Review of Current Evidence and Comparison of Guidelines for ...

Review of Current Evidence and Comparison of Guidelines for ...

Review of Current Evidence and Comparison of Guidelines for ...


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EUR/03/5045931<br />

page 40<br />

started the treatment while their pregnancy, irrespective <strong>of</strong> its term. Preventive treatment usually<br />

starts after the twentieth week <strong>of</strong> pregnancy, though if specific treatment was started late, then<br />

preventive treatment is carried out directly after specific treatment.<br />

Method 1<br />

Procaine penicillin, 1.2 million units is taken daily, within 10 days; or novocaine salt <strong>of</strong><br />

penicillin, 600 000 units is taken twice a day, within 10 days.<br />

Method 2<br />

Treatment with sodium salt <strong>of</strong> benzylpenicillin, 1 million units 4 times day, within 10 days is<br />

carried out.<br />

In case <strong>of</strong> penicillin intolerance semisynthetic penicillins or erythromycine (see “Alternative<br />

(reserve) methods <strong>of</strong> treatment <strong>of</strong> a syphilis”) are prescribed <strong>for</strong> injection while pregnancy.<br />

11. Children’s syphilis treatment <strong>and</strong> prevention<br />

Preventive treatment <strong>of</strong> children<br />

In cases if a child delivered to mother who has not been treated from syphilis, or the treatment<br />

started late (after the thirty-second week <strong>of</strong> pregnancy), or absence <strong>of</strong> serology conversion by the<br />

moment <strong>of</strong> delivery, or mother’s ser<strong>of</strong>ast, then the child should go through preventive treatment<br />

course.<br />

Preventive treatment <strong>of</strong> the child delivered to an untreated syphilis infected mother is carried out<br />

according to any method recommended <strong>for</strong> inborn syphilis treatment.<br />

Preventive treatment connected with insufficient treatment <strong>of</strong> mother, positive serologic<br />

reactions (RPR, VDRL) by the moment <strong>of</strong> delivery, or mother’s ser<strong>of</strong>ast carried out according to<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the following methods:<br />

Method 1<br />

Benzylpenicillin (soduim), 100 000 units per 1 kg <strong>of</strong> weight is given to the child <strong>for</strong> 10 days.<br />

Daily doze is shared into 6 injections.<br />

Method 2<br />

Penicillin novocaine salt, 50 000 units per 1 kg <strong>of</strong> weight, divided into 2 injections is injected<br />

twice a day with 12 hours interval; or procaine penicillin at the same daily dose is injected one<br />

time a day.<br />

Method 3<br />

Treatment with <strong>for</strong>eign long-lasting preparations <strong>of</strong> benzathinpenicillin – extencillin or retarpen,<br />

in a single dose at the rate <strong>of</strong> 50 000 units per 1 kg <strong>of</strong> weight, once a week, totally 2 injections.<br />

In case <strong>of</strong> penicillin intolerance by the child it is possible to accomplish the treatment by<br />

semisynthetic penicillin, keeping duration <strong>of</strong> treatment same as in case <strong>of</strong> preventive treatment<br />

by soluble penicillin.<br />

The technique <strong>of</strong> preventive treatment by ceftriaxone hasn’t been yet worked out completely. It<br />

is known from the literary data, that the treatment is carried out <strong>for</strong> 10 days, in a daily dose <strong>of</strong> 50<br />

mg/kg, entered in one injection.

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