Oh. My. Gods. - Weebly

Oh. My. Gods. - Weebly

Oh. My. Gods. - Weebly


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take a calming breath. I’ve decided on brutal honesty at this point,<br />

there’s no stopping now.<br />

“I actually started to believe that Griffin liked me—me, the lowly<br />

little nothos—when no one else in your high and mighty cliques<br />

would do more than look at me with scorn.” I blink against the tears<br />

now filling my eyes. “And the worst part is that I was actually starting<br />

to like him, the real him. Or at least what I thought was the real<br />

him. And come to find out he was only playing a part, too.”<br />

That’s what hurts the most. Not the bet or the deal or any of that.<br />

It’s that they’re right about me. I really am so weak that I would fall<br />

for a guy who’d done nothing but treat me like scum since I got to<br />

this stupid school without even putting up much of a fight.<br />

I’m pathetic, and that’s what really hurts.<br />

“Phoebe,” Stella says, an unnatural softness to her usually icy voice.<br />

I’m prepared for a scathing comment.<br />

Instead, she walks around the table to stand right in front of me,<br />

and says, “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how much—” She shakes her<br />

head and starts again. “I know how much unrequited love can hurt.<br />

If I had known you had any real feeling for him . . .”<br />

I am floored beyond belief. Stella is exhibiting real honest-togoodness<br />

sympathy, an emotion I believed her incapable of.<br />

That, and she’s apologized.<br />

I almost feel like checking out the windows for flying pigs.<br />

“If it helps any,” she says quietly, “it wasn’t my idea.”<br />

“It doesn’t,” I say, mostly because I’m not surprised. Sure Stella’s<br />

right up there with the evil bi’atches in history, but she doesn’t<br />

hold a candle to Adara.<br />


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