ffi*W:; - Mariposa Folk Festival

ffi*W:; - Mariposa Folk Festival

ffi*W:; - Mariposa Folk Festival


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There have been no great social<br />

movements without music, nor will<br />

there be any great movements in the<br />

future without the songs of struggle<br />

that help to bind us together in the<br />

fight for change. The labour movement<br />

has a rich history of music,<br />

and songs like "solidarity Forever",<br />

"Union "Which<br />

Maid", Side Are You<br />

On?" and "Bread and Roses", have<br />

their place in our history forever. Talk<br />

to any worker in their 50's or 60's,<br />

and ask them about Joe Hill or Joe<br />

Glazer, and you'll probably detect a<br />

nostalgic smile as the memory of<br />

picket line singing floods over<br />

them. But encouraging union activism<br />

through music is bY no means a<br />

phenomenon that faded after the<br />

1940's.<br />

"Don't<br />

scab for the bosses'<br />

don't listen to their lies,<br />

lJs poor folks ain't got a chance,<br />

unless we organize.<br />

Which side are You On?<br />

Which side are You On?"<br />

Florence Reece.<br />

Today the labour movement is facing<br />

one of its greatest battles' The<br />

multi-national, in its complete disregard<br />

for people's welfare evidenced<br />

by the labour in some other Place'<br />

presents an ever present threat. We<br />

see labour rallying all across this<br />

country in opposition to the Free<br />

Trade Agreement with the United<br />

States. The new technology which<br />

is being rapidly thrust upon workers,<br />

places us in even greater isolation<br />

and threatens to diminish our voices.<br />

"fur<br />

twent1 Years l've worked in<br />

this tactory<br />

I thought that I had iob securW<br />

But the robots have arrived and<br />

the vDT's have thrived<br />

And there isn't any room left here<br />

for me."<br />

Arlene Mantle<br />

There is no questioning the imPact<br />

of such activities as picket-line singing.<br />

This is not something new, but<br />

something we own and have not<br />

been putting to full use. Perhaps in<br />

the period of calm following the<br />

bloody battles of our eady history<br />

we let slip one of our most valuable<br />

tools, our ability to sing'together.<br />

While we honed uP our skills at<br />

negotiating and bargaining table<br />

strategizing, we stopped doing<br />

something that pulls ustogether, inspires<br />

us, attracts suPPort from<br />

others and really threatens management,<br />

we stopped singing!<br />

"Oh you can't scare me, I'm<br />

stickin' to the union"<br />

WoodY Guthrie<br />

The On The Line Music Collective is<br />

a small non-profit group of cultural<br />

workers and musicians committed<br />

to using their talents for social<br />

change. We Perform at concerts'<br />

picket lines, demonstration, rallies,<br />

and community tunctions. We conduct<br />

collective songwriting sessions<br />

with labour and community groups<br />

and we Produce educational materials<br />

using music.<br />

In the spring of 1986, we went to<br />

Cedar Glen Conference Centre in<br />

Bolton and over the course of a (loo-ong)<br />

day we recorded a taPe with<br />

and for the members of the Canada<br />

Employment and lmmigration Union,<br />

a part of the Public Service Alliance<br />

of Canada. We made this tape as a<br />

gesture of solidaritywith the workers<br />

prior to a vote that would decide<br />

whether they would strike or accept<br />

the (meagre) terms of a new contract<br />

offer from the Treasury Board'<br />

The Public Service Alliance as a<br />

whole (95,000 members) chose to<br />

accept the offer; the only component<br />

that voted NO was the group<br />

we made the taPe for' PerhaPs some<br />

of the strength needed to take this<br />

stand came from the songs on the<br />

tape, allof which were written in collective<br />

sessions. The "Public Sector<br />

Blues" was written on the spot of the<br />

day.<br />

"Too<br />

manY lies, enough is<br />

enough,<br />

Firstwe get wlse and then we get<br />

tough,<br />

Your otter is an insult we'll surelY<br />

refuse<br />

MulroneY Your baloneY,<br />

Gjves us the Public Sector<br />

Blues"<br />

On the tape, workers give sPoken<br />

introductions to the songs, noting<br />

how they came to be written and the<br />

specific issues and grievances they<br />

address. The technical problems of<br />

getting 50 workersto sing along with<br />

pre-recorded band tracks Provide<br />

some of the taPe's many moments<br />

of humour!<br />

September 1988 will see the release<br />

of Arlene Mantle 'TOGETHER" an<br />

album Produced for the Canadian<br />

Autoworkers Union capping a working<br />

relationship of many years with<br />

this union. The albgm contains the<br />

Union anthemn, traditional workers'<br />

songs such as "Joe Hill", "Solidarity<br />

Forever" and "Bread and Roses."<br />

There is also a variety of newly created<br />

music about labour issues and<br />

social change: "No Free Trade",<br />

"Retirees'Waltz" "Our<br />

and World"'<br />

The album is an ambitious Production<br />

ranging in style from Rock 'n<br />

Roll to CountryAVestern; from Maritime<br />

<strong>Folk</strong> to Swing/Blues'<br />

"Oh<br />

what a tuture, oh what a fate<br />

To be the biggesf and the<br />

poorest of the 51 states,<br />

Our country's on the line, our<br />

neck's in the noose,<br />

Watch the eagle COOKthe<br />

Canada g/oose"<br />

A. Mantle/R. Fielding<br />

The Canadian Autoworkers is a<br />

union that particularly recognizes<br />

the role of the artist in labour struggles:they<br />

have for some time used<br />

music at Conferences and Conventions<br />

and arranged to have us sing

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