MATH1715 Tutee Revision Questions

MATH1715 Tutee Revision Questions

MATH1715 Tutee Revision Questions


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<strong>MATH1715</strong> <strong>Tutee</strong> <strong>Revision</strong> <strong>Questions</strong><br />

Question: 10/1/2011<br />

A blood test for hepatitis is 90% effective in detecting the disease; however, it yields a false<br />

positive result for 1% of healthy people tested. The disease rate in the general population<br />

is 1 in 10000. A patient is sent for a blood test because he has developed jaundice (that<br />

is, yellowness of the skin and the white of the eye). The physician knows that this type of<br />

patient will have hepatitis with probability 0.5. If this patient gets a positive result on his<br />

blood test, what is the probability that he has hepatitis?<br />

Response: This is a Bayes’s theorem question. You require P{Hepatitis|Positive}. You<br />

are told that P{Positive|Hepatitis} = 0.90 and P{Positive|No hepatitis} = 0.10, and for a<br />

member of the general public P{Hepatitis} = 0.0001 so P{No hepatitis} = 0.9999. However<br />

for this patient, with jaundice, P{Hepatitis} = 0.5 so P{No hepatitis} = 0.5.<br />

Question: 10/1/2011<br />

Assuming that the birthday of a randomly chosen person is equally likely to occur in any<br />

one of the 12 months of the year, what is the probability that at least two people in a<br />

random sample of five will have their birthday in the same month?<br />

Response: You have done this already! Recall Homeworks 1, question 1.6. Remember “a<br />

bus starts with 6 people and stops at 10 different stops”? Here you have five people on<br />

the bus and they can get off at any of 12 different stops. If you know the probability that<br />

no-one gets off at the same stop, then the complementary probability is the probability that<br />

at least two get off at the same stop.<br />

Question: 10/1/2011<br />

Five people play a game of “odd man out” to determine who will pay for the pizza they<br />

ordered. Each flips a coin. If only one person gets heads (or tails) while the other four get<br />

tails (or heads), then he is the odd man and has to pay. Otherwise they flip again. What<br />

is the expected number of tosses needed to determine who will pay?<br />

Response: This is quite a hard two-stage question. To see how to approach the question,<br />

imagine the people flipping coins. You will have a series of “failures” (no “odd-man out” situation)<br />

followed by a “success” (an “odd-man out” situation). For example, F F F F F S.<br />

This sort of pattern should remind you of a geometric distribution, the time until an event<br />

(a “success” S) first occurs. You then need to determine the probability of a “success”, an<br />

“odd-man out” situation occurring.<br />

Let P denote the probability of an odd-man out situation occurring when five people<br />

toss a coin. Let X denote the number of heads out of five tosses so X ∼ Bin(n = 5, p = 1<br />

2 ).<br />

Clearly P = P{X = 1} + P{X = 4}.<br />

Now let Y denote the number of times the players toss their coins until the “odd-man<br />

out” situation occurs. Each group of tosses forms a set of Bernoulli trials with “success”<br />


eing the “odd-man out” situation, all trials independent, and the probability of a “success”<br />

being P. Thus Y ∼ geometric(P). You require E[Y ].<br />

For “fun”, you might like to determine E[Y ] as a function of n. Would you play this<br />

game if you went out with a football team (n = 11)? 1 Would you play this game if you were<br />

with your <strong>MATH1715</strong> tutees (n ≈ 20)? 2<br />

Question: 10/1/2011<br />

I’m sorry, I know I must be bombarding you with emails. I can’t work out whether this<br />

question is telling me conditional probabilities or not. Very ambiguous.<br />

On a multiple-choice exam with five choices for each question, a student either knows the<br />

answer to a question or chooses an answer at random. If the probability that the student<br />

knows a correct answer is 2/3, what is the probability that an answer that was marked as<br />

correct was not chosen randomly? Thanks for all your help!<br />

Response: First write down what you know.<br />

P{Knows correct answer} = 2/3 so P{Does not knows correct answer} = 1/3.<br />

P{Correct|Knows correct answer} = 1, P{Correct|Does not know correct answer} = 1/5.<br />

We are asked to obtain P{Knows correct answer|Correct}. Clearly we need to use<br />

Bayes’s theorem.<br />

The way the question is put makes it difficult at first glance to determine what is asked.<br />

But notice that the phrase “that was marked as correct” is what has happened, it is known<br />

or given. What the question is asking is what is the probability the answer “was not chosen<br />

randomly”, in other words what is the probability the correct answer was known by the<br />

student, given that it was marked as correct.<br />

Question: 10/1/2011<br />

An elevator in a building starts with n people and stops at N floors, with n < N. If each<br />

passenger is equally likely to get off at any floor, independently of the others, what is the<br />

probability that at least two passengers get off at the same floor?<br />

Response: You have done this already! Recall Homeworks 1, question 1.6. Remember “a<br />

bus starts with 6 people and stops at 10 different stops”? At least two get off at the same<br />

floor is the complementary event to no-one gets off at the same floor.<br />

Question: 10/1/2011<br />

Suppose that a random variable X has an exponential distribution with parameter λ = 2<br />

and let Y = e −X . What is the set of possible values of the random variable Y , and how<br />

do I find the cumulative distribution function FY (y) = P{Y ≤ y}. How would I obtain the<br />

probability density function fY (y) and the mean E[Y ]? If Y1 is the first digit in a decimal<br />

expansion of Y , what is the probability that Y1 = 6?<br />

Response: I strongly doubt any such transformation question will come up!<br />

1 Only if I wanted to waste 15 minutes, assuming each collective toss takes about ten seconds.<br />

2 Only if we could keep awake for three consecutive days!<br />


If X ∼ exponential(λ = 2), then recall that P{X ≤ x} = 1 − e −2x so P{X > x} = e −2x .<br />

Then<br />

FY (y) = P{Y ≤ y} = P � e −X ≤ y � = P{X ≥ − log y} = e 2log y = y 2 .<br />

If x values satisfy x > 0, then 0 < e−x < 1 so the range of y is 0 < y < 1.<br />

For the probability density function and mean, recall that<br />

fY (y) = dFY<br />

�<br />

(y)<br />

, E[Y ] = y fY (y)dy.<br />

dy<br />

By first digit of Y I assume is meant the first digit after the decimal point. Clearly<br />

Y1 = 6 if 0.6 ≤ y < 0.7. Thus P{Y1 = 6} = P{0.6 < Y ≤ 0.7} = FY (0.7) − FY (0.6) 3 .<br />

Question: 10/1/2011<br />

Ten people sit down randomly in a row of 10 chairs. What is the probability that Sam will<br />

be seated on a row end with Asif beside him?<br />

Response: Draw a picture! How many ways can 10 people sit in 10 seats? Here n(S) = 10!,<br />

where S denotes the sample space of possible seatings.<br />

You now need to determine how many ways can Sam and Asif sit next to each other.<br />

Ask Sam to sit down, but not in an end seat. Now have Asif sit next to him. How many<br />

ways can Sam and Asif sit next to each other? Now sit the other eight people down. In how<br />

many ways can the 10 people sit with Sam and Asif next to each other?<br />

Now you need to add on the cases with Sam sat at an end seat. In how many ways can<br />

Asif sit next to him? And now have the other eight people sit down. In how many ways<br />

can they sit down?<br />

(You have already included cases with Asif being in an end seat in the first part above.)<br />

Question: 10/1/2011<br />

Five students are randomly picked from a class of 20 students to form a singing group.<br />

There are 8 girls and 12 boys in the class. What is the probability that the singing group<br />

will contain exactly two girls and three boys?<br />

Response: This is a hypergeometric probability.<br />

In how many ways can you choose two girls from 8? In how many ways can you choose<br />

three boys from 12? Multiplying gives the number of ways n(E) of choosing two girls from<br />

8 and three boys from 12.<br />

For n(S), you need to know the number of ways of choosing any five children from 20.<br />

Then P{E} = n(E)/n(S).<br />

Question: 7/1/2011<br />

We toss a coin repeatedly until we see each side of the coin at least once. What is the mean<br />

number of tosses required?<br />

3 Do not worry that I write the cumulative distribution function as right-continuous. Since Y is a<br />

continuous random variable P{Y ≤ y} ≡ P{Y < y}.<br />

3<br />


Response: Doodle! Draw a picture illustrating some examples! For example, HT, HHT,<br />

HHHT, HHHHT, TH, TTH, TTTH, and so on. It looks like a series of Bernoulli trials<br />

which stop when something different (a success) occurs. This should lead you to consider a<br />

geometric distribution, the distribution of the time to the first success. The main difference<br />

between this and the usual geometric distribution is that a “success” can be either H or T<br />

and is determined by the first toss. You need an initial toss to determine what the “success”<br />

is going to be!<br />

Let X denote the number of tosses required to see both sides once. We require E[X].<br />

We toss the coin once and see side A say. Let A now denote a Failure, and the other side<br />

B a Success. The probability of a Success is p = 0.5. Tosses are independent. A toss either<br />

gives side A, a failure, or side B, a success. What is the distribution of the number of<br />

(subsequent) tosses Y until the first Success? (Here Y takes values 1, 2, 3, ....) Clearly<br />

X = Y + 1, so E[X] can be found.<br />

An alternative approach is to determine the distribution of X directly and then calculate<br />

E[X] = �<br />

x P{X = x} .<br />

Thus<br />

P{X = 1} = 0<br />

P{X = 2} = P{HT or TH} = 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.5<br />

x<br />

P{X = 3} = P{HHT or TTH} = 0.125 + 0.125 = 0.25<br />

P{X = 4} = 0.125<br />

and so on. Writing Y = X − 1, then Y has the usual geometric distribution<br />

P{Y = 1} = P{X = 2} = 0.5<br />

P{Y = 2} = P{X = 3} = 0.5 2<br />

P{Y = 3} = P{X = 4} = 0.5 3<br />

and so on. Since E[Y ] = 1/0.5 = 2, then E[Y ] = E[X − 1] = E[X] − 1 gives E[X] = 3.<br />

A simple R program would let you check my answer.<br />

x=numeric(100000) # Initialise the counts of x to zero.<br />

for (i in 1:100000){ # Do 100000 simulations.<br />

u=rbinom(1,1,0.5) # Generate a random Bin(n=1,p=0.5) value.<br />

# u=0 gives a Tail and u=1 gives a Head.<br />

# Now generate tosses 2,3,4,5,.... until we get something not equal to u.<br />

x[i]=1 # For simulation i initialise the count of the number of tosses (1 so far!).<br />

v=-1 # v denotes subsequent tosses, set to -1 to start with.<br />

# This is just to give R a value v for the next line.<br />

while (v != u){ # While v does not equal u keep on tossing the coin.<br />

v=rbinom(1,1,0.5) # Generate subsequent tosses, v=0 is a T and v=1 is a H say.<br />

x[i]=x[i]+1<br />

}<br />

} # End the 100000 simulations.<br />

mean(x) # Mean of x.<br />


Three runs gave means 2.99884, 3.00008, 3.00283.<br />

Question: 7/1/2011<br />

Suppose that the waiting time in a queue has an exponential distribution with mean 20<br />

minutes. What is the probability that standing in the queue will take no more that 20<br />

minutes?<br />

It keeps coming out with the answer 1 as I used (1 − e −20.20 ).<br />

Response: Waiting time X ∼ exponential(µ = 20). We require<br />

P{X ≤ 20} =<br />

� 20<br />

0<br />

1<br />

20 exp<br />

�<br />

− x<br />

� � �<br />

dx = − exp −<br />

20<br />

x<br />

��20 = 1 − e<br />

20 0<br />

−1 .<br />

The exponential distribution can be parameterised as having mean µ or parameter λ,<br />

with µ = 1/λ.<br />

Question: 6/1/2011<br />

A contractor has 8 suppliers from which to purchase electrical supplies. He will select 3 of<br />

these at random and ask each supplier to submit a project bid. If your firm is one of the 8<br />

suppliers, what is the probability that you will get the opportunity to bid on the project?<br />

Response: Use the hypergeometric distribution! He selects three firms from a pool of eight.<br />

Seven are “other” firms and one is “your” firm. What is the probability the sample has two<br />

“other” and one “your”?<br />

Question: 6/1/2011<br />

(I got the answer for this question by counting each possible outcome but I’m sure that<br />

there is a more efficient method to find the answer) Four people are chosen at random from<br />

six couples. What is the probability that two men and two women are selected?<br />

Response: Use the hypergeometric distribution! You have six men and six women and are<br />

choosing four people from 12. You want the probability of two men and two women.<br />

Question: 6/1/2011<br />

An integer is selected at random from the set 1, 2, ..., 1000000. What is the probability<br />

that it contains the digit 5? I keep getting 0.1 which isn’t even an option? Thank you.<br />

Response: Of n(S) = 1000000 values, how many contain a 5, event E? Then P{E} =<br />

n(E)/n(S). The problem here is finding n(E)! Not really a Statistics question!<br />

You are essentially asked how many of the integers contains a 5. Count them by listing<br />

them! But you need to avoid counting the same ones more than once. Let x denote any<br />

integer 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 9. Let e denote any integer excluding 5.<br />


Pattern Examples Number of values<br />

xxxxxx5 05, 15, 25, 35, ..., 999995 100000<br />

xxxxx5e 05e, 15e, 25e, 35e, ..., 99995e 10000 × 9 = 90000<br />

xxxx5ee 05ee, 15ee, 25ee, ..., 9995ee 1000 × 9 × 9 = 81000<br />

xxx5eee 05eee, 15eee, 25eee, 35eee, ..., 995eee 100 × 9 × 9 × 9 = 72900<br />

· · · · · · · · ·<br />

I get the answer n(E) = 468559 so P{E} = 0.469.<br />

How can you “see” your way to the solution? Try a simpler problem! (Though I do<br />

think the question quite hard!) Suppose the question was about the numbers 1,2, ...,1000.<br />

You could almost write all these down. Write these as<br />

000 001 ... 009<br />

010 011 ... 019<br />

... ... ... ...<br />

090 991 ... 999<br />

You can see the values making up event E are then:<br />

• 005, 015, 025, ..., 995. There are 100 values here.<br />

• 050, 051, 052, ..., 059, 150, 151, 152, ..., 159, 250, 251, 252, ..., 259, all the way to<br />

950, 951, ..., 959. There are 10 × 1 × 9 = 90 values here.<br />

• 500, 501, 502, ..., 504, 506, ..., 509, 510, 511, 512, ..., 599. There are 1 ×9×9 = 81<br />

values here.<br />

So the answer here is (100 + 90 + 81)/1000 = 0.1981.<br />

Question: 6/1/2011<br />

Let X1, X2 and X3 be independent random variables with zero mean and variance σ 2 . Find<br />

the correlation coefficient between Y1 = 2X1 + X2 and Y2 = X2 − 2X3.<br />

Response: You need Var[aX1 +bX2] = a 2 Var[X1]+b 2 Var[X2]+2abcov(X1, X2) where here<br />

cov(X1, X2) = 0 as X1 and X2 are independent. Also,<br />

cov(aX1+bX2, cXi+dXj) = ac cov(X1, Xi)+ad cov(X1, Xj)+bc cov(X2, Xi)+bd cov(X2, Xj).<br />

But note that you will do all of this in MATH1725!<br />

Question: 6/1/2011<br />

A retailer offers a replacement policy for a new dishwasher that will pay the full product<br />

cost of £300 if it breaks down within a year. The retailer’s statistics show that about 4%<br />

of dishwashers of that brand will break down within a year. The administrative cost per<br />

policy is £3 at the outset plus an extra £10 if a claim has been made. What should be<br />

the policy premium (i.e., the amount the customer is charged) in order that the retailer’s<br />

expected net profit per policy be £5?<br />


Response: If the machine breaks down in a year the firm will pay out £(300+3+10) = £313<br />

which occurs with probability 0.04. If the machine does not break down in a year, with<br />

probability 0.96, the firm will pay £3. The firm needs to charge £((313×0.04)+(3×0.96)+<br />

5) = £20.4.<br />

Question: 6/1/2011<br />

An event E occurs at least once in four independent trials with probability 0.76. What is<br />

the probability of its occurrence in one trial?<br />

Response: Let X be the number of times that E occurs in four trials. Clearly X ∼ Bin(n =<br />

4, p). We are told that P{X ≥ 1} = 0.76 so that P{X = 0} = (1 − p) 4 = 0.24. Thus you<br />

can obtain p.<br />

Question: 3/1/2011<br />

I am sorry to bother you but I just had a couple of probability questions that I just cannot<br />

get my head around how to attempt and was hoping you could maybe push me in the right<br />

direction.<br />

A computer company provides an insurance policy for one of its systems. If the system<br />

fails during the first year the policy pays £3000. The benefit decreases by £1000 each year<br />

until it reaches zero. If the system has not failed at the beginning of a year, the probability<br />

that it fails during that year is 0.1. How much should the company charge for the insurance<br />

policy so that, on average, its net profit per policy is £100?<br />

Response: The probability the system fails in year 1 is 0.1 and the firm pays out £3000.<br />

The probability it fails in year 2 is 0.9 × 0.1 (it does not fail in year 1 but 4 fails in year<br />

2) and the firm pays out £2000. Similarly for year 3 the system fails with probability<br />

0.9 × 0.9 × 0.1 (assuming independence of failure in each year). For years 4 onwards we<br />

either use the formula for a geometric distribution being greater than 3, or use the fact that<br />

the failure probabilities must sum to unity. We thus have the following information for the<br />

payout by the firm.<br />

Year 1 2 3 ≥ 4<br />

Payout Y 3000 2000 1000 0<br />

Probability 0.1 0.09 0.081 0.729<br />

The mean payout is E[Y ] = £561 (can you prove this?) so the firm should charge £661 to<br />

make £100 per policy.<br />

Question: 3/1/2011<br />

An urn contains five chips, four marked Failure and one marked Success. Two players take<br />

turns drawing a single chip from the urn, without replacement. The player who is first to<br />

draw Success wins the game. What is the probability that the player starting the game will<br />

be the winner? (This one seems very simple but I can’t seem to reach the right answer)<br />

4 Think of “but” here as meaning “and yet”<br />


Response: This is very similar to the question asked on 16/12/2010. The answer can be<br />

obtained using a tree diagram or as indicated on 16/10/2010. Thus let Ar denote player<br />

A’s draw on stage r, r = 1, 3, 5, and Bs denote player B’s draw on stage s, s = 2, 4.<br />

P{A wins} = P{A1 = S} + P{(A1 = F) ∩ (B2 = F) ∩ (A3 = S)} + · · ·<br />

where P{A1 = S} = 1<br />

, and 5<br />

and so on.<br />

P{(A1 = F) ∩ (B2 = F) ∩ (A3 = S)} = 4 3 1<br />

× ×<br />

5 4 3 ,<br />

Question: 3/1/2011<br />

A stick of length L is broken into two parts at a random point chosen with uniform distribution.<br />

What is the expected length of the shortest part?<br />

Response: This is quite hard.<br />

Let the stick be broken at a point x so the two halves have length x and L − x for<br />

0 < x < L. Without loss of generality we can suppose that the shortest length is x for<br />

0 < x < 1L.<br />

(If this is the longer length, then use the other piece which has length<br />

2<br />

uniformly distributed between 0 and 1<br />

L.) This shorter piece has a uniform distribution<br />

2<br />

between 0 and 1L<br />

so the probability density function is f(x) = 2/L. (This is the key part<br />

2<br />

to understand!)<br />

The mean length is<br />

E[X] =<br />

� 1<br />

2 L<br />

0<br />

xf(x)dx =<br />

� 1<br />

2 L<br />

0<br />

2x<br />

dx =<br />

L<br />

� x 2<br />

L<br />

�1<br />

2 L<br />

0<br />

= 1<br />

4 L.<br />

Question: 3/1/2011<br />

Could you help me with this questions please about correlation coefficients.<br />

Let X be a random variable with mean 1 and variance 2. Let Y = −2X + 3. What is<br />

the correlation coefficient between X and Y ?<br />

Response: You can see that X and Y are linearly related. The negative slope −2 shows<br />

that as X increases, then Y decreases. The correlation corr(X, Y ) = −1.<br />

More formally<br />

Thus<br />

Var[Y ] = (−2) 2 Var[X] = 8, cov(X, Y ) = cov(X, −2X + 3) = −2Var[X] = −4.<br />

corr(X, Y ) =<br />

Question: 1/1/2011<br />

Please help me with the following question.<br />

cov(X, Y )<br />

� Var[X]Var[Y ] = −4<br />

√ 2 × 8 = −1.<br />


Let X be a random variable with mean 2 and variance 3. Let Y be a random variable<br />

with mean −5 and variance 1. Assuming that X and Y are independent, what is the variance<br />

of Z = 4X − Y ?<br />

Response:<br />

Var[aX + bY + c] = a 2 Var[X] + b 2 Var[Y ] + 2ab cov(X, Y )<br />

where a, b, and c are constants. Here you are told that X and Y are independent, so that<br />

cov(X, Y ) = 0.<br />

Question: 1/1/2011<br />

Please help me answer the following question from the 2010 examination.<br />

The probability Susan cycles to work given that it is raining is 0.7. The probability that<br />

Susan cycles to work given that it is not raining is 0.95. Tomorrow there is a 60% chance<br />

of rain. What is the probability that Susan cycles to work tomorrow?<br />

Response: Let C denote the event she cycles to work and R the event it is raining. We are<br />

given the following information: P{C|R} = 0.7, P{C|R c } = 0.95, and P{R} = 0.60. We<br />

require the probability P{C}.<br />

Using the total probability rule<br />

P{C} = P{C ∩ R} + P{C ∩ R c } (1)<br />

P{C} = P{C|R}P{R} + P{C|R c }P{R c } .<br />

Use a Venn diagram to prove to yourself that equation (1) is true.<br />

Notice that if the question had instead been “what is the probability it is raining if<br />

Susan has cycled to work” and had not given P{R}, then we would use Bayes’s theorem to<br />

determine P{R|C}.<br />

Question: 1/1/2011<br />

A survey showed that 0.5% of 20000 homes have suffered from damp problems in the past<br />

10 years. A second survey investigated whether 1000 other homes have suffered from damp<br />

problems in the past 10 years. Use an appropriate approximation to estimate the probability<br />

that more than two homes have suffered from damp problems in the second survey.<br />

Response: The first survey provides an estimate for the probability a home has suffered<br />

from damp over the last 10 years. This probability is p = 0.005.<br />

Clearly homes either suffer from damp or they do not, the probability p a home suffers<br />

from damp can be assumed a constant, and it can further be assumed that homes are<br />

independent of each other. 5<br />

For the second survey let X denote the number of homes suffering from damp over the<br />

last 10 years. Clearly X ∼ Bin(n = 1000, p = 0.005). We require P{X > 2}. Since n is<br />

large and p is small, then approximately X ≈ Poisson(µ = np = 5).<br />

5 The latter two assumptions are perhaps not strictly true for all homes. Can you think why?<br />


Question: 29/12/2010<br />

I am not quite sure how to obtain the answer for the following question.<br />

The demand for a certain weekly magazine at a news stand is a random variable with<br />

probability mass function pX(x) given by<br />

x 3 4 5 6<br />

pX(x) 0.20 0.44 0.32 0.04<br />

The magazine sells for £1.50, and the cost to the owner is 50 pence per copy. Unsold copies<br />

cannot be returned to the publisher.<br />

(i) What is the expected weekly demand for this magazine?<br />

(ii) If the owner orders three copies of the magazine, his net profit will be £3.00. What will<br />

be his expected profit if he orders four copies?<br />

(iii) How many copies should be ordered per week in order to maximise the expected profit?<br />

Response: Here X denotes the number of copies demanded per week.<br />

(i) E[X] = �<br />

xpX(x) = µ say.<br />

x<br />

(ii) Let N denote the number of copies he orders. To see how to tackle the question, look<br />

at some specific cases.<br />

If N = 3, then he pays 3 × 50p = £1.50. He sells them all if X ≥ 3, which occurs with<br />

probability unity. He receives 3 × 1.50 = £4.50, so his net profit is £3 as specified.<br />

If N = 4, then he pays 4 ×50p = £2.00. There are two cases to now consider. If X = 3,<br />

with probability 0.2, he sells 3, making net profit P3. If X ≥ 4, with probability 0.8, he sells<br />

all 4, making net profit P4. His net profit P then satisfies E[P] = (0.2 × P3) + (0.8 × P4).<br />

(iii) Repeat the calculations for N = 5 and N = 6. For example, for N = 5 you can<br />

determine what he has spent buying the copies. For each of the cases X = 3, X = 4, X ≥ 5<br />

you can determine his net profit and the associated probability. Thus you can determine<br />

the mean profit if N = 5. Similarly for N = 6.<br />

You could also consider the cases N = 0, 1, 2 and N = 7, 8, 9, . . .. In the latter case it<br />

is easy to see that his costs increase while his return is capped by the maximum demand<br />

X = 6; thus his net profit must certainly be monotonic decreasing for all N > 6. For N = 0<br />

his net profit is zero (a safe risk-free place to be!). For 0 ≤ N ≤ 3 it can be seen that his<br />

profit must be monotonic increasing as he always sells at least three copies. The maximum<br />

must therefore lie between N = 3 and N = 6.<br />

Question: 26/12/2010<br />

Is it a general rule that Var[aX + bY ] = a Var[X] + b 2 Var[Y ] + 2ab cov(X, Y )?<br />

Response: Yes.<br />

Question: 26/12/2010<br />

We toss a coin repeatedly until we see each side of the coin at least once. What is the mean<br />

number of tosses required?<br />

Response: Let X denote the number of tosses until we see each side at least once. What<br />

is the distribution of X? What is E[X]?<br />


Hint: Recall kite flying and counting Sundays until a kite flies.<br />

Question: 26/12/2010<br />

An insurance company writes a policy to the effect that an amount of £1000 must be paid<br />

if a certain event A occurs within a year. Probability of A to occur within a year is 0.02.<br />

What should be the premium c, the amount in pounds the customer is charged when buying<br />

the policy, in order that the companys expected profit per policy be 50% of c.<br />

Response: Let company’s profit per policy be X.<br />

If A occurs, with probability 0.02, the company receives c and pays out £1000. Net gain<br />

is c − 1000.<br />

If A does not occur, with probability 0.98, the company receives c. Net gain is c.<br />

Thus E[X] = 0.02(c−1000)+0.98c. We require to find c such that E[X] = 0.5c. Answer<br />

is c = £40.<br />

Question: 26/12/2010<br />

For a candidate to win an election he needs to win districts I, II and III. Probability of<br />

winning I and III is 0.55, losing II but winning I is 0.34, and losing II and III but not I is<br />

0.15. Find probability the candidate will win all 3 districts?<br />

Response: You require P{I ∩ II ∩ III}. You are given P{I ∩ III} = 0.55, P{I ∩ II c } =<br />

0.34, and P{I ∩ II c ∩ III c } = 0.15.<br />

Draw a Venn diagram! It can be seen that P{I ∩ II c ∩ III} = 0.19. Thus P{I ∩ II ∩ III} =<br />

0.36. Alternatively, notice that<br />

and also<br />

P{I ∩ III} = P{I ∩ II ∩ III} + P{I ∩ II c ∩ III}<br />

P{I ∩ II c } = P{I ∩ II c ∩ III} + P{I ∩ II c ∩ III c } .<br />

Question: 26/12/2010<br />

Two hunters A and B shoot a duck, which is hit by exactly one bullet. If the hunter A hits<br />

the target with probability 0.3 and the second with probability 0.6, what is the probability<br />

that the second hunter killed the duck?<br />

Response: Draw a Venn diagram!<br />

We are told there was one hit. We require<br />

P{B hit|one hit} =<br />

P{B hit ∩ one hit}<br />

.<br />

P{one hit}<br />

Can you show that P{two hits} = 0.18 (assume independence of hits)? Also, P{at least one hit} =<br />

0.72 (union of events), so that P{one hit} = 0.72−0.18 = 0.54 (why?). Also, P{B hit ∩ one hit} =<br />

0.6 − 0.18 = 0.42 (why?).<br />


Question: 26/12/2010<br />

The probability that a certain type of inoculation takes effect is 0.995. Using a Poisson<br />

approximation or otherwise, compute the probability that at most 2 out of 400 people given<br />

the inoculation will find that it has not taken effect.<br />

Response: Let X be the number for whom the inoculation does not take effect. For n = 400<br />

people, X ∼ Bin(n = 400, p = 0.005). What is the approximate distribution satisfied by<br />

X? The question requires P{X ≤ 2}.<br />

Question: 26/12/2010<br />

Three factories manufacture 20%, 30% and 50% of computer chips a company sells. If<br />

the fractions of defective chips are 0.4%, 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively, what fraction of the<br />

defective chips come from the third factory?<br />

Response: Let D denote defective, and A, B, C the source factory. Thus we are told, for<br />

example, P{A} = 0.20 and P{D|A} = 0.004.<br />

We require P{C|D}. Thus use Bayes’s theorem.<br />

P{C|D} =<br />

P{D|C} P{C}<br />

P{D|A} P{A} + · · · + P{D|C}P{C} .<br />

Question: 26/12/2010<br />

A box contains 3 blue balls and 5 red balls. Ann and Bob take turns (with Ann going first)<br />

to draw a ball from the box, without replacement, until a blue ball is drawn. What is the<br />

probability that Ann will draw the blue ball first?<br />

Response: Draw a tree diagram is one way. On the first stage Ann either draws blue (with<br />

probability 3/8) or red (with probability 5/8). If Ann draws red on stage one, on the second<br />

stage Bob either draws blue (with probability 3/7) or red (with probability 4/7). If Bob<br />

draws red on stage two, on the third stage Ann either draws blue or red, and so on. You<br />

require all routes which end with Ann drawing blue.<br />

The question can be answered in other ways. For example, let Ar denote Ann’s draw on<br />

stage r, r = 1, 3, 5, 7, and Bs denote Bob’s draw on stage s, s = 2, 4, 6, 8.<br />

P{Ann wins} = P{A1 = blue} + P{(A1 = red) ∩ (B2 = red) ∩ (A3 = blue)} + · · ·<br />

where P{A1 = blue} = 3,<br />

and 8<br />

and so on.<br />

P{(A1 = red) ∩ (B2 = red) ∩ (A3 = blue)} = 5 4 3<br />

× ×<br />

8 7 6 ,<br />

Question: 26/12/2010<br />

In the Euro millions lottery, a player must choose 5 correct digits from {1, 2, . . ., 50} on the<br />

main board and two “lucky stars” from the nine digits 1-9. The lottery draw yields a “5+2”<br />


winning combination, that is, five numbers on the main board and two “lucky stars” (the<br />

order in which they appear does not matter). What is the probability that the player will<br />

guess correctly two numbers (out of 5) on the main board and one “lucky star” (out of 2)?<br />

Response: A finite population has N = 50 values made up of R = 5 successes and<br />

N − R = 45 failures. You sample n = 5 values. What is the probability that your sample<br />

contains x = 2 successes and 3 failures? Recall sampling without replacement and the<br />

hypergeometric distribution!<br />

Similarly for choosing the “lucky stars”. Then multiply because of independence of<br />

choosing from the main board and the “lucky stars”.<br />

Question: 21/12/2010<br />

Let X be a random variable with mean 2 and variance 1. Let Y be a random variable with<br />

mean 2 and variance 4. The variance of 4X −3Y is 16. Determine the correlation coefficient<br />

between X and Y . How do I do this?<br />

Response: You are told that Var[X] = 1 and Var[Y ] = 4. Also Var[4X − 3Y ] = 16. Here<br />

Thus cov(X, Y ) = 3<br />

2<br />

Var[4X − 3Y ] = 16Var[X] + 9Var[Y ] − 24cov(X, Y )<br />

= 16 + 36 − 24cov(X, Y ).<br />

and this can be used to obtain corr(X, Y ).<br />

Question: 21/12/2010<br />

A variety of chocolate bars are stored in a box containing 10 bars. On average, 45% of<br />

the chocolate bars will contain nuts. Using the normal approximation with a continuity<br />

correction, evaluate the probability that at least two bars will contain nuts in a randomly<br />

selected small box? How do I do this?<br />

Response: Let X be the number of bars out of 10 which contain nuts. We require<br />

P{X ≥ 2}. But what is the distribution of X?<br />

(i) A bar either contains nuts or it does not.<br />

(ii) The probability a random bar contains nuts is 0.45.<br />

(iii) We can assume all the bars are independent of each other (if a box contains a random<br />

collection of bars this is plausible).<br />

Why is X ∼ Bin(n = 10, p = 0.45)? Assuming n is large and p ≈ 0.5, then a normal<br />

approximation can be used. What normal distribution can be used as an approximation to<br />

the distribution of X?<br />

Hint: What is E[X] and Var[X]?<br />

Question: 21/12/2010<br />

When on a holiday in the Alps, the time X Sarah spends snowboarding each day (in hours)<br />

has a probability function of the form:<br />

�<br />

2 c(x + 4x) if 0 ≤ x ≤ 9,<br />

fX(x) =<br />

0 otherwise.<br />


I calculate c = 1<br />

. What is the expected amount of time Sarah spends snowboarding on<br />

405<br />

a randomly picked day within her holiday? What is the probability that Sarah will spend<br />

over 3 hours snowboarding on a randomly picked day within her holiday?<br />

Response: The first question asks for E[X] which is found using<br />

E[X] =<br />

� 9<br />

0<br />

xfX(x)dx.<br />

The second question is asking for P{X > 3} which is found using<br />

P{X > 3} =<br />

� 9<br />

3<br />

fX(x)dx.<br />

Question: 16/12/2010<br />

Urn 1 contains two white and four red balls, whereas urn 2 contains two white and one<br />

red. A ball is randomly chosen from urn 1 and put into urn 2, and a ball is then randomly<br />

selected from urn 2. What is the probability that the ball selected from urn 2 is white?<br />

Response: Let A1 be the event of selecting the first ball and A2 the event of selecting the<br />

second ball. Clearly P{A1 = w} = 2<br />

6 and P{A1 = r} = 4.<br />

This ball is now placed into urn<br />

6<br />

2.<br />

If this first ball is white, then urn 2 now contains three white and one red ball and so<br />

P{A2 = w|A1 = w} = 3<br />

4 .<br />

If this first ball is red, then urn 2 now contains three white and one red ball and so<br />

P{A2 = w|A1 = r} = 2<br />

4 .<br />

We want P{A2 = w}. This does not require Bayes’s theorem as we are not conditioning<br />

on anything. We use the total probability rule. Either the first ball is white or it is red, so<br />

that<br />

P{A2 = w} = P{A2 = w ∩ A1 = w} + P{A2 = w ∩ A1 = r}.<br />

Thus<br />

P{A2 = w} = P{A2 = w|A1 = w} P{A1 = w} + P{A2 = w|A1 = r}P{A1 = r}.<br />


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