Robert Irwin con Marianne Stockebrand - The Chinati Foundation

Robert Irwin con Marianne Stockebrand - The Chinati Foundation

Robert Irwin con Marianne Stockebrand - The Chinati Foundation


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In each newsletter, the <strong>Chinati</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> reprints writings by Donald<br />

Judd. Previously published writings are:<br />

Volume 1, 1995 Monument to the Last Horse, 1992<br />

Volume 2, 1996 Marfa, Texas, 1985<br />

Volume 3, 1998 21 February 93, 1993<br />

Volume 4, 1999 Jackson Pollock, 1967<br />

Jackson Pollock by Bryan <strong>Robert</strong>son, 1961<br />

Volume 5, 2000 Review of Dan Flavin’s Exhibition, 1964<br />

Aspects of Flavin’s Work, 1969<br />

On Barnett Newman, 1964<br />

<strong>The</strong> following essay was written for the BBC Open University Course<br />

“Modern Art and Modernism” in 1983. Only a part of the text was<br />

used. It was previously published in Donald Judd: Complete Writings<br />

1975–1986 (Van Abbemuseum, <strong>The</strong> Netherlands, 1986).<br />


Abstract<br />

Expressionism<br />

In the late forties and early fifties of<br />

this century there was a wonderful<br />

efflorescence of painting, so high in<br />

quality that it set the standard for art<br />

until now. This development is usually<br />

called “Abstract Expressionism,”<br />

“Action Painting” or “<strong>The</strong> New York<br />

School.” As usual, these labels are<br />

not accurate. “<strong>The</strong> New York<br />

School” merely states where most of<br />

the artists lived. “Action Painting”<br />

applies to only some of the artists<br />

and then is just descriptive. “Abstract<br />

Expressionism” is seriously<br />

wrong since the work of most of the<br />

artists is neither “Abstract” nor primarily<br />

“Expressionist” and, to keep<br />

the third term, not essentially American.<br />

<strong>The</strong> artists are very diverse but<br />

there are some broad interests and<br />

appearances in common, which I’ll<br />

talk about.<br />

So that no one will <strong>con</strong>sider the situation<br />

simple, I’ll list the artists generally<br />

thought to be in the “New York<br />

School”: Franz Kline, Phillip Guston,<br />


El<br />

expresionismo<br />

abstracto<br />

A finales de los 1940s y principios de<br />

los 50s se produjo un extraordinario<br />

florecimiento en la pintura, de calidad<br />

tan alta que ha servido de norma hasta<br />

el día de hoy. Este fenómeno se <strong>con</strong>oce<br />

comúnmente como el “expresionismo<br />

abstracto”, la “pintura de acción” o la<br />

“escuela de Nueva York”. Como suele<br />

suceder, estos apelativos son inexac-<br />

7<br />

Clyfford Still, William Baziotes,<br />

Mark Rothko, Willem DeKooning,<br />

<strong>The</strong>odoros Stamos, Bradley Walker<br />

Tomlin, Jackson Pollock, <strong>Robert</strong><br />

Motherwell, Adolph Gottlieb, Barnett<br />

Newman, James Brooks, Hans<br />

Hoffman and Arshile Gorky. Because<br />

of the precise, fragmented<br />

and Cubist nature of his work, Stuart<br />

Davis was not <strong>con</strong>sidered one of the<br />

group. Because of the geometric nature<br />

of their work, neither were Josef<br />

Albers and Ad Reinhardt. Geometry<br />

was an anathema; it was held<br />

against Newman by some. <strong>The</strong><br />

sculptors, including David Smith,<br />

were not included, though the work<br />

of Herbert Ferber, Ibram Lassaw and<br />

Seymour Lipton is somewhat expressionistic.<br />

Inclusion and exclusion<br />

was not the doing of the artists, but<br />

of the first critics and then of the media.<br />

One similarity common to the<br />

early work of almost all the included<br />

artists is an organic surrealism,<br />

based mainly upon Miro’s work and<br />

typified by Gorky’s later work. Milton<br />

Avery and Mark Tobey should<br />

be mentioned as important artists.<br />

As Pollock said of modern art, “It<br />

didn’t drop out of the blue.” It’s not<br />

possible to <strong>con</strong>sider even a few of<br />

the issues without a little history. In<br />

Europe for some three hundred<br />

years the nature of art has been primarily<br />

the <strong>con</strong>cern of the individual<br />

artist. Gianlorenzo Bernini is the last<br />

artist to produce first-rate work under<br />

the auspices of a major institution<br />

of the society. After that no one<br />

first-rate believes sufficiently in religion<br />

or the state to be willing to<br />

have their work represent these generalizations.<br />

Also, after that the belief<br />

slowly dies in the direct correspondence<br />

of one’s feelings about<br />

the external world with the real nature<br />

of that world. <strong>The</strong> artist can no<br />

longer look at the world, put it in a<br />

picture, and claim reality, a similar<br />

reality, for both acts. More and<br />

more the portrayal of the natural<br />

world is as the artist feels it, not as it<br />

is. For two hundred years there were<br />

successful attempts to move realism<br />

away from the institutions and their<br />

versions of the world to a presumably<br />

better and less pretentious subject<br />

matter. Bernini is portraying reality;<br />

Courbet is painting a picture,<br />

the last real picture. <strong>The</strong> need for ordinary<br />

subject matter, even for ordinary<br />

visual elements that have no<br />

subject matter, is one of the major<br />

forces of the last three centuries. It’s<br />

caused in part by a desire to escape<br />

the institutions and the <strong>con</strong>ventions<br />

and to start over with new and per-<br />

tos. La “escuela de Nueva York” indica<br />

tan sólo dónde residían la mayoría de<br />

los pintores. La “pintura de acción” se<br />

aplica únicamente a algunos de los pintores,<br />

y en estos casos tiene valor puramente<br />

descriptivo. “Expresionismo<br />

abstracto” es esencialmente erróneo,<br />

ya que la mayor parte de las obras no<br />

son ni abstractas ni primordialmente<br />

expresionistas; tampoco son esencialmente<br />

americanas. Los artistas son<br />

muy diferentes, pero comparten algunos<br />

intereses y particularidades, los<br />

cuales <strong>con</strong>stituyen el tema de este ensayo.<br />

Para que nadie dude de la complejidad<br />

del cuadro general, <strong>con</strong>viene comenzar<br />

<strong>con</strong> una lista de los que generalmente<br />

se <strong>con</strong>sidera que pertenecen a la “escuela<br />

de Nueva York”: Franz Kline, Philip<br />

Guston, Clifford Still, William Baziotes,<br />

Mark Rothko, Willem DeKooning,<br />

<strong>The</strong>odoros Stamos, Bradley Walkter<br />

Tomlin, Jackson Pollock, <strong>Robert</strong> Motherwell,<br />

Adolph Gottlieb, Barnett Newman,<br />

James Brooks, Hans Hoffman y<br />

Arshile Gorky. Dada la índole precisa,<br />

fragmentada y cubista de su obra, a<br />

Stuart Davis no se incluye en el grupo.<br />

A Josef Albers y Ad Reinhardt tampoco,<br />

en vista del carácter geométrico de sus<br />

obras. La geometría era el anatema;<br />

algunos tachaban a Newman por lo<br />

mismo. A los escultores, entre ellos David<br />

Smith, no se les incluía, aunque las<br />

obras de Herbert Ferber, Ibram Lassaw<br />

y Seymour Lipton exhiben características<br />

impresionistas. La inclusión o exclusión<br />

de la lista no se debía a los artistas<br />

mismos sino a los críticos, y luego<br />

a los medios. Una de las similitudes entre<br />

las primeras obras de casi todos los<br />

artistas incluidos es un surrealismo orgánico<br />

basado principalmente en Miró<br />

y tipificado en las obras tardías de<br />

Gorky. Debemos mencionar a Milton<br />

Avery y Mark Tobey como artistas importantes.<br />

Como dijo Pollack a propósito del arte<br />

moderno, “no cayó del cielo”. No es<br />

posible discutir el asunto sin repasar<br />

primero el fondo histórico. En Europa,<br />

durante unos 300 años, quien se ha<br />

preocupado por la naturaleza del arte<br />

ha sido el artista individual. Gianlornzo<br />

Bernini es el último artista que produjo<br />

obras de primera calidad bajo el<br />

patrocinio de una importante institución<br />

de la sociedad. Después, nadie<br />

cree lo suficiente en la religión ni el estado<br />

como para aceptar que a través<br />

de su obra sean representadas estas<br />

generalizaciones. Después también desaparece<br />

paulatinamente la creencia<br />

en una correspondencia directa entre<br />

lo que uno siente ante el mundo externo<br />

y las cualidades reales de ese mundo.<br />

El artista ya no puede mirar el mun-

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