MATH1715 Tutee Revision Questions

MATH1715 Tutee Revision Questions

MATH1715 Tutee Revision Questions


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Response: Doodle! Draw a picture illustrating some examples! For example, HT, HHT,<br />

HHHT, HHHHT, TH, TTH, TTTH, and so on. It looks like a series of Bernoulli trials<br />

which stop when something different (a success) occurs. This should lead you to consider a<br />

geometric distribution, the distribution of the time to the first success. The main difference<br />

between this and the usual geometric distribution is that a “success” can be either H or T<br />

and is determined by the first toss. You need an initial toss to determine what the “success”<br />

is going to be!<br />

Let X denote the number of tosses required to see both sides once. We require E[X].<br />

We toss the coin once and see side A say. Let A now denote a Failure, and the other side<br />

B a Success. The probability of a Success is p = 0.5. Tosses are independent. A toss either<br />

gives side A, a failure, or side B, a success. What is the distribution of the number of<br />

(subsequent) tosses Y until the first Success? (Here Y takes values 1, 2, 3, ....) Clearly<br />

X = Y + 1, so E[X] can be found.<br />

An alternative approach is to determine the distribution of X directly and then calculate<br />

E[X] = �<br />

x P{X = x} .<br />

Thus<br />

P{X = 1} = 0<br />

P{X = 2} = P{HT or TH} = 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.5<br />

x<br />

P{X = 3} = P{HHT or TTH} = 0.125 + 0.125 = 0.25<br />

P{X = 4} = 0.125<br />

and so on. Writing Y = X − 1, then Y has the usual geometric distribution<br />

P{Y = 1} = P{X = 2} = 0.5<br />

P{Y = 2} = P{X = 3} = 0.5 2<br />

P{Y = 3} = P{X = 4} = 0.5 3<br />

and so on. Since E[Y ] = 1/0.5 = 2, then E[Y ] = E[X − 1] = E[X] − 1 gives E[X] = 3.<br />

A simple R program would let you check my answer.<br />

x=numeric(100000) # Initialise the counts of x to zero.<br />

for (i in 1:100000){ # Do 100000 simulations.<br />

u=rbinom(1,1,0.5) # Generate a random Bin(n=1,p=0.5) value.<br />

# u=0 gives a Tail and u=1 gives a Head.<br />

# Now generate tosses 2,3,4,5,.... until we get something not equal to u.<br />

x[i]=1 # For simulation i initialise the count of the number of tosses (1 so far!).<br />

v=-1 # v denotes subsequent tosses, set to -1 to start with.<br />

# This is just to give R a value v for the next line.<br />

while (v != u){ # While v does not equal u keep on tossing the coin.<br />

v=rbinom(1,1,0.5) # Generate subsequent tosses, v=0 is a T and v=1 is a H say.<br />

x[i]=x[i]+1<br />

}<br />

} # End the 100000 simulations.<br />

mean(x) # Mean of x.<br />


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