4,700.00 5,700.00 1,000.00<br />

X-ray Supplies 6,500.00 8,500.00 2,000.00<br />

Laboratory Supplies 500.00 500.00<br />

Instrument Repairs.. 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00<br />

Xew Equipment 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,50000<br />

Telephone 2,000.00 2,000.00<br />

Traveling Expenses 300.00 300.00<br />

Heat, Light, etc 3,600.00 4,200.00 600.00<br />

Incidental Expenses 100.00 30000 200.00<br />

Emergencies 750.00 500.00 250.00<br />

Vacations, Non-Medical Staff 5,500.00 4,500.00 1,000.00<br />

Special Pension Fund 600.00 600.00<br />

Contingent Fund 7,500.00 4,000.00 3,500.00<br />

$47,900.00 $44,000.00 $5,150.00 $9,050.00<br />


Medicine<br />

Chief $2,000.00 $2,000.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 21,000.00 21,900.00 $900.00<br />

Clinic Executives 7,000.00 5,280.00 $1,720.00<br />

Nurses 4,800.00 5,340.00 540.00<br />

Technicians 2,000.00 1,260.00 740.00<br />

Clerks (3) 4,120.00 3,520.00 600.00<br />

$40,920.00 $39,300.00 $1,440.00 $3,060.00<br />

Gastro Enterology<br />

Medical Staff $9,000.00 $10,350.00 $1,350.00<br />

Clinic Executive 1,360.00 1,420.00 60.00<br />

Xurses (2),<br />

part time 1,800.00 3,000.00 1,200.00<br />

Clerk 1,440.00 1,440.00<br />

Clerk, part time 660.00 660.00<br />

$14,260.00 $16,870.00 $2,610.00<br />

Pediatrics<br />

Chief $1,500.00 $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 1,550.00 2,000.00 $450.00<br />

Clinic Executive, part time<br />

Nurse, part time<br />

Clerk, part time<br />

900.00 900.00<br />

900.00<br />

660.00<br />

900.00<br />

660.00<br />

$3,950.00 $5,960.00 $2,010.00

Health Examinations<br />

2089<br />

1928-1929<br />

Chief in charge<br />

Assistant Medical Staff $2,652.00<br />

Clinic Executive, part time 900.00<br />

Nurse, part time 750.00<br />

Clerk, part time<br />

$4,302.00<br />

Surgery<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 3,600.00<br />

Xurse, Clinic Executive 1,800.00<br />

Clerk, part time 660.00<br />

$7,560.00<br />

Gynecology<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 4,200.00<br />

Clinic Executive 2,100.00<br />

Xurses (2) 2,850.00<br />

Clerk, part time 660.00<br />

$11,310.00<br />

Dental Service<br />

Medical Staff $2,500.00<br />

Clinic Executive 1,000.00<br />

Technician (Dental Hygiene) 1,20000<br />

$4,700.00<br />

Neurology<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 3,200.00<br />

Clinic Executive 2,400.00<br />

Case Worker 950.00<br />

Stenographer<br />

Clerk, part time<br />

_ 1,680.00<br />

$9,730.00<br />

Psychiatry<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00<br />

-<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 1,580.00<br />

Clinic Executive<br />

2,100.00<br />

Case Worker 1,000.00<br />

Clerk-Stenographer 1,440.00<br />

Clerk 1,200.00<br />

$8,820.00<br />

Skin<br />

Chief of Clinic<br />

$1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 4,600.00<br />

Clinic Executive<br />

1,800.00<br />

Technician Nurse<br />

2,100.00<br />

Technician Xurse<br />

1,800.00<br />

L440.00<br />

Clerk -<br />

$13,240.00<br />

1929-1930<br />

$1,500.00<br />

1,560.00<br />

900.00<br />

750.00<br />

$1,50000<br />

3,250.00<br />

1,860.00<br />

660.00<br />

$7,270.00<br />

$1,500.00<br />

4,300.00<br />

2,160.00<br />

2,850.00<br />

660.00<br />

Increase<br />

$1,500.00<br />

60.00<br />

$100.00<br />

60.00<br />

$11,470.00 $160.00<br />

$2,500.00<br />

1,000.00<br />

1,200.00<br />

$4,700.00<br />

$1,500.00<br />

3,172.00<br />

2,100.00<br />

600.00 600.00<br />

Decrease<br />

$1,092.00<br />

$4,710.00 $1,500.00 $1,092.00<br />

$350.00<br />

L00 $350.00<br />

$ 28.00<br />

300.00<br />

950.00<br />

1,680.00<br />

$7,372.00 $600.00 $2,958.00<br />

$1,500.00<br />

2,100.00 $520.00<br />

2,520.00 420.00<br />

1,950.00 950.00<br />

600.00<br />

1,440.00<br />

600.00<br />

$8,670.00 $1,890.00 $2,040.00<br />

$1,500.00<br />

5,096.00 $496.00<br />

2,100.00 300.00<br />

1,800.00 $300.00<br />

900.00 900.00<br />

1,620.00 180.00<br />

$13,016.00 $976.00 $1,200.00

Urology<br />

2090<br />

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 3,750.00 3,802.00 $52.00<br />

Clinic Executive 2,220.00 1,920.00 $300.00<br />

Nurse 1,800.00 1,800.00<br />

Nurse (attendant) 1,500.00 1,620.00 120.00<br />

Clerk, part time 900.00 900.00<br />

$11,670.00 $11,542.00 $172.00 $300.00<br />

Eye<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 4,250.00 4,420.00 $170.00<br />

Clinic Executive 1,000.00 $1,000.00<br />

Nurse 1,128.00 1,200.00 72.00<br />

Clerk 660.00 660.00<br />

$8,538.00 $7,780.00 $242.00 $1,000.00<br />

Ear<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 4,400.00 4,420.00 20.00<br />

Clinic Executive 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00<br />

Nurse 1,128.00 1,200.00 72.00<br />

Clerk 660.00 $660.00<br />

Attendant 600.00 600.00<br />

$9,288.00 $9,220.00 $592.00 $660.00<br />

Nose and Throat<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 6,750.00 6,864.00 $114.00<br />

Clinic Executive 1,800.00 1,860.00 60.00<br />

Nurse 1,128.00 1,128.00<br />

Clerk 720.00 1,380.00 660.00<br />

$11,898.00 $12,732.00 $834.00<br />

Orthopedics and Physiotherapy<br />

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 2,000.00 2,080.00 $80.00<br />

Nurse and Clin. Executive 1,320.00 1,320.00<br />

Masseur 900.00 900.00<br />

Masseuse 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Masseuse<br />

Masseuse,<br />

1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Attendant-Clerk 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Attendant 1,200.00 1,200.00<br />

Doorman 1,080.00 1,080.00<br />

part time 766.00 480.00 $286.00<br />

Runners (2) 2,160.00 2,160.00<br />

Cleaner, part time 720.00 720.00<br />

Physiotherapy<br />

$7,986.00 $15,040.00 $7,340.00 $286.00<br />

and Massage<br />

Masseur<br />

Masseuse<br />

$ 600.00<br />

480.00<br />

$600.00<br />

480.00<br />

Clerk and Attendant 650.00 650.00<br />

$1,730.00<br />


X-Ray Service<br />

2091<br />

1928-<br />

1929 1929-1910 Increase Decrease<br />

Chief of Clinic $3,840.00 $4,500.00 $660.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff 2,700.00 1,800.00 $900.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff (Skin).. 900.00 $900.00<br />

Asst. Med. Staff (Gastro) (1)<br />

Clinic Exec, and Nurse 2,040.00 2,040.00<br />

Technician 2,000.00 2,000.00<br />

Technician 1,800.00 1,800.00<br />

Stenographer and Clerk 1,440.00 1,440.00<br />

Clerk, part time 660.00 660.00<br />

$11,780.00 $13,700.00 $4,260.00 $2,340.00<br />

(1) Adjustments made from time to time in accordance with number of staff<br />

assigned temporarily to make fluoroscopic examinations, such funds being trans<br />

ferred from the appropriation for Gastroenterology Service.<br />

Clinic Laboratory<br />

Chief of Service $1,200.00 $1,200.00<br />

Technician $1,920.00 1,920.00<br />

Technician 1,860.00 1,860.00<br />

Serologist 750.00 900.00 150.00<br />

Medical Vacation<br />

$4,530.00 $5,880.00 $1,350.00<br />

Assistant Medical Staff $3,000.00 $3,000.00<br />

$3,000.00 $3,000.00

2092<br />


June 8th, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees Farrand, Chairman; J. DuPratt White, Miller,<br />

Ten Eyck, Pratt, Pyrke, Witter, Newman ; Deans Mann and Moore ;<br />

Directors Hedrick and Van Rensselaer ; Faculty Representatives<br />

Fish, Kruse and Thompson, and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustee Taylor and his absence ex<br />

cused.<br />

Action was taken and recommendations made to the Board of<br />

Trustees as follows :<br />

New York State Veterinary College<br />

1. Dean Moore made a report on the past development and future<br />

needs of the New York State Veterinary College.<br />

2. The President,<br />

on behalf of the Council and the Veterinary<br />

College, expressed to Dean Moore the deep appreciation felt for his<br />

many years of service in behalf of the <strong>University</strong> and Veterinary<br />

College.<br />

3. A gift of $7,950, secured through the efforts of Dr. Frank H.<br />

Miller for the purpose of increasing the endowment of the Roswell<br />

P. Flower Library,<br />

4. A gift of $1,000,<br />

was reported.<br />

secured through the efforts of Dr. Frank H<br />

Miller to endow a prize of $50.00 to be awarded annually by the<br />

Department of Materia Medica and Small Animal Clinic, and to be<br />

known as the Charles Gross Bondy Prize, was also reported.<br />

5. It was recommended that the President be empowered to take<br />

such action as he may deem advisable toward securing the benefits of<br />

one of the State Pension Systems for the employees of the State<br />

institutions under the control of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

6. It was recommended that the name of the Roswell P. Flower<br />

Library be changed to the Flower Veterinary Library.<br />

7. A three<br />

months'<br />

leave of absence without prejudice to salary<br />

was approved and recommended for Miss H. H. Haight, this leave<br />

to be taken some time during the next academic year.<br />

8. Dean Moore reported a plan of co-operative work between the<br />

Federal Bureau of Animal Industry and the Veterinary College on

2093<br />

infectious abortion, whereby the Bureau is to furnish the sum of<br />

$3,500 for salaries during the coming year, and it was recommended<br />

that Dr. A. G. Gierke be appointed Instructor at $2,500 and that<br />

Doctors R. R. Birch and H. L. Gilman each receive the sum of $500<br />

from the appropriation made by the Federal Bureau.<br />

9. It was recommended that the payment of the rent of a house<br />

at the Veterinary Experiment Station for the Superintendent of the<br />

Station be made by the College from the income funds of the Sta<br />

tion.<br />

10. It was recommended that the lump<br />

sum appropriation of<br />

$46,000 for the investigation of diseases be divided approximately as<br />

follows :<br />

(a) Investigation of diseases of swine and breeding ani<br />

mals ($15,000 requested)<br />

$14,500<br />

(b) Investigation of poultry diseases ($15,000 requested).... 14,500<br />

(c) Investigation of Johne's disease 5,000<br />

(d) Investigation of mastitis 5,000<br />

(e) Investigation of tuberculin reactions ($7,500 requested) 7,000<br />

11. The following<br />

expenditures to be made from the income of<br />

the revolving funds of the College were approved and recommended :<br />

(a) From the Income of the College:<br />

(b)<br />

1. For the expense of two members of the faculty to<br />

attend the annual meeting<br />

of the American Veteri<br />

nary Medical Association in Detroit in August, 1929.$150.00<br />

2. To aid in entertaining the New York State Veteri<br />

nary Medical Society at its annual meeting to be<br />

held at the College June 19 and 20 150.00<br />

3. For the publication of the proceedings of the Veteri<br />

nary<br />

Conference 500.00<br />

4. For Dr. Earl Sunderville for making<br />

much needed<br />

changes in the museum during the summer 500.00<br />

From the Income of the Departments:<br />

To continue the research work and maintain the<br />

clinics, necessary for teaching purposes, through the<br />

summer.<br />

1. Ambulatory Clinic<br />

D. H. Udall, \Y2<br />

M. G. Fincher, 2 months<br />

months $833.33<br />

722.22<br />

W. J. Gibbons, 2 months 477.76

2. Small Animal Clinic<br />

2094<br />

H. J. Milks, \Y2 months 833.33<br />

H. C. Stephenson, 2 months 611.10<br />

3. Surgical and Consulting Clinic<br />

J. N. Frost, 1 month 555.55<br />

J. Maurer, V/2 months 383.33<br />

4. Farriery<br />

Henry Asmus, 2 months 577.76<br />

5. Veterinary Experiment Station<br />

J. W. Benner, 1 month 372.22<br />

(c) From Special Research Funds<br />

1. Johne's Disease<br />

W. A. Hagan, V/2 months 666.66<br />

2. Poultry<br />

E. L. Brunett, 2 months 564.44<br />

C. E. Hayden, 1 month 361.11<br />

12. Expenditures heretofore made from income funds of the<br />

College were approved as follows :<br />

State Fair, 1928 $150.00<br />

Printing report of Conference 150.00<br />

For additional clerical work and equipment 550.00<br />

$850.00<br />

13. The budget of the New York State Veterinary College for<br />

the year 1929-30, totaling $178,955, was approved as presented for<br />

recommendation to the Board of Trustees.<br />

New York State College of Home Economics<br />

14. The following<br />

were reported :<br />

resignations of Home Demonstration Agents<br />

Name County Date<br />

Anna R. Willman (Asst.) Tompkins January 31<br />

Eloise Irish Schuyler April 8<br />

Frances Hook Tompkins April 8<br />

Mildred Neff Madison April 15<br />

15. The following<br />

appointments of Home Demonstration Agents<br />

made by the respective county organizations were reported for record<br />

as follows :

2095<br />

Capper<br />

Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham County<br />

Martha Parrott Warren Feb. 1 $1800 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600<br />

Frances L. Hook Tompkins Feb. 6 1800 $1800<br />

Ruth L. Bond Ulster March 15 1500 1500<br />

Eloise Irish Franklin April 9 2200 600 600 200 800<br />

Frances Hook Schuyler April 9 1800 600 600 600<br />

Janice M. Dorr (Asst.) Onondaga May 1 1800 1800<br />

Janet Cameron Allegany May 1 2600 1800 600 200<br />

Ann P. Duncan Broome June 1 2700 2100 600<br />

Ada C. Hall Cayuga May 1 1900 1300 600<br />

Gladys Adams Chenango May 1 1900 1300 600<br />

Orilla Wright Delaware May 1 2200 1600 600<br />

Frances Holbrook Erie June 1 3000 900 600 1500<br />

Eloise Irish Franklin Mayl 2200 1400 600 200<br />

Olive Foster Jefferson June 1 2600 2000 600<br />

Olive P. Deal Lewis May 1 1900 1300 600<br />

Jane S. Becker Monroe June 1 2500 900 600 1000<br />

Frances Scudder Oswego May 1 2100 1200 600 300<br />

Estelle Jones Saratoga May 1 2200 1600 600<br />

Doris Wadsworth Wayne May 1 2200 1600 600<br />

Helen Paine Wyoming June 1 2000 1400 600<br />

Ruth E. Boise Yates June 1 2000 1400 600<br />

16. Minor changes in the staff oi: the New York State College of<br />

Home Economics made since the last regular meeting of the: Coun-<br />

cil by the Dean under authority given him,<br />

as follows :<br />

were repo rted and ratified<br />

Assistants<br />

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund<br />

R. A. Rose Assistant Hotel Administration Feb. 1-June 30 $250.00 Hotel<br />

A. C. Hunt Assistant Hotel Administration Feb. 1-June 30 200.00 State<br />

K. W. Baker Assistant Hotel Administration Feb. 1-June 30 200.00 Hotel<br />

Clement Rynalski Assistant Hotel Engineering Feb. 1-June 30 200.00 Hotel<br />

Ida H. McCartney Assistant Home Economics Feb. 16 70.00 mo . State<br />

Margaret J. McArthur Assistant Household Management March 1 17.50 mo . State<br />

(Part time)<br />

W. R. Needham Assistant Hotel Administration May 1-June 30 60.00 mo . Hotel<br />

Instructors<br />

Resignations:<br />

Name Positio n Department Date<br />

Miriam J. Bartlett Instructor Home Economics J une 30<br />

Helen M. Taylor Extension Instructor Home Economics J une 30<br />

Appointments:<br />

Name Position Department .Date Salary Fund<br />

Mrs. Elva C. Campbell Instructor Home Economics Dec. 22-Feti. 7 $2250 College<br />

Rachael W. Sanders Instructor Home Economics Feb. 18-June 30 2250 State<br />

Mrs. B. C. Eastman Instructor April 1 Home Economics 1350 L.S.R.M.

2096<br />

17. The following appointments of County Home Demonstration<br />

Agents made by the respective county organizations were reported<br />

for record and the allocations of Federal and State funds approved<br />

as follows, effective July 1st, 1929:<br />

Name County<br />

Janet Cameron Allegany<br />

Ann Phillips Duncan Broome<br />

Charlotte Culver Cattaraugus<br />

Ada Hall Cayuga<br />

Marj orie Bunting<br />

G. Dorothy Williams Chemung<br />

Gladys Adams Chenango<br />

Chautauqua<br />

Lois Doren Cortland<br />

Orrilla Wright Delaware<br />

Frances Holbrook Erie<br />

Eloise Irish Franklin<br />

Elizabeth Coon Genesee<br />

Grace H. Smith Herkimer<br />

Olive Foster Jefferson<br />

Olive P. Deal Lewis<br />

Jane Snow Becker Monroe<br />

Florence Elrey Nassau<br />

Laura Ray Niagara<br />

A. Ruth Jonas Oneida<br />

Eileen S. Androus Onondaga<br />

Virginia S. Brewster Ontario<br />

J. Waldene Hine Orleans<br />

Frances Scudder Oswego<br />

Alice Bosserman Otsego<br />

Mabel Milhan St. Lawrence<br />

Estelle Jones Saratoga<br />

Frances Hook Schuyler<br />

Lois A. Douque Steuben<br />

Kathleen McBride Suffolk<br />

Ethel Olsen Tioga<br />

Sara Kerr Tompkins<br />

Evelyn Nance Ulster<br />

Martha Parrot Warren<br />

Doris Wadsworth Wayne<br />

Helen M. Paine Wyoming<br />

Ruth E. Boies Yates<br />

Mrs. Katherine Britt Buffalo City<br />

Georgie Watkins Rochester City<br />

Margaret Tuttle Syracuse City<br />

(Acting Agent)<br />

Salary<br />

$2400<br />

2700<br />

2200<br />

1900<br />

2300<br />

2400<br />

1900<br />

1800<br />

2200<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

2300<br />

2400<br />

2600<br />

1900<br />

2500<br />

3000<br />

2400<br />

2600<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

2000<br />

1800<br />

2700<br />

2700<br />

2200<br />

1800<br />

2500<br />

3000<br />

2100<br />

2600<br />

2600<br />

2000<br />

2200<br />

2000<br />

2000<br />

3000<br />

3500<br />

1900<br />

State Lever<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

County<br />

$1200<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

700<br />

1100<br />

1200<br />

700<br />

600<br />

1000<br />

1800<br />

800<br />

1100<br />

1200<br />

1400<br />

700<br />

1300<br />

1800<br />

1200<br />

1400<br />

1300<br />

800<br />

800<br />

600<br />

1500<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

600<br />

1300<br />

1800<br />

900<br />

1400<br />

1400<br />

800<br />

1000<br />

800<br />


18. The following<br />

2097<br />

resignations were reported :<br />

Miss Adelaide Barts as Assistant State Leader of Home Demon<br />

stration Agents, effective January 31, 1929.<br />

Miss Helen B. Kay, Extension Assistant Professor of Home Eco<br />

nomics, effective June 30, 1929.<br />

19. It was recommended that Lillian Shaben be appointed as<br />

Acting Extension Assistant Professor of Home Economics from<br />

March 25, 1929, to June 30, 1929, with salary at the rate of $277.77<br />

per month on Capper-Ketcham funds.<br />

20. The retirement of Miss Annette J. Warner as Professor of<br />

Home Economics was reported, effective June 30th, 1929, and it was<br />

recommended that Miss Warner be appointed Professor of Home<br />

Economics, Emeritus, effective July 1, 1929.<br />

21. It was recommended that the following changes in title be<br />

made, effective July 1st, 1929:<br />

Miss Muriel Brasie, from Acting Assistant Professor to Assistant<br />

Professor.<br />

Dr. Edith H. MacArthur, from Acting Assistant Professor to As<br />

sistant Professor.<br />

Miss Marion C. Pfund, from Acting Assistant Professor to Assistant<br />

Professor.<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Barnard Scott, from Acting Assistant Professor to<br />

Assistant Professor.<br />

22. It was recommended that Dr. Helen Bull be appointed as Act<br />

ing Professor of Home Economics for the year beginning July 1st,<br />

1929, at a salary of $2,000 a year for half time service.<br />

23. Sabbatic leave of absence was recommended for Assistant<br />

Professor Dora H. Erway of the Department of Household Art of<br />

the Colloge of Home Economics, for the second semester of the<br />

year 1929-30.<br />

24. The budget for the New York State College of Home Eco<br />

nomics for the year 1929-30, totaling $906,751.41, was approved as<br />

presented for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.<br />

New York State College of Agriculture<br />

25. The following resignations of County Agricultural Agents<br />

and County Club Agents were reported for record :

Name<br />

H. L. Hoyt (Assistant)<br />

G. F. Britt<br />

C. I. Bowman (Assistant)<br />

O. G. Agne<br />

E. C. Masten<br />

W. R. Rafferty<br />

F. C. Essick<br />

F. W. Schubert<br />

G. H. Use<br />

P. W. Thayer (Assistant)<br />

2098<br />

County Agricultural Agents<br />

County<br />

Oneida<br />

Genesee<br />

Orleans<br />

Jefferson<br />

Nassau<br />

Orleans<br />

County Club Agents<br />

Chemung<br />

Nassau<br />

Albany<br />

Tompkin;<br />

Date<br />

November 15<br />

March 31<br />

March 16<br />

March 31<br />

February 28<br />

June 30<br />

January 31<br />

February 28<br />

June 15<br />

June 15<br />

26. The following appointments of County Agricultural Agents<br />

were reported for record and the allocations of Federal and State<br />

funds approved as follows :<br />

County Agricultural Agents<br />

Capper-<br />

Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham County<br />

D. L. Hayes Madison Mar. 1-June 30 $3000 $ 900 $ 600 $1500<br />

C. M. Slack Washington Mar. 1-June 30 2500 900 600 1000<br />

G. R. Czirr Clinton Mar. 1-June 30 2500 1140 600 760<br />

Russell Rafferty Orleans March 16 1800 900 900<br />

W. S. Salisbury Ulster April 1 1800 600 300 900<br />

(Assistant)<br />

(Spiray Service)<br />

G. R. Shapley Genesee April 1 1800 600 600 600<br />

(Assistant)<br />

(Farm Bureau)<br />

C. I. Bowman Genesee April 1 2500 600 600 1300<br />

E. C. Masten Nassau Feb. 1-Mar. 15 1800 1800<br />

(Assistant)<br />

Russell Rafferty Orleans Feb. 18-Mar.15 1800 1800<br />

(Assistant)<br />

E. C. Masten Jefferson March 1- 2500 2500<br />

April 1 2500 600 600 1300<br />

N. F. Smith Livingston April 1-June 30 1500 1200 300<br />

(Assistant)<br />

H. L. Page Oswego April 1 1800 1200 600<br />

S. R. Shapley Genesee April 1 1800 1200 600<br />

R. B. Russell Cattaraugus April 24 1500 1500<br />

(Assistant)<br />

E. H. Clark Oneida May 1 1800 300 1500<br />


Name<br />

A. H. Mead<br />

Hazel S. Dunn<br />

Elizabeth Wooley<br />

(Assistant)<br />

E. C. Grant<br />

L C. Pratt<br />

J. A. Lennox<br />

Allen Pomeroy<br />

A. B. Woodard<br />

G. D. Musser<br />

H. L. Case<br />

E. B. Fuller<br />

E. L. Cleeland<br />

(Associate)<br />

P. W. Thayer<br />

(Assistant)<br />

S. B. Dorrance<br />

W. J. Dupree<br />

W. J. Chapman<br />

P. W. Thayer<br />

Promotions:<br />

D. M. Dalrymple<br />

H. P. Beals<br />

M. E. Thompson<br />

H. L. Vaughan<br />

H. L. Page<br />

(Assistant)<br />

R H. Hewitt<br />

County<br />

Columbia<br />

Schenectady<br />

Cortland<br />

Chemung<br />

Madison<br />

Delaware<br />

Otsego<br />

Ontario<br />

Orange<br />

Chenango<br />

Monroe<br />

Otsego<br />

Tompkins<br />

Cayuga<br />

Franklin<br />

Greene<br />

Albany<br />

Seneca<br />

Otsego<br />

Allegany<br />

Cortland<br />

Oswego<br />

Chemung<br />

099<br />

County Club Agents<br />

Date<br />

Feb. 15<br />

Feb. 4<br />

f Feb. 7<br />

{ Mar. 4<br />

I Mar. 5<br />

Feb. 18<br />

April 1<br />

April 1<br />

April 1<br />

April 1<br />

April 1<br />

April 1<br />

May 1<br />

April 1<br />

Salary Lever<br />

2000<br />

2200<br />

1200<br />

1500<br />

$3000 $ 600<br />

2000<br />

3200 1800<br />

2750 1200<br />

2200 1200<br />

3000 1080<br />

3300 1800<br />

2820 1200<br />

1800 600<br />

Capper-<br />

State Ketcham County<br />

600 1200 200<br />

600 1200 400<br />

1200<br />

600 900<br />

$ 600 $1800<br />

600 1200 200<br />

600 800<br />

600 950<br />

600 400<br />

600 1320<br />

600 900<br />

600 1020<br />

600 600<br />

May 1-June 30 1800 600 600 600<br />

May 1<br />

June 1<br />

May 1<br />

June 16<br />

1800<br />

1200<br />

1800<br />

2400 600<br />

County Agricultural Agents<br />

Jan. 1-<br />

June 30<br />

Mar. 1-<br />

June 30<br />

Mar. 1-<br />

June 30<br />

Mar. 1-<br />

June 30<br />

April 1<br />

F. E. Heinzelman Onondaga April 1-<br />

From $2000<br />

to 2300<br />

From<br />

to<br />

From<br />

to<br />

From<br />

to<br />

From<br />

to<br />

3300<br />

2400<br />

2700<br />

3000<br />

3300<br />

1500<br />

May 1- From 3200<br />

June 30 to 3800<br />

County Club Agents<br />

June 30<br />

From<br />

L. H. Westfal Oswego April 1 From<br />

C. W. Reed Jefferson May 1-<br />

June 30<br />

to<br />

to<br />

From<br />

to<br />

3000<br />

3200<br />

3000<br />

3200<br />

2600<br />

2800<br />

$ 900 $ 600<br />

900<br />

900<br />

900<br />

1800<br />

1200<br />

1800<br />

600 1200<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600<br />

600 600<br />

(Farm Bureau)<br />

1200 600<br />

% 800<br />

1800<br />

1200<br />

1800<br />

600<br />

2000<br />

1320 600 1280<br />

1320 600 1280<br />

1320 600 880

2IOO<br />

27. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of Agriculture made since<br />

the last regular meeting of the Council by the Dean under authority given him, were reported<br />

and ratified as follows :<br />

Resignations:<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

Name Position Department Date<br />

R. H. Bamer Horseman Animal Husbandry April 30<br />

Appointments :<br />

Salary Fund<br />

Name Position County Departmc nt Date Lever County<br />

C. V. R. Pond Field Asst. Dutchess Plant Path. April -June 30 $ 50 mo. $135.00<br />

C. K. Bullock Field Asst. Chautauqua Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 75.00<br />

M. N. Taylor Field Asst. Erie Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 258.33<br />

R. C. Coombs Field Asst. Monroe Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo.<br />

E.J.Hambleton Field Asst. Niag ara Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 212.50<br />

J. A. Evans Field Asst. Ontario Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 150.00<br />

Sidney Jones Field Asst. Oran O'p Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 125.00<br />

R. G. Palmer Field Asst. Orleans Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo.<br />

W. G. Been Field Asst. Suffolk Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 150.00<br />

W.S. Salisbury Field Asst. Ulster Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 75.00<br />

E. E. Frane Field Asst. Wayne Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo.<br />

C. C. Cornwall Experimental- Vegetable April '. 6 1500 State<br />

ist (12ths) Gardening<br />

W. Thomson Superintendent An. Husb. May 1 1500 State<br />

John Huson Superintendent An. Husb. June 3 1320 State<br />


Resignations :<br />

Name Position Date Department<br />

A. L. Rand Assistant Entomology February 28<br />

A. B. Dorrance Assistant Agronomy February 14<br />

Jeannette L. Fortier Assistant Rural Educatior March 31<br />

E. J. Hambleton Assistant Entomology March 31<br />

Bertha T. Nelson Assistant Rural Educatioi May 31<br />

Appointments.<br />

Name Position Department Date<br />

Salary Fund<br />

Mrs. Helen Craig Assistant Botany February 1 $ 750 State<br />

R. L. Payne Assistant Plant Pathology February 1 750 State<br />

G. B. Saunders Assistant Entomology<br />

(Ornithology)<br />

A. L. Lang<br />

Bertha T. Nelson<br />

Assistant<br />

Assistant<br />

Agronomy<br />

Rural Education<br />

March 1 750 State<br />

February<br />

April 1<br />

15 750<br />

675<br />

State<br />

Smith-<br />


Name<br />

A. J. Paulas<br />

Position<br />

Assistant<br />

R. G. Thompson Assistant<br />

V. S. L. Pate<br />

H. E. Hill<br />

Paul Beers<br />

Don B. Creager<br />

Resignations:<br />

Name<br />

R. A. Laubengayer<br />

J. G. Horsfall<br />

H. S. Mills<br />

S. E. A. McCallan<br />

R. B. Farnham<br />

L E. Longley<br />

Appointments:<br />

Name<br />

B. H. Belknap<br />

E. O. Storm<br />

K. C. Howlett<br />

K. G. Parker<br />

W. H. Long<br />

L. M. Vaughan<br />

A. J. Beyleveld<br />

M. A. AlcMaster<br />

T. E. LaMont<br />

Assistant<br />

Research Asst.<br />

Assistant Soil<br />

Surveyor<br />

Research Asst.<br />

Position<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Position<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

2101<br />

Department Date<br />

Rural Education April 1<br />

Floriculture<br />

Entomology<br />

Botany<br />

Agronomy<br />

May 1-June 30<br />

April 1-May 31<br />

April 20-June 30<br />

May 15-June 30<br />

Salary<br />

720<br />

810<br />

Fund<br />

Smith-<br />

Hughes<br />

State<br />

750 State<br />

850 State<br />

675 State<br />

Plant Pathology June 10-30 10 State<br />

Instructors<br />

Ext. Instructor Farm Management Feb. 15-March 15 175.00 mo. State<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

Instructor<br />

M. P. Catherwood Instructor<br />

Promotions:<br />

Mrs. Pauline Stark<br />

Anne T. Gordon<br />

B. H. Davis<br />

Georges Knaysi<br />

Department<br />

Agr'l Economics<br />

(Rural Economy)<br />

Agr'l Economics<br />

Plant Pathology<br />

Agr'l Economics<br />

Agr'l Economics<br />

Agr'l Economics<br />

Floriculture and<br />

Orn. Hort.<br />

Agr'l Economics<br />

Agr'l Economics<br />

Department<br />

Botany<br />

Plant Pathology<br />

Vegetable Gardening<br />

Plant Pathology<br />

Floriculture and Ornamen<br />

tal Horticulture<br />

Floriculture and Ornamen<br />

tal Horticulture<br />

Date<br />

January 31<br />

January 31<br />

February 28<br />

April 30<br />

March 20<br />

March 31<br />

Date Salary Fund<br />

Feb. 1-June 30 $ 133.33 mo. State<br />

Feb. 15-June 15 75.00 mo. State<br />

April 1 150.00 mo. State<br />

March 1-May 31 100.00 mo. State<br />

March 1 225.00 mo. State<br />

March 1-May 31 100.00 mo. State<br />

April 1 2400.00 State<br />

April 1-June 30 2025.00 :Purnell<br />

(full time)<br />

March 1-June 30 30 mo. Purnell<br />

Instructor Dairy Industry February 1 From 1200<br />

Assistant to Botany February 1 From 750<br />

to 1800 State<br />

Instructor to 1200 State<br />

Assistant to Plant Pathology February 1 From 750<br />

Instructor to 1000 State<br />

Instructor Dairy Industry March 1 From 1800<br />

to 2400 State

2102<br />

28. Sabbatic leaves of absence were granted as follows :<br />

H. E. Botsford, Extension Professor of Poultry Husbandry, for<br />

the academic years 1929-30.<br />

H. P. Cooper, Assistant Professor of Field Crops, for the second<br />

semester of 1929-30.<br />

A. J. Eames, Professor of Botany, for the second semester of<br />

1929-30.<br />

H. M. Fitzpatrick, Professor of Plant Pathology, for the second<br />

semester of the year 1929-30.<br />

C. H. Guise, Assistant Professor of Forestry, leave of absence<br />

without salary for the academic year 1929-30, and sabbatic leave of<br />

absence for the academic year 1930-31.<br />

29. The report of the execution of a special temporary fellowship<br />

agreement with the American Rose Society for the investigation of<br />

diseases of roses, with special reference to methods of control, was<br />

reported. Under this fellowship the American Rose Society has<br />

agreed to pay to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> the sum of $1,250 a year, for a<br />

period of two years beginning April 1, 1929.<br />

30. The report of the execution of a special temporary fellowship<br />

agreement with the Nassau County Farm Bureau Association for the<br />

conduct of investigations having to do with the diseases of truck<br />

crops was reported. Under this fellowship the Nassau County Farm<br />

Bureau Association has agreed to pay to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> the sum<br />

of $1,200 a year for a period of two years beginning April 1, 1929.<br />

31. It was recommended to the Board of Trustees that a commit<br />

tee be appointed to consider the inclusion in the industrial fellowship<br />

agreements of a provision requiring the turning over to the Univer<br />

sity of any patentable matters or discoveries which may arise in the<br />

process of the studies conducted under the fellowship.<br />

32. It was recommended that the following appointments be<br />

made:<br />

James E. Knott, Research Assistant Professor in the Department<br />

of Vegetable Gardening at a salary of $4,000, effective July 1, 1929.<br />

Allan Goodrich Newhall, Research Assistant Professor or Plant<br />

Pathology, effective August 1, 1929, at a salary of $3,500 a year.<br />

Frank Forrest Hill, Assistant Professor of Rural Economy at a<br />

salary of $4,500 a year, effective July 1, 1929.<br />

S. J. Brownell, Extension Assistant Professor of Animal Hus<br />

bandry at a salary of $3,600, effective October 1, 1929.<br />

Emanuel Fritz, Acting Professor of Forestry for the second<br />

semester of the year 1929-30, at a salary of $2,250.

2103<br />

Francis Irving Righter, Acting Assistant Professor of Forest<br />

Management for the academic year 1929-30, at a salary<br />

of $3,250.<br />

33. It was recommended that the Department of Meteorology be<br />

discontinued as a separate department and the work in Meteorology<br />

and Climatology be transferred to the Department of Agronomy,<br />

effective July 1, 1929.<br />

34. It was recommended that the title of Mr. George W. Parker,<br />

Managing Clerk and head of the business office in the College of<br />

Agriculture, be changed to that of Bursar.<br />

35. It was recommended that consideration be given by the Board<br />

of Trustees to the desirability of seeking legislation to admit the<br />

staffs of the state institutions at <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> to the benefits of<br />

the provisions of one of the State<br />

employees'<br />

retirements systems.<br />

36. Dean Mann reported concerning the legislation appropriating<br />

$30,000 ($25,000 for construction, $5,000 for administration) for a<br />

poultry improvement station to be located in Chemung County and<br />

to be administered by <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Owing to an error in this bill, which provides that the land to be<br />

accepted by the State shall be in the city of Elmira, it is impossible<br />

to proceed during the current year with the construction of this sta<br />

tion, and it is recommended to the Board that the necessary action<br />

be taken by the <strong>University</strong> to secure the proper amendments to the<br />

law at the next meeting of the Legislature to facilitate the adminis<br />

tration of this unit, and that such preliminary<br />

work in connection<br />

with securing the approval of the Attorney General to the title of<br />

the land proposed to be used be completed as soon as possible so that<br />

there may be no delay after the necessary amendments to the bill are<br />

secured.<br />

37. The Dean reported that the Legislature of 1929 had appro<br />

priated the sum of $475,000 for the construction of a central unit for<br />

a new Home Economics Building and had also appropriated funds<br />

for the construction of a new calf barn and for the preparation of<br />

plans for a new horiticultural laboratory at the New York State<br />

Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva.<br />

It was recommended that the Board take appropriate action to ex<br />

pedite the work.<br />

38. Dean Mann reported that the Conservation Commission of<br />

the State was interested in co-operating with <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> in<br />

expanding the fisheries researches now being carried on and that the<br />

Federal Bureau of Fisheries was also interested in establishing a

2104<br />

research laboratory near Ithaca, to be operated in connection with or<br />

under the supervision of the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

39. A report was made that under authorization given by the<br />

Council at its meeting on January 25, 1929,<br />

special fund estimates for<br />

which State appropriations are available are now before the State<br />

Architect for formal approval as follows :<br />

Six-foot concrete walk on Tower Road $ 1,883.13<br />

Animal Husbandry Department south of corridor,<br />

manufacturing<br />

section 31,698.68<br />

Dairy Industry Department, Part 11, north of<br />

corridor, manufacturing<br />

section 34,243.84<br />

Cinder concrete culvert and storm drain east of<br />

Judd Falls Road 3,082.00<br />

Laboratory and workroom, Vegetable Gardening... 6,469.06<br />

Machine storage and repair shed, Pomology De<br />

partment<br />

'<br />

4,856.93<br />

30-foot pavement Tower Road 38,443.81<br />

Total $120,677.45<br />

40. The following<br />

appointments for the Summer School of the<br />

Xew York State College of Agriculture, the Xew York State Col<br />

lege of Home Economics, and the Summer School of Biology are<br />

recommended :<br />

Summer School of Agriculture:<br />

Arthur Alien (Ornithology) $ 575.00<br />

Elsa Allen (Ornithology) 350.00<br />

Thomas L. Bayne, Jr. (Rural Education) 500.00<br />

Cora E. Binzel (Rural Education) 650.00<br />

William F. Bruce (Education) (part time)<br />

100.00<br />

Julian E. Butterworth (Rural Education) 750.00<br />

Minnie P. Carr (Rural Education) (part time) 337.50<br />

Arthur L. Carson (Secretary) (part time) 150.00<br />

Peter W. Claassen (Biology) 625.00<br />

Anna B. Comstock (Xature Study) 400.00<br />

Joshua A. Cope (Forestry) (part time) 525.00<br />

James E. Crouch (Ornithology) 200.00<br />

Ralph W. Curtis (Ornamental Horticulture) 700.00<br />

Ralph A. Felton (Rural Social Organization) 600.00<br />

Emery X. Ferriss (Rural Education) (part time) 562.50<br />

Albert M. Field (Rural Education) 700.00

Eva T. Gordon (Xature Study) _<br />

2105<br />

200.00<br />

Gordon O. Hall (Poultry Husbandry) (part time)<br />

100.00<br />

William J. Hamilton (Biology) 300.00<br />

Earl V. Hardenburg (Vegetable Gardening) 150.00<br />

V. B. Hart (Farm Management) 625.00<br />

Hazel Hicks (Rural Education) _ 400.00<br />

Edwin R. Hoskins (Rural Education) 500.00<br />

Chester J. Hunn (Ornamental Horticulture) 500.00<br />

John C. Hutter (Poultry Husbandry) 325.00<br />

Peter P. Kellogg (Nature Study) 200.00<br />

Paul J. Kruse (Rural Education) 750.00<br />

Lawrence H. MacDaniels (Pomology) (part time)<br />

225.00<br />

Bruce L. Melvin (Rural Social Organization) 600.00<br />

Lua A. Minns (Floriculture) 375.00<br />

Clyde B. Moore (Rural Education) 750.00<br />

Richard A. Mordoff (Meteorology) 575.00<br />

Walter C. Muenscher (Botany) 450.00<br />

Milton G. Nelson (Rural Education) (part time)<br />

250.00<br />

E. Laurence Palmer (Rural Education) 700.00<br />

James B. Palmer (Rural Education) 400.00<br />

George E. Peabody (Extension Teaching)<br />

425.00<br />

Frank A. Pearson (Marketing)<br />

700.00<br />

Joseph P. Porter (Ornamental Horticulture) 500.00<br />

Louis M. Roehl (Rural Engineering)<br />

E. Dwight Sanderson (Rural Social Organization)<br />

James M. Sherman (Dairy Industry) (part time)<br />

Edward W. Spry (Rural - Education)<br />

Clifford M. Stark _ (Bacteriology)<br />

Rolland M. Stewart (Rural _. Education)<br />

Homer C. Thompson (Vegetable Gardening)<br />

George F. Warren (Farm Management)<br />

Andrew L. Winsor (Rural Education)<br />

Louis E. Wolf (Entomology)<br />

Paul Work (Vegetable Gardening) _<br />

Summer School of Home Economics:<br />

Muriel Brasie (Clothing) (part time)<br />

Lucile Brewer (Foods)<br />

Dora W. Erway (Household Arts) (part time)<br />

Marie Fowler (Child Guidance)<br />

Irma Gross (Home Management) _<br />

Mary Henry (Human Nutrition)<br />

Edith McArthur (Nutrition) (part time)<br />

Lucile Marine (Child Guidance) _<br />

500.00<br />

750.00<br />

700.00<br />

600.00<br />

300.00<br />

1200.00<br />

400.00<br />

750.00<br />

500.00<br />

400.00<br />

625.00<br />

$350.00<br />

525.00<br />

225.00<br />

625.00<br />

_ 500.00<br />

575.00<br />

300.00<br />


2io6<br />

Claribel Nye (Family Life) (part time)<br />

Jennie E. Reece (Child Guidance) (part time)<br />

Marie A. Reed (Graduate Nurse) (part time)<br />

Katharine Reeves (Child Guidance)<br />

Ruth J. Scott (Clothing and Textiles) (part time)<br />

Lucile Spaulding (Nursery School)<br />

275.00<br />

100.00<br />

150.00<br />

325.00<br />

225.00<br />

300.00<br />

41. The following appointments are recommended for the Sum<br />

mer School in Hotel Administration, subject to cancellation if de<br />

mand and income do not warrant continuance :<br />

Jessie A. Boys (Foods), July 8 to July 27 *$250.00<br />

John Courtney (Hotel Administration)<br />

Katharine W. Harris (Foods), July 29 to August 16<br />

400.00<br />

Frank H. Randolph (Hotel Engineering) 650.00<br />

Allan H. Treman (Hotel Law), July 29 to August 16 400.00<br />

Richard S. Uhrbrock (Personnel Management), July 29 to<br />

August 16 325.00<br />

42. The following appointments are recommended for the 1929<br />

Summer Forestry Camp :<br />

S. N. Spring $500.00<br />

R. C. Bryant 500.00<br />

C. H. Guise 361.11<br />

Cook and Helper 138.89<br />

43. The appointment of County Agricultural Agents and County<br />

Club Agents for the year 1929-30 by the respective county organiza<br />

tions were reported, and the allocation of State and Federal funds<br />

approved as follows :<br />

County Agricultural Agents:<br />

Name County Salary Lever State County<br />

H. B. Davis Albany $3300 $ 600 $600 $2100<br />

M. E. Thompson Allegany 2500 600 600 1300<br />

T. C. Murray Broome 3000 600 600 1800<br />

C. N. Abbey Cattaraugus 3000 600 600 1800<br />

Charles L. Messer Cayuga 3000 600 600 1800<br />

K. E. Paine Chautauqua 3300 600 600 2100<br />

R. H. Hewitt Chemung 3200 600 600 2000<br />

K. D. Scott Chenango 3800 600 600 2600<br />

G. R. Czirr Clinton 2500 600 600 1300<br />

A. B. Buchholz Columbia 4000 600 600 2800<br />

H. L. Vaughn Cortland 3200 600 600 2000<br />

*$500 if repeated July 29 to August 16.

2107<br />

Name County Salary Lever State County<br />

C. G. Bradt Delaware 3500 600 600 2300<br />

A. L. Sheperd Dutchess 3300 600 600 2100<br />

R. F. Fricke Erie 4100 600 600 2900<br />

F. R. Smith Essex 2500 600 600 1300<br />

C. W. Radway Franklin 3240 600 600 2040<br />

H. L. Hoyt Fulton 2300 600 600 1100<br />

C. I. Bowman Genesee 2500 600 600 1300<br />

E. G. Brougham Greene 3180 780 600 1800<br />

J. S. White Herkimer 2700 600 600 1500<br />

E. C. Masten Jefferson 2500 600 600 1300<br />

J. C. Otis Lewis 3000 840 600 1560<br />

C. H. Fogg Livingston 2600 603 600 1400<br />

D. L. Hayes Madison 3000 600 600 1800<br />

E. D. Merrill Monroe 4500 600 600 3300<br />

C. M. Austin Montgomery 3400 600 600 2200<br />

H. H. Campbell Nassau 3100 600 600 1900<br />

L. A. Muckle Xiagara 4000 600 600 2800<br />

G. W. Bush Oneida 4000 603 600 2800<br />

D. D. Ward Onondaga 4000 600 600 2800<br />

R. W. Pease Ontario 3300 600 600 2100<br />

C. C. Davis Orange 3400 600 600 2200<br />

R. G. Palmer Orleans 3600 600 600 2400<br />

G. H. Brainard Oswego 3000 600 600 1800<br />

H. P. Beals Otsego 3200 600 600 2000<br />

J. D. King Rensselaer 3500 603 600 2300<br />

R. B. Mihalko Rockland 3000 600 600 1800<br />

L. H. Claus St. Lawrence 3000 600 600 1800<br />

H. B. Little Saratoga 3300 600 600 2100<br />

Clarence Johnson Schenectady 3000 600 600 1800<br />

R. F. Pollard Schoharie 3300 600 600 2100<br />

L. 0. Bond Schuyler 2740 840 600 1300<br />

D. M. Dalrymple Seneca 2300 900 600 800<br />

William S. Stempfle Steuben 3800 603 600 2600<br />

E. S. Foster Suffolk 3400 600 600 2200<br />

P. H. Allen Sullivan 3000 1080 600 1320<br />

A. R. Blanchard Tioga 2440 840 600 1000<br />

H. C. Morse Tompkins 2980 780 600 1600<br />

Albert Kurdt Ulster 2725 600 600 1525<br />

S. H. Fogg Warren 2680 780 600 1300<br />

C. M. Slack Washington 3000 600 030 1800<br />

M. E. Buckman Wayne 3000 600 600 1800<br />

J. G. Curtis Westchester 3500 603 600 2300<br />

L. H. Woodward Wyoming 3240 840 600 1800<br />

C. B. Raymond Yates 3240 840 600 1800

Assistant County Agents:<br />

Name<br />

R. F. Foote<br />

E. F. Graham<br />

C. K. Bullock<br />

J. E. Davis<br />

M. X. Taylor<br />

A. J. Collins<br />

S. R. Shapley<br />

N. F. Smith<br />

R. C. Coombs<br />

R. S. Granger<br />

E. H. Clark<br />

W. E. Fields<br />

W. R. Rafferty<br />

H. L. Page<br />

W. G. Been<br />

W. S. Salisbury<br />

E. F. Frane<br />

County Club Agents:<br />

Paul W. Thayer<br />

Samuel B. Dorrance<br />

Ernest C. Grant<br />

Harry L. Case<br />

Alden H. Mead<br />

Chalmer C. Henderson<br />

Elizabeth Woolley<br />

John A. Lennox<br />

H. H. Tozier, Jr.<br />

W. J. Dupree<br />

John D. Walker<br />

W. J. Chapman<br />

Charles W. Reed<br />

Russell B. Ace<br />

Leon C. Pratt<br />

E. B. Fuller<br />

Dorothy L. Powell<br />

Everdell G. Smith<br />

F. E. Heinzelman<br />

Arthur B. Woodard<br />

George D. Musser<br />

2108<br />

Spray<br />

Capper Serv<br />

County Salary Lever Kctcham County ice<br />

Allegany<br />

t<br />

$1800 $1800<br />

Cattaraugus 1800 600 $1200<br />

Chautauqua 2100 600 1200 $300<br />

Chautauqua 2400 $1200 1200<br />

Erie 3100 2800 300<br />

Erie 3000 600 600 1800<br />

Genesee 1800 1200 600<br />

Livingston 1800 900 900<br />

Monroe 3500 3200 300<br />

Monroe 1500 900 600<br />

Oneida 1800 300 1500<br />

Onondaga 2280 300 1980<br />

Orleans 1800 900 900<br />

Oswego 1800 1200 600<br />

Suffolk 2400 600 1500 300<br />

Ulster 1800 300 1200 300<br />

Wayne 2800 600 1900 300<br />

Albany $2400 $600 $600 $1200<br />

Cayuga 450(3 mos.) $450(3'< mos.)<br />

Chemung 3000 eoo 600 1800<br />

Chenango 3300 600 600 2100<br />

Columbia 2000 600 1200 200<br />

Cortland<br />

Cortland<br />

2400 600 1200 600<br />

Associate 1500 600 900<br />

Delaware 3200 600 600 2000<br />

Dutchess 3200 600 600 2000<br />

Franklin 200 200<br />

Genesee 2600 600 600 1400<br />

Greene 600 600<br />

Jefferson 2800 600 600 1600<br />

Livingston 2000 600 1200 200<br />

Madison 2000 600 1200 200<br />

Monroe 2820 600 600 1620<br />

Nassau 2800 600 600 1600<br />

Oneida 2800 600 600 1600<br />

Onondaga 3200 600 600 2000<br />

Ontario 2200 600 600 1000<br />

Orange 3000 600 600 1800

2109<br />

Capper-<br />

Name County Salary State Lever Ketcham County<br />

Leon H. Westfall Oswego 3200 600 600 2000<br />

Allen Pomeroy Otsego 2750 600 600 1550<br />

Edith L. Cleeland Otsego<br />

Assoc. 1800 600 1200<br />

Albert Hoefer Rensselaer 3500 600 600 2300<br />

Hazel S. Dunn Schenectady 2200 600 1200 400<br />

Robert 0. Bale Schuyler 2300 600 800 900<br />

E. W. Hoffman Tompkins 2600 600 600 1400<br />

Allison A. McKenzie Wyoming 2400 600 600 1200<br />

44. The budget for the New York State College of Agriculture<br />

for the year 1929-30, totaling $1,934,889.35,<br />

sented for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.<br />

was approved as pre<br />

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station<br />

45. It was recommended that the Division of Agronomy be discon<br />

tinued and that R. C. Collison, Chief in Research, and J. D. Harlan,<br />

Assistant in Research, be transferred to the Horticultural Division,<br />

and that the title of R. C. Collison be changed from Chief in Re<br />

search (Agronomy) to Chief in Research (Orchard Soil Investiga<br />

tions),<br />

and that of J. D. Harlan from Assistant in Research (Agron<br />

omy) to Assistant in Research (Orchard Soil Investigations).<br />

46. It was recommended that the experimental work in Poultry<br />

be discontinued at the Station, but that permission be granted to re<br />

tain a part of the poultry plant for the time being in charge of Poul-<br />

tryman O'Neill, at a salary of $1,500 a year.<br />

47. A report was made that the Chiefs in Research in the Divi<br />

sions of Horticulture, Botany and Entomology had compared the<br />

projects under way in their divisions with those in charge of similar<br />

work at <strong>Cornell</strong>,<br />

and that there is now no duplication of work be<br />

tween the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station and the<br />

New York State College of Agriculture in these divisions.<br />

The Chiefs in Research in Bacteriology, Dairying, and Chemistry<br />

are engaged at the present in co-ordinating their work with similar<br />

work at <strong>Cornell</strong> with a view to avoiding duplication.<br />

4S. It was recommended that Prof. P. J. Parrott be appointed<br />

Vice-Director and Chief in Research (Entomology)<br />

York State Agricultural Experiment Station, at a salary<br />

a year, with house, effective July 1, 1929.<br />

49. The following<br />

resignations were reported :<br />

of the New<br />

of $5,500<br />

James E. Mensching, Associate in Research (Agronomy), effective<br />

June 30, 1929.<br />

Viola Elver, Librarian, effective June 30, 1929.

21 IO<br />

50. The following retirements, effective June 30th, 1929, were<br />

reported :<br />

W. P. Wheeler, Associate in Research (Animal Husbandry).<br />

H. W. Hadlow, Superintendent of Buildings.<br />

51. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State Agricul<br />

tural Experiment Station made since the last regular meeting of the<br />

Council by the Dean, under authority given him,<br />

ratified as follows :<br />

were reported and<br />

Z. I. Kertesz, Assistant in Research (Chemistry), at a salary of<br />

$2,200 per annum, effective July 1, 1929.<br />

Frederick Borg, Librarian, at a salary of $1,800 a year, effective<br />

July 1, 1929.<br />

52. It was recommended that the following<br />

made :<br />

appointments be<br />

Bernhard R. Nebel, Associate in Research (Horticulture) at a<br />

salary of $3,000 a year, effective September 1, 1929.<br />

G. E. R. Hervey to be Associate in Research (Entomology)<br />

salary of $3,000 a year, effective July 1, 1929.<br />

53. Leaves of absence were recommended as follows :<br />

at a<br />

H. B. Tukey for a period of nine months beginning in September,<br />

1929, and ending in June, 1930,<br />

at half salary.<br />

C. B. Sayre, from about September 15, 1929, to February 1, 1930,<br />

at full salary.<br />

54. The following leases were reported for confirmation :<br />

Lease of laboratory space at Vassar College for use in connection<br />

with Hudson Valley Horticultural Investigations for 1929-30, at $360<br />

for the year.<br />

Lease of 28 acres of land, with buildings, at Fredonia, N. Y., from<br />

H. B. Benjamin Estate for five years, at an annual rental of $1,600.<br />

55. The budget for the New York State Agricultural Experiment<br />

Station for the year 1929-30, as presented, was recommended for ap<br />

proval by the Board.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.

21 1 1<br />


I. Administrative Service<br />

P. A. Fish, Dean, (12 mos.)<br />

Supplemental bill<br />

BUDGET FOR 1929-30<br />

Helena H. Haight, Clerk and Bookkeeper .<br />

Mable B. Howell, Stenographer and Secretary .<br />

M. L. Boyle, Clerk and Stenographer<br />

Agnes Sullivan, Stenographer<br />

Elsie A. Brown, Stenographer<br />

. .<br />

E. Clifford Williams, Librarian 1,500<br />

Archibald Wilson, Machinist 1,320<br />

Warren B. Holden, Attendant 1,000<br />

Labor by the hour 750<br />

General Expense<br />

Office<br />

. . .<br />

Library<br />

Machinist . .<br />

II. Teaching and Research Service<br />

Department of Anatomy<br />

G. S. Hopkins, Professor ...<br />

.<br />

$1,500<br />

. 500<br />

Earl Sunderville, Assistant Professor and Secretary<br />

of the Faculty<br />

,<br />

Assistant<br />

Thomas Merrill, Attendant .<br />

Labor by the hour<br />

General Expense<br />

1928-29<br />

$7,000<br />

2,000<br />

1,200<br />

100 2,100<br />

. .<br />

960<br />

960<br />

1929-30<br />

f $6,000 )<br />

X 1,000 ,000<br />

1,000 j<br />

2,250<br />

1,200<br />

1,020<br />

960<br />

960<br />

1,620<br />

1,380<br />

I, coo<br />

600<br />

$16,690 $17,990<br />

$18,790 $20,090<br />

5,000<br />

3,250<br />

400<br />

1,000<br />

$9,650<br />

Department of Materia Medica and Small Animal Clinic<br />

300<br />

3,250<br />

400<br />

1,000<br />

500<br />

$10,150<br />

300<br />

.950 $10,450<br />

H. J. Milks, Professor and Superintendent of Small<br />

Animal Clinic $5, 000 $5,000<br />

H. C. Stephenson, Assistant Professor 2,750 2,750<br />

, Assistant .<br />

1,000 1,000<br />

George Schneider, Attendant 1,000 1,000<br />

Labor by the hour 150 100<br />

General Expense<br />

J.90Q<br />

500<br />

$9,850<br />

400<br />

$10,400 $10,250

2112<br />

Department of Medicine and Ambulatory Clinic<br />

D. H. Udall, Professor and Superintendent of<br />

Ambulatory Clinic .<br />

M. G. Fincher, Assistant Professor .<br />

. $5,000<br />

3,250<br />

W. J. Gibbons, Instructor 2,150<br />

Seth D. Johnson, Instructor (12 mos)<br />

($1,800, to be paid from appropriation for investigation<br />

of mastitis)<br />

George Willis, Groom 1,000<br />

Henry Fatula, Teamster 1,000<br />

General Expense<br />

$12,400<br />

Medicine $600<br />

Obstetrics 100<br />

Keeping Team 1,000<br />

Investigation mastitis 5,000 2,500<br />

Department of Pathology and Bacteriology<br />

W. A. Hagau, Professor of Pathology and<br />

and Head of Department<br />

$14,900<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

Bacteriology $4,000<br />

P. Olafson, Assistant Professor of Pathology 3,100<br />

Harriet L. Mansfield, Instructor in Pathology 1,500<br />

Donald Baker, Instructor in Diagnosis 2,000<br />

R. C. Klussendorf, Assistant in Diagnosis 1,200<br />

Frank Bloom, Assistant in . Bacteriology 400<br />

E. L. Brunett, Assistant Professor in Poultry Diseases 2,540<br />

J. M. Hendrickson, Assistant Professor in Poultry<br />

Research ( 12 mos. )<br />

*4,ooo<br />

K. F. Hilbert, Instructor in Poultry Investigation<br />

( 12 mos. ... )<br />

*i,8oo<br />

C. C. Ellis, Instructor in Poultry Investigation<br />

. . (12 mos.) *i,2oo<br />

.... *i,5oo<br />

, Laboratory Helper ( 12 mos. . .<br />

)<br />

disease diagnosis and inves<br />

tigation . *900<br />

Norma F. Rose, Technician (12 mos. )<br />

Labor by hour, poultry<br />

Alexander Zeissig, Assistant Professor in Investiga<br />

tion (12 mos. )<br />

**$2,750<br />

Irving H. Everts, Attendant<br />

'<br />

.<br />

Labor by the hour, Pathology ....<br />

1,000<br />

. . 150<br />

$25,290<br />

General Expense<br />

Department $ 800<br />

Poultry Research, Ithaca 1,500<br />

Poultry Research, Long Island 1,500<br />

Johne's Disease 5,000<br />

Tuberculin reactions 7,000 8,850<br />

*Paid from appropriation for poultry investigation.<br />

**Paid from appropriation for Johne's disease investigation.<br />

l,i4o<br />

5,000<br />

3,250<br />

2,150<br />

1,000<br />

1,000<br />

$12,400<br />

6,700<br />

$19,100<br />

$4,000<br />

3,100<br />

1,500<br />

2,000<br />

1,200<br />

400<br />

2,54o<br />

*4,ooo<br />

*2,4oo<br />

*I,200<br />

*i.5oo<br />

*6oo<br />

*6oo<br />

1,000<br />

100<br />

$26,140<br />

15,800<br />


5. Department of Physiology.<br />

2113<br />

P. A. Fish, Professor, (salary included in administrative service)<br />

, Professor $5,ooo $5,ooo<br />

C. E. Hayden, Assistant Professor 3,250 3,250<br />

Temporary<br />

General Expense<br />

Department .<br />

Research ...<br />

, Assistant .<br />

6. Department of Surgery<br />

J. N. Frost, Professor . $5,000<br />

J. Maurer, Instructor ....<br />

W. C. Selover, Groom .<br />

. . . 400 400<br />

Labor 100 100<br />

$400<br />

$S,75o $8,750<br />

500 500 900<br />

$9,250 $9,650<br />

$5,000<br />

2,300 2,300<br />

. 1,000 1,000<br />

C. A. Sutton, Second Groom 1,000 1,000<br />

General Expense<br />

Department .<br />

... . $1,100<br />

$9,300 $9,3o<br />

Research 700 1,200 i,Soo<br />

7. Veterinary<br />

Experiment Station<br />

R. R. Birch, Professor and Superintendent of<br />

Station (plus $500 from the Federal Bureau<br />

Animal Industry) .<br />

J. W. Benner, .<br />

$5,000<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Leo Fortune, Instructor 1,675<br />

H. L. Gilman, Assistant Professor (plus $500 from<br />

the Federal Bureau of Animal Industry) .<br />

Ira Fowler, Attendant ....<br />

A.B. Newman, Attendant .<br />

. 1,675<br />

$10,500 $11,100<br />

$5,000<br />

3,35<br />

. 3,000 3,000<br />

, Assistant *r,ooo *i,ooo<br />

. . . 1,140 1,200<br />

1,000 1,000<br />

Ray Newman, Teamster 1,000 1,000<br />

Alvin Ross, Janitor . . 1,000 1,000<br />

Laborers as required .... . . . 800<br />

General Expense<br />

Experiment Station $1,700<br />

800<br />

$17,290 $i7,35o<br />

Investigation ... ... . . 13,000 14,200 14,700<br />

$3M90 $32,050

2114<br />

8. Department of Farriery<br />

Assistant Professor $2,600 $2,600<br />

Henry Asmus,<br />

Thomas Nuttall, Attendant .<br />

. 1,000 1.000<br />

$3,600 $3,600<br />

General Expense 100 100<br />

Totalfor Teaching and Research Service .<br />

. $124,330<br />

$3,7oo $3,700<br />

$138,240<br />

*Paid from appropriation for investigation swine and breeding animal<br />

diseases.<br />

Printing and .<br />

Advertising<br />

Repairs .... ...<br />

Veterinary Conference ...<br />

Lecturers ...<br />

State Fair Exhibit<br />

Grounds<br />

Insurance, Liability<br />

Contingent<br />

III. Non-Departmental Expenses<br />

Reserve for Research Poultry Diseases<br />

Fuel, Heat, Light, .<br />

Salaries .<br />

General Expense .<br />

IV. Fixed Charges<br />

Power and Water<br />

Non-Departmental Expense ...<br />

Fixed Charges ...<br />


. ... $9,250<br />

. . $112,870<br />

$9,850 $n,375<br />

$9,250<br />

$115,530<br />

. ... .30,250 42,800<br />

... 9,850 n,375<br />

. . . 9,250 9,250<br />


Balance, July 1, T92S . . . . $6,263<br />

. Tuition 1928-29<br />

....<br />

Expenditures 1928-29 .<br />

. $3>835<br />

$162,220 $178,955<br />

21<br />

. .... . . . 2,990 00<br />

$9,253 21<br />

8r<br />

Balance, July 1, 1929 $5,4*7 40<br />

Budget for 1929-30<br />

$2,200 $2,000<br />

3,000 6,900<br />

500 500<br />

250 250<br />

IOO IOO<br />

250 250<br />

$1,300 00<br />

Balance unmortgaged $4,TI7<br />

375<br />

950 500<br />

2,600 500

2115<br />


State Funds<br />

at<br />



1928-29 1929-30 Increase<br />

Personal Service $132,247 $137,737 $ 5,490<br />

Accessory Instruction 39,000 39,000<br />

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 12,000 12,000<br />

Printing General 900 900<br />

Printing Departmental Reports and Bulletins.... 4,600 4,600<br />

Equipment, Supplies and Materials 6,500 7,150 650<br />

Traveling Expenses 5,250 5,750 500<br />

Communication 2,000 2,000<br />

County Home Bureaus 26,400 26,400<br />

Repairs 1,200 1,200<br />

Summer School 3,200 3,200<br />

Expenses of Annual Conference of Agents 1,200 1,200<br />

Workmen's Compensation Insurance 750 750<br />

Workmen's Compensation Insurance, 1928-29 560 560<br />

Research and Investigation into Living Costs on<br />

Farms 5,000 5,000<br />

$234,497 $247,447 $ 12,950<br />

Construction 475,000 475,000<br />

Federal Funds<br />

Lever Regular $41,330.08 $ 51,355.041<br />

Lever Supplemental 27,724.33 17,699.37 ]<br />

Smith-Hughes 600.00 800.00 $ 200<br />

Purnell 13,500.00 15,200.00 1,700<br />

Capper-Ketcham 7,250.00 12,250.00 5,000<br />

Other Funds<br />

$ 90,404.41 $ 97,304.41 $ 6,900<br />

Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial $ 31,500.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 3,500<br />

Hotel Administration Courses 52,000.00 52,000.00<br />

$ 83,500.00 $ 87,000.00 $ 3,500<br />

Grand Total $408,401.41 $906,751.41 $498,350

Administration<br />

2Il6<br />

Items Assigned from Budget of College of Agriculture<br />

Office of Dean and Director<br />

State<br />

Home Econ. Agriculture C. U.<br />

Albert R. Mann, Dean and Director $2,700 ($4,800) ($2,500)<br />

Helen G. Titus, Secretary to the Dean 540 ( 1,260)<br />

Office of the Director of Resident Instruction<br />

and Secretary<br />

Cornelius Betten, Director of Resident Instruc<br />

tion 1,800 ( 4,800)<br />

Fanny E. Grennell, Clerk and Stenographer 872 ( 808)<br />

Edla E. Gregg, Clerk and Stenographer (1,000)960<br />

Office of the Director of Extension<br />

C. E. Ladd, Director of Extension 1,800 ( 4,800)<br />

R. H. Wheeler, Professor in Extension Service.. 1,425 ( 3,325)<br />

W. J. Wright, Professor in Extension Service<br />

and State Leader of Junior Extension 1,350 ( 3,150)<br />

Bristow Adams, Professor in Extension Service<br />

and Editor and Chief of Publications 1,775 ( 2,475)<br />

Nellie Leonard, Assistant Editor 180 ( 1,420)<br />

Mrs. Nellie Hall, Clerk Publications 960<br />

Mrs. A. J. Savard, Clerk Publications 840<br />

Anna Morovec, Clerk Publications 840<br />

Miss E. A. Mapes, Clerk Publications 840<br />

Lecturers in Extension Work 1,500 (12,750)<br />

Travel For Lecturers in Extension Work 750<br />

Expenses of Annual Conference of Agents 1,200 ( 2,600)<br />

Office of the <strong>University</strong> Treasurer<br />

Mrs. L. G. Butler. Assistant to the Treasurer 540 ( 1,260)<br />

Business Office<br />

George W. Parker, Bursar 600 ( 3.400)<br />

John G. Gudmundsen, Chief Clerk 900 ( 2,500)<br />

Vacant, Clerk 845<br />

Library<br />

W. W. Ellis. Librarian 1,000 ( 2,500)<br />

Gertrude Scott, Library Assistant (2,000) 1,800<br />

Marion Crist, Library Assistant (1,500) 1,400<br />

Mildred Wilson, Library Assistant 750 ( 750)<br />

Paul V. Smiley, Reference Librarian 750 ( 750)<br />

Miscellaneous Labor 150 ( 250)

2117<br />

Staff for Care of Buildings and Repairs<br />

State<br />

Home Econ. Agriculture C. U.<br />

E. T. Hiscock, Engineer 900 ( 1,200)<br />

Edward Brown, Janitor 900<br />

Leroy Van Dyne, Mechanic 900<br />

Grounds<br />

A. G. Hurlbutt, Superintendent 600 ( 1,400)<br />

Louis Van Nostrand, Laborer 1,080<br />

C. F. Thomas, Laborer 450 ( 570)<br />

General Items<br />

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 12,000<br />

Printing Reports and Bulletins 4,600<br />

Repairs 1,200<br />

Summer School 3,200<br />

Accessory Instruction in <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />


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State Funds<br />

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at<br />



1928-29 1929-30 Inerease<br />

Personal Service $ 947,843 $ 962,693 $ 14,850<br />

Accessory<br />

Instruction 41,000 41,000<br />

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 125,000 125,000<br />

Printing General 5,900 6,400 1<br />

Printing Departmental Reports and Bulletins 38,900 38,400 S<br />

Departmental Reports and Bulletins Def.<br />

Printing<br />

28-29 10,000 10,000<br />

Equipment, Supplies and .Materials 85,000 86,497 1,497<br />

Traveling Expenses 36,000 36,000<br />

Traveling Expenses Deficiency for 28-29 5,000 5,000<br />

Communication 14,000 14,000<br />

Farm Bureaus and Junior Extension Workers 49,800 49,800<br />

Rent .'.<br />

1,440<br />

1,440<br />

Repairs 15,000 15,000<br />

Repairs Deficiency for 27-28 2,988 2,988<br />

Repairs Deficiency for 28-29 6,000 6,000<br />

Summer School 20.000 20,000<br />

Extension Work with Indians 6,000 6,000<br />

Expenses of Exhibits 1,000 1,000<br />

Expenses of Annual Conference of County Agents.... 2,600 2,600<br />

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm 14,900 14,900<br />

Courses in Nursery Work 15,270 15,270<br />

Workmen's Compensation Insurance 4,000 4,000<br />

Workmen's Compensation Insurance, 28-29 3,000 3,000<br />

Contingent (Prof. Stocking salary) 2,223 2,223<br />

Special State Appropriations :<br />

Animal Husbandry Maintenance and Personal Serv<br />

ice ^ 40,950 40,950<br />

Animal Husbandry Personal Service 9,500 9,500<br />

Animal HusbandryCow Testing 3,600 3,600<br />

Animal Husbandry Repairs and Construction 30,000 30,000<br />

Muck Land Investigations 19,200 19,200<br />

Potato Disease Investigations 4,250 4,250<br />

Seed Potato Stock Investigations 5,030 5,030<br />

Potato Production and Storage Investigations 4,000 4,000<br />

Regional Readjustment and Development Investigations<br />

5,000 ..<br />

5,000<br />

City Markets Investigations 4,000 4,000<br />

Co-operative Marketing Investigations 6,000 6,000

2124<br />

1928-29 1929-30 Increase<br />

Rural Government Investigations 7,000 7,000<br />

Printing 10,000 10,000<br />

Editorial Assistants 2,000 2,000<br />

Central New York Egg Laving Contest (<strong>Cornell</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>) 30,000 30,000<br />

Total $1,419,653 $1,649,741 $230,088<br />

Construction 1,100,000<br />

Federal Funds<br />

Lever Regular 111,892.11 101,867.15 1<br />

Lever Supplemental 27,295.04 37,320.00 S<br />

Capper-Ketcham 12,750.00 25,161.20 2,411.20<br />

Adams 13,500.00 13,500.00<br />

Hatch 13,500.00 13,500.00<br />

Morrill 10,000.00 10,000.00<br />

Nelson 10,000.00 10,000.00<br />

Purnell 31.500.00 38,800.00 7,300.00<br />

Smith-Hughes 25,000.00 25,000.00<br />

Other Funds<br />

$255,437.15 $275,148.35 $19,711.20<br />

General Education Board 10,000.00 10,000.00<br />

Grand Total *$ 1,685 ,090. 15 $1,934,889.35 $249,799.20<br />

*Not including construction.<br />


at<br />


BUDGET 1929-30<br />


Office of the Dean and Director of Experiment Stations<br />

State<br />

Aqric. Home Econ. C. U.<br />

Albert R. Mann, Dean, and Director of Experiment Stations..$4,800 ($2,700) $2,500<br />

Vacant, Assistant to the Dean 2,890<br />

Helen G. Titus, Secretary to Dean and Director 1,260 ( 540)<br />

Grace M. Grimes, Stenographer 1,020<br />

Maintenance :<br />

State<br />

Equipment and Supplies $ 315<br />

Equipment and Supplies for Special Research 3,000 Purnell<br />

Travel 725 Reserve<br />

Communication 250 $1,750<br />

Printing<br />


2125<br />

Office of Director of Resident Instruction and Secretary<br />

State<br />

Aqric. Aar Home Econ. Total<br />

$4,800 ($1,800) $6,600<br />

3,250<br />

3,250<br />

Cornelius Betten, Director of Resident Instruction<br />

Olin W. Smith, Secretary<br />

A. W. Gibson, Associate Secretary in charge of<br />

former student relations, vocational guidance<br />

and placement<br />

3,000<br />

Louise Fletemeyer, Assistant Secretary<br />

Fanny E. Grennell, Clerk and Stenographer<br />

1,800(1,925) 1(1,925)<br />

808<br />

Mrs. Esther P. Slocum, Clerk and Stenographer....1,020 1 (1,440)<br />

Edla E. Gregg, Clerk and Stenographer<br />

Mrs. J. R. English, Clerk and Stenographer<br />

Maintenance:<br />

Equipment and Supplies<br />

Communication<br />

Printing<br />

_<br />

General Expenses College $100<br />

Office of the <strong>University</strong> Treasurer<br />

1,080<br />

800<br />

600<br />

2,150<br />

1,800<br />

( 872) 1,680<br />

1,020<br />

( 1,000)960<br />

Increase<br />

$300<br />

250<br />

120<br />

180<br />

60<br />

120<br />

60<br />

150<br />

450<br />

State<br />

Agric. Home Econ. Total<br />

Mrs. L. G. Butler, Assistant to Treasurer $1,260 ($540) $1,800<br />

Lawrence Caley, Inventory Clerk....- 1,800 1,800<br />

Library<br />

State<br />

Agric. Home Econ. College Total Increase<br />

W. W. Ellis, Librarian 52,500 ($1,000) $3,500<br />

Gertrude Scott, Librarv<br />

loguer and Classifier)<br />

Assistant (Cata<br />

( 2,000)1800 $120<br />

Mildred Wilson, Library Assistant, (Assist<br />

ant Cataloguer) 750 ( 750)<br />

Marion Crist, Librarv Assistant<br />

Exchange Assistant).....<br />

(Foreign<br />

( 1,500)1400 100<br />

Hattie Barnes, Library Assistant (Periodical<br />

Assistant) - 1,500<br />

Flora Stevens, Library Assistant Room Assistant)<br />

(Reading<br />

1,500<br />

Martha Smith, Library Assistant (Evening<br />

Assistant)<br />

1,500<br />

Mary E. Hill, Library Assistant<br />

Margaret Ray, Library Assistant<br />

Paul V. Smiley, Reference Librarian (Read<br />

ing Room 'Assistant)<br />

Miscellaneous Labor<br />

Dolly Duke, Clerk and Stenographer<br />

1,200<br />

1,200<br />

750<br />

250<br />

(<br />

(<br />

750)<br />

150)<br />

$900 60<br />

Maintenance:<br />

Equipment and Supplies 7,732 267<br />

Books and Periodicals<br />

500<br />

Communication -<br />

Printing<br />

180<br />


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2150<br />

BUDGET FOR 1929-30<br />


Position Salary Commu- Dist. of Salary In-<br />

1928-29 1929-30 tation State Federal crease<br />

Director House &<br />

Hedrick, U. P. 6,500 $6,500 Supplies 6,500<br />

Vice Director and Chief in Re<br />

search, Parrott, P. J.* .... 6,000<br />

Editor<br />

5,500<br />

"<br />

5,000 500 H<br />

Luckett, J. D Librarian<br />

3,750 4,250 3,500 750 H 500<br />

Borg, Frederick .<br />

Museum Preparator<br />

Lawson, J. S. .<br />

Mailing Clerk<br />

Jones, Elizabeth<br />

Secretary-Stenographer<br />

1,800 1,800 1.800<br />

1,500 1,500 1,500<br />

8o I2Q<br />

Sperry, Jessie A<br />

Clerks<br />

Bowen, F. K<br />

Petersen,<br />

1,500 1,500 1,500<br />

Elma<br />

Stenographers<br />

Curtis,<br />

Hogan,<br />

I500 I>8oo I)8oo 3QO<br />

Q I|2QO I)2QO l8o<br />

Lena G 1,200 1,200 1,200<br />

Maude L [,200 1,200 1,200<br />

Fahy, Mary 1,200 1,200 1,200<br />

McGuigan, Mildred .<br />

Corcoran, Cecilia .<br />

.<br />

. 1,080 i.oSo 1,080<br />

... 1,000 1,060 1,060 60<br />

Chiefs in Research<br />

Breed, R. S 4,500 5, coo House 5,000 500<br />

Stewart, F. C 4,500 5,000<br />

"<br />

5,oco 5C0<br />

Willaman, J. J 4,500 4,500<br />

"<br />

4,500<br />

Dahlberg, A. C 3,500 4,000<br />

"<br />

4,000 500<br />

Wellington, R 3, 750 4,000 4,000 250<br />

Collison, R. C 3,500 3,750<br />

"<br />

3,750 250<br />

Conn, H. J 3,750 3,750 3,750<br />

Sayre, C. B. .<br />

Glasgow,<br />

Hucker, G. J. ...<br />

M. T.<br />

Munn, .<br />

. 3,750 3,750<br />

"<br />

3,750<br />

H 3,750 3,750 3,750<br />

. 3,000 3,600 3,600 600<br />

. 3,250 3,600 3,600 350<br />

.<br />

Carpenter. D. C 3,250 3,600 2,100 1,500 A 350<br />

Clark, A. W<br />

Associates in Research<br />

3,250 3,600 3,600 350<br />

F. H.<br />

Hall, .<br />

... 3,250 3,500 3,500 250<br />

.<br />

Hartzell, F. Z. 3,250 3,250 3,250<br />

Gladwin, F. E. 3,000 3,250 3,250 250<br />

Howe, G. H 3,250 3,250 3,250<br />

Gloyer, W. 0 3, 000 3,000 3,000 P<br />

Streeter, L. R 3,000 3,000 3,000<br />

Van Eseltine, G. P 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 P<br />

Vice-Anderson (3,000) 3,000 3,000<br />

Pedersen, C. S 2,350 2,750 2,750 400<br />

Horsfall, J. G 2,750 2,750 2,750<br />

G. L 2.500 2,750 2,750 250<br />

Slate,<br />

.<br />

Hening, J. C 2,200 2,500 2,500 300<br />

(2,500) 2,500 2,500<br />

Nebel, B. R. (10 mos ) .<br />

* Has house rent in lieu of cash Decrease of $500 on Federal

Position<br />

Assistants in Research<br />

Walsh, Wm. .<br />

Moore, M. G. .<br />

.<br />

Sweeney, M. P.<br />

Einset, O.<br />

Hawthorn, L.<br />

Harland, J. D.<br />

Gambrell, F. L.<br />

Hansen, P. A. ...<br />

Kokoski, F.<br />

Hoefle, Olive<br />

Woodbridge, Mary<br />

Van Alstyne, L.<br />

Marquardt, J. C.<br />

Vice-Shriner<br />

Traphagen, P. V.<br />

Agriculturist<br />

Churchill, G. W.<br />

Florist<br />

Mohr, Conrad<br />

Poultryman<br />

O'Neill, P. . .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

Foreman in Orchards<br />

Corcoran. P.<br />

...<br />

Supt. of Buildings<br />

Hadlow, H.<br />

Technician<br />

Bowers, R.<br />

Mechanic<br />

HefFeron, J<br />

Engineer<br />

Goodwin, B.<br />

...<br />

Laboratory Helpers<br />

. .<br />

Murray, M.<br />

Smith, R<br />

Watchman<br />

Oaks, W. F<br />

Laborers<br />

Total on Regular<br />

2151<br />

Personal Service $209,270 $216,230<br />

Special Funds<br />

Salary<br />

Position 1928-29 1929-30<br />

Raspberry and Small Fruit Investigations .<br />

Associate in Research<br />

(4,500)<br />

Rankin, W. H<br />

$3,5 3-5oo<br />

Labor and Expenses ... 1,000 1,000<br />

Salary Commu- Dist.ofSalary In-<br />

192S-29 1929-30 tation State Federal crease<br />

2,400 2,400<br />

2.400 2,400<br />

2,400 2,400<br />

2, IOO 2,300<br />

2,IOO 2,300<br />

2,250 2,250<br />

1,900 2,200<br />

2,200 2,200<br />

2,000 2,000<br />

2,000 2,000<br />

2,000 2, COO<br />

1,800 2,000<br />

1,900 2, IOO<br />

(2,200)<br />

2 20O<br />

1,500 I,60O<br />

2, COO 2,000<br />

1,750 1,750<br />

1,500 1,500<br />

1,500 I,5CO<br />

1,500 1,500<br />

1,620 1,620<br />

1,500 1,500<br />

1,440 1,440<br />

1,320 I,320<br />

1,320 1,320<br />

1,200 1,200<br />

32.150 32,I50<br />

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm .<br />

Associates in Research<br />

(8,800)<br />

Clayton, E. E<br />

3,250 3,5oo<br />

Huckett, H. C. 3,25 3,5oo<br />

Maintenance and Operation . . . 1,800 1.800<br />

2,400<br />

2,400<br />

2,400<br />

2,300<br />

2,300<br />

2,250<br />

2,200<br />

2,200<br />

2,000<br />

2,000<br />

2.000<br />

2,000<br />

2,100<br />

2,200<br />

1,600<br />

House 2,000<br />

House<br />

House<br />

r,75o<br />

1,320 180 H<br />

1,500<br />

1,500<br />

1,620<br />

1,500<br />

1,440<br />

1,320<br />

i.32o<br />

1,200<br />

32,150<br />

200<br />

200<br />

300<br />

2CO<br />

200<br />

$208,800 $7, 430 $6, 960<br />

Decrease Increase<br />

250<br />


2152<br />

Position Salary<br />

1928-29 1929-30 Decrease Increase<br />

Hudson Valley Hort. Investigations (13,700)<br />

Associates in Research<br />

Shear, E. V 3, 000 3,000<br />

Mundinger, F. G 3, 000 3,000<br />

Anderson, L. C 3,000 3,000<br />

Labor 1,200 1,200<br />

Maintenance and Operation . . . 3,500 3, 500<br />

Nursery Shrubs and Plants<br />

Chief in Research<br />

(13,450)<br />

Tukey, H. B<br />

Plant Propagator<br />

4,000 4,250 250<br />

Brase,<br />

Karl<br />

Stenographer(Half time) Barrett,<br />

1,800 1,800<br />

Marion 500 500<br />

Labor 4,000 4,000<br />

Expenses 3, 150 2,900 250<br />

Investigation of Moths and Insects (13,000) 13,000<br />

Associates in Research<br />

Daniel, D. M. 2,800<br />

Harman, S. W 2,800<br />

Services and Expenses 7, 400<br />

Com Borer Investigations (7,250) 7,250<br />

Association Research<br />

Hervey, G. E. R 3, 000<br />

Services and Expenses 4,250<br />

Fuel, Light, Power,<br />

Maintenance and Operation<br />

1928.29 1929-30 Increase<br />

Water 8,750 8,750<br />

Printing and Advertising 9,000 9,000<br />

Equipment, Supplies, Materials 27,500 31,670 4,170<br />

Traveling Expenses 5, 000 5,000<br />

Communication 3,000 3,000<br />

Fixed Charges, Etc 75 2,030 L955<br />

Rent<br />

* "<br />

3,200 3,200<br />

Repairs and Alterations 7, 500 12,500 5,000<br />

Contingencies 100 100<br />

$64,125 $75,250 $11,125<br />

Summary<br />

State Distri-<br />

Appropri- bution Federal<br />

ation 1929-30<br />

.<br />

Personal Service $209,350 $208,800 $7,430<br />

Special Funds, Services and Expenses 60,700 60,700<br />

Maintenance and Operation 75,250 75,250<br />

*$300 unused on salary of Clerk.<br />

$250 unused on salary of Research Staff.<br />

Total<br />

$216,230<br />

60, 700<br />

75,25o<br />

$345,300* $344,750 $7,43o $352,180

2153<br />

D. C. Carpenter $1,500<br />

P. J. Parrott<br />

Distribution of Federal Funds<br />

Adams Hatch Purnell<br />

J. D. Luckett 750<br />

P. F. O'Neill<br />

W. O. Gloyer<br />

G. P. Van Eseltine<br />

5<br />

180<br />

3.000<br />

i,5<br />

$1,500 $1,430 $4,5oo<br />

Appropriations $1,500 $1,500 $6,000

2'54<br />


June 17, 1929.<br />

With the approval of all members of the Committee on Finance,<br />

the purchase of 500 shares of United Light and Power $6-00 cumu<br />

lative convertible preferred stock at approximately 9% was<br />

authorized,<br />


George F. Rogalsky,<br />

Secretary<br />

pro tem.<br />

June 17th, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees R. H. Treman, Chairman; Farrand, Sackett, J.<br />

DuPratt White, Sanderson, Upson and Whitman ; Comptroller Bost<br />

wick and Superintendent Curtis.<br />

Action was taken as follows :<br />

1. It was decided that the location and grade of Central Avenue<br />

from the Library to 3 Central Avenue should be left approximately<br />

as at present and that a concrete sidewalk should be constructed on<br />

the west side of the street but to the east of the row of trees bor<br />

dering the street from Library Tower to the road north of 3 Central<br />

Avenue, provided funds are available. It was also decided that the<br />

gutter on the east side of the street be made shallow and a parking<br />

place provided on the east thereof.<br />

2. The question as to whether Tower Road for that portion be<br />

tween East Avenue and Garden Avenue should be constructed in a<br />

straight line or with a slight curve was referred to Mr. Cooley and<br />

Mr. Fleming for determination, the road when built to have a slight<br />

crown of approximately three inches and with a triangle at its inter<br />

section at East Avenue.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.<br />


June 17th, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees J. DuPratt White, Chairman ; Farrand, Sackett,<br />

Sanderson, R. H. Treman, Upson, Westinghouse and Whitman;<br />

Comptroller Bostwick and Superintendent Curtis.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustee Wakeman and his absence<br />


2155<br />

1. It was recommended that an incinerator be constructed in con<br />

nection with the stack of the Central Heating Plant at a cost not to<br />

exceed $12,CG0, this cost to be added to and to be made a part of the<br />

cost of the Heating Plant and amortized in the same way as the cost<br />

of the plant.<br />

2. The approval by the Architectural Advisory Board of the<br />

plans for the new laundry unit at East Ithaca as prepared by Francis<br />

Y. Joannes was received.<br />

3. The following report from the Architectural Advisory Board<br />

approving in general the plan for a Fine Arts building was received :<br />

"We note that the educational program covering the scope of<br />

work to be housed in this structure was approved by the Board of<br />

Trustees of the <strong>University</strong> on January 26th, and that the Board in<br />

structed the Committee on Buildings and Grounds to select a site,<br />

which action has been taken by the Buildings and Grounds Commit<br />

tee, as reported to us in letter of April 8th, from the Comptroller.<br />

The Board of Trustees also instructed the Committee on Buildings<br />

and Grounds to study<br />

and report on plans for the construction of<br />

the building. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds adopted<br />

the following resolution : 'Resolved, That the plans for the pro<br />

posed Fine Arts Building,<br />

prepared and submitted by Mr. Acker<br />

man, be turned over to the Architectural Advisory Board,<br />

with the<br />

request that they study them and report their approval or sugges<br />

tions to this committee, it being understood that the exterior of the<br />

stone.'<br />

building is to be constructed mainly of local<br />

In view of the vital influence of the educational program upon<br />

both the selection of site and the character of the building, it was<br />

particularly gratifying to learn of the action of the Board of Trus<br />

tees and also, we understand, of the Faculty of the School, in defi<br />

nitely adopting the program which determined the choice of the site<br />

by the Advisory Board in 1925.<br />

With the site and program definitely determined upon, we have<br />

given further detailed consideration to the plans submitted by Mr.<br />

Ackerman, and find they meet the requirements and will produce an<br />

admirable building for the purposes intended. The scale of the<br />

architecture indicated harmonizes well with the surrounding build<br />

ings, but we believe the scale of mass might be brought more nearly<br />

into harmony with the smaller units on the campus by a sub-division<br />

of its total mass into a greater number of units, and would suggest<br />

that Mr. Ackerman be asked to submit some further studies with<br />

this object in view. In the study of the plans,<br />

we believe the intro<br />

duction of four towers in the court gives a sense of overcrowding<br />

which might be overcome by

2156<br />

4. The plans for the new Fine Arts Building as prepared by Mr.<br />

Ackerman and approved by the Architectural Advisory Board were<br />

approved.<br />

5. The following report concerning the new Home Economics<br />

Building was received from the Architectural Advisory Board :<br />

"We are also in receipt of a communication from Mr. Bostwick in<br />

reference to the Home Economics Building, asking for an opinion<br />

of our Board upon the site, for consideration at the meeting of the<br />

Committee on Buildings and Grounds on the 26th instant. The<br />

question of building material was also submitted.<br />

In this connection we note that the appropriation for a new Home<br />

Economics Building covers only the central portion of a proposed<br />

larger structure and the size of this ultimate building will of neces<br />

sity influence the choice of site. Its relation to other structures will<br />

also influence the choice of material. We believe no decision should<br />

be reached as to site or material until the size of the ultimate struc<br />

ture is reasonably fixed. Without an opportunity for such study on<br />

the ground we believe it unwise to make any recommendation before<br />

the meeting<br />

of your committee on the 26th."<br />

6. The matter of selecting a site for the new Music Building was<br />

referred, with power, to a committee composed of President Far<br />

rand, Trustees J. DuPratt White and R. H. Treman, with the under<br />

standing that this committee was to confer with the Architectural<br />

Advisory Board and the Landscape Advisor concerning the location<br />

of such site.<br />

7. It was recommended that Mr. Ackerman be asked to make a<br />

study of the problem of providing garages for the tenants of the<br />

Faculty Apartments, both from the standpoint of temporary struc<br />

tures and as a part of the future units of the Faculty Apartments<br />

group, the overhead expenses for this study to be paid by the Uni<br />

versity.<br />

8. The expenditure of the general appropriations for improve<br />

ments to the Physical Plant was referred to a committee consisting<br />

of the Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, the Presi<br />

dent and Trustee R. H. Treman, with power.<br />

9. The matter of remodeling the President's barn was referred<br />

to the above appointed Committee on Improvements.<br />

10. The construction of the new walk and the parking place along<br />

Central Avenue as recommended by the Landscape Committee was<br />

authorized to such extent as funds may be made available. Trustee<br />

Upson very kindly offered to give $2,000 to assist in this work.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.

2157<br />


June 17th, 1929.<br />

Present Trustees Hiscock, Chairman; J. DuPratt White, Far<br />

rand, Witter, Turner, Cooke, Crawford, Gherardi, Miller, Newman,<br />

Pound, Sackett, Sanderson, Ten Eyck, C. E. Treman, R. H. Treman,<br />

Upson, Van Cleef, Van Namee, Warner, Westinghouse, Horace<br />

White, Whitman, and Roger B. Williams ; Faculty Representatives<br />

Thilly, Warren and Diederichs, and Comptroller Bostwick.<br />

Regrets were received from Trustees Roosevelt, Lehman, Pyrke,<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, Gannett, Ickelheimer, Schoellkopf, Taylor, Teagle and<br />

Wakeman and their absence excused.<br />

1. A communication was received from the <strong>Cornell</strong> Alumni Cor<br />

poration informing the Board of the election of Edwin N. Sander<br />

son, 'S7, and James W. Parker, '08, as Alumni Trustees of the Uni<br />

versity, each for a term of five years.<br />

2. Authority<br />

June 17th, 1929, in accordance with the recommendations of the spe<br />

was granted the President to confer degrees on<br />

cial faculties, upon students who have fulfilled all necessary require<br />

ments.<br />

The Board then adjourned to attend Commencement exercises and<br />

reassembled at 2 P. M.<br />

3. By ballot duly had and with the concurrent vote of more than<br />

fifteen trustees, Messrs. Cuthbert W. Pound, W. C. Teagle and<br />

Henry W. Sackett were elected Trustees of the <strong>University</strong>, each for<br />

a term of five years, to succeed themselves.<br />

4. The following Trustees were elected on the respective commit<br />

tees : Committee on General Administration, Cuthbert W. Pound;<br />

Committee on Buildings and Grounds, Henry W. Sackett, E. N. San<br />

derson ; State College Council, Mary M. Crawford; Graduate School<br />

Council, Cuthbert W. Pound ; Heckscher Research Council, Alfred<br />

D. Warner.<br />

5. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of April 27th, 1929,<br />

were approved as printed.<br />

6. The minutes of the meeting<br />

ministration of June 1st, 1929,<br />

action therein contained ratified and confirmed.<br />

of the Committee on General Ad<br />

were approved as printed and the<br />

7. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on Finance of<br />

April 27th and May 10th, 1929,<br />

action therein contained ratified and confirmed.<br />

were approved as printed and the<br />

8. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on Buildings<br />

and Grounds of April 27th, 1929, were approved as printed and the<br />

action therein contained ratified and confirmed.

9. The minutes of the meeting<br />

2153<br />

of the Medical College Council of<br />

May 17th, 1929, were approved as printed, the recommendations<br />

therein contained adopted and appointments and appropriations made<br />

as recommended.<br />

10. The budget of the Medical College and the Medical College<br />

Clinic in New York City for the year 1929-30 as proposed by the<br />

Medical College Council was approved and appointments and appro<br />

priations made as therein recommended.<br />

11. The minutes of the meeting of the State College Council of<br />

June 8th, 1929, including the budgets of the New York State College<br />

of Agriculture, New York State College of Home Economics, New<br />

York State Veterinary College and the New York State Agricultural<br />

Experiment Station were approved and the appointments and appro<br />

priations made as therein recommended.<br />

12. The minutes of the meeting<br />

of the Committee on Buildings<br />

and Grounds and the Landscape Committee of June 17th, 1929, were<br />

approved as read by the Secretary.<br />

13. A gift to the Medical College in New York City of $25,000 for<br />

research purposes was reported and accepted and the following<br />

budget recommended by the Committee on Educational Policy was<br />

approved :<br />

A study of the Bacteriology of Chronic Arthritis and Rheu<br />

matic Fever under the direction of Dr. Russell Cecil $10,000.00<br />

A study<br />

of the Cellular Response of the Blood in Patients<br />

to Infection and Degenerative Diseases by Dr. Paul Rez-<br />

nikoff 2,800.00<br />

(This work is to be carried out under the direction of<br />

Dr. Victor Schilling in Berlin.)<br />

A study of the Influence of the Thyroid on Canine Meta<br />

bolism under the direction of Professor Graham Lusk 2,000.00<br />

A study<br />

of the Defectation Center in the Medulla and a<br />

study of the Duration of Action of important drugs un<br />

der the direction of Professor Robert A. Hatcher 2,000.00<br />

A study of Water Metabolism in Infancy by Dr. Samuel<br />

Z. Levine 4,000.00<br />

A study by Dr. Delario under the direction of Professor<br />

Joshua E. Sweet, the exact subject to be determined 1,000.00<br />

A study of the Metabolic Conditions underlying Obesity by<br />

Dr. Henry J. Spencer 3,000.00<br />

Total $24,000.00

2159<br />

14. Upon recommendation of the committee appointed to investi<br />

gate the matter of building<br />

an incinerator in connection with the<br />

stack of the Central Heating Plant, the construction of such an in<br />

cinerator was authorized at a cost not to exceed $12,000, the cost to<br />

be amortized as a part of the cost of the heating plant.<br />

15. The President reported that researches in connection with the<br />

stack of the Central Heating Plant were being carried on and an<br />

nounced that Trustee Sanderson had made a gift of $2,500 for the<br />

furtherance of these researches. This gift was accepted and the<br />

appreciation of the trustees expressed to Mr. Sanderson.<br />

16. A gift of $2,000 from Trustee Upson to assist in the con<br />

struction of a concrete sidewalk along the west side of Central Ave<br />

nue was reported, the gift accepted and the appreciation of the trus<br />

tees expressed to Trustee L'pson.<br />

17. The President reported that Librarian Willard Austen and<br />

Professors H. J. Davenport and G. R. McDermott were retiring on<br />

June 17th and that Dean V. A. Moore and Professor Annette J.<br />

Warner were retiring on June 30th, and upon his recommendation<br />

the following emeritus appointments were made :<br />

Willard Austen, Librarian, Emeritus.<br />

H. J. Davenport, Professor of Economics, Emeritus.<br />

G. R. McDermott, Professor of Structural Design, Emeritus.<br />

V. A. Moore, Professor of Comparative and Veterinary Pathology<br />

and Bacteriology and of Meat Inspection, and Dean of the New<br />

York State Veterinary College, Emeritus.<br />

Annette J. Warner, Professor of Home Economics, Emeritus.<br />

18. By<br />

a recent action of the directors of the Carnegie Founda<br />

tion, the benefits of the Carnegie retiring allowances are denied to<br />

members of the staff of the New York State Veterinary College.<br />

Owing to this fact and the long and exceptional service given by<br />

Dean Moore, an allowance of $3,150 a year was granted him by the<br />

Trustees, effective July 1st, 1929.<br />

19. Upon recommendation of the President, Professor P. A. Fish<br />

was elected Dean of the New York State Veterinary College and<br />

Professor of Physiology, at a salary of $7,000 a year, effective July<br />

1st, 1929.<br />

20. By<br />

the concurrent vote of the majority of the Board of Trus<br />

tees, Section 3 of Article XV of the Statutes of the <strong>University</strong> was<br />

amended to read as follows :<br />

Subject to other provisions herein for the retirement and removal<br />

of members of the instructing staff, all appointments thereto shall be<br />

for the following periods respectively: In the State Colleges and

2i6o<br />

the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, for one year;<br />

in all other colleges, unless otherwise specified at the time of ap<br />

pointment, in the case of full professors, for an indefinite period ; in<br />

the case of assistant professors, for the term of three years ; in the<br />

case of instructors, for the term of one year; in the case of reap<br />

pointment of instructors, for the term of two years; in the case of<br />

assistants, for the term of one year, and in any event for not more<br />

than two years ; in the case of lecturers, for a period not longer than<br />

a year. Members of said staff appointed for a definite period shall<br />

not hold over, but at the expiration of said period their connection<br />

with the university shall cease unless they be reappointed.<br />

21. The Comptroller reported that a portion of the residuary es<br />

tate of Mr. Payne Whitney was ready to be turned over to <strong>Cornell</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>, and it was<br />

Resolved, That authority be and hereby is given Charles D. Bost<br />

wick, Comptroller, to execute a receipt for stocks, bonds,<br />

other se<br />

curities and cash received by the <strong>University</strong> from the executors of<br />

the estate of Mr. Payne Whitney, deceased, in lieu of and as the<br />

equivalent of 750 shares of Northern Finance Corporation stock<br />

allotted to it in partial satisfaction of its interest in the residuary<br />

estate of said testator, and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corpor<br />

ate seal.<br />

Be it further Resolved, That the said Charles D. Bostwick, Comp<br />

troller, be authorized on behalf of <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> to execute and<br />

deliver any further receipts, releases, assignments, consents or other<br />

papers incident to or necessary for the complete transfer and regis<br />

tration in the name of the <strong>University</strong> of such stock and other securi<br />

ties above referred to and to attach to any such papers the Univer<br />

sity's corporate seal.<br />

22. The general program for the development of a Music Depart<br />

ment and the housing of such department in a building constructed<br />

for that purpose as presented to the Board and recommended by the<br />

President was approved.<br />

23. Upon recommendation of the donor the conditions governing<br />

the Frances Sampson Fine Arts Prize were amended by adding the<br />

following<br />

provisions to the original letter of gift :<br />

(d) If the prize is not awarded, or if only a portion of the income<br />

is used in any one year, the unexpended balance may be added to the<br />

principal fund.<br />

(e) If at any time in the future in the opinion of the Board of<br />

Trustees it becomes inadvisable to grant the prize as provided, the<br />

income of the fund may be used in any way the trustees may deter<br />

mine for the advancement of the appreciation of fine arts in the<br />


2l6l<br />

24. The Comptroller reported the following provision in the Will<br />

of Carrie G. Townsend, who died May 17th, 1929:<br />

"Ninth: All the rest, residue and remainder of my estates both<br />

real and personal, I give, devise and bequeath to the Merchants Na<br />

tional Bank of Middletown, N. Y., as trustee, in trust, for the fol<br />

lowing uses and purposes: To invest the same and keep the same<br />

invested and to pay the net income received therefrom in quarterly<br />

payments to my son, Prescott W. Townsend, for and during the term<br />

of his natural life ; and upon the death of my said son, Prescott W.<br />

Townsend, in case there are issue of my said son, Prescott W.<br />

Townsend, living, then, in that event, to pay the corpus of said trust<br />

fund to the issue of said Prescott W. Townsend, to be theirs, their<br />

heirs and assigns forever, share and share alike. In case, however,<br />

my said son, Prescott W. Townsend, dies without issue, then, in that<br />

event, to divide the corpus of said trust fund in two equal shares or<br />

portions, and to pay one of said shares or portions to <strong>Cornell</strong> Uni<br />

versity located at Ithaca, New York, to be its successors and assigns<br />

forever, to be kept intact in a fund to be known as the 'Garrett T.<br />

Townsend Memorial Fund,'<br />

with the request that the income to be<br />

used to aid poor and needy students, who have satisfactorily com<br />

pleted at least one year of study at said university, and satisfactorily<br />

proved themselves to be of superior scholastic ability and moral<br />

character, with the proviso that such aid may be extended in the<br />

discretion of said university to said students as a gift or as a loan to<br />

be repaid within five years after graduation without interest ; and to<br />

pay the other one of said shares or portions to the Board of Chris<br />

tian Education of the Presbyterian Church, to be its successors or<br />

assigns forever, with the request that said fund be kept intact and be<br />

known as the 'Garrett T. Townsend Fund,'<br />

for the purpose of said Board."<br />

and the income only used<br />

25. The Comptroller was authorized to execute a release of a<br />

portion of premises covered by the Fippin mortgage held by the<br />

<strong>University</strong>, for the purpose of giving to the city<br />

a free and unen<br />

cumbered title to certain lands for street purposes on Elmwood Ave<br />

nue and to attach thereto the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate seal.<br />

26. Permission was granted Mrs. George P. Bristol to continue to<br />

occupy the house on the campus lot leased to the late Professor<br />

Bristol for the period of one year from July 1st, 1929.<br />

27. The committee appointed to consider the purchase of the<br />

house owned by William Hazlitt Smith on Oak Avenue reported<br />

that this property was not needed by the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

28. The following<br />

Council :<br />

report was presented from the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian

Board of Trustees,<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Ithaca, Neiv York.<br />

Gentlemen :<br />

2l62<br />

June 17, 1929.<br />

At the annual meeting of the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council held in Ithaca on<br />

Saturday, June 15th, the following recommendation was made, to be<br />

presented to the Board of Trustees :<br />

"That of the net cash balance at the end of the year the trustees<br />

appropriate $10,000 for the further cost of construction of Boldt<br />

Hall in accordance with a previous commitment, and that they add<br />

to the <strong>Cornell</strong> Alumni Endowment Fund those gifts which have been<br />

received during the current year for permanent endowment, and that<br />

the balance of such fund be used as an emergency fund."<br />

ing<br />

It was reported by the Executive Committee to the annual meet<br />

of the Council that the total amount to be transmited in cash and<br />

securities to the <strong>University</strong> for the current fiscal year will approxi<br />

mate nearly $1,000,000, and it is still hoped that the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian<br />

Council will fulfill its promise to President Farrand and the trustees<br />

of a net unrestricted fund of $140,000 which has been carried in the<br />

budget for the current fiscal year.<br />

Mr. Jervis Langdon '97 of Elmira, N. Y., was re-elected President<br />

of the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council, to serve for the third term.<br />

The following men were re-elected to the Executive Committee :<br />

Mr. Paul Schoellkopf '06, Mr. J. DuPratt White '90, Mr. Robert T.<br />

Mickle '92, Mr. Maxwell M. Upson '99, Mr. Neal D. Becker '05, Mr.<br />

Floyd L. Carlisle '06, Mr. R. E. Treman '09, Mr. Andrew J. Whin-<br />

ery TO.<br />

It has been estimated by the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council Committee on Be<br />

quests, of which Neal D. Becker '05 is chairman, that wills have been<br />

drawn during the year with provisions for bequests to <strong>Cornell</strong> Uni<br />

versity totaling at least $2,000,000. The Committee on Bequests now<br />

includes prominent and influential <strong>Cornell</strong> lawyers in every impor<br />

tant city throughout the country.<br />

The <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council is now making plans for next year which<br />

should increase materially the effectiveness of the work of this or<br />

ganization, and the Council has pledged itself to co-operate with the<br />

President and the trustees in every fund-raising effort for the Uni<br />

versity.<br />

Sincerely yours,<br />

Harold Flack,<br />

Executive Secretary.

2163<br />

The recommendations contained in this report were approved and<br />

the following resolution passed :<br />

Resolved, That the trustees do hereby extend to the President and<br />

the Executive Secretary of the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council, and to the Cor<br />

nellian Council as a whole, their deep appreciation of their work and<br />

accomplishments in securing funds for the benefit of the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

29. The following budget, adopted by the Executive Committee of<br />

the <strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council for the expenses of the Council for the year<br />

ending June 30th, 1930, was approved and the appropriations made<br />

accordingly :<br />

Miscellaneous $ 500.00<br />

Cartage 300.00<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council Bulletin 6,000.00<br />

Cuts and Photographs 150.00<br />

Extra Clerk hire 800.00<br />

Printing and Multigraphing 2,500.00<br />

Stationery and Office Supplies 500.00<br />

Office Furniture 600.00<br />

Telephone and Telegraph 500.00<br />

Salaries Office 18,500.00<br />

Traveling Expenses of Executive Secretary 1,000.00<br />

Promotion Expense 3,000.00<br />

Postage 4,000.00<br />

Total $38,350.00<br />

30. The following<br />

resolution on the death of A. C. Beal, Profes<br />

sor of Floriculture, adopted by the <strong>University</strong> Faculty, was unani<br />

mously concurred in and adopted by the Board :<br />

The sudden death on May 6, 1929, of Dr. Alvin Casey Beal came<br />

as a great shock to the <strong>University</strong> community and is deeply deplored<br />

by his colleagues of the <strong>University</strong> Faculty. Born in Mount Vernon,<br />

Illinois, November 30, 1872, Dr. Beal was graduated from the Uni<br />

versity of Illinois in 1897 with the degree of B. S. A. During the<br />

next two years he was foreman in the Horticultural Department of<br />

the Illinois Experiment Station, in which capacity he gained exper<br />

ience in the practical side of the profession which he later followed.<br />

During the academic year 1899-1900 he engaged in graduate work at<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> toward his M. S. degree, completing his studies<br />

later and receiving the degree in 1903. From 1900 to 1908 he was<br />

instructor in Floriculture in the <strong>University</strong> of Illinois. In 1909 he<br />

came to <strong>Cornell</strong> for further study and received the degree of Ph. D.<br />

in 1911. He became assistant at this <strong>University</strong> in 1920, Assistant<br />

Professor of Floriculture in 1911,<br />

1913.<br />

and Professor of Floriculture in

2164<br />

Professor Beal was greatly interested in the historical aspects of<br />

his science. He conducted a course for advanced students on the<br />

history<br />

and literature of floriculture and ornamental horticulture,<br />

devoted time to studies in this field during a recent leave of absence<br />

in Europe, and was at the time of his death planning to make the<br />

results of these studies available in book form.<br />

He was primarily a research worker and devoted years to a mono<br />

graphic study of the types and varieties of the sweet pea and of the<br />

botany, history<br />

and evolution of the gladiolus. He had also made<br />

similar studies of the rose and the iris and had accumulated a great<br />

amount of data on these plants. He was a recognized authority on<br />

these groups.<br />

Dr. Beal loved flowers and spent much of his time in the gardens<br />

watching them develop, noting their habits and variations, and with<br />

the prescience of a true investigator seizing upon those qualities that<br />

go to the making of a superior variety. In his death, Floriculture<br />

has lost a zealous investigator, and members of the Faculty a loyal<br />

and devoted colleague.<br />

31. The following resignations were reported:<br />

W. H. Schuchardt, Professor of Architecture, effective at the end<br />

of the present academic year.<br />

\V. A. Hammond, Professor of Philosophy, from the staff of the<br />

Summer Session of 1929.<br />

32. An appropriation of $3,500 was made to continue the prepara<br />

tion of the war records of <strong>Cornell</strong>ians who served in the World<br />

War.<br />

33. At the request of the Radio Broadcasting Committee of the<br />

College of Engineering, it was agreed to underwrite the cost of<br />

operation of the new broadcasting station for the year 1929-30 to the<br />

extent of $5,000.<br />

34. Upon recommendation of the President the following appoint<br />

ments were made for the academic year 1929-30 unless otherwise<br />

stated :<br />

H. E. Spencer, Instructor in Mathematics, part time, at a salary of<br />

31,125.<br />

Gladys Taylor, Assistant in Geology, at a salary of $700,<br />

Alban G. Widgery, Acting Professor of Philosophy of Religion,<br />

at a salary of $5,500.<br />

Ruskin Raymond Rosborough, Acting Professor of Classics,<br />

salary of $5,000.<br />

at a

2165<br />

Miss Mary <strong>Cornell</strong>, Mrs. Mabel Dow Conger, Mrs. Frederick<br />

Biggs and Mrs. Carolyn V. Powell to be Wardens of the new Resi<br />

dential Halls for Women,<br />

room.<br />

each at a salary of $1,200 and board and<br />

C. J. Ducasse, to give instruction in Philosophy in the 1929 Sum<br />

mer Session, at a salary of $750.<br />

George H. Dession to be Student Assistant Law Librarian in the<br />

Summer Session in Law at a salary of $100.<br />

Cuthbert B. Caton to be Student Assistant Law Librarian in the<br />

first term of the 1919 Summer Session in Law and Charles L. Bray-<br />

ton for the second term, each at a salary of $50.<br />

Martin John Roess, Jr., to be Student Assistant Law Librarian for<br />

the 1929 Summer Session at a salary of $100 and for the academic<br />

year 1929-30 at a salary of $300.<br />

35. Upon recommendation of the President the following changes<br />

in salary were made :<br />

C. C. Torrance, Instructor in Mathematics, reduction from $1,500<br />

to $750 a year for part time work.<br />

G. A. Shipman, Instructor in Government, increased from $1,800<br />

to $2,100.<br />

36. Five hundred dollars of the salary allotted to Pearl Sheldon,<br />

Curator in the Department of Geology, who has resigned, was<br />

granted Professor G. D. Harris for curatorial work.<br />

37. An appropriation of $75.00 was made to the Department of<br />

Government to cover additional expenditures made by that depart<br />

ment.<br />

38. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council,<br />

the following grants for the year 1929-30 were made :<br />

Supplement to Grant No. 132: $500 to H. H. Scofield for a study<br />

of reinforced concrete with reference to road building.<br />

Supplement to Grant No. 176: $300 to H. S. Liddell for a study<br />

of conditioned reflexes.<br />

Grant No. 96 to W. L. Williams having been cancelled owing to a<br />

misunderstanding, the grant was reinstated and the unexpended bal<br />

ance of $139.88 was made available for use by Professor Williams.<br />

The title of Grant No. 177 to Dean C. K. Burdick was corrected to<br />

read "A comparative study<br />

of the Law Institute's Restatement of<br />

the Law of Contracts and the Law of Contract of New York State."<br />

39. Upon recommendation of the <strong>University</strong> Faculty, paragraph 9<br />

of the rules governing<br />

read as follows :<br />

the Guilford Essay Prize was amended to

2 1 66<br />

"It is a condition imposed by the donor 'that in case none of the<br />

essays submitted in any given year shall, in the judgment of the<br />

Faculty, reach a high standard of literary excellence, the prize shall<br />

not be awarded, and the income for that year shall be constituted a<br />

special scholarship to be assigned to that graduate student studying<br />

at the L'niversity who, in the judgment of the Faculty, writes the<br />

best English<br />

prose.' "<br />

40. Upon recommendation of the President a committee of ad<br />

ministration for the operation and control of the Lmiversity Library<br />

pending the appointment of a Librarian, was appointed as follows :<br />

Professors C. H. Hull, Chairman; H. Hermannsson and Assistant<br />

Librarian E. R. B. Willis, effective June 17, 1929.<br />

41. The President reported that owing to unforeseen circum<br />

stances his recommendations concerning a <strong>University</strong> Press were de<br />

layed.<br />

ing<br />

42. October 26th, 1929, was fixed as the date of the autumn meet<br />

of the Board of Trustees.<br />

43. The President reported that the General Education Board had<br />

agreed to give to <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> the sum of $1,500,000 for the<br />

promotion of science, contingent upon the <strong>University</strong> raising a like<br />

amount.<br />

44. The President reported the death of Hugh E. Morrow, In<br />

structor in Chemistry in the Medical College in New York City,<br />

which occurred on June 16th, 1929.<br />

45. The President reported the granting<br />

of a Carnegie Founda<br />

tion retiring allowance of $1,680 to Professor Annette J. Warner,<br />

effective June 30, 1929.<br />

Adjourned.<br />

L. N. Simmons,<br />

Assistant Secretary.

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Abbe, E. C Apptd asst botany, 2136.<br />

Abbey, C. N., Apptd county agent, 2106.<br />

Abbuehl, E. Salary, 2034.<br />

Ace, R. B. Apptd county club agent,<br />

1975, 2108.<br />

Ackerman, F. L. Fees for studies of<br />

women's dormitory group and recrea<br />

tional unit. 1999. Plans for fine arts<br />

building, 2013, 2156. To make a study<br />

for faculty apartment garages, 2156.<br />

Adair, F. E. Apptd attending surgeon<br />

Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Adams, B. Apptd prof, extension service<br />

and editor and chief of publications,<br />

2116, 2126.<br />

Adams, D. W. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1996.<br />

Adams, E. H. Resigns, 1945.<br />

Adams, Fred. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept urology, 1945.<br />

Adams, Gladys. Apptd home demonstra<br />

tion agent, 1914, 2095, 2096.<br />

Adams,<br />

1927.<br />

L. P. Apptd asst economics,<br />

Adams, R. M. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

veg. gardening, 2149.<br />

Adelmann, H. B.<br />

ary, 2045.<br />

S. S. B., 1997. Sal<br />

Administration Committee. Minutes of<br />

proceedings, 1903, 1925, 1944, 1959,<br />

1964, 1995, 2002, 2055. Actions rati<br />

fied, 1954, 1982, 2015. Membership,<br />

1954, 1966, 1984, 2007, 2016, 2157.<br />

Business referred to, 1957. Date of<br />

April meeting, 1998.<br />

Admissions, Director of. To be member<br />

of <strong>University</strong> Faculty, 1905, 1955.<br />

Agne, O. G. Resigns, 2098.<br />

Agnew, R. P. S. S. S., 1980. Apptd<br />

instr math., 2042.<br />

Agricultural College. Appointments<br />

1915-1920, 1974-1976, 2098-2109, 2124<br />

2149. Free tuition scholarships, 1919<br />

Budget requests for 1929-30, 1920,<br />

Faculty membership, 1977. Items of<br />

construction and improvement, 1978<br />

Special Fund Estimates to be ap<br />

proved by State Architect, 2104<br />

Budget approved by Council, 2109. By<br />

Board, 2158. Summary of Appropria<br />

tions, 2123. Budget as approved, 2124-<br />

2149. Business Office: Appointments<br />

and appr., 2116, 2128. Office of Dean<br />

and Director: Appointments and<br />

appr., 2116, 2124. Office of Director<br />

of Extension : Appointments and<br />

appr.. 2116, 2126. Office of Director<br />

of Resident Instruction and Secre<br />

tary: Appointments and appr., 2116,<br />

INDEX<br />

2125. Staff for Care of Buildings and<br />

Repairs: Appointments, 2117, 2129.<br />

Appr., 2129. Grounds: Appointments,<br />

2117, 2130. Appr., 2130.<br />

Agricultural Economics. Appointments,<br />

1918, 1976, 2101, 2130. Appr. 2132.<br />

Special state appropriations, 2132.<br />

Agricultural Library. Appointments and<br />

appr., 2116, 2125.<br />

Agriculture. Appr., 2024, 2033.<br />

Agronomy. Appointments, 1917, 1975,<br />

2100, 2101, 2133. Appr., 2133-2134.<br />

Aikin, M. S. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2135.<br />

Ainsworth, E. G. Apptd instr English,.<br />

2036.<br />

Albany and Susquehanna Stock, 1992.<br />

Albert, C. D. Salary, 2049.<br />

Alexander, A, E. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1996.<br />

Allen, A. A. Suppl. to Heckscher grant<br />

No. 25, 2019. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd<br />

prof, ornithology, 2138.<br />

Allen, C. L. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

animal husbandry, 2135.<br />

Allen, Elsa. S. S. A., 2104.<br />

Allen, H. \V. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept psychiatry, 1945.<br />

Allen, Paul H. Apptd county agent,<br />

1974, 2107.<br />

Allen, T. P. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Allen, Mrs. T. R. Apptd scientific asst<br />

botany, 2136.<br />

Allen, W. H. Apptd prof. mil. science,<br />

Med. Coll. X. Y., 1932.<br />

Alpha Chi Rho property. Negotiations<br />

for purchase, 1939. Purchased, 1967.<br />

Dennis property re-sold to the fratern<br />

ity, 1967.<br />

Altman, Oscar. Apptd asst economics,<br />

1927.<br />

Alumni Representative's Office. Appr.,<br />

2025. 2054.<br />

Alumni Trustees. Election, 2157.<br />

Alvarez, M. Apptd instr clin. surgery,<br />

dept urology. 1935. Apptd asst sur<br />

geon to Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

American Association for the Advance<br />

ment of Science. Communication,<br />

1962.<br />

American Association of <strong>University</strong> Wo<br />

men, Ithaca Branch.<br />

loan fund, 2004.<br />

Gift of student<br />

American<br />

_<br />

Cyanamid Co. Pfd stock,<br />

2002, 2023.<br />

American Dry Milk Institute. Investigatorship,<br />

1919.<br />

Note In this index abbreviations, mostly self-explanatory, are freely used, and<br />

the use of capitals is reduced to a minimum. Appointments to the Staff of the Summer<br />

Session are indicated by S. S. S.; to the Staff of the Summer School in Agriculture, by<br />

S.S.A.; to the Summer Session in Law by S.S.L-; to the Summer Session in Home<br />

Economics, by S.S.H.E.; to the Summer School of Biology, by S.S.B.; to the Civil<br />

Engineering Summer Survey, by C.E.S.S.; to the Summer Forestry Camp, by S.F.C. ;<br />

and to the Summer School in Hotel Administration, by S.S.H.A.

American I. G. Chemical Convertible<br />

Bonds, 2060.<br />

American<br />

1969.<br />

International Corp. Bonds,<br />

American<br />

2102.<br />

Rose Society. Fellowship,<br />

American School, Athens. Appr., 2034.<br />

American<br />

2034.<br />

School, Jerusalem. Appr.,<br />

American School, Rome. Appr., 2034.<br />

American Telephone and Telegraph<br />

Stock, 1908.<br />

American<br />

1950.<br />

Water Works Pfd Stock,<br />

Anaesthesia. Appointments, 1963.<br />

Anatomy, Med. Coll. Ithaca. Appoint<br />

ments, 1927, 2045.<br />

Anatomy, Med. Coll. N. Y. Appoint<br />

ments, 1929, 2069. Appr., 2069. Un<br />

used salaries balance transferred to<br />

Anatomy Farm acct., 1963.<br />

Gen. Ed. Board, 1997.<br />

Appr. of<br />

Anatomy, Vet. Coll. Appointments, 1928,<br />

2111. Appr., 2111.<br />

Anatomy Farm. Appr., 2084.<br />

Anatomy Farm Acct. Deficit balanced<br />

from anatomy salaries fund, 1963.<br />

Anderson, J. F. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Anderson, L.<br />

search, 2152.<br />

C. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

Anderson, N. P. Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929.<br />

Anderson, O.<br />

ogy, 2046.<br />

D. Apptd instr physiol<br />

Andrews, F. E. Apptd foreman poultry<br />

husbandry, 2145.<br />

Androus, E. S. Apptd home demonstra<br />

tion agent, 1914, 2096.<br />

Andrus, L. R. S. S. S., 1996.<br />

Angelillo, M. C. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept ophthalmology, 1933.<br />

Animal Husbandry. Appointments, 1903,<br />

1916, 2100, 2102, 2134. Appr., 2134.<br />

Supplementary salary of headship,<br />

1905, 1925.<br />

1977, 1983.<br />

Development programme,<br />

Apgar, F.<br />

2140.<br />

Apptd caretaker floriculture,<br />

Applied<br />

1929.<br />

Immunology. Appointments,<br />

Appointments, Period of, 2159.<br />

Appropriations, Miscellaneous. Geology,<br />

1905. Pertsch, Mrs. J. G., 1925. Par<br />

son, J. T., 1965. Fuertes memorial,<br />

1966. C. U. C. A. Employment Bur<br />

eau, 2058. War Record of Cornel-<br />

Hans, 2164. Operation of Broadcast<br />

ing Station, 2164.<br />

Archer, B. H. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931. Apptd physician to<br />

Clinic (arthritis), 1931.<br />

Archer, W. M. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept roentgenology, 1946.<br />

Architectural Advisory Board. Letter<br />

on <strong>University</strong> Plan and sites of new<br />

buildings, 1969. To study plans of<br />

fine arts building, 1999. Report, 2013,<br />

2155. Business referred to, 2013,<br />

2015, 2156. Report on new home<br />

economics building, 2156.<br />

Architecture, College of. Appointments,<br />

1904, 1955, 2033, 2055. Appr. 2024,<br />

2034. Conference committee, 1946.<br />

Plans for strengthening the College,<br />

1948.<br />

Arden, L. A. Apptd stenogr Agr Coll.,<br />

2126.<br />

Armitage, A. Apptd helper animal hus<br />

bandry, 2135.<br />

Armitage, Mrs. C. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2140.<br />

Armstrong, P. B. Apptd instr anatomy,<br />

2069.<br />

Armstrong Tree Service, Ltd. Fellow<br />

ship, 1919.<br />

Arnold, G. A. Resigns, 1976.<br />

Artillery Stables. Change of location,<br />

1951.<br />

Arts and Sciences, Coll. of. Dean's<br />

office. Appointments, 1959, 2034.<br />

Appr., 2024, 2034.<br />

Asai, L. I. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

2135.<br />

Ashdovvn, A. R. Apptd clerk and sten<br />

ogr Agr. Coll., 2135.<br />

Ashton, L. H. Apptd asst sec. Coll. of<br />

Arts and sciences, 2034.<br />

Ashton, W. H. Apptd helper farm<br />

practice, 2128.<br />

Asmus, H. Appr. for summer work,<br />

2094. Asst prof. Farriery, 2114.<br />

Associated Dry Goods Pfd Stock, 1993.<br />

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Common<br />

Stock, 1950. Convertible debentures,<br />

1950. Pfd stock, 1992.<br />

Atlantic Refining Co. Pfd Stock, 2002.<br />

Audit of <strong>University</strong> Accounts, 2002.<br />

Austen, Willard. Appl. for Carnegie<br />

pension, 2002. Granted, 2017. Apptd<br />

librarian, emeritus, 2159.<br />

Austin, C. M. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Avens, A. W. Apptd asst Chemistry,<br />

1904.<br />

Ayers, W. H. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept laryngology<br />

and rhinol<br />

ogy, 1930.<br />

Avres, W. E. Apptd asst prof, dairy<br />

industry, 2137.<br />

Babb, R. W. Apptd asst dairy industry,<br />

1975.<br />

Babcock, L- Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

2131.<br />

Babiy, P. P. Apptd instr and curator<br />

of invertebrate zoology, 2138.<br />

Bacteriology. Appointments, 1918, 1929,<br />

1963.<br />

Bacteriology and Immunology. Appoint<br />

ments, 2070. Appr., 2070.<br />

Bailey, H. C. Resigns, 1944.<br />

Bailey, L. H. Appr for collections, 1957.<br />

Bailev Hall. Study for parking space<br />

and plaza, 1952.<br />

Baker, A. M. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

2129.<br />

Baker, D. W. Apptd instr diagnosis,<br />

Vet. Coll., 1912, 2112.<br />

Baker, Mrs. E. Apptd helper plant<br />

pathology, 2143.<br />

Baker, K. W. Apptd asst hotel admin<br />

istration, 2095.<br />

Baker, VV. C. Apptd prof, drawing,<br />


Baker Foundation. Nominations for<br />

lectureships, 1937.<br />

Baker Non-Resident Lectureship Fund.<br />

Contingent fund established from in<br />

come, 2007.<br />

Baldwin, D. L. S. S. S., 1988.<br />

Baldwin, H. S. Apptd physician to<br />

Clinic (asthma), 1931. Apptd instr<br />

med., 2073.<br />

Bale, R. O. Apptd county agent, 1916.<br />

Apptd county club agent, 2109.<br />

Ball, D. N. Apptd asst chemistry, 1927.<br />

19S4.<br />

Baltimore<br />

1992.<br />

and Ohio Common Stock,<br />

Bamer, R. H.<br />

Bamforth, F.<br />

math., 2042.<br />

Resigns, 2100.<br />

R. Apptd asst prof.<br />

Bancroft, W. D. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant Xo. 159, 1906, 2019.<br />

Bangs, T. R.<br />

eng., 2050.<br />

Apptd asst prof, industrial<br />

Banta, H. A.<br />

sics, 2043.<br />

Apptd glassblower phy<br />

Barkell, J. Apptd patrolman, 2130.<br />

Barnard, W. N. Salary, 2049.<br />

Barnes, H. Apptd asst Agr. Library,<br />

2125.<br />

Barnes, L. L. Apptd instr physics,<br />

1996, 2043.<br />

Barnes, S. W. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Barnes Book Fund. Interest added to<br />

principal, 2003.<br />

Barrett, F. W.<br />

dent, 2128.<br />

Apptd farm superinten<br />

Barrett, M. Apptd stenogr. Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2152.<br />

Barringer, B. S, Apptd instr clin. sur<br />

gery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd at<br />

tending surgeon urological dept Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Barron, E. J. Apptd asst to overseer<br />

chemistry, 2040.<br />

Barron, J. H.<br />

crops, 2133.<br />

Apptd exten. prof, field<br />

Barrus, M. F. Apptd exten. prof, plant<br />

pathology, 2143.<br />

Bartlett, M. T.<br />

omics, 2095.<br />

Aootd instr home econ<br />

Barton, H. A. Invitation to asst pro<br />

fessorship of 2042.<br />

physics, 1938. Apptd,<br />

Barts, A. Resigns, 2097.<br />

Bass, Sara. Tuition, 1963.<br />

Batchelor, Mrs. I. M.<br />

elec. eng., 2052.<br />

Apptd librarian<br />

Bateman, D. H. S. S. S., 1988. Apptd<br />

instr physical ed., 2044.<br />

Bates, E. A. Leave of absence, 1926.<br />

Apptd advisor Indian extension, 2126.<br />

Bates, F. G. S. S. S., 1988.<br />

Battv, R.<br />

2128.<br />

M. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

Baty, J. B. Apptd instr civ. eng., 1995.<br />

Bauman, F. B. Apotd stenogr home<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Bawlf,<br />

2044.<br />

N. Apptd instr physical ed.,<br />

Baxter, H. E.<br />

2034.<br />

Apptd asst prof, arch.,<br />

Bayly, L. B.<br />

ogy, 2143.<br />

Apptd asst plant pathol<br />

Ill<br />

Bayne, T. L- S. S. A., 2104. Apptd<br />

asst prof, rural ed., 2146.<br />

Beadle, G. W. Apptd experimentalist<br />

plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Beal, A. C. Death, 2055. Resolutions<br />

on his death, 2163.<br />

Beal, A. E. Apptd cataloguer Library,<br />

2056.<br />

Beals, H. P. Salary, 2099. Apptd<br />

county agent, 2107.<br />

Beaman, O. C. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

1927, 1984.<br />

Beardsley, C. E- Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2136.<br />

Beasley, Mrs. B. E. Apptd stenogr and<br />

librarian Agr. Econom., 2131.<br />

Beatty, D. P. Apptd asst forestry, 1975.<br />

Becker, Florence. Resigns, 1914.<br />

Becker, J. S. Resigns, 1914. Apptd<br />

home demonstration agent, 1914, 2095,<br />

2096.<br />

Beckley, Mrs. B. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2142.<br />

Bedell, F. Suppl. to Heckscher grant<br />

No. 155, 2019.<br />

Bedient, H. A. Apptd instr chemistry,<br />

2040.<br />

Beebe Lake. Report of sub-committee<br />

on dredging, 1952, 1954. Dredging to<br />

proceed. 1971, 1983. Disposal of silt,<br />

1998. Report of progress, 2014, 2059.<br />

Been, W. G. Aoptd asst county agent,<br />

1974, 2108. Apptd field asst, 2100.<br />

Beers, H. W. Apptd asst farm practice,<br />

1975. Apptd asst rural social organi<br />

zation, 2148.<br />

Beers, Paul. Apptd asst soil survey,<br />

1917, 2101.<br />

2133.<br />

Apptd asst soil surveyor,<br />

Behre, J. A. Apptd instr chem. Med.<br />

Coll. N. Y., 2071.<br />

Behrman, G. W. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Beisel, B. R. Aoptd instr Math., 1904,<br />

2042. S. S. S", 1988.<br />

Belcher, A. M. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept otology, 1933.<br />

Belcher, A. S. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept laryngology and rhinologv,<br />

1930.<br />

Belcher, H. S. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst phvsician to Clinic,<br />

dppt med., 1931; (asthma), 1932.<br />

Belden, W. W.<br />

ogy, 1934.<br />

Apptd instr roentgenol<br />

_<br />

Belding Hemingway Bonds, 1992.<br />

Belknap, B. H. Apptd instr agr. eco<br />

nomics, 2101.<br />

Bell, Aaron. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Bellevue Hospital. Appr. for techni<br />

cian, 1942.<br />

Bellevue Medical Clinic. Appointments,<br />

1942, 2074. Appr.. 2074.<br />

Bellevue Surgical Clinic. Gift, 1943.<br />

Appointments, 2082. Appr., 2082.<br />

_<br />

Bender. R. C. Aootd instr animal hus<br />

bandry, 2134.<br />

Benedict. S. R. Apptd director dept<br />

chemistry Gen. Memorial Hospital,<br />

1963. Nominated prof, biochemistry<br />

and director of the laboratories of<br />

biochemistry, 2057.

Benjamin Estate. Lease of land at Fre<br />

donia, 2110.<br />

Benner, J. W. Appr. for summer work,<br />

2094. Apptd asst prof. Vet. Exper.<br />

Station, 2113.<br />

Bennett, Mrs. D. Apotd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2145.<br />

Benninger, C. J. Tuition, 2009.<br />

Bentley, J., Jr. Apptd prof, forest<br />

eng., 2141.<br />

Bentley, J. H. S. S. S., 1988.<br />

Bentley, Madison. S. S. S., 1988. Ad<br />

mitted to benefits of Wm. H. Sage<br />

pension fund, 1997.<br />

Benway, L. L. Resigns, 1914.<br />

Bequests, Contingent. Heermans, F.,<br />

1946. Wiles, Alice B., 2005. Townsend,<br />

Carrie G., 2161.<br />

Berkoff, H. S. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931; (asthma), 1932; dept<br />

pub. health and preventive med., 1934.<br />

Berliner, M. L. Apptd instr clin. sur<br />

gery, dept ophthalmology, 1933.<br />

Apptd surgeon to Clinic, dept ophthal<br />

mology, 1933.<br />

Berner, V. M. Apptd repairman Ag.<br />

Colfe 2129.<br />

Bernheim, A. R. Apptd associate in<br />

med., 1930.<br />

Beta Lactose. Assignment of patent to<br />

the <strong>University</strong>, 1957.<br />

Betten, C. Apptd Director of Resident<br />

Instruction, 2116, 2125.<br />

Betten, Mrs. C. Apptd instr home<br />

econ., 2118.<br />

Betten, G. Apptd asst mgr cafeteria,<br />

2120.<br />

Beyland, S. W. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Bevleveld, A. J. Aootd instr agr. econ.,<br />

1976, 2101. Resigns, 1976.<br />

Biggs, Mrs. F. Apptd warden, 2165.<br />

Billard, E. W. Apptd asst phvsician to<br />

Clinic, dept pub. health and preven<br />

tive med., 1934.<br />

Binkley, G. E. Apptd assoc. attending<br />

Surgeon Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Binns, J. P. Resigns, 1914.<br />

Binzell, C. E. S. .S. A , 2104. Apptd<br />

prof, rural ed., 2146.<br />

Biochemistry. Appointments, 1926, 2016.<br />

Biology. Appointments, 1917, 1963.<br />

Biophysics. Appointments, 1963.<br />

Birch. R. R. Appr^ 2093. Prof, and<br />

supt Vet. Exper. Station, 2113.<br />

Birnbaum, G. L. Apptd asst surgical<br />

research, 2083.<br />

Biro, L. P. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecology<br />

1933.<br />

Bishop, M. G. Apptd asst prof. Ro<br />

mance Languages, 2039.<br />

Bissell, B. Apptd asst mil. science<br />

1960. Apptd asst mineralogy, 2041.<br />

Bissell, F. O. Apptd instr English<br />

2036.<br />

Bizzell, J. A. Apptd prof, soil technol<br />

ogy, 2133.<br />

Blackmore, B. Apptd prof, home econ.<br />

2118.<br />

IV<br />

Blanchard, A. R.<br />

1974, 2107.<br />

Apptd county agent,<br />

Blau, N. F.<br />

istry, 1930.<br />

Apptd associate in chem<br />

Blauvelt, W. E- Apptd exten. instr<br />

entomology, 1918, 2139.<br />

Bliss, W. B, Salary, 1904.<br />

Blodgett, F. M. Apptd asst prof, plant<br />

pathology, 2143.<br />

Bloom, F. Apptd asst Vet. Coll., 2112.<br />

Boesche, A. W. S. S. S., 1988.<br />

Boicourt, A. E. Apptd foreman poul<br />

try husbandry, 2145.<br />

Boise, R. E,<br />

2095, 2096.<br />

Boldt Tower.<br />

Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

Use of gypsum block for<br />

partitions, 1951.<br />

Boltz, O. H. Apptd instr psychiatry,<br />

1942, 2080.<br />

Bond, L. O. Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Bond, M. C. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

marketing, 2132.<br />

Bond, R. L.<br />

2095.<br />

Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

Boochever, L. C. Salary, 2053.<br />

Booker, N. L. Apptd asst household<br />

management, 1979.<br />

econ., 2118.<br />

Apptd asst home<br />

Boothroyd, L- E.<br />

1975.<br />

Apptd asst pomology,<br />

Boothroyd, S. L- S. S. S., 1988. C. E.<br />

S. S., 2048. Heckscher grant No.<br />

180, 2019. Salary, 2047.<br />

Boquet, A. G. Apptd research asst veg.<br />

gardening, 2148.<br />

Borg, F. Apptd librarian Geneva Ex<br />

per. Station, 2110, 2150.<br />

Bossard, M.<br />

2147.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Bosserman, A.<br />

2096.<br />

Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

Bostwick, C. D. Business referred to,<br />

1939, 1949, 1951, 1957, 1966, 1967,<br />

1978, 1988, 1993, 1997, 1998, 2000,<br />

2013, 2059. Report received, 1955.<br />

Of committees : Morse's proposal to<br />

furnish electric power, 1939. Site of<br />

new Law School building, 1961. Right<br />

of <strong>University</strong> to sell real estate, 1966.<br />

Purchase of Hoy property, 2007.<br />

Bosworth,<br />

1985.<br />

F. H. Leave of absence,<br />

Botany, Appointments, 1917, 1975,<br />

2100, 2101, 2136. Appr., 2136.<br />

Botsford, H. E- Leave of absence,<br />

2102. Apptd exten. prof. Poultry hus<br />

bandry, 2145.<br />

Bowen, F. K. Apptd clerk Geneva Exp.<br />

Station, 2150.<br />

Bowers, R. Apptd technician Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2151.<br />

Bowman, C. I. Apptd county agent,<br />

1916. Apptd asst county agent, 1974.<br />

Resigns, 2098. Apptd county agent,<br />

2098, 2107.<br />

Bovce,<br />

2140.<br />

H. Apptd supt greenhouses,<br />

Boyer, E.<br />

2137.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Boves,_ L. T. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept ophthalmology, 1933.<br />

Boyle, J. F. Aoptd prof, rural econ<br />

omy, 2130.

Boyle, M. L- Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Vet. Coll., 2111.<br />

Boys, J. A. S. S. H. A., 2106. Apptd<br />

asst prof, home econ., 2118.<br />

Boysen, H. H, Apptd instr dairy in<br />

dustry, 1918, 2137.<br />

Bradley, J. C. Leave of absence 1918<br />

Apptd prof, entomology and curatoi<br />

of invertebrate zoology, 2138.<br />

Bradt, C. G. Apptd county agent, 2107<br />

Bragg, W. L. Baker lecturership, 1937<br />

Brahdy, M, B. Apptd asst pediatrics<br />

2078.<br />

Brainard, Geo. H. Apptd county agent<br />

1974, 2107.<br />

Brandt, A. L. Apptd glassblower chem<br />

istry, 2040.<br />

Brase, K. Apptd plant propagator, 2152<br />

Brasie, M. Title changed to asst prof.<br />

2097. S. S. H. E., 2105. Apptd asst<br />

prof, home econ., 2118.<br />

Bray, H. A. Apptd lecturer on tuber<br />

culosis, 1930.<br />

Brayton, C. L. Apptd asst Law Li<br />

brary, 1927.<br />

Breed, R. S. Apptd chief in research<br />

2150.<br />

Bretz, J. P. Leave of absence, 1985<br />

S. S. S., 1988. Salary, 2037.<br />

Brew, J. D. Apptd exten. prof, dairy<br />

industry, 2137.<br />

Brewer, L. S. S. H. E., 2105. Apptd<br />

exten. prof, home econ., 2118.<br />

Brewster, V. S. Apptd home dem.<br />

agent, 2096.<br />

Briggs, H. W. Apotd asst prof, govern<br />

ment, 2056.<br />

Briggs, T. R. S. S. S., 1989. Leave of<br />

absence. 2006. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant No. 156, 2019.<br />

Bristol, F. J. Apptd instr elec. eng.,<br />

1944, 2051.<br />

Bristol Lease. Assignment to F. B.<br />

Morrison, 1997. Question of amount<br />

to be paid by <strong>University</strong>, 2007. Mrs.<br />

G. P. Bristol granted permission to<br />

occupy house one year from July 1,<br />

1929. 2161.<br />

Britt, G. F. Resigns, 2098.<br />

Britt. Mrs. K. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

2096.<br />

Britt, K. W. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Britton, H. A. Apptd asst med. adviser,<br />

2045.<br />

Broad Walk. Modification of, 1970.<br />

Brokaw, H. D. Apptd exten. instr<br />

rural eng., 1918.<br />

Brokaw, T. E. Apptd helper animal<br />

husbandry, 2135.<br />

Bromley, O. B. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Brookins. F. A. Apptd asst director of<br />

shop, 2118.<br />

Brooks, W. S. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Brougham, E. G. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Broughton, L. N. Salary, 2036.<br />

Brown, C. C. Apptd asst pub. speaking,<br />

1927.<br />

Brown, E. A. Apptd stenogr Vet. Coll.,<br />

2111.<br />

Brown, Mrs. E. A. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2146.<br />

Brown, Edward. Apptd janitor home<br />

econ., 2117, 2129.<br />

Brown, G. D. Apptd stenogr home<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Brown, O. T. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Brown, O. W. Apptd instr geology,<br />

2041.<br />

Browne, A. W. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Brownell, S. J. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

animal husbandry, 2102.<br />

Bruce, W. F. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd<br />

instr education, 2036. S. S. A., 2104.<br />

Brueckner, H. J. Apptd instr dairy<br />

industry, 2137.<br />

Brundage, W. H. Apptd instr med.,<br />

1930. Apptd physician to Clinic, dept<br />

med., 1930.<br />

Brunett, E. L. Appr. for summer work,<br />

2094. Asst orof. poultry diseases,<br />

2112.<br />

Bryant, E. VanB. Apptd statistical<br />

clerk, 2131.<br />

Bryant, R. C. S. F. C, 2106.<br />

Buchanan, N. S. Apptd instr econom<br />

ics, 1928.<br />

Buchhholz, A. B. Apptd county agent,<br />

2106.<br />

Buckman, H. O. Apptd prof, soil tech<br />

nology, 2133.<br />

Buckman, M. E. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Buckman, R. F. Apptd exten. asst<br />

farm management, 2132.<br />

Buckstein, J. Apptd instr surgical<br />

roentgenology, 1934.<br />

Budget Committee. Minutes of pro<br />

ceedings, 1949, 2001.<br />

Budget for 1929-30. Recommended by<br />

Budget Committee, 2001. Approved<br />

bv Board, 2016. Summary, 2024.<br />

Estimated income, 2026. Detailed ap<br />

propriations, 2027-2054.<br />

Buffalo, Niagara Falls & Eastern Pfd<br />

stock, 1950.<br />

Buildings and Grounds Committee. Min<br />

utes of proceedings, 1951, 1969, 1999,<br />

2012, 2154. Actions ratified, 1954,<br />

2015, 2157. Business referred to,<br />

1971, 1972, 1979, 1983. Membership,<br />

2157.<br />

Bull, Helen. Resigns from S. S. A.,<br />

1919. Apptd acting<br />

prof, home eco<br />

nomics 2097. Apptd instr home<br />

econ., 2122.<br />

Bull, I. F. Apptd instr rural ed., 2146.<br />

Bullock, C. K. Apptd county agent,<br />

1916. Apptd asst county agent, 1974,<br />

2108. Resigns, 1973. Apptd field<br />

asst, 2100.<br />

Bullock, W. P, Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960.<br />

Bump, Janet. Apptd asst household<br />

management, 1915.<br />

Bunnell, Mrs. P. Apptd clerk home<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Bunting, M. H. Resigns, 1914. Apptd<br />

home demonstration agent, 1914, 2096.<br />

Burchmyer, L. A. Apptd asst prof.<br />

elec. eng., 2051.

Burdick, C. K, Heckscher grant No.<br />

177, 1906. S. S. L., 2003. Suppl. to<br />

Heckscher grant Xo. 177, 2020. Leave<br />

of absence, 2021. Salary, 2047. Title<br />

of Heckscher grant No. 177 changed,<br />

2165.<br />

Bureau of Public Information. Appr.,<br />

2025, 2053. Appointments, 2053.<br />

Burfoot, J. D., Jr. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Apptd instr geology, 2041.<br />

Burkholder, P. R. Resigns, 1976.<br />

Burkholder, W. H. Apptd prof, plant<br />

pathology, 2143.<br />

Burnette, R. G. Apptd exten. asst<br />

rural eng., 2147.<br />

Burnham, L. P. Salary, 2033.<br />

Burnham, S. H. Apptd asst curator<br />

botany, 2136.<br />

Burns, Maude. Apptd asst med. adviser<br />

of women, 1984.<br />

Burns, R. W. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2128.<br />

Burrell, A. B. Apptd research instr<br />

plant pathology, 2143.<br />

Burrows, E. N. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Burrus, T. P. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Bush, E. W. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2128.<br />

Bush, G. W. Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Bush, H. Apptd mechanician chem<br />

istry, 2040.<br />

Bush, H. S. Apptd asst mechanic arts,<br />

2050.<br />

Bush, N. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., 2131.<br />

Bushey, D. J. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

orn. horticulture, 1920, 2140.<br />

Bussell, F. P. Apptd exten. prof, plant<br />

breeding, 2142.<br />

Busses. Operation on Campus, 1967.<br />

Butler, A. C, Apptd clerk meteorology,<br />

2133.<br />

Butler, Mrs. L. G. Apptd asst to<br />

Treasurer, 2116, 2125.<br />

Butt, G. Apptd exten. instr home<br />

econ., 2119.<br />

Butterfield, P. M. Apptd instr clin.<br />

surgery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd<br />

asst surgeon to Clinic, dept urology,<br />

1935.<br />

Butterworth, J. E. S. S. A., 2104.<br />

Apptd prof, rural ed, 2146.<br />

Butts, G. S. Salary, 1976. Apptd ex<br />

tension instr and supervisor of study<br />

courses, 2126.<br />

Calendar of the <strong>University</strong> for 1930-35,<br />

2004.<br />

Calf Barn, 2103.<br />

Calkins, D. Apptd engineer physics,<br />

2043.<br />

Callan, S. Apptd instr home econ.,<br />

2119.<br />

Camden, H. P. Apptd asst prof, arch.,<br />

2034.<br />

Cameron, Janet. Apptd home demon<br />

stration agent, 1979, 2095, 2096.<br />

Cameron, R. H. Apptd instr math.,<br />

2042.<br />

Camino, L. F. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Campbell, C. Apptd statistical clerk<br />

and stenogr, 2131.<br />

Campbell, Mrs. E. C. Apptd instr home<br />

economics, 2095.<br />

Campbell, H. H. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Campus. Fund for improvement of,<br />

1952, 1972. Operation of busses on<br />

campus, 1967.<br />

Cancer Research. Appointments, 1962.<br />

Bequest of Mrs. M. L. W. Peters,<br />

2059.<br />

Canfield, E. B. Apptd instr physical<br />

ed., 2044.<br />

Canon, H. Apptd research instr home<br />

econ., 2119.<br />

Caplan, Harry. Heckscher grant No.<br />

178, 1906.<br />

Card, A. J. Apptd asst to farm supt,<br />

2129.<br />

Carey, G. Apptd painter Agr. Coll.,<br />

2129.<br />

Carman, A. B. Apptd sec. to Presi<br />

dent, 2053.<br />

Carman, J. X. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Cafncross, Gertrude. Apptd home dem<br />

onstration agent, 1914.<br />

Carnegie Corporation. Gift for Fine<br />

Arts Department, 2022.<br />

Carnegie Foundation. See Austen, Wil<br />

lard, Davenport, H. J., Hammond,<br />

W. A., McDermott, G. R., Moore,<br />

V. A., Warner, A. J.<br />

Carney, M. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

home econ., 2119.<br />

Carodemus, P. Apptd asst in research,<br />

1912. Resigns, 1913.<br />

Carpenter, C. M. Leave of absence,<br />

1912.<br />

Carpenter, D. C. Apptd chief in re<br />

search, 2150. Appr., 2153.<br />

Carr, M. P. S. S. S., 1989. S. S. A.,<br />

2104.<br />

Carr, S. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., 2127.<br />

Carrick, D. B. Apptd prof, pomology,<br />

2144.<br />

Carroll, P. N. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Carroll, W. B. Apptd instr English,<br />

2036.<br />

Carson, A. L- S. S. A., 1904, 2104.<br />

Carter, E. K. Apptd nurse hygiene,<br />

2045.<br />

Carty, J. C. Apptd instr roentgenology,<br />

1934. Apptd chief of Clinic, dept<br />

roentgenology, 1934.<br />

Carver, W. B. Elected to Library<br />

Council, 1946. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Case, H. L. Apptd county<br />

club agent,<br />

2099, 2108.<br />

Caster, K. E. Apptd helper entomol<br />

ogy, 2138.<br />

Catherwood, M. P. Apptd instr mar<br />

keting, 191S.<br />

nomics, 2101.<br />

Apptd instr agr. eco<br />

Apptd instr farm<br />

management, 2131.<br />

Catlin, G. E. G. Suppl. to Heckcher<br />

grant 171, 2020.<br />

Caton, C. B.<br />

2165.<br />

Apptd asst Law Library,<br />

Catrow, Mrs. D. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2133.<br />

Catrow, J. Apptd helper poultry hus<br />

bandry, 2145.<br />

Cattell, W.<br />

1963.<br />

Apptd asst in biophysics,

Cecil, R. L. Apptd chief of Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1930. Appr. for research,<br />

2158.<br />

Central Avenue. Concrete sidewalk and<br />

parking place, 2154. Construction au<br />

thorized as funds are available, 2156.<br />

Offer of<br />

2156.<br />

$2,000 by Trustee Upson,<br />

Certain-Teed Products Bonds, 1992.<br />

Chadeayne, T. S.<br />

192S.<br />

Apptd asst civ. eng.,<br />

Chadwick, L. C. Apptd investigator<br />

floriculture, 1916. Apptd investigator<br />

orn. horticulture, 2140.<br />

Chamberlain, C. G. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Chance, Mrs. H. L. Apptd statistical<br />

clerk, 2131.<br />

Chandler, A. B. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2131.<br />

Chandler,<br />

2132.<br />

P. Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

Chapman, P. J. Resigns, 1917.<br />

Chapman, W. J. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 2099, 2108.<br />

Charles Gross Bondy Prize Fund, 2023,<br />

2092.<br />

Charles Warner Co.<br />

1967.<br />

Debenture Bonds,<br />

Chase, C. K. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Cheadle, J. B. S. S. L., 2003.<br />

Cheatham, E. E. Salary, 2047.<br />

Chemistry. Aopointments,<br />

1927, 1929, "1944, 1956,<br />

1904,<br />

1984,<br />

1926,<br />

2016,<br />

2040. Appr., 2024, 2041.<br />

Chemistry. Med. Coll. X. Y. Appoint<br />

ments, 1929, 1945, 1963, 2071. Appr.,<br />

2071. Appr. for secretary, 1964.<br />

Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Pfd<br />

Stock, 1950.<br />

Childs, H. R. Leave of absence, 1998.<br />

Chimes. Improvement, 1906. Inscrip<br />

tion at<br />

Special<br />

Library Arch,<br />

chimes service,<br />

1936,<br />

1939.<br />

200*.<br />

Gift<br />

for repairs, 1965.<br />

2006.<br />

Gift for new bells,<br />

Chisom, P.<br />

2121.<br />

Apotd stenogr home econ.,<br />

Christensen, B. E. Apptd asst physi<br />

cian to Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Christie, R. E. Apptd supt greenhouses,<br />

2140.<br />

Christopher,<br />

Coll., 2148.<br />

A. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Chupp, C. Apptd exten. prof, plant<br />

pathology, 2143.<br />

Churchill, G. W. Apptd agriculturist<br />

Geneva Exp. Station, 2151.<br />

Chute, H. M.<br />

2136.<br />

Apptd asst botany, 1975,<br />

Cilley, A. H. Apptd asst prof. elm.<br />

surgery, dept orthopedic surger",<br />

1933. Apptd chief of Clinic, dept or<br />

thopedic surgery, 1933.<br />

Civil Engineering. Appointments, 1928,<br />

1965, 1995, 2047, 2052.<br />

Civil Engineering Summer Survey.<br />

pointments, 1927, 2048.<br />

Ap<br />

Claassen, P. W. Leave of absence,<br />

1976. Suppl. to Heckscher grant No.<br />

131.<br />

prof<br />

2020. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd<br />

biology, 2138. Of committee:<br />

Lloyd Tracts, 1987.<br />

Vll<br />

Clapp, R. G. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Clark, A. W. Apptd chief in research,<br />

2150.<br />

Clark, D. Apptd scientific asst botany,<br />

2136.<br />

Clark, E. H. Apptd asst county agent,<br />

2098, 2108.<br />

Clark, J. Apptd asst mil. science, 1960.<br />

Clark, J. E. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2128.<br />

Clark, J. M. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

1927, 1984.<br />

Clark, R. M. Apptd asst Director of<br />

Admission's Office, 2053.<br />

Classics. Appr., 2024, 2035. Appoint<br />

ments, 2035, 2164.<br />

Claus, L. H. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Clavell, C. J. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1996.<br />

Clayton, E. E. Leave of absence, 1981.<br />

Apptd assoc. in research, 2151.<br />

Cleeland, E. L. Apptd assoc. county<br />

agent, 1916. Apptd assoc. county club<br />

agent, 2099, 2109.<br />

Clinic. See <strong>Cornell</strong> Clinic.<br />

Clinical Pathology. Appointments and<br />

appr., 2073.<br />

Clinical Research Society. Student<br />

loan fund, 2010.<br />

Clough, H. Apptd mechanic rural<br />

eng., 2147.<br />

Cobb, Collier, S. S. S., 1989. Resigns,<br />

2056.<br />

Coca, A. F. Question of royalties on<br />

his preparations, 2062.<br />

Cole, W. E. Apptd asst rural ed., 2146.<br />

Cole, W. S. Apptd instr geology, 2041.<br />

Coleman, G. L. Apptd instr music,<br />

2038. Apptd instr cadet band, 2044.<br />

Coley, B. L. Apptd asst surgeon Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Coley, W. B. Apptd attending surgeon<br />

Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Colgate-Palmolive Peet Pfd Stock, 1909.<br />

Collins, A. J. Apptd county agent,<br />

1915, 1916. Apptd asst county agent,<br />

2108.<br />

Collins, E. C. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960, 1996.<br />

Collins, T. R. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant No. 157d, 2019. Salary, 2042.<br />

Collison, R. C. Title changed to Chief<br />

in Research (Orchard Soil Investiga<br />

tions), 2109, 2150.<br />

Colucci, F. Apptd reader Romance<br />

languages, 1928.<br />

Commencement for 1929 to be held in<br />

Bailey Hall, 1972, 1983.<br />

Commercial Cable Co. Bonds, 1909.<br />

Compter, H. E. Resigns, 1995.<br />

Compton, A. H. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Comptroller's Office. Appr., 2025, 2054.<br />

Comstock, A. B. S. S. A., 2104.<br />

Comstock, Prof, and Mrs. J. H. Minute<br />

of appreciation, 1938.<br />

Conant, L. C. Apptd instr geology,<br />

1903.<br />

Conference Committees 1928-29, 1946.<br />

Conedon, W. J. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />


Conger, G. B. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960.<br />

Conger, L. A. Apptd truck driver Agr.<br />

Coll., 2140.<br />

Conger, Mrs. M. D. Apptd warden,<br />

2165.<br />

Conn, H. J. Apptd chief in research,<br />

2150.<br />

Connell, J. G. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960.<br />

Conner, L. C. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Contingent Bequests, 1946, 2005, 2161.<br />

Conwell, W. L. Salary, 2048, C. E. S.<br />

S., 2048.<br />

Cooke, R. A. Apptd asst prof, applied<br />

immunology, 1929.<br />

Cooley, C. R. Apptd landscape archi<br />

tect, 2054.<br />

Coombs, R. C. Apptd field asst, 2100.<br />

Apptd asst county agent, 2108.<br />

Coon, Elizabeth. Apptd home demon<br />

stration agent, 1914, 2096.<br />

Cooper, Mrs. E. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2127.<br />

Cooper, H. L. Gift, 2006.<br />

Cooper, H. P. Leave of absence, 2102.<br />

Apptd asst prof, field crops, 2133.<br />

Cooper, H. S. F. Apptd asst surgical<br />

research, 2083.<br />

Cooper, Mary. Apptd asst chemistry<br />

and bacteriology, 2083.<br />

Cope, J. A. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd<br />

exten. asst prof, forestry, 2141.<br />

Copeland, M. A. Leave of absence,<br />

1903. Elected prof, economics, 2016,<br />

2035.<br />

Corcoran, C. Apptd stenogr Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2150.<br />

Corcoran, P. Apptd foreman in or<br />

chards, 2151.<br />

Corn Borer Investigations. Appoint<br />

ments and appr., 2152.<br />

Cornelius, O. Apptd foreman plant<br />

breeding, 2142.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, C. E. Report as inspector re<br />

ceived, 1957. Salary, 2001.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, M. Apptd warden, 2165.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, M. E. S. S. S., 2003.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>, W. R. S. S. S., 1989. Salary,<br />

2050.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> Athletic Association. Permit<br />

for new building near toboggan slide,<br />

1972, 1983.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> Clinic. Appointments, 1929,<br />

1945-1946. Budget approved, 2158.<br />

Question of raising fees, 2063. Re<br />

port of State Charities Dept., 1943.<br />

Appropriations from net earnings,<br />

1942. Budget approved by Council,<br />

2061. Budget approved by Board,<br />

2158. Budget as approved, 2085-2091.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong>. Committee on its<br />

right to sell real estate, 1965.<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>University</strong> Agr. Exper. Station.<br />

Appointments, 1925.<br />

C. U. C. A. Employment Bureau, 2058.<br />

Vlll<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong>ian Council. To consider fund<br />

for improvement of campus, 1952.<br />

Gifts for Flower Library and Charles<br />

Gross Bondy Prize Fund, 2022, 2023.<br />

To consider raising fund for free tui<br />

tion of foreign students, 2058. An<br />

nual report, 2162. Budget for 1929-<br />

30, 2163.<br />

Cornwall, C. C. Apptd experimentalist<br />

veg. gardening, 2100, 2149.<br />

Coryllos, Pol. Apptd prof. clin. sur<br />

gery, 1934.<br />

Costigan, G. P. S. S. L-, 2003.<br />

Cothran, J. C. Salary, 1928.<br />

Coughran, E. K. Apptd clerk Agr.<br />

Coll., 2149.<br />

County Agents. Appointments, 1915,<br />

1974, 2098, 2099, 2106.<br />

County Club Agents. Appointments,<br />

1916, 1975, 2099, 2108.<br />

Courtney, J. S. S. H. A., 2106. Apptd<br />

instr hotel accounting, 2120.<br />

Covell, H .B. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2128.<br />

Crafts, A. G. Apptd instr physics,<br />

1984, 2043.<br />

Craig, C. F. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd<br />

asst prof, math., 2042.<br />

Craig, Mrs. Helen.<br />

1975, 2100.<br />

Apptd asst botany,<br />

Craig, J. H. Resigns, 1915.<br />

Craig, W. S. Apptd asst heat power<br />

eng., 1928. Resigns, 2055.<br />

Craig, W. T. Apptd experimentalist<br />

plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Crandall, W. T. Apptd exten. asst<br />

prof, animal husbandry, 2135.<br />

Crane, Robert. Apptd asst county<br />

agent, 1915. Apptd county agent,<br />

1916. Resigns, 1973.<br />

Crass, Mrs. M. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2127.<br />

Craver, L. F. Apptd attending physi<br />

cian Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Crawford, C. H. Apptd asst animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Crawford, M. M. Elected to State<br />

College Council, 2157.<br />

Creager, D. B. Apptd research asst<br />

plant pathology, 2101.<br />

Criddle, I. B. Bequest, 1946.<br />

Crist, M. Apptd asst Agr. Library,<br />

2116, 2125.<br />

Crook, R. D. Apptd asst animal hus<br />

bandry, 2134.<br />

Crosby, C. R. Apptd exten. prof, en<br />

tomology, 2139.<br />

Crosby, Ruth. Apptd asst home eco<br />

nomics, 1979, 2118.<br />

Crosier, W. F.<br />

2136.<br />

Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

Crouch, H. B. Apptd instr home econ.,<br />

2118.<br />

Crouch, J. E. S. S. A., 1904, 2104.<br />

Crum, R. H. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960, 1996.<br />

Culligan, G. A. Apptd mechanician<br />

elec. eng., 2051.<br />

Culver, C. A. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />


Cunningham, G. W. Admitted to bene<br />

fits of<br />

1960.<br />

Wm. H. Sage pension fund,<br />

Curphey, T. J. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931. Apptd instr clin.<br />

pathology, 1945, 2073.<br />

Curtis, C. E. Business referred to,<br />

1951, 2013, 2014. Salary, 2054. Of<br />

committee : Incinerator, 1953.<br />

Curtis, J. G. Apptd county agent, 1915,<br />

2107.<br />

Curtis, L. G. Apptd stenogr Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2150.<br />

Curtis, O. F. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd<br />

prof, botany, 2136.<br />

Curtis, R. W. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd<br />

prof. orn. horticulture, 2140.<br />

Cusack, F. H.<br />

1960.<br />

Apotd asst mil. science,<br />

Cushman, E.<br />

econ., 2119.<br />

Apptd exten. instr home<br />

Cushman, R. E. Salary, 1998, 2037.<br />

Cutler,<br />

1934.<br />

Max. Apptd asst pathology<br />

Czirr, G. R. Apptd county agent, 2098<br />

2106.<br />

Dahlberg, A. C. Apptd chief in re<br />

search, 2150.<br />

Dailev,<br />

2139.<br />

B. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.<br />

Dairy Industry. Appointments, 1918<br />

1919, 1959, 1975, 2101, 2137.<br />

2137.<br />

Appr.<br />

Dale, G. I. S. S. S., 1989. Admitted<br />

to benefits of Wm.<br />

fund, 1985.<br />

H. Sage pension<br />

Dalldorf, G. Apptd instr surgical path<br />

ology and asst pathology, 1934, Apptd asst pathology, 2077.<br />

1942.<br />

Dallenbach, K. M. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Dalrymple, D. M. Salary, 2099. Apptd<br />

county agent, 2107.<br />

Dana, C. L. Apptd prof. clin. med.,<br />

dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Daniel, D. M.<br />

2152.<br />

Aoptd assoc. in research,<br />

Daniel, Mrs. Mabel. S. S. S., 2003.<br />

Daniels, E. D. Apptd instr physical<br />

ed., 2044.<br />

Mrs. M. Apptd clerk Agr.<br />

Daniels,<br />

Coll., 2128.<br />

Dans, Clayton. Apptd asst mechanician<br />

mech. eng., 2050. _ .<br />

Dans, Lamont. Apptd asst mechanician<br />

elec. eng., 2051.<br />

Darrieulat, F.<br />

2044.<br />

Apptd instr physical ed.,<br />

Davenport, H. J. Appl. for Carnegie<br />

pension, 2002. Granted, 2017. Date<br />

of retirement, 2057. Apptd prof.<br />

economics, emeritus, 2159.<br />

Davis, A. C. Salary, 2048.<br />

Davis, A. P. Salary, 1928.<br />

Davis, B. H. Apptd asst plant pathol<br />

ogy, 1917, 2101. Apptd instr, 2143.<br />

Davis, C. C. Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Davis, H. B. Apptd county agent, 2106.<br />

Davis, J. E. Apptd county agent, 1915,<br />

1916. Apptd asst county agent, 2108.<br />

Davis, J. S. Apptd asst surgical re<br />

search, 2083.<br />

Davis, L. I. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2135.<br />

Davis, M. L. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2127.<br />

Davis, T, K. Apptd chief of Clinic,<br />

dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Daw, W. C. Apptd gardener, 2140.<br />

Dawson, I. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2127.<br />

Daylight Saving Time. Disapproved by<br />

<strong>University</strong> Faculty, 1957.<br />

Deal, O. P. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

2095, 2096.<br />

Dean, A. L. Apptd assoc. attending<br />

surgeon Gen. Memorial Hospital,<br />

1962.<br />

Dean of Women's Office, Appr., 1929,<br />

2025, 2052. Appointments, 2052.<br />

Deficit, 2001.<br />

DeFrance, T. A. Resigns, 1917. Apptd<br />

asst orn. horticulture, 1917, 2140.<br />

Degrees. Conferred, 1935, 1965, 2016,<br />

2157.<br />

Deily, M. B. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd<br />

instr Romance languages, 2039.<br />

DeLany, D. Apptd asst state home<br />

dem. agent leader, 2120.<br />

Delario, A. Apptd asst surgical re<br />

search, 2083. Apptd Given fellow in<br />

surgical research, 2083.<br />

Delzell, W. R. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept urology, 1945.<br />

Dennis, F. S. Apptd prof. clin. sur<br />

gery, emeritus, 1934.<br />

Dennis, L. M. Xegotiations for pur<br />

chase of property, 1930. Purchased,<br />

1967. Re-sold to Alpha Chi Rho fra<br />

ternity, 1967. Heckscher grant No.<br />

179, 1960. Suppl. to Heckscher grant<br />

Xo. 6, 2018. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant No. 179, 2019. Heckscher grant<br />

Xo. 181, 2019.<br />

Dennis, R. Apptd teamster Agr. Coll<br />

2133.<br />

Dentistry. Appointments, 1935, 1963.<br />

DeRemer, F. M. Apptd janitor Agr<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Dermatology. Appointments, 1929<br />

2071.<br />

Dession, G. H. Apptd asst Law Li<br />

brary, 2165.<br />

Dewitt, H. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.<br />

2141.<br />

Diamond Match Co. Stock, 1950, 1992<br />

2023.<br />

Dickens, C. Apptd repairman Agr<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Dickens, N. Apptd statistical clerk<br />

2131.<br />

Dickinson, E. C. S. S. L., 2003.<br />

Dickinson, E. D. S. S. L., 2003.<br />

Dickson, F. Apptd instr plant patho<br />

ogy, 2143.<br />

Diederichs, H. Elected faculty repre<br />

sentative, 1966.<br />

Dietzen, G. Apptd stenogr home econ<br />

2121.<br />

Director of Admissions. To be member<br />

of <strong>University</strong> Faculty, 1905, 1955.<br />

Director of Admission's Office. Appr<br />

2025, 2053. Appointments, 2053.

Division of Education. Appr., 2025,<br />

2052.<br />

Dodds, H. H. Granted med. scholar<br />

ship, 1942.<br />

Dodge, A. H. Salary, 2077.<br />

Dodge, R, I. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960.<br />

Doren, Lois. Apptd home demonstra<br />

tion agent, 1979, 2096.<br />

Dorn, H. F. Apptd asst rural social<br />

organization, 2148.<br />

Dorr, J. M. Apptd asst home dem.<br />

agent, 2095.<br />

Dorr, M. L. Apptd cataloguer Library,<br />

2032. Salary, 2057.<br />

Dorrance, A. B. Resigns, 2100.<br />

Dorrance, S. B. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 2099, 2108.<br />

Dorsey, Ernest. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd<br />

instr plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Douque, L- A. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

2096.<br />

Downes, H. R. Apptd chemist Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Dresbach Lot. Negotiations for pur<br />

chase, 1966.<br />

Dresser, A. L- Resigns, 1904.<br />

Drill Hall. Use for commencement ex<br />

ercises, 1972.<br />

Driscoll, A. Apptd housekeeper home<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Druskin, Mrs. S. J. Gift, 1943.<br />

Dryden Road. Location, 1951, 1971.<br />

DuBois, E. F. Nominated prof, med.,<br />

.2057.<br />

Ducasse, C. J. S. S. S., 2165.<br />

Duffy, J. J. Apptd asst surgeon Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1962. Apptd asst<br />

roentgenologist, 1963.<br />

Duke, E. Apntd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

2143.<br />

Dulin, Mrs. Eleanor. Apptd stenogr<br />

Sibley School, 2052.<br />

Dunbar, W. M. Apptd instr arch.,<br />

1904. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd asst<br />

prof, arch, 2034.<br />

"Duncan, Ann P. Apptd home dem.<br />

agent, 2095, 2096.<br />

Duncan, G. H. Apptd asst geology,<br />

1927, 2041.<br />

Dunham, E.<br />

2148.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Dunham, R. R. Apntd instr pub. speak<br />

ing, 1904. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Dunn, H. S, Apptd county club agent,<br />

2099, 2109.<br />

Dunn, W. S. Apptd photographer Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Dunovant, R. G. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecology,<br />

1933.<br />

Dupont Fellowship continued for 1929-<br />

30, 1964.<br />

Dupont Scholarship continued for 1929-<br />

30, 1964.<br />

Dupree, W. J. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 2099, 2108.<br />

Durant,<br />

2059.<br />

J. W. Will contest settled,<br />

Durham, C. L. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Durling,<br />

2127.<br />

M. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

Duthie, M. E. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

rural social organization, 2148.<br />

Dye, J. A. Suppl. to Heckscher grant<br />

No. 163, 2020.<br />

Dye, L- A. Apptd instr math., 1928,<br />

2042.<br />

Eagan, Frances. Apptd asst pub. speak<br />

ing, 1927.<br />

Eames, A. J. S. S. B., 1997. Leave<br />

of absence, 2102. Apptd prof, botany,<br />

2136.<br />

Early Closing. Action of <strong>University</strong><br />

Factulty, 1985.<br />

Eastman, Mrs. B. C. Apptd instr home<br />

economics, 1979, 2095.<br />

Eastman Kodak Common Stock, 1992,<br />

2002.<br />

Easton, Mack. Apptd instr pub. speak<br />

ing, 1926, 2039.<br />

Eberhart, C. O. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Eckhardt, R. A. Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic (overweight), 1932.<br />

Ecklev, P. W. Apptd lab. asst hygiene,<br />

2045. ^<br />

Economics. Appointments, 1927, 1928,<br />

2016, 2035. Appr., 2024, 2035.<br />

Edens, W. J. Apptd asst rural ed.,<br />

2146.<br />

Edgar, J. C. Apptd prof, obstetrics,<br />

emeritus, 1932.<br />

Edgerton, H. W. Nominated prof, of<br />

law, 1965. Elected, 1984, 2047.<br />

Edick, Sylvester. Scholarship bequest<br />

received, 2007.<br />

Education. Appr., 2024, 2036. Appoint<br />

ments, 2036.<br />

Edwards, D. J. Salary, 2079.<br />

Edwards Estate. Purchase of Forest<br />

Home property referred to Comptrol<br />

ler, 1966.<br />

Egbert, X. L- Apptd instr exp. eng.,<br />

^2049.<br />

Ehrenclou, A. H. Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Apptd physician, 1945.<br />

Eidlitz, O. M. Bequest, 1965.<br />

Eidson, T. P. Apptd instr psychiatry,<br />

1943.<br />

Finset, O. Apptd asst in research, 2151.<br />

Eleanor Tatum Long Scholarships. Ap<br />

pointments, 2020. Income added to<br />

principal, 2020.<br />

Electrical Engineering. Appointments,<br />

1928, 1944, 2051, 2052.<br />

Ellenwood, F. O. Leave of absence,<br />

1944, Salary, 2049.<br />

Elliott, G. T. Apptd prof. clin. med.,<br />

dept dermatology, emeritus, 1929.<br />

Ellis, C. C. Apptd instr poultry inves<br />

tigation, 2112.<br />

Ellis, W. W. Apptd librarian Agr. Li<br />

brary, 2116, 2125.<br />

Elmer, H. C. Resolutions on his re<br />

tirement, 1986.<br />

Elrev, F. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

2096.<br />

Elser, W. J. Business referred to,<br />

2062.<br />

Elston, E. D. S. S. S., 2056.<br />

Elver, V. Resigns, 2109. Apptd clerk<br />

and stenogr Agr. Coll., 2135.

Embody, G. C. Suppl. to Heckcher<br />

Grant No. 106, 2019. Apptd prof.aquiculture<br />

2138.<br />

Emerson, R. A. Apptd prof, plant<br />

Breeding, 2142.<br />

Engel, F. A. Apptd dentist Gen. Me<br />

morial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Engineering College. Conference Com<br />

mittee, 1946.<br />

Appointments,<br />

2051.<br />

Appr., 2025, 2051.<br />

2047-2052. Summary,<br />

English, D. S. S. L., 2003.<br />

English, Mrs. J. R. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2125.<br />

English, L.<br />

2133.<br />

Apotd analyst agronomy,<br />

English. Appointments, 1903, 1926,<br />

2036. Appr., 2024, 2036.<br />

Entomology. Appointments, 1916, 1917,<br />

1918, 1975, 2100, 2101, 2138-2139.<br />

Ericson, S. G. Resigns, 1975.<br />

Ernsberger, M. C. Salary, 2049.<br />

Efway, D. W. Leave of absence, 2097.<br />

S. S. H. E., 2105. Apptd asst prof.<br />

home econ., 2119.<br />

Espe, D. L. Apptd asst physiology,<br />

1926, 2046.<br />

Essick, F. C. Resigns, 2098.<br />

Essick, Mrs. M. S. Apptd asst state<br />

leader of junior extension, 2126.<br />

Evans, T. A. Apptd field asst, 2100.<br />

Evans, Jennette. S. S. S., 1989. Sal<br />

ary, 2045.<br />

Everett, G. A. Apptd prof, extension<br />

teaching, 2126,<br />

Everhart, A. C. Apptd asst poultry<br />

husbandry, 1917. Resigns, 1917.<br />

Apptd asst dairy industry, 1975.<br />

Eve~ts, I. H. Apptd attendant Yet.<br />

Coll., 2112.<br />

Ewing, James. Apptd director of can<br />

cer<br />

gist<br />

research, 1962.<br />

Gen. Memorial<br />

Apptd patholo<br />

Hospital, 1963.<br />

Fees received, 2062.<br />

Experimental Engineering. Appoint<br />

ments, 1928, 2048.<br />

Experimental Medicine. Appointments<br />

and appr., 2084.<br />

Faculty Representatives. Election, 1966.<br />

Fahy, M. Aoptd stenogr Geneva Exp.<br />

Station, 215"0.<br />

Failla, G. Apptd physicist Gen. Memo<br />

rial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Fairbanks, F. L. Apptd asst prof.<br />

rural eng., 2147.<br />

Fairchild, H. X. Apptd asst heatpower<br />

eng., 2055.<br />

Fajans, K. Baker lectureship, 1937.<br />

Fall Creek. <strong>University</strong>'s rights in,<br />

1952.<br />

Fallon, J. J.<br />

2044.<br />

Apptd instr physical ed.,<br />

Fankuchen, I. Apptd asst physics, 2056.<br />

Farm Management. Appointments, 1918,<br />

1976, 2101, 2130. Appr., 2132.<br />

Farm Practice. Appointments, 1975,<br />

2128. Appr., 2129.<br />

Farnham, R. B, Resigns, 2011.<br />

Farnham, W. H. Leave of absence,<br />

1985. S. S. L., 2003.<br />

Farr, M. E. Apptd cataloguer Library,<br />

2032.<br />

XI<br />

Farrand, L. Leave of absence, 1908,<br />

1957. Authorized to confer degrees,<br />

1935, 1965, 2016, 2157. Business re<br />

ferred to 1946, 1951, 1957, 1972,<br />

1978, 1982, 1987, 2001, 2012, 2022,<br />

2059, 2062, 2092. Preliminary report<br />

presented, 1955. Report on current<br />

affairs, 1957. Of committees : Site of<br />

music building, 2156. Expenditures<br />

for<br />

2156.<br />

improvement of physical plant,<br />

Farrar, L. P. K. Salary, 2075.<br />

Farriery.<br />

2114.<br />

Appointments and appr.,<br />

Fatula, H.<br />

2112.<br />

Apptd teamster Vet. Coll.,<br />

Faulkner, E. J. Apptd instr physical<br />

ed., 2044.<br />

Federal Aid for Mechanic Arts Re<br />

search.<br />

2007.<br />

L'niversity approves bill,<br />

Federal Animal Bureau. Co-operation<br />

with Vet. Coll., 2092.<br />

Feehan,<br />

2142.<br />

F. Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

Feehan, H. Apptd storeroom attendant<br />

chemistry, 2041.<br />

Feldman,<br />

2039.<br />

S. Apptd instr psychology<br />

Fellows, H. H. Apptd instr clin. med<br />

1930. Apptd physician in charge<br />

(gastro-enterology) ,<br />

1945.<br />

1931. Resigns<br />

Fellowships. Appr., 2024, 2027. Amend<br />

ment to Statutes article XIX, 2016<br />

Patentable matters and discoveries<br />

made by industrial fellowships, 2102<br />

American Rose society, 2102. Arm<br />

strong Tree Service Ltd., 1919. Du<br />

pont, 1964. Eidlitz, O. M., 1965<br />

Morgenthau, Mrs. H., 1964. Xassau<br />

Co. Farm Bureau, 2102. N. V. Pot<br />

ash Export My., 1919.<br />

Fellowships and Scholarships.<br />

1988.<br />

Stipends<br />

Felter, R. K. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept surgery, 1935.<br />

Felton, R. A. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd<br />

exten. prof, rural social organization,<br />

2148.<br />

Fenner, L. A, Apptd instr mach. draw<br />

ing, 2049.<br />

Fenton, F. Apptd asst prof, home<br />

econ., 2118.<br />

Fernow, K. H. Appointed potato in<br />

spector, 1916. Apptd exten. asst<br />

prof, plant pathology, 2143.<br />

Ferriss, E. N. S. S. S., 1989. S. S.<br />

A., 2104. Apptd prof, rural ed.,<br />

2146.<br />

Ferry, C. Apptd asst geology, 2056.<br />

Field, A. M. S. S. A., 2104.<br />

Field, Mary. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2127.<br />

Field Assistants. Appointments, 2100.<br />

Fields, W. E., Apptd asst county<br />

agent. 1974, 2108.<br />

Filene Sons Co. Pfd Stock, 1950.<br />

Filter Plant. Report on working, 2014.

Finance Committee. Minutes of pro<br />

ceedings, 1908, 1911, 1949, 1967,<br />

1969, 1992, 2001, 2023, 2060, 2154.<br />

Membership, 1949, 1954. Actions ra<br />

tified, 1954, 1982, 2015, 2157.<br />

Fincher, M. G. Salary, 1912. Appr.<br />

for summer work, 2093. Asst prof.<br />

med. Yet. Coll., 2112.<br />

Fine Arts. Gift of Carnegie Corpora<br />

tion, 2022.<br />

Fine Arts Building. Site and plan,<br />

1970, 1971, 1983, 1999, 2012, 2013,<br />

2155. Plans approved, 2156.<br />

Fippin Mortgage. Release for street<br />

purposes, 2161.<br />

Fire Station north of Bailey Hall to be<br />

discontinued, 1951. Use of building,<br />

1951.<br />

Fish, Marion. Apptd asst household<br />

management, 1979, 2119.<br />

Fish, P. A. Apptd Dean Vet. Coll.,<br />

2111, 2159. Prof, physiology, 2113,<br />

2159.<br />

Fisher, B. L. Apptd technician agron<br />

omy, 2133.<br />

Fisher, J. Apptd helper agronomy,<br />

2133.<br />

Fisher, W. I. Apptd experimentalist<br />

plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Fisher, W, R. Apptd photographer,<br />

stockman plant pathology, 2143.<br />

Fisheries Research Laboratory, 2103.<br />

Fiske Estate. Sale of land, 1937.<br />

Fitch, E. C. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept laryngology and rhinol<br />

ogy, 1930. Apptd surgeon to Clinic,<br />

dept otology, 1933.<br />

Fitch, R. L. Leave of absence, 1946.<br />

S. S. S., 1990. Salary, 2052.<br />

Fitschen,<br />

2118.<br />

E. Apptd sec. home econ.,<br />

Fitzpatrick, H. M. S. S. B., 1997.<br />

Leave of absence, 2102.<br />

plant pathology, 2143.<br />

Apptd prof.<br />

Flansburgh, E. A. Apptd asst county<br />

agent leader, 2126.<br />

Fleischer, F. H. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Fletemeyer, L. Apptd asst sec. Agr.<br />

Coll., 2125.<br />

Floriculture. Appointments, 1916, 1917,<br />

2101, 2140. Appr., 2140.<br />

Flower Librarv. Gifts for endowment,<br />

2022, 2023, 2092. Name, 2092.<br />

Fogg, C. H. Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Fogg, S. H. Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Foods<br />

2118.<br />

and Nutrition. Appointments,<br />

Foote, R. F.<br />

2108.<br />

Apptd asst county agent,<br />

Foote, R. W. Apptd county agent,<br />

1916. Resigns, 1973.<br />

Forbes, W. T. M. Apptd preparator<br />

entomology, 2138.<br />

Ford, Henry. Loan to him of instru<br />

ments from Physics dept, 2058.<br />

Fordvce, C. R. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

1904, 1944, 1984.<br />

Foreign Students. Free tuition schol<br />

arships, 2058.<br />

Forestry. Appointments, 1975, 2102,<br />

2103, 2141. Appr., 2141.<br />

Fornell, C. Apptd asst surgeon to Clin<br />

ic, dept otology, 1933.<br />

Forrester,<br />

1903.<br />

J. D. Apptd asst geology,<br />

Fortier, J. L. Apptd res. asst rural<br />

ed., 19/5.<br />

Fortune, L.<br />

Resigns, 2100.<br />

Apptd instr Vet. Exper.<br />

Station, 2113.<br />

Foster,<br />

2107.<br />

E. S. Apptd county agent,<br />

Foster, X. B. Salary, 2073.<br />

Foster, Olive. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

2095, 2096.<br />

Fowler, I. Apptd attendant Vet. Ex<br />

per. Station, 2113.<br />

Fowler, M. B. S. S. H. E., 2105.<br />

Apptd prof, home econ., and head of<br />

nursery school, 2122.<br />

Frane, E. E. Apptd asst county agent,<br />

1974, 2108. Apptd field asst, 2100.<br />

Eraser, A. C. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant Xo. 106, 2019.<br />

plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Apptd asst prof.<br />

Fraser, J. F. Apptd asst prof. clin.<br />

med., dept dermatology, 1929, 2071.<br />

Apptd chief of Clinic, dept derma<br />

tology, 1929. Apptd instr dermatopathology,<br />

2071, 2074.<br />

Fraternities. Housing on <strong>University</strong><br />

land, 1987.<br />

Freeman, Ellis. Apptd instr psychol<br />

ogy, 1926, 2057.<br />

Freeman, F. S. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Freeman, H. Apptd helper home<br />

econ., 2122.<br />

Freese,<br />

2133.<br />

F. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

French, W. H. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant Xo. 128, 1938. Apptd asst<br />

prof. English, 2036.<br />

Fricke,<br />

2107.<br />

R. F. Apptd county agent,<br />

Frierson, J. N. S .S.<br />

L., 2003.<br />

Fritz, E. Apptd acting prof, forestry,<br />

2102. Apptd acting prof, forest utili<br />

zation, 2141.<br />

Frost, J. X. Appr. for summer work,<br />

2094. Prof, surgery Vet. Coll., 2113.<br />

Fuertes Memorial. Appr., 1966.<br />

Fulkerson, L.<br />

sics, 2043.<br />

Apptd mechanician phy<br />

Fulkerson, L. L. Apptd instr obstetrics<br />

and gynecology, 1932.<br />

Fullager, C. H. Resigns, 1973.<br />

Fuller, E. B. Apptd county club agent,<br />

2099, 2108.<br />

Fuller, Mrs. E. C. Apptd instr home<br />

economics, 1979.<br />

Fuller, Mrs. R. Apptd janitress Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Furr, T. R.<br />

Gage, A. R.<br />

Apptd asst pomology, 2144.<br />

Salary, 2048.<br />

Gambrell, F. L.<br />

2151.<br />

Apptd asst in research,<br />

Crannett, F. E. Nominated to Admin<br />

istration Committee, 2007. Apptd,<br />

2016. Resigns from State College<br />

Council, 2016. Of Committee: In<br />

toxicants at alumni reunions, 1908.<br />

Garages for tenants of Faculty Apart<br />

ments, 2156.<br />

Garden Avenue. Improvement, 1952.<br />

Development 1972.

Garrett, C. L. Apptd asst prof, draw<br />

ing, 2140.<br />

Garrett, S. S. Leave of absence, 1959<br />

Salary, 2050.<br />

Garrick, T. J. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept laryngology<br />

and rhinol<br />

ogy, 1930.<br />

Gartlein,<br />

2043.<br />

C. W. Apptd instr physics<br />

Gaskill, Gussie. Leave of absence,<br />

2003. Apptd curator White and<br />

Wason collections, 2032.<br />

Gaston, J. H. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept orthopedic surgery, 1933.<br />

Gastro-Enterology. Appointments, 1931.<br />

Gavin, Helen. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Gelas, J. M. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

General Administration Committee. See<br />

Administration Committee.<br />

General Baking Co. Common stock,<br />

1949. Pfd stock, 1992.<br />

General Education Board. Payment of<br />

grant for new Medical School, 1943.<br />

Grant for experimental anatomy,<br />

1997. Agreement for conditional<br />

grant of $1,500,000, 1987, 1998, 2166.<br />

Contribution towards Medical College<br />

budget, 2001, 2012.<br />

General Memorial Hospital. Appoint<br />

ments, 1962.<br />

Geneva Experiment Station. Salaries,<br />

1905. Appointments, 1912-1913, 1925,<br />

2150-<br />

1965, 1981, 1984, 2109-2110,<br />

2152. Contract for printing, 1913.<br />

Budget requests for 1929-30, 1922,<br />

1946. New hort. lab., 2103. Budget<br />

approved by Council, 2110. By Board,<br />

2158. Budget, 2150-2153. Summary,<br />

2152. Special funds, 2151-2152.<br />

Duplication of C. LT. work to be<br />

avoided, 2109.<br />

Gentry, C. B. S. S. A., 1904.<br />

Genung, J. B.<br />

2131.<br />

Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

Genung, Judson. Apptd asst pub.<br />

soeaking, 1927. 2055.<br />

Geology. Appointments, 1903, 1927,<br />

1996, 2041, 2056, 2184. Appr., 1905,<br />

2024,<br />

1938.<br />

2042. Summer field school,<br />

George, A. B. S. S. S., 1996.<br />

George, F. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

2149.<br />

George, S. G.<br />

2048.<br />

S. S. S., 1989. Salary,<br />

Georgi,<br />

1904.<br />

E. A. Apotd asst chemistry,<br />

Georgia, L. W. Apptd electrician Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

German. Appr., 2024, 2037. Appoint<br />

ments, 2036.<br />

Gherardi, Bancroft. Apptd to Adminis<br />

tration Committee, 2016.<br />

Gibbons, W. J. Salary, 1912. Appr.<br />

for summer work, 2093. Apptd instr<br />

med. Vet. Coll., 2112.<br />

Gibbs, R. C. S. S. S., 1989. Supple<br />

ments to Heckscher grants Nos. 157a<br />

and 157b, 2019. Heckscher grant No.<br />

181, 2019. Resigns from S. S. S.,<br />

2056.<br />

Xlll<br />

Gibson, A. W. Leave of absence, 1937.<br />

Apptd assoc. sec. Agr. Coll., 2125.<br />

Gibson, R. S. Apptd instr hygiene and<br />

asst med. adviser, 2045.<br />

Gierke, A.<br />

2093.<br />

G. Apptd instr Vet. Coll.,<br />

Gifts. American Association of Univer<br />

sity Women, Ithaca Branch, 2004.<br />

Carnegie Corporation, 2022. Cooper,<br />

H. L., 2006.<br />

Druskin, Mrs.<br />

Criddle, I. B., 1947.<br />

S. J., 1943. Durant<br />

Estate, 2059. Eidlitz, O. M., 1965.<br />

Gilbert, A. S., 2005. Given, Mrs. I.<br />

H., 2061. Goldenburgh, Miss J. C,<br />

2004. Henry Shaler Williams Me<br />

morial, 2021. Heredia, Mrs. Carlos<br />

de, 1962, 1966. Jonas, Albert, 1936.<br />

Kennedy, F., 1963. Lefevre, G. W.,<br />

1936. Medical College, Xew York,<br />

2064, 2158. Miller, F, H., 2022, 2092.<br />

Morgenthau, Mrs. Henry, Sr., 1964.<br />

Xoyes Estate, 1907. Passmore, L. K.,<br />

1964. Peters, Mrs. M. L. W., 2059.<br />

Rosenbluth, M. B., 2061. Sackett,<br />

H. W., 1966. Sanderson, E. N-,<br />

1952, 2023, 2159. Taylor, M. C,<br />

1960. 1982. Thorne, O., 1925. Todd,<br />

G. W., 1938. Turner, E. T., 1965.<br />

Upson, M. X., 2159. Wade, F. E.,<br />

2059. Whitcomb, Mrs. A. G., 2006.<br />

White, H., A. S. and E. I., I960.<br />

Whitney Estate, 2160.<br />

Gilbert, A. S. Gift of Carl R. Gilbert<br />

Memorial Fund, 2005.<br />

Gilbert, B. D. Resigns, 1973.<br />

Gilbert,<br />

2056.<br />

W. P. Apptd asst physics,<br />

Gilkey, J. H.<br />

2128.<br />

Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

Gilman,<br />

1929.<br />

C. M., Apptd instr anatomy.<br />

Gilman, H. L. Salary, 1912. Appr.,<br />

2093.<br />

2113.<br />

Asst orof. Yet. Exper. Station,<br />

Gilmour, A. J. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd asst<br />

phvsician to Clinic, dept dermatology,<br />

1929.<br />

Githens, A. S. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1996.<br />

Given, Mrs. I. H. Gift, 2061.<br />

Gladwin, F. E. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2150.<br />

Glanister, M. Apptd repairman Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Glasgow, H. Title changed to chief of<br />

research, 1905, 2150.<br />

Glover, W. O. Aoptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2150. Appr., 2153.<br />

Goepp, Elizabeth. Apptd asst pub.<br />

speaking, 1927.<br />

Goers, T. W. Apptd asst histology and<br />

embryology, 1995.<br />

Goetchius, E. T. Aoptd janitor Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Goldenburgh, Miss J. C. Gift of Craig<br />

C.<br />

2004.<br />

Goldenburgh Memorial Fund,<br />

Goldin,<br />

1917.<br />

Robert. Apptd asst botany,<br />

Goldsmith, X. W. Apptd asst physics,<br />

1928. Apptd instr physics, 2043.

Goldwin Smith Hall. Committee on<br />

decoration, 1946. Request of C. S.<br />

Northup for attic room, 1952.<br />

Gombash, J. L. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2129.<br />

Gombash, R. Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

2131.<br />

Goodfellow, T. M. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Goodman, A. M. Apptd exten. prof.<br />

rural eng., 2147.<br />

Goodman, H. L. Apptd instr exp. eng.,<br />

1928, 2049.<br />

Goodwin, B. Apptd engineer Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2151.<br />

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Bonds,<br />

1950.<br />

Gordnier, Lois. Resigns, 1914.<br />

Gordon, A. T., Salary, 1976. Apptd<br />

asst to instr botany, 2101. Apptd<br />

instr botany, 2136.<br />

Gordon, E. T. S. S. A., 2105.<br />

Gordon, E. M. Resigns, 1914.<br />

Gordon, Ruth. Apptd asst economics,<br />

1927.<br />

Gottschall, G. Apptd asst chem. Med.<br />

Coll. N. Y., 2071.<br />

Gould, A. G. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Gould, L- P. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

1927.<br />

Government. Appr., 2024, 2037, 2165,<br />

Appointments, 2037, 2056,<br />

Graduate School. Appr., 2025, 2046.<br />

Appointments, 2046.<br />

Graebner, Herbert. Apptd asst surgeon<br />

to Clinic, dept laryngology and rhin<br />

ology, 1930.<br />

Graham, E- F. Apptd county agent,<br />

1916. Apptd asst county agent, 2108.<br />

Grams, W. T. Apptd exten. instr<br />

animal husbandry, 2135.<br />

Grange League Federation Exchange,<br />

Inc. Investigatorship, 1920.<br />

Granger, R. S. Apptd asst county<br />

agent, 2108.<br />

Grant, E. C. Aoptd county club agent,<br />

2099, 2108.<br />

Grantham, G. E. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Grassi, G de. Apptd supervisor classi<br />

fication and shelves, Library, 2032.<br />

Graue, Erwin. Resigns, 1917.<br />

Greeley, Mrs. Hulda. Apptd asst zool<br />

ogy, 2138 .<br />

Greeley, J. R. Apptd instr zoology,<br />

2138.<br />

Green, A. E. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

2129.<br />

Green, E. L., Jr. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1996.<br />

Green, Nathan. Apptd assoc. attending<br />

surgeon Gen. Memorial Hospital,<br />

1962.<br />

Gregg, E. E. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2116, 2125.<br />

Grennell, F. E. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2116, 2125.<br />

Greycourt Terrace. Question of avail<br />

ability for use bv fraternity, 2000.<br />

Griffin, C. H. Apptd gardener, 2140.<br />

Griffin, H. Apptd mechanic and chauf<br />

feur Agr. Coll., 2127.<br />

Griffiths, E. Apptd stenogr. home econ.,<br />

2121.<br />

XIV<br />

Griffiths, H. J. Apptd overseer chemis<br />

try, 2040.<br />

Grimes, G. M. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2124.<br />

Grimes, J. W. Apptd instr arch., 2034.<br />

Grismore, G. C. S. S. L-, 2003.<br />

Griswold, G. H. Apptd instr entomol<br />

ogy, 2138.<br />

Gross, I. S. S. H. E-, 2105.<br />

Gross, L. G. Apptd asst editor, 2126.<br />

Grover, H. Apptd heloer farm practice,<br />

2129.<br />

Grover, I. Apptd gardener, 2140.<br />

Guaranteed Mortgages, 1950,<br />

Gudmundsen, J. G. Apptd chief clerk<br />

Agr. Coll., 2116, 2128.<br />

Guerlac, O. G. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Guilford Essay Prize. Amendment to<br />

rules, 2165.<br />

Guillemont, G. Apptd student asst<br />

physiology, 1935.<br />

Guion, C. M, Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd physician to Clinic, dept<br />

med., 1930; (endocrine), 1931.<br />

Guise, C. H. Leave of absence, 2102.<br />

S. F. C, 2106. Apptd asst prof, for<br />

est management, 2141.<br />

Gulf Oil Corp. Common Stock, 1992.<br />

Gustafson, A. F. Apptd exten. prof.<br />

soil technology, 2133.<br />

Guthrie, E. S. Apptd prof, dairy indus<br />

try, 2137.<br />

Gwin, Alva. Leave of absence, 2003.<br />

Salary, 2056.<br />

Gynecology. Appointments, 1962.<br />

.<br />

Haag, H. B.<br />

2079.<br />

Apptd asst pharmacology,<br />

Hadlock, E. H. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd<br />

instr math., 2042.<br />

Hadlow, H. Apptd supt of buildings<br />

Geneva Exp. Station, 2151.<br />

Hadlow, H. W. Retires, 2110.<br />

Hagan, W. A. Salary for summer<br />

work, 1906, 2094. Prof, pathology<br />

and bacteriology Yet. Coll., and head<br />

of dept., 2112.<br />

Haight, H. H.<br />

Salary, 2111.<br />

Leave of absence, 2092.<br />

Hall, A. C. Apptd home demonstration<br />

agent, 1914, 2095, 2096.<br />

Hall, F. H.<br />

2150.<br />

Apptd assoc. in research,<br />

Hall, G. M.<br />

2143.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Hall, G. O. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

asst prof, poultry husbandry, 2145.<br />

Hall, Mrs. H.<br />

2116.<br />

Apptd clerk publications,<br />

Hall, I. F. Resigns, 1919.<br />

Hall, Mrs. N. M. Apptd clerk Agr.<br />

Coll., 2127<br />

Hall, Mrs. N. T.<br />

Coll., 2127.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Hall, S. P. Resigns, 1995.<br />

Hallam, R. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2131.<br />

Halpern, Max. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept dentistry, 1935.<br />

Halter, C.<br />

1963.<br />

R. Apptd asst in biology,<br />

Ham, L. P. Resigns, 1917.

Hambleton, E, J. Resigns, 2100. Apptd<br />

field asst, 2100. Apptd asst ento<br />

mology, 2138.<br />

Hamilton, G. L. Apptd curator Italian<br />

collections, 2032.<br />

Hamilton, H. H. Apptd instr clin.<br />

med., 1930. Apptd physician to Clinic<br />

dept pub. health and preventive medi<br />

cine, 1934.<br />

Hamilton, W. J. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

asst biology, 2138.<br />

Hammond, W. A. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Leave of absence, 1998. Appl. for<br />

Carnegie pension, 2002. Date of re<br />

tirement, 2016. Resigns from S. S.<br />

S., 2164.<br />

Handlen, K. Apptd sec. elec. eng.,<br />

2052.<br />

Hanselman, G. R. Apptd asst rural<br />

engineering, 1917. Apptd instr mach.<br />

drawing, 2049.<br />

Hansen, P. A. Apptd asst in research,<br />

1913, 2151.<br />

Hansson, K. G, Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic (arthritis), 1931. Apptd<br />

instr clin. surgery, dept orthopedic<br />

surgery, 1933,<br />

Hardenburg, E. V. S. S. A., 2105.<br />

Apptd prof. veg. gardening, 2148.<br />

Harding, H. F. Apptd instr pub. speak<br />

ing, 1926.<br />

Harlan, J. D. Title changed to asst in<br />

Research (Orchard Soil Investiga<br />

tions), 2109, 2151.<br />

Harman, S. W. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2152.<br />

Harper, F. A. Apptd instr farm man<br />

agement, 1918.<br />

Harper, M. \V. Apptd prof, animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Harrington, H. Apptd physician to<br />

Clinic, dept pediatrics, 1934.<br />

Harriott, E. L. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2131.<br />

Harriott, J. F. Apptd asst prof, farm<br />

management, 2131.<br />

Harris, G. D. Appr. for curatorial<br />

work, 2165.<br />

Harris, J. H. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd asst<br />

physician to Clinic, dept dermatology,<br />

1929.<br />

Harris, K. W. S. S. H. A., 2106.<br />

Apptd asst prof, home econ., and<br />

manager cafeteria, 2120.<br />

Harris, R. S. Apptd librarian arch.,<br />

2034.<br />

Harrison, E. S. Apptd instr animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Harshbarger, H. C. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Resigns, 2055.<br />

Hart, V. B. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

exten. prof, farm management, 2132.<br />

Hartshorn, R. H. Apptd asst veg.<br />

gardening, 1975.<br />

Hartwig, H. B. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

field crops, 2133.<br />

Hartzell, F. Z. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2150.<br />

Harwood, P. D. Resigns, 1917. Apptd<br />

exten. instr entomology, 1918.<br />

Harwood, R. D. Resigns from S. S. B.,<br />

1904. S. S. A., 1919.<br />

XV<br />

Hasenjager, L- Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr rural ed., 2146.<br />

Haskins & Sells. Audit of <strong>University</strong><br />

accounts, 2002.<br />

Hastie, M. A. Apptd instr rural ed.,<br />

2146.<br />

Hatcher, R. A. Appr. for research,<br />

2158.<br />

Hathcock, J. \V. Apptd instr econom<br />

ics, 2035.<br />

Haupin, G, D. Apptd asst to Registrar,<br />

2053.<br />

Hauser, E. T. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931. Apptd instr<br />

med., 1946, 2072.<br />

Hauser, L. A. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Havens, M. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2127.<br />

Hawkes, M. E. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2128.<br />

Hawthorn, L. Apptd asst in research,<br />

2151.<br />

Hawthorne, L. Apptd clerk mech. eng.,<br />

2050.<br />

Hayden, C. E. Salary, 1912. Appr.<br />

for summer work, 2094. Asst prof.<br />

physiology Yet. Yoll., 2113.<br />

Hayes, D. L. Apptd county agent,<br />

2098, 2107.<br />

Haynes, I. S. Apptd prof. clin. sur<br />

gery, emeritus, 1934.<br />

Hazeltine, K. S. Resigns from S. S.<br />

A., 1919.<br />

Hazen, M. Apptd exten. clerk and<br />

stenogr, 2131.<br />

Hazzard, A. S. Salary, 2043.<br />

Head, \V. L. Apptd foreman mechanic<br />

arts, 2050.<br />

Healy, W. P. Apptd attending gyne<br />

cologist Gen. Memorial Hospital,<br />

1962.<br />

Heat Control Valves, 2014.<br />

Heat Power Engineering. Appoint<br />

ments, 1928, 2049, 2055.<br />

Heckscher Research Council. Report,<br />

1906, 1939.<br />

1984, 2157.<br />

Membership, 1946, 1955,<br />

Heckscher Research Foundation. Suppl.<br />

to grant Xo. 159, 1906. Grants Xos.<br />

174-178, 1906. Suppl. to grants Xos.<br />

11, 140,<br />

Xo. 176,<br />

128, 1938. Suppl. to grant<br />

1959. Grant Xo. 179, 1960.<br />

Grant 157-D applied to salaries, 1996.<br />

Supplements to grants Xos. 6 ,11,<br />

140, 156, 157a, b, c, d, 155, 159, 160,<br />

174, 179, 2018. Grants Xos. 180,<br />

181, 2019. Supplements to grants<br />

Xos 25, 64, 106, 111, 131, 162, 163,<br />

2019. Grants Xos. 182, 183, 2020.<br />

Supplements to grants Xos. 143, 171,<br />

177, 2020. Grant Xo. 184, 2020.<br />

Supplements to grants Xos. 132 and<br />

176, 2165. Grant Xo. 96 reinstated,<br />

2165.<br />

2165.<br />

Grant Xo. 177, changed title,<br />

Hedberg, John. Apptd instr civ. eng.,<br />

1965, 2048.<br />

Hedden, G. W. Apptd asst forestry,<br />

2141.<br />

Hedger, G. A. S. S. S., 1989.

Hedrick, U. P. Authorized to sign for<br />

tax free alcohol, 1913. Apptd acting<br />

director Geneva Exp. Station, 1913.<br />

Apptd Director, 1925,<br />

1948.<br />

2150. Salary,<br />

Heermans, Forbes. Bequest, 1946.<br />

Hefferon, J. Apptd mechanic Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2151.<br />

Heinicke, A. J.<br />

2144.<br />

Apptd prof, pomology,<br />

Heinzelman, F. E. Salary, 2090. Apptd<br />

county club agent, 2108.<br />

Heller Brothers Bonds, 1949.<br />

Henderson, C. C. Apptd county agent,<br />

1916. Apptd county club agent, 2108.<br />

Hendrickson, J. M.<br />

research, 2112.<br />

Asst prof, poultry<br />

Hening, J. C.<br />

2150.<br />

Apptd assoc. in research,<br />

Henline, R. B. Apptd instr clin. sur<br />

gery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd asst<br />

surgeon to Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Henry, G. W. Apptd instr psychiatry,<br />

1942, 2080.<br />

Henry, M. F. S. S. H. E., 2105.<br />

Apptd prof, home econ., 2118.<br />

Henry Shaler Williams Memorial, 2021.<br />

Heredia, Mrs. Carlos de. Gift to Med.<br />

Coll., 1962, 1966.<br />

Herendeen, R. E- Apptd instr roent<br />

genology, 1934. Apptd roentgenelogist,<br />

1963.<br />

Hermannsson, H. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant 143, 2020. Apptd curator Ice<br />

landic collection, 2032. Leave of<br />

absence, 2058. Apptd to Library<br />

administration committee, 2166.<br />

Herrick, G. W. Apptd prof. econ.<br />

entomology, 2138.<br />

Herrick, M. T.<br />

Herrington, B.<br />

S.<br />

L.<br />

S. S.,<br />

Apptd '<br />

instr dairy<br />

industry, 1918, 2137.<br />

Herrman, J. A. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Hervey. G. E. R- Apptd Assoc, in Re<br />

search, 2110, 2152.<br />

Heuser, G. F. Apptd prof, poultry<br />

husbandry, 2145.<br />

Hevesy, G. Baker lectureship, 1937.<br />

Hewitt, B. W. Apptd asst pub. speak<br />

ing, 2055.<br />

Hewitt, R. H. Salary, 2099. Apptd<br />

county agent, 2106.<br />

Hickman, F.<br />

tory, 2038.<br />

Apptd asst mod. Eur. his<br />

Hicks, H. S. S. A., 2105.<br />

Higbee, H. W. Apptd asst agronomy,<br />

1975, 2133.<br />

Higley, R. L. Apptd asst farm prac<br />

tice, 1975.<br />

Hilbert, K. F. Apptd instr poultry re<br />

search, 2112.<br />

Hill, F. F. Apptd asst prof, rural<br />

economy, 2102, 2132.<br />

Hill, H. E. Apptd research asst botany,<br />

2101. Apptd asst botany, 2136.<br />

Hill, M. E. Apptd asst Agr. Library,<br />

2125.<br />

Hine, J. W.<br />

2096.<br />

Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

Hinman,<br />

2138.<br />

E. H. Apptd asst biology,<br />

Hinman, R. B. Apptd asst prof, animal<br />

husbandry, 2134 .<br />

Hinsie, L. E. Resigns, 1945.<br />

Hirsh, F. R., Jr. Salary, 1996. Apptd<br />

asst physics, 2043.<br />

Hiscock, E. T. Apptd engineer Agr.<br />

Coll., 2117, 2129.<br />

Hiscock, F. H. Nominated to Adminis<br />

tration Committee, 1966. Business<br />

referred to, 2007. Of committee :<br />

Site of new Law School building,<br />

1961.<br />

Histology and Embryology. Appoint<br />

ments, 1926, 1927, 1995, 2045.<br />

History. Appointments, 1955, 2037,<br />

2038, 2056. Appr., 2024, 2037, 2038.<br />

Hoag, L. A. Salary, 2078.<br />

Hoag, L. E. S. S. S., 1996.<br />

Hodder, F. H. Nominated acting prof.<br />

American history, 1903. Appointed,<br />

1955. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Hodges, R. W. Apptd foreman<br />

mechanic arts, 2050.<br />

Hodgkin's Disease Investigation. Appr.,<br />

1943.<br />

Lloefer, Albert. Salary, 1916. Apptd<br />

county club agent, 2109.<br />

Hoefle, O. Apptd asst in research, 2151.<br />

Hoffman, E. W. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 1975, 2109.<br />

Hogan, M. L. Apptd stenogr Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2150.<br />

Hoisington, L- B. Resigns, 1903.<br />

Holbrook, Frances. Apptd home dem.<br />

agent, 2095, 2096.<br />

Holden, W, B. Apptd attendant Vet.<br />

Coll., 2111.<br />

Holmes, M. L. Apptd prof, business<br />

management, 2130.<br />

Holt, Evelyn. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931; (diabetes), 1931;<br />

(asthma), 1932.<br />

Homan, P. T, Salary, 1928. Elected<br />

prof, economics, 2016, 2035.<br />

Home Demonstration Agents.<br />

ments, 1979, 2095, 2096.<br />

Appoint<br />

Home Economics College. Appoint<br />

ments, 1914-1916, 2095-2097, 2118-<br />

2122. Appr., 2121. Free tuition<br />

scholarships, 1919. Budget requests<br />

for 1929-30, 1921. Budget approved<br />

bv Council, 2097. By Board, 2158.<br />

Morgenthau fellowship, 1964. Facul<br />

ty membership, 1977. New building,<br />

1970, 2103. Site of new building,<br />

2013, 2015, 2156. Budget as ap<br />

proved, 2115-2122. Summary, 2115.<br />

Items from Agr. Coll. budget, 2116.<br />

Maintenance : Appr., 2121. Office of<br />

Home Dem.. Agent Leaders: Appr.,<br />

2122.<br />

Hook, F. L. Resigns, 2094. Apptd<br />

home dem. agent, 2095, 2096.<br />

Hook, W. H. Apptd asst prof, heatpower<br />

eng., 2049.<br />

Hooper, L. Apptd foreman mechanic<br />

arts, 2050.<br />

Hopkins, C. Apptd instr home econ.<br />

and asst mgr cafeteria, 2120.

Hopkins, E. F. Heckscher grant No.<br />

183, 2020. Apptd asst prof, botany,<br />

2136.<br />

Hopkins, G. S. Prof. Anat. Vet. Coll.,<br />

2111.<br />

Hopper, H. A. Apptd exten. prof, ani<br />

mal husbandry, 2135.<br />

Hopper, Majorie. Apptd asst surgeon<br />

to Clinic, dept obstetrics and gyne<br />

cology, 1933.<br />

Horsfall, J. G. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 1981, 2150. Resigns, 2101.<br />

Horton, F. E. Apptd gardener, 2140.<br />

Hoskins, E. R. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

instr rural ed., 2146.<br />

Hosmer, R. S. Apptd prof, forestry,<br />

2141.<br />

Hotel Administration. Appointments,<br />

2095.<br />

Hotel Engineering. Appointments, 1979.<br />

Hotel Management. Appointments, 1914,<br />

1979, 2120.<br />

House, Mrs. E. Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

2131.<br />

Household Art. Appointments, 2119.<br />

Household Management. Appointments,<br />

1979, 2119.<br />

Hovanus, G. Apptd foreman ground's,<br />

2130.<br />

Howe, A. C. Aoptd cataloguer Library,<br />

2032. Resigns, 2055.<br />

Howe, B. N. Appointed foreman<br />

mechanic arts, 2050.<br />

Howe, F. B. Apptd soil surveyor,<br />

2133.<br />

Howe, G. H. Apptd assoc. in research,<br />

2150.<br />

Howe, H. E. S. S. S., 1989. Salary,<br />

2042.<br />

Howe, Ruby. Apptd asst to Dean of<br />

Women, 2052.<br />

Howell, E. V. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Howell, W. S. Apptd instr pub. speak<br />

ing, 2055.<br />

Howlett, K. A. Apptd exten. instr agr.<br />

econ., 1976.<br />

Howlett, K. C. Apptd instr farm man<br />

agement, 2101.<br />

Hoy, D. F. Offers for sale his Fall<br />

Creek Drive property, 2007.<br />

Hoyt, H. L. Apptd asst county agent,<br />

1915. Apptd countv agent, 1916, 1974,<br />

2107. Resigns, 2098.<br />

Hubbell, H. J. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

home econ., 2118.<br />

Hucker, G. J. Apptd chief in research,<br />

2150.<br />

Huckett, H. C. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2151.<br />

Hudson, H. H. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Hudson Valley Hort. Investigations.<br />

Rental of lab. space, 1913, 2110.<br />

Rental of land, 1981. Appointments<br />

and appr., 2152.<br />

Hughes, Amy. Apptd stenogr to Presi<br />

dent, 2053.<br />

Hughes, E. W. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Hughes, Geo. Apptd armorer mil. sci<br />

ence, 2044.<br />

Hull, C. H. Salary, 2037. Apptd<br />

chairman of Library administration<br />

committee, 2166.<br />

XV11<br />

Humeston, E. Granted Polk scholar<br />

ship, 1942.<br />

Humphrey, W. F. Printing contract,<br />

1913.<br />

Hunn, C. J. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

asst prof. orn. horticulture, 2140.<br />

Hunt, A. C, Apptd asst hotel admin<br />

istration, 1979, 2095.<br />

Hurd, L. M. Apptd exten. instr poul<br />

try husbandry, 2145.<br />

Hurlbutt, A. G. Apptd supt. grounds<br />

Agr. Coll., 2117, 2130.<br />

Hurst, Mrs. M. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2135.<br />

Hurwitz, W. A. S. S. S., 1989.<br />

Huson, J. Apptd supt animal husban<br />

dry, 2100. Apptd stockman, 2134.<br />

Husted, Ladley. Apptd asst plant path<br />

ology, 1975.<br />

Hutchings, Airs. G. L. Apptd stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2126.<br />

Hutchinson, J. I. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Salary, 2042.<br />

Huttar, J. C. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

instr poultry husbandry, 2145.<br />

Hutton, James. S. S. S., 1990. Apptd<br />

asst prof, classics, 2035.<br />

Hygiene. Appointments, 1984, 2016,<br />

2045. Appr., 2025, 2045.<br />

Hyslop, G. H. Apptd assoc. neurolo<br />

gist, 1963.<br />

Illinois Central Stock, 1911.<br />

Use, G. H. Apptd county agent, 1916.<br />

Resigns, 2098.<br />

Improvement of Physical Plant. Appr.,<br />

2024, 2031. Committee on expendi<br />

tures, 2156.<br />

Incinerator at Heating Plant. Commit<br />

tee, 1953, 1972. Construction recom<br />

mended, 2155. Construction author<br />

ized, 2159.<br />

Industrial Engineering. Appointments,<br />

1928, 2050.<br />

Infectious Abortion. Co-operative in<br />

vestigation, 2092.<br />

Ingersoll, E. S. Apptd supervisor ac<br />

cessions Library, 2032.<br />

Institution Management. Appointments,<br />

1979, 2120.<br />

Instructing Staff. Periods of appoint<br />

ment, 2159.<br />

Interest, Annuities and Retiring Allow<br />

ances. Appr., 2024, 2030.<br />

International Nickel Co. Stock, 1911,<br />

1950.<br />

International Paper Co. Pfd Stock,<br />

1908, 1950. Pfd certificates of de<br />

posit, 1950. Bonds, 1950.<br />

International Telephone and Telegraph<br />

Corporation Bonds, 1909.<br />

Intoxicants at Alumni Reunions. Com<br />

mittee, 1908.<br />

Investigatorships. American Dry Milk<br />

Institute, 1919. Grange League Fed<br />

eration Exchange, Inc., 1920.<br />

Investments, Temporary, 1993.<br />

Iovine, M. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Iovino, T. A. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecol<br />

ogy, 1933.

Irish, Eloise. Resigns, 2094. Apptd<br />

home<br />

2096.<br />

demonstration agent, 2095,<br />

Ivimey, R. M. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Jackson, G. Apptd instr botany, 2136.<br />

Jackson, W. J. Apptd surgeon to Clinic,<br />

dept laryngology and rhinology, 1930.<br />

Jaeger,<br />

1937.<br />

F. M. Baker Lectureship,<br />

James, C. W.<br />

2129.<br />

Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

Jamison, Mrs. D.<br />

clerk, 2132.<br />

K. Apptd statistical<br />

Janvrin, E. R. P. Apptd instr clin.<br />

med., 1930. Apptd physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931; (tuberculo<br />

sis), 1932.<br />

Jeck, H. S. Apptd instr clin. surgery,<br />

dept urology, 1935.<br />

Jeffrey, J. O. Salary, 2049.<br />

Jenison,<br />

1930.<br />

J. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

Apptd asst physician to Clinic<br />

(gastroenterology), 1931.<br />

Jenison, Nancy. Apptd instr med.,<br />

1930. Apptd physician to Clinic, dept<br />

med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic (gastro-enterology), 1931.<br />

Jenkins, W. A.<br />

ology, 2143.<br />

Apptd asst plant path<br />

Jenks, L. H. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Jennings, B. A. Apptd exten. asst<br />

prof,<br />

Jensen,<br />

1946.<br />

rural eng., 2147.<br />

Rees. Apptd asst surgery,<br />

Toannes, F. Y. Laundry plans ap<br />

proved, 2013, 2015.<br />

Johannsen, O. A. S. S. B., 1997.<br />

Apptd prof, entomology, 2138.<br />

Johnson, Clarence. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Johnson, E. B. Leave of absence,<br />

1926. Apptd instr chemistry, 2040.<br />

Johnson, E, M.<br />

2036.<br />

Apptd instr English,<br />

Johnson, J. R. S. S. S., 1920. Suppl.<br />

to Heckscher grant No. 157b, 2019.<br />

Salary, 2040.<br />

Johnson, Mable. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2127.<br />

Johnson, S. D. Apptd instr med. Vet.<br />

Coll., 2112.<br />

Johnson, Samuel. Apptd asst surgeon<br />

Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Johnson, Scott. Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Johnstone, H. I. Apptd instr arch.,<br />

2055. S. S. S., 2056.<br />

Jonas, Albert. Gift, 1936.<br />

Jonas, A. R.<br />

2096.<br />

Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

Jones, E. Apptd mailing clerk Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2150.<br />

Jones, Estelle. Apptd home dem.<br />

agent, 2095, 2096.<br />

Jones, H. L. Leave of absence, 1946.<br />

Jones, J. C. Apptd exten. instr home<br />

econ., 2120.<br />

Jones, L-<br />

1913.<br />

K. Salary, 1905. Resigns,<br />

Jones, Sidney. Apptd field asst, 2100.<br />

XV111<br />

Jones, V. E. Salary, 1903. Resigns,<br />

1926. Apptd asst eng. geology, 2041.<br />

Jordan, R. H. S. S. S., 1990, 1991.<br />

Salary, 2006.<br />

Journal of Clinical Investigation.<br />

propriation, 2062.<br />

Ap<br />

Junkin,<br />

2122.<br />

E. Apptd asst home econ.,<br />

Junkin, W. R,<br />

2035.<br />

Apptd instr economics,<br />

Kagan, M. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Kahle, R. C. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept surgery, 1935.<br />

Kalif,<br />

1926.<br />

George. Apptd instr English,<br />

Kardiner, A. Apptd instr psychiatry,<br />

1942, 2080.<br />

1945.<br />

Resigns as asst physician,<br />

_<br />

Kaufman, Chas. Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Kay, H. B. Resigns, 2097.<br />

Keller, R. N. Apptd helper animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Kellogg, G, Apptd housekeeper home<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Kellogg, P. P. Salary, 1904. Apptd<br />

asst rural ed., 1975, 2146.<br />

2105.<br />

S. S. A.,<br />

Kelly, S. F. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept laryngology and rhinol<br />

ogy, 1930.<br />

Kelsey, L- D. Apptd asst county agent<br />

leader, 2126.<br />

Kendrick, M. S. Salary, 1904. Apptd<br />

asst prof, rural economy, 2131.<br />

Kennard, E.<br />

2056.<br />

H. Salary, 2042. S. S.<br />

Kennedy, Foster. Contribution to Stu<br />

dents'<br />

Loan Fund, 1963.<br />

Kerr,<br />

2139.<br />

M. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Kerr, Sara. Apptd home demonstration<br />

agent, 1914, 2096.<br />

Kertesz, Z. I.<br />

2110.<br />

Apptd asst in research,<br />

Kessel, Marcel. S. S. S., 1990. Apptd<br />

instr English, 2036.<br />

Kidger, Horace. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Kief, R. J. Apptd lecturer institution<br />

management, 1979.<br />

Kimball, T. Apptd truck driver Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Kimball, L. Aoptd instr home econ.,<br />

Kimble, W. B. Apptd foreman plant<br />

breeding, 2142.<br />

King, A. C. Apptd prof, farm practice<br />

and farm superintendence, 2128.<br />

King, J. D. Apptd county agent, 1915,<br />

2107.<br />

King, J. E. J- Apptd instr surgery,<br />

1934.<br />

Kingery, L. B. Apptd instr clin. sur<br />

gery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd asst<br />

surgeon to Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Kingsbury, B. F. S. S. B., 1997. Sal<br />

ary, 2045.<br />

Kingsbury, C. D. Resigns, 1915.<br />

Kingsbury, E. Apptd janitor Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.

Kingsbury, O. R. Apptd asst agricul<br />

ture, 2138.<br />

Kirk, J. S. Apptd asst biochemistry,<br />

1926. Apptd instr, 2046.<br />

Kirk, Winifred. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Kirwin, T. J. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Klatskin, G, Refund of deposit, 2062.<br />

Klauder, C. Z. Permission to examine<br />

specifications for women's dormitor<br />

ies, 2014.<br />

Klots, A. B. Apptd asst biology, 1917,<br />

2138.<br />

Klotz, W. C. Apptd asst prof. pub.<br />

health and preventive medicine, 1934.<br />

Klussendorf, R. C. Apptd asst Yet.<br />

Coll., 2112.<br />

Knaysi, G. Apptd instr dairy industry,<br />

2101. Apptd instr dairy bacteriology,<br />

2137.<br />

Kneen, F. P. Apptd asst heat power<br />

eng., 1928.<br />

Knott, T. E- Apptd research asst prof.<br />

veg. gardening, 2102, 2148.<br />

Knowlton, E. E, Apptd asst in re<br />

search, 1981.<br />

Knowlton, Isabel. Apptd asst surgeon<br />

to Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecol<br />

ogy, 1933.<br />

Knox, W. C. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960, 1996.<br />

Knudson, Lewis. Leave of absence,<br />

1977. Apptd prof, botany, 2136.<br />

Koch, M. F. Apptd asst botany, 1975,<br />

2136.<br />

Koehler, H. L- Apptd asst home econ.,<br />

2122.<br />

Kohler, Wolfgang. Offered lectureship<br />

in psychology, 1955. Apptd, 1964.<br />

Koerner, Fritz. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Kokoski, F. Apptd asst in research,<br />

2151.<br />

Komaromi, M. Apptd stenogr Sibley<br />

School, 2052.<br />

Korheer, Mrs. J. C. Apptd librarian<br />

civ. eng., 2052.<br />

Kouf, Mrs. E. H. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2143.<br />

Kraetzer, A. F. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd physi<br />

cian to Qlinic, dept dermatology,<br />

1929.<br />

Kramer, F. Apptd toolkeeper mech.<br />

eng., 2052.<br />

Kraus, W. M. Apptd physician to<br />

Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Kreezer, George. S. S. S., 1990. Apptd<br />

instr psychology, 2039.<br />

Krejca, Mrs. F. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2149.<br />

Kroeger, E. R. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Kruger, G, Apptd instr physics, 2043.<br />

Resigns, 2055.<br />

Krum, W. G. Apptd exten. instr poul<br />

try husbandry, 2145.<br />

Kruse, P. T. Heckscher grant No.<br />

182, S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

prof, rural ed., 2146.<br />

Kubler, E. A. S, S. S., 1990. Apptd<br />

instr German, 2037.<br />

XIX<br />

Kupalov, P. S. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Kurdt, A. Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Lacey, G. T. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960.<br />

Ladd, C. E. Apptd Director of Exten<br />

sion, 2116, 2126.<br />

Laidlaw, Archibald. Apptd asst Law<br />

Library, 1927.<br />

Lake, Michael. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic<br />

(gastro-enterology), 1931. Apptd sur<br />

geon to Clinic, dept roentgenology,<br />

1934. Apptd instr clin. pathology,<br />

1945, 2073.<br />

Lamb, Muriel. Resigns, 1914. Apptd<br />

home demonstration agent, 1914.<br />

Lambert, Alexander.<br />

med., 1930.<br />

Apptd prof. clin.<br />

LaMont, T. E. Apptd instr farm man<br />

agement, 1918, 2132. Apptd instr<br />

agr. economics, 2101.<br />

Landesman, Harry.<br />

1963.<br />

Apptd anaesthetist,<br />

Landscape Committee. Business re<br />

ferred to, 1952, 2000, Minutes of<br />

proceedings, 2154.<br />

Lane,<br />

2121.<br />

A. Apptd stenogr home econ.,<br />

Lane, C. H. Salary, 1919.<br />

Lane, H. J. Apptd instr math., 1904.<br />

Lane, M. Apptd clerk and stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2131.<br />

Lang.<br />

2100.<br />

A. L. Aoptd asst agronomy,<br />

Lapienski, C. Apptd gardener, 2149.<br />

Laryngology and Rhinology. Appoint<br />

ments, 1930, 2072. Appr., 2072.<br />

Lattin, Berton. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd physician to Clinic, dept<br />

med., 1930; (cardiac), 1932.<br />

Laube, H. D. S. S. L., 2003. Elected<br />

prof, law and sec. of Law School,<br />

2016, 2047.<br />

Laubengayer, A. W. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Laubengayer, R. A. Resigns, 1976,<br />

2101. Salary, 1976. S. S. B., 1997.<br />

Apptd instr botany, 2136.<br />

Lauman, G N. Apptd prof, rural econ<br />

omy, 2130.<br />

Laundry. Construction to proceed,<br />

2013, 2015. Plans approved, 2155.<br />

Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial<br />

Funds. Budget, 2122.<br />

Law, R. A. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Law Library. Appointments, 1927,<br />

1984, 1995, 2165.<br />

Law, School of. Conference committee,<br />

1946. Gift of M. C. Taylor for new<br />

building, 1961, 1982. Committee on<br />

site, 1961. Site approved, 1969, 1970.<br />

Appointments, 1965, 1984, 2016, 2047.<br />

Appr., 2025, 2047.<br />

Lawrence, L. A. C. E. S. S., 2048.<br />

Lawrence, V. S. Apptd instr math.,<br />

1928, 2042.<br />

Lawson, J. S. Apptd museum prepara<br />

tor Geneva Exp. Station, 2150.<br />

Lav, L- C. Apptd instr industrial en<br />

gineering, 1928, 1950. Salary, 1996.<br />

Leach, H. P. Apptd stockman, 2134.

Leaves of Absence: Bates, E. A., 1926<br />

Bosworth, F. H., 1985. Botsford, H<br />

E., 2102. Bradley, J. C, 1918. Bretz<br />

J. P., 1985. Briggs, T. R., 2006<br />

Burdick, C. K, 2021. Carpenter, C<br />

M., 1912. Childs, H. R., 1998. Claas<br />

sen, P. W., 1976. Clayton, E. E.<br />

1981. Cooper, H. P., 2102. Cope<br />

land, M. A., 1903, 1959. DuBois, E<br />

F., 1942. Eames, A. J., 2102. Ellen<br />

wood,<br />

2097.<br />

F. O., 1944. Erway, D. H.<br />

Farnham, W. H., 1985. Far<br />

rand, L-, 1908, 1957. Fitch, R. L-<br />

1946. Fitzpatrick, H. M., 2102. Gar<br />

rett, S. S., 1959. Gaskill, Gussie<br />

2003. Gibson, A. W., 1937. Guise<br />

C. H., 2102. Gwin, Alva, 2003<br />

Haight, H. H., 2092. Hammond, W<br />

A., 1998. Hermannsson, H., 2058<br />

Johnson, E, B., 1926. Jones, H. L.<br />

1946. Knudson, L., 1977. Lincoln<br />

P. M., 1985. Love, H. H., 1977<br />

Meek, H. B., 1979. Metzgar, H. J.<br />

1996. Morrison, F. B., 1904. Nichols<br />

M. L., 1956, 2040. Pope, P .R., 2006<br />

Recknagel, A. B., 1977. Rettger, E<br />

W., 2057. Savre, C. B., 2110. Scho<br />

der, E. W., "2057. Slichter, S. H.<br />

1998. Scoville, G. P., 1977. Sum<br />

net, J. B., 1956. Thomas,<br />

1977. Tukey, H. H., 2110.<br />

H. E.<br />

Under<br />

wood, F. O., 1977. Upton, G. B.<br />

2057. Von Engeln,<br />

Walker, C. L., 1959.<br />

O. D., 1905<br />

Warren, G. F.<br />

1976. Wessels, P. H., 1977. Whetzel,<br />

H. H., 1918.<br />

Lectureship and Special Funds. 2024, 2027.<br />

Appr.,<br />

Lee, A. S. Apptd gardener, 2149.<br />

Lee, B. J. Apptd prof. clin. surgery,<br />

surgeon Gen.<br />

1934. Apptd attending<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Lee, M. A. Admitted to benefits of<br />

Wm. H. Sage pension fund, 1985.<br />

Salary, 2050.<br />

LeFeber, A. N. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Lefevre, G. W. Bequest for scholar<br />

ships, 1936. Settlement with heirs<br />

referred to J. DuP. White, 1967. Re<br />

port of settlement, 2059.<br />

Legislative Appropriations. Requests<br />

for 1929-30, 1920, 1946.<br />

Leister, C. W. Salary, 1904. Apptd<br />

instr ornithology, 19l8, 2138.<br />

Leland, E. W. Apptd experimentalist<br />

agronomy, 2133.<br />

Leland, Lillian. Apptd supervisor peri<br />

odicals Library, 2032.<br />

Lennox, J. A. Apptd county club agent,<br />

2099, 2108.<br />

Lenox, Mrs. T. Apptd helper home<br />

econ., 2122.<br />

Lenrow, B. Resigns, 1904, 1926.<br />

Leonard, Mrs. M. Apptd stenogr to<br />

Bureau of Public Information, 2053.<br />

Leonard, N. Apptd asst editor, 2116,<br />

2126.<br />

Leonard, W. R. S. S. S., 1996. Apptd<br />

instr economics, 2035.<br />

Leske, L. Apptd instr home econ.,<br />

2118.<br />

XX<br />

Lichtenstein, J. V. Apptd asst physi<br />

cian to Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929.<br />

Liddell, H. S. Heckscher grant No.<br />

176, 1906. Suppl. to Heckscher grant<br />

No. 176, 1959, 2165.<br />

Limnology. Appointments, 1918.<br />

Lincoln, P. M. Leave of absence, 1985.<br />

Lindsay, J. R. Apptd instr English,<br />

2036.<br />

Lindsey, A. B. Apptd asst botany,<br />

2136.<br />

Literature, Comparative Study of.<br />

' Appr., 2024, 2038.<br />

Little, H. B. Apptd county agent,<br />

1915, 2107.<br />

Little, W. A. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960.<br />

Livermore, J. R. Apptd research instr<br />

plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Lloyd Tracts. Committee, 1987.<br />

Loewy Collection. Sale of masonic<br />

material, 1906.<br />

Lonergan, M. J. Apptd instr psychia<br />

try, 1943, 2080.<br />

Long, W. H. Apptd instr agr. econom<br />

ics, 2101.<br />

Long Bell Bonds, 1993.<br />

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm.<br />

Appointments and appr., 2149, 2151.<br />

Longley, L- E. Resigns, 2101.<br />

Lorentz, M. C. Apptd cataloguer Li<br />

brary, 2032.<br />

Love, H, h. Leave of absence, 1977.<br />

Apptd prof, plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Lovelace, F. E. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

1926.<br />

Loveless, Mrs. E. Apptd asst Library,<br />

2032.<br />

Lowenstein, L- L. Apptd instr math.,<br />

2042.<br />

Luckett, J. D. Apptd editor Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2150. Appr., 2153.<br />

Ludlow, G. C. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept pediatrics, 1934.<br />

Lusk, G. Appr. for research, 2158.<br />

Lynch, Helen. Apptd sec. civ. eng.,<br />

2052.<br />

Lyon, C. Apptd technician agronomy,<br />

2133.<br />

Lyon, L. L- Apptd prof, soil technol<br />

ogy, 2133.<br />

McAllister, J. J. Apptd instr plant<br />

breeding, 1976.<br />

McAllister, M. H. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2143.<br />

MacArthur, E- H. Title changed to<br />

asst prof. 2097. S. S. H. E., 2105.<br />

Apptd asst prof, home econ., 2118.<br />

McArthur, M. J. Apptd asst household<br />

management, 2095.<br />

McAuliffe, G. B. Apptd asst prof. clin.<br />

surgery, dept otology, 1933, 2076.<br />

Apptd chief of Clinic, dept otology,<br />

1933. Apptd acting head dept otol<br />

ogy, 1946, 2076.<br />

McAuliffe, G. W. Apptd instr clin. sur<br />

gery, dept otology, 1933. Apptd sur<br />

geon to Clinic dept otology, 1933.<br />

McAuliffe, V. J. Apptd asst surgeon<br />

to Clinic, dept urology, 1935. Re<br />

signs, 1945.

Leslie, Eugenie. Salary, 2070.<br />

LEsperance, E. S. Apptd serologist<br />

1963. Salary, 2077. Apptd asst prof<br />

pathology, 2677.<br />

Levering, S. R. Apptd stenogr Agr,<br />

Coll., 2144.<br />

Levine, L. I. Apptd instr clin. med.<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Levine, S. Z. Apptd associate pedia<br />

tries, 1935. Salary, 2078. Appr. for<br />

research, 2158.<br />

Lewis, A. W. Apptd asst chemistry<br />

1927.<br />

Lewis, D. L. Apptd asst mil. science<br />

1960.<br />

Lewis, H. P. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Lewis, R. D. Apptd exten. asst prof<br />

plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Library. Appr., 2024, 2032. Appoint<br />

ments, 2032, 2056. Committee oi<br />

administration, 2166. Sale of ma<br />

s.nic material from Loewy collec<br />

tion, 1906.<br />

Library Council. Election of faculty<br />

McBride, K.<br />

2096.<br />

Apptd home dem. agent<br />

McCallan, S. E. A. Apptd potato in<br />

spector, 1916. Resigns, 2101.<br />

McCandlish, H. G. Salary, 2076.<br />

McCarthy, D. D. Apptd instr elec<br />

eng., 2051.<br />

McCartney, I. H. Apptd<br />

asst'<br />

home<br />

economics, 1979, 2095.<br />

McCartney, J. Apptd helper poultry<br />

husbandry, 2145.<br />

McCauliff, E. F, Resigns, 1973. Apptd<br />

asst county agent, 1974.<br />

McCay, C. M. Apptd asst prof, animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

McClellan, A. M. Apptd asst surgeon<br />

to Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

McClellan, P. P. S. S. S., 1996.<br />

McClellan, W. S. Apptd instr med.,<br />

1930.<br />

McClintock, Barbara. Salary, 1976.<br />

Apptd instr botany, 2136.<br />

McClintock, W. G. Salary, 2054.<br />

McCollum, T. P. Appointed asst in re<br />

search, 1912.<br />

McCorkle, H. K. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

McCormick, C. T. S. S. L., 2003.<br />

McCurdy, J. C.<br />

2147.<br />

Apptd prof, rural eng.,<br />

MacDaniels, L. H. S. S. A., 2105.<br />

Apptd prof, pomology, 2144.<br />

McDermond, Bess. Resigns, 1914.<br />

McDermott, G. R. Appl. for Carnegie<br />

pension, 2002. Granted, 2017. Apptd<br />

p-of. structural design, emeritus,<br />

2159.<br />

McDivitt, E. L. Apptd clerk Agr.<br />

Coll., 2126.<br />

MacDonald, J. O. Apptd asst surgeon<br />

to Clinic, dept laryngology and rhin<br />

ology, 1930. Apptd asst clin. sur<br />

gery, dept laryngology and rhinology,<br />

2072.<br />

McDonald, W. F, Apptd instr classics,<br />

2035. .,<br />

McFadden, H. D.<br />

,<br />

Payment on gift for<br />

War Memorial, 1967.<br />

XXI<br />

McFeeters, M. C. Resigns, 1975.<br />

McGaffin, C. G. Apptd instr psychia<br />

try, 1943.<br />

McGraime, Wm. Apptd President's and<br />

Comptroller's messenger, 2054.<br />

McGrath, J. F. Apptd instr obstetrics<br />

and gynecology, 1932. Apptd chief<br />

of Clinic, dept obstetrics and gyne<br />

cology, 1932.<br />

McGuigan, M. Apptd stenogr Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2150.<br />

Machine Design. Appointments, 2049.<br />

Machine Drawing. Appointments, 2049.<br />

Mcllroy, Mrs. C. B. Apptd director of<br />

shop, 2118.<br />

McKay, J. D. Invited to be asst to<br />

Prof. G. P. Thomson, 2058.<br />

Mackay Companies Pfd Stock, 1909.<br />

McKenzie, A. A. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 2109.<br />

McKeon, R. Nominated prof, ancient<br />

and mediaeval philosophy, 1998.<br />

Mackey, C. O. Apptd asst prof, heatpower<br />

eng., 2049.<br />

MrLallen, L. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2137.<br />

McMaster, M. A. Apptd instr floricul<br />

ture and orn. hort., 2101, 2140.<br />

McMullen Scholarships, 2057.<br />

McXatt, E. B. Apptd instr enconomics,<br />

2035.<br />

Magner, Winifred. Resigns, 1978.<br />

Apptd home demonstration agent,<br />

1979.<br />

Mahoney, Earl. Apptd student asst<br />

Geneva Exper. Station, 1912.<br />

Maintenance of Physical Plant.<br />

2024, 2030.<br />

Appr.,<br />

Malone, M. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2136.<br />

Malone, V. M. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2126.<br />

Mann, A. R. Appointed Director C. U.<br />

Agr. Exp. Station, 1925. Dean Agr.<br />

Coll. and Director Exp. Stations,<br />

2116, 2124. Business referred to,<br />

1957, 1978. Salary, 2033.<br />

Mann, E. R. Apptd asst physics, 1927,<br />

2043. Salary, 1996. Apptd instr<br />

physics, 2056.<br />

Manning, A. I. Apptd helper animal<br />

husbandry, 2135.<br />

Manning, J. S. Resigns, 1907.<br />

Mansfield, H. L. Apptd instr pathol<br />

ogy and bacteriology, 1912. Apptd<br />

instr pathology Vet. Coll., 2112.<br />

Manus, M. W. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2126.<br />

Mapes, E. A. Apptd clerk publications,<br />

2116, 2127.<br />

Mapes, L. Apptd statistical clerk, 2132.<br />

Marble, D. Apptd instr poultry hus<br />

bandry, 2145.<br />

Marchant, T. H. Salary, 1996. Apptd<br />

asst physics, 2043.<br />

Marine, L. S. S. H. E-, 2105.<br />

Marine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole. Appr.,<br />

2034, 2063.<br />

Markell, L. M. Apptd sec. to Dean of<br />

Coll. Engineering, 2047.<br />

Marketing. Appointments, 1918. _<br />

Marquardt, T. C. Apptd asst in re<br />

search, 2151.

Marquith, Leo. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic dept urology, 1935.<br />

Marsh, F. B. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Marsh, Lena. Apptd librarian Sibley<br />

School, 2052.<br />

Marshak, A. G. Apptd potato inspec<br />

tor, 1916.<br />

Marshall, J. C. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Martin, H. E. Resigns, 1907. Apptd<br />

asst surgeon Gen. Memorial Hospital<br />

1962.<br />

Martin, J. A. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.<br />

2147.<br />

Martin, Kirby, A. Apptd instr clin<br />

med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931. Salary, 2062<br />

Apptd instr med., 2072.<br />

Mason, C. W. S. S. S., 1990. Salary<br />

2040.<br />

Mason, J. F. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Massey, L. M. Apptd prof, plant path<br />

ology, 2143.<br />

Masten, E. C. Apptd asst county agent,<br />

1915, 1974, 2098. Apptd county<br />

agent, 1916, 2098, 2107. Resigns,<br />

2098.<br />

Master, A. M. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic (electrocardiography), 1932.<br />

Masterman, Mrs. N. K. Apptd exten.<br />

instr home econ., 2120.<br />

Materia Medica and Small Animal Clin<br />

ic. Appointments, 1995, 2111. Appr.,<br />

2111.<br />

Mathematics. Appointments, 1904,<br />

1928, 2042, 2164. Appr., 2025, 2042.<br />

Mather, Mrs. Mercie. Apptd stenogr<br />

Library, 2032.<br />

Matheson, Robert. S. S. B., 1997.<br />

Apptd prof. econ. entomology, 2138.<br />

Maughan, G. H. Heckscher grant No.<br />

175, 1906.<br />

Maughan, O. H. Apptd asst meteorol<br />

ogy, 2133.<br />

Maurer, J. Apor. for summer work,<br />

2094. Apptd instr surgery Vet. Coll.,<br />

2113.<br />

Maynard, L. A. Apptd prof, animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Mead, A. H. Apptd county<br />

club agent,<br />

2099, 2108.<br />

Mead, C. G. Apptd proctor, 2003.<br />

Mead, Gordon. Agreement for use of<br />

land, 1981.<br />

Mechanic Arts. Appointments, 2050.<br />

Mechanics. Appointments, 2050.<br />

Medical College, Ithaca. Conference<br />

committee, 1946. Appr., 2025, 2046.<br />

Appointments, 2045.<br />

Medical College, New York. Appoint<br />

ments, 1908, 1929-1935, 1942-1943,<br />

1945-1946. Balances of special funds<br />

reserved, 1941. Reappropriations,<br />

1941. Alterations in buildings, 1942.<br />

Scholarships granted, 1942. Appr. for<br />

additional Porter, 1963. Appr. for<br />

Library, 1963. Disposal of surplus<br />

books and journals in Library, 2009.<br />

Prolongation of course of student as<br />

sistants, 2009. Preparation of budget,<br />

2011. Time of occupation of new<br />

buildings, 2012. Report on financial<br />

condition, 2020. Budget approved by<br />

XX11<br />

Council, 2061. Budget approved by<br />

Board, 2158. Budget as approved,<br />

2064-2084. Estimated income, 2064.<br />

Gifts, 2064. Total budgets, 2065.<br />

Administration budgets, 2065-2068.<br />

Departmental budgets, 2068-2084. Re<br />

search Fund: Budget, 2158.<br />

Medical College Council. Minutes of<br />

proceedings, 1941, 1962, 2009, 2061.<br />

Actions ratified, 1944, 1954, 1966,<br />

1982, 2015, 2158. Membership, 1954,<br />

1962.<br />

Medicine. Appointments, 1930, 1942,<br />

1945, 1946, 2072. Appr., 2072. Sum<br />

mary, 2075.<br />

Medicine and Ambulatory Clinic Vet.<br />

Coll. Appointments and appr., 2112.<br />

Meek, H. B. Leave of absence, 1979.<br />

Apptd prof, hotel management, 2120.<br />

Meek, Mrs. H. B. Resigns from S. S.<br />

A., 1919.<br />

Megathlin, G. R. Resigns, 1903.<br />

Apptd instr geology, 2041.<br />

Mekeel, Mary. Apptd asst zoology,<br />

2043.<br />

Melville Shoe Pfd. Stock, 1908.<br />

Melvin, B. L. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

acting prof, rural social organization,<br />

2148.<br />

Memorial Tablets. N. Y. State Vet.<br />

Med. Soc, 1906. Sweet professor<br />

ship, 2059.<br />

Mensching, J. E. Resigns, 2109.<br />

Mereness, E. H. Apptd exten. instr<br />

farm management, 1918, 1976. Re<br />

signs, 1976.<br />

Merian, Mrs. T. Apptd stenogr Agr,<br />

Coll., 2143.<br />

Merkle, F. G. Apptd asst agronomy,<br />

1917.<br />

Merrill, A. L- Apptd asst home econ.,<br />

1915.<br />

Merrill, E. Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

2131.<br />

Merrill, E. D. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Merrill, T. Apptd attendant Vet. Coll.,<br />

2111.<br />

Merritt, E. Suppl. to Heckscher grant<br />

Xo. 140, 1938, 2019. Suppl. to Heck<br />

scher grant 157c, 2019.<br />

Meserve, W. E. Aoptd instr elec. eng.,<br />

2051.<br />

Messer, C. L. Apptd county agent,<br />

2106.<br />

Meteorology. Discontinued as a depart<br />

ment, 2103.<br />

Metzger, H. J. Aoptd exten. asst prof.<br />

animal husbandry, 2135.<br />

Middaugh, W, S. Apptd asst business<br />

management, 2131.<br />

Middle West Utilities Stock, 1992.<br />

Midjo, C. M. S. Salary, 2033.<br />

Mihalko, R. B. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Milans, R. S. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960. Apptd asst hotel eng., 1979.<br />

Milford, E. L. Apptd asst bacteriology<br />

and immunology, 1929.<br />

Milhan, M. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />


Military Science. Appointments, 1932,<br />

1960, 1996, 2044. Appr., 2025, 2044.<br />

Communication concerning new artil<br />

lery stables and riding shed, 1972.<br />

Milks, H. J. Appr. for summer work,<br />

2094. Prof, and supt small animal<br />

clinic, 2111.<br />

Miller,<br />

1926.<br />

A. R. Apptd asst physiology,<br />

Miller, F. H. Gifts, 2022, 2092.<br />

Miller, T. E. Apptd asst engineer<br />

Office, 2054.<br />

Miller, Lucy. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Miller,<br />

'2126.<br />

M. Apptd accountant exten.,<br />

Miller, S. Apptd statistical clerk, 2131.<br />

Milliser, R. Apptd asst anatomy, 1927.<br />

Apptd instr hygiene, 2045.<br />

Mills, H. S. Salary, 1918. Resigns,<br />

2101.<br />

Mills, W. D. Salary, 1918. Apptd ex<br />

ten. instr plant pathology, 2143.<br />

Millward, L. G, Apptd asst geology,<br />

1927, 2041.<br />

Mineralogy. Appointments, 1903.<br />

Mingins, C. R. Apptd asst physics,<br />

1995. Apptd instr physics, 2043.<br />

Minns, L. A. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

instr floriculture, 2140.<br />

Miscall, J. Apptd instr chemistry, 2040.<br />

Miscellaneous Operating Expenses.<br />

Appr., 2024, 2031.<br />

Misner, E. G. Apptd prof, farm man<br />

agement, 2130.<br />

Missouri,<br />

1950.<br />

Kansas and Texas Bonds,<br />

Missouri-Pacific Bonds, 2023.<br />

Mitchell, C. Apptd gardener, 2149.<br />

Mitchell, I.<br />

2131.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Mitchell, L. A. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll.. 2127.<br />

Mitchell, Wendell. Apptd asst physi<br />

cian to Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Moe, T. L. Apptd Coll.,"<br />

2129.<br />

repairman Agr.<br />

Moeder, W. D.<br />

1928, 2051.<br />

Apptd instr elec. eng.,<br />

Mohr, C. Apptd florist Geneva Exp.<br />

Station, 2151.<br />

Monroe, Mrs. B. W. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2126.<br />

Monroe, B.<br />

ary, 2006.<br />

S. S. S. S., 1990. Sal<br />

Monsch, M.<br />

2118.<br />

Apptd prof, home econ.,<br />

Montgomery, R. E. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Moore, C. B. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

prof, rural ed., 2146.<br />

Moore, Dewitt.<br />

land, 1981.<br />

Agreement for use of<br />

Moore, Dorthea.<br />

2078.<br />

Apptd asst pediatrics,<br />

Moore, M. G.<br />

2151.<br />

Apptd asst in research,<br />

Moore, V A. Retirement, 1965. Appl.<br />

for Carnegie pension, 1965. Report<br />

on Vet. Coll., 2092. Expression of<br />

appreciation, 2092. Apptd prof, of<br />

comparative and veterinary pathology<br />

and bacteriology and of meat inspec<br />

XX111<br />

tion and dean of Vet. Coll., emeritus,<br />

2159. Granted retiring allowance by<br />

C. U., 2159.<br />

Mordoff, R .A. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

prof, meteorology, 2133.<br />

Moree,<br />

1996.<br />

R. W. Apptd asst geology,<br />

Moreland,<br />

1975.<br />

C. F. Apptd asst botany,<br />

Morey, D. R. Apptd asst physics, 1927.<br />

Morgenthau, Mrs. Henry, Sr. Gift for<br />

fellowship in home economics,<br />

Morin, G. Apptd exten. asst<br />

home econ., 2119.<br />

1964.<br />

prof.<br />

Morovec, A.<br />

2116, 2127.<br />

Apptd clerk publications,<br />

Morris, F. B. Resigns, 1973. Apptd<br />

asst county agent leader, 1974, 2126.<br />

Morris, J. H. Apptd asst surgical re<br />

search, 1934.<br />

Morrison, F. B. Leave of absence,<br />

1904. Xominated prof, animal hus<br />

bandry and head of dept., 1913. Ap<br />

pointed, 1925, 2134. Salary, 1925.<br />

Resigns as Director of Exp. Stations,<br />

1925.<br />

1997.<br />

Assignment of Bristol lease,<br />

Morrow, H. E. Death, 2166.<br />

Morse, C.<br />

2040.<br />

W., S. S. S., 2003. Salary,<br />

Morse, F. L. Proposal to furnish elec<br />

tric power, 1939. Question of Uni<br />

versity's rights in Fall Creek, 1952.<br />

Morse,<br />

2107.<br />

H. C. Apptd county agent,<br />

Mortgages, Guaranteed, 1950.<br />

Morton, C. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

heme econ., 2120.<br />

Moths and Insects Investigation.<br />

pointments and appr., 2152.<br />

Ap<br />

Mouat, H. R. Apptd asst histology and<br />

embryology, 1926. Resigns, 1984.<br />

Muchmore, G. B.<br />

ary, 2039.<br />

S. S. S., 1990. Sal<br />

Muckle,<br />

2107.<br />

L. A. Apptd county agent,<br />

Mueller, D. W. Apptd asst physics,<br />

1927, 2056.<br />

Muenscher, W. C. Salary, 1904. S. S.<br />

A., 2105. Apptd asst prof. econ.<br />

botany, 2136.<br />

Mulcahy, T. A. Apptd instr clin. sur<br />

gery, dept laryngology and rhinology,<br />

1930. Apptd surgeon to Clinic, dept<br />

laryngology and rhinology, 1930.<br />

Muller, A. S. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Muller,<br />

2036.<br />

H. J. Apptd instr English,<br />

Mundinger, F. G. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2152.<br />

Mundv, A.<br />

2129.<br />

Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

Mundv, F.<br />

1947.<br />

Trustee of Oliphant estate,<br />

Munn, M. T.<br />

2150.<br />

Aoptd chief in research,<br />

Murdock, C. C. S. S. S., 1990. Suppl.<br />

to Heckscher grant Xo. 156, 2019.<br />

Salary, 2042.<br />

Murphy, A.<br />

signs, 2006.<br />

E. S. S. S., 1990. Re

,<br />

Murphy, E. J. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecol<br />

ogy, 1933.<br />

Murray, J. I. Apptd carpenter civ.<br />

eng., 2052.<br />

Murray, K. A. H. Apptd instr agr.<br />

econ., 1976.<br />

Murray, M. Apptd lab. helper Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2151.<br />

Murray, M. J. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

instr chemistry, 2040.<br />

Apptd<br />

Murray,<br />

2106.<br />

T. C. Apptd county agent,<br />

Music Building. Site and plan,<br />

1971. Committee, 2156.<br />

1970,<br />

Music Department. Development, 1987,<br />

2160. Use of Scorpion House, 2013,<br />

2016. Appointments, 2016, 2038.<br />

Appr., 2024, 2038.<br />

Muskat,<br />

1918.<br />

C. J. Apptd instr rural ed.,<br />

Musser, G. D. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 2099, 2108.<br />

Musto, Mrs. H. B. Apptd stenogr<br />

home econ., 2121.<br />

Myerhoff, H. A. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Myers, C. H. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd<br />

prof, plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Myers, R. P. Resigns, 1917.<br />

Mvers, W. I.<br />

2130.<br />

Apptd prof, farm finance<br />

Nafe, R. W. Apptd research asst prof<br />

rural social organization, 2148.<br />

Nance,<br />

2096.<br />

E. Apptd home dem. agent<br />

Nassau County Farm Bureau.<br />

ship, 2102.<br />

Fellow<br />

Nebel, B. R. Apptd Assoc, in Re<br />

search, 2110, 2150.<br />

Needham, J. G. Apptd prof, entomol<br />

ogv and limnology, 2138.<br />

Needham, P. R.<br />

1918.<br />

Apptd instr limnology<br />

Needham, W. R. Apotd asst hotel ad<br />

ministration, 1915, 2095.<br />

Neff, M. Resigns, 2094.<br />

Neigh, A. W. Apptd engineer mech<br />

eng., 2050.<br />

Nelson, B. T. Resigns, 2100. Apptd<br />

asst rural education, 2100.<br />

Nelson,<br />

2043.<br />

H. R. Apptd instr physics<br />

Nelson, J. H. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Nelson, M. G. S. S. A., 2105.<br />

Neumann, T. W. Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Neurology. Appointments, 1932, 1945,<br />

1963, 2075. Appr., 2075.<br />

Neuwelt, L- Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Newhall, A. G. Aoptd research asst<br />

prof, plant pathology, 2102, 2143.<br />

Newman, A. B. Apptd attendant Vet.<br />

Exper. Station, 2113.<br />

Newman, E.<br />

2133.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Newman, L. A. Apptd helper animal<br />

husbandry, 2135.<br />

Newman, M. S. Apptd sec. Coll. of<br />

Engineering, 2047.<br />

Newman, R. Apptd teamster Vet.<br />

Exper. Station, 2113.<br />

XXIV<br />

Newton, E. B. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

Med. Coll., N. Y., 1945. Apptd instr,<br />

2071.<br />

Newton, F. Apptd mechanic Agr.<br />

Coll., 2128.<br />

Newton, F. E. Retirement, 1913.<br />

Newton, M. C. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Newton, P. J. Resigns, 1917.<br />

New York Central Railroad Stock,<br />

1908, 1992.<br />

New York Holstein-Friesian Associa<br />

tion. Resolution regarding Veterin<br />

ary College, 1979.<br />

New York Hospital. Appointments<br />

and appr., 2073.<br />

New York State Agr., Exper. Station.<br />

See Geneva Exper. Station.<br />

Xew York State Conservation Commis<br />

sion. Co-operation with C. U. in<br />

fisheries researches, 2103,<br />

New York State Vet. Med. Society.<br />

Memorial tablet, 1906.<br />

Nichols, E- Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

2131.<br />

Nichols, E- L. Site of residence to be<br />

secured for new Law School, 1970,<br />

1971, 1983. Suopl. to Heckscher<br />

grant No. 157c, 2019.<br />

Nichols, M. L. Leave of absence,<br />

1956, 2040. S. S. S., 1990. Resigns<br />

from S. S. S., 2003.<br />

Nichols, R. E. Resigns, 1995.<br />

Niedick, H. E. Apptd repairman Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Niles, H. D. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929.<br />

Niles, W. L. Apptd prof. clin. med.,<br />

1930.<br />

Nobel, I. L. Apptd helper Agr. Coll.,<br />

2130.<br />

Nolan, A. C. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

rural ed., 2146.<br />

Nolan, C. Apptd stenogr mil. science,<br />

2044.<br />

Noll, J. Aoptd student asst physiology,<br />

1935.<br />

Nonidez, J. F. Fees received, 1964.<br />

Salary, 2069.<br />

Norris, L. C. Apptd research asst prof.<br />

poultry husbandry, 2145.<br />

North American Match Corp. Stock,<br />

1950.<br />

Northrop, M. G. Apptd instr elec. eng.,<br />

2051.<br />

Northup, C. S. Request for attic room<br />

in Goldwin Smith Hall, 1952. S. S.<br />

S., 1990.<br />

Norton, E- C. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

2129.<br />

Noyes, LaVerne, Estate of. Scholar<br />

ships, 1907.<br />

Nuttall, T. Apptd attendant farriery,<br />

2114.<br />

N. V. Potash My. Fellowship, 1919.<br />

Nye, C. S. S. S., 2006. Apptd exten.<br />

prof, home econ., 2119.<br />

Nye, G .H. S. S. S., 2003. Apptd<br />

warden, 2052.<br />

Oaks, W. F. Apptd watchman Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2151.

Oast, S. P. Apptd instr clin. surgery,<br />

dept ophthalmology, 1933. Apptd<br />

chief<br />

1933.<br />

01 Clinic, dept ophthalmology,<br />

Obstetrics and Gynecology. Appoint<br />

ments, 1932, 2075. Appr., 2076.<br />

O'Connell, W. C. Apptd instr and asst<br />

physical education, 2044.<br />

Ogden, A. T.<br />

Ogden, R. M.<br />

Lease of land, 1981.<br />

S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Ogilvie Flour Mills Bonds, 1992.<br />

Ogle, R. C. Apptd exten. instr poul<br />

try husbandry, 2145.<br />

Olafson, P.<br />

2112.<br />

Prof, pathology Vet. Coll.,<br />

Olcott, C. T. Apptd instr surgical<br />

pathology, 1934.<br />

O'Leary, P. M. Apptd asst prof, eco<br />

nomics, 2035.<br />

Oliphant, J. N.<br />

1947.<br />

Trustee of estate of,<br />

Oliver, B. J. Apptd helper poultry<br />

husbandry, 2145.<br />

Oliver<br />

2023.<br />

Farm Equipment Pfd Stock,<br />

Olsen, C. F. Apptd asst forestry, 2141.<br />

Olsen,<br />

2096.<br />

E. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

O'Neill, M. Apptd janitor and audi<br />

torium caretaker, 2129.<br />

O'Neill, P. F. Apptd poultryman, 2109,<br />

2151. Appr., 2153.<br />

Operation Loss to be set up as Deficit,<br />

2001.<br />

Ophthalmology.<br />

2076.<br />

Appointments, 1933,<br />

Ornamental Horticulture. Appoint<br />

ments, 1917,<br />

Appr., 2140.<br />

1920, 1959, 1984, 2140.<br />

Ornithology. Appointments, 1918, 2100.<br />

O'Rourke, C. E. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

asst prof. civ. eng., 2048.<br />

2056.<br />

Apptd<br />

Salary,<br />

Orthopedic<br />

1933, 2076.<br />

Surgery. Appointments,<br />

Ortner, H. P. Apptd instr physical<br />

education, 2044.<br />

Osborne, F. J. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd<br />

surgeon to Clinic, dept roentgenology,<br />

1934.<br />

Oscamp, J.<br />

ogy, 2144.<br />

Apptd exten. prof, pomol<br />

Osgood, W. R. Resigns, 1965.<br />

Osterberg, F. Salary, 2071.<br />

Otis, J. C. Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Otology.<br />

2076.<br />

Appointments, 1933, 1946,<br />

Overacker, G.<br />

2129.<br />

Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

Page, H. L. Apptd asst county agent,<br />

1974, 2108. Apptd county agent,<br />

2098. Salary, 2099.<br />

Paige, E. R. Salary, 1944, 2051.<br />

Paine, E.<br />

2038.<br />

T. Apptd instr philosophy,<br />

Paine, Helen M. Aoptd home demon<br />

stration agent, 1914, 2095, 2096.<br />

Paine, K. E- Apptd county agent,<br />

2106.<br />

Palmer,<br />

Arthur. Apptd chief of Clinic,<br />

dept laryngology and rhinology, 1930.<br />

XXV<br />

Palmer, Douglas. Apptd instr clin.<br />

med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic (gastro-enterology), 1931.<br />

Apptd physician, 1945. Apptd asst<br />

radiologist to Clinic, dept radiology,<br />

1946.<br />

Palmer, E. L. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

prof, rural ed., 2146.<br />

Palmer, J. B. S. S. A., 2106.<br />

Palmer, R. G. Apptd field asst, 2100.<br />

Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Palmolive Peet Pfd Stock, 1909.<br />

Papez, J. W. Salary, 2045.<br />

Papish, J. S. S. S., 1996. Elected<br />

prof, chemistry, 2016. Suppl. to<br />

Heckscher grant No. 160, 2019. Heck<br />

scher grant No. 181, 2019.<br />

Paradiso, L. J, Apptd instr math.,<br />

2042.<br />

Parker, G. W. Title changed to Bur<br />

sar, 2103, 2116, 2128.<br />

Parker, J. W. Elected alumni trustee,<br />

2157.<br />

Parker, K. G. Apptd instr plant path<br />

ology, 2101.<br />

Parking Space around Bailey Hall,<br />

1972, 2013, 2015. East of Central<br />

Avenue, 2154.<br />

Parrott, M. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

2095, 2096.<br />

Parrott, P. J. Apptd Vice-Director and<br />

Chief in Research Geneva Exper.<br />

Station, 2109, 2150. Appr., 2153.<br />

Parson, J. T. Appr., 1965. Salary,<br />

2048.<br />

Parsons, D. W. Apptd asst rural ed.,<br />

1975.<br />

Passmore, L. K. Gift to John Faxon<br />

Passmore Memorial Fund, 1964.<br />

Patch, S. C. Aoptd mechanician mech.<br />

eng., 2050.<br />

Pate, V. S. L. Apptd asst entomology,<br />

2101.<br />

Pathology. Appointments, 1934, 1942,<br />

1945, 1963, 2077. Appr., 1943, 2077.<br />

Pathology and Bacteriology, Vet. Coll.<br />

Appointments. 1912, 2112. Appr.,<br />

2112.<br />

Patnode, W. I. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

1927.<br />

Patterer, Jos. Apptd asst floriculture,<br />

1917. Apptd asst orn. horticulture,<br />

2140.<br />

Patterson, C. H. Apptd foreman me<br />

chanic arts, 2050.<br />

Patterson, J. H. S. S. S., 1996.<br />

Patterson, R. H. Apptd chief of Clinic,<br />

dept surgery, 1935.<br />

Paulas, A. J. Apptd asst rural ed.,<br />

2101.<br />

Pauli, W. Apptd biophysicist, 1963.<br />

Payne, R. Apptd asst plant path<br />

ology, 2100, 2143.<br />

Peabody, G. E. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

asst prof, extension teaching, 2126.<br />

Peacock, Mrs. I. B. Apptd clerk Agr.<br />

Coll., 2145.<br />

Pearson, C. Apptd asst agronomy,<br />

2133. Apptd asst soil surveyor, 2133.<br />

Pearson, F. A. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

prof, marketing, 2130.

Pease, R. W. Apptd county agent<br />

1974, 2107.<br />

Peck,<br />

1995.<br />

E. D. Apptd asst Vet. Coll.<br />

Peck, G. W.<br />

ology, 2144.<br />

Apptd exten. prof, pom<br />

Pedersen, C. S. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2150.<br />

Pediatrics. Appointments, 1934, 1935<br />

1945, 2078. Appr., 2078.<br />

Pelmont, A. P.<br />

2039.<br />

S. S. S., 1990. Salarv<br />

Pendleton, C. M.<br />

2048.<br />

Apptd instr civ. eng.<br />

Penney, F. F. Apptd asst American<br />

history, 2056,<br />

Penniman, G. G. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Pension System for LTniversity, 2002<br />

For<br />

2103.<br />

State College employees, 209<br />

Perry, J. E. C, E. S. S., 2048.<br />

Perry, Mrs. M.<br />

Coll., 2142.<br />

V. Apptd clerk Agr<br />

Personius, S. L. Apptd janitor Agr<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Pertsch, J. G. Death, 1925. Resolu<br />

tions on his death, 1956.<br />

Pertsch, Mrs. T. G. Appr., 1925.<br />

Peters, J. A. Salary, 2054.<br />

Peters, Mrs. M. L, W. Bequest for<br />

cancer research, 2059.<br />

Petersen, Elma. Apptd clerk Geneva<br />

Exper. Station, 1912, 2150.<br />

Petry, L. C. S. S. B.. 1997. Suppl.<br />

to Heckscher grant No. Ill, 2020.<br />

Apptd prof, botanv, 2136.<br />

Petry, R. A. Apptd asst botany, 2136.<br />

Pfund, M. C. Title changed to asst<br />

prof., 2097.<br />

econ., 2118.<br />

Apptd asst prof, home<br />

Pharmacology. Appointments and appr.,<br />

2079.<br />

Phelps, A. E. Apptd anaesthetist, 1963.<br />

Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Property<br />

on Thurston avenue purchased, 1967.<br />

Philadelphia Co. Pfd Stock, 1993.<br />

Philip, Herman. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic<br />

(gastroenterology), 1931.<br />

Phillips, E. F.<br />

2138.<br />

Apptd prof, apiculture,<br />

Phillips, P. L. Tuition, 2062.<br />

Philosophical Review. Appr., 2038.<br />

Philosophy. Appointments, 1928, 2038.<br />

Appr., 2024, 2038.<br />

Philosophy of<br />

2164.<br />

Religion. Appointments,<br />

Phipps,<br />

1975.<br />

W. M. Apptd chem. analyst,<br />

Physical Education. Appr., 2025, 2044.<br />

Appointments, 2044.<br />

Physics. Appointments, 1927, 1928,<br />

1956, 1984, 1995, 1996, 2042, 2056.<br />

Appr., 2025, 2043. Loan of instru<br />

ments to Henry Ford, 2058.<br />

Physiology. Appointments, 1926, 1935,<br />

2046, 2079. Appr., 2079.<br />

Physiology, Vet. Coll. Appointments<br />

and appr., 2113.<br />

Pierce, Butler & Pierce Bonds, 1992.<br />

Plant Breeding. Appointments, 1976,<br />

2142. Appr., 2142.<br />

XXVI<br />

Plant Industry Building. Earth for<br />

back fill, 1951.<br />

Plant Pathology. Appointments, 1916,<br />

1917, 1975, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2143.<br />

Appr., 2143. Appr., 2143. Special<br />

state appropriations, 2143.<br />

Platenius, H.<br />

ing, 2148.<br />

Apptd asst veg. garden<br />

Piatt, Anna. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931; dept pub. health and<br />

preventive med., 1934.<br />

Plaut, A. Salary, 2076.<br />

Plice, M. J.<br />

agronomy,<br />

Resigns, 1917.<br />

1917. Apptd<br />

Apptd asst<br />

asst forest<br />

soils, 2133.<br />

Plummer, X. Apptd instr med., 1942.<br />

Apptd bacteriologist<br />

2074.<br />

and instr med.,<br />

Pollack. H. Apptd student asst physiol<br />

ogy, 1935.<br />

Pollard,<br />

2107.<br />

R. F. Apptd county agent,<br />

Pomeroy, A.<br />

2099, 2109.<br />

Apotd county club, agent,<br />

Pomology. Appointments, 1917, 1975,<br />

2144. Appr., 2144.<br />

Pond, C. V. R. Apptd field asst, 2100.<br />

Pond, M. A. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Pope, P. R. S. S. S., 1990. Leave of<br />

absence, 2006.<br />

Porter, T. P. Apptd acting prof. orn.<br />

horticulture, 1959, 1984, 2140. S. S.<br />

A., 2105.<br />

Post, L- E.<br />

2137.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Postum Co. Stock, 1950.<br />

Potter, B. R.<br />

2129.<br />

Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

Potter,<br />

2144.<br />

I. T. Apptd supt pomology,<br />

Poultry Husbandry. Appointments,<br />

1916, 1917, 2145. Appr., 2145.<br />

Poultry Improvement Station in Che<br />

mung County, 2103.<br />

Pound, C. W. Re-elected trustee, 2157.<br />

Elected to Administration Committee<br />

and Graduate School Council, 2157.<br />

Powell,<br />

2165.<br />

Mrs. C. Y. Apptd warden,<br />

Powell, Dorothy L. Apptd assoc.<br />

county agent, 1916. Resigns, 1973.<br />

Apptd county club agent, 1975, 2108.<br />

Powers, E. M.<br />

Office, 2053.<br />

Apptd asst Secretary's<br />

Pratt, A. J. Apptd asst veg. garden<br />

ing, 1975, 2148.<br />

Pratt, C. L. Apptd gardener, 2143.<br />

Pratt. L. C.<br />

2099, 2108.<br />

Apptd county club agent,<br />

Prescott, F. C. Salary, 2036.<br />

President's Barn. Plans for remodel<br />

ing, 2013. Referred to Committee on<br />

Improvements, 2156.<br />

President's Office. Appr., 2025, 2053.<br />

Appointments, 2053.<br />

Price, P. H. Apptd to Eleanor Tatum<br />

Long scholarship, 1944. 2020.<br />

Price, W. Y.<br />

1976.<br />

Salary, 1919. Resigns,<br />

Prickett, P. S. Resigns, 1913.

Prjdham, A. M. S. Apptd instr flori<br />

culture, 2140.<br />

Pringle, Caroline. Apptd home demon<br />

stration agent, 1979.<br />

Pringle, H. S. Apptd exten. instr<br />

rural eng., 2147.<br />

Prizes. Appr., 2024, 2028. Veterinary<br />

science, 1960. Charles Gross Bondy<br />

Prize, 2023, 2092.<br />

Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Site of build<br />

ing to be secured for new Law<br />

School, 1970, 1971, 1983. Appraisal<br />

to be made, 2000.<br />

Psvchiatrv. Appointments, 1942-1943,<br />

1945, 1955, 1956, 2080.<br />

Psychology. Appointments, 1926, 1964,<br />

2039, 2057. Appr., 2024, 2039.<br />

Public Health and Preventive Medicine.<br />

Appointments, 1934, 2080. Appr.,<br />

2080.<br />

Public Soeaking. Appointments, 1904,<br />

1926, 1927, 2039, 2055. Appr., 2024,<br />

2039.<br />

Pullen, E- M. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept otology, 1933.<br />

Pulleyn, L. Apptd caretaker L. I. Veg.<br />

Research Farm, 2149.<br />

Pullman Stock, 1950, 1992.<br />

Pumpelly, L. Salary, 2039.<br />

Purcell, H, C.<br />

1960.<br />

Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

Purchasing Office. Appr. 2054.<br />

Appointments and appr., 2130.<br />

Putnam, Mary. Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic, dept pub. health and pre<br />

ventive med., 1934.<br />

Queally, T. F.<br />

1996.<br />

Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

Quick, Douglas. Apptd attending sur<br />

geon Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Quimby, E. H. Apptd asst physicist<br />

Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Quinn, J. R. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Race, G. W. Apptd mechanician mech.<br />

eng., 2050.<br />

Radio Broadcasting Station. Underwrit<br />

ing of operation, 2164.<br />

Radiology. Aopointments, 1946.<br />

Radway,<br />

2107.<br />

C. W. Aoptd county agent,<br />

Raedel, E. C.<br />

1960.<br />

Aoptd asst mil. science,<br />

Rafferty, W. R. Resigns, 2098. Apptd<br />

asst county agent, 2098, 2108. Apptd<br />

county agent, 2098.<br />

Rahn,<br />

2137.<br />

O. Apptd prof, bacteriology,<br />

Ramandanoff, D. Apptd mstr elec.<br />

eng., 2051.<br />

R. G. Apptd instr English his<br />

Ramsay,<br />

tory, 2037.<br />

Rand, A. L. Resigns, 2100.<br />

Randolph, F. H. Resigns from S. S.<br />

A., 1919. S. S. H. A., 2106. Apptd<br />

prof, institution eng., 2147.<br />

Rankin, W. H. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2151.<br />

Rappenecker, Casper. Apptd asst eco<br />

nomics, 1927.<br />

XXV11<br />

Rasmussen, M. P. Apptd asst prof<br />

marketing, 2131,<br />

Raspberry and Small Fruit Investiga<br />

tion. Appointments and appr., 2151.<br />

Ray, L. Apptd home dem. agent, 2096<br />

Ray, Mabel. Resigns, 1978.<br />

Ray, Margaret. Apptd asst Agr. Li<br />

brary, 2125.<br />

Raymond, C. B, Apptd county agent<br />

2107.<br />

Raynolds, J. A. Apptd asst chemistry<br />

1956.<br />

Raynor, M. W. Apptd prof. clin. psy<br />

chiatry, 1942, 1955. Salary, 2080.<br />

Read, A. G. Apptd instr physical ed.<br />

2044.<br />

Real Estate. Purchase cost to be car<br />

ried as indebtedness, 2001.<br />

Recknagel, A. B. Leave of absence.<br />

1977. Apptd prof, forest management<br />

and utilization, 2141.<br />

Reddick, D. Apptd prof, plant pathol<br />

ogy, 2136.<br />

Redwood, C. W. Apptd illustrator<br />

2126.<br />

Reece, T. E. S. S. H. E., 2106.<br />

Reed, C. W. Salary, 2099. Apptd<br />

county club agent, 2108.<br />

Reed, H. D. S. S. B., 1997. Suppl.<br />

to Heckscher grant No. 106, 2019.<br />

Reed, H. L. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Reed, M. A. S. S. H. E., 2106. Apptd<br />

asst home econ., 2122.<br />

Reese, I. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., 2144.<br />

Reese, M. C. Aoptd asst Library, 2032.<br />

Reeves, K. S. S. H. E., 2106. Apptd<br />

instr home econ., 2122.<br />

Registrar's Office. Appr., 2025, 2053.<br />

Appointments, 2053.<br />

Reich, H. J. Suppl. to Heckscher grant<br />

Xo. 155. 2019. Apptd instr physics,<br />

2043. Resigns, 2055.<br />

Reid, A. C. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Reid, R. D. Apptd instr farm manage<br />

ment, 1976, 2131.<br />

Reiner, L. S. Resigns, 1915.<br />

Rensselaer and Saratoga Guaranteed<br />

Stock, 1992.<br />

Research and Commercial Testing.<br />

Appointments, 2049.<br />

Research Departments. Summary, 2084.<br />

Rettger, E. W. Salary, 2048. Leave<br />

of absence, 2057.<br />

Revna, J. E. Apptd asst prof, drawing,<br />

2147.<br />

Reynolds, J. A. Apptd asst state leader<br />

of junior extension, 2126.<br />

Reynolds, P. A. Aoptd asst philosophy,<br />

1928.<br />

Reznikoff, P. Appr. for research, 2158.<br />

Rhoad, A. O. Apptd instr animal hus<br />

bandry, 2134.<br />

Rhoades, M. Apptd asst plant breed<br />

ing, 2142.<br />

Rhodes, D. R. Apptd asst med., 1930.<br />

Rice, T. E. Apptd prof, poultry hus<br />

bandry, 2145.<br />

Rice, M. Apptd statistical clerk, 2131.<br />

Richards, T. H. Apptd instr med.,<br />

1942, 2072.<br />

Richards, L. A. Apptd asst physics,<br />

1927, 2043. Apptd instr, 2056.

Richardson, H. B. Apptd asst prof.<br />

med., 1930, 2074. Apptd physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1930. Apptd act<br />

ing director of Bellevue Med. Clinic,<br />

1942.<br />

Richtmyer, F. K. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant No. 11, 1938, 2018.<br />

Ries, H. Heckscher grant No. 174,<br />

1906. Suppl. to Heckscher grant No.<br />

174, 2019.<br />

Righter, F. I. Apptd acting asst prof.<br />

forest management, 2103.<br />

Riley, H.<br />

2147.<br />

W. Apptd prof, rural eng.,<br />

Riley, R. M. Apptd asst veg. garden<br />

ing, 1917.<br />

Ritter, R. H. Salary, 1928. Apptd<br />

instr civ. eng., 2048.<br />

Robb,<br />

2147.<br />

B. B. Apptd prof, rural eng.,<br />

Robey, Ashley. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Robinson, G.<br />

1962.<br />

C. Business referred to,<br />

Robinson, G. H. S. S. L., 2003.<br />

Robinson, H.<br />

2129.<br />

Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

Robinson, M. J. Apptd acting asst<br />

prof, home econ., 2119.<br />

Robinson, Montgomery. Apptd prof.<br />

exten. service, 2126.<br />

Robinson, Nelson.<br />

ciation, 1948.<br />

Resolution of appre<br />

Robinson, R. G. Apptd instr philoso<br />

phy, 2038.<br />

Robinson, Sid. Resigns from S. S. B.,<br />

1904. Resigns, 1917. Resigns from<br />

S. S. A., 1918. Apptd asst entomol<br />

ogy, 2138.<br />

Rockwell, E. M. Apptd bookkeeper<br />

Agr. Coll., 2145.<br />

Roehl, L. M. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

asst prof, of farm shop, 2147.<br />

Roentgenology. Appointments, 1934,<br />

1946, 1963, 2080.<br />

Roess, L. C. Resigns, 1944.<br />

Roess, M. J., Jr. Apptd asst Law Li<br />

brary, 2165.<br />

Rogers, F. S. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Rogers, John. Apptd prof. Clin, sur<br />

gery, emeritus, 1934.<br />

Roman, Mrs. N. M. Apptd exten. prof.<br />

home econ., 2120.<br />

Romance Languages. Appointments,<br />

1928, 2039. Appr., 2024, 2040.<br />

Romanoff, A. Apptd research instr<br />

poultry husbandry, 2145.<br />

Romell, L. G. Apptd Charles Lathrop<br />

Pack research prof, forest soils, 2133<br />

Ronto, R. Apptd stenogr Laura Spel<br />

man Rockefeller Memorial, 2122.<br />

Roos, C. F. S. S. S., 1990. Salary<br />

2057.<br />

Rosborough, R. R. Apptd acting prof<br />

classics, 2164.<br />

Rose, C. W. Apptd asst mineralogy<br />

1903.<br />

Rose, F. Apptd director and prof<br />

home economics, 2118.<br />

Rose, N. F. Apptd technician Vet<br />

Coll., 2112.<br />

Rose, R. A. Apptd asst hotel admin<br />

istration, 1979, 2095.<br />

XXV111<br />

Rosenbluth, M. B. Proposed gift for<br />

medical research, 2011, 2061. Gift<br />

accepted, 2061.<br />

Roskelly, Mrs. H. C. Apptd bookkeeper<br />

home economics, 2121.<br />

Ross, A. Apptd janitor Vet. Exper.<br />

Station, 2113.<br />

Ross, H. A. Resigns from S. S. A.,<br />

1904,<br />

2130.<br />

1918. Apptd prof, marketing,<br />

Ross, H. E. Apptd prof, dairy indus<br />

try, 2137.<br />

Rowe,<br />

2148.<br />

S. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Rules and Regulations IV. Amend<br />

ment, 2018.<br />

Rulison, R. H. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd physi<br />

cian to Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929.<br />

Rumsey, Mrs. L. D. Apptd stockroom<br />

keeper entomology, 2139.<br />

Rural Economy.<br />

Rural Education.<br />

Appointments, 2102.<br />

Appointments, 1918,<br />

1975, 2100, 2101, 2146. Appr., 2146.<br />

Rural Engineering. Appointments,<br />

1917, 1918, 2147. Appr., 2147.<br />

Rural Social Organization. Appoint<br />

ments and appr., 2148.<br />

Rushton, E. R.<br />

1926.<br />

Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

Russell, R. B.<br />

2098.<br />

Apptd asst county agent,<br />

Russell, W. L, Apptd prof, psychiatry,<br />

1942, 1956.<br />

Rynalski, C. Apptd asst hotel eng.,<br />

1979, 2095.<br />

Sackett, H. W. Re-elected trustee,<br />

2157. Elected to Building and Grounds<br />

Committee, 2157. Of committee :<br />

Morse's proposal to furnish electric<br />

power, 1939.<br />

Saddlemire, C. R.<br />

1916.<br />

Appointed stockman,<br />

Safford, C. E.<br />

try, 1975.<br />

Apptd asst dairy indus<br />

Salisbury, G. H. Apptd county agent,<br />

1915. Resigns, 1973.<br />

Salisbury, W. S. Apptd asst county<br />

agent, 1915, 1974, 2098, 2108. Apptd<br />

county agent, 1916.<br />

2100.<br />

Apptd field asst,<br />

Sampson, Mrs. M.<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Apptd stenogr home<br />

Sampson, M. W. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Sampson Fine Arts Prize. Amendments<br />

to rules for award, 2160.<br />

Samuels, A.<br />

1996, 2056.<br />

F. Apptd asst physics,<br />

Sanborn, Irene. Apptd asst home<br />

econ., 1915.<br />

Sanders, R. W. Apptd instr home<br />

economics, 2095, 2118.<br />

Sanderson, E. D. S. S. A.; 2105. Apptd<br />

prof, rural social organization, 2148.<br />

Sanderson, E. N. Gift for walk, 1952.<br />

Gift for Flower Library endowment,<br />

2023. Elected alumni trustee, 2157.<br />

Elected to Buildings and Grounds<br />

Committee, 2157. Gift for researches<br />

at heating plant, 2159. Of commit<br />

tees: Morse's proposal to furnish<br />

electric<br />

1953.<br />

power, 1939. Incinerator*

Sanderson, G. M. Apptd asst mechanic<br />

arts, 2050.<br />

Santy, A. C. Granted med. scholarship,<br />

1942.<br />

Saunders, G. B. Apptd asst ornithol<br />

ogy, 2100, 2138.<br />

Savage, E. S. Apptd acting head of<br />

animal husbandry, 1903. Apptd prof.<br />

animal husbandry, 2134.<br />

Savard, Mrs. A. T. Apptd clerk pub<br />

lications, 2116, 2127.<br />

Savercool, D. Apptd recorder Coll. of<br />

Engineering, 2047.<br />

Sawdon, W. M. Salary, 2049.<br />

Saylor, C. H. Resigns, 1904.<br />

Sayre, C. B. Leave of absence, 2110.<br />

Apptd chief in research, 2150.<br />

Scandinavian Appr., 2024, 2040.<br />

Scanlon, Theresa. Apptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Schallowitz, R. Apptd asst mechanic<br />

arts, 2050.<br />

Scherer, G. A. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Schloss, O. M, Nominated prof, pedia<br />

trics and pediatrician-in-chief of New<br />

York Hospital, 2057.<br />

Schmerzler, S. Appointed asst surgeon<br />

to Clinic, dept obstetrics and gyne<br />

cology, 1933.<br />

Schmidt, N. Salary, 2040.<br />

Schmidt, R. H. Tuition, 2062.<br />

Schneider, G. Apptd attendant Vet.<br />

Coll., 2111.<br />

Schoales, D. N. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Schoder, E. W. S. S. S., 1990. Sal<br />

ary, 2048. Leave of absence, 2057.<br />

Schoelkopf, J. F., Jr. Nominated to<br />

Finance Committee, 1949. Elected,<br />

1954.<br />

Schoenthal, L. Apptd asst pediatrics,<br />

2078.<br />

Schoepfle, G. W. Salary, 1996. Apptd<br />

asst phvsics, 2043. Apptd instr, 2056.<br />

Scholarships. Appr., 2024, 2027. Estate<br />

of LaVerne Noyes, 1907. Free tui<br />

tion. 1919. Lefevre Trust Fund, 1936.<br />

Medical, 1942. Eleanor Tatum Long,<br />

1944. Dupont, 1964. Sylvester<br />

Edick, 2007. McMullen, 2057. For<br />

eign students, 2058.<br />

Schubert, F. W. Apptd asst county<br />

club agent, 1975. Resigns, 2098.<br />

Schuchardt, W. H. Resigns, 2164.<br />

Schug, H. L. Apptd instr math., 1904,<br />

2042. S. S. S. 1990.<br />

Schultz, L. C. Apptd asst botany, 2136.<br />

Schumacher, R. I. Apptd asst rural<br />

social organization, 2148.<br />

Schwartz, Irving. Apptd instr roentgenelogy,<br />

1934.<br />

Schwartzman, S. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept ophthalmology, 1933.<br />

Schwind, J. L. Apptd instr anatomy,<br />

2069.<br />

Scidmore, Mrs. A. Apptd exten. instr<br />

home econ., 2119.<br />

Scofield, H. H. S. S. S., 1990. Salary,<br />

2047. Suppl. to Heckscher grant No.<br />

132, 2165.<br />

Scorpion House. Use by<br />

2013, 2016.<br />

music dept,<br />

XXIX<br />

Scott, C. G. Apptd experimentalist<br />

plant breeding, 2142.<br />

Scott, D. B. Title changed to asst<br />

prof., 2097. Apptd asst prof, home<br />

econ., 2119.<br />

Scott, G. Apptd asst Agr. Library,<br />

2116, 2125.<br />

Scott, Gertrude E, Apptd stenogr en<br />

tomology, 2139.<br />

Scott, J. Apptd night watchman Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Scott, K. D. Apptd county agent, 2106.<br />

Scott, R. J. S. S. H. E., 2106. Apptd<br />

asst prof, home econ., 2118.<br />

Scoville, G. P. Leave of absence, 1977.<br />

Apptd prof, farm management, 2131.<br />

Scudder, Frances. Apptd home demon<br />

stration agent, 1979, 2095, 2096.<br />

Scutt, C. D. Apptd instr animal hus<br />

bandry, 2134.<br />

Seaboard Railway Bonds, 1993.<br />

Secretary's Office. Appr., 2025, 2053.<br />

Appointments, 2053.<br />

Securities. Custody in New York City,<br />

1949. Sales and purchases approved,<br />

1949.<br />

Security Vaults. Report, 1949.<br />

Seely, G. Apptd warden, 2052.<br />

Seemann, H. E. Apptd instr physics,<br />

2042. Resigns, 2055.<br />

Seery, F. T. Salary, 2047.<br />

Seitz, H. W. S. S. S., 1990.<br />

Semitics. Appr., 2024, 2040.<br />

Senning, W. C. S. S. B., 1997.<br />

Serology. Appointments, 1963.<br />

Seymour, A. D. Salary, 2033.<br />

Shaben, L. Apptd acting<br />

exten. asst<br />

prof, home economics, 2097, 2120.<br />

Shangle, F. Apptd statistical clerk,<br />

2131.<br />

Shaplev, G. R. Apptd asst county<br />

agent, 2098.<br />

Shapley, S. R. AnDtd asst county agent,<br />

1974, 2108. Apptd county agent, 2098.<br />

Sharp, L. W. Resigns from S. S. A.,<br />

1904. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd prof.<br />

botany, 2136.<br />

Sharp, P. F. Salary, 1919. Apptd<br />

prof, dairy chemistry, 2137.<br />

Sharpe, F. R. S. S. S., 1990. Salary,<br />

2042.<br />

Shaw, R. W. Apptd asst physics, 2056.<br />

Shaw, W. S. Apptd student asst his<br />

tology and embryology, 1927.<br />

Shear, E. V. Apptd assoc. in research,<br />

2152.<br />

Sheldon, E. W. Discharge of liability<br />

and resolution of appreciation, 1947.<br />

Sheldon, P. G. Apptd curator geology,<br />

2042. Resigns, 2055.<br />

Sheperd, A. L. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Sherk, K. W. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Sherman, Franklin. Apptd spec, inves<br />

tigator entomology, 1916. Resigns,<br />

1917. Apptd asst entomology, 1917,<br />

2138<br />

Sherman, J. M. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

prof, dairy industry, 2137.<br />

Sherwood, A. Apptd asst to storeroom<br />

clerk chemistry, 2041.

.<br />

Sherwood, Mrs. E. Apptd clerk Agr<br />

Coll., 2127.<br />

Shimer, S. R. Apptd asst animal hus<br />

bandry, 2134.<br />

Shipman, G. A. Salary, 2037, 2165.<br />

Shore, J. Apptd foreman veg. garden<br />

ing, 2149.<br />

Shore, R Apptd gardener, 2140.<br />

Shorr, Ephraim. Apptd instr clin. med.<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Showacre, E. C. Salary, 2045.<br />

Sibley, R. P. Apptd asst dean Coll., of<br />

Arts and Sciences,<br />

S. S., 1990.<br />

1959, 2034. S,<br />

Sibley School of Mech. Eng.<br />

ments, 1928, 2048, 2052.<br />

Appoint<br />

Sidgwick,<br />

1937.<br />

N. V. Baker lectureship<br />

Sigma Phi Fraternity. Site of build<br />

ing to be secured for new Law<br />

School, 1970, 1971, 1983. Appraisal<br />

to be made, 2000.<br />

Simmons, L. N. Tuition, 1998.<br />

Simonds, Eleanor. Apptd asst to Dean<br />

of Women, 2052.<br />

Simons, L. R. Apptd county agent<br />

leader, 2126.<br />

Simpson, Grace. Apptd sec.<br />

School, 2052,<br />

Simpson, J. Apptd instr home<br />

Sibley<br />

econ.,<br />

Simpson,<br />

2056.<br />

K. M. Apotd asst physics,<br />

Sinden, J. W.<br />

ology, 2143.<br />

Apptd instr plant path<br />

Singer, G. H. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept ophthalmology,<br />

Skow, N. A. Salary, 1928.<br />

1933.<br />

Slack, C. M. Apptd county agent, 2107.<br />

Slate, G. L.<br />

2150.<br />

Apptd assoc. in research,<br />

Slater, Mildred.<br />

nutrition, 1915.<br />

Apptd asst foods and<br />

Slaughter, S. Apptd asst farm super<br />

intendent, 2128.<br />

Slichter, S. H. Leave of absence, 1998.<br />

Slocum, B. A. Apptd exten. instr<br />

apiculture, 2139.<br />

Slocum, E. P. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2125.<br />

Smilev, D. F. S. S. S., 1990. Elected<br />

prof, hygiene, 2016, 2045.<br />

Smiley, P. V. Apptd ref. librarian<br />

Agr. Library, 2116, 2125.<br />

Smith, C. H. Apptd asst clin. pedia<br />

trics, 1945, 2078.<br />

Smith, E- G,<br />

2108.<br />

Apptd county club agent,<br />

Smith, F. M. Salary, 2036.<br />

Smith,<br />

2107.<br />

F. R. Apptd county agent,<br />

Smith, Frank R. Apptd asst gynecolo<br />

gist Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

Smith, G. H.<br />

2096.<br />

Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

Smith, Gertrude. Apptd stenogr home<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Smith, H. D. S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Smith. L. P.<br />

2043, 2056.<br />

S. S. S., 1991. Salary,<br />

XXX<br />

.<br />

Smith, M. K. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Smith, Madge.<br />

Office, 2053.<br />

Apptd asst Secretary's<br />

Smith, Martha. Apptd asst Agr. Li<br />

brary, 2125.<br />

Smith, M. E. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2140.<br />

Smith, N. F.<br />

2098, 2108.<br />

Apptd asst county agent,<br />

Smith, N.<br />

1960.<br />

I. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

Smith, O. W, Apptd Secretary Agr.<br />

Coll., 2125.<br />

Smith, R. Apptd lab. helper Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2151.<br />

Smith, Mrs. R. G. Apptd assoc. state<br />

home dem. agent leader, 2120.<br />

Smith, Wm. Hazlitt. Question of pur<br />

chase of residence, 1988. Reported<br />

not needed by <strong>University</strong>, 2161.<br />

Snavely, M. E. Resigns, 1960.<br />

Sneed, W. L.<br />

tomy, 1929.<br />

Apptd instr applied ana<br />

Snitow,<br />

1960.<br />

C. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

Snyder, A. Apptd helper animal hus<br />

bandry, 2134.<br />

Snyder, C. T.<br />

Snyder, Virgil.<br />

Salary, 2076.<br />

S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Southern Pacific Common Stock, 1992.<br />

Southern Railway Bonds, 1950.<br />

Southworth, H. M.<br />

1956.<br />

Aoptd asst physics,<br />

Spaeth, J. N. Apptd research asst prof.<br />

forestry, 2141.<br />

Spain, W. C. Apptd instr applied im<br />

munology, 1929.<br />

Spann, M. Apptd instr German, 2037.<br />

Spaulding, L. S. S. H. E., 2106.<br />

Special Faculties. Membership, 2017.<br />

Special Funds. Appr., 2024, 2029.<br />

Speed, E. R. Apptd supervisor cata<br />

logues Library, 2032.<br />

Spencer, H. E. Apptd asst<br />

1995, 2043. Resigns, 2055.<br />

instr math., 2164.<br />

physics,<br />

Apptd<br />

Spencer, H. J Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic (diabetes), 1931. Apptd phy<br />

sician to Clinic (overweight), 1932.<br />

Appr. for research, 2158.<br />

Spencer, H. L. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

home econ., 2120.<br />

Spencer, Leland. S. S. A., 1904. Apptd<br />

prof, marketing, 2131.<br />

Sperry, J. A. Apptd sec-stenogr Geneva<br />

Exp. Station, 2150.<br />

Spielman, A. D. Aoptd asst physician<br />

to Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Spillman, Ramsay. Apptd instr roent<br />

genology, 1934.<br />

Spohn,<br />

2118.<br />

A. Apptd prof, home econ.,<br />

Sports Building. Construction approved.<br />

2013, 2015.<br />

Spring, S. N. S. F. C, 2106. Apptd<br />

prof, silviculture, 2141.<br />

Spry, E. W. S. S. A., 2105.<br />

Spry, F. J. Apptd instr civ. eng., 2048.<br />

C. E. S. S., 2048.<br />

Stack, C. M. Apptd county agent, 2098.

Stansby, W. J. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1945.<br />

Stainton, W. H. S. S. S., 1991. Sal<br />

ary, 2039.<br />

Stamp, M. Apptd statistical clerk, 2131.<br />

Standard Oil of California Common<br />

Stock, 1992, 2023.<br />

Standard Oil of New Jersey Common<br />

Stock, 1992.<br />

Stanton, Nathaniel. Apptd instr clin.<br />

med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic (gastroenterology), 1931.<br />

Stark, C. N. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

asst prof, bacteriology, 2137.<br />

Stark, Mrs. Pauline. Apptd instr dairy<br />

industry, 2101. Apptd instr bacter<br />

iology, 2137 .<br />

Starr, Mrs. E. H. Apptd stenogr Di<br />

rector of Admissions'<br />

Office, 2053.<br />

State College Council. Minutes of pro<br />

ceedings, 1911, 1973, 2092. Actions<br />

ratified, 1926, 1954, 1982, 2158. Mem<br />

bership, 2016, 2157.<br />

State Colleges. State survey, 1981.<br />

Statutes Article VIII. Amendments,<br />

1905, 1955, 1977, 1983, 2017. XL<br />

Amendment, 2017. XVIII. Amend<br />

ments, 2018. XIX. Amendment,<br />

2018. XV. 3, amendment, 2159.<br />

Steffen, G. I. Salary, 2070.<br />

Stempfle, W. S. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Stephenson, H. C. Salary, 1912. Appr.<br />

for summer work, 2094. Asst prof.<br />

small animal clinic, 2111.<br />

Stevens, Flora. Apptd asst Agr. Li<br />

brary, 2125.<br />

Stevens, N. C. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

Stevens, R. S. Salary, 2047.<br />

Stevenson, L. D. Apptd physician to<br />

Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.<br />

Stevison, D. M. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,<br />

2127.<br />

Stewart, F. C. Apptd chief in research,<br />

2150.<br />

Stewart, F. W. Apptd associate in<br />

pathology, 1934. Apptd asst patholo<br />

gist Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Stewart, J. H. Apptd asst mediaeval<br />

history, 2056.<br />

Stewart, R. M. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

prof, rural ed., 2146.<br />

Stillman, R. G. Salary, 2073, 2081.<br />

Stillman, W. W. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Stilson, C. B. S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Stimson, P. M. Apptd chief of Clinic,<br />

dept pediatrics, 1934.<br />

Stock, Alfred. Baker lectureship, 1937.<br />

Stockard, C. R. Fees received, 1964,<br />

2009, 2062. Nominated prof, ana<br />

tomy and director of anat. laborator<br />

ies, 2058. Salary payment, 2063.<br />

Stocking, Mrs. H. B. Apptd exten. sec<br />

retary, 2120<br />

Stone, Mrs. G, H. Apptd statistical<br />

clerk, 2131.<br />

Stone, W. K. S. S. S., 1991. Apptd<br />

asst prof, arch., 2034.<br />

XXXI<br />

Stone, W. S. Apptd clinical director<br />

Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.<br />

-<br />

Stookey, B. Apptd prof. clin. surgery,<br />

1934. Apptd neurological assoc. sur<br />

geon Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Storage Building for Tools, 1951.<br />

Storm, E. O.<br />

ics, 2101.<br />

Apptd instr agr. econom<br />

Stoughton, E- Apptd janitor Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Stover, H. J. Resigns, 1917. Apptd<br />

asst prices and statistics, 2131.<br />

Stow, M. H. S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Strahl, W. W. Apptd asst philosophy,<br />

1928.<br />

Streeter, L. R. Apptd assoc. in re<br />

search, 2150.<br />

Strong, E. M.<br />

eng., 2051.<br />

Apptd asst prof. elec.<br />

Strunk, Wm. Elected to Library Coun<br />

cil, 1946.<br />

Stubbs, W.<br />

Salary, 2036.<br />

O. Apptd mechanician<br />

physics, 2043.<br />

Student Aid. Appr., 2024, 2029. Be<br />

quest of F. E. Wade, 2059.<br />

Student Hours 1928-29, 2167.<br />

Students'<br />

Loan Fund. Contribution,<br />

1963. Clinical Research Society, 2010.<br />

American Association of <strong>University</strong><br />

Women, 2004. F. E. Wade, 2059.<br />

Sugiura, Kanematsu. Apptd chemist<br />

Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Sullivan, A. Apptd stenogr Vet. Coll.,<br />

2111.<br />

Sullivan, E. J. Tuition, 1997<br />

Sullivan, Helen. Apptd asst econom<br />

ics, 1927.<br />

Summer Forestry Camp.<br />

2106.<br />

Appointments,<br />

Summer School<br />

Appointments,<br />

of Agriculture,<br />

1904, 2104.<br />

1928.<br />

Summer School of Biology. Appr.,<br />

1966, 1997, 2024, 2033. Appoint<br />

ments, 1996.<br />

Summer School of Home Economics.<br />

Appointments, 2105.<br />

Summer School in Hotel Administra<br />

tion. Appointments, 2106.<br />

Summer Session 1929. Budget recom<br />

'<br />

mended, 1949. Appropriation made,<br />

1955, 2024, 2033, 2056. Appoint<br />

ments, 1988,, 1996, 2003, 2056, 2165.<br />

Summer Session in Law. Appoint<br />

ments 2003. Appr., 2004.<br />

Sumner, J. B, Leave of absence,<br />

1956. Elected prof, biochemistry,<br />

2016, 2046. Suppl. to Heckscher<br />

grant No. 162, 2020.<br />

Superintendent's Office. Appr., 2025,<br />

2054. Appointments, 2054.<br />

Sunderville, E. Asst prof, and<br />

anat. Vet. Coll., 2111.<br />

sec.<br />

Surgery. Appointments, 1934, 1946,<br />

1962, 2081.<br />

2083.<br />

Appr., 2082. Summary,<br />

Surgery, Vet. Coll. Appointments and<br />

appr., 2113.<br />

Surgical Research. Transfer from sal<br />

ary to expense account, 2063. Ap<br />

pointments, 2083. Appr., 2083.<br />

Sutherland, F. A.<br />

gery, 2082.<br />

Apptd instr clin. sur

Sutliff, W. D. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931; (asthma),<br />

1932. Apptd to travelling fellowship,<br />

1942. Resigns instructorship, 1944.<br />

Sutton, J. E., Jr. Apptd surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept surgerdy, 1935. Salary,<br />

2081.<br />

Sutton, W. R. Salary, 1928.<br />

Swartwood, L. Apptd stenogr home<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Sweedler, M. Apptd stenogr Agr.<br />

Coll., 2141.<br />

Sweeney, M. P. Apptd asst in re<br />

search, 2151.<br />

Sweet, J. E. Appr for research, 2158.<br />

Sweet Professorship. Memorial tablet,<br />

2059.<br />

Swingle, P. M.<br />

Switzer, F. G.<br />

Resigns, 1926.<br />

Salary, 2050.<br />

Sykes, E. Apptd statistical clerk, 2131.<br />

Taggart, R. S. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960.<br />

Tailby, G. W., Jr. Apptd exten. instr<br />

animal husbandry, 2135.<br />

Talamo, HaskelL Apptd research asst<br />

in pediatrics, 2078.<br />

Talbott, W. E. Apptd helper animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Tall, J. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll., 2129.<br />

Tallman, R. C. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

1904. S. S. S., 1996.<br />

Taubman, Mrs. W. Apptd stenogr home<br />

econ., 2121.<br />

Taupin, Rene. Resigns, 1995.<br />

Tax Free Alcohol, 1913.<br />

Taylor, A. S. Apptd prof. clin.<br />

gery, 1934.<br />

sur<br />

Taylor, C. A.<br />

service, 2126.<br />

Apptd specialist exten.<br />

Tavlor, G. Apptd asst geology, 2164.<br />

Taylor, H. C. S. S. A., 1904.<br />

Taylor, H. C. Apptd clin. asst Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Taylor, H. M. Apptd exten. instr<br />

home economics, 2095.<br />

Taylor, M. C. Elected to Medical Col<br />

lege Council, 1954, 1962. Gift for<br />

new Law School building, 1961, 1982.<br />

Taylor, M. N. Apptd field asst, 2100.<br />

Apptd asst county agent, 2108.<br />

Teagle, W. C. Re-elected trustee, 2157.<br />

Teeple, J. H. Salary, 1996. Apptd<br />

asst physics, 2043. Apptd instr, 2056.<br />

Teeter, H. W. Apptd field supt., 2142.<br />

Ten Eyck, P. G. Apptd trustee, 1997.<br />

Tenney, A. A. S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Terriberry, G. G. His proposition for<br />

soliciting insurance disapproved, 2060.<br />

Terrv, C.<br />

2048.<br />

W. Apptd instr exp. eng.,<br />

Texas Corp. Common Stock, 1992.<br />

Textiles and Clothing.<br />

2118.<br />

Appointments,<br />

Thaine, A.<br />

ture, 2140.<br />

J. Apptd helper floricul<br />

Thatcher, R. Y. Apptd asst prof. civ.<br />

eng., 2048. C. E. S. S., 2048.<br />

Thayer, P. W. Apptd county agent,<br />

1916. Resigns, 1973, 2098. Apptd<br />

asst county club agent, 1975, 2099.<br />

Apptd county club agent, 2099, 2106.<br />

Then, J. W. Salary, 1996. Apptd asst<br />

physics, 2043.<br />

XXX11<br />

Thompson, H. C S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

prof. veg. gardening, 214S.<br />

Thompson, M. E. Salary, 2099. Apptd<br />

county agent, 2106.<br />

Thompson, R. G. Apptd asst floricul<br />

ture, 2101.<br />

Thompson, T. E. Apptd instr mach.<br />

design., 2049.<br />

Thomson, G. P. Invited to be non-resi<br />

dent lecturer in chemistry, 2058.<br />

Thomson, W. Apptd supt animal hus<br />

bandry, 2100. Apptd shepherd, 2134.<br />

Thornberry, H. H. Resigns, 1917.<br />

Apptd asst plant pathology, 1917.<br />

Thome, Oakleigh. Gift toward salary<br />

of head of animal husbandry dept.,<br />

1925.<br />

Thro. W. C. Fees received, 1964. Sal<br />

ary, 2073.<br />

Tilden, P. A. Communication, 2059.<br />

Tinker, P. F. Apptd asst dairy indus<br />

try, 1975.<br />

Titus, H. G. Apptd sec. to Dean<br />

Mann, 2116, 2124.<br />

Todd, C. L. Salary, 2034. Resigns,<br />

2055.<br />

Todd, F. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

2149.<br />

Todd, G. W. Gift for English profes<br />

sorship, 1938.<br />

Tokimasa, D. H. Apptd asst veg. gar<br />

dening, 2148.<br />

Tolstoi, Edward. Apptd instr clin.<br />

med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Tompkins. S. W. Apptd asst miL sci<br />

ence, 1996.<br />

Toole, J. T. Apptd clin. asst Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Topeka City Lots. Sale authorized,<br />

2007.<br />

Torrance, C. C. S. S. S., 1991. Apptd<br />

instr math., 2042. Salary, 2165.<br />

Torrey, H. B. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931. Resigns,<br />

1945.<br />

Torrey, J. C. Apptd bacteriologist<br />

Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Toth, L. Apptd instr accounting, 2120.<br />

Tower Road. Plans for concreting,<br />

2013. Construction, 2154.<br />

Townsend, C E. S. S. S., 1991. Sal<br />

ary, 2049.<br />

Townsend, Carrie G. Contingent be<br />

quest, 2161.<br />

Tozier, H. H. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 2108.<br />

Trainer, D. \Y., Jr. Apptd instr geol<br />

ogy, 2041.<br />

Traphagen, P. V. Apptd asst in re<br />

search, 1912, 2151.<br />

Trawick, M. W. Apptd asst physics,<br />

2056.<br />

Treasurer's Office. Appr.. 2025, 2054.<br />

Appointments, 2116, 2125.<br />

Treman, A. H. S. S. H. A., 2106.<br />

Apptd instr hotel management, 2120.<br />

Treman, C E. Of Committee: Intoxi<br />

cants at alumni reunions, 1908.

Theta Delta Chi Fraternity. Purchase<br />

of property on South Avenue author<br />

ized, 1966.<br />

Thomas, C. F. Apptd laborer, Agr.<br />

Coll,. 2117, 2130.<br />

Thomas, C. K. S. S. S., 1991. Salary,<br />

2039.<br />

Thomas, H. E. Leave of absence,<br />

1977. Apptd asst prof, plant pathol<br />

ogy, 2143.<br />

Thomas, J. A. Apptd asst anatomy,<br />

Vet. Coll., 1928.<br />

Thomas, Ruth A. Salary, 2070.<br />

Thompson, G, C. Apptd janitor Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Thompson, G. J. Salary, 2047.<br />

Treman, R. H. Business referred to,<br />

1952. Of Committees : Site of new<br />

Law School building, 1961. Pur<br />

chase of Hoy property, 2007. Site<br />

of music building, 2156. Expendi<br />

tures for improvement of physical<br />

plant, 2156.<br />

Tresch, A. W. Apptd asst mil. sci<br />

ence, 1960.<br />

Treves, N. E. Apptd clin. asst Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Trowbridge, A. S. Apptd asst mil.<br />

science, 1960, 1996.<br />

Trowbridge, G. G, Apptd asst mil.<br />

science, 1960.<br />

Troy, H. C. Apptd prof, dairy indus<br />

try, 2137.<br />

Truesdell, H. P. Apptd asst civ. eng.,<br />

1995.<br />

Trussell, J. C. Apptd asst Law Li<br />

brary, 1927, 1984.<br />

Trustees. Date of autumn meeting,<br />

1908. Dates of winter '<br />

and spring<br />

meetings, 1956. Date of fall meeting,<br />

2166. Full Board meetings: Nov.<br />

1928, 1954. Tan. 1929, 1981. April<br />

1929, 2014. June 1929, 2157. Mem<br />

bership, 1982, 1997, 2002, 2157.<br />

Tuck, J. H. Apptd asst mil. science,<br />

1960.<br />

Tuition. Students transferring to an<br />

other college, 2018. Agric. students<br />

taking courses<br />

2018.<br />

in endowed colleges,<br />

Tukey, H. B. Leave of absence, 2110.<br />

Apptd chief in research, 2152.<br />

Turley, W. K. Apptd helper animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Turner, E. T. Gift for repair of<br />

chimes, 1965.<br />

Tuttle, M. Apptd acting home dem.<br />

agent, 2096.<br />

Tvaroha, J. Apptd repairman Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Tyler, E. A. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2133.<br />

Udall, D. H. Appr. for summer work,<br />

2093. Prof. med. and supt ambula<br />

tory clinic, 2112.<br />

Uhrbrock, R. S. S. S. H. A., 2106.<br />

Apptd asst prof, rural ed., 2146.<br />

Underwood, F. O. Leave of absence,<br />

1977. Apptd exten. asst prof. veg.<br />

gardening, 2149.<br />

Underwood, P. H. Salary, 2048. C.<br />

E. S. S., 2048.<br />

Union Pacific Pfd Stock, 1992.<br />

XXXU1<br />

United Light and Power Pfd Stock,<br />

2154.<br />

U. S. Leather Stock, 1992. Pfd Stock,<br />

1992 2023<br />

U. S. Steel Pfd Stock, 1993.<br />

<strong>University</strong> Calendar for 1930-35, 2004.<br />

<strong>University</strong> Faculty. Membership, 1905,<br />

1977, 2017. Disapproval of daylight<br />

saving time, 1957. Dean's Office:<br />

Appr., 2025, 2052.<br />

<strong>University</strong> Press. Establishment ap<br />

proved, 1957. President's recommen<br />

dations delayed, 2166.<br />

Upson, M. M. Contribution towards<br />

Central Avenue walk, 2156, 2159.<br />

Upton, G. B. Salary, 2049. Leave of<br />

absence, 2057.<br />

Urology. Appointments, 1935, 1945,<br />

1962, 2083. Appr., 2084.<br />

Urquhart, L. C. S. S. S., 1991. Sal<br />

ary, 2047.<br />

Van Allen, G. R. Apptd instr English,<br />

2036.<br />

Van Alstyne, L. Apptd asst in re<br />

search, 2151.<br />

Vance, W. B. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Van Cleef, M. Business referred to,<br />

1957, 1967, 1987, 1988, 2007. Of<br />

Committees: Right of <strong>University</strong> to<br />

sell real estate, 1966. Purchase of<br />

Hoy property, 2007.<br />

Vandegrift, G. W. Apptd instr clin.<br />

surgery, dept ophthalmology, 1933.<br />

Apptd surgeon to Clinic, dept ophthal<br />

mology, 1933.<br />

VanDemark, Mrs. A. Apptd stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2143.<br />

Van Dyne, L. Apptd mechanic Agr.<br />

Coll., 2117.<br />

Van Eseltine, G. P. Salary, 1905.<br />

Apptd assoc. in research, 2150. Appr.,<br />

2153.<br />

Van Etten, C. J. Apptd gardener,<br />

2149.<br />

Van Keuren, E. C. Apptd instr Eng<br />

lish, 1903. Salary, 1903.<br />

Van Kirk, Mrs. M. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2145<br />

Van Namee, G. R. Reappointed trus<br />

tee, 2002.<br />

Van Natta, E. G. Apptd clerk and<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2141.<br />

Vannederynen, Mrs. E. M. Apptd<br />

stenogr Agr. Coll., 2145.<br />

Van Nostrand, L. Apptd laborer Agr.<br />

Coll., 2117, 2130.<br />

Van Nuvs, Mrs. D. Apptd clerk Agr.<br />

Coll., "2145.<br />

Van Nuys, D. S. Apptd helper poultry<br />

husbandry, 2145.<br />

Van Rennsselaer, M. Apptd director<br />

and prof, home economics, 2118.<br />

Appdt state home demonstration<br />

agent leader, 2120.<br />

Van Slyke, L. L. Retires, 1959. Apptd<br />

prof, dairy chemistry, emeritus, 1959,<br />

1981.<br />

Varrell, H. E. Apptd asst prof, law,<br />

2047.<br />

Vassar College. Rental of lab. space<br />

extended, 1913, 2110.

Vaughan, L. M. Apptd instr farm<br />

management, 1918. Resigns, 1976.<br />

Apptd exten. instr. agr. econ., 1976.<br />

Salary, 1976. Apptd instr agr. eco<br />

nomics, 2101. Apptd exten. instr farm<br />

management, 2132.<br />

Vaughan, S. M. Apptd instr rural ed.,<br />

2146.<br />

Vaughn, H. L. Salary, 2099. Apptd<br />

county agent, 2106.<br />

Vegetable Gardening. Appointments,<br />

1917, 1975, 2100, 2102, 2148.<br />

2149. Special State Appropriations,<br />

2149.<br />

Veterinary College. Appointments, 1911,<br />

1912, 1928, 1995, 2159. Budget re<br />

quests for 1929-30, 1922. Prizes,<br />

1960. Budget approved by Council<br />

2092. By Board, 2158. Detailed<br />

Budget for 1929-30, 2111-2114. Sum<br />

mary, 2114. Income budget, 2114.<br />

Resolution of the New York Holstein-<br />

Friesian Association, 1979. Study of<br />

needs to be made by Dean Moore,<br />

1980, 2092. Miscel. appropriations:<br />

English instruction, 1912. Disease<br />

investigations, 2093. Delegates to<br />

Amer. Vet. Med. Association, 2093.<br />

Entertainment of N. Y. S, Vet. Med.<br />

Soc, 2093. Vet. Conf. Proceedings,<br />

2093. E. Sunderville, 2093. State<br />

Fair, 2094. Printing Vet. Conf. Rept,<br />

2094.<br />

Veterinary Exper. Station. Rent of<br />

Superintendent's house, 2093. Ap<br />

pointments and appr., 2113.<br />

Vicari, E. M. Salary, 2069.<br />

Vieweg, H. F. Resigns, 2006.<br />

Vogel, H. T. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept pediatrics, 1934.<br />

Von Engeln, O. D. Leave of absence,<br />

1905, 1959. S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Wack, L. Apptd surgeon to Clinic,<br />

dept dentistry, 1935.<br />

Wade, F. E. Bequest for student aid,<br />

2059.<br />

Wadsworth, Doris. Apptd home dem.<br />

agent, 2095, 2096.<br />

Wagner, L. C. Apptd asst surgeon to<br />

Clinic, dept surgery, 1935.<br />

Wagner, R. H, S. S. S., 1991. Apptd<br />

asst prof. pub. speaking, 2039.<br />

Waldie, T. E. Apptd instr pediatrics,<br />

1935. Salary, 2078.<br />

Walk from Library to Willard Straight<br />

Hall. Construction authorized, 1952.<br />

Walker, C. L. Leave of absence, 1959.<br />

Salary, 2047.<br />

Walker, J. D. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 2108.<br />

Walsh, W. Apptd asst in research,<br />

2151.<br />

War Memorial Group. Use of gypsum<br />

block for partitions, 1951. McFadden<br />

gift, 1967.<br />

Ward. D. D. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Ward, H. A. Salary, 2054.<br />

Wardens. Appointments, 2165.<br />

Ware, J. S. Apptd surgeon to Clinic,<br />

dept orthopedic surgery, 1933.<br />

Waring, Mrs. E. B. Apptd prof, home<br />

econ., 2122.<br />

XXXIV<br />

Warner, A. D. Elected to Heckscher<br />

Research Council, 2157.<br />

Warner, A, J. Retires and is apptd<br />

prof, home economics, emeritus, 2097,<br />

2159. Granted Carnegie pension, 2166.<br />

Warner Co. Bonds, 2023.<br />

Warren, G. F. Resigns from S. S. A.,<br />

1904, 1919. Leave of absence, 1976.<br />

S. S. A., 2105. Appointed prof. agr.<br />

econ. and farm management, 2130.<br />

Warren, K. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

entomology, 2139.<br />

Warren, S. W.<br />

agement, 1918.<br />

Apptd instr farm man<br />

Washburn, K. L. S. S .S., 1991. Apptd<br />

instr arch., 2034.<br />

Washburn, W. J. Apptd asst surgeon<br />

to Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Water Works System. Report on,<br />

1971. Payment for water diverted,<br />

1971. Water softening device, 1971.<br />

Waterman, P. R.<br />

ed., 2044.<br />

Apptd instr physical<br />

Watkins, G.<br />

2096.<br />

Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

Watson, Brandon. Resigns, 1914.<br />

Waugh, F. A. Employed as advisor<br />

landscape plans at Geneva Exp.<br />

tion, 1984.<br />

Sta<br />

Way, W. A. Apptd helper animal hus<br />

bandry, 2135.<br />

Weaver, L. E. Apptd exten. asst prof.<br />

poultry husbandry, 2145.<br />

Weaver, P. T. Nominated prof, music,<br />

1998. Elected, 2016, 2038.<br />

Webb, J. S. Apptd instr physics, 2043.<br />

Webster Mills Bonds, 2023.<br />

Wedel, A. A. Apptd to Eleanor Tatum<br />

Long scholarship, 1944, 2020.<br />

Weed, F. R.<br />

2137.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Weeks, E.<br />

2144.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Weeks, V. T. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept pediatrics, 1934.<br />

Wehrle, L. P. Apptd research instr<br />

entomology, 2138.<br />

Weibly, S. M. Salary, 1928. Apptd<br />

asst engineer physics, 2043.<br />

Weidner, J. H.<br />

1927.<br />

Apptd asst economics,<br />

Weigle, C. E. Resigns, 1944.<br />

Weintraub, Sydney. Apptd instr clin.<br />

med., 1930. Apptd physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med. (gastroenterology),<br />

1931. Apptd physician in charge,<br />

*<br />

1945.<br />

Weiss, H. A. J. Salary, 2048.<br />

Welch, D. S. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd<br />

asst prof, plant pathologv, 2143.<br />

Welch, G. B. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Weld, H. P. S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Wellington, R. Apptd chief in research,<br />

2150.<br />

Wells, J. H. Resigns, 1995.<br />

Wells, J. W. Resigns, 1995.<br />

Wentworth. S. W. Apptd asst pomol<br />

ogy, 1917.<br />

Wessels,<br />

1977.<br />

P. H.<br />

Apptd<br />

Leave<br />

research<br />

of absence,<br />

prof. veg.<br />

gardening, 2149.<br />

West, Evelyn.<br />

1981.<br />

Apptd asst in research,

West, Florence. Salary, 2083.<br />

West, J. P. Tuition, 2009.<br />

Westfal, L. H. Salary, 2099.<br />

county club agent. 2109.<br />

Apptd<br />

Westinghouse Air Brake Stock, 1951.<br />

Weymuller, L. Apptd research asst<br />

pediatrics, 2078.<br />

Whaley, J. H. Apptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic<br />

(gastroenterology ), 1931.<br />

Wheeler, R. H. Apptd prof, extension<br />

service, 2116, 2126.<br />

Wheeler, W. P. Retires, 2110.<br />

Whetzel, A.<br />

2126.<br />

Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,<br />

Whetzel,<br />

1918.<br />

H. H. Leave of absence,<br />

Suppl. to Hckscher grant No.<br />

64, 2019. Apptd prof, plant pathol<br />

ogy, 2143.<br />

Tracts, 1987.<br />

Of Committee : Lloyd<br />

Whearty, S.<br />

1904.<br />

F. Apptd asst chemistry,<br />

Wheeler, E. H. Resigns, 1917.<br />

Whitaker, Randall. Apptd res. instr<br />

dairy industry, 1918.<br />

Whitcomb, Mrs. Anna G.<br />

chimes, 2006.<br />

Gift toward<br />

White, A. S. Gift, 1960.<br />

White, D. Resigns, 1926.<br />

White, E. A. Apptd prof, floriculture<br />

and orn. horticulture, 2140.<br />

White, E. I. Gift, 1960.<br />

White, H. E. Apptd instr physics,<br />

2043. Resigns, 2055.<br />

White, Harriet. Aoptd instr clin. med.,<br />

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1931.<br />

White, Horace. Gift, 1960.<br />

White, J. DuP. Business referred to,<br />

1978. Of committees : Morse's pro<br />

posal to furnish electric power, 1939.<br />

Site of new Law School building,<br />

1961. Right of <strong>University</strong> to sell real<br />

estate, 1966. Site of music building,<br />

2156. Expenditures for improvement<br />

of physical plant, 2156.<br />

White, J. S. Resigns, 1915. Apptd<br />

county agent, 1974. 2107<br />

White, Stephen. Apptd instr clin.<br />

med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic (gastroenterology), 1931.<br />

White,<br />

2146.<br />

T. A. Apptd asst rural ed.,<br />

Whitehead, D. Granted med., schol<br />

arship, 1942.<br />

Whiteside, H. E. S. S. L., 2003. Ad<br />

mitted to benefits of Wm. H.<br />

Pension Fund, 2006.<br />

Sage<br />

Whitney, Pavne, Residuary Estate.<br />

Payment to'C. U., 2160.<br />

Whittaker Property on Stewart Ave.<br />

Purchase, 1967.<br />

Widgery, A. G. Nominated acting<br />

prof, of the philosophy of religion,<br />

2057. Apptd, 2164.<br />

Wiegand, K. M. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd<br />

prof, botany, 2136. Of committee:<br />

Lloyd Tracts, 1987.<br />

Wiggans, R. Gt Apptd asst prof, plant<br />

breeding, 2142.<br />

Wilber, D. T. Apptd instr physics,<br />

2043.<br />

XXXV<br />

Wilbur, E. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,<br />

2129.<br />

Wilbur, J. E. Apptd helper animal hus<br />

bandry, 2135.<br />

Wiles, Alice B. Contingent bequest,<br />

2005.<br />

Wilgus, H. S., Jr. Appointed spec, in<br />

vestigator poultry husbandry, 1916.<br />

Wilker, M. Apptd exten. prof, home<br />

econ., 2122.<br />

Willaman, J. J. Nominated chief in re<br />

search, 1965, 1981. Apptd, 1984,<br />

2150.<br />

Willcox, W. F. Heckscher grant No.<br />

184, 2020.<br />

Willever, E. E. S. S. L-, 2003.<br />

William Gilman Thompson Fund estab<br />

lished, 1962.<br />

Wm. H. Sage Pension Fund. Admitted<br />

to its benefits: Cunningham, G. W.,<br />

1960. Dale, G. I., 1985. Lee, M. A.,<br />

1985. Bentley, Madison, 1997. White<br />

side, H. E., 2006.<br />

Williams, Bruce. Resigns, 2006.<br />

Williams, E. C. Salary, 2111.<br />

Williams, F. C. S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Williams, G. D. Resigns, 1914. Apptd<br />

home demonstration agent, 1914, 2096.<br />

Williams, H. H. Apptd asst animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Williams, H. L. III. Apptd asst Law<br />

Library, 1995.<br />

Williams, Marjorie. Resigns, 1914.<br />

Williams, W. L. Heckscher grant No.<br />

96 reinstated, 2165.<br />

Williamson, H. G. Salary, 2075.<br />

Willis, E- R. B. Apptd asst librarian,<br />

2032. Apptd to Library administra<br />

tion committee, 2166.<br />

Willis, G. Apptd groom Vet. Coll.,<br />

2112.<br />

Willman, A. R. Resigns, 1978. Apptd<br />

home demonstration agent, 1979. Re<br />

signs, 2094.<br />

Willman, J. P. Apptd instr animal hus<br />

bandry, 2134.<br />

Willsey, V. Apptd storeroom clerk<br />

chemistry, 2041.<br />

Wilm, H. G. Apptd asst forestry, 2141.<br />

Wilson, A. Apptd machinist Vet.<br />

Coll., 2111.<br />

Wilson, A. L. Apptd asst veg. garden<br />

ing, 1917. Apptd research asst veg.<br />

gardening, 2148.<br />

Wilson, B. D. Apptd asst prof, soil<br />

technology, 2133.<br />

Wilson, H. F. Apptd asst parasitology,<br />

2138.<br />

Wilson, J. K. Apptd prof, soil technol<br />

ogy, 2133.<br />

Wilson, Jas. Apptd instr pediatrics,<br />

1935.<br />

Wilson, L. P. S. S. L-, 2003.<br />

Wilson, M. G. Salary, 2078.<br />

Wilson, Mildred. Apptd asst Agr.<br />

Library, 2116, 2125.<br />

Wilson, T. B. Resolutions on his<br />

death, 1982, 2014.<br />

Wilson, W. A. Apptd instr clin. sur<br />

gery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd chief<br />

of Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Winans, J. A. S. S. S., 1991.

Wing, H. H. Resolutions on his retire<br />

ment, 1985. Portrait, 2020.<br />

Wing, H. U. Apptd instr dairy indus<br />

try, 1919. Apptd instr dairy chem<br />

istry, 2137.<br />

Winsor, A. L. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd<br />

instr rural ed., 2146.<br />

Winter, R. Apptd asst plant pathology,<br />

2143.<br />

Witt, D. H. Apptd physician to Clinic,<br />

dept med., 1930.<br />

Witter, D. P. Trustee ex officio, 1982.<br />

Wittwer, E. Apptd asst rural econ<br />

omy, 2131.<br />

Woehl, A. L. Resigns, 1926.<br />

Wolf, L. E. S. S. A., 2106.<br />

instr entomology, 2138.<br />

Wolff, G. Apptd clerk and<br />

Apptd<br />

stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2131.<br />

Women's Dormitory Group and Recrea<br />

tional Unit. Air. Ackerman's fees<br />

for studies, 1999. Location of road<br />

in front of entrance, 1999. Plans of<br />

service roads and roads of approach,<br />

2013.<br />

Women's Self Government Association.<br />

Request denied, 2059.<br />

Wood, E. H. Salary, 2050.<br />

Wood, K. D, S. S. S., 2056.<br />

Wood, K. R. Resigns, 1975.<br />

Wood, L. A. Apptd asst physics, 1928.<br />

Apptd instr physics, 2043.<br />

Woodard, A. B. Apptd county club<br />

agent, 2099, 2108.<br />

Woodbridge, M. Apptd asst in re<br />

search, 2151.<br />

Woodrow, A. W. Apptd asst entomol<br />

ogy, 1975. Apptd asst apiculture,<br />

2138.<br />

Woods, E. H. Salary, 1928. Apptd<br />

instr exp. eng., 2049.<br />

Woodward, H. Q. Apptd chemist Gen.<br />

Memorial Hospital, 1963.<br />

Woodward, J. L. Apptd asst prof.<br />

economics, 2035.<br />

Woodward, L. H. Apptd county agent,<br />

2107.<br />

Woolley, E. Apptd asst county club<br />

agent, 2099. Apptd assoc. county<br />

club agent, 2108.<br />

Woolsey, Geo. Apptd prof. clin. sur<br />

gery, emeritus, 1934.<br />

Work, P. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd prof.<br />

veg. gardening, 2148.<br />

Workmen's Compensation, 1939.<br />

XXXVI<br />

Works, G. A. S. S. A., 1904.<br />

Worman, Elizabeth. Apptd asst pub.<br />

speaking, 1927, 2055.<br />

Worthen, E. L. Apptd exten. prof, soil<br />

technology, 2133.<br />

Wright, A, H. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd<br />

prot. zoology, 2138. Of committee:<br />

Lloyd Tracts, 1987.<br />

Wright, A. T. S. S. L., 2003.<br />

Wright, D. Apptd clerk and stenogr<br />

Agr. Coll., 2131.<br />

Wright, F. B.<br />

2147.<br />

Apptd instr rural eng.,<br />

Wright, Orilla. Apptd home dem. agent,<br />

2095, 2096.<br />

Wright, W. B. Apptd helper animal<br />

husbandry, 2134.<br />

Wright, W. J. Apptd prof, extension<br />

service and state leader of junior ex<br />

tension, 2116, 2126.<br />

Wyatt, Tyson.<br />

2078.<br />

Apptd instr pediatrics,<br />

Yale, M, W. Apptd student asst Gen<br />

eva Exp. Station, 1913.<br />

Yaswen, Jos. Apptd asst physician to<br />

Clinic, dept med., 1931.<br />

Yawger, E- S. Apptd asst mechanic<br />

arts, 2050.<br />

Yerzley,<br />

1927.<br />

F. L. Apptd asst physics,<br />

York, W. H. Apptd asst prof, hygiene<br />

and asst med. adviser, 2045.<br />

Young, B. P. S. S. B., 1997.<br />

Young, C. V. P. S. S. S., 1991.<br />

Young, Geo., Jr. Nominated Dean of<br />

Coll. of Architecture, 1937.<br />

1955, 2033.<br />

Elected,<br />

Young, PI. N. Resigns, 1976. Apptd<br />

exten. instr farm management, 1976,<br />

2132.<br />

Younglove, E. Apptd janitor Agr.<br />

Coll., 2129.<br />

Zehner, I. D. Apptd home demonstra<br />

tion agent, 1914. Resigns, 1914.<br />

Zeiss, R. F. Apptd instr clin. surgery,<br />

dept urology, 1935. Apptd asst sur<br />

geon to Clinic, dept urology, 1935.<br />

Zeissig, A. Asst prof, in investigation<br />

Vet. Coll., 2112.<br />

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