Senator lCook's tobaeco wFeath - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

Senator lCook's tobaeco wFeath - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library Senator lCook's tobaeco wFeath - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library
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Vo1 .99No.1/January1914 Tobacco Reporter The Business Magazine of the International Tobacco Industry M a. COOK ~_ KENIUCKY ® Senator lCook's tobaeco wFeath

Vo1 .99No.1/January1914<br />

<strong>Tobacco</strong> Reporter<br />

The Business Magazine of the International <strong>Tobacco</strong> Industry<br />

M a. COOK<br />

~_ KENIUCKY<br />

®<br /><br />

<strong>Senator</strong> <strong>lCook's</strong> <strong>tobaeco</strong> <strong>wFeath</strong><br />

:IGAIiPl9'Tli PAPMit<br />

VPORIJ)'S LAR( :h'S9' >IANUIIA(I'fUliK116OR C<br />

0<br />

~v.u~<br />

World Suppliers of Leaf <strong>Tobacco</strong><br />

MO NK-HENDERSON MOO 00 .< « o .<br />


WENDELL, NORTH CAROLINA 27E91, U . S . A .<br />

The individuai attention of our experienced<br />

personnel guarantees highest standards of<br />



.<br />

leaf 7obarros-Br7ght, Burley, Maryland, Dark<br />


~1<br />

All types of Zambia, Malawl, Mo :ambique and other African tobarros<br />



And here xre the other quality brands hnmThc Amcircmi 7hbacco Company:<br />





1 6 BI< U SC<br />

Tl'Ol OP R - F L U T [. _<br />

- - ------- ---

<strong>Tobacco</strong> Reporter<br />

The Business Magazine of the International <strong>Tobacco</strong> Industry .<br />

v:. pn~n .wa ..s]<br />

P, : ~taeta . a<br />

nmm ab. Mena .<br /><br />

Prrb6rbad ruonrbly ra rrj•orr sod<br />

nnnlym rnr.enr derelopmemr<br />

mrd lrm, neudr nAu<br />

A trusted name,in<br />

leaf tobacco since 1873 .<br />



View frotn here . . .<br /><br />

Government tests : to be or not to be<br />

In the beginning there were many "asmrs ." And In<br />

the beginning thcre were nsauy ways to "tesc" The testing<br />

rnrioncd here is the determination of tar and nicotine curv<br />

tents for various U .S . cigarette brands .<br />

Shortly after the "beginning" the government got<br />

into the testing business, too, and that was one of the<br />

main rcasons for the great variations in the tests,<br />

especially as far as "tar" ennrent was concrrncd . The<br />

question was "what constimtes tar?" The government<br />

stood its ground and so did the other nrganizarions, each<br />

one giving crederrce to why it measured "tar" as it did .<br />

Ilut a medium was reached and by yuasi-demand thc<br />

government took over as official lener of the various cigaretm brands being sold in the United States<br />

. We're not questioning the validity of the governreofs<br />

rzr-nicorine roment rclwns, because no marrer how<br />

you look et it, dre results are based on identical teseareh for<br />

each brand tested . Whar is questionable, though, is the fact<br />

tl,at thc government ir doing the cesring .<br />

This is nur to advocate that the individual companies<br />

do thcir own testing (which is what is done for new brands<br />

before the government has a chance to get the variety in tbe<br />

mzrketplace) . If rhe individual companies did do the testing,<br />

we would be right hack where we started-many variations<br />

mebods and dms varicd repordng resul¢ (Ton, you<br />

~<br />

n, Ril! Sbely<br />

"1bonlltagreed1 fmmnowenwn<br />

sponsor no more enpnam rece : :'<br />

Leae=<br />

., . . .<br />


Uorl3dimrr<br />

1 w„ m,er

on bur ll<br />

W Per ammrrc;m<br />

In W . RedwwJ<br />

Group 9nln Cmmdinuor<br />

MiMrans or Pall MJI<br />

I .nnka,> mbia<br />


IIDar La/—<br />

Arr..lenF mer v«'r aomPliarion<br />

nf the mlcrennnminL me of<br />

l vonlal<br />

mpli.<br />


Ikv PJimrr<br />

All of us at &n.n & Williamson<br />

look forwrrd wirh C2+r in<br />

nn0, m sbe ,ppeannce of !ob<br />

let Hepmree We rd Ir as rhe<br />

.r /e~mad .

Trnde Mark of Service<br />

/o Ihe<br />

World Tobecco Trade<br /><br />

For dependable<br />

a vorld-wide services . . .<br />


f iCl'lTIT1Ta LEd<br />

Zihnccu Inc .<br />

Greenville, NortL Ceroline, U .S .A .<br />

Ceble Address : "CAIIOCO"

Key words lhis year in the tnbacto indusiry, rfie key words appear to be rexes (they cominuduring 1972<br /><br />


January :1972<br />

<strong>Tobacco</strong><br />

Reporter<br />

. ally uegoing up), Rhodesia (Bdrein should give its formall appioval to e scrtiemem<br />

in rhe next several months), Ghma (trede doors are opening (unAer end robaau rcede<br />

-,is dcvelopingfunler), :putapeen Commnn Marker (the agricultural poliry has a ere<br />

mendous impatt on US. snd CsnadipnJeaf nsdc), low tar cigarelres (the laren mri .<br />

kingpisch is soward sucb beanda) and rhe industty is answering back on the smoking<br />

and heaith situation (sce page /6) .<br />

BrBein's battle A Bdtish offlcinkhas rejecsed romplainu abomr uewspape rD .d'scmonss<br />

on ameking . for dgarettp whiefi lack health warnings (ace page 1S) : On e more Iocaliacd<br />

basis in england, e amoking fce pleads wid, eouncil m"liL the ban" on smoking<br />

because eouncil members nre irritable and the mi are running too long<br />

(aee page 19) . . '<br />

. Are low fer Noting that dgarette sales ete invessing slighdy "despire vho bun on tv and<br />

brands pepulrri radio ads;" health orgenbsuom are eooling their atopsooking pitd, and are now making<br />

she appeal m uaoke low tar brands . liut are such brands popular with the ronsumrr?<br />

(9ec page 12) A eomprrison hes been made beswecn cignrrrm sales es eninmred 61<br />

mbaao analysr John Msxwell and Jie US . govemmeni s Iarest mr nnd nicoeine repors .<br />

Meanwhile Cenada hae released ics mose recent Warerlon repxs on tar and nirodne mntent<br />

in Canedian etigarette brand .(aee page 31) . The repon lisred ove new brand as<br />

beingevnemelyhighonbotlioo., . Afrertekingelookardmfigures,dicmanvlecmrcr<br />

eronsc out with' e peiiFeed, ol tLo G:mn!m with loaxr iar end nicodne comm~r .<br />

New brands Newbrandcare n8lmakingtbeir epticerance in the United States with<br />

slilleoming mostoftheeppealmeden~dretnwusconteni{eeeyage37) . AmericanBrands<br />

is test marketiug irs Mermaid mcnthol in Mensphis and New Orlesns . Addi.<br />

tionelly,American's•rerendy .lntroilumd).iakyTenhasgonenational .Alsonew<br />

on the U .SPSttneishirillerd'e Big'R«I rlueing'tobetto beinghested in thrrc<br />

- sovthem cBies'edjacerlt to'Yhe Mississippi River.' The Ilonse of Fdgeworlh bas<br />

insroducadAmer'¢uns to the inmrnetionallj successfrd St . Morirr brand with a<br />

- cesr run in Charleston, S. GAnddsen therc is ~Urown & Williamson's I .yme<br />

., . . 85mm filter menthol being test marke.d in Po Wayne, Ind . . -<br />

66W'e Vlceroy During rhe pasimonth Brown& Williamson stepped Inro sporus as a prommion<br />

radng leem approach by .eponsoring the Viceroy radng team (ue page 35) . In matdng dae qnres<br />

announeemenlD&W pmidmtPdwinP: Pinch introduced the 1972 Ve1sPamelli Racing<br />

. Tezm which will be knuwn .us theViceroy radng ream and mnsisa of ddvers AI<br />

. Unser, Mario Andretti end Joe l .conard . ~The Viceroy entry into sports aused Philip<br />

Morris m drop iss Marlboro Trail race supporr, (sm page 36) . Said onr sourre : "E,nbarrassing<br />

nomenrs"wontd heve hen inevimble for. Medboro pmple ee such top<br />

drivers I,eipg spinnmred bv .lia<br />

`TOBACCO i OU 1 L00K<br />

7 mineae _ _<br />

s ; dawn !mm last yeai s 18,478 Lttes.' For cigal bindei tobettos (typs 51 and 52)<br />

hF M1llnrment will be 6,663 ar .es which is a decrease from Inst ynrr's 6,920 acres .<br />

_ Lrl,<br />

?y market Ac mjdDecembor, the Burley Sales Commirrec re .poned the burlcy marker<br />

renpening date c?vld ipen after the Christmas holiday persodon Janua"ry 0latlien'tbiu<br />

JenueryB repotted'ioNovember . After the first week the sales would'be held<br />

. the firsi fout days of the week :-Reason for the day .laro opcning was5eid to be in<br />

' q,iidetdtion fur'Liibway cafety in the rravel of tobaooo personnel and marken<br />

Lag uffkie7s ftoearhett homes back toalre verions burley mukep In the elght-<br />

-nete bele Prioi tu the closingl p dces axre standing at rec ord levels .<br />

Greete's burley A recent report from Grmce indintes ohat the nerion's tobaao ehcles heve been<br />

trede danger seriously preottupied with recent unfavorable developmeats and obscured prospxs ro<br />

ga.rding the funlre of budey mbsecv producdsn In Greece The CAP p6licy dn tobatm<br />

. twused a big expoit dip, bringing about e scr ous problem in drspoeing of the' 1071 erop<br />

estimated iv be at 28 million poundx Sealrelrt ups Gte ia December Seatrdn Lines' conminer division sterted weekly eerv'rce<br />

jts servhe to Burope and Puarro Rim dirwx from Philadeiphia . And on the firse Monday of<br />

the hew yeir the containeri>cd shippcr srerted n direct rourc arhedulc m the<br />

l:JOminicav Republic. A Japan service is planned for early this 5'eaP<br />

. R . J . Reynolds Tobacro Cnmpany will expandd the test market area :'-' RJk's Wnshesler of its Win-<br />

-end Vantage chester little rigers duting the eemnd week in January,to en v

7obacco<br />

Reporter<br />

January 1972<br />

Are low tar brands popular?<br />

_ he dehme aver smokiog has evolved inm e look us ahe tu comm~t in clgarrnes . ]'herc has bcrn mlk nnd many Irmposals have Yrrn sugyresrcd ehsr<br />

manufsaurers eher thelr~navnfarnuing efforts ru make smuktnB producss thzr<br />

xvwld have less tar coruenc ami thus there wuWd te a"satrr" smnking picco<br />

The aoion elong this Ilne was pwintod up seveoal yrars ego whun national<br />

tesrs Mgan to appesr in thc UnitrJ Srams showing the wr and nirotine mmm~t<br />

• of varions cigaretm hrands Ieing sold Vn the nation . 11,1. trars usuzlly arc run<br />

ersl timcs a yem and the latcst U .S . tat rhart apireered la Augr'ar 1971 .<br />

Otlrer nations, also Ieenin5 rowrd dae aaoheahh angle, havc hcen inuing<br />

their own ter chxna at scgnlar inmrvals, tw .<br />

Tls grneral hezlth comment is this : 9'he lower the mr contenS the<br />

'kafer' nc, cigaretre. Many propnSenda plens conceming tfiis smmroent havr<br />

heco Issued ducing the patt several yara McL by che goveromenr mn<br />


Your complete source<br />

for world-wide<br />

tobacco requirements<br />

~ni~m'nal ~caf'i~nbaeco~ .<br />

a" ~o, ., . . . u :9:1 . .~ ~ s ..

1O\9 TAR POPUTAR?<br />

npper 9a p

1970 tobacco taxes<br />

roach all-time high<br />

YLe nrlee of an eremge packopeanf<br />

cnganlms is half m and M1~<br />

grnx rs<br />

G<br />

nudv oflmbac<br />

'1'InLrny, preeld<br />

rc Yolncce ]'ax (Lrmcil In Ricl .<br />

7a ssid rM1C findinge are in a<br />

"~ILe t'ax eurden on t'o<br />

bsca' ~ 11.1 Ivm/.im an 22<br />

ycats ol swdy on mbaaataxes .e n<br />

In 1970, O'PLLeuy .dd, tM<br />

mel of mhacco eaxee aolleaed bt<br />

federal, e and Imd go .erm<br />

eacLN an elLtime M1igls n/<br />

Ne8 blllloo .<br />

1Lese rz u<br />

of t6e<br />

IintAc<br />

dti f rax<br />

TM fMe[al a<br />

dgLtc apd:a<br />

from rx m in Nonh lir<br />

21 ccu Cunn¢Rmr . Half the<br />

:acRarSe 12 ernas or mme . peak,<br />

rdelnm taaea ra ,e up n, m renre .<br />

Tbe Imklm exprnud fc.r dut<br />

t•~g:.eles wli lmperii mex ndo.<br />

rry . nr'Cnnrn r 1 r alre .ny<br />

demonrnatedmmeir nnwnlingnB<br />

tn Fny agsrenes in a .r,mmunhy<br />

' ~ hirn ta: rar . nn aigarer s r .te<br />

g rLe r d dd<br />

bl Ailde from rhe fact dia ueMF in<br />

eagareo lax e a impetill me ma .ker<br />

1 ci0•reueqr~s<br />

~Le i I sn imposM<br />

. F+nvhorm f c 'o<br />

pena n~IMne f+ Y a lumm ~ Ivying~m<br />

tax<br />

pnliacal e.peaeaty<br />

eqniry Lat been tLC mmrolli<br />

n t6e minde nf die taxing e<br />

ell IerJs of gnrernmen porr, s<br />

:id<br />

ed,<br />

Courl voids plastic tax<br />

lTe New York Snie Snpreme Wmr<br />

has YmIM<br />

diar rAe apreial a.orenr rax<br />

YaktCdc m aaMhyN ew<br />

Jisl affl and als pnllxnon pmblema,<br />

ra l<br />

rce :d tn ne dlarrmin .<br />

gled on, plaaac eon-<br /><br />

ii 7' . ;<br />

Handling a delicate<br />

cargo is Bob Savage's<br />

cup of tea .<br />

Bob Savage Is a speclallsL He's part ol our last efficient cargo<br />

handlingteam at the North Carolina ports ol Wilminglon and Morehead<br />

City. Like al/ ouF operators e/ specialized equlpmenl eshor e<br />

he qulekly and economically handles your cargo with a delicale<br />

touch . People like Bob make ou r Motlern Conlainer and Bulk Dpar<br />

etions something speciel .<br />

©ob's job is a challenge to him, and te does it well . I le takes pride<br />

in hisjob. Thafs our personalized service, and il's natural wilh our<br />

people .l/your cargo needs the delicate touch . vnite : E, E . Lee . Jo,<br />

Direclor of Commerce, North Caml Ina Smle Ports Autborily .<br />

W llmington Norlh Cerolina 28401 .<br />


<strong>Tobacco</strong> outlook for 1972<br />

. Taxes will continue to take bigger<br />

bites into tobacco sales<br />

. Rhodesian tobacco on the open market<br />

• <strong>Tobacco</strong> from China will have an added<br />

punch on U .S. and Canadian trade<br />

• Common Market trade policy will not<br />

be altered to advantage of non-members<br />

• More new cigarette brands with low tar<br />

and synthetics<br />

• The industry answering back on smoking<br />

and health<br />

tTe k~ words wltWn rne mbum<br />

industry al :e year 1972 Fets nnder<br />

a [ee s, M hMesia,ghMesia, ~ ehwn bw nn-<br />

J¢D]I P]LO)]<br />

1Wanw Nepwrer/ lanuary 191k

hr . Ilenr, 1 . Nusskv, e mMiml<br />

emistlnngdevmMro urkwiJ,<br />

thr M1uman heart, IoukM un the facr<br />

d/seases a e killing o<br />

qs many Amerirnns e<br />

1e r alsM rM1 s<br />

"ArethenmJern ab<br />

e nseqal or has pro .<br />

bce oroumer LlM .anry bh te<br />

~th n/ re inflrrenee.<br />

wmicn e ha .e dune nr rnn<br />

nn rule<br /><br />

renee~ me Impn<br />

mtber tlnu<br />

nan o/ r<br />

nf e<br />

p<br />

nm<br />

e pern<br />

..<br />

tbn "II11{qT<br />

Ame ando<br />

i,N, -- ul<br />

piahes-he bagan<br />

obimnry nodcai«rM1e Jovrrwl ofrbr<br />

ul Arrorimloa. Ilo<br />

6-yeereneck,snennme tip aiin<br />

muld be wlled e dissppninting<br />

nnaneirm . ue d'~sro.erm mat n«tnr :<br />

srill dle o( hean stucks st me<br />

ages. Many ofrhese dw.orstrd<br />

Ji US . Cong<br />

tM1e g®dml eliminarion of price ml .<br />

pmt for tobnans nm rhne mosvs xin<br />

M1areleu berking endrnm M1c rekae .l<br />

eongrrumm from otner nsl.emp<br />

,te s"e !ne InssiM1lr sidr effevu nf<br />

_mbaan gnwm burs I+eiug<br />

enlarged m Induderrne ellminztion al<br />

mbsidies on croP+ Irom tneir slpns<br />

nnsJ on a sov.ned healA an61e .<br />

ardgnr rater in fM1e united sta -<br />

w iu he gnins nls but nnq .Lgnar.<br />

An addN pin .M1 tu rLe freight n,m,<br />

J,ongM1, could very well be In rlm<br />

(arm ofnpled roSethes e a'wrial sorcba .ge . TM1ese<br />

ro would naake<br />

fare o sl>cble rem M1ike .<br />

SnpPllu of sucb n IlucsvrM w[<br />

IM nnough thitd pa<br />

final dadnatinn emdd nn<br />

mm . unt q' midyt<br />

t<br />

willlxdtupped and d,e sale<br />

npen Iergerrrnpshave Men qla<br />

a d tne ranldny hrFe r.lea will 1,<br />

cne effen on bod,tnu Un<br />

Sia~s and Canda es bnycss 4<br />

r tM1e warld will te fnr~<br />

AM1Mesi+ lnr the nea<br />

co<br />

lobaau kaWtle. ! lanuary IW2 17

BRITI51I REPORT . , ,<br /><br />

Ad minus warning brings MP blas l<br />

Sr Keirh Josepn,arrernry of srue )nlY aJmr me xFreemrnr . was «arLed<br />

4v We Swi .l 4rrime, Lv ek

Council lifts ban on smoking because<br />

members got irritable, meetings ran long<br />

p mor prd w~ . e . ~ °u mr bu<br />

,,, .r anrr 1 ;1 , . 1 " - w<br />

d n ..,nu,<br />

mxl ., nn<br />

d..<br />

F d<br />

11 11 u l~l' 11 NI<br />

NY rs I II (Cu 1 A i I f 1 FI1at<br />

. . . . of InrJV, p~t down n 9~a 1 1<br />

~pl<br />

q r :F~unes m ure<br />

)m .rro noronrr/ r,n " , " 1 '/z<br /><br />

11 dI<br />

6uAu APnLU 19IIn . r<br />

ILe C on(<br />

u, Ind<br />

[pe<br />

50<br />

d<br />

r snld t . ..~. .. . . . .._ ..w ...~<br />


I<br />

Rhodesian sanction end predicled by March<br />

F„<br />

'Oqeol ' g-1 -i<br />

arleFel . a, apassediM1ron810c . dI<br />

11r naa . /mn:e r n 1 : . . d bF ,~~ I ;<br />

plnreomllearlpnexiYe,r(19Y31 . ' ulb :l<br />

Pollucing pioyosil . for dm UX- Soud, Anim RI imix sudrmen~, ~Fe mbscm aap<br />

rvFn (nr rM1l . soson v ncr:cd Iq ~<br />

10 F° ca i m IA11 milloo PounA. 11<br />

(vvIuFC 2]) . AddiISnallY~ " • I(Fd<br />

xill 4[ Loc<br />

uons nd In<br />

I<br />

li .u U,<br />

caa,d .es~tii~ . . .<br />

md vitli ie<br />

nadn Is (neeA I h<br />

-1 . 1M1e lM1rrm uf ri0 .

VV. German cigarette expoits iqp; wr° °°°°<br />

keemtsma's market share drops<br />

/<br />

In ...~,d, o Ince r~ n f.rro<br />

P<br />

ffo<br />

Ilmion for Wess Ge<br />

nrd .rinnlnp new Ir<br />

ecll er srcnncd-u<br />

' lod p 1 Il ( 1 1 l ~ .~yl-Ay vFalAl'Lum<br />

M1II 1' 1 f All nILAY /d f A brdf .<br />

l auk 0<br />

. . . . ... . h .IInµ:80n<br />

el 35 - p' Ii f npln ay kng,n I 1 1 r.<br />

6AI' 1-I dsecm•d vpr d)<br />

. ]H,il°n1 ]Florrmrand hmni8nndon -I fm G 1 II 'Il 1' k m I I t/6 42 ) IT 8 1911 le k~'<br />

Infi<br />

- aR lAl' KimaPl<br />

~nMk ~-ar11Y II :~ ROFmiC anH .J~nsYn~llril" .snodc . . .<br />

icunAluly- ~<br />

nI<br />

I<br />

f<br />

mu m3AI iz.drM1: I •- ~og<br />

RA bllllon pieas dfi/-, : .<br />

qnarrerso(Muryear. bis' _ . nr . . . ~ .qc . ,rle<br />

IV<br />

mn nf<br /><br />

rLaranp ds ; demai for 1Wa : nY r.Gninn pn-- /rnn, D1s miulnn<br />

:n Jm fOvuu qnurre of<br />

I<br />

(<br />

) :CC mnrr<br />

Irl<br />

.aL¢LEArI9Jndlla<br />

r6e Ldrrnl Rq .ubGc /LLparW wl<br />

~:nde~ n . nn~l~:nnla<br />

L IU<br />

nrUnr<br />

I n .l in 10<br />

1 .<br />

f<br />

J<br />

end<br />

1<br />

Jrlc . !L iwisher 8 Sonr Ine .<br />

a~ornr c/.var. .ma rsm<br />

Jx?som IIn lonm 3zz03. usA<br />

Iryrn /Enl- A9r16 B01n=s 1nLazm [o .ln<br />

iPSrkAVO, N Y .RY .1601LU S L<br />

CROP<br />


gfoot'smoking' With tLe oprning of he bright leaf markey came he Uundhing of an nrn<br />

slicken out 'bigFci'

Increased production costs wipe out<br />

extra profits despite record $77 .63 average<br />

Nonh C

I<br />


onr uedlm cemnR nnne<br />

nme nnn 61 million ponnds ln 1971 .<br />

unnGsmre salm in 1971 w<br />

5 .2 milliun puunds in Florida (23<br />

mllllon in 1970) ; 26 .8 mill/oo in<br />

Georgia (25.1 million m 1970) ;<br />

21 .5 million in Sonth Cerolina<br />

(26 .7 mlltlon in 1910) ; end 24 .3<br />

millbn la Virglnia (289 mlllion<br />

1910) .<br />

In 19?I, sales of oueobsres mhana<br />

m IJO .Ji Cr.rnllna wea 15.8 million<br />

ponmd . 'Fhv yem before Ir was 316<br />

milllon .<br />

r. yrns sa/d he was very opir<br />

'si . Iam rhe 1912 pnnµ.a for<br />

Nonh GroNn laf 'If w nrve e<br />

iar crop in 19R ; ' he wld, "i<br />

vuidirtrvrprYC meifine .vengcfn~<br />

Jm eeamn hin $80 "<br />

Ilc s+iA dm sr s dfeerlve quma<br />

lor 1972<br />

".vill heslighdy e less then<br />

700 mnnnn pnnnds "me of neerma<br />

.kedng by mme growen who sold<br />

110r, cem ofdmlrqnorarhisye>e'•<br />

lmbaao markermg rpenarat<br />

sald rha Smbili .wlon CorP redmedlo<br />

ixk4rvunory 1, 223 millanpaunds<br />

n 1971 cOniparcA m 8 7 millian<br />

t<br />

e ~ar , arnr am~i~=~o r<br />

Alnar.x'hiln, salos of bnrlcy t<br />

haoco ere under way with gmwen<br />

.eaping record prioes . Afosr nl rhe<br />

aelos w fer hew ransed Icom $77<br />

0 $81 ;ng bu ae 51o nnds, wir1,<br />

nne go nn<br />

Dfr. Cyms reid 80 per eun to 90/er<br />

i ofrne crop rs oO.a.mtriclnl<br />

wLen n mally only abour a tnird nf<br />

rhe crop falls in thk eamgoryIIC e.ld<br />

ebercisveryliulc tlgar fillerry end<br />

n dk tipa ate hghr and m f~y .<br />

evOon reeeon (nrrL'u smm 6om rLe<br />

aop's being plemo late ; anmher is<br />

rhe large amouno of rain during rhe<br />

gmwing seunn .<br />

Anoeherreason for cne good! pr¢es<br />

ehla /eat is rhn he avarage suppon<br />

price as raisd rmm $65611 e nnrv<br />

Jred In 1970 lto b7150 a bnndmd In<br />

19L<br />

Snll enmLer Is thc shoanees of<br />

me ernp . The U.g. nc'arrment of<br />

Agdcnltnre csrimmed he urnp nr<br />

Dm~ Nrennl~aorn dinnnsl1e i'nis of m<br />

down rtree per ~ent Rmn a mnn<br />

ago and sl .n per eent Gont a yeee<br />

ego .<br />

1'hn u ' sald nnc of rhc<br />

Lv;g ~cn cannibmions tAex n w<br />

willmake to he evailahle<br />

list isecsisnnecra mnlnr disvnsess<br />

t'woof rhem--B .C)1 end Va.7?0<br />

nd Va 770<br />

alm Is reakmot m blsek mor kwc<br />

Vield per ac¢ for he 19 v .rletles<br />

ranged (rom 2,643 Pounds for (Dkvr<br />

347 m 2,13? /wunJs rer Ve . IID .<br />

Fnm of he .a iarce proanced hat<br />

aalud ar morern,an $2,00) an acre<br />

1971 Offlelal <strong>Tobacco</strong> Variety Tests<br />

n $a ~mrliy,~muia~inpd<br />

mr rne rarm. mc dif<br />

n he farm :quor<br />

ir ran~d+rnrnparedwldr onrsournnn<br />

Five new flue-cured varieties in 1972 N .C . planting list<br />

ofrve new nne-curedtohaceo<br />

cvvlnated in North Carolma<br />

Unlvorslrys Of(ebl Varicry<br />

he avaeanle for<br />

n 1912<br />

fon+ndwi on 19 va<br />

np dn nw Ilell 110,Cnker<br />

C>I, Bpelghl G-33 and Vn .<br />

G hmn made avallable ro glow-<br /><br />

2~590 pnundr In 1970 . 11, es<br />

of budey pnducrlon In North Gro<br />

Ilmxus18} millinnpoun .ireompueG<br />

wlrh IW0b 1R5 millron ponnds .<br />

Fnr fluoemW Iuf,tLe USDA ssld<br />

onul nnrkming quora of 1 .1 bil-<br />

Ilon ponods has han mvbllched fot<br />

rhe 1972 cmp Insn alwur rhe ssme as<br />

the 197LCmp quma .<br />

1ar1 nays nalnc anchsge dre d for 1972 1654<br />

lounds an aaq rcmlrinF in a 19?2<br />

nal nllnrment of 5)% .994 artes,<br />

aMm rhe wmc as rhar for 1971 .<br />

ln a lnly 1970 vmq 9gA pur am<br />

of fluc-mred grovar . 4mrvd mu ,<br />

' uiue ac.aee- ndage rnarkeune<br />

y~ou= on rne IPI v , 1972, and 198<br />

ops.<br />

Under aovagopmrndege markeiing<br />

and all emr¢s re:rm .ere nver $7886<br />

in vaha LhnndreJ er<br />

.<br />

Nine ofehe vsriaiep indedinGthc<br />

ran mnd .rd :- NC 2326 and NC<br />

9 5-slad values of more than $79 s<br />

mmdred . Dr . low nieg Aead of ine<br />

N(btlmlLA from id the infn(mm`o onn<br />

>rch farm me al'fne m<br />

svN<br />

vublished GrierueR v - SrNC r 2326 and<br />

G 95-x a d as a basis for<br />

nmpari n .<br />

1cAxuo Re9orter/Jnnuary19)2

REYNOLDS' MECNANICAI leaf-hendVn syslem e1 proceasinq plam<br />

EQUIPMENT . . .<br />

RJR leaf handler beats help problem<br />

Tne pn,hlem of rndmg s mal<br />

mnnd thrnnghn,n roe<br />

sr<br />

hrep In gaiing shcued tebncaoo Kplx n P The eq<br />

ol d~o xrehou end i dese~MN has hen n a<<br />

peoe sing p lann bzs ns bcemlvN bY r basc rhls<br />

Il ]~IleYnolds'rohacm . deaelq .menr nna %ds expcered sn a.p<br />

of a mechanlaal Imf.handli'g m >•c'm n me fnmre<br />

levmg dm tlnpme<br />

matlie.ey, A We<br />

volds uled ro use r sysmms vppraneh mem ~ ;o ~ "ip iin~i ner<br />

oNCproblem"npin6todullphrxs Wbrve eber wAI e, inls be<br />

of lexl handlin6 ugether;' wid via and dffnm adapu con<br />

prendenr f . H . Sborrill . 'Therc bns derelou Dm¢nbnee<br />

sboeo ms<br />

becn a raal nmi nuNnrwe rhe<br />

ringrhelack of<br />

I sheo robacm beah¢ rhe hbr eod in making . more<br />

c lis M1eeommg opernrion"<br />

ditlimll ra find Molde<br />

ork"<br />

Tbe illusvetishows oa v ruek<br />

nnmader in o)Mradon this s~amn<br />

a xeYnome processing plnrn In<br />

~e I innon .Smem, M. c rhn n<br />

eLeideal boom wlrb . gr .b elamp<br />

en b

~.'l' RADE<br />

l'013AGCO RE .PORTFG' ,' JANi 1972 O_UT_E_._UU_K<br />

Ohldase like ^ Pollowmg a s x-0ay ,a oal 1 ; L~1 : t l lr b;r of a delo-<br />

C.nadien Imf .gatlon .r rbe Canrnn'Cred lai5 one r}'radL I tl- r. -, kF mwn in China<br />

. . isoLe/ enraP'.tYl'r'dnds g mrr d < .I~~ .,. robaaocxport<br />

dclegat nn atmndcd .tlrf (e o d r f5 I- n e I>otMjosinon widr<br />

' dmCh ~9lyddelega 1 .n .J LLI I .I ad'ly a.r Gmwns'<br />

T?nrkctiug .lbard and following the Ohiina risir f . m=~ dshedtoturm buycrs in<br />

lalratibC _ nnR Pm[a a d Y reze Rdtain. n ml„xo ismples I rnik<br />

' .d1Ai Nmni prov.d vrry auraaive ro dre Chin_- oqid M1I and dre delgatioii bas hiph<br />

. Impes for salos of ( :a,adian tobacco to the Chinese.<br />

Canedien markel Low priccs and considerable fhmtuxtion in bidding [or Candtan rolaenco<br />

yrices n;Led rhnr resulad in a high Icvel of Rrowor rejrefs laid sbe bnsis fos a<br />

Irotwecn tlre Ontario marketiug Iward aud edef ex-ecvddes of the fouo ucting rnajor<br />

domtsdc mbsao manufaetnring eonrpanics . IIarly in Deccrnbcr sbo hoard nmr<br />

wish dre Onr u Fa m r•rodncrk htarkming Doard In diseuss produe6uu e rol<br />

policy. 9'obacco board chzirmzn Gmrge 1)emeyere noted flucmarioux in bld .<br />

ding in rarly Drmmbrr with rc/ras rrtnning ehnm 20 por cenr of d,o IxmndaKr<br />

offered . '9t jnsr gcs to be a set patrem," Mr . Urmeyere ssid . "A . . . . . . . Low.<br />

mnsidemble vzriasion hetwetn prices bid on tbe first sud menmd o([erings of<br />

nci,snme lors of nobzcco overall, it indiaarM rhar, on rhe averaKq hids impra .rd<br />

hy al .mr 10 par crm of tbo serond ofbrin6" -<br />

KvrEan oxpwM1 l I i rar('fobncco M qnly Yo(wrt el d t of M r'nly gouds dnring<br />

. al $20 ne ll I s fn, ~ ;La of 1971 r mini F26 milll s 8/ 1^ r f M1>- 1971 tarper of<br />

F' ; y -lC , n . Ir said rIM record represenm sr ~f r1 I,s cir(11 .'l3 mlllion)<br />

il~ tl* „sllioo exlwr 6ecord (or rbe . 1970 . I

Exporting of Indian leaf pid ;s up<br />

following year of low flue•cured production<br />

----------------- -------- --- ..__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Japen gond pmspetl<br />

]u .]I . < .nora ol In<br />

kFIn 1968 69 vnd<br />

ir 19E9-00 .<br />

]nere .ar . risrdfir<br />

durirp 19)O~il<br />

r<br />

yuanlip eraunLl . for e<br />

nhm mniled .<br />

m Ilniml Rlnpdm¢ rlm 1<br />

~J I<br />

4<br />

186 mlllio<br />

minl' 1970<br />

]115 millio<br />

in 196ry)9<br />

lurolM, 1<br />

N<br />

U~L l0 1.<br />

Inao dnfing 197041 1<br />

ILe Sevia Uniou dnti, 19]b]1<br />

a nmd nonly 698 rnilllon kf,<br />

eFelnsr 1003 milllon k8 .dnelnF 19G9-<br />

]LC 1'mplu'e Aulnlie of Soutli<br />

>94 mn,<br />

1 (R .(9 m IJI ISrye]I .<br />

It (f 1C I I J l 41 d nsria<br />

fI T+ u L . I . doung<br />

a yea<br />

/'.xl",ru Joriop III limi s<br />

da u[ 19]I-01 ([mni Apol ro<br />

httnKd wM1nfm IJ diflercmroun-<br />

of<br />

JS p e[rno o {o]<br />

l . oe323 millroo<br />

o~t~d (3 1 millioo ll] 'l .fA .<br />

1 r1, 1-1 of e,a<br />

dnr m p n,e n,<br />

1 .1 in 19>0 .mlr isi<br />

oed ni 243 Mlllon<br />

illion U.S .) .<br />

[Lc r„ n<br />

Ie<br />

1 5 4 mlllion kf . Luriny Ap<br />

lobacro Roporler / lanvnry 1911<br /><br />

r<br />

1<br />

rol<br />

P" d . u~ 8oa/ pmspmv nl<br />

xion ef nre Jarane.e<br />

Af~~ . .-I L1AhyMoirLi<br />

19>0<br />

of<br />

If lo<br />

Id n ibnrN, .nrid<br />

he muzsso in !r<br />

likely I o add m III o( I<br />

ml .ncco irr orerseasnrarAeis .<br />

InrisAm posl~lon xs .cl,zrJsI<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

.I<br />

II<br />

9<br />

I<br />

Rhodesia<br />

1 esent aop<br />

la Ijol lp<br />

pnly Ixv dpY+ v, ~ . na<br />

/<br />

pn<br />

i m~iii>'~ I.nnnd~ n 1as~~


ardcr w eiro son,e adv<br />

mwliately to the robacro gro<br />

. mo ha, ce hnr<br />

;a`t u to o<br />

ni~' ~~ ~e: :~ o~d idrrtn: s<br />

nrtLe esxnt of sanctions nut baving been IifrM, •he everage pdce<br />

guaranrce of 23 Rhotksian ce<br />


Phili<br />

,<br />

p Pr ~i c'Me<br />

pTA urges increased production<br />

pp IneS : of wrapper leaf for home, abroed<br />

Tne PM1iuPpine robacto Admini, double dedmtlon ol i<br />

nqion 's ursF/ng Lrmere in<br />

otmR deA:aion ofpr<br />

GF^yan V•Ilep,rLe Ilncm reglon<br />

ler•nJ deprec'<br />

p.npasimn and ahm ntovlncesof<br />

PI,JipP/nuta planuM Prodnne<br />

ni I r.yorti<br />

ANi-smu591ing alamp<br />

million<br />

lo<br />


aU[1ACCV RER'OFi}TL W~' JAf.UARY ~197^ VU .L~.Il~(I\ . . .<br />

o -rl<br />

acof w<br />

More`doaou<br />

'baing csvcl' -<br />

~ nrreificaGan ~<br />

BATY inl . rC A in<br />

deparlmern vmru<br />

.Ed~~wo~iL Luy : .<br />

IRu~mMalilcflrni'-I :nois I<br />

. eiL~eDir(c<br />

Iqf"c~ .~.m tul,<br />

]ht~r'LICT1ia~~ .<br />

. `. al q~'1 I I i .~<br />

. 'loq .e~ia~'s inlaly ~ILa r 7 .Plali<br /><br />

i<br />

I<br />

MA N la`AC?UR E<br />

I I, .<br />

I le sol<br />

II 1 i . , ,<br />

f 'J~, 1 i .l< ;IS>l .<br />

IIr Ia ,rL .r 'Ir .<br />

I tr , J ~,. I<br />

d . fcr ~ II A( .~„~ ,{ T1i<br />

~<br />

ILI<br />

i . ., , ~ 1 r Il~.~.r -ul" ,, n'.<br />

~I6f 1nrce dfd<br />

' eqrly m br LGio die m .r-mr c :. i~zt<br />

[mcq Vmdnction side aud mannf.rnieni_<br />

d<br />

n<br />

f<br />

lobawo Fmwrlor/lawary]912<br />


Tohaceo Fnporler/Januaryl9]2<br /><br />

Canada's Waterloo report brings forth<br />

new batch of Gold Crest cigarettes<br />

making<br />

ihe<br />

product<br />

c[ P lo o r4e Ikcembcr IS acrinn by<br />

Ne board, Afe Vesmllo e<br />

presideneofB .J .Reynoldslndus[ries,<br />

i .,puentcompany ofReynoldsTobasa<br />

V~illiam S . Smiah, presiden[ of Re,<br />

nolds Tobxm, nid Mr . Vassallo had<br />

b..en named m Me new puition bn<br />

w ising uigarene [v es [epream<br />

very real threv[ to thc «gxrcne<br />

du .[<br />

"t'here Ir sgmwing emnd meerd<br />

and krger cigereue ra<br />

ch yearj'Mr . gmith aaid,<br />

~ endwe ea ch know tbateveryrimeaa .es<br />

~Mp,5m8[Ffesaids[hales al noNexwYork<br />

G1y cnd ahe 13 sra[es tF .r have iro<br />

reasrd aigam[e nxes this Ye.r, ulcs<br />

Fave d[opped m ave[age oleig4[ per<br />

cm5inae 196,1, ngzx[¢ tixes have<br />

doobled and tolay rhe everage reml<br />

price of a peck of elgvre[ta is hvlf<br />

making it<br />

cex sed eonsumerprMuas [ the<br />

nn ;' he said .<br />

TFe Rrynolds president sald Mr.<br />

Vrssallo will repon di[ec[ly m Fim<br />

and n.nlmoMinme whh [he <strong>Tobacco</strong><br />


V<br />

California group reports<br />

1971 legislature work<br />

lne finsl repwt Iw 1971 fromrhv<br />

Cr.lifomla A nainion of Tobicro and<br />

G dy Dirnibumn,fn< `hon nWeth<br />

rnharr rnar, y,rorea<br />


leemve pml`Iin~ n rh e eigMand Ppe<br />

Lnmo marke . A eomj any spokeo<br />

mid tbat tle plants new high .<br />

ew Vr«r5 : ;ns tcu oment ~s e5 a<br />

effiuicnt nin Nmth Ammi a en<br />

B&W In PetburB<br />

^Membet was he wget dute Im<br />

n tVleti of @own d Wlliammns<br />

$65 million expamion pogtam m<br />

Pacnbmg. ve . The Ircal prngtam<br />

w a uin1956andxhe mptai<br />

[~he fo r mry bAek nulµ to g<br />

fadllry repres s tv flnal mgmof<br />

the expan .ino progt m. Qmvrv io<br />

ofthe6t0 .0opspnarelwcmanuhnuof ing faciliry was Progm .mng on xd,e3<br />

tJe end the mmpany plms to mvpy<br />

tne M~ill,ng by the mddle of this<br />

nnm . I Vrmvder a 50 Ver «nt lont<br />

in prWnation space eael<br />

I Yn,KI<br />

US tobaxc Cnyw .na, - tm.xe9dlx<br />

rnl . InLUUau, tn . . - e&LYxsa<br />

ene<br />

xasn .we<br />

n' m Bt9<br />

MA.mbv iKOnJeu~<br />

c.- 11, 9 .95<br />

The study alm shows that Ix guerte<br />

Cigar Pa d Cigssene Faoory made e<br />

.fitof 3,83 pereent ofPI,I98,000<br />

n ules of pP2o3,4I],351 .<br />

.Pi ne`caw aPpro 0<br />

m(On 17 llb<br />

.le . m,Wm<br />


SALES<br />


Cerreres PR nl p'Gardner,!dhcato of public relar ns for the Cerrer s g oup h - resigned .<br />

man resi0ns . iic wil b Reporrei e d vely that he as i ing for fa IY ,i~~ ng tiat<br />

. he is tunning his faniily's toy business from County Essex, one of thc llo .r,e :oumies.<br />

19risbein,: rry,laizd et Curreres by Jack Prosser, tM1e well .known and in/luenrial financial<br />

eaiorr oF rl ., Lundon Evening Smndard . Mr. Pro .vct has been on the sceoe kr .e long time<br />

aiCLeloldTobnuoRepunarhmhewulookingforwrerdtohunewruk . .<br />

Ban would Prol•esed mea3ures in Nurwey to halt <strong>tobaeco</strong> advertising in Norway would<br />

affect candy " rezult in n complete'ban . This in turn would meana drop of three to four per<br />

eent in the advenising income of egencies . The ban wnuld bu complete and even<br />

kmoking accessories snch as cigarette papers and rolling machines would not M<br />

allowed . As a side measure, it is believed shat erets sweet cigarettes for children<br />

would bave to disappcar from candy shops<br />

. Brazil seaks Brazll may arll he the next rountry to have in cigaretre ptomotnns bluoseA . Late<br />

ad warnin9 in the yier a bill was introduced in Cnngress that wonld require cigarette manufacturers<br />

tu print dm following warning on all parks ss well as carry it in relevision, radio and<br />

. prini ads : "Thk product mey be harardou> so your healthY The bill would also banish<br />

tobacco produn advertising between 6 a .m, and 10 p.m .<br />

Clearetle talus ih hh Morris psident Gcur¢e Weissman and lursllard president Curtis<br />

. Yaar laler I tdg; n' II appear on the °Adbeat- radio show in New York City at,9 :30 p .m .<br />

J-pu q 9 . . TLed'u2ussion will revolve amund whnt has been happening in the<br />

• cigs[5 fe: Inr{usury ilnee

Brown & Williamson steps into sports<br />

through sponsorship of Viceroy racing team<br />

plo H<br />

s of MFL drao<br />

rral dmracrsr, the ddver, wbo .se<br />

skills n e m rnly vnder<br />

pnsuee. 9' restMhestM mfarqm we beve dovcno<br />

,M an adv>nising rnmpaign<br />

re M on ct

~ 6IfSKft A7fMANN .<br />


~<br />



uw.Gaun, r .O.w.ue<br />

bl:inc ... Md.11141 apn WrM,p ML. ]ee10<br />


C.eb,a/efRe.4%.a,e `<br />



-':' Company, Ihe .<br />

D[~ad~G~~<br />

Phone : >0f /604ye) r Crble: ENOCKOE, Ekhmend<br />

. RICHMOND, VA. 23205, OS .A . .<br /><br />


ecn:muee trcm n:ee .'dln4mn<br />

geuing involvM in ra.Cing .<br />

$aid Me F/nGh :' "Belu.e me, eheae wer nu hek uf<br />

3 Pw h . Our, advertising diramr a1 one polnc had<br />

1 differem propawls on his desk at ncn same time . . .<br />

'Obviouely, Wr ubja:ive u spondaring rhe Ve1s~ParnAli<br />

Jones Raemg Team ud mnning . major edverdamg uampai8n<br />

on ranng m%ive an ercn pmmn :innal advanrag< m<br />

Vinroy. At the mme time we hope thw our span p<br />

will help incresse the p~blici aw .reness enE unslersnnshiding<br />

of Ais e.citing, compni:ive spori'<br />

De:W xdl sponsot rhe Vlcemy spsculs on the 19I1<br />

US. Amo CJub1 ehamp:onsAip tnil . Itevdunuionary new<br />

.rs have been designed for the Viceroy Team aml will be<br />

sndy for rhe 93 Indianapo1 a in May . The :nm wi0<br />

launch the 1LUm USAC uaso at Phaniq Arh ., March<br />

IS In a 150-mile race, driving updand versions of the 19] I<br />

mrJe6 which Unmr and hnnard drove sn sucrossfully .<br />

"WAn bettsr way to elaa tLm to be essocined witl,<br />

veingh m ceu(ul teamt" cammmnnd DSO Finch.<br />

~'Thls uoml eanmmim,m :, nnJ u long mm, o„e ac<br />

that '<br />

I<br />

dlivcrs leiog s)ronaored by B&IXI would be eomptimg for fla<br />

.nr plus rednces tr and n ' nt by expand,he Ptiee mouey, He Polmed n,r ~hn Madbnrn nol only iog ihe wbaa .v bulk. TheP .

0<br />

Flo l<br />

1<br />

:-W . B. Lea <strong>Tobacco</strong> Co . ;'Inc' .<br />

~ ~~.Boeky hlount,North Carolina,~U .S .p .<br /><br />

C<br />

~ .,p I . n~. . w .~~r ~ . m .crdr nml r,p pp r~<br />

rule<br />

rlnyo'c Yml . L, timo for thrislnrasi<br />

r./,y ; I n'~~.~,~r .y .-r 5elen Fnglish Blnnd<br />

Follow . . I~.ppu . '<br /> 1 I t i ~aenl<br />

n~N'cmcy I ~ L1 c<br />

dualor .ari .~~ .i ¢ ~, . ~ I ~~gI/nA Illeo<br />

F .potl A surcess in U .K.<br />

enk<br />

nl .~ae~a~~ . n ~ . . e , s<br />

AJc wo h an<br />

I' d- I I . uad :~,i<br />

. . ., .. ., ., . . . Ir ...,<br />

Swedish Tuhacco's Blend oma<br />

Tne 8wad6ro'InLamo Wo~F.s~y An. pas ~s @<br />

ciFinam witl, e aec J~anAly d .uripii n tl, I I oF J<br />

IaWmnmd .'ITUd..~ . Yrud .l+e .a .dm!csvcFllp<br />

o[ cdiul<br />

na .a c „ . .innAl lulorro[on oc<br />

>p 1 . 1 .1 .

h.r many of them<br />

v Calline MerlWro Liehv their br .nd ." The ¢a<br />

.<br />

I<br />

LIKE THE OLD MlLLSTREAM . . . < la.,ny mer<br />

eneese kal nnneLing Irom 0e mvernouf . blanlong rtm5'mg<br />

-SO ndinon Pounds In in yrecise oaelMg umer m .<br />

:m¢h sesson_ lslde Imm sknl . ewaience me r rmarusa<<br />

dnmM atlrlude . Ihn kind ol voium9 ana eVUromenl neeaed<br />

la uarema ao . s in me mnunry,<br />

. . .,,. .ranu.. .'~~1r, . . ., . .. . .r .., . . . .. ... .. . . .v, .. .. .. . . .... ..<br />

dnmb unon of rlre bnn_ d . , . M f .c M ., 6 y, . R h 1<br />

vuRm nFue<br />

o I<br />

Amoriqn versinn of St<br />

. Merit, rx 1M wholusal prke Is At1390 pcr,OYJ . l<br />

'obacco<br />

of me NarM1Vlnnds bes inrrod,cefi give dv smnka qnaliry md rasm er rnc mon mmMunve<br />

Peia;' n eompany aPOkesrmn ni.i . 'IEC new ciga®oo wa .<br />

rne Americen versiun o/ irs inar _<br />

. . : . . . rr . .. .. _ . . .r_r c . . . ._. : ., e .tmsivels' vdveniscd rlnougnour Few Sonrh We<br />

.. . ." f<br />

ci& .aram.,<br />

n 6Mdesroq i - S C.,<br />

._er tdevision ; mdb nnd m a<br />

ejor n,arker mn in orc Unired Kensiles Club filler markel grows<br />

Srmu . 11m U& .nIle be.nd Is . Kasius exrrnded Irs dhrdMrtlnn ot<br />

bcwg mmubcm.vd by the Hnna K-u . CNb Trers to ltoglnnq Wales<br />

o( FAgewonh m RicM1m: and Narlrem IrAand in Fe Ime (all.<br />

1SnmaoPJ&eworth praidenr J . A. TLe hrand, ullmfI ar A raummended<br />

Ga,mdey evPl.imd tbnr tLe US rereil Ircim of 55 rs for 20, x<br />

IauncO was nor "~ue! norber tlga- ~ IanncLN io &otLndeeadia in 19]11<br />

bring to Amedn dkrinaively' 111W"f range . has dwrMe rooeom euM1 10 lo<br />

deslgmd and blended riga¢va rhe ZOS ryck nW Iwr in d . IOSYack,<br />

r n/ rM1Cir kind in the wodd :' 16e nvarkea The new brand shnres tbe Kennus cmalog end gi(r<br />

wsring sanM NmnmM I scheme klrM1 aM1er Kensirax brands with all woMns Feing<br />

The brand is rvuilnble in v IOOmm kogdr In reguhr ebarsq.zMc The bnnd mmes in a Bilaop pack in gold<br />

/ihe nnd mendml lilrer hlends, pneked in red and gold ,nd w14, . 1'he pron,orian x supponM Fy P'ess and<br />

(nFulnq nnd anrquone and gold (meneM1O) Mck .ges rn pmrer adv¢risemenrs . YM1Cre al .o wes a heavy poln.-uL<br />

rallrng at the same Price as odrer Ieomm cigarerro . Smred nnrcbaw o .mvaiqn .<br />

Mr Goundey : "Tk '~ %gn o( tbe Leckagq ahe blend, en<br />

LLgA ., and we bave e r<br />

ith he Cold Nand :'<br />

leilllard tesling Big Red qualily ehew<br />

-, L+ ., bfoLdlq Ala ., and gViuglicld, Mo.,<br />

ha. e lry lorlllard far nrkeGOg in moist<br />

:xar ebewing roMav kuowu as Ilig %al "In< brand is<br />

lobaua Ronmler/ January 19Y(<br /><br />

dr. . nf ahe s,ererre aab irr drarrr<br />

rre i .rrd .Pa„ fron, any omer in rbe n<br />

Wllls-Aunr .lie's Claridge king<br />

Pollowin~~, a blgldy nssasaful msr ma<br />

in rM 46oenr price nnAe' was mad<br />

Wales axenuy by W<br />

Thc new br<br />

as rhe Wills CI<br />

f<br />

N&W's lowdar lymu mmehol<br />

~ Ib<br />

'"-ann LAIFST f9TGH .__ . .<br />

, ~1<br />

:<br />

d<br />

H&H glvos Belmonl new look<br />

. md n~r- nnd a diffe.ent ad iheme<br />

=(lund n A o s padxpe da,ipn .od xdva na :bm u Nvc Men<br />

mvai .M bY INm- , IledBes (CAmb) led Eur i~ .lul<br />

~ ~~RV YOU Hrrr~,~r<br />

we.a mea~rnlaea nna e ./~e~a~a e~r Inena~r, ol . . .<br />

j<br />

,<br />

ROCKY MUUNi . . . it's all NEW! . . . it's a!l for YOU!<br />

n<br />

(<br />

@!1,<br />

n ;f~ : rlar .I<br />

s rr,ra,nre id rxa.i . , • Nwc ,<br />

F7<br />

~C~~.iem uS.4--/I,ena9roH',Ite ~ .<br />

lobacm 9cy~ncq lanuery Iwz<br />

w t tigarette brana . nelmont waa h,nodnad in 196ai the ra BgN fmm a/~ntom,q, of a antertq and tnwae deyl .y<br /> ^e dealRn made dm raat ay in rhorrPong dnter w the sponr ring of ma~alral mnds, d, .wrh<br />

rn O tu' ands comp y spokeuoan eald fie f'rm nilnunp ng sheets entermR a fl in To ntns Okroben<br />

s ould wasoh the rdpwve to tlie ne look befom e .pandtog fest snd opemtL,g Dfllbank War d of Crdnmansldp vans<br />

dianlbutlon ." With tl,cnewJook &Imont rnmea new atv rhet carry verinus dlsplays meh ss m oblars tin Ioan hom<br />

-re8nlarlmgih .J'reviously.itwpisdd.pnlyip,king .iu, rheAoyalOndrioMu¢umandlndlnnanfn. G<br />

Col k d ru ~ 11 wn n<br />

;pp~f~,~ kage d18h d«'~ ~TQBACCO OUiLOOK FOR 1972<br />

bemg rhedde Ndm ty bad mt Iteen 8 v C fi y d/rom vap ty 1 g -<br />

d Ikl g~~ flt I o hM vs . B~~ 1 fllf r tn } ~h ~ ghr~th d II be m~ive imppo 1g 1 g Chi a<br />

sewme s fie fi rypublished US gu gw G neial of fo qlgnIcaf, Chl i If-hai bee 1 d g mw<br />

r Dn and she f US M1 vJ h d haJ luu go kers for ts 1) bllh . Jwund tobaae erop metny<br />

tlemarke g {he pa. th Cawd c rvmeY fl ed. Wi thryis'the,remmreporttbstthe<br />

nm igaram f1lnNOO r)snms 6aa deddud- d"a Jepmi <strong>Tobacco</strong> hfunopoly will impon emund lo0,lID0<br />

omPany spokerman aaM it wsr datded M'ip ov5 away 1 . ~ unds nf Ieat tober~ f Chtne tfitsy . Msny<br />

seping tM fJ¢r to selling thf<br />

TRADEcOOmLOOK FOR 1972 The mbaaw indusny Is fighrin6ack through d¢ effons<br />

Drokdm6 P~Ee nf rhe <strong>Tobacco</strong> Imrhua . Dndng r paar year pmPle (eom<br />

S's dmr y tnd ill Pmfi p d M1e /nsdmie ad f Ps<br />

:m Ige Ones 1 M1e Unitei<br />

I if{ sh eup t or3' cigs brand f S nes [o P h/M N Id f Y okind ~d<br />

. 3[e d, ph i II t pyvbe put 6 M1 ahh deba Iherc Ip wdl he nepped p d mg 1972 .<br />

1972<br />

mall nod i 1 rgc The of t fvhinn i p The End dnbf snaS rnps M1 bee 'ee<br />

.en in edimoling [he new brands WIII no[ «eeN [he usage dnr rnrlal mlumns of sererol'rypers, The writers nsually<br />

ing 1971 . Lwk loimore'(Is k ft [he en[ism luog eOe'

Schramm assumes vp<br />

duties at American Brands<br />

ine bnard nl dire,or : of Ameaea r<br />

Bmnds, Inc . hns eleaed Gem6e J . Scnnmm ns<br />

v re preaidom of rbe mmpany, Mr .<br />

S:M1rammis ember of rbe eomPanY's<br />

mnlve rommi nee and 1,., been ,.ae Pres i-<br />

e rnr and enmmuer .laal, J,aY Ivss ne wa,<br />

eleued m Amedern~s La,vA and madv m<br />

rmlla in PeMuny 1965 Mr . hhnmm joined<br />

n 1911 as e junior nrrounane He is a memnciil<br />

Fs¢mives Iredmre and rM1e New Ynrk<br />

Gy CM1amMr n!<br />

TA elects Williams as president<br />

Jnseph x . Winiama naa<br />

"nl Tnman ASwrln~e., me .<br />

1972 . Mr . \V' inlams, a naiive of •.<br />

N .C .,wnvxPlnLUN mrn:sposiri<br />

25. 19]1 .<br />

nlr. Will'uun,, w<br />

in me mbacen cem I<br />

rredr Jn~n D . Pa<br />

ed . Rnger bforingo,<br />

su .am m eM1r P<br />

smbllshel in 1941 . k Gnancvd pr<br />

~ssmenrpalq gm»ers in of Ne<br />

~a<br />


Cm, vNLun erxdi~M'eaa' e<br />

Piptland Tar~Gard for the company on the Cnsmrn Son<br />

buaad , ha: hrrn named to he nexay ereated F ra inon of<br />

bmker.crurdinmmr of he nonfonds div;sion of Vemx,l, per .<br />

In his new war. fdr. Williams will direcr rhe arrivide. nnhe<br />

my'a r dm apcmltiq nrgrnam in -e<br />

faod matkas and dui Jow s<br />

PAUI . II LAMB III, former aulsqnt brantls moainmen<br />

for in ... n to klNmnr on ob.rm<br />

.) Ms been GrMn,<br />

Corp d e<br />

Weu Coasi, gooiLevsr, Midwesi vnd the ¢nual vlez<br />

9 divulon e<br />

branch engineer for It, lirm Mr Gmb oinM B&W in q11FODORF JSTORTO les hcen namM Warem New<br />

O1956 a sIIaN an s P u Iplanr<br />

J<br />

m PIT m'MAN, gln rea<br />

-mtlotuly bmnch engl York Sterz divblan mam8er for Imodl Gpvr Corp ., I„r.<br />

. pnar, has pm,louslg Me Siorm had Men cmplqi by Shmm IDllnn<br />

Ixrn ptmnoted to usrstanr bnnch manager ar Bmwn & Cnmpmy if, rnldes in GYYdS N<br />

Williemmn<br />

. Y .<br />

Mr. Piuman joined IImW in 1961 as a<br />

num WIISON Il WALIS, formerly wirl, Nown & Wllllamdacioring<br />

ara i net on C rµ, as been vppoinred mn8er of the 9exvs sales<br />

PAlll . L. CDllIbfAN has Mcn named sspervirot of dlvulon of Parcdi Cigar<br />

genervl ecawnting et Philip AIOnO Inc . h1r. Culemen wlll hpCHAO, B<br />

. 11e Ilves in Hommn, Te x<br />

he resPonphlu for all dnyoradry mmnLm of it<br />

.<br />

r,rtpunu'<br />

GR0591 has<br />

pPOi<br />

been a N nmJoml field<br />

m<br />

L,g duP"rwenr, i[Indli~g she vvision o( ulun sale<br />

: operaJOOs mamSer for Liggmr 6 A1pmr Ine . Me<br />

avp Grossi mnme to Llggeu 6 Myers Imm Vvrig Altlioes xhe<br />

¢ Ioas<br />

n acm mm~ts and Aerka Ilr ev to Phdlp Morals as vn he serveA as New York dhnia vales manager<br />

. Mr Grass i<br />

- to the avpaavrwr of rurpmaro ncwummg, md slna<br />

J<br />

,en Ims held umnl<br />

'fmn,<br />

poaiebvi is rhr [orponie s[v~m~ng and his fzm d y mside<br />

N.<br />

in Cl<br />

N.J .<br />

. FIANCOX i Ct1AR1lgS JLLlras beenvkpolnsM duamr<br />

deparrmenl<br />

. of sales plaoning a, l.lggerr & Myeu. Mr Ilenrox comea m<br />

Selling 1<br />

.4M from Standard Arands In[ where it, srr.M as narinnal<br />

mer[M1andising manager He nside's in MemrM1m, N. J .<br />

I]tANKP,SPGICI1IA,managarofrhePitob~gh,PV, CFIRYTRRA .DAVIS,lormedyme¢hcndisinganpmvisor<br />

sales dcpartmenL has renired if . .. 32 years of r tinno.o Inr Amnkon 7o6nsro Cornpan, has been m mei a sale's<br />

sertirs with the Bronm is Wdlanuon Ta6arro Corp . Mr . davelopmcnr manager for the firm He reeides wi1M1 his<br />

Sp9rhrr jolnrd FlyW in 1935 as e reeall aalamen in Plva . lamily in Itenderarvrvillq 1'en n<br />

hnrgM1 Duimg the pasr four yevrs, 60 . Spei[M1er has heen EI.1 VERURAGER has bem named a sales devdopno,<br />

ms'mnaihle for all company marketing Personnel and vcnv'r manager (a American ]'obaao . Fonnerly, Mr Vvrdr .grr,<br />

e in Weatem Na . York Wesrertr pennsYbanin. and West had Iwen ration vlea manager . Ile 7nmed are cmnPany it<br />

Viau gL+ 1941 as a salesman . Mr. Verdrager Ifvrs in Ilyde Pah, N.l' .<br />

Ry}1HRT TAMBURRO has Iven ela¢d ssle[ vsslvtuna with M1lslamily .<br />

ir for If,., . i WJllammu . A4. Tanburro, in hla new WII .LIAM R.61OSAas heen vamcd miliury and export<br />

nosluou, Is vamfeneJ to he geneml office of B&W . Ral . aales dham[ of UNred SraerYnborm Cnmp^ny. Mr. Cloa<br />

Pon ,<br />

naln he had M1ecn maoaper of the llermn, Mah, eenval had been e slwual prolm unagea . In his new nsid<br />

a,le,divi .inn . . x¢Clml.rzePOnelhlafnagmgme[ompnyamnaary<br />

t m;~<br />

CHARLPS H . IVInR, formerly manager of she Peoda, and exJwrt ulu and for eifecang mnxmmm dlsvihudou of<br />

111 ., bles dlvlslvn, now hernmes mmaper of be I)etroit, all mmpany Prodduas that pertain to the miliury and exlwrc<br />

Af h. nenrnl mles divial n of Prnwn & WIIGam n rkers. He mke his hr d9 in Gr r wiA,, Omn<br />

JOHN 9 . \f'ILLIAMS, predously sales assistant ast on maIIIAK[i R . IIART Ins leen appoimM dlvif a sAe s<br />

the Ceneral Offia salo suR. his been vpPointM movvger auager of Oregon /or llnind Svres Tobum his llan<br />

of the Phr[burgl, mles dqurtment for Broe'n to Williamsmi . > tcaeds Bmce R Bl,um, who lus 1eL the mmpany . lIe vnke .<br />

Mr. \Yrilliams has had eneusivu e .penene with she Prown I,is Leadquu¢rs in Yon6nd, Orogon . Mr . Han lormrrly had<br />

& Wlllwmmu vales orgamaailon It, lolned M1Opr in 1951 been a mles rcpmevwdve in Spobnq Wu h<br />

ruail aalesman in AuGvsu, Ga, and has held aeveral HAROLD C JONES, edes rel'reaemvtive in scoo<br />

athosaln posmons eina. Polimn New York for Ilnited Smres I'ofinnmkes MsM1eadqmners In Rahesrcq N. Y.<br />

CIIARLPS JAMHE, an vsehranr vire Praidenq sales W SREXHALShasbeenappointelulermznagerlor<br />

vrch .ndlaing managee for Geoeul Cigar, has been namN the Far Bau for she AMP'1'obncrv MnaAfnny Comfmiy i n<br />

n smn t sales manager. Ah . Jam!

.a, . .j _<br />

ra, aale, .naper for Almma Mamine C mpany, xuere hc _____ ___________ _ _______ .d A<br />

A 1 N ~ o~ rmu<br />

. . , . . . . .<br />

began ese FralnoAn al'aMise in 1944 . Mr Hana «aides<br />

.Jnrep, ewman<br />

i" RnFland w'irh 4is wife vnd two childmnm of rM1

Dev' 6nTecrl4ep<br />

9'R 11nLe[ce~neetingei tereete,~ch~tavumielrW innETre<br />

CeneaTee ReParbee .<br />

It ovu•a llte te give thaee Woemtive ebe[te to yow<br />

Fuelncao hiende, aVd ae thele nanee ena aEaveaaee elle<br />

yNe' oNeo<br />

. Irll b['ie n~ote m.~it Ynuh~lvt .ena ae we~e nppU' fook .<br />

wPOrne<br />

ron.<br />

P[rwnol nla to wro io« wa tne [nue 1 . lsour sitt .<br />

efnceie]y.<br />

Yattl L . 6[oufe<br />

Clrculatlan Maneger<br />

Enlargede I9'e x S5°e suitable for framingr<br />

rwoKolor . REPRIM4 of<br />

. . . . ,u . . . .<br />

chart of<br />

'interconnecting interests I<br />

of major rr<br />

tobacco nwnufacturers<br />

. fromi<br />

VOL 98,NO 11 / DECEMPE0.,14JI il}<br />


~ feRA[CO REPORTER<br />

~ .424 Cemmer[413quer. / Clntlnn.l4 OMO a5]D] / D .S .A .<br />

I ilearo rend . mpier 1W' .]5" don rvlbble for Baml i<br /><br />

. MI n<br />

------ - -- ----<br />

..__ - .-<br />

r<br />

_<br />

.<br />

Puymem ol 3----- [l h en[lored<br />

[] x betnp ra r rhrooeh eur bank<br />

. ._r . ',<br />

_< .u. .r ••<br />

Cosf ai [haraaa Pa

Ier Aword was esnhlubed in 1970 hy<br />

honor ofha, lare hueband . n,e ra arcl is<br />

o~bo person in ehe tobacco indusrty<br />

dte d.3lanaon to gond human abtions<br />

isIX'eksler . Irsfirsrrecipient<br />

e prce'vlentand mrpmeu<br />

dira . u . ul d,e Hroxn S Willlamvnn Tnletto Cmy .<br />


New headqDarlors - new appolnlments<br />

for PM Inlernalional<br />

pb/fiG Lrnrrl.In :ernminnar has earabllabed headqmnera<br />

Vlor iu Ix :ln AnxrlCan ro&ion in Coral Gabks, Fla<br />

c nnv lacaden isheoded by WJlium K .Hoxxll re6lonA<br />

,who wid In move waamede<br />

wnalEvL[liera,bconsees<br />

~~Americn eM thereFy pro<br />

Mr. Ilmmll xas previonsIy<br />

bnud ni d,e New York LeadqonncrsofPMlmemntionnL<br />

16e nex mgiooal headqwnets kPO ic, nnce<br />

19~9-•or Mr NeulNd was prevlowly xssisnnt :o the genrril marv<br />

ngur of '1'slxalere C mmanurlaem, S .A., PM) oNiliarc in<br />


Kathy Whilworlh -<br />

LPGA ahampion for 1971<br />

Ixl dinner<br />

k Nllmn Ho:elA<br />

r of CnnsmidetW cigar<br />

- blr .e Fsd,er Weksler,<br />

,olesnle Mercanule Con.<br />

r . IX9mlen . P6ilip 11<br />

s : of TNe New York<br />

Kethy Wnitxonh aelledthe mmt nsfulwomen profrts oovl etM1lew in hismry, recervly w wudrd rhe mp<br />

prbc in ahe EIqWJ JivcGgvene Ehallenge CAp mce . And<br />

al rhe arme rlmq tlwsponvrc ofd,e mry USBen & Myerl<br />

Eve cigarerrq anneu :aed irh dm,bling fie fund m E¢o .000<br />

/or nu 1912 LAus Pmfesdonnl Golf Avuoiudon chedole .<br />

Miss \C'hinvnh, rho has xon 59 WGA ranmumems sc<br />

4an $dD,Wq id .d rhe rlerling aiFer Pve<br />

end the ES,OCO Lrs: place pria ra hm long<br />

nu by ootpolming Jenc Blalak .nd 6eodra<br />

rs Nv xesdr dedded nnril ncr last two<br />

urdann . Texas, emxnM 1834<br />

lolmrcv Fepwler/Jenuaryl9]2 '<br /><br />


A CIGAR .SMO14<br />

INO Chkagommmomr<br />

rnuer ekating<br />

bomthe tram<br />

slelion t his<br />

offlre wasiudgod<br />

bp money w<br />

nrbe C:igar<br />

Ine lulc ofArnorl-<br />

's 2511, Annual<br />

Press Pbotographera Comest<br />

.<br />

ibLV photo, whirb<br />

cd lirct<br />

priza of $1,000,<br />

raken by<br />

Loon Lopez of the<br />

Chicago Daily<br />

News and it also<br />

appe.ered In<br />

SpnHa IJIualraleE .<br />

Seletllons were made /rom entrles submlOeE by ncws<br />

pholographors across the country .<br />

Winner ol Iho $650 aecon1 prize caughr Sen,<br />

fdmond 5. Muskle of Meine srmrking his eflerdlnnar<br />

clear of Ih v Wi1nPn9ton I 11MIJ 9 Fvening Journal h is r.ed'ietl . wc<br />

His shot of a Cigar moking coSuollon worker o<br />

n prec s perrh a ong Gazeno .<br />

oinrs /w J,e ml, hunots wnBc Mlss Itlnlak, of /bnsvd,,N<br />

. H., rollarN 159.5 Mtnts lur shu $3,000 secnnd<br />

polace award . Miss Haynle, of IAIIns,1'ex, hnd 157 poin¢<br />

f r rhe 61A00thTd plue prln .<br />

"Osn mmmitmen: m LPGA has heen a rery hnAicial<br />

..uojation. \VOnan's golf eondnues ro be one of tM hsiest<br />

u8^~enugmxing<br />

8^~enu of d,e a wn 96is rcap wo x'ere involaM<br />

wirlsmoreshanrhe Kve dnellenge CuP \C'e spmrsnred the<br />

pranlgimrs IYGA CLampion /p ar Pleaa .n : Valley Gnnrry<br />

Clnb in Sunen,Mass .,and also werv involved in nomhr<br />

of erher mumamenn Aroughout the ceumry ;' arsre 9 Juk<br />

Sonrh .rd, .ia prtsident and dtrecmr of mmkerirµfor In<br />

ag.ra'ire and mbncrodivuisurnfl .ig$ertI bCyerIne<br />

"We velbanning anequtlly exurnng mlendarW uvens<br />

in19)]ln addvionrarbe Ave Chellenge CuP,xfiipex< will<br />

be ao dng xAen nagmbrions vre aonpdaedl' added<br />

Mr.Sourhard. '<br />

In acmpring rhe f'usr /' .ve Challenge Gy, awxrd, Miss<br />

WhitvmN aaid, "Nammlly I am pla.rei wiJ, vlnNngrhe<br />

firsr . Fvc CJ,nllenSe Cuy, .nd I hoJM I an retnm hve e<br />

year frn . /Wt I know aah an Poer red nu .e fund,<br />

rhe e.+m~eriJownisCoing m be eum kecna A,wtlng 1972'<br />


Fcbrvmy V-90-lobeaco Aa .eelarlen eF Uniled Staes,<br />

Board o/ Governors, midwlmer meetlne.Wllllems.<br />

burB Inn and Willmmsburq Lodge, W illiamsburq, Ve,<br />

APrll 1C.91- National Aeaodalion of Tobacao Disr<br />

rribvtms Oonvenrlon, FontalneLleeu Ilolel, Mlemi<br />

6earh Pla .<br />

April ]S~]9 - World lebuo Exldblfon and S mposh<br />

m,RlalsdesExposllony Geneva,SwlheTand .<br />

May 9, 9- Burley leaf Tobaaae Dealers Assneinion,<br />

ual meeting, Loulsvllle,Ky-<br />

Otlaber 9£-4B-CORFSTA/TCRC Joinl Ccnferanm,<br />

WIIliamsburg,Ve .

Leaf handnp_ A/en<br />

tobacco<br />

industry<br />

patents<br />

MI now pa4nls ror lha toCecco In l appliee eslu9vel eo Iooeeco N

, rhm m e dm sa way and hme Mellns : Meuf•dur<br />

ane /lller Iwlere 4 k dmamad mm Ao A morM1Od ol mnk<br />

ebrm Reseer.M1: Arridmfoedine system<br />

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fonnna.ian<br />

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<strong>Tobacco</strong> Reporter<br />

4H Cun,merc/a Syva e. Gnulnnnl, pA :o 45IaE . VSA.<br />

~~ $~+,t ot Z.iy No. Gimp<br />

~~ suns rrux rv¢rt su.r>r. Mun<br />

US., Ymseo-ionm• UnWe nd Ma.ltn:<br />

~ []1y.. =G00 11 3)n. 115.W i<br />

~~ All mba aon-lee . . • {<br />

I~ O 1 n . $15.00 . D 3 .yrs. na .au<br />

'~ A< . .r<br />

. usnm~ s ., .n.Mieel .oa . .pNn..n ern.,<br />

ry'u FW'. . Ampe .dem M,ie .im libuuw CenbA<br />

pe. aiA .• ..uenl.n, Q .u : . .n[ M.n'.<br />

` . 5~5 . ~ .' GmeiAmetl.+„aweninele . ,<br />

Y>~ .. al+ . b .rtll .. Cem .n .,e SumA A4¢e<br />

.ii ..en.1^ AIG/Mn .ub~nlwi.m .,aA,Aam<br />

.. e ~.. . . e ei .n . . . . . . .en b,a~nl., . . .m, . . .. .. .. ..<br />

INnrx to<br />


Ame., . . S.e.R.<br />

Tnrc!qh 12Tf, loriIIartl snio11,111 tonllnued toeoar .<br />

Togntyowsharoofiholueroae .c ;yotivepaltobe `<br />

« zev . 6mch the br.nJS niat [k .ople sra looking for more<br />

rhoncvorbnloiO .ThsloillhvdBrands. ~<br />

Lo(I'.nrd .lYamnkopocdll, '.np5b2ppor, IJ[yOV . . ,

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