looked everywhere for úrà Nathji, but he could not find Him in any temple. Finally, he went to the Govardhan Hill. As he climbed up toward úrà Nathji’s temple, a call sounded from the temple for úrà Nathji’s flower garland to be brought to the temple. Many other bhaktas also made their way up the hill to see úrà Nathji. Rasakhān was so excited that he started to run up the Govardhan Hill, but when he reached the temple gates, the door guard, a local Braja man, pushed him aside and did not allow him entrance. Rasakhān then sadly climbed down the hill and went to the Govinda Lake, where he pondered, “I was allowed into every other Hindu temple, but not this one. I am sure that úrà Nathji lives here, but He is well protected.” Rasakhān just sat by the Govinda Lake and gazed toward úrà Nathji’s temple. He vowed to himself, “I will not go anywhere until I see Him.” Rasakhān was unaware of hunger or thirst. He just sat there for two days. On the third day, after úrà Nathji’s midday Rájá Bhoga darshan, when the temple was closed for the afternoon, úrà Nathji reflected, “This Rasakhān is not even aware of his body. He has not eaten anything for three days and will leave his body if I do not do something.” úrà Nathji became filled with compassion. He took off all of His ornamentation and adorned Himself exactly as He appeared in Rasakhān’s painting. Then, accompanied by His band of cow 24 Special Issue • Shyamdas ~ In Memoriam lads, úrà Nathji climbed to the top of the Govardhan Hill and began to play His flute. As soon as Rasakhān heard the call, He recognized that it was his Lord. When he looked up and saw úrà Nathji, he knew, “That is Him!” He then ran up the hill, chasing after úrà Nathji. When Rasakhān tried to grab Him, the Blessed Lord disappeared from his sight and went to Gokul to discuss the matter with úrà Gusainji. At that time, úrà Gusainji had just taken his meals and was napping. úrà Nathji appeared in úrà Gusainji’s room and awoke the bhakti master by stroking his hair. When úrà Gusainji got up and saw úrà Nathji beside him, he placed his hand on úrà Nathji’s face and said to him in Sanskrit, “You are the Remover of Your followers’ afflictions.” rà Nathji then told úrà Gusainji, ú“There is one divine soul whose name is Rasakhān. Although he was born as a Muslim, he desires to know Me and has been fasting by the Govinda Lake for three days. He has not eaten or even taken any water. Today, when I gave him My darùan, He tried to grab Me. I ran away and came to discuss this matter with you. Now you should come up to My temple on the Govardhan Hill and initiate Rasakhān. Accept him.” úrà Gusainji then asked, “Why did You run away from him?” úrà Nathji explained, “I have promised to only touch, speak to, and accept the food offered by those souls whom you have initiated with the Brahmá Sambandha mantra. I will not give those blessings without your intervention.” úrà Gusainji was pleased to hear the Blessed Lord’s words. He quickly got up, went to the banks of the Yamuna River, and took a boat across. On the other side of the river, he mounted his horse, rode toward the Govardhan Hill, and proceeded directly to the Govinda Lake, where Rasakhān was sitting. As soon as Rasakhān saw úrà Gusainji, he thought, “This man who just got down from his horse seems to be a close friend of my Lord Who lives on top of the Govardhan Hill.” He approached úrà Gusainji and said, “My Lord lives in that house on the Hill. I am very attached to Him. I also know that you are his close associate. If you would let me meet Him, that would be truly grand.” úrà Gusainji was delighted with Rasakhān’s words and asked him, “How do you know that He is my friend?” Rasakhān replied, “When you came here, I saw that your eyes were fixated on His temple.” úrà Gusainji then told him, “Now bathe in the Govinda Lake.” After Rasakhān returned from his bath, the bhakti master gave him initiation into the Path of Grace. úrà Gusainji told his assistant to take Rasakhān up to the temple, and he himself climbed up to úrà Nathji’s temple and sounded the awakening conch. After the temple opened, úrà Gusainji prepared some fruits for úrà Nathji’s early afternoon Shyamdasji’s guru, H.H. Shri Prathameshji, performing his daily sandhya and homa rites.

offering. A short while later, Rasakhān entered úrà Nathji’s temple and was delighted to once again behold his Beloved úrà Nathji. As Rasakhān was leaving the temple, úrà Nathji came out of His shrine room, grabbed hold of Rasakhān’s arm and said, “Hey you! Where are you going?” From that day on, whenever úrà Nathji went out to herd His cows, He always took Rasakhān with Him. Rasakhān composed hundreds of poems about the divine experiences úrà Nathji blessed him with. Rasakhān went on to attain the perfect devotion exemplified by the Gopàs of Vrindavan. He was úrà Gusainji’s blessed follower. To what extent can this account be praised? Selections from The Poems of Rasakhān Treasure House of Love Translated by Shyamdas, Krishna Kinkari & David Haberman, Edited by Vallabhdas, © Pratham Peeth Publications 2007 Shiva chants Krishna’s names and the Creator meditates on Him to increase his own dharma. If the unconscious fool contemplates Him for a moment in his heart, he becomes a repository of wisdom. The gods, demons, and women of this world offer Him their lives and discover the vitality of life. But the dairymaids of Vrindavan can make Him dance for a sip of buttermilk from the palm of their hands! f The gods Shesh, Ganesh, Mahesh, Suresh and Dinesh constantly sing of Him Who is beginningless, endless, unlimited, indestructible, void of difference, and revealed in the Vedas. Narada, Sukha and Vyasa are exhausted from searching for Him. They can never fathom His limits. But the dairymaids of Vrindavan can make Him dance for a sip of buttermilk from the palm of their hands! f Celestial nymphs and heavenly bards hear and then sing His praises. Sharada and the serpant god Shesh all sing His glories. Ganesh recites His innumerable names while Brahma and Shiva cannot fathom His limits. Yogis, renunciates, ascetics and the pure saints meditate on Him in endless trance. But the dairymaids of Vrindavan can make Him dance for a sip of buttermilk from the palm of their hands! f Brahma and the other gods always meditate on Him. The yogis cannot find His end. The thousand-headed serpent Shesha chants His Names from morning to night, and then from night to morning. The great sage Narada searches for Him Traversing the world playing his vina. But the dairymaids of Vrindavan can make Him dance for a sip of buttermilk from the palm of their hands! f Krishna’s elephant gait, gunja bead necklace, and peacock crown totally delights my mind. He is the swarthy son of Nanda and everyone calls him the “Champion of Vraja.” He is simply the best, the adornment of His clan and I cannot adequately describe His splendor. But the dairymaids of Vrindavan can make Him dance for a sip of buttermilk from the palm of their hands! f Searching for Brahman I have searched for the Supreme Brahman in the Puranic songs. From listening to Vedic verse my desire for Him has increased fourfold. But nowhere have I ever seen or even heard of His real form or nature. Cries Rasakhān, “I am exhausted from my calls and search. No man or woman can even describe Him! Then I beheld Him, Krishna sitting in a secret love-bower, massaging Radha’s feet.” f True use of the Body The true voice sings His praises. The true ear is filled with His words. The true hand adorns His body. The true feet follow Him. The true life accompanies Him. The true honor is comforting Him Who is Rasakhān, the Fountain of Joy, The storehouse of love, the blissful Krishna. January 2013 25

looked everywhere for úrà Nathji, but<br />

he could not find Him in any temple.<br />

Finally, he went to the Govardhan Hill.<br />

As he climbed up toward úrà Nathji’s<br />

temple, a call sounded from the temple<br />

for úrà Nathji’s flower garland to be<br />

brought to the temple. Many other<br />

bhaktas also made their way up the<br />

hill to see úrà Nathji. Rasakhān was so<br />

excited that he started to run up the<br />

Govardhan Hill, but when he reached<br />

the temple gates, the door guard, a local<br />

Braja man, pushed him aside and did<br />

not allow him entrance.<br />

Rasakhān then sadly climbed down<br />

the hill and went to the Govinda Lake,<br />

where he pondered, “I was allowed into<br />

every other Hindu temple, but not this<br />

one. I am sure that úrà Nathji lives here,<br />

but He is well protected.”<br />

Rasakhān just sat by the Govinda<br />

Lake and gazed toward úrà Nathji’s<br />

temple. He vowed to himself, “I will not<br />

go anywhere until I see Him.” Rasakhān<br />

was unaware of hunger or thirst. He just<br />

sat there for two days.<br />

On the third day, after úrà Nathji’s<br />

midday Rájá Bhoga darshan, when the<br />

temple was closed for the afternoon, úrà<br />

Nathji reflected, “This Rasakhān is not<br />

even aware of his body. He has not eaten<br />

anything for three days and will leave his<br />

body if I do not do something.”<br />

úrà Nathji became filled with<br />

compassion. He took off all of His ornamentation<br />

and adorned Himself exactly<br />

as He appeared in Rasakhān’s painting.<br />

Then, accompanied by His band of cow<br />

24 Special Issue • Shyamdas ~ In Memoriam<br />

lads, úrà Nathji climbed to the top of the<br />

Govardhan Hill and began to play His<br />

flute. As soon as Rasakhān heard the call,<br />

He recognized that it was his Lord. When<br />

he looked up and saw úrà Nathji, he knew,<br />

“That is Him!”<br />

He then ran up the hill, chasing after<br />

úrà Nathji. When Rasakhān tried to<br />

grab Him, the Blessed Lord disappeared<br />

from his sight and went to Gokul to<br />

discuss the matter with úrà Gusainji.<br />

At that time, úrà Gusainji had just<br />

taken his meals and was napping. úrà<br />

Nathji appeared in úrà Gusainji’s room<br />

and awoke the bhakti master by stroking<br />

his hair. When úrà Gusainji got up and<br />

saw úrà Nathji beside him, he placed his<br />

hand on úrà Nathji’s face and said to<br />

him in Sanskrit, “You are the Remover<br />

of Your followers’ afflictions.”<br />

rà Nathji then told úrà Gusainji,<br />

ú“There<br />

is one divine soul whose<br />

name is Rasakhān. Although he was<br />

born as a Muslim, he desires to know<br />

Me and has been fasting by the Govinda<br />

Lake for three days. He has not eaten<br />

or even taken any water. Today, when I<br />

gave him My darùan, He tried to grab<br />

Me. I ran away and came to discuss this<br />

matter with you. Now you should come<br />

up to My temple on the Govardhan Hill<br />

and initiate Rasakhān. Accept him.”<br />

úrà Gusainji then asked, “Why did<br />

You run away from him?”<br />

úrà Nathji explained, “I have promised<br />

to only touch, speak to, and accept<br />

the food offered by those souls whom<br />

you have initiated with the Brahmá<br />

Sambandha mantra. I will not give those<br />

blessings without your intervention.”<br />

úrà Gusainji was pleased to hear the<br />

Blessed Lord’s words. He quickly got<br />

up, went to the banks of the Yamuna<br />

River, and took a boat across. On the<br />

other side of the river, he mounted his<br />

horse, rode toward the Govardhan Hill,<br />

and proceeded directly to the Govinda<br />

Lake, where Rasakhān was sitting.<br />

As soon as Rasakhān saw úrà Gusainji,<br />

he thought, “This man who just got<br />

down from his horse seems to be a close<br />

friend of my Lord Who lives on top of<br />

the Govardhan Hill.” He approached úrà<br />

Gusainji and said, “My Lord lives in that<br />

house on the Hill. I am very attached to<br />

Him. I also know that you are his close<br />

associate. If you would let me meet<br />

Him, that would be truly grand.”<br />

úrà Gusainji was delighted with<br />

Rasakhān’s words and asked him, “How<br />

do you know that He is my friend?”<br />

Rasakhān replied, “When you came<br />

here, I saw that your eyes were fixated<br />

on His temple.”<br />

úrà Gusainji then told him, “Now<br />

bathe in the Govinda Lake.”<br />

After Rasakhān returned from his bath,<br />

the bhakti master gave him initiation<br />

into the Path of Grace. úrà Gusainji<br />

told his assistant to take Rasakhān up<br />

to the temple, and he himself climbed<br />

up to úrà Nathji’s temple and sounded<br />

the awakening conch. After the temple<br />

opened, úrà Gusainji prepared some<br />

fruits for úrà Nathji’s early afternoon<br />

Shyamdasji’s guru,<br />

H.H. Shri Prathameshji,<br />

performing his daily<br />

sandhya and homa rites.

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