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that assailed Him in the forms of a<br />

heron, a calf and a donkey. He also rid<br />

the Yamuná River of that poisonous<br />

snake Káliya. How could such an<br />

amazing one be born amongst a group<br />

of simple cowherds like us?”<br />

Nanda Baba removed their doubts<br />

by relating the following story. “After<br />

Käüóa’s birth, the sage Garga explained<br />

to me that my son is the lord himself. The<br />

sage told me that the blessed one appears<br />

in different yugas, with various names<br />

and forms, and has now manifested as<br />

my son, úrà Käüóa. He assured me that<br />

‘He will bring happiness to those who<br />

love Him.’ Garga also said to me, ‘Your<br />

son, úrà Käüóa is like Lord Náráyaóa in<br />

splendor, fame and glory.’”<br />

The cowherds were confused, because<br />

they did not understand how úrà Käüóa<br />

could maintain every virtue and still<br />

appear as a child. Nanda’s words made<br />

them understand that while úrà Käüóa is<br />

perfectly full of lordship, potency, fame,<br />

beauty, knowledge and renunciation,<br />

He also does whatever He wants. That is<br />

how—although He is divine and beyond<br />

anything material—úrà Käüóa can also<br />

become a child. He is the lord of Lakümà,<br />

as well as the master of liberation. All of His<br />

manifestations are true and appear for the<br />

sake of His devotees. The blessed one can<br />

easily support all forms of contradiction.<br />

Hearing Nanda Baba’s words, all of the<br />

cowherds’ doubts were removed, and they<br />

honored both Nanda Baba and úrà Käüóa.<br />

Now they had not only heard about Hari’s<br />

glories, but had also witnessed them,<br />

gathering the final proof.<br />

second purpose of Hari’s<br />

A Govardhan Hill làlá was to remove<br />

Indra’s false pride. Although úrà Käüóa<br />

had established Indra in his rain-god<br />

position, Indra forgot this fact and<br />

imagined that he was lord of the world.<br />

After Gopal balanced the Govardhan<br />

Hill on a single finger for seven days,<br />

Indra was truly humbled and reflected,<br />

“I clearly am not the boss. úrà Käüóa<br />

is the lord of all gods. In my great<br />

ignorance, I tried to destroy Braja with<br />

my winds and torrents.” In this way, úrà<br />

Käüóa compassionately removed Indra’s<br />

conceit without destroying him.<br />

Indra then went to Braja with his<br />

30 Special Issue • Shyamdas ~ In Memoriam<br />

divine, wish-fulfilling cow, Surabhà.<br />

He came before úrà Käüóa, who was<br />

sitting alone near the Govardhan Hill.<br />

Humbled and full of shame, Indra<br />

placed his head, adorned with a crown<br />

as bright as the sun, at úrà Käüóa’s lotus<br />

feet. He then praised the immortal lord<br />

in ten lines, and thereby purified his ten<br />

práóas, his vital breaths, which he had<br />

misappropriated for his own material<br />

gain. He finally understood that<br />

they should have been used in Hari’s<br />

divine service. Indra’s indiscretion had<br />

caused his práóas to lose their divine<br />

connection, and when he became<br />

blinded with arrogance, he could no<br />

longer see his true self.<br />

Indra humbly bowed and praised<br />

úrà Käüóa’s form and virtues, “You are<br />

pure essence, untouched by anything<br />

physical. úrà Käüóa, you are forever<br />

free from all forms of greed. You wield<br />

the rod of punishment, but are also<br />

the father, the guru, as well as the<br />

supreme ruler of all creations. For the<br />

good of the world, You play at will<br />

and curb the pride of the arrogant. O<br />

Lord, forgive me, immersed as I was in<br />

the pride of wealth and power. I was<br />

ignorant of your greatness. Although<br />

you are beyond sense perception, You<br />

are devoted to the welfare of those who<br />

are faithful to your lotus feet. Glories to<br />

you, inner controller of all! You embody<br />

pure consciousness and are the soul of<br />

all living beings. Now that my pride<br />

has been sundered, I seek you, supreme<br />

ruler, as my sole refuge.”<br />

úrà Käüóa heard Indra’s prayer,<br />

laughed, and replied, “Those who are<br />

blinded by pride will never take notice<br />

of me. I stopped your sacrifice to enable<br />

you to always remember me. My grace<br />

truly arises when I remove obstructing<br />

prosperity. Now return to your abode,<br />

and carry on your works according to<br />

your qualifications.”<br />

Surabhà, the celestial cow, then<br />

extolled úrà Käüóa, “O great yogi, soul<br />

of creation! We are favored by you,<br />

the true lord. Unlike Indra, you are<br />

continually absorbed in a single divine<br />

nectar. You are the supreme ruler and<br />

protector of the cows and bhaktas.<br />

Now, with a celestial bath of milk, we<br />

honor you as our king.” From that day,<br />

úrà Käüóa became known as Govinda,<br />

“Lord of the Cows.”<br />

Then Indra’s elephant, Airávata,<br />

brought the Gaïgá River down from the<br />

heavens, and with Indra’s assistance, they<br />

honored úrà Käüóa with a ceremonial<br />

bath. In the celebration that followed,<br />

the gods sang while the celestial dancers<br />

danced. Flowers showered from the<br />

heavens, and the entire world became<br />

drenched in supreme bliss. The earth<br />

overflowed with milk from the cows,<br />

and the rivers rushed with nectar. Trees<br />

oozed honey, and crops appeared on<br />

unplowed lands. Gems rose to the<br />

surface of mountains, and enemies<br />

became friends.<br />

úRÅ KÉûîA always forgives those<br />

who take His shelter. The penalties<br />

He administers are not for destruction,<br />

but to correct His people so that they<br />

will turn towards Him. úrà Käüóa is<br />

the Lord of all regions and fulfills the<br />

desires of the devotional heart. His<br />

blessings extend to all realms.<br />

Hari protects His bhaktas and subdues<br />

the false pride of His followers. But His<br />

lotus feet cannot be attained until we<br />

become humble. The beloved always<br />

responds to the devotee’s humility; it is the<br />

most important of all spiritual virtues.<br />

Wherever úrà Käüóa resides, there can<br />

be no anger. He is the supreme wealth.<br />

Not only does He reside within all<br />

beings, but He also is the single force<br />

behind every accomplishment. He<br />

inspires every heart, and those who take<br />

His shelter become like Him—totally<br />

exalted. úrà Käüóa is unimpeded and<br />

free from disparity.<br />

úrà Vallabhácárya praises Him,<br />

“Glories to úrà Käüóa, the doer of<br />

wonderful deeds, who played the world<br />

into existence by dividing form and<br />

name (ùástrártha nibandha).” Creation is<br />

His very form and is therefore sacred.<br />

As Vásudeva, He awards liberation,<br />

but when He becomes úrà Käüóa, He<br />

is both the means and the blessed<br />

reward—full of truth, consciousness and<br />

mostly bliss. He is wisdom personified.<br />

Hari plays to bring His bhaktas towards<br />

His blissful self. By simply playing with<br />

His devotees, Hari awarded them an<br />

independent, love-based devotion.

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