Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013


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pum in tuahmi - (v.) exercise<br />

pum le mui i thlen - (v.) metamorphose - Example: Tadpoles metamorphose in<strong>to</strong> frogs = Buluk cu sawngpate ah an i thleng<br />

pum le mui i thlennak - (n.) metamorphosis - Example: Tadpoles become frogs by metamorphosis = Buluk kna sawngpate i an cannak cu pum<br />

le mui i thlennak in a si<br />

pum nawm lillial i a ummi - (adj.) plump<br />

pum nawn lillial in ser - (v.) plump<br />

pum ngandamnak ca i pum in tuahmi , thiamnak ca i cawlcanghnak , tuah lengmangmi - (n.) exercise<br />

pum nih an huatmi - (adj.) allergic - Example: He is allergic <strong>to</strong> penincillin = Penicillin cu a pum nih a hust<br />

pum nih huatnak - (n.) allergy<br />

pum nuamhnak a duhmi - (adj.) sensuous<br />

pum nuamhnak lawng a duhmi - (adj.) sensual<br />

pum nuamhnak lawng duhnak - (n.) sensuality<br />

pum pakhat tlinnak caah a a herhmi thil - (adj.) integral<br />

pum , takpum - (n.) body<br />

pum tling i ser - (v.) integrate<br />

pum tling i sernak - (n.) integration<br />

pumchung i thi le sa le ruh tehna an umtuning cawnak - (n.) ana<strong>to</strong>my<br />

pumchung thihri - (n.) blood vessel<br />

pumchung thlipeng tete zawtnak - (n.) bronchitis<br />

pumh - (v.) congregate<br />

pumh - (v.) convoke<br />

pumh hao , pumhnak tuah tik i a haotu si - (v.) preside<br />

pumh , hmunkhat i thil pumh - (v.) collect<br />

pumh , khawmh - (v.) compile<br />

pumh , pon - (v.) heap - Example: She heaped the s<strong>to</strong>nes = Lung a pon hna<br />

pumh , pumhnak kawh - (v.) convene<br />

pumhkhawmh - (v.) assemble<br />

pumhnak - (n.) convention<br />

pumhnak tuah tik i a haotu si , pumh hao - (v.) preside<br />

pumlei he aa peh tlaimi thil - (adj.) corporal - Example: Corporal punishment = Pum in inmi dantatnak<br />

pummi - (n.) congregation<br />

pummi thil pakhat an cheumi i cheu khat - (n.) sec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

pumn vennak ca i thir in tuahmi pum khuknak, thir angki - (n.) armour<br />

pumpak a si lomi thil - (adj.) impersonal<br />

pumpak a simi - (adj.) private - Example: Private car = Mah bing mawttawka<br />

pumpak cio in - (adv.) individually<br />

pumpak cio in Roman Catholic kardinal pawl, Pope thim awk ca i an i pumhnak hmun cio - (n.) conclave<br />

pumpak ta a simi - (adj.) personal - Example: Personal letter = Pumpak cakuat<br />

pumpak thil cozah nih chuh i ngeih - (v.) nationalize<br />

pumpak thil, mah chung thil a simi - (adj.) intimate<br />

pumpuluh tuknak fung - (n.) bat<br />

pumpululh - (n.) football<br />

pumpululh bantukin a pummi , a pummi - (adj.) round<br />

pumpululh chuih tik i a out out lo zohtu, an <strong>to</strong>ngh <strong>to</strong>ngh lo zohtu - (n.) linesman<br />

pumpululh phun khat - (n.) rugby<br />

pumpululh , pummi thil - (n.) ball<br />

pumrua - (n.) frame - Example: He is a man of large frame = Aman cu mi pumrua nganpi a si<br />

pumrua a tthami - (adj.) personable - Example: She is a personable young woman = Amah cu mi pumrua ttha ngaknu a si<br />

pumrua umtuning - (n.) constitution<br />

pumsa duhnak aa sum lomi - (adj.) lustful<br />

pumsa duhnak , duhnak tthawng - (n.) lust<br />

pumsa in , thil in - (adv.) materially<br />

pumsa lei thil siseh a ruat tukmi , vawlei cung thil siseh - (adj.) carnal<br />

pumsa nuamhnak duhmi , a hurmi - (adj.) lascivious<br />

pumsa nuamhnak i a hleihluat in um tuk, din einak lei ah a si khun - (n.) debauchery<br />

pung - (v.) copulate<br />

pung - (v.) <strong>to</strong> visit with and stay overnight<br />

pung , thil khumhnak i hmanmi thingkuang - (n.) container, tin - Example: Kerosine tin = Zinan pung<br />

pungsan - (n.) model - Example: His car is the latest model = A mawttawka cu tunai bik pungsan a si<br />

pungsan - (n.) way - Example: Mary is wearing her hair in a new way = Mary cu a sam pungsan thar in aa <strong>to</strong>m<br />

pungsan - (n.) plan and estimate of a building<br />

pungsan i canter - (v.) shape<br />

pungsan ngei lomi - (adj.) shapeless<br />

pungsan , pumrua - (n.) shape, form, bodily build - Example: An apple is different in shape from a banana. - The earth was without form = Epal<br />

cu a pungsan banhla he aa dang. - Vawlei cu pungsan a ngei lo<br />

pungsan tthalo - (n.) malformation - Example: Hunch back is a malformation = Kengkul hi pungsan ttha lo a si<br />

pungsuai - (v.) plan - Example: He planned the streets of the <strong>to</strong>wn = Khuachung lam an umtuning ding kha pungsan a suai hna<br />

pungzam - (v.) propagate, spread out<br />

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