Hayvan Sağlığı Araştırmaları 2009 Yılı Program - Tagem

Hayvan Sağlığı Araştırmaları 2009 Yılı Program - Tagem

Hayvan Sağlığı Araştırmaları 2009 Yılı Program - Tagem


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Örneklerinden virus izolasyonu ve<br />

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1. Avizeh R., Seyfiabad S.M.R. and Akhlaghi N. (2007). Antibody titers against canine distemper virus<br />

in unvaccinated rural dogs from Ahvaz, Iran. Pak J Biol Sci. 10(21), 3970-3972.<br />

2. Calderon G.M., Remorini P., Periolo O., Iglesias M., Mattion N. and Torre J.L. (2007). Detection by<br />

RT-PCR and genetic characterization of canine distemper virus from vaccinated and non-vaccinated<br />

dogs in Argentina Vet. Microbiol. 125, 341-349.<br />

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Etlik Vet. Mikrobiol. Derg. 18, 5-10.<br />

4. Cherpillod P., Beck K., Zurbriggen A. and Wittek R. (1999). Sequence analysis and expression of<br />

the attachment and fusion proteins of canine distemper virus wild-type strain A75/17. J Virol. 73(3),<br />

2263-9.<br />

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prevalance to canine virus (CDV) in stray dogs in Tukey. Revue Med. Vet. 155 (8-9), 432-434.<br />

6. Griot C. Moser C., Cherpillod P. Bruchner L., Wittek R., Zurbriggen A. and Zurbriggen R. (2004).<br />

Early DNA vaccination of puppies against canine distemper in the presence of maternally derived<br />

immunity. Vaccine. 22, 650-654.<br />

7. Frisk A.L.,König M., Moritz A. and Baumgartner W. (1999). Detection of canine distemper virus<br />

nucleoprotein RNA by reverse transcription- PCR using serum, whole blood and cerebrospinal fluid<br />

from dogs with distemper. J Clin Microbiol. 37(11), 3634-3643.<br />

8. Kim Y.H., Cho K.W., Youn H.Y., Yoo H.S., and han H.R. (2001). Detection of canine distemper<br />

virus (CDV) through one step RT-PCR combined with nested PCR. J. Vet. Sci. 2 (1), 5963.<br />

9. Lan N.T., yamaguchi R., Uchida K., Sugano S. And Tateyama S. (2005). Growth profiles of recent<br />

������� ���������� ��������� ��� ����� ���ls expressing canine signalling lymphocyte activation molecule<br />

(SLAM). J.Comp. Path. 135, 77-81.<br />

10. Lednicky J.A., Meehan T.P., Kinsel M.J., Dubach J., Hungerford L.L., sarich N.A., Witecki K.E.,<br />

Braid M.D., Pedrak C. And Houde C.M. (2004). Effective primary isolation of wild-type canine<br />

distemper virus in MDCK,MV1 Lu and vero cells without nucleotide sequence changes within the<br />

entire haemagglutinin protein gene and in subgenomic section of the fusion and phospho protein genes.<br />

J Virol Metods. 118, 147-157.<br />

11. Messling V.V. and Catteneo R. (2002). Aminoterminal precursor sequence modulates canine<br />

distemper virus fusion protein function. J Virol 76(9), 4172-4180.<br />

12. Messling V.V., Zimmer G., Herler G., Haas L. And cattaneo R. ( 2001). The hemagglutinin of<br />

canine distemper virus determines tropism and cytopathogenicity. J Virol 75 (14), 6418-6427.<br />

13. Mochizuki M. Hashimoto M., Hagiwara S., Yoshida Y. And Ishigura S. (1999). Genotypes of<br />

canine distemper virus determined by analyses of the hemagglutinin genes of recent isolates from dogs<br />

in Japan. J Clin Microbiol. 37 (9), 2936-2942.<br />

14. Mochizuki M., Motoyoshi M., Maeda K. And Kai K. (2002). Complement – mediated<br />

neutralization of canine distemper virus in vitro: Cross-reaction between vaccine ondersteport and field<br />

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15. Moll P.V., Alldinger S., Baumgärtner W., Adami M. (1995). Distemper in wild carnivores: An<br />

epidemiological, histological and immunocytochemical study Vet Microbiol 44(2-4),193-199<br />

16. Nakano H., Kameo Y., Andoh K. Ohno Y., Mochizuki M. and Maeda K.<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>).Establishment of canine and feline cells expressing canine signaling lymphocyte activation<br />

molecule for canine distemper virus study. Vet Microbiol. 133, 179-183.

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