Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013


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duhsah tein situ a simi - (adj.) corrosive<br />

duhsah tein thil i hung can - (v.) evolve - Example: The boys evolve a plan for earning money = Tlangval pawl nih tangka hmuhnak lam an ser<br />

duhsah tein thil i hung cannak , thil fawi tete in thil har ngai i hung cannak - (n.) evolution<br />

duhsah tein tlak - (v.) float - Example: The falling leaves float <strong>to</strong> the ground = Thinghnah cu duhsah tein vawlei ah an tla<br />

duhter, hoihter, sor tlukter - (n.) incline - Example: Incline your heart <strong>to</strong> obey God's law = Pathian nawlbia zulh ding kha na lung cu hoihter,<br />

duhter, a sor tlukter<br />

duhter , or fawhter - (v.) whet - Example: The smell of food whetted my appetite = Rawl rim nih ka or a ka fawhter<br />

duhternak , lem , lem khawhnak - (v.) allure<br />

duhtu a simi , dawtu a simi - (adj.) loving<br />

duhtu , dawtu - (n.) lover<br />

duk - (adj.) well-ripened fruit - Example: Our pears are all well-ripened = Kan pear an duk dih cang<br />

duk - (adj.) bloodshot - Example: His eyes are bloodshot = A mit a duk dih<br />

duk - (adj.) black and blue - Example: His back is all black and blue from their fight = An i velhnak ah a keng a duk dih<br />

dul - (v.) tarnish - Example: The mirror has been tarnished with age. - The sun is hidden behind the cloud = Thlalang kha a hlun cang i a dul cang.<br />

- Ni a dul<br />

dulhnak - (n.) shade - Example: Let us sit in the shade (under the shade of something) = Ni dulhnak ah tthu u sih<br />

dum - (adj.) azure , blue<br />

dum - (n.) garden<br />

dum - (v.) eat <strong>to</strong>gether around a table - Example: We shall eat <strong>to</strong>gether around a table = Rawl kan dum hna lai<br />

dum - (v.) beat out animals in a hunting expedition - Example: We shall be beating out animals in hunting expedition = Khaan kan dum lai<br />

dum kaupi - (n.) ranch<br />

dum tein vaa kal ai law - (interj.) farewell<br />

dum tuahtu , dum ngeitu - (n.) gardener<br />

dumh - (v.) blacken - Example: Smoke has blackened all their clothing = Meikhu nih an hnipuan a dumh dih<br />

dumternak si/thil - (n.) pigment<br />

dun - (adv.) <strong>to</strong>gether - Example: We shall go <strong>to</strong>gether = Kan kal dun lai<br />

dup - (adv.) suddenly - Example: Fire has extinguished suddenly = Mei a mit dup<br />

dupdap in alh , dupdap in ceu - (v.) flicker - Example: The fire flickered and died = Mei cu a alh dupdap i a mit<br />

dupdap in alhmi - (n.) flicker - Example: They saw the flicker of candles = Phazawngdan an ceu depmap kha an hmuh<br />

dur - (n.) gourd used as a bottle, gourd-bottle - Example: We keep salt in the gourd bottle = Dur in cite kan chiah<br />

durbing , a hlami thil nai tein hmuh khawhnak - (n.) telescope<br />

durbing , mit hnih in zoh khawhmi hmanbilu - (n.) binoculars<br />

durttawt - (n.) boils<br />

durwan , inn zohtu - (n.) jani<strong>to</strong>r<br />

dusah tein ti in chuan - (v.) stew<br />

dut - (n.) bump - Example: The airplane landed with a bump = Vanlawng kha vawlei a vung phan i dut tiah a cawl<br />

dut - (adv.) suddenly - Example: They arrived suddenly = Dut tiah an phan<br />

dutdutdut ti in tur - (v.) throb - Example: His wounded arm throbbed with pain = A ban hma cu dutdut tiin a fak a tur hluahmah<br />

dutmat - (adv.) sway this way and that way - Example: They sway this way and that way = An i hnin dutmat<br />

E<br />

e , et - (interj.) yes, positive answer - Example: Would you like <strong>to</strong> go? Yes, I do = Kal na duh lai maw? E, ka duh lai<br />

Easter hlan Cawn Ni Nga ni - (prop.) Good Friday<br />

Easter hlan ni 40 chung - (n.) Lent<br />

Easter in Zarhpi pasarihnak; Easter ni in a ni sawm nganak - (n.) Pentecost<br />

ee - (v.) go <strong>to</strong> the latrine, excrete - Example: He cannot co <strong>to</strong> the latrine, he cannot excrete = A ek a ee kho lo<br />

ee zong ti lo ai zong ti lomi ; ka vaa ruat rih lai a timi khi - (adj.) noncommittal<br />

eh , ek - (v.) complete - Example: Have you finished your weaving? = Na thiam na ek cang maw?<br />

ei - (v.) devour<br />

ei - (v.) erode - Example: Water erodes soil = Ti nih vawlei a ei<br />

ei - (v.) have - Example: Will you have dinner now? = Atu ah zanriah na ei lai maw?<br />

ei - (v.) take - Example: He takes food = Rawl a ei<br />

ei awk din awk ti le rawl - (n.) provisions<br />

ei awk i i hunh - (v.) serve - Example: Dinner is served = Zanriah an kan hunh<br />

ei awk , rawlfang - (n.) foodstuff<br />

ei dih , din dih , hrawh , khangh , hman dih - (v.) consume - Example: Fire consumes his house = Mei nih a inn a kangh dih<br />

ei khawh lomi - (adj.) inedible<br />

ei khawhmi - (adj.) eatable<br />

ei khawhmi thil - (adj.) edible<br />

ei , rawl ei - (v.) eat<br />

eidin - (n.) foodstuff - Example: We are low in foodstuff = Eidin kan har<br />

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