Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013


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<strong>to</strong>tho , thlichia - (n.) hurricane<br />

<strong>to</strong>tum in tthut , tthuttum in tthut - (v.) squat<br />

tramcar kalnak lam - (n.) tramway<br />

tta - (n.) brother (only used by sister <strong>to</strong> her brother, not by brother <strong>to</strong> brother)<br />

ttah , au , kawh - (v.) cry<br />

ttah awk a simi , ngaihchiat awk a simi - (adj.) mournful<br />

ttah awk tlak a simi , ngaihchiat awk tlak a simi - (adj.) lamentable<br />

ttah , ngaihchiatnak ttah in langhter , zunngaih - (v.) mourn<br />

ttah thawng , zunngaihnak hla - (n.) lament<br />

ttahbek - (adv.) given <strong>to</strong> crying or weeping - Example: He is given <strong>to</strong> crying/weeping = Ttah a bek<br />

Ttahnak Hla - (prop.) Lamentations in the Old Testament<br />

ttahnak , zun ngaihnak - (n.) lamentation<br />

ttai , ttei - (v.) gnaw - Example: A rat gnaws at the gunny sach = Zu nih buri a ttai<br />

ttaih - (v.) oppose, fight against, accuse<br />

ttaihciat , cuk a thiammi arhli - (n.) gamecock<br />

ttaihnak - (n.) opposing, accusing<br />

ttal - (adj.) hot and dry - Example: Our field is hot and try = Kan lo a ttal<br />

ttal - (n.) sunny side (of a house/place)<br />

ttalawn - (n.) flat sifting basket<br />

ttam - (adj.) hungry - Example: I am hungry = Ka paw a ttam<br />

ttam - (v.) crunch, bite off<br />

ttam - (v.) season curry/food<br />

ttamh - (v.) decorate - Example: We decorated the church = Biakinn kan ttamh<br />

ttamh - (v.) put on ornament - Example: She puts on ornament for the feast = Puai caah aa ttamh<br />

ttamh , thuamh - (v.) adorn<br />

ttamhnak - (n.) decoration<br />

ttamhnak - (n.) ornamentation<br />

ttamhnak - (n.) seasoning<br />

ttamhnak - (n.) gnawing, biting<br />

ttamhnak a simi thil - (adj.) ornamental<br />

ttamhnak , hlawn - (n.) ornament<br />

ttamhnak thil hme tete - (n.) trinket<br />

ttamhnak , thuamhnak - (n.) adornment<br />

ttamhnem - (v.) <strong>to</strong> eat just enough for staying the pangs of hunger - Example: We ate just <strong>to</strong> stay the pangs of hunger = Ttanhnem ah kan ei<br />

ttan , ttang - (v.) persevere, exert oneself - Example: If you persevere you will pass = Na ttan ahcun na awng ko lai<br />

ttan , ttang - (v.) side with, ally - Example: If you side with him, I shall be angry. - If God sides with us, who can be against us? = Anmah leiah nu<br />

ttan ahcun ka thin a hung lai. - Pathian cu kanmah lei a ttan ahcun, aho nih dah an kan doh khawh lai?<br />

ttan tti - (v.) ally , work <strong>to</strong>gether<br />

ttang - (adj.) dry, dried - Example: Is the paddy you put in the sun really dry now? = Na facang phomi a tthang cang maw?<br />

ttang - (n.) sister's husband<br />

ttang - (n.) chest, breast<br />

ttang - (v.) <strong>to</strong> put forth one's strengt, <strong>to</strong> exert oneself and try as much as posible - Example: You should try very hard <strong>to</strong> pass your exam =<br />

Camipuai awnnak caah na ttang lai<br />

ttang i i rehchih , pom , kuh - (v.) hug<br />

ttang le paw a thentu a ham - (n.) diaphragm<br />

ttang , ttan - (v.) persevere, exert oneself - Example: If you persevere you will pass = Na ttan ahcun na awng ko lai<br />

ttang tti - (n.) ally - Example: The British and USA were allies = British le USA cu ttang tti an si<br />

ttang tti - (v.) cooperate, ally, work <strong>to</strong>gether - Example: Germany and Japan allied/worked <strong>to</strong>gether = Germany le Japan kha an ttang tti<br />

ttanglam - (n.) butt of the gun, guns<strong>to</strong>ck<br />

ttangtthen - (v.) <strong>to</strong> be separated from husband/wife by death or divorce<br />

ttanh - (v.) side with<br />

ttanh - (v.) biased: <strong>to</strong> be biased<br />

ttanhmun - (n.) position, a stand which one takes - Example: Stand firm in your position = Na ttanhmun ah fek tein dir<br />

ttanhtu , chimpiaktu , dirkamptu - (n.) advocate<br />

ttannak in a khatmi , a lung a thomi - (adj.) zealous<br />

ttannak , lungtthawnnak - (n.) zeal<br />

ttanpi - (v.) ally, help, assist - Example: I shall ally with him = Amah ka ttanpi lai<br />

ttanpitu - (n.) supporter, helper<br />

ttanrual - (v.) band <strong>to</strong>gether, align or coordinate activities - Example: If we band <strong>to</strong>gether, we can put misfortune at abeyance = Kan ttanrual<br />

ahcun vanchiatnak cu kan tei khawh<br />

ttao - (adv.) curt in speaking - Example: She speaks very curt when she is angry = A thin a hun ahcun a ttao in a ttao ko<br />

ttaoh - (v.) <strong>to</strong> season curry with something sour, like leaves of rosel<br />

ttaoh , ttauh - (v.) speak curt<br />

ttap - (adj.) something which has fermented and become somewhat sour<br />

ttap - (v.) weep, cry - Example: She is sorry and she weeps = A ngaih a chia i a ttap<br />

ttau - (n.) hot season of the year, around March-Maj<br />

ttau lukherh - (n.) migrane headache<br />

ttauh , ttaoh - (v.) speak curt<br />

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