Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013

Chin Hakha to English Dictionary 02.17.2013


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hrawh , chiatter - (v.) deteriorate<br />

hrawh cikcek - (v.) devastate<br />

hrawh cikcek - (v.) raze<br />

hrawh dih cikcek - (v.) gut - Example: Fire gutted the house = Mei nih inn cu a hrawh dih cikcek<br />

hrawh dih cikcek , hloh - (v.) annihilate<br />

hrawh dih , hloh dih , phawi dih - (v.) exterminate<br />

hrawh , dinther - (v.) demobilize<br />

hrawh , dongther - (v.) annul<br />

hrawh , hloh - (v.) abolish - Example: Slavery was abolished = Sal zuat cu hloh a si cang<br />

hrawh , hloh - (v.) liquidate<br />

hrawh , hrawk - (v.) destroy<br />

hrawh , khangh , hman dih , ei dih , din dih - (v.) consume - Example: Fire consumes his house = Mei nih a inn a kangh dih<br />

hrawh khawh lomi - (adj.) indestructible<br />

hrawh khawh lomi - (adj.) indissoluble<br />

hrawh , leh , cung le tang maw lu le taw maw leh - (v.) subvert<br />

hrawh , let, zorter - (v.) abrogate - Example: His power was abrogated = A nawl ngeihnak kha a zor, a lo<br />

hrawh , pakpalawng i canter , dawnh - (v.) foil - Example: The police foiled his evil plan = Thil ttha lo tuah aa timhmi kha palik nih an hrawh<br />

hrawh , rawh - (v.) wreck<br />

hrawh , tampi thah - (v.) decimate - Example: A plague has decimated the population = Plek rai nih an bu chungin tampi a thah hna<br />

hrawh tthan - (v.) cancel<br />

hrawh tthan - (v.) revoke<br />

hrawh tthan , lak tthan - (v.) repeal - Example: The law was repealed = Upadi kha an hrawh tthan<br />

hrawh tthannak - (n.) cancellation<br />

hrawh tthannak - (n.) revocation<br />

hrawh , ttheh , chimh - (v.) demolish<br />

hrawhnak - (n.) demolition<br />

hrawhnak - (n.) devastation<br />

hrawhnak - (n.) harm - Example: His delay did harm <strong>to</strong> our plan = A tlai ruangah kan i timhmi a rawk<br />

hrawhnak - (n.) echoing<br />

hrawhnak , hlohnak - (n.) liquidation<br />

hrawhnak hmun king i canternak - (n.) desolation<br />

hrawhnak , merhnak - (n.) dis<strong>to</strong>rtion<br />

hrawk , hrawh - (v.) destroy<br />

hrawk khotu a si lomi - (adj.) harmless<br />

hrawk khotu a simi thil - (adj.) harmful<br />

hrawkhrawl - (adj.) mischievous, dishonest - Example: Judas is a dishonest man = Judas cu mi hrawkhrawl a si<br />

hrawktu a simi , a um liomi cozoh hrawh awk ca i khuakhanmi - (adj.) subversive<br />

hrawktu a simi thil - (adj.) destructive<br />

hrawktu , raltunak tilawng - (n.) destroyer<br />

hrawl - (n.) shelf - Example: Put the books on the shelf = Cauk kha hrawl ah chia hna<br />

hrawl a ngeimi bizu - (n.) cabinet<br />

hrawm - (v.) share - Example: He and his brother share one room = Amah le a nau cu khan khat an i hrawm<br />

hrawm , pek - (v.) impart<br />

hrawm phih zawtnak - (n.) diphteria<br />

hrawmh , hromh - (v.) share <strong>to</strong>gether - Example: You will share your blanket with me = Na puan na ka hrawmh lai<br />

hrawmhnak - (n.) sharing<br />

hrawmmi thil - (adj.) common - Example: The house is the common property of the three brothers = Inn cu an unau rual pathum an i hrawmmi<br />

a si<br />

hrawn , den - (v.) batter - Example: He battered the door = Innka kha a den<br />

hrawng - (prep.) about - Example: I shall come back at about 4 p.m. = Zanlei 4 hrawngah ka na than lai<br />

hrawng - (adj.) approximate - Example: What is the approximate amount of money you need? = Tagka zeizat hrawng dah na herh?<br />

hrawng - (n.) vicinity - Example: There are no houses in this vicinity = Hika hrawng ah hin inn an um lo<br />

hrawng - (v.) go <strong>to</strong> a feast/dinner - Example: We shall go <strong>to</strong> John's for dinner = John inn ah rawl kan hrawng lai<br />

hrawng , chung - (prep.) during<br />

hrawnh - (v.) echo - Example: The sound of his gun fire echoes through the hills = A meithal thawng nih tlang a hrawnh<br />

hrawnh , hronh - (v.) blockade, obstruct - Example: The road has been blockaded = Lam an hrawnh<br />

hrawp - (v.) gulp, swallow in large amount - Example: We gulped meat-vegetable soup = Sabuti kan hrawp<br />

hrawt - (v.) begin, experiment - Example: The child is beginning <strong>to</strong> walk (experimenting walking) = Nganchia cu kal aa hrawt<br />

hrawtnak - (n.) experimenting - Example: I shall ride on your horse for experiment = Hrawtnak ah na rang kaa cit lai<br />

hre, hrek - (v.) work hard - Example: He is working very hard = Rianttuan aa hrek ngaingai<br />

hreh - (n.) purlin<br />

hrei - (n.) axe, adze<br />

hreifang - (n.) adze<br />

hreiha - (n.) handle of the axe<br />

hreitlung - (n.) axe<br />

hrek , hre - (v.) work hard - Example: He is working very hard = Rianttuan aa hrek ngaingai<br />

hrel - (n.) the height of the walls of the house<br />

hrelh - (v.) miss, overlook - Example: It's very easy <strong>to</strong> miss/overlook one's mistakes = Mah palhnak cu hrelh a fawite<br />

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