Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013


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lungchung in hngalh khawhnak thazang, fimnak. - 2. a fim ngaingaimi - (n.) intellect<br />

lungchung in ka si ti i ruah - (v.) fancy - Example: He fancied himself <strong>to</strong> be a great king = Siangpahrang nganpi ka si tiin a lungchung in aa ruah<br />

lungchung in ruah khawhmi - (adj.) imaginable<br />

lungchung in suaimi hmanthlak , ruahnak - (n.) idea<br />

lungchung in thil tuaktan le hmanthlak suai a tthawngmi - (adj.) imaginative<br />

lungchung in , zoh loin - (adv.) by heart<br />

lungchung lawng in ruahmi thil, a si taktak lomi thil - (n.) fantacy<br />

lungchung lawngin ruah i a si taktak lomi , mitthlam lawngin hmuhmi - (adj.) imaginary<br />

lungchung lawngin ruahnak , hmanthlak suai khawhnak - (n.) imagination<br />

lungchung saduhthahnak in a khatmi - (adj.) fanciful<br />

lungchung , thinlung , thlarau - (n.) psyche<br />

lungchung ummi paoh a chimmi - (adj.) outspoken<br />

lungchung ummi sum khawh loin langhternak - (n.) frenzy<br />

lungchung ummi thil - (n.) feeling - Example: She saw her diamond earring and had a feeling of jealousy = A diamond hna<strong>to</strong>nh kha a hmuh i a<br />

lungchung ah hngarnak a ngei<br />

lungchung umtuning langhternak ca i hmanmi - (n.) subjugation<br />

lungchung zawtnak phun khat , a nih hawi hna heh ti in nih i cu dih in a tah zong tah ko , cu bantukin lungthin i tlaih i khawh lo le i<br />

sum khawh lo paoh ; hlim rit - (n.) hysteria<br />

lungcung khomi bangba - (n.) lichen<br />

lungdenmi - (n.) concrete<br />

lungder ngai i um , harnak le lunglawmh lonak chungah um i pum ngain zong dam set ti lo i um , zun ngai i um - (v.) languish -<br />

Example: He was languishing in prison = Thong chungah zun ngaiin a um ko<br />

lungdong ngai i um - (adj.) dejected<br />

lungdonghnak - (n.) dejection<br />

lungdonghter , chia lei in khuaruahhar in um , khuaruahharter - (v.) appal - Example: Her conduct appalled me = A umtu nih ka khuaruah<br />

a ka harter, ka lung a ka donghter<br />

lungdonghter , thachiatter - (v.) demoralize<br />

lungdonh , zawllung - (n.) cairn<br />

lungduhnak - (n.) emotion<br />

lungfahnak - (n.) pain<br />

lungfahnak - (n.) regretting, sorrow, grief<br />

lungfehnak pek tthan , a si hrimhrim lai tiah chimh tthan - (v.) reassure<br />

lungfim - (adj.) sober, awake - Example: He is now sober from his drunkenness = A zuritnak in a lung a fim cang<br />

lungfim - (adj.) wise - Example: He is a wise man = Mi lungfim a si<br />

lunghahnak - (n.) obduracy<br />

lunghahnak , mah ruahning lawng a hmaan i relnak - (n.) obstinacy<br />

lunghak - (adj.) strong-villed, hardheaded - Example: He is a strong-willed man = Mi lunkhak a si<br />

lunghakmi , zaangfahnak ngei lomi - (adj.) unrelenting<br />

lunghmui ngai a simi - (adj.) impressive<br />

lunghmuih - (adj.) well-pleased, satisfied - Example: I am well-pleased with what you have done = Na thil tuahmi kaa lunghmuih ngai<br />

lunghmuih , lungchung ah fek tein tuh - (v.) impress - Example: I was impressed with what he preached = A phungchimmi kha kaa lunghmuih<br />

lunghmul - (n.) caterpillar<br />

lunghmul hling, lunghmul, hling bantuk a simi thing pelpawi tete - (n.) fuzz<br />

lunghmun - (adj.) stable - Example: He is a stable man = Mi lunghmun a si<br />

lunghnem - (v.) comfort, console - Example: Your words cannot comfort/console me = Na bia nih ka lung a ka hnem kho lo<br />

lunghnemtu - (n.) comforter, consoler<br />

lunghno - (v.) <strong>to</strong> break down in tears, sorrowful - Example: When he heard the death of his friend, he broke down in tears = A hawi thih a theih<br />

tikah lunghno in a ttap<br />

lunghnonak - (n.) sentimentality<br />

lunghnotertu a simi - (adj.) sentimental<br />

lunghringmi - (adj.) suspicious<br />

lunghrinh - (v.) suspect - Example: I suspect he cheated at the exam = Camipuai ah a fir tiah ka lunghrinh<br />

lunghrinh awkin a ummi - (adj.) suspicious<br />

lunghrinhmi - (n.) suspect - Example: The police arrested two suspects = Palik nih lunghrinhmi pahnih an tlaih hna<br />

lunghrinnak - (n.) suspicion<br />

lungkamlo - (n.) valour and determination - Example: He is a man (young and strong) of valour and determination = Lungkamlo val a si<br />

lungkau a ngeimi - (adj.) broad-minded<br />

lungkil - (n.) secret of the heart<br />

lungkua - (n.) cave<br />

lungkua nganpi - (n.) cavern<br />

lungkuaimi , ngaihchiami - (adj.) broken-hearted<br />

lunglawm - (adj.) happy, thankful, grateful, joyful, glad - Example: Christmas is near and we are happy, joyful, etc. = Khrismas a nai i kan lung aa<br />

lawm<br />

lunglawm hmaipanh i a ummi - (adj.) buoyant<br />

lunglawm loin umter - (v.) displease<br />

lunglawm lomi - (adj.) unhappy<br />

lunglawm ngai a simi - (adj.) hearty<br />

lunglawm tein , amah duhnak tein - (adv.) willingly<br />

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