Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013


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ti theh - (v.) sprinkle<br />

ti , tili - (n.) pool<br />

ti , tit - (v.) lay egg - Example: Our hens lay many eggs = Kan arpi nih arti tampi an tit<br />

ti <strong>to</strong>ih - (v.) water<br />

ti <strong>to</strong>ih - (v.) hose - Example: He hosed the garden = Dum ti a <strong>to</strong>ih<br />

ti ttih zawtnak, uihrut nih a sehmi hna cu hi zawtnak hin an thi - (n.) hydrophobia<br />

ti-u - (n.) frog<br />

ti zetnak , thianternak - (n.) filter<br />

ti zirh , ti roter - (v.) drain<br />

ti zirhnak - (n.) drainage<br />

ti zongin tial a si ; a nak le a rang fonh ah a zawng a chuakmi , a pawl ti bik a si lai - (adj.) grey<br />

tia - (adj.) same size - Example: Your hen is of the same size of mine = Na arpi cu ka arpi tia a si<br />

tiaceo - (adj.) exactly of the same size - Example: They are exactly of the same size = Tiaceote an si<br />

tiah - (adv.) thus - Example: He said (thus) he was going = Ka kal lai tiah a ti<br />

tiam - (v.) promise - Example: I have promised him that I would come = Ka ra lai tiah bia ka tiam cang<br />

tiam - (v.) <strong>to</strong> play with <strong>to</strong>ys - Example: Children are playing with <strong>to</strong>ys = Ngakchia an i tiam<br />

tiancheh - (v.) purify (ceremonially)<br />

tiang - (conj.) till - Example: Walk till you reach the Post Office = Thirhri inn na phak tiang va kal<br />

tiang - (prep.) <strong>to</strong> - Example: The apple is rotten <strong>to</strong> the core = Epal cu a chung muru tiangin a thu<br />

tiang - (prep.) until - Example: It was cold from Christmas until March = Khrismas in March thla tiang khua a sik<br />

tiangah cun - (conj.) insofar as - Example: Insofar as I know, he has gone home = Ka hngalh tiangah cun, inn ah a tin cang<br />

tiau - (v.) <strong>to</strong> tear in<strong>to</strong> shreds<br />

tiau - (v.) <strong>to</strong> pluck hair<br />

tibel awng hru (ti um a ti chuahnak awng hruknak) - (n.) spigot<br />

Tibet ram Buddhist phungki - (n.) lama<br />

Tibet ram i a ummi fung a hmul a saumi - (n.) yak<br />

tibual - (n.) pond<br />

tibual nganmi - (n.) lake<br />

tichum , minmei - (n.) fog<br />

tichung i a ummi lungpang , ti cung i a lang dengmangmi - (n.) reef<br />

tichung i lamh tik i a pil ruahmahmi thetse - (n.) quicksand<br />

tichung i pil , pil - (v.) sink<br />

tichung i vung pil thiam khi , phekahnak hmun - (n.) dive<br />

tichung pil - (v.) dive<br />

ticung i a vuan khomi thil - (adj.) buoyant<br />

ticung i vuanh khawhnak - (n.) buoyance<br />

tidil , kuang , nga zuatnak tili - (n.) aquarium<br />

tidong - (n.) duct, waterduct, waterlead<br />

tidong - (n.) gutter, aqueduct<br />

tidong , caw rawl peknak kuang - (n.) trough<br />

tidong tehna , ek luannak tidong tehna a ser a remhtu - (n.) plumber<br />

tidor a tlami a khal i al tung tete in a ummi - (n.) icicle<br />

tidor dip tete i kah siahmah khi - (v.) spray<br />

tidor dip tete kahnak seh , tizik - (n.) sprayer<br />

tifim - (n.) clean, clear water<br />

tifurcawi - a mammal which has a baby every year<br />

tih a nungmi hmun , a nuam lomi , a ttha lomi - (n.) predicament<br />

tih , tik - (v.) <strong>to</strong> put wood on the fire, <strong>to</strong> tend fire, make up fire - Example: Put more wood on the fire = Mei vun tik<br />

tihal - (adj.) thirsty - Example: I am thirsty = Ka ti a hal<br />

tihal in hal , fak piin duhnak ngeih - (v.) thirst<br />

tihalnak - (n.) thirst<br />

tihang - (n.) soup - Example: Mustard leave soup = Anttam tihang<br />

tihang ca hmanmi rimthaw phun khat - (n.) spearmint<br />

tihang kiomi - (n.) curry<br />

tihang thor , a thormi - (n.) vinegar<br />

tihang ttamh , masala - (n.) spice<br />

tihna , tihram - (n.) wellspring<br />

tihnak - (n.) tending fire<br />

tihnak daihter deuh , fakmi dinter deuh - (v.) allay<br />

tihni - (n.) day before yesterday<br />

tihrah - (n.) rapids<br />

tihrah - (n.) a place in the river where the water is shallow, rapid and fordable<br />

tihrah - (n.) force or velocity or current of water, shoal<br />

tihram , tihna - (n.) wellspring<br />

tihthing , thingtih - (n.) firewood<br />

tihulh aa peh zuahmah in a ummi hna - (n.) archipelago<br />

tiin hmanmi thil paohpaoh - (adj.) hydraulic - Example: Hydraulic pump = Ti in kaltermi ti dawpnak seh<br />

tik - (n.) time - Example: Tell me the time you want <strong>to</strong> go = Kal na duh tik ka chim<br />

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