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FONT<br />

Base & Ferrugem<br />


Fabrika De Typos<br />


Marcio Hirosse<br />


Brazil<br />

URL<br />

http://www.fabrikadetypos.com.br<br />

EMAIL<br />

contato@www.fabrikadetypos.com.br<br />


1. Pode fornecer alguma introspecção à fundo/inspiração para a<br />

criação desta font?<br />






2. O que tem planejou para 2006?<br />








3. Por favor fontes 5ive de lista que você nunca pode viver sem.<br />

A: 1.TRABALHO<br />

2.MUSICA<br />

3.INTERNET<br />

4.FEIJOADA<br />


4. Por favor sugira qualquer elos de teia, livros, recursos, música<br />

etc. que sente-se nossos leitores saber sobre.<br />

A: Livro<br />

Los Logos<br />

This End Up<br />

Sites<br />

http://www.designinmotion.com<br />

http://www.adobe.com<br />

http://www.dafont.com<br />

Música<br />


PIXIES<br />

SMITHS<br />





FONT<br />

Arch<br />


Solographic<br />


Sean Kelly<br />


Philadelphia, PA USA<br />

URL<br />

http://www.solographic.com<br />

EMAIL<br />

sean@solographic.com<br />


1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the<br />

creation of this font?<br />

A: I wanted to make something different. I started experimenting<br />

with something other than classic bracketed or slab serifs. The<br />

initial sketches I drew were almost exactly what you see in the<br />

finished version. As of now there are only capitals -- it's meant for<br />

large display. Also, I must thank Inge Druckrey whose advice during<br />

the creation of this typeface was a big help.<br />

2. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: I'm graduating from school in May. After that I'm moving to New<br />

York in search of a job! The purchase of a surf board is also likely.<br />

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: Trade Gothic<br />

Clarendon<br />

Caslon<br />

Avant Garde<br />

Requiem<br />

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music,<br />

etc. that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: Current inspiration:<br />

Matt Curry - amazing art<br />

http://ninjacruise.com/nc06/portal.htm<br />

Daily Type<br />

http://www.dailytype.ru<br />

Die Getsalten<br />


FONT<br />

Human?<br />


fontmonster<br />


Andre Nossek<br />


Eurpoe<br />

URL<br />

http://www.fontmonster.org<br />

EMAIL<br />

dave@fontmonster.org<br />


1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the<br />

creation of this font?<br />

A: The Human? font was a total surprise to us regarding the project.<br />

Andre Nossek sent it to us as part of his submission from<br />

Viagrafik. He sent it along with a great video and amazing print<br />

piece, oh, as well as a playing card. A very strong submission and<br />

really lifted the spirit of the project.<br />

2. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: We are looking at a huge online project for 2006. It's all top<br />

secret but promises to be exciting should it fail or succeed. I'm<br />

also working on a animated tv show with a life long pal. It's still<br />

in the planning stage but he is writing and I'm busy developing<br />

thedesigns and scenes as well as learning as much as I can about<br />

3D, animation and compositing. I have a little background in all<br />

of those so It's all shaping up. That should be ready for approaching<br />

TV companies in 2007 if we get our heads down.<br />

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: I used to always use helvetica but now I just use whatever is<br />

around and try to switch from project to project. If it's work related<br />

as in my full time job I just use whatever they tell me to use.<br />

It's like that there.<br />

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music,<br />

etc. that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: I think a shameless self plug is appropriate here, Freewave by<br />

Booth-Clibborn has over 40 fonts, sounds, code, illustrations and<br />

photos as well as a bunch of other stuff so thats a great resource.<br />

I also love the Designer Shock book DSOS1, if you can get a hold<br />

of that it's definitely worth having. As for information I think<br />

http://digg.com and www.boingboing.net are a must have in your<br />


FONT<br />

Duerer & Halcyon<br />


l´Abécédarienne<br />


Amy Conger<br />


USA<br />

URL<br />

http://www.abecedarienne.com/<br />

EMAIL<br />

abc@abecedarienne.com<br />


1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the<br />

creation of this font?<br />

A: Halycon was designed by accident while I was trying out<br />

FontLab's drawing tools. I drew the capitals (somewhat inspired<br />

by Moderne type) quickly in one go and then went back some<br />

months later and filled in the lower case. To finish it, I worked<br />

with Mark Clarin, a young designer who helped me slog through<br />

all the little details. I owe a debt of gratitude to the critique team<br />

at TypeCon 2004 (Matthew Carter, John Downer, and Akira<br />

Kobayashi) who gave me great suggestions for refining the font.<br />

It turned out to look more whimsical than it would have had I<br />

planned it, and I love it<br />

With Duerer Capitals, it was a matter of my seeing the drawings<br />

and saying, "Ooh, I want to make that into a font!" Albrecht<br />

Duerer and so many of his contemporaries did their best to<br />

quantify what makes a Roman capital letter pleasing to the eye.<br />

While I am not sure that can ever be expressed entirely mathematically,<br />

they certainly made some beautiful drawings while trying<br />

to do so. They are, to me, evocative of the architecture of the<br />

time, of flying buttresses and stained glass windows..<br />

2. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: I have a font in the works that is inspired by "naïve" lettering<br />

from a lost cat flyer, everything else is is still in the "maybe" column.<br />

I may also follow up the Duerer fonts with fonts based on<br />

the constructions of Pacioli or de Yciar. I am also considering an<br />

OpenType version of Respess which would automatically alternate<br />

between the four weights. This may be the year I get around<br />

to making the flowing script that is always hanging around in my<br />

brain, but no promises! I like to work slowly, for the love of it.<br />

I plan to offer lettering and font design classes at City College of<br />

San Francisco as I did last Fall. Also, in the summer I would like<br />

to take on a couple of students interested in learning font-making<br />

who want to intern.<br />

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: 1. Georgia<br />

2. Syntax<br />

3. Nars<br />

4. Unibody8<br />

5. the rest are negotiable<br />

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music,<br />

etc. that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: Typophile.com<br />

http://www.typophile.com<br />

How to draw thorn and eth<br />

http://briem.ismennt.is/2/2.11/<br />

Gentium<br />

http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_i<br />

d=Gentium<br />

The Alphabet Synthesis Machine<br />

http://alphabet.tmema.org/<br />

Calligraphy: From Calligraphy to Abstract Painting by Claude<br />

Mediavilla<br />

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9080332518/qid=1138341<br />

905/sr=1-6/ref=sr_1_6/102-5016008-<br />

1248953?s=books&v=glance&n=283155<br />

The Story of Writing by Andrew Robinson<br />

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0500281564/qid=1138341<br />

986/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-5016008-<br />

1248953?s=books&v=glance&n=283155<br />

Letter Perfect : The Marvelous History of Our Alphabet From A to<br />

Z by David Sacks<br />

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-<br />

/0767911733/qid=1138342040/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-<br />

5016008-1248953?v=glance&s=books<br />

HP Lovecraft Historical Society fonts collection<br />

http://www.cthulhulives.org/toybox/PROPDOCS/PropFonts.html<br />

Manfred Klein's collection at Typoasis<br />

http://www.moorstation.org/typoasis/designers/klein/index.htm<br />

My instructional page at City College of San Francisco<br />

http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~aconger/<br />

in case anyone's interested in classes

FONT<br />

Frakturika & Sodium'76<br />


Stereo-Type<br />


Clément Nicolle<br />


France<br />

URL<br />

http://www.stereo-type.net<br />

EMAIL<br />

clementnicolle@orange.fr<br />


1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the<br />

creation of this font?<br />

A: Frakturika is a Fette Fraktur - Helvetica mixed font. Basically,<br />

though I couldn't get an idea of the result, the goal was to mix<br />

two very trendy fonts. I was surprised to see that it resulted like<br />

an error, a typographic failure, a bastard font. So I decided to add<br />

here and there some graphic signs reffering to spam mail (Re :<br />

your letter ; Re : your software...). Many people asked me to send<br />

another font because it was corrupted ! The goal was reached.<br />

But I preferred to included a "not corrupted" version of the font.<br />

Sodium'76 was first designed to illustrate a book about history of<br />

circus. But now, I think that it has a trendy style and I really like<br />

how it works for big titles. I like this handcut effect too.<br />

2. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: My new website (www.stereo-type.net) entirely dedicated to type<br />

experiment will be online very soon. I'm planning to set up an<br />

online payment system for a few font but, it will also contain free<br />

fonts of course.<br />

But above all, I've planned for 2006 to keep much more time for<br />

my family and friends.<br />

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: Helvetica (of course !), Din, FF Info, Parisine Plus, Mest, but<br />

honestly, I couldn't live with only 5 fonts.<br />

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music,<br />

etc. that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: Tons of useful links here : http://www.newstoday.com ; there :<br />

http://www.surfstation.lu and there: http://youworkforthem.com<br />

Don't miss "No Logo" by Naomi Klein, but I'm sure everybody<br />

already read it!

FONT<br />

Destroyed License Plate<br />


Damien Gosset<br />


France<br />

URL<br />

http://mgosset.free.fr/cv/<br />

EMAIL<br />

daaams@laposte.net<br />


1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the<br />

creation of this font?<br />

A: "Destroyed License Plate" has been created from pictures I took<br />

with my camera, of old broken license plates i found in the<br />

streets of the City of Lights (Paris). I wanted to create a font that<br />

have a true trash feeling, so i thought the best thing to do was to<br />

find real trashed letters. Then i had to create some letters and<br />

special caracters you cannot find on licence plates...<br />

2. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: Nothing special... find a new job, and find some time tocreate<br />

new fonts. Having a nice girlfriend (hi Lilly !) takes a lot of time...<br />

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: Verdana (as i'm a webdesigner), Yanone "Kaffeesatz",Linotype<br />

"Banco", Linotype "KursivSchrift", Umbrella "Ministry Script".<br />

Can I add Underware "Bello Pro" ?<br />

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music,<br />

etc. that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: weblinks :<br />

http://www.dafont.com (the best free fonts)<br />

http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~luc (Luc Devroye's font listing,<br />

really complete!)<br />

books :<br />

Coin Locker Babies (Murakami Ryu, JP)<br />

Jiu Guo (Mo Yan, CN)<br />

music :<br />

Carreer Suicide (CA, 80's hardcore)<br />

DFA (CA, thrashcore)<br />

Municipal Waste (USA, thrashcore)<br />

Dead Stop (BE, hardcore)<br />

Svinkels (FR, hip-hop)<br />

Mano Solo (FR, singer)

FONT<br />

CyberScript<br />


K-Type<br />


Keith Bates<br />


UK<br />

URL<br />

http://www.k-type.com/<br />

EMAIL<br />

keith@k-type.com<br />


1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the<br />

creation of this font?<br />

A: CyberScript was inspired by some lettering from Bond and<br />

Coyne Associates in Charlotte Rivers' excellent book about custom<br />

fonts, Type Specific (RotoVision). The lettering had been<br />

made out of metallic security tape. I took the basic shapes of<br />

their lower case, made a few changes and added a whole new<br />

upper case and a full range of symbols and accents. Even on K-<br />

Type freebies we always like to provide a full compliment of<br />

Latin keyboard glyphs - none of those missing sterling or euro<br />

symbols, etc.<br />

CyberScript Shimmer is the wobbly 'n' wavy freebie. It just<br />

seemed like a good idea at the time, a bit of fun that proved perfect<br />

for Typeology. The straight version will probably prove more<br />

useful for designers, that's going to appear soon as a pay font<br />

on the K-Type website.<br />

2. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: I've got a couple of other fonts also close to being ready to put<br />

up.<br />

Rick Griffin and Rick Griffin Contour are based on Rick's beautiful<br />

poster lettering from the San Francisco Sixties. If you've seen<br />

the font 'Hendrix' by David Nalle you've got the idea. True to K-<br />

Type form, Rick Griffin and Rick Griffin Contour are full fonts, all<br />

the usual Latin keyboard characters and an all-new lower case<br />

that Rick himself would be proud of (hopefully).<br />

http://www.k-type.com/kernel/<br />

I must write a piece about Typeology for the Kernel on the K-Type<br />

website!<br />

FlatPack is a modular font made from the square fits-together<br />

flat pack pieces I received from Gavin Peacock, also known as<br />

the mailartist 'The Man from Icon'. I couldn't think of what to<br />

make from his cardboard pieces so I made a font.<br />

I'd like this year to give up teaching Art in a high school. My partner<br />

Leanda has just launched her graphic design business and<br />

I'd like to be her slave, tea-boy, gopher and student of CSS.<br />

She's a brilliant designer and takes marvellous photographs too.<br />

We live in hope and are working hard to make it happen.<br />

http://www.leandaryan.com/ We'd both like to go to New York<br />

again if we ever make any money.<br />

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: First off the starting block would be Helvetica. It's not perfect but<br />

it is fab. I know it's unfashionable to say so, but I quite like Arial<br />

too, infectious solution to the fussy G of Akzidenz Grotesk.<br />

In fact, I don't need five fonts, if I've only got five I'll just stick<br />

with Helvetica thanks. I suppose I should choose a serif, Georgia<br />

looks nice on the web and Minion is great for print, and a script,<br />

Zapfino is a beauty. No, it's no use, I'll stick with Helvetica or you<br />

give me the five hundred I need to stay sane!<br />

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music,<br />

etc. that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: I found Chank Diesel's 'How to make your own fonts' pretty<br />

inspirational when I started - http://www.chank.com/howto/<br />

The Swedish foundry Fountain is well worth a peek -<br />

http://www.fountain.nu/catalogue/ericsans.asp<br />

I really enjoyed '3 Found Fonts' by Jake Tilson<br />

+ Lewis Blackwell's '20th Century Type'<br />

John Lennon's Dirty Mac with a great guitar solo from Eric<br />

Clapton -<br />


FONT<br />

Don Giovanni Makin Enemies<br />


Pennyzine<br />


Jason Ramirez<br />


USA<br />

URL<br />

http://www.pennyzine.com/<br />

EMAIL<br />

pennyzine@gmail.com<br />


1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the<br />

creation of this font?<br />

A: Basically, I like to make stuff that looks like it got pulled out of a<br />

gutter and then punched in the face. Coming from a punk rock<br />

background, I like to use type that is distressed and unconventional,<br />

and I tend to cater to punk bands who like my fonts for<br />

thier flyers, etc.<br />

2. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: I plan on drinking a lot of beer and coffee, and making a few<br />

fonts in between.<br />

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: Budapest, Base 02, Blue Baby, Boycott, Cartaz, Dirty Ego,<br />

Downcome, Arial<br />

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music,<br />

etc. that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: punkvoter.com, propagandhi, alkaline trio, getup kids, atmosphere,<br />

the dan band, sarahasaturday.com, stimtv.com, realultimatepower.com,<br />

designiskinky.com, punkplanet.com, "the best<br />

democracy money can buy" - Gregg Palast, "Lies my Techer Told<br />

Me" - James Loewen, "State by State with The State" - The<br />

State..... I could go on, but I won't,...haha.

FONT<br />

Cinquenta mil meticais & dinarjev republika<br />


polenimschaufenster<br />


Hannes Siengalewicz<br />


Austria<br />

URL<br />

www.jestyle.net/polenimschaufenster/<br />

EMAIL<br />

hannes.siengalewicz@chello.at<br />


1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the<br />

creation of this font?<br />

A: Both fonts are inspired by characters from banknotes that<br />

friends brought me from various trips around the globe.<br />

"Cinquenta mil meticais" is based on a banknote from mosambique,<br />

"dinarjev republika" on letters on banknotes from a former<br />

yougoslavian country. Dinarjev features some kyrillic letters<br />

and with its heavy outlines the crumpled and slightly distressed<br />

look from the old banknotes it gets this special "ostblock"<br />

kind of feel.<br />

There are some more old banknotes that lost its value that I<br />

collected over time and im planning to complete them to a bigger<br />

collection or font family someday.<br />

2. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: Im currently working on the launch of polenimschaufenster.com<br />

which is gonna be part portfoliosite, featuring my recent works<br />

for various austrian bands and record labels and part font<br />

foundry. There are gonna be some commercial fonts for the first<br />

time, but there will still be the old free fonts and also some new<br />

ones, available for free. Also expect some reworked and updated<br />

versions of fonts that I already published.<br />

For my diploma that I just finished, I experimented with openType<br />

programming and created a font family based on inscriptions on<br />

gravestones, called EpigraphFonts, which will also be available<br />

for purchase.<br />

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: This one is tough. I recently fell in love with Chaparral, I use it<br />

over and over again. Other favourites? AvantGarde, Dolly, Absara<br />

and Akzidenz Grotesk.<br />

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music,<br />

etc. that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: Everybody already knows all those fontresource-sites around so<br />

I'll go with music. bands with beards rock! and you should love<br />

them too! aereogramme, he is legend, bear vs. shark, JR Ewing<br />

(ok, its a moustache, not a full one), dredg and facing new york.<br />

Go out an buy their cds or LPs, now!<br />

And for people who know german: go and get the book "Fleisch<br />

ist mein Gemüse" by Heinz Strunk. This is one of the few books<br />

that makes me laugh out loud and spray tears out of my eyes. Get<br />

it now!

FONT<br />

Shell Shock<br />


Characters<br />


®ené Verkaart<br />


Netherlands<br />

URL<br />

http://www.characters.nl/<br />

EMAIL<br />

rene@characters.nl<br />


1. What do you have planned for 2006?<br />

A: I have a lot of exiting plan for this year, but my first priority in<br />

2006 is to *finally* get my font family Nordic Narrow ready. Peter<br />

Bruhn from Fountain has been waiting much too long for it (sorry<br />

Peter). A lot of people are asking me where they can buy it so I<br />

really need to finish it. I've been working on it on and off for the<br />

last two years. If I wait longer the font will be outdated. ;-)<br />

Last year I got into contact with Grant Hutchinson at Veer. They<br />

liked my fonts and we agreed to release 6 of my fonts in their<br />

Umbrella collection. We will spread the releases out over the<br />

year. I loved Veer from the beginning so I'm exited about our<br />

cooporation.<br />

I do a lot of custom typefaces for friends and clients, so I have a<br />

few interesting releases coming up. Three new font releases are<br />

planned for february 2006.<br />

Last but not least, my website will be upgraded. I feel more and<br />

more the need to give background information about my fonts<br />

and share knowledge with the typograpical community. This will<br />

be reflected in my website, because that's my channel to talk to<br />

the people out there.<br />

2. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.<br />

A: It's hard to give you five names, because I like to always change<br />

the fonts around me. I guess my most favourite fonts are:<br />

Helvetica Neue, Scala, Meta, Insider and Verdana.<br />

. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc.<br />

that you feel our readers should know about.<br />

A: Websites<br />

An absolute must!!!: www.typophile.com<br />

http://www.lounge72.com/<br />

http://ventilate.ca/<br />

http://www.newstoday.com/<br />

http://www.designaside.com<br />

http://www.core77.com/<br />

Blogs<br />

http://www.fontblog.de/<br />

http://www.technorati.com/tag/typografie<br />

http://www.underconsideration.com/speakup/<br />

RSS<br />

http://www.justincone.com/wordpress/wp-rss2.php<br />

http://www.lounge72.com/root/xml.php<br />

http://houseind.com/showandtell/?rss=1<br />

http://blog.veer.com/index.xml<br />

http://www.fontblog.de/rss.xml<br />

http://www.characters.nl/rss/rss.xml<br />

Music<br />

Anything from Prince, Bjork, Global Communication, Grandmaster<br />

Flash, Whodini, Boards of Canada, 4Hero, The Jacksons and<br />

Cashmere.<br />

Books<br />

Learn FontLab fast, by Leslie Cabarg

A CD that contains all of the fonts contributed to<br />

Issue One is available for purchase at<br />

http://www.<strong>typeology</strong>.com<br />

Thanks!<br />

Keep a look out for Issue 2 in March!

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