??????: ????/Corporate Literature

Corporate Literature design demonstration... A good design corporate into is one of the most important investments you can make for your company [...] http://www.newyorkdesign.com.tw/por_4.html Corporate Literature design demonstration... A good design corporate into is one of the most important investments you can make for your company [...] http://www.newyorkdesign.com.tw/por_4.html

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Auto Ideal Life PRODUCT CATALOGUE 2010<br />


http://www.newyorkdesign.com.tw<br />

“ An effective company<br />

literature/brochure design is a<br />

great tool to showcase your<br />

business, products and corporate<br />

communications. It conveys all<br />

the core informations in a clear,<br />

concise and attractive way. ”<br />

Michael Lamson

An effective company literature brochure design is<br />

a great tool to showcase your business, product or<br />

corporate communications. It conveys all the core<br />

information in a clear, concise and attractive way.<br />

New York design can either work with your<br />

company current design ideas, mock up, photos<br />

and text or create your brochure from scratch,<br />

including include creative concept, design, copy-<br />

writing, photography and production.<br />

In additional we help customer reproduce annual<br />

report into e-publication and Annual Report<br />

Online. Maximize customer potential by reaching<br />

the world wide market.<br />

Over the year we have produced annual report<br />

and literature for companies include Lite-On<br />

Electronic Corporation, Lite-On Group,<br />

ASE Group, China Pacific Catering Service,<br />

Stylution Corporation, LandBank Taiwan,<br />

Taiwan External Trade Development Council...<br />

http://www.facebook.com/pages/New-York-Design/143488095683711<br />

http://www.twitter.com/nydNEWS<br />


中 華 民 族 幾 千 年 的 文 明 史 , 玉 文 化 貫 穿 始 終 , 是<br />

中 華 民 族 文 明 的 標 誌 之 一 。 日 揚 科 技 以 多 年 累 積<br />

的 專 業 技 術 將 原 材 料 加 工 成 有 功 能 的 設 備 系 統 ,<br />

正 如 同 琢 玉 巧 匠 將 質 璞 玉 石 琢 磨 成 美 器 一 般 。<br />

中 國 玉 器 經 過 七 千 年 的 持 續 發 展 , 經 過 無 數 能 工<br />

巧 匠 的 精 雕 細 琢 , 經 過 歷 代 統 治 者 和<br />

鑒 賞 家 的 使 用 賞 玩 , 經 過 禮 學 家<br />

的 詮 釋 美 化 , 最 後 成 為 一 種 具 有 超 自<br />

然 力 的 物 品 , 無 所 不 能 , 無 處 不 用 玉 , 玉 成 了 人<br />

生 不 可 缺 少 的 精 神 寄 託 , 深 深 地 融 合 在 中 國 傳 統<br />

文 化 與 禮 俗 之 中 , 扮 演 特 殊 的 角 色 , 發 揮 著 其 它<br />

工 藝 美 術 品 不 能 替 代 的 作 用 。 日 揚 科 技 的 核 心<br />

” 真 空 技 術 ” 也 逐 步 在 環 保 、 節 能 、 綠 能 科 技 等<br />

各 面 向 之 中 , 與 人 類 生 活 深 深 地 融 合 在 ㄧ 起 , 被<br />

廣 泛 使 用 成 為 不 可 替 代 的 專 業 技 術 。<br />

4<br />

專業真空技術道路上<br />

日揚堅持做明日科技的領導者<br />

圖: 崧澤文化 玉琮<br />

穩植于亞洲市場的優勢與競爭能力<br />

日揚科技結合了上海及台灣的核心研發技術,以最完備的生產<br />

製造、最快速的24小時維修服務以及頂尖的潔淨再生服務,提供<br />

客戶真空領域市場完整的 Total Solution。進一步以專業研發科技,<br />

開發尖端RFID封裝技術、CVD化學氣相沉積& PVD 物理氣相沉積等<br />

高階真空鍍膜設備系統,堅持提供客戶最優異、最全面性、最安<br />

心的服務品質。<br />

整機廠與零組件廠之交流平台<br />

廠區腹地寬廣具備整機測試能力,應客戶需求機動調整<br />

日揚上海設有3個專業廠區,腹地面積達49,950平方米,每個<br />

廠區各有專門領域分工,具備強大的技術團隊與最先進的專業硬<br />

體設備,擁有零部件廠及製造整機廠所需之高階零部件並能自主<br />

檢測,符合整機測試以達成每個產品及製程完善的品質水準,亦<br />

可因應各種需要調整甚至研發新設備,機動性強大,能精準滿足<br />

客戶要求。<br />

自製+整合的專業與效能 - 完整的 ODM 規劃/設計能力<br />

日揚具有高效率、高技術、高質量的研發團隊,致力發展完整<br />

自有專利技術產品,定期與世界優異技術團隊進行交流合作,從<br />

真空零部件到設備製程的研發製造,累積多方真空系統領域之物<br />

理、化學、材料及電子科學等整合技術,自有廠房設備專業生產<br />

製造零部件與客製化大型腔室設備能力,能依客戶需求提出完整<br />

解決方案,以精湛工藝水平達成客戶交付的每項使命。<br />

全天候不打烊的服務 您安心合作的伙伴<br />

從基礎零件組合、到設備潔淨再生,24小時的售後服務,<br />

日揚一手包辦<br />

日揚以完整的技術服務團隊,提供客戶在製程及設備上業務諮<br />

詢以及應用技術的導入支持,主要的服務內容包含:<br />

•銷售前服務的產品/製程簡介<br />

•產品/設備售前評估<br />

•技術交流討論/諮詢<br />

HighLight Tech Corp.<br />

在銷售服務&製程支持部份:<br />

•日揚提供既有產品製程支持<br />

•新產品製程支持<br />

•材料應用製程支持<br />

•保固期內機故維修服務<br />

•保固期內零組件免費更換服務<br />

•人員教育訓練服務。<br />

日揚科技以提供「真空領域內完整解決方案」,一次性整合客<br />

戶所有需求為目標,將各部門屬性依精緻化、專業化分工;從真<br />

空應用領域內之基礎零部件開始,到為精密科技的生產設備提供<br />

國際級的潔淨再生維護,都有專業團隊能迅速提供客戶更便捷、<br />

更有效率、更節能的服務。<br />

在售後服務部份,日揚給予專業的維修人員嚴格教育訓練,當<br />

您需要專業的維修技術時,日揚能夠以「24小時全天候不打烊」<br />

的專業效率,給您最快速、最安心的服務。<br />


To provide clients with a total solution, HTC has integrated<br />

core technological development in Shanghai and Taiwan,<br />

operates a complete production line and offers a 24-hour<br />

cutting edge cleaning and maintenance service. HTC will<br />

undertake further research to develop RFID chip direct<br />

attachment technology, chemical vaporization deposition<br />

(CVD) coating equipment and high-end PVD vacuum coating<br />

equipment systems so as to continue providing clients with<br />

the most outstanding and comprehensive service possible.<br />

Operational Flows between Factories<br />

HTC operates three plants in Shanghai with a total area of<br />

49,950 square meters. Each factory complex has its own<br />

specialization with state-of-the-art equipment, is staffed by<br />

highly competent technicians, uses high-end components<br />

and conducts in-house product inspection and comprehensive<br />

testing. The testing process is flexible enough to cater for<br />

any adjustments needed.<br />

8 http://www.high-light.com.tw<br />

9<br />


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14 H i g h L i g h t T e c h C o r p .<br />

15<br />


Vacuum Pump Technology and Service Business<br />

HTC’s vacuum pump sales and maintenance team who<br />

undergo strict maintenance training and who consistently<br />

exceed clients' expectations. HTC after-sales service includes<br />

a 24-hour on call, rapid response maintenance service.<br />

This is the icing on the cake that makes HTC our clients'<br />

most preferred partner. As part of our exemplary service,<br />

HTC also services vacuum pumps, vacuum valves and RF<br />

power supplies made by other manufacturers.<br />

22 H i g h L i g h t T e c h C o r p .<br />

23<br />


Product Catalogue 2010 SPRING<br />


Z-3060 SNIPER<br />

Handheld Omnidirectional Laser Scanner<br />

• Support both omnidirectional andsingle-line scanning<br />

• Aggressive scanning performance<br />

• Proprietary Z-SCAN + technology<br />

• Ergonomic and rugged design as well as an adjustable stand<br />

• Flexible communications<br />

• Ergonomic and rugged design as well as an adjustable stand<br />

• Flexible communications<br />


Light Source<br />

Depth of Field<br />

Scan Pattern<br />

Scan Rate<br />

Number of Scan Lines<br />

Minimum Bar Width<br />

Print Contrast<br />

Indicators (LED)<br />

Beeper Operation<br />

System Interfaces<br />


Dimensions<br />

Weight<br />

Cable<br />

POWER<br />

Input Voltage<br />

Power Consumption<br />

Operating Current<br />


Laser Class<br />

EMC<br />


Operating Temperature<br />

Storage Temperature<br />

Humidity<br />

Light Levels<br />

Drop Durability<br />

Page 6<br />

650 nm visible laser diode (VLD)<br />

PP 83& ( $ 1 3&6<br />

5 directions of scan field<br />

1,400 scans per second (omnidirectional);<br />

74 scans per second (single-line)<br />

20<br />

PLO# 3&6<br />

# 83& ( $ 1<br />

Three-color LED (blue, red & white)<br />

Programmable tone & volume<br />

Keyboard wedge, RS-232, HID USB, wand emulation<br />

/ : + PP GHY LFHRQ O\<br />

245 g (stand excluded); 560 g (with stand)<br />

Standard 2.0M straight<br />

9' & –<br />

1.0 watts<br />

200 mA typical<br />

CDRH Class IIa; IEC 60825 Class 2<br />

CE EN55022 B, FCC Part 15 Class B, VCCI, BSMI<br />

£ & £ & £ ) £ )<br />

£ & £ & £ ) £ )<br />

5 + Q RQ GHZ LQ J D ORZ HG<br />

Up to 4,500 Lux (fluorescence)<br />

Designed to withstand 1.5M drops<br />

Z-3052<br />

Handheld 2D Image Scanner<br />

• Powerful image sensor yieldsadvanced scanning performance<br />

• Ergonomic and rugged design<br />

• Multiple code format support<br />


Aiming Element<br />

Illumination Element<br />

Optical System<br />

Field of View<br />

Sensitivity<br />

Resolution<br />

Print Contrast<br />

Indicators (LED)<br />

Programmable<br />

Operation<br />

Image Format<br />

System Interfaces<br />


Dimensions<br />

Weight<br />

Cable<br />

POWER<br />

Input Voltage<br />

Power Consumption<br />

Operating Current<br />


EMC<br />


Operating Temperature<br />

Storage Temperature<br />

Humidity<br />

Light Levels<br />

Drop Durability<br />

650 nm visible laser diode (VLD)<br />

635 nm visible LED<br />

Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý6/> +29ÝÝ Ý:? 6+Ý Ý<br />

32.2¥ (horizontal); 24.5¥ (vertical)<br />

360¥ (omnidirectional rotational sensitivity)<br />

PLO 3' ) PLO &RGH<br />

# 83& ( $ 1<br />

Two-color LED (green & red)<br />

Power mode, beeper tone, focus control,<br />

image control & trigger mode<br />

BMP(*.bmp), TIFF(*.tif), JPEG(*.jpg)<br />

RS-232C, USB 1.1<br />

Ý ÝÝ Ý Ý ÝÝ ÝÝ ÝÝ ÝÝ Ý ÝÝ ÝÝ ÝÝ ÝÝ Ý Ý ÝÝ Ý33ÝÝ* +< /)+Ý542? Ý<br />

148 g (stand excluded)<br />

Standard 2.0M straight<br />

9' & –<br />

1.5 watts<br />

350 mA<br />

CE & FCC DOC compliance, BSMI<br />

£ & £ & £ ) £ )<br />

£ & £ & £ ) £ )<br />

5 + Q RQ FRQ GHQ VLQ J<br />

Max. 100,000 Lux (fluorescence)<br />

Designed to withstand 1.0M drops<br />

Contents<br />

Design Awards & Recognition<br />

Commitment to Auto Ideal Life<br />

Expertise in Customization<br />

Omnidirectional Technology<br />

Scanner Business Unit<br />

Handheld Scanners<br />

Hand Free Scanners<br />

Scan Modules<br />

Scan Engines<br />

In-Counter Scanner<br />

Treminal Business Unit<br />

Fixed Computers<br />

Handheld Computers<br />

Proprietary Terminal<br />

Data Collectors<br />

Software Utilities<br />

Barcode Chart<br />

01<br />

02<br />

04<br />

05<br />

06<br />

14<br />

18<br />

22<br />

24<br />

26<br />

28<br />

32<br />

34<br />

36<br />

40<br />

20<br />

+ 1400 20<br />


Z-3051BT<br />

WirelessHandheld Laser Scanner<br />

• Support both omnidirectional andsingle-line scanning<br />

• Aggressive scanning performance<br />

• Proprietary Z-SCAN + technology<br />

• Ergonomic and rugged design as well as an adjustable stand<br />

• Flexible communications<br />

• Ergonomic and rugged design as well as an adjustable stand<br />

• Flexible communications<br />


Light Source<br />

Depth of Field<br />

Scan Pattern<br />

Scan Rate<br />

Number of Scan Lines<br />

Minimum Bar Width<br />

Print Contrast<br />

Indicators (LED)<br />

Beeper Operation<br />

System Interfaces<br />


Dimensions<br />

Weight<br />

Cable<br />

POWER<br />

Input Voltage<br />

Power Consumption<br />

Operating Current<br />


Laser Class<br />

EMC<br />


Operating Temperature<br />

Storage Temperature<br />

Humidity<br />

Light Levels<br />

Drop Durability<br />

Design Awards & Recognition<br />

This is the times of IT products to be something more than specs and it is what<br />

ZEBEX has been focusing on for years with unlimited investment in research<br />

and development. We are proud to reiterate that we have won 4-international<br />

awards includes two-iF, one-red dot and one-Good Design. These four awards<br />

and recognition are publicly recognized as the most important industrial design<br />

awards in the world. It proves our ability to battle in the global arena and to<br />

satisfy our customers with international excellence.<br />

650 nm visible laser diode (VLD)<br />

PP 83& ( $ 1 3&6<br />

5 directions of scan field<br />

1,400 scans per second (omnidirectional);<br />

74 scans per second (single-line)<br />

20<br />

PLO# 3&6<br />

# 83& ( $ 1<br />

Three-color LED (blue, red & white)<br />

Programmable tone & volume<br />

Keyboard wedge, RS-232, HID USB, wand emulation<br />

/ : + PP GHY LFHRQ O\<br />

245 g (stand excluded); 560 g (with stand)<br />

Standard 2.0M straight<br />

9' & –<br />

1.0 watts<br />

200 mA typical<br />

CDRH Class IIa; IEC 60825 Class 2<br />

CE EN55022 B, FCC Part 15 Class B, VCCI, BSMI<br />

£ & £ & £ ) £ )<br />

£ & £ & £ ) £ )<br />

5 + Q RQ GHZ LQ J D ORZ HG<br />

Up to 4,500 Lux (fluorescence)<br />

Designed to withstand 1.5M drops<br />

Z-3051HS<br />

Handheld High Speed Scanner<br />

• Support both omnidirectional andsingle-line scanning<br />

• Aggressive scanning performance<br />

• Proprietary Z-SCAN + technology<br />

• Flexible communications<br />

• Ergonomic and rugged design as well as an adjustable stand<br />

• Flexible communications<br />


Light Source<br />

Depth of Field<br />

Scan Pattern<br />

Scan Rate<br />

Number of Scan Lines<br />

Minimum Bar Width<br />

Print Contrast<br />

Indicators (LED)<br />

Beeper Operation<br />

System Interfaces<br />


Dimensions<br />

Weight<br />

Cable<br />

POWER<br />

Input Voltage<br />

Power Consumption<br />

Operating Current<br />


Laser Class<br />

EMC<br />


Operating Temperature<br />

Storage Temperature<br />

Humidity<br />

Light Levels<br />

Drop Durability<br />

650 nm visible laser diode (VLD)<br />

PP 83& ( $ 1 3&6<br />

5 directions of scan field<br />

1,400 scans per second (omnidirectional);<br />

74 scans per second (single-line)<br />

20<br />

PLO# 3&6<br />

# 83& ( $ 1<br />

Three-color LED (blue, red & white)<br />

Programmable tone & volume<br />

Keyboard wedge, RS-232, HID USB, wand emulation<br />

/ : + PP GHY LFHRQ O\<br />

245 g (stand excluded); 560 g (with stand)<br />

Standard 2.0M straight<br />

9' & –<br />

1.0 watts<br />

200 mA typical<br />

CDRH Class IIa; IEC 60825 Class 2<br />

CE EN55022 B, FCC Part 15 Class B, VCCI, BSMI<br />

£ & £ & £ ) £ )<br />

£ & £ & £ ) £ )<br />

5 + Q RQ GHZ LQ J D ORZ HG<br />

Up to 4,500 Lux (fluorescence)<br />

Designed to withstand 1.5M drops<br />

iF Product Design Award 2007<br />


Handy, portable and simple-to-operate! Z-1070 Series are beautifully<br />

created while featuring with CCD/laser scanning and optional BT mode<br />

connectivity. This reliable data collector keeps simplicity for one-hand<br />

operation and maximizes the desire of scanning functionalities. The ideal<br />

applications include exhibitions/events, market research in fields, patient<br />

checking in hospitals and various data collection works.<br />

(See page-34 to view product and specification)<br />

red dot award: product design 2007<br />


Check out its nicely streamlined and elegantly curved shape! The Sniper is<br />

an omnidirectional laser scanner while also supports single-line scanning<br />

function. Its detailed shape design creates the best handheld scanning<br />

experience, and, with a stand, it turns into a hands-free scanner.<br />

Medium-sized retailers love this beautiful barcode scanner as also fitting<br />

nicely in pharmacies, specialty shops, post offices, convenience stores and<br />

etc.<br />

(See page-06 to view product and specification)<br />

Good Design Award 2007<br />



Big-eye scanner, Z-6070, is a dual-laser omnidirectional scanner. A<br />

creative design grants Z-6070 a concise look and to deliver simple and<br />

easy operation. The large scan field supports omnidirectional and<br />

single-line scanning under both handheld and hands-free operations.<br />

Inevitably, its powerful engine generates unbeatable top scanning<br />

performance. POS, stock control, production line management and any<br />

high-traffic retail environment are all the great implementation places.<br />

(See page-06 to view product and specification)<br />

iF Product Design Award 2007<br />


The Z-3051 HS is a high-speed handheld laser scanner that is featured<br />

with its high scanning performance of up to 500 scans per second. When it<br />

comes to function, its built-in Z-SCAN + decoding technology guarantees<br />

real-time scanning and decoding capacity; when it comes to form factor, its<br />

standard stand of small footprint is sure to save counter space. Besides, for<br />

users, its three-color LED and programmable beeper give immediate<br />

feedback and advance efficiency. Libraries, retail stores, post offices and<br />

any other working places of heavy traffic will welcome Z-3051HS as their<br />

powerful and handy working tool.<br />

(See page-06 to view product and specification)<br />

100<br />


500<br />


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We apply our engineering know-how to real life contexts, bringing to market<br />

superior motor vehicles that deliver on the promise and experience of: durability<br />

for a life time, mobility for life needs, and affinity for life styles.<br />

Life time. Life needs. Life styles.<br />


Having the internal strength to last: The strength at the core of our culture<br />

translates into a commitment to professional craftsmanship, products that<br />

outlast, and a company that performs and competes for the long haul.<br />


The active qualities of human benevolence: In an industry dominated by mere<br />

observance of external standards, we strive to go beyond compliance to actively<br />

integrate our deep care our life into what we do and make.<br />


Pulsing with life energy: All of our people, Products and activities resonate with<br />

and embody this life energy that keeps us on the move.<br />


A natural attraction of similar things: Our company and products draw people<br />

who share the same values, creating relationships based on an understanding of<br />

our customers, partners, and employees that can only come because we are like<br />

them. We believe what they believe.<br />


Imaginative productivity: We are driven to build a uniqueness into all we are and<br />

do that cannot be easily copied, because it is grounded in a creative way of<br />

thinking that continually generates new ideas and new ways of working.<br />

MIA 50/100<br />

MIO 50 / 100<br />

Type 4-strokes, electroplated<br />

ceramic cylinder<br />

Displacement 49.5 cc / 101cc<br />

Cooling System air<br />

Fuel System carburetor<br />

Transmission C.V.T<br />

Regulation euro 2 / euro 2, euro 3<br />

Front Suspension telescopic fork<br />

Rear Suspension unit swing arm<br />

Front Brake disk160mm<br />

Rear Brake drum<br />

Front Tire 90 / 90-10<br />

Rear Tire 130/70-12<br />

L x W x H (mm) 1720x720x1020<br />

Wheel Base 1180 / 1220<br />

Dry Weight (kg) 84.5 / 87.5<br />

Fuel Capacity (liter) 4.8<br />

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JOYRIDE EVO 125/200i<br />

Page 2 20 / 3/<br />

21<br />

CEVALO 125<br />

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JOYRIDE EVO 125 / 200i<br />

Type 4-strokes, 4-valves<br />

electroplated ceramic cylinder<br />

Displacement 124.6 cc / 171.2 cc<br />

Cooling System liquid<br />

Fuel System carburetor / EFI<br />

Transmission C.V.T<br />

Emission euro 2 / euro 3<br />

Front Suspension telescopic fork<br />

Rear Suspension unit swing arm with 5-way preload<br />

Front Brake disk273 mm<br />

Rear Brake disk220 mm<br />

Front Tire 110 / 90-13<br />

Rear Tire 130 / 70-12<br />

L x W x H (mm) 2100 x 760 x 1390<br />

Wheel Base 1440<br />

Dry Weight (kg) 156<br />

Fuel Capacity (liter) 7.6<br />

CEVALO 125<br />

Type 4-strokes<br />

Displacement 124 cc<br />

Cooling System air<br />

Fuel System carburetor<br />

Transmission 5 speeds<br />

Emission euro 3<br />

Front Suspension telescopic fork<br />

Rear Suspension unit swing arm<br />

Front Brake disk 260 mm<br />

Rear Brake drum<br />

Front Tire 110 / 70-17<br />

Rear Tire 130 / 70-17<br />

L x W x H (mm) 2020 x 755 x 1065<br />

Wheel Base 1355<br />

Dry Weight (kg) 152<br />

Fuel Capacity (liter) 13


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QUADLANDER 300<br />


Type 4-strokes, 4-valves<br />

Displacement 287.2 cc<br />

Cooling System liquid<br />

Fuel System carburetor<br />

Transmission C.V.T. with reverse<br />

Final Drive Chain / Shaft<br />

Emission euro 2/EPA/DOT/CARB<br />

Front Suspension A-arm<br />

independent, double<br />

Rear Suspension unit swing arm<br />

Front Brake mm<br />

dual hydraulic disks 175<br />

Rear Brake mm<br />

disk with parking 190<br />

Front Tire AT 22 x 7-10<br />

Rear Tire AT 22 x 10-9<br />

L x W x H (mm) 1910 x 1060 x 1130<br />

Wheel Base 1175<br />

Dry Weight (kg) 243<br />

Fuel Capacity (liter) 12<br />

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Type 4-strokes, 4-valves<br />

Displacement 565 cc<br />

Cooling System liquid<br />

Fuel System carburetor<br />

Transmission C.V.T with reverse<br />

Final Drive Shaft<br />

Emission euro 2<br />

Front Suspension independent, double A-arm<br />

Rear Suspension independent, double A-arm<br />

Front Brake dual hydraulic disks 220 mm<br />

Rear Brake disk with parking 170 mm<br />

Front Tire AT 25 x 8-12<br />

Rear Tire AT 25 x 10-12<br />

L x W x H (mm) 2310 x 1155 x 1230<br />

Wheel Base 1475<br />

Dry Weight (kg) 336<br />

Fuel Capacity (liter) 18

Misc. Design project: Global Link International Ltd.<br />

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MY<br />

CY<br />

CMY<br />

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CMY<br />

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Daniel_Front.pdf 1 2010/4/20 8:42<br />

Global Link (Int’l) Limited<br />

Rm 812, Fabrico Ind. Building<br />

78-84 Kwai Cheong Road<br />

Kwai Hing, Hong Kong<br />

T. 852 2425 4788<br />

F. 852 2425 3768<br />

Mobile: 852 9810 0777<br />

daniel@globallinkhk.com<br />

www.globallinkhk.com<br />

Daniel Lam<br />

Merchandising Manager<br />

Card_back.pdf 1 2010/4/17 6:19


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