Managing External Relations - Disaster Management Center ...

Managing External Relations - Disaster Management Center ...

Managing External Relations - Disaster Management Center ...


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EP<br />

04<br />

40<br />

<strong>Managing</strong> <strong>External</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

The UN System<br />

As the lead agency for refugee issues, UNHCR is ultimately responsible for co-ordination of refugee<br />

operations within the UN system. It is crucial that UNHCR seeks support and assistance from other<br />

UN organisations and other involved groups at the onset of an emergency. Close collaboration with<br />

professionals from these organisations and maintenance of positive contacts can prove invaluable in<br />

the event of a joint emergency response.<br />

There are several UN organisations or bodies that may have an influence on UNHCR operations.<br />

Collaborating agencies with special emergency responsibilities include WFP, UNICEF, UNHCHR, WHO,<br />

UNDP and OCHA. Descriptions of these organisations are in Annex 2. Key UN bodies are:<br />

The General Assembly (GA) is the main deliberative body of the United Nations system.<br />

It is composed of representatives of all Member States, each of which has one vote.<br />

Decisions on important questions require a two-thirds majority. Although most of its<br />

decisions are non-binding recommendations, the Assembly adopts instruments such<br />

as conventions that are legally binding on the signatories. The GA adopts resolutions<br />

on a wide range of matters of international concern. These include refugee issues and<br />

situations, specific complex emergency situations and humanitarian assistance efforts<br />

as well as resolutions on matters regarding UN humanitarian assistance, such as UN<br />

co-ordination mechanisms.<br />

As a subsidiary body of the GA, UNHCR follows policy directives (resolutions) of<br />

the GA. The High Commissioner’s annual report (which provides an overview of the<br />

High Commissioner’s main concerns and activities in the fields of protection, assistance,<br />

relations with other organisations, funding and public information) is presented to the<br />

Third Committee of the GA.<br />

The Security Council (SC) has primary responsibility under the UN Charter for the<br />

maintenance of international peace and security. When a dispute leads to a conflict<br />

between parties, the SC may adopt resolutions on a variety of measures. These<br />

may include demand for cease-fire, dispatch of observers to monitor the cease-fire,<br />

recommendation of other appropriate actions for a peaceful settlement, or sending<br />

UN peacekeeping forces to help reduce tensions while negotiations are taking place.<br />

Failure to comply with the resolutions or decisions of the SC may result in enforcement<br />

measures under the UN Charter such as economic sanctions or even collective military<br />

action. While a UN peacekeeping operation can only be dispatched following adoption of<br />

a SC resolution, this is not the case for UN humanitarian assistance. This assistance can be<br />

initiated by the UN agencies themselves, based on their mandates. Because UNHCR often<br />

operates as a result of, or in a situation of conflict, it is important to understand the<br />

functions of the SC and be informed of its activities.<br />

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), composed of 54 member countries<br />

elected for three-year terms, functions under the authority of the General Assembly.<br />

As one of the agencies dealing with social and economic issues, UNHCR reports to the<br />

GA through ECOSOC. Agencies with similar mandatory arrangements include WFP,<br />

UNICEF, UNCTAD, UNDP, and UNEP. ECOSOC serves as a central forum for discussion<br />

and formulation of policy recommendations on issues in the economic and social<br />

spheres. The daily work of ECOSOC is carried out by subsidiary bodies or commissions<br />

or committees that meet at regular intervals.<br />

In recognition of the special experience and technical knowledge of NGOs, over 1,500<br />

NGOs have consultative status with ECOSOC. These NGOs may be represented in the<br />

public meetings of the Council and may make statements relevant to the Council’s work.

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