Enforcing Rights and Correcting Wrongs - Asia-Pacific Regional ...

Enforcing Rights and Correcting Wrongs - Asia-Pacific Regional ...

Enforcing Rights and Correcting Wrongs - Asia-Pacific Regional ...


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provide supporting evidence – a tremendous burden for<br />

anyone, <strong>and</strong> more so for poor <strong>and</strong> rural women. Divorce<br />

laws that are gender-neutral may fail to take into account<br />

the unequal gendered circumstances.<br />

Women face difficulties in obtaining custody of their<br />

children during divorce proceedings in the region. Most<br />

courts follow the principle of acting in the “best interests<br />

of the child”. While this is a valid approach, courts<br />

frequently interpret it in terms of financial advantage.<br />

This places women at a disadvantage because they have<br />

5. Barriers of Access<br />

less education <strong>and</strong> access to jobs <strong>and</strong> assets, or may have<br />

been economically dependent on the men they want to<br />

divorce. 105<br />

These barriers are compounded by unfair distribution<br />

of marital property <strong>and</strong> limited capacity to enforce<br />

maintenance awards, which are often inadequate to<br />

begin with. Their share in marital assets is often linked<br />

to women’s measurable financial contribution to family<br />

resources. The long hours of unpaid household work,<br />

care work, work in the informal economy <strong>and</strong> enabling<br />

Table 2. Divorce Allowed only on Specified Grounds: Examples of Five <strong>Asia</strong>n Countries<br />

Country Relevant Law Grounds for Divorce<br />

Indonesia The Law on Marriage 1974 Adultery; addiction to alcohol or narcotics; gambling or other<br />

vice that is hard to cure; ab<strong>and</strong>onment for two continuous years;<br />

imprisonment for five years; physical disability that prevent from<br />

performinghis conjugalduties;actsofcruelty<strong>and</strong>constantdisputes<br />

with the spouse.<br />

Pakistan The Dissolution of Muslim<br />

Marriages Act 1939<br />

Philippines The Family Code of the<br />

Philippines 1987<br />

Sri Lanka The Marriage Registration<br />

Ordinance 1908<br />

Viet Nam The Marriage <strong>and</strong> Family<br />

Law, 2000<br />

Source: Cheema 2010.<br />

whereabouts of the husb<strong>and</strong> have not been known for a period of<br />

four years; husb<strong>and</strong> has neglected or has failed to provide for her<br />

maintenance for a period of two years; husb<strong>and</strong> has been sentenced<br />

toimprisonmentforaperiodofsevenyearsorupwards;husb<strong>and</strong>has<br />

failed to perform, without reasonable cause, his marital obligations<br />

for a period of three years; husb<strong>and</strong> has been insane for a period of<br />

two years or is suffering from leprosy or a virulent venereal disease;<br />

husb<strong>and</strong> treats her with cruelty;<br />

Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive conduct directed<br />

against the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner;<br />

physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner to<br />

change religious or political affiliation; attempt of respondent<br />

to corrupt or induce the petitioner, a common child, or a child<br />

of the petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance<br />

in such corruption or inducement; final judgment sentencing<br />

the respondent to imprisonment of more than six years, even if<br />

pardoned; drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the respondent;<br />

homosexuality of the respondent; contracting by the respondent<br />

of a subsequent bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or<br />

abroad; sexual infidelity or perversion; ab<strong>and</strong>onment of petitioner<br />

by respondent without justifiable cause for more than one year.<br />

Adultery; malicious desertion; incurable impotence at the time of<br />

marriage.<br />

Couple can no longer live together; marriage purposes cannot be<br />

achieved; spouse of the person has been declared missing.<br />


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